#yeah. well. I am shipping Frobin
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Cabin by the Lake | Take A Hike
Portgas D. Ace x F!Reader, Modern AU
03- When Luffy’s birthday turns into a group get away to a small cabin by a lake, you cannot deny his own brothers an invitation. Surely the week long get away would leave a lasting impression with his eldest sibling.
Note: listen hangovers are lame and let’s all assume Sanji knows the cure all for them w his cooking. also! listen! i don’t care what size you are. Portgas D Ace can and will manhandle you. so there is absolutely zero body side implications on our reader here (:
Sunday: Take a Hike
The morning starts far earlier than you would have liked after the previous nights events.
Voices boom through the kitchen as everyone is gathered around the breakfast table in waiting for the greasy breakfast meant to cure any lingering effects from last night. You join the group, the final stragglers taking their place, before Sanji is placing plates before every member. He pays extra attention to you and the girls, as always, presenting your own small plates of fresh fruit among the breakfast feast. With a chorus of thanks to the man, everyone digs in.
It was amusing to watch Luffy eating along side his brothers. He always had an insatiable appetite- one closely combated by Ace and Sabo- but he seems even more on guard as he keeps his plate tucked in close to his body. You knew the guy had a tendency to swipe food from your plates, and now you suppose that was a learned trait from growing up around two older brothers.
Moments of silence pass as everyone enjoys the food.
“Let’s go exploring today!” Luffy suddenly explodes forward with a smile, a fork still held tight in his hand despite his empty plate. “A hike in the woods!”
Robin hums in thought, “I don’t believe there are any marked trails around here.”
“Well that’s the fun in it! It’s an adventure!” He beams a blinding smile. “We’re like pirates or something! Exploring unmarked territory!” Luffy makes to stab at something on Ace’s plate but the man is quick to swat his brother away.
“Don’t pirates usually explore the ocean?” You prompt.
“Pirates can do whatever they want!” Luffy huffs out, targeting Nami’s plate next. He manages to swipe a piece of meat before she catches him, swiftly smacking him upside the head, but he was more than happy to take that punishment for the extra food.
“Fine by me, long as we don’t let moss head lead the way.” Sanji snickers to himself as he sips his glass of orange juice. The reaction is immediate, as it always is, Zoro shooting up straight in his seat.
“You got something to say, curly brow?”
“Do, uh, do you guys think there are bears in the woods here?” Ussop questions, poking at a strawberry on his plate nervously.
“Probably, I mean, they are the woods after all.” You grin at him, earning a glare.
Luffy suddenly gasps, “You think so?”
“You are not fighting a bear Luffy!” Nami snaps at him with no hesitation.
“Awh!” Luffy deflates into his chair with a pout.
“A hike sounds like fun, right Ace?” Sabo smiles in support of his brother, turning to the eldest to find his head on his arms as he snoozes right on the dining table. “Ace!” He swats at his brother’s head, curls flying up, before Ace slowly raises his head with a frown.
Ace glares at Sabo, taking in his expression for a moment, before giving a decisive nod. “Yep, sounds good.” He mutters.
Sabo huffs, “You don’t even know what you’re agreeing to!”
Amidst the yelling, Nami turns to you and Robin. “I’m in if you guys are.” She proposes.
But this notion makes you laugh. In all your adventures with your friend, it seemed like Nami was the only one who had a genuine sense of direction. The others simply wander off the beaten path, get lost, or some how get separated from the group. You very well know that the week will turn into wilderness survival opposed to an actual vacation without her. “Nami, you realize they’re all gonna get lost without you, right?”
Nami huffs lowly in acknowledgment.
“I’ll go,” Robin smiles to herself. “I think it will be fun to see what kind of land is around here. Maybe we’ll find something interesting out in the woods.” The thought seems to excite her, eyes a little bit brighter and a satisfied smile staying on her lips.
“Then it’s settled!” Luffy declares, food gripped in his hand as he sends you a cheesy smile. You look down to your plate to see that it’s suspiciously lacking. “Sanji! We need hiking snacks. Oh, and make sure to pack lunch too!”
