someoneslingering · 14 days
in a dream i tell no one, you lay your head on my lap
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junicoins · 6 months
There's so many people I want to kiss for New Years but they're all so damn far away and I'm a broke ass bitch.
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stupid-nblm · 2 months
i fall more and more in love with him every single day. i can’t see myself with anyone other then him <3
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strawbnetwork · 2 years
goodnight 🐻🐻 iw ish therewas a real teddy bear emoji
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camotherogue · 8 months
OHGGG Mr mammon sir I want you So bad
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draeisgrayte · 1 year
Fluttering Fluster| Demon Akaza
Synopsis: Akaza has taken an interest in you since you don't appear to be scared of him. You're actually kind of fond of him yourself. He doesn't know what to do around you since you always have something flirty or sarcastic to say. He's constantly flustered and he can't help himself after saving you from a demon attack.
Warning/contains: friendship, killing (a demon), kissing, hitting it from the back, yeanring, bratty YN, confused and flustered Akaza, mostly top Akaza, flirting, cuddles, mentions of fear of lonliness (me too), slight implication that Akaza has already killed Rengoku
Word count: 4.3k
a/n: I wrote this in a day. What does that say about the quality? Well, hehehe, I'm not sure :) My lil basketball needed some love, even though I wouldn't accept any donuts from him, it's FINE, everything is FINE. Guys I need sleep, my sleep schedule went out to get the milk...time to drink water right before bed as I watch Minecraft videos.
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The darkness from the dense forest outside your house fills the cabin with a loud silence. You could almost hear your heart pumping blood through your body as you went about making dinner for yourself. Some steamed greens and grilled meat should make a hearty meal. You hum a tune to yourself, crouching in front of the small grill set up on the dirt part of your floor. The wood crackles and throbs with a deep glowing orange color. You move the meat around in the small pot hanging from a horizontal log supported by sitting snugly in the junctions of two other logs. The rabbit you had caught earlier would prove to go nicely with the vegetables from your garden. Your song continues as you stoke the fire under the pot and then sit on the side of the wooden platform where your heimorn would be rolled out soon enough. A glint of something passes by the window and for a moment your heart pounds assuming the worst before passing it off to be an animal. The village people had filled your head with tales of demons roaming these lands. As if demons would take an interest in a quick bite, though maybe they’d enjoy the soup you were making? You let out a breath and glance back at the meat, wondering how much longer you’d have to wait before eating. You flop back on the wooden floor and groan. Sometimes the most exhausting part of living all alone was the creaking seconds that made downtime nearly unbearable. Sometimes you wish someone would stumble across your home and spend some time with you. It wasn’t that you didn’t enjoy the break from human society, but the spiders all talked about the same thing. Maybe one of those demons would come to tell you their stories of how they killed their last victims. 
“My, this meat smells almost as good as you do.” A voice notes. You furrow your brows and hoist yourself up to the sitting position. There in your doorway was a shadowed figure. Your eyes graze over the small illuminated parts of him, like the obvious muscles on his arms and legs. Even in the dim flickering light, you could make out how defined he was. His face was dark and you couldn’t make out much of his features, but that’s when you noticed the thick dark lines trailing his body like some wild tiger. Though, one thing was bothering you.
“I smell?” You tilt your head in a questioning manner. The head of what you were assuming was a man in front of you twitches slightly.
“What?” His voice is strained and you twiddle with your thumbs while observing your meat to make sure it wouldn’t burn while you had this conversation. 
“You said I smell.” You answer frankly, looking down at your pink yukata and pinching it with your fingers to take a sniff. 
“I-” You look up to see the man had turned away from you. He briskly turns back around and enters your home more. This causes his face to cast away the shadows and finally be observed by your eyes. The black lines continue the same pattern on his face with the exception of one long one from the top of his forehead down the bridge of his nose, but what takes you by surprise is that…his…hair…matches your yukata almost exactly. “Aren’t you afraid of me?” He grumbles, his face twisting in a way that makes you more interested in what trauma he’d obviously been through than him being…frightening? 
