#yes I did pick up the snowman the second I saw in the photo that he'd fallen over
maniacalmole · 9 months
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The Doctor may be retired, but that doesn't mean he can't do a few rounds with his old pal, Santa! Whose arms appear to be too long....
Plus the ghosts of Past, Present, and Future--well, that's only fitting.
Amazing Doctor doll made by the fantastic @sonnetnumber23 <3 Thank you my friend!
Merry Christmas, everyone!!!
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make-me-imagine · 4 years
Request: Reader starts playing with the snow because it is the first time they see it. So they drag Sherlock to make a snow angel/snowman or a snow fight?
Requested by: @destynelseclipsa​
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Gen!Neutral Reader
Triggers: None          Words: 1,208
Note: I’m pretty sure that it doesn’t snow as heavily as is suggested in this in London, but let’s just pretend it does lol. 
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As you exited the bedroom to get yourself some coffee, you noticed Sherlock staring at one of his case boards. Deciding not to disturb him you made yourself some coffee before sitting down and looking at whatever it was that Sherlock was so invested in. 
“Need anything?” you asked, finally breaking the silence, but unsure if he would even hear you. 
“No” he answered quickly, yet mutedly.  
You sat there for a few more minutes, playing on your phone for a bit, until you scrolled past a photo one of your friends posted, seeing their powdery white covered driveway. 
Looking up, you looked at the curtain covered windows before rising and almost running to the window. Sherlock noticed the quickened movement and watched you, wondering what caused this sudden reaction. 
He heard you gasp and sat up slightly “What is it?”
Your eyes sparkled with excitement as you stared out the window at the snow covered street, empty of cars and people. 
“Snow!” you said as you looked back at him, 
He cocked his brow, unsure of why you were so excited “Yes. Annoying isn’t it? Can’t go anywhere due to the blocked roads.” he mumbled, annoyed.
“But it’s beautiful, I’ve never seen it in person before!” you said before running over to the doorway and slipping on some more suitable shoes. 
Sherlock watched as you did so, he knew you came from a warmer climate but wasn’t aware you had never seen the snow before. As you ran down the stairs and out of the flat, Sherlock rose and walked over to the window. Looking down at the street, he sees you run out onto the sidewalk. 
Once you made it outside, you looked up at the sky, seeing the snowflakes falling from the sky, seemingly appearing out of nowhere. A smile spread across your face as you looked down at the piles of soft white powder. Reaching down you sunk your hands into it, feeling it for the first time. Taking hand-fulls of the snow, you suddenly threw it up in the air, as it sprinkled down on you and the ground around you. 
Sherlock smiled at your actions, as he watched you from the window. He had grown so used to the snow, he was amused at how happy it was making you. 
Turning and looking around, you eyes landed on the window of the flat, where you saw Sherlock watching you. You smiled widely at him before gesturing for him to come out. When he made no movement or expression, you turned back around and started messing with the snow again, making small snowballs in your hands. 
As Sherlock watched you, he realized just how under-dressed you were. You were so excited to go see the snow that you didn’t even bother to put on a coat. Sighing, he shook his head, a small smile tugging at his lips as he made his way to the door, grabbing your coat on the way out after slipping his own on.
You turned at the sound of the door opening, seeing Sherlock walking out, coat in hand. It wasn’t until that moment that you realized you were very cold. Your excitement having distracted you. 
“Put this on before you catch a cold” Sherlock said as he handed you the coat. 
Taking it, you smiled at him as you put it on. You looked around “Isn’t it beautiful?”
He smiled as he looked around “I suppose, though, I’m used to it.” 
As he turned to go back inside you reached out and stopped him “Wait! Stay with me, lets play in the snow!”
“We’re not children Y/n, we don’t play in the snow” Sherlock said, with a voice of mild annoyance, mixed with amusement. 
You pouted at him “That’s something a boring person would say.” 
Sherlock quirked his brow as you turned around and kicked the snow with a smile before turning back to him “Haven’t you ever played in the snow? Built a snowman, had a snowball fight, made a snow angel?” 
“Yes. But only when I was a child.” 
You looked at him before humming to yourself, walking over to a thick area of snow. You turned and looked at him “I never have.” Your comment seemed to throw Sherlock for a second. You wanted him to play in the snow with you because you never had anyone else to do it with before, let alone been able to play in the snow at all. 
Before he could say anything he watched as you suddenly threw yourself backwards into the snow., sending up small clouds of white powder. Flailing your arms up and down you smiled to yourself as you created your first snow angel. 
Sherlock found a small smile forming on his face as he watched this. As you stayed there, staring up at the cloudy sky. He sighed to himself before walking over to you. You looked up at him, and watched as he turned and laid down in the snow next to you.
You turned and looked at him, a large smile on your face. Looking at you, his face was unemotional “Happy?” 
You remained silent as you moved your arms up and down, and your legs side to side, silently telling him to do it as well. He sighed before giving in, and with a sense of lack-luster, doing the same.
Chuckling, you rolled yourself over to him, so that you were right next to him, leaning on his shoulder. You pressed a quick kiss to his cheek “Now I’m happy.” 
Though he tried to suppress it, a smile formed on his face. He looked to his side for a moment before looking back at you “You ruined my snow angel.” 
You looked at the area you had ruined when you rolled over and feigned a shocked gasp before rolling back to your original spot, making Sherlock chuckled lightly. 
Looking over at you, he saw the grin on your face, but noticed the flush your skin had taken due to the cold. “We should go back inside before you catch a cold.” 
“Okay” you agreed, though there was a hint of disappointment in our tone, that only Sherlock could pick up on. 
After a moment of silence he looked back over at you “Maybe later we can take a walk in the park. I think you would enjoy seeing the frozen ponds there” 
You met his gaze, smiling at him “That sounds good” 
“And, maybe...we can make a snowman while we are there.” 
Your smiled widened “Promise?” 
He looked at you, ready to say only maybe if you had the time. But upon seeing the excitement in your eyes, he gave in “Yes. I promise.”
Standing up, he moved over to you, reaching out his hand for you to take. As he helped you up, he reached up and brushed the snow from your shoulders and head as he smiled at you, as you began to finally shiver from the cold. Leaning down, he pressed a small kiss to your forehead before bringing his hand to your lower back and leading you inside, feeling a weird sense of excitement he wasn’t expecting as he thought of building a snowman with you. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
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hockeywhhores · 4 years
first snow- m. barzal
m. barzal x f! brazilian! reader
summary~ you get spend your first snowy christmas with mat.
warnings~ language
genre~ pre-established relationship
word count~ 1.3k
Choosing to spend Christmas with Mat in New York was a daunting choice. Yet, here you were walking around Times Square with him. The weather was super cold, but you both didn’t mind. You were from a very warm climate, having lived in Brazil for most your life, and weren’t used to it. Mat took it upon himself to keep you warm. He would make you wear big, puffy coats, beanies, scarfes, and gloves. He took keeping you warm very seriously. Mat would even stop and get you hot chocolate whenever you shivered a little bit in his arms.
Sadly, It was very cold, but no snow to play in. Mat was telling you all the funny things you could build and how pretty it looked, but you have yet to see any. The city still seemed to have the Christmas spirit. Everyone could see how the holiday picked up everyone's mood. Mat wanted to make your first Christmas, that was spent with each other, the best he could. God only knew how many presents he had stocked up. Hiding in places he hoped you wouldn’t look in his apartment.
“Are you Mat Barzal?” a young boy asked, effectively snapped Mat out of his little daydream.
“I sure am!” Mat smiled down at the boy. Now that Mat was paying attention he noticed the Islanders beanie that sat atop the kid’s brown hair.
“I admire you! I even picked the number 13 as my jersey number!” the boy bragged.
“That’s super cool! What’s your name?” Mat asked.
“I’m Axel!” Axel was over the moon. He could stay still for a second, always rocking back and forth on his feet or bouncing on the balls of his feet.
“I can tell you’re a huge Islanders fan! Do you want a picture?” Mat loved meeting fans, especially young fans. You loved seeing him interact with the young boy. You loved how caring he was, and he always made sure they felt like the most important person in the world.
“Axel! Axel!” all three of your heads snapped to see a mother frantically running around Times Square.
“I’m right here mom!” Axel put both his hands in the air and waved them back and forth.
“Axel, what the hell were you thinking? You scared me.” his mother lectured him.
“But Mom, look who I just met?” Axel pointed at Mat. She looked up from her child to see you and Mat.
“Hi, we were just talking about hockey.” Mat simply said.
“Can we get a picture with him, Mom?” Axel begged his mother.
“That’s up to him. How about you ask him?” she explained to Axel.
“Can we please get a picture with you? Everyone is going to be so jealous!” Axel asked Mat. Mat looked over at you and you smiled and nodded. You wanted the kid to be happy.
“Of course!” Mat exclaimed.
“Do you want to be in the photo, Ma’am? I can take it for you.” You asked Axel’s mom.
“Would you? That would be wonderful! Thank you!” she exclaimed and handed you her phone. The three stood together, and you took the picture. Then, you took a picture of the kid with Mat together. You could see how happy everyone was.
“Have a Merry Christmas!” Axel yelled when the pair went back to shopping. You both reciprocated, also going back to messing around around the shops.
“You are so good with kids, Mat. He loved you.” You admired him as you were walking back to his apartment.
“Fans like him make playing even better.” Mat explained, smiling down at you. “And you make life even better.” He leaned down and pecked your lips. You were blushing, quickly hiding your head in his chest.
“I love being with you.” you assured him. You were still letting him lead you around the busy city streets.
When you got back to his apartment, the sun was already down. You always laughed off everyone that told you New York City was ‘the city that never sleeps,’ but they were all right. The lights shone out, and the view from his apartment made it all that much better. When you first stayed at his place you could sleep. Mat swayed with you in front of his big windows, and held you until you were sleepy enough he had to carry you back to his bed. You smiled at the memory. The night went smoothly. The bubble bath Mat drew up was angelic, and the movie you chose was quite good. Both you and Mat went to sleep at a very suitable hour.
You weren’t usually up before Mat, so when you did you used that time to silently admire him before going to start the coffee. You were memorizing his face; memorizing how peaceful he looked while he slept.
“Didn’t anyone tell you staring was rude?” Mat mumbled, and you just giggled.
“You were made to be stared at, Pretty Boy. Now, do you want me to make you some coffee?” you asked him
“Yes please.” Mat was still trying to wake up. You lightly kissed his cheek and started doing your morning routine. While you were getting the coffee maker to work you looked out the windows. There was a white cast over the whole city.
“Mat! Snow is falling outside!” you cheered, running around trying to find him in the mid-sized apartment. When Mat saw the excitement in your eyes it reminded him of a kid, ironically, on Christmas.
“Well, get dressed! Let's go play in it!” Mat said, feeding into your excitement. You just cheered and started speeding up your morning routine. It was not long until you were ready. Mat made sure you were dressed for the weather, and led you outside to the park down the road. Some kids were already there building snowmen, but not many. “What do you want to do first?” he asked you.
“Let’s build a snowman!” you strongly suggested. That was what you did. You spent two fucking hours on a stupid snowman, but neither of you wanted it to be any other way. You weren’t moving fast at all, just soaking up each other's presence while you stumbled over what else you could build for your snowman. Meanwhile, you were turned around looking for a good stick you could use for his arms, you felt something hit you in the back. You whipped around to find Mat already making another snowball. “Mat!” you gasped out. You quickly gathered a snowball and launched it at him. Ducking when he flew at you.
“Snowball fight!” some kid yelled, and soon the whole park was throwing snow at each other. You and Mat stuck to throwing the snow at each other, not wanting Mat to get in trouble for throwing snow at children. You were beating Mat, until you slipped on a small patch of ice and fell on your back.
“y/n! Are you okay?” Mat yelled over to you. You didn’t answer. You had a little trick up your sleeve. Mat rushed over to where you slipped and when he bent down to check on you; you threw some snow in his face. “Oh you sly dog.” Mat jokes, while you giggled at him. Another idea hit you and you acted quickly pulling Mat down on top of you. Mat made a little humpf  when he came down, but you felt a little better than the boards he is used to being smashed on. Mat got a little revenge when he got some snow on you, but you were still smiling at him. “Oh god, I really fucking love you.” Mat mumbled before leaning down and kissing you. Your back and butt were soaking wet from the snow, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care.
“I really fucking love you too.” you mumbled back. You would never forget your first Christmas with snow, that was for damn sure.
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Riding High
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Ch25: Keep it Simple
Chapter Summary: The events of Boston behind them, Frank, Fliss and Mary look forward to Christmas…and Frank has a big surprise planned. 
Chapter Warnings: Bad Language words. Smut…NSFW and NO UNDER 18s!!!
