crazymofos675 · 7 years
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yeaimfishboi · 4 years
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Hi everyone! I know it’s a day late but oh well
So yesterday, May 25th, my blog turned 3 years old. And it’s kind of surreal. 3 years of amazing memories and I can’t believe any of it. It’s been a hell of a ride but I wouldn’t change anything. And I want to thank everyone who’s been there along the way. I’m so so grateful for all of you, and I think of each and every one of you like family. I love you
I want to start big thanking my mutuals, old and new, for being right by my side all this time. I’m so grateful for all of you. I can’t thank you enough for all the things you’ve done for me and I love you so much:
@justlovingamy @emmaishere92 @raincloudlou @ridin-and-rolling-reloading @mafia-nct @baekwell--tart @ninibears-erigom @changbeanie @butterfly948 @channiechanchan @multiphandomheather @kimjongdaely @wydyuto @renjunsunflower @heartlesslywhumping @fef65b-felix @felixthekoala @heart-bleeding-autism-angel @stantalentstansk @sashagirl1116 @yeoldontknow @peachykrystal @yehet-me-up @adorekun @woojinsloves @cold-eyes-made-ice @chillingtae @sondontdothat @eggjorp
I’d also like to thank these people who I always see in my notifications and it makes me so so so happy:
@xiaojuxiyou @dreamcatchers-oppa @miseonsblog @franchesca-x- @funky-little-biped @burslprots @jhopeissunshine94
I’d also like to thank Genius Anon, for not only being my only anon, but being such a sweetheart. I love you so so much and I thank you for always being there for me. I treasure every ask you sent me, and every conversation we’ve had. I can’t message you with your cute personal letter so here it is. I love you dearly, and I can’t wait for the next few years with you by my side.
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rnufharose · 6 years
Love Yourself (Bangtan and EXO fanfiction/SehunxOC)
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Chapter 19
A/N: Arabella belongs to LeopardstarSilver!
The calls from that anonymous fan wouldn't cease, and I was growing anxious. A week had passed since the idols arrived in Yunokawa and the award show was just a few days away. Despite the death threats and tight security, I continued to practice with Jungkook, who helped my further improve on my rapping skills, and on this bright warm day, the idols were invited to attend a street festival in the town. There was a shrine up ahead for the people to pray and make wishes, and the night Kagura would be performed before the fireworks show. I figured this would be a great distraction from the stress I was feeling.
"Waaaaa!" Taehyung exclaimed as he looked around, eyes wide as he looked at the cute Japanese girls giggle and pass by. "We're in a manga, guys!"
"So what should we do first?" Jimin asked, looking between the three groups. "Play some games? Drink?"
"Let's save the drinking until the fireworks show," Kai laughed, slapping his shoulder gently.
"Good, Namjoon and I don't want to carry you drunkards later, so please behave," Suho smiled widely and Namjoon doubled over, laughing uncontrollably.
"Ne, Eomma!" Baekhyun let out an exaggerated sigh of disappointment. "Kkaebsong..."
Hoseok began to laugh as well before pointing outward, "Ya! Let's play that game over there!" He looked to one of the stands.
"Right behind you," Joy linked arms with him, dragging him along, and Namjoon added.
"Remember! Don't wander off!"
I watched everyone leave, smiling to myself as they spread out, trying food and whatever games their yen could afford. I didn't notice Sehun standing beside me, hands tucked into the pockets of his skinny jeans as he smirked crookedly, "Should we have some fun too?"
"If you want," I shrugged. "what should we do first?"
"Bubble tea," he answered quickly. "We can't have fun without bubble tea."
I rolled my eyes playfully and began to walk ahead with him trailing behind me, looking for a stand that sold said beverage. Eventually, I found a stand where several girls dressed in school uniforms were drinking their iced coffee with tapioca bubbles. I walked toward the stand and spoke to the barista, "Sumimasen? Futatsu no ocha onegaishimasu?"
"Kashikomarimashita," the barista bowed before me before turning to make out bubble tea.
"Arigatou gozaimasu," I nodded and took a step back.
"Oh ho," Sehun stared at me in amazement. "Your Japanese is impressive..."
I smiled up at him. "I can teach you if you teach me Mandarin."
"Deal," he grinned.
I grabbed our bubble tea and handed the barista the right amount of yen before we continued down the street, listening to the people as they talked and laughed, wind chimes dancing and shimmering above us against the bright gold lanterns. I sipped my bubble tea before looking to the wind chimes, and I truly felt like I was in a shojo anime.
"They're very pretty," Sehun commented and I nodded in agreement.
"I've always wanted to stand underneath the lanterns and wind chimes," I said. "During high school, since we don't have these kinds of events, I would watch anime and imagine myself as the heroine dressed in a pretty yukata to surprise my tall, handsome, and otherwise brooding boyfriend. Then the two of us would attend this festival."
"I didn't know you were the dreamy type," he remarked with a chuckle. "I take it you've never had a boyfriend before?"
"Ani," I shook my head, facing him. "You're my first. I've never had a boyfriend in high school or university."
