#yes I AM off my fucking rocker thank you for asking <3
essektheylyss · 1 year
I cannot stress enough how much I am like. one of those cats being forcibly restrained from shoveling food down their mouth when it comes to class readings. I finished the first week's readings and I have to wait until the week actually starts to do reading responses and my first instinct was to start on the readings for week two. It's a good thing one of my professors suggested two books as intro reading if we wanted it because I do in fact want it, thank you very much
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zodiyack · 3 years
Rude! (3,000+ Follower Fic Special 1/3)
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Female!Hopper!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Billy stuff, lyrics, fluff
Song: Rude by Magic!
Words: 1,798
Summary: Billy's love for Hopper's daughter is too strong to be stopped by the tough Chief Jim Hopper. Despite being told "not in a thousand years", he plans to love her regardless.
Note: Thank you so so much! I love you all, and writing your ideas, as well as sharing mine with you, has been so fucking fun and amazing! I'm sorry for my lack of words, I wish being an author came in handy with writing this, however, all I can say is that I love you all from the bottom of my heart. I've seen people do shout-outs, and ask-related stuff with their follower things, and I may do that, I'm not sure. For now, I hope you enjoy this... Thank you all, again!
Also 1/3 means that there will be two other fics released for the 3,000+ follower present!
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Taglist: @urie-bowie-mercury, @matth1w, @redspaceace-writes, @fandom-puff, @darling-i-read-it, @simonsbluee, @sebastianstanslefteyebrow, @dpaccione
Masterlist | Stranger Things Masterlist
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"Saturday morning, jumped out of bed and put on my best suit. Got in my car and raced like a jet all the way to you. Knocked on your door with my heart in my hands, to ask you a question, 'cause I know that you're an old-fashioned man. Yeah."
Billy was freshly graduated, working as a lifeguard whilst his girlfriend worked her own job, both saving up for their chance to ditch Hawkins and move to California. Sweet Cali. Billy was excited to show the love of his life around the place he called home. Though, physically, he left the salty ocean and windy beach behind, the place never truly left him.
You could see it in his eyes. The waves crashing in his blue orbs. He swore the scent had just barely clung to his belongings; the smell of the tangy air that followed a majority of the state. Working at a pool was the closest he got to the memory of California. Chlorine was most certainly not the salted ocean waters, but with the circumstances, he decided it'd do.
The way his face lit up whenever he talked about his home...it made Y/n more and more excited to see it. His girlfriend had grown up in Hawkins, stayed there her whole life. Never once did the Hoppers leave Hawkins.
But the second that was introduced to Billy, he knew it had to change.
Although they were saving for a big move, Billy had...other things in mind with what to do with his first large pay-check (or series, rather. Working as a lifeguard didn't pay well with just one check). He began to work more shifts to make up for the money he'd spent, and one day after calling in for a day off, he decided to put his plan into action.
"Billy, stop messing with the tie."
"It's annoying." Hands slapped away his attempts of adjusting the black silk tie.
"Well it won't stop being annoying if you keep fucking it up."
For the first time in a long time, Neil Hargrove was calm. Not happy, not amused, not pissed off for some unjust reason- just calm. He wasn't wreaking havoc and he wasn't being an asshole to his son. Billy hadn't seen this side of his dad in quite some time, in fact, he thought something important was going on and he was about to fuck it all up. And then, Susan retreated to the living room with a camera and a freshly ironed suit.
"You're not putting me in that."
"And who asked for your opinion?" Neil deflected with a raised brow. One heavy sigh later and Billy was leaving the bathroom, dawning the whole black and white getup.
Susan clasped her hands over her mouth, a tear leaving her eye, "You look so handsome! Just like your dad!"
Billy rolled his eyes, "Great."
However, his careless attitude was swept under the rug when the blue Camaro pulled up to the police station, interrupting a clearly distressed Chief Hopper bickering with his daughter. Billy had to get himself together before stepping out of the car, jaw slack after seeing the beauty he got to call his date.
"Hello Mr-"
"Don't even try play nice with me, Hargrove. She's not going anywhere with you. End of story." Hopper kept his eyes trained on the blond, body tense like a snake preparing to strike it's prey.
Y/n grabbed Billy's arm, slowly directing him to the car, "And in the sequel, we find out I am going with Billy. End of that story."
"There is no 'sequel.' The writer got drunk and lazy." She paused, turning to face her father who stood tall, arms crossed and face unamused.
"So his daughter picked up where her father left off, and then the sequel was published and the two lived happily ever after, the end."
While her dad attempted to search for a line that would better hers and force her to stay, she pushed Billy toward the driver's side and slid into the car as fast as she could, rolling down the window as Billy started it up. "Bye! I'll be back before midnight!"
The two drove off toward the school, leaving behind a trail of dust and very, very, pissed off Hopper.
Prom was better than Billy thought it would be. He didn't want to go at first, but after Max found out and spoke to her mom about it (the little redhead a cupid-in-the-making), Neil pushed him to go (as he was "doing something else besides being a lazy-no-good rebel"). It was then that he called Y/n and asked if she'd be going.
The suit came in handy. Clashing with his rocker aesthetic, he put it back on once more. The once-annoying tie proved to be somewhat okay in the end.
Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life? Say yes, say yes, 'cause I need to know. You say I'll never get your blessing "till the day I die, tough luck my friend, but the answer is no!"
Why you gotta be so rude? Don't you know I'm human too? Why you gotta be so rude? I'm gonna marry her anyway. Marry that girl, marry her anyway! Marry that girl, yeah, no matter what you say! Marry that girl, and we'll be a family! Why you gotta be so rude?
With a deep breath, he ran-over the conversation in his head once more. Like a script for an actor, he had thought of every possible outcome and every possible line for him to face it with. He almost chickened out as his fist rose to the door, but it was too late, for his knuckles rapped against it before he realized he was even knocking.
El opened the door, eyes wide when she saw the familiar mullet and button-down. "Papa..." She muttered as she backed away and out of view.
Hopper traded places with her, his lazy expression sobering up instantaneously, replaced with a grumpy scowl. "Hargrove."
"Mr. Hopper, sir."
"What are you doing on my front porch?"
He swallowed roughly, palms sweaty against his sides. "I was wondering if I could talk to you."
"You seem to be doing just that right now, Hargrove." Hop crossed his arms and clenched his jaw.
Well, this was certainly not something Billy had thought of. He was on panic mode internally, attempting to find any response that could save his hide and accomplish what he set out to do. Unfortunately, the word-vomit button seemed to be misplaced under the button labeled "help".
"I'd like to marry your daughter, sir."
Hop's eyes grew just as big in size as El's had when she opened the door. He choked on his own surprise, coughing it off, then glaring at the boy in front of him. "Over my dead body, Hargrove. If that's all, I'd strongly advise you to get off of my fucking porch while you're still alive."
I hate to do this, you leave no choice; can't live without her. Love me or hate me, we will be boys- standing at that alter. And we will fly away, to another galaxy, you know. You know she's in love with me, she will go anywhere I go-
"Billy, he's just stubborn."
"No, no, I don't think he likes me."
Y/n sighed, rubbing her boyfriend's back. He hadn't told her of his proposal plans, only that Hop seemed to have it out for him. "It'll take time, but he'll warm up to you!"
"It's been how many years since he's met me?"
"To be fair, your reputation wasn't doing you any good until now..."
"It's not like that was fucking obvious." He slouched further down in the front seat of his Camaro. To Billy, all hope was lost. If he couldn't get Hopper to give him his blessing, he was sure he'd lose his goddamned mind.
Y/n frowned. Her frown flipped around as an idea popped into her head, her lips finding Billy's knuckles and quirking his attention. "Even if he never likes you, I'm not going anywhere."
Billy laughed softly, "he'll fucking kill me if you go against him."
"Eh, that's only if he can catch us."
"You're out of your fucking mind, Y/n Hopper."
"I know."
The rest of the night was spent in the Camaro, of course, doing one of Billy's favorite pastimes. By the time the sun rose, Billy was sneaking a kiss to a giggling Y/n before dropping from her window in the cabin and running to his car, parked far enough that Hop or El wouldn't notice. He blew her one more kiss, which she pretended to catch, then he broke into a sprint.
Maybe, he thought, just maybe; there was still a chance.
His knuckles hit the door again, shifting on his feet nervously. It swung open to reveal Hopper, an unimpressed look bringing no surprise Billy's way. It was quite expected, honestly.
"What." His tone made it clear he wasn't up for fucking around.
"Mr. Hopper, if you just give me one chance to prove to you that-"
"No, no, no, no, no. Let me make it very clear to you that I want you to have nothing to do with my daughter whatsoever. No marriage, no friendship, I don't even approve of you guys fucking or whatever-"
"We're in a serious relationship, sir. It's nothing like you think it is."
This made Hop laugh. He continued to do so, holding his stomach, until he realized Billy was unamused. "Oh, you're serious?... My answer is still no, Hargrove. My answer will always be no. Go find someone else's daughter's heart to break. You're not hurting mine."
"It's not like-"
Before he could even get the words out, he was met with a door in his face. Turned down, again.
Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life? Say yes, say yes, 'cause I need to know. You say I'll never get your blessing "till the day I die, tough luck my friend, 'cause the answer's still no!"
Why you gotta be so rude? Don't you know I'm human too? Why you gotta be so rude? I'm gonna marry her anyway. Marry that girl, marry her anyway! Marry that girl, yeah, no matter what you say! Marry that girl, and we'll be a family! Why you gotta be so rude, rude?
Again, again, and again, Billy incessantly pleaded with Hopper. Different tactics were all met with the same answer; rejection.
He held up a sign outside the cabin, only for Hopper to close the curtain and chuckle as he sipped his coffee.
He asked at the door again, only for Hop to threaten to give him a black eye (which was met with "aren't you the sheriff? Isn't that illegal?").
He raced past the police station, Max leaning out the window with another sign, only for Hop to threaten them with holding cells.
He even went as far as to ask Max and El to help, but Hopper had none of that, and sent Max home with a rant full of nos.
However, if Jim Hopper thought any of it would get it into Billy's head that getting his blessing was just not happening- he was as wrong as Nancy when she claimed not to have feelings for Jonathan.
Billy had another plan in mind, and this one was impossible to say no to.
Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life? Say yes, say yes, 'cause I need to know. You say I'll never get your blessing "till the day I die, tough luck my friend- but no still means no!"
"Hopper." Billy stood before his desk, interrupting his nice date with a delicious doughnut, and earning a very annoyed glare. "I got Miss Byer's blessing. Aren't you two a thing?"
"You son of a-"
"I got Eleven's too."
"Hargrove, I'm gonna-"
"Before you cuss me out, I think you should know that I've got a stable job, an interview with a mechanic so I have a job when the pool closes for the winter, and I've got a house on the market I'm looking at. I'm devoted to your daughter and she's devoted to me. You may not like me, but I think you're a great dad, better than the one I was unfortunately stuck with. You raised a strong and amazing woman. She's incredible and I admit, she deserves better than me-"
"You don't have to say that twice." Hopper huffed, crossing his arms.
"I know she deserves so much better than me, I'm surprised she's even with me too. But she loves me, and I think you can see that. I love her too. I would never, in a million years, break her heart."
Jim stayed silent for a few minutes. The silence brought uneasiness to Billy, but that was intentional on Hopper's behalf. He finally piped up with a cough, clearing his throat, before his piercing eyes met Billy's blue orbs.
"I'll hold you to that, Hargrove."
Why you gotta be so rude? Don't you know I'm human too? Why you gotta be so rude? I'm gonna marry her anyway. Marry that girl, marry her anyway! Marry that girl, yeah, no matter what you say! Marry that girl, and we'll be a family! Why you gotta be so rude? Why you gotta be so rude?
(after the wedding)
"What was that about a no?" Billy quipped with his infamous smirk.
"You're lucky I'm sheriff, Hargrove."
Why you gotta be so rude?
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The reader is a best selling author and her book is about all her past lovers (Erik is one of them)
Smutty, Flashback, Dark
It’s hard writing Erik with a nickname besides killmonger so I am sorry in advance if his name pops up when it’s not supposed to LOL. Enjoy Loves!
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Y/N was afraid to come out with this book but her team insisted that she did. They said it was one of her best works yet. Y/N did agree but there was one particular person in that book that she didn’t want to know about her writing. Y/N went along with it anyway because she needed the new book to do well since her royalties were getting low from other published works. That was over three months ago. Now, she was still doing interviews and signing autographs in New York and Los Angeles book shops. Her face was on TV, in magazines, and in Time Square in Manhattan, New York. He knew... he had to know.
Y/N’s book was an erotic tale about her past lovers. She gave each of them pseudonyms to protect their identities. The title was called Concupiscent. It means lustful or desire. This wasn’t like the poetry or erotic romance tales...this was very smutty and so nasty you couldn’t go a second without touching yourself. The fan mail she received was outstanding. Especially from the BDSM community. It was all thanks to him... F-16. He was the last chapter in her book filled with past lovers.
He was nicknamed F-16 because the one thing he told her was that he flew an F-16 Fighter Falcon Jet in the Military. His story got the most hits out of all of them. People were dying to know who F-16 was.
-I need F-16 in my life! He fucked you so well I could feel that shit myself!
-could you please share with me who F-16 is? He sounds so sexy.
-are you still in touch with F-16? If so you are a lucky woman, Y/N.
-F-16 fucked you real good!
-all of the chapters were amazing! Nothing surprising but that F-16!!! Girllllllllll I need more of him! Write an entire book with just him and I’d give you all my money!
-The book club loves the story! A lot of us reread F-16 while sipping our wine LOL. Very sexy chapter.
“You see, Erik, they can’t get enough of you,” Y/N spoke to herself within her penthouse while reading fan mail. She sipped her glass of red wine with enthusiasm. Y/N couldn’t deny the fact that she missed Erik deeply. It was just a one night stand but goddam...the shit needed to happen more than once. However, Erik was very secretive with his life. He was also very upfront and told her what he wanted: some pussy...
July 8th, 2019:
She lived for nights thick with lust.
Angel Face wasn’t so much an angel anymore.
She yearned to be seduced and destroyed.
She was tired of delicate kisses and romantic evenings.
No...Angel Face wanted something harder; vicious even.
The Blaze was a rather chancy bar. Y/N sat on a bar stool on her fifth shot of Blue Sapphire Gin with her finger twirling a strand of her sleek silk pressed hair. Maybe she didn’t have enough to drink. She was already talking herself out of this mess. Her stomach did summer salts and her fingers fiddled with the hem of her short red mini halter dress. Such a slutty choice of attire. She nibbles the corner of her bottom lip as her amber-colored eyes scanned the bar for a potential man to take her home and fuck her hard and rapid. She didn’t want timid strokes, she wanted back-breaking strokes. Y/N needed a man who looked at her as she rested before him with her divine body exposed for him and thinks to himself, what kind of noises would I like her to make? 
Thunderous drunken applause came from Y/N’s right. She looked over at the small group with immense curiosity. A group of men that looked very hazardous and unsafe. Even the women who entertained them looked a little wary. They were all tall and muscular. Men who could snap your neck with a simple squeeze. 
“Can I have another shot of Gin?” She asked the same punk rock bartender who gave her the last five she had.
“Foxy,” He nicknamed her since she settled at the bar, “You’ll pass out and I don’t want your pretty face on this bar.” 
“I can handle it, trust me,” Y/N pleaded.
“Fine, I warned you.”
He poured her the shot she asked for.
Y/N threw it back and accepted the sweet burn.
“Whew,” she pinched her lips together, “That really hit the spot,” she let out a drunken giggle, her breasts bouncing.
“Foxy,” The punk rocker gave her a playful smile, “Are you alright?”
She gave him a goofy grin, “never better,” her words slurred slightly.
The Punk Rocker gave her a bottle of water, Y/N taking it thankful that the bartender was being thoughtful.
Y/N turns back around focusing on that corner again. There were dartboards on the wall and a pool table but instead of the men throwing darts they were throwing daggers. Y/N flinches in her seat. Sharp toys...spine-chilling. Her body felt hot all over. The alcohol seemed to make her hyper-aware of all the predatory eyes on her. All different types of men staring at her like a pack of wolves. 
“You’re too delicate for this bar, Foxy.”
Y/N could agree with that but she was tired of that label. Why couldn’t she be risky and wild? Y/N was doing it now. That dance floor surrounded by low lighting was calling her name. She could twirl her hips and shake her ass into a sweaty frenzy. Finger comb her hair to show off her sex appeal, lock eyes with a man just to tease him and make him consider going to the urinal to buss a load. Bend over to show her lack of panties. Yes…she didn’t have on panties but she did bring a pair in her clutch just in case. Y/N could be heaven or hell. A strong man’s dream and a weak one's nightmare. 
“That a boy F-16!” 
Y/N’s eyes darted back over to the group of intimidating men, resting on whoever F-16 could be. She hoped this was him. He was honestly the only good-looking man in that bar. 6 ‘3, 225 lbs of lean muscle. He wore a tactical black utility vest, black long sleeve fitted henley, cargo pants in a black and grey camouflage pattern and black timbs. 
“Watch out, Damion, I don’t wanna end up aiming for your head,” F-16 spoke while rotating a Kunai throwing knife in his hand. All eyes were on him in that moment to see if he would miss or actually hit the bullseye. 
“Any day now, F16,” Damion rushes him while downing the rest of his beer. F-16 gave him a death glare before turning back to the dartboard, arm coming up and forward swiftly. The throwing knife whizzes past Damion, almost slicing the top of his ear and landing straight for the damn bullseye. The area exploded with cheers, yells, and ferocious pats on the back. The women clapped delicately while staring at F-16 with sultry eyes. Y/N could relate to those stares as well. He was...so damn...fine. However, if he was around those types of men that means he’s equally as dangerous. 
Don’t do it, Y/N...
“Hey, could you watch my bag for me? I feel like dancing.”
The punk rock bartender squinted his eyes covered with black eyeliner, “alright, Foxy, don’t get yourself hurt out there.”
Y/N stepped off of the stool, giving the bartender a sassy look, “who would want to hurt all this?” Her hands trailed up and down her tantalizing body, “I mean...fuck it maybe, but hurt…”
“I think I underestimated you, Foxy,” The bartender gave her a sly grin.
Y/N swiveled around in her heels. She made her way through the wild crowd and to the dance floor. They were playing decent music to dance to. She found a spot in the center and started at her own pace. Her eyes moved around her to take in all the men who savagely wanted to grab her. They looked ready to gang-bang her and she liked the thought of men salivating over her that intensely but Y/N wouldn’t bring herself to fuck a group of men...unless they all looked like F-16. Her hips moved in a circle to the deep base of the Afrobeat. She really liked the variety of music here. Of course, this caused all the black people to crowd the dance floor too. Y/N had her hands in her hair, on her thighs whenever she went low, on her ass when she let it jiggle and bounce. She was looking really scrumptious on that dance floor. 
It was as if the entire dance floor made a circle around her. She was in her own world now. Eyes closed, body moving with a skill that could make a grown man cry. She was giving her the best sexy performance. This had her adrenaline pumping. 
Behind every bad bitch is a sweet girl who got tired of everyone’s bullshit. 
“You’re the best fucking dancer I’ve ever seen.”
“Thanks,” her heart skipped a few beats.”
“Name?” He raised a single brow at her as if to say oh, you’re gonna tell me your name, baby girl.
“Foxy.” She didn’t want to tell this man her real name. This was supposed to be a no strings attached ordeal. 
“You’re doing the damn thing, Miss Foxy.”
The way he said her newfound nickname had her toes curling. She was Angel Face no more. Not when this fine ass dangerous man stood before her. That’s right...F-16 was down for her. Y/N’s little performance sparked his interest. 
“You’re out here by yourself?” He got closer to her now. His dreads rested over his eyes almost and it gave him a wild look. 
“Yes, I came alone.” 
“Damn...to a place like this? you never come to a place like this alone, Foxy.” 
“...why?” She gave him a perplexed look.
“Because it’s filled with bad guys,” His eyes looked tricky, “None of that fake shit you see in movies, baby girl...the real lion's den.”
Y/N swallowed spit to soothe her dry throat. 
“I take it you’re one of those guys?”
“You wanna find out?” His precarious grin would be beautiful if it weren’t for his haunting words. Y/N came to find out. She wanted this. 
“Yes, if it’s with you, I’m down.”
He chuckles, “Shit...aight.”
He grabs Y/N’s hand, leading her towards the “bad guys” that she watched from the bar earlier. Some of them reeked of liquor breath and cigarettes, others smelled quite nice like F-16. The women in the area looked at her like she was competing with them. F-16 kept her close though, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting her between his strong thighs. She assumed he did this to show the other men that Foxy was his to play with. 
“This is Foxy. I found her shaking that thick ass on the dance floor.” 
She froze at that introduction. Y/N looked around at the group of men giving them a shy smile and a wave of her small hand.
“Nah, baby girl, introduce yourself,” His words were cutthroat and sharp in her ear.
“I’m Foxy, nice to meet y’all,” F-16′s hands gripped her hips on both sides.
“She’s soft,” A tall man with skin like midnight and a scar on his left cheek spoke, “a good girl.”
Y/N didn’t like that. She was trying to appear like a bad bitch, not a princess. 
“Pussy probably tastes just like sugar,” The man spoke again causing the other men to hum in approval.
“If it does, I’ll be the judge of that. Ain’t that right, Miss Foxy?” 
His soft-spoken voice tickled her neck. She felt frazzled. Her low eyes turned to his dark ones, her lip between her teeth. 
“Yeah...that’s right,” He gave her a sly lop-sided grin with those full lips. He was certain that Y/N would be going home with him. She liked that a lot. A hell of a lot. He could take her to his place right now and fuck her all night long. Y/N wanted to bury her face into this man's neck and breath in his scent. He was so large and warm surrounding her. Her pussy quivered and damn near begged her to let this man put it on her. 
“So, what do you guys do for a living?”
She was curious. 
“We’re military men,” One of them spoke up.
“I’m an Airmen,” F-16 spoke with a husky voice, “I fly fighter jets.”
He said it in such a dismissive tone that it didn’t appear all the way true. He did hint to the fact that this place was filled with nothing but bad men so maybe he was putting on a front so she wouldn’t go running away crying. All the other men had treacherous looks on their faces. 
They’re murderers.
She was glad they put on a nicer front. If not she probably would chicken out of an opportunity with F-16. 
“Sounds cool,” she smiles, “tell me more.”
“Nah,” F-16 places his thumb against her chin to rub it lightly, “You’re not interested in what I do. You just want somebody to fuck the shit outta you.” 
Her lip twitched a little. Damn, this man could read her like an open book. 
“Is that a problem?” Y/N said in a discourteous tone.
“Fuck no. That’s what I plan to do to you, Foxy. Just know you’re in for some shit, girl,” he brought his lips to her ear, “You got these other bitches mad at you.”
“I don’t give a fuck,” She spoke in a bold tone, “they’re loss my gain.” 
“Shit,” He places a kiss to her neck, “I like you. You got a lot of mouth on you.”
Y/N normally didn’t but he sparked a rebellious nature within her. Y/N wanted to be a bad girl for him tonight. 
“Sharing, F-16?” The same man with the face scar asks. He had a determination in his eyes to have a piece of Foxy. F-16’s succulent lips dragged down Y/N’s neck and to the exposed cleavage on the sides of her dress. She was alarmed by his outright need to suck her flesh in front of these men. His hands were dancing around her hips just above her soaking wet pussy. He didn’t need to respond to that man, He let him know by how famished he was. 
“Come on, let us get a piece of that,” Another man with an African accent asks. 
“Y'all some thirsty motherfuckers. Nah, she mines,” F-16 wrapped his hand lightly around Y/N’s neck. She shuddered from how thick and warm his calloused hand felt around her slender neck. If he applied just the right amount of pressure she would probably whimper in ecstasy. Even though Y/N was bold enough to stand between F-16’s legs she wasn’t bold enough to press her bubble booty against his crotch. She just knew that dick was nice, hard, and suckable right now. 
“You can’t speak, Foxy?” One of them spoke up with a harsh tone. F-16 grunted with frustration. Maybe it was best that he takes her out of here to avoid a brawl between these men. 
“I can speak...I’m with him, sorry,” She gave her best charming smile. The menacing glares were thrown they’re way had Y/N shaking in her heels. F-16 pulls Y/N closer to him, her ass finally slumped with a soft bounce against his long and rather...girthy erection. 
Stuff this pussy, Daddy, She thought. Lord, he was everything she was missing. 
“Can we get out of here?” Y/N whispered to F-16 while he was drinking his whiskey, “I want you to take me home with you.”
“Just like that, huh?” He licks his lips, “Don’t act all scared when I take that ass out of here.”
“I promise I won’t” She spoke to him softly before placing her lips against his dimpled cheek.
“We’ll see.” His disbelieving eyes had Y/N second-guessing her words. 
Leaving that bar was like a breath of fresh air. F-16 informed her that he arrived on a bike and that she would need to ride out to his hotel on the back with him. He didn’t have a spare helmet so he offered her his. She took it with quivering fingers hoping that he didn’t sense her fear. 
“You riding, baby girl?” He looked so good on that speed bike. Taking one last calming breath, Y/N placed the helmet over her head, gripping her clutch tightly before settling on the back of the bike with F-16.
