#yes her husbands name is stanley park
simscapades · 4 years
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Serenity Stanfield by @utamuse
Serenity moved to StrangerVille after being eliminated from the bachelor challenge. She got her veterinary license and has her own practice in town, specializing in  canine prenatal care.
By chance, after moving to StrangerVille, she met her highschool sweetheart, Stanley Park, at a mutual friend’s Halloween party. Three months later they were wed at a wedding chapel in Lucky Palms.      
Today she lives and works in a large rancher home in StrangerVille with her husband, twin sons; Ellis(blonde) and Fletcher(dark hair) and fur babies; Pickles( female collie) and Franklin( male pomeranian) while expecting baby number three.
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gtunesmiff · 3 years
This is a truthful and honest account from an old volunteer marine as he, while volunteering at a national cemetery in Oklahoma and how he helped an 85 year old ex-marine wife as she made what she thought may be her last trip to the cemetery to honor her family members from her father, to her uncle, to her husband and also to her two sons, all of them marines who had died in service to this great nation of ours.
My friend Kevin and I are volunteers at a National cemetery in Oklahoma and put in a few days a month in a "slightly larger" uniform. Today had been a long, long day and I just wanted to get the day over with and go down to Smokey's and have a cold one. Sneaking a look at my watch, I saw the time, 16:55. Five minutes to go before the cemetery gates are closed for the day.
The full dress was hot in the August sun. Oklahoma summer time was as bad as ever--the heat and humidity at the same level--both too high.
I saw the car pull into the drive, '69 or '70 model Cadillac Deville, looked factory-new. It pulled into the parking lot at a snail's pace. An old woman got out so slow I thought she was paralyzed; she had a cane and a sheaf of flowers--about 4 or 5 bunches as best I could tell.
I couldn't help myself. The thought came unwanted, and left a slightly bitter taste:
"She's going to spend an hour, and for this old soldier, my hip hurts like hell and I'm ready to get out of here right now!"  But for this day, my duty was to assist anyone coming in.
Kevin would lock the "In" gate and if I could hurry the old lady along, we might make it to Smokey's in time.
I broke post attention. My hip made gritty noises when I took the first step and the pain went up a notch. I must have made a real military sight:  middle-aged man with a small pot gut and half a limp, in marine full-dress uniform, which had lost its razor crease about thirty minutes after I began the watch at the cemetery.
I stopped in front of her, halfway up the walk. She looked up at me with an old woman's squint.
"Ma'am, may I assist you in any way?"
She took long enough to answer.
"Yes, son. Can you carry these flowers? I seem to be moving a tad slow these days."
"My pleasure, ma'am." (Well, it wasn't too much of a lie.)
She looked again. "Marine, where were you stationed?"
"Vietnam, ma'am.  Ground-pounder. '69 to '71.'"
She looked at me closer. "Wounded in action, I see. Well done, Marine. I'll be as quick as I can."
I lied a little bigger:  "No hurry, ma'am."
She smiled and winked at me. "Son, I'm 85 years old and I can tell a lie from a long way off. Let's get this done. Might be the last time I can do this. My name's Joanne Wieserman, and I've a few Marines I'd like to see one more time."
"Yes, ma 'am. At your service."
She headed for the World War I section, stopping at a stone. She picked one of the flower bunches out of my arm and laid it on top of the stone.
She murmured something I couldn't quite make out.  The name on the marble was Donald S. Davidson, USMC: France 1918.
She turned away and made a straight line for the World War II section, stopping at one stone I saw a tear slowly tracking its way down her cheek.
She put a bunch on a stone; the name was Stephen X. Davidson, USMC, 1943.
She went up the row a ways and laid another bunch on a stone, Stanley J. Wieserman, USMC, 1944.
She paused for second and more tears flowed.  "Two more, son, and we'll be done."
I almost didn't say anything, but, "Yes, ma'am. Take your time."
She looked confused.  "Where's the Vietnam section, son? I seem to have lost my way."
I pointed with my chin.  "That way, ma'am."
"Oh!" she chuckled quietly. "Son, me and old age ain't too friendly."
She headed down the walk I'd pointed at. She stopped at a couple of stones before she found the ones she wanted. She placed a bunch on Larry Wieserman, USMC, 1968, and the last on Darrel Wieserman, USMC, 1970.
She stood there and murmured a few words I couldn't make out and more tears flowed.
"OK, son, I'm finished. Get me back to my car and you can go home."
"Yes, ma'am. If I may ask, were those your kinfolk?"
She paused.
"Yes, Donald Davidson was my father, Stephen was my uncle, Stanley was my husband, Larry and Darrel were our sons. All killed in action, all Marines."
She stopped.  Whether she had finished, or couldn't finish, I don't know.  She made her way to her car, slowly and painfully.
I waited for a polite distance to come between us and then double-timed it over to Kevin, waiting by the car.
"Get to the 'Out' gate quick. I have something I've got to do."
Kevin started to say something but saw the look I gave him. He broke the rules to get us down the service road fast. We beat her.
She hadn't made it around the rotunda yet.
"Kevin, stand at attention next to the gatepost. Follow my lead."
I humped it across the drive to the other post.
When the Cadillac came puttering around from the hedges and began the short straight traverse to the gate, I called in my best gunny's voice:
"Tehen Hut!  Present arms!"
I have to hand it to Kevin; he never blinked an eye--full dress attention and a salute that would make his DI proud.
She drove through that gate with two old worn-out soldiers giving her a send-off she deserved, for service rendered to her country, and for knowing duty, honor and sacrifice far beyond the realm of most.
I am not sure, but I think I saw a salute returned from that Cadillac.
Instead of "The End," just think of "Taps."
As a final thought on my part, let me share a favorite prayer:
"Lord, keep our servicemen and women safe, whether they serve at home or overseas.  Hold them in your loving hands and protect them as they protect us.  Let's all keep those currently serving and those who have gone before in our thoughts. They are the reason for the many freedoms we enjoy.  In God We Trust"
If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under!
God Bless America!
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hockeyshmockey · 4 years
Kevin Hayes *Day 4 of the 12 days of Christmas*
I am a whore for kevin hayes, I am an ever bigger whore for family man kevin hayes so here we are
It was a well known fact that the Hayes family loved the holidays with a capital L. Kevin had always loved when the holiday season was sprung upon Boston. He and his family took full advantage of the cold weather to skate outside, walk around and see the light shows in the city, eat amazing food and just enjoy time with the family.
After you met Kevin and later got married, the holiday season became even more important to the two of you. Kevin had always dreamed of having his own family and creating traditions together. He loved his family more than words could say, but that first Christmas after Layla was born, you saw the ultimate joy that time of year brought him.
When Layla was born, you and Kevin had a list of rules for the holiday season. You had both decided that you both and Layla would always spend the holiday in your own home unless there were extenuating circumstances. It was something your father had insisted on as you grew up, always having Santa come in your own house, and something you thought was important to continue on with your own family.
So you, Kevin and Layla spent the holiday in your house outside of Philly, entertaining any of your family and friends that wanted to join. Second, you both would take the time leading up to the holidays to grab Layla and head out to take her picture with Santa. This was something Kevin had brought up. He had loved going to see Santa as a kid, and always remembered his parents hauling him and Jimmy into the city to go get their picture with Santa. He wanted to have these memories for you both and Layla to look back on down the road.
The last rule was mostly for you. You and Layla would always wait for Kevin to be home to decorate your tree. Kevin had a job where he had to spend time away from home more than he could ever want. With that being said, it was very important for the both of you that Kevin felt like he was able to celebrate these small holiday milestones with his girls. So you would wait until Kevin had no games or was on a home stretch, travel to pick out the perfect tree, and then deck it out with all of the ornaments.
This year, you had gotten lucky where Kevin had an off day on a Friday, you were able to get the day off from work, and you took Layla to the King of Prussia mall. You had an appointment this year, unlike the last. Kevin had been confused at the need of an appointment but had nodded when you mentioned how busy it was the year before and you wanted to be able to get in and out efficiently.
What Kevin didn't know was you had plans. You had called the company and explained your situation, hoping to have their assistance in surprising your husband. They luckily enough had said yes. So as you pulled into the parking lot at the mall you could feel the nerves bubbling in your stomach but smiled for your husband and little girl as you walked into the mall together.
You all had arrived early for your appointment and stood in line patiently. Layla was being an angel, simply babbling to her dad as he held her on his hip. You had to hold back your hormonal tears at how much you loved the two of them. Kevin was such an amazing father and it never failed to move you at how wonderful he was with your little girl.
Kevin never noticed that no one got into line behind you both. Part of the plan was for Layla to be the last little one to see Santa, to give some semblance of privacy. You and Kevin greeted the lady checking people in, giving her Layla's name and chatting with her for a moment. As Kevin walked forwards the woman nodded and winked at you as you handed her a piece of paper.
Not long after, it was Layla's turn. You and Kevin gently ushered her to go with the 'elf' who was going to lead her to perch on Santa's lap.
"Well hello little lady," the man said as Layla peered up at him with wide eyes. "Would you like to come sit up here?" After looking back at her parents and seeing their encouraging smiles, she trotted up to the man in red and let him lift her onto his lap.
"Now, have you been a good girl this year?" He peered down at the little blonde with a twinkle in his eyes.
"Yes," she giggled with her little lisp as her cheeks turned rosy.
"Well, I suppose that means you need to tell me what you want for Christmas!" He grinned at the little girl, leaning his ear down so she could whisper in his ear.
"Ho, ho, ho," he chuckled, glancing up at you and Kevin who still hadn't noticed the photographer videoing his little girl instead of the normal photos. "Well, this year you have been so good, I think we can make that happen. In fact, I think my elf has something for you!"
Kevin glanced to you in confusion as the elf walked over to the Santa with a piece of cardstock. You slid your hand into his as you both focused back on the scene in front of you. Layla looked at the piece of paper, and though she couldn't read it, her mama had told her the secret about it so she grinned.
"Why don't you show your mom and dad what wish you made that is coming true this year?" The man gently nudged Layla to face you both, you holding your breath as she flipped the paper around. You felt Kevin cock his head as he saw the words.
Your little girl was giggling on Santa's lap with a sign that said "I get to be a big sister next year!" You knew the camera had turned to you and Kevin as you waited for his reaction. You peeked at his face and were not disappointed at the beaming smile on his face as he turned to you.
"Another baby?" he croaked, cupping your face.
"Another one," you confirmed, laughing as he lifted you up and spun you around. The both of you turned towards the scurry of little feet, Kevin kneeling down to catch the projectile that was your little girl.
"A sister daddy?" Layla asked Kevin innocently as he pulled you into his embrace.
"I don't know baby, I think it could be a brother," you winked at Kevin, tears slipping from your eyes at the love shining in his gaze as he watched his little family.
(Little did the two of you know, Brady and Tucker Hayes would be born in the middle of their dads Stanley Cup final game that year, and get to have their birth announcements sent out with photos of them in the Stanley Cup)
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la-muerte · 4 years
My friend Kevin and I are volunteers at a National cemetery in Oklahoma and put in a few days a month in a 'slightly larger' uniform. Today had been a long, long day and I just wanted to get the day over with and go down to Smokey's and have a cold one. Sneaking a look at my watch, I saw the time, 16:55. Five minutes to go before the cemetery gates are closed for the day.
Full dress was hot in the August sun Oklahoma summertime was as bad as ever--the heat and humidity at the same level--both too high.
I saw the car pull into the drive, '69 or '70 model Cadillac Deville, looked factory-new. It pulled into the parking lot at a snail'space. An old woman got out so slow I thought she was paralyzed; she had a cane and a sheaf of flowers--about 4 or 5 bunches as best I could tell.
I couldn't help myself. The thought came unwanted, and left a slightly bitter taste: 'She's going to spend an hour, and for this old soldier, my hip hurts like hell and I'm ready to get out of here right now!' But for this day, my duty was to assist anyone coming in.
Kevin would lock the 'In' gate and if I could hurry the old lady along,we might make it to Smokey's in time.
I broke post attention. My hip made gritty noises when I took the first step and the pain went up a notch. I must have made a real military sight: middle-aged man with a small pot gut and half a limp, in marine full-dress uniform, which had lost its razor crease about thirty minutes after I began the watch at the cemetery.
I stopped in front of her, halfway up the walk. She looked up at me with an old woman's squint.
'Ma'am, may I assist you in any way?'
She took long enough to answer.
'Yes, son. Can you carry these flowers? I seem to be moving a tad slow these days'
'My pleasure, ma'am.' (Well, it wasn't too much of a lie.)
She looked again. 'Marine, where were you stationed?'
' Vietnam, ma'am.. Ground-pounder. '69 to '71.'
She looked at me closer. 'Wounded in action, I see. Well done, Marine. I'll be as quick as I can.'
I lied a little bigger: 'No hurry, ma'am.'
She smiled and winked at me. 'Son, I'm 85-years-old and I can tell a lie from a long way off. Let's get this done. Might be the last time I can do this. My name's Joanne Wieserman,
and I've a few Marines I'd like to see onemore time..'
'Yes, ma 'am. At your service.'
She headed for the World War I section, stopping at a stone. She picked one of the flower bunches out of my arm and laid it on top of the stone.
She murmured something I couldn't quite make out.. The name on the marble was Donald S. Davidson, USMC:
France 1918.
She turned away and made a straight line for the World War II section,stopping at one stone I saw a tear slowly tracking its way down her cheek.
She put a bunch on a stone; the name was Stephen
X. Davidson, USMC, 1943.
She went up the row a ways and laid another bunch on a stone, Stanley J. Wieserman, USMC, 1944.
She paused for a second and more tears flowed. 'Two
more, son, and we'll be done'
I almost didn't say anything, but, 'Yes, ma'am. Take your time.'
She looked confused. 'Where's the Vietnam section, son? I seem to have lost my way.'
I pointed with my chin. 'That way, ma'am.'
'Oh!' she chuckled quietly. 'Son, me and old age ain't too friendly.'
She headed down the walk I'd pointed at. She stopped at a couple of stones before she found the ones she wanted. She placed a bunch on Larry Wieserman, USMC, 1968, and the laston Darrel Wieserman, USMC, 1970.
She stood there and murmured a few words I couldn't make out and more tears flowed.
'OK, son, I'm finished. Get me back to my car and you can go home.'
Yes, ma'am. If I may ask, were those your kinfolk?'
She paused. ‘Yes, Donald Davidson was my father, Stephen was my uncle, Stanley was my husband, Larry and Darrel were our sons. All killed in action, all Marines.'
She stopped! Whether she had finished, or couldn't finish, I don't know.
She made her way to her car, slowly and painfully.
I waited for a polite distance to come between us and then double-timed it over to Kevin, waiting by the car.
'Get to the 'Out' gate quick.. I have something I've got to do.'
Kevin started to say something but saw the look I gave him. He broke the rules to get us down the service road fast. We beat her.
She hadn't made it around the rotunda yet.
'Kevin, stand at attention next to the gatepost.
Follow my lead.' I humped it across the drive to the other post.
When the Cadillac came puttering around from the hedges and began the short straight traverse to the gate, I called in my best gunny's voice: 'Tehen Hut!
Present arms!'
I have to hand it to Kevin; he never blinked an eye--full dress attention and a salute that would make his DI proud.
She drove through that gate with two old worn-out soldiers giving her a send-off she deserved, for service rendered to her country,and for knowing duty, honor and sacrifice far beyond the realm of most.
I am not sure, but I think I saw a salute returned from that Cadillac.
Instead of 'The End, 'just think of 'Taps.'
As a final thought on my part, let me share a favorite prayer: 'Lord, keep our servicemen and women safe, whether they serve at home or overseas.
Hold them in your loving hands and protect them as they protect us.'
Let's all keep those currently serving and those who have gone before in our thoughts.They are the reason for the many freedoms we enjoy.
'In God We Trust.'
Sorry about your monitor; it made mine blurry too!
If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under!
God Bless America.
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paper-lilypie · 4 years
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huge thank you to @theodeckerofficial for this tag in my post because I simply could NOT stop thinking about it and had to write it DOWN
“Hi! Uh, hello, am I speaking with Mrs. Uris?”
“Yes, this is she… Who’s this?”
Beverly sags with relief and takes a deep, shaky breath. “Yes, okay, hi, Mrs. Uris. My name is Beverly Marsh, I apologize for calling but I’m an old friend of your husband’s… I-Is…” She tries to keep her voice steady. “Is he there with you?”
