#yeah yeah its a christmas song but some of them are good!
wildshadowtamer · 10 months
Favourite type of song nostalgia is whatever the fuck Happy Xmas (War Is Over) induces at the part where all the voices join in, i never heard that song growing up but i get to that part and am immediately transported to a snowy 70s december with a sense of deep longing. I was not alive in the 70s.
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whateveriwant · 10 months
Idk if you're taking requests, but here I am. Maybe TF 141 with an S/O who has ADHD and when going places, like a mall, for example they'll just completely walk away and they'll just loose their S/O
I took 'reader who is always walking away' and ran with it… ba dum tss (sorry, I had to). Anyway, I hope this is sorta what you were looking for! I was in a Christmas-y mood so all of these are winter/holiday themed!
The park is especially busy for a Friday afternoon. There's children playing in the snow, daring youths having a go on the frozen lake, and families everywhere making memories to last a lifetime.
You've only been sitting on this bench for roughly a quarter of an hour before Price starts to squirm beside you, something clearly making him uncomfortable. Before you can even ask what it is, he's standing from the seat in one brisk motion.
“Be back in a moment, darling,” he grumbles. “The cold makes me need to piss like a stallion.”
As he takes off to find a place to relieve himself, all you can do is laugh and call after him to, “Wash your hands!”
Five minutes and one desecrated tree later, he emerges from the secluded thicket of bushes he found, zipping up his fly discreetly. He makes his way back to the bench you'd been seated at, a bit of a spring to his step… only to deflate once he discovers you’ve disappeared into thin air.
He sighs out loud – a long, drawn-out sound. He could say he's surprised but then he'd be lying. He knows you and your tendency to wander off; this is nothing new to him. Now it's just a matter of finding you again… for the third time this week, he remarks internally.
He would try calling you but he already knows you forgot your phone at home. He's got to get better about reminding you to take it with you whenever you leave the house, especially if he's constantly having to chase after you like you're some sort of loose gerbil.
Thankfully, he sees a set of footprints which he believes to be yours leading away from the bench. So, with no better clues to guide him, he decides to follow after the tracks, hoping they'll lead him right to you.
It's not long into it that he hears a sound in the distance, sort of a low, pleasant humming that grows stronger the closer he gets. It's only a minute or two later when – eureka! – he finds you standing with a small crowd who've gathered to listen to a group of carolers.
Ahh, of course. He should've known. You just can't resist a good live performance. Like a siren calling to you in a storm, one way or another, you'll always find your way to them.
Price easily sidles up next to you, flashing a smile when you briefly turn to take notice of him. His hand finds the small of your back as he joins you in listening, enjoying the festive songs performed by the carolers.
You're standing for a while, attention fully drawn to the singers ahead, when at some point you lean into Price’s ear, your voice lowered to a whisper.
“You washed your hands?” Your question is earnest, if not a little playful.
In response, and with a tone most firm, he declares simply, “...Yep.” Though, the way his hand slips from your back and into his coat pocket reeks of something awfully similar to guilt.
You're on your 15th row when you spot it. There, standing not quite two and a half meters tall, perfectly green and dense and conical: your Christmas tree for the year.
An excited squeal leaves your lips and you swiftly run up to the tree to admire its beauty. “This is it! This is the one! Oh, isn't it just perfect?” you say reverently.
“Hold on a minute, love,” Ghost tries to rein you in as he lags a bit further behind. “Isn't that wha' you said about the one a few rows back? Wha' about that one?”
Oh yeah! You forgot all about that tree!
Well, now that he's reminded you, you want to do a little comparison. You tell him to stay put and guard this one while you quickly run back to check out that other one.
Two, five, nearly ten minutes pass and you haven't returned, much to Ghost’s chagrin. He thinks his bollocks must’ve shrunk three sizes by now from how long he's been standing out in this freezing cold.
After a dozen or so minutes, he tries ringing you, just to make sure everything’s alright. When there's no answer on the other end, he tries again, but is met with the same silence that has a streak of alarm bolting up his spine.
Ghost has always been a worrywart when it comes to his loved ones, and that concern only amplifies when it comes to large crowds and even larger spaces.
What's taking so long? Where have you gone? Are you lost? Hurt? Something worse? His mind begins to spiral.
Fuck it, he decides, and abandons the tree in order to seek you out. As he searches, row after row yields nothing but strangers and snow-capped firs. By now he's starting to fully panic, running around like a maniac, drawing the eyes of everyone in the lot as he yells out your name.
When he finally runs into you again – literally runs into you – he's out of breath, his heart pounding, and he grabs your shoulders with his strong hands and nearly shakes you out of your knitted cap.
“Don't scare me like that!” he's more exasperated than angry, and he pulls you into a bone-crushing hug. “Thought somethin’ might've happened to you,” he confesses, holding you to his chest like he thinks you'll evaporate if he lets go.
“M’sorry,” you mumble into the wall of hard muscle. “Got distracted.” The excuse is as weak as your skeleton feels beneath his embrace.
Distracted? What could have possibly distracted you enough that you didn't hear him screaming your name?
You pull back just enough to look at him, a sad curl to your lip that he can tell is forced. “I saw the cutest French bulldog,” you say, and Ghost has the audacity to scoff. “No, really! He was wearing the most adorable little Christmas jumper, and his name was Bark-tholomew. Bark-tholomew!” you stress.
Now that he knows you're safe and sound, Ghost loosens his hold on you, closing his eyes as he feels his pulse begin to slow.
“I asked the owners for a picture. Do you wanna see him?” you add hopefully.
When Ghost opens his eyes again, he's met with that sweet look on your face – that one he's unable to resist. He holds his breath for a beat or two, before letting out a deep, resonating sigh. “...Yeah, alright. Let's see it.”
It's unsurprising to find the mall jam-packed the week before Christmas, but that doesn't mean Soap isn't still annoyed by the swarm of bodies. But that's what he gets for waiting so long to go holiday shopping. Curse those last-minute deals and his inability to pass them up!
However, rather than wandering aimlessly through the mall, Soap has a game plan for today's spree. He knows exactly what stores he wants to hit, in the order he wants to hit them. And with you following closely behind to help, he's sure it'll be no sweat.
The first shop is easy enough to navigate with you trailing after him – providing your input when he inquires, and holding his items for him once he picks the one he wants. The second shop is much the same and the third even easier.
It's on the way to the fourth where, too caught up in his lists, Soap doesn't notice as you divert from the path, something else much more appealing stealing your attention away. It isn't until he's trying to decide between the last remaining pairs of snowmen or gingerbread men socks that he turns to ask your opinion, only to find you nowhere in sight.
He peers around the store for a second, not spotting you anywhere, before he suddenly feels his phone vibrating in his pocket. Your picture flashes across his screen and when he answers, the first question out of your mouth is, “Where are you?”
Where is he? Where are you? You were supposed to be following him, he not-so-subtly reminds you.
“I'm by the Cinnabon,” you tell him, then make a sound like you're taking a sip of something. “They've got hot chocolate. Giving out free cups of it,” you say, and that has Soap's ears instantly perking up.
Oh. So that's what had you scurrying off in his time of need. Honestly though, he can't say he'd have done any differently if he had caught scent of it like you did.
His movements falter for a beat, slowly lowering both pairs of socks in his hands. “Get me a cup, will ya?”
“Sorry. Can't.”
‘Can't’?! Well, why not?
You inform him that they're only giving out one per person and they seem to be running a pretty tight ship, so it's not like you could sneak another under the radar. And that makes sense, he supposes. They want everyone to have a chance to enjoy some.
“But that's why I called,” you continue. “It looks like they're almost out. So if you want one, you gotta come quick.”
The sudden deadline has Soap's eyes darting down to the themed socks in his hands. If he leaves now, they'll no doubt be snatched up by someone else. But the prospect of a cup of hot chocolate is equally as tempting, if not more so.
After debating with himself for about half a second, he asks, “…Where’d ye say ye were again?” as he places the hangers back on their racks. “By the Cinnabon. Right.” He makes his way to the front of the store, moving as quickly as possible. “Wait there,” he tells you, and once he's out the door, he's running full speed, his shopping bags swinging violently in his hands. “I'm comin’!”
The night before Christmas seemed as good a night as any to take a walk around the neighborhood. So once you and Gaz had bundled up all nice and warm, you went for a stroll around the block, heading wherever your feet decided to take you.
Over an hour later, you're both just enjoying the evening – giving cheerful greetings to passing neighbors, turning down unexplored streets as you try to soak in this gorgeous night.
It's as you come up to another fork in the road that Gaz suddenly realizes one of his shoes is untied. He stoops to tie the laces, eyes cast down in his concentration, and as he does, you continue walking ahead, completely unaware that you're leaving him behind.
By the time he's finished and stands up again, you've vanished into the middle of this unfamiliar neighborhood.
Damn it. There you've gone and done it again. He knew he should have invested in one of the backpack leash things you see parents try to wrangle their wayward kids in.
You’d both left your phones at home in order to try to fully immerse yourself in this experience, so now he's forced to go old school when it comes to finding you.
He knows you couldn't have gotten very far; it's only a matter of if you went one way or the other. He picks a direction at random and after walking for a moment, he comes across a passerby whom he asks if they've seen someone matching your description. When they say they haven't, he then doubles back, repeating the process in the opposite direction.
Before long, thankfully, Gaz thinks he spots you stopped in front of a house not too far in the distance. He jogs up to where you're standing, and when he comes within earshot, he jokes, “Need to get you a bell or something, hun.”
Though the joke was lame at best, you don't react to it at all; don't even seem to hear it, honestly, which is likely given how distracted you currently are.
Your focus is entirely drawn to the house before you, your back to the street as you stare up at the brick facade. The house is stunning, absolutely covered top to bottom in all sorts of Christmas lights and decorations. It's by far the best display you've seen all year, and a breath of pure amazement leaves your lips as you take it in.
“Wow…” The word clouds the chilled air with a light puff of smoke. “Isn't it beautiful?” your awe bleeds into your voice, making it gentle, dreamy, like a sweet bell ringing in his ears.
Your tone has Gaz turning to face you, watching how you marvel at the way the lights twinkle and shine. A kaleidoscope of colors reflect off your skin, and an almost angelic glow seems to radiate from within you the longer he looks.
As he admires you, Gaz can't help how a smile slowly overtakes his face. With his eyes still trained on you, he takes your hand with his, and speaks softly, almost in a whisper, “Yeah… beautiful.”
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moremaybank · 9 months
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pairing: dad!jj maybank x mom!reader warnings: sexual innuendos (sort of), jj being a tad mistletoe obsessed, your daughters get into a tiny disagreement, mentions of pregnancy, i think that's it author's note: so i was trying to stay away from using names, but it was getting repetitive saying your older daughter and your younger daughter over and over so i gave them names. hopefully you find them cute LOL. also, this isn't technically part of my holiday event, but i wanted to write this to sort of kick things off ♡︎ naughty or nice ! ౨ৎ
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“C’mon, pretty girl. It’s getting hard holdin’ on like this. You sure it’s not too big?”
“We just need to finesse it a bit. Nudge it a little to the left ‘n then we can slide it in.” 
Beads of sweat started to form on JJ's forehead. His muscles were starting to cramp and he had to hold his breath to make sure he didn’t physically combust. “Okay, baby. How ‘bout now? ‘M I good?” 
“Yeah. Okay. You’re good.” 
With a collective heave, JJ pushed while you pulled, but the oversized tree seemed determined to resist. Then, after numerous strategic twists and turns, you managed to get the tree inside of your shared home. Needles of pine littered across your wooden floors like confetti. 
JJ chuckled as he looked at the slightly dishevelled tree. “Well, you said you wanted the entryway to look memorable, right?”
You sent a glare his way. “Not what I meant, J.” 
Soon, you heard the pitter-patter of tiny feet against your stairs, followed by two adorably shocked gasps. Your older daughter Avery sprinted down the steps, her little sister Elle hot on her trail as they rushed over to the two of you. 
“Woah! Big tree!”
“Big tree,” Elle echoed in agreement. JJ crouched down, scooping her into his brawny arms and lifting her so she could get a better look. She reached out, her small fingers brushing against one of the branches and she retreated with a curious and excited squeal. 
“Yeah, I think Mama went a little overboard. You agree?” 
Avery clung to your side, her arms circling your hips as her chubby cheek smushed against your thigh. Big blue eyes gleam as they stare up into yours. “I think it’s perfect.” 
You broke out into a smile, smoothing out some of the frizz on the top of her head. “Me too. Daddy just doesn’t see our vision.” 
JJ rolled his eyes at that. 
Soon enough, Christmas music swirled through the air, and the sweet fragrance of your festive candle made your home smell like its own winter wonderland. 
JJ used his manpower to retrieve all of your decorations from your basement, earning a sweet but fleeting kiss from you before you lugged it all over to the tree.
Boxes upon boxes of ornaments and other decor littered around the room, messily so as your girls dove in with eagerness. Their decorating skills were definitely…questionable, but neither of you could deny how adorable they looked as they overflowed the tree with everything they could find. 
JJ instantly recognized that caliber of enthusiasm, knowing that his gorgeous girls had no doubt inherited it from their mom. The woman of his dreams had passed on everything he loved about her to their children, and it warmed his heart. 
“Look at this, babe,” you said, peering at your husband over your shoulder. 
JJ abandoned his place on the couch, crouching down beside you to get a look at what you were showing him. It was an ornament, a very worn one. Inside laid a picture of the two of you, huddling together with bright, toothy grins and Santa hats on your heads. You couldn’t have been more than twelve years old at the time. Your parents had invited JJ to stay over for Christmas, knowing full well that Luke wouldn’t try to give him much of a memorable day. They’d gone over the top, getting double the amount of presents and matching pyjama sets for the both of you. You’d crafted gingerbread houses (in which JJ had tried to make a competition out of it and lost severely), drank copious amounts of hot chocolate, and watched Christmas movies until you slumped together on the couch in deep slumber. 
JJ smiled fondly. Those times were so precious to him, then and now. He’d just started to recognize that he was nursing a crush on you, and being with you at your favourite time of the year only made him fall for you more. Sure, he was just a kid in middle school. But that didn’t mean he was too young to realize how much adoration he held for you in his heart. 
“You were so cute,” you gushed, turning your face to him so you could kiss his cheek. “Baby JJ.” 
He arched a brow. “You sayin’ I’m not cute anymore?” 
A laugh bubbled from your throat. “Of course not. But look at those cheeks. So squishy.” You pinched one of his cheeks, maybe a tad too hard, and he shoved your hand away, massaging the soreness away. 
“Ouch, baby.” 
You leaned in to plant another kiss on the apple of his cheek but were interrupted when a sudden and spirited fight broke out between your daughters. Both of your heads snapped toward them, your shared bubble of love now popped. 
“I want the star!” Elle insisted, clutching onto the golden tree topper with all her little might. 
“No fair! You did it last time!” Avery’s arms crossed over her chest and she stomped as her tantrum began to surface.
JJ, sensing the inevitable meltdown about to ensue, intervened with his signature, charming grin. The one that had convinced you to marry him and had managed to give you two beautiful children. “Alright, ‘lil ladies. There’s no need to fight. You can both do it together, yeah? Can you do that?” 
JJ’s hands reached out, tickling each of their sides and watching their twin frowns dissolve into smiles. Giggles filled the air and warmth bloomed in your chest instantly. 
“Okay, Daddy,” Elle spoke, giving in to her favourite person in the world. Her eyes drifted onto her sister. “‘M sorry, Avey.” 
“That’s real nice of you, Ellie,” JJ praised, kissing her temple. Then his gaze moved onto her sister. “How ‘bout you, Aves?”
Your eldest nodded, now looking bashful. Avery, ever the sweetest (despite her occasional outbursts), caved in the moment her little sister’s nickname for her hit her ears. “I’m sorry too. We can be a team.”
Your smile grew larger, making your face sore.
You and JJ had been through it all together. From friends to lovers, and everything in between. He’d plucked his heart out of his chest and handed it to you on a silver platter without thinking twice about it. The power of his love was almost surreal. But the most magical thing you got to witness while being with him was watching him transform into an amazing father. Sure, he was a goofball who was constantly bouncing off the walls with all that energy pumping through his veins twenty-four-seven, but when it came to your little girls, he was a natural. Hell, your theory was proven to be right yet again when he handled that impending tantrum with just the flash of his smile.
“What are you lookin’ at, goof?”
JJ’s voice broke you out of your daze. He was standing now, each of your girls propped up on both of his hips as he carried them. Avery and Elle eyed you curiously while their hands both held the golden star.
You gave him a shrug, walking over to them. Your arms wrapped around all three of them as best as you could manage. “You’re all just so lovely.” 
