#yep im starting my own project
dovveri · 3 months
in my head
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synopsis: you're paired with your crush and resident popular girl on campus for a project for the rest of semester
warnings: maybe a swear word or two
w/c: 5.5k
a/n: I ACCIDENTALLY DELETED THE REQ IM SORRY TO THAT ANON who requested this and also sorry it took me so long to get around to this i just couldn't think of anything to write bcs i alr did the nerd momo x popular reader fic and i fear this trope is too overdone for sana so... there is nothing rly original here LOL i stroogled i lwk wish i did not fill this req bcs i hate this fic HAHHA i gotta learn to say no ><
“alright class, pair projects for this semester will be randomly assigned.”
there are collective groans from around the room but you only pray that you get a partner who knows what they're doing. you didn't really have a problem doing group assignments all on your own, it was better quality that way anyway, but it'd be nice if someone else could contribute a little every once in a while.
"check your emails for who your partner is. please get acquainted and exchange contact details before next week."
everyone quickly pulls out their phones, laptops, or whatever device they use during class, you follow along, logging in and scrolling to find the correct email.
minatozaki sana.
before you can even conjure up the thought oh shit she's skipping up to your table with a bright smile.
"hi! y/n?"
you sputter, unable to look at her, choosing to fiddle with your screen and panic scroll through random weather predictions and calculator apps. yes, plural, apps.
she's hard to ignore though, bending down and tilting her head so you're forced to look at her. when she catches your eyes she smiles again, "we're working together on the project this semester."
"u-uh y-yeah i s-saw."
"mhmm. wanna exchange numbers now?"
"oh! right yes of course sorry." you fumble, handing your phone to sana. she giggles, taking it from your hand and replacing it with her phone.
"cute background."
"oh that's- i'm not-"
"it's okay y/n. i'm a closet glee fan too." she winks at you, handing back your phone with exceptional speed.
you curse under your breath, quickly typing your number in and handing her phone back, thinking about the brittana wallpaper you have set on your homescreen. why did you have to be such a nerd?
"thanks! i'll text you later and we can meet up sometime this week to talk about the project?"
"y-yep. that sounds g-good."
she smiles that bright, blinding smile again, turning with a flourish and skipping over to her friends.
you were so fucked.
minatozaki sana was the most popular girl on campus. captain of the cheerleading team, notorious for her ditzy charm and line of admirers. girls like that weren't exactly the type to be top of the class or put much effort into their studies. they were already guaranteed shoo-ins at major marketing or HR firms that liked pretty faces to hike in business, if they weren't already signed to modelling or acting gigs that was.
it also didn't help that you were at the wee end of her long, long line of admirers. you hadn't intended to fall for her. you knew it was completely unrealistic, you'd bet she didn't even know your first name until she got paired with you. so you knew what you were getting into when you first started paying a little more attention to her in class, noticing small things about her like the way she'd scrunch her nose when she was confused or didn't know how to do a question, or the way every time she'd get even remotely excited her left foot would start tapping, like a puppy wagging it's tail when it gets excited. you couldn't help but notice these things and who could you blame? it was minatozaki sana, you certainly weren't the first to fall for her charms, just definitely the most unlikely to actually end up with her.
so it was fine that you were paired up. totally fine. you didn't mind putting in the extra academic work if it meant you didn't have to speak to sana or even mildly interact with her. you were fine doing everything on your own so that she, or god forbid, any of her popular clique would never be able find out about your embarrassingly impossible crush for sana.
santana💜: hi! is this y/n?
you blink down at your phone. this was not who you thought it was. there was no way.
y/n: who's this?
santana💜: im sana! i named myself santana in ur phone bcs of ur brittana wallpaper ;) yk... ur brittany bcs ur a secret genius and im santana bcs... well our names are kinda similar!
y/n: oh... haha right. yeah this is y/n
santana💜: would u be free to come over tmr? to get a headstart on the assignment? or i can go over to urs instead if u want :)
y/n: oh it's fine sana u don't have to pretend to do anything. idm doing the whole thing and submitting for both of us i won't tell the teacher dw
santana💜: what?! who do u think i am y/n?! im not just going to let u do the whole thing on ur own! come to mine 8pm tmr ok? i'll text u the address later
you stare down at your phone. okay so that plan wasn't going to work. you could be cool though. this would be fine. totally fine.
y/n: ok
you knock on the door of the address sana gave you after her cheer practice. you had spent the past day overthinking exactly what was going to happen, whether or not sana really did want to contribute or if she was still just doing this for show. or if something even more sinister was planned, probably not by sana, but you'd seen some of the people she hung out with, you wouldn't put it past them to go back to their high school bully ways and pull a prank on a nerd like you, even at their adult age.
but when sana opens the door with a beam, her smile is bright and seems devoid of any hidden intentions. you honestly feel a little bad that you had doubted her when she's looking at you like that. but you remind yourself that sana was just that sweet of a person, she looked at everyone like that, you weren't special.
you cough awkwardly, offering a polite smile and stepping in.
"my housemates are out tonight so we have the whole place to ourselves."
"oh cool."
"do you want anything to drink?"
"just water would be great thanks."
"you can go ahead to my room. it's the second door on the right. the bathroom's right opposite it as well if you need to go or anything. i'll be with you in a sec." she smiles at you again, going off towards the kitchen to prepare some snacks and your water.
you tentatively step further into her home, feeling very out of place, but also curious at the pictures and trinkets everywhere, your first glance into sana’s real life.
you follow her directions, walking towards her room and stepping inside, not really surprised at the pink-tone hues that greet you.
sana’s room is cute. she has polaroids and film prints of her and various friends and family hung up next to her bed, a pinboard with small reminders decorated with stickers and more pictures, posters stuck up with and fairy lights strung across various surfaces.
“sorry it’s kinda messy. i haven’t cleaned in a little.”
you turn at the sound of her voice, suddenly finding her much less intimidating in her pink fluffy slippers, suddenly she just seemed like another girl, not the person on the pedestal that you, and most of the campus put her up to be.
you smile, genuinely this time albeit still a little awkward, “it’s fine. i don’t think it’s messy at all, i like it, it’s cute.”
“really? you don’t think it’s childish or anything?” sana pouts slightly as she settles a tray of snacks and water on the table next to her bed and then sits down, shuffling the various amount of japanese plush toys around.
“not at all.”
she grins then, gesturing for you to sit.
you follow suit, crossing your legs and sitting on the floor, taking out your laptop and papers from class. “so have you had a chance to read over the assignment brief yet? it’s okay if you haven’t, i was honestly surprised you asked to meet up so early, technically the only assignment for this week was to exchange contact details.”
sana slides down so she’s on the floor next to you, knees touching, you don’t see it because you’re focused on the fact that your skin was now touching and she was close enough for you to smell her designer perfume, but she pouts before speaking, “do you seriously think i’m just some slacker y/n? i asked to meet up because i wanted to get this assignment out of the way while it’s still early in the semester. before things get busy and we both get swamped with our other classes.”
“o-oh right i’m sorry! i didn’t mean to… well yeah anyway... so i was thinking-"
"you totally thought i was a slacker didn't you?" you can't ignore her when she peeks around to eye you.
"i- well-"
"it's okay. most people think we're all just bandwagoners and yeah i admit i know some of the people i may be... affiliated with are those types of people, but i'm here because i wanted an education and i'm serious about it. so don't try and do all the work on your own okay? we'll split it evenly."
you're more than embarrassed now. you had boxed sana into a stereotype that she was obviously aware of and actively against. “right i’m so sorry oh my god- i didn’t mean to- i-“
she laughs then, hitting your shoulder playfully, your skin burns at the contact, “it’s okay y/n! you’re adorable. thanks for wanting to do everything at first but i can handle my own and i won’t let you down!”
you blush, looking back down to your papers but comprehending none of the words on it. "right. i'm sorry again... and thank you." you manage to mumble out.
sana giggles internally, finding you very cute. and she loved cute things as evidenced all over her room.
the following weeks you start spending a lot more time at sana's place, to the point where you've met all her roommates and their partners, and it doesn't feel weird for them to see you around the house. it was a pretty rigorous assignment and it involved a lot of hands-on research and time dedicated to it.
you're still complete strangers at school though, sana was still the popular it girl, always surrounded by groups of people, while you were the nerdy nobody.
so it definitely comes as a shock when sana slides into the seat across from you while you're eating your lunch peacefully alone in the cafeteria, mindlessly scrolling through tiktok.
your eyes almost bulge out of your head when you look up and see her bright smile, scrambling to make space for her and take your airpods out, almost knocking your juice popper off the side of the table in the panic.
"s-sana! what are you doing here?!" you're pulling the straps of your bag towards you so it's no longer occupying the table space opposite you, that obviously meant that spot was occupied, a cue sana chose to cheerily ignore.
"just saw you eating alone and wanted to join you!"
"o-oh. you don't have friends waiting for you?"
she shrugs, plucking a fry off your plate, "not really."
you shrink into your seat as you feel the eyes of the cafeteria land on you and sana, whispering and pointing at you. you’ve never wished more for the floor to swallow you up than in this moment.
“so i was thinking-“
“sana! what are you doing here?”
oh no. you did not need any more attention on you right now. least of all from park jihyo, student council president, and kim dahyun, student council treasurer, both of whom were on the same level of popularity as sana with just as many admirers.
jihyo slides in right next to you while talking across to sana, dahyun happily greeting sana and sliding in next to her with her lunch tray.
“jihyo! dahyunnie! i thought you both had a student council meeting right now?”
“got postponed. our secretary fell sick and we can’t proceed without her so we just decided to wait until she got better.”
they fall into easy conversation while you shrink even further into yourself, squeezing your arms into your sides so you’re not made known to the other two who still haven’t acknowledged your presence.
“ugh practice was such a drag today.” yoo jeongyeon slides in next to you, still in her lacrosse uniform, throwing an arm over your shoulders without seeming to realise who you were. you flinch at the action.
this was so not happening to you right now.
hirai momo slides in next to sana, eyes trained only on her tray as she mumbles a greeting with her mouth full with food already.
oh good lord what did you do to deserve this?
at least you’d met momo before since she was one of sana’s roommates but she still only really knew you as ‘sana’s project partner’. the others you’ve only seen from afar, and until now you were half-convinced they weren’t really real, too far up the social ladder to ever be associated with the likes of you. jeongyeon was the star lacrosse player and team captain of your school, which was renowned for it’s lacrosse team. hirai momo was apparently roped into playing lacrosse but really excelled in the world of dance. apparently she’d already had experience touring as backup dancers for major hit singers.
jihyo wrinkles her nose, speaking over you to jeongyeon, “yoo jeongyeon you stink. didn’t we allocate an extra $3000 to shower renovations last year? we did not do that so you could continue to sweat all over me.”
jeongyeon sticks her tongue out at jihyo, “i was hungry. besides i’m not sweating all over you. and you don’t mind do you- wait- who are you?”
your eyes widen when you realise jeongyeon’s now addressing you, and then suddenly the entire table’s eyes are on you.
you feel your face going bright red, coughing awkwardly and staring down at your plate of food. “u-um-“
“this is y/n! she’s my friend!”
you look up to see sana beaming at you.
“oh… how do you guys know each other?”
“we were paired together for that pair project i was talking about- you know for my class about sustainable engineering? momoring knows!”
momo grunts in acknowledgement, offering you a fleeting smile before returning back to her food, not entirely interested with this conversation.
“wait- how does momo know her and i don’t? momo spends all of her time in the dance studio, and if she’s not she’s only ever focused on food!”
“maybe you should be a better student council president and know all your students then hyo.”
im nayeon, co-head cheerleader along with sana, her title alone demonstrating her popularity status, teases jihyo with a grin, standing at the end of the table in her cheer uniform, commanding all attention from anyone who wasn’t already watching your table in curiosity.
“oh shut up nayeon.” but jihyo quickly turns to face you, offering a hand and a bright smile, “hi y/n! it’s nice to meet you! i hope we haven’t been giving you too much trouble.”
you quickly shake your head, taking her hand gingerly, surprised at the strong grip she has.
“momoring and nayeonnie have already met y/n because she’s been over at ours a lot to work on the project together.” sana perks up again, and then looks at you again, not that her eyes have really left you but you didn’t know that, “sorry for all this by the way. my friends are obviously people blind.”
“speak for yourself sana. the amount of times you’ve called out the wrong name in bed-“
sana flushes bright red, shooting up and slapping a hand over nayeon’s mouth while the others crack up in laughter.
"ignore her y/n. she doesn't mean that."
sana smiles through her teeth while nayeon makes muffled sounds of disagreement, and honestly it is a little funny so you can't help but laugh alongside them.
in the end, you don't mind too much that sana's friends invaded your lunch time. they were a lot less intimidating than you had thought they would be, similar to how you had judged sana prior to actually spending any time with her. it was still awkward to feel the eyes of jealous onlookers but sana stealing food off your plate every few minutes and making sure you were included in the conversation was enough to make you feel welcome and ignore those looks.
"y/n! i got those projections we were talking about last week." sana bounds up to you outside your lecture hall.
"sana? how did you even know i had class at this time?"
"i asked around." she shrugs as if it wasn't a big deal for her to actively be looking for you and for her to know your schedule, "here- what do you think?" she hands over a few documents and you shuffle to the side so students can continue moving in and out. that also meant you were basically boxing yourself into the small corner next to the door with sana blocking your way out. you can feel a few weird glances look your way, wondering how you of all people knew one of the most popular girls on campus.
"it looks good sana."
"great! are we still on for tomorrow night? coach put nayeon and i in charge of practice this week but i may have bribed nayeon into running it herself so we can spend some more time on the project without her nosy self at home."
you nod, handing back her papers, "yeah, i'll be over around 6?"
"sounds good! see you then!" and then she's kissing your cheek and flying off before you can react, your hand coming up to touch where she had pecked you seconds after she's gone.
"-don't know what she sees in them."
"right- you think y/n's paying sana or something?"
"no way sana would do that though. i bet she's just using y/n for help with study or whatever."
"nah i've seen sana's marks, she doesn't need the extra help. maybe she's just toying with y/n. could be a dare or maybe she just has a nerd kink, or wants to try it out once and drop her."
"oh true hahaha i'd almost feel bad for y/n but it is pretty funny watching her prance around sana like she has a chance."
the sounds of laughter drift down the hallway as you stay rooted to the spot, completely invisible to the rest of the student body.
were they right? was sana just pulling you along? fuck you were so stupid. of course she knew you had a crush on her. everyone had a crush on her. you thought you knew sana but now you were starting to doubt your perceptions of her all over again. ugh you couldn't do this. you felt so embarrassed thinking about the amount of time you've spent with sana. all that for her to just be stringing you along, maybe even laughing behind your back with all her friends, you were so stupid for thinking you'd ever move out of your miserable social status. you were at the bottom of the social hierarchy, and she was at the top, it would always be that way, and people at the top don't want anything to do with people at the bottom unless it's for their own benefit or entertainment. sana was not an exception.
santana💜: hey u still coming over? i maaaay have tried to cook dinner for us both even tho momo always warns me not to step foot in the kitchen and ig she was right this time... so i'll order takeaway? thai food okay?
santana💜: everything okay? sorry if thai food wasnt ur style >< i can order sth else instead but the foods getting cold :((
santana💜: im guessing ur not coming :( hope everythings okay w u!! ill see u at school soon 🥺
you’ve been trying your best to avoid sana ever since you overheard what those people thought of your relationship with her. it was difficult when she would send you daily texts asking where you were and how you’ve been, even i miss you texts with the little sad face emoticon that had your fingers aching to text her back but you resisted. this was for the best.
but of course as soon as you started avoiding her you also started seeing her around campus a lot more than you used to. she’d pop up everywhere you were, at the library, in the hallways, on the fields, you’d always manage to shy away from her gaze but you don’t think she was doing this on purpose. maybe it was just the fact that because you were avoiding her, you were a lot more noticeable of her presence.
it was hard to keep this up though, especially when the time of the week came that you shared the class you had been assigned project partners in. you had seriously considered faking sick when you woke up in the morning, thinking she could manage class on her own and you’d just email her your parts of the assignment or something. but you got out of bed reluctantly and trudged to class, coming up with as many excuses as possible for having not responded to any of her messages and ditching your last meetup.
you sigh in relief when you walk into class and see that people are still milling about, slowly trickling in, and sana’s seat is still empty. you slink to the back of the classroom, pulling your hood up and turning on your laptop to tap mindlessly at the keyboard, hiding your face behind the screen.
you can hear when the class starts filling up, sliding down further in your chair and avoiding eye contact with everyone.
you can also hear the moment sana walks in, flanked by her friends with that high-pitched laugh and sunshine energy, the class suddenly seems twice as bright as it was. god you missed her. and that was pathetic of you! she didn’t even care about you! you stay resolute in your avoidance, only allowing yourself a second to bask in her voice before closing yourself off again from the outside world.
it’s only when the teacher walks in and starts reading the roll, that you have to squeak out a small ‘here’ when they read out your name. you avoid her gaze when you speak up but you can see in the corner of your eye, sana whips her head around and stares at you with wide eyes, her mouth open in surprise. you shrink back down but she continues to stare at you for a few more seconds before frowning and facing back forward when her name is called out.
you spend the rest of class hiding behind the screen of your laptop, formulating a plan on the fastest way to get out of class once it's over so you don't have to talk to sana.
unfortunately, the teacher seems to have taken notice of your lack of participation, when usually you're the only one in the class who is able to answer their questions, or even mildly paying attention, so you're pulled back when you try to escape, the rest of the class chattering excitedly while leaving class.
"what's wrong y/n?"
"nothing. sorry, just not feeling the best today."
the teacher eyes you, "is the pair project going alright? you didn't sit with sana today."
you gulp, "it's fine."
"are you sure? if sana's making you do all the work you'll tell me won't you?"
your eyes widen, "no! no sana's a sweetheart she-" you catch yourself, sana wouldn't really be a sweetheart if she was playing with you would she? "she's been great, she's contributing and pulling all of her own weight and more. to be honest... i'm probably the one who's not doing my part right now..."
the teacher hums, "alright y/n. let me know if there's anything i can do for you. go home and rest."
you nod, adjusting the straps of your backpack and trudging outside.
only to find sana waiting outside the classroom with her arms crossed, tapping her foot in the way she does when she gets annoyed.
as soon as your outside she doesn't spare you a second glance, grabbing your wrist and dragging you to the closest empty classroom and closing the door behind the both of you, standing against it so you have no way of escaping.
"wh- sana! sana what are you doing? i have class!"
"no you don't. the only class you have on wednesdays is the one we share. after that you normally go home or to the library before getting dinner outside."
"what- how do you- have you been stalking me?"
she frowns, "have you been avoiding me?"
"i- what makes you think that?"
"you didn't come last week. and you haven't been answering any of my messages. and i'm not stalking you i just thought we were friends and i like to know my friends' schedules, so when you didn't turn up to any of your usual study spots...i got worried. i thought you were sick or something. but then i saw you at the dessert shop outside the council centre where i volunteer and you didn't look sick at all. in fact, as soon as you saw me you were healthy enough to run off."
you gulp nervously, stepping back, only for sana to step forward. your eyes flit around, looking for any possible exit or distraction, anything would be better than confronting sana right now.
"i just- um- i-"
sana pouts, "did i do something? you'd tell me if i did right?"