↟ ↟ ↟ ↟ ↟ ↟ ↟
A distinct clacking sound fills the air as Luffy lead the pack with a stick in hand, smacking at trees as he passes by them.
“Remind me again why we agreed to this?” Nami prompts as you stumble down a decline together, following in Luffys footsteps.
You were approximately thirty minutes into the hike and the red head was already regretting her decision. Luffy, stubborn as ever, paid little mind to Nami’s navigation attempts as he ventured into the forest. He has a direction in mind and plans to stick with it, only requiring the assistance to get back to the cabin, or so he claims.
“I’m not sure what you were expecting.” You simply shrug as the girl bounces down a series of stacked rocks ahead of you- the most adventurous trail that Luffy could think up. “When Luffy puts his mind to something.” Nami waves her hand dramatically at your words.
You move to folllow after her, foot pressing in to one of the many rocks, when it suddenly slips from its place. A gasp pulls from your lips as you feel your body falling, only to be caught mid air.
Ace perches himself on the rocks beside you, annoyingly stable, as he holds your waist. He aids you in standing on your own two feet, a smile on his face as he waltzes a step ahead of you. “Careful there, doll.” His head tips to the side in clear amusement as your body once again lurches on the rocks. Ace grins as he holds out his hand to you, “Wouldn’t want you falling, now would we?”
You offer a glare that lacks any real malice before reluctantly taking his offered hand. His skin is warm and his fingers calloused, barely even a strain in his arm as he carefully guides you down the rocky path and to more stable ground. A smile pulls to his lips as you pause to look up at him with your hand lingering in his for a beat longer than necessary.
Warmth blooms in your chest as you offer him a smile of thanks.
Ace watches close as you push ahead to catch up with Nami.
Nami seems to walk with a new air about her as she turns to you with a wicked grin. “You know, you gotta be more careful, doll.” She drawls out the word exaggeratedly, batting her eyelashes and pouting her lips.
“Ugh, you’re the worst.” You huff out, shoving her shoulder and making you both stumble.
Nami’s cackle of a laugh carries through the trees. “I gotta admit, i’m actually a little jealous.” She shakes her head with a sigh. “Seems like you and Robin both have something going on during this trip,” She nods ahead where Franky and Robin are walking together, her hand placing on his arm as the two share a laugh full of lingering eye contact. “And i’m just left to watch it all unfold.”
“There’s nothing going on with me and Ace.”
Nami turns to glare at you, “Really?”
“Really, Nami, I barely know the guy.”
She shakes her head in response. “I don’t know, Y/N, we have a lot of guy friends and none of them go around calling us-“
“You remember that I know Sanji too, right?” You laugh.
“Okay, true, but Sanji calls all of us names like that.” Nami rolls her eyes. “Ace only says that stuff to you.” You can feel heat settling across your cheeks as you huff. “Don’t sweat it too much. You know me, I support women’s rights and women’s wrongs. So I support you no matter what you do.”
Your brows pull together and the words leave you before you can give a second thought, “And what do you think?” Namis head snaps around at the shift in mood and the lowering of your voice. “You think it would be wrong?” A smile tugs at her lips at this and you feel a bubbling of nerves in your stomach. “In theory.”
Nothing was going on.
Sure, you were well aware that there was just something that felt different about Ace. You felt different around him, comfortable even, despite how long you have known each other. And sure. Maybe there were a few lingering touches and soft gazes…
But it was nothing.
“Well, it’s obviously between the two of you,” She brushes her chin length locks from her face, lowering her voice and walking closer to you in effort to keep your conversation just between you. “You should go with the flow, but keep in mind that he’s Luffy’s brother. That could complicate things if things get complicated, ya know?”
You hum in thought and a beat of silence passes.
“In theory.” Nami adds as she bumps your shoulder with her own.
What felt like hours of sweating and stumbling through the woods continue, until Luffy reaches a clearing and declares that he is starving and it was lunch time. He plops down directly on the forest floor and digs into the packed lunch. Everyone follows his lead, except for Robin and Franky who squeeze together on a fallen tree trunk.
The sounds of nature fill your ears as everyone indulges in the meal Sanji prepared. Even with the knowledge of eating in the middle of the woods, he ensured the meal was perfection.