JJ burned to kiss you. He almost did. But when Elle whined about how her arm was getting tired from holding the tree topper up, he was returned to reality.
The kiss can wait, he thought.
“Alright, my little star commanders. Let’s do this thing.”
He carefully stepped up onto the stool sitting in front of the large tree, and with a team effort, Avery and Elle strategically placed the star at the very top. They clapped and cheered together, high-fiving in victory once JJ stepped down and back to let them admire their work. 
“Nice work, babies. You killed it.”
You passed through the living room and into the kitchen, taking note of the mistletoe that your husband had sneakily hung in the doorway. You shook your head, smiling to yourself as you headed over to the cupboard to grab some mugs and the hot chocolate mix. As you waited for the milk to warm up, your eyes landed on the alternate entrance into the kitchen. More mistletoe dangled from the doorframe. You knew without a doubt that you’d find it in every entryway that adorned your home. 
You made all four cups, completing them with dollops of whipped cream and chocolate shavings. You placed them on your wooden tray, but before you could pick it up and bring it to your family, strong arms wrapped around your frame. The owner’s chin dropped onto your shoulder after leaving a kiss there. 
“Hi, Mama,” he rasped. You could hear the mischievous grin in his tone. “These look amazing.” 
“I figured we deserved something sweet for all our hard work,” you responded. You turned around in his hold, your hands running up the lengths of his arms and coming to a stop on his shoulders. “Nice job with the mistletoe, by the way.” 
He shrugged casually, but his smirk only grew wider. “Can’t be out here wasting any opportunities. Y’know I can’t live without your kisses.” 
“Hey. ‘M serious. Gotta be prepared.” JJ pulled something from his pocket, and his arm raised over your heads. “See? Prepared.” 
You laughed softly, leaning up to peck his lips. “You don’t need to carry that around. I’ll kiss you any time you want.” 
“That a promise?”
“The biggest promise, Maybank. Those lips are mine.” You granted him another kiss, this one languid and loving. “Now let’s go check up on our troublemakers. It’s way too quiet in there.” 
The four of you settled in on your couch, the fireplace glowing and providing a coziness to the room. You all found refuge under one of your thick, fluffy blankets, with both girls plopped in yours and JJ's laps. The soft, golden cast of the lights on your tree illuminated the room enchantingly.
Avery nestled against JJ, her head resting comfortably on his chest, while Elle found a cozy spot in your hold. The familiar tune of Where Are You, Christmas filled the room, Cindy Lou Who’s sweet voice carrying out the lullaby that seemed to put everyone at ease. 
As the plot unfolded, the Grinch was giving a dramatic monologue at the annual Whobilation festival in Whoville. Even with all the chaos ensuing as the he burned the town tree and destroyed the celebration, Avery’s eyes drooped, and Elle’s rhythmic breathing told you that she was already fast asleep. You shifted her into a more comfortable position gently and looked over at JJ. His eyes were fixated on the sleeping girls, a soft smile playing on his rosy lips. 
“I’ve dreamt of nights like this.” His voice carried in a whisper, careful not to wake the kids up. 
He nodded, his expression clear with contentment. “Yeah. When I was younger, I’d just sit ‘n imagine what it’d be like to have a home, a family…all of this. Luke never gave me any of that.”
His arms tightened around Avery, who curled into his chest further in her sleep. “Never thought I’d have this, y’know? Never thought I’d get to call you my wife — I still can’t believe I get to call you that, by the way. Or have a real home, a real family. I love you guys more than I ever thought I could.” 
“We love you. The girls are crazy about you, ‘n so am I. We’re so lucky to have you, baby.” You extended your arm toward him, placing your hand on his shoulder and giving him a comforting squeeze.
He shook his head. “Nah. I’m lucky. You made this real for me. I never thought I deserved any of this, but you never stopped trying to convince me that I could have it all. This is all ‘cause of you, pretty girl.” 
“It was a team effort,” you assured him. “The house, the girls. Our life. This was both of us.”
“When you talk like that, it makes me wanna give you another baby.”
You bit your lip through an uneasy smile. “I don’t think it’s gonna take that much work…”
His blonde brows pulled together in confusion. “Huh?”
“I’m pregnant.”
JJ’s eyes widened once the words sank in, showcasing a mixture of surprise and overwhelming joy. His smile was so bright that it gave your decorated tree some tough competition.
“Really?” He whispered, breathless.
You nodded, your smile mirroring his. He’d always had that effect on you, always had such contagious enthusiasm. “Yeah. Looks like we’re getting our dream again.”
With a lack of better judgment, JJ let out a whoop of excitement that echoed throughout the room. He had temporarily forgotten about the peaceful slumber that had taken over your girls. “Fuck yeah!”
You giggled softly, placing a finger on your lips and shushing him. “Shh. You’re gonna wake them.”
He half-ignored your words, leaning in to kiss you deeply. “‘M sorry,” he mumbled against your lips. “‘M just excited.”
“It’s okay, babe. I’m happy you’re happy.” 
Your head tilted, resting on his shoulder. You settled further into the couch, feeling the warmth of the joyful news you’d just shared. JJ swore to himself that he didn’t think he could get any luckier, but in a matter of mere moments, he learned that he was wrong. Your family was expanding, and there was more love to be shared. Love he didn’t even know he had in him. Each time you have a child, it grows more and more, yet it still shocks him every time it appears on his doorstep.
JJ’s head rested against yours after he kissed your hair. If this was how he’d live out the rest of his days — surrounded by the beautiful family you two had created together, he’d never want for anything else. His dream came true, now four times over. 
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TAGS: @taintedxkisses @findapenny @bmo-bri @princessbetsy123-blog @slytherhoes @rafetopia @poppet05 @lyndys @adoreyouusugar @f4ll-for-you @tell-me-when-ur-ready @bbycowboi @jjmaybankisbae @enhypens-hoe @loverofdrewstarkey @earth2starkey @angelofcigs @koalalafications @aerangi @cantstoptheimagines @maybanksbabe @sarah5462 @drudyslut @lvvrgrl @dancinglikeaballerina @somerandos-world @peachpitlover @sya-skies @emmalandry @urbestieboo @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @gillybear17 @abbybarnesstuff @lovelyxtom @camelliaflow3r @runningfrom2am @rcbuttercup @redhead1180 @luversgirl @thejuleshypothesis @scarlettocean @subconsciouscollapse @vivian-555 @violetmacher @drewstarkeyslut @hoeforstarkey24
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scoonsalicious · 5 months
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Unwanted: Chapter 27, Unhinged - Pt. 3
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Fem!Reader
Summary: When your FWB relationship with your best friend Bucky Barnes turns into something more, you couldn’t be happier. That is, however, until a new Avenger sets her sights on your super soldier and he inadvertently breaks your heart. You take on a mission you might not be prepared for to put some distance between the two of you and open yourself up to past traumas. Too bad the only one who can help you heal is the one person you can no longer trust.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, mentions of violence, human trafficking.
Word Count: 949
Previously On...: You watched some home movies of Jade in her Hydra facility. It was... disturbing, to say the least.
A/N: Rock me, rock me, rock me, Sexy Jesus! He died for our sins, you gotta believe us! Seriously, Hamlet 2 is a gem, and now this song is stuck in my head forever.
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Banner By: The absolutely amazing @mrsbuckybarnes1917!
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
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You and Bucky were silent as you closed your laptop. What could one say after watching a person you knew, personally, rip through a group of people as though they were wrapping paper on Christmas morning? There were no words.
After several long minutes, Bucky finally spoke. “After seeing that,” he said, “I think it’s all the more reason to make sure you don’t leave this safehouse unless you absolutely have to.”
“Yeah,” you said, devoid of all your previous fight. How could you argue with him about your safety after having seen that?
Bucky looked at you in surprise, as though he had expected you to challenge him. He nodded curtly. “Good,” he said. “Alright. We need a game plan. Did you come up with any leads about that Chloe girl that we can follow up on?”
You sighed. “Yeah,” you said, opening up a new tab in your browser. “So, Chloe mentioned her family was having money problems. I was able to figure out where her mom and step father do their banking; I thought we could take a look at their accounts, see if there’s any unusual activity that might point to them getting a share of her auction price. Then maybe we could trace the deposit back to whoever did the sale.”
“You think her parents knowingly participated in trafficking their own kid?” Bucky asked in horror. “Pocket, that’s dark.”
You avoided looking at him as you opened up a backdoor into the accounts in question. “You’d be surprised what people are willing to do when money gets involved. Not even a mother/daughter bond is immune from that kind of greed.”
 Bucky’s gaze on you was almost tangible in its intensity. “I’m sorry. It’s so hard for me to envision a mother betraying her child like that; sometimes I forget you had to live it.”
“But you told Carthage about it,” you said softly. “At the mission debrief. When she said trafficking was below our paygrade.”
“Sweetheart,” Bucky turned your chin so you were facing him. “I told her that human trafficking was something you and Nat both cared very deeply about stopping; that’s it.” He frowned. “I don’t expect you to believe me and that’s okay, but I would never divulge your past to anyone. Not when I know how few people you trusted with that information. I just wanted her to stop acting like it was some kinda game and to treat it as seriously as it deserved to be treated.”
“Oh,” you said after a moment. Something in his words rang true, but there was still the lingering doubt that he was being honest. “Don’t worry about, Barnes,” you said, studiously avoiding eye contact as you breached the bank’s security system. “It’s fine. I’m fine.”
You could feel him staring at you, and you didn’t need to be looking back to envision the look he was giving you— the one that let you know he thought you were full of shit. Fortunately, he allowed your lie to pass without another word while you continued to breach the bank’s system. 
“Okay, I’m in,” you said after a moment. Bucky got up and came to stand behind you, looking at your monitor over your shoulder.
“Anything?” he asked.
You scrolled through Chloe’s stepfather’s transaction history. Liquor stores, smoke shops, some escort services. “Real classy guy,” you murmured. And then, you hit it: the night Chloe had left the club for good, there was a substantial deposit made to the account in the amount of $250,000.
“Holy shit,” you whispered. “I figured he might get a cut, but I had no idea it would be that much.”
Bucky let out a long, low whistle. “If that’s their finder’s fee, I can’t imagine what the final sale was for.” 
You were furiously copying down the depositing account’s information. “I’m going to send this info back to Nat,” you told him. “See if they can reverse-search it and find out where the money came from. Once we know the source, we might be able to break into their systems, get info on who won the auctions. Maybe some of the other girls are still alive…” Your voice trailed off. You were too jaded to allow yourself to hope you could save all of them, but if you could save even one…
Bucky began moving toward the apartment’s front door, grabbing his leather jacket from where he’d hung it on a hook.
“Where are we going?” You asked him, closing your laptop and standing up.
“We aren’t going anywhere,” he informed you as he put the jacket on. “I’m going to go have a little chat with Chloe’s stepfather, see if there’s any additional information he’d like to generously offer us. You are going to stay here, locked securely behind the door and not opening it for any reason until I get back.”
You opened your mouth to argue, but the images of Jade moving through the Hydra compound, slaughtering everyone in her path rose to your mind. You nodded. “Yeah,” you said. “I’ll stay here.”
“Thank you.” Bucky released a relieved sigh, then walked over to you, kissing the top of your head. “If anything happens, call me, and I’ll head straight back. If Carthage shows up, there’s a gun in the bedside table. Aim to kill.”
“Obviously,” you told him. “I’ve only been fantasizing about it since I found out about Russia.”
“I’m being serious, doll,” Bucky said. “Now that we’ve seen what she’s capable of, I don’t want you taking any chances.”
“Yeah,” you said as you walked him to the door and opened it for him, “I was being 100% serious, too.”
<- Previous Part / Next Part ->
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periracha · 9 months
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 ☾ pairing: Dad!Chan x Mom!Reader  ☾ wc: 2k  ☾  genre: fluff, boring domesticity (gasp)  ☾ cw: Christmas themes, kids, suggestive jokes, me trying to be funny idk, language, chan being chan ☾ summary: the bangs get in the holiday spirit!   ☾ a/n: wanted to get a whole aesthetic and masterlist up for this blog before i posted anything but this little idea had my brain in a chokehold all day so,,,,enjoy ! also, let me know if I should continue writing this family so i can give them names, etc.  yes this piece is fluff but this blog is 18+, MDNI
Ripples start to splash against the inside of your mug as you set it down on the coffee table that has been pushed aside for the evening to allow enough room for you and your husband. 
“Clearing the living room floor the second both kids are down and out?” Chan asks with a wiggle of his eyebrow. 
“Bit risky but I can work with this” he says while straining his neck and pulling his left arm across his chest in a stretch in preparation. 
You look up at him when a scoff falls from your lips, “ha yeah you wish. Now get the wrapping paper from the closet” 
“Please” you add with a sarcastic smile and sweet like honey tone. 
He blinked at you silently for a split second before he huffed out a big sigh, “Oh thank god. I don’t think my back could handle these hardwood floors like it used to” he finishes as he makes his way to the hallway closet. 
“Mmm unfortunately the only action these floors have been getting lately is spilled juice and probably some dusty cheetos the kids kicked under the couch” you joke as Chan meets you on the floor with wrapping supplies and gifts. 
A quiet laugh in agreement leaves his lips. 
“She’s gonna love this” Chan says with a grin so wide it meets his eyes. 
He’s holding up a Bluey plushie that plays a few catchphrases from the show when its paw is squeezed. 
“She better…. I’m running out of reasons why she can’t buy it every time we go to the store” you say as you cut wrapping paper big enough to wrap the doll and hand it to him. 
Your daughter had wanted this little plushie for months now, always asking to stop by the toy section whenever you visit your local department store. You quickly learned that simply telling her the store didn’t have anymore wasn’t gonna fly with her. She always found a way to swindle you into the toy aisles, finding the plushie every time. Distracting her with books or other small toys could only get you so far; luckily Christmas was only a few days away and you both would soon see the joy on her face when she opened her gift. 
“How do you even wrap these things??” Chan huffed out with a bewildered look on his face; his brows drawn tight and his eyes wide open. The piece of wrapping paper you had given him was creased all over, and covered in way too many pieces of tape that didn’t actually do anything to keep the paper together. 
A giggle started in your chest but you choked it down with a fake cough. Chan was used to being good at almost anything he put his mind to. 
Dancing? Easy.
Singing? No Problem. 
Writing thousands of unique songs that differed in their own ways? Piece of cake. 
Sports? Absolutely. 
Wrapping a small gift for his three year old daughter? Not so much. 
Carefully, you took the small doll from his hand and replaced it with a box of bath toys for your son. 
“Here, let me handle this…and you wrap these” you said nonchalantly as soon as you made the switch; immediately working on your new task at hand. 
Chan gawked at you with a goofy smile on his face, “You don’t think I can do it?...you’re demoting me to only wrapping boxes?” he laughed while feigning offense. 
“No no no!”, you waved off, “you’re just soooo good! Better than me! The best actually!” you rushed out while trying to contain your laughter but ultimately failing. 
Chan looked at you with pointed eyes, but had a wide smile plastered on his face the entire time. He looked like he was going to say something in retaliation but decided against it, letting out a small chuckle and shaking his head instead while he got to work on the box. 
Many presents later you were both feeling the ache deep in your lower back from hunching over on the floor. 
“Okay that's enough for me, I’m tapping out,” Chan said stretching his back with a yawn. 
You yawned and simply shook your head up and down in agreement, thinking about how you were too tired to even keep your eyes open. 
You got up and gathered all your wrapping supplies to store away. 
“Oh! Can you take all those and put them under the tree?” you asked him while pointing to the group of gifts. 
He hummed a quick mhm and started gathering them in his arms. 
“Make sure to put Bluey on top of the one of the taller presents so they can’t get to it” you called out as you made your way to your room. 
“Yep, got it” Chan quickly responded before placing all the presents down and making his way to follow you to your bedroom. 
The next day went blissfully as usual; waking up way too early to cries before the sun is even fully out, only to finally get your son back down and you barely back in bed before your daughter barges in demanding French toast stat. 
Did you even have all the ingredients for french toast? 
You already got one kid handled, Chan could handle this one.
You lightly kicked him in the leg as he laid beside you to wake him up before you made yourself comfortable to fall back asleep. 
When you did wake up, you grabbed your son and met your husband and daughter in the living room, setting him down to crawl around the rug.
“Good morning love”, Chan greeted you with a kiss to your cheek and sliding his arms around your waist in a loose hug. 
You hummed a good morning back before resting your head against his chest. 
“My turn! My turn!” your daughter yelled entirely too close to your eardrum as she stood on the couch in an attempt to be as eye level as she could with you. 
“Coffee?” Chan asked with a smirk as he let you go and made his way to the kitchen. 
