#yes dean has assigned himself a lot of that burden and could put it down hypothetically
monstermoviedean · 20 days
i don't think dean ever really thought that mary would go back to cutting the crusts off his sandwiches and singing him lullabies. i do think that he thought that with mary around he might have someone to help shoulder some of the burden he feels. finally, there's an adult in the room, someone who can take care of some of this (the state of their family but also the state of the world). and when he sees mary not only not taking on that responsibility but actively avoiding it? and not even recognizing that he's carrying it? yeah, i can see why he's upset.
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Dark Side of the Moon: Final Part
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 2,441
Warnings: typical supernatural violence, language, angst, blood, you know the usual
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated. I really want to hear what you guys think about this one!
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together.
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Underneath a ‘Come In We’re Open’ sign, Ash draws another sigil-formula. This one is different from the other ones you’ve seen, but you know it’ll work.
“All Access Pass to the Magic Kingdom,” Ash smiled.
“Good,” Dean nodded, but when Ash gave him a pointed look, he changed his attitude about it. “Not good?”
“That Zachary fella is going to be watching every road to the Garden.”
“We’ll be prepared. Thanks, Ash,” you thanked, giving him a hug.
Behind you, Pamela hugs Sam before moving onto Dean. Instead of hugging him, she decided on other things. She pulls his head down for a kiss. You wanted to care, but since she was dead you kind of gave her a pass for it. Plus, he needs to be used to kissing other women since he’s definitely breaking up with you once he finds out. You have to tell him when you’re alive because this was getting to be too much for you to handle.
“Yup. Just how I imagined,” she grinned.
Dean looked over at you, but when he saw you not even looking at him and Pamela, he knew something was definitely wrong. He is going to have to question it when he gets back to his body.
“Ah, gentlemen and lady. I don’t mean to be a downer or anything but… I’m sure I’ll see you again soon,” Ash chuckled once the contraption was ready to go.
“Well, keep a sixer on ice for us,” Dean declared.
“Yeah,” he nodded.
He opened the door for you three, and you walked in first with Dean right behind you and his little brother in last. Whatever Ash did definitely didn’t lead to a garden because this was the living room of Dean’s childhood home in Lawrence. It’s dark, empty, and kind of creepy if you’re being honest. A train’s whistle can be heard in the background.
“What the… Why are we back home?” Dean asked.
“I don’t know. So what are we going to do?” Sam wondered.
“Keep looking for the road, I guess,” you shrugged.
You turned to start looking when you noticed Mary standing behind you three. Nudging Dean’s shoulder, he turned around first and then Sam last. This time, Mary was just like how she is in the pictures Dean had, but she was wearing the nightgown she wore the night she was killed.
“Honey. Why are you up?”
“Look. I’m-I’m sorry. I love you but you’re not real and we don’t have time—”
“Did you have another nightmare? Tell me,” she interrupted him.
“I gotta go,” he shook his head.
“Then how about I tell you my nightmare, Dean? The night I burned,” she chuckled.
Blood started appearing on the nightgown right above her stomach.
“Sammy let’s get out of here,” Dean said shakily.
“Right behind you,” you declared.
“Don’t you walk away from me,” Mary snapped, and Dean halted in his steps. “ I never loved you. You were my burden. I was shackled to you. Look what it got me.”
She blinked and her eyes turned yellow… the same yellow as Azazel’s.
“Dean, come on. This isn’t real,” you urged, yanking on his arm to get him moving.
However, he just seemed frozen in place. When he could finally move, he turned to you with a look of pure devastation. The lights in the house begin to change color, taking on an unhealthy green hue. The room starts to change all around you, and suddenly, the doors are gone. Mary blinks once more and they are back to their normal color.
“The worst was the smell. The pain, well. What can you say about your skin bubbling off? But the smell was so… you know, for a second I thought I’d left a pot roast burning in the oven. But… it was my meat.”
Dean moves away from his demented mother to go to the wall where the door once was. Instead, it’s been bricked over so there was no chance to escape.
“And then, finally, I was dead. The one silver lining was that at least I was away from you. Everybody leaves you, Dean. You noticed? Mommy. Daddy. Even Sam. Y/N eventually. Want to know what she did?” she asked with a huge smile.
“Okay, shut the fuck up! You’re not real!” you yelled, throwing your hands out as if you still had your magic.
