#yellow submarine au
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fleetn-crab85 · 4 months ago
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The Monkees would absolutely kill it in Yellow Submarine but the Beatles could never do Head (1968)
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movedto-mrs-bluemarine · 2 years ago
So an AU I genuinely really wanna write for is a deep sea exploration group for Stone Ocean. Instead of getting anything productive done I've been watching Octonauts and getting too many ideas
Jolyne takes up her father's job as ring leader in his absence, she and Anasui work together to maneuver around underwater, Ana is more tech savvy while Jolyne maps out destinations and the like
Hermes works on machinery, and fixes up banged up vehicles and keeping the ship in tip top shape. Foo Fighters also helps out occasionally but mostly works in the kitchen. Her food isn't really the best but everyone else is too busy to cook so no one complains
As for Wes, he's the nurse of the group. He faked his license but no one really minds because at least he does his job. He's the more adventurous one of the team and leaves the ship quite often for private swims and likes checking up on the marine life. He's the first to find a genuine sea monster and gets first dibs on the cute blue-ringed octopus hybrid 🤭 he might also be a monster fucker
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martikmeow · 1 year ago
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The Beatles of the Yellow Submarine as My Little Pony!!!!
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tril0bitez · 10 months ago
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Cutest Patooties
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oz00ms2 · 1 year ago
a question that’s been haunting me abt the capt firebug au (and one that, I don’t know if you’ve already answered-if u have feel free to ignore this lol I probably missed it) but like. the whole Marineford bit. How would that go down? The agony of seeing one of the kids you became uncle to (the kid you probably look at sometimes and think “yeah. He abandoned us both”) that kid. Up on the execution block. Just. AGHH!!!! You know? And I’m thinking of that scene with garp and ace and I’m thinking. Buggy is probably there again but in marine capacity this time rather than an inmate. Just how would that go down? Like!! He’s a marine for vengeance and bc he’s been abandoned and he’s got PLANS he needs to see through but this. This was never the plan
you know anon, the more I think about it, the more I can't imagine buggy not turning on the marines during marineford.
I haven't 100% decided what would change, but from the last question I had about that arc to now ...I think this would be the "buggy betrays the marines" moment and whether ace lives or not (because unfortunately his death is a major moment for luffy's character) it would be interesting to have buggy go off with crocodile who he's known from the warlord days, and that's the beginning of cross guild. 🤔
garp and tsuru would have to understand - plus the agony of shanks being there and buggy still goes off with a different pirate??? *chef's kiss*.
ugfhiagsu!! I just don't knoooow my dear anon!! there's so many options! must ponder further.
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v3ros · 1 year ago
Any of you know about a sky of blue, sea of green, with a yellow submarine? :) /ref
(Ok its pretty obvious whos under this anon mask but shhhh /lh)
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Maybe if Salem let Moss pick the movie for Corny Crew Movie Night™ instead of picking Who Framed Roger Rabbit every time he'd know what they're talking about.
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marine-indie-gal · 1 year ago
My Own Personal Interpretations/Takes of one of My Mutuals' OCs (@djinarocks) of her own Cartoon! Beatles Fankids from YouTube drawn in my own Arstyle.
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I've also decided to make each of the Kid look closer towards their own Fathers' artstyle from One of the Movies from the Beatles (most likely "Yellow Submarine").
For those who are often curious about which Child from My Friend is the Spawn of Which Beatle, I will give you the Links.
Jade, Sayana, and Melar (Paul's Children)
Rosie (John's Daughter)
Elmer (Ringo's Son)
Jaiden and Landyn (George's Sons)
Before anyone starts to comment or reblog this, please note that this has absolutely NOTHING to do with the IRL Beatles (considering that they did had their own Wives in RL), My Best Friend's AU of one of her Favorite Musicians mainly focuses on the Cartoon Beatles (most likely the YS one) since both the Cartoon Adaptations of The Beatles have their own universes as their own Fictional versions of the Band.
Again, before anyone gets super confused, this has Nothing to do with the RL Beatles, this is only from a AU of The Yellow Submarine Cartoon Counterparts of the Former Band (not the actual ones, if you're gonna start to wine about it since I do know Historical Facts. 🙄)
Characters (c) @djinarocks
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arobbitsool · 5 months ago
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nerd au anyone??
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goodlucktai · 2 years ago
I'd love to see some of the events in Give Me Something That'll Haunt Me from some other perspectives, especially Leo's brothers. You're a very skilled writer so we already have some idea as to how each of them warmed up to Usagi, but it would be really cool to see their thoughts on the situation! How April thought Usagi hated Leo at first, how everyone was dealing with a mopey Leo after his breakdown with the farmbotto, Usagi winning Donnie over in like two minutes, all of that stuff!