"no! you didn't do anything. i just- um-"
she raises an eyebrow. you fiddle with your fingers, unable to look her in the eye.
"w-what do you want with me?"
sana doesn't seem to expect this answer. "what do you mean?"
you sigh in frustration, running a hand through your hair, "it doesn't make sense. why would you want to be friends with me? you're popular and smart and beautiful and you don't hang out with people like me."
"is that what this is about?"
"no- well- yes- i overheard the other day, some people talking about how you were only using me or that you didn't have good intentions with me and i just- i didn't know what to do."
"and what do you think?"
you look up at her then, her gaze is steely, there's no hint of her usual smile. "w-what?"
"is that what you think of me? that that's the kind of person i am? that i'd do that to someone?"
you're taken aback, "i- n-no! i-"
"then why did you listen to them? you're not stupid y/n i know you can form your own opinions on people. you're not like the others, or at least i thought you weren't. i didn't think you'd judge people off of what you've heard about them, i thought we were friends y/n."
"i didn't i- we are- i just-"
you take another step back, needing to create distance between the two of you, needing to think without sana's presence making your head all muddy. but with each step back you take, sana takes one forward.
"was there something else? were you looking for a reason to avoid me?"
another step back, another step forward.
"no! i- i didn't-"
"tell me the truth? please?" you're backed into the wall, nowhere left to go, and sana only steps closer. you can feel your heart rate picking up at her proximity, she's looking up at you, puppy eyes and a pout on her lips, you were so weak.
"n-no i don't- there's nothing else-"
"hmm." she's so close you can see the way her eyelashes flutter when she blinks, can feel her breath on your lips.
you can feel how hot your cheeks are, sweat collecting in your clenched fists. she's studying you, eyes flicking over your face, when your tongue pokes out to wet your lips, purely out of habit and stress, her eyes dart down and watch the movement, snapping back up to your eyes once you were done.
and then suddenly, she blinks and there's a change in the atmosphere. there's a curl of her lips, her eyes conveying something you can't quite decipher.
"do you... like me y/n?"
you blush impossibly brighter, "i-i- well- i-"
then her lips are on yours, just the barest brush of her skin against yours, like a sigh against your lips, but when she pulls away, she doesn't go far, her lips still hovering over yours, looking up at you through her eyelashes.
"it's okay if you do."
you're completely dumbstruck, hand twitching, wanting to reach up and feel your lips, to see if this was really happening.
"because i'd be lying if i said i didn't find you attractive."
your mind goes blank, struggling to catch up. "w-what?"
"i don't kiss just anyone. nayeon may have made that comment about how many people i bring home but none of them compare to you. you're different. you don't want me just because i'm pretty and easy."
"i- i-"
she leans in, pecking you softly again, before leaning back fully to give you space, turning on her heel. "think about it y/n. once you have an answer, stop avoiding me. you know where to find me." and then she's stepping outside the classroom, and you feel like you can finally breathe again, letting your brain catch up to what your body just experienced.
it takes you a few days to fully come to your senses.
sana stops actively searching for you, but you still see her around campus, only she seems to have decided to give you space, not acknowledging you if you saw her in public or walked past her.
so sana obviously knew you liked her. it just didn't make sense that she could like you too. you took days trying to find any way this could've happened, tracing over every interaction you've had with her in your head over and over, trying to find any clues for her feelings towards you.
it crossed your mind briefly that this was another one of her possible ploys to embarrass you. but she was right when she confronted you, you didn't think she was that kind of person, and none of her actions or the time you've spent with her indicated that she was that kind of person, you needed to trust your own eyes and feelings, sana was being genuine.
it just baffled you how this was possibly genuine, how it was possible for sana to like someone like you. and the only way you'd be able to find out was to talk to her.
you inhale, standing outside sana's apartment. you knew momo had dance practice at this time and nayeon had told you she wouldn't be home because she was meeting up with some friends, so it would just be sana at home.
you knock tentatively, stepping back and collecting your thoughts.
it doesn't help though, because when the door opens, all comprehendible thoughts fly out of your mind, replaced with the mental energy required to memorise sana, her hair up in a messy bun, oversized t-shirt and sweatpants, large glasses on, looking like she just woke up from a nap.
sana's eyes brighten when they see you, leaning against her doorframe and raising an eyebrow expectantly.
"h-hi sana."
"hey yourself. what are you doing here?"
you take a deep breath. you had prepared for this. "why do you like me?" well that was not what you had prepared.
sana smiles amusedly, "i told you. i like that you see me for who i am rather than who i present myself to be. i think you're very cute, you get along well with my friends, you're incredibly smart, and even though you think a little too much over what other people say, we can work on that."
your eyes widen at her answer.
"it's simple y/n. do you want to be with me or not? don't overthink it. we can work out any issues that come up overtime."
"i..." you look down to your feet, blushing, then looking back up to her, "yes. i do want to be with you."
sana grins then, not missing a beat, swooping in and kissing you gently, tasting of berries and sunshine. when she breaks apart, finally welcoming you into her apartment, she teases, "i finished our project by the way. you owe me. but i'll accept kisses as payment."
you whine, finally letting yourself be free around her, no longer hesitating to do what you've wanted to this entire semester, bring her up into a kiss that hopefully makes up for the utter loser you've been in her presence.
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comicallylargemango · 9 months
Senku I. X Reader! !!
Fictype: songfic
Genre: fluff
Warning: none
A.N: h IM BACK!! With a Senku Ishigami fic!!! He has been plaguing my mind for a month so ermm ywah
Aslso N/n means nick name
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★I've rejected affection, for years and years.
At this point everyone knew Senku ishigami was a man of science, he had no time for such illogical things like love. but fate disagreed.
★Now I have it and damn it, it's kind of weird.
When you had first told Senku the words, "I Love You" he was quite shocked, in a good way, of course. a feeling of warmth and affection rose from the dark, mechanical depths of his heart. No one had ever told him that directly, though he knew from their actions and and body language, everyone had their own way of saying I love you, be it platonic or romantic.
It was only natural that he'd be tongue tied when he heard the words "I Love you." Come from your lips. He was hesitant to say it back, the three words feeling foreign 'n weird in his mouth. Never would he have thought he'd say them.
★He tells I'm pretty,
He however, is indifferent to to looks. He doesn't care about the way someone dresses, or how he dresses for that matter. He knows he looks fine.
But for some reason, whenever you were around, he found himself more conscious of his looks and mannerisms. At first he thought it might've just been hormones but never had he felt that way before, so his second thought was you. At the beginning, when you two had first met, he was... Uninterested, to say the least. But as time grew on, he found himself hyper aware and overly embarrassed whenever he did something even just slightly off character Infront of you.
★Dont know how to respond.
When you complimented his knowledge in science, it... Made him feel better, more confident. It wasn't the first time someone had complimented him before but hearing it from you just sounded better, sweeter in his ears. So much so that whenever he'd finish his projects or experiments, he'd always look for your opinion first, his first thought when making something amazing was you.
★I tell him that he's pretty too,
So it was only natural he'd start reciprocating, after all. He isn't some self centered prick, he knows feedback and constructive criticism is important. Though he was a bit hesitant of saying it out loud at first.
"Yo. Y/n." He greets you from behind. Looking at the project you had finally finished. It wasn't overly amazing or perfect, it was fine, it was... You. (In his own words.)
"Heya, Science Guy." You looked over your shoulders to greet him, smiling softly as you wiped your sweaty forehead.
Senku stood beside you, examining it for a while before turning to look at you, hesitating for a while. "Good job, N/n. I'm ten billion percent sure you're getting an A."
★Can I say that? don't have a clue.
He was patiently, (nervously, though he'd never admit it) waiting for your answer. It wasn't usual for him to give out compliments or anything of the sort.
But the way your eyes lit up, the upward curve of your lips, and the way you puffed out your chest and stood straight with confidence?
Yep, he'd have to start complimenting you more often.
"Thanks! Senku."
★With every passing moment, I surprise myself.
At first he doesn't notice it, all the acts of service and words of affirmation he gives to you completely fly over his head. It was only when Gen pointed it out that he finally realised.
"Isn't it so strange?" Gen nudges at Senku with his elbow.
Senku looks up at him in confusion. "What's strange?" He raises an eyebrow.
"Mmm, I don't know. Maybe the way you're a lot more affectionate towards Y/n-Chan than towards anyone else?" He teased, feigning innocence and curiosity.
"Dunno what you're talkin about." Senku shuts him off bluntly.
Gen has an evil smile on his face. "Oh? Then what about that gift you gave them two days ago?Or the week before that? Or when you complimented their technique despite everyone else doing just as well?" He smiles wider.
Senku facepalms, looking at Gen with an uninterested expression. "That's because it's important to reward people for their hard work, Gen."
"And it's because they have been working harder than others."
"Hmmm, is that so~?"
★I'm scared of flies, I'm scared of guys.
When Senku first acknowledged his feelings, they were small, like the bud of a flower waiting to bloom.
But when the petrification happened, the dark void gave his feelings time to ferment and grow stronger. Aside from counting every individual second, you were constantly plaguing his mind, despite his best efforts, sweet images of you and Him constantly threatened to reset the count. But somehow, he managed.
★Someone please help..
And as he broke out of the stone prison, his condition only worsened, (by condition; I mean him wanting to see you again so badly) the many memories you both had together had been modified by his feelings for you and turned sweeter, overly romanticised, if you will.
★Cause I think I'm falling inlove this time,
And it didn't help with the fact that practically everything reminded you of him.
Whenever he needed flowers for dye, boom bam a million memories of the few times he touched your soft skin.
Whenever he saw the sunrise, it reminded him of your smile, the way your eyes would shine whenever he complimented you.
★i blinked and suddenly I had a valentine. (Valentine)
It was all so surreal to him, how he managed to fall in love. someone like him, falling inlove? If you told the Past Senku he woulda laughed in your face, and then go on a rant about how illogical love is blah blah yada yada yada.
But he wasn't complaining, who would complain about having a valentine?
♪ ♪ ♬
★What if he's the last one I kiss?
You remember it like it was yesterday, the first time you'd have kissed Senku. Though it wasn't hot and steamy like how the forbidden part of your brain thought it'd be. It was more or less, awkward. But sweet nonetheless.
"Sseeeeeeeennnnnkkkuuuuuuuuuu. . ." You poked at his face, trying to pry his attention off of his experiment.
"aaaaaaAAAAAAAAA. What is it now, N/n." He groaned exasperatedly. Carefully setting down the glass jar.
"I have a question." You smiled deviously.
Senku groaned even louder, glaring at you with the most uninterested face ever. "No a car will not pull itself if you attach a magnet Infront of it, My hair-"
"No— Senku that's not—"
"—my hair stands up because I style it that way, and—"
"sENKU" you shout exasperatedly, finally getting his attention.
"What?" He stares at you annoyedly.
"Can I kiss you?" You finally ask, suddenly seeming very serious, as if you were playing mario cart with Senku's competitive ass.
Senku's eyes widened in shock, though he immediately resumes his calm, uninterested expression. "Mmmmh.. Nah." He turns back to focus on his work with a smug smirk on his face.
Already imagining the dumbstruck expression on your face, nearly doubling over laughing as he can basically hear you pout through your voice.
"wHy not?" You ask, nudging his shoulder until you get his attention.
"Because I'm busy." He deadpans.
"Too busy for just a little peck?" You tap on his shoulder to get him to look at you, then using the most girly voice you could muster:
"Pretty pleaseeeeeee??" You put your hands together to seem more convincing.
It's effective! Senku ishigami loses -10 billion willpower! (Cmon now we all know he's soft on the inside)
Senku Inhales deeply before letting out the most obnoxious exhale you've ever seen. "Fine." He grumbles. He turns his body to face you, still slightly hesitant.
He leans in slightly, waiting for you to reciprocate. When you finally get over your inner fan-girling, you lean in a little too fast and end up bumping foreheads with Senku.
He rubs the place where you two bumped in a an attempt to sooth it.
"I—im sorry! I didn't mean to. ." You look down shamefully. Little did you know that, as soon as Senku recovered, that awesomely big science brain of his conjured a devious plan. (His words not mine)
When you least expected it, he brought his hands up to your cheeks, gently making you look at him. Before he leans in and kisses you softly on the lips.
It was short but sweet. When he leaned away, he took a moment to admire your starstruck expression, smirking at his accomplishment.
Before you could respond, he tries to lick his lips as sneakily as possible so you wouldn't see. (You saw it)
"That good enough for you?"
★What if he's the only one I'll ever miss?
You knew what love felt like, (mostly from TV shows but anyway) and it was nice. But, you'd never chase it, yeah sure it makes you feel all nice and warm and cozy. You'd miss it for a little while, all the affection n sappiness. But life goes on,
That is, until you met Senku.
As you grew closer to him, you had the strong urge to be near him, closer to him. He plagued your thoughts 24/7, him and his stinky, unique, Leek hair, it was quite obvious you loved him. How could you not?
The way his eyes lit up whenever he talked about science, the determination in his eyes to finish some project of his, his... Brash and oftentimes rude personality, though you knew better. He only cared.
★Maybe I should run? I'm only 21.
Sometimes it was hard, Loving Senku. Not because he made it hard, No No, in fact it was all too easy to love him. Before you confessed to Senku, thoughts of rejection constantly plagued your mind.
Senku was a man of science, no way he'd reciprocate your feelings, right?
And so you thought just blocking them out was the right way to go, though it only allowed your feelings to get stronger and stronger until it overpowered you.
★I don't even know who I want to become.
Senku was a straightforward guy, that's one thing you admired about him. This feeling only cemented when he proudly and confidently declared he was gonna revive the human race. Despite knowing Senku for a long time, it still shocked you. Though, it would throw off anyone really.
★I've lost all control, with my heartbeat now.
One thing was for sure though, you both loved eachother. Despite Senku being a bit stiff about affection sometimes, it was clear he loved you in other ways.
whenever he looks at you, so softly, so lovingly. And that smile you knew was reserved for you and you only. It never failed to make your heart race. Whenever he complimented you, or, use the teasing banter you two always had to indirectly say "I love you"
★Got caught in a romance with him, somehow.
It was all so surreal to you, Senku? Loving you back? If you told anyone that they'd look at you as if you were insane, probably because it was an insane statement by itself. Never thought it'd say Senku and Love in the same sentence unless it was "Senku loves science".
You weren't complaining however, a life without Senku would be utterly, thoroughly, mundane.
It was already late at night, you were both laying on the grass, enjoying the stars in the sky that were previously covered by light pollution 3700 years ago. You and Senku were laying down silently against each other, enjoying this brief moment together before the morning came and Senku had to go back to his duties as the chief.
"Hey, Senku." You turn to look at him, he sighs quietly as if to prepare himself for your shenanigans once more.
"Hm?" He hums, still staring at the sky,only tilting his head ever so slightly towards you to let him know he was listening.
"Why is it that love makes you "dumb"?"
"Because, N/n, the feeling you get around someone you love is actually the brain producing the hormones called, 'serotonin', 'dopamine', 'oxytocin', and 'endorphins'." He turns to look at you to see if you're still listening, instead he finds you staring at him Intently, with the most loving gaze ever.
He freezes for a moment before continuing, a tiny of pink on the tips of his ears.
"So when the brain inevitably gets accustomed to releasing chemicals around that person it will do nearly everything to be around them, making the person do or think irrationally and illogically."
"No wonder why I'm so "Stupid" around you." You smile cheekily.
Senku scoffs before looking back up at the sky, "nah, I'm pretty sure you're just stupid in general."
"Not nice, You leekhead!"
"Since when was I nice? And stop calling me leekhead."
★I still feel a shock, Through every bone.
It still shocks Senku to his core that he managed to fall inlove, someone like him? Inlove? He even took such serious measures to insure he'd never fall inlove.
But he's glad he's let his guard down this time, cause if he didn't? He would never have gotten to Love you.
★When I hear an "I love you" cause now I've got someone to lose.
When he first (directly) said I love you, it nearly short-circuited your brain. He rarely said it, usually because he saw no reason to since he knew you knew he loved you already.
Despite it only being three words it held a deep meaning in both of your hearts, a reminder that no matter what happens you're both there for eachother.
★The first one to ever like me back,
It wasn't the first time you've had a crush before, though you haven't been through alot of romantic relationships, or any at all.
So when you decided to finally confess to Senku, him accepting the confession was the last thing you'd thought he'd do.
★I'm seconds away from a heart attack.
It never failed to catch Senku by surprise whenever you'd outwardly state you loved him,
Not to say he didn't enjoy it, of course he did. Though he'd rather die than admit it.
All those times you'd randomly bombard him with affection and praises, it sent butterflies to his stomach.
"Bill Nye the science guy! Whatcha doin?" You'd exclaim as you walked towards him.
He sighed before looking back at you, "was "Science leek", "leekhead", or "leek-haired" not enough?" He stares at you with the most tired face ever, though it was actually quite the opposite of what he was feeling.
"Shshhshhhhhsh, anyway, whatcha doing?" You playfully put a finger over his lips to shut him up. Chuckling when he sends a glare your way.
He slaps the hand away before finally talking, "I'm making a robot from scratch. It's ten million percent hard and ten billion percent exhilarating." He smirks.
He rants about all the parts and materials he's gonna need and all their uses, what they do, and how exhilarating this is.
"And then-" he gets briefly cut off when you place a soft kiss on his forehead, then his nose, and his cheek. As his brain slowly starts realising, he can feel his face heating up. Though he immediately recovers and instead the tips of his ears become red.
"Oops, my bad. You're just so cute when you rant yknow?" You smirk smugly, aware of what you just did. The smirk on your face only grows wider as you take in Senku's confused face.
As you were lost in the blinding bliss of finally managing to catch Senku off guard, he suddenly leans in close to you and presses a soft kiss to the edge of your lips, missing your lips entirely.
He mirrors the expression you had as he gives you a taste of your own medicine. "Oh sorry, you're just so adorable when your all confident and proud like that, couldn't help myself."
"You're lucky I love you, Leek boy."
"I must be the luckiest Leek in the world then."
★How the hell did I fall inlove this time? And honestly I can't believe I get to call you mine.
He still can't believe he fell inlove, especially with you, no offense, he loves you and would probably die for you but he always thought he'd be most likely to date someone with more knowledge in science,
But, he'd much rather have your curiosity and enthusiasm to learn over someone who already knows.
★I blinked and suddenly I had a valentine.
He stands there in awe, wondering what he could've done to deserve you. He thinks about all the time you've done something for him even though you didn't have to. All those times you've listened to him rant during a phone call, all those times you'd help him carry some "heavy" stuff. Even though it was actually light and Senku just has the muscles of a twig.
He looks at the telescope and the gift you made personally for him, a little star carved out of wood. You two would spend forever in his room gazing at the stars through his old telescope. He smiles softly at the star before looking back up to meet yours.
"Happy birthday, Senku."