“Good girl. Wrap your arms around me nice and snug...good girl. Now lean in towards me...just like that. You’re ready?”
“Just drive.” She placed her cheek against F-16’s back, squeezing her eyes shut.
“Say less,” He zoomed off down the city street and into the night. Y/N was in a state of anxiety the entire ride. He zipped and zoomed between cars, made sharp turns, and sped up whenever the roads were clear enough for him to have a little fun. He had to feel her heartbeat rattling against his solid back. Now, they were inside a tunnel whipping past cars. Y/N could feel her dress flying up past her naked ass and at this point, she didn’t care that everyone around her caught a glimpse before they were nowhere in sight. She wasn’t about to let go of him just to pull the short-as-fuck dress down. Plus, she had too much ass back there anyway. F-16 began to slow down as he approached a luxury hotel in Boston. He drove through the garage, going around several levels before finding a parking spot. The minute he parked his bike Y/N hopped off to fix her dress. It was up and around her waist. That explains why the valet men wolf-whistled at her. The minute Y/N removed her helmet she came face to face with F-16 adjusting his shirt and revealing two Glocks resting on his hips. His well-knit, muscle-bound abdomen and hips made her crave to touch, lick, and suck this man all over but those guns...petrifying. 
“Gotta watch my back,” He answered her question before she could even ask, “Got a lot of enemies.”
“For a fighter pilot?” Y/N gave him a puzzled stare.
“You’d be surprised, ma,” His eyes flickered up and down her shapely form, “I won’t hurt you.”
She knew he wouldn’t but Y/N never saw guns up close and in person. This just made the situation more real for her. She was definitely fucking a trained killer. Maybe a mercenary? An assassin? He’s definitely more than a fighter pilot for the Military. All of the men at that bar too.
“Don’t be scared, ma, I got you.”
“Okay,” Y/N placed her hand in his and allowed him to lead the way to his hotel room. 
It was dark.
Everything pitch black.
She could hear him moving about before a small lamp light within the living room flickered on. She looked around her with eager eyes as he removed his utility vest and timbs. She walked slowly around the hotel room, hands in her hair and a nervous feeling in her gut. 
“Restroom?” She asked with a shaky voice.
F-16 points down a hall, “Down and to your left, baby girl.” 
Y/N took off finding the restroom with a jacuzzi tub, standing shower, and a beautiful view of Boston. She closed the door, pulling her dress up to use the toilet. Y/N ran her trembling fingers through her hair, trying her hardest to calm her nerves. He was gonna put it on her for sure he didn’t even have to prove that to her. She wiped and flushed, standing at the sink to wash her hands and look over her makeup and hair. Her hair still looked nice but that wouldn’t last. Makeup still on point as well. She hesitated to leave that bathroom. 
“Breath, Foxy, it’s just sex. You’ve had sex plenty of times,” Her voice didn’t even sound convincing. Grabbing a hotel rag in a frenzy Y/N refreshed herself between her legs before finally leaving that bathroom. When she walked back to the living room he wasn’t in sight and it was dark again. Turning around, Y/N went to find his room which was directly across from the restroom except the door was cracked. Being the nosy girl she was, Y/N peaked between the crack to see what he was up to. F-16 was in the middle of packing away some weapons and foreign currency. He was topless showing off his powerful and dynamic body covered in keloid scars. She had an odd look on her face as she studied the organized placement of those scars. It was beautiful but Y/N is a smart girl, she knew those scars held a grizzly past. Before she could even react F-16 pulled his bedroom door opened, staring down at her with a menacing glare. 
“Spying on me?” He had a glint in his eyes and a base in his voice that made her shiver.
“I’m sorry I was just looking for you!” She spoke in a jumble. 
His chest rose and fell with harsh breaths, “It's not polite to spy on someone, Miss Foxy. That shit can get you in a whole lot of trouble if you aren’t careful,” F-16 stepped back to allow her to fully enter his room, “Get comfortable, we got a long night, ma.”
Y/N cautiously stepped inside. F-16 reached out to harshly slap her ass. Y/N’s back flinched and her hands came around to caress her sore flesh. 
“Big ass on you, girl,” He closed his door, “You need another drink?”
“N-No.” Y/N sat on the edge of F-16’s bed facing a wall mirror that hung over his hotel dresser. 
“Stand up,” F-16 stood in front of her. Y/N got up from the bed, his hard body pressing against the front of hers.
“Turn around.”
She did as she was told, turning away from him and stroking her hair to the side to give him access to her neck. F-16’s hands feathered through her hair, massaging her scalp. She closed her eyes, head falling back against his brawny chest as he lightly tugged on her pressed out strands. He would wrap his fingers around her hair and pull to make her head fall back against him. Now, his nose was in her hair as he massaged her scalp. The air from his nose warmed her scalp each time he exhaled. Her eyes fluttered shut and now her hands were reaching back to squeeze his thighs. That’s all she could really reach since he was much taller than her 5’ 5 self. F-16 takes her hair into a ponytail, leaning down to place his lips against the back of her neck. Now, her body was arched forward a little and her bubble booty was pressed firmly against his groin. His lips circled her earlobe over her diamond stud in her left ear. His wet warm mouth had a tight suction on her ear that had her thinking about that same tightness around her clit. F-16 softly places his hands on her hips, flipping Y/N around to face him. His brown eyes were so fanatic that she couldn’t even hold his gaze. F-16 grabs her jaw, placing his starving lips against her neck again. His hands moved from her jaw down and around her waist to pull her from the ground. Startled, Y/N wraps her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. He had better access now to her collar bones and heaving chest. His large hands squeezed each bare cheek of her ass while he places open-mouthed kisses along her breasts.
“I’m tired of this fucking dress,” He spoke in a hushed tone, “I feel like cuttin’ this shit off of you, girl.” 
If he did that she wouldn’t have anything to wear when she went home. He takes one of his hands to untie the halter. Once that was free he practically ripped it from her chest. Her breasts popped out at him and his lips began to suck and lick her nipples. Y/N arched into his mouth while her hands fingered through his dreads. She tried looking down to watch him pleasure her breasts but he had her so weak and feeling so good. He was suckling like a hungry baby and damn she could feel that shit in her toes. 
“Fucking sexy, girl,” He murmured something into her chest while his lips attacked each hard nipple. Not only were her nipples given attention but around her breasts were too. He french kissed that skin basically wetting her up with his saliva. 
“Oh, God,” She mewled, “Your mouth feels so good on me.”
She wanted him to lay her on her back and lick and suck her all over. Y/N’s body was screaming for attention. Y/N pulled F-16’s face away from her nipples and replaced it with her greedy dripping tongue. He swallowed her tongue and lips with his full mouth. His tongue was deep down her throat causing her eyes to open and stare at him with a sexual appetite. She really needed him. Kissing him made her open her legs further so she could feel his clothed dick stroke her hard clit. 
“You needy little girl,” He smirked, “that pussy wants some attention, huh?”
“See?” She opened her legs as best she could. F-16 looked down then back up at her face. Y/N had her fingers pinching her clit, “Suck my clit.”
“Shit,” F-16 tosses Y/N on the bed, “Spread them legs and show me how you play with that pussy.”
She didn’t hesitate because her fingers were aching to touch. She spread her legs so wide she felt like they were detached from her own body. Her pussy was spread out and sloppy. She fingered her clit causing some of her natural lubricant to drip. Taking her fingers, Y/N dragged that liquid up to her clit to rub it in. She noticed F-16’s erection twisted to the side in his briefs now that his pants were removed. If she pulled those briefs down his dick would probably hit her in the face. He walked up to her, standing between her legs and bringing his hand down to rub along the outside of her opening. Wet gushing sounds came from her pussy each time his fingers would tap lightly against her hole. Damn, she was so wet. His other hand grabbed his balls through his briefs. 
“This how you play with that pretty pussy, Foxy?” 
“Yes,” She rolled her hips.
“You rub that clit just like that?”
“Mhm,” Her eyes closed.
“Make that clit nice and hard, huh?” 
“Fuck yes,” She was close. 
Two of his fingers slipped inside. She widened her legs while still rubbing her clit. He was knuckle deep in her pussy and she was sure his hand was soaking wet. 
“I’m making that pussy cum?” His other hand was in his briefs now.
“Yeah, you’re making my pussy cum,” Y/N couldn’t even rub her clit anymore from how weak he made her. Now his thumb replaced her actions. She thrust her hips forward more to get his fingers deeper. 
“This too much?” His voice was so low and seducing.
“No, I can take it,” Y/N moaned out.
“Shit, then you should be able to take this,” F-16 slid a third finger inside. 
Stuttering she said, “F-fuckk I-I’m cumming f-for you!”
His fingers came up to rub her clit as her essence spilled onto the bed. Her thighs closed and her body fell back against the bed. F-16 finally let those briefs down and showed her what he was packing. He had such a beautiful dick and body. It looked so good and she knew it would feel just as good in her pussy. Beautiful man. She had a serious body and dick fetish. 
“Damn, can I suck it?” She licked her upper lip, “Let me slide that right down my throat.”
Y/N was proving to him that she wasn’t afraid. She opened her legs more for him while wrapping her small hand around his big dick. F-16 smiled down at her and she thought she would die from how fine he is. Taking her giving and unsparing lips, Y/N allowed that pipe to slide right in down to the base.
“Nasty bitch,” F-16 showed Y/N no mercy as he fucked her mouth. She thought she would take control but it was all him… all of him indeed. She wanted to suck him dry. Her sloppy mouth spilled saliva over her chest. She purposely made gagging noises to let him know that she loved the dick and how perfect and beautiful it was. 
“Daddy, I want,” She said while F-16 slapped his weight on her tongue.
“Say please,” He rubbed it along the length of her tongue.
“Please feed me.”
Swallowing it whole, Y/N was loving that chocolate stick as it swelled in her bountiful mouth. 
“Fuck, bitch, look what you’re about to make me do,” His head fell forward and his lip was between his teeth. His face looked so relaxed but his body was literally shaking as he erupted thickly within her mouth. It was yummy perfection. F-16 slapped Y/N’s pussy before rubbing her clit and labia in slow circles. Her eyes were on him, silently telling him to punish her brutally. Removing his hand and placing it in his mouth to suck off her cream, F-16 walks over to his pants to grab his wallet. Wrapped in gold was a magnum that he ripped open to roll over his shaft. Walking back to Y/N with her legs still spread open He reached down to pick her up so he could fuck her standing. She practically jumped on him, opening her legs to give her pussy to him.
“How you like that pussy fucked?” He asked while rubbing his dick back and forth over her wet folds.
“Deep daddy,” Y/N stared into his dark eyes, “So deep daddy...very deep...I wanna feel your balls slap my pussy.”
“You wanna be a slut for this big dick so damn bad,” He finally let his length inside of her. He was deep like she wanted. Her mouth fell open into a silent scream. 
“Damn, pussy feels just as good as it tastes, baby,” F-16 gave her shivers, “You wanted to be filled like this looking the way you did at that fucking bar, HUH?!” He thrust forward sharply and pulled out slowly. He repeated this assault on her pussy over and over until she was finally able to mutter a sound. 
“You can take some dick in you, mhm,” Y/N bounced as best as she could on him without stopping. F-16 was so big in her little pussy. He saw her struggle and now his hands were under her ass to lift her up and down his dick. She dragged her nails painfully over the scars on his chest when his dick made contact with her g spot. 
“Damn, you’re gripping my shit,” His hand found her neck, “You like showing this pussy off? Wearing no panties with all that ass and pussy out. If I would have known, this dick would be in that pussy at the bar instead.”
The thought of being fucked on the dance floor or on that pool table in front of all those people had Y/N so wet and open for him. She moaned his name and wrapped her arms around him while he molded his dick into her pussy at a rapid pace. The power of her orgasm pushed against his dick causing him to slip out. He grabbed his dick at the base and rubbing it along her clit. She continued to spill for him when he did that. Y/N’s cum was plentiful. She couldn’t lie that it feels great when he’s a little too big and overwhelming to take. His dick was long and strong and when he pulled her off him to place her on her back she almost came again. She wondered how long he would be in town because she really wanted to fuck him from sunrise to sunset. 
Damn, now his lips were on her pussy. Y/N rubbed the back of his head softly even though his lips were strong on her pussy. He was licking away the mess he caused. 
“Mmm, fuck this tight pussy up, Daddy,” She was ready for more. 
He still had his lips on her pussy. 
“Daddy...please,” She tried pulling him away but damn he was really eating her pussy. Her arms wobbled and fuck she was gonna cum again. He held her hips in place while his tongue fucked her pussy. She watched his head move back and forth. He pistoned that tongue in and out of her. She wanted the pussy fucked again he was gonna give it to her every which way.
“Ima fuck around and hit you up every time I’m in Boston with a pussy like this,” He slapped her phat pussy, “Ain’t no such thing as too much big dick for you, slut.”
She was really being a daredevil tonight. F-16 wanted to give her backshots but Y/N needed to sit on his dick first. She begged him and now here she was bouncing on his dick. Her ass clapped against his thighs and her titties bounce in his face. 
“Good, bitch, sit on it, take that FUCKING dick!”
This was a real dick fuck. Foxy is a true rider. She was fucking F-16′s head up on purpose. Ride that dick. Jump on that dick. Bounce on that dick. Taking that dick and using it for a cum stick. 
“You hiding that sexy phat ass from me?” His sweaty face glowered at her, “Fuck me in reverse, bitch, and twerk that ass!”
Y/N kept the dick in her while turning to give him a view of her phat ass. She looked back at his sexy face because it said it all for her. F-16 was ready to bust a load in that condom. 
“Shit, that's how you feel?! Gon’ head nut on this Daddy dick then!” her moans were so damn angelic. She couldn’t hide behind a nickname like Foxy when Angel Face was her true identity. 
“Damn, I got me one for real,” He slaps Y/N’s ass, “Thick as fuck, damn, got a phat ass.”
Out of nowhere, F-16 sits up on his knees causing Y/N to fall forward on her elbows with her ass in the air. F-16 was ready to slam in that pussy for real. She needed to be appreciated for being such a good slut for him. F-16 grabs a fist full of her hair, making her look up into the mirror above his dresser. She strained her neck to watch her ass clap back on him.
“Been too damn long...hmmph.”
That’s that shit she was talking about.
Fucking hard and rapid.
Use her pussy like a punching bag.
“You watching that ass? Watch it while I fuck this pussy.”
She could see her cheeks acting like a tidal wave whenever he dug deep. He was fucking the shit out of her. She would love to roll over to this every morning and before bed at night. Damn, F-16 could fuck some pussy up. She just watched open-mouthed as her ass bounced and clapped. She started moaning and cumming around him. 
“You are sexy as hell, bruh...got my dick hard just looking at you, Foxy.”
She started twirling her hips and popping her ass while throwing it back on him. F-16 had his arms by his sides but from time to time he would pop her big ass for pleasing him so good. 
“That’s how you do Daddy’s dick? Just nut on me and fuck on me like this? Nice tight juicy pussy on you.”
“Mmmm-ahhhhhh,” She looked back at it with a pout of her lips. 
“Good, bitch, that’s right, give Daddy that pussy,” He slaps her ass with his eyes on her, “Get that pussy stuffed...good girl...let Daddy use that pussy.”
F-16 had his hands on her hips again and that's when Y/N really was in trouble. He was holding that nut off to feel her as much as he could like she would disappear. 
“Let Daddy use that pussy...let Daddy use that pussy...Let Daddy use that pussy,” He was so hung up on how good she felt he was repeating his words, “I should have fucked you raw and leave my nut in you GODDAM!”
Dick throbbing Y/N concord F-16’s dick. He was filling that condom up load after fucking load. 
“Fuckkkk, it’s so much cum!” She could feel it even though it wasn’t actually coating her walls. His thrusts became slower and slower until finally, his dick slipped out. Y/N turned around on the bed, grabbing his dick to remove the condom. F-16 watched her pour his cum into her mouth from that condom before arching forward to suck the rest from his dick. 
“I’ll suck your dick all the time, Daddy,” She looked up at him with her beautiful eyes.
“Then bring it on I’m always hard and ready to be sucked on ma,” 
Y/N found herself sucking this man’s dick yet again. Anywhere, anytime, anyway he wants it. 
“I wish I could take your fine ass with me,” He fingered some of her hair behind her ear before reaching forward to slap her ass, “I need you to calm a nigga down when he ready to kill a motherfucker.”
She didn’t flinch at his words. F-16 knew that she had him figured out the minute he stepped to her. Yeah...it was for the best that she didn’t get involved with this man and his deadly lifestyle but who was she kidding? Whenever he came to Boston or New York he could stop by and give her some good, rough, loving in her tight pussy. 
The End.
@tgigoldie @soufcakmistress @chefjessypooh@chaneajoyyy@pananegra@theblulife @becincere @blaqwidow91 @fish-outta-watah@moonlight-night-sky @eyeknowmywrites  @crowngold@njadakillthiscookie@blktinkerbell@luvanxi @sheisexcellent1@chocolatedippedinhoney@brandithecrystalgem@dababydababydababydababy@soulfulbeauty19@btitannaaa@sunkissedebony97 @youngblackndgifted@harleycativy @rbhp@thee-germanpeach @thadelightfulone@bugngiz@palmstreesallday@skylahb @bakaris-shorty @nizzle-mo​ @truglori @queenflaws
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chemiste · 4 years
Foresight ~ ch. 9
a/n : cool cool, heres ch 9, ALSO i will be posting y/n’s assignment when it’s all finished so that’ll be a couple chapters later, that’s why you’re not seeing certain pics rn. love y’all, please talk to me if you want id love to hear what y’all have to say, any thoughts theories about the story? whats going on in your life? tell meeeeeeeeee!!!!!
mah masterlist
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“Guys, we’ve got a problem.” 
Mitch said from the main section of the tour bus. You had been trying to get a few more hours asleep, but the soft rumble of the tour bus was changed to screams from outside the bus. 
You moved your curtain back and stepped out into the bedroom compartment, rubbing the sleep from your eye. 
“What is that…” 
The words died on your tongue as you looked through the blackout veils in the living room. It was crazy. It was like all of Denmark was there, crowding around the Royal Arena, excitedly anticipating Harry’s arrival.
“So this is what 10,000 people looks like huh.” 
You said, still a bit gobsmacked. You looked around at who was in the main compartment and saw Harry sitting on the left couch. 
You plopped down beside him and threw your legs up onto the remaining part of the couch, leaning arm again his chest. With his right hand, the poster had been scrolling through Instagram, looking at all the postings from fans for tonight. 
On the other couch, Jeff was on a call chatting with someone about the new people barrier they’d need to get through. 
He ended the call, “The good news is our other buses were able to get here early enough and unload in the back before the crowd started. The problem now is getting us through the crowd, I called ahead and we’re gonna turn around and take an SUV in to try and be more inconspicuous. Everyone, what you need for the show cause we wont be able to get back to the tour bus till afterwards.”
The group complied and went into the back rooms as the tour bus exited the Arena parking, heading to the secret location where you all would switch vehicles for attempt number two. 
You straighten your duvet out, having not pulled out anything during the drive so you didn’t have anything to pack. You glanced over to Harry who was shoving a stray piece of paper that had scribbles all over them into a journal that seemed overstuffed. “
Are those lyrics?” You asked, slinging your backpack onto your shoulder. His eyes looked up at you briefly and then he nodded. 
“Yeah, uh, just writin’ whenever I can yeh know?” 
You put your shoes back on and headed into the living compartment. 
“Alright everyone off and into the SUV pronto so any fans that decided to follow the tour bus don’t intercept our exit.” 
Jeff said, taking the keys from the rental man who handed them to him. 
You all piled into the SUV, you and Clare in the very back, then Hélène, Harry squished in the middle, Sarah, and then Mitch with Jeff in the front. 
“I’m a big boy why I’m I the one sitting ‘ere in the middle!” 
He whined as the SUV pulled out onto the road, making his knees hit the console. 
You laughed and pulled out your phone for a quick picture, but you weren’t fast enough as Harry snatched your mobile device out of your hand. 
“Hey! Give that back you, thief!” 
“Nope! I think we need som’ pictures of you know junebug,” the poster cackled, turning the flash on and leaning into Sarah’s lap to take a bunch of snaps of you crawling from the backseats. 
You groaned and put your hand up to block the flash dots that had been clouding your eyes. 
“Come on! Do better than that Y/N!”
 He teased, you responded by changing you hand briefly to flip him off and then to a rocker hand sign. Satisfied, the boy handed you your phone back, that stupid smirk donned on his face.
Cute stupid smirk…
Huh? Psh, yeah whatever.
“Okay crouch everyone, we’re pulling in.” 
Jeff called as he pulled into the Arena parking lot again. You watched as the SUV got through easier than last time. You could see from your crouched position some of the fans lined up, or walking together to the doors. 
Some were holding signs, others had matching t-shirts. They all seemed so elated to be here, and it made you proud of Harry. 
You looked up and saw Harry doing what you had been, watching his fans. A small smile grew on his face and you could see how truly appreciative he was of his fans.
Finally the SUV got to the back gate where the other tour buses had been stationed, Jeff rolled down his window and gave the man at the booth his pass. After it had been approved, the gate opened and allowed the SUV in, closing immediately as some fans tried to slip through but to no avail.
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“One more time everyone, 3, 2, 1.” 
The beats for Carolina started to play, and the band started up again, Harry standing in the middle of the stage still in sweats, hanging not changed yet.
 It had been a few hours since they were able to get and now were just adjusting a few things for the performance like always. 
You were sitting on the stage off to the side, laptop in lap. Those assignments didn’t do themselves. You were going through your photos, trying to see if any recent pictures matched some of the words you needed for your last assignment.
After that you head back to the dressing room, having time to kill as the band gets dressed and pampered. You decide to check in with Maggie and give her an update.
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It was March 30th now, you were in Barcelona sprinting through the aisles as Harry performed Kiwi. 
The concerts had been going well, Norway and Germany were beautiful but it all went by so fast that your memories seemed blurry. 
But you remembered your off day yesterday with crystal-like perspective.
“Harry, look at this field oh my god have you seen anything more beautiful!?!” 
You and Harry had taken the day off to find something of nature since the only thing y’all had been around the previous week were cement walls. 
The both of you stumbled along a lovely meadow in a hill dip about an hour away from Barcelona, where he would be performing tomorrow night. The grass was tall and vivacious, little purple and pink flowers sprang up in between the stems. 
H turned to you with a smile that resembled a kid on Christmas Day. He looked absolutely soft and sweet, wearing that blue and white striped hoodie. You matched him slightly, wearing a white sweater and blue skirt complemented by thigh-high boots to keep your legs warm. 
 He yelled as he ran straight into the flowery abyss and flopped into the ground. You trotted over to him, laughing and snapping photos of the hill line and the fluffy white clouds. 
He giggled and you looked down to the boy underneath you. You took a picture of him and smiled. 
Scanning back through the photos on the small screen, you think if you’d been a least a foot farther from him you wouldn’t have heard what he said quietly.
“You’re very pretty yeh know.”
You snapped up to look at him, a bit surprised from the compliment.
“Oh, thank you. You are too.”
 He crinkled his nose at your response, groaning and then sitting up enough to wrap an arm around your was it and drag you down to his level. 
You scream, sorta laughing as your fall was buffered by the flower bed. The sky was lovely, a bright blue. Clouds were scattered around and the wind slightly pickup, making you shiver. 
“Come ‘ere.”
 He said softly, pulling you rest your head don his chest. You held your camera up to his face, showing him a picture. 
“This one is gonna be for ‘silly’.” You said. 
“It’s perfect.” 
You thought so too.
A cheer shook you out of your trip down memory lane.
Right, the concert.
You gripped you camera in your hand and scanned the stage to find the boy you were suppose to be taking shots over.
Or off of…
Stop it Y/N!
He looked good, decked out in the black and white patterned suit.
 “ ‘ve ripped man trousers!” You heard him say with a laugh.
You rolled your eyes, this boy. After a few more songs, he starts up Anna and you laugh. Oh this song.
You’re taking photos, bopping slightly to it, hey it’s a catchy song!
But then he turns to you and gives you a smile.
Oh no.
The lights shining off his suit and hair make him seem like he’s sparkling, and that smile just made your heart stop. 
It’s like you’re fully seeing him in a different light and it’s breathtaking.
Oh, fuck, maybe I do like him.
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You’re pacing in your hotel room.
Slightly freaking out.
“I like him! I can’t believe it, Maggie was right I’ve got a stupid crush! I can’t— this, how?” 
You talk to yourself, trying to figure out when it all added up for you. The little touches, him saving you from the crowd that one time, sneaking out and touring Amsterdam, even the way you interacted with each other was different from the rest of the band. 
“I’m—I’m totally overthinking this right? There’s no way…”
 You’ve never felt this way before, the heart races when he smiles, the look he gives you after a laugh, when you hug or snuggle into him on the couch, how his cologne smells making you feel at home and loved.
You stopped pacing.
“Oh my god, am I in love with Harry Styles?!”
Yes, yes I am.
You turn, gobsmacked and flop onto your bed.
What am I gonna do…
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You’re in the terminal in at 5am, waiting for the flight to Milan.
It’s dead quiet sans the occasional custodian worker of business group getting off an all-night flight. 