As you finish up your meal, your eyes cast around your group. Luffy and Ussop are busy tossing broken twigs at each other. Robin and Franky speak quietly together, arms pressed together at their close proximity. Zoro and Sanji bicker as Nami and Sabo ignore their input and discuss the walk back. Ace lounges back against a tree, arms behind his head and eyes closed, looking entirely at peace. You watch him for a moment longer and realize he is asleep.
A smile pulls to your lips.
The group relaxes a bit longer, stretching out sore legs after walking through uneven terrain for hours. You were almost certain that he would go on for hours more without stopping but that notion would certainly be met with protests.
“Alright!” Luffy claps his hands enthusiastically. “Nami, it’s time for you to lead us back!” The woman scoffs as Luffy shoves the empty container into his back pack.
“How did you even manage before me?”
“He got lost a lot until I came around.” Sabo huffs a laugh as he collects his things. “Not really sure what happened after though.”
“Me.” Nami laughs.
Everyone collects their things, ensuring any trash is shoved away, before heading off for the cabin. Nami takes front, Sabo at her side with a compass in hand, and Robin tagging along for the journey.
The group follows and you find yourself falling into step with Franky. The man is focused ahead, watching black hair swaying as Robin climbs the uneven terrain at the front- a bit too focused it seems. A tree root catches his foot and he nearly tumbles to the ground.
Franky catches your eye and the two of you laugh to yourselves.
“Careful.” You raise your brows knowingly.
“I’m all good.” He shrugs.
A song fills the air from behind you, Luffy sloppily keeping time by banging the stick against various trees. Ace and Sanji sing along with him and after what you’re sure is continuous prodding, Zoro monotonously joins in.
Occasional glances thrown Franky’s way, mind deep in thought, but unsure if you truly wanted to breach the subject in mind.
You purse your lips for a moment before finally making your decision. “You and Robin looked awful cozy.” Your elbow bumps against his arm. Franky laughs at this, worrying a hand over blue locks, before offering a half hearted shrug.
“We’ve always been close. Don’t forget that we are older than the rest of you.” He points out as if that had any real influence on their… friendship.
You scoff, “You say that like you’re an old man, Franky.”
“I feel like one sometimes.”
“Yeah, okay. Next thing we know we’re gonna hear all about how it was back in your day, huh?” You tease with a loud laugh.
“Well it was awful different, little lady.” Franky plays into it with a laugh. The silence that falls only gives way to the crunching of shoes on natures floor. Franky sighs, “She’s fun to be around. Let’s me talk about what ever I want and actually listens to me.” He laughs to himself. “As close as we all are, I know you can only handle so many stories from the docks.”
“That’s fair.”
“Plus, she’s super smart too. I like listening to her talk about all of her archeology stuff.” Franky smiles, looking ahead to where the woman walks. “When she talks about the stuff she’s into, she’s just so. So-“
“Cute.” A mischievous grin pulls to your lips as you stare up at him.
Franky laughs, “I wasn’t gonna say exactly that.”
“Ah but i’m sure you were thinking it.”
Franky clears his throat as he rubs a hand over his arm. “I dunno, bro. It’s just this trip I think, letting us all get a little bit closer.” His shoulders bounce in a shrug. “Around each other twenty-four-seven.” He hums in thought before turning his eyes to you. There seems to be something on his mind as he glances over his shoulder, but ultimately decides against it.
↟ ↟ ↟ ↟ ↟ ↟ ↟
Your legs are burning.
You’re all sweaty and tired by this point. There is nothing but relief that flood through the group as you break through the trees.
“Finally!” Luffy booms as he jogs ahead, dropping his bags by the steps of the cabin and looking over his shoulder. “Last one in the lake loses!” Then he is off towards the water still fully clothed.
“Tch, does he really think we’re all down for that right now.” Sanji shakes his head. Your group watches for a long moment until Zoro steps ahead everyone.
“Suit yourself then, loser.” He taunts.
This, of course, prompts the instant reaction of Zoro and Sanji racing into the waters. Ussop, Franky, Ace, and Sabo soon follow suit. You share looks with the two women at your sides who hold their own skeptical looks.