“No…?” You shrug and look at the rabbit cooking in the pot again, it appeared almost ready to be taken off the heat and set aside to simmer in the broth. 
“No one could hear you scream out here.” He suddenly says. You furrow your brows and look up at him through your lashes. 
“Yeah. I know.” His face looks dumbfounded as you continue to pay no mind to him. Your meal was more important than your life at the moment. 
“So you don’t care if I make you scream?” The man’s words were more curious than threatening. Maybe this was his first time talking to a lady? Did he not get out much? Poor thing. It’s best if you prepare him for how ladies are sure to act around his beautiful face. 
“Oh no, I’d really appreciate it if you made me scream.” Your lips curl up into a smile and the man in front of you takes a step back. 
“Somehow I feel like we’re not talking about the same thing…” He frowns and your smile only grows. You carefully use another piece of wood to unhook the pot from the fire and set it gently off to the side in the dirt. 
“We could be. Why don’t you tell me your name?” You offer, standing from your position. The man is a little shorter than you and you bite back a giggle at that surprising fact. He narrows his eyes at you but then lets out a loud sigh. This was fun. You should socialize more often. 
“Akaza.” He mumbles. You smile at the sound of his name ringing through your head. It was like the sound of a beating heart. 
“A-ka-za.” You hit each syllable in awe of how a name could be so fitting to a human. A human with strange eyes no less. You observe his face and find it flushing slightly. “What’s the matter with you?” You quiz with furrowed brows. 
“Y-Y-You just, don’t…don’t say my name like that please…” He avoids looking at you, backing up almost to the point of exiting your house. 
“Why?” You inquire, stepping closer to him. Akaza groans and holds up his hand in front of your face. You stop in your tracks, blinking rapidly at the hand in front of you. 
“Stop. Why aren’t you afraid of me?” His eyes narrow at you and for a moment you see the faintest glimmer of something sharp in his mouth. 
“Why would I be?” You scrunch your face up in confusion and look around him expecting someone or something else scarier to be behind him. He scoffs and gestures to himself with the same hand he held in front of you. 
“I am Akaza.” 
“Yes I know.”
“Let me finish.” He glares at you. You hold up your hands in innocence and gesture for him to continue. “I am Akaza, Upper Moon 3.” He points to his eyes and for the first time during this conversation, you realize why they looked so different. Written there on his yellow eyes were the kanji for ‘upper’ and ‘three’. You tilt your head to study them further. 
“Upper…what now? What do you mean? Did you get your pink hair from the moon?” You wonder aloud. Akaza’s eyes widen slightly and he then rolls them. 
“What? No. I’m a high-ranking demon and I could kill you within seconds.” He states. A cooling chill runs through your body, but you remain calm. If he wanted to kill you, he would’ve already. So why was he here? And demons were real? Now that’s something you wish your mother was still alive to see. “Are you scared now?” He asks, stepping closer to you. You shrug.
“Eh, not really.” You reply. He stops advancing and his face goes blank. You have to stop from laughing at the look on his face.
“Why not?” He looks concerned, like if he’s not scary enough his mom is going to give him the ‘I’m disappointed’ look. 
“I think it's the pink hair and long lashes.” You observe, pointing at his face. “You’re too pretty to be scary.” 
“Wah, really?” He reaches up with his blackened fingers and touches his hair and then cheek gently. His fingers looked pretty long compared to your own. Now that you were really looking at him, the black lines were everywhere, even on his bear feet. They were similar to that of the ones on his fingertips, only enclosing the toes. He wore an anklet on each ankle made up of round pink beads. His white pants were held up by a blue rope with two pink tassles coming off around the front. His calves seemed unmarked by the lines and you wondered how far they really did travel. His chest was unclothed, except for a small dark pink jacket around his shoulders. The lines on his chest were geometrically pleasing with the way they all lines up. Similarly to his face, there was one line that connected to one that went around his neck to mid-way down his abdomen. It was a few inches shy of his belly button. Ah, so demons still have those. What else did demons share with humans?