“Ohhh yeah” you answered before turning your attention fully on your daughter. 
She puckered her lips and stood on her tiptoes in an attempt to copy her dad’s previous actions. You bent down and she kissed your cheek, “Good morning, mommy!”, she giggled before flopping down on the couch. 
“Oh it is a good morning!” you smiled back to her before tickling her to get some hugs in. 
Chan met you back in the living room with your fresh cup of coffee as you both sat on the couch, watching your children play together in the early morning hours. 
Your son crawled towards the christmas tree and before you could get up to grab him he had already bumped into a few presents, causing one of them to go off. 
“Hello! Hehehe”  
The noise immediately caught your daughter's attention and her head snapped towards the tree before her eyes widened. You could see the wheels starting to turn in her head to try and make sense of what just happened when you looked over at Chan who was sporting a mortified look. Jaw hung open and downward, eyes widening and moving around the room at everyone’s faces. 
The damn Bluey doll had gone off and one of her most wanted presents was most likely spoiled now. 
“WHAT WAS THAT?” she rushed out, walking closer to the tree.
“Your brother!” Chan blurted out way too quickly before tightening his lip into a flat line, realizing what he just did. 
Your daughter stopped dead in her tracks and looked at the both of you. 
“What???” she asked again, her eyes darting between yours and Chan’s a few times. 
“He can talk??, “ she screamed, bewildered at the new information being thrown at her all too quickly, pointing at him and eyes wide as saucers.
You let out a huff of air and forced yourself to take a sip of your coffee, hoping to buy you some time, waiting for your brain to kick on. It was too early for this.
Chan looked at you waiting for you to come in and save the conversation but you had nothing. How were you supposed to convince a 3 year old that her 8 month old brother could now speak when he’s never done that before. 
You’re on your own here. You thought to yourself as your eyes met Chan’s again. His face still stuck in the same shocked expression. 
“Uhh…yeah..yeah…?” Chan tried to get out nonchalantly but it ended up coming out more like a question and high pitched tone, before clearing his throat. 
Your son had now crawled toward your daughter and started grabbing at her legs to get her attention. 
You needed a moment to think but your daughter would absolutely follow you wherever you went to…. Unless…?
You coughed into your arm dramatically, “ooooh mommy needs medicine, I will be right back” you said before quickly standing up and making your way to the hallway cabinets before she could stop you.
Even the possibility of being around cough medicine, seeing it with her own eyes, was enough to keep your daughter from following you. She was not about to risk having to take that, yucky grape stuff, as she likes to call it. 
Chan followed after you, staying in the open area to keep an eye on the two kids. 
“So our 8 month old is saying full words now is he?” you asked, raising your eyebrows when he got closer to you. 
“I panicked okay!”, he screamed in a hushed tone. 
“So you blame it on the baby?!” you asked in disbelief, a laugh starting in the bottom of your throat. You tightened your lips in an effort to stop the smile you knew was coming. 
“What else was I supposed to say it came from?” Chan asked with a strained laugh, “you were no help!” he accused, pointing his finger and narrowing his gaze. 
“I don’t know Chan! The TV? Your phone?” you huffed out off the top of your head and throwing your hands in the air.
“Hm. yeah that would’ve been good”, he said staring at the floor, realizing just how easy those would’ve been to explain away to a child. 
He stepped back from you to get a better look at your kids a few steps away. His brow furrowed so you stepped forward to see what he was looking at. 
Your daughter was sitting directly across from your son with a serious expression on her face, no more playing going on in sight. 
“What..what are you guys doing?” Chan asked loud enough for your kids to hear. 
Your daughter looked back at him, “Waiting,” she said matter of factly before refocusing her attention back on her brother. 
“Waiting foorrr?” Chan asked, raising his eyebrows as you both took a step toward them. 
“Him to talk again” she answered without bothering to even look at Chan this time, her serious gaze never leaving her brother's face. He was babbling and drooling while playing with the legs of her pajama pants. 
You both couldn’t contain the laughs that came from your mouths. Today was going to be a long day. 
You couldn’t wipe the smile from your face as you thought about your family’s antics. Never a boring day in the Bang household, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
“Hey Chan, what did you do with the matching talking Bingo we wrapped last night?” 
©periracha, 2023.
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Holiday Gift To A Good Friend
Hey Yukari, think fast chucklenuts!
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Kaeya has complicated feelings about christmas…
He used to celebrate every year with Diluc and da- Mr. Rangdividr.
But now… well…
You can imagine how someone like Kaeya spends his time on the holiday’s when no one else is around.
For all of his pomp, all of his slutitude, Kaeya had very few people he could spend Christmas with.
Jean would be forced off of duty to spend time with her sister and her family, Amber would wrangle Eula, Lisa would join in, the rank and file would be having a party on christmas eve in the mess hall which had been lovingly decorated by everyone, including Klee.
And all of them made him feel like he was out of place, made him feel alone.
Maybe that’s why he was always so down during the month preceding it?
Don’t get it wrong, Kaeya loved christmas, so many happy people, so much joy, so much cheer!
It was impossible for him not to smile!
Nonetheless, he didn’t want to be alone for christmas.
It had been his wish every year since leaving Dawn Winery all those years ago.
And every year, through some miracle, it had been a wish granted.
And it was always the same person who granted that wish of his.
From the first time the two of you met in the roaring snow to this year as the two of you sat cosied up next to the fire, warm cups of your beverages of choice in hand.
And Kaeya, for all his pomp, all his slutitude, could never figure out what to say.
At least until now.
“Hey.” Kaeya called.
“Yeah?” you responded.
Kaeya placed his head on your shoulder before saying.
“I love you.”
Silence pierced the room and Kaeya briefly wondered if he had just ruined it all, wouldn’t be the first time after all.
Then, you placed your head on Kaeya’s and said,
“I love you Kaeya, even if your brain is a handful of ice cubes.”
“Heh, I’ll take it.”
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“Oooh! Oooh! Big Bro! Look! There! That one!” Teucer happily shouted from atop Childe’s shoulders, pointing at the store decorated with lights and with quite a few toy’s in its window.
“Ha! Ha! You got it Teucer!” Childe exclaimed in response.
Childe loved this time he got to spend with his little brother, no matter how rare it was for him to find any.
Though he does have to admit, he’s tempted to buy a few of these toys for himself.
So many interesting models, so many strange new things like a paddle with a string that connects it and a ball.
What could it be used for?
What is its name?
What genius made it?
“Hello there! How can I help you?” a voice asked.
Childe was brought out of his reverie and looked up from the strange object in his hand.
In an instant, he felt a tiny shift in himself.
It was something strange.
He wasn’t fighting so why was his heart picking up?
Childe walked out of the shop, Teucer on his shoulders with a new plush and the strange toy known as a “Paddle Ball” in his hand.
“Big bro, why were you so weird around that nice toy person?” Teucer asked, curious at how strange his elder sibling was acting.
“I… I am not sure Teucer…” Childe answered half heartedly, mind still on that person.
Why couldn’t Childe keep his mind off of them?
“Hmmm… this warrants further study.” Childe thought to himself darkly as he began to sing along happily to the songs around himself with Teucer.
It was a good day at the shop for you.
You sold quite a few toy’s and made a lot of children happy.
Including that strange man…
Ajax was his name if memory serves.
To see a grown man’s eyes light up at even the most simplistic of toys and trinkets…
What type of life did this man lead?
Still, you doubted you would ever get an answer to that question…
Either way, it was time to lock up now!
Then another wonderful day of selling toys!
Childe hit the ball with the paddle as he sat on the bench in the park.
That was the easy part for him.
Hitting it again however, not so much.
This is illustrated by the red rubber ball completely missing the paddle and whacking him straight in the face.
“Ow…” Childe muttered as he rubbed his nose.
Why was this thing so hard to use?
It was not anything special, there wasn’t any trick to it.
Childe just needed practice, that's all.
The orange haired man let out a sigh.
Why was that toy shop owner still on his mind?
Something about you had just… ensnared him.
Had completely captured his attention.
Even now, he still felt the warmth of your hand when you handed him the toy he held now.
Why in the world was this happening?
And why-
“Oh! Hi mister Ajax!” A voice told Childe, shocking the man somewhat.
It was you.
Oh no… it was you!
He was starting to feel strange again…
His face felt warmer, his heart was beginning to race, he began to notice the smallest things in the world around him!
What were you doing to him?
And why… Why did he want to kiss you?
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In his time under the protection of the Crux fleet, Kazuha had noticed many things about his Captain.
She was always aware of everything on her ship.
She always knew what everyone on her ship felt like.
She had a strange talent for drinking anyone under the table without getting drunk herself.
She always, without fail, kept to a strangely exact schedule concerning where the ship went.
She had a small, tattered, picture that would always make her smile when she looked at it no matter what.
She always had the ship make port at Liyue Harbor at least two times every year.
She always spent those times in Liyue with someone he had never met.
Kazuha had a few hunches on who that person was to his Captain. All of them made him quite happy for his Captain.
Though he did have to wonder, what did his Captain get that person for their birthday and the holidays?
Beidou held a small black box in her hand as she exited the jeweler.
She then immediately turned into one of Liyue’s few empty alley’s.
The Pirate Queen had never been this terrified in her life.
It’s strange.
She had faced down all kinds of things that could’ve killed her a thousand times over by now.
But this thing in her hands?
It scared her a thousand times more than all of those put together.
She was deeply in love with you, the fact that she was going to ask you to marry her tonight of all nights should be proof of that.
Yet, she was still scared…
Beidou knew what she was scared of, but didn’t dare voice it in her thoughts.
She couldn’t.
If she did… she might not go through with this.
And she had to go through with this.
She wanted to spend the rest of her life with you after all.
And Beidou always got what she desired.
It was in her job description as a pirate.
So she was going to do this.
She was going to do this.
She was going to do this!
“I. WILL. DO. THIS.” Beidou exclaimed loudly to herself, hyping herself up for what she was about to do.
That night, the crew of the Crux was given a very special surprise when their captain returned for the holiday party.
Their captain, a ring on her finger and holding her spouse close.
That night, a great many members of the crew lost a great amount of Mora.
Mora, which all ended up in Kazuha’s hands.
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The woman in blue rushed around like the entire world was burning down around her.
This would not be a… overly dramatic statement of Furina’s current predicament.
Furina had tried to cook you something special for the holidays.
It, unsurprisingly, did not go well.
The drapes were charred and soaked, several dozen plates were smashed on the floor, the food she had tried to create seemed to have gained sentience and was now eating the pot it was born in.
In summary, Furina failed miserably at everything she had tried to do in cooking you some food outside of Macaroni And Cheese.
She wished she could say she was surprised at this.
She wasn’t though.
Oh by Celestia how was she going to fix this by the time you got back?
“Unless…” your all too loveable scamp of a wife muttered.
A devious plan hatched in Furina’s mind.
“Heh, heh, heh, I think it is time to show you off!” your wife said with a sinister chuckle.
You were definitely not expecting this to be how everyone found out who your wife was.
Yes, your wife just so happened to be Furina.
It's nothing worth all the uproar being caused by everyone you know.
She was just like everyone else.
Well, not really.
She is hopeless as a cook unless it has to do with Macaroni And Cheese.
You got the feeling that this sudden desire to show you off on the holidays had something to do with that.
Still, you weren’t going to waste any time you could spend with Furina.
Not to mention, you had a gift to give her.
And now that she was showing you off?
It was the perfect time to give her something more permanent than the two strange rings of Macaroni And Cheese she initially proposed to you with in the heat of the moment while making said dish.
Still, the true rings would be put on display.
These were just to ensure that nothing broke those precious things.
You don’t think Furina would be able to forgive herself if hers broke.
She was like that with you.
And you loved her for it.
Also, why did Furina smell like burned food?
The pit in your stomach continued to grow.
You got the feeling she had ulterior motives for having you out like this.
But you couldn’t bring yourself to care.
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scarisd3ad · 1 year
Begin again
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Pairing(s) - billy Hargrove x fem!reader (past), Steve harrington x fem!reader
Summary- after the end of your 2 year long relationship with billy you finally go on a date again and realize how horrible billy really was to you.
Warnings - mentions of a toxic relationship
I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror, this was my first date I was going on since I broke up with Billy and somehow, I can't shake all the old habits I used to have. he hated when I wore heals absolutely hated them because he said they made me taller than I actually was. I slip them off not knowing if Steve had the same preference. I decide on a pair of Mary janes that still had a heal but wasn't that tall it was barely an inch. this was just a first date down at the coffee shop around the corner, but I still felt this overwhelming pressure to look good.
I put my favorite cassette into my Walkman. Billy hated this song, and he always made it known when I listened to it. "God why do you like this shit" he'd mutter every time. I decided on walking to the coffee shop since it was a nice day, and the coffee shop was just down the road.
when I arrive, I assume Steve would be late because Billy always was. I just assumed all men didn't care about punctuality. but when I open the door Steve's sitting at a table in the far back corner. the bell from the top of the door pulls his thoughts from the menu he was looking at. he looks up and waves me over. when I walk to the table, he gets up pulling the chair across from his out for me. I smile, Billy never did this for me. "Thank you" he shakes his head as I take a seat "it's not problem."
'you dont understand how nice that is, but i do'
he throws his head back laughing when I tell a joke that I didn't think he'd find funny because Billy never did. he always said I wasn't funny, but Steve thought I was. "it's not that funny" I giggled as I push a piece of my hair back behind my ear. he continues to laugh, and I can't help but admire how handsome he looks. I've spent the last I don't know how long believing that love was a horrible thing that I never wanted to do again but right here in this coffee shop everything changed. it was like everything I ever experienced with Billy was erased and I was able to begin again.
James Taylor was my favorite singer and somehow was Steves too. "I've never met a girl who has as many James Taylor records as me" he laughs after I told him about my collection. Billy would've found that as me trying to say I was better than him in some type of way, but Steve doesn't. I laugh "ma-maybe you could come over one day and I Dunno check'em out" I say with a shrug he nods "yeah, yeah that would be fun."
he tells stories about his friends and his family and thinks it's weird I'm coming off a little shy. I was used to listening and not talking with Billy. "Are-are you alright?" he asks his brows furrowed together; I shake my head "ye-yeah I'm fine i-i I'm sorry" I mumble "it's alright you don't gotta be shy around me" he whispers.
as he walks me down the block to my house, I almost bring Billy up trying to forgive Steve for my nervousness, but he brings up the movies that he and his friends watch every Christmas and I want to talk about that. "Yeah, and we watch the grinch every year on the 24th and all the kids come and robin and Eddie too and shit its cool" he laughs. for the first time what's past is past and I don't want to bring Billy up anymore. I don't want to pretend I don't like my favorite artist or pretend I don't love wearing high heels for a man who wouldn't even kiss me. "y'know I really like you and I'd really like to do this again" Steve says as we stop in front of my house "I really like you too" I whisper as I look down at the ground flustered. he places his hand on my chin pushing it up so I'm making eye contact with you. "Can I kiss you?" he asks I nod before leaning in and pressing my lips to him.
'On a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again'
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corpsekiller · 2 years
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i was in the mood to write something fitting for this season, even though i'm not really a fan of christmas. thank you @dilfteracy for reading this and supporting me with your amazing commentary.
𝖯𝖠𝖨𝖱𝖨𝖭𝖦. katsuki bakugou x genderneutral!reader
𝖶𝖠𝖱𝖭𝖨𝖭𝖦𝖲. fluff, language, mentions of alcohol, underage drinking (listen, it's legal to drink at the age of 16 in germany)
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I don't want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need 
Bakugou scoffs into his cup of hot cocoa. He’s had about three of them now, spiked with a good amount of rum Mina managed to sneak past Aizawa’s observant eyes, but the alcohol has yet to unfold its effect to make the voice of Maria Carey somewhat bearable as she sings the lines to her infamous Christmas song for the fourth, no, fifth time that evening, warbling her high-pitched notes through the sound boxes Momo and Jirou placed in each corner of the common room for the party his class planned. 
To enjoy the last days of school together before everyone leaves to spend the holidays with their families, they had explained after he had nearly blown off the decorations a few days prior, bellowing at them why on earth they’d even want to throw a party as stupid as this one, but now, as he glowers over the rim of his mug, he’s convinced they set it up for the sole purpose of getting on his nerves. 
(and I) don't care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree
But despite his initial dislike of this party, he has to admit that his classmates did a decent job at capturing the festive spirit for this night — red and green ornament decorate the walls, colorful stockings that carry the names of his friends are filled with sweets and hang upon the fireplace and there’s a distinct smell of vanilla and cinnamon tickling his nose.