"Oh, jinjjah?!" he asked with excitement. "I'm truly your first?" He laughed proudly. "You're my first too, which means I'm the hero and I get to stand under these wind chimes with you."
"I couldn't ask for anything better," I smiled and we gazed at each other for several moments before continuing our walk. "You're tall and handsome, and you only act like the brooding type on stage, so you fit the description rather well."
"Should I deliver some cheesy romantic lines then?" He pressed on. "We can turn this anime into a drama."
I found myself laughing, and he joined me in laughter as well. This man truly amazed me and I can see why his hyungs love him so much. He's the light of their lives, always bringing a smile to their faces, and in return, they baby and pamper him like the baby brother of their family. His laugh was adorable and contagious, that wide eye smile spreading across his face and adding to his boyish charm. We wandered from stall to stall playing games, taking selfies together, and engaging in the most fun of conversations, and it felt like we could be a couple without having to worry about a scandal. It must have been the sugar from the bubble tea but we were both hyper now.
"Yehet! Cotton candy!" He sang, holding up a pink cloud of fluff on a stick in his hand. "Let's share, jagi!"
"Maybe you should cut down on the sugar," I suggested with a giggle and he shook his head.
"No way. I got my braces off months before and I couldn't even eat sweets," he walked beside me now. "I'm eating tons of candy from now on and I deserve it, especially red bean candy."
"Alright, you puppy," I patted his arm and I could feel his long fingers lacing with my own small ones, holding onto my hand. I raised my brows and looked up at him once more. "Oppa, are you sure it's okay to hold hands like this in public?"
"Of course," he pulled me closer and he placed the cotton candy in front of me. "Have some!"
I glanced at the treat before ripping a piece and popping it into my mouth, the fluffy cloud of sugar dissolving into my mouth. "Mmm!" I squealed happily. "It's good. It's been a while since I've had this."
"Right?" Sehun asked before having some himself, walking together and holding hands once more before he spun and pulled me closer, his lips finding mine effortlessly. I hummed into his mouth, kissing him back and tasting bubble tea and cotton candy on his lips.
The cotton candy was all but forgotten, and his fingers laced through my hair, deepening the kiss before I pulled away for some air. I laughed breathily, meeting his dark gaze as my arms rested on his broad shoulders. "We should have been more discreet, don't you think?"
"I don't really care right now," he smirked mischievously. "Besides, I wouldn't be the evil maknae if I didn't steal at least one kiss from you, right?"
"No, I guess not," I agreed.
"I want to kiss you again, jagi," he leaned down, pushing his forehead against mine, his soft black hair brushing against my eyelids. "No, actually, I want to give you a thousand kisses."
"Maybe when there aren't so many people," I took a step back, my cheeks flaring at his words. He's always so sincere. It's hard to believe he was very shy when we first met. He's become so much more lively and I found myself adoring this Sehun—the guy who is always being spoiled by his hyungs and acting childishly, just so he could gain some attention.
Suddenly, the sound of screaming came from the haunted house up ahead and out came Jin, running and flailing his hands. "What's this?! What?! What?!" He screamed.
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The eldest member of Bangtan fell on his backside, screaming hysterically, and I wasted no time running to his aid, Sehun right behind me.
"Oppa!" I called out and Jin breathed heavily, holding his chest in an attempt to calm his racing heart.
He looked up, "Ha-Neul-ah! Sehun-ah!" he was hyperventilating now. "Th-There was a man with a scalpel! A-And another with a chainsaw!"
"Gwenchana, hyung?" He knelt before Jin, extending his hand and helping him to his feet. "Aigoo, did you go into that haunted house?"
I sighed heavily, my hands pressed to my hips before I saw Chen and Xiumin running out of the house as well, completely unfazed by the fictional horrors within.
"You just went screaming," Chen laughed a bit. "Gwenchanayo?"
"Are you serious?" I asked firmly. "Why did you let him go in there? If he's afraid of cute dogs, he won't be able to survive a haunted house!"
"Oh, we didn't dare him to go in," Xiumin raised his hands, eyes wide in denial. "Jin-ah said something along the lines of, 'I'm not afraid, you know?!'"
"Never believe him when he says that!" I said with exasperation, then Joy came out, a pout on her face.
"Did you get scared too?" Sehun asked, furrowing his dark brows with concern as she raised a hand, whimpering.
"Sehun oppa," she spoke like a sad younger sister. "The doggy didn't like me! He bit me!"
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"W-Wha...?" I was utterly confused until I remembered their most recent song. "Oh right... she's into werewolves. Gotta remember that!"
"Jinjjah?!" Sehun exclaimed before holding the bridge of his nose. "Aish... that was a man in a costume!"
She sniffled and walked toward me, holding me tightly, "Ha-Neul-ah!"
"Aigoo," I chuckled tiredly, patting her back.
"Aaah, how can you like that werewolf?!" Jin cried out in horror. "Girls have weird taste in men!"
There was no denying that. I'm actually glad Sehun is... mostly normal.
"I think their recent song is still stuck in her head," Xiumin muttered to Chen, smirking.
