#yes a lot of music was stuck in my head this week
studentbyday · 10 months
week 13/14
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src: pinterest
☕ december study challenge
(rebranding the 30 days of code x 15 day study challenge to a december study challenge bc everything i had planned is due at some point in december. i don't have to keep up a streak of days or whatever if i can't bc priorities. the aim is to just try to get the stuff done by the deadlines.)
nnnnggghhhh i wanna start the next chapter of my life already (if my life was a book, this is the point at which i would skip ahead to see what's next and spoil the story for myself, at which point @zzzzzestforlife would facepalm and rant in frustration bc she hates that i do that with pretty much every book i read 😂)
📈 study stats (30/5/30):
M: 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅 T: 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅 W: 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅 (i was literally 6 mins shy of earning my 13th tomato, but my brain was giving out and quality over quantity! 😤) Th: 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅 F: 🍅
🎒 school/cs50:
re-watch froshims section of lecture ✅
biochem discussion reply x2 (📣 c'mon it's the last assignment you can do it!! 🙌🏻) ✅
review psyc notes (weeks 3-11) ✅
watch biochem exam q&a ✅
review biochem module 4 (just started it this F but barely...instead, i cleaned and read and reacted to and journalled about the dictionary of lost words)
psyc practice exam ✅
review psyc short answer (labs) and answer sample questions ✅ (answered all except 1 question but i think i did alright on the actual exam...i don't have my marks back yet but i didn't feel completely clueless which is always a good sign 🤷🏻‍♀️)
psyc exam ✅
🩺 self-care:
no phone first thing (3h)
physio exercises ✅✅✅✅✅
journal ✅✅
wind down ✅✅✅
read fiction ✅✅✅✅✅
🎶 apparition de giselle - adolphe adam / nutcracker - tchaikovsky / chopin's op. 10 études (these are just the 1st 4 études, they're not perfect but when it comes to chopin's études, her's are my interpretations 🥰)
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apocalypseornaw · 6 months
What's Mine
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Dean Winchester x Reader
You and Dean have been tiptoeing around each other for weeks until you run into your ex on a hunt and Dean makes it a point to let it be known he isn't giving up what's his..you
The breath was knocked out of you when your back hit the dirt, Dean's body on top of yours was a familiar weight and he'd somehow supported your head to keep your neck from slamming at a weird angle when the two of you landed.
“You ok?” He asked breathlessly and you managed a smile “Had worse” you felt the heat of the flame from the open grave hit your side and knew Sam had torched the bones. Good thing too that damn ghost had tossed you and Dean both like a frigging ragdoll.
“You two good?” Sam called out and Dean who was still currently on top of you smirked “Been in a lot worse positions” you rolled your eyes and shoved him in the chest “Shut up and get off me Winchester” he got to his feet and helped you to yours before grabbing his chest playfully “Oh come on sweetheart. You're killing me here. You know you want me”
You felt your face warm at his teasing. Did you want him? Hell yes, who wouldn't? Did you have no clue where he stood due to months of flirting, light touches and getting so comfortable with each other you regularly ended up in each other's beds if one of you had a bad night.
“Oh yes. Let me ravage you in the middle of this graveyard covered in dirt and ectoplasm” you shot back and he grinned “Oh I'd take ya anyway I could have ya” you rolled your eyes and walked over to the grave where Sam was already filling in the hole and picked up a shovel. Dean joined the two of you and in no time the grave was back covered.
You looked from Sam to Dean “I need a shower” you announced only to be met with Sam saying he needed food and Dean saying he needed a drink. You laughed “There's a bar not far from our hotel. Sign boasted the best wings as voted by some traveling foodie. Let's hit the showers then we can grab some food and a few drinks before we hit the hay”
Dean grinned “That's my girl” and Sam shook his head “You two need to get a room” Sam was sick of the little dance you and Dean were stuck in as much as you were but you refused to make the first move. You knew how Dean was when it came to commitment.
You'd known both brothers for years and had started hunting with them full time after Bobby died then moved into the bunker full time after your last breakup.Sam was your best friend. You loved them both and refused to let your feelings for Dean come between that. He'd eventually make his feelings known, wouldn't he?
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You walked in the bar between Sam and Dean, feeling Dean's hand at your lower back. It was a habit he'd long since started doing. Whether it was when the three of you were on a hunt, you went to the grocery store with him or something as simple as walking in a bar. When you'd asked him about it hoping he'd use the opportunity to admit anything he'd instead told you that he just liked to keep a hand on you. Something about in public places it keeping any pervs from thinking about looking your way.
You tried to ignore the instinct to lean into his touch. Was it possible he didn't want you like you wanted him? Maybe he really did just see you as a good friend and you were reading too much into things.
Dean felt your back tense under his hand as Sam cleared the way to a booth on the back wall. “You good sweetheart?” He asked, leaning down so you could hear him over the music. You nodded but didn't give a verbal response. He was sure he'd blocked your head from taking a blow but maybe your back or ribs had taken a hit you hadn't admitted to?
He'd make a point to ask you before all of you settled down for the night back at the hotel.
He watched as you sat down on one of the benches then looked between him and Sam “Who's going to the bar?” He raised his hand slightly “you want your usual?” You nodded “Yes please” when you gave him a small smile he felt one slip onto his face in return but didn't miss Sam rolling his eyes. His little brother had been on his ass for weeks. The last threat had been “If you don't make a move I'm gonna start hitting on her for you. It's pathetic man”
After Sam had eaten an extraordinary amount of wings for his usual appetite and you and Dean had split an order of mozzarella sticks you had gotten up to go to the bathroom. Normally one or both of them would walk you and wait outside the door but this once you'd convinced them to let you go alone.
When you got back out of the bathroom you saw that both of them had gone to the bar so you headed that way. You were almost to them when you heard a voice call your name you froze dead in your tracks, you'd recognize that voice anywhere. Your ex boyfriend Dominic.
The same ex boyfriend who'd broken up with you because “Ain't no way you're not sleeping with one of the Winchesters. They've never made a habit of working with any other hunter with the exception of Bobby yet you're always welcome to join them”
You turned to see him walking towards you. He was a fairly good looking guy. He was about six foot, dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. You'd been hurt when he accused you but now there was a whole different level to that hurt considering it seemed the Winchester that you did now have feelings for would never want you.
“Hey Dom” you greeted with a smile. “How ya been?” He asked and you shrugged “You know the life, still breathing so I'd call it a win”
Sam knew you should be out of the bathroom by now. He had hoped Dean would use the night out to admit his feelings. He turned to look around for you and spotted you talking to someone, no not someone your ex. That was Dominic. This should be interesting.
He glanced at Dean, trying to consider if he wanted to do this or not but then he saw your shoulders tense and knew you well enough to know when you needed a rescue. “Isn't that Dom?” He asked if off handedly but Dean spun around fast enough a few people looked their way. “Yeah it is”
The muscle in Dean's jaw was clenched hard watching you talk to your ex and Sam knew it was now or never. “She doesn't look too comfortable. Maybe one of us should go over there?” He stood like he was going to but Dean grabbed his shoulder “Let me”
What had started off as friendly enough turned not so friendly the moment Dom noticed Sam and Dean at the bar “Which one is it?” “Which one is what?” You asked because you honestly had no idea what he meant. “Which Winchester are you fucking?”
Before you could open your mouth to respond you felt a strong set of arms slip around your waist and heard Dean's voice say “That would be me. Why? You got a problem with it?” You cut your eyes up at him so he used that moment to bring one hand up to cup your chin and when his lips met yours the entire bar could've caught fire for all you cared.
You'd thought of kissing Dean so many times, dreamt of it but good lord the real thing couldn't be described. He rolled his tongue against yours, exploring your mouth and letting you taste the bourbon he'd drank. His hand moved to the back of your head, holding you in place as he deepened the kiss. You felt heat roll through your stomach as he pulled away from you leaving another light kiss on your lips before turning his eyes back to Dom.
“What was the issue of who she's with? Didn't you break up with her?” You could hear the venom in Dean's voice and felt his arms tighten around you protectively. This was new.
Dom shrugged “Yeah I broke up with her because I figured either you or your brother was fucking her” his eyes slid down to you then back up to Dean before he added “Or both of ya”
You felt Dean tense and knew you needed to diffuse the situation. Dom was strong, yeah but Dean was on an entire different level. He could easily kill him and not break a sweat. You gripped Dean's arms to stop him from moving “Baby,let's get Sammy and leave” you hoped you using a pet name for him that you normally wouldn't might get through his head.
He nodded “Yeah. Let's get back to the hotel” he slipped his arms from around you and grabbed your hand instead, lacing his fingers with yours. You took a few steps away and thought that was it, that Dom would use what brain cells he had and let it go. Instead he said “Does she still make that little sound right before she…”
He didn't get a chance to finish the sentence. Dean had dropped your hand and landed a solid punch before you could blink. Fuck. “SAM!” You shouted over the quickly growing crowd.
You didn't want to get close enough to get caught in the crosshair. Dean would be careful of you but add in enough drunks and adrenaline and accidents happen. “I got him” You heard Sam's voice before you saw him grab Dean's shoulder, ducking the thrown punch “C'mon he ain't worth it”
Dean looked up and met your gaze. You saw him take a deep breath then nod. “Yeah let's go” he reached for your hand and you gave it to him. Sam handed the nearest waitress a few twenties but by that time some drunks had helped Dom to his feet. He was holding his broken nose “So i was right. She's been fucking you”
You squeezed Dean's hand, silently begging him to not be baited. He pulled you into his side then turned to face Dom. “If I would've had her in my bed back then she would've kicked you to the curb long before you split and for the record she doesn't make any small noise with me” you felt your face warm when a chorus of “Ooohhs” went through the bar.
You spotted the bouncer headed in your direction and Dean must have too because he waved towards the door “I'm leaving. I'm leaving. This asshole needed to learn some manners”
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The short ride to the motel had been in silence. You followed Sam into the room and headed for the door adjoining your room to theirs.
You felt Dean grab your hand before you made it to the door “Can we talk?” You cut your eyes at Sam then nodded “Yeah. Come on” you walked into your room and waited until you heard Dean close the door to turn and face him.
“I'm sorry you were put in that position to have to defend me” You blurted out and he looked stunned for a minute then shook his head “I'm not. That guy's a fucking asshole. He never deserved you” you smiled slightly “Helluva punch and helluva kiss”
He smirked “I meant it” “The punch?” You asked and he rolled his eyes “The kiss you brat” you grinned “Oh really? What about the she doesn't make any small sound with me part?”
He pushed off the door, walking towards you with almost a predatory look. The same thing that made demons run the opposite direction had the ability to make your knees weak in the best way. “That sounds like you're doubting my abilities sweetheart?” You shrugged nonchalantly despite your heart pounding in your throat “Not like you've made a move to show me your abilities”
He stopped just shy of touching you “Let me make myself clear if we do this that's it. You're mine, I'm yours. I don't want one night or just sex. I want all of you” “Good” you replied and that was all it took. He closed the space between you and if you thought the kiss in the bar was something it had nothing compared to the way his lips crashed against yours in a bruising, hungry kiss.
He backed you up to the bed and the moment the back of your legs hit it he eased you back on it, never breaking the kiss even as he hovered over you. Once the need for air forced you apart his lips moved across your jaw then down your neck “I've wanted you for so long” he spoke against your skin and you practically melted on the spot. “I'm yours Dean. I've been yours” you whispered and he groaned “Gonna be the death of me”
His hands gripped your shirt and before you could protest he ripped it right down the middle bearing your covered breasts to him. He bit down on one of them and when you moaned and arched your back he slipped his hands under you to relieve you of the bra as well, throwing it across the room. He looked down at you and the look in his eyes made your heart flip “You're so damn beautiful” he murmured before crashing his lips against yours again.
Your hands found his shirt so he broke the kiss long enough to slip it off and throw it, giving you access to his skin. Your hands smoothed over his chest, tracing the tattoo and small scars littered around it that even angelic healing didn't get rid of.
“I need more of you, please” he begged and you fucking whimpered hearing Dean Winchester sound that wrecked. “You have all of me Dean” you whispered and he left another searing kiss against your lips before moving down your body.
He slipped your boots off along with your jeans then panties leaving you bare to him before settling between your legs. He didn't give you time to adjust before his mouth found your core. The first lick was tentative, testing but when your hips bucked up into him he damn near growled before pinning your lower body down with one arm and diving in like a man starved.
You were quivering under Dean. He'd already worked one orgasm out of you with his tongue alone and now had added two fingers into you as well. You were so close to that edge again and damn him he knew just what you needed. He turned his wrist to find that spot deep inside of you, running his fingertips over it as he sucked your clit into his mouth and you came again with a scream of his name on your lips.
Once you came down from that high you shoved weakly at his head “Please Dean, too much” he left one final kiss against your clit before leaning back to grin up at you “Worth the wait?” You nodded weakly “Please take your pants off and get up here”
He stood and slipped his boots, jeans and boxers off before crawling up your body, kissing and licking every inch of skin he could on the way up. When he crashed his lips against yours you could taste yourself on him and felt yourself clench especially when he moved to your neck to work your pulse point with his tongue and teeth.
“Dean, I will return the favor next time but please get inside me” He grinned against your skin “Yes ma'am” you felt the head of his cock teasing at your entrance and rolled your hips up towards him. He slid in slowly, a low moan leaving you both at the feeling of him stretching you.
Once you adjusted to his size you tapped his shoulder “You can move” he gave a thrust and when your hands went to his shoulders, nails digging in, he groaned “That's my girl” before setting a punishing pace.
You were folded damn near in half, your legs on Dean's shoulders as he pounded into you. You felt tears forming in the corner of your eyes from being pushed to that delicious line between pleasure and pain.
Your legs were shaking, your whole body felt like it was made of liquid. You'd never had this many orgasms fucked out of you and it seemed like he was aiming for one more before he let himself come. “Dean please. I can't take any more” you begged and he kissed your cheek “One more baby. Please. You've got one more for me”
His fingers slipped between you, rubbing tight circles on your clit and you felt that pressure burst again,your vision going soft from the pleasure coursing through you. His thrusts started getting uneven and you knew he was close. “Fuck Dean. You feel so damn amazing. Please come for me, fill me up” you sobbed, fucked senseless.
He groaned,burying his face in your neck as he gave one final hard thrust and you felt when he came deep inside of you.
He slowly eased your legs down but stayed inside of you as you both worked to get your breathing back to normal. When he pulled out he apologized at the low whine you gave before going to grab a warm rag to clean you both up.
After he was sure you were cleaned up and didn't need anything else he climbed into bed next to you and pulled you over on his chest. “No regrets on wanting me?” He asked and you felt your heart jump at the uncertainty in his voice despite having just fucked you senseless. You leaned up to look up at him “Why? You already sick of me?” You teased and his eyes narrowed “Don't even woman”
You laughed lightly “I'm sure Dean. You're who I want” “Good, because I'd hate to have to kill anyone who tried to take you from me” you shook your head “Not happening Winchester. You're stuck with me” He pulled you back on his chest and left a kiss on your head before saying “I've been stuck in a lot worse positions than having you in my arms”
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luveline · 10 months
hi bae, just wondering if you could write something like roommate!marauders and reader with anxiety where everytime one of them goes out she gets really worried that’s somethings gonna happen to them and waits up for them and just feels like a burden when she calls to make sure they’re alright and just general anxiety things and them being so sweet about it
love u
love u too♡
cw death related anxiety
“Hey, Remus?” you ask tentatively. 
Your housemate lays across the sofa with his dinner half eaten on the coffee table and a book tented on his chest. He's ignoring both in favour of the television, a rerun of Family Fortunes turning the sofa cushions and his pale skin a light blue. 
He drags his blue-tinged gaze from the subtitles to your frowning. “What's wrong?” he asks. You're surprised he heard you over the sound of Sirius’ stereo echoing down the stairs. 
“Where did James say he was going?” 
“I think he said he'd be at the gym for an hour now he's not in work. Want me to call him?” 
“Why would you call him?” you ask, instead of saying yes, please, like you want to. 
“You're worrying again.” 
They know how you are. It doesn't mean they have to understand —it isn't logical to think James is hurt because he hasn't been home today yet, and none of them are required to humour you in your worry, but they always do. 
You feel sick as he takes his phone from his pocket. You've convinced yourself that James is dead, that his car curled around a bend too quickly on the drive in the rain, or that something happened at the gym, or that he never made it there at all, had a fit in the car park outside of work. Even as you think it, you know it's implausible, unlikely, just a repetitive negative anxiety worming its way into your head, but you can't make it stop. 