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basslinegrave · 8 months
its always nice to come back to a ship after a "break" from it to be able to look back at things and look at everything with fresh eyes and stuff.
thinking about stobotnik (and shipping them romantically, to be specific) and how easy it is to look at them and go yep, theyre together. i guess partially because theres nobody telling me otherwise (or im good at avoiding those peeps online) and its all quite open, but from a new perspective i wouldnt even say its That toxic (if you ignore the fact that theyre literally evil) only thinking of jims words saying its abusive, hes like the only one i care about saying stuff since hes part of this. i have thoughts about that... but besides that - maybe its some weird copium but. to me, at worst it can be one sided, at best its literally anything. couple, "married", weird unlabeled Thing going on, i eat them all up. (i understand a lovey dovey bot is quite ooc, but thats not the only way to show love, and he definitely has his own ways)
my biggest thought lately is how in s2 bot is much nicer to stone, but i dont take it as "oh he changed and grew as a person while exiled and isnt abusive anymore" but rather "this is the norm" and him being awful to stone in s1 was literally just because of sonic. like this little alien thing is a completely new variable in the flow of things and it made him so frustrated, he already has a short fuse, so this is just what happened. also thinking about how hes a bit more collected normally (in s2 its also from the emerald, and some newfound false confidence, But in s1 before they find sonic you can see him going from stern but collected to just a shouting mess ), like this brought out this side of him or amplified it (a side which he absolutely would not hide around stone) it is also fun to think, oh he just bullies him. (but i obviously dont look at that as too bad, i guess in fanon you can play with the idea that stone fucks with it) but with them deleting all of those scenes for s2, for a few reasons ig, it tells a slightly different story to me... does this make sense? the way he talks to stone at the start in s1 and in the good cop bad cop scene is like quite calm to me for robotnik. thats how i imagine he would normally be around stone. smiling at him more often than snarling, showing off etc. the way the manifesto is written too, theres respect given to stone, and i doubt it was written inbetween the movies or last second. like that is something that he made x time ago imo way before s1, so the way he barked at him in the 'pin yourself to the wall' scene, to me thats just plain frustration and lack of emotion control taking over. plus how he completely switches that off once he notices the quill, no he doesnt hate stone, hes not angry at him, hes just angry. and stone was the closest person to take it out on. is that healthy? no, but it makes for the most fun dynamic ive seen in my fav media so i love that.
and the whole thing with him grabbing stone and shoving fingers in his mouth and what not, in all fairness your honor, he is literally innocent. he is neurodivergent and his love language is on the same level as people biting other people they like. its literally just that (reminds me of someone that i strongly believe had a crush on me in hs and they would ask to sit next to me in class and then push me off my chair and write on and tear my notes and it was cute to me. so im projecting that onto stone okay)
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jackiehicks · 1 year
Spyder Johnson x Platonic!reader
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request: none! this came from my very own brain.
A/N: happy birthday pearce!! it’s officially september 6th in the uk so i’m posting a piece about my favourite pearce character (sorry wyatt) i have had this idea in my head for literally a year now and it feels so good to put it into words. this is also Heavy on the ‘projecting onto my oc’ thing so sorry about that. enjoy!!
content warning: mentions of bad home life, homelessness, potentially death? injury, etc.
words: 1.8k
“sorry im late!” y/n shouted as the elevator door opened, then realising she did not need to be shouting, “sorry i’m late.”
“you’re good, y/n, no worries. we wouldn’t start without you anyway.” veracity reassured her.
y/n was the medic of mech x-4. she was still relatively new to the team, having only joined a few weeks ago alongside her best friend veracity. the other guys said it was good to have a designated medic on the team; usually harris would do it all, but if harris got hurt then the others were generally a bit clueless. y/n was tight with the team since the boys transferred to bay city east - especially spyder. the two sort of understood eachother in ways that the rest of the team didn’t quite catch on to.
“yeah, we literally couldn’t start without you. ryan isn’t here yet, or mark. and we’re testing the x-weapon today so you need to be here in case ryan explodes.” spyder explained to y/n. he received a look of concern from the rest of the team, y/n included.
“not that he’s gonna explode,” spyder corrected himself hastily, “i just mean like… what if he gets a nosebleed or a… a brain bleed! no, that’s also bad. yep, ignore me. giving you permission to ignore me now.”
“whatever happened to positive mental attitude?” harris muttered under his breath, shaking his head in disappointment. spyder looked dejectedly at the buttons in front of him. y/n had noticed that he seemed to do that a lot.
“hey,” she whispered to the boy on her left, “5 bucks says ryan gets zapped by the x-weapon’s power.” that seemed to perk spyder up by a lot.
“10 says he gets fried”
to say the x-weapon test went poorly would be an understatement. ryan and mark showed up, about 20 minutes after the team had arranged to, with their mother in tow. after a tour of the robot, plus a quick joyride just outside of bay city’s limits, the test begun. not only did it almost blow veracity up, but the test had ended with ryan unconscious in the harness with a sizeable cross burnt into his chest.
everyone was in the medbay, y/n running a scan on ryan’s injuries. luckily, the burns weren’t too severe; the x-weapon had been shut down just in time.
“he needs to go to a hospital!” grace exclaimed, worry wrinkling her face.
“no! no hospitals. besides, y/n is more than qualified to attend to ryan’s injuries.” leo countered.
“y/n is 16! what medical qualifications could she possibly have?”
“uh, my mom’s a veterinarian?” y/n admitted, unsure of how grace would react.
“oh, great. that’s just wonderful. i need to take my son to a hospital!”
“mom, i’m fine. please.” ryan pleaded.
“no. you will not argue with me on this. get up, we’re going. mark, you’re coming too.”
the walkers dejectedly got up and left the medbay, presumably leaving the robot too.
after that, the rest of the gang split up to head home. harris and veracity left to do some more research on gigawatts or whatever sciencey stuff they talked about after team meetings and weapons tests. spyder had gone home for dinner. leo disappeared too, doing whatever the hell he does when he’s not throwing himself into his work, and ryan and mark were at home, packing for miami. the only person left in the robot was y/n, who was researching the best ways to care for minor second degree burns from home and sending her findings to ryan. she was in the middle of telling him to dress the burn with sterile bandages when she heard someone walking around in the hallways.
still new to the dangers of the job, y/n started to panic. what if it was traeger? or grey? what if someone had come to destroy mech x-4 while it was seemingly empty? what would they do to her if they found she was there? not wanting to risk anything, she grabbed the nearest weapon she could find: a steel tray. usually it carried all the tools that could have been used as better weapons, but they were all being sterilised. steel tray would have to do. cautiously, y/n opened the door of the medbay. she walked out into the hallway, keeping a close eye out for villains. she turned a corner and saw a figure in front of her. in a panic, she threw the sheet of metal at the mysterious figure. the figure fell to the floor and let out a high pitched scream. y/n screamed in response, although not quite as high as her victim. she edged closer, and noticed that the figure was wearing a snapback hat.
“y/n! what are you doing here? i thought everyone left.”
“i had some research to do for ryan’s burns - what are you doing here?”
“uh… weapons checks?” y/n checked her phone, seeing through spyder’s unconvincing excuse.
“it’s almost 9pm, weapons checks couldn’t have started a bit earlier? don’t lie to me, spyder.”
spyder stayed on the floor, looking down sheepishly. y/n sighed and offered him a hand up, which he took.
“have you been home since the test?” y/n asked, walking into the hangout alongside spyder.
“uh, no.”
“have you eaten?”
“yeah, i… uh. yeah. i ate.”
he looked down at the floor again. he seemed nervous, shy… ashamed? y/n had never seen him like this before.
“i did. went to the soup kitchen.”
“spyder…” y/n was planning on comforting her friend, when he started to turn down a corridor - one that would not lead to the couch.
“spyder, where are you going? the hangout is that way.” she said, gesturing down the hall.
“can i show you something?”
y/n sighed, looking at her friend. he had never been so sincere towards her before. she had no choice but to trust him.
after a few more minutes into the corridor, spyder opened a door that led into what can only be described as…
“is this a bedroom?”
“uh… kind of? i sleep here sometimes.”
y/n looked at spyder, concern visible in her face. her eyes drifted to the mattress on the floor, blankets, pillows, empty soda cans and discarded candy wrappers on the floor, a nintendo switch lying haphazardly on a makeshift bedside table, and an absurd collection of hats.
“spyder, do you live in the robot?”
it was nearly 11pm, and spyder and y/n were sitting atop mech-x4, looking over bay city. spyder had confessed that he had been living in the robot for the last couple of weeks. the two had had a hearty conversation after that, with y/n simply trying to understand spyder’s reasoning for not going home.
turns out, his parents argue a lot. like, a lot. his house seemed to be a constant screaming match between his parents and spyder always being caught in the crossfire. he was the only child of two people that should have split up a long time ago but didn’t for the sake of their son, but now their son didn’t even want to go home for fear of what his parents will be like when he gets home.
“i’m serious, y/n, it’s awful there. they hate eachother.” he let out a long sigh, his breath visible in the cold air, “families can be so messed up sometimes.”
“yeah, i hear that.”
“what’s your family like?”
“i mean, i don’t think it’s as bad as yours…” spyder let out a light chuckle and playfully elbowed y/n’s arm. y/n smiled and continued her piece.
“…but yeah, my family’s a little messed up too. i mean, i’m the eldest of four kids - all girls, a full sister and two half sisters - my parents are divorced, we fell out with my dad about two years ago and i haven’t seen him since, my stepdad works away a lot and my mom works so hard and sometimes pretty late. my eldest sister is in her moody teenage phase at the moment so it’s on me to look after the younger girls a lot of the time. then when my parents do come home… they’re just so tired and stressed, i sort of get the brunt of all of those feelings they’ve got built up. my sister gets it too sometimes but the little ones can do no wrong in their eyes, so it’s usually me. i feel like i’ve had to grow up pretty quickly to be able to do all these things around the house on top of school, and i’m old enough to get a job now too so i’ve got that weight on my shoulders…” y/n snapped out of her rant, suddenly feeling embarrassed. “sorry. i’m rambling. you’re the one who’s essentially homeless, i don’t know why i’m complaining.”
“no, it’s alright. it’s kinda nice, talking to you like this. no one usually takes me seriously enough to have a real conversation with me.”
y/n placed a gentle hand on spyder’s arm.
“you’re more than people take you for. you’re really funny, and kind, and smart-“
“i’m not smart.”
“yes, you are. don’t be like that.”
“no, i mean it. i’m not smart. i’m failing almost everything in school, i can’t do any sciencey-techy-buildy stuff like the others can…”
“you’re smart in other ways, spyder. you saved veracity from that plant thing like, a week ago, right? harris didn’t figure that out. you did.”
“yeah,” spyder sat up a little straighter, “yeah, i did.”
“oh, before i forget…” y/n reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out a ten dollar bill. spyder looked confused.
“the bet. you were right, ryan was fried by the x-weapon. see what i mean? you guessed that it would fry him. you’re smarter than you think, spyder.”
“my name is connor.”
y/n smiled, letting the name roll off her tongue a couple times.
“you suit connor.”
they both looked ahead at bay city in the dark, illuminated by the streetlights and lit windows of people that haven’t settled into sleep yet.
“do your parents know where you are?” y/n asked.
“told them i’m crashing at harris’ place.”
“why aren’t you staying with harris then?”
“dunno. don’t want him to find out, i guess.”
“but you told me?”
“yeah… i don’t know. i trust you. you treat me like an actual person. makes a nice change.”
y/n threw an arm around her friend. she could feel spyder - connor - melt into her touch slightly.
“you know you can always stay at mine, right? my parents don’t mind having guests over, as long as we stay out of mom’s way when she’s working from home.”
“you sure? i don’t wanna cause any trouble.”
“of course i’m sure. you’re my friend.”
“thanks, y/n”
“no problem, connor.”
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bum-scum · 1 year
Father's day is coming up ( in Aus) and now I wanna do a snippet of the Kaiba bros! (And maybe a big hint of azureshipping in there)
Again the usual my english grammar is bad yadda yadda yadda, bad grammar etc.
Ya get the drill.
No warnings here you all good.
Mokuba smiled excitedly. Having finished his little project. Happy to finally give it to his big brother for when he got home.
Well if his big brother is going home, that is.
His big brother didnt have much time for him. Work was a overload and the amount of time spent at work and not at home was beginning to bother Mokuba.
He also understood that his elder brother has tons upon tons of paperwork to deal with, let alone the amount of meetings conference's he's had to take part in lately.
Which left Mokuba doing allot of things on his own. Hanging out with Yugi and the gang, much to his big brother's dismay. Mokuba chose to ignore him and continued to hang out with them.
"Do you think he will like it?" Mokuba shoved the work towards tea.
Tea looked over it and smiled. "Its perfect."
"What about the drawing, Mokuba? Are you going show me what it is?" Mokuba shook his head.
"Nope. Thats a secret."
Tea laughed, ruffling Mokuba's now short hair.
"Lets take you home, you little runt." Mokuba giggled.
Returning home, he waved goodbye to Tea as he closed the front door, calling out his brother's name.
"Seto! Seto, im home!"
Looking around the home, Mokuba searched for his bother, looking high and low until he came acrossed the light crack from underneath the door.
Seto is home.
Nervousness beated in his little chest, scared, hoping his brother isnt angry today.
Opening the door as quietly as possible, he could see his brother typing away. His eyes focused on the screen of the laptop.
Yep, busy as always.
Mokuba made it inside of the room and stood next to his brother. He lighty tugged on Kaiba's work pants, gaining his attention.
"Oh, Mokuba you're home."
Mokuba smiled, as Kaiba picked him up and sat on his lap.
"I made you something today, big bro."
"You did?"
"Alright, lets have a look." Mokuba watched his brother looking at his work. His heart pumping in his chest. Will his big brother like it or would he hate it?
Mokuba beamed when he heard Kaiba chuckle, it was always a good sign. Mokuba felt hopeful that his big brother would like it.
Mokuba eyes widen when his brother held the pice of drawing that he told Tea earlier that was secret. And eyebrow raised, more intriguing than anger or annoyance.
The creak of the work chair made its presence as he saw his older brother leaning back, looking at him, an accusing look.
Or maybe
Something else.
"Whats Tea doing in this picture?"
"Welll...I...You see..." Now both eyebrows were riased in his direction. The look Kaiba was giving him made Mokuba blush, the embarrassment and guilt rising in his chest.
"Something you're not telling me, Mokuba?"
It was then Kaiba turned the paper around that he pointed to the drawing.
A drawing of a happy family. Kaiba to the left, Mokuba in the middle and Tea to the right. All holding hands. And a big love heart in the middle. Writting in words above their heads "daddy, mommy and moki"
Mokuba started to fidget with his shirt. Looking down in shame.
"I wanted to draw a happy family."
"But why is Tea in here?"
Mokuba looked away, and he mumbled.
"Mokuba you need to speak a little lou-"
"Because I wanted a mommy!" He snapped.
Mokuba covered his face with his hands, letting out little sobs. Now he'd done it.
He ruined his big brother's life.
Mokuba felt his brother's arms wrapped around him as he cried. He was definitely sure now that Seto was angry with him.
"Silly Mokuba. What makes you think of Tea being your mommy for?"
Mokuba sniffed and looked up at his brother.
"Well whats 'because'? I need your reasoning."
"Beecauuseee~ you like her. Remember when we went to one of her shows out in New York? And you said that she was pretty? And the other time you offered her rides home? I saw your hand near her butt one time at the restaurant we went to." Mokuba explained.
"That doesnt mean anythi-"
"Annnndddd I saw you whisper something in her ear and your hand THEN touched her butt. I saw it, im not stoopid."
Kaiba crossed his arms, which meant Mokuba knew it hit him right where he wanted.
"You shouldnt be observing in adult conversations."
"And you shouldnt be touching her butt."
"I did not."
"Yes you did."
"Did not."
"Did too."
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
"I wanna have a happy family. I see the other kids have their mommies, and the other kids ask me why my mommy isnt here."
Mokuba squeezed his eyes shut as tears fall from his cheeks.
"And...and Tea...she's nice and she doesnt hate me. And you dont hate her. So I thought she make a great mommy."
"Mokuba thats-"
"And Isono agrees!"
Mokuba heard his brother sigh.
"Little brother, it is not that simple as you think it is. You cant just pick and choose who's going to be your mother. It doesnt work that way."
"But..but Tea..."
"She has her own life to attend to. For you all know she might already have someone awaiting her home."
Mokuba shook his head.
"She's still single. I checked her socials and other important stuff. She's not married or have a boyfriend."
"She might have a girlfriend."
"She doesnt have one of those."
"Still single, eh?" Mokuba nodded.
"YeP" his mouth made a popping noise to emphasized the P.
"And she's here right now, visiting." Mokubas hope rose high as Kaiba started to call her. Her voice answering on the other end of the receiver.
"Oh hi, Seto! Didnt know you were going to call. I havent heard from you in ages..."
Mokuba listened to their conversation. His fingers playing along his shirt, hoping Tea would come and visit, and maybe stay for the night.
"Sure sounds great! I'll be right over!" She sounded excited over the phone.
Mokuba celebrated.
"Yay! And you can touch Tea's butt all the time."
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p-taryn-dactyl · 2 years
for the requests (if they’re still open!!) anything agatha related!!! always thirsty for the hot mommy witch 🥵🥵 - ☁️☁️
Heartbeat Out of my Chest
a/n: look…i am very gay and recently, i’ve been having severe cases of gay panic taking over my life so yes i turned it into a fic you’re welcome (and yes, my requests are open, im sorry this took me so long)
prompt: librarian!fem!reader catches the eye of agatha
word count: 1.1k
warning(s): gay panic - there’s no plot, only projection
this picture of kathryn owns my ass
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this is how i imagined agatha in this fic
Your long skirt brushed against your ankles as you danced through the rows of books, singing along to the music playing from your phone. Your shift hadn’t officially started yet but you couldn’t sleep a moment longer and so you headed into work an hour early. It was moments like these that made you love your job. The peaceful stillness of the air, the smell of new books flooding the air as you stocked and catalogued the shelves, the ability to let loose a bit before patrons started to stroll through the shelves.
“…I’m so in love that I might stop breath-AH!”
You sang along to the lyrics turning around to grab another book and practically jumping out of your skin. Leaning against the wall, staring at you with intense blue eyes, was the woman who made you forget how to breathe. Agatha Harkness. She was new to town, only being in the city for a few weeks, yet it seemed like she was set on making her mark. Specifically, her mark on you. For the past couple of weeks, Agatha had been showing up right as the library opened and leaving right as the clock struck 11. Sometimes, she would sit curled up in a chair, reading the books you recommended with a soft smile, drinking chai from the cafe just down the block. Other times, she would do what she’s doing now, stand on the other side of the room, trapping you in her gaze.
“Oh, uh, you-you scared me!”
You rambled out nervously, your eyes looking everywhere but her as your heart beater rapidly. Agatha merely cocked her head to the side, smirking slightly as her eyes raked up and down your form. Heat flooded your face as you too inspected your outfit, slight embarrassment building within you. You wore a long pleated skirt, with a white collared button down shirt tucked into it and held into place with a belt. A tie was loosely hanging from your neck but you still felt the phantom tightening, strangling you. You loved this outfit, it allowed you to live out your dreams of being Evelyn O’Connell. Nervously, you fiddled with the tie around your neck, moving your eyes to stare at the pile of books on your cart, hyperaware of Agatha’s unwavering stare. You heard her push off the wall as you reached for a book to awkwardly continue shelving. The music you had been dancing to paused and you looked up to see Agatha holding your phone.
“What,” you swallowed down your stutter, inwardly cursing yourself at your nervousness, “What are you doing?”
Agatha finished typing whatever she was doing and looked up, making direct eye contact with you. You were frozen, the book in your hand drooping slightly, in danger of falling to the floor. She raised an eyebrow, like what she was going to say was obvious.