"Definitely," he agreed, crossing his arms.
"I think that's enough horror for today," I spoke, my hands holding Joy's elbows as I looked between my friends. "The night Kagura should be starting soon. How about we meet with the others and get a good spot at the shrine to watch?"
"Good idea," Jin said, still fidgeting. "D-Don't tell anyone I was afraid."
"They'll know anyway, Eomma," I replied.
The night Kagura was about to begin and the people attending the festival surrounded the open area of the shrine, where the Shrine Priestess was to perform. I noticed a camera crew was setting up their equipment for the performance, and there was a photographer present as well.
She had lustrous silver hair, and she was in an oversized black t-shirt and denim shorts, her fedora put to the side with her camera as she adjusted her appearance before a mirror. She wore looped earrings and had a nose piercing as well, a slim choker wrapped around her neck with bracelets on each wrist.
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"Ready, Bella?!" One of the crew asked and she put her fedora on her head, changing the lenses of her camera.
"Ready!" She said, beginning to take photos of the stage. Her booties clicked against the pavement as she took more pictures.
"Wonder where the Shrine Maiden is," Jimin looked around and then he found her seated on the side, wearing an elaborate kimono embroidered in different-colored flowers.
"I'm glad I'm back here," Kai held his hip and smiled. "I didn't have a chance to go to Kyoto when I was filming a drama here. I would have loved to the Kagura back then."
"The Kagura is a ritual dance used to exorcise evil spirits from shrines," I explained. "Shrine Maidens take their jobs seriously. They're very different from the priestesses you see in anime."
"I bet," Irene nodded as she looked over the woman's kimono. "Just look at how much detail is on her attire. It's beautiful."
"Maybe we can use this time to incorporate some aspects of the Kagura into our choreography," Jungkook suggested. "That is if any of us are singing in Japanese."
"Maybe the flow of her dance can be in our choreography," Yoongi droned.
"Guys, it's starting!" Hoseok watched the Shrine Maiden walk toward the center of the Shrine, the bells in her hand chiming as she walked. She came to a stop, and a geisha began to play her shamisen, and the Kagura commenced.
Sehun took out his phone, filming a small amount of the dance before posting it on Instagram, and Chanyeol watched in astonishment as she moved along the pavement, the banners at the end of the bells flying with her dance.
"She has no emotion on her face," he muttered as he observed the Shrine Maiden's visage. "You can tell she takes this seriously."
"Such a beautiful dance," Wendy hummed. "She's focused on the technique as well as the spiritual benefit of being cleansed."
"This could work for our choreography!" Yeri chirped. "We should make a full movie and study her dance!"
"Good idea," Seulgi pulled out her phone as well, making a movie of the show.
I watched the priestess spin gracefully before the sound of a camera went of beside me. I looked at the silver-haired woman who looked into the viewfinder before snapping more pictures.
"Simply breathtaking," she smiled. "And the lighting is perfect, don't you think?"
"I agree," I said and the woman turned to me, smiling kindly. "I noticed you were with a bunch of good-looking guys and girls. Do you happen to be celebrities?"
"Well," I chuckled nervously before shrugging. "Something like that." I couldn't really say anything or else it would stir some unwanted attention. There was already enough trouble with that anonymous fan. "I'm Ha-Neul."
"Arabella, but you can call me Bella," she said. "Seriously though, I feel like I know you and your friends from somewhere... a movie, or a magazine perhaps?"
"Ah, the bells are chiming again!" Taehyung squealed as he pressed against Baekhyun, who threw his arms around him and giggled.
"Right?! They sound so pretty!" He beamed with delight and I noticed Bella's dumbfounded expression, her eyes wide as she stared in Taehyung's direction, then toward Baekhyun before the rest of Bangtan, EXO, And Red Velvet. She nearly dropped her camera but I was quick to catch it.
"Whoa there!" I said, and she still didn't look away. I laughed and placed the camera in her hands. "This looks pretty expensive. Wouldn't want it breaking while you're doing your job, now would you?"
"You guys are," she pressed a hand to her mouth. "Bangtan... EXO... and Red Velvet..."
I feared she would scream and alert the people around her but instead, she kept it inside, her intense gaze staring into my own.
"Don't worry, I promise not to say anything," she whispered. "I seriously didn't think I would ever run into the biggest groups in the KPOP industry!"
"I take it you're a fan?" I smirked.
"A big fan," she giggled. "Congrats on your debut, by the way. Bangtan is lucky to have you."
"Thank you," I looked back at the performance.
Unsuspectedly, someone stood out from the crowd and walked into the middle of the shrine, and the Shrine Maiden slowly stopped dancing, irritation in her eyes as the person stepped up.
"Just what are you doing?!" She asked her, and one more closer look and I noticed the woman that came out from the crowd was Eun-jae. "The Kagura is sacred! It cannot be interrupted!"
"Save your breath," Eun-jae scoffed before looking to the audience. "What are you all waiting for?! The show's over! Get out of here!"