“Not going to work on me, sweetheart,” she said to you before turning to her eldest son. “You ever ask yourself why? Maybe it’s not them. Maybe, it’s you.”
“Easy now, kitten,” Zachariah revealed himself.
“You did this,” Sam glared accusingly.
“And I’m just getting started. I mean, guys. Did you really think you could just sneak past me into Mission Control?”
“You son of a bitch!” Sam yelled.
Very large angel goons appeared behind you three, and they grabbed you from behind. Normally, you could have gotten out of this with your magic, but you didn’t have it to protect yourself with this time.
“You know, I’d say the same thing about you, Sam, but I have actually grown quite fond of your mother. Or at least the Blessed Memory of her,” he chuckled.
He moved Mary’s hair away from her neck and began to kiss it. Dean has no choice but to look away since he won’t be able to handle this.
“I think we’re going to be logging a lot of quality time together. I’ve discovered she’s quite the... MILF,” he chuckled.
“I’m going to kill you,” you threatened harshly.
“With what? You’re magicless here, Y/N. In heaven, I have six wings and four faces, one of whom is a lion. You see this vessel because you’re,” he ran his fingers down the length of Mary’s arm, and it’s Sam who can’t watch this time, “limited.”
“Let’s brass tack this, shall we?” he continued, snapping his fingers to make Mary disappear.
“You gonna ball-gag us until we say yes? Huh, yeah, I’ve heard that one too,” you challenged.
Zachariah walked up to you and wasted no time slamming his fist in your stomach. If you were till pregnant, then that would surely kill the baby. He knew this would mess with your head which is why he did it in the first place. You folded over in a painful groan.
“I’m going to do a lot more than that. I’ve cleared my schedule. Get her up,” he ordered.
The angel holding you forced you to straighten, and Zachariah gave another hateful punch to your gut. Sam and Dean struggled against the angels holding them to they and help, but it wasn’t working.
“Let me tell you something. I was on the fast track once. Employee of the month, every month, forever. I would walk these halls and people would AVERT THEIR EYES!” He yelled, and the house begins to shake. “I HAD ‘RESPECT! And then they assigned me you three. Now look at me. I can’t close the deal on a couple of flannel-wearing maggots? Everybody’s laughing at me… and they’re right to do it. So! Say yes, don’t say yes; I’m still going to take it out of your asses. It’s personal now, and the last person in the history of creation you want as your enemy is me. And I’ll tell you why. Lucifer may be strong, but I’m ‘petty’. I’m going to be the angel on your shoulder for the rest of eternity.”
“Excuse me. Sir?” a third party spoke from behind Zachariah.
All heads turned to the stranger who interrupted this fun fest. He is a slightly older black man who had a calm look on his face.
“I’m in a meeting,” Zachariah said.
“I’m sorry. I need to speak to those three.”
“Excuse me?”
“It’s a bad time, I know, but I’m afraid I have to insist.”
“You don’t get to insist jack-squat.”
“No, you’re right. But the boss does. His orders,” he chuckled which only unnerved Zachariah.
“You’re lying,” he said uncertain.
“I wouldn’t lie about this. Look, fire me if you want. Sooner or later, he’s going to come back home and you know how he is with that whole wrath thing.”
Zachariah gave one last look at you, Sam, and Dean before turning to face the newcomer. The stranger is clearly not going to back down, and it was foolish on Zacharia’s part to challenge him. In a flutter of wings, Zachariah and his goons have gone away. Suddenly, the environment changed from a childhood house to a verdant, green garden—a conservatory. You are surrounded by the sounds of a forest. You walk down stone steps, approaching the stranger.
“This is heaven’s Garden?” Sam asked.
“It’s-it’s nice… ish. I guess,” Dean shrugged.
“You see what you want to here. For some, it’s God’s throne room; for others it’s Eden. You three, I believe it’s the Cleveland Botanical Gardens. You came here on a field trip.”
“You’re Joshua,” you concluded.
“I’m Joshua.”
“So, you talk to God.”
“Mostly, He talks to me.”
“Well, we need to speak to Him. It’s important. Where is he?” you asked.
“On Earth.”
“Earth?” You were very shocked at this.
“Doing what?” Dean cut in.
“I don’t know.”
“Do you know where on Earth?”