“I have to contact you somehow, I can’t risk someone getting to the books first.”
You nodded, laughing nervously.
“Books, we have those, yep.”
Your eyes widened and you trailed off as Agatha slowly walked to you, her smirk growing larger as your heart rate increased rapidly.
She knows what she’s doing, you thought, somewhat angrily, and she’s enjoying it
Agatha came to stand in front of you, handing you your phone. When you reached out to take it, you felt Agatha’s fingers brush up against yours.
You thought you would surely die with how fast your heart was beating. Soon, it would beat right out of your chest.
“Any recommendations?”
She asked you, somewhat innocently, like she wasn’t staring at you like a tiger would its prey. You gaped at her before looking down at the pile of books then back up at her then back down at the books. Blinking, you snapped out of it, nodding with excitement as you grabbed a new installment, the fresh cover cracking pleasantly in your hand. You handed it to her, rambling about the plot with enthusiasm. You had read the book the night previous and were desperate for someone to rant about it with.
“It’s called Furyborn. It’s about this fantasy world heavily influenced by angels in one century, fueled with magic and something called the Emperium, and in the other century, these things are thought to be myth. It follows two girls, thousand years apart, living separate but somehow connected lives. Oh and there’s also a prophecy about the Sun Queen and the Blood Queen, one to save their world and one to destroy. Also-”
It was like you spent hours rambling about the book, trying your best not to reveal anything to the woman in front of you. After a while, you trailed off, once you realized what you were doing. Internally, you scolded yourself. Agatha had been flirting with you, you had just realized, and you spent well over twenty minutes describing a book. She probably stopped paying attention a while ago. Sighing, you handed Agatha the book and she took it somewhat hesitantly, slight concern in her eyes. You turned away, positive Agatha would walk away. As you started shelving the books again, you felt a hand on your elbow and you looked up. Agatha was now kneeling on the ground next to you, where you had squatted down to put a recently returned Moby Dick back in its place.
“You didn’t finish.”
Blinking, you looked at her in confusion. Agatha sighed.
“The book, Y/N, you didn’t finish telling me about it.”
You stood up, the surprise of someone actually listening to your rambles shocking you. Agatha stood as well, leaning against the bookshelf with her swagger that sent sparks down your spine. Looking around, you noticed that people had trickled in, not noticing them when you were speaking to Agatha. A line had just started to form by your desk, with people patiently waiting to check out a book. You looked back at Agatha apologetically, biting the inside of your cheek
“I rambled too much, I’m sorry, it seems I have customers waiting. Maybe I could finish later?”
You couldn’t deny that your last sentence sounded childishly hopeful. Agatha smiled, nodding.
“Let someone take the afternoon shift today, Y/N. I’ll be at the cafe down the street at two. I’ll save you a seat.”
It took you a minute to absorb her words.
“Like a, like a date?”
Now your word’s definitely were dripping in hope and slight panic. Agatha took a step forward, pulling you close to her with your tie. Yep, your heart would beat out of your chest at any moment.
“Finally you understand. Yes, like a date,” she pecked your cheek lightly, the kiss lingering on your skin as she walked away. She spun around, walking backwards and pointing at you, “don’t be late.”
As you made your way back to your desk, you had a giant smile on your face. One customer congratulated you, making a joke as you scanned out her book.
“It’s going to feel weird without the tension in here everyday, hope you enjoy your date, Y/N.”
a/n: did i give this a sudden ending? yes. is that because i would’ve written thousands more words on this dynamic? also yes. I hope you enjoyed this little projection not plot fic and thank you for reading!!
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lazyfish2802 · 1 year
Mha x Skycotl
Here's Aizawa n a skykid causssssee why not
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Hiiii so i made a tumblr page (version2 cause the first one had verification errors which was entirely caused by my stupidity), thx fer checking it out, i rarely use sosmed (social media, sosmed is the abbreviation used whre im frem).
Its just a random drawing so its not a scene in the story - but like i might also use the stool idea. eh one day, in some chapter idk. So anyway thats haru n aizawa. (Aizawa with his bun cause i like his bun hair <3)
Fun fact: so u know (or dont know depending who reads this) i gave 2 names to a sky kid, sky name n mha name? So Haru's sky name was something like 'Young-ji' or 'Young-hu' cause i like the name 'Young', but then fer some reason i changed it to Sora which i changed Sora to 'Sorr'.
Yep. Anyways, so this tumblr, i might post sem sneak peaks, maybe cut drafts, maybe sem other fun facts, maybe sem headcannons, and sem sky kid profiles? Does that make them OCs? They feel more like rando characters i make to fill in until i write them personality that makes me like them, otherwise, they just random.... random in a way i still organize them with a list n profiles (i didnt do that when i started writing, oof- had to edit few chaps cause of that).
Then there's complete randos like the guy frem the first chapter, Takeshi! Gave him a name, what he did, what he thought n then done, he's never coming back. Made few other randos fer as Hawks co-workers cause why is there only Hawks n Tokoyami in Hawks Agency MHA Wiki???? But o well. I might give profiles fer them too..... hmmm idk
And uuuuuuh if u wanna ask me anything go ahead? What is it do u do on tumblr? i only use it to look at art n give heart, idk what else or how the other features work :/
Oh, also also lastly, if you're a completely random person that just stumbled upon this and is absolutely confused wth im on about
Here's the fic:
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yallcantread · 1 year
Sorry for being late, as @sadgirlcoded asked for.. here’s a thread of the 1975/Matty Healy and their acts of activism/support of marginalized communities ranging from tweets, donations, flags, and rants. Im adding emojis to the titles cause I want to. Yep.
Before I begin I want to stress that Matty Healy is known for being an activist, anybody that’s a fan already knows this but if you aren’t a fan and you’ve come across this post (thank you for reading it) then let me just state that fact.
I’m starting this post with a quote from a NME article a journalist made. He said: “Dubai isn’t necessarily the kind of place you’d expect to find Matty Healy: committed hedonist and full-time stoner; wearer of an ever-changing array of threadbare vintage band T-shirts; reigning Greatest Frontman In Pop, and an outspoken champion of women, youth, the environment, minorities and the LGBTQ+ community.”
1. Malaysia’s Good Vibes Festival 🇲🇾
The most recent act of activism I’d say is the situation at Malaysia’s festival. I’m going to link the rant, articles about the rant, the transcript of the rant, and all that jazz.
“What happened?” In my own words, Malaysia is known to be a highly homophobic country, where being gay is considered illegal, and the rights for LGBTQ individuals are severely restricted. For a more in-depth understanding of their laws and the cultural treatment of LGBTQ people, you can find more information here.
I was unaware of the extent of Malaysia’s homophobia until this recent situation unfolded. The band 1975 performed in Malaysia without realizing the country’s stance on LGBTQ rights. Matty, the band’s lead vocalist, acknowledges their mistake and implies that they won’t be returning for future performances in Malaysia.
During the performance, Matty expressed his frustration with the government’s homophobic policies and openly criticized them, sending a strong message against their discriminatory actions. He then decided to rebel against those stupid homophobic laws by grabbing his bandmate Ross and kissing him on stage.
As a result of the band’s actions, the concert had to be cut short by 45 minutes, and the government cancelled the remaining festival, using the 1975’s performance as a pretext, which many see as an unjustified excuse.
Overall, the incident highlights the significant challenges faced by LGBTQ individuals in Malaysia and the importance of raising awareness about LGBTQ rights and equality worldwide.
A quick summary of the situation from a verified source will be right here.
“Where can I watch the rant?” You can watch Matty Healy’s important speech right here.
“How is this activism? Isn’t this disrespectful to the Malaysian government and people? Doesn’t this make it harder for the gay Malaysian community? Isn’t this white savorism?”
No. If you’re interested in my opinion, I’ll provide it at the end of this post as it might be a bit lengthy. However, if you prefer a concise rundown from a journalist’s perspective, then here.
2. Streets of London 🇬🇧
Streets of London is a charity to support the homeless people of London. Matty Healy amongst other famous British singers like Liam Gallagher and Paul McCartney donated money and prizes to the cause. You can read more about this specific project right here.
If you want to donate to the cause I’ll add a link under the title “streets of London” if you’d like to learn about the homeless epidemic in London click right here. While you’re here there’s a homeless epidemic in every western country especially America. If you need any help securing housing let me know the state you live in and I’ll provide some resources!
3. The 1975 helped finance a new LGBTQ+ center in London. 🏳️‍🌈
This one is very very very very important. I should’ve made this the second one following the Malaysian article but I’m not redoing it sorry. A lot of people in the Malaysian incident wrongfully stated that Matty Healy is virtue signaling or is someone that wants to appear like a hero. In this section, Matty talks about how he doesn’t want to appear virtue-signaling. READ IT ALL.
There’s more to the article but I’m going to input all the important bits in the post. If you want to read the full article here it is.
The 1975 have helped finance a new LGBTQ+ community centre for London, making a significant donation that has allowed the project to secure its fundraising target.
Matthew Healy, the band’s frontman, told the Observer: “You might wonder why it is needed, and even ask yourself what exactly is everyone still scared of, but sadly, I think stigma still exists even in London and we still have some way to go.”
Healy, 29, added that he was surprised to find the capital city did not have a place for LGBTQ+ people to meet and support one another. New York, Berlin, Los Angeles and Manchester already have such venues – and London did once. A Gay and Lesbian Centre in Farringdon was shut down in the early 1990s, because of a lack of funding and management disagreements about its core purpose. But now a team of volunteers, including the activist and journalist Michael Segalov, are attempting to set up a new and more welcoming place for London’s large LGBTQ+ community that could have a more stable future.
“When a friend of mine sent me the link, I was quite surprised that such a good idea had not yet raised enough to get over the threshold,” said Healy, “I am a bit wary of talking about it because I don’t want to appear to be virtue-signalling, but me and the others in the band all felt it was obviously a good thing to put our money towards.”
4. Raising awareness towards climate change + Using funds to donate to a environmental movement☀️🌎.
If you’re a fan of the 1975 then you already know how they worked alongside Greta Thunberg, the young climate change activist, and put an iconic and important message in the opening track on the album “Notes on a Conditional Form”
I’m going to link the interview here but I’ll post important bits of it in the thread like I did before. I’ll be doing that throughout this entire post if you haven’t noticed.
In an interview with the Sunday Times Healy, then 31, said that Greta Thunberg had gone to "bigger artists" than the band to work with but had been turned away.
Healy said: “I feel like big statements will be made by pop stars, but they’ll do it when the cultural narrative has massaged a subject enough for it to be not really a statement any more. A narrative needs to be seen as progressive but also safe. I call it ‘workshop woke’.”
Matty Healy described Greta, 17 at the time, as the most punk person he has ever met, adding that he wanted to include her on the album so her voice was "documented in a formal place in pop culture".
The money raised from the track went to environmental movement, Extinction Rebellion.
“What have the 1975 done to make their tours environmentally friendly?” An annoying conservative of the name David Davies (corny lame name for a lame cornball) asked the same silly question. For more context he criticized the 1975 calling them hypocrites for their track on the climate crisis. He condescendingly asked how the band was going to get to these places such as Asia and other continents.
If you want to read that loser’s open letter here it is.
“But what have they done?” The 1975 have taken steps to make their tours more eco-friendly, introducing hybrid-powered generators with solar arrays and sustainably-sourced Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) fuel to power shows along with supporting reforestation charities through ticket sales. You can read more about that here.
5. Another article/quote I should’ve put following the Malaysian festival.
This is my all time favorite interview. Read it ALL. A quote made by Matty Healy in regards to going to Dubai, a place known for their human rights violations amongst other things. I’m going to link an article of the things problematic things that Dubai is known for. So you can read that right here.
This part of the post is really important because it highlights how strongly Matty Healy believes in people’s rights and how he has always been outwardly against any homophobic or racist agenda promoted by any country. He has always been known to rebel against the government’s policies.
An interviewer asked Matty if he had emptied his bags and pockets for drugs before going to Dubai. Matty mentioned he had to wait in immigration for an hour and that they had went through every pocket he had. He didn’t bring any drugs. After stating this the interviewer followed with “So drugs are not worth getting arrested for. But principles? That’s a different matter.”
Matty responds with:
““I would go to jail for what I stand for, you know – I feel like I’m in one of the only punk bands in the world,” says Matty. “I’m profoundly anti-religion and I always have been. I don’t agree with a dogmatic, pious adherence to scripture, because I believe that creates more pain for more people on a global level than it does solace for people on the individual level. I think it’s a selfish act. But I also understand that religion and culture are two very, very, very different things. So I understand the idea of if you say to somebody, I don’t know, ‘your religion is stupid’, it can for some people be the equivalent of somebody saying, ‘your face is ugly’, because it’s so deeply ingrained in who they are. I would never come over here and be disrespectful to people to make a point. But I’m never going to not stand up for women. I’m not going to not stand up for gay people. I’m not going to not stand up for minorities. So it’s my job to come out here and…”
The interviewer cuts him off and asks “But you’re going to have to really watch what you say tonight, no?”
Matty responds with “Well, I’m not allowed to have ‘GOD LOVES F*GS’ written on my chest, which I probably am going to. So that will be interesting.”
The interviewer replies with “And risk getting arrested before your headline slot at Reading and Leeds? The big one? The one it’s all been building up to?”
Matty responds with “Yeah, that’s the only thing that I’m thinking. But you know, people need to say this kind of shit, man. There’s not many bands like mine that come to this part of the world. What kid in Dubai, who’s coming to a 1975 show, wants me to say nothing?”
The interview says “But it’s not those kids you have to worry about.
Matty replies with “Well, that’s my job.”
If you want to read that entire interview you can do so here. In this article he also mentions how he wanted to create the 1975 styled hijabs for his Muslim fans.
6. More climate change stuff 🌎☀️
I didn’t want to add it to the other climate change post because I wanted it to be its own individual thing. I also didn’t want to make it too long.
But The 1975 has made strides in creating a more sustainable future for the music industry and fans alike. The 2020 merch was made of upcycled, repurposed older merch that is printed with the latest album art. Alternatively, when touring started back up again, the could bring their existing merchandise and have it printed on for free. The 1975 had also partnered with REVERB to make their touring experiences more sustainable.
Their partnership with REVERB can be read here, please click this link. It’s an entire list of environmental things they’ve done.
7. Women’s rights + Pro-Choice 💪
In the summer of 2019, Alabama’s conservative governor Kay Ivey passed a law that banned abortion at any stages for any reasons including sexual assault and for life saving purposes. Matty Healy was one if not the only male with a platform in the music industry that said something about this law in 2019. Many male actors made a tweet or two here and there but Matty Healy made a passionate speech in Alabama about the ruling. He made it at the “Hangout Music Festival”
He started off by saying “The reason I’m so angry is because I don’t believe [the ban] is about the preservation of life, I believe it’s about the controlling of women.”
He went on to criticise those who passed the law, saying “you are not men of God, you are simply misogynistic wankers.”
He added: “You know what else is important? Freedom for women to do with their reproductive organs what they want.”
You can watch the full speech here.
8. Black Lives Matter/Love If We Made It.
Before I begin I want to state again that I’m a black person. No, I am not secretly Matty Healy like many messages in my inbox keep saying that I am. I’m not even British. But I’m flattered?
Anywho. If you were on the internet during the summer of 2020 then you were aware of the death of George Floyd and the protests that followed after it. To give you a run down, George Floyd was murdered by a police officer even though he had no weapon on him, was obeying orders and hadn’t committed a crime. A police officer by the name of Derek Chauvin choked him with his knee. Even though bystanders and George Floyd himself kept saying he couldn’t breathe Derek Chauvin continued to choke George Floyd. George Floyd’s death caused understandable anger, around this time there were other innocent black people who had their lives taken away due to police brutality. Before George Floyd died a young black woman named Breonna Taylor was wrongfully murdered in March of 2020, the police had issued a no knock warrant on her apartment the police shot through her home instantly killing her with one of the bullets. So with all this happening so closely together clearly there was tension growing between police and the public more specifically the black community.
Many white people like Matty Healy voiced their support for the black community and protestors. He shamed those claiming that “all lives matters.” Before the deaths of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd, in October of 2018 the 1975 created an amazing song called “Love It If We Made It” the song isn’t one of those songs that are baseless and run along the lines of “racism is bad. black people are rad!” or some other corny stuff that has no actual purpose but to pander. If you listen to the song and look at the lyrics it talks about sexual assault, systematic racism, the prison industry and how it profits off of black men, police brutality and more on. The song basically is saying that even though all these messed up horrible things are happening, the song title and chorus saying “I’d love it if we made it” is showing a hopeful and optimistic message basically saying it will get better.
Around the time George Floyd died Matty had tweeted the following:
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So, this song caused quite a controversy, and I vividly remember that day on Twitter. It was disheartening to witness how low and desperate some people went just to gain retweets. Let me clarify what I mean by ‘low and pathetic.’ I’m not talking about those who genuinely brought awareness to the situation; I’m referring to individuals who tweeted just for the sake of it, seeking attention and validation.
This behavior is unfortunately common on Twitter whenever a tragedy occurs. Instead of focusing on the actual issue at hand, some individuals choose to preemptively call out others or engage with troll/bait accounts just to showcase their cleverness. It seems as though they are more interested in getting a viral tweet than in contributing constructively to the conversation.
Whether it’s a tragic incident like a drug overdose or police brutality, some people seem to prioritize their online presence over genuine empathy and thoughtful engagement. Rather than blocking unhelpful accounts, they choose to engage in unproductive exchanges, which only perpetuate negativity.
As an example, let’s consider a situation where someone has tragically died from a drug overdose. It’s disheartening to observe how certain individuals with a significant number of followers on Twitter would suddenly tweet things like “don’t tell the family of xyz how to grieve; let them grieve on their own time!” even though no one had actually made such insensitive comments to begin with. Similarly, they might post, “why am I seeing people talking about how xyz deserved to die because he took those drugs?” when in reality, no legitimate non-troll account had said anything of that nature.
Furthermore, these individuals may deliberately twist the meaning of innocent statements just to gain retweets and attention. For instance, if someone were to innocently mention, “man, drugs are so scary,” they might quote-tweet it with “why are you making his death about drugs?” The tweet then gains thousands of retweets, and people start labeling the original poster as a horrible person based on the out-of-context quote.
This behavior on Twitter exemplifies a disturbing trend of seeking validation and attention through manipulating sensitive situations. It undermines genuine empathy and thoughtful discussion, instead promoting a culture of unnecessary outrage and divisiveness.
If you’re familiar with Twitter, you probably know what I’m referring to. However, if you’re not on Twitter, it might seem absurd and overwhelming.
During the time of George Floyd’s death, there was a lot of discourse and discussions on the platform. Unfortunately, much of the conversation seemed performative, with people sharing opinions just for retweets and validation. The way these tweets were phrased and how people reacted to others’ tweets revealed their intentions.
At that time, the discourse predominantly revolved around police brutality and George Floyd, and any deviation from that topic would often result in attacks. People would reply to your tweets with condescending remarks like “hello?? read the room” or other judgmental statements to make you appear selfish or ignorant. Even on personal occasions like birthdays, people expected consistent tweeting about George Floyd or police brutality.
This behavior created an atmosphere where genuine conversations and empathy were overshadowed by a desire for online recognition. It became difficult for people to have meaningful discussions about a wide range of topics without fear of backlash or being labeled as insensitive.