James doesn't answer the first time, which doesn't help, and then when he does answer the second time you're waiting for bad news. Remus smiles as he talks. “Hello? Jamie?”
James doesn't need speak phone to be heard. “Remus! I'm at the gym, what's happening?”
Remus wrinkles his nose. “What's happening? Since when do you say that?”
“What's up?” James corrects. “I'm on my way out of the gym, can you talk? You can keep me company while I drive.” 
Remus holds out the phone to you. 
“Remus?” James asks into the room. You take the phone before he can hang up, and decide to be honest, but the words get stuck like toffee between your teeth. “Hello?” 
“Hey,” you say, sending Remus a grateful look. He moves over to make room on settee for you, and his arm wraps familiarly around your shoulders as you settle in. He turns his attention back to his show. 
“Oh my god hey, angel. Remus okay?” 
“I was making him ring you, sorry. I thought… you know what I'm like. It's getting late and you aren't home, and I know I don't have the right to pester you about where you are.”
“Yeah you do,” James says, his voice louder, like his mouth is very close to the microphone. “Course you do. I'd worry too if you weren't home yet.” 
“I do this all the time, though.”
Just last week he and Sirius were out late and you'd panicked that they'd both been hurt. You stayed up until almost one in the morning waiting for them to get home from a music shop in the city, each minute after eleven like a shot of ice water in your veins. Sirius jumped when he saw you waiting in the living room, but then he'd given you a hug and rubbed at your shoulders roughly. You didn't wait up for us, did you? 
“It's worse lately, yeah?” James asks. You hum non-committal, and Remus gives you a squeeze in typical Remus fashion. You hadn't even realised he was listening, but his support makes this easier. “You're worrying about us more.”
“Yeah,” you say. “I don't know why. And it sucks because I know it's making me a lot to deal with.” 
“I would one thousand percent prefer it if you rang me then sat there worrying. That would make me feel better. And Remus and Sirius feel the same way, okay? We could all stand to ring each other a bit more anyways.” 
You rub your nose into your hand. “Sorry,” you mumble. 
“There's no need to be. I love you, ‘n I just want you to be happy. If a phone call can make that happen then why shouldn't you do it? And it's not like they're a big imposition, I like talking to you. We all do.”
James is home from the gym what could only be ten minutes later, and he leans over the back of the settee to kiss your forehead chasely. “Here we are, all safe and well.” 
“You haven't seen Sirius yet,” Remus points out.
“I can bloody well hear him. What is he listening to? Is that U2?” James shakes his head in disgust. “I can see why you were so worried I wasn't coming home. Let me go put a stop to that immediately.” 
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xoxochb · 1 month
⋆·˚ ༘ * hey stephen!!
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warnings: none pairing: luke castellan x daughter of apollo a/n: the ending is a little rushed but I was on a time limit here 😣
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It was an undeniable fact that Luke Castellan was the heartthrob of camp. Girls (and boys too) from various cabins take their chances on the Hermes cabin counselor. Yet to your surprise they got turned down everytime, even the most beautiful from cabin ten. You wondered many times why Luke never went out with anyone but it never bothered you. You were hopeful that the spark you saw when he was around you meant he liked you but your chances were slim, you must be delusional to think such a thing
Although out of all the girls who tried tossing rocks at his windows, or grasping his attention in any way you were the one waiting even when it was cold. And you were the one he always let in. Mostly this makes you think that you might never be alone because you know Luke will never turn down an opportunity to be alone with you- or even with people around- it doesn’t matter because he’ll go out of his way (occasionally discarding camp duties) to get to spend sometimes even a minute with you
Tonight however Luke wasn’t in sight. The nightly campfires were one of your favorite actives in camp- possibly getting to take the number one spot- and today you would be singing a song you had spent the past weeks creating. Usually you would let your siblings take over the musical part of the evening but on this night you decided to bring out your guitar to play your new melody. You wrote this specific song- and you were too embarrassed to tell anyone- for Luke, so when you’re in this current predicament it worried you that he wouldn’t be here to listen to it.
What worried you the most was that Luke never missed campfires. Occasionally with you, yes, but never alone which is why you suspect he’s run off with a girl perhaps. You knew those other girls were beautiful- and your looks couldn’t compare- but would they write a song for him? Probably not.
You sigh and turn to Will Solace on your left. “Have you seen Luke?”
Will ponders for a moment before answering, “He stopped by our cabin right after you left, said he was looking for you”
“And where did he go after?”
Will shrugs. “Away”
You scoff and slap his head. “Don’t be stupid”
He attempts to swat your hand away but you stand up before he can do anything. “I’m going to look for him, I’ll be back”
You feel as though you’ve walked for ages. But maybe because you don’t walk much makes a few steps seem like a lot. The first place you checked was cabin seven, just making sure Luke wasn’t still lingering awaiting your arrival. Next you checked cabin eleven, nothing there either. You looked at the dining pavilion, the lake, the campfire- again- to check he was indeed not there, the forest, which admitted you did not search thoroughly because it was horrifying at night
You’re stuck standing in the absolute middle of nowhere, how you got there was a mystery. You sit on the grass in defeat and as you ponder you feel tiny drops of water falling onto your head, thanks a lot Zeus!
Now you have to find your way back out of this stupid forest in the rain. You stand up before it starts pouring, and admitted you may have shed some tears. You turn left, and the back right, absolutely no clue where you came from. You’re lucky for your godly roots because you were given the ability to radiate a bright light from your very own body, thanks dad!
You can’t help but wish more for Luke at this very moment. Whenever it rained he would cover you up to assure you wouldn’t get wet, even if it meant that he would be soaked. You turn off your light for a moment, a second to recharge your drained energy. You allow yourself to take a deep breath before taking on step, bumping into a figure before you
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. That was my fault” the figure says. And you know that voice, you might even go as far as to say you know it better than anyone. In the moonlight you see the face you’ve searched for
“Where the hell have you been, Luke? I’ve been looking for you all over!”
“I’ve been looking for you all over!” Luke explains
“What?” You say in disbelief “Will said you came looking for me, I was at the campfire by then, why weren’t you there?”
“Well he didn’t tell me that! All he told me was that you left and usually you never go to the fire that early so I thought you came to my cabin to look for me, but I went there you I didn’t see you so I went all the way to the fire and you weren’t here either so I asked Will and he said you just left to look for me!”
You run a hand through your hair. “Oh my gods you’re telling me we’ve both been looking all over like crazy people for each other?”
“I guess so”
you sigh. “Well, why were you looking for me?”
“I wanted to walk with you to the campfire”
“But we always just meet there?”
Luke’s cheeks turn pink. “I wanted to talk to you”
Oh no. Was he going to confess his undying love for you? Or are you just a silly hopeless romantic who feeds into every delusion?
“About what?”
Luke’s nervous demeanor worries you. Was he doing something bad? Did he do something bad? Is he suicidal? Is he in love? Is he getting kicked out of camp? Oh no, oh no! You take one of his hands in yours to calm both you and Luke at once
“It’s nothing, forget it”
You squint your eyes at him. “You’re lying”
“I am not”
“When you said you wanted to talk to me your body language was a clear sign that you knew just what you wanted to say. I know a lie when I see one”
“It’s raining, this isn’t the best setting”
“Well I like the rain, so speak”
“I saw the paper, the one with your song. Will told me you wrote it about me”
that little bitch
“I mean, yes, I did. But it was never clear who it was written about”
“I read it myself”
Your cheeks mirror Luke’s. “So what if I wrote it about you? You’re my best friend, you know this”
“Do you write love songs about all your best friends?”
“It was not a love song!”
“I believe the terms ‘angel’ ‘love’ ‘kiss’ and ‘perfect’ were all used”
You drop Luke’s hand. “So I exaggerated things a little bit”
Luke takes the paper from his pocket, the rain washing it away almost instantly but he manages to point out every part of the song referring to being in love
“Why are you obsessed with this?”
“Nobody’s ever written a song for me before-” he sighs “let alone the girl I’m in love with”
You’re unsure how to react to such a display of romantic attraction. Do you run away? Do you tell him you like him back? Do you stay silent? Do you ignore him? Is this the part where you kiss?
You do know, however that Luke looks almost ethereal in the rain, an odd observation but you’d admit it’s very true. The silence takes over the moment, almost awkward because you haven’t replied yet- but in your defense what are you supposed to reply? You’ve only seen love confessions in movies and books and they are much better and easier than the real thing you can now confirm
“What about the other girls?” You decide on asking
“There are no ‘other girls’ there’s only been you”
You have no clue what you’re doing. You don’t know if this is the right approach, but you can’t find it in yourself to care because before you know it your arms are wrapped around Luke’s neck, his finding their way around your waist- and equally both your lips connecting. And even in the cold rain you can’t help but feel warm
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Long idea so bare with me. You are a college student (fem pov) and you and you family are visiting your uncle for the summer. Your uncle just happenes to be JY Park (JYP) so you go to South Korea and that’s when you meet the group your uncle owns… stray kids. Now your dad really wants you to go on a date with one of them but you think that stray kids are actually stuck up and entitled so your like nope.your like ya there very fucking hot but…Then you get to know them and there not just hot as hell (and horny) but also good people. But your angry at your father so you don’t want to do what he asked but stray kids are so hot, so you sneak out to there dorm to do some not so kid friendly stuff if you get my drift. You can build on from that but that’s just an idea. Love your stuff <3 keep writing!
Wow hi! I was so shocked (and happy!) to get this ask. It was a little daunting, but I actually really enjoyed working on it. So thank you:) I hope you end up seeing this, Anon!
Comments: This is part one in what will likely be an ongoing series in which the reader will eventually be involved with all 8 members, but for now, we're starting with Seungmin and Hyunjin.
Rating: Explicit/18+
WC: 7.5k
“Can you at least pretend you’re happy to be here?” Your mom is giving you the look again. “Jin-Young said he wants to take you to his company. Maybe he can give you a summer internship, so you’ll still have something to put on your resume.” 
“Ah yes,” you sigh and roll your eyes. You know that JYPE is a huge company with great artists, but you also know from experience that idols aren’t your cup of tea. Working there doesn’t sound like a great time. “Nothing like some good ole nepotism to boost your resume. Plus, I’m not even majoring in anything related to the music business.”
“Well honey, if you’re determined to be upset about this, then it’s not going to be a good summer.” She pats you on the shoulder, signaling that the conversation is over. “I just hope you’ll try to keep an open mind.”
The next day, after breakfast with your parents and uncle, you all head to JYPE. JYP gives you all a small tour, introducing you to the different groups currently in the practice rooms. The last group you meet is Stray Kids. Like the others, they immediately stop what they’re doing to come greet your uncle. Standing in a line like that, glistening from the sweat of their hard work; you stare shamelessly. You’ve seen a few of their videos, so you already knew they looked good. They’re even hotter in person. Even more so, because they aren’t cookie cutter copies of each other; they each have unique features that catch your eye. Still, you know what tends to hide behind pretty faces and hot bodies, so you don’t plan on thinking about them much once you leave this room.
JYP introduces you, and you’re met with the same fake, polite greeting from each of them. Then he throws a curveball. “So my niece will be spending a lot of time with you in the next few weeks; take good care of her.”
You try not to look too shocked and shoot a glance at your mom. She gives you a smile and a shrug as if this isn’t totally her doing. As your uncle begins discussing something with a couple members and your dad, you take her to the side to talk privately. 
“Mom! I’m going to be ‘spending time’ with them? Doing what? I told you I didn’t need a pity internship!” You whisper-shout as soon as you’re sure no one will hear you.
“Oh, you’re being a bit dramatic.” She shakes her head at you. “This will be a good experience for you! It’ll even relate to your major; you’re going to be helping them with their English, kinda like a tutor. Your future students are going to think you’re so cool being related to JYP; you’ll be able to bond with them even better when you can tell them you’ve worked with their favorite idols.”
She’s not entirely wrong, but you still don’t love the idea. Idols are the worst.
Soon it’s time for the guys to get back to practice, and your family’s tour ends in JYP’s office. Along the way, your dad gushes over Stray Kids, and you try not to look annoyed. You learn that SKZ is getting ready for their next world tour and some of them are feeling like they need to get back into the habit of speaking English so they can feel more confident interacting with their fans. 
“I was happy when your mother asked if there was anything for you to do around here. I think it’ll be a good way for you to stay busy and make friends while you’re here in Korea. And of course, we’ll get to spend so much more time together if you’re here in the building every day.” Your uncle looks so pleased; you don’t want to bring him down.
“I look forward to it.” You hope your smile doesn’t look as fake as it feels. “I really appreciate you giving me this opportunity.”
In the car on your way home, your dad kind of shocks you. “Honey, I think you should go on a date with one of those boys. Jin-Young speaks so highly of them, and they’re very polite and intelligent. Just the kind of boy we’d be happy to see you with.”
Your mom agrees immediately. “And they’re so talented! After I talked to my brother about your internship, I watched a few of their music videos. Not to mention, they’re all quite easy on the eyes.” 
“I don’t care how cute they are, mom!” Though you certainly wouldn’t kick any of them out of bed. “I would never date any of them.”
“Just think about it, honey.” Your dad isn’t going to let this go. “See how you feel after spending a few days working with them.”
The next day, you show up to JYPE bright and early, wishing you were still in bed and dreading the day you’re about to spend with a bunch of hot assholes. When you arrive at the studio they’re starting out in, half the group is already there. Their leader, Bang Chan, greets you immediately and gestures for you to sit on the couch in the back of the room. The others are so engrossed in each other that they don’t even seem to notice you.
“So as you may know, Felix and I are also fluent in English since we’re both from Australia. The rest of the kids have various levels of fluency and confidence in their skills.” You have to actively remind yourself not to swoon over his accent. “It’ll be helpful to have another person to speak casually with and maybe correct pronunciation on some words. Sometimes they have questions about little grammar things, so they may ask you. I think that’s all? That sound okay to you?”
“Yeah, sounds fine.” Anything else you might say is lost when four rowdy guys walk in the studio. They’re laughing and a couple of them start yelling. This might be a long day. One of them - you probably should’ve made sure you knew who was who before coming today - starts handing out iced coffee to the ones who were here first. He surprises you by handing you one as well. “Oh, thank you! You didn’t have to get me anything.”
He gives you a big smile. Those dimples are dangerous. “You’re welcome! We didn’t want to leave you out.” 
His accent is cute, too. Which one is he? You’re about to try to run through their names in your head when Bang Chan claps his hands and yells, “Alright!”
The eight of them are suddenly lining up in front of you. After a ‘1, 2’ from Bang Chan, in unison, they say, “Step out. Hello, we are Stray Kids.” You weren’t expecting the full greeting like this again.  
“We know that this was kind of sprung on you, so we thought it would be a good idea to introduce ourselves again. So I am Bang Chan, though you can just call me Chan, or Chris, if you want.” Chan gestures to the guy next to him, and they sound off from there. You’ve got all their names down now. Though, of course it’s all stage names (for those who don't go by their first names), which feels a bit like keeping you at arm's length. Hopefully talking with them won’t be too annoying, but you’re worried about the idea of just hanging out with them all day; there’s only so much time you’re willing to spend with a bunch of douchebags.
Chan calls for Hyunjin to head into the recording booth, then sends Lee Know and I.N, the one with the coffee, over to talk with you. They somewhat awkwardly ask you to go over the pronunciation of the English lines they’ll be recording today; these two must be the ones least comfortable with English. Still, they do well. And as much as you hated that your mom landed you with this ‘job,’ you have to admit that this is actually a worthwhile way to spend your time. It is the kind of experience that would look good while applying for teaching jobs in the future. 
After a fair amount of practice, Lee Know heads to the recording booth, and I.N goes to join a couple of the other guys. You think Han is coming to talk to you, but he just flops over on the couch for a nap. So you’re back to just awkwardly sitting in a room full of dudes that are ignoring you. Great.
As the session goes on, you marvel at the way they work. They work so hard, recording and re-recording again and again until they’re satisfied. You do end up having conversations with most of them, mostly about their album and whichever of them was currently in the booth. Seeing their passion, you start to feel like they might not be as stuck up as you were thinking; they’re just focused and dedicated.
You dip out after recording; your uncle asked you to come have an early lunch with him. By the time you return to Stray Kids, they’re in a large practice room. Once again, you’re sitting on a couch in the back of the room, just watching them interact, feeling like a piece of the furniture. 