“Besides, if you wanted to kill me, you would’ve already.” Your gaze meets his and his expression turns hard. He briskly closes the distance between you and pushes you up against the platform so hard that your legs give out and you fall backward. You hit the ground with a loud oomph and wince. You feel a weight on you and peer upwards to find Akaza pining you to the ground with his leg in between your thighs, pressing down on the fabric of your yukata. He’s baring his teeth, his insanely sharp teeth close to your neck. 
“You’re right human, I could eat you up right now.” His breath is hot on your neck and it makes you squirm under him. He pushes off of you with a little more force than need be and stands over you now. “But I won’t.” You let out a breath, unaware of how nervous you were that he’d bite into your neck. Although the throbbing lower down was proving for a confusing conversation with yourself later on. 
“Why?” You pant out, curious why this seemingly all-powerful demon would let you go. You sit up, draping your legs over the side of the wooden platform as you had done before. He presses his lips into a thin line and looks away from you. 
“Because I don’t eat your kind.” He huffs. Your face morphs into perplexion 
“Stinky?” You offer. He scoffs and shakes his head. 
“No. Women.” He corrects. “Please fix your yukata.” He mumbles. You look down at your chest and find one side draping over your shoulder, almost exposing your bare chest. You smile and pull it haphazardly onto your shoulder again. 
“Then why did you come here?” You ponder for him to hear. He looks off into the distance like he’s remembering something. 
“I…I was lonely.” He whispers. This makes your whole body warm with understanding. Lonely. A word you knew all too well. One that was your only companion at times. 
“Big boss demon fire all your friends?” Akaza grimaces and his fists clench. 
“I don’t have friends in the upper moon ranks,” He pauses and shuts his eyes a if trying to calm down. “Only annoyances.” He mutters. Your heart beats faster as you feel some sort of kinship with this supposedly scary monster. 
“Well, pardon me if I’m being too bold, but we could always be friends.” You suggest, gesturing between the both of you. His eyes shoot open and he stares at you. 
“Do you…do you really mean that?” He takes a step toward you and reaches out a tentative hand. 
“No, how could I ever possibly be friends with a demon? Of course, I meant it.” You’re take aback by the sudden warmth from his hand on your cheek. It sends a burning heat running through your body. Blooming in your stomach with a desire for his warmth to cover you, burn you, incinerate you. 
“You have such a funny way with words.” His brows slowly furrow down as he stares at you. “It makes me want to find out everything about you.” He then brushes a lock of hair that had fallen free behind your ear. You feel that heat round to your cheeks and you move your face away from his hand so he won’t be able to feel the way your cheeks are burning. 
“Ha, there’s not much that’s interesting about me.” You reply, shifting your body to sit more comfortably. Akaza drops his hand and looks down at the pot you’d set aside earlier. 
“You should probably eat your meal before it gets cold.” He bows his head to you and turns toward your open door. Was he going to leave already? But he just got here. 
“Wait!” You reach out your hand and Akaza turns to look at you with raised brows. What were you supposed to say to convince him to stay a little longer? He was a high-ranking demon, someone important, you were just a woman he happened to find because he was lonely. 
“Yes?” He faces fully toward you, waiting patiently for your words.
“Do you…” You gulp and look around for some sort of idea. Ah, you could tease him again. Then he’d want to talk to you about what you meant. If your mama taught you anything it was how to hold an uncomfortably long conversation. “Do you still want to make me scream?” You ask, leaning forward toward him. This causes your yukata to fall off your shoulder again and Akaza’s eyes are drawn to your rosy bear skin. He blinks a couple of times before looking back into your eyes. 
“What could you possibly mean by that?” He looks concerned. You tilt your head and feel your hair brush against your shoulders as it falls to the side. 
“I could scream your name Ak-a-za.” You whisper his name like it’s a dirty word. His brows flinch as he looks upon your seductive state. 
“I-I told you I don’t kill women.” He stutters, eyes wildly looking around you for answers. You smile and bat your lashes, swinging your head to the other side, allowing a full view of the slope of your neck. You notice Akaza’s fist clench at the sight. 