There’s a pause on the other line. Then a small, quivering voice. “Oh. N-No… He passed.”
Beverly pinches her eyes shut, knowing Richie, Bill, Mike, Eddie and Ben were watching her taking in the information. Guess Stanley couldn’t cut it. Seemed like some kind of fucking joke.
“When did it happen?” She asks, feeling the answer crawl up from the depths of her memory to stand front and center. She already knows.
“Yesterday.” Mrs. Uris answers. “It… It was horrible—“ She sniffs. “—the way he died. H-His wrists… in the bathtu—“
“In the bathtub.” Beverly echoes, blood running cold.
“Right.” Mrs. Uris says. There’s more sniffling on her line and Beverly feels like she should hang up now. Yeah, she really should.
“We’re all really sorry, Patty.”
“Yes, thank you.”
Beverly goes to hang up the phone, but Patty’s voice rings through again. “Wait,” she says. “What did you need?”
“I’m sorry?”
“You called for a reason, right? Stanley… isn’t here but, c-can I help in any way?”
Beverly falls silent and stares at her friends, not knowing what to say. They all look just as helpless. “No, don’t worry, Mrs. Uris, it was… it was something regarding Stan and unfinished business in his hometown.” She decides. Short and simple. The truth, but not all of it. Just enough of it. “Again we’re sorry for calling. Goodnight, Mrs. Uris.”
“Wait—“ The call ends. Beverly pockets her phone and immediately fishes for a cigarette and a lighter. She needs to clear her head and take time to internalize all of it.
They all do. Patty included.
It’s not until the next morning where she rethinks this.
“Is that…?” Eddie peeks through the townhouse’s window, curtain in hand, and eyes on a blue Jeep parking across the street. A woman climbs out, backpack, duffel bag and suitcase at hand. She walks across towards the front yard and, soon enough, she stands at the door. A knock; Ben opens it for her.
“Beverly Marsh?” The woman huffs out. Bleached blonde hair among white streaks in a bob, tired green eyes hiding behind rectangular glasses and a wedding ring hanging from a chain around her neck. Ben gulps and makes way for her to walk through the door.
Beverly steps into the room, Mike and Richie with her and she stops upon seeing her. “Patty Uris?” She squeaks.
The woman breathes out a long sigh and sets her suitcase firm on the floor. “I found you. Finally.”
“Wait, this is Stan’s widow?” Richie points at her incredulously. “She’s here?! Why?!”
Beverly walks past him and grabs Patty by the hands. “Patty, what are you doing here— you shouldn’t have come, what were you thinking!”
Patty gently pries her hands away and grips at her duffel bag harder. “I’m here because you need Stanley. I…” She wipes a hand over her face, fatigue crystal clear in her body language. “I don’t know. We were always there for each other, he and I. And… if it’s business work, I can cover for him. I can help.”
The guys stiffen and don’t say a word. Bill fidgets in place and Eddie is looking away. Mike, Ben and Richie are simply trying to maintain their panic at bay.
Bev takes the wheel again. “That’s very kind of you, Pat, but this was a matter that only involves your husband. I-I— Well, I’m afraid you came all this way for nothing.”
“Nonsense.” Patty says. “You need Stan, so here I am. What do you need?”
Unsettling panic starts to settle on Beverly’s throat, disrupting the passage of words out. “Pat, no. Please go home. We’re okay.”
“Uh…” Ben tries. “Bev is right, Mrs. Uris. We got this, there’s no need for more help—“
“You said it first.” Patty says and the room stills again. Beverly’s brows furrow.
“I heard you over the phone. You knew my husband had passed in the bathtub before I told you.”
“Shit.” Beverly hears Richie mutter. It doesn’t help ease her nerves. “I... Patty, I can explain—!” She tries.
“No. No excuses, please,” Patty raises a hand. A deep, growing hurt shines evident in her frown. “I know this isn’t a… a normal business. Stanley wasn’t exactly normal either.” She clenches her eyes shut. “He had nightmares, that Stanley. Screamed and cried in his sleep. Said things like The turtle couldn’t help us, amongst other deeply unsettling things and then woke up the next morning remembering nothing of it. It scared me.”
None of the Losers speak. Patty takes her cue and continues.
“I always knew my husband had to be part of something bigger, something I never could comprehend or explain. It was a feeling, odd I know, but it was there.” She wets her lips. “So when I saw Stan answer the phone two days ago… a-and the bathtub… and now your phone call, Beverly Marsh, I knew it was all connected. The feeling was back and I knew whatever haunted Stanley in life had caught up to him.”
Patty lifts her hand to the ring on her chest. “I could never help Stanley with his nightmares in life. But I can help now. I don’t understand what is going on, but I am not leaving without setting things right in my heart. I’m not.” She firmly drops her duffel bag at her feet and gazes at the six adults before her. The tired green shifts into something more, a determined shine any of the Losers could remember seeing on Stanley Uris himself once upon a time. “So, I repeat myself: what do you need?”
And just like that, Stanley was back.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Netflix’s Clickbait Ending: Was Nick Guilty?
Warning: contains Clickbait finale spoilers.
First up, fair play to any production that manages to deliver in the middle of this pandemic. Netflix thriller Clickbait started filming in Melbourne in December 2019, was forced to stop in March 2020, then came back eight months later and got the job done. That is no mean feat and praise is owed to all concerned. 
The precise nature of Clickbait’s job was to create a twist-filled thriller, which it absolutely did. The eight-part Netflix series is thick with twists, red herrings and ‘wait a goddam minute’ cliff-hangers that ensure you do as the title suggests and click ‘Next Episode’. In its frenzy to keep us all guessing until the end though, it took a few logic-missing leaps. For anybody still not clear on the ending, or for those who gave up halfway but still want to find out how things wrapped up, here’s what went down.
Who kidnapped Nick Brewer?
Easy one. That was Simon Burton and his stoner friend Daryl. Six months before they kidnapped Nick, Simon’s sister Sarah killed herself after she was rejected and goaded to do it by her online boyfriend ‘Jeremy’. Simon and Daryl then found messages between Sarah and Jeremy on her phone, read about him in her journal, and tracked down an online photograph of him under his real name: Nick Brewer. They thought Nick was the one taking advantage of Sarah, and he was responsible for her suicide. So they ambushed Nick on his cycle to work, drugged him and tied him up in the back of a van, then filmed him holding signs saying “I abuse women” and “At 5 million views I die”, and released the video anonymously online.
Why did Simon and Daryl need the video to get five million views before killing Nick?
No reason, other than they wanted to publicly expose Nick as an abusive cheat and destroy his reputation in grand style. Whether they would have just let him go if the views hadn’t rolled past the five million point, we don’t know. Daryl, who is not bright, did get excited about the video going viral and them getting “famous”, but whether he was expecting fame as a murderer, kidnapper or the anonymous maker of a video, is not clear.
Was Nick responsible for Sarah Burton’s suicide?
Not at all. Nick Brewer had never met Sarah Burton (whose online dating profile was under the name ‘Maggie Oxley’ for reasons undisclosed). ‘Maggie’ had never met ‘Jeremy’ in real life, and was being catfished by Dawn Gleed, the receptionist at Nick’s place of work. Dawn used Nick’s photographs and personal details gleaned from their friendship to pose as versions of him on multiple online dating sites, to fulfil her deep well of loneliness as a childless woman whose husband played with train sets. It was Dawn posing as Nick/Jeremy who irritably rejected Sarah because she was smitten with new cat fishing victim Emma, and told Sarah to make good on her suicide threat.
Why did Simon let Nick go?
Because he realised Nick was telling the truth about not being the one who’d messaged Sarah, and that the ‘evidence’ beach photo of Nick and Sarah together was clearly a Photoshop fake. (As Nick pointed out, the horizon wasn’t level.) Simon deliberately left Nick alone in the truck with access to a Stanley knife so he could cut through his restraints and escape. Simon pursued Nick with a gun, but let him go because Nick promised to find the person who had really typed that message to Sarah, to take them to the police and make them pay. Handily, the kidnap truck was parked within walking distance of Dawn Gleed’s house, so Nick went straight there having realised that Dawn was the only person who had access to his photographs and knew about his wife Sophie cheating on him. (Which Sarah Burton had written about in her journal.)
Who killed Nick?
Joe Gleed, Dawn’s husband, on the spur of the moment. Months earlier, Joe discovered that Dawn had been posing as Nick online to catfish women, and she promised him she’d stopped. When Nick’s kidnap became a top news story, and an angry, blood-stained, beaten Nick showed up at Dawn and Joe’s house after escaping his kidnappers, Joe hit him twice with the hammer he’d been using to destroy Dawn’s laptop, killing him. Then Joe dumped his body by the river. Days later, when the metadata from Dawn’s Photoshop pictures led Nick’s son Kai to Joe and Dawn’s house, they kidnapped him, went on the run and Joe was eventually shot dead by a police officer when he refused to give up his weapon.
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By Alec Bojalad
Who ran Emma Beesly’s car off the road?
That was Joe Gleed again. When Emma went to Nick’s office to lay flowers at his memorial and smell his scarf, Dawn ushered her away and presumably found out which hotel she was staying at in town. Joe then called her hotel room with a threat, and when that didn’t work, ran her off the road. Joe and Dawn were trying to make sure that Emma didn’t reveal she had never met Nick Brewer, so that the catfishing link wouldn’t come up, leading a trail back to Dawn. 
Was Nick cheating on Sophie?
We assume not, and we never saw him cheat, but Nick did lie to Simon Burton in the back of that van when he told him that he didn’t have an online dating profile. Two years ago, before Dawn even got involved, Nick already had a dating profile on app D8R, on which he was registered under the name ‘Nick Chabot’ and pretending to be an architect from San Jose, rather than a physical therapist from Oakland. When Nick started work at the sports centre, Dawn synced Nick’s phone to his work computer and spotted a notification for a flirtatious message he’d received via the app from Mandy Harrison, who’d sent him bikini photos he complimented her on. So, Nick didn’t seem to be cheating/have cheated on Sophie, but he also wasn’t telling the whole truth either.
But Sophie had cheated on Nick?
Yes, that was all very straightforward. She’d had a brief affair with colleague Curtis Hamilton, who agreed to meet Nick in a bar and had a fight with him weeks before his kidnap, making Hamilton an early suspect in Nick’s murder. 
Was Nick having sex with his volleyball students?
No, not that we know of, but his colleague Matt Aldin was having a sexual relationship with volleyball student Tara Wilson. When she broke it off, Matt became unreasonable and coercive and posted nude photos of Tara online as revenge. When questioned by Pia, Matt denied releasing the photos. He may have simply been lying, or perhaps the photo leak was also done by Dawn Gleed. The nude photos of Tara were stored on Matt’s work computer, to which we know Dawn had access as she planted the Photoshopped pictures there of Nick with Emma and Sarah, to frame Matt as the catfish who’d posed as Nick online. 
Who was son Ethan talking to online?
A red herring named Alison. That was a good one. All the way through, we’d been led to be suspicious of Ethan and his online pal Al2005, but really, she was exactly who she says she was: an Oakland teen trapped inside her house due to anxiety and depression. 
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ihknkm · 3 years
As is typical with scoring, high score wins
The dismissal exposed India's lower order to nike air max thea atomic pink a ball that was only three overs old. The Pentagon considers hypersonic flight the new stealth. bottines cloutees femme But the good moment did not last long. Her activism started young. He is charged with assault with a weapon that weapon being a car. As is typical with scoring, high score wins. You don screw with history. Neighbors get a little closer to the earth. Abraham, Jr., they will find sale, at the highest cash prices, for one hundred and fifty to two hundred slaves. Pope Adrian I. But he has fallen into debt, and he sells to relieve himself from debt, and also from an excess of mouths. In all matches same practice is followed that the Captain / Team always decides the best they think for themselves. 1510: BBC1 coverage comes to an end. There was even the appearance of some prosperity, at the same time an extreme slovenliness. Attendees snapped up bags bulging with enough promotional material to line every bird cage on the eastern seaboard. Stannis oneil mellény would not have me lie.. Meyer lemons are a peculiarly American thing; despite their name, they are more like the lovechild of a lemon and a mandarin, with a round, sweet acidity. The flakes of his flesh are joined together.. “‘As to your friendship, Mr. A Northern man not prominently interested in the political and social weal of the South may live for years in it, and pass from town to town in his every-day pursuits, and yet see but the polished side of slavery. They fit well with your feet since they come with an adjustable velcro strap across their front side. When, therefore, cases have arisen where the choice lay between sacrificing what they considered the interests of a good object, or giving up their right of protest, they have generally preferred the latter. Bruce Iverson will officiate. From its sheeted flame and wreaths of sulphurous smoke glares out upon thee the eye of that ENEMY who was a murderer from the beginning. The book comprises the usually quoted facts associated with the history of slavery as recorded in the Scriptures, accompanied by the opinions and arguments of another man in relation thereto. You have to be able to understand how to operate that machinery, read the instructions (or) read someone work order of what needs to be done. The relatively high amount of sodium, considering the small serving size, might come as a surprise given how sweet Diet Coke tastes. The Blue Graces say that only his size and freakish strength have saved him, but it was a near thing. Yes, ideally a ESD mat and your ground strap would go to earth ground. The second tasted better. A name fit for a lord, a name for songs, a mighty name, and fearsome. Stanley was a member of a group called Austin Citizens for Economic Energy, which petitioned against the proposed nuke. Ser Barristan was waiting by the steps with the Dornish prince. You can guess how the bad days looked.. Lady Alannys sat beside a window, staring out across the sea. A thousand eyes, a hundred skins, wisdom deep as the roots of ancient trees. A Twenty20 World Cup another ICC property in the making will be held in South Africa later this year. Two of the complaints, a police statement said, came through Interpol, contending that Charlton was involved in a scheme to defraud elderly Australians zattini promoção de botas through a Singapore based phone scam operation.. His next proceeding was to tell Marie that the Procurator Revel wished to speak to her, and to propose bokacsizma bakancs that she should accompany him to the presence of that gentleman forthwith. Week long residential camp for youth with Pulmonary Disorders. Due to door designs and stairwells of the vessel, flat shoes are suggested. Everybody in here has biciclete rusesti vechi some money in their pocket.". 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Caggo was the one who finally cut him down, fighting through the king’s protectors on evro kalkulator his monstrous warhorse and opening Cleon the Great from shoulder to hip with one blow of his curved Valyrian arakh. Rhett designed rooms to feature existing beams, with the dining room having a high vaulted ceiling that takes in the full spaciousness of the barn's peaked roof.. If you're going to buy heels, avoid the ones with pointy tips and opt for a pair with a wide toe box, she says. adidas mariposas You need to see which subjects interest you and what you are good at. The Yunkai’i don’t want them near their Yellow City. We've built up social media and basically revamped all of our digital touch points, whether it's the marathon website or our own site or the Facebook page. And as I was imagining zattini promoção de botas that, the thought suddenly came to me: why, I shall pray to God for one minute of you, and meanwhile you have been with me six months, and during those six months how many times we’ve quarrelled, how many days we wouldn’t speak to one another. He came into my clinic but we couldn't save him. Though she didn't appear in the Season 4 trailer, there's still hope. At the age of eight she began to realize that god had given her a talent to sing and perform. They called and they are influenced, heavily, by the jazz organ groups of the 50s and 60s. On days like this the Wall shimmered bright as a septon’s crystal, every crack and crevasse limned by sunlight, as frozen rainbows danced and died behind translucent ripples. There Burch left them. Ef my husband 153was to slip away from me, Missis, dat ar way, it ud wake me right up. Outside the museum, Rosicrucian Park continues to work its magic through exotic stage sets and symbolically coded environments kind of mythic theming that extends even to the flora, which includes papyrus, lilies of the Nile, and scores of roses. Daenerys Targaryen was no stranger to the Dothraki sea, the great ocean of grass that stretched from the forest of Qohor to the Mother of Mountains and the Womb of the World. It was amazing how little things had changed. Instead Tyrion said, “Yezzan’s special slaves did not escape the pale mare. It's an honor to be enshrined regardless of how long it took or how many votes were cast, and to focus on the three or four outliers is to ignore the forest for a clod of dirt stuck to one particular tree..
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peoniarose · 3 years
This is a fun get to know me game. I enjoyed playing this. Sorry for being late on this but meh...life. Thank you to @magicrowiswritingstuff and @ithinkwehitametaphor for tagging me!!
Nickname: On Tumblr I go by peoniarose but out in the real world I go by CynCyn, Cyndi, or Cynthesizer.