They’re halfway through Legally Blonde when April gets a text that makes her frown. Her attention is fully arrested by her phone for the whole Bend and Snap scene, which attracts her most perceptive brother's attention. Leo is too sore to throw the projector remote at her himself, so he makes eye contact with Mikey. Ever-reliable Mikey snaps a quick salute and lobs the remote at her in Leo’s stead.
“Ow! Angelo!” April snaps without any real heat, returning fire with an empty cup. 
“You’re making Leon feel neglected,” Donnie supplies without looking up from his tablet, like the hypocrite he is. He’s been stubbornly nestled next to Leo for most of the evening, though, so Leo is willing to give him a pass on most things. 
“Aww, Blue, you know you’re my number one man,” she says, to an immediate chorus of “say what now?” from Mikey, Raph and Donnie. “Suna just wanted to know if I’d be able to drop by tomorrow morning,” April adds, which is not quite the truth.
Leo brightens, a sly grin curling across his face. “Is it a date?” 
“No, it’s not a date,” April says. She can’t help feeling helplessly fond when she looks at him. 
All four of her little brothers were equal parts supportive and obnoxious when she and Sunita started officially going out about a year ago, which was pretty par for the course. Splinter demanded to meet the yokai, to make sure that she was good enough for his girl, which was enough to make April tear up even as she joined the boys in giving him shit for being such a typical boring dad. 
But the most remarkable thing to come out of it was Leo approaching her right before she went home, mask tails all twisted up in his fingers in a blatantly anxious display, to say, “You’re a girl, and you like a girl. And it’s okay.”
“So is it—would it be okay to like both?”
And April had hugged him so hard that the pattern on his scutes left faint imprints on her arms, and she kissed him all over his face until he was laughing helplessly, and said, “You can like whoever you want, baby. Whoever treats you right. And if anyone ever gives you shit for it, you come right to me, capisce?”
What April was really saying back then was that she would never let anybody hurt him. And she meant it, of course she meant it, but—god, she failed. 
Leo flung himself into that prison dimension like it was the only thing that made sense, like he wasn’t breaking everyone’s hearts in one fell swoop. The Krang brutalized him and the Leo that Mikey rescued was barely more than a broken shell. He wouldn’t come out, hidden away inside and making these awful-sounding vocalizations that had all three of his brothers in tears. 
Splinter made a hysterical phone-call to Draxum, and the goat-man met them halfway back to the lair at a flat-out run, looking more frantic than April could remember ever seeing him, including that time with the Shredder. 
Leo was put under what essentially amounted to mystic anesthesia, and only then could he be coaxed out of his damaged shell. Raph held him the whole time and made this deep rumbly noise in his chest that April vaguely recognized from the turtles’ much younger years. 
Donnie was so frightened that it looped around into fury, and he snapped at people left and right until he finally just shut down completely. Mikey hadn’t stopped crying once since he started back on Staten Island, since the big brother he so admired wouldn’t come out of his shell, even as he was chirping in distress and bleeding all over his siblings' hands. 
It took Draxum all of ten minutes to decide that the only way to save his life would be to put him into a magical healing sleep, the kind of Disney-movie shit that April didn’t have a ton of faith in. 
“He will just be asleep,” Draxum said, an uncharacteristic softness in his eyes, even if his voice sounded more or less the same as always. “He will hear your voices and know he is home. When he wakes up, all will be well.”
And he was right. The spell put Leo in something like stasis, a glorified coma, and with every day his vitals got stronger, his body inching away from “irreversibly damaged” and closer to “jesus christ what happened to you” towards the ultimate goal of “you’ll never guess where i got this scar. remember that one crazy summer?” 
When he woke up, whole weeks later, he did so with a disgruntled little stretch and a wrinkle of his beak, like he’d succumbed to one of those afternoon naps that dragged on much too long. His eyes were clear and present, if groggy and a little out of it, and when he spotted Mikey drooling on the blanket beside him, he smiled. 
That was the exact moment April could finally convince herself that her family would be okay. 
But it will be a long, long time before she forgives herself for dropping the ball so spectacularly. 
One of her precious little brothers looked death right in the eye and double-dog-dared it to do its worst, because somehow he missed the memo that he was loved and needed and worth so much more than a sacrifice play. 