“I didn’t mean that you should kill me. I only meant you should share pleasures beyond imagination with me so that I scream out your name because it’ll be the only thing I can think of.” You explain, waving a hand around in the air as if that will conjure up an image for him to watch. Akaza shuts his eyes and his jaw ticks. It was funny to watch his restraint falter. 
“You can’t possibly mean that.” He grunts. His eyes are still glued shut and so you hum in response. 
“Oh, I do. I always mean what I say Akaza.” He lets out a low sigh and opens his eyes to gaze upon you shining in half moonlight half firelight. 
“You’re quite the vixen.” His eyes roll down the slope of your neck and curve around your shoulder. They dip to where the line of cleavage is slightly showing. 
“What can I say? The nights get lonely.” You were hoping by tossing around the same feeling he’d confessed to you that he’d empathize with you. If demons were even still capable of empathizing. Akaza’s eyes soften and he sucks in a deep breath. 
“I could stay for a little longer I guess.” He conceded. You grin happily and then raise your brows suggestively.
“Do you want to have-”
“Aww but why?”
“I don’t even know your name.”
“It’s YN.” 
Over the course of the next few months, Akaza came to visit you as the weather got colder. Seeing him appear over the hill sent a thrill of excitement through your entire body. Every time that pointed-tooth grin caught your eye you felt alive again. Though, it’d been almost 2 months since Akaza’s last visit and you were starting to worry. The last time you ventured into the village for a couple of new blankets for the winter you heard talk of the great hashira defending the innocent from Lord Muzan’s Kisaki. Your heart was torn. You wanted to pray for those who’d lost their lives to evil demons, but Akaza wasn’t like other demons. He was smart, kind, sexy, and certainly not evil. The reason he hadn’t come to see you in so long surely couldn’t be because he’s… no you couldn’t even think of such a thing. 
You roll out your mattress and fluff out the covers you’d bought a few days prior. At least if you didn’t have Akaza to warm your side you’d have these plush covers. Comfortable bedding would never leave you alone for 2 months. It’d always stay by your side. You lay out the blankets to the side and crawl onto the thin mattress. The light from your lantern flickers softly, casting a shadow against your closed door. You were certain that your dreams would be filled with a pink-haired demon. You pull the covers over your frame and sigh in happiness. You’re about to blow out your light when the front door suddenly slams open. You startle as a heaving form appears in the doorframe. You clutch your chest as it stalks forward, its tongue was sickeningly long as it lapped at the air around you. 
“Human you smell delicious.” It hisses, crouching down onto its haunches. Your face sneers in disgust as you watch it cock its head to the left, tongue hanging out its mouth framed by sharp teeth that glinted slimy in the moonlight. 
“Thanks but I’ve been told that before.” You spat, tightening your grip on your new blankets. Its mouth curls into a twisted grin as its head turns upside down. 
“I taste demon in the air.” Its eyes don’t have any writing on them like Akaza’s, but by the looks of it, weak wouldn’t be a word to describe it. “Have you been claimed by one of the twelve kisaki human?” Its movements are jerky as it advances toward you. You scoot back against the wall like that was going to help you escape from such a creature. You were glad it could sense Akaza had been here, maybe that would deter it from killing you. 
“Yes, an upper moon in fact.” You sneer, curling your body away from the demon. His yellow eyes glimmer with newfound excitement. Oh no. The plan may have backfired. 
“Ahhhh, upper moon whores always taste the best. Please let me have just a bite.” His eyes are crazed as he peers upon your flesh. Drool starts to form in the corner of his mouth, landing with a splat on the wooden floor underneath you. “I promise I’ll leave enough for him to fuck later, you just have to-UGHK! AHHHHH PLEASE NO!” It screeches as a hand appears through its chest. “Lord Akaza- EEK-UGH-I’M SORRY!” The demon is flung away from you and out the door. You watch as a shadowy figure, you’re assuming is Akaza, rip the demon apart. You’re glad you can’t see much because of the lack of light, but you can hear it. The yelps of pain from the demon, the sloshing of blood, and grunts from Akaza. He was here… he’d saved you from a gruesome death. You lean forward with bated breath, straining your eyes to find Akaza in the darkness. You jump back as he appears in the doorway. His arms are hanging loosely at his sides, a thick liquid dripping from his fingers. His eyes stay on the ground. 