“I want a shower, not a swim.” Nami huffs out, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Let them enjoy their fun.” Robin laughs as the three of you trail towards the group of men. They’re busy splashing and dunking each other, simultaneously cooling off after a long hike and working up a sweat.
Luffy pops up from under the water, swatting Zoro off of him, before looking towards the three of you.
“Come in the water!” Luffy calls out with a grin
“No way!” Nami huffs defiantly.
“Come oooon!” He draws out. At your shared refusal, Luffy turns to say something to Franky and Ace. The three slowly walk towards the sand with Luffy in the lead. “Come on, don’t be losers.” Luffy whines as he approaches the three of you.
You all bristle on edge as they get closer.
“Luffy.” Nami speaks his name in a low warning.
“Just get in the water.” Luffy’s grin grows.
You eye Ace suspiciously, who only smiles sweetly back at you. “We’re fully clothed.”
“So are we, who cares.”
“That was a long hike, Luffy, we want to rest.” Robin adds.
“We have all night to rest.” Luffy simply shrugs. Nami opens her mouth to speak her denial, when Luffy lunges forwards to grab her. A yelp sounds from the woman as her feet leave the ground to be thrown over Luffy’s shoulder. She screams as she smacks at his back, yelling at Luffy to put her down, but this only makes him laugh harder.
Franky was quick to go for Robin as well, the woman attempting to fight him off as he tries to be delicate with her in spite of the goal. He eventually finds an opening and is left with no choice but throwing Robin over his beefy shoulder. She speaks her protest, feet kicking in the air, all to no avail.
Ace has his eyes set on you. You turn to run, feet kicking up sand and attempting to get away from the man while running on the uneven ground. Ace quickly follows right after you. The line of grass is right within your reach- until you feel your feet swept out from beneath you. You yelp in surprise as Ace cradles your body close to his to carry you bridal style towards the lake. Water soaks into your dry clothes almost instantly from the contact.
“Ace! Put me down!” Despite the annoyance, you’re laughing.
“No can do, doll.” Ace chuckles as he walks directly into the water.
The steadily approaching surface makes you gasp as Ace pushes further into the depths of the lake. “Ace, come on, you don’t gotta do this.” You plead at him, inadvertently pulling yourself closer to him in an attempt to evade the water. The man simply grins before you’re both splashing under the water.
He releases your legs but a hand still grips at your waist, ensuring that you surface with him.
Ace’s deep laugh echoes in your ear as you both stand and wipe the water from your eyes. “You’re the worst.” You complain, shoving playfully at his arm. This only brightens the grin on his face.
“Awh, you’re just upset that you were the last in.” He leans in a little bit closer, wet hand poking at your forehead, “Making you the loser.”
You gasp in mock offense, taking your chance to jump on the man’s shoulders to tug him under the water. Ace allows himself to fall with you and your bodies crash together under the lakes surface.
A blanket of wet curls covers Ace’s eyes. “I’m so gonna get you for that!”
You scoff, “You can’t take revenge on my revenge!” The mischievous smile he offers has you turning to swim away.
“Watch me!” He catches your ankle before you can kick away from him and drags you back over to him. You scream out a laugh as he easily scoops you up to toss you over his shoulder.
“Ace!” You squeal as he twirls you around, feet kicking.
Ace grins, “Hold your breath.” At the sound of the sharp intake of breath, Ace tosses you back into the water.
You fall back into the water with a smile on your face. There’s something so freeing about being tossed into the water by someone, like you were a little kid again. Like you’re safe and entirely carefree.
Water drips from the ends of your hair and into your eyes as you find your footing again. Before you’re even given the chance, hands brush away the locks and you’re met with the blurry vision of Ace staring down at you.
Breath catches in your throat as Ace opens his mouth to say something-
“Heads up!” The voice shrieks out and suddenly Ace is tackled into the water in a mess of black and blonde hair. Water splashes into your face and ripples around your waist as he disappears underneath.
Sabo is the first to surface, a hand flailing out and grabbing onto him as Luffy uses his brother to pull himself from the water. Ace is the last up, coughing as dark curls stick to his forehead, glaring at his brothers.