Chapter Pairings:  Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
 A/N: So here it is, the last in the series Riding High. Thank you to everyone who has helped and re-blogged and commended in any way. Do not fear, Frank and Fliss will be back in the next instalment of their adventure Riding On
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Riding High Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 24
If you should ever leave me, thought life would still go on, believe me, the world could show nothing to me, so what good would living do me? God only knows what I’d be without you…
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"Mary can you just hold on a second, please!" Frank sighed, grabbing the back of her coat to stop her shooting off into the crowd that streamed down the busy Manhattan sidewalk. "But Frank!" she turned and looked at him, her woollen hat jammed down over her ears "I just wanna see the stall!" "Yeah but you can't just run off!" He grumbled and beside him Fliss gave a chuckle. He turned to look at her "who gets so excited about damned wooden tree ornaments?" "Oh hush!" Fliss leaned up to give him a pack, her cold nose brushing his. In retaliation he pulled the front of her baby blue sparkly bobble hat down over her eye and she shoved him in the chest, laughing. "Fuck you!" "Chance would be a fine thing" he grumbled, taking Fliss’ hand as they headed after Mary. "Awww is that why you're grumpy?" Fliss grinned as they walked "Coz you haven't had any in nearly 3 days?" Frank pouted "No." "Liar..." "Ok, look...Frankie has needs..." he whined "I completely over looked the fact hanging out with an 8 year old in the room would be a cock block." "Always the shower..." Fliss teased and Frank snorted. "Yeah, right. Can you imagine? I give it 3 minutes before she came looking for us." "We go home tomorrow. I'll make it up to you then." Fliss grinned and he sighed. "What?" She laughed. "It’s just...you look so hot in all this winter clothing." Frank grinned. And he meant it. Seeing her wrapped up in a coat, hat and scarf had made her look all cute and cozy...and it had done inappropriate things to him for some odd reason. "Hmmm, you know most men get more turned on the less clothing their girls wear." She teased and he grinned. "Yeah, well, I'm not most men" She gave him a smile which he returned with a soft kiss as they stopped by the stall where Mary instantly dived into looking at the array of ornaments. After a few moments of looking she handed Frank one in the shape of a reindeer stag, and a doe for him and Fliss before selecting a robin for herself. "I think they're so pretty." She looked at the bird in her hand "I saw one at Evelyn's over thanks giving." "Ever heard the saying robins appear when loved ones are near?" Fliss asked. Mary shook her head. "No" "Well, I don't know about here but certainly in England we say it because there is an old belief by some people that a robin is a message from heaven, that a loved one is watching over you." "Do you believe that?" Mary looked at Fliss. Fliss hesitated "Well when my Dad's dad died I was 20 and I remember getting up the morning after he died and there was a robin on the fence of the back garden. Bill told me it was my granddad Alex come to check I was ok." "Do you think it was? Really I mean?" "I dunno sweetheart." Fliss sighed "I'd like it to be true..." "Then you should believe it was." Mary said, looking at her "Because isn't that what faith is? Believing something you want to be true?" Fliss looked at Frank who smiled and gave a small shake of his head. She turned back to Mary, smiling softly as she dropped a hand to the back of her head. This kid was unbelievably wise, but with such an innocence behind it all. "Yeah, I suppose it is." Fliss nodded. "Do you think the robin I saw could have been my mom?" She asked, her eyes wide. Frank at that point stepped in, carefully picking an answer that was ambiguous so as not to say yes, but also not dampening her spirits. "If your mom could I'm sure she would come and see you, make sure you're ok." Mary gave a nod, before she turned back to the stall, her attention back on the ornaments. "We need a dog for Thor, and a cat for Fred oh...and a pony for Monty." "What about Cap and Heidi?" Fliss asked, moving to inspect the selection of decorations. "Oh, yeah!" "This is gonna bankrupt me." Frank grumbled, his hands on Fliss' hips, chin resting on her shoulder as he observed the two of them. "Scrooge" Fliss shot back with a smile "Do you think Verity and Bill will like this one?" Mary held up a snowman. "Absolutely" Fliss nodded. "And can I get one for Evelyn?" She asked, selecting a snowflake. Despite the fact that they were now well into the fifty buck range for fucking tree decorations, Frank couldn't help but want to smile at Marys face. She was so thoughtful, the purity behind it all was, as usual, humbling. So he nodded "Sure she will appreciate it." He smiled. He moved to lift her up so she could hand the ones they had picked over to the guy behind the counter who asked Mary what names she wanted on each one. As she told him, he allowed her to sit up on the edge of the little surface, held in place by Frank to watch as he burnt the names into each ornament before he bagged them up and she took them with a thanks. "Our first family tree stuff!" Mary grinned and Fliss smiled, bending down to give her a hug. They set back off towards the hotel, stopping by a burger joint for dinner before they dumped their bags and returned back out for their final evening in the City. Frank had loved every second of their trip, and so had Mary and Fliss. Seeing Mary's reaction to snow and the Christmas lights had been amazing, along with all the bands on street corners, people walking around dressed up. It was magical and he wasn't afraid to let his inner child come out to play either, as Fliss had just found out. "Whose idea was this again?" He asked as Mary was bouncing up and down in the queue. "Yours!" Fliss scoffed as he took Mary's hand in his right "I seem to recall the very visible horror on your face yesterday when I told you I'd never done it before..." "That’s because it's an abomination that someone who's 34 has never been ice skating." "I was a professional athlete." She shrugged "I was banned from doing anything deemed dangerous " Frank looked at her "What do they consider more dangerous than flying a half tonne animal almost 2 meters into the air?" "Bungee jumping, sky diving, jet skiing, water skiing, ice skating.." Fliss shrugged "just to name 5" Frank shook his head as the queue shuffled forward a little. It wasn't too long now, luckily they had timed it right by arriving 20 minutes or so before the next lot of General Admission to the famous Rockefeller rink opened so there weren't too many people ahead. After another 10 minutes they got to the front and Frank nudged Fliss out of the way as she tried to pay. She scowled at him and he simply rolled his eyes and handed his card over. It wasn't cheap but then, he was in New York. What was? Together they headed onto the ice. Frank, having done it a few times as a kid found his legs fairly quickly and didn't stop himself laughing as Mary's completely went from under her and she landed with a thump on her ass. "Here..." he chuckled, offering her his hand. He pulled her up and moved her in front of him. "Give me your hands..." Mary extended her arms to the side and he took her mitten clad hands in his, holding her in front of him. Fliss was moving tentatively behind him, using the sides for support a little. "Ok slide your right foot forward, like on your roller skates..." Frank said. Mary did as she was told "now left...right...left...right..." He continued his chanting and glanced over his shoulder to see Fliss was concentrating on her feet, her tongue poking out slightly. "You good?" "Yup." She said, raising her hand to give him a thumbs up before she skidded slightly and went down in a tangle of limbs. Letting out a laugh he gently pivoted Mary so she could hold onto the side and offered Fliss his hand. Pulling her up into his arms he held her steady for a moment whilst her laughing subsided. He watched her for a second, her face creasing up into those adorable dimples, eyes crinkled so much they were almost shut and her shoulders shook with the force of her giggles. "I fuckin' love you..." he grinned and she smiled at him. "Back at ya sailor" After another few laps Mary and Fliss had managed to get the hand of it which meant Frank could leave them a little bit as he went off for what he called a proper skate. The girls watched calling him a show off as he crossed his feet and turned, skating backwards a little. Both of them debated sabotaging him and tripping him up but they decided not to, instead they simply pretended they didn't know him, resulting in him grabbing Fliss from behind just beneath the large tree, and spinning her round to face him. "Can I help you?" She teased and he gave a snort. "Yeah, you can... Mary?" He called to her where she was trying to perfect a turn and failing as she almost stumbled again. She looked up and headed over. "Can you take our photo?" "Only if you're gonna kiss..." she replied, making smooching noises. "Well we can’t disappoint her..." Frank shrugged and Fliss grinned, her smile turning into a shriek as Frank quickly grabbed her hips before he took one hand, keeping the other round her back and dipped her so she was bending backwards, planting a sloppy kiss on her lips. She laughed against his mouth as he gave her a wink, before kissing her a little deeper and then setting her upright, his eyes boring into hers which were shining in the Christmas lights surrounding the rink. "Oh that was great!" Mary howled and he turned to face her as she handed his phone back. Frank checked the photo and had to smile, it was a dammed good shot. He showed it to Fliss and she beamed. "A framer?" She asked. "A framer." He agreed. It took them ages to get Mary to finally leave the rink. Even a bribe of hot chocolate, marshmallows and cookies wasn't doing it. Eventually Frank put his foot down and told her it was time to go as it was almost 9pm and they still had that tree to go see before they headed to Central Park for one last walk in the lights. After handing their skates back and retrieving their belongings from the lockers they followed the path to the tree. As they round the corner Mary gasped. "It's huge!" She turned to look at Frank and Fliss, her eyes wide "Oh my God!" Frank smiled kissed Fliss' cheek as Mary walked slightly ahead of them down the walkway that was flanked with smaller trees and the famous lit up trumpeting angels . As they caught her up he slipped his spare hand in his pocket, his fingers curling round the small, leather box inside. The damned thing had been burning a hole in his pocket since he had bought it in Boston just after Thanksgiving. Fliss, Verity and Bill had all stayed for a very pleasant week rounded off with a damned good proper Thanksgiving dinner and the three of them had flown home on the Friday, as Fliss was starting to stress about her business. He and Mary followed on the Sunday after she had been given the all clear to fly after a week’s check up at the Hospital. On his spare afternoon, he'd taken a trip into the city with one goal, and it had been surprisingly easy. The first jeweller he has walked into had a perfect ring, and despite the fact he had visited several others none of them caught his eye like that. So he had gone back and asked the assistant for a closer look. It wasn't a huge rock, white gold and emerald cut with in a pave setting, but everything about it had screamed Fliss. It was delicate and feminine but with a wonderful sparkle just like her. He knew that sounded so lame when he had told the assistant but she has just smiled and told him that if he had that much conviction, it must be right. He had been lost when she asked him what size, but in a sudden inspiration he had remembered the Pandora ring he had bought her when he had gotten his first new pay check as supervisor. He mentioned this to the assistant who beamed and said she could easily size it from that by using a simple conversion chart and told him to come back the following day. His sudden good spirit had fallen as he explained he couldn't do and asked her to see if here was anything she could do, even contemplating taking it and having it sizes back in Florida. But, after the shitty run of events over the last week, his luck was in after she returned 5 minutes later with a slip of paper, informing him it would be ready by the end of the day. When he had told Mary he was going to ask Fliss to marry him, she'd been so excited. She'd asked when, where and when he said he didn’t know she'd given him the most exasperated look on the planet. The only one of his friend who he had confided in, Greg, hadn’t been much help either, simply telling him to do it in a way that meant something to them both. Simply put he just hadn't a fucking clue. He had agonized over how to pop the question. On the boat? Or maybe a sunset on their favourite spot at St Pete's beach? Did he wait for New York? As such, Frank had taken to carrying the ring around with him, waiting for that moment when it felt right. So far it hadn't happened at home and as it stood New York wasn’t faring any better. He had thought about it at the top of the Empire state, but it had been too busy. Then there was a moment in Central Park after they had been snowman building that might have worked...until Fliss had nailed him in the face with a snowball. So they'd had a snowball fight instead. Then when walking over Brooklyn Bridge, the skyline behind them… then when they walked back to the Hotel after seeing the Lion King on Broadway, going the long way round to see the display in Macy's window all lit up...and then that moment before when Mary had taken a picture of them kissing under the tree on the ice rink... but none of it felt right. It didn't feel like the moment for them. But now something stirred in his gut. This could be it. It wasn't too busy, the place was gorgeous, right in front of the tree Fliss had been so desperate to see... Ok Adler, you can do this. Taking a deep breath he pulled the box from his pocket when he heard Mary give a squeal. "Oh...wow! Frankie look..." Fliss' voice was a whisper and she nudged him, pointing to the base of the tree. He followed her gaze to see a blonde haired man down on one knee, presenting a ring to a dark haired woman who had her hands clasped over her mouth. Frank slipped the box back into his pocket and stared at the man as he placed the ring onto his now fiancés finger and did his best to look like he cared when Fliss let out a soft "Awwww" The man looked around excitedly, his eyes falling on the three of them before he asked Frank if he or Fliss would mind taking a photo for them. "Course not buddy, congratulations." Frank smiled. Fucking prick... ***** "It was AMAZING!" Mary gushed to Verity as they walked to the car, Fliss' parents having come to pick them up from the airport. "we saw so much stuff but nowhere near all of it but Frank said we could go back next year in the summer maybe and do a bit more." "Looks like someone else had a good time too." Bill smiled, nodding to Fliss who let out a loud yawn. Frank chuckled "She was up all night, I told her not to have more food so close to bed time." "I wanted a hot dog and a pretzel." Fliss mumbled, "Besides, it's nothing to do with the food...we did a lot of walking." Bill gave a snort "You ride horses for a living, you should be fit enough to walk round New York" "I probably skated about 4 miles too..." Fliss said looking at Mary "Someone wouldn't come off the ice rink" "You been sleeping ok otherwise?" Verity looked at her "I'm fine mum." She smiled "No anxiety?" 'V, she said she's fine so leave it" Bill said gently and Fliss shot a grateful look at her dad. She knew her mum was only concerned but she was fed up of assuring people she was fine. After the attack from John she had suffered a bout of delayed shock which had manifested in a few panic attacks, nightmares, and restlessness at night and on one occasion nausea. Luckily Frank had been brilliant at keeping calm when she had an episode, helping her work through it and the last incident she had suffered had been over a week ago. Once they were all in the car, Frank took the passenger seat after Verity offered it to him, Mary continued to chat all the drive home about New York, Fliss and Frank butting in here and there. They arrived home little after 30 minutes later and Fliss headed up the steps with Mary, Thor almost sending the pair of them flying when they opened the door. "Oh puppy I missed you!" Fliss smiled as she gave him plenty of attention and he kept licking her face, whining and emitting quiet little barks. "Did you miss me? Did you?" "Yerress" Frank did his best Scooby Doo impression as he walked past and Fliss let out a laugh, as she stood up and headed into the living room behind Mary, bumping into the girl as she stopped dead, giving a squeal as she saw the Christmas Tree in the corner. "Mum, Dad?" Fliss called, smiling "I take it you did this?" Frank appeared behind them both, smiling as Fliss and Mary exchanged a glance before they all turned to Bill and Verity who were stood in the doorway. "Well we know how much you like to get your tree up as early as you can and, well we were picking one up for ourselves so we got you one. You don’t mind do you?" Verity, looked at Fliss then Frank. "No, of course not!" Fliss grinned. "Saved me a job." Frank nodded "Thanks guys." "Can we decorate it tonight?" Mary asked "Pleeeeeeeaaaasssseee Frank!" Frank glanced at his watch before giving a sigh, he knew she wouldn't go to bed if he said no anyway so what was the point? Plus she was at the University tomorrow which didn’t start until 10 so... "Ok, but if you so much as grumble tomorrow morning when I get you up you'll be in deep trouble." He looked at her sternly as she stooped to pick Fred up. "Cross my heart, hope to die, we all know Fred's got one eye..." she chanted off, nodding. "We brought your box of decorations from the annex." Verity smiled at Fliss, nodding to the box on the floor. "We thought you could pick what you want to keep now you're combining."
“Speaking of decorations…” Frank said, looking at Mary.
“Oh…yeah…hang on…” She said, running to the sofa where she had dumped her little pink rucksack. She fished out the paper bag they had gotten from the stall and found the Snowman they had bought. With a smile she handed it to Verity who looked down at it, her face curling into a smile as her eyes started to prick with tears.
“Fliss said you wouldn’t mind the names Mary wanted on them.” Frank said, watching carefully.
“Of course we don’t mind!” Bill smiled, picking Mary up to give her a hug “We are Nanny V and Poppa B ain’t that right kiddo?” “Yep!” she grinned, hugging him.
“We’ll save it to hang tomorrow when you come over after school.” Verity said as Bill set Mary on the floor and she hugged her tightly.
After a little more chat Verity and Bill left and Frank instructed Mary to change into her Pyjamas before they did the tree. Deciding that was a good idea, Fliss did the same and before long they were all in the living room. Fliss and Mary going through the boxes of decorations, Frank wrestling with the tangle of fairy lights. How they managed to get so fucking knotted up after simply being in a box for 12 months was beyond him.
He had just about managed it when Thor came over to inspect what he was doing, and dropped straight onto his back on top of the string.
“Thor…get out of it…” he grumbled, pushing the dog who simply rolled over, taking half the lights with him, tangling them round his legs and his tails. “Jesus Christ…stand still…for fucks sake…”
Thinking this was a huge game, Thor started to bounce around, barking, and Frank shook his head. “Fliss, sort this mutt out….” Fliss gave a laugh and dropped off the sofa, calling Thor to her. He sat down, allowing Frank to remove the lights before he stood up, shaking them out. Together the 3 of them wound them round the tree before they made a start on the decorations.
“Frank got me this for my first Christmas.” Mary said, hanging a red bauble which had her name on it. “The glitter has all fallen off it now.”
“We can add more if you want.” Fliss looked at her and Mary shrugged.
“I kinda like it.” It didn’t take them long, and their wooden trinkets from New York were the last ones they hung, Mary ensuring they took pride of place. Frank then lifted her up so she could place the star at the top before they stood back.
“Ready for the big turn on?” Frank asked, grinning. Mary and Fliss cheered and began a countdown from 5. When they hit 1 Frank hit the switch and the lights on the tree came to life. He stepped back, looking up at it, his arm curling round Fliss’ shoulder, his other dropping to Mary as she grinned.
“Best Tree ever.” she smiled.
“Yeah, and now it’s time for the best bed ever…” he looked at her.
“Seriously?” Mary complained
“No moaning, remember?” Frank instructed her. “That was in the morning.”
“Well I just extended it to now as well.” he said, shrugging “Because I can, so get…” “Fine, fine, I’m going…” she grumbled. “Night Fliss.” “Night sweetie.” Fliss dropped a kiss to her head before Mary shot a filthy look at Frank who met her with a passive one of his own.
“I’ll be in in a second.” Frank shot after her, watching as she headed down to the hallway. He turned back to Fliss who was watching the tree, a smile on her face.
“Not exactly up to Macey’s standards…” Frank chuckled and she shook her head.
“I love it.” “It looks like an Elf threw up on it.”
“All trees should be like that.” Fliss shrugged, before she gave his cheek a peck. “Now, you go sort Mary and I’ll get us both a beer.” “Actually…” he said, looping his arms round her waist. “I believe there was something else you promised me tonight…” “Oh, yes, of course, Frankie has needs…” she replied with an almost uncanny impersonation, which made him snort. “Does that mean no beer?”
“No beer.” “You want me to wait in bed.” “Yes I do.” he nodded “Go, I’ll let Thor out and lock up.”
Grinning she accepted his kiss and smiled as she turned around, casting him a quite frankly sinful look over her shoulder which almost had him hard right there and then. Not wanting to wait a moment longer he sorted the dog, locked the door, poked his head into Mary’s room to wish her goodnight, and headed into their bedroom. Fliss was hanging her jeans in the closet after having simply discarded them on the bed earlier, and wasting no time Frank pulled off his T-shirt, tossing it to the side before he stepped up behind her, spinning her round to face him. He pressed his lips to hers, deepening the kiss as he slid his hands down to cup her ass and she smirked into the kiss.
“I like your ass.” he muttered. “I like yours too” she said back, “And your arms”
He laughed and pulled back to look down at her as her fingers trailed up his biceps. “My arms?”
“Yeah, your big, strong arms, and your big, broad shoulders and your stupid, handsome face…” she muttered, pulling him back down to her. In between the dizzying kisses Frank steered her towards the bed, and as her legs collided with the edge he stopped to gently trail kisses across her bare collar bone. His lips found her jaw and then, with a wicked quirk of his eyebrow he reached down for her thighs, and grabbing them he pulled them forwards, causing her to fall backwards as he pitched them both onto the bed. As she laughed he chuckled slightly before he kissed her again, and then it was a scramble to get out of his clothes as fast as he could before he fell back on top of his girl, his hands pulling up her camisole top, lips kissing at the spot just below her ear before he slid down her shorts, his mouth gently kissing a trail up from her belly through the middle of her breasts, up her neck and finally back to her mouth.
Fliss was utterly lost now, in the usual whirl of love, and lust and passion and kissed him back, hard as his hand gently dropped between her legs and he felt her slick against the tips of his fingers as he gently coaxed at her clit, continuing until she was nothing short of a writhing mess clawing at his back, aching for him. They locked eyes as he took her left hand in his, and slowly worked into her, both moaning simultaneously at the sensation, Fliss’s eyes rolling back at the exquisite stretch inside. Frank began to move his hips slowly, deeply, his thrusts weren’t measured in the slightest despite the fact he was absolutely aching for her. He wanted to take it slow, end what had been an amazing trip in the same mood it had started in, absolute pure love.