You’re standing at a sunglass kiosk, trying on different pairs in the little round mirror set up. The band is across the wide walkway sitting on various chairs waiting for the flight. 
Maybe or maybe not you’d been slightly avoiding Harry since the night of your little proclamation. During the Madrid show, you’d opted out of taking photos, instead going out to look around the city and maybe pick up enough stupid tourist gifts to make you forget. 
Thankfully Harry didn’t seem to notice your sudden change in moods, unfortunately it meant he was coming over to you right now and you couldn’t stop it.
“Like any of the sunnies?” 
He asked, grabbing a pair and popping them on and making a funny face at. You shrugged, not answering. 
Oh great, now he seemed to have picked up on your inner turmoil when you didn’t speak, taking the glasses off and putting them back in their rightful place. 
“You okay?” 
He asked quietly, concern coating the edge of his words. 
You nodded, pushing back some of you hair behind your ear and turning to the small mirror to look at your reflection. 
“ ‘m just a bit tired.” You answered, hoping that would be enough for him. 
He nodded, thinking for a moment then holding up his phone. 
You smiled, “H it’s 5am I don’t look the nicest for a picture right now” 
“Oh come on Y/N you’re gorgeous any time of day.”
Not helping.
“Fine fine, but I don’t want to be seen.” 
He opened the camera and pointed it into the mirror, “Okay then how are we gonna take this picture love?” 
You wrapped you hands around his head to cover his eyes, “Like this goofball.”
 He smiled, “You’re the goofball right now.” 
After throwing up a peace sign with his spare hand, he snapped the picture and then checked to see if it was good. 
“I like, ‘m gonna post it.” 
You yawned and nodded to his statement.
Guess I wasn’t fully lying, I am pretty tired.
“H, we’re ready to go.” 
Mitch called, you both grabbed your suitcases and rejoined the group, following the flight attendant into the small plane. 
You were first in line down the aisle and quickly found a seat in the back of the plane, hoping Harry would opt to sit with someone else a few seats in front of you, after all there were only about 20 seats in the plane, hopefully he’d pick not pick the one right next to you.
I’ve got too much to think about, I might burst into flames if I have to smell his vanilla spice cologne for the next two hours.
“Mind if I sit here?”
“Yeah sure.” 
He slid into the seat with ease, tucking his bag under the chair. You curled into the corner of your seat, trying to put a small bit of distance between you but not too much to make him worried. 
Harry turned to look at you, propping his left elbow up on the squishy armrest between the two of you. 
“I remember the first tour we did fo’ 1D, got ’t was hectic. Stupid, teenagers on the road wit’ too much money an’ not enough discipline. The first month was crazy, all of us high on the feelin’ of performing once we’d gotten over the stage fright, then immediately going t’ a new town, meetin all these people, ’t was a dream. But then a couple months later we could feel the toll, I don’t think I really realized how exhausted I was from touring until the last night where instead o' celebratin, I went to sleep right when we entered the hotel an’ didn’t wake up till 3pm the next day.” 
Harry’s little heart spill didn’t help you too much with your dilemma, might’ve just made you fall for him even more, but you appreciated the fact that he was trying to let you know he knew the feeling. 
“Thanks H.” 
You mumbled, face squished into the headrest of your seat. 
He patted his shoulder, “Come ‘ere, yeh can fall asleep on me.” 
Your eyes widen, “Oh, don’t worry about it, I’m fine—“ 
“Nonsense, come on, you’ll wake up without a creak in yo’r neck yea?”
Fuck it.
You scooched over and nestled into the British heart-throb, soaking in that damn vanilla cologne you’d sworn to avoid.
He laid his head on top of yours and you made yourself relax, cause you couldn’t deny it, it was pretty comfy like this with him.
Pretty comfy indeed.
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During the concert, all you can think about while taking pictures is how the Styles boy might be sweeping you right off your feet. 
The little dance moves he makes, so erotic but beautiful in the same way, like he’s in another room dancing on his own in the dark. The way he throws he head back during certain parts of a song, caught up in the moment—
She’s such a good girl,
“Be professional! You’re on job for gods sake,” You muttered to yourself, raising the camera again.
She feels so good,
She feels so good,
But then you lower the camera again to watch as he rocked his hips with the beat, jaw-dropping at the sight. You looked up to his face as he turns, that was now looking at you.
He started to strut on the stage, slowing making his way to you, eye contact unwavering.
“I met her once and wrote a song about her
I wanna scream, yeah
I wanna shout it out
And I know she hears me now.”
Hold on, knows?!
He finally let his eyes drift back to the crowd, singing la la las with the rest of the band. 
You on the other hand, were having a miniature heat attack.
The gesture was so raw, so real, too real. It’s like he was talking to your soul, reaching out to tell you—
Does this mean he likes me too?
telephone hour for this chapter!
mah masterlist
65 notes · View notes
mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
Ready now; Queen x reader
*Author’s note*
To the anon who requested this from way back when, I first wanna thank you for being SUPER PATIENT with me.  I was going through a lot at the time you sent the request but I am slowly but surely getting through them. Eventually once I get the chance, I may open requests back up again.
Now there’s not really any serious warnings other than swearing, fluff, and angst.  I hope you all enjoy this fic and until next time stay safe, stay healthy, stay positive.
*Oklahoma city, Oklahoma, 1976*
It was like every other Wednesday night at COWBOY’S.  The live dancing, bull riding, and of course the famed karaoke night.  I’ve been coming to this club for as long as I can remember, in fact I think I was a kid when I first came here.  It was to see my mama sing for karaoke night and of course my dad is known around here as the world champion bull rider.
He kept that title from the time he was 16 up till just before I was born.  And because of his reputation, I (and I hate to admit it) but I get special treatment every time I go to Cowboy’s.  In fact the current owner, he was my dad’s longtime friend and fellow bull riding competitor.
As I walked inside I could already see the place was packed with people.  Line dancing and really lighting up the dancefloor making this club a real Hoedown. I first went up to the bar and there running it was the owner’s son, Jensen.  He and I go way back, even though he’s like seven years older than me, he treats me like his little sis.  Always keeping the boys away.
“Well, well, well, well, well. Look who walked in. It’s the singing sensation (Y/n) (L/n). Can I just say I am a huge fan of yours!” He teased me at the end.
“Oh Jensen stop it. You know I’m not famous yet.”
“Not yet, but you will be soon.”
“I’m not so sure.”
“Okay hang on, let me get your usual and then you spill your guts.” He walked away and got my usual beer and filled it almost up to the rim.  He slid it towards me and he said as he leaned up against the bar, “Alright now talk.” I took a sip of my beer before saying.
“What if no one likes my song?”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Jens you know as well as I do that no one really sings original pieces here. It’s always covers of famous songs, and the last time someone did do an original he was booed off the stage.”
“First off, his song sucked and he kept screwing up on the guitar. So of course he was thrown off the stage. But you—you’ve got a serious talent in song writing. And your voice—baby girl the only other female singer I can compare you to here was your mom.”
“You really think so?”
“Coming from a Texas man forced to move here when we first met, you’re bout the only good thing in this one horse town. Hell you’re way better than just sticking right here. Especially since—well you know.”
“I know. It’s……it’s been rough. Ever since the car crash mama’s been—well not herself lately. Music is bout the only thing I can do to make her happy.”
“So you get up on that stage and knock these cow-folks right off their boots. Now go relax on the dance floor and I’ll let my old man know you’re here.”
“Thanks Jensen.” I pulled out my wallet to pay for the beer but he stopped me.
“No need, this one’s on my tab tonight. But expect to pay me back once you hit the big time.” I smiled at him and pocketed my wallet back into my jeans.
“Thanks Jensen, you’re like the brother I never had.”
“Someone’s gotta keep an eye on you yah silly little day dreamer.” He teased as he placed his cowboy hat on top of my head, teasingly rocking my head from side to side till I stuck my tongue at him and took another swig of my beer.
I then headed off to the dance floor to cool off (dancing always helped me calm down, especially when it’s with a group of people) and I danced with some of my old friends from high school, just letting my hair down as I danced the first hour of the night away before they would call up the performers for karaoke night.
*3rd Person POV*
Unbeknownst to (Y/n), it was also on that night that the most famous rock and roll band would also be there on that night to see her perform.  Freddie Mercury, Brian May, Roger Taylor, and John Deacon, otherwise known as the band Queen, had just arrived in Oklahoma city to do their two night concert they had scheduled for their “A day at the Races” tour.
To let down some steam and relax after a few days on the road, Freddie had heard about this club from a friend of his and convinced the other three to come along and check it out.  All four of them wearing cowboy hats, so that they wouldn’t stick out like sore thumbs, they entered inside and saw the whole place buzzing.
“Wow, this is even more filled than the Disco club Veronica and I met at.” Said John.
“Well Tony said this was the one place in America where you would get a traditional Southern treatment.” Said Freddie. “And I like it. It’s reputation proceeds itself.” He continued with a smile as he adjusted his hat.
“Remind me again why we had to wear these though?” Roger said.
“Don’t be such a party pooper blondie. Besides you see every man in here. Tony said that everyone in Oklahoma wears cowboy hats. Anyone who doesn’t is automatically labeled a stranger. And I don’t want no Wanted poster of me across the state for refusal to wear a cowboy hat.” Freddie said as he playfully shoved Roger.
“It’s not so bad.” Brian said as he fiddled with the string of his hat.
“You’re just saying that cause you can’t feel it on your head.” Quipped John.
“Alright, alright Deacy darling you’ve had your shot at Bri. Now I don’t want any more brawls tonight. I wanna enjoy this night, you three know how much I love to party. So don’t fuck this up for me.”
“If you wanted that Fred then you should’ve left Roger on the bus.” Brian said.
“You know what yah curly haired space poodle……”
“Gentlemen.” The four of them turned to see an old man around his mid-50’s walk up towards them.  He wore a traditional brown colored cowboy hat, his grey goatee reflected off the lights, and the spurs off his boots jingled with each step. “Now I get it we all need to let off some steam, but if you’re gonna cause any trouble I’m gonna ask you all to leave.”
“No worries my good sir. You must forgive my friend here, he didn’t quite have him fixed yet so his testosterone can run him ragged like one of your bulls.” Freddie sweet-talked the man.
“Watch it Fred!” Roger sneered as he took out a cigarette and lit it up.
“Alright. I’m trusting you to keep an eye on your friend there. I get enough drunks brawling every night here, I don’t need another damage fee added to my billing. Bobby Singer, owner of Cowboy’s.”
“Pleasure to meet you Bobby dear. I heard about this place from a friend of mine and this place does not disappoint.” Freddie praised as he and Bobby shook hands with each other.
“Thank you son. Built this place myself with my own two hands before moving the wife and son up here.”
“How long has this place been here?” asked Brian.
“Well came up here around 51, bought this property at around 53-54 and the doors finally opened by the start of the 60’s so…..about 16 years this club has been around. And she’s still going strong.”
“Impressive.” Freddie praised.
“What kind of drinks do you serve here?” asked Roger.
“Well if you mosey on down to the bar, my son Jensen will lay down everything we got. We mostly do beer but if you can take something stronger, we got that as well. Enjoy yourselves boys.” As Bobby walked away, the boys bid him farewell.
“He seemed nice.” John said.
“A friendly old man, kinda reminds me of Miami. Firm, strict, knows when you’re starting trouble Rog.”
“Watch it Fred.”
“Alright come on, I think we can all do with a drink right now.”
“Or ten.” the band members walked over to the bar to see Jensen cleaning out a mug.
“Excuse me darling!” Freddie cried out to Jensen.
“Yes can I he—he-ha-ha……oh shit! You’re….you guys are Queen!”
“Yes. I take it you’re a fan of ours?” asked Brian.
“Y-Yeah.” Jensen squeaked.  He then cleared his throat before continuing, “I mean yes. When I first heard Bohemian Rhapsody for the first time, it changed my life on how I look at music. Not even some of my favorite bands can do what you guys do.”
“Well thank you darling. Bohemian Rhapsody was a masterpiece.” Freddie said.
“But a complete nightmare to make.” Roger added in.
“So what can I get for you guys?” asked Jensen.
“What all do you got?” asked John.
“Well you guys actually came on a good day. Wednesday nights are our special’s night. Every drink at half price. We’ve basically got every beer imaginable, but we also do vodka, gin and juice, margaritas. And of course we have the basic water and soda for those sensitive to the strong stuff.”
“Well then my darling, we’ll go ahead and take three of your finest beer and a vodka shot please.” Freddie said.
“Coming right up.” Jensen walked off to prep the drinks for the four young band members.
“He seems like a nice chap.” Brian said.
“He does indeed.” Agreed John.  Before another word could be said, Bobby soon came up on stage and said.
“And that was Carol Anne with ‘Sweet home Alabama’.” The crowd then cheered. “And now ladies and gents, it’s time to be graced by our very own special songbird. Please welcome our very own Southern Belle. (Y/n) (L/n)!” the crowd cheered and it was then the four English rockers soon saw a young woman coming up on stage.
She looked to be about John’s age, maybe a couple years younger.  In her hand was a 12 string acoustic, she got onto the stool and adjusted the mic.
*My POV*
God my nerves were really starting to get the best of me.  What if no one liked the song? Oh god I wish daddy could be here, he always knew just how to calm me down.  I adjusted the mic and plugged in my guitar.
“Hello everyone. I uhh—” I cleared my throat. “Tonight I’m gonna do something a little different than my last few performances. This is an original piece I’ve been working hard on. Hope you all like it.” I turned towards the ensemble band and nodded to them.  They nodded back and as I began playing the opening on my mama’s guitar, Aaron came in with the violin and Jack soon came in with the bass.  
By the chorus, Daniel came in with a soft drum beat and as I passionately sung out the chorus, I could already hear some people cheering or whistling at me.
She was driving last Friday on
Her way to Cincinnati on a
Snow white Christmas Eve Going home to see her mama and her daddy
With the baby in the backseat Fifty miles to go, and she was running low
On faith and gasoline It'd been a long hard year She had a lot on her mind,
And she didn't pay attention She was going way too fast Before she knew it she was spinning on a
Thin black sheet of glass She saw both their lives flash before her eyes She didn't even have time to cry She was so scared She threw her hands up in the air
Jesus, take the wheel Take it from my hands 'Cause I can't do this on my own I'm letting go So give me one more chance And save me from this road I'm on Jesus, take the wheel
*3rd Person POV*
Everyone was involved in hearing (y/n) sing.  Like her mama before her, the adults all whistled and cheered for the young girl for she truly did sound like her mama whenever she sang, maybe even better than her.  But the one most intrigued by her was the leading frontman of Queen.
“Just who is that talented young lady?” Freddie spoke out as (Y/n) played a small instrumental break in the first chorus.
“That there is (Y/n) (L/n). Her parents were known in this club. Her mama for her singing and her dad, God rest his soul, he was the world champion bull rider. She’s got a gift with that voice of hers.” Jensen said as he cleaned out a mug.
“She does indeed.” Freddie muttered in awe as he continued to watch (Y/n) sing the next part of the song.
There was one point of the song where she held out a note so long, it felt like she was running on endless air.  The crowd all hooted and hollered as she held that note before finishing the song.  Everyone soon cheered as loudly as they could while (Y/n) smiled under the spotlight and stood up from the stool and took a bow.
“Wow she was amazing.” Brian praised.
“I’ll say, she held that note for like 10 beats. Not even I can do that.” Roger said.
“Excuse me, Jensen.” Freddie called out.  Jensen who had just gotten done serving another round of drinks for a bachelor party, came back over and said.
“What’s up?”
“Where can we meet that talented young lady?” he asked him.  The other three band members looked at Freddie confused.
“She’ll be out back. That’s where she usually goes when things get too hectic here.”
“Thank you so much darling.” He dowsed the last of his vodka and stood up and walked out of the club with the other three members behind him.
*My POV*
After the performance I went outside to cool off. I stared up at the starry sky and whispered.
“I wish you could’ve seen it daddy. It seems I really wowed everyone tonight.”
“You did more than just that dear.” I froze and slowly turned around and—pinch me I must be dreaming.  Cause right there in front of me stood my all time favorite rock and roll band Queen.  I closed my eyes and shook my head trying to wake myself up from this dream and found that I wasn’t dreaming.
Freddie Mercury, Brian May, John Deacon and Roger Taylor were really right in front of me.
“Yes darling we know who we are. But what I’m more interested in is who you are. How long have you had that lovely voice for?” Freddie said as he came up to me and actually wrapped an arm around me.
“Well I uhh—for a while I guess.”
“And that was an original song you sang back there?” Brian asked.
“Yeah just…..a little something I came up with. Was it bad?”
“Au contraire darling, it was unlike anything we have ever heard. And that’s saying something.” Freddie said.
“Absolutely. The way you managed to have utter control of your voice as you belted out certain words of the song. Only one other person has been able to do that and that’s me.” Freddie bragged.
“Umm hello what about me?” Roger piped in.
“Oh yes you and your dog whistle range. That takes skill too.” I softly chuckled.  Man this was definitely not how I pictured this night would go (well except in my dreams). “Now then (Y/n). How would you like to be an opening number for our concert?” wait what?
“What?” I asked.
“What?” I heard the other three echo back.
“You’ve got the voice, the talent, you are too good for just singing at the clubs. What better way than to finally dive in and take this opportunity.”
“Uhh Fred can we talk to you for a second?” John soon spoke up.
“Just stay tight for a moment (Y/n) dear.” Freddie said as he bopped my nose before walking back towards his bandmates.  Okay what the hell just happened?
*3rd Person POV*
Freddie and the boys walked a few feet away from (Y/n) so that she couldn’t hear them.
“Fred are you crazy right now?” Roger hissed softly.
“We can’t just go picking up random singers off the streets and ask them to open up for us!”
“I agree with Roger. No offense, but I don’t think Reid or even our tour manager Bill will go along with this.” Brian added.
“You don’t believe she’s worth giving a shot too?” Freddie asked.
“No, no it’s not about that. She is talented, beyond talented. We just—can’t do something like this. Picking up a random teenager and ask her to leave everything behind for the rest of our tour.”
“They do have a point Freddie. Plus how do we know she even wants this? I mean maybe she just sings for fun. To be honest I never thought we were that serious till our first album went on the shelf.” Deacy said.
“Okay first off that hurts Deacy dear. How dare you think that. And number 2, I have a feeling she does want it. She may not physically show it but there’s something in her eyes that show that she wants a chance at the real spotlight. And who am I to crush a fellow singer’s dream? Especially one as beautiful and adorable as her, just look at her!” they all turned towards her. “Who knows, maybe we’ll get an additional family member in our rag-tag band.”
“Whoa wait hold on now you’re saying we need another person involved with Queen?” Roger snapped.
“I’m thinking broadly Roger dear. Don’t be so dramatic about it darling. Now then, are you three with me?” Brian, Roger and John looked at each other and Deacy was the first to speak up.
“You’ll never let it go either way. I’ll say yes.” Fred smiled before turning to Brian.
“I mean—” he sighed heavily. “Okay fine, she can come with us. But only if her parents say it’s okay.”
“Well blondie?” Fred questioned as he turned to Roger.  Roger sighed heavily and said.
“I’m already ruled-out even if I say no.” Freddie cheered and hugged his bandmates before heading back over to (Y/n) to discuss his brilliant idea.
*My POV. 1 year later*
If you had told me that on the night I would perform my first original piece live before the people at Cowboys and then told me I would soon be standing before Queen, who not only saw me sing but also offered me the chance to perform alongside them, I would’ve called you crazy and laughed in your face.
But it happened.  With Jensen’s and uncle Bobby’s approval I was able to tour the rest of the North American tour with Queen.  I’ll admit it was frightening to perform in front of my first crowd of over 12,000 people, but once I got on that stage and just sang it felt good.
We had just gotten done doing a concert at the Hammersmith Odeon.  As par-celebration we all headed to a nearby pub the guys had rented out for the night and anyone who was involved with the concert was invited to come.
By 1am everyone was either completely drunk and were passed out on the floor, or they were having sex in the bathrooms. Wanting to perk myself up, I went to the restrooms to splash some cold water on my face but before I could walk around the corner toward the sinks I heard some girls talking.
“I mean don’t get me wrong Roger is amazing especially in the sack but why would he allow someone like her on stage?”
“Yeah all those songs she sings are soooooo boring!” I peeked around to see that the girls who were talking were some of Roger’s groupies.
“Queen is just being dragged by that little bitch who can’t sing for shit.”
“All her songs about Jesus or God or whatever. She doesn’t fit with them. I think they just pitied her so she could go on stage and sing her little country songs.” It was a stab to the heart.
I raced out of the bathroom and tried to contain my tears.  But it only got worse from there.  Walking pass the men’s bathroom were a few of the roadies who were talking about me.
“She brings to band down don’t you think? I mean her songs just aren’t up to par with where Queen is at. In fact I’ve seen sales going down at our concerts because of her.”
“Dorothy should’ve just stayed in Kansas singing for pubs. She’s nowhere near concert stadium material.” At that point a few tears ran down my face.
Was I? Was I really that bad? Did the guys really pity me? Was this all a big joke to them? I ran out the back way and just ran down through the streets of London.  
Not caring where I was going, or where I’d end up. I just figured the father I ran, the farther I would be away from those people and their cruel comments.
The next morning I was at my apartment (technically it was Freddie’s old apartment that he and his ex-girlfriend Mary had) lying on the couch holding the couch pillow close to me.  The things that the groupies and even some of the roadies said last night still rang through my head like a church bell.
Maybe I should give it up. I mean after all like they said, no one really listens to me perform.  So I decided to pack up my stuff and go back to America, back to Oklahoma, maybe try to get a job at Cowboy’s or something.  As I was packing up my last bag, the door suddenly opened and I heard Roger’s voice call out.
“Oi (n/n) you here?” shit why did Freddie have to give out spare copies of the keys?
“(Y/n) you in here?” I then heard Deacy’s voice speak up.  Oh great, not one but two of the Queens are here.
“Is everything okay poppet?” Brian’s voice echoed out. Great could this day get any worse?
“Everything’s fine.” I called out to them.  I quickly came out of my room and shut the door before walking towards the living room. “Hey guys what’s up?”
“Well you disappeared from the party last night darling so we came to see just why that was?” Freddie said.
“You didn’t sneak off with anyone last night did yah?” Roger teased.
“No! I—I felt kinda tired after last night’s concert so I just took a cab home.” I gave them a white lie.
“Why didn’t you tell one of us you were leaving? You know how dangerous the streets can be at night.” Roger said as he plopped himself on the couch.
“I’m not some fragile flower Rog. I can handle myself.”
“I know you can. I just can’t help it sometimes, you’ve become like another sister to me, plus Jensen made me promise to keep an eye on you less he shoot me in the arse.” I rolled my eyes as I chuckled.
“(Y/n) dear~” Freddie sang out as he peeked from the hallway. “If you don’t have anyone here, then why is your door shut?” oh shit.  I quickly turned towards him and he just grinned as he raced towards my room.
“Fred no! Don’t!”
“Oh so there is a handsome beast you’re trying to hide from us!” I ran behind him trying to stop him from getting in my room. “Oh-ho-ho this must be serious then, he not dressed or something?”
“No Freddie there’s no guy now please don’t go in my room!”
“Technically it was my room first so I get first—” he opened the door and that’s when he saw the suitcases.  “What’s all this?”
“I didn’t want you guys to see that.”
“So what were you planning on leaving without saying goodbye!?” By now I’ve seen Fred literally explode on some major temper tantrums but this—this wasn’t anger.  This was disappointment, and when Fred lowers his voice, looks you straight in the eye almost to the point where it’s like his eyes are piercing your soul, that really tears you up.
And you never want to make Freddie Mercury disappointed in you.  Cause let me tell you, it is the worst.
“No, no, no. Please I would like to know as well.” Roger’s voice soon rung out.  I groaned internally as I turned to see the remaining three band members standing right outside my door.
Roger’s eyes glaring right at me with his arms crossed over his chest.  Brian’s eyes in shock at seeing the suitcases, and Deacy—he looked like he was about to cry.
“Well!” Roger snapped impatiently.
“Hey Rog lay off on her will yah?”
“Brian are you not as upset as we are about this?!” Fred asked.  At this point the three hotheads began screaming at each other.  God this was a nightmare!  I was hoping to just leave without any drama and now I’ve done and caused it!  I held my hands to my ears and shut my eyes trying to drown out their shouting and screaming.
Next thing I know I feel a hand on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and there stands Deacy. His eyes soft, not looking at me in anger or disappointment.  He gestured with his head to follow him and the two of us snuck out of my room.
We both sat down on the couch, him sitting close to me as his arm wrapped around me.
“Do you want some tea?” he asked me.  I shook my head no.
“Umm…..I don’t know if I’ve totally ruined this but—could I get a hug?” a soft smile spread across his face and immediately his arms wrapped around me.
“You know you will always get a hug out of me sis.”
Since Deacy and I were the youngest members of the band, we kinda clicked more than the rest.  Guess our shy natures also kinda mixed in together so we kinda had our own special psychic bond with each other.  We always knew what the other was thinking or needed, we would pull the other aside when things got too chaotic (just like now cause I never liked getting or hearing fights).
His fingers stroked through my hair as I adjusted my head so that it rested over his heart.  We sat there in comfortable silence (well besides the still arguing hotheads in my bedroom).