“Luffy! Sabo!” Ace yells at them both, shoving them back as the brothers laugh in his face. “Oh, you’re on!” He lunges forwards to grab Luffy in a head lock, the younger guy struggling to get out of his grip, until he is being tossed into the water. Ace then turns to target Sabo.
Loud laughs and the splashing of water echoes through the air. The burning in your legs and the extra weight of your clothes clinging to your body is but a distant thought.
Series Masterlist | Chapter 04
tag list: @flooofity @zzzzzoey @certain-tragedies @kanekisheart @weirdothatreads
#you know how i’ve said im not shipping x characters in previous chapters?#yeah. well. I am shipping Frobin#love those guys together#one piece x reader#one fics#portgas ace x reader#portgas d ace x reader#portgas ace x you#portgas d ace x you#portgas ace#portgas d ace
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Oooh how about top 5 favorite OP ships and characters? And Top 5 songs you've listened to this year?
(put “top 5” anything in my ask and i will answer)
top ships… well, number one should be pretty obvious.
shuggy - if i need to explain why, you have not spent much time on this blog, lol.
sanuso - you can blame beanie for this one, i vaguely thought they were cute before i followed her & ✨saw the light✨
zotash - tbh i'm not sure whether i still ship these two romantically, but i am always gonna be obsessed with their dynamic and hungry for more scenes between them, so they belong on the list.
frobin - yeah, it’s kinda basic, but imo that’s because it’s kinda obvious? that train ride to enies lobby, man—i’m still not over it. plus, the addams family vibes fanon entertains me.
hm. i feel like i’m forgetting a pair i’m really into. i like namivivi, i’m intrigued by crochawk, but neither one has a real tight grip on me atm. well, i can’t think of another ship, so i guess those two can share fifth place.
favorite characters! i’ve done a top 3 before, but top 5 gets a little trickier.
a couple strawhats should be ranked above ace if i’m being honest, but my marineford re-reads have had me getting weepy over ace, so he’s getting a tenderheart boost.
as far as songs go… i don’t use a service like spotify that monitors my most listened tracks or anything, so this is just broad guessing on my part.
something by mitski. i suspect if i could get the data for a top ten, she’d make up half of it—and only partly because i kept listening to her songs while trying to figure out which lyrics to use for my fics. “i’m your man” has the lyrics i think about the most, but “your best american girl” has been on my mind lately for… obvious reasons. (lmao, just remembered while pulling that link up that my reasons for lingering on “i’m your man” are similarly obvious.)
something by jack de quidt. the soundtracks they’ve composed for friends at the table’s various campaigns, one-shot games, and friends-of-the-show’s podcasts’ theme songs are all very good instrumental listening. the marielda album is a long-time favorite, while sangfielle and palisade are two recent albums of very different kinds of eerie music.
something off M A N I A. that album’s been my most played every year since it came out in 2017, oof, every song is at least danceable if not a bop. i’ve wanted a deadpool vid set to “wilson (expensive mistakes)” for so long, and a castiel vid set to “sunshine riptide” for longer.
something by abba. not sure what got me back on the abba train—the one song episode about gimme gimme gimme? the let’s learn everything episode about eurovision? generalized mamma mia nostalgia? whatever it was, i’ve been relistening to their music a lot this year. love a pop band with good harmonies.
”speeding cars” by imogen heap. she played this song during her npr tiny desk concert in 2019 and it absolutely made my week. no idea how i found this 2006 b-side, let alone listened to it so much that it produced that kind of reaction a decade later, but there you have it.
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Okey serious question here. How much do you actually believe that Oda ships Frobin? Like do you think he actually have like doodles/sketchs of them in a pairing kind of way? like for the strong world film riding the motorbug? (Personally i would love it to be true but he has stated one piece isn't about romance in that way)
Hey there anon! Thank you so much for your question and I hope I can answer it seriously enough. Also once more sorry for the late response. I felt like a question like that needs some research and that is what I did these last few days.
So... I think I'll start with the tl;dr because that way people can read that and ignore the rest.
So, long answer short: I 100% believe that Oda has one or more sketchbooks with drawings of his characters that are absolutely self-indulgent. I am 98% sure that he has drawn Franky and Robin in a romantic way at least once (and supported the ship). I am 80% sure he still is shipping FRobin.