Pronouns: I like to go by she, her, or overlord...I don’t think that is asking for too much lol!
Star sign: I am a Libra! Where are my fellow scales at?
Height: I am 5′6...
Time currently: 8:14pm on the west coast.
Birthday: 17th of October. I love being a Fall baby!
Favorite groups/bands: From the top of my head (and I know I will miss a few): One Direction, Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco, Queen, Journey, Backstreet Boys, BTS, Linkin Park, Imagine Dragons, Pentatonix Green Day...
Favorite solo artists: (I am sure there will be some that are left out) Prince, Selena, Adele, Eminem, Harry Styles, Ne-Yo, Rihanna, Taylor Swift, Halsey...
Song stuck in my head: Little Bit of Luck from Audrey Hepburn’s My Fair Lady (there is something about that tune that is catchy)
Last movie you watched: A Little Chaos...This movie has Kate Winslet, Alan Rickman, Stanley Tucci, and Helen McCroy. What more can you ask for?!)
Last show you binged: Bar Rescue...I will not apologize for this. Please let me know if you watched the episode about the bar called Swanky Bubbles. This show is a hilarious good time.
When you created your blog: I honestly have no idea. I don’t even remember how I found tumblr. I came back to my account couple of years ago when I kept seeing funny Tumblr posts and here I am...Finally somewhat communicating with people. I think I have made some good progress =)
Last thing I googled: The title of a movie I just watched (A Little Chaos). I am sometimes bad with names. Forgive me in advance.
Other blogs: I do have another blog @cynderbelle but I have yet to do anything with it so I don’t remember if there is anything on it.
Why I chose my url: I don’t remember why. I like those flowers, so I think I chose it off the fly.
Do you get asks: No, but I would like to get some. I recently started participating in these Tag games...do those count?
How many people are you following: I am following 1113 people...I love you all!
How many followers: I currently have 91 followers...I love you all!
Average hours of sleep: Not enough to be honest.
Lucky number: I don’t have a lucky number.
Instruments: When I was in high school I played the trumpet and alto sax. I really want to learn how to play the violin.
Currently wearing: Blue jeans, white ankle socks, black t-shirt with a batman logo, glasses, and my hair is messily up in a high ponytail...I am a hot mess right now lol!
Dream job: I would love to just write and live off of my opinions of various different things...but mostly I just want to write and read.
Dream trip: I would love to explore Europe, Japan, Singapore, US, South America....and some other places.
Favorite food: It’s a toss up between Chinese, Sushi, Pho, and Mexican.
Favorite song: My favorite song switches from time to time. Currently my favorite song is Lover by Taylor Swift. Hearing about domesticity makes me excited to find someone to share that with.
Top 3 fictional worlds to live in: Star Wars, Marvel, and DC. For Star Wars I would love to go on adventures with Din and offer sarcastic commentary. In Marvel I want to either hang out with Jimmy Woo (who is one of my new faves! I seriously love this man. He is friend, boyfriend, and husband material guys!) or team up with Sam and Bucky (is it because I am watching The Falcon and the Winter Soldier...yes...yes it is). In DC I would like be in the Young Justice verse and team up with Dick Grayson *heart eyes*!!!
This game was fun to participate in! I am going to tag (no pressure) @tellyouamystery @ionlyjoinedforboydholbrook @boydhoebrook @holbrook-boyd @everyhowlmarksthedead and whoever else wants to join in on the fun
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Spilled Drinks and Feelings
Y/N’s friends reveal Harry’s true feelings about Y/N, which throws Y/N off her game during her shift, especially when Harry walks into the restaurant. Hope you all enjoy.  Feedback and Requests are welcomed.  Lots of Love! *          *          *          *          *         *         *          * 
           “I don’t want to go to work,” Y/N whined, scrolling through blue and gray messages. 
           The gray skies cast a gloomy shadow throughout her small apartment.  The forecast predicted rain in the next hour, which meant she would walk home in the rain after work.  She cursed Harry’s comfortable lap and her new quilted blanket for lulling her into a state of comfort.  Harry watched Y/N’s eyebrows furrow with concentration from the thoughts racing through her exhausted mind.  Harry smiled, raking his fingers through her messy hair, “This is your fault.”
           Y/N shot up, dropping her jaw in shock, “How is this my fault?” 
           “You work hard, and everyone adores you,” Harry shrugged his shoulders, returning his attention toward the flashing television.
           Y/N huffed, “Everyone does not love me.”
           Harry chuckled, “Yes, I visited last week and met twenty regulars who eat in that crummy restaurant for you.” 
           Y/N rolled her eyes, biting down on the smile attempting to spread across her smug face.  Last year, Harry received a call from a sobbing Y/N, who panicked when the university coffee shop closed down, and she lost her job as the main barista.  Harry reassured Y/N that everything would work out and that if she needed money, then he could help her.  Three weeks later, she landed the waitress job at the local diner. A thunderclap startled Y/N away from her thoughts.  Harry chuckled, wrapping an arm around Y/N’s shivering shoulders.  Y/N grumbled, crossing her arms across her chest.  She despised thunderstorms.
           “I’ll drive you to work,” Harry mumbled.
           Y/N gasped, cupping Harry’s flushed cheeks, “You’d do that for me? I love you!”
           Harry rolled his eyes, dodging Y/N’s slobbery kisses, “Shut up. I’m a good friend sometimes.  Are you going to get dressed, or are you going to work dressed in your pajamas?”
           Y/N swatted at Harry’s thick thighs as she darted toward her bedroom. The starchy pink uniform scratched Y/N’s skin.  Her white sock’s lacey ruffles tickled Y/N’s ankles but matched with the pastel uniform. Her white sneakers squeaked with each step.  Harry glanced up from his glowing screen and admired his friend’s beauty.
           “You look great.  Would you like apple juice in a sippy cup?” Harry joked, pointing at Y/N’s socks.
           Y/N glared, chunking her silver lipstick tube at Harry’s stupid head, “Shut up.  Like you know anything about fashion.”
           “Why am I hosting the Met Gala if I don’t know fashion?”
           Y/N rolled her eyes, wishing she could wipe that smug grin from Harry’s face.  A satisfied hum vibrated Harry’s rosy lips.  He grabbed the gray hoodie from Y/N’s lumpy couch, opening the sleeves for Y/N to step into.
           “Thank you.  I don’t understand how you can be such a butt one minute and a total sweetheart the next,” Y/N grumbled, tugging the hoodie tighter around her body.
           Harry shrugged, pecking Y/N’s cheeks, “I’m like a sour patch kid. Do you have everything?”
           Y/N patted every pocket, nodding once she felt the necessities. Harry twisted the broken lamp’s knob three times, allowing darkness to consume Y/N’s apartment.  Y/N waved goodbye to the three goldfish who inhabited a large neon-themed fish tank near the front door.
           “Here, let me pull the car up, so you don’t get wet,” Harry shouted over the pelting rain.
           Y/N nodded, attempting to look through the wall of rain covering the parking lot.  Harry’s arms tried to shield his curly locks from the rain, but the rain-soaked Harry’s entire body.  Once Harry’s sleek car drove up, Y/N darted toward the unlocked doors.  The car heater greeted Y/N instantly, warming the cold raindrops on her cheeks.  Rain raced down empty streets, collecting trash and dirt.  The diner’s blinking ‘open’ sign twisted Y/N’s stomach.  She enjoyed working, but she hoped to spend her weekend with Harry.  Instead, she looked at a nine-hour shift.  
           “I can pick you up?” Harry smiled, noticing Y/N’s solemn scowl. Y/N smiled, “That would be great.  I love you.”
           “I love you more.  Be careful,” Harry shouted as Y/N stomped through puddles toward the diner door.
           Once Y/N disappeared through the glass door, Harry drove off down the flooded streets.  He searched for local shops that might entertain him while his best friend worked. He needed something to distract his aching heart. *          *          *          *          *          *            Buttery biscuits tumbled into the tan wicker basket.  Steaming mashed potatoes and glistening chicken covered the white plate’s design.  Customers discussed the day’s events around the mahogany circular tables.  Soft music masked the thunder’s low grumbles.  Y/N’s beaming grin warmed customer’s cold and damp hearts.  Her hands gripped the black tray, focusing on the family’s table.  She never spilled food, and she hoped today wouldn’t be the day her feet betrayed her and knocked the family’s food across the gray carpet.
           “Hello, I have the steak with mashed potatoes.  Please be careful.  The plate is hot.  I have chicken and grilled vegetables.  And I have chicken nuggets for the king of the table,” Y/N grinned, noticing the five-year-old’s sheepish smile.
           “What do we say?” The mom asked, ripping her son’s chicken nuggets into smaller chunks.
           The son grinned widely around his French fry, “Thank you.”
           “You’re welcome.  Is there anything else I can bring out?” Y/N asked, pressing the tray against her thighs.
           “No, thank you,” The father smiled, slicing into his juicy steak.
           Y/N nodded, skirting around the party table filled with ten hungry customers.  She collected the crumpled dollar bills from her past tables and checked on feasting families.
           “You are the sunshine everyone needs today,” Jack, the bartender, stated through his smirk.
           Y/N shrugged, stealing the sweating water and tea pitchers from Jack’s tan hands, “We all need someone who lights up our life.  If I can make one person smile, then I feel better about my role in this world.”
           Jack playfully rolled his eyes, “You need to stop hanging out with Harry. You sound like his self-help books.”
           Y/N chuckled, leaving Jack to fulfill his drink orders.  If anyone told Y/N that her best friend would be Harry Styles, she would have laughed in their face.  Three years ago, Y/N’s friends invited her to Jeff Azoff’s birthday party.  Y/N recalled the nerves circling Y/N’s stomach that she washed away with expensive vodka shots.  The sparkly karaoke microphone called drunk Y/N’s name where she belted out Stevie Nick’s “Leather and Lace”.  The tall, broad-shouldered popstar tripped across the room with his champagne in hand. He quirked his eyebrow toward the brave college student who sounded like mating cats.  After she finished her debut solo, Harry congratulated the drunk girl. They talked all night near Jeff’s steaming pool until Y/N’s friends dragged her home.  The next morning, Y/N’s sober mind screamed at Harry’s phone number scribbled across her arm.  Now, the two were inseparable.
           “Y/N, do you mind carrying this food to my table?  I missed my husband’s call, and it might be about our daughter,” Ari’s shrill voice shook with concern.
           Y/N nodded, patting Ari’s hands to calm her down from wringing a hole in her apron, “I’ll help you out.  I hope everything is okay.”
           Ari sighed, rushing toward her cell phone.  Y/N bumped the metal kitchen door open, entering the chattering room.  Her eyes scanned the tables awaiting their food.  She grinned, strutting toward the elderly couple’s table.
          “Hello, I have one chicken salad sandwich and one tomato soup,” Y/N listed off, placing the food before the couple.
          “Thank you, could we have more rolls?” The silver-haired woman asked, gripping Y/N’s hands.
           Y/N nodded, “Of course, I’ll even sneak in an extra one.”
           Steven tossed three buttery biscuits inside the empty wicker basket.  Y/N pressed her hands together, thanking Steven for the extra biscuits.  Once the basket landed on the table, the older woman’s excited giggles reminded Y/N of why she took this job.  
           “You are a sweetheart,” The woman cheered, passing a biscuit to her husband.
           “Thank you.  I hope you enjoy your meal.”
           Y/N hated admitting it, but Harry was right.  She almost threw up at the idea of working a long shift, but now, Y/N felt at ease with her customers.  The customers adored Y/N due to her positive attitude and work ethic. *          *          *          *          *          *            “What are you doing here?” Y/N gasped, jogging up to her friends.
           Elizabeth whipped her head around, glaring at the electric clouds, “The storm won’t stop.”
           Ginger nodded, wrapping her arm around Elizabeth’s shoulders, “Could we grab a table?”
           Y/N frowned, noticing the blue flags, which indicated that her section was full, “My section is busy.  Is it okay if Ari is your waitress?”
           “Yeah, as long as it isn’t that mean waiter,” Stanley complained, crossing his arms across his chest.
           Y/N rolled her eyes, leading the group toward their table, “Shut up, we fired that guy.  Ari will be here soon to take your order.”
           Y/N waved at Jack who informed Ari about her new table.  Y/N smiled, leaving Stanley and Ginger to argue over the weather.  The soft music distracted Y/N’s mind from focusing on her empty stomach.  After the second meatloaf, Y/N hoped Steven saved a slice for her to sneak home after work. ��She worried Harry might force her to eat kale salads again for dinner. Y/N’s exhausted wrists trembled as she carried the water around the restaurant, filling empty glasses with ice-cold water.  She chuckled once she realized Elizabeth’s loud voice echoed throughout the small restaurant.
           “Would you like more water?” Y/N asked the young customer.
           The blonde man nodded, swallowing his mouthful of vegetables, “Thank you.”
           Y/N nodded, pouring the water cautiously into the empty glass. She hated whenever chunky ice cubes slipped into the glass and splashed the table.
           “Did Harry tell you about tonight?  He planned on asking Y/N out on a date,” Elizabeth’s information startled Y/N’s exhausted mind.
           The world slowed as the pitcher slipped from Y/N’s damp fingers. Her eyes widened while her other hand attempted to catch the pitcher before it crashed onto the ground.  The customer gasped, ignoring Y/N’s curses as the entire restaurant watched the pitcher crack into smaller pieces.  Ice water splashed the customer and Y/N before sinking into the gray carpet.  Jack and Ari hurried with broom and napkins in hand to help Y/N.
           “I’m sorry.  I’m sorry,” Y/N repeated, choking back the sobs threatening to spill from her eyes.
           The customer shook his head, “It’s okay.  We are fine, and that’s all that matters.”
           Jack thanked the customer for understanding while he collected the pitcher fragments on a dustpan.  Ari offered Y/N and the customer napkins, dabbing the darker gray blob under the table. Y/N wanted her mind to return to normal, but Elizabeth’s words haunted Y/N’s mind.  Harry wanted to date her?
           “Y/N, are you okay?” Stanley asked, searching through Y/N’s shocked eyes for an answer.
           Y/N nodded, patting her damp knees, “I’m okay.  The pitcher slipped from my grasp.”
           Elizabeth, Ginger, and Stanley nodded unconvincingly because Y/N never had butter fingers.  The group watched their friend hide inside the kitchen where her mind panicked. What if Harry asked her out tonight? Did she like him?  She liked him, but could she risk their friendship?  
           “Y/N, did you place the table’s order?” Jack asked.
           Y/N shook her head, “Shit, I’m sorry.  I am off right now.”
           Jack frowned, patting Y/N’s back, “Hey, it’s okay.  We all drop things.”
           Y/N faked a smile, “Thank you.”
           Y/N raced past tables, filling empty glasses and scribbling down food orders.
           She shoved Elizabeth’s words near the back corner of her mind. She couldn’t let false information alter her work performance.  She wouldn’t believe the words until Harry spoke the words himself.  After fifteen minutes, Y/N felt back to normal.  In two hours she could ask Harry about Elizabeth’s words and clarify the situation.  Y/N slipped the green notepad paper inside the chef clip, humming along with the soft music.
           “Hey love, I sat Harry in your section,” Ari shouted over the clanking pans. *          *          *          *          *          *
           If anyone snapped a photo of Y/N’s face the minute she heard about Harry’s arrival, they’d notice the shock and nerves festering within Y/N’s weak heart.  Her eyes widened like saucers, her fluttering heart and churning stomach sent chills down her spine, and her trembling fingers released the green notepad from her grip.  Her mind repeated the phrase ‘best friends’, but her heart replayed Elizabeth’s taunting words.  She inhaled, straightening her back as she exited the kitchen.  Her heart fluttered wildly against her ribcage the instant her eyes landed on Harry’s short chocolate curls.  Harry’s back faced Y/N, but even his broad shoulders intimidated Y/N.  She mustered up her courage because this man happened to be her best friend.  
           “Hey love, how are you?” Harry asked, dropping his buttery biscuit to hug Y/N’s waist.
           Y/N smiled, melting instantly into Harry’s grip, “Hey, I thought you were picking me up.  I’m not off for another two hours.”
           Harry shrugged, “I could use a nice dinner, and I heard the waitress here is spectacular.”
           Y/N giggled, shoving Harry’s shoulder, “Shut up.  What do you want to drink?”
            Harry’s forehead creased in thought while his hand cupped his pouting chin, “Can Jack mix me that drink he made for your birthday party?”