“I’m not good enough for you guys.” I finally confessed.
“I—I heard some of Roger’s groupies and even some of your roadies literally talk about how I don’t fit with you guys. That I’m not even that good. Or that you guys just pitied me in order to help me get on stage.”
“I knew those tramps would be trouble.” I heard him mutter.
“But they’re right.”
“No they’re not.”
“Open your eyes Deacy!” I removed myself from his embrace. “My music and Queen’s music they just—don’t mix. I don’t do hard rock songs like you guys do. No rock fans are gonna wanna hear me sing just plain country or folk songs for 20 minutes. They’ll just be going out to get beer or go shag till you guys come up. I’m boring!”
“You’re not boring. Those arseholes are boring. If they can’t withstand a 20minute first act then they shouldn’t even be at one of ours. Because we most certainly perform longer than that.”
“Well you guys give a performance, not just a show. For me; it’s just me and my guitar. I mean yeah there’s people that may like a song or two from mine. Hell you guys allowed me to have a song on A Day at the Races and News of the World. But—in person I’m plain.”
“You’re raw.” I looked up at him confused. “I don’t mean raw in the sense of bad or disgusting. I mean you’re vulnerable. You don’t do the flashy lights, the loud hard rock of drums, or extremely, overbearing, long ass guitar solos.” I couldn’t help but laugh at that. “It’s just you up on that stage. Just you and your guitar.”
“And people should see you as that.” We looked up and finally ceasing their arguments, Freddie, Roger, and Brian now stood there.  Freddie came up behind me, Brian knelt down in front of me, and Roger sat to my right.
“But they don’t.” Freddie began to massage my shoulders.
“Darling when I first heard you sing back in the states, It was like anything I’ve ever heard in a female singer. You have this rawness that can make anything a song. You could write a song about taking the piss and it’d be a hit.” I rolled my eyes.
“More like a flush down the sewers.”
“Oi you need to stop with the negative thinking!” Roger playfully growled as he took my head between his hands and playfully shook it, almost as if he were trying to shake out the negative thoughts out of my head.  I couldn’t help but laugh at his antics as I tried to free myself.
“Cut it our Rog!” I laughed.  He stopped then said as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.
“Forget about what those rotter’s said. Never, ever doubt your talent. Because you have got something that not even Queen could ever have.”
“And just what is that?” I asked doubtfully.
“Rawness. Like John said, it’s just you up on stage. Most of the rockstars like us come up glammed out to the max, prance about the stage and do the headbanging hits. You—you connect with the audience just as yourself. And if people can’t see that, then they’re fools.”
“So you guys didn’t pity me when you asked me to join you guys?”
“Absolutely not! Whoever says that you just tell me and they’ll be dropped like yesterday’s rotten tomatoes.”
“Thanks you guys. I—I really needed that.”
“Hey, you’re part of this family now. We look out for each other.” Brian said as he gently took my hands in his, his thumbs gently stroking the back of them.
“There’s just one last thing that needs to be taken care of to ensure you’re feeling your normal happy self again.” Freddie said.
Oh no. Please not that!  At this point all four of them had the look of evil on their faces.
“No. Guys don’t you dare!”
“Too late lovie, we gotta make sure you’re back to your full-fledged happy self again. And we’ve got Jensen to thank for sharing with us your deep, dark secret.” I tried to make a run for it but it was too late, Brian trapped me in his long arms and soon I was gang tickled by Queen.
A couple weeks after that, we had just gotten done playing an arena in Houston, Texas.  Wiping the sweat off of my forehead (after not only doing a few of my own songs, but also joining alongside Queen playing guitar or piano) I accidentally bumped into someone.
“Oh sorry I—wasn’t paying attention.”
“That’s quite alright. Say you’re the young woman who just performed alongside Queen correct?” this man had a strong Tennessee accent.  From underneath his cowboy hat I could see sandy blonde hair and he had the most striking blue eyes.  He looked to be about his mid-40’s.
“Yes.” I said wearily.
“Oh sorry I know this must seem a bit creepy, please allow me to introduce myself. Stan Singer.” Wait what? Oh my god!
“Wait, Stan Singer? The Stan Singer, manager of Glen Campbell?”
“The very same, you a fan of his?”
“Yeah. My—my daddy first introduced me to him when I was just 5 years old.”
“Man has good taste.” We both laughed. “How long have you been performing with Queen?”
“A year.”
“A year? Now that I don’t believe.”
“Well truthfully I’ve been performing on stage back home in Oklahoma for a few years at a bar a family friend of mine owns. Cowboy’s.”
“No kidding. I was just there last month.”
“Yeah. Quite a shindig that place.”
“Oh yeah, it gets crazy some days. But it’s the best place to go to.”
“Listen (Y/n), While I have enjoyed managing Glen and don’t get me wrong he’s a great guy and a great singer. I’m also looking out to see if there’s a next big thing I could help mold. And seeing you up on stage, you’ve got that special little niche in the realm of country singers. How about joining me for lunch so we can discuss a contract.”
“Me? You—you want to sign me up for a record deal?” I asked ecstatically.
“You’ve got something I’ve never heard from any male artist. Here’s my card, just give me a call whenever you’re ready to talk.” He handed me a business card and said his goodbyes as he tipped his hat at me.
Wow I—I can’t believe it.  I’m actually gonna get a real shot with my own manager.  And Glen Campbell’s manager, nonetheless.  I can’t believe this is actually happening to me.
Wait….what about the guys? What would they say? Would they be mad if I took this deal? Left them when we’ve already grown so close with each other?
During our bus ride to the next city of New Orleans, I was looking at Stan’s card debating whether I should call him or not.
“What’s that?” Roger spoke up.  He soon plopped down beside me with his arm over me. “Ooh a name and phone number! Already got yourself a groupie huh?” he teased as he nudged my shoulder.
“No Roger it’s nothing like that.” I nudged him back.
“Hey did I just hear (Y/n) got someone’s name and phone number?” Deacy soon piped in peeking his head from the curtains of his bunkbed.
“(Y/n) you sly little minx.” Freddie teased.  Oh man was I really not gonna miss this.
“Alright you guys lay off of her will yah. Now just who was it that gave you their phone number (Y/n)? Will there need to be any—talks we need to do with this boy?” Brian said.
“I already told Roger Bri, it’s not like that.”
“Then what is it? I mean normally a guy wouldn’t give you his number unless he wants a date or something else.” Roger spoke. Deacy came up and slapped Roger over the head. “Ow! What was that for?”
“For being an idiot.”
“It’s a business card guys! For Stan Singer. Glen Campbell’s manager.”
“Wait I’ve heard of that guy. Yeah he’s like one of the best country singers out there.” Roger said.
“Yeah. Well Stan actually saw the show tonight and well he—he offered to be my manager. He wants to sign up a contract with me.”
“Oh my god darling yes!” Freddie cheered as he came up and embraced me tightly.
“Congratulations (Y/n).” praised Brian.
“But—” I started off.  Fred separated from me and he said.
“But what dear? You’re finally on your way! This should be a celebration!”
“But what about us? You guys? What if—what if this is the last time we’ll ever see each other?” at that point the guys grew quiet. They looked at each other and that’s when Deacy spoke up.
“The future is uncertain. Maybe someday we will meet again. But (Y/n), if you don’t take this shot now you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.”
“It’s like Deacy’s song says. Time to spread your wings and fly away.” Brian said as he placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. I looked between the four of them and they all had the same look.
Acceptance and love.
I felt my eyes watering up and I choked out.
“I’ll miss you guys.” They immediately hugged me and told me they would miss me too.  We remained in that group hug for the rest of the night till we arrived in New Orleans later the next day.
As soon as we got to the hotel, the guys sat with me as I called Stan up and told him that I would like to have lunch with him to discuss the contract.  Stan agreed to fly down to New Orleans and once that date was made, the guys brought me in one last final group hug telling me how proud they were of me, that they loved me and knew that I would become big in my own way.
On June 27th, 1977 I preformed my last concert with Queen as their opening act and the following day, I met with my new manager Stan Singer and together we went over the rules of my contract.
By the end of the 1970’s into the 1980’s my name had flown to the top of the charts in country artists.  So far in the 3 years of my growing career I had toured America twice for my 2 albums I had released under Sony records.
As I expected I was mostly popular in the southern states where country music reigned supreme on the radio.  But I did have some fans in the northern, Mid-west and western countries but I mostly toured around the South.
I was now performing back in my home state of Oklahoma to an arena of 20,000 people.  I had just gotten done preforming my biggest hit “Jesus take the wheel” and everyone went crazy for it.
“Thank you!” I turned and saw one of my roadies hand me a stool and I thanked him before setting it down right at the edge of the stage.  I adjusted the mic stand as I sat down. “This is a new song that I wanted to do especially for you my home sweet home. So you guys will be the first to hear this song coming up on my next album.” The crowd cheered. “But this song is also dedicated to four special men in my life. Without them—I wouldn’t even be up on this stage before all of you. It’s called Ready now.”
Then with just me on the guitar I began to sing my newly finished song “Ready now”.  As I sang the song, during the long instrumental breaks, I thought back to the guys.
All the fun memories I had with them while on the road with them.  Being there with them during their recordings, getting to do a song on their albums, or hanging out at the bars together after the shows.
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You saw through me All this time I'd forgotten People are kind
I was hurting And you knew So you showed me What to do
You said, "I will listen Tell it all When you're finished We'll talk more"
But I didn't know how So we took it in turns And to my surprise We found my words
Feet firm on the ground We stood hand in hand The world seemed to tell me That I have a plan
Together we sang I'm ready now
Something new Something strange Ten feet taller I had changed
I believe you I'm not wrong Oh it suits me To feel strong
You said, "I will listen Tell me it all You don't like the ending Then we'll find on that's yours"
Oh, how did you know That's all we need A promise of hope Is enough to feel free
Feet firm on the ground We stood hand in hand And I told the world That I have a plan
Together we sang I'm ready now
By the end of the song, I heard the crowd cheer and as I looked up at the ceiling I did a silent thank you to the boys.  Even though we would never see each other in our career’s again, I would always keep their memories alive in my heart and mind.
Without them, I would never have been ready to even get to this point.  And I will always be grateful to Queen.
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jaxl-road · 4 years
The League of Extraordinary Rockstars, ch.8
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Summary: LA is a hub for music and mutants, making it the perfect place for Motley Crue, Guns N’ Roses, and countless other mutant musicians to call home. But it’s not all easy, especially when it comes to finding a decent place to live. So what better solution than moving in together in the mansion of an immortal? Love, drama, and super powers. If nothing else, it’ll be interesting.
Chapter Warnings: Language, genderswap!Steven
AN: This is a collaboration between myself and @the–blackdahlia! It combines elements from her fic “It’s So Easy (And Other Lies)” (specifically her genderswapped!Steven) and my super powered GnR series. It is completely AU and ignores timelines like Woah, but hopefully you’ll have as much fun reading it as we’re having writing it! Let us know what you think!
AN pt 2: It was entirely my fault that this chapter took so long, so special shout out to @the--blackdahlia​ for being so patient and kind while I got my shit together <3 <3 <3
The night was spent with Stevie, Duff, and Izzy just talking, drinking, and trying to figure things out. Izzy had opted to return to his own bed for the night, and Stevie and Duff didn’t press him to stay, even though Stevie did pout when he said goodnight.
“I hope he realizes this isn’t a joke,” Stevie yawned.
“I’m sure he knows,” Duff smiled, “Let’s get you to bed pretty girl.”
Despite drinking more than Izzy and Duff had, Stevie was up before them the next morning, preparing to make breakfast for, what she assumed would be just her, Duff, and Izzy. But she knew she couldn’t get away with that.
That being said, she was on the lookout for a wild CC Deville to come crawling out of the cabinets at any minute.
She was so focused on being prepared for the potential Poison guitarist, that she ended up nearly screaming when she tossed a towel onto the kitchen table and it landed on a camouflaged Slash.
“God fucking dammit, Slash!” Stevie clutched her chest as the guitarist grumbled, shaking his head to get the towel off his hair and becoming visible again, “WHY are you sleeping out here?”
“Good question,” he stretched his arms over his head, “I was having some drinks with Tommy and Nikki. I must have passed out and they left me here.”
“That sounds about right,” She breathed. “Wait, since when do you have drinks with Tommy and Nikki?”
“Must have a death wish,” Vince commented as he came down the stairs with a satisfied grin on his face, “Morning guys! God, last night…”
“I don’t want to know,” Stevie turned away, missing the glare Slash shot him “I’ve gotta work on breakfast. You two, keep watch for CC.”
“We apparently need CC traps to go with the live traps Tommy wants to set up to catch that fucking raccoon,” Vince laughed, winking at Slash, who huffed and turned away. “Was it something I said?”
Stevie rolled her eyes as she started pulling items out of the fridge, “Vince, don’t be an ass.”
“That’s just his natural state,” Slash commented.
“If you think you can kill my good mood with your attitude you’re wrong,” Vince crossed his arms.
Ignoring the bickering rockers behind her, Stevie focused on the stove in front of her. Her cooking skills weren’t high class, but she figured she could handle some scrambled eggs and bacon, so she got started.
“I need Tommy to teach me to cook,” Stevie said to no one, “His cooking is amazing.”
“Yeah, if he kept cooking, I’d get fat,” Vince commented.
“Good,” Slash muttered under his breath. Before Vince could say anything, Kelly came down the stairs.
“What are you two bickering about?” He asked as he stretched to loosen his muscles. “It’s too early for this.”
“Apparently Vince is just planning on fighting everyone in Guns N’ Roses,” Stevie called over her shoulder.
“Hey!” Vince threw his hand up, “I’d never fight you, Stevie!”
“What are you talking about? I’ve seen you two bicker dozens of times,” Kelly chimed in.
“I can’t believe you’re all ganging up on me,” Vince huffed, “So rude.”
Snickering, Stevie finished the first pan of bacon, a few pieces maybe borderline burnt, but nothing any of the boys would complain about. She got started on a second batch before looking over her shoulder. “What are the odds of you guys actually making your own breakfast instead of stealing mine?”
“Slim to none,” Slash grinned. Stevie shook her head as Tommy and Nikki joined them.
“Good morning son,” Nikki patted Kelly on the shoulder.
“Oh my god that’s not over yet?” Kelly sighed.
“Nope!” Tommy smiled, “Oooo breakfast. I love food.”
“It pisses me off that you can eat and eat and never gain a pound,” Baz popped into the kitchen. “I want your metabolism.”
Stevie groaned at the increase in people in the kitchen. She wasn’t even that surprised when she went to place the second batch of bacon on the plate to find half of the first batch gone.
“Tommy!” She whined, spinning around and putting her hands on her hips, “At least let me finish before you steal my food!”
“What?” The speedster blinked, “I didn’t do anything!”
“Yeah right,” she rolled her eyes, “Look, I’m gonna make enough for everyone so just wait a few minutes!”
“But I-” Tommy flailed, sputtering as he tried to defend himself while the group chuckled at him.
“Where’s Ax?” Slash asked as he turned to Sebastian, “You usually drag him out with you.”
“Oh, yeah, he’s probably not gonna be around today,” the teleporter smiled sadly, “He’s in a, y’know… a mood. I was just gonna take some food back to our room.”
Stevie frowned, “Oh. Well, I’m making some eggs in a minute, but you can take some-” she turned to gesture to the plate of bacon only to find it nearly empty. “Oh come on!” She snapped in frustration.
“Third cabinet on the left,” Mick stated nonchalantly as he shuffled into the room.
Blinking in confusion, Stevie opened the cabinet in question and cursed loudly.
“Oh for fucks sake, CC!”
“I was hungry! You said you were gonna share!” The guitarist pouted around a mouthful of bacon.
“Why are you even here?” Tommy asked. “And why are you in a cabinet?”
“Alright, come on,” Mick pulled CC out of the cabinet, dragging the other guitarist out. Stevie sighed.
“I have a headache now,” She groaned. Tommy went to finish up the cooking while Duff and Izzy finally joined everyone. Once there was enough food ready, Sebastian was quick to make two plates and retreat back to his and Axl’s room, the tall singer awkwardly avoiding even looking in Izzy’s direction.
Not that Izzy noticed. He was too caught up in his own head as he tried to figure out how he was supposed to act around Duff and Stevie now. The night before, they had talked as if he would be another boyfriend, but that could have just been for his benefit. It didn’t mean they would appreciate him invading their space in front of the others. Did Duff even like guys?
It was too early for this. He needed coffee.
"Morning sweetie," Stevie greeted Duff. "Morning honey," She kissed Izzy's cheek, making him blush. "I'm gonna go lay on the couch. Fucking CC gave me a migraine." She walked off, mumbling about how he even got in there.
She had just flopped back onto the couch when Kelly suddenly entered her field of vision, the bassist grinning widely as he leaned over the back of the couch.
“I couldn’t help but notice,” he smirked, “you gave a certain guitarist a little smooch this morning.”
Stevie grinned back at him, “Hey, it was your idea!”
“Yeah, but you were so shy and nervous, I didn’t think you’d have the balls to actually do it,” he teased, laughing as Stevie punched him hard on the shoulder. “But for real,” he softened, “it all worked out?”
“Yeah, I think so,” She smiled. “He said yes at least...” Her eyes darkened a little before she shook her head and grinned, “So now you really don’t get to tap this anymore.”
“I hate you,” Kelly laughed, “But don’t worry. I sowed my wild oats last night.”
“Kelly, it’s the 20th century. You don’t have to talk like an old farmer.”
“I am appalled you called me a farmer,” Kelly said in mock annoyance, making Stevie laugh.
“I seriously have a migraine though,” Stevie told him, to which Kelly responded by yelling:
“Duff! Izzy! Come help Stevie!” He turned to look at her, with her eyes scrunched up, “You’re welcome.”
The two men quickly wandered into the living room, Izzy clutching his coffee like a lifeline while Duff chewed on a piece of toast. “What’s wrong?” The blonde asked, mouth still full, “Stevie, are you alright?”
"Just a headache…"
"You said migraine!" Kelly yelled, making Izzy give him a death stare.
“If she said migraine,” he replied, softly but coldly, “then why the fuck are you making it worse with your shouting?”
“Shit…” Kelly smiled sheepishly. “I’m just gonna go…” He quickly left, leaving Izzy and Duff with Stevie.
“I’m okay guys,” Stevie waved them off.
“Are you sure?” Duff questioned quietly, tossing his toast onto the coffee table carelessly as he approached the drummer, “Do you want me to grab Mick?”
Izzy shuffled uncomfortably. He didn’t want to leave, but he felt like he was intruding.
"Izzy, baby, tell Duff he's overreacting," Stevie smiled at Izzy. "I just need some cuddles from my boys."
It took a moment for the guitarist to respond- his brain short-circuited every time someone called him a pet name, and he was still trying to figure out his place here. It had been less than twelve hours and all his assumptions about what this relationship was had started to crumble in his hands. And he had no idea if that was good or bad.
“You heard the glowstick,” he finally responded, forcing a wry grin on his face as he turned to Duff, “Keep calm and get cuddling.”
Stevie smiled and reached for them, wanting cuddles. She sighed happily as they settled down by her.
"Thank you guys," She smiled. She kissed each other their cheeks and giggled when Izzy’s cheeks turned red, “Maybe today we can just be lazy? Apparently Axl might be MIA today, so we won’t have to like, seriously rehearse,” a small frown crossed Izzy’s face, but Stevie didn’t notice and carried on, “Although you know I’m always down to jam with you guys,” she grinned widely.
“That sounds awesome. Maybe we could switch instruments. I bet Izzy would look good playing your drums.” Duff suggested.
“Oh, I know he would!” Stevie said excitedly.
Izzy rolled his eyes, a small smirk of amusement on his face and his cheeks still slightly pink. Unable to resist, Stevie leaned forward to give him a quick kiss on the lips. But her plan was foiled when instead of feeling lightly chapped lips, she instead felt nothing but air as she fell forward, landing across the couch with a soft ‘oof’.
“Shit, fuck, I’m sorry,” Izzy stood rapidly, his body gliding through Stevie and Duff. His shoulders hitched up around his ears, a guilty and embarrassed look on his face, and the two blondes would bet money that he was still intangible even as he stood out of their reach.
While Slash definitely had the worst control of his abilities among the group, Izzy wasn’t far behind, especially when it came to unconscious control. When he was calm or in a good mood, he was fine. But the second he started feeling emotional or frazzled, he had trouble staying solid. And emotional and frazzled were understatements as far as how he had been feeling the past week.
"Are you OK?" Stevie questioned as Duff helped her sit up. "Did I do something?"
"No," Izzy sighed. "I'm sorry."
"Hey, it's ok." Stevie smiled at him, the light brighter. "As long as you're not falling into the girls locker room…"
"Axl fucking told you about that?" Izzy sighed. "Fucking Bill…" The redhead loved to tease him for the many mishaps that had occurred when his powers first emerged in their first year of high school. He was a little convinced that Axl had some sort of secondary power that allowed him to always be present anytime Izzy embarrassed himself.
Frowning to himself, he wondered if he should try to talk to Axl about what happened the other day, but before he could dwell on it his thoughts were interrupted when Duff chimed in.
“Hey, don’t stress dude, we all had shit happen when our abilities popped up,” he grinned, “For like, the first year or something anytime I got startled a bunch of fog would surround me.”
“Aw, that’s so cute!” Stevie laughed, “Little baby smoke machine!”
“Hey! Slash told me about you blinding your school photographer!” Duff told her.
“It’s not my fault! He told me to give my biggest smile. I couldn’t help it,” Stevie defended.
“Nice to know nothing has changed,” Duff teased.
“Izzy, help me out here,” Stevie begged. “Please?”
Huffing out a laugh, the guitarist shook his head fondly, “I mean, you do have a very… bright smile.”
Duff laughed as Stevie pouted, crossing her arms petulantly, “Aw, it’s not a bad thing! You’re our Sunshine!” He wrapped his arms around her, the drummer unable to keep a straight face as he rested his chin on her head.
“Good thing you two are cute or we’d have a real problem,” She told them as she snuggled into Duff. Izzy was about to say something when Tommy came barreling into the room.
“Guys! Guys! Look at this book I found in Nikki’s shit!” Tommy tossed a heavy book on the table and everyone got a chill down their spines.
“Well that certainly looks… ominous,” Duff said slowly. The book was thick and leather bound, black with red writing in a language that didn’t look familiar to any of them. Stevie reached out and touched the book. When she did, the wind picked up a little bit.
“Wasn’t me,” Duff told them when they all looked at him.
“Let’s crack this baby open!” Tommy said, excitedly. “Maybe there’s naked pictures in there.”
“Probably all of you,” Izzy smirked and Tommy rolled his eyes, but then looked a little nervous. Picking up the book again, he flipped it over to glance suspiciously at the back cover, tracing his finger over the strange symbol on the back. Shivering slightly, he put it back on the coffee table, squeezing to sit on the couch beside the other three.
“Alright, the curiosity is killing me!” With that, he flipped the cover open, quick like ripping off a bandaid. The four rockers leaned over to look at the first page.
Duff, Stevie, and Izzy, frowned at the words written there. “What the Hell?” Izzy stated.
“Seriously,” Tommy chimed in, “What sort of book needs a disclaimer like that?” Three sets of eyes snapped to look at the speedster. When he noticed them staring, he blinked in confusion, “What?”
“You can read Latin?” Duff questioned.
“Huh? No way, isn’t that like, a dead language or something?”
“Can you read this?” Duff pointed to the page.
“It’s in Latin,” he squinted at the words, “at least I’m pretty sure it is. Definitely not English though.”
Tommy’s eyes widened comically, looking between the figures beside him and the book on the table. Then with a gust of superspeed, he slammed the cover shut, huddling against the back of the couch away from the book, “How much did I snort this morning?”
"Whatever it was, you should share," Stevie told him.
"What did it say?" Izzy quizzed Tommy.
“It said ‘Tommy, I’m gonna kick your fucking ass’.” The group jumped, turning around to find Nikki scowling at them. Stalking forward, he snatched the book off the table as Tommy rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
“Y’know, that’s actually pretty close to what it said.”
"Wait, how do you know what it says?" Nikki asked.
"Uh, well, you see…"
"Tell me what this says?" Nikki held out the book and pointed to a small part that no one could read, except Tommy.
"Property of Cherie Curry and Lita...Ford...oh fuck…."
“What? What’s wrong?” Izzy asked.
“Nothing!” Nikki and Tommy blurted out in sync. There was a long pause, Tommy fidgeting in his seat while Nikki glared at him and hugged the book protectively to his chest.
“Oh gee, look at the time,” Tommy stood nervously, “I think I hear Mick… somewhere.... Sorrybabedidn’tmeantobyyyye!” and with that, the drummer was gone in a blur.
“Dammit, T-Bone! You can run but you can’t hide!” The skin around Nikki’s eyes glowed orange as he ran off to track down his boyfriend, leaving the three Guns members to stare after him in confusion.
"What just happened?" Stevie asked.
"I don't know, but I'm going to go raid Kelly’s prohibition room," Izzy sighed, heading straight for the basement.