When the music starts, you look up from your phone and… damn. They all can dance really well. Like it’s hard for you to pick out the main dancers at first. 
They’re all lip syncing or singing along quietly as they move through the steps, then Han starts full out singing. You thought most idols struggled to sing when they dance like this; that’s why they play their tracks during their concerts. He sounds phenomenal, though, nearly as good as he did in the recording booth. And he sets off the others, every other line someone sings it out loud, and once again they all do it so well. Maybe you know less about idols than you thought. 
When they finish Chan comes over with a cocky grin on his face. “What did you think?”
With dimples like that and that accent, you know he must be insufferable. Still, he hasn’t given you a reason to be rude. “It was super cool. I didn’t expect to enjoy watching you practice so much. You’re all such great dancers.”
You were too complimentary; you can tell by the way he puffs up. You see the two behind him smile and fistbump, and decide you don’t need to stick around for the douchiness to come out. “Anyway, I’m gonna head out, unless you guys will need me again?”
Chan nods, and with that you’re out the door.
As the week goes on, you realize you shouldn’t have taken such a hard stance with your parents. They check in every evening, asking about how working with ‘those cute boys’ was and which one you think you might want to go out with so your mom can set it up with JYP. Every day you insist that you’re not at all interested in stuck up idols, and every day you feel like you’re lying more and more. 
You’ve had the opportunity to witness a lot while you’ve been with Stray Kids. They invite you to lunch and to watch practices in your off time, and you’re not going to pass up getting free meals and witnessing the beauty of their movement. With that, you’re around them when they’re not in work mode as well, seeing how kind and conscientious they are. They seem to truly care for the staff around them; they’re constantly doing things for each other and basically everyone else. They start opening up to you; you hear the way they talk about their fans, their families, their staff. And they’re very good to you, too - always treating you, making sure you’re comfortable and have anything you want/need. It turns out that they are truly the nicest guys; and if it’s not genuine, you don’t know what is. 
When you walk into the studio the next morning, you’re pulled into an unexpected hug. Felix gives you that big smile of his. “Good morning! I hope you don’t mind that we’re starting a little early today.” 
You return it readily. “Good morning! Honestly, it’s not too bad. I usually have early classes, so this feels normal.”
You go to sit on the couch and wait to find out exactly what you’ll need to do while you watch the present members. Felix is clearly the biggest morning person; he’s like a little flame, giving sparks to each member he speaks to, and you can see them brightening in his wake. After a few minutes, Chan comes in with Seungmin. He gives you a wave, but goes to sit by Changbin and immediately starts discussing their schedule for the session. Seungmin approaches you instead, handing you an iced latte - he got your order just right.
“Oh thank you, you didn’t have to do that.”
“Of course, we wanted to thank you for changing things up for us today.” His English accent is so cute, and he’s incredibly attentive. And you love talking with him most. “Channie Hyung asked me to give you the low-down.” 
Like the first day, Chan thought it would be nice to have you talk through pronunciations for Lee Know, I.N, Hyunjin, and Seungmin’s lines while the others are recording. You’re pretty sure that they could get this done without you easily, but you like having this time with them now. They’ve started relaxing a bit, working casual conversation into their time with you.
Even when you’re working with one of the other guys, Seungmin tends to sit with you, both double checking little things and helping you to direct them. His presence is comforting and welcome, often with his arm draped behind you over the back of the couch, occasionally brushing his hand against your shoulder or back.
By Friday, you feel like you have a much better understanding of the guys. You’ve seen their more serious sides and their sillier sides. And their flirty, kinda dirty sides. You’ve gotten glimpses of this over the course of last week, but it’s like the gloves came off today. It’s not even just flirting with each other. All day they all make sure to send quippy innuendos your way and make some kind of unnecessary physical contact with you, and you don’t hate it. You actually kind of love it. 
3Racha go to work in their smaller studio, while you head to a practice room with the rest, and things take a slightly spicier turn. After a few run-throughs of different aspects of the choreography, Lee Know turns to you. “Wanna try it out?”
You’re not much of a dancer, but you figure what the hell, no harm in trying. You try to follow his steps as he counts them out, and even though you’re doing pretty well, Lee Know directs Hyunjin to give you a little extra support. With Hyunjin close behind you, placing light touches on your hips, your arms, your shoulders, it gets harder to focus on what you’re doing. When you’ve gone through the steps, they compliment you on the way you move.
“You could be a little looser in the hips, though. It’ll help all the moves flow more smoothly.” Hyunjin gets behind you again, this time with his front pressed to your back, his hands landing firmly on your hips. He applies slight pressure to encourage you to follow along with the sway of his hips. You nearly shiver when he whispers into your ear, “I like the way your hips move with mine.”
You have a moment like that with each of them. You try not to let it get to your head, but with each touch and insinuation, you’re falling into fantasies with each of them. When they break the group up further for more individual practice, Lee Know takes your hand.
“Come to my practice room for a bit?” He lets go when you take a step after him, giving you a coy smile. When you get into the small room, he indicates that you should take a seat facing him. Then he’s kneeling in front of you so that you’re looking down into his beautiful, brown eyes for once. His hand rests on your knee for balance, rubbing his thumbs back and forth absently. You start to think about what it would be like if he leaned in and his hands moved up your legs… The thought cuts off when he speaks again, an interesting gleam in his eyes. “So I’ll sing once through, if you notice anything you can make a note. Then I’ll sing again and you can stop me when I make a mistake.”
You want nothing more than to sit and listen to him sing for hours on end. His voice is amazing. You grab the pad and pen from the table next to you. “Of course!”
For the next hour or so, Lee Know - Minho, he told you you could call him that - sings for you, and you sing his praises. It is incredible. His voice – he himself – is so beautiful. He very gracefully takes your critiques and works hard to get things perfect. 
The rest of the day is much the same, really just hanging out with the guys and watching them work, sometimes with all eight of them, other times in smaller groups. All of them continue to flirt, making you more and more interested in spending time with them outside of work hours. As you’re heading out for the day, Seungmin catches up with you.
“Would you wanna grab a coffee with me later?”
You try not to smile too big. “That’d be great. Just tell me when and where.”
When you get home, you’re already going over your plan to meet Seungmin at the cafe near his dorm. You’re so immersed in thoughts of him, you nearly run into your mom.
She asks the usual questions and you give the usual answers. 
“Honey, I really do think you should consider letting your uncle set you up with one of those boys. You say you’re not having fun at this internship, but your mood seems up. It might be good for you.”
You can’t believe she was right, but you’re not gonna let her know that. So you lie. “That doesn’t have anything to do with a bunch of idols. I met a girl who works in the cafeteria who’s cool, though. I’m actually meeting her at a cafe in a little bit.”
She’s happy that you’re making friends and leaves you to get ready. You throw on a top that tastefully shows off your cleavage paired with cute, comfy flowy shorts that could probably cover your ass a little better. You feel a little bad going behind her back, but your parents would be insufferable if they learned that you were interested in them. 
When you get to the cafe, Seungmin is waiting outside, two coffees in hand. Unfortunately, you can’t see his smile behind the mask, but he does look good despite it. 
“Hi, thanks! Were you wanting to sit outside?”
His ears look a little pink; you worry that he’s got bad news. “I actually was hoping you’d want to take a walk. Maybe to the dorm to hang out with the guys? It’s completely fine if you don’t.”
You think about it less than you should before agreeing. If you took a moment, you’d think it sounds like a set up for something more. Actually, you might still have agreed. 
He takes your hand and after a short walk you reach the Cuties Dorm, as they call it, but all of the other members are there. When you walk into the living room, you’re greeted by shouts from each of them and what’s become the usual hug from Felix, that literal ball of sunshine. This time his arms linger around you a bit longer as he tells you he’s happy you decided to come.
As you settle on the couch between Seungmin and Hyunjin; the former sits a little closer than necessary, leaning into you, while the latter throws his arm around your shoulders with his hand gently kneading into the nape of Seungmin’s neck. You revel in their closeness. You all hang out for a while together; they tell stories and ask you more about your life back in the states. Like earlier in the day, there’s more flirting and touching than usual, and they’re even less subtle about it. Also like before, you give as good as you get. 
At one point, Hyunjin makes what you think is a joke about how nice it is that you signed a broad NDA when you started at JYPE in case you decide to have “even more fun” with them. You laugh and agree, leaning into him a bit more. Seungmin’s hand lands on your thigh then, fingers lightly caressing your bare skin. You’re not entirely sure if this is going where you think it is, but between their hands and arms on your body and the looks the members shared at your agreement, you’re starting to wonder if it really was a joke. 
“I’m really glad we’re getting to know you more tonight.” Chan watches you, head tilted, contemplative, as he says it. “We’ve all been hoping to get closer to you. We just weren’t sure how open to it you would be.”
Seungmin slides his hand a tiny bit more toward the inside of your thigh and gives you a quick squeeze. You stare at Chan for a moment. He licks his lips, holding your eye contact. Well, fuck it; if I’m wrong, I’ll just refuse to go back to work, you think. “So to be clear… You all are hoping that I’m interested in hooking up?”
 Despite his boldness from just moments before, Chan starts turning into a tomato and looking down at his hands. Not one to mince words, Lee Know takes control of the situation. “Yes. Are you?”
“I mean…” You glance around the room, taking in the varying levels of hope, embarrassment, and desire on their faces. You rest one hand on Seungmin’s and the other on Hyunjin’s leg. “You don’t mean all at once, right? I think I’d need to work up to that.”
The room erupts in laughter and the tension dissipates. You all agree to just let things progress naturally, with the stipulations that they’re all going to actively pursue you now and that relationships won’t go beyond a friends with benefits situation. You assure them that you’re attracted to all of them, not that you felt pressured when Chan said ‘all.’ 
Luckily, once you’ve talked things out, things are as relaxed as before the conversation started. Soon, though, most of the guys announce that they’re leaving. 3Racha need to head back to the studio to work on a track they’d been talking about for the last half hour. Minho and I.N had plans to see a movie tonight, and Felix decides to tag along. On their way out, each of them gives you a hug. Chan’s is only a half hug, but his hand is definitely on your ass. You raise your eyebrows at him, and he just gives you a little squeeze and a pat before heading for the door. Changbin’s hug is so comforting that you wish you could just melt into him. Han is bold enough to kiss your cheek before saying goodbye with a wink. Seeing this, Felix immediately says that he wants a kiss, too. Rather than kissing your cheek like Han, however, his soft lips make contact with yours for just a second. You’re pretty sure your cheeks are on fire as I.N slips in right as Felix releases you. 
“Better make it a full set,” he says as he brushes a quick kiss on the side opposite of Han’s. Minho is last and to your surprise, he keeps his hands off your ass - you would’ve thought if anyone was going to grab it, it would’ve been the resident butt hunter. He does, however, whisper suggestively in your ear before he releases you. “I hope you have a good rest of your night.”
You turn to face the remaining two, the implication in Minho’s words making your head spin. You meet Hyunjin and Seungmin’s eyes in succession, unsure of what your next move should be.
“We’re going to watch a movie, if you wanna stay here with us for a while longer.” Seungmin’s voice is neutral, but you think you can see a touch of hunger in his eyes. “Otherwise, I’m happy to walk you home.”
Hyunjin bites his lip while he waits for your answer. It makes you wish you were the one biting it. “Yeah, a movie sounds nice.”
You make your way to the couch again with Hyunjin, and Seungmin heads to the kitchen to make popcorn and grab other snacks. The two of you sit facing each other, discussing preferred genres and favorite movies. You land on The Greatest Showman for tonight, and Hyunjin’s face lights up with passion as he talks about his favorite dance numbers in film. When Seungmin arrives with the snacks, Hyunjin surprises you by reaching over and pulling you halfway into his lap.
“Sorry,” he giggles, not looking even a little sorry. His hands are lingering on your hips, and you catch yourself looking at his lips again. “Just wanted to make sure Minnie had room to sit.”
“So considerate of you, Jinnie.” Seungmin deadpans as he sets the snacks and drinks on the coffee table. He sits beside you, partially on your cushion, and his hand lands on Hyunjin’s, still on your hip. Your breath hitches when you feel a slight squeeze. Hyunjin releases you then, and you turn to face the tv; they’re both so close to you, you feel your cheeks heating up. But then they’re acting normal again, like they have no clue that now all you can think about is being pressed between them with their hands and mouths exploring your body. You know you just confidently talked about hooking up with them, but you’re a little nervous now.
“I am considerate.” Hyunjin laughs and gestures at the screen. “You love this movie, right? We picked it just for you.”
For the next 20 minutes, it’s just like it was before ‘the talk.’ You're talking a little as you watch the movie. Seungmin has his arm around you this time, and after a few minutes Hyunjin rests his head on your shoulder and takes your hand; his thumb traces small circles on your skin. Seungmin moves so that his hand is on the nape of your neck now; when he presses in a bit with his fingers, you look over at him, and Hyunjin takes the opportunity to make a move. 
Seungmin is smiling as Hyunjin places a kiss just under your jaw and your mouth drops open with a sharp inhale. Hyunjin’s hand drops yours and moves to softly squeeze your thigh as he kisses you again. Seungmin tips your chin up so you look directly into his eyes. “Is everything okay?”
You don’t trust yourself to speak, so instead you nod and rest your hand on his thigh. He smiles widely and leans in to press his lips to yours. He tries to pull back, but you immediately pull him back, tilting your head for a deeper kiss. Hyunjin continues to leave a trail of kisses on your neck and his hand shifts up to your waist, creeping up slowly. At once, he gives you a gentle bite and his hand cups your breast. You break your kiss with Seungmin with a small gasp. As soon as you turn to face him, Hyunjin captures your lips, his tongue tangling with yours. Seungmin takes over for him on the other side of your neck, nipping and sucking at your sensitive skin. Both their hands roam across your body. They’ve barely begun - you hope - but you’re already feeling a little overwhelmed and unsure what to do with your hands.
It’s like Hyunjin reads your mind. He sits back grinning at you with pink, pouty lips shining. Seungmin turns toward you, and throws his arms around your waist to pull you into his lap, turning you to face away from him and keeping his arms wrapped around your middle and resting his chin on your shoulder. Hyunjin finds your hands and asks, “This isn’t too much, is it?”
You bite your lip as you consider how to answer. He’s so beautiful; it’s hard to think of anything besides kissing him again. “It’s kind of a lot… But I don’t want to stop.”
Seungmin begins kissing your neck again, both hands cupping and caressing your breasts.  Hyunjin’s smile widens as he scoots as close to Seungmin as possible, gently moving your legs so they drape over his lap. One hand starts kneading the inside of one of your thighs. He leans in, his other hand comes up - you thought it was going to your face, but he reaches past you to stop Seungmin’s progress on your neck. You feel yourself being pushed forward slightly, feel his obviously hardening cock on your back, as you watch Seungmin bring his face up to meet Hyunjin’s. The second their lips touch, your jaw drops a bit.
When this began, you somehow never even thought about this being a possibility. With how comfortable they are flirting with and touching each other, you feel a little silly for not considering it already. It’s quite possibly the hottest thing you’ve ever seen. They’re so beautiful together. You catch a glimpse of Hyunjin’s tongue slipping into Seungmin’s mouth at the same time that his hand makes contact with your center, fingers moving in slow, deliberate circles. You spread your legs a bit to give him easier access, wishing there weren’t two layers of fabric blocking his path. As you move, Seungmin’s hand comes down to hook your outside leg over his, spreading you further. Lips still locked on Hyunjin’s, his hands slide inside your shirt and around to your back; once your bra is unclasped, his hands come back around and under it, pinching and twisting your nipples. 
A small moan escapes your lips and brings Hyunjins attention back to you. Both of their mouths are on you again, and Hyunjin slips his fingers into your panties. You feel like you’re on fire. You simultaneously reach in front of and behind you, wrapping each hand around equally impressive lengths. As you stroke them through their shorts, you elicit two moans in harmony. 
Hyunjin pulls back. “As much as I like this couch, I wonder if we should move somewhere a bit more comfortable, Minnie?”
One of Seungmin’s hands drops down to your waist, the other continues to tease you. “That is an excellent idea, Jinnie. Are you alright with that?”
It takes you a moment to realize he’s talking to you now. They move in unison. When one speaks, the other kisses, their hands never stop touching, caressing, taking you closer to what is sure to just be your first climax of many tonight. You nod and capture Seungmin’s lips.
Hyunjin giggles and presses a kiss to your cheek. “I know you said this was a lot, so I think we’d prefer a verbal answer.” He pulls at your shirt. “Cause if we move locations, things are definitely going to heat up.”