           Y/N smiled, recalling Jack’s fruity cocktail that tasted wonderful, but burned when revisiting Y/N’s mouth later that night, “Sure.”
           Harry watched Y/N strut confidently across the restaurant toward Jack’s knowing grin.  Harry sighed dreamily, placing his head against his fist.  He adored his best friend, and he loved watching her deal with customers.  Whenever Harry thought about treating people with kindness, Y/N’s positive attitude appeared under that definition.  The way she skirted around the tables reminded Harry of a graceful dancer. Harry rolled his eyes, how could he drool over his best friend?  Last week, he told Elizabeth that he planned on asking Y/N out, but his fear stopped him. What if Y/N didn’t feel the same way? How could he risk his friendship?
           “What would you like to eat?” Y/N asked, setting the decorative glass onto Harry’s table.
           Harry sipped the smooth alcohol, “Thank you.  What do you feel like eating tonight?”
           Y/N hummed, tapping her black pen against her chin, “I wanted the meatloaf, but Steven might sell out soon.”
           “I’ll order the chicken so you can order the meatloaf later,” Harry mumbled, handing Y/N the glossy menu.
           Y/N chuckled, “Thank you.  You are sweet tonight.”
           “I took two shots before I came in,” Harry joked, winking at Y/N.
           Y/N rolled her eyes, stealing the menus from Harry’s grip, “You suck.  I’ll be back later with your food.”
           Jack yawned, rubbing his fists against his eyes.  His vision blurred as he walked toward Harry’s table. He finished his shift twenty minutes ago, but he anxiously waited until Harry confessed his love for Y/N.  Jack noticed Harry’s love-sick eyes for Y/N during her birthday when Harry toddled after her with a concerned scowl.  Jack also caught Y/N’s heart-eyes for Harry when she spoke about their daily adventures.  Jack gripped the light wooden chair, sighing once his butt met the cushion.
           “Hello, how are you?” Harry asked through his giggles.
           Jack waved him off, pinching the bridge of his nose, “I’m exhausted.  I didn’t expect to see you tonight.”
           “Yeah, I figured I surprise Y/N at work.  Ginger messaged me about some work catastrophe,” Harry mumbled, stirring the strawberry cocktail.
           Jack shook his head, “Dude, I wish I could find a love like yours.”
           Harry scoffed, “I’m not in love and don’t say that too loud, or Y/N might hear.”
           Jack chuckled, leaning his elbows onto the table, “You love her, and you know it.  When are you going to tell her?”
           Harry shrugged, poking at the hole in his napkin, “I thought about telling her tomorrow.”
           Jack shook his head, “You can’t wait longer.  This customer mentioned asking her out this week, and he’s the kind of guy you wouldn’t say no to.”
           Harry’s eyes widened, “Do you think Y/N would say yes?”
           Jack nodded, standing from his chair, “I’ll see you later.”
            Harry frowned, deciding whether he should ask Y/N out or not.  He couldn’t let Y/N walk away from his life. Harry ignored his fearful mind and listened to his bleeding heart. *          *          *          *          *          *
           “I’m in love with you.” 
           Y/N gasped, releasing the new cocktail from her firm grip.  The drink slowly landed on Harry’s black jeans while Y/N’s fluttering heart blurred her vision.  Harry’s eyes widened as his hands attempted to catch the freezing liquid. A squeal escaped his rosy lips the minute the liquid melted onto his skin.
           “Shit, I’m sorry.  Why did you say that when I had a drink in my hand?” Y/N asked, patting Harry’s damp lap.
           Harry chuckled, shaking his head, “I’m an idiot.”
           Y/N giggled, nodding, “You are an idiot.”
           Harry’s eyes caught Y/N’s nervous but beautiful eyes.  His hands covered Y/N’s busy hands, forcing her to focus on his starry eyes.  She smiled, admiring the freckles dotted across Harry’s flushed cheeks.
           “I love you,” Harry repeated, leaning closer to Y/N’s lips.
           Y/N smiled, “I love you too.  I can’t kiss you here.  The customers might get jealous.”
           Harry nodded, biting back the dopey grin threatening to spread across his face.  He watched his beautiful best friend cross the restaurant and order a new cocktail. Harry paid attention to the grilled chicken dish rather than focusing on his best friend.  
           “Hey, is everything okay?” Y/N asked, sliding her hand across Harry’s back.
           Harry nodded, “Everything tastes wonderful.  Can you thank Steven for me?”
           Y/N nodded, “Of course.  Are you full?  I bought you an apology dessert for spilling your cocktail on you.”
           Harry gasped, rubbing his bulging stomach, “I’m full, but I always have room for dessert.  What is it?”
           “Well, I saved you a slice of Amber’s coconut cream pie,” Harry’s eyes widened with excitement.
           “Thank you.  You’re the best girlfriend ever,” Harry gushed.
           Y/N tutted, “Hey, I haven’t agreed to be your girlfriend.”
           Harry pouted, wishing he could tickle Y/N until she admitted she loved Harry, but her customers wouldn’t appreciate Harry flirting with their waitress. After Harry finished his dinner, he slipped the silver spoon inside the coconut cream pie slice.  Harry moaned once the pie’s nutty and sweet flavor greeted his mouth.  
           “Are you leaving?” Y/N asked, collecting Harry’s cash from the table.
           Harry nodded, “I’ll check out the bookstore next door.  When you get off, you can meet me there.”
           “Okay, I’ll see you later,” Y/N mumbled, wishing she could kiss Harry’s rosy lips.
           Harry nodded, sliding past Y/N’s solemn figure and out the restaurant door.  Y/N balanced Harry’s empty dishes on her arms, heading toward the kitchen.  Her section closed thirty-minutes ago, so she decided to help the dishwashers with her section’s dishes.  The soft music distracted her mind from the clock ticking down until she could confess her love for Harry.  The starry sky replaced the dark gray storm clouds, and a fresh breeze blew the freezing rain away from the city.  People exited their houses and apartments to celebrate the fresh air with drinks or dinner.  Y/N thanked whoever replaced her after the shift since they would work until closing.
          “Okay, I’m leaving,” Y/N announced, drying her pruned fingers on her apron.
           Steven shook his head, standing from the crooked stool, “You forgot your dinner.  I saved you the final piece.”
           Y/N gasped, hugging Steven’s rigid body, “Thank you.  You’re a lifesaver.  I’ll see you all tomorrow.”
           Y/N exited the restaurant with the widest grin.  Her meatloaf warmed her hands, and the idea of Harry warmed her heart. *          *          *          *          *          *
           The warm yellow bookstore lights greeted Y/N’s throbbing head. Fresh and worn pages met Y/N’s nose. Her eyes scanned the rows of colorful book spines for her boyfriend’s crystal green eyes.  An unplanned smile spread across her face when she spotted her boyfriend’s hunched figure reading a new self-help book.  His eyebrows furrowed with each new page.  Y/N giggled, admiring the way his rosy lips pouted against his fingers.
           “Hey, can you help me?  I’m searching for my boyfriend?  I need to kick his butt because he made me spill drinks on two of my customers, and I never spill food,” Y/N mumbled, glancing around the room as if searching for Harry.
           Harry rolled his eyes, shutting the book, “Your boyfriend sounds terrible.  You should leave him and date me.  I won’t distract you at work.”
           Y/N hummed, placing her empty hand on Harry’s sturdy chest, “I don’t know.  Are you a good kisser?”
           “Would you like to find out?” Harry asked, cupping Y/N’s face.
           Y/N nodded, leaning forward to press her chapped lips against Harry’s rosy lips.  A soft sigh escaped Harry’s lips when Y/N’s lips brushed against his.  Y/N’s hands balled Harry’s t-shirt inside her fists as Harry deepened the kiss.  Y/N tasted the fruity cocktail that still lingered inside Harry’s mouth.  Harry pulled away, pressing his forehead to Y/N’s.
           “I love you,” Y/N admitted.
           Harry smiled, “I love you too.”
           “Should we head home?  I have a fresh meatloaf slice calling my name,” Y/N mumbled, breaking away from Harry’s grasp.
           Harry huffed, “Will I get used to my girlfriend replacing me with food?”
           “Nope,” Y/N smiled, popping the “p” in nope.
           Harry chuckled, wrapping his arm across Y/N’s shoulders.  He led her toward his sleek car parked down the crowded street.  The fresh breezed brushed past their bodies, leaving goosebumps in its wake.
           “Wait, how did I make you spill drinks on two customers?” Harry asked once the couple found shelter inside Harry’s car.
           “Elizabeth informed the entire restaurant about your plans, and that’s when I dropped the first pitcher on the customer,” Y/N confessed, nibbling at her fingers.
           Harry frowned, tugging Y/N’s fingers away from her teeth, “Love, you are an excellent waitress.  A small mistake won’t cost you your job.”
           “I know, thank you,” Y/N mumbled, smiling at Harry’s dimpled grin.
           “No problem, now, let’s race home before the meatloaf gets cold.”
           Y/N smiled, intertwining her finger’s with Harry’s free hand.  The moonlight illuminated their love-sick grins as they sped down familiar streets.  Y/N might lie and blame her happiness on the free meatloaf, but everyone knew that Y/N adored Harry as much as he loved her.
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zashamalkin · 6 years
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Anna Kasterova, on the day of March 8, tells a love story about her wonderful husband.
Anna’s new interview with NHL Russia below the cut. (Very, very roughly translated by Google.)
On a bright day, on the Eighth of March, we decided to devote the rubric “A Picture for 1000 Words” to a wonderful family - Russian David and Victoria Beckham. Gino's beloved wife, the famous TV presenter Anna Kasterova, talks about her husband.
The other day Malkin published an interesting photo in his instagram : beautiful Anna Kasterova is sitting on Zhenya’s neck, and he is walking along the beach. And the signature: "I've been wearing it for five years." How was this picture taken?
"This is in Miami - next to the place where we live, - says Kasterova. - Our joint shooting for one glossy magazine. And the photographer made us such a gift on the fifth anniversary. We also made a video. I put the music, everything is romantic ... Share A thousand words about this picture? You have no idea! I always have a lot of ideas. But in fact there have been so many events and adventures over these five years that even a million words are few! "
Malkin himself in Buffalo was met by our correspondent Artem Soloviev and asked directly: "But it’s not by chance, Eugene, that in this five-year plan you won two Stanley Cups, and you also became a father. The happiest stage in life?"
“This is very important,” Malkin confirmed. “I met the right person who gave me a child. My wife does everything for me to play as best as possible. The family is your rear, your help. I am very grateful to Anna for everything Makes me. I hope this is not the last five years of our life together. "
And how did they meet? Anna Kasterova tells a romantic love story.
“I still can’t get him out of whom he took my phone number! , I got a number somewhere. It's not difficult with his connections.
And he simply wrote: "Anya, hello! My name is Evgeni Malkin. Can I sometimes write to you? Suddenly we will have some kind of friendship ..."
Yes, very modest. But, perhaps, it bribed. We talked for several years. Corresponded every six months. We discussed business, chatted about television, I told the news. Or was kidding: "Buy yourself some book on speech!"
By the way, it can be seen even in the famous film on Channel One - Malkin and Kasterova are teasing each other constantly!
“Yes, we sometimes have sarcastic communication. And we often have humor. Any“ mi-mi-mi ”is not about us. Zhenya is very brutal in this regard. Rarely revealed in terms of feelings,” confirms Anna. knows how to care. Makes a variety of surprises. I have never seen anything like that in a movie. He struck at the very heart!
Here is one example. Zhenya flew to the World Cup in Minsk from Pittsburgh. But he did not say that he changed his plans - he set off through Moscow a day earlier. He persuaded my girlfriend to take me to a restaurant. I go with her, I know nothing. And when we saw Zhenya ... It was such a storm of emotions! We have not seen for half a year. I did not expect him in Moscow. It was a very beautiful move on his part. "
Create a special atmosphere at home - it must be able to. I wonder if Yevgeny is very boiled when he is discharged any disqualification? Recently, he got 50 thousand dollars, and in fact in the match with “Philadelphia” he was first elbowed. How to calm the hockey player to the next match, he went out with a cool head and a warm heart?
“I don’t want to scold anyone. My husband is in this league, we live in America. But I, as a wife, see it as acute,” Kasterova admits. in a recent match a similar blow was delivered to our player Dumulin, and the opponent was given only two minutes, and there are a lot of such moments!
I swear in such cases more than my husband. And he just needs to be alone with himself, so that no one incites and in no way regrets. But you know, I never heard the dirt from Eugene. Not a single swear word to your opponent. He is very worthy and noble out of these situations. Although I see that upset. "
How does the Malkin family spend their weekends? After all, with Gino in Pittsburgh so easy not to walk. Fans will immediately stick, they will not give a step to a step.
“Everything is very trite. When there is a series of home games, and we are in Pittsburgh, we spend most of the time at home,” Kasterova says. “We walk around the grounds, prepare dinner. without attention is impossible. Zhenya is a superstar. We only get privacy and tranquility at home. "
Is it true that Malkin placed the Iron Terminators on the territory of his park? If so, then we know which film was his favorite in childhood!
"Imagine, yes! They stand where they go. We have ennobled the territory, made a spring-summer terrace. Well, the Terminators are on guard. Tearfully asked her husband:" Take away these rusty monsters! Or at least let them be varnished. "-" Do not touch, this is mine! "Some kind of male toys. Well, nothing, I'm already used to them."
Is it possible for the whole company to suddenly appear on a visit to Crosby?
“Yes. Not so often this happens - everyone has their own family, and they spend so much time together on the road. But several times during the season such visits happen,” confirms Anna. “Or Crosby comes to us, plays hockey with ours the son of Nikita. He even admires the kid. Well, we are always happy to see Uncle Sid. Malkin and Crosby are very friendly, they have a wonderful relationship. "
And again we remember how it all began. World Championship 2014 in Minsk. Famous TV presenter Anna Kasterova is standing near the barrier and is waiting for Yevgeny Malkin to be seen for at least five minutes, because the Russian team’s bus is already going to the hotel.
“It was the first championship I went to as Malkin’s girl,” says Anna. “To be honest, I didn’t really know how to behave. that yes how. And even it was not out of pride to run somewhere after the match to see Zhenya for two minutes. It was difficult to join.
We saw each other in Minsk a little after each match. Kisses, hugs. And that's all - Zhenya was in serious mode, like the whole team. Nothing else was allowed. We talked fully, only when we flew with gold medals to Moscow ...
And now five years have passed. Although it was like yesterday. "
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Philadelphia Daily News, 29 May 1981 
By Larry Fields
Gracing the wedding
The first team was there last night when they married 54-year-old former City Councilman Jack Kelly off at the swank Wharton Sinkler Estate in Wynd-moor. There was his sister. Princess Grace of Monaco; her husband. Prince Rainier and two of their Serene Highnesses' three children Princess Caroline and Prince Albert, who graduates Sunday from Amherst College in Massachusetts. Princess Stephanie, who just turned 16, remained at home. 'Someone had to stay behind and protect the throne in case the new French Socialist government decides to go crazy and take over the smaller-than-Fairmount Park principality that Rainier and Grace rule, courtesy of the benevolent former French government. 
There were four of the groom's six children from his former marriage. There was Eagles' owner Leonard Tose and his wife, Caroline; former Secretary of the Treasury William Simon; Mayor William Green and his wife, Pat; City Representative Dick Doran; Rolls-Royce dealer Marty Keenan and his gorgeous wife, Joanne; champion skier Suzy "Chapstick" Chaffee a doll Kell used to date; John Lehman, U.S. secretary of the Navy and Kell's cousin; and of course, Stanley Green and his wife, Agnes - because what party would be complete without them? 
OH, YES, THERE WAS ALSO THE BRIDE - Sandra Lee Worley, 34 years old and a vision in white for her first time at the altar. The wedding was performed officially by Common Pleas Court Judge James J. McDermott, a candidate for justice of the Supreme Court. McDermott, who officiated in his usual magnificent manner, was perfect for the part he's sent many a man to his doom. 
Although it must be acknowledged that life with Sandi Worley can only be considered a delight and the groom was convicted of nothing more than good taste.
McDermott, a widower - and this columnist's candidate for any office he seeks, including emperor of the United States - did not seem too lonely for lovely female companionship himself. His date at the affair was a wonderful-looking woman named Deirdre Mecke, a divorcee whose former brother-in-law was Theodore H. Mecke Jr., a Philadelphia native who served as a vice president of the Ford Motor Co. before his death. 