The crowd murmured as they eyed Eun-jae and she exclaimed again, this time at the top of her lungs, and I never suspected she would have an unfavorable side to her. She happened to be rather sweet when I first met her. The audience decided to listen and they thinned out, leaving our groups, the priestess and Bella in the shrine now.
"Eun-jae," I began. "What's going on? Why are you acting this way?"
"Do you really think studying an ancient dance will help you guys win some stupid award?" She asked and this definitely wasn't the bubbly stylist I ran into back at the modeling agency.
"The hell's your problem?" Namjoon asked her. "No need to act all hostile. You could have just waited until it ended."
"Then I wouldn't be able to do this," she gestured. "Gather all of you here. Now, I could care less about your groups, but I have a big problem with one of you?"
"And who might that be?" Suho narrowed his eyes. "Because the last time we checked, we don't know you at all."
"You don't," she admitted. "but Ha-Neul does."
I furrowed my brows, "What are you talking about...?"
"You really are a dense country bumpkin, aren't you?" She groaned in annoyance. "I'm the one who sent you those death threats. I'm the supposed yandere fan that wants Jungkook."
I released a gasp, pressing my knuckles to my mouth as I met her eyes.
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She was definitely the last person I expected to do something like this. All of that hate was coming from her because I found a place among Bangtan and Jungkook is my friend. Halmeoni, this is the first anti-fan I've ever met and I believe it's going to be very difficult to deal with her. I wish I knew what to do because the last thing I want is for her to give my friends a hard time. These award shows are important to them and they shouldn't have to deal with this hate. I wonder what you did when you faced hate like this.
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netzonexo-blog · 7 years
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22 November 2013 11:43pm and 34 seconds
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I am thankful but why must it be lips
[PANN]  (only EXO related comments)
[+1087; -53] “You may think that we do not know anything, but we know, we hear and we see everything, so i hope you all know that.”
[+878; -54] “She’s dreaming~ She’s dreaming~ Down down baby”
[+848; -43] “We are 5 years old, call us Oppa”
[+543; -29] “Kkaebsong~ I got a fright~”
[+536; -19] “I do not want to be alone ♡”
[+430; -9] “Gocheok dome dome dome dome~ Gocheok dome dome dome dome~”
[+323; -5] “Why did you hurt me?”
[+215; -6] “Yehet! Ohorat!”
[WEIBO] (only EXO related comments)
Overall upvotes: +665
- “Your fanchants are not synchronized, please go back and practice more”
- “You did not sing the high notes”
- “What? Can’t my legs be cold?”
- “The fans sitting behind, you can’t really see us right? Please buy tickets that are nearer to us next time”
- Something Oh Sehun said before: “What pretty boy of South Korea... I am the World’s pretty boy”
- Chen: “If there are angels in the world, that would be you (fans)”. Sehun: “If there are angels in the world, that would be me.”
- “Why are you getting less confident as you sing?”
- “That depends on the conscience of the fans”
- “Do you want to fight? Do you want to bleed?” “You can’t see us right, please get front row tickets next time”
- “This is not a market”
- “To me, you are not a fleeting existence ♡”
- “Do not be obsessed with our bodies”
- “You only need to buy one album”
- Chen: “Isn’t it dangerous late at night?” Suho: “What danger? There’s a big group of them”
- “Are we not the only people you like?”
- “Please do not hate me”
- “You protect us, we protect you ♡” 
- “Everyone, it’s still daytime!”
- “Why isn’t anyone singing my part?”
- “I think this is the funniest: E-X-O E-X-O E-X-O listen!”
- “Things that are obtained instantly and without effort, will not last long”
- “Maseumnida~”
- “What did you say? You love me? Say it again, i love you too ♡”
- “You can write whatever you want to tell us on ‘chirp chirp’, we would all see it”
- “This is just the beginning”
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oh-beyond · 8 years
Stronger AU - Part 8
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Your mother was a very successful photographer for a very well known magazine, she is sent to Korea where she met Kim Jongin the beautiful 4 year old in an orphanage. She fell in love the moment she laid eyes on him, she knew that she wouldn’t be able to live if Kai wasn’t with her, but your father had other plans. Your mother’s heart broke, she had no other choice but to send him back, but the relationship between them never ended. Kim Jongin was present always… in her life… in your life…
Kai × Reader
< Part 7
Summary: How many things did he hide about him and your mom? Was he simply lying to you or was he protecting you form getting hurt? Was it wise to love you? Will this have a happy ending?
The more you paid attention to Kyungsoo the more you regretted asking him anything, he had his eyes fixated in the road, he looked scary, you regretted now even getting into his car, he almost looked as if he was going to kill you to make Kai’s life easier, so many mixed feelings.
“We are here, I hope Jongin doesn’t hate me after this”
“Hate you? Why? Are you going to hurt me?” it came out so naively that after verbalising it you felt dumb, where was the rewind button?
“Do I look that menacing to you? I remind you that asked me to take you to my place”
“Sorry, that came out wrong, it’s just, Jongin and I... we... fought...”