“Akaza…” You whisper, but his whole body tenses. 
“Don’t look at me YN. I didn’t want you to see me like this.” He looks off to the side and clenches his jaw. Your heart pounds in your chest, a mix of yearning and sadness. 
“Like what Akaza?” You ask, uncovering yourself and bracing for the cold air to surround your body. Akaza glances at the blankets. 
“A demon.” He hisses and for a moment you hear such deep regret in his voice. Some buried sorrow keeps him from bonding with people. You stand and step down from the platform, Akaza doesn’t budge an inch. You take this as your chance to approach him. You take in a deep breath and place the palm of your hand against his chest. 
“Akaza. I don’t care what you are, only about who you are.” You can feel his heart rapidly beating against his skin. He looks at your hand and then finally into your eyes. 
“I need to go wash my hands.” He edges his head closer to yours. You feel a pull to kiss him as your bodies move into position but then shy away on repeat. “I’ll be right back.” He disappears with unknown speed and you let out a tiny breath. Did he almost kiss you? You’d been thinking about this moment for a long time and it was finally here. He was finally here. “YN…” You look up to find him in your doorway again. 
“Akaza.” He walks into your home and slides the door shut behind him. The cool air is somewhat cut off. 
“I respect women YN.” He rasps. You nod and watch his eyes rack over your blue yukata. His eyes meet yours and you feel a wave of anticipation crash into you. 
“Yes. I remember.” He’s getting closer to you, causing you to back into the platform again. He smirks as you both remember the first night you’d met each other. 
“Please forgive me for what I’m about to do.” He’s in front of you within seconds, pulling your hair back and aggressively kissing you. You groan into his mouth and he bares his teeth against your lips. “I don’t want to hurt you.” He hisses, licking the soft spot on your neck. You wiggle at the sensation and start to pant. 
“Even if you do, it doesn’t make you a monster,” Akaza growls against your neck and nips at the skin he’d been playing with. 
“Pull up your yukata and turn around.” He demands, letting go of your hair. You straighten out your sore neck and do as he ordered. Your cunt is bare for him to study now and he takes his time looking at you. “I didn’t think a human could be so beautiful everywhere.” He grazes the back of your thigh with his fingers and you flinch. You squirm and start to whine. 
“Please Akaza, I need your cock in my pussy. I can’t wait any longer.” You whimper, needy for his attention. Akaza grips your hips tightly as he pulls you back where your feet are planted in the dirt, knees resting against the ledge of the wooden platform. 
“Never imagined you’d be the one begging.” He chuckles. You wish you could see what he was doing, but you were too nervous if you glanced behind you Akaza would make you wish you hadn’t. “No need though, your pretty cunt was already begging me long before that beautiful mouth spoke.” You feel a warm hand spread your legs apart and then something pokes at your entrance. You bite back a moan as he works his tip into your folds. “I didn’t even have to warm you up YN, you’re already so wet for me.” 
“Shut up,” You groan and duck your head down in embarrassment. Akaza chuckles and thrusts deeper. A yelp sounds from you at the sudden presence of his warm cock burrowed deep inside you. 
“Did me killing that lowly demon turn you on that much?” He teases, sliding out only to slam right back into you. Moans are the only sound you can make at the moment. “You’ve always been a strange case, but for some reason, I can’t get you off my mind.” He confesses. Somehow you feel slightly insulted by his wording. 
“I-I just missed you.” You manage to reply. Akaza pauses for a beat before his grip on your hips tightens. 
“Fuck…” He hisses, pounding into you at incredible speed. The floorboards are creaking as your moans echo throughout your house. 
“Akaza, Akaza, oh my-shit,” You bite down on your finger, but Akaza slams into you.
“Uh uh uh sweetheart. Remember that promise you made? I want you to scream my name.” He pulls your arms behind your back then he rams his cock into you, the slapping noises and both of your moans filling the room. 