Little disclaimer: I actually have no idea if any of this is true. I pull everything in my arguments out of my own experiences and knowledge and since I'm not a 46 year old Japanese Mangaka my perspective might be WAY OFF.
argument - reason- example - conclusion... behind the cut (or in the google doc)
So, why do I think that Oda has a secret sketchbook?
Simple answer is that he is an artist. He is drawing a lot and no artist will publish everything. That can have multiple reasons like imposter syndrome or because the artist thinks it’s not good or interesting enough or they just forget. There are even more reasons I forget and every person has their own.
For Oda I can imagine two big reasons as to why he would keep secret sketchbooks.
First: He is a horndog. You can skip this part if you don’t want to read about it, to the second reason.
Anyway, we know thanks to answers in the SBS, the way he likes to draw big-breasted women and how some of his characters are classified as perverts that he can be considered one too.
Let me show you a few of a few lewd SBS questions he likes to answer in a funny way:
Chapter 228, Page 46
D: How are ya, Odacchi? I know how much you like getting butt-naked, so this must be a favourite season for you. <3
O: Yes, yes. I just LOVE getting completely naked. In the summertime, after I take a bath I just run STRAIGHT OUTSIDE!! And when the girls' softball team running on the sidewalk looks over at me, they say, "Yup, it's really summer now!!" ... AS IF!! I'D GET ARRESTED!!!
Chapter 433, Page 68
D: If Lady Robin can use her Hana Hana Powers to make any part of her body sprout somewhere else, does that mean she can do it with her ample bosom as well? "Nyurin-zaki" (Breast Sprout) Boy, I'd like to take a hit from that sometime... P.N. Ero Ero no Mi Devil Fruit User.
O: "Ichirin-zaki" (Single Sprout) "Nirin-zaki" (Double Sprout) "Nyurin-zaki" (Breast Sprout) Very clever!! NO IT'S NOT!! STOP THAT!! I'm sure she CAN do it though ♡
Chapter 798, Page 64
D: Oddachi, I'll give you a pornographic book, so please answer my question. Sanji won't allow anyone to waste food, but what will he do if a woman does so? P.N. Smoker's Cigar
O: I think he would grab the plate and eat it up. Now please give me the pornographic book.
Nowadays I’m sure there is a focus on those lewder questions compared to the beginning because that is what 13 year old boys laugh about and we all know that is Oda's main demographic (of course).
I think a very good picture of that is given by Tekking101 in his breakdown video of SBS Volume 100.
“Let’s get diving into these questions (...) now, this is a huge moment. I mean, not many Manga manage to reach 100 Volumes, Okay? Now I know Oda usually starts these off with questions relating to boobs and things that don’t really… you know, aren’t really relevant but you know, this is a big celebration so we’re gonna dive right into it. I bet the most important things that we need to know about the One Piece Story are right here in these pages, okay? I printed them out. That is how important this is. So let’s start off, shall we? Epic voice, Barry!
‘Mister Oda, there is a UFO over there with huge big-breasted beauties on it. That memorable 100 Volume of the SBS is about to begin.’
[pause] Yeah, like the first five of these are all related to boobs in some way. You know what Oda? Sticking true to your guns! Godspeed, Sir Oda. Godspeed.”
(end at around 2:30)
So, Oda is a man who likes beautiful women and who draws.
Coming to the conclusion that he will draw his own characters in suggestive poses, naked and even doing adult stuff is not hard.
Obviously he would not show these sketches just around. He would probably keep them in a secret sketchbook that he keeps at a safe location. Maybe his wife and some close friends know about it? Maybe it is his and only his little secret.
I don’t think it would be unlikely to learn about this years into the future, maybe the next generation of Anime Fans will hear about this.
And it would not be the first time that something like this happened.
Not that long ago the daughter of Osamu Tezuka - groundbreaking Mangaka, known for his works of “Astro Boy”, “Kimba the white lion” and many more - found his adult Furry art. Source; Japanese article;
It’s a fact that many Mangaka did indeed start their career with art of the more risque kind and/or as doujinshi artists.