“Well that bit is obvious, I’m sure everything will be alright”
“No it won’t, he screwed up everything, please... you don’t know”
“I just said that I do know, everything I must add”
His voice still sent chills to your body, even goosebumps formed in your arms.
You arrived to a small nice house, it was clear that he didn’t live with his parents, or a girlfriend for that matter, the shoes in the front door belonged to young men, assorted in all sizes and colours.
“They’re not all mine” he said in less intimidating tone when he saw how impressed you were with the variety “we all live together, not that we cannot afford our own places but we like to live like a family”
“Aha... and...?”
“He rented that place when he knew you were coming, like he wouldn’t let his precious noona around us, he’s too protective”
“Yeah, guys don’t like sisters around their friends”
“No that’s no it, although also true, not all of us know about you two, but certainly I’m one of the ones that know”
“Know what Kyungsoo? What the actual fuck? Like so what if you know that he fucks me from time to time? That doesn’t make it special”
“You’re being too harsh, he loves you, you of all people you are the most especial to him”
“Whatever, now this” you said pulling your mother’s medical file “what is this? Why does he even have something like this? You know about my mom?”
“Yes I do”
Ten years ago
“Mr. Brown, she does suffer from depression, Borderline personality disorder kind of an attachment disorder, it’s not severe like Erotomania where the patient beleives that someone is in love with them b-”
“Wait, what? He is 12, he is not in love with her or vice versa, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? I’m going to kill that fucker!”
“Mr. Brown please calm down this is not what I meant, the disorders are associated with each other, but they are not the same, she doesn’t love your adoptive son, neither does he, he is a child, she is attached to him very much, I’ll explain myself, Mrs. Brown thinks that she is only a good mother when she’s with him, a good human, a good person all and all, when believes Jongin is dependant on her which in a way it was true when he was a young child, rescuing him from the orphanage and the way he responded loving her unconditionally, your daughter had both parents and Mrs. Brown thinks she doesn’t need her as a mother as much as Jongin does”
“Sound all crazy to me, he got her sick, he is the reason”
“Mr. Brown... I am sorry to be speaking this bluntly, but I believe the complete opposite, Jongin is the one who can help her, and only him, she always needs to feel that she is worth to someone”
“We all love her doctor, I love her, she just loves that damn child”
Kyungsoo kept talking as you read through the file, the words depression, disorder, the medications she took, all the crap Kai must have been dealing with, your dad, your dad also, he never made you aware of this, you suddenly thought that if you knew you could of had helped, somehow in any way, maybe stop being that bratty, appreciate her more, appreciate Kai more.
“Why does he get to know this and I don’t? And why do you know? I’m her daughter!”
“He never wanted to put burden on your shoulders, and I guess I know because I’m his best friend”
“That’s still unfair, she is my family”
“Alright I’ll tell you something about us that no one else but us really knows, to make it up to you” 
“I don’t want to, I’m so mad right now”
“Jongin and I are close because of our powers” he said coming closer to you, his gaze dark making you forget about everything you were thinking about and your mom and...
“So that is why I know, I think you are not being considerate, Jongin has been alone in this, while you were just putting pressure on him, you can say you didn’t suffer like he did”
“How dare you? You have no clue what I had been through, I lost my parents and I had to raise Joon alone” you said getting up but you regretted it, he just told you he had powers, would he used them against you?
“Sit down and don’t be su-”
“Kyungsoo-yah don’t scare her” you heard a nice sweet voice coming from the door thanking the heavens you no longer were alone.
“We haven’t been introduced properly, I’m Junmyeon and this Yixing”
“Welcome to Korea, I hope your first impression about us is not too intimidating, you are our family”
“Gathering! Yehet!” Sehun and Jongdae were at the entrance taking off their shoes.
“Jongin is just parking the car” announced this other tall dumb looking guy pushing this other dorky looking guy next to him.
“Guys please behave, we have visitors”
“Whoa is this Jongin’s noona? I’m Baekhyun... oppa that is”
“Move idiot, I’m Chanyeol also oppa”
“Wow you are really hungry for any female to call you that aren’t you? Well I’m really not in the mood, I see they don’t know who I am really”
“No no please wait, I apologise in their behalf” said Junmyeon gazing at them frown obvious “of course we know”
“I am leaving I don’t want to see him” you said slipping on your heels.
“Who you don’t want to see? Why are you here?” said Kai coldly, he saw your mother’s file in your hands.
“Ah noona, go home, this is a place for guys only” added Joon, you were ready to bite his neck, this kid was way too annoying to handle right now.
“I’m leaving you brat” you said before slamming the door behind you.
You walked out of the house but of course Kai was already in the street waiting for you “why did you come here?”
“Leave me alone” you walked away.
“I’m talking to you” he pulled your wrist.
“This is over Kai, I don’t want to see you ever again, I’m going home and I am going to forget you and everything that concerns you”
“You can’t forget me, you love me”
“Bastard! You won’t do to me what you did to mom, goodbye Jongin”
You run fast but it was impossible, he kept appearing in front of you, you pushed him away but he was desperate to make you listen to him.