His mouth moved back to Fliss’s neck, nipping gently at her skin and she let out low moan as he picked up the pace ever so slightly, his spare hand kept hold of her hip, keeping her as close to him as she could possibly be.
“Fuck, Frank, right there…” she groaned as he hit her spot and he smirked slightly, he loved the way she got like this with him, ever so demanding at times, such a far cry from the timid woman he had fallen for the previous year.
“Yeah?” he panted as she gave a soft cry, her body tensing underneath him “Good.” “So good…” she moaned, arching her back. His mouth found hers again and his hand slid from her hip to gently tease her nipple and she rolled her hips to grind up against him, changing the angle slightly causing him to go deeper.
“Lissy…” he panted as he drove into her deeply, slowly, and then again and again, his pace increasing ever so slightly. Every single sense Frank possessed was on fire and he broke the long, lazy kiss that they were sharing to stifle a moan against her cheek when he felt her clench around him, a tell-tale sign she was nearing her release. The sheets rustled underneath and around them both as his hips pushed up against hers, and Frank saw Fliss’ head tip back, her throat bared to him in utter bliss as she came hard, her moans soft and breathy into his ear. Frank picked up his pace slightly, chasing his own end as he pushed her through hers, and when he felt that snake in his belly beginning to unravel, he gave a low grunt which morphed into a gasp as he clung to Fliss, spilling himself into her, his hips slowing to a stop as he collapsed forward. Fliss gave a soft chuckle as her hands gently slid up his back and into his hair, as she moved and pressed a soft kiss to his head.
“I know I keep saying it but I really do fuckin’ love you Cowgirl.” he said, voice muffled as his face pressed into her neck.
Fliss gave a chuckle “I’ll never tire of hearing it Sailor. “
He moved to look at her, flashing her a grin before he caught her mouth in a sweet kiss. **** "You still not managed it?" Greg asked as they stood at the bar, waiting for their drinks. Frank sighed and glanced at Fliss who was sat with Bonnie in the booth, the pair of them sniggering at something. "Do you see a ring on her finger?" He looked at Greg. "No" "Well there's your answer." "What's the hold up, man?" Greg frowned. "Nothing has felt right." Frank sighed "she won’t want a huge fuss in front of people so that basically ruled out all of New York...bar one moment when I thought it was time, in front of the tree at Rockefeller...and then some douchebag went and beat me to it, proposing to his girl whilst we watched..." "You're over thinking it." Greg said, looking at Frank "Take a step back. When are the pair of you at your best? The time you enjoy most, I mean" "Honestly?" Frank shrugged "at night when Mary's gone to bed and we finally sit down and just watch TV or joke around." "Well there you go." Greg shrugged "What, at home?" Frank frowned "Why not?" Greg looked at him "the point isn't to be showy or flashy but to show her you wanna spend the rest of your life with her." Frank pondered this for a moment. Greg has a point. They were at their happiest doing the simple things, spending quiet time together, being fucking normal. Fliss loved it when they curled up and Frank would simply cuddle her close and kiss her head, easy signs of affection that she had craved all through her wreck of a marriage. And Frank loved it too, because it made him feel grounded, time for him to simply be Frank in his own right, the very thing he used to use his Friday night drinking sessions for. Now he could feel it every night, thanks to Lissy…
And then, suddenly an idea came to him, out of nowhere.
Oh, it was perfect! "Greg..." he smiled, slapping the man on the back "you are a genius." "Glad I could be of service." Greg smirked "This means I get best man duty, right?"
Frank smirked at him, shrugging, not giving anything away. His eyes flicked back to Fliss who had now stood up, Simon having returned to the table sliding in next to Bonnie. Frank’s eyes travelled up her bare legs, from her high-heels up to the short little pink playsuit she was wearing, which was printed with black palm trees and other patterns, the small straps settling on her tanned shoulders, the front showing him just enough cleavage. She was wearing a black butterfly necklace that she had bought in New York and her hair was loose, falling over her shoulders in soft curls. Her brown eyes locked onto his and he smiled as he remembered the last Circle Of Truth Christmas outing the previous year, when he had told her he loved her for the first time. And here they were, now 5 days away from their second Christmas together.
“Hey beautiful” he smiled as she reached his side. His arm curled round her and he pressed a kiss to her cheek “You ok?” “Yeah, just thirsty.” she smiled. “Can I get a water as well as my gin please?”
“Sure…” he turned to look at the bar tender who was pulling their drinks together. Once he had attracted his attention and added a bottle of water to the order he turned back to her as Greg spoke up.
“Frank said you enjoyed New York.” “Oh, it was fantastic.” she smiled “Every bit as magical as I thought it was going to be.”
“Good, I’m glad you all had a good time.” Greg smiled “You deserved it after everything that went down.” “Yeah well, he’s banged up now. His brother is going to go down for Endangerment or whatever it is you call it, its’ done, it’s over.” Fliss smiled, “We got the rest of our lives ahead of us now.” “Well, if that doesn’t call for shots then I don’t know what does…” Greg smirked as the bar tender placed their drinks in front of them.
“No, Greg…” Fliss started to protest but Greg cut her off.
“Yes Greg!” he smirked, turning to the bar tender, “Can I get a bottle of Tequila pal and 8 glasses.” Fliss groaned “I’m teaching at 9 am!”
“Dumbass…” Greg looked at her and Frank gave a snort.
“I told you to switch them out…”
“I can’t!” she pouted “I already did for Boston and New York…” “Well…” Greg smirked as the bar tender set the bottle and glasses down in front of him “Looks like you’re doing it with a hangover honey.” “Fuck my life…” **** Fuck my life indeed. Fliss spent the following morning throwing up, groaning once more that she was never drinking tequila EVER again. Frank reminded her of how many times she had said that over the time he had known her and she’d simply let out a huge fake sob and thrown herself face down on the bed again declaring that she didn’t want to adult anymore as it sucked.
The days before Christmas passed in the usual chaos. Presents were wrapped and stashed under the tree, more drinks were had with Friends. Evelyn visited for a few days, which had actually almost pleased Frank a little. She wasn’t staying for Christmas, her arrangements having already been made, but she had hinted that maybe next year she could, to which Frank and Fliss had both agreed. She had been taken with Mary’s gift to her and had laughed out loud when Bill and Verity had presented her with a case of Malbec, the same Malbec she’d smashed a bottle of over John’s head. Her gifts to them both had been a substantial chunk of money, in the thousands, and when Frank had protested at the amount on the cheque she had waved it off as 8 years of owed presents. Mary’s was wrapped so it was placed under the tree for Christmas morning. Evelyn headed back to Boston on the morning of Christmas Eve, Frank and Mary driving her to the airport instead of her driver, where they had both bid her a Happy Christmas and waved her goodbye as she headed off to spend it with her friends in Newton.
After the final preparations were made Frank, Fliss and Mary collapsed onto the sofa for a Marathon of Christmas Films. Mary was, as usual, excited and the copious amounts of chocolate and candy she was shovelling down weren’t helping either, but what the hell, it was Christmas after all.
"You ok?" Frank glanced at Fliss as she sat on the other side of the couch. Love Actually was playing, the final film of the evening before Mary went to bed. Fliss, however didn't look like she was paying attention. "Huh?" She looked at him, blinking. "I said are you ok? You look like you were miles away"
“Yeah, sorry, I was errr…just running through things in my head, making sure nothing was forgotten.” Frank smiled. They were hosting Verity and Bill tomorrow as Steven and his family were at his wife’s parents for this year, flying out instead of the 28th to spend New Year’s with them all. Fliss had asked Frank if they could host, as she’d never had the chance to do that before and of course he had agreed, not least because of the excited look on her face when she had asked.
“The table is set, food and everything is ready to go…” he chuckled, looking at her “Just relax…”
He reached round Mary, his hand gently rubbing at Fliss’ back and she smiled at him, turning her attention to the TV.
20 minutes or so later the film finished and Mary jumped up, grabbing Frank’s hand to make him dance to God Only Knows as the final closing scenes played out. He smiled and picked her up, resting her on his hip as he twirled her round to the song, the pair of them laughing before he eventually dropped her down and told her it was bed time. She scooted off, Fred trotting behind her, his tail swishing as she skipped and Frank headed in about 5 minutes later to tuck her in, before he came back to the living room.
“She wants you to go and say goodnight.” he smiled,
Fliss nodded and stood up.
“You sure you’re ok?” Frank asked.
“Yeah, honestly, I’m just tired.” she assured him. Giving him a kiss she headed up the hall and Frank watched her go before he smiled to himself, and set about quickly putting the last touches to his plan.
She came back about 10 minutes later and he smiled at her as she walked into the room.
“OK, now she’s out of the way…I got something for you...” Frank smiled.
Fliss looked at him before she shook her head, chuckling a little “I got something for you too…Frank, I have-” “Me first.” Frank cut her off.
She looked at him for a second, his bright blue eyes were shining as he grinned at her and she rolled her eyes.
“Fine…” she smiled, “Ok, you first.” He grinned and then folded his arms “You gotta find it.” “What?”
“It’s hidden, on the tree, and you gotta find it.” Her face lit up as she gave a laugh “You are such a dork!” “Yeah, I know…” Narrowing her eyes playfully she moved to the tree, glancing at it. “Ok so it’s not very big then, seeing as I can’t see it straight away.” Frank shrugged as she continued her search.
“I haven’t put it high up, seeing as you’re a short ass…” “I’m perfectly average for a woman thank you.” “Trust me baby girl, nothing about you is average.” he winked and she let out a snort.
“Charmer.” she grinned, turning back to the tree.
“Ok, you’re miles off…” he said, and she moved to her right “Gettin’ warmer…warmer…ok, yep, nearly there…” Fliss continued to search, and then something caught her eye. There was something shiny handing from the nose of her Doe ornament. She stepped forward slightly, and when she realised what it was her right hand flew to her mouth. Frank’s breath caught in his throat as she spun to face him, her eyes wide.
"You, me and Mary have been hanging out together since August last year now...” he said, clearing his throat slightly “How do you feel about hanging with us forever?" He watched, holding his breath as Fliss' chest heaved with emotion as she looked at him, those brown eyes he could happily stare at all day were full of tears, the hand which had flown to her mouth in surprise was now shaking as it slid to the spot beneath her throat, that dip in her neck that he could nuzzle at forever. "I'll hang with you for as long as you'll have me..." she whispered, taking a deep breath. "Is that a yes?" Frank inhaled sharply and a watery laugh burst through her tears. "Yes. Yes, a thousand times yes!" Frank's face split into a huge grin "shit..." he sputtered before she threw herself into his arms and he lifted her up easily, her legs wrapping around his waist as he held her close, kissing her neck. She pulled back and placed a kiss to his lips, long and short pecks being shared as she laughed and he laughed, the pair of them simply lost in the moment until eventually he set her down and with a shaking hand he reached out to retrieve the ring from where it was hanging. Taking her left hand in his, with a deep breath he slipped the diamond onto her finger.
Fliss looked at it, admiring the way the delicate band sat underneath her knuckle, the beautiful diamond twinkling in the lights of the tree.
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"Oh Frankie...it’s gorgeous..." she whispered, before she looked at him, taking his face in both his hands and pulling him down for a deep kiss. "I love you so much."
"I love you too." He smiled, kissing her again before he pulled away, his hands linking behind her back. 
"I err, got us some champagne." He smiled, "I know it was presumptive of me but figured we could have it tomorrow if you turned me down." Fliss looked up at him, blinking before she took a deep breath “First I need to get you…just wait here…” He released her from his hold and she turned and headed out of the room, Frank watched her go, blinking for a moment before he shrugged and headed to the fridge, the smile still plastered on his face. She said yes! 
Not that he had doubted she would, not really, but there had always been that little bit of fright she may have done. But that was all gone now. As he popped the cork on the bottle he found himself thinking about how he would be doing that soon enough on his wedding day. He poured 2 glassed and headed into the living room with them wondering if maybe a late Autumn wedding next year would be nice, October perhaps when it started to cool off slightly. They could do the beach wedding she always wanted, hire a marquee... Lost in his thoughts completely he jumped a little when Fliss spoke his name and turned to look at her as she stood in front of him, the back of his thighs brushing against the sofa slightly. He noticed her hand was in her pocket, clutching something. Playfully he nodded towards it “I assume that’s not a spanner." He chuckled, referencing the joke they often shared and Fliss shook her head, biting her lip. "No it’s a bit bigger than that" With a shaky hand she pulled out a small, white stick of plastic and held it towards him. It took Frank a moment to understand what it was and as soon as he did his eyes widened and he looked at her, then it, then back again.
"You're...we're...no!." he stuttered, reaching out to take it from her. "I found out this morning." Fliss whispered, watching his reaction carefully "I suspected last week but thought it might all be down to stress and stuff but..." "How, I mean..." "I should have started a new pill packet when we went to Boston but I forgot to take it with me. I thought I'd be ok if I started as soon as I got back but..." "There's a baby in there?" Frank cut her off as he stumbled over his words, nodding to her stomach "Yeah" Fliss nodded. "You put it there." Frank's legs grew shaky and he dropped onto the sofa, staring down at the test in his hands.
2 blue lines. 2 blue lines that had just changed his world forever. "I'm sorry, I know this is sudden and I should have been more careful..." Fliss took a tentative step towards him and he reached out, his hands on either side of her hips, gently pulling her t-shirt up. He leaned forward and placed a soft kiss to her belly, his forehead resting just above her navel. "I'm gonna be a dad." he pulled back, his eyes watering. "Frankie, you already are." Fliss said, her own tears once more springing forth. "I know you hate it when I say that about Mary but it's true." He looked at her, a dazed smile split his face into two as he pulled her onto his lap, where she straddled him, and he kissed her, hard, leaving her slightly breathless before he rest his forehead against hers. "Fuck, Lissy." he whispered, his eyes closed "You're cooking a little person..." She spluttered a laugh, nodding, her forehead brushing his as she did. "Was it made in Boston...is that the right word?" He pulled back to look at her and she laughed, brushing her hand through his fluffy hair as his gently reached out to rest against her stomach. "Yeah and most likely." "It's a little Boston Bean" he grinned and she laughed again, pressing her lips to his. "You're ok with it then? I know it's probably not what you would have planned but..." "Ok? Of course I'm ok!" He smiled "I love you and the thought of us making a little person that's half me, half you...fuck, it's amazing." She smiled and nodded, her voice a whisper "I know..."
"There is one problem." Franks said, his arms wrapping tightly around her. "What?" "You just ruined Christmas forever...because nothing is ever gonna live up to this ever again."
****** Fliss, Frank and Mary’s adventure continues in RIDING ON
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nanasarea · 4 years
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❆Prompt: your friends asked you to stay with them in a cabin for a bit of a vacation and you obviously cant say no to them
❆Genre: fluff
❆Pairing: reader x best friend!nct (dream focus)
❆Word count: 2.6k (ok longest fic I see you)
❆a/n: this was so fun to write and now I'm crying I want this also I might make a summer edition once it gets hotter bc I have IDEAS now
❆Tag list: @bumblebeenct​ @socketpunch​
❆TW: toy gun (?), German, swearing (?) idk not much haha
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“Get in, loser, we’re going out of our minds!” Donghyuck yelled from the bus. 
You had agreed to spend the weekend with your friends at a cabin in the woods. 
They all got some time off and wanted to spend some time throwing snow balls at each other and building snowmen, but they couldn't do that without you. 
It was Friday, the day of departure. You had just gotten a text to come outside from Jeno a few minutes ago and there you were, staring at the big bus with 23 grown men, which would otherwise be terrifying, but since it was them, it seemed fun, and only a tiny bit terrifying. 
“Haven't you already?” You yelled back as you walked towards the bus and saw Johnny step out of the bus to help you with your bags and before you could say that you got it, they were already put away on the bus. 
“Thanks.” You smiled at him, your neck slightly hurting from the angle you had to put it in, in order to look at him.
“Don't mention it. Or do, if you must.” He said dramatically and gestured for you to get on the bus before him. You stepped into the bus and Johnny soon followed. 
Immediately, you were greeted by Doyoung, who was sitting at the front with Taeyong, who asked you about how you were and if you slept well.
You quickly greeted back and told them you were great and that you couldn't sleep that well, because you were excited. Before you could ask them the same, YangYang yelled for you to come over to the back as Hyuck pulled you after him. 
You tried to greet as many people as you could before getting to the back, where Yangyang sat with Renjun, Haechan and Hendery. Hyuck quickly sat down on the far left, right next to Renjun. 
Next to Renjun was a free seat, and next to that one Yangyang, with Hendery at the far right. Renjun and Yangyang both patted at the seat and smiled at you, waiting for you to sit between them.