Her precious little Leon, with a blackened eye and a necklace of grisly bruises and an arm so thoroughly mangled that even the healing coma couldn’t heal it completely, leaving him in a cast for much longer than any of the turtles are used to, with how quickly they usually heal. 
And his shell just broke her heart. It was a source of constant anxiety for his dads, even as they refused to outsource that worry to the kids, who knew that it was bad but not very bad. 
April is the big sister. The biggest sibling, no matter how much taller Raph gets. It’s her job to look after them. Leo almost died. And now that rude bunny waiter from Run of the Mill is bugging Sunita for Leo’s number? That guy who always stares at Leo like he’s trying to work out how it’s possible for someone like him to even exist?
Ohh, April can feel that inherited ninpo in her soul lighting up. Karai’s presence is a faraway and gentle thing most of the time, but she’s happy to lend her strength when April needs it. 
“Woah, April, you good?” Raph asks. His eyes move down to the phone clenched in her hands, and he frowns. “Did someone say something to you? Does Donnie need to doxx another internet troll?”
“Gimme,” Donnie says at once, hands out for the phone.
“Will you stop?” April swats at him. “And Raph, don’t encourage him.”
“I mean, he’s just gonna do it either way—”
“There’s no internet troll! God, I thought we were watching a movie! None of you are paying attention!”
“You started it, texting your giiiirlfriiiiend,” Mikey coos like the little menace he is, then ducks behind Raph with a cackle when April aims another empty cup at him. 
“April’s allowed to text her girlfriend whenever she wants,” Leo says, in his Fearless Leader voice, which he only ever uses to stir shit up. Sure enough, a heartbeat later, he adds smugly, “Don’t be jealous that she’s got game and none of you do.”
Protests break out like clockwork and Leo is soundly booed by everybody in the room. It’s a good thing they’ve all seen this movie roughly a billion times because it’s gonna be awhile before these guys settle down now. 
Leo meets her eyes from the twins’ comfy nest in the armchair and winks. Got your back.
All the chaos gives April a chance to respond to Sunita’s text in peace, asking her to pass this Usagi a message. 
Anyone who wants to get to April’s little brother is gonna have to go through her first. 
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ikkaku-of-heart · 8 months ago
Spent the past couple of nights watching Castlevania: Nocturne. I wish to make it known and clear that I have no plans nor any intention of making a vampire!Ikkaku AU.
...but if I did, holy shit would I have a faceclaim for her.
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I am weak to those thick, bountiful curls. Also boobs but honestly it mostly comes down to the curls.
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deadwoodpecker · 11 months ago
I have completed yellow Submarine and though it was a satisfactory ending, I must ask this from you, what erotic thing Ginny whispered to Harry? Sorry for the grammatical mistakes.
I can’t think of what that was off the top of my head? Probably something to do with her thinking of him while masturbating? Seems likely. 😂
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fleetn-crab85 · 4 months ago
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Another Yellow Submarine redraw with the Monkees (original and other versions under the cut)
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afterthegreatunknown · 1 year ago
unironically, this is an exchange i can see happening
(This incorrect quote is just so perfect and fitting for Hector and Widdershins, I couldn’t help myself, and made it into a proper drabble)
“Why do I even bother watching television at this time?”
Hector presses the ‘OFF’ button on the remote control, and sets it on the sofa armrest.
He soon hears a loud yawn. Turning his head towards the sound, Hector sees Widdershins, still not change out from his work clothes, looking like he’s ready to pass out.
Widdershins sits beside Hector. Without hesitation, he throws his head onto Hector’s lap.
“Tell me I’m pretty,” mumbles Widdershins.
Hector playfully strokes Widdershins’ hair. It’s fun to do, especially when Widdershins allows it.
“You’re pretty fucking annoying,” says Hector affectionately, “that’s what you are.”
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kaleidoscope1967eyes · 2 years ago
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tril0bitez · 11 months ago
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im so bad at formatting but here’s more of them weee
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thenewnio · 1 month ago
Yellow Submarine Pirates+Merfolk AU
Notorious pirate captain Cerulio Von D'Indigo, or "Blaumiesen" leads a quirky, close-knit crew, plundering the seas aboard their ship, the Blue Vengeance. One day, they capture a pretty merman named Jeremy in their fishing nets. Seeing dollar signs, they set sail for the nearest pirate town to sell the little merman, but then Cerulio begins to bond with Jeremy. Pretty soon, they end up attracting the ire of fellow buccaneer Captain Mustard, who wants Jeremy for himself.
Spoilers under cut:
In the end, they rescue Jeremy, sink Mustard's ship and are officially pardoned, becoming privateers.
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