I don't need to hang my stocking there upon the fireplace
Somewhere near the kitchen, Denki is fighting Sero over a batch of freshly baked cookies Sato brought, though their playful banter seems to be more to the amusement of his classmates who have gathered around them to watch their antics. With their red hats and equally ugly Christmas sweaters, they somehow resemble angry elves in Santa’s toy factory and despite trying to keep a stern face, Bakugou can’t help but crack a smile at his friends.
Yeah, they’re idiots, but at least everyone seems to have a good time.
Santa Claus won't make me happy with a toy on Christmas Day
Between the cheers of his friends and the unwavering tootling of yet another Christmas carol, he can faintly hear your voice, laughing softly with someone. Instinctively, his eyes scan the crowded room to catch a glimpse of your face, but you’re neither standing among the group of students howling at Dunceface who has proceeded to throw cookies at Sero’s head nor does he find you talking to some of the girls sitting on the sofa and around the small table, happily reaching for the snacks as they chatter away.
"Were you looking for me?" You ask with a raised brow, pushing a plate of baked goods into his hand before you settle for a spot beside him, comfortably leaning against his shoulder. A smile creeps across your lips when he shrugs, suddenly far more interested in the pink marshmallows floating around his hot chocolate, though the treacherous blush that tints his cheeks and reaches the tips of his ears tells you that you caught him red-handed. "Hey, I'm talking to you, idiot. Are you enjoying the party?"
I just want you for my own
“Yeah, ‘s alright,” he mumbles softly. Blonde lashes flutter against his brow bone when he looks back at you, sharp gaze studying the curve of your nose, the space between your eyes and the smoothness of your cheeks, tracing each feature with a hint of secret admiration. A grin flickers across his lips, baring his teeth for just one second before it disappears behind his usual scowl and he slumps against your back, focuses on your body heavy and warm against his own — he likes it, the feeling of your shoulders touching and his fingers faintly grazing your hand as he stands there with you and suddenly Bakugou realizes he likes you. 
More than you could ever know
He actually likes you. 
Right, maybe he’s had too much of that stupid rum Mina mixed into that awfully sweet hot chocolate and a part of him is becoming aware of the blush that creeps up the back of his neck and seems to flush his entire face in embarrassing heat, but before he can stop himself, he’s fucking giggling. Tears prickle at the corners of his eyes as he tries to stifle the sounds behind his raised hand, clasped tightly over his mouth until he can’t take it anymore and drops his head on your shoulder, laughing quietly into your hair.
“What’s going on with you now?” You ask. There’s a teasing lilt to your voice that coaxes another fit of giggles out of him and you swear it’s the most beautiful sound you have ever heard. “Katsu, c’mon! What’s so funny?”
"I think I like you,” he wheezes, barking out a laugh. His hands find yours, fingers curl tightly around your wrists and then he’s sliding down the wall, pulling you with him to the floor where he gently knocks his head against yours. There’s a grin pulling at the corners of his mouth and you think you should be alarmed, because you’ve never seen him like this before or maybe you should take the empty cup out of his grasp and keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn’t get another sip of the spiked cocoa, but this is—
Make my wish come true
"You think?" You repeat quietly, full of hope.
“Yeah,” he mutters after a beat and turns his head. For a moment, neither of you dares to say more before he finally leans in to press his lips against yours in a clumsy kiss that faintly tastes like hot chocolate and rum and your heart punches your ribcage in excitement. “I like you, dumbass.”
All I want for Christmas is you
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nanaminsonyfans · 9 months
╚»★«╝ Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire ╚»★«╝
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a/n; the lack of cyberpunk x reader fics is appalling. anyways gay kerry eurodyne for christmas ur welcome. also this is post after giving up johnny specifically the sun ending. sorry of its shitty, i rarely write as a male reader and i hope i did okay! requests are open!!!
pairing: male!reader x kerry eurodyne (cyberpunk)
warnings; anal, male oral receiving, slight exhibition?, cursing, spoilers for end of cyberpunk.
The Kerry Eurodyne was making a Christmas album with US Cracks, him being main vocals and the girls being background vocals. You were there as Kerry's loving boyfriend and supporter but also because you had nothing else to do. Being the famous V merc has run its course and after everything with Johnny and Arasaka....you just wanted to be you, Y/n L/n. Of course you still talked to some old friends, Claire being one of them. Truth be told....You missed Johnny. A piece of you was gone.
"Y/n? Babe? You there?" Kerry's voice brought you back. The girls were gone leaving the two of you there. "You having one of those episodes again?" He asks softly, obviously worried. "Oh, no i'm fine. Was just thinking is all. The music was pretty soothing." You joke and stood up. "Was it? Didn't want to put you to sleep." "You didn't. Just started to remind me of stuff." Kerry nods and cupped your cheek. "This past year has been hard for you. I understand." You nod and leaned against his touch. His hands were always so warm.
"I gotta finish some vocals. Go get a drink." He hums softly. You nod, leaving and came back. Kerry was singing, however his vocals sounded almost angelic as he sang The Christmas Song. "Jack nipping at your nose~" He looked at you. He looked at you with those fucking icy blue eyes that just sucked you in every single time. You know what he wants. How'd he get so horny so easily? Sentimental one second...
You stared at him, watching his movement. He swayed his hips as he practically made out with the mic. You felt your jeans tightened as you wanted him until you couldnt take anymore and went in. "You're such a little shit sometimes...." You growl slightly in his ear, griping his hips as you pulled him against your growing bulge. "Yeah...?" Kerry hums, adding more pressure against you. You let out a guttural moan in his ear as he started to grind against you.
"You keep doing that and im going to cum in these fuckin' pants." "We can't have that." He hums and gets down on his knees. "Not when i have a perfectly good face." "Oh youre fucking bad Ker..." You groan as he undid your pants, your cock springing free seconds before he wrapped his mouth around you. His tongue was so soft and warm...and fuck the way he sucked you off was like his life depended in it. He was so eager to please and it was working.
Kerry's eyes were half lidded and staring up at you as if he was trying to be innocent. His hand took over whatever he couldn't reach. Drool slipped down his chin as he continued to suck. "Oh fuck ker...." You thrusted slightly in his mouth causing him to gag but he didnt want you to stop. You continued to face fuck him until you felt yourself getting close.
"Fuck..Fuck ker-" You pulled out and came on his face exactly as he wanted. "Mm...amazing as usual." He smirks and licked the cum up and cleaned himself up. "Now bend over." "Really? Here?" "Yes here its your fault." You tell him annoyed and Kerry did so, happily stripping down to give you a show. "Oh you fucking slut." You slapped his ass as he bent over on the couch in the studio.
You didnt even bother prepping and just thrusted in which earned a high pitched mewl from him. "Oh fuck- dont stop please." He begs and pushed his hips back to match the rhythm of your thrusts. His moans were so whiny it was pitiful, the sadistic side wanted to taunt him about it but another side of you loved his noises. Only you could bring these noises out if him, only you, only your cock.
You let out a few grunts as his ass milked you, and suddenly he let out a loud moan arching his back as you hit his prostate. He loved how the head of cock hit it just right. "Fill me up y/n please, please!" Kerry begs and he started to fist himself. "No one can say no to you." You smirk and started to rail him a few more times before you came together. "Fuuuck!" You groaned as you filled his ass making him whine at the feeling as he made a mess on the couch.
"You made a mess." You tease and kissed him which he happily returned. Out of the corner of you eye you noticed a blinking red light. "Did...did it record all of that?" You ask him and kerry took notice as well. "Yeah...maybe i should put it on the bonus track."
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lewmagoo · 10 months
Just imagining a Saturday night when you and Bob decide to stay home instead of going out to The Hard Deck with everyone. You both put on your coziest pajamas and bust out all the baking ingredients you can find to make your favorite holiday cookies while listening to classic Christmas music. Once the cookies are done, you make a couple mugs of hot cocoa and take all your treats into the living room to curl up under the covers and watch a holiday movie marathon on TV 🎄
- @bradshawsbaby 💕
a christmas party at the hard deck was not your idea of a fun time. of course, that wasn’t to say you didn’t enjoy spending time with all of bob’s coworkers. you loved them, in fact. but this night in particular, you were in the mood for something much more lowkey. and so was bob. this resulted in the two of you staying in for the night, donning your matching christmas pajama sets, and setting out all the ingredients to make bob’s absolute favorite: monster cookies. as his favorite christmas record played from the antique victrola you kept in the living room, you danced happily around the kitchen, throwing goods into a bowl and mixing everything together. you didn’t say much as you worked. in fact, you mostly just sang along to each song, acting silly and enjoying your time together. you cherished moments like these. bob loved christmas time so much, and that love had rubbed off on you. there was this wonder in his eyes whenever the holiday season rolled around. a childlike twinkle that reminded you so much of the twinkle one of santa’s magical elves might have in their eye.
and then, of course, there were the christmas movies. you were certain bob had seen every christmas movie known to man. the popular and not so popular ones. the hallmark ones and everything in between. tonight, a holiday movie marathon was airing, and bob was determined not to miss it. while you transferred the cookies from the oven to a wire cooling rack, bob was preparing the hot cocoa. “hurry! marathon starts in ten minutes!” he exclaimed, as he looked at his watch. “the year without a santa claus is playing first and i don’t wanna miss it!” and you couldn’t help but smile at his antics. with his pink cheeks and mussed hair and christmas apron tied around his waist. he was adorable.
“hey bobby,” you called. he peeked over his shoulder. “yeah?” he asked. “i sure do love you.” that brought a fond smile onto his face, and he moved to kiss you on the cheek. “and i sure do love you.” the warmth you felt wasn’t just from the warmth of the oven traveling through the kitchen. it radiated in your chest and spread its way outward. you were so content right here, in your little home, with your mishmash of christmas decor littering every square foot. christmas was special to you because it was special to your husband. you saw the season through his eyes. and it was magical.
“cocoa’s done!” his singsong voice pulled you from your reverie. he was already filling two christmas mugs with the chocolatey mixture. this prompted you to quickly plate a good amount of still-warm cookies before you scurried after bob into the living room. there, you snuggled up on the couch under multiple fluffy blankets, just as the opening credits began to play. you nestled yourself against your husband’s side, with your mug of cocoa warm in your hands, and the plate of cookies between you both. bob rattled off some sort of trivia for the year without a santa claus, because he loved to nerd out about such things. you listened with rapt attention because you loved when he went on his little knowledge tangents. especially when it was over something so simple that brought him so much joy.
yeah, you would never get tired of this.
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gretavangroupie · 1 year
Vigilance: The Outtakes - Rekindled
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Word count: 12.8k
Pairings: Sam x OC
Warnings: Alcohol, Smoking, Cursing, Mentions of Sickness, Death, Heartbreak, Abandonment, Dramatic Themes, Angst, Fluff, Smut Including: Kissing, Making Out, Touching, Fingering, Digital Penetration, Praise, Unprotected Sex.
A/N: Hey! Welcome to Vigilance: The Outtakes! Not everything can make the cut, right? These outtakes will be snippets of things that we cut from the original story during the editing process, but are still important to the overall storyline and may even provide a bit of background information on previously mentioned plots, characters and themes. These outtakes will not be posted on a schedule, but will be released as we see fit. Keep your eyes peeled you won't want to miss these!
“We did it boys…” Danny said, flopping down into the chair in the makeshift greenroom. 
“Finally a fucking week off…what’s it been? Two months?” Jake says, popping the lid off of his beer. 
“Yeah, two months.” you reply, sitting down on the worn leather couch. You were still sweating from your set, your heart still racing and the adrenaline still coursing through your system. The last show of your two month long run across the East. Tonight you’d leave Atlanta and head home for a much needed break.
Luckily tonight the set was just a handful of songs, and you knew them like the back of your hand, in fact, you could probably play them in your sleep. 
“Then what?” Danny asks. 
“Then we start back again, hit the West. Be gone until we come home for Christmas I guess.” Josh replies.
Shit. A week off? That’s it?
Seconds later a man walks through the door and nods, “Good show boys, gotta clear this room for the next act. Make sure one of you sees the bartender for your payout.” he says, and just as quickly he is gone. 
“Damn, really getting the royal treatment.” Josh says. 
“I’ll start loading up, Danny, you want to help me?” Jake asks.
“Yeah, Sam, you got clean up?” he asks.
“Sure.” you agree.
As they all file out of the small room you begin collecting up trash, empty cans and bottles into a grocery bag you found on the table. You had spent all of about two hours in here. How you had amassed such a large amount of garbage was a mystery. 
Once you had all of the trash collected you set it on a table and began moving the chairs and furniture around, repositioning everything how you found it when you got there. You made your way over to your bass, locking it securely into its case, and setting it by the door for Jake and Danny. Your phone buzzed in your pocket, and you looked up from your duties as you pulled it from your pocket. 
10:38pm: Yeah! Classes are going so good! I made some new friends! Miss you! Where are you guys even at?
Of course. You’d asked her that four days ago. Four. 
You shook your head and shoved it back into your pocket snatching the bag of trash off the table to take to the dumpster.
It was hot outside, and the air was so humid you felt like you were practically swimming. If you weren’t already sweating, you were now. The streets were busy with people walking from bar to bar down the bustling strip. 
You walked around to the back of the bar, spotting the dumpster in the alleyway, near where Jake and Danny were loading the van.
As you stepped up to it you noticed, there were actually two dumpsters, one trash, and one recycling. You smiled to yourself and began sorting the trash from the bag in your hand, tossing the cans into the blue dumpster.
As you were about to walk off, a side door opened, and a girl in a pair of black denim overalls stepped out, hauling a black trash can behind her. Her face was covered by a mess of brown curls tied up into a messy bun. You watched her struggle to pull the obviously heavy can towards the dumpster, as she fought with the yellow rubber gloves on her hands. 
“Here, let me help you.” you offered, watching her head snap in your direction. 
She looked up at you, her eyes as big as the moon overhead. “Oh. Oh, sorry. No. It’s okay. I’ve got it. Just full of liquid I think.” she said, dragging it towards you.
“It’s really no big deal…” you offered again, stepping towards her. 
“Just help me drag it over?” she asks. 
You nod, and grab the handle, pulling it to the dumpster with ease. 
“Thanks. How embarrassing.” she said, a blush creeping over her face. A small dimple formed in her cheeks as she tried to stifle the smile on her lips.
“Don’t be embarrassed, I’m sure that thing is full of half drank beers and glass bottles.” you said, trying to cheer her up. 
“You were playing, a little while ago…” she said, starting to throw bottles into the dumpster.
“Yeah, I was. Did you catch our set?” you asked nervously.
“Yeah, I mean sort of, I was collecting trash but I heard you guys, caught the end for sure.” she answered, a small flutter gliding through your chest. 
“What did you think? Did you… enjoy it?” you asked, completely unsure if you wanted to hear her answer.
Even in the dark light of the alleyway you could see how pretty she was. A tingle in your chest caught you by surprise. You hadn’t felt it in years. 
“Yeah! You guys were alright.” she admits.
“Oh. Yeah, well, this is our last stop for a bit. We are a little burnt out, kinda ready for a break.” you say, trying to seem like it didn’t hurt you just a little. 
A smirk crossed her lips, “I’m Elle. Well, Eleanor, but my friends call me Elle.”
“Are we friends?” you ask playfully.
“I think we could be.” she smiles, hauling the heavy bag out of the can. “This is typically the part where you tell me your name.”
“Oh! Yeah, sorry, I’m Sam.” you laugh.
“Well Sam, what’s your band called?” she asks. 
Oh god, don’t ask…
You swallow nervously, “Greta Van Fleet?” you answer.
“Is that a question?” she asks.
“No. You’re right. Greta Van Fleet is the name of our band.” You answer confidently.
“Okay Sam of Greta Van Fleet, where do you guys live?” she asks.
“Michigan. Frankenmuth, Michigan.” You say, pointing to your palm. “What about you? You live here?”
“No. I actually live almost two hours from here. I’m just here for the night.” she says.
“Working in a bar?” you ask.
“Well, kind of. The bar owner gives out tickets for shows here if you volunteer to clean up after a show night. Blitzen Trapper will be here next month and I really want to go, so I figured tonight would be just as good as any.” she says.
Wow, a girl with taste.
You smile at her, watching her throw the black trash bag into the dumpster, shaking off her yellow gloves. She removes them and holds them in her fist as she turns back to you. 
“I’m really glad I picked tonight.” she smiles. 
“I’m glad you did too.” you agreed. 
“So, Sam from Greta Van Fle–”
“Sammy! Let’s go!” Jake calls out in the distance. 
“You have to go…” she says nodding her head, grabbing the handle to the trash can.
“Yeah, we have…a long drive ahead of us.” You admit.
“A long drive, huh?” she smiles.
“Yeah, maybe I could text you?” you ask, feeling your heart pound out of your chest.
