#yes I am moonmooning these bitches
katzenkarussell · 2 years
I love seeing people think of cute names for the Professors, but I’m lazy so I’m using their names as first names and their German names last
Sada Antiqua & Turo Futurus
Shoutout to everyone else thinking of actually nice names for them though, you are all beautiful!
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So, yesterday, after eveyone was already awake, we talked about all this mess and weeelll I don't remember half of it but they helped me write this (yes, both of them, I will talk about my roommates reaction to this blog later on XD)
So, the first thing me and my roommate did was tell Miss oh honey about our talk and that roommate wants to figure this relationship out with both of us, but the also confessed that they were more confused about their feelings for Miss oh honey than their feelings for me, so, I told them I would leave them for a bit to give them time to talk about it and also make breakfast
Now I'm gonna be writing in roommates POV
Ok, I was confused as fuck
I never thought much about my feelings for Miss oh honey cause she was my best friend and longest friendship I have. I knew I liked her better than a friend but again, never gave it much thought
But at the moment I needed to throw all excuses to not think about it under the bridge and talk about it with the person I am most afraid to talk about it with
And I was not afraid of rejection because I already knew she liked me, I was afraid I didn't like her back
But YOLO I guess...
So, the conversation went like this
"So... You like me"
"I don't like you. I love you"
"Ok yeah... And also love Gremlin"
"How did it started? Like, did you already knew you were poly or..."
"I figured it out when I started get close to Grem"
"Ok right... How does it feel?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean... Liking two people at the same time?"
"It was a little wierd at first... I wasn't expecting to ever love some as strongly as I love you and still love you too... Especialy because how fast my relationship with Gremlin developed... I never- I never got to like- to love someone as fast as Gremlin... It just- I felt so right... It felt like home in some sense... I did got the same feeling about you but it was gradual, like, I had time to realize how much you really meant to me... Does it make sense?"
"It does... It took me a lot of time to even consider that I could have had feelings for you all this time, but you know me, I'm stubborn even with myself!"
We both laughed a little and things got a little less tense, so I took the uportunity to get a vibe check about my feelings, and nothing better to check your feelings than I kiss
So I asked her "Since we are here talking about figuring out feelings, how about a little kiss?"
"K-kiss? On the l-l-lips?"
I need to mention how much I love to get this dum dums all nervous and blushy, it's just too much fun to see
"Yes, a kiss on lips, can I?"
We did kiss and well, vibe check done, results, I love her and now I need to live with the fact I've been dense about this for years
Oh well, life goes on I guess
Now on to Gremlins POV (my POV :D)
So, after I get breakfast done without burning down the house, I went back to our room, and when I get there I see those two passionately kissing so I just, left the breakfast on the table beside the door and went to living room watch some cartoons with MoonMoon
After some time they got back and without saying a word they sandwich me into a big hug and we stay like that for what felt like hours, until I asked "So... Are we together? Like, three relationship?"
They looked at each other, then me, and said "Yeah"
"And you are sure about your feelings and stuff?"
"okay then, wanna watch cartoons with me and MoonMoon?"
"Hell yeah!" "Sure"
And we stayed like that for a long time, and honestly, I couldn't be more happy
At some point I told my roommate about the blog and they said "Great, now I can go there and read what you thought about me"
I regret this decision... They were making jokes about my gay panics all afternoon ;-;
But then we started talking about being easter tomorrow and it hit me that easter was one of my moms favourite holidays, and I didn't have contact with her since my ex isolated me... So I thought that maybe I could finally go back home and talk to my mom, and hopefully she wants to see me again after I stoped talking with her out of the blue... I even got as far as telling her to stop calling me... I was scared that I would do her harm if she continued talking with me and I was so convinced that my ex was the only one that could handle me and protect me from me that I ended up being a bitch to my own mom... And even if I was in a bad situation that is no excuse to be an asshole to anyone, especially to my mom...
So after dinner and talking to Miss oh honey and roommate about this, I tried to calling my mom but ended up calling a stranger cause aparently, she changed numbers and now my only option is to go to her house personally and talk face to face... And that's something I cannot do... At least not alone... So, my partners and I agreed on going together so they could support me through this, and I'm really glad for their support
Now is 2 pm and we are getting ready to pay my mom a visit. I will also take MoonMoon with me for extra support
So yeah, wish me luck😅
Hope you're all safe and Happy easter😁
- Gremlin anon😺, Miss oh honey😸 and Roommate😼
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Tagged by: @theneibolthouse @slutforpennywise
Tagging: @honk-honk-bitches @daddywiseideas @writing-pennywise @explicitpennywise @chokemedaddyclown !
1) Name/Nickname: Derry/Ders (Yep. That’s actually it.)
2) Gender: Female
3) Star Sign: Gemini
4) Height: 5’2 T^T
5) Hogwarts House: Slytherin 🐍
7) Hours Of Sleep: 7-9? Or 11-12hrs lelelel
8) Dogs Or Cats: DOGGER
9) Number Of Blankets: 1 comforter is fine
10) Dream Trip: Europe!
11) Dream Job: Marine Biologist
12) Time: 6:10pm
13) Birthday: June 19th
14) Favorite bands: Maroon 5, The Script, P!ATD, Linkin’ Park (😔), and LANY!
15) Favorite Solo Artists: ARIANA GRANDE!! John Mayer, Melanie Martinez, ED SHEERAN
16) Song Stuck In My Head: ILYSB- LANY
17) Last Movie I Watched: IT(2017) welp.
18) Last Show I Watched: Stranger Things
19) When Did I Create My Blog: Around the 2nd week of October
20) What Do I Post/Reblog: It & Pennywise!!
21) Last Thing I Googled: Tim Curry young (yup. This is how I actually google.)
22) Other Blogs: Nope. Only one blog and this is it. I’m kinda new to Tumblr, but I am familiar with it. 😛
23) Do I Get Asks: sometimes, yeah. 😂
24) Why I Chose My URL It’s Penny’s favorite things!
25) Following: 354-ish
26) Followers: 672 (Thank you guys, I dont even know why you follow this nasty thing.)
27) Lucky Number: 27!
28) Favorite Instrument: Piano
29) What Am I Wearing: My IT tee and a pair of short shorts
30) Favorite Food: BACON & EGGS
31) Nationality: (I’d like to keep this personal ;> yes, a mystery! Hohohoho)
32) Favorite Song: I have so many I just can’t pick one 😔
33) Last Book I Read: The Little Prince 😫💔
34) Top Three Fictional Universes I’d Like To Join: Supernatural, Life is Strange, and Uncharted 😛
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