“I love you, I can’t live without you”
“Well you did pretty good these last years, you have also the superpowers to hide it very well”
“No I didn’t, I swear I didn’t, I had to... Joon”
“What’s with Joon? You hypocrite, selfish asshole, you want everything without sacrificing anything, fulfil mom’s wishes, get the girl and your brother’s admiration, you can’t have it all Jongin”
“You are right, you are... but it was hard, it is still hard”
“You have to chose, it’s either them or me”
“You are making me chose between mom’s wishes and Joon or your love?”
“I always knew you were clever, and I already have an answer, you won’t sacrifice Joon looking at you in a bad way, and you won’t dishonour ‘my’ mother, always remember that she is mine”
Jongin didn’t move, he tensed and the thought of Heather suddenly knowing about your relationship hit him, or the image of Joon knowing that his sister and his adoptive brother had a thing...
He watched you walk hearing the click of your heels in the pavement, watching how your silhouette got smaller.
“She’s hot” a voice sounded next to him.
“Huh?” Kai turned around at the direction on the voice meeting Sehun looking at your back as you walked away.
“Yeah your noona, she’s hot! Would she consider younger guys?”
“Yah! She’s my-”
“Your... noona right? Or...?”
“Or Sehun... she is my everything”
“More than her mother right?”
“It might be that I am thankful she had her, and that she took me and raised me with her, that must be the principal reason” 
“And you are now doing what exactly? Letting the love of your life just simply go away? Slip from your hands because? Ah yeah Joon, it would be too unfortunate to have his older sister be with the man he admires the most, poor little child”
“Open your eyes bro, come on I’ll blow some wind her way, go get her cuz if you don’t...”
Sehun smiled looking right and left before a little tornado formed in front of you that made you stop walking eventually lifting you from the ground feeling a pair of arms wrap around you, you closed your eyes and buried your face on his chest, you immediately felt at ease when you felt his familiar warmth.
Suddenly it was too bright, you were scared to open your eyelids.
“Pistaches macarons s'il vous plaît - pistachio macarons please”
You opened your eyes when you heard Kai speak in French, where were you? In a bakery shop, a very old one, very elegantly decorated, and people around you were not Korean, none of them.
You detached yourself in panic watching how Kai acted as if this was the most normal thing in the world.
“Ici vous allez monsieur, autre chose? - here you go sir, anything else?” said the baker.
“Non, merci - no thank you” replied Kai taking the plate with pistachio macaroons.
He took your hand in his and sat down in the table overlooking the busy street of Paris, Eiffel Tower right in front of your nose.
“And you speak French?”
“No I don’t, I just know how to properly ask for pistachio macaroons, your favourite” he answered biting on one looking at the window were a little girl with golden curls was waiving at him Kai simply returning the waves.
“We are in France?”
“Well that bit is obvious no?”
“Kai we have broken up, take me home, and get Joon home after”
“I can’t”
“What do you mean you can’t?”
Kai filled his mouth with 2 macaroons taking the other 2 left in his pocket, he stood up holding onto your waist suddenly feeling cold and humid, you open your eyes and you were at the tip of the Eiffel Tower, at the sudden realisation you pulled him closer to you.
“Yes baby”
“What do you want?” you spoke on his chest.
“You just asked me something before that, why can’t I bring Joon right?”
“You don’t want him to find out” you whispered.
“No I don’t care if he finds out that I can teleport, he should know, I will be with him forever, so no secrets in a family”
“Then why?”
“Because I simply can’t, haven’t you asked yourself why I never took your mom anywhere?”
“It’s the first time you address her as ‘my mom’ not yours”
“That’s because she is your mother, she brought you, she had you for me to keep”
You blushed as you lifted up your head meeting his mischievous eyes.
“So I will answer that... I can’t, I can’t teleport with anyone, it doesn’t work, I can’t teleport when I’m tied up or teleport anyone with me”
“But you just did... twice”
“That is because you are part of me, you are not just anyone, you are my other half, you are my woman, my power is with you”
“Heather meeting me and taking me next to you was my fate, she gave birth to my love, and that is why I loved her so much”
You hid our face on his chest again, he felt the dampness of your tears seeping through his shirt.
“Shhh why are you crying?”
“Because I do love macaroons, but I hate the cold, I like the beach and the sun...”
Kai held onto your waist again and suddenly you felt wet from your waist down you opened your eyes when Kai detached himself from you, you were under a waterfall inside a cave, and Kai was... stripping?
“What are you doing?”
“It’s a deserted island and clothes here are not needed, I meet you outside, naked preferably...” 
He took out from his pocket the macroons and stuffed them in your mouth, pecking your lips, he winked at you swimming out of the cave as you looked at your soaked outfit.
A/N: Long due, the angst in this story was killing me didn’t want to post it, so I had to turn it around, thanks for reading
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lilfreakchubs · 8 years
EXOrDIUM in Malaysia
YEHET!!!!! Finally aku bertemu dengan EXO setelah sekian lama menangisi video konser mereka di rumah sambil makan coklat dan ga mandi. Dan senengnya adalah aku ga keluar uang buat beli tiket konser, pesawat, dan hotel.