“Are you asking for my number, Sammy?” she says, mocking Jake’s words.
“Yeah, I think I need it.” you reply, probably putting your feelings out there a bit too much.
She smiles and reaches out her hand, as you pull your phone from your pocket. You hand it to her, and watch her type away, her eyes sparkling in the light of your phone. 
“There. I sent myself a message so I’d have yours too.” she says, handing your phone back to you. 
You glance down and a smile sneaks out seeing her name across your screen. Eleanor, with a small white heart.
 “Perfect. I need to go before they leave me here. And yes, they definitely would leave me if you’re wondering.” you laugh.
“Okay, well you better go…I hope I hear from you, Sam of Greta Van Fleet.” she smiles.
“You will, Eleanor of… two hours away from here.” you laugh. 
You put your phone in your pocket and start to walk away, heart racing as your mind tumbles though a thousand different scenarios.
“Sam, wait!” she calls. 
You turn on your heels, looking over your shoulder at your brothers, starting the van. 
“You… you sounded really good. I couldn’t take my eyes off of you all night.” she admits, a hint of nervousness in her voice.
“Really?” you ask, the thought falling from your lips before you could catch it.
She nods, “This is going to sound crazy, I know we just met by a dumpster and I probably reek, but I just…I feel like I want to kiss you.” she says.
“Me?” you ask, completely shocked.
“Yeah…” she smiles, her dimple showing again.
“For the record, Elle, even covered in trash juice, you’re the prettiest girl I’ve seen in a long time. And I want to kiss you too.” you reply.
You grabbed her hand and pulled her towards you, letting your hand glide up to her chin, as the two of you drifted towards each other, before pressing your lips together. Your hand cupped her face as you felt her soft lips against yours, sending a shock through your body. Her hand rested on your stomach as you kissed her back, slow and soft, if only just this once. 
You pulled away from her, eyes completely blown out with lust, as you removed your hand from her smiling face. 
“I’ll see you Sam…” she said, shoving her gloves into her back pocket, lugging the trash can through the door behind her. 
You stood there as the door shut, mind spinning from the kiss you could still feel on your lips. Who was this woman? What had she done to you?
“Two seconds asshole!” Jake yelled from the driver's seat.
You ran over to the van, sliding in next to Daniel in the back, still thinking of her. You pulled your phone from your pocket and immediately went to her message. 
11:13pm: Sam
Should you message her again, or should you wait to hear from her? You wiped your sweaty hands on your jeans, bouncing your leg up and down as you tried to weigh your options. 
“What’s got you all worked up?” Danny asks, scrolling through his phone.
You let out a sigh, “Nothing I just…I just met the coolest girl.”
“A girl?” he asks, looking over to you.
“Yeah, throwing trash in the dumpster.” you smile.
“Romantic…” he smirks.
“It kind of was…” you admit.
“Whatever, might as well forget her. You’ll never see her again.” he laughs.
No. You knew you would. But you couldn’t say that. That sounds crazy. Right?
After a few more minutes of nervously switching between apps on your phone you opened your thread with her, and began to type.
11:34pm: Too soon?
11:39pm: What took you so long?
From that point on the two of you were practically inseparable, well, not physically. You would spend most of your time talking to her. Texting, calling, anything you could. The more you got to know her the more you realized how similar the two of you were. She told you about her hometown, a place similar to your home. She told you about her family, just her and her dad. She told you about her hopes and dreams and you told her yours. She encouraged you and believed in you, eventually admitting she watched your entire set that night, barely able to drag her eyes away from you. 
Elle was the beacon of light you didn’t know you were looking for. Finding you at a time in life where you felt stagnant. As the tour continued through the fall the two of you grew closer, eventually deciding to see each other again as soon as possible. That time would come around Christmas, when you’d convinced her to come to Frankenmuth. She met your family and your friends, all who welcomed her with open arms. How could they not? 
To say the two of you were nervous would be an understatement, but the moment you saw each other it was like everything clicked into place. All the hours spent talking to each other, learning everything there was to know about each other, all had a meaning. A purpose. 
When summer rolled around she decided to stay for the season, taking a job at a local boutique and crashing with you. You spent your days busy working, and your nights wrapped up in each other. Your life felt like it was finally falling into place. You couldn’t imagine a day without her in it, and frankly you didn’t want to. 
A year later, when the time came to move to Nashville, she decided to move with you, packing up her life in Georgia and moving to what she referred to as ‘the big city’. She had her conditions though, opting for her own apartment a few blocks from your house. Though the two of you spent practically every night together, she felt happy having her own space, and who were you to take that away from her?
You remember that summer, the first time you told her you loved her, sitting in your backyard, watching the fireflies buzz around in the bushes. She watched them in awe, talking about her childhood and chasing them near the lake. You still aren't sure if it was the heat or the alcohol, but the words tumbled from your lips and you made no effort to stop them. You did love her. You think you may have even loved her that first night you kissed her. Through the years it became more and more clear to you that you couldn’t live without her, and maybe you weren’t supposed to. It hadn’t been an easy road but it was one she wanted to travel with you.
“Alright guys, let’s take a break. I gotta piss and I need a drink.” Danny said, standing up from his kit.
You slung the strap over your head, setting your bass into the stand before bounding up the stairs after Daniel. It had been a long week practicing nonstop. Tucking yourselves away in the foothills of the mountains, where the fog rolled in around 7pm. You spent days strategizing, writing, even arguing, but making magic nonetheless. 
After a morning spent in the sun shooting visuals for the single release, you promised to lock yourselves inside the basement for the rest of the night, hammering out a few final details for one of the tracks. 
There were pro’s and con’s to not being able to tour. But as of recently, you’d only been seeing the con’s. At least that’s how it felt. You weren’t able to travel at all, and mentally you felt it was taking a bit of a toll on you. You liked to fill your days traveling city to city, and country to country. Truth be told it's all you’d ever really known. So when you were parked in Nashville indefinitely, it brought all of your lives to a screeching halt. 
You sipped a seltzer on the stiff leather couch, placed peculiarly in the living room of the cabin, watching as Josh and Jake argued over the difference between a Hazy IPA and a Juicy IPA, stating ‘not all hazy’s are juicy, and not all juicy’s are hazy’. Regardless they both did the job of numbing your mind to the persistent bickering of your twin brothers.
You felt your phone buzz in your pocket, causing your eyebrows to raise, seeing as how you hadn’t had proper cell phone reception in nearly two full days. You pulled it from your pocket, and swallowed nervously as you read the name on the screen.
10:25pm: Hey, just wanted to let you know that Dad passed away the day before yesterday. He went peacefully. I held his hand all the way through...hospice was here to make it a little less painful. His funeral is this Friday. 
10:27pm: Sam, I’m not coming back to Nashville. I need some time. I’ve gotta get my feet back on the ground and figure things out. I hope you understand. Thank you for everything you did for me, and for my dad. I know he appreciated you all the way up until the end. Please, don’t respond to this, just know that you were one of the greatest parts of my life. 
You stared at the phone in your hand while the guys continued to talk in the kitchen.  You settled forward with your elbows on your knees as the news hit you. 
You sat there, completely dumbfounded and unable to form a thought. He died two days ago? Why hadn’t she said anything? 
She was completely alone, she was there with him when it happened. She has nobody to lean on. No one to cry to. What does she mean she’s not coming back to you? Is she leaving you? Is it over?
You knew you hadn’t seen Elle in a few weeks; she decided with her dad being so sick, it was best to stay away from each other for a while so as not to bring any unforeseen illness around him. She left you with a kiss and a see you soon, and you believed her. You understood. You agreed. You agreed with the unspoken condition that she would be back. But now?
You dropped your phone to the floor beside you, letting your head fall into your hands.  
“Sam?” Danny said, walking over to your side. Jake and Josh followed closely behind, as they all stood around you. 
“What Sammy boy, you okay?” Jake asked. 
You kicked your phone to his feet, eyes barely catching his movement as he bent down to retrieve it.
“What? What does it say?” Danny urges.
“Fuck.” he says, blowing out a breath, “Elle’s dad died two days ago. She’s not coming back.”
You never thought you’d find yourself in this position. After Elle left you were a little unsure if you could ever even feel like that for another person again. It took you months to pull yourself out of the depression you were in. Spending night after night wondering where she was, and what she was doing. How she was doing. Texts went unanswered, phone calls straight to voicemail. It was the worst you had felt in your life, and you didn’t know how to snap out of it. 
Throwing yourself into the production aspect of the new album, you nitpicked and critiqued every last detail until you felt it was perfect. Essentially it was. You and Josh would spend nearly every night listening to the album start to finish, picking out things to tweak the following day. Eventually both of you ran out of fixes. Those nights spent with Josh were the most helpful. Letting him talk to you in a way that only he could. Explaining things in the way only he can. Slowly you came around, meeting Daniel for dinner, or Jake for drinks. Going for  a walk through the park with Josh. Every day started to get easier and easier until you woke up one morning and the hurt you were harboring was so small, you couldn’t feel it anymore.
A few weeks later you walked into a bar to meet the guys, and left with the last person you’d ever expected. A person who held a piece of your heart you weren’t sure you’d ever see again. Suddenly though, you took hold of a piece of hers, and you would be damned if you were ever going to let it go. 
Things had changed. She had changed. But she was also the same girl you remember, sitting next to you on your living room floor, pencil behind her ear as she drug her pink highlighter through a history textbook. The girl who slow danced with you at prom to a song that has lived in your head ever since and for the first time in a long time Elle was not a thought in your mind. 
1:37pm: Hey there sunshine! Question…
1:41pm: Hey babe! Yes? 
1:41pm: We made plans to go home for the fourth, would you like to go? 
1:45pm: Actually, I am already going back! Told my parents a few weeks ago I would be home.
1:47pm: Well perfect! We’ll be going to the lake, you’re invited obviously. I’ll let you know what time.
1:50pm: You sure that’s okay? 
1:51pm: Positive. Get some rest tonight, I’ll see you when we get there.
1:52pm: Safe travels!
“Moooooom! We’re hoooome!” Josh called through the house as you followed behind, lugging bags and boxes of fireworks. 
“My babies!” she cried as she came bounding towards the door, taking you both in her embrace. 
“I’m so happy you’re all going to be here! How long are you staying?” She asked, taking the bags from your hands. 
“Just a few days, Ma. We’re actually busy touring rockstars, did you forget?” you said, finally able to pull your sunglasses to the top of your head and close the door behind you.
It always felt so good stepping through the front door of your home, no matter how many times you’d done it. The familiar sound of the echoes of your voices bouncing off the walls, the smell of the home itself, and the instant feeling of comfort enveloping you, no matter how long it had been. 
You and Josh had spent most of the evening stocking up for the lake the next day, visiting two or three stores to get plenty of beer and snacks for the long day on the water. 
“Should we get mortars or bottle rockets?” you ask, standing back and looking at all of the choices on the shelves. 
“Uh, fuckin’ both? Whoa, look at this!” Josh replied, picking up a giant box filled with a mixture of a bunch of different fireworks. He was like a kid in a candy store, filling up the basket with tons of boxes while you followed along through the aisles. 
“Think this is enough beer? What is Danny even drinking these days?” Josh asked as you continued perusing. 
“I don’t think he gives a shit as long as it gets him drunk.” You replied as you picked up two cases of seltzers, and some white claw for Y/N. 
Speaking of…
You pulled your phone from your pocket to text Y/N, but instead found a text from a contact that you hadn’t seen in ages. 
Her contact in your phone still had a heart next to it. You couldn’t ever bring yourself to take it off. As you blinked a few times to make sure you were reading right, your heart dropped. It’s been almost a year since she’s contacted you. Since the day of her last text, she hasn’t even so much as sent you an ‘I’m ok’ message. No updates on her social media, nothing. Silence. After you spent weeks messaging her and calling her, you finally got the picture and gave up. So to see her name now on your screen, came as a bit of a shock. Your finger slowly and nervously opened the message. 
5:17pm: Hey Sam, it’s Elle. Not sure if you had my number still saved or not.
You looked up from your phone to find Josh still trying to pick out his alcohol for the weekend. You were blindsided. You didn’t know what to say. Should you text her back at all? You were kind of upset with her for not giving you a good reason for ending things that you spent years building with her. 
You knew she was going through an extremely rough time, but the two of you were serious, you thought at least. You wanted to be there for her, help her through the good and the bad, but she left without even a word. She abandoned a relationship that you thought was growing, right at the time that was going to make or break everything. 
You slid the message closed, and opened your texts with Y/N. 
5:21pm: We made it. Stocking up on stuff for tomorrow. Let me know when you get to your parents! 
5:22pm: PS…don’t know where we’re going to be able to sneak off to this weekend, but I’m sure we could find somewhere ;) 
5:24pm: I’m not far, maybe an hour or so. And I’m sure we’ll be able to find somewhere. You’re telling me you don’t have any old spots you used to take your girlfriends? 
You smiled, thinking back in time. You did have a few spots, but they were kind of, less than comfortable. But Y/N didn’t seem to really care about that kind of thing. You stowed away a few ideas in the back of your head, and urged Josh to hurry it up. 
5:36pm: Hmm, I’ve got a few places in mind. See you soon!
The entire ride home, you wracked your brain searching for something to say back to Elle. Should you answer at all? Of course you should. You didn’t want to be rude. She wouldn’t be reaching out for no reason. 
You and Josh unloaded the car, sticking all the alcohol into the fridge for the next day, and packing up snacks in coolers. You knew Josh would want to be out the door first thing in the morning, and packing tonight would let you sleep a tiny bit longer in the morning.
Finally you got the gumption to just do it. You felt anxious for some reason, to even bring up her name on your phone. She held such a special place in your heart for so long, it made your stomach do flips when you thought about texting her back. Y/N would be here early in the morning, so just saying hey to Elle shouldn’t hurt, right?
You brought up her text from earlier, figuring you let it marinate long enough. You plopped down in a chair at the kitchen island, your thumbs flitting over the keyboard as you thought of what to say. 
6:48pm: Hey, Elle. Of course I still have your number. How are you?
There, that was easy. Light and simple. You huffed a cleansing breath. The seconds ticked by as you waited for her text bubble to pop up, your heart racing. 
A smile crossed your face at the sight of the tiny gray bubble.There it is. 
6:50pm: I’m okay, just keeping myself busy. How have you been? 
The conversation went on candidly and platonically, just catching up with one another as you brought her up to date on your life, and she with her own. She told you that she was working two jobs, one at a daycare facility, and the other waiting tables at a restaurant in the evenings. She explained how she made great money at both places, and was happy spending most of her days with young children, teaching them and playing with them. 
7:18pm: Have you kept up with the band?
7:20pm: Of course I have, you guys seem to really be making it big! Do you have any plans for anything new coming up?
You grinned, she has no idea. 
7:21pm: Actually, yeah, we do. It’s in the works now, it’s probably our best work yet, honestly. 
7:23pm: Well, I’m very excited to hear it :)
Your conversation with Elle went on for hours, the two of you talking so easily, just like old times. You asked about her dad, and how everything had gone after he passed. You didn’t want to be too forward, but you also didn’t want to be rude and not ask. She let you know that he’d left her the house and a few other things, which wasn’t much, but he left her comfortable; she really didn’t need to work. 
9:15pm: Any plans for the Fourth?
9:16pm: Yeah! We’re actually back home in Michigan right now, gonna head to the lake tomorrow to spend the day drinking way too much and getting sunburned. You?
9:18pm: That sounds like a great time. I’ll be working, but our boss promised to close up before dark so we could all watch fireworks together. I’ll probably just hang out with some friends. 
The question crossed your mind, but slipped away as soon as it came. Should you ask? Is it too forward? You took a swig of the beer you’d allowed to get warm from sitting between your knees. Ah, fuck it. 
9:20pm: Sounds fun. No one special in your life to watch fireworks with?
Vague. Basic. 
9:21pm: No, no one special right now.
Your stomach flipped. Why did that make you anxious? You felt a tiny bit of giddiness sneak up. 
9:22pm: What about you? 
Shit. How do you answer this…
9:24pm: Nothing serious, no.
That will have to do. You didn’t lie…
You’d retreated to the couch, sprawling out and drifting in and out of sleep as Josh flipped through channels of old movies and spaghetti westerns. About that time you heard the front door open, and Jake’s familiar quiet tone ring out through the house. 
"You made it, huh?" Josh asked, standing up from the chair.
“By the grace of God…” he joked. He walked a little further inside the house, you knew it had been some time since he’d been here. He probably felt strange. 
“This place looks...”
"The exact same? I know, it's weird isn't it?” You said, finishing his sentence. 
"Yeah.” He said, dropping his bag. "Is Mom awake?"
“I think so, I think she's in the basement. Dad is finishing a gig." Josh answers.