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thran-duils · 4 years
Devils Look Like Angels (Ch. 4)
Title: Devils Look Like Angels (Chapter 4) Summary:  Fem!Reader x Psychotic!Castiel. An unhinged, criminal, supernatural artifact collector extraordinaire… and the reader caught his eye. It will not take her long to realize that beneath the charm and mystique is a crazed killer who will go to great lengths to woo her. Words: 2,139 Warnings (for the fic in entirety): Stalking, angst, death/murder, violence 
Author’s Note: I have reset my tag list. If you want to be added back, please DM or send me an ask!
Chap 3 || Chap 5 || Masterpost  || Fanfic masterpost
“What the actual fuck?” Dean demanded, gripping the steering wheel furiously.
The three of you had been quiet after getting the people safely home. You were all trying to process what had happened. As soon as you had gotten back to the car and sat inside without the car on, no one moving, the floodgate opened.
In a fluid motion, he turned, throwing his arm over the back of the seat in order to see Sam in the passenger side and you in the back. Mostly to see you. Sam looked at you as well.
Defensively, you threw your hands up in defeat at their piercing stares. “I don’t know!”
“He sure as hell seems to have taken a liking to you,” Dean retorted.
“What are you accusing me of?”
“I’m not accusing you of anything, Y/N.”
Sam cut in, “I think the question is, what is his deal? What does he want?”
“Apparently a fan of Y/N,” Dean responded. “And killing innocent people for entertainment!”
“How did he even know we would come? This is far from Vermont,” Sam asked.
Closing your eyes in frustration, you leaned your head back on the seat with a sigh. Of course it was too good to be true that a normal, well spoken man would have interest in you. Why had you not been more concerned when you met him at the café? There were red lights all over the place, the biggest one being that he happened to be in Lawrence of all the cities he could choose in the country and happened to be at that café at that exact moment.
“What?” Dean asked after a pause. “What are you thinking about?”
Seems you would need to divulge that you had had contact.
Opening your eyes again, you leveled them with a stare. “We are pretty close to home. Only a few hours away.”
Sam and Dean exchanged a look, Sam venturing, “And? And how would he know that?”
Adjusting uncomfortably under their scrutinizing gaze, you cleared your throat. “He, uh…” you paused, the words getting stuck in your throat as the guilt crept in. How could you have been so relaxed about that meeting? “I ran into him at the coffee shop on the corner of Crescent and Fifth.”
“What? When?” Sam asked, genuine concern lacing his tone.
You shrugged, “A couple weeks ago at most. It was when I brought home lunch from Sopranos. We just bumped into each other – almost collided, really. He recognized me, apologized for almost running me over, and bought me something to eat.
The words were rolling out of you now.
“We ate, had some small talk, where he told me he was a journey salesman which is why he was in Lawrence –”
“And you believed that?” Dean interjected. “Y/N… Jesus. He followed you from freaking Vermont back to Kansas!”
“I’m quite aware. It is painfully obvious now. But he admitted to me that he procures and sells supernatural artifacts. Which is why he hadn’t been as surprised about the banshee as a normal person should or would be. And he is not looking for something in Lawrence. My first thought when he mentioned artifacts was the bunker; if he was trying to use us to find it. But he didn’t seem to know. He was talking about Topeka, Ottawa… and somewhere else.”
“Anyway, Lawrence is central to all three of the places. And when eh explained it like that, it made enough sense. Then, Sam called shortly after. I excused myself, we exchanged numbers –”
“He has your phone number?” Sam interrupted.
You admitted, blushing, “Yes.”
“Jesus,” Dean swore again.
“Well, at that moment, I didn’t know he was off his rocker!”
“That’s putting it lightly,” Dean quipped.
“Alright,” Sam cut in or tried to because Dean pressed on.
“No, not alright. You know what?” He reached his arm toward you. “Give me your phone if you have his number.” You shook your head immediately and he rose his brows. “You don’t have his number?”
“I do.”
“Then why can’t I call it?”
“Do we really want to be antagonizing this guy, Dean?” Sam asked, staring Dean down. Dean tried to argue but Sam held his ground. “It’s not smart. Now, if he doesn’t seem to know about the bunker – and even if he did, he can’t get in – that seems to be all the more reason to not reach out to him. If you do, that could give him the wrong idea.”
“The asshole already has the wrong idea!”
“How do we not now he won’t follow us home?” you asked. “I mean, it’s dark. We won’t be able to identify what a car looks like behind us if one starts trailing us.”
Dean exhaled annoyed at the thought of that.
Sam suggested, “Let’s get a hotel then. Not towards Lawrence, let’s go further out. And we can take turns keeping watch. If Dean drives, I’ll sleep until we get there and then he can rest while I stay up. And then Y/N can get up to relieve me.”
Shaking his head, Dean muttered, “I don’t like this.”
“We don’t really have a choice given our situation.”
Silence filled the space, Sam’s words sinking in. What he suggested was smart and would ensure the group of you would feel more safe than potentially leading Castiel back to the bunker.
Suddenly Dean turned back around to face the steering wheel and threw the key in the ignition. “Fine. But anymore contact and I’m calling the bastard. Antagonistic or not.”
<> <> <>
Groggy, it was almost impossible to open your eyes. The room was a blur; bright but blurry. You did not believe you were at home, it did not feel like home. Your eyelids were so heavy, your body felt like cement. Why were you so tired?
There were voices, hovering around you. You could not make out the majority of what was being said, only catching words like ‘blood’, ‘damage’.
Darkness crept in again, flooding from the outside in. You did not hear anything anymore.
<> <> <>
When you came to next, your vision was still unfocused. Your body felt heavy still, weighted down by…
You focused on the IV drip as it came into focus, hooked up into your right arm. Weighted down by medicine.
A voice drew your attention to your left. Mustering much more effort than it should require, you turned your head to the source.
Through your haze of sleep and medication, you still startled at seeing Castiel sitting there by your bed. He was staring at you with concern, leaning forward towards you, his large hand resting on yours.
You tried to jerk away from him but your moment was sluggish, although you were becoming alert much more quickly at this turn of events. Where were you? Why was he here? Where were Sam and Dean?
This had to be a dream. Why else would he be here? Next to your bed? But this was not your bed. Where were you? You thought again frantically. It looked like a hospital room. You racked your brain, trying to remember.
“Y/N,” Castiel tried again, drawing you from your frightened thoughts. “How are you feeling? It looks like the doctors got you stitched up alright and have your pain controlled.”
It came back.
You were in West Virginia or at least you had been. The Wendigo. It had gotten you cornered and slashed your thigh. You did not remember much after that besides Sam and Dean carrying you to the Impala.
“What… what are you doing here?”
“I do not know if that –”
“What,” you repeated with more force, trying to scoot away. “Are you doing here?”
You quickly took note that the door was closed. You had to have a call button to ring for help.
Castiel tsked you, ‘Now, now. Do not go getting yourself worked up. You have been through enough and you need to rest with minimal – preferably no – stress. I am not here to hurt you.”
“I don’t know that!”
“You are just going to have to trust me.”
“How can I? You killed innocent people to lure me in for a ‘game’.”
Holding up a finger, Castiel corrected, “To be fair, I did not kill the people that lured you in. That was my friend.” He paused and added, “I did kill two people as a safety net, yes. I new you were not going to fail and I did not want my friend losing his temper if he was not given the two more hearts as promised. I killed those two people for your safety. I will kill for you. But, then again, I do like killing.”
“You are not helping your case,” you told him coolly.
You had found the call button remote underneath the blanket. Your fingers closed in around it.
Lips tight, Castiel leaned away from you in order to reach your bed side table. He picked up a cup and held it out to you. You saw it was ice chips but refrained from accepting the offer.
Shoulders slumping ever so, Castiel sighed. Lowering his arm, he placed the cup back on the beside table, ‘I suppose I am just going to have to earn your trust.” The call button was not responding, your anxiety beginning to rise. “Y/N, as I have expressed, I am enamored with you. The light in your eyes, your quick wit. You also have a very lovely smile which is an extra bonus in the package for me.”
“I would love for you to join me. I think my experience and yours as well, we would make a formidable team. Now, I understand we do not want to be making any rash decisions. I am open to giving you time to consider, I really would like it to be a sound decision. It is always so much more practical when we come to the table together, both willing.”
“I would be disappointed if you turned me down. But I think if you take the time to really consider it, you will see how magnificent this agreement would be for both of us. Freedom to travel and discover riches and have adventure. Together.”
Leaning forward again, he told you, “So, really, kitten, hurting you is the furthest thing from my mind.”
He went quiet, gauging your reaction.
You had to say something.
“Thank you for considering that time is needed.”
He smiled, pleased at your appreciation. “Of course, of course. I do not want to rush a good thing. You deserve time.”
Looking to the door, he sighed, “Now, I suspect those two brutes you have around will be coming back. That blonde one, Dean, can put food away but even his stomach must have its limits. I should make myself scarce.” Standing from the chair, his hand brushed yours. “I am glad I stopped by to check in on you, kitten. I am relieved you are doing alright.”
He made it halfway to the door before turning back to you. His gaze fell to your concealed hand holding the call remote. “by the way, I would ask them to plug that back in for you. I do apologize but I needed some uninterrupted time with you to share my admiration. Please forgive me. I will be in touch.”
With that, he swung the door open and strolled out.
Your eyes were glued to the doorway, afraid he would return. He swore he did not want to hurt you but… unease still crept. If anything, it sounded like he was developing an unhealthy attraction.
Sam and Dean’s voices reached you before you saw them. You pushed yourself up to a sitting position in anticipation.
As soon as they walked in, they saw the fear in your expression.
“What’s wrong?” Sam asked alarmed.
“Castiel,” you said hoarsely.
“What?” Sam demanded. “Here?”
You nodded and Dean’s face set in stone before he made a beeline for the hall, searching.
“Dean, he’s gone. It’s been a few since he left,” you called after him, leaning forward in the bed. You winced at the tug on your stitches.
He came back into the room and you recalled the last ten minutes, stumbling through what he had said. When you got done, Sam meant to sit in the chairs next to your bed but stopped suddenly. He picked up a small box that was adorned with a lace bow. His jaw set when he read the tab.
“It’s for you.”
You opened it warily. Inside was a diamond bracelet. Balking at it, you held it up and whispered, “Is… is this real? This must be worth a fortune.”
Dean snapped, “Are we all still against calling this asshole and setting things straight?”
CASTIEL FOREVER TAGS: @willowing-love @perseusandmedusa @greenappleeyes @afanofmanystuffs @earthtokace @shikaros-blog @marisayouass 
29 notes · View notes
finderskeepersff · 5 years
48. Part 3
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Watching the sun come up as I sat in the car outside my home, I need to sleep. I would go to the hotel but it is too damn late, I can’t be doing that so I am staying here to sleep but I have been busy actually. To find out that Clover Club is opening up in Miami, I am happy about that. I am happy for Amira because without her this shit wouldn’t be going so smooth, she puts in work while I pay of course but it is working out for the best. I am seeing so much money, like money is openly in a bank account. It is in Kyle’ joint account and I wish I could put Sofia on it but if anything goes wrong we are all going down and I don’t want Sofia to go down, Amira knows it can happen but I don’t see anything going wrong. They all think Raphael is clean cut, he is the biggest fucking asshole going, I don’t know how he is alive at all with all of the drugs he has. I am thankful to be clean, a blessing actually “so are you happy with my work? I work hard for you Cassius, how calm has shit been?” Ethan is impressive “it’s good, I don’t need to worry but there is always worry you know? I want you to release that footage of Samuel killing the Latino boss, I want him gone off my radar ok? I am done with it. I need to have no loose ends got it? I have been thinking hard on it and he is too close to my business, he is plotting and I know it. I want us to have a strong base like it’s happening now. We can all work together in this world, I didn’t think Raphael was right but the rich and famous do pay well. Clover be making that fucking money, people don’t suspect which is odd. But yeah, do that. I will be spending time with my son today. I don’t want to be contacted ok? I want to be somewhat normal, I don’t want people following me. I am going to have nothing on me besides my phone and some money. I got Wheezy but I just want a normal outing, probably risky but I will take it. I don’t know anymore. I have tried to amend a lot of loose ends, everyone is eating remember that so that is why it is quiet” I pointed at him “that is why you are like by the people and not the power hungry government, you should be president” I laughed, it was funny “my corrupt ass, I see it like if everyone is eating then why would you be upset? But there will always be one but anyways. I have a big day, let me get some kind of sleep” dapping Ethan.
Holding my Nets top in my hand that Sofia bought me, I got a few hours sleep. It’s afternoon so let me go down and get some food, hopefully my momma will make me something. Walking down the steps, Sofia did text me she said don’t forget today donor. She is so bitter, it’s actually sexy that she is mad. Like baby continue to be mad. Rubbing my bare chest, I am proud of me. Like I don’t need anyone to be proud of me but I am of myself because I got myself out of it. It was because of the love I had for Sofia but I had to do it and I did it, I can only thank god for the strength “hey Cass, I thought you was here” Jasmine said “yeah, I am. You good?” I asked her, seeing another girl in the living room, she just stared at me all wide eyed “I am, your room door was closed so I assumed so. Is Cartier here?” shaking my head “he is in New York. Come to the game, Sofia bought me a suite. There is like a few spots free, you know” Jasmine gasped “can I really?” nodding my head “yeah, mom is coming. Sofia may come, I hope anyways. But I just want a family thing” Jasmine yelped out “I am coming! I am getting my Nets top out, I can’t wait!!” looking down at Bryce, he actually ran at me this time. Grabbing my legs “girl, I am going!!” Jasmine said “your brother is so sexy, you seen his body” looking down at Bryce “we friends now?” crouching down to him “uncle was being mean and he is sorry” I think he has forgiven me.
My mom held out the Net jersey “so you and Cartier got one?” nodding my head “I think it was nice that she paid out for it. I mean I can take you and Josiah and now Jasmine while dad looks after this one, I don’t know how you like dude” I said to Bryce, he just smiled at me “they have a close bond, weird enough” my mom placed my jersey on the back of the dining chair “I guess he can be a nice guy to someone” my mom touched my arm “I am so happy to see my son like this. Last time you entered this house you set out on a road I didn’t think you wanted to come back from, I look at you and I see my son. Healthy, happy, positive boy. And I do thank Sofia but I thought she lost that touch with you, we all did but look at you. All happy” I smiled “thank you. I am happy and excited for today. I think I want my son to know you all, I want that. I didn’t think Sofia would ever want to come here but she did and I know it was for me, she has no reason to come here. She says Leyton but she can book him a flight. It means so much to me, like I am happy” she did it for me.
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I laughed in the mirror “stop it” I said staring at Cartier through the mirror, who said it was easy. Cartier kept crying when I laid him on the bed so I have him on my lap while I do my make-up with one hand, well the things I can do anyways. Cartier is just staring at me through the mirror, he is so intrigued “you making me laugh” I laughed, Cartier gurgled something “mommy crazy huh, mommy putting this make up on looking crazy because I can’t do the the left side of my eye so I do” looking down at him, he didn’t move his head to look at me at all. I feel he is growing so quick to me, everyday it’s like he learns something new and different. He is being a little whiny baby today, just wants me to hold him, I guess I have to be thankful for the fact he slept well, he didn’t randomly cry like he would. I wish I bought the rocker now, I sighed out. A knock at the hotel room door, placing my mascara back in the tube and getting up with Cartier “let’s see who that is” hopefully Mia so they can look after him for me. I didn’t bring the rocker with me like an idiot, Mia and Mitch are coming to the game. I did decide on going, Mia said he asked so go. Olivia is working so she can’t go. Looking through the peephole “it is Auntie!” I yelped, pulling open the door “hey girl!!” Mia opened her arms “don’t look at my face, this boy won’t let me look good” Mia hugged me “I can tell, wow. Which face are you doing?” Mitch pointed at one side of my face being rude as fuck “thanks” I rolled my eyes.
Mia looked over at Mitch playing with Cartier “you ever want one?” I asked her “so I can have my pussy ripped open? No thank you, we will take yours” Mia looked at me chuckling “I can’t, like right now I am ok. I will babysit yours, I think Mitch does. He said he loves seeing pictures of Cartier, he was like have you seen Cassius with Cartier and all of the cute posts I am like yes, just keep looking. Maybe some day but anyways, we looking fire today? Yes?” I shrugged “I mean I may have a little something” I grinned “that is my girl, we show skin. We show bomb pussy, we show out today. You have Cartier on your damn hip too, we come to show out. Also I will look after Cartier as we discussed” she pointed at me, I paused “erm, no need too. I said no” Mia blinked at me several times “we did that three way call, just let him be a dick appointment for now. What is wrong with that? Spend time with him, do it. Don’t put no title on it, strictly dickly. You know” taking in a deep breath “you said you been feeling it? Come on?” nodding my head “there has been moments” I admitted “well today I am hyping you up, you will get some dick tonight. You both going to end up hugging and loving on each other anyways so I don’t need to do shit anyways” Mia waved me off “that is true, in the club you both was off. Like from what I remember you both was playing tonsil tennis” Mitch said “see, so we need this confident and hyped up bitch. The bitch that slept with him in the club. You better get him to eat you out, it’s your time!” Mia eyeballed me, trying to not laugh “we got you today, Cartier will be with us. We good uncle and auntie here. You’re scared to get your feelings hurt, I know Sofia. But keep that to the side, things will fall into place. Dick appointments give the best dick. Me and Mitch were that at first, it was good” Mia always knows what to say.
Thinking to myself, maybe I should wear more. What is wrong with me, why am I being sheepish, maybe I need some booze to give me that push, that little courage but I do know I can do this, I am just being a scaredy bitch. I look good, I think I do anyways. Sighing out as I fixed my hair in the mirror “I am ready anyways” I said to myself, right down to the heels “come out, I want to see!” Mia shouted outside the bathroom door, I need to get out now. I have taken my time “ready?” I said I walked towards the door “yes hoe, hope you are being a hoe” unlocking the door as I pulled it back “surprise” I giggled, Mia’ mouth opened up wide. I am not sure if that is a good or bad thing “wow Sofia, talk about bouncing back from pregnancy, wow!” Mitch said, my cheeks are warming up “you look so good, oh my god” Mia said looking me up and down “the legs! Bitch, the legs!” Mia spat, can she stop “he will like it, and so will all the other men in that place. I mean that is making a statement” I chuckled “I mean it’s simple but you look so good” Mia said, I shrugged “I was like if I was to go I would wear this” just simple booty shorts and a sweartshirt Cassius left at the house, it’s simple as shit but apparently I look good “if you bend forward, your booty come out? Do it so I can check” Mia said, I shook my head laughing because I won’t be doing that.
I love to see Leyton, to spend time with him is nice “Sofia your legs will be get cold outside” Leyton pointed out “what you trying to say to me?” I asked him “aww he trying to play daddy” Mia cooed out “well I think you should cover up, but I am here. I will beat them for you but it’s still cold out there” he is funny “sure, but I rather not. Mia do I really look good, I don’t look fat do I?” Imagine that “me? You think I would let you walk around looking fat? Girl, no. You look so good, I fancy you. I would do you” hiding my face laughing, Leyton looked at Mia in disgust “that is weird but I think you should cover your legs, they fat” Leyton is trying to be mean “men like it fat, they call it thick” I grinned at him “I will tell Cassius, he will tell you not too” I scoffed “is Cassius my father? Leyton please, I ain’t about to change out of shit, Mia has hyped me up and I am staying at this level now. Get off the bed, I need to change Cartier” he should be here soon, let me change Cartier so he can match his dad.
I am glad Cartier is asleep now so he will be more alert during the outing, I hope he doesn’t play up but if he does I am there “you still using those breasts?” Mia asked “yes, I swap over now. He takes the formula, finally. So I give him both, he prefers breast though. It doesn’t bother me actually, also my breasts are bigger, I like it” I shrugged “when I see you and Cartier I do want to be a mother but I don’t want to rent my womb, my pussy being stretched, I can’t. So the milk you giving for when I look after him, is that formula” nodding my head “yes, thank you for offering. It may not happen though” she is jumping “oh it will, he is going to want you so fucking bad. You look so good, you’re hair is down. He better devour you” Mia is something else “look who we found on the way back!” Mitch said, rolling my eyes at Mia “your make-up is bomb, the red lipstick is everything!” looking away from Mia seeing Mitch walk into the room “we found Cassius, he was coming here” I knew it, I knew it would be him “where is the boy? It’s game day!” Cassius spat “he is here, asleep” I pointed at the bed, Cassius licked his lips and kept his tongue out staring at me, and then dragged his eyes down. He stepped to the side because the bed cuts off his eye-view, his mouth opened as he tilted his head “seriously? Do you want to be less obvious” what is wrong with him “you wearing panties under that?” I just smiled walking off “woah, woah, woah. Oh my god. You can’t do this, that is not real. Mia you did this, bring that ass back here” he is so embarrassing.
Cassius clasped his hands together and placed his hands just above his lips facing me in the elevator, he took in a deep breath and then closed his eyes and breathed out “you about to get me back on drugs” he is so dramatic “I am fighting niggas today, this is not good. I will be put off the game” he is stressing “whatever” the elevator doors opened, Cassius balled his fist up and bit his knuckle “you are being dramatic, anyways the receptionist will be here” pushing the stroller out of the elevator “oh wow Sofia, hi” Wheezy said “hi Wheezy” making my way to the doors “that is mine, it’s mine” hearing Cassius say behind me “you need to claim that” the doorman opened the door for me, he smiled at me “Leyton, don’t walk stupid. I will forget about you, is auntie picking you up after?” Leyton shrugged “I ain’t a kid, I can do what I like” frowning at him “what I say about that shit, you are my responsibility. You don’t do that” Leyton acting like a brat “I can get back myself Sofia” side eyeing him, he better fix his little attitude.
I am already impressed, VIP entry and it’s not busy as shit “so good to see you again Sofia” walking over to Monique “and you” hugging her, catching Josiah rubbing his chin as he looked away “fuck me girl, you look so good! You had a baby!? You sure! Oh my god!” Jasmine jumped at me “we need to go shopping again, you look so good” I chuckled “thank you, you look good too. Just thought I am feeling myself, why not. It’s nice that you all came though” it’s nice to see them “it’s a nice gift, and to have Cartier here. A family” smiling at her, hearing Cartier crying. Turning around, Cassius must have done something to upset him “hold my bag for me” I said to Mia, walking over to Cassius “did you do something?” I asked him, making my baby cry “come here, it’s only your ugly father” placing him over my shoulder “wow, now I am ugly. Why you being mean to me?” rubbing Cartier’ back “get his bag thank you” walking around him.
Pressing a kiss to Cartier’ cheek, I think it was because he just woke up “you ok now?” pulling his top down “you need to be a nice to daddy, it’s his day with you” his grumpy self, walking towards Cassius in the suite. I want to eat so he can look after him “he will be ok now” I said to him “you want me son, it’s me. We twins. We rocking the same thing boy, come here. Let me love you” Cassius took Cartier from me “it’s me boy” pulling the back of Cartier’ top down “can you take a picture of me and Cartier” Cassius turned around “my phone is in the back pocket” lifting Cassius jersey up a little and getting his phone out “where do you want it?” Cassius walked off near the suite window where you see the game “Cartier! Hey!” I shouted, that boy won’t look at me “Catier, hey handsome boy” he smiled at Monique “my grandbaby, you’re here with daddy. Is you and daddy looking the same” he is loving Monique, taking the picture “I got it, you smiled” I said to Cassius “I thought of your legs that is why” he laughed “it’s y’all day, have a picture. The both of you” Mia said, she is right. I can take one “take it on his phone, he can send it me after” I said to Mia, holding the phone out to her “ok” walking towards Cassius “come to daddy” he said to me, standing at the side of him but leaving a gap “why you playing?” his free arm wrapped around my shoulder and pulled me in “you look good though, on a real” looking up at him “thank you, you look good yourself” I said back to him, feeling his thumb lightly stroke the side of my face “face me then!” Mia spat, lifting my hand up and gripping his hand around mine to stop him from trying to ruin my make-up.
Basketball is boring as shit, I don’t know what is happening “drink up my love” Mia held up a glass “it’s whiskey, down it” taking the glass from her “it’s nice to see Leyton and Cassius getting on, he is getting on with all of the boys” downing the whiskey “he is, Leyton does like him. See how he said I will tell Cassius, boy bye” watching Cassius with Cartier, he is really enjoying himself “I think I made a good decision, I wanted him to do things with Cartier. Like this, I like that Cassius is happy. Father and son” smiling at them both “I can drink to that, I can get used to this. The drinks are bomb and the food, I ain’t here for the game at all” frowning at the fact Mia is getting drunk “listen here, I think I will let Monique look after Cartier ok?” I can let her have him like this “oh yes, oh my god I forgot” I will only tell Monique if anything happens and we do go out, looking down at my phone. Smiing at the picture of Cassius and I with Cartier, it’s a nice ass picture and I look good. I love it actually “cute family there” sliding across “this is family, just Olivia, Kenton and Lee missing” seeing the group picture “and I like that too” she said, I grinned at it.