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Tapi tapi tapi, perjuangan perginya ternyata lebih berat dari sekadar beli tiket dan pergi. Karena EXO tahun ini ga ke Indonesia jadi akhirnya aku memutuskan menonton ke Kuala Lumpur :’) emang pengen juga sih traveling ke luar negeri tanpa orang tua tapi gamau sendirian juga wkwkwk. Jadilah aku mengajak mimin yang dengan cepat mengiyakan.
Beli tiket dengan cara menipu mimin (karena dia suka Chanyeol tapi aku belinya tiket yang deket Chen WKWKWK I love you, Jongdae) dan ternyata beli tiket konsernya seribet ngurusin badan aku gendut. Untuk tiket pesawat dan hotel semuanya aku yang ngurusin jadi setidaknya ga seribet tiket konserlah wkwk. Udah beli tiket dari Januari dan konsernya bulan Maret itu rasanya karena nungguin doi. Udah cape, lama, takut terjadi sesuatu apalagi pas tiketnya ga nyampe-nyampe.
Udah beres masalah tiket semua, terbitlah masalah baru. Ternyata konsernya barengan sama osjur dan karena semuanya udah gabisa direfund atau dijual, akhirnya aku dan mimin tidak lulus osjur hikzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Tapi ya sudahlah, uangnya udah keluar banyak jadi kalau dicancel semua hilang sudah uangku selama 2 bulan ga jajan.
Pergi tanggal 17 Maret 2017 dari Bandung. Naik pesawat. Terus ga delay alhamdulillah. Karena hanya aku dan mimin jadi ya ngurusin sendiri semuanya. Untungnya koper boleh masuk cabin jadi gausah nunggu pas di KLIA nya. Cepet banget sih boardingnya dan perjalanannya juga ga lama banget. Pas udah nyampe KLIA 2, langsung terpukau dan menahan dompet karena kami adalah anak-anak yang suka belanja. Antisipasi dengan cepat, aku langsung pesen Grab buat ke hotel. Jalan tol di Malaysia sama aja sih kayak di Indonesia cuma lebih canggih gerbangnya haha. Hotelnya biasa aja sih dan sangatlah pas dengan harganya tapi tapi hotelnya deket banget dari venuenya jadi ya sudahlah. Setelah check in dan beres-beres, kita berangkat ke Bukit Bintang naik LRT. Stasiun LRTnya ada di deket venuenya banget jadi kita liat venuenya dulu wkwk. DAN KITA TERIAK-TERIAK DI STASIUN LRT KARENA CHANYEOL orang bodoh. Kita sampe diliatin orang-orang sih wkwkwk.
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Bukit Bintang pure isinya cuma mall dengan banyak brand bagus haha. Kalap sih pas dateng ke pavilion dan liat segala hal yang dinginkan. Tapi tetep belinya cuma SPAO karena tujuannya hanya itu. Inginnya sih dapet bantal oppa tapi taunya udah kosong padahal udah belanja almost 500 ringgit. Aku beli tas yang kembaran sama Ojan dan beli baju-baju diskon yang ternyata sangat murah kalau dirupiahin. Di depan SPAO nya ada standenya Kai dan Sehun terus kemudian udik. Udik juga sih di depan poster EXOxSPAO besar yang sangatlah besar (?)
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Beres belanja, kita makan di KFC dan ga enak. Abis makan ternyata Aya (temanku satu lagi yang menyusul ke Malaysia sendirian tapi pesawatnya delay dan dia gabisa belanja akhirnya) nitip tas SPAO jadi pergilah kita ke SPAO lagi. Udah bosen kali si kasirnya liat aku haha. Pas di SPAO juga kita ketemu sama Kaput dan fans lain yang nonton dari Indonesia. Setelah dari SPAO kita muter-muter di Bukit Bintang dan foto-foto ala turis.
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Abis itu kita pergi ke Petronas Tower dengan jalan kaki. Lumayan sih jalannya jauh dan hujan, tapi karena ada semacam jalan langsungnya gitu jadi seneng aja. Dengan 4 kantong besar SPAO yang berat, kita heboh sendirian di depan Petronas Tower. Banyak turis juga sih jadi malunya tidak malu banget. Karena ada permintaan khusus dari anak-anak setan 35 jadi aku foto di depan Petronas Tower dengan ciri-ciri tertentu. Setelah dari Petronas Tower, kita ke mallnya dulu sebentar dan pulang menggunakan KRT.