“I’m guessing my plan of a quiet ride was doomed from the start.” You dramatically sighed as you sat down between the two. 
“That was never an option and you know it.” Hyuck laughed, causing all 5 of you to chuckle.
You spent a good 40 minutes talking to Yangyang and Hendery as Renjun and Hyuck debated about something next to you, before you made the first stop. 
“About 10 minutes and then if you're not back on the bus, we shall leave without you, except for you, Jisung, we love you and would never leave you.” Johnny said before the group chuckled as Jisung got embarrassed.
You swear you could hear Chenle’s “of course we would, we have terrible memory.” and Jisung sighing before Renjun dragged you off the bus. 
You got off the bus and were met with Jaemin, who looked like he was about to kill someone, and Jeno, who looked he was trying his best for Jaemin not to give in. 
“Good morning.” You said “Whats so good about it?” Jaemin sighed, leaning against the bus and throwing his head back. 
You looked over at Jeno and tried to contain your laugh, to which he only mouthed “No coffee yet”. You nodded, chuckling a bit before following Shotaro, Hendery and Kun, who went to go get coffee for everyone. 
You barely got your own cup into your hands before you were pulled away from the three and into the store.
“Yn, come with me, I need it.” Hyuck said. “Need what?” You asked, following close behind. 
He didn't comment, he just dragged you to the toy section and showed you the toy gun. 
“You need a toy gun?” You asked “Yes.” He sassed “Its so pretty.” He explained “And it has fake bullets!” He added, excitedly. 
“Very nice, Hyuck. Here’s a deal, I’ll buy you the extra bullets if you promise not to use the gun on me.” You said, knowing very well that you need to make a deal beforehand.
“Deal.” He smiled, shaking your hand. 
Once you finished at the check out, you saw Jaemin pinching Jisung’s cheeks while Chenle and Jeno had their heads in their hands, they weren't surprised, but still a tad disappointed. 
“How many coffees did I miss?” You asked, causing Jeno to chuckle before returning to his disappointment. 
You stood outside of the bus for a while, talking to Chenle about his dog, well, him talking and showing you photos of Daegal while you listened and admired.
“Can I be her godparent?” You asked, placing a hand on his shoulder as Xiaojun’s head turned to you. “Godly parent?” He asked.
“God parent, but while we’re on the topic-” “DONT GET HIM STARTED, IM SITTING NEXT TO HIM AND I WANT TO SLEEP.” Kun cut you off.
“Haha, old man.” Lucas laughed before Kun looked at him and sighed. “I didn't sign up for this, I just wanted to sing.” He sighed. “You love us and you know it!” Yangyang teased. 
After a minute, you returned back to your seat and watched as Hyuck put the bullets into the gun already. 
You pulled out your phone and put in your headphones, before Renjun came up to you and took them away from you and put them in his pocket. 
“Hey!” you protested. “Wait a bit.” He said, laughing and sitting next to you.
“Now, is everyone awake?” Johnny asked, standing up once again. “Yes!” The whole bus yelled.
“What?” he asked, placing his hand behind his ear. “Ay, Ay, captain!” 
“I can't hear you!” 
“Ay, ay, captain!”
“Ohhhh, who wants the aux first?” 
A couple hands got raised, but Johnny sighed and said “If no one wants it, I guess ill be first.” and put on the first song, which was SHINee’s Lucifer, which made the whole bus jam out.
The songs kept going and your ears were in heaven, there were 23 professional singers singing some of your favourite songs, of course they were, but after a while, the atmosphere calmed down and you continued talking to Renjun.
You remember seeing most of WayV, Shotaro and Jungwoo playing a game, Taeyong play on his Nintendo while Doyoung watched and critiqued, Johnny and Taeil making Mark and Ten laugh every 3 seconds as Jaehyun and Yuta discussed something.
After some time, Jeno, Jaemin, Chenle and Jisung changed seats so they were right in front of you, which resulted in you playing some games.
An hour later, you got to your destination. You watched as Jaehyun, Jeno, Lucas, Jaemin and Johnny bring the bags and the suitcases from the bus as  Kun, Taeyong and Doyoung went to go get the keys while you and the others stood before your cabins. 
Once the suitcases were out and distributed, you waited for the keys. Most of Wayv and Shotaro was standing on the porch and discussing something, half of 127 was cuddled up while the other half took photos, alongside Sungchan.
You and the dreamies and Yangyang however, were playing with the snow. Hyuck pulled out his fake gun and jokingly started pointing it at the others. He jokingly shot us, one by one and we all played along, expect for Chenle, because he couldn't bother to move.
First, it was Jaemin, then Yangyang, Jeno, you, Jisung and at the end, Renjun, who just so happen to be near a hill so you all watched in shock as he rolled down it, getting covered in snow as Jeno and Jaemin went to go get him. 
Taeyong walked over to you guys to give you the keys before he saw Renjun, who resembled a snowman and Jeno and Jaemin helping said snowman. 
“Renjun, you okay?” He asked as Chenle, Hyuck and Yangyang laughed their asses off. Renjun just showed a thumbs up as they made their way up the hill again.
You thanked Taeyong for the keys as he and Hyuck made their way to the 127′s cabin and Yangyang to WayV’s. 
You walked to the cabin and went in, leaving your bags at the door. Jeno started the fire in the fireplace as Jisung and Chenle browsed the cabin while you and Jaemin asked Renjun if he wants cuddles to warm him up.
“Normally, I would say no, but I'm really cold, so I shall allow it.” he said before you and Jaemin looked at each other and cuddled the melted snowman. 
After cuddling for a bit, Jeno suggested deciding roommates, so once Chenle and Jisung got back, they reported on the rooms and you used a random pair up generator, since none of you had any preference.
Jeno and Chenle got the ground floor room, which was closest to the kitchen. Jaemin and Jisung got the room one level up, which had the best bathroom and you and Renjun got the top floor room, which had the best view. 
“You guys hungry?” Chenle asked, to which everyone nodded. “I’ll call Doyoung and ask if they know what they're going to eat.” Jeno said, picking up his phone. 
“I’ll take the bags to our room.” Jaemin said, taking his and Jisung’s stuff and walking up the stairs. 
“I’ll do the same.” Renjun said as Chenle and Jeno looked at each other before Chenle sighed. “I guess I shall too.”
Now, you and Jisung were watching Jeno as he called Doyoung. Apparently, there was a take out place not so far away, which did deliveries so they decided on that. 
Once the others got back, you told them and you made your way to the biggest cabin, which was 127′s. The others also came to the cabin and half an hour of everyone on their phone, the food had arrived. 
Taeyong suggested they used his new projector to watch something, so you did. You all gathered on the big couch and floor as the movie started playing on the wall while you ate.
Two movies later, Kun suggested going outside to make snowmen, while Yangyang suggested a snow ball fight, so you did both.
You started building the snowmen with Taeil and Winwin, but once you felt a snow ball hit your back, you said fuck it and joined the fight. 
You got a few throws in before you all got really cold and went back inside for some hot chocolate. 
Xiaojun, Kun, Taeyong, Doyoung, Jaemin and Jeno went to the nearby store to buy what you needed for breakfast while the others stayed in the big cabin and played a few games before Renjun got mad at Jisung’s team beating him.
“Jisung, meet me on the rooftop.” Renjun commented, making everyone laugh. 
You ended up talking to Chenle about something, but you forgot the Korean word for it, and the English word for it, you could only remember the word in German, only because you remember Yangyang teaching it to you a while back.
“Yangyang!” You yelled, grabbing Chenle’s hand and walked over to Yangyang. “Yes?” He asked.
“How do you say schwert in Korean?” You asked. “You mean sword?” Yangyang asked, which made you mentally slap yourself for not remembering. 
“What about in Korean?” Chenle asked, causing silence from the both of you until you both yelled “Mark!” and so, you, Chenle and Yangyang walked over to him.
“Yes?” He asked. “How do you say sword in Korean?” Yangyang asked, to which Mark just stared at all of you.
“Johnny!” Mark yelled as so, you, Chenle, Yangyang and Mark now walked towards Johnny asked him the same question.
“Yeah?” He asked, turning around to face you all. “How do you say sword in Korean?” Mark asked.
Johnny just looked at you all before pulling out his phone and googling google translate. “검 (Geom).” he said, showing you the translation. 
“We’re idiots, aren't we?” You asked. “Yup.” “Totally.” “The dumbest.”
“Wait, how do you say it in Chinese...” Chenle wondered before yelling “Renjun!”
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It was getting late, so you said your goodbyes to the others and went back to your cabins, where Jaemin insisted on making you all dinner, so while he made dinner, you sat down on the couch and turned the tv on and searched fort the new buzzed unsolved episode on the YouTube section. 
“You started it without me?” Renjun asked, sitting right next to you. “I was searching.” You defended as Chenle sat down on the floor and waited for you to hit play.
As Jeno helped Jaemin, the rest of you watched the episode, you and Renjun on the couch, his legs lightly tossed over your lap as he leaned against the arm of the couch while Chenle sat right below you on the floor and Jisung next to him. 
“Dumbass.” Renjun commented. “You would do the same.” You said, laughing. “I would not!” he yelled. “You would.” Chenle and Jisung said in unison, making Renjun huff and continue watching in silence as you pet his head, jokingly. 
By the end of the episode, Renjun had turned so that his head was in your lap and his legs were on the arm of the chair as you played his hair and Chenle and Jisung were lazily spread out on the floor.
“Kids, dinner’s ready!” Jeno yelled, causing the two on the floor to groan and slowly get up. “You heard your dad, go.” you teased the two as Renjun got up and held his hand up to help you up.
You got to the kitchen and sat down, eating the food that Jaemin and Jeno prepared in silence.
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On the ground floor, Jeno and Chenle tossed and turned, not being able to find a good position until Jeno said fuck it and got up. 
“Jaemin is probably cuddling with Jisung so they have a spare bed, so....se ya!” he said, holding up a peace sign before walking out the door. 
Once he got there, he opened the door to see Jaemin with all of his limbs wrapped around Jisung and thanked god before walking to the other bed and fell asleep.
Back on the ground floor, Chenle tried to sleep again but couldn't, so he said to himself “If Yn and Renjun are sleeping right now, I swear to god.” before getting up and walking to your room. 
He opened the door, and there you were, lying on the floor as a Taylor Swift song played. “What ya doing?” he asked.
“We’re talking about alien li-” “Nerds.” Chenle cut Renjun off before entering the room and lying next to you. 
“So, what exactly were you saying?” Chenle asked, turning his head to face you.
“How aliens could be monitoring us right now.” You said, turning your head to face him.
“But why? You two are so boring, what's there to see?” He said, making Renjun get up and tell you to hold him back, which you did. 
“You're just mad at the truth!” Chenle yelled, propping himself up as he laughed. 
Renjun started laughing too, and so did you, which ended up with all of you back on the floor, laughing, before one of you changed the subject back onto alien life and next thing you know, Jeno was at your door to tell you that its time for breakfast.
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Once you finished breakfast, you ended up taking your sketchbook out, and so did Renjun. You spent the whole morning and a bit of the afternoon drawing and doodling with Renjun as Chenle and Jeno played games while Jaemin and Jisung were on their phones.
You looked up from your paper and saw them all having fun and relaxed in your chair.
“There truly is no place like home.” 
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Riding High Ch 25: Keep It Simple
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Chapter Summary: The events of Boston behind them, Frank, Fliss and Mary look forward to Christmas…and Frank has a big surprise planned.
Chapter Warnings: Bad Language words. Smut…NSFW and NO UNDER 18s!!!
Chapter Pairings:  Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
A/N: So here it is, the last in the series Riding High. Thank you to everyone who has helped and re-blogged and commended in any way. Do not fear, Frank and Fliss will be back in the next instalment of their adventure Riding On in a little while.
And yes, I know it ain’t Christmas but…well, in my mind it should be Christmas every day!