Prince Albert, heir to the Monaco throne, was handsome and charming and one of the few men at the wedding not wearing a tuxedo. 
"I hope you'll be getting married soon," I said to Albert, who recently was linked romantically to TV actress Kathy Lee Crosby. 
"Why do you say that?" he asked me. 
"I love your country," I explained. "But it's too expensive for me. The only way I’ll be able to visit it again is if you get married and my paper pays for me to go to Monaco and report on the event" 
"Well" he said. “I would not plan on visiting Monaco then for at least three years - minimum, I’m not planning to marry soon." 
PRINCE ALBERT SAID that after his Sunday graduation from Amherst he intended to spend a few days in New York, then some time in Paris, and then in Monaco. "Marriage for me is quite a long way off," he said. 
His older sister, Princess Caroline, wearing a short black dress, cut low enough to almost see Heaven, did not appear to be recuperating too well from her recent divorce from Parisian playboy Philippe Junot She was there at the wedding, but the expression on her pretty face was sad and sullen. She resembled, slightly, a spoiled doll from Bustleton who was trying to get over a broken heart. 
Her dad. Prince Rainier, just seemed bored. He was there at the wedding, it seemed, because his wife dragged him there. It appeared that he was in the United States to attend the graduation ceremonies for his son and there just was no way to avoid mingling with his in-laws. 
Basking in the spotlight was nothing new to the groom, of course, and he as usual was cordial and friendly to the pushy press and photographers. The bride was another story. She seemed genuinely upset by an the commotion. 
BUT SHE LOOKED lovely dressed in virginal white, wearing a veil, and seemingly proud to be the second Mrs. John B. Kelly. Jr. 
The bride, who had announced that her parents would be at the wedding, caused a minor stir when they did not appear and she was “given away" by the groom's brother-in-law, Donald LeVine, a horse trainer. 
Pleasant Colony - winner of this year's Kentucky Derby and Preakness - should look so good. 
Princess Grace, no stranger to public and press attention, seemed to be the most composed at the affair. After Judge McDermott pronounced Jack and Sandra "husband and wife," she directed the line of traffic waiting to wish them well. 
"You're in the wrong line," she snapped at me. 
"It's the story of my life, your Serene Highness," I admitted. "Please don’t have my head cut off." 
HER SERENE HIGHNESS did not seem amused. 
Because I do not discuss my wife Andrea, I will state that the prettiest lady present, in my opinion, was Caroline Tose, a vision in gold and diamonds and emeralds. 
Mrs. Tose was not too kind to me. 
"You," she said, "are a louse. Where is Andrea?" I have written in the past that Leonard had given Caroline a $1 ring from Woolworth at their wedding a few months ago. Now she waved a wedding ring in front of me made up of the Eagles colors green and white. Three separate rings, one of emeralds surrounded by two strands of diamonds. "I want to show Andrea this because I know how much she likes emeralds and diamonds," Caroline said
"I want to show her this and ask her what kind of dum-dum she married that didn't buy her a ring like this," Caroline said. 
"SHE MARRIED A DUM DUM who cant afford doo-dads like you've got on your finger," I told Caroline. "But" I made up for it - sort of. I bought her Saudi Arabia."
Jack Kelly and Sandra Worley got married last night. It was a lovely wedding, and I must confess that I didn't notice the bride's ring because scotch got in my eyes. I only hope that they are as happy as Andrea and I - and Leonard and Caroline Tose. 
What do they say about misery loving company?
Click! Paparazzi Put Philadelphia on the Map
You cannot have a social event without some social outcasts. And the social outcasts roles last night at the wedding of Philadelphia man-about-town Jack Kelly were filled by the paparazzi. 
In New York or Los Angeles, it would have been just another media event. But Philadelphia last night got into the Big Leagues with a visit from Europe's legendary and colorful media photographers.
THE PHILADELPHIA PRESS photographers covering the wedding last night were augmented with teams of lensmen from France, Germany and the United Kingdom, along with a couple of European free-lancers who operate out of New York. 
A photographic session was arranged after last night's nuptials by bridegroom Kelly and his top security chief, a guy named Mike Carroll, who said he used to be a Philadelphia cop. 
Carroll's real job began when the photographers were admitted to the grounds of the Wharton Sinkler Estate in Wyndmoor, about 15 minutes after Kelly and his bride, Sandra Worley, tied the knot. 
The Kelly family posed in the foyer of the gorgeous English Tudor mansion while photographers stood in the rain atop a cobblestone driveway and made their photographs as guests watched the show from the 100-year-old hand-leaded windows on the second floor. 
AS SOON AS KELLY and his wife appeared, strobe lights began going off like shore batteries and the pushing and shoving quickly followed. 
Carroll kept control until Princess Grace arrived in the foyer to pose with brother Jack. The photographers, festooned in Nikons and looking like a pack of lemmings about to plunge over a Norwegian cliff, immediately surged ahead. 
"The rain is good for your complexion," Her Serene Highness told the photographers. "It will make your complexions beautiful." 
At this point, Prince Rainier appeared in the foyer. And the photographers, with the Frenchmen in the lead, all pressed forward. 
The French and American photographers began calling each other names as two United Kingdom free lancers had taken positions standing atop potted chrysanthemums. 
The press crowd broke up as the Kelly family ducked out of the foyer back into the reception area. The photographers packed their gear and left - leaving behind small mounds of empty film boxes and canisters, a few broken umbrellas and six destroyed potted chrysanthemums.
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the-fiction-witch · 6 years
Staying at the in laws p2
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"we're here!" I heard y/n cheerful yell we swapped over at the McDonald's car park when we got to her home town because my legs where going to sleep plus she knew this place a whole lot better then I did somehow in whatever distance it was between that car park and her parents place I had fallen asleep "We're here?" I ask hardly awake "Yep, come on we need to get our stuff before it gets to dark" she says getting out I look around it already seemed pretty dam dark to me so I got out helping her get out our bags of stuff and clothes for all the time we would be spending here  we opened the little gate and snunk in I instantly could smell an odd mix of roses from the garden and huge piles of dog shit pooled around each car, all of them I assume members of her families? Alot of them didn't look good in fact there was half a car across the back of the garden she ran up as I shut the gate dinging the little doorbell I could here the little dinging going off inside and I saw a large dog jump up the main window starting to growl I stepped closer trying my best not to step in anything as I got to the little stone path close to the door just as it opened "Y/N! ITS Y/N EVERYONE! YAY!" erupted from the door as a woman stood there and many people where sat around inside the dog pushed past this woman it was a big and bouncy black dog it jumped on y/n putting it's paws on her shoulders as it stood "Awwww hey boy" she smiles giving the dog a pet before it jumped down coming to me and growling at me "awwww, it's okay boy it's just Thomas" she giggled "Uhh hi uhh dog" I began trying to pet it but it barked at me "He won't bite, unless he thinks your going to do something bad" a man chuckled from inside y/n went in the dog following her so I went in putting my stuff with her's she had put it on the stairs as she walked into the large living room so I followed her I felt... Out of my element this was alot of people they can't all be her family? If so she has a big family they all turned to look at me judging every thing about me y/n was stood talking to the woman from the door she turned to me and smiled so I mouthed "help me" to her but she ignored me "So... Your his Thomas I've heard so much about?" A man asked he was sat in a recliner chair a pint glass of beer in his hand and a walking stick wedged between his leg and the cushion of the chair he looked at me glaring waiting for my answer "Uhh.. yeah I'm thomas y/n's boyfriend" I smile "Really? How long have you to been together now?" A woman asked smoking her vape by the fireplace "It was a year a few months ago" I blush "Then why not ring! My granddaughter shouldn't be fooling With some boy till he puts a ring on her finger!" A woman began yelling "Ignore her, old bag, hi lil y/n's sister" a woman smiles getting up and coming to help me to a wooden chair by the dinning room door "Ohh hey, yeah y/n's told me about you" I smile just as the dog jumped up his dirt covered paws sitting on my legs "whoa! Hello uhh dog" I say a little confused as it sniffed me and licked me "Aww he likes you Tommy" y/n giggles sitting beside me as everyone in the room sat around looking at the tv "What's going on?" I whispered "It's Saturday, football is on" she answered "Ohhhh" I sigh "so.. who's who? Come on I've never met anyone before" I ask her "Fine, well there is more here then I though so... Obviously my sister lil, her husband Danny, my aunt Lou who is my dad's sister, my uncle Jim who is my dad's brother, granny pen and grandpa reg who are my dad's parents, my dad obviously, my mum, my mum's brother uncle Warren and his wife Sara my cousin Harry then little puppy fluffy" she explains "Dam that's alot of names" I sigh "You get used to it" she smiles snuggling her head closer to me "only my parents my sister my grandparents and us are sleeping here tonight though" she smiled "Ohh.. I was worried for a minute" I smile giving her head a kiss as the little kid ran up to us her cousin if I remember rightly he came and sat looking at us "what is he doing?" I ask " He does that to new people he is leaning what your face looks like" she answers "Ohhh... Okay" I shrug "hey" I smile but he ran away from me hiding behind a sofa "what did I do?" I ask her "Nothing he recognised your voice that's all" she smiles "How did he- right he's a kid Thunderbirds or freb?" I ask "Freb most likely his mum won't let him watch Thunderbirds too violent" she laughs "shhh unless you want your cock cut off footballs starting" she says "You hate football?" I laugh "Shhhhh not when with family I don't and neither do you unless you want to be crucified I come from a football mad family Thomas get used to it" she explains "Y/n? Can you come give me a hand!" Her mother called from the kitchen she gave me a kiss and went off alot of the other girls following her too them all hanging in the kitchen chatting about... I have no idea actually only me and all the guys in her family "Well we got time before kick off, that blue thing out there yours Thomas?" One of her uncles asked I was unsure which one actually "Ohh yeah, that's my car" I answer "It's nice, do the work yourself?" Another asked "Yeah, I picked it up at a scrap yard a few years ago been repairing it ever since" I answer "it's just been a bit complicated because it's left hand drive so..." I shrug "out of curiosity what is the half broken car in the garden?" I ask "Mine" her father said "my old rover been fixing it up, used to take y/n and lil to school in that you know?" He laughed and everyone chuckled "so sangster you keep yourself busy with that sort of thing?" He asked "Ohh yeah, I mainly work with my motorbikes but cars as and when I need to" I shrug "Ohh biker boy" one sighed "Have you seen they have been re running the originals last couple weeks?" One asked another "Yeah got my box recording them" her dad answered "you watch the trek sangster?" Her father asked me "The trek?" I asked very lost trying to follow this "Star Trek?" He laughed "Ohhh no, I watched the new ones they did with uhh Chris pine" I began "Ohh the shit ones!" They all laughed "Fine not cars, no trek, uhhh music?" Her dad asked "Well I quite like older 50s stuff and more alternative-" I began "Clearly not music" he interrupted "star wars?" He asked "Yes I love star wars" I answer "Well there we go something to talk about" another man laughed "I uhh I was actually in one of them" I smile " the first new one, force awakens" I tell them "Yeah for like two seconds" one laughed as someone clicked the volume for the tv on it was in Some football show I have no idea what it was it was just so loud like in humanly loud I see why all the women went to the kitchen I might go join them in a minute they all say loudly talking over the tv about teams and players I have no idea about most names I didn't even recognize "Thomas! Can I borrow you?" Y/n smiled leaning on the kitchen door "Ohh course" I smile getting up and going across the living room to her but someone I'm not sure who tripped me up sending me face first onto the red carpet making every laugh shit that hurt I got up best I could going to see y/n Busy working away in the kitchen "hi honey?" I say in pain "Aww hi Tommy, your doing well" she giggled giving me a cuddle "I'm in emotional and physical pain and aggony people are literally beating me up and I think your dad is going to murder me for my tv choices" I explain "That's good, your doing better then I thought you would by now" she smiles "just don't let on you don't like football, don't bring up F1 because my dad hates your favourite driver and I'm not breaking that fight up because you will instantly lose, do not bring up politics for yours and my safety, and yes I know it's a lot of racisum and horrible things but please just nod and keep quiet Thomas please for me" she begs "I'll try, for you... I mean I knows they might be my in laws soon?" I smirk "In your dreams" she smiles giving me a kiss "now go out the case of beer on the table for everyone" she says " ohh and take a Stanley knife" she says "Why?" I ask a little puzzled "That's how all problems are resolved in my family Stanley knifes and duck tape whatever is more appropriate, love you" she smiles kissing my cheek and rushing off to help her mum
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mtiffany8523-blog · 6 years
Joyce Hughes Testimony: Deliverance and Healing.
Joyce Hughes Testimony
Talking with Joyce about who God is and what He has done in her life was fun! She was full of the joy of the Lord when I met with her and as we talked about the good things He has done. Joyce explained to me how she had always known the Lord because of her mom. She told me about how He was with her as a child, the years of isolation she went through living in the country, years of depression that led to abusing drugs and becoming addicted, but also of God pulling her out and bringing her into a good place with her family, friends and believers surrounding her.  Her testimony is of God bringing her out of all her troubles, she sees Him fulfilling His promises daily in her life. 
Q. When were you saved?
A. I was saved when I was a little girl, as long as I can remember I have loved Jesus. I do not know when I was saved, I just know that at the age of five I knew who Jesus was and I believed He was my savior.
Q. When were you baptised?
A. I was baptized when I was in my thirties at the Malin Swimming Pool in Malin California. I went to the community church in Macdoel, California. My pastor's name was Pastor Ken.
Q. How did you come to know about this church?
A. When my mom and I decided to move to Roseburg, Oregon. My mom was in Fresno, California waiting for me to find a place to live and she asked if I would find an assembly of God church close where our new home would be. So, I went on the search. There was not an assembly of God in Roseburg so I started looking in the out lying towns. One was in Sutherlin and one was in Winston. So I drove to Sutherlin and drove by that church drove into the parking lot and something just said no. Then I went to Winston, had no idea where it was and just had the address and asked God to guide me to where it was, so I made a left and drove to the top of the hill and the street and so I thought wow, this is the street, made a right and drove a few blocks and there it was. I  saw they had a sign with office hours. That was important to me. I went to Church the next Sunday and was welcomed by the most friendliest people who gave me hugs and smiles I was just so happy they had lots of songs to sing. Great worship! The sermon was great also. Everyone was just so inviting. So I continued to go until I found a house to rent , went and moved mom up here.  and mom and I are  very happy here.
Q. Was there anyone who influenced you the most in your faith in God?
A. My mom, mu uncle Eddie and my aunt Lula. My uncle Eddie was just heaven to be around. He was cozy, kind and gentle and He taught me the way Jesus would do it. He truly walked in Jesus' shoes. When he died I knew I was going to Heaven just so I could see him again! My aunt Lula was the same, the sweetest and most loving person I've ever met. She loved the Lord so much and he shone through her and her laughter all the time.
And of course, my mom. She has gone through a lot and has never given up on the LordHer relationship with Jesus in an inspiring testimony to me. Jesus listens to her and answers prayers and she never worries about outcomes that look dark because she knows she has Jesus on her side. She's a walking testament to thte love of God.
Q. You had told me you were healed of some stuff. What were you first healed of? How old were you?
When I was ten I remember I had warts all over my fingers on both hands. I  had them for a very long time. I was embarrassed to show my hands. I had moved to a new school and was just horribly tired of these ugly things on my hands. I prayed for a miracle one night. I remember praying all night with a lot of tears. The next morning they were goneand no sign that they were even ever there. It was truly a miracle and fifty-two years later I still remember the awe I felt at having received a miracle. And since then my life has many miracles. the biggest one is God gave me back my family after I became sober and clean. My life for fifteen years was controlled by hard liquor and meth. fifteen horrible years!I am still, to this day, making amends for the destruction I created. God has blessed me with forgiveness and a means to pay back all the bills I created and has given me the best family in the world to love me and invite me back into the folds of the family. I am ten years sober and clean and I know that God saved me. I do have physical ailments due to the lifestyle, but there will always be accountability in all we do. I humbly accept this and still pray for physical healing. I have had melanoma cancer on my leg, my back, my arms, my face and have had cancer on my uterus. God has healed me through the wonders of doctor's. i was born with only two heart valves. I now have a mechanical valve thanks to God and doctors. My mission on earth is not up!one of my amends is to my mama so we can take care of each other.