“I want that.” You nearly gasp. “Please, let’s go. Wherever.”
Hyunjin stands, pulling you up with him. “Seungmin-ah, why don’t you take our gorgeous friend here to your room while I go get a few things.”
“Yes, sir.” Seungmin smiles and salutes before throwing you over his shoulder with a quick slap on your ass. “I’ll hold down the fort.”
Seungmin proceeds to his room, not flinching at the slaps you’ve landed on his cute, little ass in complaint. In no time at all, he’s dropping you onto your back, and before you can even catch your breath, he’s on you. His tongue clashes with yours, one hand grips your hip tightly while the other grips your face and neck with his thumb pressed under your chin. He’s a bit more… forceful than you expected. It’s exciting. You bite his lower lip. 
He smiles against your lips. He brings his hand to the hem of your shirt and starts pulling it up. “I think you’re wearing too many clothes.”
You let him pull your top off and discard your bra. You pull his shirt up as well, ready to see more of him. For a brief moment, you wonder if you should be waiting for Hyunjin, but as soon as his shirt clears his head, he’s on you again - this time bringing his mouth to one nipple to suck, lick, and bite gently. One of his hands slides down into your panties; his fingers thrust into you a few times before spreading your wetness up to your clit. You arch into him with a moan. 
Seungmin starts kissing his way down your body. You whimper when he retracts his hand to pull your shorts and underwear off in one smooth motion. He pauses then to look down at you with a hungry look in his eyes. You’re suddenly very aware that you’re naked in the bed of a man you met less than a week ago. With another on his way to join you. You wonder if you think you make terrible or excellent decisions. You sit up and tug on the waistband of his shorts, and when he slides them off, you lean more toward excellent. He doesn’t give you the chance to touch his nice, thick cock; when you reach for it, he puts a hand on your chest, pushing you onto your back. He settles down between your legs. He kisses a trail from your right knee down your thigh, nipping at you in a few places. When he starts back at the top of your other knee, you let out a whiny “Minnie…”
“So impatient.” He smiles up at you. He doesn’t stop his teasing, but at your small groan, he splays his hand over your stomach, thumb landing on your clit. His lazy circles barely take the edge off. 
“Seungmin, please.” 
He chuckles, but takes pity on you. He gives you a long lick, sucking when he reaches your clit. Your back arches off the bed, and you squeeze your eyes closed with a moan. You’re so preoccupied that you miss the door opening and shutting, only realizing Hyunjin’s in the room when he kisses your forehead. 
“Is my puppy making you feel good? He’s great with his tongue.” Hyunjin giggles when Seungmin sits back, mouth and chin glistening, to ‘mong mong’ at him. 
You reach up for Hyunjin, but he’s already moving closer to Seungmin. He runs his hand down your body, easily sliding three fingers into you while simultaneously leaning over to lick the Seungmin’s lips clean. It is… beyond hot. 
“You taste good,” Hyunjin turns back to you, his fingers pumping in and out, keeping you panting and needy. “And you’re so wet for us, baby. Minnie, I think you should finish what you started so I can have a turn.”
You almost tell him that he can just take his turn now, but Seungmin dives in immediately with renewed vigor. Every swipe of his tongue brings you closer and closer to the edge. You expect Hyunjin to kiss or touch you in some way, but when you can control your trembling body enough to look down at Seungmin, you see that Hyunjin is just behind him. You watch both of Seungmin’s hands reach up to tweak your nipples and realize that Hyunjin has reached under his arm, and his fingers are the ones expertly curling against your g-spot. They’re so in sync. You prop yourself up on your elbows and watch as Hyunjin switches hands, so he can stroke Seungmin’s cock using your wetness to smooth his glide. The sight tips you over the edge. Your eyes roll back in your head as you curl in on yourself with a moan. Seungmin keeps up a steady pace allowing you to ride out your orgasm. He disengages with a moan of his own as you come down. 
“That’s a good girl,” Hyunjin purrs. He grips Seungmin by the hair to tip his head back and kiss him passionately before turning back to you to say, “and a good boy. Don’t you think so?”
You let out a sigh and sit up. Your gaze immediately begins tracking the movement of Hyunjin’s hand again. You suck your lower lip between your teeth with a soft groan. At Seungmin’s soft “fuck,” you bring your hand over to rub lazy circles over your clit. Suddenly, Hyunjin draws his hand back. Seungmin whines and your eyes snap up to Hyunjin’s.
“Well, Minnie, if she doesn’t think you did a good job, I’m not sure you should get a reward.” He says it with a devious smile on his face. When Seungmin huffs and turns to try to bite his neck, Hyunjin catches his chin and crashes his lips back to Seungmin’s.
“No, no!” You say a little too loudly, scrambling toward them. “He did such a good job! He was amazing. You were amazing, Minnie.”
Hyunjin giggles and drags Seungmin’s face toward yours. His tongue slides against yours, and your hand picks up where Hyunjin’s left off. One of his hands is back on your chest, the other sliding through your folds again. Hyunjin laughs again, gently pushing both your shoulders to separate you. “Oh well if he was that good, he deserves more than this. Lay on the bed, pup.”
Seungmin pouts a little, squinting his eyes at him as he stands. “Hyunie, I know you like taking charge, but it feels like there’s a little too big of a power imbalance here.”
Hyunjin laughs, pulling his shirt over his head and pushing his shorts to the ground. Like Seungmin, his body is nicely toned, not overly muscular. Beautiful. “Better?”
“Almost.” Seungmin tucks a finger into the waistband of briefs, pulling Hyunjin closer to him. The smile on his face is devastating. “And I think I’ll choose my own reward. Lose these and you sit on the bed.”
Hyunjin presses a quick kiss to Seungmin’s jaw. Then he licks his lips and turns to you. “Help me out?”
You’re enjoying watching them so much, you nearly forgot you’re part of this as well. You free him of his briefs and watch his half-hard cock bounce as he moves to sit with his back against the headboard. Seungmin’s watching as well, his head cocked to the side. He moves behind you, hands resting on your waist. You get a chill when you feel his breath on your neck. He whispers, “I’m going to put on a condom now. While I do, you should get on your knees between Jinnie’s pretty dancer’s legs, ass up and ready for me.”
The second his hands leave you, you’re crawling up to take Hyunjin’s pretty cock into your mouth. Another time you might have teased him, but you’re so hot for him, for them, that you want to get him on your level as soon as possible. You bob your head, tongue swirling around his tip when you come up. With each pass, he stiffens and grows - you soon have to work to fit him in your mouth. You relax your throat and take him further, wrapping a hand around his base, the other resting on his hip. 
“Mmmm,” Hyunjin rumbles, tangling his fingers into your hair with a smile. “Minnie, is this a reward for me or for you?”
You feel Seungmin bring himself into position behind you. He grabs your hips, adjusting them so that you’re just where he wants you. You can hear the smile in his voice as he plunges a couple fingers into you. “I always want to reward you, baby, but I feel like the real winner is between us.”
He lands a playful slap on your ass and you hum in agreement, causing Hyunjin’s grip in your hair to tighten as he lets loose a low groan. You hum again, then pull off with a pop. You grin up at him as you feel Seungmin tap the fat head of his cock against your ass. You tape Hyunjin’s tip into your mouth and suck hard as you continue to pump your fist around his shaft. You feel the pressure of Seungmin pushing into you, his hands grip your hips tightly. He goes slowly, sinking inch by inch filling you up. The pressure feels fantastic. You moan, giving Hyunjin a slight squeeze. Both men jerk their hips in tandem. You pull off Hyunjin with a gag, panting, pushing back against Seungmin as he keeps up steady thrusts.
Hyunjin takes your face in his hands, stroking your cheeks with his thumbs. “I’m sorry, baby. It felt so good; I couldn’t keep still. If you can’t keep going, I can wait my turn.”
You shake your head. “No, I’m - ahh - I’m okay. Just wasn’t ready.” You press your face into his thigh with another shaky moan. 
Hyunjin laughs. “Seungminnie, are you happy where you are or should we flip her?”
“No,” you pant. “I wanna… I wanna finish.”
Seungmin is hitting you in just the right spot. Each rock of his hips sends you closer to your peak. Hyunjin laughs again. It turns into another groan as you wrap your lips back around his head and suck hard. “Fuck me.”
“I can do that next, if you want, but I might need a breather.” Seungmin grunts out as he increases his pace. His grip on your hips tightens, you’re likely going to end up with bruises. You increase your pace in turn, and Hyunjin’s moans become more frequent. It’s hard to maintain, though. You pull off of Hyunjin with a gasping moan, burying your face in his thigh again. 
“I’ve got this, baby.” Hyunjin takes over for you, jerking himself in tempo with Seungmin’s thrusts, his gaze locked on the snap of Seungmin’s hips. He lets out a drawn out groan. “You’re taking Minnie so well. You have no idea how fucking hot you look right now. Fuck, Min, I think I could come just by watching you; I’m already so close.”
Hyunjin’s other hand is stroking your hair and you look up at him, mouth hanging open barely able to do much more than pant and moan. The tide is rising in you, threatening to wipe you out. 
As he lets go of one of your hips, you feel Seungmin lean against your back. and Hyunjin is leaning forward to meet him. You can barely see their kiss, but you feel how it’s interrupted Seungmin’s rhythm and let out a whimper. His hand drops from Hyunjin’s face into your hair. He pulls it a little less than gently. The new angle allows you a better view of Hyunjin working himself and biting his lip. The space created gives Hyunjin room to take hold of one of your breasts, pinching and pulling, bringing you right back to the edge.  
Seungmin slides his other hand between your legs, and your body starts to convulse. You can’t control any of the sounds coming out of your mouth - a mix of their names, moans, curses. Your climax overwhelms you. As you shake and move with each slam of Seungmin’s hips, but barely hear Hyunjin’s “fuck” as thick spirts of cum land on your chest and face. It spurs you on; you do your best to stick out your tongue, to catch as much as you can. 
Another “fuck” sounds as you feel Seungmin’s hips stutter to a stop. His grip on your hair loosens, and you barely manage to keep yourself from face planting into Hyunjin’s lap. Your body is nearly spent, finally coming down from what may have been the best orgasm you’ve ever had.
Seungmin pulls out and flops down on his side next to you, breathing heavily with a relaxed smile on his face. “You look so pretty with Jinnie all over you.”
He rolls over to grab wet wipes while Hyunjin encourages you to flip over and sit up. After Seungmin cleans you both up, Hyunjin pulls you back to lean against him. You stay like that for a few moments, before dressing and snuggling back up on the couch to watch the rest of the movie. When it’s over, you and Seungmin walk hand in hand out of the dorm, passing Minho and Jeongin on their way in. Minho shoots you a wink and a look that makes you feel like he’s telling you that he’s next… and you can’t wait.
To be continued...
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darlingsblackbook · 2 months
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Gojo Satoru x Reader
Summary : The time of an old pact, promising your hand to the heir of the Gojo clan, has come. It is now your wedding, how will the two of you continue from here?
Wordcount : 1k
Warnings : Arranged marriage, mention of Naoya ( yes, he is a warning ) english is not my first language, feel free to correct me if you see any mistakes but please be respectful about it. ( I will cry otherwise )
A/N : To be honest, I write the reader with myself in mind. I have not mentioned hair color, eye color or body shape but a lot of personality traits, like being shy and awkward, were from me :) I might make this a short series with parts of their lives, feel free to leave suggestions!
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There was this ringing in your ear. It was the only thing you could hear—not the only sound. No, there were many sounds—all so muffled—there was so much happening all around you. Too many things were happening, and you just could not keep up with any of them. You felt so detached from everything happening around you; nothing felt real; you did not feel real.
You were numb, not yourself.
The only thing you could focus on was the ringing in your ear.
Until that one voice cut right through it.
"You could at least smile, you know?"
And suddenly all the water in your ears that was muffling the world around you rushed right out of your ears, and you could hear everything.
Music, laughter, singing, aunties gossiping.
You blinked once, then once again, and one last time before you lifted your head to gaze over the sea of guests through your veil.
And you were back to reality again. You were back to being the new bride—the new lady of the Gojo clan.
"The situation may not be ideal, even I can admit that, but I am not the worst person you could have been paired with." Your husband sounded amused, "Like Zen'in, for example. Can you imagine being even just acquaintances with Naoya? Blegh," he stuck his tongue out.
Your husband.
Gojo Satoru—the strongest—was your husband.
You were from an ancient clan, not as big or flashy as the elite clans of the jujutsu world. They were not even sorcerers.
However, your family had a unique trait. They were not sorcerers, but through dreams and visions, your family had the ability to predict the future. Just like your husband, your power lay in your eyes. They could not only see curses but they could also see through the veil, to the other side.
Unfortunately, the unique ability had been appearing less and less throughout the centuries and, just like your husband, you were the first in so many years to be born with the ability.
A seer.
The family heads of the elite clans are greedy; they all want to be better, stronger than the other. What better way to be a step ahead of your enemy than by knowing what will happen in the future and owning the eyes that could potentially be even stronger than those of the Gojo brat?
They all came knocking on the doors of your estate as soon as the word went out that the first seer in so long had been born. Well, you were already a few years old at the time, but only when you were a bit older could you communicate what you were seeing with your family.
Smaller clans, clans that had weakened and faded into the background, came knocking in hopes of rising to the top again.
The Kamo clan, willing to set aside their values of keeping the bloodline pure, came knocking.
The Zen'in clan—your grandfather, the current head of your clan, had immediately shot their offer down. The hand of his precious granddaughter for their heir? No way.
Only one of the big three had not come knocking, and it was only a mere two weeks ago that you found out why.
Knowing that both the abilities of the Gojo clan and L/N clan had been appearing less frequently, your grandfathers, being close friends, had made a pact. The hand of the next woman born with the L/N clan's abilities would be given to the heir of the Gojo clan if he had inherited the Six Eyes.
You had been promised to them before you were even born.
Of course, you only found out on a random Saturday night as you were getting ready to retire for the day. You were in such shock, you could not even resist—not that you wanted to. You had always known there was a big chance of being in an arranged marriage, and actually, you had been happy with it. Being the socially awkward, shy girl had always made it hard to make friends, let alone have a romantic relationship.
You had such a big heart full of love to give, but there was no one willing to receive it. You wanted someone, just for you, so badly, but there was no way you could do it on your own.
So now you were here, sitting next to your husband, at your wedding.
Happy, but in shock at how fast things went and having absolutely no idea how to act.
"-esides, look at how handsome I am~"
You averted your gaze to him. For the first time that night, you really took your time to just take him in.
Indeed, the rumors of his good looks proved to be true—much to your delight. His hair, as white as snow, looked so soft you were tempted to just reach a hand out to caress it. His bright blue eyes—a shade you had never seen, they are so pretty.
His eyebrows shot up, a certain twinkle appearing in his eyes. "I am glad you think so, wife."
"Huh?" You responded, dumbfounded. "Did I...?"
"Say it out loud?" Satoru finished your question. "Yes, you did."
Your cheeks felt like they were on fire at this point. You went from being too shy to talk to men to getting married and embarrassing yourself, all in one night.
"I..uhm..sorry," you managed to squeak out. He was just so handsome, face and body. You could see his muscles through his clothes; he was so big and, of course, older.
He suddenly leaned in, his nose just centimeters from yours, "For what?" He tilted his head to the side, eyes glancing at your lips.
You opened your mouth, but no answer came out. You tilted your chin downwards a bit, shyly looking at him through your long lashes, looking so adorable to him....
You decided to just answer with a shrug.
His lips curled up in a sly smirk, "A wife is supposed to find her husband attractive, isn't she?"
You could hardly think; he was so close.
"I must say," he hummed, leaning even closer, his lips right by your ear. His hot breath ghosting over your skin, "I am certainly not disappointed."
Time for bed, ya'll. Goodnight
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rallentando1011 · 5 months
hey so can I get a scenario with rise donnie’s s/o coming up to him and invited him to a restaurant in the hidden city where it has couples dancing? Entices him with his favourite music that’s gonna be playing and massive puppy eyes?
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late nights, flashing lights
rise Donnie x gn reader
“Come on, it’s the weekend! Why not do something special?”
Donnie flipped up his goggles in response to your question and set down his welding gun, sparks ceasing to fly at his confusion. “I haven’t the slightest notion on what the day of the week has to do with my choice of activities.”
“Our choice of activities - we’re hanging out right now, so it’s collective,” you corrected.