Series Masterlist //  Main Masterlist 
Chapter Song:  God Only Knows by the Beach Boys
If you should ever leave me, thought life would still go on, believe me, the world could show nothing to me, so what good would living do me? God only knows what I’d be without you…
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"Mary can you just hold on a second, please!" Frank sighed, grabbing the back of her coat to stop her shooting off into the crowd that streamed down the busy Manhattan sidewalk. "But Frank!" she turned and looked at him, her woollen hat jammed down over her ears "I just wanna see the stall!" "Yeah but you can't just run off!" He grumbled and besides him Fliss gave a chuckle. He turned to look at her "who gets so excited about damned wooden tree ornaments?" "Oh hush!" Fliss leaned up to give him a pack, her cold nose brushing his. In retaliation he pulled the front of her baby blue sparkly bobble hat down over her eye and she shoved him in the chest, laughing. "Fuck you!" "Chance would be a fine thing" he grumbled, taking Fliss’ hand as they headed after Mary. "Awww is that why you're grumpy?" Fliss grinned as they walked "Coz you haven't had any in nearly 3 days?" Frank pouted "No." "Liar..." "Ok, look...Frankie has needs..." he whined "I completely over looked the fact hanging out with an 8 year old in the room would be a cock block." "Always the shower..." Fliss teased and Frank snorted. "Yeah, right. Can you imagine? I give it 3 minutes before she came looking for us." "We go home tomorrow. I'll make it up to you then." Fliss grinned and he sighed. "What?" She laughed. "It’s just...you look so hot in all this winter clothing." Frank grinned. And he meant it. Seeing her wrapped up in a coat, hat and scarf had made her look all cute and cozy...and it had done inappropriate things to him for some odd reason. "Hmmm, you know most men get more turned on the less clothing their girls wear." She teased and he grinned. "Yeah, well, I'm not most men" She gave him a smile which he returned with a soft kiss as they stopped by the stall where Mary instantly dived into looking at the array of ornaments. After a few moments of looking she handed Frank one in the shape of a reindeer stag, and a doe for him and Fliss before selecting a robin for herself. "I think they're so pretty." She looked at the bird in her hand "I saw one at Evelyn's over thanks giving." "Ever heard the saying robins appear when loved ones are near?" Fliss asked. Mary shook her head. "No" "Well, I don't know about here but certainly in England we say it because there is an old belief by some people that a robin is a message from heaven, that a loved one is watching over you." "Do you believe that?" Mary looked at Fliss. Fliss hesitated "Well when my mum's dad died I was 20 and I remember getting up the morning after he died and there was a robin on the fence of the back garden. Bill told me it was my granddad Alex come to check I was ok." "Do you think it was? Really I mean?" "I dunno sweetheart." Fliss sighed "I'd like it to be true..." "Then you should believe it was." Mary said, looking at her "Because isn't that what faith is? Believing something you want to be true?" Fliss looked at Frank who smiled and gave a small shake of his head. She turned back to Mary, smiling softly as she dropped a hand to the back of her head. This kid was unbelievably wise, but with such an innocence behind it all. "Yeah, I suppose it is." Fliss nodded. "Do you think the robin I saw could have been my mom?" She asked, her eyes wide. Frank at that point stepped in, carefully picking an answer that was ambiguous so as not to say yes, but also not dampening her spirits. "If your mom could I'm sure she would come and see you, make sure you're ok." Mary gave a nod, before she turned back to the stall, her attention back on the ornaments. "We need a dog for Thor, and a cat for Fred oh...and a pony for Monty." "What about Cap and Heidi?" Fliss asked, moving to inspect the selection of decorations. "Oh, yeah!" "This is gonna bankrupt me." Frank grumbled, his hands on Fliss' hips, chin resting on her shoulder as he observed the two of them. "Scrooge" Fliss shot back with a smile "Do you think Verity and Bill will like this one?" Mary held up a snowman. "Absolutely" Fliss nodded. "And can I get one for Evelyn?" She asked, selecting a snowflake. Despite the fact that they were now well into the fifty buck range for fucking tree decorations, Frank couldn't help but want to smile at Marys face. She was so thoughtful, the purity behind it all was as usual humbling. So he nodded "Sure she will appreciate it." He smiled. He moved to lift her up so she could hand the ones they had picked over to the guy behind the counter who asked Mary what names she wanted on each one. As she told him, he allowed her to sit up on the edge of the little surface, held in place by Frank to watch as he burnt the names into each ornament before he bagged them up and she took them with a thanks. "Our first family tree stuff!" Mary grinned and Fliss smiled, bending down to give her a hug. They set back off towards the hotel, stopping by a burger joint for dinner before they dumped their bags and returned back out for their final evening in the City. Frank had loved every second of their trip, and so had Mary and Fliss. Seeing Mary's reaction to snow and the Christmas lights had been amazing, along with all the bands on street corners, people walking around dressed up. It was magical and he wasn't afraid to let his inner child come out to play either, as Fliss had just found out. "Whose idea was this again?" He asked as Mary was bouncing up and down in the queue. "Yours!" Fliss scoffed as he took Mary's hand in his right "I seem to recall the very visible horror on your face yesterday when I told you I'd never done it before..." "That’s because it's an abomination that someone who's 34 has never been ice skating." "I was a professional athlete." She shrugged "I was banned from doing anything deemed dangerous " Frank looked at her "What do they consider more dangerous than flying a half tonne animal almost 2 meters into the air?" "Bungee jumping, sky diving, jet skiing, water skiing, ice skating.." Fliss shrugged "just to name 5" Frank shook his head as the queue shuffled forward a little. It wasn't too long now, luckily they had timed it right by arriving 20 minutes or so before the next lot of General Admission to the famous Rockefeller rink opened so there weren't too many people ahead. After another 10 minutes they got to the front and Frank nudged Fliss out of the way as she tried to pay. She scowled at him and he simply rolled his eyes and handed his card over. It wasn't cheap but then, he was in New York. What was? Together they headed onto the ice. Frank, having done it a few times as a kid found his legs fairly quickly and didn't stop himself laughing as Mary's completely went from under her and she landed with a thump on her ass. "Here..." he chuckled, offering her his hand. He pulled her up and moved her in front of him. "Give me your hands..." Mary extended her arms to the side and he took her mitten clad hands in his, holding her in front of him. Fliss was moving tentatively behind him, using the sides for support a little. "Ok slide your right foot forward, like on your roller skates..." Frank said. Mary did as she was told "now left...right...left...right..." He continued his chanting and glanced over his shoulder to see Fliss was concentrating on her feet, her tongue poking out slightly. "You good?" "Yup." She said, raising her hand to give him a thumbs up before she skidded slightly and went down in a tangle of limbs. Letting out a laugh he gently pivoted Mary so she could hold onto the side and offered Fliss his hand. Pulling her up into his arms he held her steady for a moment whilst her laughing subsided. He watched her for a second, her face creasing up into those adorable dimples, eyes crinkled so much they were almost shut and her shoulders shook with the force of her giggles. "I fuckin' love you..." he grinned and she smiled at him. "Back at ya sailor" After another few laps Mary and Fliss had managed to get the hand of it which meant Frank could leave them a little bit as he went off for what he called a proper skate. The girls watched calling him a show off as he crossed his feet and turned, skating backwards a little. Both of them debated sabotaging him and tripping him up but they decided not to, instead they simply pretended they didn't know him, resulting in him grabbing Fliss from behind just beneath the large tree, and spinning her round to face him. "Can I help you?" She teased and he gave a snort. "Yeah, you can... Mary?" He called to her where she was trying to perfect a turn and failing as she almost stumbled again. She looked up and headed over. "Can you take our photo?" "Only if you're gonna kiss..." she replied, making smooching noises. "Well we can’t disappoint her..." Frank shrugged and Fliss grinned, her smile turning into a shriek as Frank quickly grabbed her hips before he took one hand, keeping the other round her back and dipped her so she was bending backwards, planting a sloppy kiss on her lips. She laughed against his mouth as he gave her a wink, before kissing her a little deeper and then setting her upright, his eyes boring into hers which were shining in the Christmas lights surrounding the rink. "Oh that was great!" Mary howled and he turned to face her as she handed his phone back. Frank checked the photo and had to smile, it was a dammed good shot. He showed it to Fliss and she beamed. "A framer?" She asked. "A framer." He agreed. It took them ages to get Mary to finally leave the rink. Even a bribe of hot chocolate, marshmallows and cookies wasn't doing it. Eventually Frank put his foot down and told her it was time to go as it was almost 9pm and they still had that tree to go see before they headed to Central Park for one last walk in the lights. After handing their skates back and retrieving their belongings from the lockers they followed the path to the tree. As they round the corner Mary gasped. "It's huge!" She turned to look at Frank and Fliss, her eyes wide "Oh my God!" Frank smiled kissed Fliss' cheek as Mary walked slightly ahead of them down the walkway that was flanked with smaller trees and the famous lit up trumpeting angels . As they caught her up he slipped his spare hand in his pocket, his fingers curling round the small, leather box inside. The damned thing had been burning a hole in his pocket since he had bought it in Boston just after Thanksgiving. Fliss, Verity and Bill had all stayed for a very pleasant week rounded off with a damned good proper Thanksgiving dinner and the three of them had flown home on the Friday, as Fliss was starting to stress about her business. He and Mary followed on the Sunday after she had been given the all clear to fly after a week’s check up at the Hospital. On his spare afternoon, he'd taken a trip into the city with one goal, and it had been surprisingly easy. The first jeweller he has walked into had a perfect ring, and despite the fact he had visited several others none of them caught his eye like that. So he had gone back and asked the assistant for a closer look. It wasn't a huge rock, white gold and emerald cut with in a pave setting, but everything about it had screamed Fliss. It was delicate and feminine but with a wonderful sparkle just like her. He knew that sounded so lame when he had told the assistant but she has just smiled and told him that if he had that much conviction, it must be right. He had been lost when she asked him what size, but in a sudden inspiration he had remembered the Pandora ring he had bought her when he had gotten his first new pay check as supervisor. He mentioned this to the assistant who beamed and said she could easily size it from that by using a simple conversion chart and told him to come back the following day. His sudden good spirit had fallen as he explained he couldn't do and asked her to see if here was anything she could do, even contemplating taking it and having it sizes back in Florida. But, after the shitty run of events over the last week, his luck was in after she returned 5 minutes later with a slip of paper, informing him it would be ready by the end of the day. When he had told Mary he was going to ask Fliss to marry him, she'd been so excited. She'd asked when, where and when he said he didn’t know she'd given him the most exasperated look on the planet. The only one of his friend who he had confided in, Greg, hadn’t been much help either, simply telling him to do it in a way that meant something to them both. Simply put he just hadn't a fucking clue. He had agonized over how to pop the question. On the boat? Or maybe a sunset on their favourite spot at St Pete's beach? Did he wait for New York? As such, Frank had taken to carrying the ring around with him, waiting for that moment when it felt right. So far it hadn't happened at home and as it stood New York wasn’t faring any better. He had thought about it at the top of the Empire state, but it had been too busy. Then there was a moment in Central Park after they had been snowman building that might have worked...until Fliss had nailed him in the face with a snowball. So they'd had a snowball fight instead. Then when walking over Brooklyn Bridge, the skyline behind them… then when they walked back to the Hotel after seeing the Lion King on Broadway, going the long way round to see the display in Macy's window all lit up...and then that moment before when Mary had taken a picture of them kissing under the tree on the ice rink... but none of it felt right. It didn't feel like the moment for them. But now something stirred in his gut. This could be it. It wasn't too busy, the place was gorgeous, right in front of the tree Fliss had been so desperate to see... Ok Adler, you can do this. Taking a deep breath he pulled the box from his pocket when he heard Mary give a squeal. "Oh...wow! Frankie look..." Fliss' voice was a whisper and she nudged him, pointing to the base of the tree. He followed her gaze to see a blonde haired man down on one knee, presenting a ring to a dark haired woman who had her hands clasped over her mouth. Frank slipped the box back into his pocket and stared at the man as he placed the ring onto his now fiancés finger and did his best to look like he cared when Fliss let out a soft "Awwww" The man looked around excitedly, his eyes falling on the three of them before he asked Frank if he or Fliss would mind taking a photo for them. "Course not buddy, congratulations." Frank smiled. Fucking prick... ***** "It was AMAZING!" Mary gushed to Verity as they walked to the car, Fliss' parents having come to pick them up from the airport. "we saw so much stuff but nowhere near all of it but Frank said we could go back next year in the summer maybe and do a bit more." "Looks like someone else had a good time too." Bill smiled, nodding to Fliss who let out a loud yawn. Frank chuckled "She was up all night, I told her not to have more food so close to bed time." "I wanted a hot dog and a pretzel." Fliss mumbled, "Besides, it's nothing to do with the food...we did a lot of walking." Bill gave a snort "You ride horses for a living, you should be fit enough to walk round New York" "I probably skated about 4 miles too..." Fliss said looking at Mary "Someone wouldn't come off the ice rink" "You been sleeping ok otherwise?" Verity looked at her "I'm fine mum." She smiled "No anxiety?" 'V, she said she's fine so leave it" Bill said gently and Fliss shot a grateful look at her dad. She knew her mum was only concerned but she was fed up of assuring people she was fine. After the attack from John she had suffered a bout of delayed shock which had manifested in a few panic attacks, nightmares, and restlessness at night and on one occasion nausea. Luckily Frank had been brilliant at keeping calm when she had an episode, helping her work through it and the last incident she had suffered had been over a week ago. Once they were all in the car, Frank took the passenger seat after Verity offered it to him, Mary continued to chat all the drive home about New York, Fliss and Frank butting in here and there. They arrived home little after 30 minutes later and Fliss headed up the steps with Mary, Thor almost sending the pair of them flying when they opened the door. "Oh puppy I missed you!" Fliss smiled as she gave him plenty of attention and he kept licking her face, whining and emitting quiet little barks. "Did you miss me? Did you?" "Yerress" Frank did his best Scooby Doo impression as he walked past and Fliss let out a laugh, as she stood up and headed into the living room behind Mary, bumping into the girl as she stopped dead, giving a squeal as she saw the Christmas Tree in the corner. "Mum, Dad?" Fliss called, smiling "I take it you did this?" Frank appeared behind them both, smiling as Fliss and Mary exchanged a glance before they all turned to Bill and Verity who were stood in the doorway. "Well we know how much you like to get your tree up as early as you can and, well we were picking one up for ourselves so we got you one. You don’t mind do you?" Verity, looked at Fliss then Frank. "No, of course not!" Fliss grinned. "Saved me a job." Frank nodded "Thanks guys." "Can we decorate it tonight?" Mary asked "Pleeeeeeeaaaasssseee Frank!" Frank glanced at his watch before giving a sigh, he knew she wouldn't go to bed if he said no anyway so what was the point? Plus she was at the University tomorrow which didn’t start until 10 so... "Ok, but if you so much as grumble tomorrow morning when I get you up you'll be in deep trouble." He looked at her sternly as she stooped to pick Fred up. "Cross my heart, hope to die, we all know Fred's got one eye..." she chanted off, nodding. "We brought your box of decorations from the annex." Verity smiled at Fliss, nodding to the box on the floor. "We thought you could pick what you want to keep now you're combining."
“Speaking of decorations…” Frank said, looking at Mary.
“Oh…yeah…hang on…” She said, running to the sofa where she had dumped her little pink rucksack. She fished out the paper bag they had gotten from the stall and found the Snowman they had bought. With a smile she handed it to Verity who looked down at it, her face curling into a smile as her eyes started to prick with tears.
“Fliss said you wouldn’t mind the names Mary wanted on them.” Frank said, watching carefully.
“Of course we don’t mind!” Bill smiled, picking Mary up to give her a hug “We are Nanny V and Poppa B ain’t that right kiddo?” “Yep!” she grinned, hugging him.
“We’ll save it to hang tomorrow when you come over after school.” Verity said as Bill set Mary on the floor and she hugged her tightly.
After a little more chat Verity and Bill left and Frank instructed Mary to change into her Pyjamas before they did the tree. Deciding that was a good idea, Fliss did the same and before long they were all in the living room. Fliss and Mary going through the boxes of decorations, Frank wrestling with the tangle of fairy lights. How they managed to get so fucking knotted up after simply being in a box for 12 months was beyond him.
He had just about managed it when Thor came over to inspect what he was doing, and dropped straight onto his back on top of the string.
“Thor…get out of it…” he grumbled, pushing the dog who simply rolled over, taking half the lights with him, tangling them round his legs and his tails. “Jesus Christ…stand still…for fucks sake…”
Thinking this was a huge game, Thor started to bounce around, barking, and Frank shook his head. “Fliss, sort this mutt out….” Fliss gave a laugh and dropped off the sofa, calling Thor to her. He sat down, allowing Frank to remove the lights before he stood up, shaking them out. Together the 3 of them wound them round the tree before they made a start on the decorations.
“Frank got me this for my first Christmas.” Mary said, hanging a red bauble which had her name on it. “The glitter has all fallen off it now.”
“We can add more if you want.” Fliss looked at her and Mary shrugged.
“I kinda like it.” It didn’t take them long, and their wooden trinkets from New York were the last ones they hung, Mary ensuring they took pride of place. Frank then lifted her up so she could place the star at the top before they stood back.
“Ready for the big turn on?” Frank asked, grinning. Mary and Fliss cheered and began a countdown from 5. When they hit 1 Frank hit the switch and the lights on the tree came to life. He stepped back, looking up at it, his arm curling round Fliss’ shoulder, his other dropping to Mary as she grinned.
“Best Tree ever.” she smiled.
“Yeah, and now it’s time for the best bed ever…” he looked at her.
“Seriously?” Mary complained
“No moaning, remember?” Frank instructed her. “That was in the morning.”
“Well I just extended it to now as well.” he said, shrugging “Because I can, so get…” “Fine, fine, I’m going…” she grumbled. “Night Fliss.” “Night sweetie.” Fliss dropped a kiss to her head before Mary shot a filthy look at Frank who met her with a passive one of his own.
“I’ll be in in a second.” Frank shot after her, watching as she headed down to the hallway. He turned back to Fliss who was watching the tree, a smile on her face.
“Not exactly up to Macey’s standards…” Frank chuckled and she shook her head.
“I love it.” “It looks like an Elf threw up on it.”
“All trees should be like that.” Fliss shrugged, before she gave his cheek a peck. “Now, you go sort Mary and I’ll get us both a beer.” “Actually…” he said, looping his arms round her waist. “I believe there was something else you promised me tonight…” “Oh, yes, of course, Frankie has needs…” she replied with an almost uncanny impersonation, which made him snort. “Does that mean no beer?”
“No beer.” “You want me to wait in bed.” “Yes I do.” he nodded “Go, I’ll let Thor out and lock up.”
Grinning she accepted his kiss and smiled as she turned around, casting him a quite frankly sinful look over her shoulder which almost had him hard right there and then. Not wanting to wait a moment longer he sorted the dog, locked the door, poked his head into Mary’s room to wish her goodnight, and headed into their bedroom. Fliss was hanging her jeans in the closet after having simply discarded them on the bed earlier, and wasting no time Frank pulled off his T-shirt, tossing it to the side before he stepped up behind her, spinning her round to face him. He pressed his lips to hers, deepening the kiss as he slid his hands down to cup her ass and she smirked into the kiss.
“I like your ass.” he muttered. “I like yours too” she said back, “And your arms”
He laughed and pulled back to look down at her as her fingers trailed up his biceps. “My arms?”
“Yeah, your big, strong arms, and your big, broad shoulders and your stupid, handsome face…” she muttered, pulling him back down to her. In between the dizzying kisses Frank steered her towards the bed, and as her legs collided with the edge he stopped to gently trail kisses across her bare collar bone. His lips found her jaw and then, with a wicked quirk of his eyebrow he reached down for her thighs, and grabbing them he pulled them forwards, causing her to fall backwards as he pitched them both onto the bed. As she laughed he chuckled slightly before he kissed her again, and then it was a scramble to get out of his clothes as fast as he could before he fell back on top of his girl, his hands pulling up her camisole top, lips kissing at the spot just below her ear before he slid down her shorts, his mouth gently kissing a trail up from her belly through the middle of her breasts, up her neck and finally back to her mouth.
Fliss was utterly lost now, in the usual whirl of love, and lust and passion and kissed him back, hard as his hand gently dropped between her legs and he felt her slick against the tips of his fingers as he gently coaxed at her clit, continuing until she was nothing short of a writhing mess clawing at his back, aching for him. They locked eyes as he took her left hand in his, and slowly worked into her, both moaning simultaneously at the sensation, Fliss’s eyes rolling back at the exquisite stretch inside. Frank began to move his hips slowly, deeply, his thrusts weren’t measured in the slightest despite the fact he was absolutely aching for her. He wanted to take it slow, end what had been an amazing trip in the same mood it had started in, absolute pure love.
His mouth moved back to Fliss’s neck, nipping gently at her skin and she let out low moan as he picked up the pace ever so slightly, his spare hand kept hold of her hip, keeping her as close to him as she could possibly be.
“Fuck, Frank, right there…” she groaned as he hit her spot and he smirked slightly, he loved the way she got like this with him, ever so demanding at times, such a far cry from the timid woman he had fallen for the previous year.
“Yeah?” he panted as she gave a soft cry, her body tensing underneath him “Good.” “So good…” she moaned, arching her back. His mouth found hers again and his hand slid from her hip to gently tease her nipple and she rolled her hips to grind up against him, changing the angle slightly causing him to go deeper.