I knew at one point Cartier would sleep, walking out of the suite. I need the toilet, refresh my make up too “wait up” looking behind me “for what?” I said smiling “me?” Cassius grinned “you need the toilet too?” he shrugged “I just want to see you and” Cassius looked behind me “your booty” he laughed “and also say thank you, it’s been so good. It’s the small things, like this. A basketball game with your son, I like it. I have had so much fun, he fell asleep but then I have everyone here, you know” I knew he was enjoying himself “that was my point, I wanted it to be you and Cartier having a good time with family. And it worked out” Cassius placed his arms behind him “you know how good you look? There is toilets here, disabled right?” I busted out laughing “you know” he didn’t finish it off, seeing the ladies toilets “you know how good you look” turning to him, bringing my hand up touching his chain “you look good too Cassius” winking at him as I walked off.
Imagine seeing someone like Jay Z, I am amazed. I just stared like a fan, nothing more I can do but stare. The guys around him just stared at me and that was my time to go back to where I need to be, Cassius done left me here. He could have waited, unless the game started again. Walking back into the suite, the game has started again “I am going to sit in front, are you ok to look over Cartier?” I asked Monique, I don’t want to walk off and she doesn’t “oh yes, you go down” I might as well pay some attention to this, I have no idea what is happening but I will watch I guess. Taking my drink with me, my mixer. I don’t want to be drunk so coke with a bit of vodka for me “you came out” Mia smiled at me, seeing the suite at the side of us. Full of men, they all looked at my legs as they do “the game is that way!” Mia spat, I just laughed walking down, placing my hand on Cassius shoulder as I got down “can I sit?” I pointed “yeah, don’t need to ask” moving my hand back as I stepped over his long ass legs that are in the way “my bad” Cassius moved up on the seat “it’s ok, so what is happening?” I am bored already “they are behind” nodding my head “maybe because you’re here, you jinxed them” smiling at him, he is so timid at times “don’t play me” I repeated the very words he says to me “I’m not, you just make me nervous at times. I am good” sitting back in the seat.
Cassius seems so stressed that they are losing, I find it amusing actually. Watching him sit forward as he watched intently, I had to do a double take at the next suite and the guys are just staring, one of them winked at me and I just turned my head. Lazily placing my arm on Cassius back, reaching my hand out playing with the back of his ear “this shit is wack” he sat back “you really upset about it?” moving my arm back “yes, with how they playing” let me be interested “right, what is going wrong?” staring at the side of his face “first D’Angelo gets injured and the rest is history, it’s like they got lazy right at the last point too. They been good all that time too” nodding my head “that is terrible” Cassius looked at me “you don’t give a shit, look at you” I busted out laughing “stop it I do, I am trying ok. I am upset that you are” turning in my seat and sitting more into Cassius because them guys are bugging me “that is sweet, you being nice to me” Cassius placed his arm around me “I am nice sometimes, I am bored that is why. I rather do something else” resting my head on his shoulder “like? I mean after this though” rolling my eyes.
I don’t know what to say to him, his team lost. I will just sit here awkwardly “say something” Cassius said, biting on my top lip trying to not laugh “don’t be an ass” he said, I am doing no such thing “I wouldn’t let my girl walk out like that nigga” I moved forward in my seat “no need for that” Mitch shouted “I am just saying, I wouldn’t let her be out” Cassius moved his arm back about to get up “don’t” I grabbed his arm “just leave it” Wheezy came out from the suite “move it before I come there” one of the guys blew a kiss to me, Cassius jumped up from his seat. Cassius was so quick to jump over the barriers “Cassius, no! Come back” getting up from my seat, Mitch jumped over the barrier also “wait Mitch!” Mia spat, Josiah also jumped over and then Wheezy did also “Cassius, stop it! Leave it” is he crazy, if he gets arrested. Wheezy gripped Cassius away from the guy, seeing the guy’ bloody face. His friends didn’t help “I told y’all to shut up” Wheezy said, Cassius jumped back over the barrier “I told you to leave it” Cassius walked by me, he is angry at what, me or them “nobody told you to go there dummy!” Mia said to Mitch.
I have been waiting for the security or police to take them but they haven’t “are you angry at me? Why did you walk by me?” Cassius looked down at his knuckle “who said I was angry at you” Cassius sat down on the couch in the suite “because it seemed it, are you?” he shook his head “sit down” he gestured, he pointed at his lap “well if you want me too but I would like to know” I sat down on his lap slowly and turning to him a little “you know when you in that moment of being angry, I was just in that moment. It was never to do with you, trust me. I mean I was annoyed, they trying to talk shit” nodding my head, Cassius placed his hand on my thigh “so shall we go to forty forty club?” my smile grew “what about Cartier?” Cassius moved his head to the side a little “my mom will have him, so yeah?” I grinned, “if she doesn’t mind it” looking down at his hand “your knuckles are sore now” poking my lips out “it’s nothing” placing my hand over his “lovers are going to the club then?” Mia asked “like I can’t believe Mitch jumped in you know” I forgot that he did “well I thought the guy was rude, I was helping Cassius out” Mitch said “that’s what I am saying but thank you” Cassius dapped Mitch “you fast though, you jumped over that barrier and punched hit him first shot. That was so crazy” smiling at Mitch, it was nice of him to help.
My baby boy is awake, I don’t want to leave him now “are you sure you will be ok?” I don’t want him to be upset, he is not home. What if I am being careless “oh stop it, he will be ok” looking at my son in the stroller “mommy loves you so much, but you will call me if anything. If he doesn’t sleep or he wants me. Please call me” I am being careless, I feel it. Moving back from the stroller “your mom is going to get some dick” glaring over at Mia “you are drunk young lady, relax” I spat, she is a mess again “I think we should go home” Mitch laughed “nope! To the club now” Mia was supposed to be my hype woman but clearly not “We good to go now?” Cassius has this stupid smile on his face “it’s not that, I don’t care for the sex. I want to be with you, come on now. Let’s have fun” Cassius grabbed my hand “it’s not about that, honestly” nodding my head “ok, please call me though” I keep leaving him, I am a bad parent doing this. Watching Monique walk with Ethan to the car “he will be ok right?” I said to Cassius “yeah, it’s fine” he will be ok.
Walking behind Cassius as I walked into the club with him, Cassius seems to know everyone. I shouldn’t be shocked but I do be at times, looking around the club. Not even going to lie, it brings me memories seeing these bottle service girls “come on” Cassius grabbed my arm, clearly I am being slow with walking. Reaching behind me to grab Mia’ arm, I can’t leave her behind. I am not set out to have sex, that is not my main goal but I guess I will have fun but I don’t do dick appointments, I mean I do. I am a liar, I do. I need to stop being like this, I mean Cassius looks so good and then there is me. He can really get any girl, I see it but here he is with me “climb up” looking ahead of me “where?” I said confused, I looked down at the step “ladies first” letting out an oh, Cassius held my hand to help me up on the step and then I felt a hand on my ass. Looking behind me, he pointed at Mia “feign” hitting her arm, I thought it was him.
Cassius has gone missing, he has been missing for an hour now which has made me drink more. He said he had to deal with something, must be trouble. Pushing myself up and sitting a top of the seating area, can get a better viewing here. Nobody has said anything to us, Wheezy is patrolling like a damn guard but I am annoyed he went, left me here “here” Mia held out the blunt to me “no” putting my hand up “just relax! Take it” she eyed me up “just a little” I guess, taking the blunt from her “give me that bottle of Spades though” she took it from me, placing the blunt between my lips. I don’t smoke, I rarely do actually. I mean it’s very rare thing to do, blowing the smoke out as I looked up “I come back and you doing this” Cassius pointed at the blunt, he has annoyed me “can I sit?” Cassius pointed out, he knows he has annoyed me. Squinting my eyes at him as I opened my legs, he can sit between them. Cassius licked his lips and shrugged as he sat down between my legs. He has a few other boys here but also more females, did he bring them. Cassius dragged my arm down and took the blunt from me and had it for himself, he rested the side of his head on my thigh.
It’s pretty packed in this section now, whatever Cassius did and came back with really made it packed “I like this song” hearing Cassius say, watching him turn around “I can put you in the log cabin, somewhere in Aspen. Girl ain't nothing to the pain ain't tricking if you got it what you asking, for. Put you in the mansion, somewhere in Atlanta!” he shouted over the music, I laughed at him singing it to me. He held his hand out to me, I have not moved from this spot. Holding onto his hand as I step down from the seating area, he spun me around and wrapped his arms around my shoulders “Lets talk about you and me” he sang in my ear, placing my hand on his arm laughing. Turning around in his arms “is that how you really feel huh? What about me and you?” Cassius tilted his head a little staring into my eyes “just like this” he said “just us against the world?” Cassius nodded his head, I grinned looking down. Cassius lips crashed into my forehead “that was supposed to be your lips, why you move!” he spat, he was late on doing that. Looking up at him smiling, I can’t smile anymore than I am because now my cheeks are hurting. He bought his head down to me as he pressed a kiss to my lips.
Cassius randomly brings his head down to me to kiss my cheek, I have been timing him while being stuck between these people. I am so hot right now, hot and tipsy. It’s not a good mix, I actually don’t care where is the toilets in this place. Catching this girl staring at Cassius, mean mugging her as I rested my head back just on Cassius bare stomach. Who is she even staring at, and she has not left Cassius at all, her eyes won’t fucking move. Moving my head forward and turning to Cassius, he is busy laughing with Josiah. Who told him to take off his top off, placing my hand over his dick a top of his jeans and rubbed his dick. That soon got Cassius attention, he leaned down “what’s up?” wrapping my arms around his neck, Cassius placed his arms on my hips and then reached down to my butt and then picking me up, wrapping my legs around his waist “you remember this?” I said against his lips, Cassius was about to kiss me but I moved my head back, I started gyrating against him. Placing my one hand just on his neck as I can hear the cheers, I stopped gyrating and wrapped my arms around his neck tighter hiding my face against his neck. Moving my head back and turning my face to the crowd, resting the side of my face against his and made eye contact with the bitch that was staring.
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canaryatlaw · 4 years
Okay, well today was exhausting and difficult but overall still good, somehow. Normal stuff, up at 8:45 for court, I was kind of miffed because I just had a short status date with only me and the judge and normally when I tell the coordinators that they’ll stick me at or towards the front of the line, but that didn’t happen today so I didn’t end up finishing until like 10, which wouldn’t have been too big of an issue except oh it’s Tuesday, which means it’s my clinic day. Joy. So I spent a while assigning cases and trying to get a handle on everything. This was of course the worst day, because I had two more court cases all in front of the same judge, at 11 and 3, so yeah, it’s a lot. I did know this in advance and considered asking to switch clinic days with my work day, but he was on the rotation this week to do Monday and then he’d have to do two days in a row, and I didn’t want him to feel like he needed to say yes because I was asking and stick him with two days in a row (which yes, I do with some frequency because we rotate mondays and I’m always up on tuesdays, but I’ve gotten used to it at this point, so it’s different). But I made it to the 11 am court date which of course involved more waiting. It was a case with one of our Spanish speaking clients, and generally when counsel and clients are waiting to go into the courtroom they’ll put them in the same breakout room, which just ends up being super awkward when I speak very little Spanish (basically what I can remember from four years of studying it in high school) so we just kind of wait there in awkward silence until we’re let in, so that’s always fun. Once we got into the courtroom it was clear there was a breakdown in communication, because someone covered my last court date for this case and the notes got lost somewhere along the way, so I’m expecting the other lawyer to have discovery requests but find out he doesn’t even have the paperwork....(which I mean he definitely could’ve asked the clerk for a copy of, but whatever) so I was like yeah I’ll send that to you and then hopefully we can figure things out there, so a fairly pointless court date, but oh well. I had a little bit of a break when I mostly worked on clinic stuff until I logged on for my motion hearing, which I was both excited and nervous about. Given everything and with them suspending hearings for so long, it’s been quite a while since I’ve actually had a contested argument, so I was looking forward to that, and of course ready to go for the jugular knowing what this asswipe has been doing to my client (who is so incredibly sweet), so I was plenty pumped up. Beginning was fine, started asking questions and was able to get the screenshots into evidence so that was a big relief. Once we finished the judge asked the dude if he wanted to cross examine the client, to which he said know which is good because I would’ve just objected every time I could (which is basically always when people don’t know the rules of evidence) until he got frustrated and gave up (it’s very effective). But he just comes with some bullshit evidence about how we can’t prove it was him and that he was getting stalked too so clearly it was this mysterious third party who knew all of their personal information that was targeting both of them....yeah that was a new one. The judge let me have a rebuttal afterwards and while I’m shredding his argument he tried to interrupt me and start talking and I was just like “I’m speaking now, don’t interrupt me” followed by the judge saying the same thing which made me happy a bit haha just getting to shut him down like that, and it happened another time too cuz this guy was just off his rocker. The judge took so long making her findings and I was nervous she was going to be like oh you should’ve sent out subpoenas to prove where they came from (social media subpoenas generally take at least 6 weeks to process), but thankfully she found my client’s testimony to be credible and extended the order for another two years, which is a big win. We did have two motions pending, the second being
called a petition for rule to show cause, and now that we’ve proved our side of things it’s now the dude’s burden to prove why he shouldn’t be held in contempt of court, so that will be fun, especially being that once the judge was clearly ruling for us the fucking guy left the zoom call like a fucking child and I had to hold back a laugh at just how ridiculous it all was. I have a follow up court date in the morning to get the new order entered and set the next court date, and we’ll see where we go from there. But yeah, I was really happy about this because it was a really big victory and I mean this poor girl’s life has been turned upside down by this asswipe and I want him to get all the potential consequences available, and we’re heading in the right direction at least. While I was in the hearing my boss who had been at the office today offered to drop off the Christmas presents two clients had sent me, which was very convenient because I was going to ask my work buddy when he’s in the office tomorrow if he could drop them off since we don’t live that far from each other, but this was just easier. So once the hearing ended and I debriefed with my client I went downstairs to pick those up, along with some office supplies she dropped off which were very helpful. There’s one big box and then two smaller presents (that were from the same people). I opened the big box first and when I was pulling it out I saw it said Steve Madden on the box and I was like whaaaaaaaaaatt??? So I pull it the rest of the way out and open it to find this super cute Steve Madden bag that definitely was expensive, so I was kind of surprised about that. The second presents, the first little box I open has a little charm in it with a card saying in memory of their son/brother whose death precipitated the events that the order came out of, and I just felt really touched that they’d think of me like that and share something so personal, it definitely meant a lot. The last one from the same people, I open to find 2 $100 gift cards, one of them for visa and the other American Express, one of them being target themed but you could spend it anywhere. So I was kind of blown away by all of these presents and just that they’d think of me like that. Both of the cases had required a good amount of night and weekend (and sometimes on vacation) work, so I definitely put a lot of effort into them, but like I said in the thank you emails I sent out, knowing I’m able to help someone out of a bad situation is absolutely the best part of my job, and that will always make me happy to help in whatever way I can. So that was a lot, but yeah. I had a good amount of work to finish and ended up working until about 7:30, after which I turned on Chicago Med. the laptop situation did not resolve overnight (as I expected) and I tried to restore it from a backup on an external hard drive but that failed so I tried the migration assistant thing again and apparently the issue was there was too much content on my old computer than space on my new one, so I went through a bunch of stuff and just deleted it until it would work, and I did get it to start working so I was very glad about that. Hopefully it’ll be done in the morning and we can go from there. Once I got that figured out I showered and started to get ready for bed, and now it’s like 1:45 am and I very much need to go to sleep, so I’ll be doing that now. Goodnight my friends. Sweet dreams.
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yeats-infection · 7 years
this is the product of my delirious week and i apologise for it. a prompt: any pairing of your choice as members of opposing sides of an ideology, political (Marxists v. Maoists) or philosophical, in a public debate that leads up to an occasion of frightening sexual tension. i hope your mlarg ends in a sudden explosion of light behind your eyes. ⭐️
buddy empire building fic) and so i did that again but tried to make it short. so here is a small thing. it might show up someplace else later. anyway -- 
When Remus came running up from the beach one of the mod boys was up on the boardwalk on his Lambretta. “Get on,” he said.
“I said get on!”
He had an army green mac with all these patches ironed on over a fitted brown suit and sleek loafers. His tie was pale-pastel perfect but there was a drop of blood on it. But most interestingly he had long hair. Remus hadn’t thought any mods had long hair, which was why, he supposed, he got on the Lambretta. That and he could hear the cops’ footfalls behind him on the stairs. The engine rumbled and under them the ground moved. He held on with one hand to the seat under him so as to avoid wrapping his arms around the driver. It was dusk and there was rain in the air not really falling but sitting.
“You have priors, don’t you?” said the mod.
“Are you deaf? I said, you have priors, don’t you? That’s why you were running from the cops.”
He stopped at a light and propped up the bike with his foot against the asphalt. There was a little mud spattered on the back of his suit pants. “Yeah, I do,” Remus said.
“So do I. That’s why I left. It’s fucking bullshit. All those cops around.”
They were around to keep you all from rioting, Remus did not say. The light changed and the mod picked up his foot and revved the little engine of the Lambretta and the bike jumped forward through the pools of streetlight. “Drugs, then,” Remus asked, over the street noise.
“Yeah — purple hearts. Stealing them from a druggist’s to be precise. You?”
“Drugs,” Remus lied. He thought wildly. “Um, marijuana.”
“Well have you got some?”
“Jesus — no. Being arrested, you know, kind of turned me off.”
“I’ve never tried it actually,” said the mod thoughtfully. “It’s really just amphetamines.”
“I’ve never had those.”
“They make your brain work too fast really I think.”
“Sounds like a nightmare.”
“Yes. It kind of is. Is anyone behind us?”
Remus looked. The streets were quiet. Down along the violet-thick shoreline police lights cut the blackening dusk. But there were no cops following. “We’re safe,” he told the driver.
“Where’s your bike?”
“I haven’t got one.”
“I thought all rockers had bikes.”
“That’s an egregious lie.”
“Well how’d you get here?”
“You can just take me to the train station.”
They stopped at another light, and pulled uphill and inland toward the center of the city. A police car passed them sirens wailing heading down toward the beach. “There won’t be any trains til the morning,” said the mod.
“I can sleep at the station.”
“How about a pub?”
“I’m not going to any fucking mod pub — ”
“It’s not that. It’s just a regular old bloody pub. We’ll get out of the rain and have a nightcap after the evening we’ve had. And then I’ll take you round the train station. Alright?”
The kid was clearly crazy. But also, he was buying, and he looked rich, inasmuch as most mods looked rich. So Remus said, “Alright.”
After three or four Holsten Pils the mod brought Remus back to his. It was a nice enough apartment in an estate on the edge of town and there were posters of the Who on the walls and it was past midnight. The mod went in the kitchen and put the radio on and found more beers in the fridge. The announcer on the BBC was saying there had been arrests in a mods versus rockers fight on the Brighton Pier signaling no doubt the moral decay of Britain’s youth.
The mod sat down on the couch beside Remus and clucked his tongue. “Cheers mate,” he said.
They had a couple more beers each whilst arguing about nothing then the mod put Miles Davis on the stereo and they danced. He had some of those purple hearts in an antique makeup case in his bedroom of which they each took one and then they kept dancing. It was so very late Remus didn’t know what time it was. There was a clock on the wall but he couldn’t be bothered to try and read it. The mod touched his hair and tried to rearrange it but it wouldn’t move for all the Brylcreem. So they went in the bathroom and rinsed it out in the shower laughing and laughing.
“You should do it like this,” the mod said. Sitting on the damp tile floor. He was very gentle, and the cuffs of his shirtsleeves were wet, and his hair was starting to curl a little in the humidity. The cold water dripped over Remus’s neck and collar and soaked into his shirt. “You really do look quite lovely.”
“You didn’t think so before?”
“Fuck off.”
Remus kissed him. They kissed there on the floor for a while and then they went to the mod’s bedroom which was decorated with even more posters of the Who and a Union Jack and one of those stupid blue and red and white targets. He looked around at it all with a kind of disgusted drunken intrigue and he understood what the mod had meant when he’d said the amphetamines just made your brain work faster for better or worse ie. for worse. Then the mod came up behind him and wrapped his arms around Remus’s belly and put his face in his neck and swayed a little to the tune of the Miles Davis record on the stereo.
“The truth is actually I was arrested for this before,” said Remus.
“What, for — ”
“Yeah for just kissing someone outside a club.”
“Well there’s no cops here. They’re all on the beach.”
“Yeah. I guess they all are on the beach.”
They kissed and put the lights out and got in the bed. The comforter was worn so soft Remus understood the mod had probably had it since he was a child. The streetlight outside was flickering and wan through the rain and the lacy pawn-shop curtains. Their skin was like fabric and undifferent. He hadn’t really ever done it like this before with all the touching and the skin, kissing, Vaseline, hand at his throat, dawn in the window, so elastic at the end of it, shattered, shattering, holding this other body close, feeling, feeling —
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panickypansexual · 7 years
ok so I had to do this again because I fucked up the numbers but here we go!
Special thanks to @spastikchildren for tagging me; you’re the real MVP
1.     Drink: Water.  Actually, that’s the only thing I’ve drunk all day…huh…
2.     Phone call: I dunno! I haven’t called anyone in 2017 at all (because I hate phone calls).
3.     Text message: An in depth analysis of a microwave meal. I shit you not.
4.     Song you listened to: I don’t know what it’s called, but it’s that really intense party music going on in the background of the video clip ‘fly vs electric screwdriver’. Yeah, the meme-y one.
5.     Time you cried: Probably recently? Oh yeah, a few nights ago. I was laughing too hard at a shitpost lol
6.     Dated someone twice: God no! I’d rather dieeeeeee (but not really)
7.     Kissed someone and regretted it: Yes, but that’s only because I thought playing the Pocky game with a crumbly wafer was an intelligent decision. Hint hint: it was not.
8.     Been cheated on: No, fortunately not.
9.     Lost someone special: Not anyone super close to me, but yes.
10.  Been depressed: I. Have. Depression. You. Pleb.
11.  Gotten drunk and thrown up: No, I can’t drink. Actually, I could. I just refuse to.
FAVORITE COLORS (this is actually really hard since I love a lot of colors!)
12.  Purple (my all-time favorite)
13.  Electric Lime Green
14.  Black
15.  Made new friends: No, but I’ve gotten a lot closer to some people.
16.  Fallen out of love: No.
17.  Laughed until you cried: See #5
18.  Found out someone was talking about you: Yes, but it was actually just my mutuals spreading the love, so that was pretty cool.
19.  Met someone who changed you: Not in the last year, no.
20.  Found out who your friends are: No, but I’ve figured out who I don’t want to stay in contact with after I get out of school.
21.  Kissed someone on your Facebook list: No, neither my ex nor my girlfriend have a Facebook (as far as I know).
  GENERAL (ooh, nice module!):
22.  How many Facebook friends do you know in real life: Most of them, aside from my fake accounts….yeah, I had like 50+ lol
23.  Do you have any pets: Yes! I have three lovely cats and a clown loach.
24.  Do you want to change your name: Not particularly; no.
25.  What did you do for your last birthday: I didn’t do anything ;_; They said the place I wanted to go wouldn’t be good for a party, and then my friend just took our ‘squad’ there and we had fun. So, it felt like a birthday. I might have a real one in the summer to make up for it, but that seems a little….selfish.
26.  What time did you wake up: At like 5 AM because I had to pee
27.  What were you doing at midnight last night: trying to fall asleep.
28.  Name something you can’t wait for: Getting out of this shitty education system! That means: having a full-fledged job (which I’m trying to start now), hopefully living with my sweetheart one day and not being surrounded by assholes.
29.  One thing you wish you could change about your life: Less acne!
30.  What are you listening to right now: My fish tank’s usual bubbly noises and my overhead AC
31.  Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Heck yeah I have! His name’s Tom McCall! But not the governor. Just an eggplant I raised….(along with Bob Straub, because Oregon history ftw).
32.  Something that is getting on your nerves: me myself and I
33.  Most visited website: Probably this one. Youtube would be #2. Or Google, if you could count that. I have a lot of questions. Speaking of that, Wikipedia would be like #3.
34.  Moles: Like 5, but I’m going to grow a lot more as I get older. It’s in my genes.
35.  Marks: I have one scar on my foot (at least, I think it’s going to be a scar) from a mysterious injury involving my chair and a lot of blood. I also have a small scar near my collarbone the size of an icepick, which I’ve had since I was born (I think).
 36.  Childhood dream: Staying alive. In other words, not killing myself! And guess what? I achieved it!
37.  Hair color: Brunette; chocolate brown with caramel colored highlights if you want to get more specific. It’s my natural hair color (including the highlights).
38.  Long or short hair: Everyone loves my hair short, but I fucking hate it. I prefer long hair.
39.  Do you have a crush on someone: Er, does my girlfriend count?
40.  What do you like about yourself: *nervous laughter*….nothing? I guess my eyes are pretty nice.
41.  Piercings: None.
42.  Blood type: Both of my parents are Os, so even though I’ve never been tested (hella scared about that), I’m probably an O.
43.  Nickname: Aside from Panic/Loli, none. Those are just my online tags.
44.  Relationship status: Happily dating a cute girl. It’s unfortunately a long distance relationship for the summer, though…I miss her cuddles.
45.  Zodiac: Aquarius/Capricorn cusp, but I’m much more of an Aquarius (so I just typically go by that)
46.  Pronouns: y’all/yaint. Just kidding, she/her. I’d set the whole ‘y’all/yaint’ thing as my blog title, but I feel like someone would think I was making fun of pronouns so I won’t.