“Fine - our choice of activities. Sitting and working and engaging in riveting discussions is all we do on other nights, so what makes this one any different?”
You paused. All week, you had been planning a surprise for him - a trip to a quaint little disco in the Hidden City you’d heard about from April. She’d sent you some pictures from when she’d gone with Sunita and Casey, and then the idea took root.
But it was easier said than done.
Planning to surprise your turtle was difficult primarily for two reasons: the snoop always found out about it in advance (which you’d avoided narrowly this time by not mentioning anything about any plans tonight) and, the most difficult part, trying to get him to choose to go out of the lair, the step you found yourself currently stuck on. Still, you were going to try.
“I don’t know,” you replied coolly, “maybe the fact that it’s supposed to be the end of the week, time to relax or go out or something?”
“Yes. Out. With me. Instead of holing yourself up in the lab or whatever,” you mumbled.
“Out where? Not a lot of Homo sapien-mutant-accepting entertainment establishments come to mind, and, much as I love pretending not to be myself,” he flicked his goggles back down and turned back to his workspace.“I don’t know if I’m really in the mood for it right now.”
“Well.” You didn’t want to say that you knew of one in particular because that sort of spoiled the surprise element of the night. Hesitantly, you suggested, “we can try to look for one?”
He sucked in a breath through his teeth, hand stopping just shy of picking up his welding tool once more. “I don’t know…”
“Could we please just give it a shot?” Hook.
You nudged his arm, mustering up the warmest look you had. Line. “Any time you want to come back or feel uncomfortable, we’re headed right back here.”
Donnie glanced back over to you, and you could discern the exact moment he caved. Sinker. “Sure.”
The next half hour consisted of throwing on sweatshirts, linking arms and whipping out of the lair straight toward one of the many entrances to the Hidden City.
As you wandered through portals, down ramps and bystreets, the turtle you were practically dragging along looked at you exceedingly more quizzically.
“Do you know where you’re going?” Donnie eventually muttered.
“What?” you asked incredulously, quite unconvincingly. “No, of course not. Just meandering randomly. What gave you that impression?”
“Oh, nothing - just the fact that you’re walking with assertion in a seemingly predetermined path.”
A subtle smirk worked its way onto your face. “Maybe.”
He scowled, lighthearted. “Oh, sweet Galileo- why mustn’t you ask me out with you straightforwardly when you already have plans?”
You pulled on his sleeve to direct you two left before pushing the entrance of your location open for him. “Because then I wouldn’t get to see the look on your face when I take you places like this.”
As soon as he stepped foot in the building, you saw the glow in his eyes, his radiant beam, and they were far more beautiful than the already gorgeous venue.
The pictures you’d seen of it looked good, but seeing it in person was even better; with the amber lights and colorful tiled-dance floor and overhead disco ball, the place looked like it was ripped straight out of the 80’s. 
“It’s a discotheque, baby!” you grinned, throwing an arm back around his shoulder. “Last one like this within, like, a thousand mile radius.”
“Woah!” Somehow his eyes lit up even more when he looked back at you. It was stunning. “How have I not heard of this place?”
“I mean, that checks out. April recommended it, and apparently it took Sunita forever to find somewhere with a more traditional disco - it only plays 70’s and 80’s hits. You’re welcome.”
Donnie was still stupefied. “Yeah, yeah, whatever you say.”
“I heard they’ve got some tables over there for dining, and that the drinks from there-”
Your hand was gently snatched from the air where it was pointing at a countertop across the room. You looked down at the tridactyl hand holding it, then up its owner.
The turtle grinned, finally pulled from his daze and emphatically lucid. The look in his eyes bore a striking resemblance to the exact one you’d used to get him to agree to come here. “We can get into the dives and dining and whatnot later - for right now, care to dance?”
“I mean, I have a reservation for-”
Another hand on your waist was all it took to shut you up, and slowly walking backwards landed the both of you on floor, and pulling you closer resulted in the both of you grinning and spinning and dancing.
As a myriad of killer songs blasted from the front of the room, you found yourself inundated with a seeping, saccharine satisfaction, partially derived from doing the merengue and cha-cha and some deviant of the Cabbage Patch along with many more improvisations, but mostly from the sheer elation exuded by your dance partner.
Even as you two continued to bounce to Whitney or sway to Prince, his focus stayed on you, eyes locked, with scarcely a moment without a hand or arm making contact with you.
Somehow, just that affectionate attention, that carefree yet caring energy made the efforts of getting him into a social setting and keeping a surprise from the nosiest person in the world abundantly more than worth it.
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zerokurokawa · 4 months
rindou meeting reader’s family at a get together. (she’s hispanic, so you know it’s a big party with lots of food and music). maybe the tias and abuela’s all love him. pllllsssss.
Sharing Cultures And Meeting The Family | Rindou x Hispanic!Reader <3
Rindou has always been fond of meeting your family. He often begged to meet them, as he would suggest going to a nice restaurant and him even footing the bill for everyone. Little did he know, you were going to take him to a real get together. 
You were studying abroad in Japan when you met the delinquent, and of course, you two hit it off instantly. So when you booked plane tickets to go visit your family, you were more than excited to tell him that he was coming along. Hell, you believed that he was more excited than you were; he had started packing almost a week early. 
Once you both arrived at your family's house, the party already kicking off with your aunts dancings and your grandparents cooking. It was like a scene out of a movie for Rindou as a bright smile spread across his face at the sight. One of your aunts invited him to dance along to the music that was blaring. Rindou had never heard this type of music before, but he loved it!
As he was trying to copy your aunts moves, you stared at him and laughed. He was excited to meet everyone and even went around introducing himself. With him being Japanese, they were all intrigued at his own heritage. That's the beauty of coming from a different background, you thought, cultures and heritages are meant to be shared and loved by others. 
Your grandparents were teaching him how to make traditional hispanic food while asking him about the traditions he had growing up in Japan. The conversation went on for hours it seemed before the food was finally ready and everybody was eating. 
"Rindou, is it?" Your paternal grandmother asked, introducing herself to him as she was the last to show up at the gathering. 
"Yes ma'am." He stuck out his hand for her to take and she gladly accepted it with both hands. 
"Rin, this is my abuela on my father's side!" You said, excitedly. 
Rindou nodded his head and smiled while taking a bite of his meal. You could tell by the way your family was welcoming and accepting that they all adored him. It was beautiful, seeing the way they all interacted with each other; asking questions and learning new words in different languages. Rindou even learned how to say "how are you" in Spanish. Needless to say, he wouldn't stop repeating it. 
Your aunt learned how to say "good morning" in Japanese. The whole scene was wonderful as you all ate, danced, and sang along to the music that was playing. You could tell that Rindou was having the time of his life as he danced along with your aunt once more, learning the steps to each and every song. 
After the party was over and it was time to go home, Rindou didn't want to leave without telling each and everyone goodbye in Spanish. You thought this was adorable as you blushed, seeing your family smile and wave at him and how cute he was learning about your culture and even your language. 
"I had a lot of fun, we should do that again really soon!" He said as you both got in the car, driving to the hotel nearby due to you having to catch a flight back to Japan the next morning. 
"We will, I promise. I love visiting my family and I could tell they loved and adored you." You smiled. 
The evening was perfect and Rindou wouldn't stop saying phrases in Spanish. 
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brokebonewritings · 9 months
It's Always Been Us
Matt Murdock x Reader
Tags: 18+, Fluff, Getting Together, Mentions of Alcohol
Summary: Matt retells a story of a night you haven't thought about for a long time. Song: Paul Rudd by Claud
Word Count: 1.4K
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Laughter filled the small space of your apartment. Not only of your and Matt’s but of your cousin visiting for dinner. Peter had called the day prior insisting on joining you both for dinner. Of course, you had no qualms and Matt enjoyed the younger man’s company just as much.
The current conversation was fixed on how you had pinned for Matt throughout college. Now that you were together, all the waiting and pining seemed worth it. You looked over at Matt and felt your heart swell with love.
"No way you were that in love." Peter chided.
You blushed and rolled the fork against the plate. "I mean, I wouldn't say I was in love or anything."
"I remember the night you almost confessed." Matt's voice flowed calmly through the air.
You and Peter both look towards your boyfriend. Your eyebrows were already raised with surprise, "What?"
"Oh yes! I have to hear this story!" Peter said, earning a chuckle from Matt.
"Well for starters, I have to preface that we were in college and being under the influence was a highlight of our weeks."
"Matt! Don't tell him that!" 
Peter shushes you, leaning on the table fully invested in the storytime. You roll your eyes, but can't help the small smile that tugs at the corners of your mouth. You remember that night vividly, the one Matt is referring to.
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Walking down the steamed sidewalk, Foggy was leading the way to ‘the most incredible party of the year’. You had worried that both you and Matt would be overwhelmed by the amount of people, however he insisted it would be a small get together. Oftentimes it was not in fact a small get together. 
“How did you even find out about this get together?” You questioned. 
“I have my sources. Just like a magician, I will never share my secrets.” He said, swinging his arms happily in front of you.
“Is he doing that cartoon character walk again?” Matt asked beside you. 
You giggled quietly. “How did you know?”
“Lucky guess.” He responds, and you catch a glimpse of the small smile that danced across his face.
Foggy shoved his hands in his pockets as he listened to you and Matt conversing. “Okay fine! I heard an upperclassmen talk about it, and said it was an open door to everyone.”
“Aha! I knew something seemed weird about this. We’re crashing a party!” 
As the three of you made your way into the party, you were met with a sea of people, music blaring at full volume, and the smell of alcohol filling the air. You had never been a big party person, but feeling Matt’s grip on your arm tightened reminded you of why you decided to come. 
You stuck close to Matt as you navigated through the crowd, your heart pounding with excitement and nerves. The pulsating music seemed to vibrate through your entire body, and you couldn't help but feel a thrill at the chaos surrounding you.
Foggy was quick to disappear into the crowd, eager to make new acquaintances and revel in the party spirit. After what felt like an eternity, you reached a less crowded area near a makeshift bar.
You can see the way his jaw tightens and the noise in the house gets louder. It wasn't often that you saw him in such crowded and chaotic environments, but tonight was different. Tonight was about letting loose and having fun.
"Is everything okay?" you ask, leaning closer to him to be heard over the music.
Matt tilts his head towards you, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his features. "Yeah, it's just... a lot. But I'm glad I'm here with you."
"Awe Murdock, Am I growing on you?"
"You can certainly say that" His chuckle soft in your ear.
His words warm your heart, and you squeeze his hand reassuringly. "Well you just stick with me, okay? Just focus on me and let the rest of the world fade away."
He nods gratefully, taking a sip of his drink before turning his attention back to you. The noise and commotion around you both fade into the background as you engage in deep conversation, sharing stories, laughter and drinks.
After a few more drinks, you decide to guide Matt to a worn-out couch tucked away in a corner, granting some respite from the overwhelming atmosphere. As you settled onto the couch, Matt's hand found its way to the small of your back, his touch grounding you amidst the chaotic energy.
The two of you sat close together, your bodies pressed against each other as you leaned into his warmth. The music continued to pulse through the air, but in this moment, it was nothing more than a distant hum.
"I'm really glad we came tonight," you confessed as you fidget with your cup. 
You couldn't help but feel a surge of affection for him. There were so many layers to Matt, so much strength and vulnerability intertwined within him. And in moments like these, when he allowed himself to let go and simply be, you felt privileged to witness that side of him.
Leaning in closer, you captured his lips in a tender kiss. It started slow and gentle, a sweet exploration of each oth-
"WAIT! Wait, Hold On!" Peter screeches, he folds his arms across his chest before chiding "That is so fake! You said this was almost a confession."
The laughter that escapes your lips is infectious. Before you know it, all three of you are in stitches. It continued for about 5 minutes before everyone began to calm down.
"Apologies, it was the perfect opportunity for a joke." Matt is still stifling his laughter.
"Oh, Pete! The look on your face was priceless!" 
Peter is unamused at this point. Both you and Matt were definitely two peas in a pod.
"Right," Matt clears his throat "Anyways, so we're on this couch..."
"I'm really glad we came tonight," you confessed as you fidget with your cup.
"Why is that?"
"Because I like being around you, and talking to you."
Matt smiled softly, his fingers tracing patterns along your arm. "Me too. It's nice to just be here with you, you make me feel seen, understood."
"I feel the same way, Matt. You've brought so much light into my life." The both of you sit in silence for a bit. As the loud EDM fades away, you say quietly. "I think I need to tell you something."
"Oh yeah?" His eyebrows raise as he turns his head in your direction. "What is it?"
Before you're able to say anything you feel your flip phone vibrate in your pocket. You pull it out to see it's the number of a close family friend. "Shit, Matt, I'm sorry I have to take this."
He nods before standing with you and you lead the both of you outside.
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"What happened after that?" Peter is understandably confused.
You shift uncomfortably in your seat. "Well, actually, It was the night I found out my dad had passed."
"Oh man, Y/N, I'm so sorry." Peter starts.
“It’s okay! Really.” You say, “I’m glad I didn’t tell him that night.”
“Sweetheart.” Matt feigns offense. “I’m hurt.”
 “Shut it, Murdock!” You giggle before responding. “I’m glad it didn’t happen because I don’t think I would be where I am today.”
You all finish up dinner, the conversation continues with talk of school, cases, and projects. It was lighthearted, and having them both there made the apartment feel more like a home.
Peter helps you with the dishes while Matt takes a call for work. 
"You think he's the one?" Peter asks innocently.
Turning your head to look back at Matt, you can see the back of his head turn slightly while sitting on the couch. You know he can hear you.
"I really think so. He's my endgame."
"That's major then." 
You hum in response before changing the subject. Thinking back at the story Matt had told earlier. You did have regrets about that night, like leaving Foggy behind when the cops showed up and not talking to Matt later on about what you were going to say.
However, you feel as though your bond with Matt now was more solidified after being friends for so many years. Nothing could have warned you for the amount of love you felt for him now. 
"You think I can come over for Dinner every week?" Peter says, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"I would really love that, Pete!" You respond. "What days were you thinking?"
"Well I have this internship most days, but maybe Tuesdays?"
"Tuesdays are perfect. Of course you'll have to tell me all about that internship."
You hear the awkwardness of his chuckle before he responds, "Maybe one day."
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Oooo number 30 for Steddie, please and thank you!
Aaaah thank you for sending me one of these!! Please have this little Modern!AU type moment based based very vaguely off of my experience waiting for my tires to be changed at Costco last week. 30. "Can I sit here? All the other tables are full."
[ NOW ON AO3 ]
Eddie jumped as a hand came between him and his notebook and he looked up into the face of the hottest guy he had ever seen. He blinked up into his hazel eyes for several seconds while Iron Maiden crooned in his ears, already imagining the white-picket-fence with the stranger. Then the man cringed a bit and waved awkwardly.
"Oh, shit," Eddie said, probably too loudly, as he took one of his earbuds out. "What's up?"
"Can I sit here?" the guy asked, gesturing to the empty bench across from Eddie. Then he looked around and added, "All the other tables are full."
Eddie glanced around the little food court and it was indeed busy. Every single table was occupied, though Eddie did raise an eyebrow at just how many single-occupant-tables the guy passed just to get to his.
"Yeah, sure, go ahead," Eddie said, popping his earbud back in and going back to his notebook. If Eddie paused his music so he could hear if the dude tried to get his attention again, that was his business.
The guy sat down gratefully and immediately pulled out his own cellphone and earbuds. Out of the corner of his eye, Eddie saw the man fiddling with his phone and earbuds, before he sighed heavily and put the earbuds away.
Taking his earbud out again, Eddie asked, "Something wrong?"
The man jumped and looked over at him, a blush starting to stain his cheeks. "No, nothing just the stupid adapter for my headphones is busted apparently," the guy said, then added with a wry grin, "I just get to listen to the beautiful soundtrack of a warehouse for the next hour and a half."
"What's got you stuck here for that long?" Eddie asked.
"Getting my tires changed," he replied, looking down at his phone. "What are you sitting around here for?"
"It's the cheapest air-conditioned joint to loiter in for a few hours. Can't beat a buck for a hot dog," Eddie replied with a smirk.
The guy laughed and Eddie decided he really liked the sound of it. "Anyway, didn't mean to bother you. I'll leave you alone now," he said after a bit, glancing shyly up at Eddie through his lashes as he idly texted someone.
"Not a bother at all," Eddie insisted and added, "I'm Eddie, by the way."