“No, sorry. We don’t exactly speak face-to-face.”
“I… I don’t get it. God’s not talking to nobody so…”
“—why is he talking to me,” Joshua finished for Dean. “I sometimes think it’s because I can sympathize—gardener to gardener—and, between us, I think he gets lonely.”
“Well, my heart’s breaking for him,” Dean said in a disgusted tone.
“Well, can you at least get him a message for us?” Sam asked, bringing the topic back to the important issue on hand.
“Actually, he has a message for you. Back off.”
“Excuse me?” you scoffed.
“He knows already. Everything you want to tell him. He knows what the angels are doing. He knows that the Apocalypse has begun. He just doesn’t think it’s his problem.”
“Tell me you’re joking because I am this close to kicking someone’s ass,” you growled.
“God saved you already. He put you on that plane. He brought back Castiel. He granted you salvation in heaven,” he turns to Sam, “and after everything you’ve done too. It’s more than he’s intervened in a long time. He’s finished. Magic amulet or not, you won’t be able to find him.”
“But he can stop it. He can stop all of it,” Dean stuttered.
“I suppose he could, but he won’t.”
“Why not?”
“Why does he allow evil in the first place? You could drive yourself nuts asking questions like that,” the angel shrugged.
“So he’s just going to sit back and watch the world burn?”
“I know how important this was to you, Dean. I’m sorry.”
“Forget it. Just another dead-beat dad with a bunch of excuses, right? I’m used to that. I’ll muddle through,” Dean said.
He was clearly too emotional about this, and that only added onto your guilt. He would have made a great father.
“Except… you don’t know if you can, this time. You can’t kill the Devil, and you’re losing faith in yourself, your brother, even your girlfriend, and now this?” Joshua asked, motioning to Heaven as a whole.
You were shocked at this because this is the first time you realized just how desperate and depressed Dean really is. Sure, he tells you things, but nothing like this. How could you ever tell him this now?
“God was your last hope. I just… I wish I could tell you something different.”
“How do we know you’re telling the truth?” Sam voiced his concerns.
“You think that I would lie?”
“It’s just that… you’re not exactly the first angel we’ve met.”
“I’m rooting for you three! I wish I could do more to help you, I do! But I just… trim the hedges.”
“Then what now?” you asked bitterly.
“You go home again. I’m afraid this time, won’t be like the last. This time, God wants you to remember.”
Joshua lifted his hand to send you three back to Earth, and he did so in a bright light which blinds you so much that you had to close your eyes.
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When you open them next, you can’t help but wake with a loud gasp. Shooting out of bed, you noticed you were back in your motel room, the same one in which you died. Sam and Dean are lying lifeless on their beds, and before you could go to them, they awoke in a similar fashion. Both brothers sit up and cough as they tried to get used to being alive again.
“You two alright?” you asked.
“Define alright,” Dean sighed.
He got up and snatched his phone from the bedside table. He dialed a number with his back turned to you, and you could see his back is covered in blood where the hunters shot and killed him. Within a moment, Castiel appeared in the room so that you could update him on what happened. Once finished, he looked lost and without hope. He leans against the divider while Sam and Dean pack up their gear.
“Maybe… maybe Joshua was lying,” the angel said.
“I don’t think he was, Castiel. I’m sorry,” you sighed.
Your bag was already packed since you got it packed before you were killed. Castiel walked into the light, and he was glaring at Dean harshly.
“You son of a bitch. I believed in—”
He stopped short since he couldn’t think of the right words to say. He looked above for any kind of sign, but there is nothing to be seen. He shakes his head in disappointment before pulling out the amulet that he took from Dean.
“I don’t need this anymore,” he scoffed, tossing it to Dean. “It’s worthless.”
“Castiel!” you called out, but the angel was already gone.
Dean stared at the amulet in his hands with anger and regret.
“We’ll find another way. We can still stop all this, Dean,” Sam tried saying.
“How?” the older brother asked, finally looking up.
“I don’t know, but we’ll find it. You, me, and Y/N, we’ll find it.”
Dean clearly doesn’t believe him, and you and Sam both know it. He picked up his packed bag and walks past Sam without a word. As he walks out the door, he drops the amulet in the trash. Your heart broke, but you walked over to the trash to stare at the amulet. With one look at Sam, you reached in and grabbed it since you knew this was too special to throw away.
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