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Setelah bertemu Aya dan ngobrol semaleman dan gabisa tidur akhirnya hari H konser datang :’‘‘‘‘) saking senengnya sampe makan pun ga tenang apalagi udah ngeliat orang-orang berangkat ke venue ketika aku masih pake piyama dan makan sambil ngobrol. Sekitar jam 10an kita pergi ke venue dan ternyata udah penuh banget tapi antriannya belum beraturan. Setelah nyele-nyele (maafkan saya) kita bisa masuk ke dalem dan berkat Aya kita dapet barisan paling depan.Super banget sih itu panasnya kayak dijemur di bawah Matahari dan Betelgeuse bersamaan. Udah panas, ada yang nyele, sakitnya tuh disini *nunjuk kaki*. Pas udah ngantri di depan stadiumnya banget, aku aya dan mimin pergi ke toilet gitu kan terus pas udah keluar dari toilet bingung kenapa kta dijagain sama security. TAUNYA EXO LAGI REHEARSAL DAN KITA GA SENGAJA LIAT. Pacar aku ganteng banget btw walaupun ga keliatan mukanya wkwkwk. Setelah balik lagi ke antrian tiba-tiba hujan gede banget dan wassalam semuanya basah. Udah agak bete sih tapi masih semangat karena paling depan.
Pas udah saatnya masuk venue, aku takut ga dapet paling depan kan. TAUNYA DAPET DI DEPAN PAGER BANGET :’) jadi deket banget sama panggung utamanya dan super duper senang. Oppanya hanya berjarak 2 meter di depan mata. Ingin nangis banget. Mana depan aku ada kipas angin besar jadi tidaklah panas. Ga pernah sih nonton sedeket ini. Deketnya parah. Tapi tetep aja harus nunggu 2 jam sampe oppanya muncul haha.
DAN PAS MEREKA MUNCUL AKU-- *maafkan suaraku yang udah cempreng gandeng lagi*
Itu baru permulaan aja karena Wolf datang begitu saja dengan cepat
Seneng banget sih si mas Jongdae bagus banget suaranya kayak malaikat. Ganteng lagi. Fluffy lagi. Gemesin banget. Aku sampe dimarahin pake bahasa Mandarin karena teriak-teriak ga jelas ke Chen. TAPI SUMPAH GANTENGNYA gabisa dikalahin sama Sehun sekalipun.
Btw di video di atas, Chen sebenernya natap aku sepersekian detik. Terus mati. Kemudian lagu yang bikin aku mati lebih lanjut. Vulgar amat mas dancenya
Ya kesel banget sih sama artificial love. Tapi udahnya dikasih yang imut imut.
D.O super duper cute
Stronger Feeling Stronger
Chen’s High Note in Drop That
The most iconic Transformer and Lightsaber
Dan masih banyaaaaaaaaaaaaak lagi ehey tapi yang pasti seneng banget dan terlalu seneng hahaha saking senengnya teriak tapi ga abis suara. Huhu let’s meet again someday oppa *kemudian nyanyi BTOB - Someday*
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dj-exol · 8 years
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Morning~~~ 😄😉 #5yearsWithSehun ♥ Ommaya~ Oppa~ #OhSehun #Sehun #Shixun #EXO #EXOK #EXOL #EXOM #EXOnews #EXOupdate #Welcome2017 #EXO2017 #TeamEXO #EXOmaknae #exodancer #hunhan #hunkai #kaihun #chanhun #weareone #iloveEXO #suho #chen #lay #luhan #xiumin #kai #dyo #baekhyun #kris #tao #chanyeol #goodmorning #yehet #ohorat #handsome #love
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moksurideonew · 10 years
It's okay that you can't do it. c: IN EXCHANGE, I'll ask you to list 6 things you like about yourself, if you'd like. :D So you can at least participate in some sort of way.
Thank you! Alrightie!!!
What do I like about myself??? IDK! Lets see......
1) My hair.
2) My personality.
3) My social skills.
4) My ability to enjoy life.
5) My ability to give good advice.
6) oh god idk..... My relations with kids.
Thanks for tagging me!!!
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kuroi-pearl · 10 years
yehet-oppa replied to your post: just got home from watching rurounin k...
watch it!! the cinematography is like INTENSE!!! like daaaaamn, they really put in alot of effort to make the sets beautiful! there are kind of lol moments bec you cant help but sometimes go all ??? what is real life logic!  but i love the movie nonetheless! there is a part 2 btw so dont be sad if your left hanging in the end! i heard its coming out around almost the end of sept tho~
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jjks · 10 years
I don't have actual receipts for the matter, but I keep seeing that SoJung's death is a rumour and she's still in critical condition. o:
yeah, it wasn't confirmed. i just deleted that post. 
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baebsaes · 10 years
Album drops on the 20th, I believe!
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byakibum · 10 years
yehet-oppa replied to your photo:summer selfie ~
OHMYGODYOURESOPRETTY OTL skdjfhsdfjhdfhj omfg.
thank you so much omg let me you hug ♥♥♥
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dumplingnooona · 10 years
yehet-oppa replied to your post:yehet-oppa replied to your post:my brother is...
Not exactly. I’ve given them a listen once or twice.. It’s so incredibly strange. xD
yea, they have a weird music style, but it's fucking catchy, idek
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kuroi-pearl · 10 years
yehet-oppa replied to your post: everyones flippin shiet on baek right ...
/hands senpai a tissue
thanks gurl~
istg i am using up almost half of the batch of tissues i just recently bought bec of this shiet
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illwonaire · 10 years
yehet-oppa replied to your post: anonymous asked:i've got no idea ...
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