“T-too much, ngh,” You plead, he was too good at pleasuring you. More than you thought possible. Your eyes squeeze shut as Akaza reaches around with his free hand to play with your clit. “A-Ak-Akaza!” You cry out, voice shaking so much it cracks into a whine as Akaza slams deep into you and stays there. Your walls flutter around his cock as you see stars from straining so much. A shuddering waterfall of your climax causes your knees to buckle from underneath you. Akaza curls his arm around you and gently lays you on the ground. He pulls out of you and you hear the shuffling of clothes being pulled back on. Then quiet. You don’t have the energy to look up from where you lay on the floor. You were so close to your bed, yet too far. You could totally sleep here, it was fine. Suddenly the house feels like it’s buzzing as a warmth returns. 
“I stole cloth from some laundry and wet it at the stream. Here, let me clean you up.” Akaza moves your yukata out of the way and dabs the wet cloth against your folds. You hum in satisfaction with how wonderful it feels. “I’m finished.” Akaza alerts. You wonder if he’s about to leave again, but you feel his arms underneath you. He lifts you up and sets you down on your mattress. You sprawl out comfortably under your blankets. He lays down on his side with his head propped up by his elbow on the wooden floor. You lift up your blankets sleepily and beckon Akaza to join you. He smirks and shifts under them. 
“You killing that demon was pretty hot.” You mumble as you drift off to sleep. The last thing you hear is Akaza chuckle the warm way he does as you cuddle into his chest. 
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yssring · 2 years
the hungwr..... mymmy curdesd eye.. yeanrs for darkness... ...?*stopd world roation bcause it made me dizzy... +upset....* ->forgot tha speech.. who care *eye glows&&&*
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i want to cuddle under a blanket while drinking hot chocolate and watching movies
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what do you call a friend lover is he a FLOV(W)ER?
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[ID: Chibi style colored digital art of Dr.Habit and Kamal from Smile For Me. Kamal reaches up with boots to hold and kiss Habit who is bending down, both their eyes are closed. Habit looks serene and Kamal looks happy. Both blush.
Here Kamals hair is long with a white lily by his ear. Ear has one simple golden earring. His face is acne scarred. He wears an off shoulder strawberry patterned rose-pink sweater and shorts with white flower patterns held together by a brown belt with yellow circle deco and a heart piece in center. Boots are dark raspberry with strips of lighter shades. 
Black text by him reads ‘’Lilies need kisses to make them grow.’’
Habits fur tone here is more yellowish and his hair bigger, longer, pink with a tooth lily worn in it. Beneath it is a silver hanging clip on earring with star shapes. He looks like a puppet. Has a ‘x’ shaped stitch on mouth. He wears his usual coat, texture is like felt, coat fluff contains real flowers, wears heels.  
Black text by him reads ‘’The gardening process is very specific and secret.’’
Above him white text reads ‘’Says the florist’’
The BG is a circular green to yellow splotchy gradient in various shades. end ID]
jfs(joyfriends) will really go ‘’I-Yay Ove-Lay oo-yay earie-day...’’ and expect you to caress their face and yknow what? HELLYES  (/▽\*)。o○♡
(clarifying for rb and tag purpouses but i dont hc a gnc kamal..however i dont think hes totally inflexible an d mostly does it bC bf goes goo goo eyed,,aw! or bc smth was just too nice nngngfg)
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hobgayblin · 3 years
what if................... yami came and rested his head on my shoulder and melted against me when I wrapped my arms around him....... what if..... I give him a kis on the forehad........... whatt if gsgdgghhhhsdhsgks [walks into an electric fence]
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diazpoems · 3 years
I’d like to advertise the fact that my hand is small and chubby and should anybody like to hold it I think that would be fine
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starboystation · 3 years
God i lpve crutchue so mhch m gknna cry /pos
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junicoins · 6 months
I just need to be held at this point. Too sad and need just a bit of affection. Even just a lightly holding my hand? Please?
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stupid-nblm · 2 years
when you’re holding hands and he does the little thumb rub thing,,,, makes me go insane
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goodhunting · 3 years
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“ A LOT OF INGRATES, this bloody city is. ”
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lovecatsys · 3 years
Fnsgsjfks <3
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