So again, I have no doubt that Oda, a known pervert, has one or more secret sketchbooks with „the p0rnography“ in it. Is there only hot stuff in there? Not necessarily.
The second reason to keep a secret sketchbook would be to collect information in there, that could be considered canon but he is not willing to use it in the Manga. Maybe they are not important enough or will be used later.
What am I imagining here? Anything that could be considered too weird for the normal sketchbook but isn‘t too risque. Funny things that might still not be „appropriate.“
Like a sketch of the male Strawhat ding-dongs with the sizes beside it. All the lewd jokes the fans did about Luffy's stretching qualities? I’m sure Oda thought about them too and drew that in the past if he had the time and it made him laugh enough.
But also maybe there are scenes in there that never made it in the Manga. The Strawhats interacting with each other in their daily lives, ideas for colorspreads and maybe chapter-titles. Oda probably has noted/sketched down a lot of unofficial stuff somewhere.
Another example, even an artist like Oda himself would have needed to exercise drawing two people kissing. Why not use Characters he thinks that might work out together?
Why not Franky and Robin? I would imagine he sketched up a few panels of Franky and Robin having a romantic date, going shopping together in Dressrosa, having a conversation that we never got to see because it was too on the nose.
Which brings us to the second point of me being very sure that Oda had drawn FrankyXRobin at one point.
I’m sure in those sketchbooks there is at least one drawing of them doing anything couple-related together. Again it does not have to be downright nasty but it could be them holding hands, kissing or even just Robin leaning onto Franky while reading, like all those fanarts that exist out there.
It’s not hard to imagine. Even for other Characters I think that is possible
And there might even be proof for that idea. The sketch of the Strong World movie you also mentioned, anon. The one movie that can be considered canon is Strong World. It was basically written/directed by Oda. Shiki the antagonist had an appearance in the Manga.
This sketch is drawn by Oda. Robin is holding onto Franky.
Can it be read as romantic? Yes. Can it be read as Robin holding onto Franky because there is nothing else to hold onto? Also Yes. But couldn't she just have used her power to keep herself secured on the bike without holding onto Franky? WELL YES. Could Oda never have thought in these circles like I do right now? I hope he did not because I hate it and I don’t wish it upon him.
In the movie Robin is NOT holding onto Franky. Now the really interesting thing - that is neither proof pro nor anti FRobin - is that we can see the sketch provided by Oda as a “between the scenes”.
In the movie Strong World the old trio is collecting information at the Pirate assembly. The next time we see them they use the Batta GT-7000 to slowly approach the destroyed village, which had been ravaged by the animals, and start to look for their friends. No need to hold onto Franky and no need for Brook to lean back. They are looking around.
The sketch is clearly not the same scene as the one we see in the movie.
In conclusion the drawing is indeed a between the scenes drawing. And yes if there exists one, who is to say there aren’t more?
Talking about Animal-Bikes...
Is there any meaning about the fact that in the opening scene (that is part of the talked intro after the opening ‘We Go’ - a huge thanks to antiherofangirl, ccb0nnet, JFL_Estudios and Maems, over at twitter!) Franky and Robin build another grasshopper-based vehicle? Maybe not but I still feel like it’s quite a callback.
Where did the idea to put this in the beginning come from? a) an editor had the idea inspired by Strong World; b) maybe it’s another sketch that Oda provided.
Neither seems very far-fetched in my opinion.
So yes, I am very sure that Oda has drawn things that we would consider FRobin.
Now to the last point (the first being Oda having a secret sketchbook, the second me arguing that Oda might have drawn FRobin).
As I said in the beginning I’m very sure that at one point Oda did and kinda that he still does ship Franky and Robin. Because even though every Interaction of two characters can be depicted as romantic or platonic, Oda used ROMANTIC TROPES with Franky and Robin.
They have never kissed on screen but we had
finishing each other's sentences
coordinated clothes
one using the others lap as pillow
hand on cheek caressing
and we can’t forget that Robin had answered Franky's invitation to ride on another animal-themed bike with a heart.

Edit: I didn‘t say anything about „no romance in OP“ so ask again if you want me to talk a bit about that. Sorry!