Q. What are some of the ways God speaks to you today?
One month ago my student loans were forgiven, a huge weight off my shoulder's. My ex-husband gave me a car I can pay back at very low payments. He and his wife are as a brother and sister in the Lord to me and as best friends. My kids get to see their mom and dad enjoying each others company once again. Truly a blessing. I also have a job that I  can do am not able to do much physically anymore, so I am a call center agent where I do customer service to people all over the united states. I hear stories from all over the world: Italy, Africa, China.some people are not too happy when they call. My challenge is to get them smiling again and their problem solved.
I also take catalog orders from here in the states. It's like shopping with money I don't have. Yeah, that's funny I know. I hear sad stories and am able to pray for them when I get off the phone. People have prayed for me  because they sense I'm a nice person. That's pretty cool. I have a new phone buddy and pen-pal who I met on the phone. she is friends with Pastor Dr. Charles Stanley. She had him call my mom over Christmas season to pray for her after her surgery. That was so nice. My heart is filled with so much love when I talk to some of these people. God reminds me He works through them for me. And then of course I am tested every day to love one another even if they are rude and nasty to me on the phone. Lord...forgive them for they know not what they do.
the biggest miracle in my life is that God saved me. I am adopted into His family and He is my all, my everything. He forgave me of horrendous things and my boys Solomon and Staley still love their mom.
One of my favorite stories she had shared with me was of her mother keeping the opportunity for communication open even as Joyce had been hiding in her addiction not responding for 15 years. she finally called her mother back one day. Her aunt was laying nearby in  bed, ill, when Joyce's mother answered the phone. Her aunt said that knowing Joyce had called her mother was an answer to prayer. Her aunt passed away soon after.  Joyce told me about the interesting believers who order at the call center she works at. One day as she was thinking about how God see's her as righteous, one man with a unique accent, a mix between Texas and New Orleans, had called to place an order and He had blessed her with the word she was created by God and is righteous in God's eyes. Throughout her telling me her testimony I heard so much about the unity we have in Christ as believers. I asked her what her favorite verses were. I was wondering what verses she might have clung to that would have helped take her from where she was to where she is now. They are: 'We love because He first loved us.' 1 John 4:19, and "Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.
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blankdblank · 6 years
Coffee Pt 1
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Note - Tom Stanley Holland - Tom SH, Tom William Hiddleston - Tom WH
Tags –
@himoverflowers, @theincaprincess, @aspiringtranslator, @sweeticedtea, @ggbbhehe4455, @thegreyberet, @patanghill17, @jesgisborne, @curvestrology
If you want me to continue the story let me know, if not it dies here unless I change my mind later on.
I want to burn this belt! Exhaling slowly you secured the straps to your heels and grabbed your bag forcing your feet to exit your front door. Blind dates were awful, much like the awful belt you were instructed to wear so he could recognize you. Raising your phone to your ear you answered your Cousin’s call feeling the woven decorative belt with accenting chains over the floral sundress chosen for you as it rubbed against your swinging arm again while it swayed against your hips with each step. 
True to your word you were off to gather the coffee order before you were going to be delivered for a double date with a man, who upon your first meeting you’d overheard him mention he wouldn’t dare even consider a date unless your style fixed more towards his. Of course it was a far lengthier thrashing at your personal taste and willingness to splurge on clothes, even though you were dressed to aid in the painting of their sitting room.
Brushing your hair behind your ear you fought to contain your trembling, as you knew that this would be yet another disastrous date and you would most likely lose your friend over it once you declared your limit at her meddling in your lack of a love life. Yes you worked and focused on your future in your career, but you did have time to meet people it just simply still hurt after your last relationship where you were basically a stepping stone to another person once your same friend had mentioned the celebrities you had worked with before. In a forced steady tone you repeated, “I’m on my way. I know your order, should only be ten minutes.”
A sudden click came on her end of the line after her urging, “Just give him a chance. He’d make such a great husband for you, and this way you won’t be far behind on our raising our Children together.”
With a trembling breath you took your place in line for coffee keeping your eyes fixed on the workers milling around behind the counter through their drink prep steps not missing the familiar teen, Tom, who’s had a full view of your love life imploding from his rented room in the house across from yours. Another soft smile fixed across his face while he pulled together your usual order for dates before he waved you up and accepted your bills asking, “Date?” You nodded and he stated, “I’ll have the zombie flicks and take away ready at three.”
Exhaling shakily you caught his empathetic gaze spotting the tears looming through your forced smile as you thanked him and turned to hand off the drinks to the group waiting for you. A simple turn later you were back on the sidewalk and headed for the park where your date was waiting for you. Three steps ahead of you a group of men all bearing hats had spread out around two tables they had pressed together came into your eye line. A line of cars parked and their bodies shifted and tensed when the doors began to open. Exhaling again, you averted your eyes back to the path ahead hoping to keep your focus on your task mainly to get through it so you could get back home.
Another step drew your eyes to your right at the man trying to race in front of you only crashing into you sending your foot to slide off the raised sidewalk and your drinks down your chest as you landed in one of the men’s laps. Inhaling sharply you tried to ignore the men at the table grouping around with concerned exclamations and questions aimed at you while the scalding liquid across your chest and lap cooled. You released a soft squeak as you opened your mouth to mutter in Italian, “All I need now is a bus to hit me” at the skinned portion of your ankle stinging from it’s sliding against the pavement.
Without so much as an apology the man who’d caused this simply fixed the camera he was clutching at you and snapped away bringing your attention to the familiar British voice from the man you’d landed on saying, “Seriously?! You’re not even going to apologize?!”
All around you more familiar voices sounded out in agreement scolding the man as the teen from inside rushed out to you calling your name. Turning your head your body tensed as you locked eyes with the crystal clear blue eyes barely shaded by the hat on Tom Hiddleston’s head while his hand landed on your upper back and he asked, “Are you alright Love?”
Without a word your lips parted as the teen approached and another voice from behind you in an Australian accent called out, “Tom!” At his exclamation Tom WH’s head turned toward his friend only to look back as he continued, “No, not you, his name’s Tom too! You work here?”
The teen’s eyes met his and he nodded replying, “Just a summer job, my Aunt needed the help.” His eyes lowered to you grabbing the slit cups and carrier from your lap and passing you the towel he had brought along while he said, “I’ve got these, we’ll get you all cleaned up there bunny.”
Nodding at him your hand moved the towel to law across your chest as you looked at the man now resting his arms around you while his hand gently stroked your back and his other rested across your lap, firing a soft smile at you when your eyes met and you stated, “I’m really sorry.”
Inhaling sharply his eyes flickered giving you the impression your voice must have wavered, revealing your true emotions as he softly cooed at you with another firm stroke across your back, “You have nothing to apologize for.”
Leaving your side Tom SH darted away with the trash as your eyes shifted landing on the face you hoped you’d imagined on your left, bringing the very same Benedict Cumberbatch, you thought you had imagined, into your eye line stirring another muffled embarrassed squeak from behind your lip you were biting. Looking forward again you rapidly stated, “I’m gon-.” Attempting to rise the sudden snag at your waist widened your eyes through your now heated cheeks after your chair’s soft, “Woah” from the tug at his waist. In another shaky exhale Tom SH arrived before you again, eyeing the source of your problem with parted lips as you clutched the towel across your chest tighter, then mumbled in Italian again, “Please, just put me out of my misery.”
A partial glare came from Tom SH as he replied, “That is not happening.”
Tom WH stated softly as his hands drew back to his lap to separate your belts, “I’ll um,” chuckling nervously as your eyes moved to your bag when it gave a ring over the sound of camera shutters clicking louder as you drew out your phone and squeaked again before answering the call in he steadiest voice you could muster.
“Ya, no I don’t think I can-.” Your eyes shifted to Tom’s fingers trying to untangle your belt from his as Tom SH eased another towel over your lower legs cleaning off the still dripping coffee from your dress, “I can’t make it.” Your hand drew back the phone as the group watched you inhale slowly as her shouts were heard through the line in a sharp muffled shriek and pulled it back again, “I sort of fell and I’m wearing them. No, I didn’t..” 
Your eyes locked on Tom SH again as he gently patted the towel he had over your knees and lower thighs respectfully as Tom on your right gave a soft hiss at the pinch your belt had unleashed on his finger as the Australian you refused to confirm the identity of peered over your shoulder giving him tips. “Just, I can’t Lina.” Your finger ended the call and promptly shut off you phone as she called back again before you slid it back in your bag and locked eyes with Benedict as his hand gently tapped your arm and he stated, “Would you like some tea? You look like you could use it. I swear you won’t end up wearing it.”
Through a shaky response you replied, “I don’t think just one would do it. Closer to forty. Thank you though Mr-.”
His smile flickered wider and he stated, “You can call me Ben.”
Another mildly squeaking reply came from you as his smile quirked wider at your returning blush, “I really don’t think I can.”
His hand gently stroked your arm as your eyes darted to Tom’s lap as he stated, “I already tried that Chris. Alright, easy way then.” Looking forward again you heard the chuckle from Benedict at your widening eyes when the Brit’s belt was undone and removed fully to be slid free from yours and finally stated in a partially proud tone, “Got it.” 
Resting his belt folded in his hand on your lap, that soon drew the groups eyes to follow your body shooting up to Tom SH’s protective half hug leading you to his car as you mumbled, “Really Sorry.” Ignoring the gaze of all of them fixed on your back as a few of the camera men followed your path to Tom SH’s car as he stated, “Jerry’s watching the counter for me, let’s get you home and washed up.”
Locked up tensely, struggling against your trembling. You curled up as much as you could in the front seat clutching the towel tighter across your chest, now partially visible through the now sheer dress from the drinks. All while Tom rambled at your side hoping to keep you calm as he spotted the first of what would be countless tears after he returned back to work, slide down your cheek silently. A few minutes later you were on your feet again and being helped into your house where you offered Tom a loose hug to keep his apron clean and stated, “I’ll just scrub up, you should head back. I don’t want you to be in trouble over me.”
Exhaling through his next glance over you he replied, “Alright, but it’s extra takeaways at three on me tonight. I’ll let the guys know you got back safely.” Nodding your head he caught your timid glance at his eyes again when his hand met your shoulder and he stated, “Don’t you worry, I won’t ambush you with them. No matter how badly they feel about it. You have full say over if they come over to see you, I’ll make sure they understand that.” 
Another hug later he gave you a gentle peck on the cheek as he gave you another once over then turned to exit your front door, flashing you another brief smile before closing it and driving back. Rapidly your finger locked the door as you heard the cameras snapping at the front entrance of your house while you drew the thick curtains over the only two sheer coated windows allowing any view inside your home. Another tear eased down your cheek on your path to your bathroom.
Tossing your bag on your bed lazily, you went to wash your makeup off first then finally dropped the towel you were still clenching in your fist into the hamper in your bathroom. In a single tug your belt unhooked and it was tossed carelessly into your closet before jerking off your dress, adding it to the hamper as a quiet sob left you through another warm stream of tears. A simple turn later your tub was filling and you moved to your kitchen fixing yourself a cup of tea you carried into the bathroom. Where you stripped and waited in the tub in the slowly rising water through your calming tears as you finished your tea ignoring the strands of hair sliding down across your neck from your slowly drooping bun you had yet to remove.
Thankfully you weren’t burned but the constant dinging from your phone sent you straight to your car for a short drive to your nearby phone carrier’s store where you changed the number to your personal cell phone. Only sending it to Tom right after, with a explanatory message about Lia and her friends blowing up your phone at your refusal to show up. The one simple part of your day, being the fact that you kept a separate phone for your jobs, with your personal phone left to the, now, single friend you trusted with the new number as you returned home once again. 
Lowering your eyes, you raised your work phone spotting a message from your manager asking if you were alright along with a link to the photos of your crashing into Tom Hiddleston’s lap stirring a relaxing sigh at your affirmative answer of your safety, before a follow up question about your knowing Tom Holland. True you were more well known behind the camera as a booming freelance photographer, but you did have a steady stream of work before the camera as well, earning the concern over your safety from any possible burns or serious injury to your ankle.
Hanging up again you grumbled into the pillow curled between your legs and your chest before you went to wash your face again, hoping you wouldn’t seem too out of sorts from your usual blank or downcast mood through your romance recovery and readied the couch and dishes for your impending guest.
Parked back at the shop Tom SH stepped out and spotted the group of actors all crossing the courtyard to him after having cleared up their abandoned empty cups along with Tom’s shattered teacup at your crashing into his lap was long since swept up and replaced for him. With a flashing smile he met Chris H’s concerned gaze as he asked, “She’s safe at home then?”
Tom SH nodded, “Ya. Letting her scrub up, I’ll be off in a few hours and we’ll zombie marathon it all away. She wasn’t in the best of moods in the start anyways.”
The other Tom placed his hands in his pocket softly inquiring, “And she’s not upset? I feel really bad about it, and she didn’t really stick around. I mean with all the cameras and all that.”
Tom SH inhaled, “Cameras aren’t a problem, she um. Well it’s really her business. But I can say she was expected by a group, for less than willing plans.”
Raising a brow Benedict asked, “So the cameras…How are they not a problem?”
Tom SH, “She’s Model/photographer, so cameras are always around, it was more the plans and then the fall,” With a cautious sweep over the group he struggled then finally cracked and mumbled while he rocked on his feet, “And mainly who she crashed into.”
Chuckling softly Chris E stated, “That bit was obvious with the squeaking and blushing.”
Chris H swatted his namesake’s arm and asked, “So, this zombie marathon?”
Tom SH pointed at him stating, “No! I promised her you would not be swarming on her after this.”
The other Tom tilted his head slightly as he asked, “Then how am I supposed to apologize to her.”
Tom SH chuckled, “She’s not mad at you. No need to apologize.” His eyes traveled inside to his Cousin waving him inside causing him to say, “Well, I have to get back. You guys try to have a fun day.”
When he left them Chris H crossed his arms and stated, “I have his number, I’ll get a dinner with her or something to make up for it.”
Chris E chuckled again, “Maybe that time she won’t be so nervous since she already got to sit on your lap.”
Tom caught his eyes with a ‘stop it’ look while Benedict responded, “She’d just had a set of hot drinks dumped down her chest and she fell on a stranger’s lap, that’s bad enough, then she ended up getting stuck too, all in front of cameras. So be nice.”
Looking up from his phone finally Robert stated, “Well the video’s viral on youtube already.”
While Martin stated, “And this account, I’m not sure is hers, is blowing up with comments about the cameraman and he obvious comments about her getting stuck to Tom’s lap.”
Tom’s eyes met his before he moved to his side raising a finger to ease across the screen after an approving nod before Tom mumbled in disbelief, “They are not threatening her for falling on me! I can’t believe this!”
Drawing out his phone he opened his Twitter app and copied the username from your assumed page and clicked follow then wrote out a message.
“Mid tea break an impossibly rude photographer sent an innocent and impossibly kind young woman into my lap, if there is any anger to be dished out, aim it at the one who injured and forced a such a kind person into an impossibly uncomfortable situation.”
With a sigh he glanced at the now posted message and watched the numbers rapidly rise as it flooded out and one by one the numbers on your assumed page both dropped and rose again with a new flood of supportive messages and followers. Looking up again Chris E smirked as he eyed the picture he’d taken of the photographer who had knocked into you and posted it and linked the message to Tom’s Twitter page sending it out into the whirling mix with a message, “Still has yet to apologize, to us or the woman he injured.”
Finishing his tea Tom took his empty glass inside and joined the group on their trip to the movie they had planned on trying to sneak into.
Zombie grunts and screams filled your living room while you, your dog and Tom settled back into your couch offering you another soda as he stated through the commercial break, “The guys were still lingering about when I got back. Wanted to know about you. Especially Tom.”
“Okay, right there, we have to assign nicknames or something for you two.”
With a chuckle he replied, “I’ll take the demotion to Stanley, he’s been Tom for longer. Make things simpler for you since our initials are the same. Or there’s always Holli.”
Glancing at him you asked, “Why would I call you Holli?”
He chuckled softly, “You shouted ‘Hey Holli’ at me once, that time you rearranged the planters out front, remember?”
With a grumble you rubbed your forehead and nodded, “I wish I could forget. Another of my brilliant moments, why are you my friend again?”
He chuckled again rubbing Kirby, your dog’s head as you reached down to remove his rear prosthetic leg at his signaling shifting and whine before you set it on the table behind the couch, giving him a gentle rub along his side as he sighed happily and stretched out across your laps again. “Because you’re incredible and you put up with me and my own nonsense. And you rarely have any secrets I have to keep, we make a nice pair.” Giggling softly you raised your drink and claimed a sip while he tilted his head to look at you and added, “So, did you want to see the guys again?”