"Eddie," the guy repeated, as if testing how his name felt. Then he smiled as it passed whatever test and said, "I'm Steve."
"Well, Steve, I have an extra earbud if you want to listen to music with me," Eddie offered, and Steve glanced down at his outfit skeptically.
"I don't think we listen to the same music," Steve said teasingly.
"That wasn't a no, though. And maybe you'll learn to like a few new things," Eddie pointed out, and Steve rolled his eyes a bit and accepted the earbud.
Wiping it off on the bottom hem of his shirt quickly, Steve said, "I haven't shared earbuds with someone like this since high school."
"Exciting, isn't it?" Eddie said as he started scrolling through his playlists.
"Just don't play anything with a lot of screaming," Steve said, grimacing when Eddie looked up at him with just his eyes. "Please," he added awkwardly.
"No problem, Stevie," Eddie said with an easy smile, and he put on the playlist he made of metal music specifically for his best friend Chrissy.
The two of them spent the next hour listening to and talking about music, with Steve adding several songs to his own playlist, until Steve got the call that his car was ready. As Steve started to gather his things, he leveled a thoughtful look at Eddie.
"Hey, this was fun. Do you want to hang out sometime?" Steve asked, and Eddie's eyes widened a bit. Steve seemed to second guess himself and shook his head. "Actually, nevermind, forget I said anything."
"Yes! Yeah, I'd- yes, let's hang out," Eddie babbled as his brain reconnected. "Are you busy right now?" he asked before he could stop himself, and internally he fantasized about a hole opening up beneath him. Way to sound overeager, weirdo.
But Steve just turned a pretty shade of pink and smiled, glancing away. "I've got work in a couple hours, but here's my number," he said, sliding a napkin across the table and Eddie stared at it.
"When did you write this?" he asked, a bit dazed as he looked back up at Steve. Now the man was smirking. Oh, Eddie had thought he was the one being smooth the whole time.
"Before I even walked over," he admitted easily before returning Eddie's earbud and standing up.
"Is your headphone adapter even broken?" Eddie asked, his own face hot enough with his blush to cook an egg.
"Oh, it's absolutely broken," Steve laughed, reassuring him only a little bit. Then he pointed at the napkin. "Text me?"
And then he was walking away, leaving Eddie alone at the table to grin stupidly down at the napkin. Steve probably hadn't even made it to the tire center before Eddie sent his text.
This was so silly but aaaaaaah I hope you like it!!! These are fun, send me more?
If you like my writing, consider checking out my writing blog? -> @gerrystamour
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eardefenders · 2 months
Sherlock & Co - Mailbag Episode 4 Transcript
00:00-00:29 *Intro Music*
00:28 John: Hello there, Mister Flatmate.
00:31 Sherlock (Resigned): What is it and why have you got your laptop?
00:34 John: It’s that time! My fine fellow-
00:34 Sherlock: For goodness sake. *sounds of him moving on furniture*
00:36 John: Oi, where you going?
00:38 Sherlock: I’m getting my cushion.
00:39 John: Your cushion?
00:40 Sherlock: Yes. Here. This one.
00:42 John: That- that’s Mariana’s.
00:45 Sherlock: Ah, it’s mine.
00:46 John: I know it’s her’s. I bought it for her for Christmas.
00:50 Sherlock: Are you sure?
00:51 John: Yes, because you don’t support Real Sociedad and she does.
00:56 Sherlock: *pause* I could.
00:57 John: Yeah, you could, but you don’t. Ok- *gibbers* It doesn’t matter. Just sit on the bloody cushion. Fine. Qs! And indeed As! Here we go. Uh, ahem, mm, just a disclaimer here, to the patrons. Um. I’m old. Uh, I’m thirty-four. If-if I see a question in the Discord, I-I just ask it. Uh, if it’s in the wrong order or i-if I’ve missed some out. It’s-it’s probably just me not seeing it. So, y’know. Right-o! Uh-Ooo! Off to a flyer here! Milque asks, “Favorite tube line?”
01:29 Sherlock: Victoria.
01:30 Yeah, Victoria. Yeah, yeah. Generally, most Londoners will give that answer. Umm, y’know clean trains, not too many stops, and some big stations on there. Y’know King’s Cross, Euston, Oxford Circus, um Victoria, obviously. Um, some other lines worth mention: Bakerloo brings a certain vibe. B-bit of a sort of kooky, deranged, but pleasant elderly uncle that doesn’t wash kind of vibe. Uh, central line is possibly the most hated, ah, especially during the summer. Um, Piccadilly gets a lot of people headed to Heathrow, so it comes with a lot of baggage. Hah! Literally clambering over suitcases on that one. The Elizabeth line is amazing, but seems to be closed or delayed most of the time. Um, so thanks for listening to TubeCast!
02:20 John: Heh, right. Next question! SaraHawke722 asks, “How do you both know Stamford?” Stamo! The Stamster! I think therefore I Stam. Heh, uh, I-I added those bits. They didn’t say that. Uh, right. Sherlock you go first.
02:36 Sherlock: I met him at St. Bart’s.
02:39 John: That’s uh Saint Bartholemew’s Hospital in London
02:42 Sherlock: I know.
02:43 John: Yes, I know, I’m just telling the listener.
02:45 Sherlock: *pause* Right… I met him at St. Bart’s. There was a study on skin grafting that he was undertaking. I initially made a number of enquiries about the study, he then hired me to work with him on it. Then after that he wanted me on other projects that I didn’t find that interesting, but *with emphasis* he did let me use the lab.
03:03 John: Great, uh ok, um, I met Stamo in Freshes week at University. Um, the University of London. W-which is kind of affiliated with UCL and King’s College London.
03:15 Sherlock: By kind of affiliated, you mean it’s for their underachieving undergrads.
03:19 John: Uh, sorry mate, what University did you go to, exactly? *silence* Yeah, right, thought so. Uh, by the way, um, few of our American listeners have mentioned that you and Victor went to college together. College in the UK is sixteen to eighteen, generally speaking. Um, but, sorry Sherlock, posh lads will sometimes call boarding school a ‘college’. Uhh, I d-I don’t know why. They also call their private boarding schools ‘public schools’. So, yeah, I know. Weird lot. Uh, anyway, yeah, met Stamo at University of London in Freshes week, we both liked football. He’s a Villa fan, Aston Villa that is. We, we kinda were, uh, both out of our depth a little bit with medical degree life, so y’know maybe stuck together. Which. Which was stupid really as you should probably attach yourself to some smartarse, but hey! Y’know! Live and learn! Uh, he started to do well at Uni. Um, he went on to y’know big-big private practice and cosmetic surgery for the most part. And I got shot at for a living, so. Yeah. Listen in school, kids. Listen in school. Uh, WeirdScience asks “Do you believe in ghosts?”
04:32 Sherlock: No. Do you?
04:33 John: Uh, no. No, no. Joff asks “Sorry to be intrusive doctor, but did you suffer any hearing loss during your army days?” Pardon? *wheezing laugh* Ha, uhh no. No, seriously, I did. Um, I burst an ear drum, twice, um, actually, in Afghanistan. I-in my right ear. Uh, thought it was fine, but then after Ukraine when I was getting a full body M.O.T. as it were, there were signs of hearing loss. Um, yeah, but I’ve been lucky I think. I hope it doesn’t get worse as I’ve built my career in audio now. So. Yeah-yeah, but uh a little. A little bit. Um, JellyBaby says, “Dogs or Cats, podboys?”
05:18 Sherlock: I prefer vermin.
05:19 John: Hm. I uh prefer dogs, through and through. Yeah. Um, y’know I like a cat, but they don’t get me. Dogs get me. Ain’t that right, Arch? Heh. Uh, don’t know where he is actually. He’s probably downstairs with Mariana. Catonk asks, “What’s your favorite musical?” We-well it won’t be ‘Cats’! Hahaha! Ahh, Sherlock, your favorite musical?
05:43 Sherlock: What’s the one with the man?
05:46 John: The. The one with the man. Um. Right. You’ve just described the entirety of art and media there.
05:54 Sherlock: He has a piano and he lives in a cave.
05:57 John: Piano in a cave?
05:59 Sherlock: There’s a girl he loves. He-he-he’s got half a face.
06:01 John: Ohh! Phantom of the Opera.
06:04 Sherlock: Yes! I thought that one was okay.
06:07: Great. Yeah, no, it’s a good’un, it’s a good’un. Good answer, I like Phantom. I like Les Mis. I know that’s a boring answer, but some incredible songs in that. Uhhh, yeah. Question via email here from Sartori, “Did you feel bad for Violet Caruthers, because I did.” Um, well yeah, I did. Um. She, uh- I-I-I don’t know how to put it, really-
06:34 Sherlock (interjecting): Had given up control of her life.
06:36 John: Yeah, it was- I don’t know- confidence shot to shit? Th-th-the truest sort of victim I think I’ve ever seen, really. She just, uh, she couldn’t grasp the wheel on her own life. Like Sherlock says. Was that why you were reluctant on that case, Sherlock?
06:55 Sherlock: Very much so. Men had muscled in and filled the gaps she had created from her own insecurity. I didn’t wish to be yet another imposing presence.
07:05 John: But we were.
07:07 Sherlock: We were. And what good did it do?
07:10 John: Saved a bloke’s life?
07:11 Sherlock: Mm, we didn’t pull the trigger but we may as well have. And we set the process in motion.
07:18 John: Welllll… right. Yeah. Okay, didn’t think this q and a session would get so deep. Um. But, yeah, t-that, uh… Welcome to True Crime! *awkward huff laugh* Yeah, we don’t always run off or cycle off into the sunset. Um. Yeah. Uh, okay. Mush-Pit asks, “How many languages do you know?”
07:47 Sherlock: Many.
07:48 John: Great.Uh, why?
07:50 Sherlock: When I was young, I often fooled myself into thinking perhaps it was my grasp of language that was the reason that I didn’t quite fit in. So, I decided to try a number of other languages to see if they worked as a better and more effective means of communication. I wondered whether the nuance and subtle signals of the English language were what was holding me back from social environments. So, I attempted other languages.
08:14 John: Right, and how did that go?
08:15 Sherlock: It’s the same. It would appear it’s nothing to do with language.
08:20 John: Yeah, I’m inclined to agree with you there. I’m rubbish with languages. Ha, it never sticks for some reason. Um, hole in my brain I think. Mariana is also a dab hand at the old languages. She cracked open a bit of Russian the other day. I nearly ducked for cover! * laughs at his own joke* Uh, *clears through* RangerPip asks, “Have you seen any of the fan content Sherlock?”
08:42 Sherlock: Yes, because you keep showing me. And sticking things on the fridge.
08:46 John: Uh, yeah because they’re cool. They’re really good mate! Just-just you wait until I show you the presentation.
08:52 Sherlock: The what?
08:53 John: Nothing. Right question via email from Unbelted, “Does the fingerprint in your logo make an ‘S’ and is that deliberate?” Yes, um is the answer to that. My idea, thanks. Uh, Jones asks, “What’s our spice tolerance?” So, um, right. Okay, yeah. I can go really spicy for Indian. Uh, I can hit the searing temperatures of the Madras and the Vindaloo no problem. Lot of Brits can actually. But I tell you what, Indonesian and Thai spicing I feel. Geez, whew, that is-is a whole different realm of spice. Um…phew. S-sherlock?
09:32 Sherlock: I like the sensation.
09:35 John. Yep, uh. Anything else to add?
09:39 Sherlock: It depends on my emotional connection to the food.
09:42 John: Of course, of course. Well, a-a-as mentioned in Gloria Scott, Sherlock will only eat certain foods if he’s in the right mood. The mood for food, heh. Uh, right-o. Few general questions asking how pancake day went. Uh, yep. No dramas. Went well. Went ‘flipping’ great. Eh? Hehe. Uh, yeah, uh oo! Questions and comments. A lot from North American Podpals, uh, about me describing a woman as ‘tasty’. Um. So, ‘tasty’ is a Carol Watson word. Uh. T-t-the sort she would use for young, handsome men that she flirts with when she can. Um, don’t know what the American equivalent would be? Um? Yeah, you know, what’s a lame word used to describe someone as good looking? Y’know what would an elderly woman use basically…get in touch! Right, another question here. Uh, by the way, when I started this whole question and answer thing, Goalhanger and I thought this would be a great way to field questions about cases. Um. Y’know about the people we meet, about the nature of the crimes we’ve dealt with, uh to fill in possible knowledge gaps, and impart little gems of information that expose the murky nature of crime. Um. Which takes us to this question from Saphhster, “John, what are your thoughts on ranch dressing?” *long pause* I mean, yeah. I like it. I like it, it’s good stuff. Um, Sherlock is nodding. Uh, it’s audio mate. Great. Thanks for your contribution. Uh, Tonky asks, “Does Sherlock have any tattoos?” Apart from my face on his bum. Heh, that’s a joke. That’s a joke, don’t write in. Sherlock, tattoos?
11:26 Sherlock: A spiral on my hip.
11:28 John: What?! Alright, well let’s see! Get it out. *sound of clothes being moved/removed* Oh, well that’s rubbish.
11:34 Sherlock: I know.
11:35 John: Why’d you get that done?
11:36 Sherlock: I-it’s scarring from falling out of bed. I had it filled in because it looked like a spiral.
11:42 John: Okay. Sarah Hawke again with a question, “What is your advice about dealing with a noisy flatmate? Would love both your takes on this lol. I’m at Uni and have a noisy and slightly annoying flatmate. Somehow I’ve agreed to live with them next year as well.” Um, okay Sara Hawke, w-
12:03 Sherlock (cutting John off): Try to tune them out as best you can. Bring in other elements to distract you from their noisiness.
12:09 John (cutting Sherlock off): Sorry, what are you doing?
12:10 Sherlock: Answering wonky-blonk’s question.
12:12 John: It’s not ‘Wonky-Blonk’, it’s Sarah Hawke. Who’s Wonky-Blonk?
12:15 Sherlock: They’re all called that.
12:17 John: Look, I live with a noisy flatmate, alright, it’s clearly directed at me.
12:20 Sherlock: They said both of us.
12:21 John: Yeah, but they added a ‘lol’, okay. That means they recognize the irony of you being asked.
12:26 Sherlock: Why?
12:27 John: Because you initiate a fucking marching band at three am every night.  Ssssake. Uh, yeah, Sarah Hawke, I would say get some earbuds. Play music. Uh, white noise is good. Um, oh, I l-looked into this. You can get quite cool soundproofing panels on Amazon. Um, they don’t look awful and they do kind of work. Sometimes. Uh, yeah, right, anyway. That’s it. Thanks for the ‘Qs’, hope you liked the ‘As’ and we will see you soon. He’s wav-He’s waving. It’s. It’s audio m- For god’s sake-
13:00-13:30 *Outro Music Plays*
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Sunday lovin'
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wc: 648
warnings: domestic bf!steve, food and eating
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You wake up slowly, sun streaming in through the blinds. Steve’s strong arms are wrapped tightly around you. He feels so warm that you don’t wanna move for the rest of your life. But you do start to stretch, squirming gently out of his grip.
“Where are you going?” Steve’s morning voice whines in your ear. You turn to face him, smiling softly.
“As much as I’d like to stay in bed with you, I have breakfast to make for the two of us.” That makes him hum happily but he pulls you tighter to his chest.
“You could keep snuggling with me?” He kisses your temple, sighing happily.
“Baby…you’re gonna be very hungry in about thirty minutes so how about I make breakfast, bring it up, and we can keep cuddling?” He sighs dramatically, letting you go.
“Fine! But if I die due to lack of cuddling you better write on my headstone that it’s your fault.” He pouts as you climb out of bed.
“Oh relax you big baby!” You ruffle his bedhead, kissing his forehead quickly before heading into the bathroom to brush your teeth. Steve pretends to sleep but you can see the eye cracked open as he watches you hum along to a song that’s been stuck in your head for a week. He was so grateful that you had agreed to move in with him. You were so sweet all the time and he did not know how he survived without you.
Meanwhile, you head into the kitchen, pulling out some turkey bacon, eggs, and your blueberry pancake mix. You turn on some pop music, singing along as you start to make breakfast. You try to be quick, knowing that eventually Steve will get impatient and come down here and you really don’t wanna bother him.
He’s been working a lot lately, the job at his dad’s firm practically killing him. He hates that people know he’s the boss’s son, and especially hates how people expect him to be useless. You know the job drains him so you figure breakfast in bed is the least you can do.