Those are things an author of Oda's level would not write or draw without being aware about how teasing this is. He has to be aware that every single line he draws will be analyzed to the end of the universe and back. People earn money by saying their opinion and interpretations about the Manga on Youtube.
These interactions are not something outlandish like “There was once an Anime Scene in which Robin was wearing something blue and exactly 28 episodes later Franky was wearing something violet and then 39 episodes later they both stood beside each other for exactly 69 seconds.”
Whenever I think about these facts, things that are not about interpreting but are factual, black ink on white paper but also about the little things, about how Frank and Robin help each other to become better, how they support each other… I want to say YES! ODA IS 100% on board! While in reality I’m 80% sure and 20% of me is wondering if I’m not actually analyzing too much into it. If maybe he really is abandoning ship. Maybe I will become the person who will curse his name and throw my Mangas and fanfictions in an active volcano?
I don’t know and it’s impossible to say what is going to happen.
And with that I've concluded this answer, and it only took me around 2k words and four days.
#FRobin#One Piece#One Piece Meta#Odas secret sketchbook#One Piece analysis#Adult themes#Notreally Frobin#long post#2k words#ask#modpost#kon#boy this was something#sorry about any mistakes
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Why Oda didn’t “betray” anyone
Hey everyone,
if you are a vivid FRobin shipper you are probably aware of the stirring the recent Colorspread caused in the whole of the One Piece fandom.
Suddenly people realised that “Holy shit! FRobin is a thing?! Franky and Robin together?!!! Who would have thought?!” and if you are a indeed a FRobin shipper you would have probably reacted along the lines of “Yeah, well there have been hundred of hints but better late than never, right?”
It’s been there since the Sea-Train.
Of course it might not be obvious to anyone because while reading something the focus is different for everyone and even more so if you ship something with all your might.
When I read a new chapter I’ll put my focus on every interaction Franky and Robin have because I hope for new hints towards my OTP. Almost every interaction will be analysed if they fit my picture of the relationship I imagine for them.
But I still read the rest too. Because focusing on only two characters of a story as big as One Piece would be a waste of time.
So, it does not matter if and which characters will get together in the end. Because that is not what the story is about and even if I - personally - think that if characters A and B don’t end up together, will be a shitty decision, I’ll still accept it.
Just because I - personally - misinterpreted whatever Oda was showing that does not mean he was wrong.
In the end, all creative decisions are the authors to make and even if they are wrong - in my personal opinion - I still have to accept them. Because the author owes me nothing. They don’t even know me. Why should they care what I - personally - want out of this story when there are millions not agreeing with me or hope for a completely different outcome?
Yes I put time and money in the franchise. I followed the characters on their adventure but that was my decision. I can criticize and cry and curse the creator of any kind of media. And it’s okay because grieving over something that was a huge part of my life makes sense and is healthy. But in the end of everything comes acceptance. The story is finished and told and I have to accept that the canon is as it is. And maybe a huge part of the fans are even happy with it? Who am I to demand that they have to suffer instead of me?
It’s not the authors fault.
People create headcanons and theories because they read a story a certain way and maybe one of them will prove to be canon. Maybe not. For example, despite all of the theories about her, will Luffy only have one biological mother. Which one that will be decided by the author.
Being extremely passionate about a fandom or a ship is an amazing experience and a dangerous one. It can consume you. It’s sometimes a thin line to tread. So, be careful that it won’t become an obsession.
Don’t become obsessed with something trivial like a ship so that it’s the only thing that keeps you in a fandom!
In conclusion: an author owes you nothing. The way you read and understand things is not necessarily correct. A creator can change opinions or how they see their own characters. Something said and done five or ten years ago may be answered different today.
And most importantly, don’t forget fanart and fanfiction exist. If you don’t like the outcome of something a lot of people (not all) will agree with you and write and draw their own versions. Create your own little world and ignore the canon. No one can take that from you.
#chapter 987#One Piece#One Piece Fandom#OP fandom#shipping#OP 987#opinion#this is my personal opinion#take it with a grain of salt#Also I am so close to become completely obsessed with FRobin#so I know about the dangers#kon
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