You watched as he rounded the corner and descended the stairs, followed by your mom’s hearty half-yell at seeing Jake coming down to greet her. You glanced to Josh, and the two of you shared a wide smile and a chuckle, her voice music to your ears. 
With your brother finally home safe, you let your eyes drift closed, feeling peaceful in your true home, knowing Y/N would be here early in the morning to surprise the family. And that an old flame had decided to reach out once more and say hello.
You must’ve gone up to bed at some point during the night, not having much memory due to how tired you were from traveling. You also must’ve fallen asleep with your phone on your pillow, as it’s incessant buzzing woke you from your slumber. You cocked your head and peeped one eye open, seeing four texts from Y/N. You slid your finger across the notification and blinked rapidly to clear your vision. 
8:27am: Wakey wakey! I’m heading over in 10.
8:32am: Helloooo…Sam..I thought you set an alarm
8:39am: Do you want a coffee? I’m stopping
8:51am: Fine, no coffee for you. I’m almost there. 
You smiled at her discourse, feeling excited that you got to see her today. You hit the call button, waiting to hear her voice. 
“Good morning starshine! The earth says hello!” She burst out, her voice light and chipper. 
You laughed, the sound of her voice making your heart skip a beat. 
“Okay Willy Wonka, did you get me a coffee or not?” You asked, rolling over onto your back to stretch. 
“No, you didn’t text me back and tell me what you wanted. Sorry.” she said. 
“Geez, how rude. I haven’t seen you in days and I’m not even on your mind?” You relayed. 
“You’re always on my mind, babe. I’m in your driveway, jackass. Come get your coffee.” she quipped. 
You smiled as you hopped up from the bed, unplugged your phone and pulled on some sweatpants. You bounded down the steps to find your dad and Josh in the kitchen. You walked over to the front door, twisted the lock and stepped out onto the front porch. 
She was waltzing down the walkway, drawstring bag hanging from her shoulder, and two coffees in her hands. 
“See, I knew you were thinking of me!” You teased, earning a severe eye roll from her as she shoved it into your hand. 
“I hope you burn your tongue.” she says, cutting her eyes at you.
“Sheesh, already feisty this morning, I like it.” You said in your flirtiest tone as she entered the front door, your hand already attached to her backside before anyone could see. 
You joined your family in the kitchen as your dad made breakfast, talking and laughing and catching up on life. It was so great being at home again, and having her here, it was like you were teenagers again. 
Suddenly you heard the stairs creak, the last person to arise from his slumber. This isn’t gonna be good. You took a short breath as you prepared yourself for his wrath. 
Some light normal conversation. So far so good…But you could feel the tension building in the room as you made eye contact with Josh. His eyes widened, feeling it too. It wasn’t long before you felt the sleeve of your t-shirt being pulled, yanking you to your feet and pulling you to the next room. 
“What the fuck? What is she doing here?” Jake snapped.
“Well, I don't know if you know, but… her parents live ten minutes away. She was born here!” You answered in your most sarcastic tone. 
“Jeeze lighten up. She told her parents she would come back for the Fourth a few weeks ago. I invited her to come to the lake with us.” You answered. 
“You invited her to the lake?!” He said, trying not to yell at you. “Sam…”
“What? It will be fine…” you reassured him. 
“So you knew she was going to be here all along?” He asked.
“Mmm, more or less.” You answered. 
“And you just thought…you shouldn’t mention that to me?” he asked.
“Mmm, more or less.” You shrugged him off, no longer trying to entertain his aggravation. 
“You are on my fuckin�� list.” He said. What’s new?
You made your way back to the kitchen, quickly finishing your plate of food. 
“You ready to have some fun today?” You asked her. 
“Sure am! How ‘bout you?” She answered. 
“Hell yeah I am.” You suddenly felt the urge, being close to her again always lit a fire inside you that was extremely hard to extinguish. You leaned in close, bringing your mouth directly to her ear. 
“I’m ready to see your beautiful body soaking wet in a bikini all day. It’ll be hard to not rip it off of you right there on the beach…”
Everyone piled into the car one by one, ready to head to the lake. You’d asked Y/N to braid your hair like hers, so you could match. In all honesty, you just wanted her to touch you. It may be innocent, but you didn’t care. It was something. 
“You ready?” She asked, flitting her eyelashes at you. 
“Always ready for you, sweet thing.” The words slipped from your mouth before you could bite them back, knowing that they probably hit Jake in the gut. 
She took all your hair in her hands and began rubbing your scalp, brushing her nails in and lightly and dragging them in tiny circles. Shit. She knew what this did to you, teasing little thing. She pulled your hair backwards into a tight fist, and lightly jerked it back toward her. You hissed through your teeth at the slight pain. 
God damn. What is she trying to do? 
She began lightly massaging again as you felt your whole body envelop in excited tingles. 
“You’d better watch. Your. Fucking. Self.” you murmured quietly, just loud enough for her to hear.  
Your heart was racing; she knew exactly what to do to get you worked up, even if it was as simple as touching your hair. She finished up the braids, tying off the ends as you turned back to her. 
You took her chin in between your fingers, bringing her face close to yours. “God I wish we were alone in this backseat right now…” you said, and you brought her toward you for a sweet and sensual kiss. You couldn’t help yourself. Would it piss Jake off? Probably. But he’ll get over it. 
Just then, you felt your phone buzz in your pocket. You brought it out to find a message from Elle. You both had fallen asleep mid-conversation last night, so she was following up with an answer to your last question. 
‘Do you think we’ll ever get to see each other again?’ you’d asked her, with the tiniest bit of liquid courage and delirium from being half asleep. Your stomach dropped, seeing that she’d actually responded. 
10:46am: I don’t know, but I really hope so :)
Your heart fell to the floor. Could this be going somewhere again? You had a lot to think about, but you truly missed Elle. There wasn’t a day that passed since the last time you’d seen her that you didn’t think about her. Her gorgeous smile, her wit, her independence…all of it felt like it was ripped away from you when she left. Right as you were falling the hardest for her. A book left unfinished. 
But, what Elle didn’t know, and what Y/N didn’t know, Jake, Daniel, Josh, or anyone but yourself…was that something had begun brewing in your psyche. Your conscience was being pulled again, reminiscent of a fierce and uncharted time in your past. Your entire mind, body, and soul were being beckoned a different direction, straight toward the girl sitting beside you in the backseat. 
But here was Elle. You hadn’t even been talking for a whole day, but you already found yourself being swept up by her charm again. So, you threw yours on, too. She wouldn’t be texting you this much for no good reason, right? What’s the harm… you and Y/N had an agreement, and you were sticking to it, though you found yourself falling for her again, you had to stick to the plan. So you lied. You could never tell her the truth. 
No feelings involved, only keeping each other physically happy for now. Best friends having fun. 
Way too much fun… 
10:51am: You really want to see me again?
10:52am: Of course I do. I’ve got a lot of explaining to do…apologies to offer.
There went your stomach turning in on itself again. The giddiness of nerves from finally hearing what you’ve wanted to hear for almost a year. 
10:54am: Well. I’d really love to give you the chance to do just that. ;)
The day went on, the heat becoming unbearable as the sun got higher in the sky. You all spent the majority of the day in the water, downing drinks and swimming until your bodies were prunes. The perfect summer day. 
Each time you’d go to grab a drink, you’d check your phone. And each time, you had a text from Elle, every one sweeter than the last. 
When it reached afternoon, Y/N had gone up to sit on the beach and read a book. You snuck peeks of her from underneath your dark sunglasses, sat comfortably on a blanket still dripping with the remnants of the water. Hair a mess, cheeks pink, completely unbothered. You felt yourself staring, biting the insides of your cheeks as you fought hard to conceal what the murky water was hiding in your shorts. After a while, you noticed your can was empty, so you went to take a second to join her. 
“Hey gorgeous. The view of you from the water is absolutely phenomenal. I really didn’t want to leave the water...” you flirted as you laid down beside her. 
“Hmm… what made it phenomenal?” She asked, lowering her sunglasses. 
“I dunno, these ties sit perfectly on your hips…” you said quietly as you tugged at them. “And this top accentuates your curves perfectly…it hardly covers anything at all. You’re barely leaving anything at all to my imagination, baby…” you trailed your fingertips all over her body, ending directly over her core. 
“I’d really love to pull this to the side…do you think they’d notice if we disappeared for a minute?” You felt yourself hardening again in your trunks, turning yourself on just by speaking to her, watching her get worked up from your words. 
“Mmm yes, they’d definitely notice.” She whispered, licking her teeth. 
“Ha…you’re right. It’s too bad…I bet this bathing suit isn’t the only thing that’s wet right now, hmm?” you asked, your lips ghosting her ear. God you wanted her, bad. Right now. But you had to push the thought away. There was still a whole day of fun to be had. 
She glanced to the woods, the car, then back to your brothers still bobbing in the lake. She sighed a heavy sigh, showing that she wanted to sneak off just as badly as you did. Chalk it up as a loss. You pulled a fresh seltzer from the cooler, offering one to her as well. You laughed to yourselves, both feeling the unending pull toward one another, and unable to act upon it. 
You retreated back to the vehicle to check your phone again and have a smoke, you needed to physically separate yourself from her before you went crazy. Plus, you noticed Y/N and Jake had begun to make eyes at one another while you were swimming. Maybe you should give them their space? 
As the day was coming to an end, you’d started to feel the alcohol take up shop in your body, a headache creeping its way in. Probably from too much sun, too. You’d had a blast with your brothers and Y/N, only getting a little bit careless with the fireworks. You’d talked to Elle sporadically throughout the busy day, sending cute and flirty texts every single chance you got. You were truly enjoying talking to her again. 
You’d decided to go back home early with Danny to set up a special movie night for everyone, and, honestly, to let Jake and Y/N have a little alone time. You knew they had some things to discuss, and you could tell it was eating at them both leaving things unsaid. Though it hurt you, you knew it had to happen. As much as you wanted her, she could never be yours. 
You’d just sat down on the couch when Y/N tumbled in the front door and across the room, immediately positioning herself close to you and draping her freezing cold legs across your lap.
“Fuckin kiss me, Y/N.” You demanded of her to be quick before your brothers made it inside. She grabbed your face, attaching her lips to yours in a quick and heated kiss as your hands dug into her sides. Her tongue buried itself in your mouth, and you let out the tiniest of moans at the contact. You needed to find that spot to sneak off to, and quickly. She detached herself, lust written all over her face. 
Just then, Jake and Josh came in, Jake making his way to the fridge for a beer. You leaned in close to whisper in Y/N’s ear. 
“I need to get you naked as soon as fuckin’ possible, you wanna go shower?” You asked her quietly. She giggled and nodded her head, the alcohol still lingering in her body. 
“I’m gonna go shower, and then we can start?” Jake asked as he popped his beer open. 
“Sounds good, I think we are gonna do the same.” You answered, earning a stern look from Jake. Oops. 
Y/N stood up from the couch. “I’m going to go get my stuff from the car. Be right back.”
Just then your phone buzzed. Another text from Elle. 
11:27pm: Hope you had a great 4th! 
She’d attached a photo of herself posing with exploding fireworks behind her, her face gorgeous and sunkissed and her eyes shut from the bright flash. She had on a giant dark green hoodie that reached way down to her mid thighs. An old hoodie. Your hoodie. 
Your face flushed seeing that she had still kept your favorite high school jacket after all this time, and she looked absolutely gorgeous in it, still. She’d changed a bit, her hair was a little longer, and she seemed to be glowing. You stared at the photo until your screen went dark, taking in every little detail of her.  
“You ready, Sammy?” Y/N’s voice broke you from your gaze. 
“Yep, let’s go.” You responded as you followed her up the stairs, sending one last text before closing the bathroom door. 
11:29: Still look perfect in my clothes :)
After some of the hottest quickie bathroom sex you’d ever had, you left Y/N to shower alone, and joined everyone back downstairs in the basement for the movie. 
“Not showering?” Jake asked. 
“Nah, I will later.” You replied as you typed away on your phone, continuing to text Elle. 
“What movie, Sammy? “ he asked as he sat down in his favorite spot on the other end of the couch. 
“The best 4th of July movie there is! The Sandlot!” You replied, not bringing your eyes away from the screen in your hand. You and Elle had started flirting just a bit harder. 
A few minutes later, Y/N came down the stairs, clad in a pair of your sweatpants and one of your old t-shirts. Oh, and Jake’s flannel? But hot damn, she looked sexy. Two women wearing your clothes tonight?!
You grinned to yourself at the thought as she came and sat beside you on the couch, cuddling into your side under a blanket. Her touch was still so electrifying to you, and you suppressed those pesky feelings as much as you could. Just sex. Just sex. 
After a while you stretched out, moving Y/N down the couch toward Jake a bit. You laced your fingers with hers, leaving a hand free to continue texting on the phone buzzing on your lap. 
12:27am: I see you cut your hair!
12:29am: I did, do you like it?
12:31am: I do, it’s very fitting :) What are you doing now?
12:34am: Sitting on the couch in the basement watching a movie with everyone. Our fourth of July tradition.
12:36am: Oh, the couch, huh? I remember that couch…
Your face flushed in the dark. A memory flooded your mind, right when things had gotten hot and heavy with you and Elle, you’d made it back to Michigan to visit home for a couple of days. After too many drinks and a bowl a piece, you and Elle found yourselves wrapped up in a blanket, still half clothed and her straddling your lap as she rode you. 
“We’ve got to be really quiet, we can’t make any noise.” she said. 
“It’s 4:00am baby, no one is awake…”
You’d unzipped your zipper just enough, freeing yourself from the confines of your shorts to give her some leeway. She’d left her sundress on, and you’d pulled her panties to the side, the both of you covering each others’ mouths and stifling any noise either if you would make as she quietly brought both of you into a bliss you’d been chasing ever since. 
You shook your head quickly to chase the memory away as Jake and Y/N both spoke out loud, “You’re killin’ me, Smalls!” at the same time as the movie did. The two of them laughed together…you watched as she laid her head back on the couch to look at him as they giggled, and it made your heart ache. He looked at her with the same amount of love in his eyes as you did. 
After a while, you noticed Jake had fallen asleep, and Y/N wasn’t far behind. 
Maybe this is a good time to go outside and talk to Elle. 
“I’m gonna go smoke, you wanna?” You whispered to Y/N. 
“Nah, I’m okay, thanks.” You squeezed her hand as you got up from the couch, and dashed up the stairs. 
1:12am: You still awake? 
1:13am: I am
You took a deep breath. 
1:15am: Would you care if I called you?
1:16am: Wouldn’t care in the least :)
The late night air felt nice on your face as you stepped outside onto the porch, lighting up a joint and pacing the floor. You hadn’t heard her voice in so long…
“Fuck it. Just do it Sam.” You said to yourself. You clicked the phone symbol by her contact, heart racing as you let it ring out. 
“Hey there, stranger.” She answered after a couple rings, voice as sweet as honey, her southern drawl still sending your gut straight into neverland. 
You talked to Elle for almost an hour, catching up even more so on the conversations you’d already had. It felt new, but familiar all the same. The banter was just like it always was, and hearing her laugh again made your stomach fill with butterflies. You weren’t sure if the smile left your face the entire conversation. 
After a while, you noticed her yawns becoming more frequent, and so were yours. You agreed that you’d talk tomorrow, and with a sweet goodnight, you hung up the phone. 
You quietly tiptoed down the steps, trying hard to not wake anyone. The scene you found on the couch hurt your heart and filled it at the same time, Jake and Y/N cuddled together, her head resting gently on his shoulder with his arms holding her close as they slept. 
You couldn’t help the smile that crept its way to your face. You know exactly how good that position feels. You grabbed your camera from the table and you snapped a sweet picture of them laying together, wondering if they would ever find themselves there together again. 
The next morning you woke up to the smell of breakfast cooking, always your favorite part about home. You thought back to last night, and your conversation with Elle. You heart swelled at the thought of her. Talking to her, seeing her, touching her. 
Shit. You forgot you’d left Y/N on the couch last night. You wondered if she woke up pissed. You threw on some shorts and climbed down the stairs, greeting your family as you glanced around the room. No Y/N. You walked over to the front door and her car was gone. She had left without even saying goodbye. 
You’d made it back home to Nashville, feeling strange that Y/N had left without even a word. You decided maybe she needed some space, seeing as how she probably woke up cuddling Jake that morning, and found herself in a strange predicament. You told yourself you reach out, soon. You knew she liked to disappear sometimes. 
Things with Elle had only gotten better; you’d begun every day with a goodmorning text, and your conversations had only become more intense. You were truly enjoying talking with her, so you decided you’d call her at least once a day, just to hear her voice.