You pile the plates high with bacons, pancakes, syrup, and sunny-side up eggs. You balance the plates on a tray with two tall glasses of orange juice. When you finally make your way upstairs, Steve is already sitting up.
“I wanted you to be sleeping baby!” You pout as you set the tray on the nightstand. He smiles regardless, reaching for the delicious smelling food.
“If I was sleeping I would have missed listening to your adorable singing!” He winks as you set the tray on his lap.
“Oh just eat your pancakes.” You grin anyways, sitting next to him and taking your plate. He smiles, cutting himself a large bite and shoveling it into his mouth.
“This was so worth you climbing out of bed!” He chews with his mouth full, smiling when you shoot him a disapproving look.
“You deserve it baby. Been working so hard lately.” You start to dig in too, humming when it tastes pretty good.
“I haven’t been working that hard.”
“Yes you have. I know that being at your dad’s firm has been…difficult so I wanted to do something nice for you!” You shift to sit next to him, resting your head on his shoulder.
“You’re so sweet…I’m so lucky to have you.”
“I know!” You boast, content to sit in silence with your adorable boyfriend and eat your breakfast.
Soon enough, your stomachs are full and your plates are empty. You set them on the nightstand, curling up to him again with a yawn.
“Morning nap?” He suggests and you smile, eyes already starting to close.
“That’s the best idea you’ve had all day.”
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aetherdoesthings · 7 months
Hey! 👋🏽 Can we get some slow dancing in the kitchen on a rain day with Sanji? Sanji seems like the type of romantic to like that. I'm sorry I don't have more to the ask, I've just been thinking about it all day lol
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hey :)! sorry this took a while. i had quite the busy week.
forethoughts: okay a lot of things is happening in my life rn so i tried to finish a request. my work, social, romantic (somehow) life started to culminate in one but it's fine :D. a little rushed imo, so rlly sorry if it isn't good.
notes: gn!reader, fluff, slow dancing?
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On some days of the Sunny, it wouldn’t be as bright and shiny. Whenever the ship traversed through harsher seas and rougher terrains, terrible storms would alway ensue. Some days you’d be lucky, and it would only be a drizzle and you were just confined inside. Some days you weren’t, and it would turn into an all hands on deck type of scenario. Thankfully, Nami had reported it was just a light rain, and the Sunny would pass the rainy patch in a day or two. That meant the entire crew was stuck inside. Robin and Nami would be in their respective offices; Robin in the library researching poneglyphs and Nami busy drawing maps. Zoro was probably asleep or training. Luffy, Usopp and Chopper would be trying to find some type of game they could play without wrecking the place. Franky was somewhere in his workshop building something new. 
You laid down on the dining table, arms out as you stared at the ceiling. Your boyfriend was busy in the kitchen cooking up a snack for you to eat, humming a nonexistent tune. You would be lying if you said you were happy with your current condition. You hated rainy days; everyone hated rainy days. As much as you all respected Franky for building the Sunny and decorating the inside, it was not stimulating enough to cure your boredom. 
Sanji seemed to take notice, letting out a little chuckle. “Why the frown, dear?”
“I’m bored.” You replied flatly.
“Do you plan on staying like this the entire day? Lying down in the center of the dining table like a sacrifice?”
“Yes. I would very much rather be a sacrifice than be stuck inside.”
"Surely you wouldn't occupy the table for the rest of the day. "
"Try me."
Sanji chuckled. “But I need to serve dinner eventually.”
“I’ll move.” You shifted your body, gazing at your blonde haired personal chef as he walked towards you, one of his hands carrying your favorite snack. He set it in front of your face, a warm and comforting smile on his.
“Don’t frown, okay, dear? As much as I love how cute you look when you pout, I don’t like seeing you sad. It makes me sad.” Sanji’s hand ran through your hair, ruffling it up a bit. You instinctively let out a chuckle at his action, reluctantly sitting up and taking the plate. Sanji got onto the table next to you, staying by your side as you ate the food. He watched you devour the plate without leaving a single crumb. You set the plate by your side, prompting Sanji to jump off the table, offering a hand towards you. With his ‘help’, your feet made contact with the ground again, your hand resting in Sanji’s. In a single motion, he pulled your body close to yours, wrapping his arms around your shoulder. 
Suddenly, music started to play from nowhere, serene jazz music filling the empty kitchen. You figured Brook was lurking somewhere on the rafters, just hanging by a bone and playing his violin. Or maybe it was a tone dial. Nevertheless, music filled your ears, blocking out the sound of the pouring rain. Sanji’s footwork was light as ever, making you unable to sense where he was or what his next move was. You could only tell by his breathing where he was, feeling the wind brush against your neck and graze your cheek. The chef held you close to his body, perfectly aligning it with his like two puzzle pieces fitting together. Sanji’s touch was gentle and reassuring, as if to convey all his love and affection through the warmth of his embrace. You rested your head on Sanji’s chest, hearing the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, feeling the rise and fall of his breath. With every step Sanji led, your worries and troubles faded away, love and affection filling the space. All your focus was on the man in front of you. The kitchen slowly transformed into your little oasis, a place of love and solace, rid of anxiety or stress.
Maybe some rainy days weren’t that bad after all. 
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topgun-imagines · 2 years
Shark Week
Requested: yes
Summary: Jake comes home to find that you have an extremely sore back. Luckily, he’s become an expert at massaging it.
Word count: 1.1k
Warnings: periods. cramps. allusions to smut.
Pairings: Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x fem!reader
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Jake sighed as he pulled into the driveway. He had been stuck at work for much longer than he usually was. The pilot was practically counting down the seconds until he could come home to you. It had been a long week of early mornings and tiring days and all he wanted was to curl up with you. He undid his seatbelt and hopped from the truck, grabbing the small bouquet of flowers as he went.
He was met with a deafening silence when he pulled open the door to your shared home. His eyebrows furrowed as he headed inside. Usually, your presence could be felt throughout the entire house. You could always be found either in the living room or the kitchen when Jake came home. With one quick glance to the clock, he realized that it was a bit too early for you to be asleep. He slipped his boots off and began wandering through the house, searching for where you could be.
Once he made his way upstairs, he could hear the soft music coming from your bedroom. With a soft smile, he opened the door and moved toward you. Your head snapped up from where it was resting on your pillow, offering him a weak smile when you met his eyes. Jake instantly noticed your discomfort, becoming worried when you didn’t jump off the bed to greet him. He was even more worried when tears gathered on your lashes. As he approached you, he noticed how your eyes were trained on the bouquet of flowers in his hand. He sat down beside you and cooed softly. His hand petted over your hair, smoothing back some of the loose strands.
“How’re you doing, honey?” He questioned quietly, fingers working through your hair. You hummed as you leaned into his touch. It brought a smile to his face. The flowers were set on the bedside table as he cradled your head in his hands, fingers still massaging across your scalp. “You okay, baby?” He murmured, his thick accent shining through his words.
Your eyes fluttered open to meet his. A grimace crossed your face as you adjusted yourself. Jake’s hands fell into his lap as he watched you get comfortable again. “I’m alright,” You mused quietly. Jake continued to watch you wearily, eyes watching your every move. You offered him a small smile. “I got my period today.” His mouth slowly formed a large O, realization washing over him. Your smile widened at his silly expression, causing Jake to be filled with pride. He loved when he was able to help you through something hard. You knew that he hated seeing you in pain and he would do anything to make sure you were okay.
Jake settled into the bed beside you, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you into his side. You rested your head against his shoulder. The pair of you sat in silence for the next few minutes. That was until you shifted slightly and a loud groan escaped your lips. His eyes instantly shot to yours, giving you a quick once over to make sure you were okay. “My back just really hurts.” You explained to him quietly, sensing his concern. His frown only slightly disappeared. When he sat up and moved away from you, it was your turn to be confused.
Wordlessly, he motioned for you to turn over. You did so without hesitation, trusting in him fully. You waited as Jake moved around the room. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see him grab some things off of the dresser before moving toward the bathroom. He rummaged around for a few minutes before returning to your side. The items in his hands clattered onto the bed as he sat behind you.
His warm hands settled against the muscles on the back of your legs, providing a moment of warning before he straddled the backs of your thighs. He was careful to not put all his weight on you as he grabbed one of the items he’d set on the bed.
Moments later you felt the cool drip of lotion onto your lower back. You shuddered slightly at the chill. That feeling was soon replaced by Jake needing it into your skin. You hummed contently as you allowed your eyes to flutter shut. Your head rested on your folded arms as you got lost in the pleasure. Jake continued to massage the lotion into your back, working out all the tight knots that had built up over the day. His thumbs dug into your lower back, slowly massaging your sore body. You sighed lightly in relief as the pain began to ebb away.
You remained like that for the next few minutes. When he could no longer find any knots and decided that he was finished, he wiped a soft towel over your back, collecting any of the remaining lotion. Jake then wiped his hands before climbing off the bed. He squared down, so that he was level with your face and smiled fondly.
Your eyes had slipped shut. Your lip was jutted out slightly as soft breaths escaped you. Jake reached up and brushed a stray hair away, causing your eyes to blink open slowly. “Hey, gorgeous,” He greeted you in a soft whisper. You smiled at him drearily. “How does a bath sound?” He asked. Nodding, you moved to sit up, rubbing the small bit of sleep from your eyes.
You shrieked when Jake scooped you into his arms, picking you up and carrying you bridal style into the bathroom. He set you on the counter top before he moved to fill up the tub. While it was filling, Jake stood in front of you. His hands traced delicate patterns into the skin of your thighs. Your arms wound around his neck as your foreheads pressed together.
Before you knew it, the bath was full with warm water. You and Jake stripped down, Jake folding up his uniform and setting it on the counter. The pair of you slipped into the tub, both sighing at the warm water. His arms wound around your waist, pulling you back to lean against his sturdy chest. Jake’s thumbs rubbed over the soft skin on your stomach. You sighed, leaning back into him and letting your eyes slip shut.
The pair of you stayed like that for the next 15 minutes. When Jake’s hands stilled on your stomach, your eyes opened slowly. His lips slowly kissed up the side of your neck, stopping when they were right behind the shell of your ear. “Y’a know,” His voice was low and gravely, causing you to shiver slightly. “I know of another way to get rid of your cramps.” A loud gasp escaped you as he bit the shell of your ear.
“Jacob Seresin!” You cried out in shock. He laughed behind you, fingers tickling your sides gently.
a/n: Thank you all for reading! Hope you enjoyed. Requests are open.
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borathae · 10 months
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"This is a little story about how Yoongi and Taehyung spend their days when the rest of the family isn't home."
Pairing: platonic Vampire!Taehyung x Vampire!Yoongi
Genre: Slice of Life, Fluff
Warnings: there are no warnings because this is nothing but sweet fluff and happiness, they go on a little ride with their horses, they're so important to me, hinted polyamory
Wordcount: 2.8k
a/n: i love them i love them i love them 😭 my two babies :( the header is ruining me btw, they're so pretty fandsfna
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Yoongi is listening to music. It plays on his speaker and fills the room with its melodies. He already made a lot of progress with your witch office today. 
You, Jungkook and Hoseok are currently visiting Emma and Seokjin in Gordes for around two weeks, which meant that Yoongi finally had time to prepare his surprise for you. There is no reason for it, nor a special occasion, it is as simple as that Yoongi loves to make you happy. There is no better feeling in the world than knowing that he could make you happy. And because your witch business has been going so well lately, Yoongi decided that it is only fitting to surprise you with your very own witch office. Until recently, you made your potions in the main kitchen which often ended in stuff getting into your food and turning it inedible. Yoongi hopes that by surprising you with your very own kitchen, he can make it a lot easier for you. He can’t wait to get your reaction. He already started dreaming of it and feeling really giddy once he wakes up.
The room he chose for the surprise has been unused for decades. Yoongi already forgot its original purpose, but he liked that you had a window to look out of and beams to hang your flowers from. The floors were rotted and the wallpaper peeled off from age. Yoongi spent the first two days ripping everything out and then spent another five days replacing the floors and wallpaper. He went for a dark shade of your favourite colour and added wood panelling to bring it together. He also fixed the fireplace, making it so you could actually use it, and rewired the electricity so you wouldn’t die as you turned on a lamp. 
It is day eight today and Yoongi is currently busy with getting the kitchen working again, kneeling on the new floors, when a familiar scent hints his nose. 
He pokes his head out from under the sink, meeting Taehyung’s eyes. The latter seems to be back from a ride. Horse follows him with his normal scent and he is still dressed in old-fashioned riding clothes.
“You have made impressive progress”, Taehyung says, looking around the room, “I love the colours.”
Yoongi sticks his head back under the sink. 
Taehyung rounds the kitchen counter and sits down next to Yoongi. He pokes his arm, making Yoongi move his head again.
“You are very cool, hyung.” 
“Thanks”, he says and looks back at the sink. He is almost done. 
“Do you want to come with me for another ride later? The weather is lovely today.”
“I don’t know yet. I still gotta rewire the stove.”
“I can help you with that.”
“No offense, but if you helped you’d kill her accidentally.”
Taehyung nudges Yoongi’s arm, “you are mean.”
“Sorry Tae. You can help me with the cabinets though. I’m sure you can paint them prettier than this.”
“Yes, indeed I can”, Taehyung giggles excitedly, “oh hyung, this makes me very happy. I shall change clothing and begin painting right away”, he says and stumbles to his feet, “will we go on a ride later?”
“Fine. I’ll ride with you.” 
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One can call them old-fashioned or stuck in time, but the two vampires put great care into what clothing they wear for riding. Their petticoats and shirts are tailored, their vests hug their figures and their pants are perfectly ironed. They also make sure that their boots are polished and their leather gloves fitted. And while Taehyung goes for a colour pallet of whites and blues, Yoongi is dressed entirely in black. 
“Where shall we ride?” Taehyung asks, sitting proudly on his horse. 
“Where did you go?” Yoongi asks, sitting just as proudly. 
They pass their stable workers, greeting them with a nod of their heads. 
“I went west to the forests.” 
“Mhm. Wanna go east? For a change?”
There are hills waiting east. The grasses are tall and from the highest point, one has view of the town. 
“Yes, we could do that”, Taehyung says and gives his horse a gentle kick to increase its tempo. 
Yoongi follows next to Taehyung, looking left and right in case enemies showed up. It is a lingering habit from a more dangerous life. One he can’t seem to shake even now in times of peace. 
The two vampires put some distance between the stables and them, when Taehyung breaks the silence with a deep sigh.
Yoongi looks at him and the smile he sports.
“Isn’t the weather wonderful?”
“Mhm, it’s not bad.”
“Indeed it is nice. I think we made a lot of progress with the room today.”
“Yeah, I think so too. I can start with furnishing tomorrow.”
“Oh truly? I shall hurry up with painting then.”
“Mhm  I can help.” 
“That is very lovely of you, but truly I can manage.”
“Mhm. Okay.”
Taehyung looks at Yoongi, giving him a smile. One Yoongi retorts shyly.
“I think it is so romantic of you to surprise her. She is very lucky to have you.”
“No”, Yoongi shakes his head, “I’m lucky to have her. She makes me happy, so I wanna make her happier.”
“Well that is wonderful to hear. I can see that you make her very happy, hyung.” 
Yoongi flusters, rubbing his neck nervously.
“I try”, he murmurs, feeling heat rise to his cheeks. 
It isn’t long and the two vampires reach the top of the hill. They stay seated on their horses, looking at the town not far from here. The sun is hiding behind clouds today, which makes being outside comfortable with the two light-sensitive vampires. Despite the hiding sun, the day was still bright and the view of the town clear.
“This will never lose its beauty”, Taehyung says.
“Mhm, yeah”, Yoongi agrees.
Taehyung inhales the fresh air and sighs happily.
“May I help in decorating her office? I have ideas which she could really enjoy.”
“Yeah, you’re better at it anyways.”
“Thank you. I really enjoy interior design.”
“I know. You like it”, Yoongi says, unknowingly filling Taehyung’s heart with warmth. He knows him so well. 
Taehyung turns his horse so he was looking at Yoongi. He grins. Yoongi studies it.
“What say you to a race, hyung?” 
“A race?”
“Yes, we shall race back to the stables and the winner gets one wish granted by the other person.”
“Alright, if you want to”, Yoongi says and turns his horse. He rolls his shoulders, tightening his grip on the reins, “I’m not easily beat though.”
“Neither am I”, Taehyung says and gets into position, “we will start after the count of-”
“Hya!” Yoongi doesn’t let him finish as he commands his horse into a fast gallop.