I recall a situation where a user on Twitter got upset with me because someone had formed a moment of silence or something similar for George Floyd, I believe. During that moment, people were supposedly not “allowed to tweet,” but I did tweet something unrelated, and I ended up being labeled as a horrible person.
Looking back, it seemed amusing at the time, but it was also incredibly absurd.
This is basically what happened with Matty. During this time Matty tweeted the above photo, people attacked him and said things along the lines of “why are you making George Floyd’s death about you?” “Why are you using his death to get clicks??” or other crazy things. I remember this day vividly cause I defended him. They’d tweet things like “Matty Healy using the death of innocent blank people to promote his music is disgusting” when clearly that was not what he was doing. And those people knew it.
Because of this Matty deleted the tweet and made a new one (I’m horrible at adding photos to tumblr I’m young but this site still confuses me even though i was frequent on here in 2013 so I’m copy and pasting the tweet)
“@Truman_Black: Sorry i did not link my song in that tweet to make it about me it's just that the song is literally about this disgusting situation and speaks more eloquently than i can on twitter XXX”
Then he replied to the tweet with the song link, but later after facing more backlash he deactivated his twitter. When asked why he stated he didn’t want to be used as a pawn in a culture war.
I was going to add a bunch of tweets that matty had made years ago but for some odd reasons the tweets are cropped and i can’t post them to where they’ll show all the way. Sorry guys I’m really shit
If there’s something I missed send it to me and I’ll add it!
Also here’s my opinion on the Malaysian festival and Matty kissing Ross.
My thoughts:
In case anyone wants to debate with me, I want to make my position clear:
Idk if you can swear on here but F word 🇲🇾. Malaysian government’s homophobic stance is unacceptable, and anyone defending such a country’s discriminatory policies deserves criticism. Matty Healy’s act of kissing his bandmate does not hinder progress towards gay rights. The real issue lies in the government’s foundation on religion, particularly when religious beliefs are used to oppress people. As long as religion is the forefront of your laws, you will never have rights. And you know it. People want someone to blame instead of admitting that religion is the problem. It’s easier to blame Matty Healy then blaming the system you were instilled to believe in.
People’s rights and the ability to love who they want are of paramount importance, and they should take precedence over religion. We know that gay and trans individuals exist and are human beings, while the existence of God remains unproven. It’s perplexing how the lack of evidence for something can lead to numerous human rights violations, wars, and deaths.
Matty Healy’s actions were commendable, and it is not “white saviorism.” The term itself is often misused and is stupid. It came from that dumb tumblr blog “your fave is problematic.” The Malaysian government tries to manipulate public opinion, making it crucial to stay critical and not be swayed by their attempts to evoke pity or misconstrue the issue as a matter of cultural disrespect.
Even if you’re Malaysian Idrc lol. A person named O'Shae Sibley was dancing to Beyoncé this month outside of a gas station and these group of men came up to him and told him to stop dancing, then one of the men proceeded to STAB him. He got murdered just because he was dancing to Beyoncé. That’s homophobia. And you want to know why they asked him to stop dancing, “A witness, Summy Ullah, told the Daily News the young men had been harassing Sibley's group because their behavior offended them.
“They were saying, ‘Oh, we’re Muslim, so don’t do this in front of me,’” said Ullah, 32.
Ullah added, “Nothing else was going on. They were only dancing.” He said someone asked, "Why are you dancing in your underwear?”
I don’t know why religion ever took precedent over someone’s sexuality but let me be clear, your right to religion doesn’t trump over someone’s right to love who they love and to be happy with who they are.
Homophobic government isn’t just “wahh gay people can’t get married” it’s “oh a man was walking in a feminine way, so i murdered him.” And the government siding with the homophobic person that murdered the random stranger. Homophobia is extremely dangerous. If a government is homophobic, most likely they’re misogynistic as well. They see femininity or any form of being feminine as a threat. There’s nothing wrong with being feminine and there’s nothing wrong with liking the same sex. People deserve better, not religions and not God but people. People we can feel and touch.
You aren’t entitled to feel comfortable, if your right to feel comfortable trumps someone’s right to love who they wanna love then you have no right to comfortability.
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9 April:
Did an interest ever turn into an "obsession" for you? If not, do you regularly experience hyperfocus when you engage in your special interest? If nothing applies, tell us about your longest interest, no matter if it's a special interest or not!
lol yep, i can't seen to enjoy something a normal amount; i either am neutral towards it or its the only thing i can think about for at least 2 weeks but often longer, it's like it either goes after a few weeks or sticks around for years lol.
at the moment, im obsessed with pokemon and too hot to handle (and also my own fantasy project heh)! :)
edit because i want to add more lol:
i was obsessed with pokemon from when i was about 6 up until 14 or so, and then i lost interest somewhat until the start of this year, when it all started again lmao, i play pokemon go daily with my mum and im working my way through pokemon sword! (which I got for my birthday last year :3 )
psychology has also been a big interest for me for about 3 years, and so has sexual kinks and fetishes (idk how that started or why but here we are).
i was obsessed with giraffes and foxes when i was a kid, and every year for my birthday we went to a restaurant called giraffe! other obsessions ive had (perhaps for less time) include stranger things, bats, my hero academia, and danganronpa.
and yeah, too hot to handle is a big interest of mine right now lol, im watching it with my family because we love awful reality tv and i can't wait for the next season since we've almost finished season 4 now
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btranwrites · 2 years
a Han Vu short a gay Lovecraftian urban fantasy/horror short story
In a bid to help an unexpected influx of patients, Han accepts an unusual request, not knowing the depths he’s signing up for. …He couldn’t remember the last time he did any of those; they all sounded theoretical to him now. His life was more artificially lit, chemically power-cleansed, with questionable contacts and company. What did he know of life untainted anymore? How much of what he did was healing, how much actually undiagnosed contamination? …All the enchanting words, smiles and winks and gentle laughter, served by a face that could make angels blush and a voice potent enough to make them beg to be fucked, all deployed with surgical, devastating precision, along with extensive legal power to cement and secure all grounds gained. …He wanted to laugh, he wanted to scream, it never left him, it never would. As long as he walked this path, the destination was inevitable. Who was he to challenge a fate penned by the stars?
Full story under the cut, or read on my website! (it has better formatting)
Today, 10:02am
I can't believe that it can actually move on its own
They told me you can literally make anything and I'm a believer now
Can you make it like
squeeze and squirt stuff too
and make it warm
sorry my budget is maxed out tho
also make it fit this
You blocked @32:w0rmwh0l
Today, 11:43am
Hi, are we proceeding with this project?
It's an interesting brief with reasonable costing and I have plenty of experience creating artificial motorised limbs.
You can check out this recent delivery [here][112://sewdoc/post/8011], may be of interest to you.
Sorry but I changed my mind.
Right. Let me know if you're interested again.
Today, 1:29pm
Perfect! When can you start?
Great! If you can make a 20% deposit I can start the work straight away
I'll make the deposit upon receipt of the product.
The listing explicitly says deposit is required before start of work
And I'd said so when we started talking
@754:mill_fort_ blocked you
We can negotiate a lower amount if it helps?
Message not delivered
Today, 1:32pm
We need to run the numbers
You blocked @local:simon
You unblocked @local:simon
wait hey simon
crossed wires
ok im coming
Han slid close the curtain on the two cots set up against one perpetually stained wall in his office, gently making his way back to the desk from the sleeping teenagers. Simon had spread some unthreatening sheets on the desk next to his computer, white brows resting unstressed on his forehead, wrinkles uncreased, fingers pecking at the calculator at a stable pace. It couldn't be that bad.
"We have two more weeks before our funds run out," Simon said before Han could set his damn ass down on the chair, which creaked with violence. He managed not to fall on his face.
"What do you want me to do, Simon? Turn them away? The entire point of this Clinic is to do exactly not that!"
Simon turned a page, unperturbed. "We have two more weeks before our funds run out."
"The psychologist is helping out! With her on board along with Max, the sewers are actually turning into quite a healing place, don't you think? Can you imagine if influencers knew about this? Come ye and find restoration in this wretched place! See the forsaken dark beneath the city where–"
"Uh huh. Yep. Sure. We have two more weeks before our funds run out. Ok you better have got my point so I can stop repeating myself. And what else did you tell me just this morning?"
Han thudded his head against the desk. "That only more people are coming seeking treatment from the fallout at the forge."
Silence. He sneaked an eye at the old man, whose brows raised, expectant.
He rolled his eyes. "And since we have not a clue on why and how they're broken the way they are, the culprit is unsolved and they won't stop coming for the foreseeable future."
Simon nodded. "Good boy."
He leaned back in his chair and yelled at the ceiling, "FUCK CLIENTS!!!", only to remember the sleeping children and shut up. He mumbled instead. "The ones I want don't want me, and the ones after me need thorough spiking then thrown to the mud."
Simon stood up, patting his shoulders, and offered Han a pitiful sigh. "We have two more weeks before our funds run out." He scooped up the sheets and the calculator, leaving Han alone in his office with the children he must have woken up, who were too well-mannered to comment on his outburst.
He glared at the computer. To his utter frustration, it sat innocently and didn't do anything to him.
Deflated and defeated, Han nudged it awake, and sludged himself back onto the Market.
Today, 01:08am
Hello, Sewer Doctor. Your reputation precedes you, and from your gallery, and having personally verified a few of your testimonials, I believe you can assist me with a discrete and extensive project. It involves artificial human organs.
For confidentiality, I prefer to discuss details for such matters in person and in a secure, trusted location. I understand that this is asking a lot from you, as it can potentially compromise your identity, nor have you any basis to trust me.
As an expedited effort on my part to smooth out these obstacles, please accept this gesture of goodwill, no strings attached.
Should this be sufficient to pique your interest, please let me know. I look forward to us commencing business.
Today, 09:24am
You accepted connection request from @301:Wander
The square wasn't that big, though still enough to frame a central water fountain, should someone with photographic inclinations decide to take a snap. Han sat on a table for two by himself and an empty cup of black coffee, flicking through a thin book on biofluid dynamics, his head not registering anything. There were a few other stragglers at other tables in the coffee shop with their drinks and bagels, and the square was busy enough.
Han left the sewers from time to time, though never to sit somewhere and just… be. A day out on the beach? Picnics? Hiking? He couldn't remember the last time he did any of those; they all sounded theoretical to him now. His life was more artificially lit, chemically power-cleansed, with questionable contacts and company. What did he know of life untainted anymore? How much of what he did was healing, how much actually undiagnosed contamination?
It was nice enough every now and then, these occasional sunlight hours. If not as participant, then a spectator. A distant witness.
He almost missed the sleek black limousine that slithered up to the sidewalk on the edge of the square, almost a hundred metres away. A man clad in a black suit, with matching tie and shades, walked out of the driver's seat and stopped in front of the passenger's door. His arms crossed, holding against his chest a vanilla envelope with a red marking on it.
Han kept flicking through his book. The man in black stood where he was.
He gathered his things and stood, blending into the crowd, closing the distance. The marking on the envelope read simply, 'W.'
Han approached the man, who made eye contact with him, but stood still exactly as he was. About ten metres away, Han stopped, and got out from his coat a vanilla envelope of his own, on which he wrote with a red marker, 'SD.'
Han took out the single sheet of paper inside his envelope, as the man in black did the same. They revealed to each other the same printed screenshot of the conversation he had with @301:Wander, except from the other person's view.
Seemingly satisfied, the man in black did a slight nod. "Afternoon, Doctor." He folded the sheet back into the 'W' envelope, but not before taking out a smaller piece of paper, and handed both to Han.
Han took the envelope, offering his, which the man in black took and slipped inside his vest, who stepped aside and opened the limousine's door.
The smaller piece of paper was a Market cheque, bearing the same amount as the 'goodwill' 'greeting' transaction.
Each was as much as he could make with a dozen sales.
Fucking rich bastards.
Han got in the car. Worst-case scenario, he could trash this entire fancy-ass of a show-off vehicle with literal extraterrestrial mud.
Han was driven through the streets, which were getting busier closer to rush hours, and thinning out as they got to the outskirts of Payne Town.
Han saw wild, tall trees, a façade obscuring elaborate mansion after mansion, all with expansive, designed lawns, their muted, tastefully simple architecture shouted the same statement their size did of their owners' place in the City. Fucking rich bastards.
Han got out of the limousine, where the man in black whose name still wasn't given to him stood once again with arms crossed, next to a similarly mute limousine door, instructed him to just take the path to the front of one of those mansions. Through the gated fences, marble whites mixed with manicured hedge greens, both blurred together as he walked on stone and grass, a little intimidated, to yet another door made of black wood and intricate gold details, a substantial metallic knocker in the middle.
Han reached for the knocker and thudded it against the final barrier to this lair unknown.
Han waited as seconds passed, not sure what to expect.
Han tried his best not to bolt when his past greeted him, his mind a spiral cursing at itself for not placing the name that screamed at him from the Market chat.
Marcus Wander stood on the other side of the threshold, framed central to the black and golden gateway, looking just as surprised.
Marcus Anthony Wander, former chief financial officer of Payne Town Medical Centre of Excellence, or just Payne Town New Hospital for everyday peasants.
Marc, his former lover.
"So this is what you've been up to since you left the hospital and vanished off the face of the earth."
Marc was pouring steaming, dark tea off a stainless steel pot with a fucking lit LCD on it, from a somehow wireless base set on a marbled counter devoid of anything else other than tea bags and coffee packets, sorted into two wooden racks. The room itself was just as sparsely furnished, though Han suspected it was more from upper-class taste than affordability. There was a sofa set as big as four beds, no doubt genuine and premium leather, a TV he could fucking jump into, almost a wall of hardcover books, some fucking glinted, while sculptures, paintings, and exotic plants lined the rest of the space.
This space alone could house and finance entire families, or provide care for so, so many people.
But then again, it must have paid real well, all the loopholes and obscure gotchas the peasantry was defenceless against. The web of wealth and power Marc danced and strung better than the spiders that wove it. All the enchanting words, smiles and winks and gentle laughter, served by a face that could make angels blush and a voice potent enough to make them beg to be fucked, all deployed with surgical, devastating precision, along with extensive legal power to cement and secure all grounds gained.
Marcus Anthony Wander chiefed the financial battlefields without rival and without mercy, and those on top now were there simply because the man allowed it, or fortunate enough for him to deem unworthy of subjugation.
Though… it got Han here, didn't it?
"Yeah, it's not too bad," Han said. Marc set a cup of black tea in front of him, and settled on a seat a few paces to his right. "Kinda difficult at times, but I'm doing what I believe in. Yourself? Bought any conglomerates lately?"
Marc laughed. "Ah, one or two, maybe. You kept tabs on me, huh? I was still at the Hospital when you left, no portfolio then."
Han frowned. Marc went on unfazed. "Yeah, business's good, some are working on some really interesting tech that makes good money. I'm kinda retired these days, though. Travelling, taking up fencing again, you know, just enjoying life. It's not too bad."
Han reached for the cup of tea and took a sip. He didn't drink tea anymore, having switched to long black years and years ago, after he left the hospital and started the Clinic. But before that, he loved oolong. It was flavourful yet light, sufficient for college times.
Marc hated it.
Game pieces were already being laid around him.
He put down the cup of tea and put on a smile. Customer service smile, Samantha called it. "That's good to hear, Marc, happy that life is good for you. Now let's get onto business."
Marc leaned back in his seat. "To be honest, I did not expect the Sewer Doctor to be you, but in hindsight, it makes sense, given your skills."
"What do you want, Marc? You said artificial organs. You planning to farm them or something?"
The man reached for the coffee table before them and dragged out from the table leg a small drawer thin enough for just a folder or two, engineered for that single purpose. Marc retrieved, indeed, a clear folder from the compartment, then closed it, sliding the document over to Han. He picked it up.
It listed the bank details of dozens of accounts and stock portfolios, along with their balances and linking details to the Market. They had enough zeroes to run the Clinic for years.
Christ, he needed to punch something. "I get that you're richer than God, but what's your point?"
"These are the funds available for your use to deliver what I want you to do. Once that's done and I deem the results satisfactory, you're entitled to all remaining amounts. I trust your credibility to not cheap out, that you will use the best materials available as required."
He blinked.
And with a deep, wary breath, "and what exactly do you need me to do?"
Marc looked uncertain. It was a rare sight. In fact, Han couldn't remember Marc looking anything but certain.
"Can I trust you?"
Han laughed. "Dude. You have my identity on the Market, my fingerprint on the envelope, and more than enough dirt and money on me to lawyer my ass into jail forever."
"You didn't answer my question."
He clenched his jaws. "It makes no business sense to rat out your own customer when the entire platform relies on confidentiality."
"You still didn't answer my question."
"Our history cannot afford that."
Marc opened his mouth, but closed it. "Very well. I want a body restored."
It was a flash of devastation, a gliding of great beasts beneath false waters. It was the way Marc stood and walked away, the "follow me" a mere ghost whose veneer of bravado was collapsing. It's not too bad, he said.
Oh no.
He followed Marc into a climate controlled room in the basement. It was a clean, brightly lit though windowless bedroom, with mostly modern décor except for an older bookshelf.
At the centre of the room was a plain double bed, and a single body laid on it. Han thought body, yet it looked like a naked man sleeping.
It was Cameron. Marc's husband, who died in an occult incident with his innards harvested and his head destroyed. The head that Han reconstructed. Something he offered to do when he learned the news from Maxine, who ran the city's funeral home. A secret gift for Marc. The least he could do, he thought. After all, they loved each other once.
He stayed calm. He knew how to act so. "So, this is the body."
Marc looked transfixed on the body, moving in closer. He brushed the back of his fingers against a thigh, featherlight. "Yes. This is Cam. My husband. He passed away a few months back."
Han inched closer to the bed. The body… was pale. Purple, but hard to see so under the bright lights.
Marc was sitting on the bed, fingers tracing the head's cheeks. "I just… I want him whole. Not whatever's stuffing inside."
There were the stitches, where he pasted the face together, and the base of the neck, though Maxine did a superb job.
"I want him buried with perfect organs."
Even so, it was months ago. This should not be here. It should not be in this state. It should have decayed a lot more, a lot worse.
"Make him whole, for my sake."
"Marc," Han said finally. "Organs stay with the body after embalming."
Han said nothing.
"You know how he died, don't you? Han, did you have something to do with this?"
He took a deep breath. It smelled clean. No. Sanitised. "I helped Maxine rebuild the body."
Marc looked at him, a wordless eternity. Then he turned back to Cameron, fingers ghosting over dead lips. "Thank you."
"Marc, what's going on? I'm sorry, but… the funeral was almost half a year ago. The body… shouldn't be… here. Or… look like this."
Han was on the other side of the bed now, across from Marc, who was cradling Cam in his lap. He extended a tentative finger, and touched the body.
It was warm.
He immediately went for the wrist.
A pulse.
There wasn't a heart. The veins themselves fucking boiled away somehow. There physically could not be a pulse.
"Marc," Han said, not bothering to hide his panic anymore. "What's going on?"
"A miracle, is it not?" Marc laughed, though it was a wet, broken sound. "He's coming back. He's coming back to me, and everything will be right again."
Han felt like his head was going to burst. In the years since he had left the city surface for a life underground, he had seen things, worked with things, and knew things that should not be did, in fact, be. They walked among the ordinary, and those with eyes to see knew what was thought impossible was so simply because of limits, be it vision or power. Hell, Han was one of them. Who was he to say death was the end?