“Lissy…” he panted as he drove into her deeply, slowly, and then again and again, his pace increasing ever so slightly. Every single sense Frank possessed was on fire and he broke the long, lazy kiss that they were sharing to stifle a moan against her cheek when he felt her clench around him, a tell-tale sign she was nearing her release. The sheets rustled underneath and around them both as his hips pushed up against hers, and Frank saw Fliss’ head tip back, her throat bared to him in utter bliss as she came hard, her moans soft and breathy into his ear. Frank picked up his pace slightly, chasing his own end as he pushed her through hers, and when he felt that snake in his belly beginning to unravel, he gave a low grunt which morphed into a gasp as he clung to Fliss, spilling himself into her, his hips slowing to a stop as he collapsed forward. Fliss gave a soft chuckle as her hands gently slid up his back and into his hair, as she moved and pressed a soft kiss to his head.
“I know I keep saying it but I really do fuckin’ love you Cowgirl.” he said, voice muffled as his face pressed into her neck.
Fliss gave a chuckle “I’ll never tire of hearing it Sailor. “
He moved to look at her, flashing her a grin before he caught her mouth in a sweet kiss. **** "You still not managed it?" Greg asked as they stood at the bar, waiting for their drinks. Frank sighed and glanced at Fliss who was sat with Bonnie in the booth, the pair of them sniggering at something. "Do you see a ring on her finger?" He looked at Greg. "No" "Well there's your answer." "What's the hold up, man?" Greg frowned. "Nothing has felt right." Frank sighed "she won’t want a huge fuss in front of people so that basically ruled out all of New York...bar one moment when I thought it was time, in front of the tree at Rockefeller...and then some douchebag went and beat me to it, proposing to his girl whilst we watched..." "You're over thinking it." Greg said, looking at Frank "Take a step back. When are the pair of you at your best? The time you enjoy most, I mean" "Honestly?" Frank shrugged "at night when Mary's gone to bed and we finally sit down and just watch TV or joke around." "Well there you go." Greg shrugged "What, at home?" Frank frowned "Why not?" Greg looked at him "the point isn't to be showy or flashy but to show her you wanna spend the rest of your life with her." Frank pondered this for a moment. Greg has a point. They were at their happiest doing the simple things, spending quiet time together, being fucking normal. Fliss loved it when they curled up and Frank would simply cuddle her close and kiss her head, easy signs of affection that she had craved all through her wreck of a marriage. And Frank loved it too, because it made him feel grounded, time for him to simply be Frank in his own right, the very thing he used to use his Friday night drinking sessions for. Now he could feel it every night, thanks to Lissy…
And then, suddenly an idea came to him, out of nowhere.
Oh, it was perfect! "Greg..." he smiled, slapping the man on the back "you are a genius." "Glad I could be of service." Greg smirked "This means I get best man duty, right?"
Frank smirked at him, shrugging, not giving anything away. His eyes flicked back to Fliss who had now stood up, Simon having returned to the table sliding in next to Bonnie. Frank’s eyes travelled up her bare legs, from her high-heels up to the short little pink playsuit she was wearing, which was printed with black palm trees and other patterns, the small straps settling on her tanned shoulders, the front showing him just enough cleavage. She was wearing a black butterfly necklace that she had bought in New York and her hair was loose, falling over her shoulders in soft curls. Her brown eyes locked onto his and he smiled as he remembered the last Circle Of Truth Christmas outing the previous year, when he had told her he loved her for the first time. And here they were, now 5 days away from their second Christmas together.
“Hey beautiful” he smiled as she reached his side. His arm curled round her and he pressed a kiss to her cheek “You ok?” “Yeah, just thirsty.” she smiled. “Can I get a water as well as my gin please?”
“Sure…” he turned to look at the bar tender who was pulling their drinks together. Once he had attracted his attention and added a bottle of water to the order he turned back to her as Greg spoke up.
“Frank said you enjoyed New York.” “Oh, it was fantastic.” she smiled “Every bit as magical as I thought it was going to be.”
“Good, I’m glad you all had a good time.” Greg smiled “You deserved it after everything that went down.” “Yeah well, he’s banged up now. His brother is going to go down for Endangerment or whatever it is you call it, its’ done, it’s over.” Fliss smiled, “We got the rest of our lives ahead of us now.” “Well, if that doesn’t call for shots then I don’t know what does…” Greg smirked as the bar tender placed their drinks in front of them.
“No, Greg…” Fliss started to protest but Greg cut her off.
“Yes Greg!” he smirked, turning to the bar tender, “Can I get a bottle of Tequila pal and 8 glasses.” Fliss groaned “I’m teaching at 9 am!”
“Dumbass…” Greg looked at her and Frank gave a snort.
“I told you to switch them out…”
“I can’t!” she pouted “I already did for Boston and New York…” “Well…” Greg smirked as the bar tender set the bottle and glasses down in front of him “Looks like you’re doing it with a hangover honey.” “Fuck my life…” **** Fuck my life indeed. Fliss spent the following morning throwing up, groaning once more that she was never drinking tequila EVER again. Frank reminded her of how many times she had said that over the time he had known her and she’d simply let out a huge fake sob and thrown herself face down on the bed again declaring that she didn’t want to adult anymore as it sucked.
The days before Christmas passed in the usual chaos. Presents were wrapped and stashed under the tree, more drinks were had with Friends. Evelyn visited for a few days, which had actually almost pleased Frank a little. She wasn’t staying for Christmas, her arrangements having already been made, but she had hinted that maybe next year she could, to which Frank and Fliss had both agreed. She had been taken with Mary’s gift to her and had laughed out loud when Bill and Verity had presented her with a case of Malbec, the same Malbec she’d smashed a bottle of over John’s head. Her gifts to them both had been a substantial chunk of money, in the thousands, and when Frank had protested at the amount on the cheque she had waved it off as 8 years of owed presents. Mary’s was wrapped so it was placed under the tree for Christmas morning. Evelyn headed back to Boston on the morning of Christmas Eve, Frank and Mary driving her to the airport instead of her driver, where they had both bid her a Happy Christmas and waved her goodbye as she headed off to spend it with her friends in Newton.
After the final preparations were made Frank, Fliss and Mary collapsed onto the sofa for a Marathon of Christmas Films. Mary was, as usual, excited and the copious amounts of chocolate and candy she was shovelling down weren’t helping either, but what the hell, it was Christmas after all.
"You ok?" Frank glanced at Fliss as she sat on the other side of the couch. Love Actually was playing, the final film of the evening before Mary went to bed. Fliss, however didn't look like she was paying attention. "Huh?" She looked at him, blinking. "I said are you ok? You look like you were miles away"
“Yeah, sorry, I was errr…just running through things in my head, making sure nothing was forgotten.” Frank smiled. They were hosting Verity and Bill tomorrow as Steven and his family were at his wife’s parents for this year, flying out instead of the 28th to spend New Year’s with them all. Fliss had asked Frank if they could host, as she’d never had the chance to do that before and of course he had agreed, not least because of the excited look on her face when she had asked.
“The table is set, food and everything is ready to go…” he chuckled, looking at her “Just relax…”
He reached round Mary, his hand gently rubbing at Fliss’ back and she smiled at him, turning her attention to the TV.
20 minutes or so later the film finished and Mary jumped up, grabbing Frank’s hand to make him dance to God Only Knows as the final closing scenes played out. He smiled and picked her up, resting her on his hip as he twirled her round to the song, the pair of them laughing before he eventually dropped her down and told her it was bed time. She scooted off, Fred trotting behind her, his tail swishing as she skipped and Frank headed in about 5 minutes later to tuck her in, before he came back to the living room.
“She wants you to go and say goodnight.” he smiled,
Fliss nodded and stood up.
“You sure you’re ok?” Frank asked.
“Yeah, honestly, I’m just tired.” she assured him. Giving him a kiss she headed up the hall and Frank watched her go before he smiled to himself, and set about quickly putting the last touches to his plan.
She came back about 10 minutes later and he smiled at her as she walked into the room.
“OK, now she’s out of the way…I got something for you...” Frank smiled.
Fliss looked at him before she shook her head, chuckling a little “I got something for you too…Frank, I have-” “Me first.” Frank cut her off.
She looked at him for a second, his bright blue eyes were shining as he grinned at her and she rolled her eyes.
“Fine…” she smiled, “Ok, you first.” He grinned and then folded his arms “You gotta find it.” “What?”
“It’s hidden, on the tree, and you gotta find it.” Her face lit up as she gave a laugh “You are such a dork!” “Yeah, I know…” Narrowing her eyes playfully she moved to the tree, glancing at it. “Ok so it’s not very big then, seeing as I can’t see it straight away.” Frank shrugged as she continued her search.
“I haven’t put it high up, seeing as you’re a short ass…” “I’m perfectly average for a woman thank you.” “Trust me baby girl, nothing about you is average.” he winked and she let out a snort.
“Charmer.” she grinned, turning back to the tree.
“Ok, you’re miles off…” he said, and she moved to her right “Gettin’ warmer…warmer…ok, yep, nearly there…” Fliss continued to search, and then something caught her eye. There was something shiny handing from the nose of her Doe ornament. She stepped forward slightly, and when she realised what it was her right hand flew to her mouth. Frank’s breath caught in his throat as she spun to face him, her eyes wide.
"You, me and Mary have been hanging out together since August last year now...” he said, clearing his throat slightly “How do you feel about hanging with us forever?" He watched, holding his breath as Fliss' chest heaved with emotion as she looked at him, those brown eyes he could happily stare at all day were full of tears, the hand which had flown to her mouth in surprise was now shaking as it slid to the spot beneath her throat, that dip in her neck that he could nuzzle at forever. "I'll hang with you for as long as you'll have me..." she whispered, taking a deep breath. "Is that a yes?" Frank inhaled sharply and a watery laugh burst through her tears. "Yes. Yes, a thousand times yes!" Frank's face split into a huge grin "shit..." he sputtered before she threw herself into his arms and he lifted her up easily, her legs wrapping around his waist as he held her close, kissing her neck. She pulled back and placed a kiss to his lips, long and short pecks being shared as she laughed and he laughed, the pair of them simply lost in the moment until eventually he set her down and with a shaking hand he reached out to retrieve the ring from where it was hanging. Taking her left hand in his, with a deep breath he slipped the diamond onto her finger.
Fliss looked at it, admiring the way the delicate band sat underneath her knuckle, the beautiful diamond twinkling in the lights of the tree.
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"Oh Frankie...it’s gorgeous..." she whispered, before she looked at him, taking his face in both his hands and pulling him down for a deep kiss. "I love you so much."
"I love you too." He smiled, kissing her again before he pulled away, his hands linking behind her back.
"I err, got us some champagne." He smiled, "I know it was presumptive of me but figured we could have it tomorrow if you turned me down." Fliss looked up at him, blinking before she took a deep breath “First I need to get you…just wait here…” He released her from his hold and she turned and headed out of the room, Frank watched her go, blinking for a moment before he shrugged and headed to the fridge, the smile still plastered on his face. She said yes!
Not that he had doubted she would, not really, but there had always been that little bit of fright she may have done. But that was all gone now. As he popped the cork on the bottle he found himself thinking about how he would be doing that soon enough on his wedding day. He poured 2 glassed and headed into the living room with them wondering if maybe a late Autumn wedding next year would be nice, October perhaps when it started to cool off slightly. They could do the beach wedding she always wanted, hire a marquee... Lost in his thoughts completely he jumped a little when Fliss spoke his name and turned to look at her as she stood in front of him, the back of his thighs brushing against the sofa slightly. He noticed her hand was in her pocket, clutching something. Playfully he nodded towards it “I assume that’s not a spanner." He chuckled, referencing the joke they often shared and Fliss shook her head, biting her lip. "No...it’s...a bit bigger than that" With a shaky hand she pulled out a small, white stick of plastic and held it towards him. It took Frank a moment to understand what it was and as soon as he did his eyes widened and he looked at her, then it, then back again.
"You're...we're...no...that's..." he stuttered, reaching out to take it from her. "I found out this morning." Fliss whispered, watching hair reaction carefully "I suspected last week but thought it might all be down to stress and stuff but..." "How, I mean..." "I should have started a new pill packet when we went to Boston but I forgot to take it with me. I thought I'd be ok if I started as soon as I got back but..." "There's a baby in there?" Frank cut her off as he stumbled over his words, nodding to her stomach "Yeah" Fliss nodded. "You put it there." Frank's legs grew shaky and he dropped onto the sofa, staring down at the test in his hands.
2 blue lines.
2 blue lines that had just changed his world forever. "I'm sorry, I know this is sudden and I should have been more careful..." Fliss took a tentative step towards him and he reached out, his hands on either side of her hips, gently pulling her t-shirt up. He leaned forward and placed a soft kiss to her belly, his forehead resting just above her navel. "I'm gonna be a dad..." he said, pulling back, his eyes watering. "Frankie, you already are..." Fliss said, her own tears once more springing forth. "I know you hate it when I say that about Mary but it's true." He looked at her, a dazed smile split his face into two as he pulled her onto his lap, where she straddled him, and he kissed her, hard, leaving her slightly breathless before he rest his forehead against hers. "Fuck, Lissy..." he whispered, his eyes closed "You're cooking a little person..." She spluttered a laugh, nodding, her forehead brushing his as she did. "Was it made in Boston...is that the right word?" He pulled back to look at her and she laughed, brushing her hand through his fluffy hair as his gently reached out to rest against her stomach. "Yeah and most likely." "It's a little Boston Bean" he grinned and she laughed again, pressing her lips to his. "You're ok with it then? I know it's probably not what you would have planned but..." "Ok? Of course I'm ok!" He smiled "I love you and the thought of us making a little person that's half me, half you...fuck, it's amazing." She smiled and nodded, her voice a whisper "I know..."
"There is one problem." Franks said, his arms wrapping tightly around her. "What?" "You just ruined Christmas forever...because nothing is ever gonna live up to this ever again."
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soul-music-is-life · 5 years
Pls give us some Sammy pls pls pls pls pls pls pls even if it’s like a paragraph? Pls
I’m doing a "try not to hate my fluff writing” challenge. I have a love-hate relationship with my prompts, especially the lighter ones, because I feel like they lack depth. And when I write them I don’t get a chance to obsessively edit them, so they feel unclean and unpolished. It’s such a different vibe than I’m used to with my stories. But I’m trying to own that doubt. Here is my nice little unclean unpolished “inner critic is screaming and pulling her hair out” prompt.
The Rosewood High School Bake Sale was one of the biggest sales of the year. Everyone was encouraged to participate. Normally, Grace didn’t go near the kitchen unless there was pizza on the table, but Lily had made it a competition and Grace couldn’t resist. They were further enticed to do well when they found out that the students who sold the most baked goods would get a $200 gift card.
They argued about what to make for almost two days. They’d finally decided on two different recipes. Chocolate chip brownies and snickerdoodles with salted caramel chips. What they weren’t counting on was the extra ingredient of chaos that their little brother would bring to the party.
“Alright, Sam is down for his nap. Let’s get going.” Grace quickly shuffled into the kitchen.
Lily had all of the ingredients separated nicely next to all of the measuring cups. Grace didn’t even bother looking at the recipe. She just started mixing things together.
“The whole point of this is to actually sell the food. No one is going to buy pastries that could be used as a weapon in a war.” Lily snatched the flour from Grace and put it on the counter behind her.
“Okay, Hell’s Kitchen.” Grace scoffed.
“Oooh, Grace said a bad word!” They heard a chipper little voice coming from the living room.
“Sam, you’re supposed to be in bed.”
“NO! I don’t want a nap!” He came toddling into the room. He saw all of the ingredients laid out and his eyes lit up in delight. “I help.”
He walked over to Lily and tugged on her apron. He lifted his arms up.
“How about we read you a story, peanut?” Lily picked him up.
“Okay. Let’s do your nursery rhymes. You love your nursery rhymes.”
“Why is that his favorite word?” Grace muttered.
“I want a cookie.” Sam reached for the brownie batter.
“Sammy, that’s not…”
Before Lily could stop him he’d dipped his entire hand into the batter. He shoved his fingers in his mouth and smiled at Lily. He licked most of the chocolate off and then pat Lily’s chin, leaving a large brown smudge against her jaw.
“I help,” he said again. He pat Lily’s apron.
Grace snickered at the mess he was making on her fussy clean sister. Lily licked some of the batter off of her lip and then reached for a towel. She handed Sam to Grace and then wiped her face off.
“Okay, big guy. You want to help?” Grace dragged his booster seat over to the counter. “I’ve got a really important job for you.” She put him down in the chair and then handed him a spoon. “I need you to stir something for me.”
She grabbed a plastic bowl and filled it with water. She figured it would be the easiest thing to clean up.