When tour started you found yourself wishing Elle was there. Sure you had Y/N, your best friend and lover around but it was different. You knew Y/N wasn’t yours to keep. As you and Elle began to talk more frequently you found yourself pulling away from Y/N a bit, but when photos were exchanged backstage in Nashville, you found yourself being drawn to her once again and spending the night wrapped up in each other like usual. It felt so different with her. So intimate. Was it because you were denying your real feelings for her? Did she feel it too?
You felt like your heart was being pulled in two different directions. Elle and Y/N, the two most important women in your life were now silently competing for your affection. However, it was not lost on you that Y/N was also gravitating towards Jake, whether she noticed it or not. The thing about all of it though, was that you knew Jake. You knew Jake better than he thought you did. You could see that it was killing him to watch you with Y/N, especially after what happened back home. 
You could sense a shift between the two of them. Something was there. Something was growing, and maybe, by removing yourself from the situation slowly, you would make room for that thing to reach its full potential. Even if it killed you.  
7:16pm: Just landed.
7:18am: We are finishing up at dinner. If you go to the front desk at the hotel, I left a key for you in your name.
7:16pm: Thanks babe
Your heart was pounding as the minutes ticked closer and closer to finally seeing her again. You just had to make it through this dinner. Y/N was sufficiently drunk, finally letting loose after her altercation with Josh in the lobby this afternoon. You felt terrible, you were so caught up coordinating with Elle that you weren’t there to defend her. Luckily, Jake saved the day. 
You watched as Y/N flirted with Jake, and you found yourself smiling finally seeing his smile, after a few weeks of sadness. You thought you’d feel jealous, watching him grab her hand and whisper in her ear, but you didn’t. The only thing on your mind was the curly haired brunette waiting for you in your hotel room. 
You swallowed nervously as Danny made the first motion to leave. You quickly stood and joined him as the rest of the table arose from their seats. Y/N was a little wobbly on her feet, but again, Jake stepped in and helped her find her footing. 
Your heart was racing as you made the walk back to the hotel, chatting with Y/N as she stumbled along beside you. After a few minutes you noticed she was gone, looking over your shoulder to see her walking next to Jake as he smiled. It felt good to see the two of them where you knew they were always destined to be. 
As you stepped into the hotel you knew that in less than five minutes you would be face to face, reunited with the girl that broke your heart. The girl who was here now, all this time later, to ask for another chance, and you would be an absolute fool to not give it to her.
Offering to take Y/N to her room, you were immediately shut down by Jake. You could have called that from a mile away. You sent him a knowing look and stepped out on your floor. You ran your sweaty hands over your pants and ran your fingers through your hair. You took a deep breath and tried to center yourself, as you tapped the key card to the door. 
You pushed the door open, your hands shaking so badly you shoved them in your pockets to try and conceal them. As you stepped into the room, you saw her, sitting cross legged on the bed, flipping through the TV channels. 
“Elle…” you breathed.
“Hi Sammy...”
You felt like all the air had been ripped away from your lungs, the sight of her here again feeling like a dream. She was just the same as the last time you saw her, except she had more of a glow to her, her hair was longer and her body was healthy. The last time you saw her she was in the midst of true grief, working like a maniac to take care of her dad and keep a job at the same time. But here she was now, blossomed and flourishing, and she seemed to only have eyes for you. 
In true Elle fashion, she quickly leapt up from the bed, and floated through the air to stand right in front of you, eyes zipping back and forth as she searched your face; clearly she didn’t believe you were real, either. You stood frozen in place, unable to get over the fact that she was physically here, making your head spin and hands shake. Sammy, the nerves…it’s okay. 
“Well are you gonna hug me like you know me? Or ya just gonna stand there like a bump on a log?” She said through the prettiest smile you were sure you’d ever seen. You felt a rush of pure adoration swell in your stomach, the sound of her voice even more like sweet honey than on the phone. God, you’d forgotten. 
You bent at the knees, taking your hands from your pockets and wrapping them low around her waist, lifting her into the air in a tight embrace while you spun her around the hotel room. Her laugh, like coming home to your favorite place on earth. The way her body felt, the way her hair tickled the backs of your arms as you twirled her... all of it hitting your senses one by one, and making you weaker by the second. 
Finally you put her down, letting her rebalance as you found her face again. For some reason, you felt your emotions tugging at you. 
“Are you really here? Or is this a fever dream?” You asked her as the two of you slowly made your way over to sit on the edge of the bed. 
She laughed hard. “I’m really here, Sammy.” Her hand found your cheek, her thumb brushing under your eye as she tenderly walked you through your realization. 
“How are you?” She finally asked, bringing her legs to sit comfortably on the bed, and muting the TV. “How have you been? I know we talk everyday but…” her face blushed red. 
The conversation flowed just like it always had, just like as you texted, just like it did on the phone. Except this time you could see the expressions on her face when she moved her mouth that certain way, her lower lip pulling down slightly to the left when she was explaining something. The freckles across her nose, her squeak laugh when you’d gently pick on her. Still full of enthusiasm, still as smart and quick-witted as ever. And you were drowning in her eyes. 
Your favorite, though, was how good of a listener she was. She knew how to respond and empathize, and she didn’t even know she was doing it. You laid there and talked for hours, laughing and arguing and loving every single minute of it. Elle was like an enigmatic force, a warm presence that was unfaltering, picking up right where you left off. She felt like the first sip of cinnamon whiskey, shocking and surprising with a slow burn that you couldn’t help but get addicted to. 
“…I guess I’m just really sorry I left you without an explanation, Sam.”
“We don’t have to talk about this now, it’s okay…” you interrupted. 
“No, we do. I’ve wanted to apologize to you for almost a year, but I wanted to do it in person. You deserve to hear that straight from me.” She went on. You nodded, reluctantly. 
“I was in an extremely weird and bad place back then, with my dad and everything. I was a shell of a person and not myself. I don’t even remember half of that time, you know? It’s like a blacked out blur…I thought I needed to separate myself from you to not bring you down, and the band, but…” you took her hand, locking your fingers with hers. It had been months…you could tell, something as simple as that brought her a little bit of peace. You were both lying on your stomachs across the bed, shoulder to shoulder as you talked. 
“I know now that you were trying to hold me up above water, doing what you do best…keeping everyone happy, Sam. You always have. And I turned you away. The brightest light I’ve ever had in my life, I shut you off. And I’m sorry. I’ll never be able to take that back. You didn’t deserve that. I should’ve reached out again.” You could tell tears were prickling her eyes as she spoke. 
“S’okay, Elle…” you whispered, leaning your head on her shoulder. 
“No, it wasn’t okay. We were…getting pretty serious. I think.” 
Yeah, you were very serious.  
“And I just…stopped it all. For no good reason except my own selfishness. And I’m so, so sorry, Sammy. I really am. I regret leaving the only man I’ve ever felt like this for.”
Your stomach plummeted. Still? Felt like this?
You knew the expression on your face turned to pure happiness at her words. 
“You…you still…?” Was all you could manage through broken breaths. 
“Of course I still love you, you idiot. I never stopped.” She said, punching you in the shoulder. You melted. Wow…she still…
“Do you think I would’ve kept up conversation with you for weeks and come all the way out here if I didn’t?” She asked, her last word hanging on a high note. 
That’s true…
“Elle, you are…” You couldn’t stop yourself, she was pulling you in. You brought your lips dangerously close to hers, letting just the tips of your noses touch as you let your lips brush hers. The electricity buzzing between you, her eyelashes fluttering across your cheeks. The warmth was immediately there, filling the space between you with a heat that you’d forgotten about. 
“I am…what, Sammy?” She whispered, her breath hot on your lips. You could taste her already, so you moved your tongue to sit on your lower lip, savoring every single second that you could. 
You brought your forehead to hers, letting it balance there while you caught your breath. 
“Perfect.” You breathed, the word falling from your mouth as you let your lips connect with hers, so simply and so sweetly. Just like you always remembered. Just one tiny kiss to reintroduce yourselves; she’d only been back for half a day. But it felt right, and real, and she truly was perfect, she always was. 
When you separated, you left your forehead connected to hers, as you let that lustful and heavy excited feeling settle in the pit of your stomach, taking up shop and re-rooting itself where it belonged. 
It was then you knew that she was back for a reason, and you’d be damned if you let her slip away again. 
That night, you slept platonically in the king-sized bed, sharing room service and a few beers while you reminisced, her getting sleepy and cozy while you twisted your fingers through her hair. You didn’t want to move too fast, though you could tell the heat was rising in her face, too. The way she looked at you…you recognized it. Nearly three years of her being your everything…of course you were still able to pick up on all her cues. You held back in acting on them, though, as difficult as it was, you wanted to still be a gentleman. 
And getting to know her again? Like re-reading your favorite novel…remembering the details that stuck out to you while reciting the sentences you’d memorized. Re-learning and recalling her mannerisms, laughing so hard you couldn’t breathe, and sharing so many tender moments you felt like putty in her hands. God, you couldn’t believe she was back. 
The second night of Bridgeport, and you finally had someone in the audience that you could play to. You had to admit, you were a little nervous. Anxious for her to see you play again, but excited all the same. You had a few more nerves in your system tonight, so you shook them away with an extra seltzer. 
The show was going well, until suddenly your bass cut out. Fuck. You glanced to Jake quickly, signaling him to distract. He did, thankfully, as you rushed to the keys to play the bassline there. When your tech returned, all was fixed and well, but you were humiliated. For some reason whenever something like that happened, you couldn’t help but get upset. It was the producer in you, you assumed. And Elle saw. Your first show playing with her watching again, and that just had to happen. Of fucking course. 
You finished out the show, hastily making it back stage to change quickly and get back to your hotel room. It had put you in a sour mood. You all loaded up in the van, and you shot a quick text to Elle saying you’d meet her back at the room shortly. 
“You guys wanna grab a drink at the bar when we get back?” Daniel asked. 
“No, I think I’m going to bed.” You answered curtly. 
You felt Jake’s eyes shoot you a look of confusion. You shrugged. 
“I could do one, then I think I’m gonna hit the sack myself. It’s been a long fucking day.” He answered. 
“One. We leave early in the morning.” Josh said. 
Daniel sighed. “Alright. It’s settled.”
When you finally made it back to the room, you felt strange at the still-lingering feeling of embarrassment from the mess up during the show. You set your bag down on the couch, peering around the corner for the sweet girl waiting for you. 
“Sammy! Oh my god!” She yelped, pouncing into your arms as you caught her, her legs immediately wrapped around your waist. “You were so amazing! Better than ever, holy shit!” She was going on and on, her arms wrapped around your neck as you found a smile creeping up, almost completely dissolving your yucky feeling. 
You turned, still holding her, and sat on the bed so she was now on your lap. Hello there. “I can’t believe how good you all sound, and the crowd? It was so good, Sam.” She went on, truly still on her high after seeing a good show. 
“Thank you, thank you.” You laughed shyly. “You’re too kind…even if the very first show you saw, my bass fucked up.” You let your head fall to her shoulder. 
“What? Oh yeah, you saved the day when you ran to your keys. Excellent job of thinking on your toes, babe.” She said, brushing it off. 
Ah, fuck. 
“Do you want to take a shower with me?” You asked before you could even stop yourself, an exhilarated feeling enveloping you. 
She sat back on your lap, arms still linked at your neck. 
She smiled hard. “Yeah, yes. I do…let’s go.” 
Be a gentleman, Sam…
You laid down in bed that night with Elle a bit closer than the night before, still facing each other and talking closely after your shower. Bodies hot and naked, finally feeling comfortable enough to be that way in front of each other again. 
“I’m really glad you’re here, Elle. I’m so happy you came, really.” You said as she traced your features with her fingertip. 
“Me too, Sammy. The timing was finally right…” she said. 
“Yeah, finally…” suddenly your mind shot back to Y/N for a split second. You knew that things with her and Jake had been rocky lately, but you’d also been kind of giving her the cold shoulder. You felt awful for ignoring her, but, if she only knew why…
You drifted off with Elle in your arms, completely enjoying the feeling of her on you again, fully and totally. She turned over, letting you wrap your arms around her from behind. Your perfect girl, sweet and mellow, and all yours. 
You woke up in the middle of the night, unsure of what startled you awake except for that late-night overwhelming draw to the woman cuddled into your body, still unclothed and gorgeous. Fuck, Elle. Gentleman is about to fly out the window, girl. 
It started slowly, you taking your fingertips and brushing them lightly up and down her side as you kissed the back of her neck gently. You moved to her ear, lightly nibbling at the shell of it as you blew cool air. She began to stir a little bit, waking up at the feeling of your touch on her. 
You felt her press her ass back into you, letting you know that she was aware of your intentions. And lord, were you ever intending. You let your hand keep tickling her, moving to her front, her stomach, her thighs…you felt her shudder against you and chill bumps rise on her skin. 
Then she turned, bringing herself to face you in the pale light of the room, arm draped across your neck. Her hand found your hair, wrapping it up in her hand as she met your eyes, sleepy yet blown out with want for you, and you for her. Both of your chests were heaving as your hands began exploring, new territory that had lied so many years claimed by you, now ready to be retaken. 
You could take it anymore, you snapped your head forward, connecting your lips in a heated kiss that she returned, finally allowing yourselves to taste each other after all this time. She is so sweet. Still, so delicious…
Next you felt her drag her nails lightly down your chest, your stomach…both of you fighting for dominance as you kissed, hard and sloppy and messy, completely falling into each other now. Her hand was dangerously close to you, you could feel yourself pulsing and growing more excited, yearning for her to touch you. 
You took the opportunity to grab her ass, making her hum into your mouth as she pulled her leg higher over your hip, giving you access to move a little more closely to her heat. Damn, this is moving quickly... Keep it together, Sam. Remember what she likes…
You let your hand crawl from her ass to between her legs, holding back just a little bit, though her body language signified she wanted nothing more. 
“Mmm?” You hummed. 
“Mmhmm..” she responded. 
With pleasure, Eleanor.
You let your fingers slip between her, feeling her wetness for the first time again. She was squirming now, as you wasted no time in going straight for her sweet spots, the memories of them coming back full circle. Her hand wrapped in your hair harder as she kissed you, her leg traveling higher as she began to fall into her pleasure-ridden high. Her sounds were filling your ears, spurring you on to keep going, keep touching, keep feeling…
As if your heart wasn’t pounding enough already, you felt her hand snake between you, fully gripping you firmly in her grasp. You broke from her kiss for the first time. 
“God, Elle…” you laughed, tilting your head back as she began lightly pumping up and down on you, her mouth connecting to your neck as she did so. Your mind was already in a frenzy, and you hadn’t even fully felt her yet. 
You continued like this for a while, going slowly but moving so fast at the same time. Her kiss was full of steam and wild passion, meeting you for eye contact every few seconds. Shit, you’d forgotten she liked to do that. 
Focus focus focus. 
“Sam,” she finally breathed. “I…I want you. Please…”
Fucking finally. 
“Mmm, yeah? You do?” You answered, also falling into your persona of your natural love-making state. 
She nodded harshly. “Yes. Yeah, come on…” she rolled to her back and motioned with her hands for you to climb on top of her. So, you did. 
The two of you were already sweaty from just fooling around; it was evident that she wanted this just as much as you did. Heart still pounding in your ears, you pushed her legs apart with your knee as you hovered above her, looking directly into her eyes as you lined yourself up. You took yourself in your hand, dipping it low between her folds to pick up her wetness before you took the plunge, sending her back into an arch already. 
She was driving you insane already…just the feeling of her…
Her fingertips were already digging into your back, pulling you closer as she spread her legs a bit wider, letting your hips gain a bit more space. 
“Please, Sam…” she mumbled into your ear. Finally, you lost all control as you slowly entered her, letting yourself go as slowly as possible. Her breath hitched, and yours did too as you filled her, centimeter by centimeter until you couldn’t go any further. It was like your whole body had suddenly caught fire, no more breath in your lungs, no more thoughts in your head. Just her…and you inside her.
“God dammit baby, you feel so fucking…” she could hardly finish her words, but you felt the same. You withdrew a little, pulling out slowly just like you had before. You continued this for a few strokes, letting yourselves get reacquainted with feeling each other again. You picked up the pace a little, setting yourself up to hopefully last long enough to make it count. But god, she felt like heaven on earth…
She brought her legs up higher, her knees beside your shoulders as you went deeper, her head falling backwards into the pillow as you fucked her faster now…her hand reached back, grabbing onto the edge of the mattress to hold herself in place. Her other hand raked up and down your back, grabbed your pecs and pulled your hair back tightly. 
“…feel so good baby…just like I remembered…so sweet and good for me…” you murmured out, your voice barely able to be recognized. You could feel her tensing around you as she lifted up on her elbows, bringing her face closer to yours. She started rolling her hips up as you did, meeting your thrusts exactly on time. Fuck, keep doing that. 