"We had been through so much," Marc said, not a man crowned at the summit of the world, but a soul drowning in the embrace of the dead. "We've got here together. This is just another obstacle, one we will overcome, like we've always done."
"How long… how long has he been like this?"
Marc frowned, looking like he struggled. "It… it's been a few months. I think. Han, you're the only one I can find who can help me. No one would believe me. Please, help me. Help us. I know you and me, we did not end on the best of terms, and I swear I will make up for all the ways I wronged you, I just… please, Han. You of all people know what it's like to help through the end, to not give up. I… I know it's him. I just know it, he's just over the threshold, and just needs a little push to come over."
It was the inflection, the way the vibrations left Marc's throat, how it croaked, steeped in naked desperation, but oh.
How it smelled of mud and blood.
How it pulsed with unlife, how it called, beckoned, pulled, from nowhere, everywhere, within, without, glaring suns and squirming galaxies.
Han pierced the Mist and looked beyond.
A maelstrom swirled at the heart of a suspended expanse, clotted with miscarried stars consuming the planets they birthed, only to excrete them again. A cosmic spine of bleeding starlight lanced through the spiral, impossibly broken yet struggling with unyielding life, the mercy of release beyond reach.
A figure, headless and hollowed out, standing just behind the bed, a single skinned hand pressing forward, against the stretching membrane of spacetime itself, thick, but translucent, threaded through with blood beating to a heart unseen and should not be.
His hands, Han looked down, each fingertip a surgical blade.
And oh, how clean the cut would be. The completion it would bring about. The perfection it would bring forth. The honour of sacred delivery.
"Do you see him?" Marc asked, bloodshot eyes wide, his face a ruin of tears and snot. "Is he here?"
Han shook his head, his insides a mess. He wanted to laugh, he wanted to scream, it never left him, it never would. As long as he walked this path, the destination was inevitable. Who was he to challenge a fate penned by the stars?
But this wasn't the time for himself. It never was time for himself. He managed to say, "it's not Cameron, Marc."
His brows furrowed with such innocence, Han wanted to cry. "Who else could it be?"
He had to bring him away from this. "Marc. I created that head. I swear to any god that will hear, there is nothing of life in there, nothing but complete artifice. Think, Marc. Use your fucking head," he grabbed the broken man by the shoulders, who for once looked afraid. He pressed on. God, please let this work. "What twisted humanity can live literally without a brain? Without food, water, for months? Marc, think! It's not a human, I can tell you that!"
Han held Marc's face. "If you trust me enough to bring me here, then please, trust me when I say nothing good stands beyond that threshold. It is not Cameron. It will not be a fate he wants, for himself, or for you."
Confusion fled, chased away by anger. "You don't know me. You don't know us. He just needs a functioning body, that's it! It must be it! We don't give up on us, nothing could stand in our path, and it's not any different now."
"Marc, fucking listen to yourself! Death is not something you defeat! He is gone, okay? You… you need help, to process grief, to mourn him and let him go, not pursuing this… transgression. I know someone, okay, she can–"
Marc's face hardened. "Transgression? Is this what this is? You're scared you're defiling some… sanctity?"
No, Han wanted to say. That he was not scared of what lurked beyond. But that would be a pitiful lie.
Marc's eyes glinted, sharpening like a bird of prey. A lifetime ago, those eyes shone with the fire of conquest, a brightness exclusive to the undefeated that had Han both in fingertips and on eggshells as Marc pleased. Now, it was a dullness that writhed, a shimmer beyond desert haze that could not tell salvation from mirage.
"You, always the idealist. Spouting principles and preening virtues and leaving ME behind, never of any fucking use. You don't know what it's like to fight, to claim. To rule. You don't understand. None of you ever fucking did.
"But he does. God, he did. And I will tear down this planet so he will again."
Han held his shaking hands still, but that was a fight he lost long ago. "I'm sorry. I'm not helping." He said, and fled the mansion.
The limousine returned to the fountain square. It was around 11PM, and no other soul graced the space, as he deserved.
Han closed the car door and was more than ready to run back to the sewers, but the driver called after him.
"Sir, Mr. Wander has a message for you." He handed Han another envelope, and left.
Alone in the square, with only the oppressive gaze from the stars above for company, he violated the vanilla enclosure. The white cheque within was nowhere near the full amount, but still substantial enough to run the Clinic for a few months at least.
Its back said simply, in clean cut red, "when you're ready, you will."
I'll be there at 4PM.
Today, 11:39PM
You accepted external transaction 2 from @301:Wander
0 notes
Hi, so I recently stumbled upon your fic “the king is dead” on ao3, and I feel I have a vague memory of seeing art of it. But I can’t find anything about this au on your blog. And I was wondering if you were willing to share any about the story?
OH MY GOD. man i haven't thought abt that fic in a while!! I started it on october 25 holy shit ...
okokok so i am planning on continuing this eventually so i cant give too much info but this is the basic idea. Yes this is how all my fic planning docs look...very messy.....(under a read more bc it might get long loll)
 Paul Bigge (29) (fun fact Bigge literally means “Big and Strong'') is a blacksmith living in a small plague ridden town near the castle where his nation’s royal family lives. 
He lives by himself other than his 5yr old son Kayne, or Kay for short (which is based off of AK,, A nickname for the Fun Dead kid).. 
His wife Irene died from the plague that basically turns the infected into a zombie… yep im that uncreative… 
Kay is selectively mute due to the trauma from his mother trying to kill him, haha fun! He does speak a bit but he and Paul normally talk to each other with sign language. 
Kay has vitiligo, and a lot of the other kids in the village taunt him for the vitiligo saying his mom must have infected him as well or call him moldy :(. 
Paul is fairly well off being one of the only (and the best) black smith in the town and he has a pretty good reputation so he eventually gets hired by the royal family. 
To the village, the royal family is thriving and benevolent to them, the eldest prince (he’s like 28), Prince Patryck (ueueue see where i'm going with this…?) shows his face to the village every so often to keep morel up and help settle disputes.
Paul was charged to make a suit of armor for the prince, something for his inevitable coronation to be king. The two spend a lot of time together and become fast… ehe friends. (wink wink)
And that's where i left off in the fic! I did draw some stuff for it but i cant find it sorry!!
heres a link for anyone who wants to check it out btw! :D
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alwaysdreamer-u · 2 years
The other day I was thinking that, in that episode of "A journey to somewhere new" when they went to a wedding and Mc was supposed to use this very exttravagant dress and, obviously they didnt beacuse of the context of the story, I thoungh "if this was a isekai thingy, i would wear that dress just to mess with monkey >:V"
So i did this drawing... yep
Tumblr media
Also I draw some interactions of my LMK sona/oc with the monkeys.
Im starting to figure out how i like drawing them, and it makes me happy :) Practicing poses and expresions with them is so fun.
Tumblr media
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miraculousmultifan · 2 years
Title: slap or kiss
Author: miraculousmultifan
Rating: Teen and Up
Fandom: Top Gun: Maverick (2020)
Relationship: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw/Jake “Hangman” Seresin
Tags: Getting Together, Drinking Games, Spin the Bottle, Introspection, Pining, Mutual Pining, Soft Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, Fluff, Gentle Kissing, and then of course they starting making out like teenagers but yknow, Natasha "Phoenix" Trace is a Good Friend, just for dealing with their shenanigans, Insecure Jake “Hangman” Seresin, Jake "Hangman" Seresin Needs a Hug
Words: 2886
“Rooster!” Phoenix called, “How kind of you to join us.”
Rolling his eyes, Rooster elbowed her lightly. “It’s not my fault you guys jump at every opportunity to get together and get smashed. I’m just taking my time.”
“Hmmm, I don’t know,” a familiar voice spoke, “I think I want to see a wasted little Roo.”
The Top Gun pilots are holding a party outside of The Hard Deck for once, and Phoenix makes sure Rooster is there. She’s making the team play Slap or Kiss, and her role as Rooster’s best friend/wingwoman depends on him and another blonde asshole being there.
She just needed to set the stage. They could provide their little song and dance without any input from her.
yep, im back with another hangster fic, but i just couldn’t get them out of my brain, so it makes sense. i hope yall enjoy!
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strawberry-jammers · 3 years
One Year
a dreamsmp x reader where a young (y/n) wants to rebuild an old old kingdom before they hace to be crowned to rule over their parents kingdom. with the help of their friends and a couple of servents, they hope to rebuild it all withought their parent knowing about it.
part 2
part 1/?
The lovely @acidicvolt edited this!
the pronouns are he/him till age 17 where they're they/them
word count:4,400
Age 9:
(y/n) ran around the castle with his friend Tommy, holding a bunch of flowers in our hands. 
“Where's he at!?” Tommy yelled, looking into every room. “Calm down! We’ll find him!!” he says, still running ahead of him. “Come on slowpoke!!” Tommy looked at (y/n), running quickly after seeing him far ahead of himself. 
“COME BACK HERE!!” (y/n) laughed, running further ahead.
(y/n) ran into the garden, coming across Techno and Wilbur. They were practicing with swords today, as to where they would normally practice hand to hand combat.
He ran up to Techno, who wasn't doing much as they were just starting another round. (Y/n) ran into Techno’s hip, making him wobble slightly. 
“Heh? What are you doing kid? Aren't you supposed to be with your parent?” he shook his head, grabbing some of the flowers that he dropped. 
“Nope! Mama Eret said I was allowed to hang out with Tommy today!” (y/n) says, smiling up at the tall man. 
“(y/nnnnn)!! You left me behind!!” he pouts, dropping some of the flowers (y/n) forced him to carry.��
“Tommy, you're dropping them!!” he says, running over to pick them up. 
“Well so where are you!!” 
The two friends bicker, picking up and dropping flowers as they talk. Wilbur walks over to pick up the fallen ones they can't seem to hold. 
“Both of you are dropping flowers. Why do you need them anyway?'' Wilbur asks, looking at the two 10 year olds. (y/n) smiled, running up to Techno again. 
“Techy we wanna braid your hair!!” he says, smiling up at him. Tommy runs over and smacks the other upside the head. 
“YOU wanted to braid his hair! Don't drag me into this!” 
(y/n) holds his head, nearly crying. 
“Tommy, don't hit your friends!!” Wilbur says, picking up the small child. 
“Put me down Wilby!!” Tommy says, thrashing his arms and legs. 
“Did you just call me Wilby!?” 
“Maybe I did!!”
Techno looked at (y/n) as the two brothers argued. He looked up at him as well. “This is why we don't have siblings.” (y/n) nods, dropping a flower or two. 
“So, you wanted to braid my hair?” the young boy smiles. 
“Wait can i!?''
Techno sighs, nodding. He smiles, walking over to the marble bench they had. The boy sat on the bench, ushering for Techno to sit in front of him. “Ugh, kids.” 
(y/n) laughed as Techno walked over to him, sitting in front of the bench. Techno took his hair out of the loose bun it was originally in, handing him the string that was holding it together. The younger smiled, taking it and sectioning his hair to start the braid. 
Tommy and Wilbur looked over to see them. (y/n) was peacefully humming a small tune that went nowhere, while Techno had his eyes closed humming a small beat.  Tommy thrashed some more, escaping Wilbur’s grasp. He ran over to the two of them, standing next to his friend as he braided Techno’s hair. Tommy leaned over and whispered to (y/n), “can i put the flowers in?” the other chuckled, nodding his head at his friend. Tommy smiled, grabbing the flowers he had once discarded, putting them in the braid as he saw fit. 
(y/n) braided the rest of Techno’s hair while Tommy put flowers in the already braided parts. Wilbur walked over to the three and watched as they worked. The two young boys put flowers in the braid as Techno talked about his week.
“Yknow, I’ve only kicked one orphan this week. Which is very impressive for me.” Techno says, nodding to himself slightly. (y/n) laughed, thinking what he said was absurd. “Techno don't tell the children that!” Wilbur says playfully.
 “Wilbur you're literally 17, you too are a child.” Philza says, entering the garden that they were all sat at. Tommy smiled, running over to his father. “Dadza!! Look what me and (y/n) did!” he says, pulling the old man over to Techno. (y/n) was finishing up the last of the flowers, making sure the braid was tied nice and tight. He grabbed one last flower and went over to face Techno, putting it behind his ear. “Perfect!!” he says, looking at his masterpiece. 
“Look, look!” Tommy says, showing Philza Techno’s hair. “Before you say anything, I was forced into it.” Techno says, standing up from his spot on the ground. Philza laughs at his friend, Wilbur, doing the same. “He's lying dad, I saw him humming with (y/n) as she braided it.” Techno lets out a “heh” as Philza starts laughing. “Betrayal! I didnt think my own student would do me like this!”  Techno says dramatically. Tommy and (y/n) start to collect the leftover flowers as the other three argue and laugh amongst themselves. 
(y/n) sat on the ground, making flower crowns with the leftover flowers. Tommy sat next to him, watching the boy work at the crown. “How do you know how to make that?” he asked, slightly amazed at his friend's creation. He didn't look up, still working on the crown. “Papa Eret showed me! They can make lots of things! Like clothes and such.” Tommy nods, watching his friend work, trying to memorize how to do it himself. Philza saw this, coming over to see (y/n) work on the flowers. 
“What are you doing kiddo?” he asked, crouching down to (y/n)s level. He smiled, gesturing to the flowers. “I'm making a flower crown!! It's for you!” Philza smiled, chuckling. “Really? Thanks kiddo.” he nodded, finishing up the crown. Once he did, he stood up, taking a Philza’s hat and replacing it with the crown. (y/n) smiled at their creation, putting the bucket hat on to his own head. Philza smiled, thanking the young boy. 
Time went on like this till it was sundown, messing with each other and using the many flowers they had for random projects. 
“Come on (y/n) we gotta go!” Eret said, coming by the castle to retrieve the young child. (y/n) ran up to Eret, hugging him. “ zaza!!” (y/n) says, standing back slightly. Eret looked at his young kid, smiling. “Hello sweetheart! Ready to go?” (y/n) nodded, grabbing his flower crown. “Yep! Lemme say bye to Tommy first!!” the boy says, running over to his friend. (y/n) hugged the boy, who looked very agitated from the hug. “Are you coming over to my place tomorrow?” he asked Tommy, who nodded his head. “Yeah, I can bring Tubbo as well!! He should be in the village tomorrow!!'' Tommy says, adjusting his own, not as neat, flower crown. (y/n) smiled, hugging Tommy again. “Okay, see you then tommy!” 
“That kid is so sweet” “Phil, you have poor taste in children.” “says the man who kills orphans.”
Age 11:
(Y/n) sat in the forest, humming to himself as he watched the bees and animals go around the forest. It was a bit past mid day, and the young prince had been out of there sense dawn, taking in the beauty of the forest. 
He was in the village close to their kingdom, wanting to spend time outside of the castle. He loved natur, especially flowers, plants and such. He also loved animales. (y/n) loved everything about the outdoors, enjoying the peace he had that day.
Tubbo was a village boy, moving from town to town, never really having a set home. He did love traveling and being with his guardian was amazing, he just wished he had friends and a set place to stay.
Tubbo walked along the forest, following the bees that would fly around him, wondering if he was a flower or not. He followed them distractingly, reaching a clearing in the forest. He looked around to see where he was, soon realizing he was lost. He had gone too far from a recognizable area, and now didn't know how to get home. He knew Puffy would be mad at him for getting lost, but he couldn't do anything about it. He had already committed the lame chrome.
Tubbo looked around to see some sheep run away from him, along with the bees buzzing around him. He also spotted a young boy, (y/n), sitting against a tree taking in the beauty of it all. Tubbo went over to the young boy, trying to be as kind as possible, like Puffy said. 
“Hello!! I'm Tubbo! Mind if I join you?” Tubbo asks the older boy. (y/n) nodded, moving slightly to show Tubbo he could sit down next to him. Tubbo smiled, following such. “Hi, im (y/n). I haven't seen you in the village before, you new around here?” he asks, picking at the grass around him. “Yeah! Me and aunty Puffy travel a lot, so I never really stay in the same place. Have you lived here a long time?” Tubbo asks, making the young prince chuckle. “No, I live in a kingdom nearby.” Tubbos eyes glisten, he gasps. “Wait, are you the prince!??!” Tubbo asks excitedly. (y/n) nodded, not minding the question. 
“Yeah, I lived there my whole life! What's it like traveling? I rarely leave the castle so I've never explored outside this village and the kingdom.” (y/n) says, looking at the young boy. Tubbo smiles. “Well traveling could be fun, yet very lonely. I haven't had a friend in years, having had traveled so much since then. I do love seeing all the cool sights and how different villages work though!” (y/n) nodded, enjoying the interaction he was having. 
The two of them talked till it reached dawn, the sun slowly disappearing. 
“Dang, we better get going! Do you know your way back?” (y/n) asked, standing up and dusting himself off. Tubbo stood up as well. “No, I kinda got lost…” Tubbo says. (y/n) nodded, grabbing the other boy's hand, guiding him through the forest. “Well, I know the way back! I'll take ya there!”
Tubbo nodded, letting the prince guid him back to the village. They continued to talk as they went through the forest. Tubbo talked all about bees, one of the few constants in his life. 
(y/n) and Tubbo finally reached the village, it officially being dark out. Thankfully, there were lights all around, so they were still able to see and get around easily. “Damn, it's too dark to get back...dads gonna kill me.” (y/n) says, looking around. Tubbo gaps, grabbing the prince. “You can stay with me tonight!!! Sleepover!!” he says, grabbing the prince and dragging him back to the house Tubbo was staying at. “You don't have to let me stay, I can find my way back!” Tubbo shook his head, stopping. “No, we’re friends now and you're staying with me and aunty Puffy!” 
(y/n) sighed, letting the young boy take them to his home. 
It didn't take them long to reach the boys home, for it wasn't too far from where they exited from the forest. Tubbo let go of (y/n)’s hand, knocking on the door before opening it and walking inside. “AUNTY IM BACK!!'' Tubbo says, making sure Puffy knew it was him coming home.
Puffy walked out of one of the rooms, walking up to the young boy. “Oh Tubbo! You made me worried there kiddo!” Puffy says, hugging the small boy. She looked over to see the young prince, noticing him standing awkwardly in the doorway. “Oh! Tubbo, did you make a friend?” she asked, letting go of the small boy. Tubbo nodded, going over to the young boy. “This is (y/n)! Is it alright if he stays here tonight since it's too dark to go back to the castle??” Tubbo asked, latching onto his friend. Puffy gasped, looking at the two of them. “The castle???” she asked. (y/n) nodded, smiling slightly. “Yep! So..can I stay here tonight?” he asked the older lady. 
Puffy of course agreed, letting the boy stay for the night. She even offered to take him back to the castle in the morning. He declined, not wanting to burden the lady more than he already has.
Tubbo took (y/n) back to his room, showing him all the cool things he had gotten from their travels. Apparently, Puffy was a pirate captain and would travel the seas and such. She would stop at different villages to get supplies and give their nephew breaks from being at sea all the time. It was a coincidence that they had stopped at the village closest to his mothers kingdom.
“Oh oh, this ones from a neighboring kingdom!” Tubbo says. Showing the prince something from the kingdom his friend Tommy lives in. “That's the minecrafts kingdom!! I'm close friends with one of the princes! Did you like it there?” Tubbo gasps, both of them getting overly excited. “Wait, are you friends with tommy!? I met him when I was there last month!!” Tubbo says, putting down the trinket. “You know tommy!? We should all hangout sometime!!” 