The water distracted him for a little while, leaving Lily and Grace free to bake. But as he watched his sisters he became determined to do more. He watched Grace pour a cup of measured flour into a bowl with milk. Sam saw the bag of flour sitting close to the edge of the counter. He moved to stand up in his chair, reaching for the bag. He managed to grab it without his sisters seeing.
He reached in and pulled out a handful. He really liked the feel of it, so he reached in with his other hand and grabbed another handful. He dropped some into his bowl, but it didn’t look the same as what his sisters were making, so he grabbed more. The sticky pasty mess was getting all over him. He stirred the water, flinging flour everywhere, including in his hair.
“Sissies!” He exclaimed. He was proud of himself.
“Just a second, Sammy.” Grace tapped a button on the stove.
Sam grumbled angrily. He didn’t like that they weren’t paying attention to him. He grabbed the bag of flour, his little hands barely able to grip it.
He looked to see if there was any more white stuff so he could make more food and make his sisters even happier. He couldn’t tell if there was anything in the bag, so he tilted it towards his face.
Flour came pouring out of the bag, painting his face completely white. He closed his eyes in surprise. Some of it got into his nose. He sneezed and dropped the bag next to the bowl, sending the bowl crashing to the floor. Lily and Grace both spun around.
“Oops.” Sam looked down.
When he looked back up he saw his sisters staring at him in shock. He could only see the mess that he’d made on the floor. He couldn’t see what a mess he’d made of himself. He had flour everywhere, including caked into his hair.
Grace snorted.
“Oh my God. He looks like he’s covered in cocaine.” Lily gawked.
“Hey, lil Scarface, how ya doin?” Grace snickered.
“I fix it.” Sam climbed out of his chair.
He smooshed his hands into the watery flour mess on the floor. It was starting to look like a little snowman.
Grace was howling in laughter.
“Where is my phone? I have to get a video of this.” Grace looked around the kitchen.
She grabbed her phone from the table and pointed it at Sam to take a picture. She was still laughing hysterically. Sam picked up a mushy pile of wet flour and hurled it at Grace. It hit her in the face.
Lily doubled over in laughter.
“Oh, you think that’s funny, do you?” Grace wiped her face off. She grabbed some of the dried powder from the floor and hurled it at Lily.
“Real mature.” Lily rolled her eyes. “Come on, help me get him cleaned up.”
Sam let out a squeal and then started running around the table. He led his sisters on a chase that ended up with him knocking one chair over and using another chair to climb up next to the counter to get to the chocolate. He pelted his sisters with chocolate and caramel chips.
It turned into an all our war between the three of them.
By the time Alison and Emily got home Sam had stripped out of everything but his diaper and he was covered in flour, chocolate, and icing. He was standing on the table shouting out a loud toddler war cry and throwing chocolate chips at his equally messy sisters.
Emily immediately pulled out her camera. She was laughing so hard she could barely breathe. Alison stared at the scene for a few seconds. A confused expression spread across her face.
“I don’t remember doing any acid,” she muttered.
“This is my favorite day ever.” Emily aimed her phone at their kids and snapped a picture.
Lily, Grace, and Sam were so busy creating chaos that they didn’t register that their moms had walked into the kitchen.
“What is going on here?” Alison questioned.
All three of them immediately stopped what they were doing. Sam was still giggling.
Lily and Grace pointed at their little brother and simultaneously said the same thing:
“He started it.”
Emily walked over to their youngest.
“Is that so? Sammy, did you do this?”
Sam grinned at her. He didn’t answer with words. Instead, he scooped a chunk of brownie mix and icing off of his chest and smeared it on his mother’s face.
“That’s…” Emily wasn’t the least bit surprised, “Thank you, son.” She licked the batter and icing off of her lips.
“I helped,” he said as he wrapped his arms around her neck and gave her a huge messy hug.
“Yes, you certainly did.” Grace smiled.
“So much for the bake sale.” Lily shrugged.
Most of their ingredients were all over the floor…or all over them.
“We could always just sell him instead.” Grace suggested.
“Aw, because he’s so sweet?” Lily asked.
“No. Because he has $200 worth of groceries painted all over him.” She looked at Sam offering Emily a chocolate chip. Grace smiled. “And because he’s so sweet…”
They didn’t end up winning the gift card, but they ended up with something priceless that day. Photos and videos that they could one day use to embarrass their little brother on his wedding day. They were awarded with memories to last a lifetime. And a mop bucket and soap to clean up the war zone in the kitchen.
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fanfics4all · 6 years
Santa Is Real!
Request: Yes / No
Request are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
Archie Andrews x Fem!Reader
Word count: 5197
Warnings: Nothing
Y/N: Your Name
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you!
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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It was almost Christmas! I was so excited and I couldn’t wait! Santa was coming and my little brother was so excited. He wouldn’t stop talking about Santa and how he was so excited about what he asked for.
“I even asked Santa for something for you!” Jack said happily. I giggled watching him plop down on the couch next to me.
“That’s very sweet of you!” I said picking him up and kissed his cheek.
“Can I come to your party?” He asked.
“Yes you can. Y/N your father and I have to go out for a little while so your brother will be here, watch him.” My mother said.
“But mom, what about my party?” I asked.
“It’ll only be for an hour or so, then we’ll come pick him up.” Dad answered walking into the room. I sighed.
“Okay, but you have to wear something festive!” I said looking at my brother.
“Yay!” He cheered and clapped his hands.
“Thank you dear.” My mother said with a smile.
*A few hours later*
Jack spent the next few hours decorating for the party. Once we finished we ran up to our rooms and got dressed. I put on a white long sleeved shirt with silver sparkles all over, a red skirt, white heels, a red bow, and some cute silver earrings. For makeup I put on a red lip with sparkles, and I did a silver sparkle eye with a little bit of red and brown, and I did a wing.
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Once I was dress I went to my brother’s room to see if he was ready. I knocked on his door and he answered it. I looked down at him and saw he had a black and white striped long sleeved shirt, overalls with a cute little snowman on them, a pair of sneakers and a Santa hat on.
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I picked him up and kissed his cheek. He looked adorable! Before I could tell him we heard the doorbell ring. Jack squirmed in my grip so I put him down. He rushed downstairs and opened the door to reveal my friends.
“Hi guys!” He said happily and let them in. I smiled watching him.
“Hey Jack, you’ve gotten so big!” Betty said with a sweet smile.
“He’ll be a lady killer pretty soon.” Archie said. Then my brother spotted Veronica. He smiled and walked over to her. He had a crush on her and it was so adorable.
“Hi Veronica.” He said and smiled.
“Hi Jacky!” She said kneeling down to his level.
“You look very dashing in your Christmas outfit.” She complimented and he blushed.
“You look very pretty too.” He said and Veronica smiled.
“Are you joining the party?” She asked and his face lit up.
“Yeah! Mommy and Daddy said I get to stay here for a little while.” He answered and everyone giggled at how cute he was.
“Well, we’ll have to dance before you leave.” She said and he blushed even more.
“Umm… Would you like a cookie?” He asked and she smiled. He took that as a yes and ran into the kitchen.
“So your brother is gonna be here for a while?” Reggie asked.
“Yeah, my parents are picking him up in about an hour.” I said and Reggie groaned.
“But what about the special drinks I bought!” He groaned.
“We can have them when he leave.” I answered. Reggie sighed but nodded.
The party was going well. Everyone was having fun and Jack couldn’t stop making everyone smile. Right now he was dancing with Veronica and I was standing off to the side watching them. The song ended and Jack went to get Veronica another cookie. Archie came up behind me and wrapped me in his arms.
“You know you’re standing under a mistletoe right?” He asked and I looked up. I turned around in his arms and wrapped my arms around his neck.
“Guess you’ll just have to kiss me, but we should be careful. After all Santa is watching.” I said with a giggle. Archie paused and looked at me for a second, I looked at him confused.
“You know Santa isn’t real right?” He asked and I stared at him like he was crazy for a second before I heard a crash. I got out of Archie’s arms and turned around. I saw Jack standing there with tears in his eyes and a broken plate with a cookie on the floor.
“What do you mean Santa's not real?” He asked and a tear fell down his face. Everyone’s eyes widened and I rushed over to him.
“Jack, Arch was only kidding!” I said trying to calm him. He shook his head and started crying.
“Santa isn’t real?” He asked crying hard. I bit my lip and picked him up.
“I’ll be right back okay guys?” I said to my friends and they nodded sadly. I went upstairs to Jack’s room and sat him down.
“How can Santa not be real?” He asked. I wiped his tears and kissed his head.
“Oh kido, Santa is real. Archie was just joking okay?” I tried again.
“But he said-”
“I know what he said but he was just being silly!” I said. Suddenly my phone went off,  it was my parents telling me they were here and to bring Jack out. I sighed and looked at him.
“Mom and dad are here, but when you come home I’ll prove to you that Santa is real okay?” I said with a smile.
“How?” He asked.
“Well, mom and dad gave me Santa’s number so that way if I have to watch you I can call him if you’re bad.” I said and he looked at me shocked.
“You have Santa’s number!?” He asked and I nodded.
“I’ll see if he can take a little break and come visit you. But you can’t tell anyone that you saw Santa before Christmas.” I said and he nodded with a huge smile.
“Okay, now you gotta go.” I lifted him up and walked him downstairs. He left and I turned back to my friends.
“Is he okay?” Kevin asked and I nodded with a sigh.
“We can still party, but I need your guys help.” I said and everyone nodded.
“Great, so I need someone to dress as Santa for when Jack comes home.” I said.
“I’ll do it, I’m the one that messed up.” Archie said and I smiled at him. I walked over and pecked his lips.
“Thank you babe. Now we need to get a Santa costume, a wig, and a beard!” I said.
“My dad all those things, he dresses up for the Serpent’s kids.” Jughead said and I smiled.
“Perfect!” I said.
“I’ll go get it, I’ll be back in a few.” Jughead said and walked out.
“So until your brother gets home can we have those special drinks?” Reggie asked and I shook my head with a laugh.
“Yes, but we can’t get drunk!” I said.
“Fineee!” Reggie said and we all started partying again.
*Four hours later*
I got a text from my parents that said they would be home in a few minutes. I handed Archie the costume and shoved him upstairs. I told him not to come down until I called him. Jack ran in and up to me.
“Where’s Santa?” He asked full of excitement.
“He’s upstairs, he needed to use the bathroom after such a long trip.” I said and he squealed.
“Santa? Are you done?” I called up. My friends sat on the couch and watched as Archie walked downstairs dressed as Santa.
“Santa!” Jack called happily.
“Hello Jack, your sister told me that you needed to see me because someone was being silly and said I wasn’t real.” He said in an old man voice and kneeled down.
“Yeah, my sister’s boyfriend. He’s right-” Jack looked around but didn’t see Archie.
“Hey where is he?” Jack asked.
“Oh, Archie needed to go help his dad, he said he’ll be back in a little while.” I said and Jack nodded. I quietly sighed happy that he bought that.
“Did you get my letter Santa?” He asked and Archie nodded.
“I did.” He said.
“Then what did I ask for my sister?” Jack challenged. My eyes widened and I bit my lip.
“If I say it out loud she’ll hear.” He said.
“Then whisper it to me!” Jack said and moved his ear next to Archie’s mouth. I looked at them nervously. Archie whispered something into his ear and Jack pulled away with a blank expression.
“You really are Santa…” He said and shock and my eyes widened.
“Of course I am.” Archie said and then looked at his watch.
“I have to go Jack, if I’m not back soon the reindeer won’t get fed.” He said getting up.
“Wait! Can we take a picture? So I can prove Archie wrong?” He asked and Archie smiled.
“Sure.” He said and Jack ran up to me.
“Will you take my picture with Santa?” He asked and I nodded with a smile. I took out my phone and took a few pictures with them. Then Archie left. He was going to go behind my house and take the costume off then put it in Jug’s bike. Sure enough, a couple minutes later Archie walked back in.
“Archie!” Jack called and ran up to him. Archie picked him up and and smiled.
“Hey buddy.” He said.
“You missed Santa!” Jack said.
“Did I? Oh man! Am I on the naughty list for joking that he wasn’t real?” He asked. Jack shook his head.
“No but Y/N, show him the pictures!” I laughed and walked over showing Archie the pictures.
“Wow!” Archie said and then we sat down next to our friends.
So how’d you know it was actually Santa?” Veronica asked him.
“He knew what I asked him to get Y/N.” Jack answered happily and I looked at Archie. Archie just smiled and pecked my lips.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @xrosesareredx @herokyolachan @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs @schisbro87 @lover-of-books-and-teas @nerdygaloresposts @alex--awesome--22 @teenwolfbitches2 @genius2050 @drw0301bieber @tigermillionaire-philanthropist  @emo-godess-loves-you @hiya-imthatgirl @answer-the-sirens @mindsetjupiter @averysinclaire @mittelerde1999 @sweetest-peas @rousewriter @jjkingston @k-is-cray @camiconfessions @nixdunbarhale @nixdunbarhale2 @mysticrebelwerewolf  
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trashboatprince · 6 years
Here is the second part of the little Christmas drabble thing I’m doing for the dad!Henry Beast son!Bendy au.
Time to include two of my favorite characters in this!
On with the fic!
Bendy happily looked out the window, waiting impatiently for the guests to arrive.
Earlier in the week, Henry had informed Bendy that they would be having some people visit and stay for Christmas. The giant demon was curious about who it could be, was it Henry and Linda’s kids? They had come up during Thanksgiving and had finally gotten the chance to meet Bendy, even if they had reacted, well, like most people did.
Screams, fear, and demands to know who he was.
At this point, it was becoming more of an annoyance than a problem for him.
Henry had told him that his kids couldn’t visit, they were busy with their families for the holidays, but instead, it would be Thomas and Allison Conner.
Bendy knew who they were, of course, they were friends of Henry’s from his time in the studio! And they had escaped with him and his creator when they finally broke the time loops Joey had set up for them. He knew Henry was still in contact with them, calling them up to chat and check up on how they were doing, sometimes sending letters.
Last month, they had sent a photo of themselves back at their barn, it was a nice little bonus to the letter Allison had sent.
The demon had been excited to hear that they were coming and was waiting at the window to see them pull up. He occupied himself with looking at the yard, seeing all the snow that covered it, and where Henry was shoveling the sidewalk. There was a snowman out on the yard, something he and his father-figure had made yesterday, looked a lot like the one Bendy had made in his cartoons.
He made a happy trill when he saw an old, green truck pull up alongside the sidewalk and spotted the two figures inside. He couldn’t hear Henry, but he knew he was greeting the couple as they stepped out.
Tom and Allison looked just as they had in their photo and from when they returned to being human. It was still strange to him, since he was so use to seeing them as toons, and looking much younger as humans, but it was still them.
He watched as the small group came to the door and he ran towards it in just a few strides, stopping right in sight of them as they stepped in. “Heh, he’s been waiting all morning for you guys.” Henry chuckled as he stepped aside, working to remove his coat.
“Oh, has he now?” Allison asked, looking just as amused as she sounded. She removed her boots and approached Bendy, holding out a hand, which he happily bumped his head against. “Hi there, Henry’s told us you’ve been doing well in the outside world, is that true?”
Bendy nodded, making a happy gurgle in his throat as Thomas snorted, rolling his eyes. It was clear that the man was still weary of Bendy, and the beast didn’t blame him, he had been a threat to the once-wolf for a long time, three years, just like Henry.
“Ah, our guests are here.” Linda spoke up, catching the group’s attention. Bendy watched as Henry introduced his wife to the other couple and the four just started to talk up a storm to one another. Well, Allison, Henry, and Linda talked, Tom just grunted or mumbled out a reply. He wasn’t much of a talker from what Bendy knew of him, even back in the days when he had been a real, living toon and not a demonic being. The man spoke when he felt the need to, he didn’t have to contribute to the conversation if he didn’t want to. Made Bendy wonder if he was a silent Boris by his own choice and not because of the machine.
He followed them as the Steins gave the Conners a tour of their home, smiling brightly when Linda told them that Bendy had helped her decorate the house for Christmas. He was very proud of his work, especially what he did for the tree. Henry even let him put the star on top!
After all of that, he left the couples to chat and catch up more while he sat in the living room. Christmas was in three days and he was excited, he wondered what was going to happen, what he was going to get, and if this ‘Santa’ character was really going to break into the house and leave gifts.
Christmas Eve had finally arrived and the giant demon was over the moon about it. He had seen his family and their guests moving about the house, getting dinner ready for that night, and getting things prepared for the meal the next day. He had seen Linda and Allison wrapping some last-minute gifts for their husbands, even letting him attempt to wrap his own present for Henry that Linda had gotten for him.
He had went out into the snow, playing with his friend Mary for a bit, before she had to leave to go to her grandparents for Christmas.