47.  Favorite TV Show: I rarely watch TV honestly, but probably Billy the Exterminator. Reminds me a bit of @spastikchildren, actually. He’s a rocker-type dude who goes around rescuing animals.
48.  Tattoos: None.
49.  Right or left hand: Assuming you mean my dominant hand, right.
50.  Surgery: None yet. I’m terrified of having to get my wisdom teeth out. I’ve never been knocked out before….
51.  Hair dyed in a different color: Not right now, but when I start going gray I’ll just become ‘anime grandma’ and dye my hair crazy colors.
52.  Sport: MARCHING BAND, which is a sport. If you think it is not, I suggest you come watch me perform after putting hundreds of hours into it (all while my arms are practically falling off).
53.  Vacation: I’d rather not. Traveling is stressful for me.
54.  Pair of trainers: I have this really sick ass pair of electric colored New Balance shoes that I’m currently breaking in.
55.  Eating: Seahorses. Just kidding, they’re actually giant pieces of barbequed chicken that look like giant seahorses, so that’s why I call them that.
56.  Drinking: Water, because these seahorses are (pleasantly) spicy.
57.  I’m about to: I dunno. Maybe I’ll play some Don’t Starve. I just watched someone play it and picked up some new techniques that might make it easier for me to play.
58.  Waiting for: Nothing in particular, really. I guess for me to finish eating and finish this thingy.
59.  Want: To feel like I’m useful and wanted, to have a good career in freelance writing, to take a warm shower because I’m cold, and to ask my girlfriend to spoil me….because I want more hugs.
 RELATIONSHIPS (not a category, but I added it so)
60.  Get married: Sure, I’d like to get married. But I don’t wanna have kids (maybe I’ll adopt some older ones so I don’t have to deal with screaming shit demons).
61.  Career: I’m really hoping I can begin freelance writing, because I really don’t fucking want to go to college (and no, it doesn’t require a degree, I’ve done research on it).  I’m trying to start now.
62.  Hugs or kisses: Hugs. I have no fucking clue how to kiss people.
63.  Lips or eyes: Eyes ftw, though my lips are a delightful cherry pink without any lipstick so I do like that about me.
64.  Shorter or taller: I often like taller people, but I really am sort of indifferent.
65.  Older or younger: I like to date people the same age (or close) as me. Otherwise, I don’t really care.
66.  Nice arms or nice stomach: Uh, I don’t care either way.
67.  Sensitive or loud: I’m sensitive all right. But I’m okay with loud noises; I sit behind percussionists after all.
68.  Hook up or relationship: Relationship. I need attention and cuddles.
69.  Troublemaker or hesitant: HESITANT.
70.  Kissed a stranger: uh no
71.  Drank hard liquor: No, I don’t drink.
72.  Lost glasses/contacts: No. I very rarely wear my glasses anyway, so it’s a moot point.
73.  Turned someone down: No, I’m not cute enough for people to have a crush on me. Except for online creepers (which I always turn down).
74.  Sex on the first date: No thanks.
75.  Broken someone’s heart: No, I get my heart broken most all of the time. I hardly do the breaking.
76.  Had your heart broken: YES. And not just in relationships.
77.  Been arrested: No, but I think the police have a record for me (I wasn’t guilty of anything, though).
78.  Cried when someone died: Yeah, I am a short fuse when it comes to crying.
79.  Fallen for a friend: Yes.
80.  Yourself: Fuck no. I don’t even know if I’m real. I honestly hope I’m not….
81.  Miracles: I guess. It’s a miracle I’m still alive, I think.
82.  Love at first sight: Yes, but that’s not real love.
83.  Santa Claus: Yes, he’s my homie.
84.  Kiss on the first date: Depends.
85.  Angels: I think it’s possible they exist, but I’m not sure.
86.  Current best friend’s names: Probably Cairo and Ana.
87.  Eye color: Bluish green with a splash of hazel, but for all intents and purposes, just green.
88.  Favorite Movie: Anything really shitty.
 I tag: Whoever’s reading this! (and hasn’t already done it)
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lufancy · 8 years
Regret - Rocker!AU
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Summary: Regret is a nasty thing, and Chanyeol is full of it. Genre: Pure angst
“Hey.. it’s me.. Chanyeol,” he spoke softly through the phone, but you could hear how his deep voice was shaking, “I.. uh I know it’s been a while but.. I called because I wondered if you would like to come to see me band play this Saturday at Arko’s.”
He had his fingers crossed.
You hesitated for a moment. Was he serious now? After everything that happened between you two, he wants to meet up now? “I.. uh.. I don’t know..”
He took a deep breath before he spoke, “I know we haven’t talked in a long time but I just.. - I know it’s stupid - but I hoped we could.. you know..”
There was this awkward silence dominating the conversation, neither really knew what to say. Thank god it’s just a phone call, it would have been much worse if this conversation was face-to-face. “I’d have to ask my boyfriend first..”
There it was. 
His heart just dropped to his stomach upon hearing you had found a new lover. He never expected to hear this but now feeling the reality of it all made him dizzy. Curses roamed around in his head.
Stupid dumbass, how could you be so goddamn stupid?
Suddenly it felt like you were miles away.. out of reach. It hurt, he could feel his eyes sting and teardrops forming.
You are such a fuck up Park Chanyeol, are you happy now?
“Chanyeol?” You called his name, wondering if he was still there.
“Ah, yeah. Please ask him..” the shakiness in his voice made him feel so worthless, “I’ll talk to you some time, bye.” He hung up before you could say goodbye.
He let himself fall on his bed, released his phone and closed his eyes to let the tears fall from the side of his face. He opened them and stared at the ceiling, taking deep breaths to calm himself down.
There are no words to describe how sorry he is, or how much he regrets what happened between the two of you.
If he had just paid a little more attention to you, if he told you ‘I love you’ just a few more time and if he had the chance to study your face once more.. then he would have maybe been able to live with himself.
Memories bring him back to the fights, the empty shot glasses on the bar, all of the girls that were nothing like you. This band life had consumed him and taken him on a trip he regretted joining, especially when it had costed him the person who always stood by his side: you.
Long nights sitting on your bed strumming his guitar became long nights with his band on stage, kissing you slowly and lovingly became rough make out sessions with chicks he didn’t even know and trying to come home asap to see you waiting for him, became friends dragging him home at 3 in the morning. And you sat through it all.
How much of an asshole did you even think he was when he told you his career came above you, and that you are not a priority.
The look on your face was just so painful to watch. At the time he still thought he was the cool and amazing guitarist who could get a better girlfriend by just breathing, but he didn’t know that finding someone better than you was pretty much impossible.
If he had only known better..
The day he broke up with you still eats him up.
“I called to tell you something,” he remembered when he clicked on your number and called you. He should have stopped right before he did that because he never should have made that call.
At the time it sounded so logical to him. He wanted to focus on playing in a band and a girlfriend would only distract him from doing so. You would drag him down because there was just no space for you. He needed all the time he had to rehearse.
“What’s up? Something wrong?”
Yes, there was definitely something wrong. Everything he was thinking was just so stupid, and if he would have known how much he would regret it, he would have never done it.
“I’m just going to lay it down because I have been thinking about it a lot and I want to do this clean,” he said it so nonchalant as if his next words were so logical and now he resents himself for ever doing so, “I’m going to continue my passion and that’s going to cost a lot of time. So, there won’t be much time for you and when I am with you I’ll be thinking about music, about playing the guitar. So you’ll get mad, and demand time from me. Then I’ll have to play the guitar less to spend time with you but I can’t do that. Which leads to us hating each other because I can’t even believe you would ask me that. I just think we should break it off clean to avoid all this.”
Whenever those words come back to him he just wants to punch himself. How could he have ever said something so idiotic? He thought he was being smart, that great musicians would have to do this in order to have that title.
“So you’re saying..” He could hear your shaky voice, surprised by all of this.
“I’m breaking up with you.”
You feel like someone just knocked the wind out if you. Did he really just say that? He remembers the tears, the holding back, the nervous hands and breaking sweat. “Wow Park Chanyeol,” the worst thing that he can remember is the shaky voice.. “you can be such an ass, you know that?” Soon you picked up your stuff and left him all alone.
He does now.
A/N: Trying to clean up my notes, and I got like 80 writings there so I decided to finish some and post them. If you are wondering about Angel.. I have started writing the last chapter! Should be done next week!
Inspired by Whiplash btw
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artificialqueens · 8 years
Just Tonight #3 (Shalaska) - BABE
A/N: I had a lot of fun writing this chapter, enjoy!! Feel free to send me some feedback xoxo
It was all a blur to Alaska how she got to this point. It was as if she blinked and she was no longer in the car with Sharon but in a closet studio apartment, shoved up against the front door. Sharon’s hands eagerly grabbed her breasts while their mouths hungrily kissed, as if the world was ended around them.
“Hold on a minute,” Alaska murmured, pushing the blonde off of her. Both were confused, but for vastly different reasons. She wandered over to the couch, instinctively crossing her legs as she sat. “You think you can fuck me so good at the party, leave and then suddenly kiss me like that without any explanation?” Her tone was sharper than she expected it to be, but she felt like she was stuck on a carousel of emotions.
Firstly taken aback by Alaska’s outburst, Sharon relaxed back into her “rock and roll” persona, flipping her hair with not a care in the world. “Babe, I don’t do numbers, or second times, or any of that bullshit.” Alaska scoffed, her eyes narrowing.
“Then what am I doing here?”
Sharon didn’t have an answer for that. Instead, she looked down at the blonde dumbly. The other girl chuckled, knowing that she had won.
“Kinda guessed that you were into the whole ‘one girl a night thing’, considering that redhead you were flirting with at the bar.” With a sigh, Sharon crossed the room, sitting down on the couch next to Alaska. She reached for her hand, Alaska pulling it away instinctively. Why Alaska was so mad, Sharon didn’t know. They were strangers, after all.
“Who, Jinkx?” Sharon laughed, causing the other girl to grow more infuriated. “She’s my bandmate!” Alaska started feeling stupid after that, hating the fact that the tables had turned. Sharon then placed her hand on the blonde’s knee, moving it up ever so slightly.
“Now that we’ve settled that, can we fuck now?” she whined, her hand sliding under Alaska’s skirt. Alaska gasped at the sensation, her eyes connecting with Sharon’s. The rocker’s hand kept travelling upwards, smirking at the gain of control.
“I’m taking that as a yes.”
With that, Sharon kissed Alaska, but this time, it was different. It wasn’t rushed or eager, it was slow and passionate; something both considered a foreign concept. They lived on a feast of one night stands, of drunken hook-ups and Netflix and chill, quick and without feelings. Alaska didn’t understand why Sharon was different.
Sharon nudged Alaska, pushing her back onto the couch. One hand of her hands was still bunched up in Alaska’s panties, the other in the small of her waist. The kiss built up, becoming more and more heated as Sharon started to put her hand in Alaska’s underwear to good use, slipping the fabric down past her knees. The kiss was over and Alaska, dazed and in her own little world, opened her eyes to find Sharon kissing her thighs. Her kisses moved up further, Alaska throwing her head back as the other girl’s tongue ate her out. Whenever she had a coherent thought (something that Sharon was making it hard for her to do, her tongue was a national treasure), the blonde came up with an amazing idea.
“Take your pants off,” she said between moans. “I wanna taste you too.” Sharon looked up, her eyes dark with desire. Eagerly, her skinny jeans were discarded on the floor and she was riding Alaska’s tongue.
Both girls came within five minutes. Sharon’s couch was never the same.
A half hour later, Sharon sat on her apartment balcony, the full moon bathing the area in dim light. The Pittsburgh lights were definitely something, and, as she smoked her cigarette, she thought that nothing could be as nice as this. After Alaska and Sharon had had proper sex  (she considers it ‘proper’ since it wasn’t in a warehouse bathroom this time), the two of them could barely keep their hands off of each other, especially in the shower. Sharon smirked at the memory; Alaska decided for a ‘round two’, which was basically just the younger girl giving her head in the shower. It was a beautiful sight. Sharon had announced that she was heading out for a smoke and Alaska, looking at the time, thought it was fair to call her friend (Adore, which Sharon vaguely remembered as the one with the dreads at the party) to say she wasn’t getting home tonight. The older girl had thrown her a Ramones t-shirt that had been left on the floor and now, here she was, reminiscing about the events of the night.
Sharon would be lying if she wasn’t confused. Firstly, she was toying with the idea that there might be something more between them, but the decision was too rash to make considering they barely knew each other. Aside from her name (Alaska Thunder, perfect name for a rockstar), Sharon knew nothing about the blonde, but, for the first time in a while, she was wanting to get to know a one night stand. Her mind instantly raced to the cons in this situation. Alaska seemed (word choice was key here, as Sharon was only basing it off their brief conversation) to have some sort of jealousy thing going on. Would she get mad for simply flirting with her female friends. Sharon found herself flirting with Jinkx all the time and, despite being with Ivy for two years, Jinkx always flirted back. What else would she get mad at? What would Sharon get mad at her for doing? She rmemebered herself getting jealous at Alaska and the guy at the concert. She’d maintained such good control but she wanted to punch the guy in the face. Would possessiveness fuck things up?
The older girl was so wound up in her thoughts that she didn’t even hear the screen door slide open. In fact, she was only alerted by Alaska’s appearance by an arm around her waist and her head on her shoulder. “Hey there,” she said tiredly, Sharon admiring how good her fucking t-shirt looked draping over Alaska. It wasn’t fair that Alaska was still turning Sharon on, despite all the action she’d already gotten today. Alaska’s eyes drifted over to the lights, Sharon’s eyes instead gazing at the other girl. Her face looked so delicate in the moonlight and Sharon couldn’t help but place a light kiss on her forehead.
“It’s beautiful,” Alaska mused, Sharon chuckling at the statement.
“You’re beautiful.”
Alaska’s eyes looked up to meet Sharon’s, her mouth breaking into a small smile. Usually, she hated it when people got mushy with her, but she really didn’t mind it coming from Sharon. Their lips met briefly, both of them grinning as their eyes returned to looking at the stars.
After a long while, Alaska started to speak. “Why music?”
“Hm?” Sharon lazily replied, wrapping her arm around Alaska and pulling her closer.
“Why did you pick music?”
“It was a no brainer for me,” Sharon replied honestly. “I’d been playing guitar since I was young, and I loved to sing. Nobody really understood how much music meant to me until I found Jinkx. We met in freshman year of high school and we combined our forces to start playing stuff. When we came here, we took it seriously, getting a couple girls together to form Anarchy Rose. Four years later and instead of just doing covers, we play our own stuff. Jinkx writes a lot of it but I’ve done some stuff, as you probably guessed.” She smirked, knowing that Alaska knew that she was talking about the song that brought them together. Alaska smiled sleepily against Sharon’s shoulder, lazily planting kisses on the bare skin of her neck.
“That’s so rad, I’m just jealous that you know what you wanna do.”
“And you don’t?” Sharon questioned, raising an eyebrow.
“It’s not that I don’t know,” Alaska started, her voice quiet and vulnerable. “I just don’t wanna fuck anything up. I’m a junior with an undeclared major but I’m scared to pick something just in case I suck at it.” Sharon’s free hand lifted, the girl’s chin up so that they were eye to eye.
“No matter what you do, you’ll be amazing,” she soothed, planting a soft kiss on Alaska’s lips. The blonde kissed back gently, breaking it with a smile.
“Thanks for that, Sharon,” she replied quietly. Her eyes went back to looking at the stars as the two girls let the silence wash over them. It felt like the two had known each other for years, something that usually scared Alaska but she embraced it with open arms. The feeling was like jumping into a pool. There’s fear that you might not get out or you might be pulled under but once you embraced the fear, it’s warm and relaxing and amazing.
“You too,” Alaska’s voice piped up, the other girl looking at her in confusion.
“What do you mean?”
“You’re beautiful too.”
Sharon wasn’t toying with the idea anymore, she was on board.
They stayed liked that until the sun rose, going back and forth, asking each other questions about their lives. By the end of it, Sharon knew all about the petty fights that Alaska got into with her brother Cory while Alaska could tell the story about Sharon’s first Halloween (which inspired an intense love for the holiday) word for word. At one point, Alaska drifted into a short sleep while Sharon simply held her, not being able to look away from the adorableness of the girl’s sleeping form. When Alaska awoke, Sharon’s eyes were on her, a grin on her face.
“Why were you watching me sleep?” Alaska asked, still half asleep as her face scrunched up into a yawn.
“I couldn’t help it,”  Sharon mused in reply. “I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful and yet so unaware of it.”
Sharon’s statement made Alaska giggle for a moment before she pulled a face.
“Did you really try and charm me using The 1975?” she asked in surprise.
“Did it work?” Sharon countered.
All that Sharon could do was laugh as she pulled the blonde close. When the sun rose, Sharon, who was barely still awake, scooped Alaska into her arms and carried her inside. Shutting the door behind them, Sharon carried her over to the bedroom and laid her down on her bed, lying down beside her. Instantly, Alaska (while still asleep) reached for Sharon and wrapped herself around her, the older blonde smiling at how adorable it was. She fought the battle of falling asleep for a long time until she could no longer do so, falling asleep with the blonde in her arms.
Sharon awoke to noises in the kitchen. Her bed was sadly bare and she panicked, thinking that the blonde had left her in the middle of the night. A small voice singing in the kitchen changed that theory as she walked towards the familiar room, a grin on her face as she saw the picture in front of her.
Alaska was standing in front of the stove, doing what appeared to be flipping pancakes. Two cups of coffee sat on the benchtop, while a stack soaked in syrup sat beside it. The blonde was singing Paramore songs as she cooked, turning around and grinning at the other girl.
“Good morning, sleepyhead,” she chirped, gesturing to the pancakes she had cooked. “Eat up, there’s more where that came from.
Sharon walked towards the stove first, kissing the girl’s cheek as she sat down in front of the stack of pancakes. Popping a bite in her mouth, she marvelled at how delicious they tasted, although not as delicious as Alaska’s mouth.
She could get used to mornings like this.
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newagesispage · 5 years
                                                          AUGUST     2019
They say that iguanas in Florida are out of control. They burrow under roads and savage electrical boxes. They sometimes carry salmonella and there are so many of them. But all in all they are so damn cute that you just wanna forgive them. The locals have reportedly taken to offing them.
Peoria native Betty Friedan now has a bench in her honor in the Illinois town.  The bench looks out to her childhood home with the words, ‘Peoria native who changed the world.’
Zac Efron, Haley Joel Osment, John Malkovitch and Kaya Delario are awesome in Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile.
Sometimes I am late to the party but just saw The Most Hated Woman in America with Melissa Leo and Peter Fonda. We should have heard more about those great performances!
Ringo joined pal Paul at Dodger Stadium for a swing at Sgt. Pepper and Helter Skelter in the July 13 encore. Joe Walsh also stepped in a bit for the 3 hour show.
CBS research analyst, David Poltrack has retired after 50 years. The professor at NYU and Steinhardt fought hard against the odds to bring us Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman which was an instant hit.
Joe Crane, who was fired from Springfield’s WICS after criticizing the owners scare tactics has reached an” agreement “ with the station.
The Yang Gang is growing. Andrew Yang is still in the running for President. Buy a MATH hat and support the Freedom dividend. Alaska already gets it and the program was introduced by a republican governor. It is great when we can work together.
Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris are up about 10 points and Biden has dropped about 10.**  Beto has rebooted again? This is getting a bit old. He seems to have worked himself into a frenzy this time as he jumps out onto the stage very excited. He is trying too hard but he should talk more about being a punk rocker in his youth, now that is interesting. As of this writing he is below Marianne Williamson. Ya know she makes a lot of sense, I think it is just the way she says it that comes off a little odd.**Tulsi Gabbard is suing Google after her campaign went offline after the debates.**
The second debates came and went. Marianne Williamson gets more shit than she deserves. Pundits who often say ridiculous things love to belittle her. Pay attention, there are some inspiring thoughts in there. If the world continues to get stay angry and things get more violent, we may welcome a theme of love!  Bernie was on fire and he and Warren came off with the best sound bites until night 2. Andrew Yang had his say which is becoming more confident. Inslee got no press from this debate. Tim Ryan caught Hell for not putting his hand over his heart like the rest of the crowd. He seems so sour anyway.. just go!!  Nothing seems to be really resonating when it comes to Beto ,Bennett, Delaney,  Klobuchar or Gillibrand, I think their time is up. Gillibrand did say she would Clorox the oval office which was cute. Biden did seem a bit out of it when self-advertising but I see that as a good thing but he needs to stop with the ‘malarkey line. . Harris and Biden clashed. Booker said “shithole” and they didn’t bleep it and he used the phrase ‘marijuana justice’. Gabbard took Williamson’s ‘sick care’ thing and Harris took Yang’s math thing so they are all somewhat on the same page.
Animal Kingdom has been renewed for season 5.
T-Mobile has taken over Sprint.
Comedians in cars getting coffee was good this season. Seinfeld toured Big Lots and had some Arby’s and Twinkies to act like a regular guy.  Jerry and a guest were bleeped when talking about a comic that Jerry seems to despise. Most agree that is was Bobcat Goldthwaite.  There was some joking about other shows that could be interesting like Cougars in cars getting cosmos. I’m in.
Thank you Stranger Things for another great season, well for the most part anyway.
Speaking of comedians that seem adverse, David Spade seemed a bit put out at Conan for some reason when he was on Howard Stern.** Spade also has a new show, Lights Out which will be comics talking about events that are not political.
Days Alert: Please, Please put Xander and Sarah together. The chemistry is palpable.** Please bring back Paul and give him a nice boy to love so that Will and Sonny are not the only game in town. Perhaps Joey could get out of prison and realize he is gay.** The Nicole and other mask and Susan showing up.. oh my..WTF??** Thaao is back!!
It has been reported that 2.5 mil was diverted from the National park funds to pay for Trump’s July 4th extravaganza.** Mayor Bowser has asked the Federal Government to reimburse D.C. millions. The celebration drained the city of their security anti- terror fund.** Folks were not allowed to bring umbrellas for the rain soaked event. The President was in a box. Most of the big draws were cordoned off for the big donors. ** But really media, many say it but can we please quit going on and on about every little thing that Scary Clown does and run this country? How long should we let him keep kids in cages and fill the courts with his judges and lie about, well ..everything?** Rudy does his Trump lawyering for free.** The Supreme Court has decided to let Trump build his wall with 2.5 billion of the pentagon budget while litigation goes on in the lower courts. Just think what that money could do for our vets.
Los Espookys is a fabulous new show!!
Why does the world seem to be full of people with no self -esteem, no inkling to do the simplest research and would rather shoot first, ask questions later? Why are so many fine with letting the dictators take over the world?** TRUMP IS OVER  if you want it –Mia Farrow by way of John and Yoko** I am sure even Scary Clown is surprised that he is still in charge what with all the law breaking and the ‘jumping on the plane excuses.’ When will there be accountability?** As Wanda Sykes says:  Most Presidents really age fast in the WH. Trump does not seem to but we have.
The whole Mueller thing did not seem to help. Bobby 3 sticks seems to be a slow and steady guy who buckled down, did his work and it should have been a done deal.  Some say he was putting on a show, some found him confused and some called him a doddering fool in the hearings.  He wasn’t being dramatic, he stuck to the truth and the rule of law. He tried for a year to get Trump to talk to them. People should have read the report, it should not have taken a spectacle to put it out there. I feel a little icky about a country that won’t read such an important document. The Dems say they wanted it all out there on the line so the American people who have the facts and they could move forward. Ok..whatever that means.  The Office of Legal Council say they can’t indict a sitting President but isn’t that just an added on memo? They can indict a President after he leaves office. There were so many speaches. There was Republican showboating that would not even let him talk. Texan Louie Gomhert was an exceptional loon who does not seem to give a damn about this country.  The shuffling of Mueller’s papers was maddening. Both sides had opinions, both sides put him down and both sides praised him. How can the parties come together if we can’t come together within the parties? There was a lot of “yes” and “no” and there is so much still under investigation that could be talked about.** We do know that Russia interfered, made contact with the campaign who welcomed it and then they lied to cover it up. If the men who lied have been charged and convicted then so should the President. ** less people watched than watched the Comey stuff and the Blasey Ford testimony but that is nt surprising. People who give a shit have read the report and know the answers, the haters only seem to listen to the President and others work or simply don’t care.** John Ratcliffe has been nominated for director of National intelligence.
Kushner’s family real estate company has more than 170 code violations in Baltimore.
Luke Perry’s son Jack is making a name for himself in wrestling as Jungle Boy.
If you want to try a pre mixed old fashioned try Aisha Tyler’s own blend at Courage and Stone.com.
The Intelligence Committee investigation concludes that Russia penetrated all 50 states election systems.** Scary Clown is giving 40 billion in foreign aid to wealthy investors overseas.** Why is Moscow Mitch giving so much support to Russia? He sees that we are at risk and he won’t protect us. It seems that Oleg Peripaska is going to build an aluminum plant in Kentucky.** In God we trust is a must now in Kentucky schools.** By the end of July, the Intel committee has asked to review secret grand jury materials. The impeachment investigation has begun.
There has never been a democrat running the FBI in its 100 year history.