Puffy heard their conversation, happy Tubbo was finally making some friends. However, they would be leaving soon and wouldn't be able to stay longer than they already are. Puffy sighed, sad that this is how things had to be.
The next day, (y/n) left back to the castle, hoping to keep in touch with Puffy and Tubbo. Tubbo was sad his friend had to go back, but still happy he had made a friend. Puffy was just sad she had to tell Tubbo they would be moving again. She couldn't stay in the same place in fear his father would catch up to them and take the boy away. 
Of course, the three boys were able to meet up. It took them several months, but once Tubbo made his way back to the village he and (y/n) met up at, they were able to make a plan to see each other. 
The three of them hit it off, immediately becoming close friends with a strong bond. 
At one point, Puffy let Tubbo stay with Tommy in his castle for a summer, allowing the three boys to see eachother once more.
Of course, this came to an end when Tubbo had to eventually leave with his aunt, leaving the two boys, who hadn't been able to hang out after tommys schedule had gotten more and more packed. 
The three of them hadn't seen each other for years, hoping one day it would go back to old, where they were just kids and were able to hang out at least once.
Age 17, present day: 
“You're gonna have to rule the kingdom soon (y/n)” Eret says, sitting down in the said childs room. (y/n) turned to him, no longer focusing on the crafts they were working on. “But I don't wanna rule the kingdom. It's just not my thing…” they say, turning to their parents. “I know I know, but there's no one else that can take over.” (y/n) nodded, turning to the flower crown they were previously working on. “I get that...i just wanna go back to a time where i could just hang out with my friends..ruling the kingdom means that time is completely over..” Eret nodes, walking over to his kid. “I know, I thought the same thing when I was younger. Though Tommy is busy with a war and Tubbo has been travelling non-stop for years, they've already changed.” they sigh. “It's been so long, they don't even know who i am anymore! The last time I saw them I was still a guy. It's just frustrating…” They get up from their seats, hugging their mother. “I just wanna see them...” 
The next day was spent learning more about their kingdom, knowing when they turn 18 it would be theirs. They sighed, reading over some of the history books their ren (another term for mother or father) had kept for all these years. They opened a new book, wanting to read the contents inside. 
They opened it to see a piece of paper fall to the ground. "Didn't think the pages were that old…" They crouched down, picking up the fallen paper. They stood up, puzzled by the page. 
"It's not from this book," they looked closer at the piece of paper, "what's lmanburg..?" They sat down, reading over it. 
Apparently, lmanburg was an old kingdom, long since destroyed. It fought for peace, and independence. Unfortunately, a small group of people went and destroyed the kingdom, leaving nothing but a pile of rubble and long forgotten ideals. 
(Y/n) looked over it once more, seeing the kingdom's location on the bottom of the page. They shot up, running to their room. 
They flung open the door, running to their desk. They throw off the unwanted items from their desk, placing the paper in its place. They sit down, opening a drawer and grabbing some paper and a pen. 
They look over the page on lmanburg one more time, then proceeding to write a letter to their old friends. 
"Dear Tommy, It's been a long time since we've talked hasn't it? There's many things we need to catch up on, but that should be saved for a later date. 
As you know, I will rule my mothers kingdom soon. I will be crowned their majesty in 1 years time, and I wanted to do something fun before then. 
I found a story on an old, destroyed kingdom called lmanburg. I wanna go visit it and maybe even bring it back to its former glory. I know it's a lot to want to accomplish in only a year, but that's all the time I have. 
I would be grateful if you could join me in this adventure I'm pursuing. Here is where we'll meet and when. I'll be asking our old pal Tubbo as well. 
I hope to see you then
                    -your old friend 
They did the same for Tubbo, telling him of their plan along with where/when to meet them if he agrees to come on their journey. They sighed, knowing they might have to go on this alone. Nevertheless they wrapped both letters in separate envelopes, ready to be shipped to their recipients. 
(Y/n) walked out of their room, looking around the castle for one of their few servants. 
"Are they on break right now? I can't find any of them.." They say, going down different halls to find someone who could mail the letters. 
"Oh, (y/n)! What are you looking for?" Karl asks, one of the few servants in their castle. (Y/n) sighes, happy that they finally found someone. "Karl, I need you to send these letters. You know where to find Tommy, but Tubbo will be harder to catch. Can you send them please?" They ask, handing Karl the letters. "Of course! I'll send them as soon as I'm free!"
(Y/n) thanks Karl, going back to their room. Plopping on their bed they sigh, hoping their friends would accept their invitation. 
The next day they started packing for the trip. It wasn't for another week or so, but they just wanted to be prepared. They were also kinda excited as well. 
They hadn't told Eret yet, fearing what they might say. (y/n) knows she loves them, but they had been under alot of stress as of late and didnt wanna make it worse. 
“I do need to tell them…” 
“Tell who what?” (y/n) jumped a bit, seeing Eret in the doorway. He walked in, standing by the desk. “Oh, hey..” (y/n) says, standing awkwardly by their bed. Eret looked down at the bag they were packing. He had a puzzled expression on his face. “Why are you packing? You're not running away are you!? I mean, if so, you're doing a bad job…” (y/n) sighed, closing the bag. “I'm not running away...kinda.” they say, sitting on their bed. “I was planning on going on an adventure, actually. I'm gonna rule the kingdom in a year and I wanted to do something fun before I did so..” 
Eret nodes, smiling. He goes over and sits next to their kid. “What are you planning to do on your adventure? You seem very excited for it, seeing as you've actually packed for something.`` They both laugh slightly. “Well,” (y/n) gets up, going over to their desk, grabbing the paper they had found in Eret’s old history books. They walked back over and showed Eret the paper, “there's an old old kingdom called lmanburg. Apparently it was a thriving kingdom, but one day it fell to the ground. Fascinating isn't it?” Eret reads it over, frowning slightly. “(y/n) i don't want you going to this place.” (y/n) was baffled. They didn't understand why they weren't allowed to go to this place. It was super old, it's not like anyone would still be there. It was forgotten about. 
“What do you mean? It's long forgotten and I would be bringing my friends! It's not like I'd be alone and ill prepared.” Eret sighed, standing up. “(y/n), lmanburg is a breeding ground of monsters and such, i don't want you getting hurt.” they in response stood up, coming up short to the tall person in front of them. “I know that! I've been training for years, I can handle monsters! Also, again, I won't be alone! I'd have Tommy and Tubbo with me and their great fighters!” Eret looked at them quickly.
“Tommy and Tubbo are going??” (y/n) nodded, stepping back slightly. 
“I need to contact Philza and Puffy, you're not going on this adventure and that's final!” Eret walked out of the room, dropping the lmanburg paper on the ground.
“Wait what!? Mom you can't!!” they say, walking behind their father. 
“Because, I don't want you going to that place! You're not changing my mind on this.” (y/n) slows down, completely baffled by this. They knew there was a chance they wouldn't be able to go, but they didn't think he’d act like this.
“R-ren please! I need this, I haven't seen them in so long please!!” Eret turned to them briskly. “Sweetheart, this is final. I don't want you going to that place! Stop pushing it.” Eret continues his way down the castle as (y/n) stopps in their tracks. They were shocked, really looking forward to this trip as a last resort of still being young and free from ruling.
They looked around, running back to their room. They slipped at the door, running too fast and nearly falling. They fumbled to the desk, once again grabbing paper and a pen from the desks drawers. They sit in the desk chair, fumbling with the paper and closing the drawer quickly. They quickly write a letter to Tommy and Tubbo.
They write that there would be a change of plans. Their mother wouldn't let them go to the wrecked kingdom, so they wouldn't be able to tell their parents and would have to sneak to the old kingdom.
They added more to the plan, sealing up the letters in envelopes and booking it out of their room, grabbing their bag and paper on lmanburg. They ran down the hall, making sure not to run into Eret while looking for Karl. They looked around, still not finding the man they needed.
They looked in the smaller dining hall, spotting the brunette walking towards the entrance. “Karl, Karl! Have you sent the letters yet?” they asked, walking up towards the male. “No I haven't, I actually was about to send them out now! What did you need?'' I smiled, sighing. “Oh thank god...i need those letters back, My ren won’t let me go to the old kingdom of lmanburg, and i don't want him finding out im still going…” Karl’s eyes widened. “Your lying to the king? I know their your parent but thats the KING!” (y/n) shushed Karl, taking him all the way back to their room. 
Once they arrived, (y/n) closed the door, looking at Karl. “You cannot tell my mom! I'm trusting you with this, okay? I'm going on this trip, and i need those letters back so i can deliver them myself.'' Karl steps back. “Whoa whoa whoa, you're delivering these letters alone? No no, you're going with someone on this. Maybe you could bring Niki! I know she isn't busy since there are a few other bakers in the castle!” Karl suggests, handing the old teen the letters. (y/n) considered this, knowing they should probably bring someone along.
(y/n) nodded, agreeing to bring someone with them. “Okay, I could bring Niki if she would agree to go. Promise you won't tell him I'm sneaking out?” Karl nodded. “I promise! We’ve known each other long enough for us to keep secrets for one another! Want me to go tell Niki?'' Karl asked, heading towards the door.
“Yes, tell her to meet me here at midnight. I don't want ren knowing about this at all.'' Karl nodded, smiling at the prince and heading off to go see the pink haired baker.
The teen waited, taking a nap so they were able to sneak out at night. They knew it was probably too soon to start the expedition, and that their father probably knew where to find them. They just couldn't wait any longer.
The sun was slowly falling from the horizon, getting darker and darker by the second. (Y/n) had taken their place at the window, looking at the sky getting darker and darker, the stars showing more prominently as time went on.  They sighed, looking over at their door. 
It wasn't time for the two servants to show up, but they did wish they were able to just go out and seek out lmanburg freely. It wasn't like that however, they knew they couldn't do everything they wanted, they just hoped their mother would support them in this. 
They looked back outside, letting the time pass for when they would meet up with Niki and leave the castle for a whole year. 
So there they waited. Hopefully everything went according to the new plan. 
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purkinje-effect · 3 years
(im @qualtoth ) did i hear something about vermont fanon. eyes emoji
It took me a few days to get back to you, but hey hi hello again <3
Yep! I've craved for many years to extend the Fallout 4 map to include all of New England, not just Bar Harbor and about a third of Massachusetts. I've called the region between the Great Lakes and Maine "The Hinter," though I fluctuate whether that includes US-annexed Canada, or if that's its own entity. Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine are the particular focus for my worldbuilding efforts for The Hinter. (I really need to put in the effort to flesh out what survived of Montréal in the Underground City. Montréal, Ottawa, and Canada in general are a blind spot in the project at present. I don’t really have much of anything for Northern New York yet, either.)
A lot of my focus has been on meteorological and geological features. Settlements are scattered and, as I mentioned in the post about August, many of those are nomadic and don't stay put in any one place for more than a few months. Let's see if I can sort my thoughts a bit better than last time. Starting with an incredibly messy mostly traced map. Let me know if Tumblr shrinks it too much to be legible, and I’ll repost this reply as an image post. Not sure what it does with inline images these days...
Edit: Tumblr done screwed up these inline pics. I made a separate photo post here.
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Let’s discuss... The Hinter.
Hinter Settlements
The region called The Hinter starts at the Northern border of Massachusetts. I typically demarcate it somewhere West of Montréal, and out East some way into Nova Scotia. Settlements are few and far between, but it’s not unheard of for individuals and single families to occupy houses “in the middle of nowhere.” There’s a lot of mountain life abound. Vault-Tec only built two proper vaults in New England outside Massachusetts--one in New Hampshire, and one in Bar Harbor, Maine. Most settlements consolidated survivors in locations ripe with prewar amenities.
The warhead that struck Montréal permanently obstructed the flow of the St. Lawrence River. Lake Champlain subsequently dried up and became a valley, no longer able to collect sufficient water from the Richelieu. Its sediment is rich in nuclear deposits washed in from the inundation of the tributary being blasted off course, and its lime in particular a major facet of the glassblowers’ artistry in Burlington, VT.
The Underground City (Montréal, Québec): Based on the location by the same name, much like in the Capital Wastes with its extensive subway tunnels, Montréal’s population largely took shelter beneath it. I haven’t fleshed it out, but it’s definitely still the largest Canadian settlement. It’s not very well known to outsiders, and the primary travelers are Children of Atom pilgrims on Valence track. (Eternal thanks to @mayihavethisdanse for cluing me into details for this area. You’ve contributed some really great insight for this region in general.)
Burlington, VT: A Children of Atom settlement. The Grand Mother Skwodovska of the Hinter Children resides in the Five Sisters monastery here, a sect dedicated to archival of holy knowledge. Much of the settlement overall is monastic glassblowers, who craft with a mixture of lime from the now-dry Champlain Basin and trinitite silicates that washed ashore from the Montréal blast. They make non-radioactive glassware as well, but only for commerce.
Montpelier Galleria, VT: A settlement with both pockets of Children and a sizable secular population. The federal district provides housing for a diverse mercantile settlement structured much like Bunker Hill in the Commonwealth.
Manchester, NH: [Redacted] live here, unknown to a majority of the region. Not even Children at The Ledge tend to be aware of their misanthropic hidden neighbors.
Ant Lane (Nashua, NH): Once the Pheasant Lane Mall, Ant Lane was erected as an experiment in above-ground vault design. It held fast on Great War Day, and now stands as one of the largest settlements in the entire Hinter. Many of the inhabitants of both the mall and the satellite strip are descendants of those shopping on October 23, 2077, but it is a major travel hub on the border of the Hinter. Ant Lane’s Concourse is a significant Granitic Mass site, lined with holy Barre granite, but for reasons unknown to a majority of Children, it does not whisper. Children have thus nicknamed the mall “the Quiet Granite.” Burlington Glassworks is the Children’s home within Ant Lane, and while living at the mall on their Valence pilgrimages, they spend the season diligently maintaining the Armillary Bulbs which illuminate an otherwise entirely dark shopping mall. The Aldermen and the Mayor have a generational dynamic. Also there are literal ants.
Far Harbor, ME
also, included to bridge my worldbuilding, these two aren’t in the Hinter proper, but are still important-ish:
Worcester, MA: CIT Worcester is overrun with Super Mutant activity hostile to outsiders. There are human settlements in the outskirts.
Lowell, MA: Largely a ghost town. There’s still signs of life on base at the Deenwood Compound in Chelmsford, but the largest settlement is in Voire in Centralville. The Furriers are heavily mutated social chem addicts who do travel to do trade with their meat and leather craft. Their leather is the zenith of Rad-Resistant gear, for one intending to live in the Hinter for any duration.
The Hinter Children
Hinter Children’s religious history goes back well before the Megaton caravan brought Cromwell’s Children into New England, but the religion found its direction and unity in their arrival. Much of the area saw Joual-style modification of Quebecois, and Children are frequently fluent in a “Church French” version of Quebecois called Keb, complete with the bleed of Catholic imagery. Many Children are bilingual, but it’s far less common for them to speak English in locations where its inhabitants are residents not travelers, such as Five Sisters, the Rock of Ages, or the Singing Stone District. As a whole, the Hinter speaks Keb, regardless of whether their spirituality follows the Church of Children.
Armillary Bulbs: Glassblowing has become a religious practice for the children of Burlington, approximating the ideology of Holy Atom as a World-Vessel. Their primary commerce by caravan with other settlements is their rich glass artistry, most notably their alchemical lights, armillary bulbs. Klein bottles with necks flourished to intimate an atomic diagram, these bulbs are filled with a fluid which fluoresces in reaction to the radiation present in the glass. (They’re in essence reverse uranium glass: the contents glow, not the glass.) They provide a long-lasting light source free of electrical necessity, a crucial utility for anyone living in The Hinter.
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The Far Harbor Children got along on neutral terms with the nomadic Hinter Children for years, until Tektus took on the mantle of High Confessor and shut out the slightest hints of heresy. The lighting in the Nucleus is the only thing that remains now of the time during which Hinter Children could make pilgrimage to the hangar, albeit disguised as or transferred to other vessels to mask their origins. When pressed on the matter, the High Confessor will insist that the chemistry of the light source is a gift found in Atom’s Kingdom and available for the pious and humble, NOT those heathen Fog-Lost.
Atom As a Woman: Burlington Children in particular believe Atom is a World-Mother.
Granitic Mass: The greatest source of Tektus branding them heretics, the Hinter Children regard not just nuclear sites as holy but large granite and marble quarries also. Granitic intrusions have a tendency to “imprint” resonance, especially upon adopting its crystalline structure. All Children believe in Division: just as atoms split and spill forth Atomic Light, so to does the soul. For the Hinter Children, these Granitic Masses are evidence of entire worlds that underwent Division, the cosmic dust of which forged our current world. Certain quarry sites are settlements for higher orders of Hinter Children, most notably the Rock of Ages, home to the Daughters of Radon.
In addition to the quarries themselves, granite hewn from specific quarries to erect architecture and monuments are of particular holy significance to Hinter Children. The Hope Cemetery, the Singing Stone District, and Saint Gaudens Park are notable examples. Traveling Route 89 from Ant Lane to Burlington, Children frequent any major cemeteries rich with statues and headstones. The Singing Stone District in the ruins of downtown Montréal is one of the largest concentrations of both Barre and Stanstead granite, used for federal and financial district structures such as the Sun Life Building. It is a harrowing site to traverse, however, and observing here is often reserved for Hierosacristans.
Valence Pilgrimage: Just as atomic particles follow an orbit drawn in by Atom’s nucleus, Hinter Children travel extensively from Granitic Mass to Granitic Mass. Typical travel takes them clockwise from site to site at the changing seasons or more frequent. Only Sacristans, tasked with curating a Granitic Mass, stay longer. Pilgrims travel in troupes by caravan, doing commerce with non-Children along the way and spreading the good will of the World-Mother. Not all Children travel the same orbit: some cut wide and far, while others visit only a couple of Granitic Masses.
Hierosacristans and the Daughters of Radon: Most Hinter Children follow set travel routes on their Valence orbits. Within Barre’s Daughters of Radon are two groups. The first remains behind to worship the granite and listen to its whispers. The other travels off the well-traveled orbit, in search of documenting other Granitic Masses. The latter, Hierosacristans, are in essence the Hinter Children’s Zealots. They are a rare example of the pacifistic faction taking up armor and defensive weaponry. Sacristans act as scribes, archivists, and religious leaders. Hierosacristans act as trailblazing cartographers. Prior to their exile from the Nucleus, Hierosacristans were afforded access to procuring Marine Armor, but they have since been denied even that. Their armor in recent years is frequently a mix of salvaged metal and the fur and leather of CaRadBou, the fur of which absorbs all Atomic Glow and shines a brilliant white. Due to their sheer size, hunting CaRadBou is also an activity left to Daughters, who can travel as a pack to collect one to feed a settlement as needed.
Stone Tape Sites (Children Holy Sites)
Hinter Children worship not just nuclear sites, but also granite and marble quarries and architectural remains which used stone hewn from them. As stated above, under Granitic Mass, the material’s tendency to record information in its crystalline structure presents itself to Hinter Children as proof of the Worlds Before. (Granite can be very radioactive as well, depending on its composition.)
(A wip of the Ant Lane Concourse.)