Grumbling again you replied, “It’d only be because they felt bad, which they really don’t have to.”
“Well Tom seemed about ready to tear up when you took off. And he really went off when he saw his fans being hard on you for falling on him. Not even mentioning Chris Evan’s posting the camera man’s face on his page.”
Tilting your own head you replied, “On that, I got an email, from Twitter,” pulling out your phone you showed him the app when you opened it, “I had to ‘official-ize’ my page. I don’t know what woman they were going after but it wasn’t my page. Did you tell them my name?”
Tom shook his head, “Nope. Think I shouted Bunny at first.”
“Well, even if people find my page they will all have to be enthralled in all my posts about Kirby and his frog collection.”
Chuckling again Tom snuggled at your side claiming another mouthful of food while you did the same.
Barely through the parking lot Tom skimmed through the pictures on the woman’s page and rapidly unfollowed her before shifting to your Tom SH’s page and smirked as he found a single page with a comforting blue check beside it on the page with a single picture of you alone with all the dozens of others with your dog and various frogs seated all over his body from apparent long hikes. A single tap of his finger added you to his follow list before he joined in on the conversation around him. By nightfall their group’s messages had stirred a flurry of stories along with a very extensive apology posted online from the camera man in question and a rapidly circulated picture of the dog from your account with yet another frog on his face between you and Tom SH with frogs of your own on your open palms.
With a deep chuckle Chris H peered over Tom’s shoulder through their dinner forcing him to give a flashing smile and pocket his phone while Chris stated, “See you’ve found her real page.”
Tom nodded, “Yes. Not much other than her and her dog and the frogs.”
Chris chuckled and stated, “Well I’ll text the other Tom in the morning to try again for a plan to meet up with his mysterious friend. Her page have her name on it?”
Tom, “Just Bunny Pear, nickname possibly.”
With a smirk Chris replied, “Now that’s just too adorable. She did hop up and run off rather quickly.”
Tom raised a brow only getting another chuckle as the blonde turned back to the others before Tom did the same.
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Three days had passed without any forming of plans to settle the guy’s irritations, while you enjoyed your time off and spent as much time with Kirby as you could.
Kirby, your adopted Weimaraner you’d found in a shelter, still as a puppy but unwanted due to it’s badly injured leg from the breeder that it was taken from leading to the decision to amputate his left rear leg, bounced happily eager to be taken on yet another of your long hikes while you readied the straps on his prosthetic leg.
With a sigh you ignored the ping from your Twitter account from your former friends all still furious you’d yet to speak with them at all. Leaving your house you pocketed your keys in your Capri pants and flipped on your iPod to play softly while Kirby trotted at your side on his leash he would be released from once you had reached the hiking grounds.
Barely twenty minutes later you pocketed your phone after replying to Tom SH’s message asking about your dinner plans the following day. Looking up again at the sharp shriek from the sky Kirby’s hopping returned at the familiar hawk friend of yours you had found and nursed as a hatchling when a storm blew his nest into your garden. Through the blaring sunlight you eyed the distance from under the brim of your hat and started your trek through the trails in a slow jog matching Kirby’s pace, ignoring the groups of people along the way grouped and staring at their phones. Mile after mile you held your pace soon finding yourself off alone with only a group at the base of the hill before you.
A soft whimper left Kirby at his body collapsing to the ground when his prosthetic leg got stuck in a hole and slipped off triggering your stumbling flip over him in your partially successful attempt at avoiding harming him in your landing. With a soft ‘oof’ you rose to his timid approach, sniffing you as the hawk circled and landed on a nearby tree branch when he noticed his shadow was no longer moving. Shifting to face him your hand rose to pull your ear buds out as you said, “None of that now, just a tumble. I fall all the time.” Shifting your gaze to your scuffed left shin you eased the bag off your back and drew out the collapsible bowl you filled with water for Kirby, before taking out the first aid kit to clean and bandage the scrape.
The group off in the distance grew closer as you stood and brushed yourself off. You knelt and carefully freed the thankfully intact prosthetic leg and added it to your bag spotting Kirby’s trembling hip revealing his body had drawn close to its limit. With a smirk you rubbed his head saying, “Don’t you worry, you’re tired, about time we got back for lunch anyways.” Leaning down to kiss his head, only to turn your head at the large blonde dog that snuck up and licked your cheek. Turning your head you smiled and rubbed his head too asking, “And just who might you be, you cheeky young thing?”
Bending down you eyed the strange dog sniffing the empty bowl you promptly filled with the rest of the bottle of water and straightened up adding the empty bottle to your bag with a sigh at the familiar blonde Australian approaching with a grin recognizing the dog and figure of the raven haired woman from the other day. His trot came to a stop and he stated, “Miss Bunny, fancy running into you here.”
Tilting back your hat you glanced over the rest of the group of actors from the other day including Tom clutching his small dark brown Springer Spaniel in the crook of his arm with ears bouncing from his slow trot, you stated plainly, “Tom told you.”
Chris opened his mouth to speak only to rub his neck and smirk through an exhale, “He might have mentioned something about the peaks on the path you use that gave it away. And the dates you post give away your schedule.”
You nodded and replied with a chuckle petting his dog that licked your wrist in thanks for the water that Tom’s dog squirmed to be released to finish, “Glad to know I’m easy to kidnap and ambush.”
A deep laugh left the blonde through his deepening smile as you glanced at Tom after you put the empty bowl back in your bag. Petting Tom’s dog that propped up against your leg to sniff you and wag his tail before he trotted back to him after sniffing Kirby, who drew a curious gaze from all the men when he relaxed against a flat rock. Inhaling steadily Tom’s hands rubbed on his shirt as he said, “Good to see you.”
You flashed him a brief smile before turning to look at Chris E who smirked as he noticed your bandaged shin then met your eyes again, “Nice flip, you seem pretty aerodynamic.”
Smirking back at him you replied, “Size helps. And I get great discounts on first aid supplies.”
Robert stepped closer and stated, “You look hungry, we should eat.”
Meeting his eye you replied, “We were just headed back home.”
His eyes traveled over Kirby wagging his tail as the hawk circled once again, before he nodded and said, “Good, we can order out at yours.” His smirk grew as you exhaled through his stating, “Which way we walking?”
Crouching down you replied, “Eastern trail loops back.” Pulling the bowl back in your bag and pulling it on your back as Tom grabbed his puppy and flashed you a smile as you flicked your ponytail over your shoulder. A single glance at Kirby sparked their curious smirks at his shaky rise to his feet only to hop up and stretch out across your shoulders with another wag of his tail when you easily rose to your feet again and started the walk back through their frozen spots looking at you, “Unless you changed your mind.”
Turning with a growing smirk Tom met your side first asking, “You um, carry him often?”
You nodded feeling Kirby’s front feet cross as your fingers locked against his back behind your head to keep him in place, “He’s still getting used to his new leg, would have gotten farther if it didn’t get caught in that hole back there.”
His eyes scanned over you and he asked, “Is he heavy?”
With a soft chuckle you replied, “Just shy of 90lbs. Don’t worry I’ve carried him for miles before if that’s what you’re worried about.”
Tom chuckled and patted Kirby on the head with a deepening smile, “I’m not worried. How did he lose it?”
“The breeders that had him kept his dogs in overcrowded pens, it didn’t heal properly.”
His eyes scanned over you both again as Chris H said, “He looks happy though.”
You smiled up at him, “Oh he’s pampered like crazy and gets tons of time to run and play to his hearts content.”
Chris E, “Not to mention he’s got a great perch there for when he’s tired.”
Looking forward you listened as the others picked up their old conversation around you as you caught Tom’s nervous glance causing you to roll your eyes and say, “Don’t look at me like that. I was having a bad day already. I wasn’t mad at you, just wanted to go home.”
“You didn’t, um, get burned or anything?”
“Nope. Smelled like coffee for hours after though.”
He nodded and wet his lips noticing the group inching away from you both with creeping smirks, “Your friend, the other Tom, mentioned you were supposed to go somewhere?” As you exhaled he stated, “You don’t have to talk about it, if you don’t wish to.”
“My former friends wanted me to double with them on a date with an asshole. Refused to take no for an answer. So, in a way you spared me an even more terrible day.”
“Former friends?”
“Apparently it’s more fun when I do as I’m told. They picked the dress, the hairstyle, that stubborn belt.”
With a chuckle your lower back was circled by Chris E’s arm as he playfully interjected, “Hey, without that belt you wouldn’t have gotten the chance to know us better.” Firing a wink your way making you roll your eyes.
Pt 2
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faithambr · 6 years
Waves #VegasStrong!
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(Author’s Note: So my original plan was to write this story based on Anna’s emotions in church, but after what had happened on October 1st, 2017 where a man had killed 58 people and wounded many more. I was going to post this during Kristanna week, but life got in the way. So after hearing the Golden Knights play in the Stanley Cup, I’ve decided to finish this and post it. Yeah sure there isn’t even a mention of the Golden Knights here, but that team has been there for our community since the tragedy of 1 October. Plus this story is based on that day I personally went to the hospital to donate. “Oceans/ You Make Me Brave” by Caleb and Kesley. I played that song for the entire day. Thank you for reading this note and enjoy reading the story. End Note: Photos on the left are mine and the ones on the left and middle were from Facebook.)
Previous prompt based on this tragedy
“Mom,” Laura said as she waited patiently at the front door, “when are we gonna go grocery shopping?”
“Just a minute.” Anna breathed as she jotted down the grocery list onto the notepad.
“Mommy!” a voice echoed down the hallway. “James took my doll!”
“James!” Anna replied while she placed the list in her purse. “Give Antonia her doll back.”
“Okay.” James replied.
“Now please get ready!” Anna had sighed as she stood alongside with Laura.
“Yes, Mommy!”
It took the family about 20 minutes for them to head to the 99 cent store. While they were heading that way, Laura made the suggestion to buy stuff that they could donate to one of the police stations nearby. Anna agreed and then told her to write down a list of things that they could donate.
“Mom,” Laura began just as her mother had parked the family van, “so I am taking Elizabeth and Antonia with me?”
“Okay.” Laura sighed just as everyone else was getting out of the van.
“Alright kids,” Anna called to her children surrounding her, “Charlie, Robbie, and James are with me. Elizabeth and Antonia, you’re with Laura.”
“Okay.” Antonia giggled as she held onto Laura’s hand. “C’mon Laura, let’s go.”
“Hold on Missy.” Anna warned Antonia.
“But Mommy.”
“No but’s.”
“Mommy,” James pulled on her arm for attention, “can I sit in the cart?”
“Honey, you’re too big to ride in it.” Anna stated as she locked up the van. 
“Ahh.” James hung his head low, as he began to walk with his family. 
Once they all had gotten to the entrance of the store, Anna handed Laura the list of donations that they were going to buy.
“Now make sure that you get everything on that list.” Anna reminds her daughters as they parted ways.
“We will Mommy.” Elizabeth had answered for them. “I’ll make sure of it.”
“Okay.” Anna smiled at her three girls.
“Alright now can we go?” Laura stated.
“Yes, you may.” Anna answered while Laura and her sisters went on their way down the aisles.
“So Mom,” Charlie folded his arms against his chest, “what do we need to get?”
“We need some milk, cereal, and some snacks.” Anna pulled out the grocery list from her purse.
Sure enough, the Bjorman family was on off buying things from the 99 cent store. Anna was making sure that the boys were listening to her directions, while Laura was busy corraling her two sisters away from the all of the toys in the toy aisle. She knew that it was tough to be the oldest out of her family, yet she was willing to put up with her brothers and sisters, only because she loves them no matter what. After shopping around for the things that they needed, they all met at the checkout station, ready to go home and get some extra sleep. 
“Mommy, look at what we got!” Antonia smiled as they all met up at the checkout station.
“Cool baby.” Anna smiled, while waiting in line.
“We got some blankets, snack bars,” Antonia began to name off the items in the cart, “rmane noodles, toilet paper, Laura’s tampons...”
“Antonia!” Laura covered her sister’s mouth while feeling her own blush creep up her neck.
“It’s alright.” Anna tried her best not to giggle in front of her family.
“Thanks Mom.” Laura blushed.
“You’re welcom.”
“Hi there,” the cashier smiled, just as the family began to place the items onto the counter, “did you find everything alright?”
“Yes.” Anna answered while fumbling through her purse to find her wallet. 
“Alright,” the cashier finished up with the last transaction, “you’re total is going to be $56.36.”
Anna smiled at the cashier while she swiped her card on the machine. 
“Have a good night.” the cashier called out, just as Anna and her kids were heading out the door with their carts in tow.
“You too.” Anna replied while trying to maintain the kids.
“Mom,” Robbie asked as they got near the van, “can I play video games tonight?”
“No.” Anna ahd answered firmly, making Robbie to be a bit annoyed.
“Cause I said so,” Anna remained firm at her word, “and it’s getting late. Plus Dad needs his sleep. You got it?”
“Yes Mom.” Robbie shrugged his shoulders as everyone was getting the groceries into the van.
After everyone had gotten into the van, Anna simply smiled at her children saying that she was happy to see them all on their best behavior.
“Thanks for taking us Mom.” Laura smiled, making mother smile even more. 
“You’re welcome.” Anna sighed as she began to back the van out of the parking space.
Anna was sure glad that she was able to spend time with her children. However, she hopes and prays that she would continue on spending time with her family. 
“Ugh.” Kristoff grumbled as he turned on over to face his alarm clock. He couldn’t even believe that he had to be up for yet another twelve hour shift. He knew that the massacre had happened that Sunday night, he would have to work long hours, with only few breaks in between. So far the breaks that he got were used mostly to sleep and reenergize for the next shift.
“Hmm...” he could hear his wife stir in her sleep.
“Just about two hours ago, Anna had gotten home after taking the kids to get some groceries at the store. Now here she is, sleeping in their bed. Oh how he just wanted to stay there, hold her, kiss her hair, and never let her go.
Yet he has to go. He has to go and do his job.
“I love you.” Kristoff kissed his wife’s forehead, just before he got out of bed to start his day.
“Good morning Mommy!” both James and Antonia had squealed out as they climbed on to the bed.
“Oh good morning.” Anna yawned as she sat up on her bed. “Why are you two up so early?”
“Laura told us to wake you up?” James rolled his eyes.
“I see.” Anna stated.
“Now I’m hungry.” James mumbled with his stomach growling.
“Alright you two go and bug your sister for breakfast.” Anna teased, making James grin from ear to ear.
“Yes.” Anna winked.
“Okay,” James exclaimed as he scrambled on off the bed with Antonia in tow, “I love you, Mommy.”
“I love you, too.” Anna smiled as she stretched her arms out while in bed.
“Hey Laura!” she could hear her son shout out from the hallway. “Mommy said that you have to make me breakfast!”
“Ugh!” Laura called out from the kitchen. “Mom, is this true?”
Oh James. Anna thought as she was busy petting herself ready for the day. You and your silly little antics.
“Yes,” James stated proudly as he sat at the kitchen table, “Mommy said so.”
“Really?” Laura rolled her eyes as she poured her brother some milk and cereal.
“Yep.” James nodded, just before he saw their mother standing at the doorway.
“Oh really?” Anna quirks an eyebrow at him. “I don’t remember telling you to tell Laura to make you breakfast.”
James’ face flushed with embarrassment.
“Seriously James!?!” Laura began to look annoyed with her little brother.
“I was hungry.” James argued.
“Well you could’ve asked.” Laura countered back as she stopped pouring the milk into his cereal.
“And?” James protested.
“And then Laura would’ve made you a nice bowl of cereal.” Anna finished the argument between the two. “Now you two eat breakfast and get yourself ready for the day.”
“Yes Mom.” they both chanted back while she went onto making herself a cup of coffee.
“And if you two continue on arguing about this,” Anna warned, “you both will be grounded. Got it?”
They both nodded at her warning.
“Great,” Anna smiled as she walked past Laura with her coffee mug in one hand, “now is everyone else ready for the day, today?”
“I think so.” Laura answered.
“Alright.” Anna took a sip of her coffee with a smile. 
As Anna was enjoying her cup of coffee, she couldn’t help but notice how her life has gradually changed within the past few days. Her husband’s past homecomings have been few and far between, mostly because of his job. However, whenever he did come home, it was mostly for him to catch up on his sleep. Since now that her husband was busy doing his job, Laura had no choice but to step up to the plate and help her mother in any way she had to. She smiled at the thought of her husband coming, to actually spend time with their family and not have to sleep during that time. Her body was aching for his touch, his lips caressing over her own, and all she is wanting for him to come home.