The teen summit that Trump presided over was fucked with. Someone put up a fake presidential seal behind him that showed a Russian eagle symbol with golf clubs and cash that read 45 is a hoodlum in Spanish. Tee he he
The DOJ will not prosecute Barr and Ross for contempt of congress.
Boris Johnson will be the British Prime Minister for now. What the fuck is becoming of all of us?
Justin Amash has left the Republican Party.
Puerto Rico’s pig of a governor, Ricardo Rossello has finally resigned.
NY Governor Cuomo has signed a bill allowing congress to get Trump’s state tax returns.
My new favorite animal is the pocket shark. It is very small and glows in the dark. OOOEEE!!
Avengers if now the highest grossing film of all time.
Mad Magazine is essentially over. They will still release previous work and have year  end special editions by mail and at comic book shops. I know so many people that Mad influenced, it’s a sad day.
A 16 year old girl was raped by a 16 year old boy who filmed it and texted, ‘when your first time having sex was rape.’ The judge claimed it wasn’t rape and that the prosecutors should have explained to the girl and her family that the charges could destroy the boy’s life.
Vogue magazine left out Marianne Williamson when they ran their story on women running for President. They claim it was only about elected officials but that seems a bit like BS.
“Trump is the greatest President since Lincoln.” –Jon Voight** The average Trump WH staffer earns $99,000.** Let’s not forget that Scary Clown has lost more cabinet secretaries to corruption and ethics concern in his first term than any President in U.S. history.** I seem to remember that before he was our leader, he bitched more than anyone I can remember so why didn’t he leave per his own instructions to the Squad?? His family came from Germany which I seem to remember they denied for some time. ** The house has voted to condemn Trump for his racist comments.** “You might be a racist if”.. sounds like a new take on the Foxworthy routine that isn’t at all funny.  A few days after I wrote this, Whoopi Goldberg mentioned the phrase herself. I guess we are all thinking it.** He is now attacking Cummings and Sharpton. Sometimes I think that he is just serving all this up on a silver platter because he wants out so badly. Perhaps he is just showing us how stupid we really are. ** “Trump tower is a crime infested urban hell hole.” –Greg Sargent** “Wear your racist like a badge of honor.” –Steve Bannon
Now there are recordings of Nixon and Reagan talking some racist shit. Reagan called African delegates, “Monkeys “  that don’t wear shoes. If memory serves me he started his Presidential campaign at a racist college so not that surprising.
People have started unfollowing Scary Clown on twitter. I’ve said it before.. ignore him and he’ll go away. Don’t ignore the money he is moving around and the way he is fucking up our democracy but ignore all the day to day bullshit cuz he thrives on it.** Some ancestor digging has apparently revealed that his family fortune began in Canada with a brothel.** Dan Coats is out.
“Our horror only makes him stronger.” – Colbert** His LONG intros to his ‘Meanwhile’ segment are a bit ridic.** Chris Wallace and Colbert kind of got into it on his show, even the hosts are at each others throats. Colbert made fun of Mueller in the monologue but when Wallace said similar things in a serious matter, Stephen got his back up
3 From Hell looks terrifying.
The debt has grown from 19 trillion (the start of the Trump presidency) to 22 trillion in the here and now.** For only the second time in history, the house voted to hold William Barr and Wilbur Ross in contempt of congress.
Biden says he’ll do push -ups to prove his stamina and Bernie has challenged Trump to a race. C’mon old white guys, quit the pissing contest let’s move forward or get out of the way.
Pottery Barn is going to do a line of ‘Friends’ inspired furniture??**The Coffee Bean and Tea Leave co. will have Friends inspired drinks.
Hooray for Danielle Reno who did her own detective work and stole her car back from the carnappers.
How will I wait for the last season of Criminal minds?? They have really decided to keep us on tender hooks until 2020??
The Emmy noms have been announced: Hooray for best comedy noms Barry, Veep, The Good Place, Russian Doll and (woo Hoo) Schitt’s Creek. For drama there is Better Call Saul, Killing Eve. Ozark, Pose and Succession. I’m thrilled for Jodie Comer, Sandra Oh, Viola Davis, Julia- Louis Dreyfus, Natasha Lyonne, Catherine O’Hara, Don Cheadle, Michael Douglas, Bill Hader and Eugene Levy. Some categories are so hard to route for because there so many talented people. Limited series has given us Hugh Grant, Niecy Nash and Patricia Arquette in lead and supporting. Other supporting and guest noms are Fiona Shaw, Jonathon Banks,  Peter Dinklage, Giancarlo Esposito, Anna Chlumsky, Tony Hale, Sarah Goldberg , Tony Shalhoub, Henry Winkler, Ben Whishaw, Laverne Cox, Jessica Lange, Pater Macnicol, Stephen Root , Rufus Sewell and Michael McKean. SNL has many nominations with Adam Sandler, Emma Thompson, Sandra Oh, Robert DeNiro, Kate McKinnon and John Mulaney. Variety shows include The Daily Show, Full Frontal, Jimmy Kimmell Live, Last Week Tonight. The late Late show and The Late Show.  Structured reality is a good category with Drunk History, At Home with Amy Sedaris, Who Do You Think You Are?, Documentary Now and I Love You America. Informational will pit Comedians in Cars against My Next guest needs no introduction.  Game of Thrones gets the most noms with 32.
Good for Disney for their spotlight on real lions for their release of The Lion King. In the 25 years since the animated version, the lion population has dwindled by HALF.
Storming Area 51? What? Civilians are not allowed to storm ANY military base. ** Budweiser is offering free Bud Light to any alien that makes it out.
ICE is also picking up some American born Latinos. 18 year old Francisco Galicia was released after 3 weeks and while in custody he lost 26 lbs.
Judy, the biopic of Judy Garland with Renee Zellweger, Finn Whitrock and Rufus Sewell looks promising!!
A skull found in Europe shows us that homo sapiens were there 20,000 years ago.
The top money makers in today’s thriving for profit prison industry are: Henry Cuellar, Marsha Blackburn, Charlie Crist, Marco Rubio, Lamar Alexander and Mitch McConnell.  The Government pays them $250 a day to house the caged kids!
Go Coco Gauff!
Rand Paul tried to stop the 9-11 victims bill it went thru.** The GOP blocked election security and cyber security bills as the Mueller hearing played out.
The 25 WEEK mug was on Seth’s desk again on the July 18 show.** Seth wonders why reporters are still asking Trump questions? It gets us nowhere. The Michael Moore appearance began the new phrase, ‘Orange Crush’ as a call to arms to beat Trump.
In sexual predator news: The Jeff Epstein case is really heating up. It seems his fortune is sort of a mystery. He seems to have come by most it from Victoria’s Secret and Bath and Body works owner  Les Wexner. ** The department of Justice has now shaved down the definition of domestic violence. It was sort of an all encompassing definition which included: patterns of deliberate behavior, dynamics of power and control, physical, sexual, emotional, economic and psychological abuse. But now they have trimmed that to be simply felony or misdemeanor crimes.** Epstein was found in his cell unconscious with neck injuries. Suicide?** New reports are saying that Epstein spoke to scientists about his plan to impregnate women in at a New Mexico ranch.
Morton, Il. will ban the sale of legal marijuana when the state starts legal sales in January 2020.
Dem presidential wanna be news: Swalwell is out. Tom Steyer is in.
In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. – Martin Luther King
Look for the impossible burger coming to Burger King next year.  Testers are saying it tastes like the real thing. The inventors use a fake out of heme, the part of blood that gives meat its flavor. There are also some promising meat subs being grown in labs but they are still a ways away. We must evolve the meat biz. Why wouldn’t we want to stop killing animals if we could? Like coal, it should become a thing of the past.  And let’s grow some trees while we are at it and have real solutions for climate change.
UT Austin will now give free tuition to undergrads with family income below $65,000 in 2020.
Federal executions are back.
Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker was ranked #1 in Governing magazine of thriving Gov’s elected in 2018.
Hooray for the US women’s soccer team. Let’s pay them what they are worth, they actually win. Megan Rapinoe deserved kudos for her fab speech about the diversity of her team.
GOP candidate Robert Foster would not allow a female reporter access to the campaign ride along unless she was accompanied by a man.
So, Once Upon A Time in Hollywood.. Sort of a mind blow and after digesting and thinking on it.. My favorite Tarantino film. I have read a few reviews, one saying it was such a film for the guys. I say wrong on that. My sister and I thought this was one for the ladies. To watch that eye candy of Kurt, Brad and Leo on the screen was a nice gift. This is my favorite kind of film even though I usually can’t put up with historical fiction. The vibrancy of the beautiful people, the old look of the western and the filth of Spahn Ranch made everything so clear. This so made sense for myself and my sibling’s particular life because of our Father and the respect he showed us about movies. If he were still with us, he would have loved the reverence for Sergio Leonne shown here. To show the progression of how somebody may end up at the ranch was real in this imagined scenario. All these things were really blending in 1969 and there was not a lot of shoe wearing. The best part was the new way to see some old songs which other reviewers mentioned and movies can be so great at. The words of Manson’s little ditty always get stuck in my head as they do here. I always wonder if it is the haunting acts or the song itself. Stepping into California in 1969 was also an exciting . For the first time, I actually felt I was on Cielo Drive and at the ranch. The driving sequences were long but that is what California is about.  Many are going on about the ending which I won’t go into but I can see both sides. Hooray for the self- indulgent but brilliant Tarantino!!
R.I.P. Gene Gerdom, Luis Alvarez,  Ross Perot, Martin Charnin, John Paul Stevens, victims of the Kyoto animation studio attack, Lane Lindstrom, Art Neville, Russi Taylor, the garlic fest victims, Rutger Hauer and Rip Torn.
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twistedtinseltown · 7 years
Episode 3: The First Day from Hell
STORY SUMMARY: They say it takes a village to raise a child, and Hollywood University just obtained Atlas Seville – an incredibly bright but naive boy with a good future ahead of him if he can just survive the next four years of college. But knowing this town, that’s obviously easier said than done.
CHAPTER SUMMARY: The first day of classes and the probation hearing finally arrives, but some things don’t go the way anyone intended it to.
DISCLAIMER: The only character that I personally own is Atlas Seville. I took some creative liberties with some of the characters as far as first names go, however. Everyone else is owned by either Pixelberry Studios or Bagdasarian Productions.
“Rise and shine, Atlas.”
Atlas turned over in his bed, expecting Max to be the person speaking to him.
He saw Zig sitting on Max’s bed instead, Ethan picking up his school supplies and quickly putting them into his backpack.
Jumping (figuratively), Atlas blushed. “Z-Zig, p-please don’t do that!”
Zig chuckled awkwardly and ruffled Atlas’s bedhead of hair. “Sorry, buddy. Class starts today though. Max left you a note saying that he was over at the rec center working out before class, but you slept through your alarm. So he sent me and Ethan down here to come and get you for school.”
Atlas took in his words before nodding with a small smile on his face as he sat up. “Thank you, g-guys.”
“Not a problem, Atlas,” Ethan replied. “Now, go get dressed! Class starts in half an hour for you.”
“O-Okay, Ethan!” He got up out of bed and ran around, tossing some clothes into his arms before heading down the hall to go change in the bathroom.
Zig sighed as Ethan finished packing Atlas’s bag. “I hope Atlas is gonna be alright…”
Ethan nodded. “I’m sure he’ll be fine. You’re starting classes here too, and you’re in his first one every morning. You and I will be able to keep tabs on him and Max.”
Taking a breath and nodding, Zig stood up as Atlas came back into the room.
Atlas grinned, freshly dressed. “R-Ready!”
Zig smiled softly and wrapped an arm around the young boy’s shoulders. “Let’s go.”
It took a few minutes for the three to meet up with Max, who was sweaty from working out in the rec center. After getting coffees and breakfast, the four made it to the Jackson Auditorium – the biggest theater that was used for teaching.
Atlas took a deep breath, holding a textbook to his chest to try to calm his nerves.
Max frowned. “You gonna be okay?”
Nodding, Atlas closed his eyes to calm himself down. “Y-Yeah…”
Rubbing the younger boy’s back comfortingly, Max led his roommate through the main doors of the auditorium.
Off to the side of the room, a petite girl with bright red hair caught the attention of Max.
“Holy crap…” Max gave a small smile, waving to her when she turned to face him.
The redhead blushed brightly, waving back at him.
Max looked down at Atlas. “You okay if I go talk to that girl?”
Atlas nodded. “G-Go ahead! She seems n-nice!”
Grinning, Max clapped the brunet’s shoulder and strode over to the redhead.
Zig had already gone his own way, going to hang out with a tall raven-haired rocker girl with purple highlights in her long ponytail. They seemed to already know each other.
Ethan stayed behind him, texting a client on his phone but well aware of his surroundings.
That’s when someone else in the room finally catches Atlas’s attention.
Walking up to the front of the stage from the back area was a man that seemed to tower over the rest of the students by comparison. He was dressed in a nice set of jeans, a plain white dress shirt, a beige sweater, and a pair of nicer-looking shoes. The hair on his head didn’t look out of place, even with the few locks that weren’t tucked in with the rest of it.
Even the hardened look on the man’s face didn’t turn Atlas’s eyes away from him – he was just that captivating.
Atlas looked at this man as if he was looking at his very own real life Disney prince.
“Recognize him at all?” Ethan asked with a grin, patting Atlas’s shoulder. “That’s Thomas Hunt. He’s a director.”
Shaking his head, Atlas continued to stare off in the professor’s general direction. “N-No…”
Ethan chuckled softly. “You think he’s handsome, huh?”
Atlas blushed a bright tomato red. “Y-Yeah… J-Just like a prince.” His smile widened as he clung his textbook to his chest again.
He felt a forceful shove to the center of his back, and he went tumbling down the stairs of the theater.
Gasps filled the room before there was a stunned silence as a pair of high-heeled footsteps sounded on the stairs.
Bianca sneered and marched over to Atlas. “That’s what you get for getting me on academic probation!”
Ethan, Max, the redhead next to him, and Zig all rush up from their seats to check on Atlas.
The rest of Bianca’s entourage were as stunned as the rest of the students.
A girl with glasses that was around Atlas’s age ran up to him, shoving Bianca away in the process without meaning to, and knelt down next to him. “Oh my gosh, are you alright?” She took out a small bag.
Wincing in pain, Atlas looked up at her gratefully. “I-I think so… I d-don’t think I have a concussion o-or anything serious like that.”
“That’s good!” the girl exclaimed in relief as she wrapped gauze around a gash in his arm after treating it. “I-I’d help you up, but I’m not that strong…”
“Allow me,” a voice said softly as some of the group surrounding the two kids backed away a bit. The origin of the voice – Thomas – stood next to the girl that gave Atlas first aid and offered out his hand to help him stand. “I’m sorry this happened to you.”
Blushing slightly as he sat up first, Atlas slowly grabbed his hand and stood up.
Thomas took a deep breath as he turned to face Bianca, his face suddenly becoming very grim. “And you…” He stepped toward her, the anger in his eyes undeniable as he sucked breaths through his teeth. “You will never touch him or another student like that ever again, so help me God.”
Crossing her arms and tapping her foot impatiently, Bianca sneered at him. “I’m not afraid of you.”
“Oh, but you fucking will be.” In an instant, he gripped her wrist when she went to shove him, almost crushing it in his hold. “I am not easily persuaded to take your side, Miss Stone, because I see you for who you truly are – a highly shallow, materialistic, shell of a girl who is turning into a Hollywood train wreck.” He pushed her arm back toward her and growled lowly in his throat. “Sit down.”
Bianca didn’t move.
Thomas glared at her and got right up in her face. “Did I fucking stutter? Sit down or I will make sure you never step foot on this campus again. You’ve cut into my teaching time as it is.”
Still, the girl hadn’t budged an inch from her spot on the floor.
Atlas finally turned to face the girl that gave him first-aid a few moments earlier in the class. “She scares m-me…”
The girl nodded, holding his hand. “Me too.” She gave a small weak smile. “I’m Grace.”
“I-I’m Atlas.” He gave a small smile back at her as they stayed close.
Once Thomas realized that Bianca was just going to stand there and continue to interrupt his lecture, he sighed. “I’m honestly not in a teaching mood right now, thanks to this… debacle. Unless I call your name to stay here, get out.” He glanced at the student names for the University Board Committee probation hearing on a post-it note before he spoke softly and sternly again. “Zigmund Chavez, Shae Pomar, Lance Sergio Rispoli, Atlas Seville, Addison Sinclair, Bianca Stone, Max Warren, and Jennifer Whitman.” He pointed to Ethan and to Grace. “You two may stay here. Class will start tomorrow, and I will email the syllabus tonight.” He closed his eyes for a moment to compose himself. “The rest of you… please leave.”
The rest of the students dispersed as they went outside of the auditorium.
Atlas kept his hand in Grace’s, squeezing it tightly as the two of them stood up from the stage and made their way toward Thomas.
Said professor turned to Ethan and sighed. “Blake, you lead the rest of these students along to the conference room on the other side of the building. I must speak to these two alone…”
Ethan nodded and immediately went to Max and Zig’s side. “Yes, Professor.” He led the group of students out of the auditorium.
Once the room was quiet, Thomas turned to the two young kids. “Alright, you two, listen to me…” He knelt down in front of them and sighed deeply. “You made a brave decision to come here to Hollywood, to preserve what little purity still exists in this town…” He placed a hand on each of their shoulders and rubbed them softly. “Even if I come off a little hard on you, please don’t take it personally. I have to run this class like a manager would run a business, and that sometimes means making you two do things you won’t like. But I don’t do it to make you upset or to turn you away from this business. I do it to challenge you to be your greatest in every possible way.” He closed his eyes and sighed. “This meeting you’re about to walk into… It’s going to be scary for you both, I’m sure. But my colleagues and I are fair, and I will make sure you’re given only the best treatment to clear you and your friend’s names, Atlas.”
Atlas nodded, taking in every word Thomas just said with awe and undivided attention. “O-Okay…” His cheeks were dusted with a tint of red, and his eyes sparkled.
In this moment, the professor felt a slight change in him that led to him almost spilling his guts out in front of these two freshman – one whose mind was eager to learn, while the other was the same but had a love-struck glint in his eyes. They almost melted the professor’s hardened heart.
He knew in that moment that he had to make sure these two kids were going to last here, even if he had to bend his own rules a little. Even if one of them seemed to be in love with him.
Thomas sighed softly, standing back up. “Please follow me to the hearing room.”
Atlas and Grace nodded and quietly followed, their hands held together tightly.
When Thomas opened up a wooden door a few minutes later, eight seats – one higher than and behind the other seven – were present in one of the rooms that seemed like it used to be an old classroom at one point.
A much older gentleman dressed in gray sat at the highest seat. He adorned a golden badge and held a gavel in his right hand. Six of the other seats were filled with other professors, it seemed.
Thomas turned to the two kids he led in, giving them a small smile as he guided them over to a bench so they could sit between Ethan and Max for comfort. “Good luck.” He rubbed Atlas’s shoulder before turning to walk over and sit in seat number three – in between a woman who looked like she belonged in the government and another woman dressed as nicely casual as Thomas was.
Once all seven University Board Committee members were seated, the gray-haired man with the gavel knocked it against the platform in front of him.
“Good afternoon, students,” the man spoke with a gentle voice as the room hushed from its quiet whispers. “My name is Colin Stafford, and I am the Dean of Students here at Hollywood University. Below me from left to right are the seven members of the University Board Committee: acting professor and student play director Harvey Olson, digital media professor Chalise Edwin, Hollywood 101 professor Thomas Hunt, fashion and business professor Priya Singh, photography professor Hiromitsu Moriyama, writing professor Enrique Vasquez, and undeclared student advisor Helen Twombly. Over by the door is one of our head campus security officers, Diego Barrantes.”
Atlas turned to see Diego and smiled.
Diego smiled back.
Looking at the student crowd, Dean Stafford realized that there were more students than he anticipated. “There’s two students extra.”
Thomas sighed softly. “Permission to explain, sir.”
“Permission hesitantly granted.”
“Mr. Blake is an agent to some of these students in question. The young lady next to Mr. Seville is simply here for moral support for him during this hearing and she will not be speaking in anyone’s defense.”
Dean Stafford nodded and hummed. “Alright then. Now, the first order of business… let us all look at the video that was recorded of the incident in the campus coffee shop. Ms. Whitman, this confrontation was recorded from your phone, correct?”
The pixie-cut blonde girl stood up and nodded.
“Is it true that it was also live broadcasted to all of your social media accounts?”
“Yes, Mr. Stafford.”
“Please hand your phone to Officer Barrantes your cell phone so we can see the video of this.”
Diego stepped forward and held out his hand so he could take the phone.
Bianca glared at her friend. “Don’t do it, Jenni.”
“It’s an explicit order from the Committee, Ms. Stone,” Dean Stafford said in an attempt to silence her.
Jenni bit her lip, but she eventually gave her phone to Diego. He, in turn, gave it to Professor Edwin – who set it up to broadcast the video onto a television.
In front of everyone, the full video of the fight played – the full video wasn’t given to May Gordon on her talk show, just the part from Max tackling Bianca to the ground and onward.
Atlas had to look away as Grace watched the incident in horror. She hugged him tightly as he sobbed into her shoulder.
Thomas watched the two after the video replayed a second or third time; it only took once for Thomas to know what punishments to give everyone involved. Watching Atlas in tears broke his heart a little, more than he thought it would…
Was it okay for him to feel like this? Especially for a student? Especially on their first day of knowing each other? He was letting his heart guide his emotions and his actions for once in his life – which was good for him, believe it or not – but having it happen during a Board Committee meeting was not the right time!
Dean Stafford took notice of Atlas and Grace as well, turning to Diego. “Stop the video.”
“Yes, sir,” the security guard replied, stopping the video and handing Jenni’s cell phone back to her.
“I think I’ve seen all that I need to see from that.” Dean Stafford cleared his throat as he set down his gavel. “Mr. Seville… please step forward.”
Atlas sniffled and looked up at all of the Board Committee members. He wiped his eyes and stepped forward by himself, his eyes bloodshot from sobbing earlier.
Dean Stafford sighed softly. “Mr. Seville, from what we all can see on that video, you did not put your hands on any student in this altercation whatsoever. You didn’t do anything to anyone that would serve cause for you to have a punishment. And the actions done by Mr. Chavez were to defend you from getting hurt by Ms. Stone and nothing more.” He took a deep breath. “Do the rest of you concur?”
To Atlas’s relief, all seven Committee members nodded.
“In response to this unanimous agreement by the Board Committee, I hereby rule that you are no longer on probation and not have to prove yourself to the University.” Stafford knocked his gavel against the platform.
Atlas looked gratefully up at all eight members, happy tears in his eyes. “O-Oh thank you! Th-Thank you so much!” He blinked, looking up at Dean Stafford. “M-May I bring something else to your attention, Mr. Stafford…? I-It may compound with this incident that you watched…”
“You may have the floor, Mr. Seville.”
Nodding, Atlas nervously played with his fingers as he spoke. “I-I went into Professor Hunt’s Hollywood 101 lecture this morning a-and Bianca pushed me down the stairs in front of everyone in the room…”
Bianca got up from her seat. “You snitch!” She rushed over to Atlas and gripped him by the shoulder and by the throat.
Diego pried the girl from off of Atlas. “You just earned yourself a court date.” He handcuffed her hands behind her back and pulled her up so she was standing again.
Stafford turned to Thomas. “Is this true?”
Thomas sighed. “Yes. Every student in here was a witness to that incident. The young lady that was by Mr. Seville’s side gave him first aid after he fell.”
Grace nodded in agreement.
Dean Stafford took a moment to contemplate what would happen for these two incidents, and he sighed. “Alright. Mr. Chavez, you’re free to go once this is over, since you were mainly here as a character witness even though that video spoke for itself.”
Zig nodded.
“Ms. Pomar, Mr. Rispoli, and Ms. Sinclair: you four are also free to go since this is all of your first offenses and you were just trying to get Ms. Stone off of Mr. Warren.”
The three nodded quickly and sighed in relief.
“Speaking of Mr. Warren… you were only trying to defend Mr. Seville here, but you initiated the first punch to her instead of the other way around. For this, I will give you only one semester of quiet academic probation. You must complete one major project over the course of this semester, and someone from that project must vouch for your character in an end-of-the-semester hearing as a purely formal precautionary measure.”
Accepting his fate, Max nodded in understanding. “Yes, sir.”
“The same goes for you, Ms. Whitman.” Dean Stafford’s face turned to Bianca, and it suddenly got grim as he glared at her. “For your absolutely unacceptable behavior toward this poor boy, and for seemingly having no moral compass of your own…” His face darkened more. “You are hereby expelled from this university and barred from ever entering it again.”
Bianca shrieked, throwing a hissy fit in Diego’s tight grip. “This school won’t be standing after me and my daddy are through with it.”
“Your father has no jurisdiction here!” Thomas yelled back at her. “And neither do you!”
“Thomas…” Stafford interjected in surprise at the outburst.
Diego waited for proper police officers to come in and take Bianca away.
With baited breath, Dean Stafford sighed again. “This University Board Committee meeting is officially called to a close. You’re all dismissed.”
Atlas hugged Max as tightly as humanly possible, as did Grace. Thank goodness today was over.
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