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The Singing Stone District (Montréal, QC): The federal and financial district in the ruins of what once was downtown Montréal. Barre and Stanstead granite were both used extensively during the city’s deco revival. It’s incredibly hazardous to travel at ground zero in Montréal, both due to failing buildings and the various wildlife that’s reclaimed the involuntary park, so travel here is typically reserved for pilgrims equipped for it. The most highly revered of the structures is the still standing Sun Life Building. Children just love that company logo...
Burlington, VT: The Hinter Children’s mecca. Some study at the Five Sisters monastery as Sacristans. Others observe glassblowing practices, crafting Armillaries. Though not a granitic site, the entire Champlain Basin is of particular significance as a nuclear site, due to the geological sequelae of the Montréal bomb during the Great Division.
Stanstead Quarry (Stanstead, QC): Prewar, this quarry was bored by the same company that owned Rock of Ages. Its makeup is largely the same as Rock of Ages, but it lay deeper in the Fog, and can be a difficult travel location on the Valence orbit. It’s socially acceptable for Hinter Children to season here for long stretches, as most Children are not versed in combat and wildlife this deep North into the Hinter can be harrowing. The granite here typically does not produce audible playback, but often yields breathtaking boreal effects.
The Nucleus (Mt. Desert, Bar Harbor, ME): Nucleus Children call pilgrims the “Fog-Lost” after the High Confessor’s pejorative. They’re forbidden from entering the hangar, but are known to wander the wilderness directly surrounding it. Hinter Children insist that Atom’s Spring is for all Atom’s Children, not only those Tektus will call his own. Every season the Zealots will elect a single “Fog-Lost” to drink from the Spring and report back their experience. If the Zealots believe the individual’s vision indicates the good favor of the Fog Mother, the entire group of pilgrims may partake in a Fog sabbatical together. They are not allowed to season anywhere on the island past this test and ritual. Harbormen no longer trust any Children, regardless of their allegiances. (Mt. Desert is additionally a granitic site, but it is not from a granitic intrusion with strong imprints.)
Maine State Prison (Thomaston, ME): Originally a penitentiary quarry abandoned long before the Great Division, the warden used prison labor for recreational excavation. This location has only just recently been discovered by Hierosacristans, and is not populated. Grand Mother Skwodovska has yet to declare it safe for pilgrimage. Despite its original imprint of the Worlds Before, due to the nature of the labor which carved it out of the Earth, it’s also picked up the essence of repetitive manual labor.
The Ledge (Derryfield Park, Manchester, NH): This granite lights up in a brilliant boreal tapestry under the right conditions. Before the Great Division, prewar Manchesterites were drawn to the water that fills this quarry. Many swimmers were once compelled to jump from the top of the quarry walls down into the water below, often to their deaths. Hinter Children do not venture any deeper West into the ruins of Manchester, content with the forested region surrounding The Ledge and Vault 140. Second only to the Rock of Ages, Children regard wintering at The Ledge to be the height of their religious experience. They will ice skate on the pond well to dance with the lights.
Ant Lane (Pheasant Lane Mall, Nashua, NH): Its Concourse is lined with holy Barre granite, but for reasons unknown to Children it no longer whispers. The Children call the mall “the Quiet Granite.” Children usually only stay for one season at a time, to share the task of maintaining the Armillary Bulbs which illuminate the settlement, before handing the task over to the next caravan of pilgrims coming in from The Ledge.
Saint Gaudens Park: Monument to one of the greatest sculptors of the modern world, and the designer of countless bronze monuments throughout the country, the grounds are filled with examples of his granite, marble, and bronze work. The park lay just off Route 89 on one’s way Northwest through the White Mountains. Many Children pass through here. It still functions as a sculptural school, and here many hone their grasp of three-dimensional space to heighten their glassblowing skills upon returning up the interstate home to Five Sisters. It’s said the artistic medium whispers to the artist, begging to be freed.
Dunwich Borers (Salem, MA): A site chiefly reserved for Hierosacristans, as traversing such a deep mine shaft requires skill and purpose... It’s also necessary for Children entering the mine to be able to remind feral ghouls of what they are, as the deeper one goes, the more one will find. The granite in this location is especially radioactive.
Kingsport Lighthouse (Kingsport, MA): a splinter sect of Children who worship a Glowing One. An example of a denomination of Children who regard ghouls, feral or not, as touched by Atom. They likely once studied at the Church of Eternal Light before traveling with the Megaton caravan that brought the Capital Wastes’ Children into New England. (included as an afterthought cause I forgot)
Thicket Excavations (Bedford, MA): I can’t remember off the top of my head what I had planned out for this site. I can’t even remember if I think the Children would have determined a way to drain it, or if they’d leave it flooded. It’s there. I guess.
Quincy Quarries (Quincy, MA): An abandoned quarry picked as a site for widespread improper nuclear waste disposal. Not a Valence site, but Hierosacristans do make occasional visits to the location in an attempt to convert the rational ghouls who have taken up residence in the quarry. Despite these ghouls’ resistance thus far to listen to religious fanatics, Hinter Children still regard them utmost as Atom’s Undying.
Crater of Atom (Providence, RI): When the Children traveled from Megaton to make pilgrimage to the Nucleus, the caravans eventually split into three directions. The then-Sister Skwodovska took one North, and founded Five Sisters and the Singing Stone District. The Then-Confessors Martin and Tektus led a second Northeast, and founded the Nucleus. Sister Isolde took the third East, and founded the Crater of Atom amidst the Glowing Sea. Now Mother Isolde, she cares deeply for all Atom’s pilgrims. The settlement will accept any of Atom’s Children, regardless of whether they are simply visiting, so long as they will not hesitate to protect the holy site without hesitation. (included in sentiment only cause I cropped to where it isn’t shown on the map)
Retreat Trail (Retreat, Brattleboro, VT): In a similar way that Maine State Prison prescribed prison labor as a mode of rehabilitation, so too did Brattleboro Retreat, the nation’s first asylum committed to recovery. Many of the stone formations in the area Currently only known to a single immodestly heretical Hinter Child, August, though Hierosacristan Fresnel will eventually cross paths with him and seek to study the site. The tower was erected in rough-hewn local granite, but the whispering stone lays below ground in a cistern where digging had allegedly continued past the point the project required. The nature trail which encircles the Tower is of particular caliber for meditative strolls for Hinter Children, a personal solipsistic Valence track of sorts. The asylum itself is a strong candidate for Children housing, should the Grand Mother ever declare it appropriate for Children to make pilgrimage.
Norcross-West Quarry (Dorset, VT): The oldest marble quarry in the country. Though not granite, the metamorphic rock contains some of the most potent Worlds Before imagery. Many of its subterranean inhabitants observe a hybridized religion between their wilderness beliefs and the ideologies the Children have brought with them on their Valence. Sacristans remain on site year-round to study the visions the granite yields, though many inhabitants consider the phenomena ordinary by their everyday standards, they’re so commonplace.
Hope Cemetery (Barre, VT): Mausoleums, monuments, and headstones here are all carved from holy Barre granite. Sacristans curate the monuments here year round, often traveling only a two-site Valence between it and the Rock of Ages. Its imprints are fragmented and scattered, but frequent in the open air.
The Rock of Ages Quarry (Barre, VT): The holiest Granitic Mass to the Hinter Children. Only Hierosacristans are permitted in its deepest caverns, but the vast deep dimension rock face of the site whisper so loudly and so continuously that even Children who are not Daughters of Radon can hear it. Rock of Ages was regarded as a Stone Tape site even before the Great Division, and pursuit of its secrets has been ongoing for centuries. Its history is the most well documented of any of the Children’s holy sites.
Weather in the Hinter still includes events commonplace before the Great Division, but two types of weather have since developed.
The Fog: Not isolated to Mt. Desert Island, a dense radioactive fog blankets a high ratio of the Hinter. Unless settlers are able to tolerate mountain life above the Fog, they must adjust their living conditions accordingly. It can yield a weak magnetic field at times that can cause the simplest technology to malfunction. Even a seasoned internal compass can be led astray. Without extensive Wasteland homoeopathy or sufficient Rad Resistance, it’s impossible to survive in the Fog for any extended duration.
Nor’easters: Before the war, they posed the risks of both a blizzard and a hurricane, but now the highly radioactive seawater they carry ashore has mutated them into an entirely different, more potent hazard. Once a storm cell hits the Fog front, they magnify one another, generating deeply disorienting magneto-acoustic fields and scattering upwards of ten feet of radioactive snow at a time. These magneto-acoustic fields “activate” the granite imprints and trigger replay events of the sensory input contained therein. Children consider such experiences deeply entheogenic, as only Daughters can experience the granite whispers without a storm to bring out the Worlds Before.
Hinter Children are especially winter-ready, and even pilgrims mid-transit rarely struggle in the face of heavy winter weather. They have to be ready, if they’re to witness for themselves every event time the eldritch arcane seems to bleed from one reality into the next.
I’ve probably forgotten things here and there... but here she is. Gonna put a lampshade on my Lovecraft-grade spoiler dodging and call it a night.
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gb-patch · 4 years
Ask Answers: March 30th, 2021- Part 1
We’ve been really focused on getting the Step 3 DLC done and keeping up with asks kind of got away from me, aha. Thank you for waiting for a reply! We’re still definitely behind, but here’s a good chunk of responses!
I love Our Life so much but if the release of the step 3 dlc is in April, please don't "release" it on April 1, my poor heart can't take that prank 😭
Don’t worry! I’m horrible at pranks, haha. When we do post something specifically for April Fool’s it’s always to pretend it’s a joke when in reality it’s something we’re actually planning to do. But we don’t have anything like that arranged for this year. Any posts on April 1st will just be like normal.
Omigod, can you end the game in love with Cove but not in a relationship? My character stayed calm at the restaurant and Cove slept over at her home and I think I may have missed it. I'm delirious if I did, may never stop laughing. The children are idiots 
Haha, yes, it is possible to be in love and still not get into an actual relationship. There’s no forced ending where the two are made to confess their feelings and accept, it’s all optional/avoidable.
How can you see the new main character cut-in images? I'm not trying to be rude, but, all of my playthroughs, but I haven't seen them yet. (I know you can go through an entire game without seeing them, but I have went through multiple games.) 
It’s a bit of a spoiler to say here, but you can check out the guide we posted on Steam HERE!
Is it possible to win first place in the library quiz with Lizzy (Step 1 DLC) 
Yep, it is! Someone made a guide for the answers HERE (it’s also on Steam). We probably shouldn’t have required a perfect score to win a children quiz, but oh well, haha.
In the future (in step 4) can you marry Cove even if you are friends? I would love to have a platonic wedding with him!
I’m afraid not. As much as he cares for the MC when they’re besties, Cove would only really want an official marriage if it’s based on romance.
Hello! I bumped into Our Life randomly last month, and it is one of the best coincidences I have ever laid on. I love how the choices and little details in the story changes throughout the game, and I'm excited to keep supporting you! I'm absolutely in love with Cove and would like to ask what keeps him to be especially interested in the MC? Other than how you can choose what fondness level you have with him, what ultimately leads him to be in sync with us? Sorry if it's a little much & thank u! 
Cove likes the MC because, regardless of the different personality traits you can give the MC, they meet him on his level, listen to him, understand him (even if you’re indifferent and not really close the MC still gets where he’s coming from), and if you’re fond/crush/love than you’re there for him. He finds the MC someone he can respect, trust, and, if they’re close, feel safe with. I’m glad you enjoyed the game!
hi there! for xoxo droplets i see the that female pronouns are used in the description, in the actual game can you change the pronouns or are they stuck as female? i'm aware the game is free, but i have a bad habit of buying dlc's before playing the game so it would be helpful to know before i spend money on it. if anything i'll save that money for more our life dlcs when they come out :D
XOXO Droplets does have a set MC. It’s the story of a specific person rather than a game about making your own story. All of our games prior to Our Life were about exploring MCs that were fully fleshed out people in their own right, so you can’t get the OL experience from what we did before. But we do plan to do more custom-style MCs going forward from here!
For the our life nsfw dlc, will you have to be in the patron to have it or  will there be another way for people who really support the game but can't pay to get it? 
I’m afraid not. We might put it up for sale somewhere other than Patreon someday (though never on Steam or Itch) since we know not everyone can use that site, but it will still cost money on any other hosting page we use. It’s unfortunately not a piece of content we can give away for free.
Hello! I finally got to play Xoxo Blood Droplets and it mentioned about a DLC coming out soon. Is it already out or are you still planning it?
We are still planning to finish it when we can, we just had to put it on hold because 2020 was a tough year and we needed to put all our focus on Our Life. There’s some of the extra DLC stories available for beta testing on the Patreon.
Is there a link to the soundtrack for Xoxo Blood Droplets? I really like the music in this game! 
That’s not available yet, but we’ll probably put it up for sale once the rest of the stories are done.
Would there be any chance for XOXO Droplets OSTs to be released in the future? (Please take my money-) 
We might! There are some things we wanna do and fix before we really start advertising XOXO Droplets things again, but hopefully it all comes together.
Why does Cove dislike Shiloh so much despite all of Shiloh's efforts to get along? I can understand his dislike for Lizzie, but why Shiloh? 
They met under bad terms (with an arranged play date he had no choice in), Shiloh’s sort of pushy himself when it comes to trying to get along, and Cove thinks he’s just kind of unusual in how he interacts/reacts with people. They don’t click, basically.
Is there a way to have your character be a tsundere? And have Cove toughened up a bit due to that? Sorry if the is a stupid question! ^^;
Maybe? The options in the game aren’t based on those types of personality tropes and I don’t know them well enough to say if you can accurately find a way to make it work with the available options. But it’s not a stupid question, I’m sure plenty of other people have considered something similar c:
do voiced names work only with their exact spelling? cause my mc is called Sophia and one of the voiced names is Soffia so i was wondering but if only works like that it's fine (sorry if i made any mistakes, english isn't my first language) 
“Voice” and “text” are separate! You can pick the “voice” you want and then type in whatever “text” you prefer. And your English is really good.
Will OL:NF be based on a season/break like the first game? Or some other type of setting? 
Our Life: Now & Forever takes place over the full course of Autumn. So, the start of school and then into the fall holiday season type of time period.
Will we ever see a jealous cove😭😭 please im begging u- 
Only in small ways, really. Sadly, I’m just not someone who enjoys jealousy in stories and therefore I don’t know how to implement it in a way that feels enjoyable. Maybe I’ll figure out a angle I can work with in future projects.
Do you have any plans with Our Life once step 4 has been released along with step 3's DLCs? 
After the Step 3 DLCs and Step 4 we’ll be releasing the Cove wedding DLC, the Derek romance DLC, and then the Baxter romance DLC. The project will likely be considered fully complete at that point.
Hello, I just needed to first of all sat how amazed I was when I discovered this game. I thought I would be disappointed by the lack of love interests, but you worked so hard to make sure Cove is the Best Boy for so many different people!! It really has been my comfort game for a while now, and I think all the different choices you allow make it the best romance game I’ve played in my life. The only problem is now my expectations for love are Cove level, and no one can live up to that. You’ve put so much consideration to make this game super inclusive and I think it’s amazing. If I can ask, for the exclusive NSFW Patreon dlc, will it only be available for the month it comes out? Or could I become a patron months later and still be able to download it. I just don’t have a job right now otherwise I would LOVE to subscribe to your Patreon and definitely will once I have the money again!! Thank you so so much for making such a lovely game that’s brought me so much joy.
Hiya! I'm so sorry for sounding like a complete degenerate for asking, but will the nsfw moment on patreon still be available even if i'm not a patron of the month it comes out? (e.g. i didnt pay/join the necessary tier before the moment is released) Thank you for your hard work on OL, I really connected with Cove in a way I never anticipated.
Thank you very much for such kind words! The Patreon DLC will be up for download on the Patreon indefinitely once it’s done. Just like the normal DLCs, you can pay to get it whenever you like but it won’t be up for sale until it’s finished. So take all the time you need.
Sorry to bother you guys, but there was an earlier ask detailing the OL LI's love languages and I was just wondering- Would that be for them personally, as in what they do, or the love language they enjoy receiving the most? Because I know for some people it's different for both on giving and receiving and was a bit confused, haha. Sorry for the trouble, your games are really nice!
For Cove and Derek it’s what they like to receive and what they give. For Baxter, it’s what he likes to get. What he gives is tailored to his partner. He’s flexible that way~ And it’s no trouble.
asking (and also fanning... fanboying? fangirling? fanpersoning? screw it- from a distance) anonymously because my confidence is nonexistent.
will you be doing a kickstarter for our life: now and forever? i know it's probably been asked and mentioned before, but will you be doing a kickstarter akin to the one done for our life: beginnings and always? if so, will you be doing similar tier rewards? (if you guys do so, i will [politely] throw my money at you).
now, to the fan.. personing? FAN. uhm. to the part where this anonymous agender idiot will begin to act as the fan they are.
to summarize; will you be doing a kickstarter? and thank you for creating such a nice game. i, and likely the majority if not all of those who have played the game, am thankful.
Aw, thanks <3! I’m so happy it was such a nice experience for you. We are planning on having a Kickstarter for Our Life: Now & Forever. It’ll have similar rewards to the Our Life: O&A Kickstarter, but some changes will have to be made. Like, we’ll definitely need to increase the rate for getting a voiced name. Originally it was $3USD, which was super low for how much work it really took to add in a customized piece of voice acting, aha. Live and learn.
So sorry if you've already answered this, I looked but I couldn't find anything. Is the 18+ DLC coming out alongside the Step 3 DLC, or do they have different development timelines entirely? I'm so excited for all the DLC coming out in the future, and even though the release dates aren't out, I'm already counting down the days. :)
They have different development times and will come out separately. Despite taking place in the same Step period, they’re disconnected pieces of content and making progress on one doesn’t mean the other is closer to being finished. The normal Step 3 DLC is releasing first. It’s great to hear you’re looking forward to them!
Hey!! I'm absolutely LOVING Our Life! I have been pondering on one question though, what's Cove's ethnicity, if there is a set one? Or is it something we can Headcanon? 
hi hi! i wanted to say first of all that i absolutely adore our life. it's one of my favourite games of 2020, and i think it was just the perfect dose of positivity we all needed, even if you didn't intend to release it during such a hectic year lol! secondly, i wanted to say: if it's alright to ask, what ethnicity is cove? :-0 and what about his parents? i was just curious about it ^^)/ thank you!!
Cove’s mom, Kyra, is white. But his dad’s, Cliff’s, race doesn’t come up and players are able to headcanon it. So Cove is half white and half whatever you prefer Cliff to be! 
hello! there was a post on the patreon where you can run your fingers down cove's chest in errands - how do you get that scene? ♥ 
That was an old mistake on my part- you can only get that scene in the Ending rather Errands. You have to leave the big family dinner at the restaurant to go into the car, be dating Cove for a while, have Cove come see you there, and then mention using your hands when Cove makes a joke about hands.
in baxter’s dlc, is there any point where you can tell him about the previous renters of the condo? 
You can talk to him about that in the normal Step 3 DLC!
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Thank you for all the interest in our games everybody :D
We released a new FAQ! It answers common questions and we’ll keep adding more to it. Please check there before sending an ask. FAQ   Also, if you prefer to just see the main posts without all the asks/reblogs, feel free to follow our side account instead: GB Patch Updates Blog
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