“Yoongi! You cheat!” Taehyung screams after him and tells his horse to run, “I wasn’t finished explaining the rules!”
“There are no rules! You’re just slow!” Yoongi calls back and runs faster. 
Taehyung furrows his brows. He is overtaken with playful competitiveness, speeding up with tears gathering in his eyes from the wind. He laughs as he does, feeling incredibly light in his heart.
“You are a total cheat, hyung!”
He passes Yoongi very soon, laughing and cheering loudly because the stables were too close to allow Yoongi to catch up.
“Yah, you brat!” Yoongi laughs, trying to catch up but it is too late. Taehyung races past the stables, slowing down his horse in front of them.
“I won!” he cheers, throwing his hands in the air in celebration.
Yoongi doesn’t slow down. Yoongi gallops past him.
“The last to get to the forests loses!” he calls out. 
“You are playing unfair games!” Taehyung complains and rides off. 
Yoongi has already put significant distance between them and he needs to catch up. 
“You are so unfair, hyung!” Taehyung laughs, meeting laughter as Yoongi’s answer.
It has been decades since the two vampires raced each other. It was the beginning of the 1850s and Namjoon hadn’t shown himself in almost seven years. Life at the estate was quiet. Yoongi hid in his wing for most of the time, while Jimin and Taehyung tried to learn how to function normally. One day, Yoongi took them out for a ride and he raced them until the horses were happily tired and the two recovering vampires had forgotten all about the past decades with Namjoon. At this time, Yoongi didn’t really know about what Namjoon put them through, let alone that he still regularly finds them to inflict more pain, so asking them for a race was merely out of his own desire. 
Back then, the vampires didn’t show that they enjoyed it. No laughter was shared, the conversations were dry and their faces stoic. Their emotionless hearts didn’t really feel the need to show that they enjoyed the time with each other. But one must know that if emotionless vampires spend time together even without their emotions, it was a very obvious sign that they enjoyed each other’s company.
Today it was obvious that they liked the time spend together. Today, Taehyung feels vast of air when he sees the utter happiness on Yoongi’s features as the older vampire looks over his shoulder. His black hair is tousled from the wind, his pale cheeks are flushed pink and his dark brown eyes are crinkled in laughter. They are spilling tears as well because of the wind.
“You’re slow”, he teases and looks back to the front. 
In this moment, Taehyung doesn’t even care that he is slow and that he will most definitely lose. He saw Yoongi’s honest smile and can still hear him laugh like an excited boy at the candy shop. He sounds unlike the Yoongi he knows and yet he never sounded more like himself. 
“You are such a cheater, hyung! I would have won”, Taehyung calls out and squeaks in laughter. Riding a horse has never felt more freeing before. 
Yoongi wins as expected, celebrating his win by jumping off his horse and doing a little dance. 
Taehyung joins him soon, placing his horse next to Yoongi’s and jumping off. 
He runs to Yoongi and connects his palm with Yoongi’s arm. Yoongi stumbles back, teasing him by humming a victorious melody.
“You cheater. I won back at the stables”, Taehyung whines.
“Yeah and then I won right now”, Yoongi teases and does a little butt wiggle, “I won, I won, I won.”
Taehyung should be mad at him for cheating. He should whine about it more, but he can’t find it in himself to do so. 
Yoongi looks so happy. So carefree. And it doesn’t feel awkward between them. 
Taehyung feels overwhelmed in happiness. He closes the distance between them and takes Yoongi into a hug.
“Tae, come on”, Yoongi tenses up instantly. His butt wiggles stop, but a deep chuckle rumbling in his chest lets Taehyung know that he is still feeling good.
“My wish is to give you a hug”, Taehyung murmurs and nuzzles his face into the crook of Yoongi’s neck.
“Yeah? My wish is to not get hugged. Tae come on, you know how this makes me feel”, Yoongi complains and tries to push at Taehyung’s chest. 
“But I love you, hyung. Do you not love me?” 
“Course I do. Just”, Yoongi wiggles, “let go of me.”
Taehyung releases him from his hug. Yoongi fixes his coat and meets his eyes.
“Yah, come here you rascal”, he says and attacks Taehyung with a gentle head lock.
“Hey. Ah! Release me”, Taehyung squeaks in laughter, fighting him gently. 
Taehyung can’t remember if he ever play fought with Yoongi. He is quite sure that he didn’t. He watched Jungkook and Seokjin play fight each other on many occasions. He also knows that when Jimin feels playful he likes to pretend to practice boxing on his arm. And Jungkook regularly has his moments where he playfully slaps people’s butts. But he never had a playfight with Yoongi. This is new and it’s making him squeak in laughter while Yoongi laughs just a squeakily. 
The play fight ends with Taehyung attacking Yoongi with a hug and the Creator whining loudly. 
“I won”, Taehyung says, releasing him.
“I let you win”, Yoongi says and drops onto the ground. He stretches out his legs, resting back against a tree, “I’m stronger than you.”
“Yes you are”, Taehyung says and sits down next to Yoongi, “does this mean that I have another wish free?”
Yoongi chuckles, “I never agreed on that.”
“I think I have another wish free.”
“You’re a brat”, Yoongi says fondly.
“Mhm indeed”, Taehyung relaxes with a smile, “I shall voice my wish later.”
“Fine. If you want to.”
The two vampires can look out at the endless grounds this way. The meadows, the forests, the lakes and the various flower gardens. They see the estate in the distance and the hills even further away. 
“You seem carefree today”, Taehyung says.
“I feel carefree. I don’t gotta worry about life fucking me up again.”
“Yes, I agree it is rather healing to think that we live in peace these days.”
“I still don’t think it’s real. Sometimes I wonder if I’m still stuck in Namjoon’s curse and all the good things happening lately are just my brain making up stuff to escape the pain.”
Taehyung reaches over and pinches Yoongi’s upper inner arm.
“Ah”, he flinches away, touching the spot instantly, “what the fuck? That hurt. Why did you do that?”
“Now you know that this is real.”
“I just said that sometimes I wonder, not that I actually think it isn’t real.”
“No, I understood you, but we had to make sure.”
Yoongi snorts in amusement, clicking his tongue.
Taehyung chuckles, relaxing happily. He follows a breeze of wind as it dances through the grasses and trees. 
“I think about these possibilities as well”, he confesses after some time of tranquility passed.
“You do?”
He nods his head, “I do. I sometimes wonder if my current perfect life is just another cruel mind trick of Namjoon. There were many occasions where he made me see wonderful things only to pull me back to torture again when the fantasy felt the most healing. The pain he inflicted afterwards always felt especially unbearable”, he says and touches his own hands as if to wipe the memory from his nerves, “I am scared that sometimes all of this isn’t real and that one day, I will have to return to being tortured again.”
Yoongi reaches out for his hand and closes his fingers around it. The shakes, which had started to gradually overtake Taehyung’s hands, stop. Taehyung looks at their hands then into Yoongi’s reassuring eyes 
“It’s real. You know?” Yoongi says softly.
Taehyung takes a shaky breath. He nods his head. 
“I know”, he whispers and allows a small smile to brighten his features.
Yoongi retorts it and looks back at the endless meadows. He slips his hand from Taehyung’s to play with his own thumbs instead. Taehyung traces his own knuckles. Moments before, Yoongi’s thumb grazed them mindlessly. Taehyung still feels the touch. He blinks the emotion from his eyes and looks at the swaying grasses. Their horses are close by, getting their afternoon snacking in. Taehyung’s horse was brown in colour and was dressed in dark blue gear, while Yoongi’s horse had fur blacker than the darkest night and wore black leather gear. It fit the two vampires. 
“I like that you open up to me these days”, Yoongi says into the silence.
Taehyung shifts his eyes from their horses to study Yoongi’s side profile instead. His older friend’s lips were perfectly pouted and his nose perfectly sloped, so that he had a doll-like elegancy to him. Taehyung thought him beautiful as artists thought nature beautiful and photographer light. 
“I only feel comfortable doing so because you made it safe to talk to you”, Taehyung answers him, “yes, I am aware that I wasn’t a safe space for you either, but I am grateful that you decided to become one for me and Jimin. I hope we can be safe spaces for you as well.”
“Mhm, yeah”, Yoongi doesn’t say more, but Taehyung didn’t need more. Just from those two words, he knew that Yoongi was honest. He smiles.
“Look at us, hyung”, he says, nudging Yoongi’s upper arm softly.
“Mhm, look at us.”
“I really like you, hyung. You know?” 
“I know, Tae. Me too”, Yoongi says as his eyes still follow the wind in the meadows. A sense of serenity surrounded him. The kind of serenity which hasn’t followed him for long yet, but Taehyung knew it will only grow from now on. He felt tranquil as well.
“We are truly at peace, aren’t we?” he says as he stretches out his legs. 
“I don’t know.”
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t wanna jinx it.” 
“You won’t. The world is at peace and life is good”, Taehyung nudges Yoongi’s arm again, “you truly kept your promise to her. You made the world a safer place.” 
Yoongi smiles, “yeah, I guess I did.”
The two vampires will sit under the trees until the wind carried the first smell of evening with it. It will be a time well spent with conversation which naturally morphed into them working on music together.
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aussiepineapple1st · 1 year
That Time of Month
Leon x F!Reader
A/N: This is my experience with periods. I don’t know exactly how they should normally work other than getting them at the same time every month. So I just went with what mine are like.
Words: 1,672 Contains: Fluff, Period talk, Domestic Leon.
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Leon was coming home today, he had been in quarantine for the passed week. He had been texting you through your cheap burn phones. He always hated being stuck in DSO's Private hospital rooms, they were nice as you have stayed in there multiple times before. But you liked the quiet time where you could just read, draw and listen to music while you passed the time slowly. Not having to worry about your job. For Leon, however, it was absolute torture after the first 2 days. He would get antsy try to find something to do, anything! Colouring the provided adult colouring books, reading, he would listen to his music, but he would soon start pacing. He was mainly extroverted, though he didn't need to be out and doing something on the town type of extroverted. He liked his company, yes going out was a bonus, but he liked to be around people. You especially.
Your phone buzzes. "Almost home :P" You smile at the text and begin typing your reply.
"Don't text and drive." 
"Make me"
You just chuckle to yourself, placing your phone back down on the island bench. You had been cleaning all morning, having gotten back from a job yourself, but didn't come into contact with any viruses or parasites, so quarantine wasn't needed. The house was usually tidy because both of you seemed to be on a lot of jobs lately, seeming to come home, get one good night's sleep then back out on the field. But you had been home for 4 days now and had been lazy with dishes, plus the bathroom and bedroom needed a good cleaning and vacuuming. 
You did this all despite getting your period. You didn't get them on the regular maybe skipping a few months at a time to a few years, those times would get Leon's hopes up that you could be pregnant, but the tests were always negative. Luckily you had felt that cramping last night and put a pad on just to be safe. You felt like crap and would sometimes have to stop what you were doing, bending over to put pressure on your pelvis to help with the bout of pain. Currently you were standing in the kitchen doing the dishes, looking around the large space of your living area, your sink being on the island bench facing out so you could converse while cleaning up. The thought of how lucky you were despite your job and the things you have seen, you had an amazing 2 story house out in the hills, a loving boyfriend who you were hoping was going to propose to you at any time, but honestly didn't mind if you didn't get married. It was mainly the thought. You were basically husband and wife already, just without the legality and paperwork, and rings were a slight hazard, even though you would both wear gloves when out on a job.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the uncomfortable crampage turning up to a 9, causing you to squat down in a ball of discomfort and pain. You feel your skin going clammy and was sure you lost all your colour, one hand still holding onto the edge of the bench above your head. You were in so much pain you didn't even hear the door opening.
"I'm home!" Calls an all too familiar voice from the front door, all the way across the room from where the kitchen was. 
Strange.. There was no response? Leon was sure you were home. Dropping his keys in the bowl beside the entrance with a clang, he drops his bag while looking around. He could smell the citrus of the cleaning products you liked to use and saw a nicely lit house. You had opened all the curtains to the windows and letting a nice cool breeze in. Yeah you were definitely here, so why were not you running at him and leaping into his arms like he would normally be welcomed home.
"(Y/N)? You here?" He calls scanning the kitchen area and seeing some fingers, white from gripping the edge tight. They lift up and give a wave.
"Over here.." You say grunting out your words.
That didn't sound good, Leon makes his way towards the kitchen and peers around the island bench to see you scrunched up in a ball. He walks over to you and kneels down placing a hand on your shoulder, you felt all cold and clammy. "Hey.. What's wrong?" He asked with worry in his voice. Seeing your flushed face as you look up to him, your nose wrinkled in pain.
"Period.." Was all you could get out, exhaling through the cramp, this one was lasting a while.
Leon's shoulders relax, he thought you had been hurt, well, you were hurting, but it was nothing either of you could really do and you weren't bleeding out. Well.... You were, but this was the 'natural' type. "Alright, up we go." He said lifting you into his arms. He gives you a kiss on the temple as he walks you over to the lounge.
"Welcome home, by the way." You were starting to come back to reality, the cramping finally starting to calm to a more bareable pain.
"We really should get you checked out, I'm a guy and even I don't think this is normal." He said skipping over your welcome home, but it didn't go unappreciated.
"I know.. But when have I got the time? The appointments have to be made in advance and we don't know when we will be back or going out on jobs." You say as Leon places you down on the couch. He gives a frustrated look as you were very right, but he hated seeing you this way. It wasn't often, thank god, but when it did happen he absolutely abhorred that your body would do this to you.
"Do you think maybe you could be pregnant? You seem to be in more pain than normal?" He asked. "I heard one of the office girls talk about the pain she felt before she found out she was pregnant."
You shake your head. "No.. I'm bleeding this time."
"Oh.. Right." He sounded disappointed. You knew he wanted at least one kid. Though you were both getting older, and having a child in your line of work was just a death wish for the child. That or easy orphanage, and Leon was an orphan so he didn't want to put any child through that. But he still would have that glimmer of hope in his eyes.
Leon makes his way to the hallway leading to the bathroom, toilet and 2 guest rooms. Opening the doors of a closet built into the wall, he takes out a maroon wheat pack. Placing it in the microwave for 3 minutes, he searches around the kitchen cupboards for some snacks. You had said you were out shopping the other day when he called you from how bored he was, then he suddenly remembered. Walking over to his bag beside the front door he picks it up and takes it over to you. 
Kneeling down in front of you on the couch he reaches into his bag, pulling out some sour lollies, a box of Ferrero Rocher's and a very crushed flower he had picked on his way home. "Oh.. um.. This did look pretty." He said with a sheepish smile, you take it from his hand anyway and smell it.
"It still smells nice though." You smile and lean towards him, Leon closing the gap between you as your lips touch and a quick kiss.
The microwave beeps and he makes his way over there, removing the wheat back and bouncing it in his hand as it was hot to the touch to start with. You realise the room starting to get darker, hearing the curtains being closed.
"You don't have to, I know you like the sunlight coming through."
"I do, but we can't watch a movie with the glare." He replies. Grabbing a blanket from the another couch before laying it over you, placing the wheat pack over your pelvis. You sigh with relief after a short moment, Leon standing beside you until he heard your discomfort lessening. 
"What movie were you thinking of watching?" You ask knowing what the answer was going to be already. 
"Do you even have to ask?" He said grabbing the remote controls, sitting you up he grabs a few pillows to place on his lap so you could lean against them.
"Kung Fu Panda 2 it is then." You smile as you lean back into the pillows and as Leon wraps his arms around you. You were already eating the sour lollies he had bought. "Did you just happen to grab these?"
"Well I was going to ask if you wanted a date night and this could be after snacks. But plans have changed and I'll go out to get some takeaway." He answers pressing another few kisses to your temple. He had really missed you, both dancing around each other with separate jobs lately over the passed month. You would come home and Leon would have been pulled out to work that previous night, then he would come home and you had been sent international that morning.
"Sorry.." You apologise feeling guilty that you had ruined his plans.
"Sorry? It's not your fault you're in pain." He reasons, not accepting the apology. "Besides, I get a week off so we can do whatever you want when you are ready." He smiled and starts to search for his favourite movie. 
You both spend the rest of the afternoon watching the movie then catching up, just talking about your jobs and what you had experienced, needing to talk to each other about it and how you were feeling. Leon then leaves to get some Chinese and sushi, coming home with many different options. Tonight was a night of alcohol, laughing and feasting.
🏷️: @phoenix666stuff @maehemthemisfit @greywardensaywhat
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