“Mom,” a voice had snapped her out of her dream, “are you doing okay?”
“Oh,” Anna blinked several times, “ah sorry.”
“Ya Mom,” Laura whispered in Anna’s ear, “you zoned out, almost like you were gonna give Dad the bedroom eyes.”
“Oops.” Anna blushed crimson.
“It’s okay, Mom.” Laura smiled. “I know that you miss him.”
Anna gave her daughter a grateful look.
“Just finish up your coffee.” Laura added as she handed her mother a chocolate muffin. “Oh and here’s your breakfast.”
An hour later 
She couldn’t believe it. She couldn’t believe that her children were having a wonderful time, singing along to Veggietales being played on the van’s loudspeakers. She wasn’t even expecting her kids to be on their best behavior while she was driving. I guess that they may have actually listened for once. she thought.
“So Mom, can I go and hang out with Savannah tonight?” Elizabeth called out from the back of the van. 
“No,” Anna reminded her while keeping an eye on the road, “it’s a school night and you need to finish up your homework.”
“Mommy,” James had called out from his car seat, “how much longer?”
“About fifteen more minutes, James.” Anna breathed while trying to keep her eye on the road.
“Okay.” James smiled as he looked out the window. “Mommy, can you play the Oceans song?”
“Yes I can.” Anna pressed the button on the radio to play the song.
“ You call me out upon the waters The great unknown where feet may fail And there I find you in the mystery In oceans deep my faith will stand “
Anna began to feel a wave of emotions within her heart, as she exited the freeway. She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t drive on the freeway while looking at the strip out in the distance. She didn’t want to take a look at the valley ahead, without having to tear up. Yet she had to. She had to drive her kids to the destination up ahead. She had to be the strong one in th family. She had to make sure that the kids were going to have a great time, even if all they were doing was donating food and water to one of the local hospitals in the area. 
She wants to teach the kids the importance of a community coming together, during a time of great need. However, she wanted to teach her children that they should always donate, volunteer, and at least do something to help the less fortunate. Therefore, she hopes that her children would learn from this experience and remember it for the rest of their lives.
 “ And I will call upon your name And keep my eyes above the waves When oceans rise, my soul will rest in your embrace For I am yours And you are mine”
Her emotions ran higher than she expected, as she exited the freeway onto Las Vegas Blvd. She gripped the steering wheel as she thought about the concertgoers that won’t be coming back alive. Instead, they’ll be heading home with their loved ones carrying them in pieces. She figures that some of the family members may carry them on flights back home, while others may stay and remember them for who they were.
“ Your grace abounds in deepest waters Your sovereign hand will be my guide Where feet may fail and fear surrounds me You've never failed and you won't start now “
She cringed at the thought of the evilness behind it all; she knew that the man behind it all was nothing but pure evil. Him killing innocent people and ruining countless lives was nothing but pure evil. His plans were definitely well thought out and yet no one would ever know the true reason why he did that.
“As your love, in wave after wave Crashes over me, crashes over me For you are for us You are not against us Champion of heaven, you made a way for all to enter in”
As they turned right onto Las Vegas Blvd, Anna could feel her tears forming. Keep it together, Anna. she thought. You can do this. Just be brave for the kids. She knew that she had to be brave for her kids on the outside, yet she was about to crumble on the inside. She didn’t want to show her emotions, only because she wanted her kids to know that the world would be a safe place. However that all changed once they had all gotten close to the tragedy. 
“Spirit, lead me where my trust is without borders Let me walk upon the waters Wherever you would call me Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander And my faith will be made stronger In the presence my saviour (you make me brave)”
“Mom” a gentle squeeze on Anna’s forearm was all that took for her wall to crack and crumble. She openly cried over it all. She couldn’t do it anymore. She couldn’t hide the pain, anger, and frustration that was building up inside. She couldn’t be the strong one for her family; she had to be the weak one. She has to show her emotions in front of her children. She has to show that it’s okay to be hurt and afraid of the unknown. 
“Mom.” a voice had echoed through her ears and into her heart. “It’s going to be okay.”
As Anna turned her head to face Laura, she could see tears streaming down her daughter’s cheeks. She gave her daughter a teary eyed smile as she continued on driving down past the “Welcome to Las Vegas” sign.
“I know.” Anna whispers to Laura. “I know.... I just..... I can’t believe that it happened.”
“Spirit, lead me where my trust is without borders (you make me brave)
You call me out beyond the shore into the waves
You make me brave
You make me brave
No fear can hinder now the promise’s you made.”
She felt like time had stood still, once they had stopped at the intersection of Russell and Las Vegas Blvd. She could see news stations, from all over the world, parked along the streets with their gear ready to go. She knew that this tragedy was making headlines, but she didn’t expect the news to spread like wildfire. She cried softly over the thought of Kristoff being there during that time and how he had to save lives, with the risks of putting himself in harm’s way.
“Mommy.” Antonia cries out from her car seat. “Where’s Daddy?”
“Daddy is busy right now.” Laura had answered, knowing that her own mother wasn’t able to. “Remember he’s a police officer. He has a job to do.”
“Oh.”  Antonia sniffles a bit. “I miss Daddy.”
“I do too.” Laura had tried her best to smile. “But he’ll be home soon.”
“I want Daddy!” Antonia wails, making Anna’s own heart shatter into pieces.
“I know.” Laura cooed, trying her best to calm her baby sister down.
“My soul will rest in your embrace.
For I am yours
And you are mine.”
“Daddy will be home soon.” Anna had finally managed to choke out as she turned onto Russell. “Daddy will be home.”
It took both Anna and the kids about an hour to get to the UMC Trauma hospital. At first Anna was planning on driving to Sunrise hospital, but then that all changed when a nurse told her that they couldn’t take anymore donations. So then Anna went back to the van and drove on off to UMC hospital. However, the GPS on her phone took her somewhere else. Finally after doing some redirection on her phone, Anna was able to figure out how to get to the hospital.
“Alright kids,” Anna cheers as she continued on driving down the right direction, “are you ready to go out and donate some stuff today?”
“Yes!” both Elizabeth and Robbie had chanted while everyone else was napping in their seats.
“Good.” Anna smiles brightly while she was keeping an eye on the road.
“Mom,” Elizabeth asked, “how much longer?”
“Not very long.” Anna reassures Elizabeth as they had gotten close to their destination.
“Yay!” she could hear her daughter cheer.
She knew that Elizabeth couldn’t wait to donate all of the stuff that they had bought the night before. She also knew that they would have an amazing time with her. She just wishes that Kristoff could be there with them.
“Hey Mommy!” Robbie had called out as he pointed at his window. “I think that I see Daddy!”
“Oh honey,” Anna’s smile had faltered a bit as she pulled into UMC, “that’s not Daddy isn’t working at the hospital today.”
“Where’s Daddy at then?” Robbie gave her a sorrowful look.
“I don’t know baby.”
“Is he gonna be home soon?”
“Yes.” Anna breathes just as she saw a blonde mop of hair walk on by.
That can’t be him. she thought. There’s no way.
“Mom,” Laura snaps her mother back into reality, “where are we going to park?”
“Hmm....” Anna bit her lip as she drove around the parking lot. “I’m not sure.”
“Oh,” Elizabeth had pointed out the window to a parking lot, “how about over there?”
“Where Elizabeth?” Anna squints her eyes against the sunlight.
“By the trees, Mommy.” Elizabeth had insisted as she continued on tapping the glass. “Over there.”
“Okay sweetie.” Anna sighs as she went straight into that direction.
“Mom,” Charlie began as Anna was pulling into a parking spot, “where are we gonna donate all of this stuff.”
“To the hospital silly,” Robbie had answered for their mother, “remember, Charlie?”
“Yep.” Anna winks just as she parked the van into the parking spot. “Alrighty, so here’s what we’re going to do right now; Mom is going to find out where we can drop off our donations, while you guys wait here.”
“Okay.” they all had chimed in as she got out of the van and went on her way.
It took Anna bout five minutes for her to find a person in-charge, to ask where she could drop off her donations.
“Just drop it off at the United Blood Service station over there.” the woman had pointed Anna to that direction.
“Okay thank you.” Anna yells back as she rushes on back to the family van. “God bless you! Have a great day!”
“You too!” the woman waves as Anna had made it on back to the van.
“Okay kids,” Anna huffs as she pulled open the back doors to the van, “get on out here and help me carry all of this stuff.”
“Okay.” they all had stated while they were hurrying on out the van.
One-by-one, all of the kids were given a donation item to carry. Laura was in charge of carrying a small case of water, while Elizabeth was holding onto some cereal boxes for the kids to eat. Both Charlie and Robbie were in charge of carrying bags of canned goods (like soup), while the twins were carrying small bags of small blankets for the people to use for comfort.
“So where are we going exactly?” Laura gave her mother a confused look as they walked across the street.
“You see that truck?” Anna pointed out at the truck up ahead. “That’s where we’re heading.”
“Cool.” Antonia smiles, her own eyes filled with excitement. “I can’t wait to help out people.”
“Me too.” James had stated proudly as he walked with his twins hand-in-hand.
“Oh my,” a young woman had clapped her hands cheerfully, once both James and Antonia had reached the donation station, “what do we have here?”
“Donations.” Antonia had answered shyly, while the rest of the family had shown up. “Mommy bought some stuff to donate . My twin brother and I have blankets.”
“Oh my goodness,” the young woman had knelt down to their eye level, “you did get some blankets.k People sure do love blankets.”
“Yep.” James nods while the lady took their blankets and set it on a table nearby.
“Hi there,” Anna smiled at the young woman, “we have more stuff that we would like to donate.”
“Awesome.” the lady smiled brightly as the children were handing over the donations to the volunteers. “You guys are so awesome. Thank you so much.”
“You’re welcome.” Laura smiles warmly.
As the Bjorman family was helping out with the donations, the young woman began to ask some questions.
“So do you guys live here?” the woman asked Anna.
“Well,” Anna answers, “we’ve been living in Henderson for about seven years.”
“The kids love it here.” Anna sighs.
“I see.”
“Mommy,” Robbie tugs at her arm, “I wanna go.”
“Not yet.” Anna gave him a look.
“Okay.” Robbie sighed.
“Hey Mom,” Charlie calls out from outside the donation tent, “there’s a guy holding a sign offering free hugs and prayers.”
“Can I go and talk to him, Mom?” Charlie had asked.
“Go for it.” Anna smiled as she watched her boy go and talk to the man.
“I wanna go, too.” Robbie pouts up at his mother. “I wanna go and say a pray for Dad.”
“Hmm....” Anna looked around at her other children. “How about this, we all go and say a prayer for Dad, okay?”
Sure enough, Anna had quickly escorted everyone else to the man with the sign nearby.
“Hi there,” the man quickly gave all of the kids a high-five, “what can I do for you today?”
“Can we pray with you?” Charlie asks.
“Sure,” the man answers, “what would you like to pray about?”
“Daddy.” James stated, in which the man gave them a confused look.
“My husband’s a cop.” Anna reassures him. “He was there that night.”
“Oh.” the man whispers.
“Can we pray now?” Laura smiles as she held her hand out for her sisters.
“Yes.” the man answered while the family began to bow their heads and pray.
Later on that night
“Kristoff?” Anna murmurs as she rolls on over to face a shadow standing at the doorway. “Is that you?”
“Yes,” she could hear her husband say as he shuffle about in their room, “get some sleep, Anna. I’ll be in shortly.”
“Hmm...” Anna mumbles, knowing that he’ll have to be up in the next few hours.
She knew that he would have to go back to work, yet she longs for him to be home. Just be safe, Kristoff. she thought, just as she felt the bed shift with the added weight fall right behind her.
“Anna,” her husband yawns as he pulls her close to his bare chest, “are  you doing okay, love?”
“I’m doing fine.” Anna snuggles deep into his scent. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” he kisses her from behind the ear.
“The kids and I prayed for you today.” Anna breathes while trying to hold in her emotions.
“They wanted to so badly,” Anna sniffles a bit, “since they’ve missed you so much.”
“I’m so sorry.” Kristoff cooed, allowing her to spill her tears.
“But they were so great today.” Anna continues. “They helped out with donations, they prayed over a lot of people, and hugged many more, too. You would’ve been so proud.”
“I am.” he whispers as he rubbed her arms for comfort. “They did an amazing job today.”
“Yes they sure did.” Anna turns around to kiss him delicately.
They continued on laying in bed, basking in each other’s embrace, until an idea had popped into her head.
“Anna,” Kristoff mumbles as he felt her move around a bit, “what are you doing?”
“Praying.” she answers, feeling her tears form.
Slowly, he had arose from his slumber, wrapping his arms around her, and gently rocking her in place. He knew that she was trying to be strong, yet he wanted her to let go. He wanted to tell her that everything will get better, yet he prayed for the courage to tell her. He could feel her finally crumble in his arms, as he gently kissed the top of her crown. He prayed for all of the victims that were affected by the tragedy. He prayed over his colleagues, both local and nationwide. He softly listened to her words of prayer, while she was slowly breathing.
“Can I tell you something?” he finally manages to say to her.
“Yes.” she breathes as she looked up at Kristoff.
“They are in a better place now.” he kissed her nose. “A lot of the survivors are on the road to recovery and I’m going to be okay. They gave me some time off to grieve and spend time with you.”
“I love you.” Kristoff said as he settled back into bed.
“I love you, too.” Anna yawns while she relaxed into his arms.
They know that it would take some time for their hometown to heal, but for now the need to readjust to their lives, pray for their loved ones, and feel the wave of emotions go through them.
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felinehypocritical · 7 years
hi i love your happy uris family headcanons can we have some about richie marrying into the family?? because god that boy deserves a happy family that loves him also i love weddings
well im not a wedding person and ive never actually been to a wedding so this’ll be a little slice of lifey and not wedding-specific but YES!!! I LOVE MY BOYS!!!!!!
-richie eats All the hors d'oeuvres at the reception and calls them “horse divorce” and stan rolls his eyes because wow his husband is literally such a fucking idiot
-richie’s wedding vows might be the only thing hes ever said seriously and it brings stan to tears
-like they’re not even that great its just that hes being serious and it makes stan cry
-when they get to shove the cake into eachothers’ faces stan does it hella intensely and richie’s spitting out cake bc stan just like threw that shit in his face
-richie went gentler but that’s only because he was so stunned by stan shoving cake in his face
-and also the fact he just got married he GUESSES
-stan’s vows r wonderful and iconic and richie’s Sobbin
-they’re both so in love but their speeches are subtly making fun of eachother the whole time
-”i think the thing i love about stan the most is that he helps me set up all my jokes. for example, one time he looked at me and said in all seriousness, ‘richie, why can’t you keep your hands off my junk?’ and it gave me enough content to fill a book. he’s so supportive, you know?”
-beverly’s their best man bc she SAID SO and her speech Exposes stan and richie
-you fucking bet the embarrassing pic slideshow has pictures of stan in his clubbing outfits 
-and richie in all of his nasty halloween costumes
-stan’s dad used to hate richie because he was so crude but richie grew on him and he wouldn’t want stan to marry anyone else (except for maybe that nice red headed football player, do you remember him stan?)
-yes mr uris stan does remember that football player he’s the greeter and his name is bill denbrough and he’s been stan’s best friend for longer than richie and him were even living together
-(richie and stan were best friends but then they were dating and richie’s bad at multitasking so now they’re just married, not best friends, stan doesn’t want to overwhelm richie)
-eddies the ringbearer and richie ruffles his hair on the way to the chuppah
-ben always cried at weddings and stan has to hug him for 10 hours hes just sobbing about how happy they’re gonna be and how glad ben is and how honored he is to be there
-listen stan looks like a funky white boy who can’t dance but he’s GREAT at lindyhopping and swing dancing
-he also loves old swing music so it’s perfect, they play it at the party
-richie practiced with beverly in the park for HOURS to learn how to lindyhop again so he could impress stan
-he’s definitely not super great but he’s good enough to keep up at the party
-richie forgot to get stan a present and tried to make a joke like “haha the gift is getting married to me, the greatest guy in the world” and he’s totally joking but stan hugs him up so tight and he whispers into his ear “it sure is, richie” and richie can feel himself melt because wow, is he really fucking in love with stanley uris
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