Now he was putting away the last of the dishes from dinner, hearing Henry quietly talking to Allison out in the other room, something about going to church. Ah, that’s right, Henry had told him about a Christmas Eve mass at their local church they attended every year. They would have taken Bendy with them, but... well... he is a rather tall, massive demon that intimidated even the toughest men in town with just a simple baring of his teeth.
He could hear them talk about what to do with him, just leave him at home? Attempt to take him? Would he be okay just sitting in the truck? “No, it’s gonna be cold and snowy tonight.” Henry mumbled.
“You don’t want to leave him here alone?”
“I’d rather not, it’s his first Christmas Eve with us, and I’d like for him to have company.”
“Then let me stay with him.” Thomas spoke up, catching the attention of not only Henry and Allison, but Bendy as well.
“You want to stay with Bendy, Tom?” Allison asked. “I know you’re still... you know, about him.”
Tom huffed, crossing his arms, standing his ground on this. Allison looked at him before sighing loudly, laughing lightly. “It’s so hard to change your mind, Tom. Alright, I’ll go with Henry and Linda, but you behave yourself! No picking fights, got it?”
He nodded, giving her an ‘okay’ gesture with his hand. And within twenty minutes, Bendy found himself in the living room with Tom, the man quietly sitting on the couch. He was looking at the television, a Christmas movie was playing on it and Bendy tried to pay attention to that. He suddenly feel so nervous and uncomfortable, this reminded him too much of the times he was locked in Thomas’ office because of Joey.
Thomas wasn’t a threat, but he was very quiet and gave off this air of ‘buzz off’ constantly. Except when he was focused on Allison, that was a different story.
“So.” The sudden voice made Bendy visibly jump, and he heard what could have been a laugh from the mechanic. “Do you like being outside of the studio?”
Bendy nodded quietly.
“Same here, I hated it there. Even when I was working for Drew.” Tom replied as he sipped from the coffee cup he had. “There were a few things I liked about it though. Allison, that’s the best, I didn’t mind Franks too much. Sometimes trying out the games in Bendyland was interesting. And then there was you.”
This confused Bendy as he turned to look at the man. “You were this weird thing that we couldn’t explain that lived in the studio. You were quiet until you started to learn to speak, and all you did was your typical toon stuff. I don’t know, I didn’t watch much of the show, but I was well aware that you were a prankster.”
Bendy snickered at this and Thomas continued. “You weren’t as bad as Joey made you out to be, both during the studio’s run and during the loops. Oh, I hated you when I was a wolf, you tried to kill my wife and I, you killed Henry. You were a monster, and even after we escaped that hellhole, even after we saw you with Henry, I still saw you that way.”
He took a long drink, setting the cup aside to fully look at Bendy. “But just these past few days, seeing how you are all day, and hearing stories from Linda and Henry, it got me thinking that maybe it was just how Joey wrote you that made me see you as a monster.”
Carefully, Bendy leaned in closer, looking at the man who had once been a Boris. Was Tom admitting that he didn’t find Bendy to be all that bad?
“You’re like some weird kid, Bendy.” Thomas mumbled in that gruff voice of his. “Even looking like this, you’re still that little cartoon demon that ran around and lived in my office. Keep it up.” With that, he gave Bendy a pat on the head and returned to watching the Christmas movie that was playing.
Bendy sat there, completely stunned, but a big grin came to his face as he bumped his massive head against the startled man, nuzzling him, ignoring the complaints from the mechanic.
“We’re back.” Henry called out as he stepped into his house. He heard music playing, possibly from the radio, before he looking into the room. He almost laughed at the sight, but decided not to. He gestured for Allison and Linda to come over to see what he was looking at.
He found that the radio was on, playing Christmas music, while on the couch was a sleeping Thomas, with Bendy’s head on his lap. The demon was out like a light as well, he was even drooling a little on the other’s lap. Seems like they had fallen asleep while playing cards, from what he could tell by the playing cards that were on the floor.
“Aw, that’s so cute.” Allison whispered. “Looks like an old man and his dog, anyone got a camera? I want to frame this at home.”
“Hold on, I’ll get it.” Linda giggled, leaving to find the camera.
“I wonder what we missed tonight, looks like it was important.” Henry spoke as he looked at Bendy, seeing him shift, making a gurgling-purring noise in his throat.
“Bet they had a nice talk, Tom likes private conversations.” Allison whispered back. “Looks like he gave Bendy his Christmas gift early.”
“Looks like it, too bad we’re gonna have to embarrass him about it when he wakes up.”
“Oh yes, that’s a must.”
Happy holidays, readers! :D
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hs-1dfan · 7 years
Christmas surprise
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Hello Hello, here’s a christmas, dad Harry fluff update. Because I fell in love with that picture in the middle. Hope you will enjoy it. 
You can find my masterlist here & here (rebloggable one). Like/reblog. Thank you all for reading my work!! It means a lot to me.
(The story continues beneath the read further line.)
“Mummy, daddy wake up. Snow, snow outside. Can we play?” Her little finger pointing at the white trees, surrounding the cabin they were in. After a busy year of touring and not seeing each other all the time, they decided to leave for Christmas and rent a few cabins in the woods for both of the families.
“Yes, we can, but right now..” picking her daughter up from the floor, “I want you in bed. Let’s watch frozen first, it’s still too early to go down stairs”.  Haley snuggled up against her mum, letting her head and body rest against the warm side of her mum.
Harry never woke up from the sounds Haley nor his wife were making. They softly sang all the words of the movie. She felt the breathing of her daughter getting heavier and when she looked down at Haley, she saw that her little girl was asleep again. Looking over at the time, she saw that it was nearly 9 am.
Deciding to let Haley and Harry sleep for a bit, she went down to make breakfast. Knowing that the smell of food would probably wake both of them up. They both were very similar in that way.
And like she expected, she heard some footsteps in the hallway upstairs that were going to the stairs. “Daddy, mummy and I saw Elsa. And we went let it goooo, let it goooo.” She was stretching her arm when she did let it go, and it made Harry chuckle. His daughter had his dramatic entertaining skills. The older she got.. the more it showed.
“But.. but.. we did it soft. Mummy told me to not to be loud” harry nodded as she spoke.
“Well you did good, with not singing tooo loud. Next time we will sing the songs really loud.. Now let’s see what your mother made for us.” the joy and happiness covered her entire face, when her dad told her he’d sing frozen songs with her.
Arriving in the kitchen they saw pancakes, toast, croissants. “Hmmm. This smells delicious” as he kissed her good morning. “Well.. let’s hope it tastes the way it smells.”
They all sat down at the table and ate most of the food. This was the time that Harry looked forward to, the last couple of months. Just the three of them having breakfast, not having anything planned out. Looking at his wife and daughter the feeling of being lucky with all of this love made him the happiest he has ever been.
“What are you thinking of love?” And it snapped him back to reality. Shrugging his shoulders and a lazy smile formed on his face.
“This.. I was thinking about all of this. How I got lucky with you and this little frozen princess”
She placed her hand on top of his, he gladly intertwined their fingers.
“So what are the plans for today? Playing with snow, making snow angels, go for a walk, decorating the christmas tree..”
“Okay, two votes for playing with snow, mrs. Styles no matter what you will choose, we will win this.” He said smirking.
Rolling her eyes at both of them, putting a finger on her chin. “Well.. okay. Playing with snow it is, and a walk. But princess Elsa you should get dressed. So does snowman Harry.” And she cleared the table.
“What are you then? A princess, princess Anna?” He was frowning, while thinking about what she was.
Taking her daughter upstairs to get dressed, she leaned over the railing of the stairs.. “nah.. I’m a queen. Queeen of hearts and you’re only angel.. “
They all got dressed in warm clothes. Haley took out her sleigh and brought bear along for the walk. Putting down a blanket on the sleigh, so the bear wouldn’t get cold.
Haley spend most of the time walking in front of her mum and dad. Putting bear back on his sleigh whenever he fell down. Sometimes sitting on the sleigh herself holding bear and Harry pulling her along. “Faster daddy.. faster!”
“I won’t go faster, you’ll fall down and get a cold bum. You’ll end up being snow girl Haley” that made her giggle.
Christmas was the best time of the year. Mainly because they were together. No tours, no interviews, photo shoots or anything like that. It was just the three of them and their families. Most of them would arrive around 3pm. So they had some alone time.
Walking behind Harry and their little girl, she couldn’t stop thinking about this tight unit they had. Sure they had their arguments, Haley her tantrums.. but it was all worth it.
Her thinking stopped abruptly, and she felt a cold and painful ball of ice against her face. Her mouth shaped in a big O. But no sound came out.  Looking to see where that snowball came from, she saw harry busy making a new one.
“DON’T YOU DARE HARRY EDWARD STYLES. DON’T… THROW THAT AT……” And she punched the snowball away. “Me!!”
Shrugging his shoulders and lifting up his arms he told her that she should join in.  And she did.. they had a blast with their snowball fight. Hitting him in the face, on his shoulders, knees.. and yeah.. he got what he deserved when she hit him in the nuts. By accident.
“BE CAREFUL WILL YEH. They need to make more babies. If you want more children…” making circles around his crotch.
“This area.. is off limits. For snowballs.. you have access anytime you want. Fudge you throw hard.”
When Harry finished his sentence about more kids, she stopped making another snowball. If only he knew…
Haley got a bit mad that her mum and dad were taking there time with a snowball fight. “Mum, daddy come!!!”
When her and Harry noticed what she was doing and heard her calling out for hem, they made their way over to their daughter.
“What is this you’re doing love? Aren’t you cold?” she crouched down beside her.
“I’m a angel mummy. Daddy’s angel” she smiled widely at her dad. “Yes you definitely are, I’ve got two angels.”
Harry was focused on his little girl, when he suddenly saw that his wife was on the ground as well. Shaking his head he decided to join in. They all made their snow angels, but got cold while making them.
“Mummy, can we go home?” Haley was done with playing and staying awake. Harry picked her up and carried her home. She stayed in Harry’s arms, warm and comfortable. It didn’t take long for Haley to drift into a nap.
“She’s something else. Sooo.. Uhm. You said something about babies when I accidentally threw a snowball.. you know. Would you want another baby?” This was the time to ask she thought, he brought the whole making babies up.
“I mean.. yeah. I wouldn’t mind making this family bigger. Maybe a boy… but if it’s a girl that just as fine. Why the sudden interest?” He looked over at his wife.
She stayed silent for a second or two.
“No reason in particular.. I would love another baby as well.. I mean now we both know we would welcome another child. That’s always good to know” shrugging her shoulders. There was a reason behind her asking this. She found out a few days before the trip, at the doctors that she was expecting again. Knowing that Christmas was coming up, she wanted to surprise Harry and both families.
Before they went away on their trip, she let a shop make special Christmas ornaments for her own announcement.
The ornaments all contained tiny little Christmas socks, written on most of them was “arriving 2018”. On Harry’s personal ornament was written dad to be. All of the gifts were wrapped up, so no one could know what was in them. She carefully laid the presents underneath the Christmas tree.
He wanted another baby… that thought calmed her nerves a lot. But it also made her feel elated.
Back at the cabin they started prepping the food for their family diner party. She was in the kitchen mostly by herself, while harry and Haley were watching frozen. The singing and laughter in the living room made the cabin feel warm and homelike.
Harry was singing on the top of his lungs, having his daughter trying to be the same way. They both would be rather amazed if she didn’t end up in the entertainment industry. She loved the attention.
“DADDDYY.. one more time, come let’s sing” and twirled around the room. The excitement and happiness was visible all over her face. “Can I wear this dress tonight?”
“Yes, you may wear that dress, but I’m going to help your mum for a bit and after that I can sing with you again love” he quickly answered.
Harry made his way over to his wife for a few seconds. Spending time with his daughter was something he had missed. Singing, dancing.. her laugh. She meant the world to him.
“Luckily everyone is bringing something, I don’t know if I could make so much food.” She told him.
“Hmm.. I’m sure you could, but I get it. It’s nice to have both of the families in the same room. I’ve missed it. You know I have” kissing her neck and rubbing her shoulders. “Hmm. Yeah. I love having you around again.”
* * * *
The Christmas dinner with both of the families was a big success. Everyone had the chance to catch up and talk about what was going on in their lives. Harry made sure to grab his camera every once in awhile.
People posed for a photos and sometimes harry just sat down and captured a smile or a hug. He made a photo of almost everyone, just one person was missing in his photos. His stunning wife was hardly in it. He had always known that she was camera shy, whenever a camera got close she choose to walk away or turn so she wasn’t visible. The only way that she would be fine with taking a photo, would be if someone else was in it as well. Harry started to look around the room, and spotted Gemma standing near haley and his wife.
‘’Gem… can you take her and haley. I want to make a photo in front of the christmas tree’’
Gemma nodded and took both of their hands and leaded them to the christmas tree.
‘’Say CHEESE’’ and he made a few photos of the three of them. Harry was looking at the photos that he took, and he was startled when Anne suddenly popped up.
‘’ This is very beautiful Harry, you’re very lucky to have her.’’ she put her hand on his shoulder.  Gemma was always excited when her little brother used his camera. She knew it was just a hobby, but she thought he was really talented. ‘’Let me see the photo’’ and she took his camera out of his hands. The first photo she saw was a picture of his wife, and the second was off his wife, third one was his little haley. ‘’Sod off Harry, where am I in these photos. Oh here is one.’’
Harry looked over at his wife and daughter. Her eyes,her lips, and her spirit all at once smiled at him. ‘’Sorry Gem, she’s.. Sorry they are masterpieces’’
‘’Right, well at least there is one photo i'm in. Now let’s open some presents’’ she answered.
Everyone made their way over to the Christmas tree. In no particular order people got their presents and started opening them. It made at least one person in the whole group really nervous. So far no one had opened her christmas gifts. No one knew yet that she is
Harry could tell that she was feeling uneasy and tense. So he decided to hold her hand and moved closer towards her. ‘’You alright love?’’. She just smiled to let him know that she’s okay. “It’s Harry’s turn” gems told everyone, “I pick this little box for you”.
He carefully opened the small box that was placed on his lap. Taking the gift out of the box, he read what was on the ornament. Not completely sure how to react, he looked around the room and over to his wife and back to the ornament.
“is this… what? Is this.. are you? Am I?? Am I going to be a dad again?
Her reaction gave the confirmation that he needed. Joyful tears covered her cheeks, ruining the makeup.
Finally speaking up, “coming 2018, yes harry… you’re going to be a dad again”
He hugged her immediately. Placed his hands on her cheeks and kissed her so passionately. Soon his hand lowered on her tummy. The joy and the love was felt all around the room. Soon people opened their own little boxes. They saw that they had ornaments with coming in 2018 on it, with little socks inside.
Congratulations are being giving to Harry and his wife. Anne wanted to know everything, “Aaw sweetheart, this is amazing.. how long have you been pregnant? When did you found out? .. god I’m so excited to be a grandmother again” but soon realised that harry needed to be informed first, seeing the happiness as confusion on his face.
There was one little person a bit confused as to what was going on. Haley was to young to realise why her mum was crying. “Auntie gemma is mummy crying?”
Gemma wiped away a few tears, and puts Haley on her lap.
“I think you’re mummy and daddy will tell you soon. But these are happy tears.”
* * * *
Harry was still shocked and a little bit confused. He had not seen this coming. He was delighted because of what he read. Happy wasn’t even the right word, he just wanted to know when she knew.  So he took her by the hand and walked her outside.
“How long have you know?” Harry asked when he leaned against the wall. Still holding his ornament.
“I found out a few days before we went here. And I wanted everyone to have a memory of this. That’s why I have these little Christmas ornaments.” pointing at the gift.
“And well.. when you said you wouldn’t mind having another baby. I started to relax more.. it was nerve wracking, not telling you I’m pregnant harry. With Haley we found out together. And well..” shifting her feet.
“I wanted to make this a surprise. A Christmas surprise.”
He walked over towards her. Hugging her so tightly, and then placed a kiss on her forehead.
“I’m really happy you did it the way you did. And it was definitely a surprise.. a great surprise. You make me the happiest man alive. And you probably made my mum and sister also really happy. Are you ready for the storm that’s about to come? All the questions they have.” He asked as they stood in front the door.
“Haaa yes. As ready as I can be. There isn’t much to tell yet. But I’ll answer their burning questions.” Squeezing his hand.
“Good. Now shall we go inside, make this Christmas even more memorable?” Nodding her head. They both walked back into the room, with a smile on their face from ear to ear.
The warmth and love they felt in the room, made her cry. This is what Christmas was all about for her. Seeing happy faces, surrounded by the ones she loves.
Putting her arms around Harry’s waist, they stood there looking at the family in the room. She whispered,
“Merry Christmas love. Merry Christmas”
A satisfied smile that showed his dimple covered his face.
“Merry Christmas sweetheart”
Thank you for reading!! I’ll try to get the other ones online as soon as I can!
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