“…so pretty Sammy, you’re doing so good, I’m so…” her mouth fell slack as her head fell back, revealing her throat to you. Your mouth connected to it, your tongue wanting to devour her right here on the bed. In a quick decision moment, you sat up on your knees, pulling her hips closer to you as you hooked her legs around you. You brought your hands behind her back, bringing her up to sit on your lap, straddling you as she sat. You never once disconnected, still buried deep inside her. 
Here, you were face to face, mouth to mouth, and at an impossibly intense angle so that she could roll her hips just how she liked. The intimacy was mind blowing, her hands entangled in your hair, the view of her flawless body…all of it. You were completely blissed out. She’s so perfect…
Together, the two of you reached your peaks, grabbing and holding on to each other as you spun out of control, you jutted your hips up into her as far as you could, kissing her deeply as she screamed into your mouth. “Fuckkkk baby…” 
As you both began to come down, you laughed at yourselves and what you’d just done, feeling comfortable again in her atmosphere, and also feeling as connected with her as ever. 
“I waited almost a whole year to do that again, Elle. You don’t understand how badly…” she cut you off with a kiss, lying you down next to her back on the bed, bringing the covers up to surround yourselves again. 
“Shhh, I know. Me too, babe. I’m so sorry I didn’t come back sooner.” She reassured you. 
“Elle, I’m sorry, I didn’t ask you if you wanted me to wear a…ya know.” You blurted out. 
She laughed. “It’s okay, I’m safe. And I’m also on birth control, so. No worries.”
No, no worries at all. Not a single worry you could think of. 
“Okay, me too.” You said. “Well, I’m safe, not on birth control. I don’t think.” You teased.
She burst out in her deep belly laugh, rolling back over to kiss your cheek. “You’re an idiot, Sam.”
You smiled hard. “I know.” You rolled to your side to face her, too, taking her face in your hands. 
You locked into her eyes, smiling softly as you planted a soft kiss directly to her still swollen and pink lips. You pulled back slowly, confidence surging through your body. 
“I never stopped loving you, either.”
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int-writersmind · 9 months
I Hate Christmas, Peter Parker {Part 2}
Peter Parker x f!Reader
It’s simple: You don’t see what the big fuss is all about surrounding Christmas, but Peter Parker thinks that this is unacceptable and puts you through step two of a multiple step list to make you fall in love with the holiday. 
{Read Part 1}
Warnings: Fluff
Word Count: 1.2k
Author's Note: Not well edited will fix soon; Another Christmas song suggestion, a personal fave
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That stupid little elf that greeted you as you left your apartment every morning was a reminder that Peter’s little list was far from being over. That stupid little elf, with it’s stupid little plastic face, creepy smile and knowing eyes.
“It’s an elf on the shelf, kids love them!” Peter said when he placed it on the way out of your apartment after the two of you spent way too many hours decorating your place. You hated to admit it, but you actually had fun. But the elf on the shelf was not the cherry on top that Peter was so keen on it being.
“You’re telling me that children actually enjoy the idea of some vile creature constantly watching them?” you responded.
Anyway, you were dreading whatever was next, it was the second week of December and there wasn’t any movement from Peter’s end. Granted he was pretty busy with his second life, dealing with a group of baddies that decided that this time of year was the perfect time for a group project of evil–Peter’s words, not yours. 
You were admittedly gutted, Christmas was far from being your favorite holiday, but at least it gave Peter an excuse to annoy you more than often, and more Peter was always better. But you knew and understood everything that came with Peter’s other job.
It was late now, soft snow was falling from the night sky. Anywhere else that would be magically and beautiful, the very definition of a White Christmas. But all you could imagine was the aftermath that came when it snowed in the city. Train delays, black ice, yellow snow, and that god awful gray snow that somehow, not matter how careful you were, your foot always found itself in. It wasn’t Christmas fault of course, annoying snow could come at any time over the winter (and sometimes Spring) season, but the damn thing was always linked to the holiday.
You were loss in your work, trying to catch up on some documents before the holidays caused everyone to not check their emails until the new year. You were snuggled up in some pajamas pants that once had a matching top and a raglan t-shirt from the men’s section. As you are sip from your hot chocolate, you don’t even notice the subtle tapping coming from your window. Alone on your couch, you just chuck up the sound to some apartment ambience. It isn’t until the tapping become more preseinset that you notice it.
“Oh gosh, sorry,” You say to Peter as you open the window, reaching for a hoodie as the brisk winter air rushes in. Peter just sits on your windowsill, pulling his Spider-Man mask off. Your little apartment was tucked in a strange corner of the city, one where most of your windows were facing a wall, some Peter never really feared that someone was watching the two of you.
“Good thing I wasn’t bleeding out.” Peter just swings his legs in, not fully coming into the apartment.
“Not this time at least” You respond, “So what’s up? Can you stay?” You gesture to the Spider-Man costume. 
“Oh yeah, the city’s quiet tonight,” He glimpses at the city behind him before returning this attention back to you. “I was actually here because of…the list”
You roll your eyes. “Really, and what could possibly be on the list that involves Spider-Man?”
“The Tree.”
You try to stifle a groan, he was talking about the Rockefeller Christmas Tree, the one Christmas tree that all sane native born New Yorkers knew to avoid like the plague around this time. Yes, yes, it was very pretty with its gigantic size, thousands of lights, and of course that enormous Swarovski star on the top. The tree was nice to view on TV during the tree lighting ceremony and through other people’s social media, but actually being there, in the thick of it, was terrible. The crowds, the cold, the totally unoriginal photo ideas. “Peter–”
“Now listen here Debbie Downer,” You make a face at Peter, who puts his hands up in surrender. “If we go now I bet you it will be a fun time.”
The two of you just stare at one another, “Fine, I’ll get my coat.”
About fifteen minutes later, Peter has the two of you swinging through the snow and cold, both whipping past your face and ears, causing a slight stinging sensation. The damn coat, hat and scarf did nothing to cut down on the weather’s feeling. 
Since the two of you started dating and some time after Peter told you the truth of him being Spider-Man, you had your fair share of swinging through the city moments. It didn’t mean that you were used to the feeling of constantly falling through the sky to only be pulled forward. Oh c’mon this is slow Peter once said.
Thankfully the journey wasn’t as long as Peter quickly lands the two of you on a rooftop across the street from the Tree. “See, not too bad?” Peter says.
“Sure, sure, sure, sure.” You answer back, sitting at the edge of the building, feet dangling over the side, it takes Peter a few moments before he sits next to you.
Now without a mask and spotting a brown bag, Peter sits next to you, nudging his shoulder into yours, you can’t help but smile as you pull out a Christmas tree shaped donut out the bag.
As you bite into the somehow still warm pastry, glancing at the tree and all it sparking glory before looking at Peter. “Two Christmas trees on the list Parker?”
“Well, this wasn’t originally the plan ok,” Peter scoffs as he bites into a Santa shaped donut. “It was going to be a whole day, with ice skating, tree viewing–”
“I’m just joking,”You lightly punch him on the arm, taking another bite from the donut. “I actually quite like this, just the two of us, here, looking at the tree. You get to like, actually enjoy looking at it without getting in any one’s way. “
“That’s true, just the two of us up here…how many people can say they saw the tree like this?”
“Well, probably everyone that lives in this building?” You both laugh as the two of you finish the donuts. You lean over and kiss Peter, savoring the sweetness from his lips. You can’t help but lick your lips staring at him as you do so. “Just so you know, I really appreciate this.”
“I know,” Peter’s eyes glance downwards towards your lips. “Does this mean you're starting to love Christmas now?”
“Hell no, but I can think of a few ideas that might change my mind.” You lean in, hands resting on his chest, pecking at his lips again.
“Not yet,” He moves just slightly away from you, “But I promise the next one will be worth it.”
Before the two of you kiss again, the lights on the tree go off, you stare a little loss at one another. “Peter?”
“No Spidey-Sense, nothing’s wrong.”
You pull out your phone and check the time—midnight “Guess it's much later than I thought it was.”
“God, same, I’m so tired.” Peter lets his head fall on your chest, you hold him in your arms.
“Come back to my place Spider-boy,” You gently run your fingers through his hair. “You’re freezing and I have a hot chocolate with your name on it. “
“Sounds good to me,” Peter looks up. “But only if we can watch a Christmas movie.”
“Of course.” You say with just a hint sarcasm
Sorry for the late upload and the short length just not in the right head space right now, but I'll live. try to get something up on Wed but no promises in case I forget. But stay with me pls!
Anyway, to lighten things up, what Christmas movie do you think Peter would pick?
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qhoaaaa · 7 months
Instrument HCS for the Mates!!
Sweetheart plays the keytar
Can sing too
Tap dancing/dancing in general
Yes (do you get the vision- PLEASE GET THE VISION ARGHHSHS)
Them jamming out on the keytar, probs singing some old song they learned from Marie that she loves, Milo secretly recording
They love synthpop, disco, alternative rock etc etc
They also play the piano very well (CHIQUITITAS ENDING ARGSJH)
They dance so well with those little clackers/castanets (HISPANIC SH WOO)
They have an accent in their speaking voice and its barely heard when they sing
Angel with the tambourine, weirdly gives me tambourine vibes, also harp
They sometimes strum their fingers on the harp string too hard and David is immediately there to help, no questions asked
They can also go hard on the drums its crazy
Backing vocals, has an (ironic) angelic voice, breathy and sweet
They like jazz, has written a few songs that they keep to themself
They have those boots that make a hard noise on the ground, act like a drum/bass, they love to dance around
Learning acoustic guitar with David
Babe has an electric guitar but is rusty, its gathering dust somewhere in their place with Asher
Hasn't played in years
Played the accordian as a kid
Has a deep speaking voice but light singing voice than SH and Angel
Can play the hand drum/bongos
Picked up the violin and cello
Asher saw them waxing their violin and went "Oooo, you can play me like a fiddle-" "ITS A VIOLIN"
Has played for Asher before, he loves it
Sam, as confirmed, cannot square dance
Can also play piano
Will start singing if he's drunk enough
Trombone. 👍🏽
Flute kid, he likes woodwinds
Was gifted an ocarina by Asher one Christmas, has done his hardest to learn it
Has a pan flute from when he was a Freelancer, always keeps it clean and in good condition
The Mate band's name would be smth like BASS (get it... Babe, Angel, Sweetheart, Sam- yeah ok)
ABBA inspired name bc of well, ABBA
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strawbs-screaming · 11 months
The boxers during halloween
(sees christmas decorations being put up) HALLOWEEN. HALLOWEEN!!! HALLOWEEN!!!
Glass Joe
- has a vampire costume and is giving out candy himself since "hes too old for all of this"
- buys those big family size packages of candy to give out, he likes them because he can snack on candy when halloween ends
- purposefully calls obvious costumes dumb stuff to get reactions out of people
- "oh yeah did you dress up as my moms curtains??"
- drinks a glass of tomato juice with his costume for extra realism
Von Kaiser
- He dressed up as the frankensteins monster, only for his students to dress up as him
- He gives out raisins and toothbrushes for halloween along with fruit (NOOO!!)
- does scary roaring sounds to scare people, only to get laughed at, thats what you get for giving out healthy food during halloween
- tries telling scary stories and gives up halfway through
Disco Kid
- dressed up as a fully functional disco ball (functional almost autocorrected to father LMAOO)
- goes out trick or treating himself but gets bored
- watching bad quality horror movies with Mac to laugh at them
- helps the kaisers students toilet paper his house for fun
- carving pumpkins with the others
King Hippo
- dressed up as a Hippo (how creative of you)
- does trick or treating with Disco kid, after disco got bored he went all out on his own and got a lot of candy
- He ate the pumpkin he was supposed to carve, no remains left, also totally unrelated: has anyone seen Joe's pumpkin carving knife?? That he was supposed to carve pumpkins with??
- his dentist will not be happy
Piston Hondo
- dressed up in sailor moon cosplay, rocking it as he should
- is the one giving out candy because imagine if a famous boxer dressed up as sailor moon came to your house for candy,seems like a fever dream
- helping Kaiser un-tp his house
- attempting to call bloody mary for the 10th time, She probably blocked your number already leave her before she gets a restraining order please
- sad that he has no one to match with
Bear Hugger
- dressed up as the lorax, matching with someone else as the greedler (im not spoiling it shut up) the squirrel is joining them dressed up as those bear things in the movie
- giving out entire bottles of maple syrup during halloween, people dont exactly hate it but its kind of a jumpscare seeing someone dressed up as a maple tree hand you maple syrup
- tried to sit on a pumpkin, only to break it instantly
- people keep assuming he dressed up as a Cheeto puff
Great Tiger
- dressed up as a fairy princess, yes hes a fairy, yes hes a princess and no he will not share his magic with you, jealous ass
- using his flying to his advantage by flying around with fairy wings on
- throwing "fairy dust" (glitter) around, people keep finding glitter in their food, costumes, socks and basically everywhere
Don Flamenco
- who'd you think was matching bear hugger? hes dressed up as the greedler and rocking it, how bad can he be anyways?
- loses 10 years from his life eveytime someone doesnt notice the refs he makes to the movie
- if anyone actually gets the ref he'll break out into song like hes in a musical (a punch out musical would go hard actually)
Aran Ryan
- a demon witch, matching with great tiger and also throwing "evil dust" (Hot pepper flakes) around, aran i think youre just assaulting people
- robbed Kaiser from his actual candy he hid away
- evil cackling as he attempts to fly on his broomstick, only to fall on his ass
- chasing Joe with the carving knife
Soda Popinski
- a fridge, he deadass just wore a entire fridge with soda in it
- pulling out random stuff from the fridge and handing out to people, Water? Drink up, tomatos? Here you go!!
- keeps getting stared at but in a good way
Bald Bull
- hes just in a bull onesie because he lost a bet, embarrased but he finds it comfy secretly, fell asleep in it at some point
- people keep calling him a cow and its driving him crazy
- "moo"
- watching movies and falling asleep
- carved a pumpkin with Joe and ended up laughing at it with him for 10 minutes
Super Macho Man
- himself, hes not giving out any free shout outs today
- fuck you super macho man
- carved himself into a pumpkin
- He cant keep getting away with this
Mr Sandman
- dressed up as a mummy since he didnt have enough time to think about it
- hes the only one who can actually scare people with and without his costume
- tried to put a pumpkin on his head, sad because it didnt fit
- kaisers students did the trenchcoat gag, dressef up as him and tried to buy a car with 10 dollars and a dance performance
- mrs bear dressed up as a princess and did her make up, looks stunning
- carmen dressed up as a flamingo
- soda has to pay back that fridge now
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Master Eon: Before we start letting everyone in, one last check on everything. Decorations?
Hugo: Secure, reinforced, and impossible to tangle.
Master Eon: Good, the last thing we need is another High Five incident. Refreshments?
Hugo: Most of it's here already, Finn's still on his way with his contributions.
Master Eon: As long as he arrives, he makes some excellent enchiladas. Music?
Hugo: Picked it all out personally! Here, take a listen!
Master Eon:
Hugo: I... probably should've listened to the whole thing...I, uh...I need to make a quick adjustment.
(Hugo begins to frantically change the songs on his playlist)
Master Eon: [sigh] Well, hopefully the party turns out better than last year.
Cynder: Wow, Everyone's outdone themselves this year, the Academy looks amazing!
Spyro: Yeah, but it's not just festive decorations and music that makes a holiday great.
Cynder: And what would make it great?
Spyro: Spending it with the greatest dragon you know?
Cynder: [laugh] I guess that would.
Spyro: (pulls Cynder close with his wing) Shall we find somewhere less crowded?
Cynder: I suppose we shall.
(Stealth Elf watches the two head off, following after them)
Sonic Boom: Whirlwind! I see you're trying a new look.
Polar Whirlwind: Yeah, I keep forgetting this happens every winter. Not sure why. It does have its uses though.
Sonic Boom: Really? Like what?
Lightning Rod: Whirlwind! Did you carve "Lightning Rod is a big stupid poopoohead" into my custom-made Christmas statue again?! Where are you?!
Polar Whirlwind: (digging into the snow) If he asks, I was never here.
Golden Queen: Ugh, Chompy Mage, what are you wearing?!
Jingle Bell Chompy Mage: I am wearing a Santa outfit like I was told to! Yohoho, I look festive!
Chompy Puppet: You sure do, Chompy Mage!
Jingle Bell Chompy Mage: Aww, thank you Chompy Puppet!
Golden Queen: You look like you kidnap children, change into your regular garb at once!
Golden Queen: ...And they called us evil, whoever made him dress like that is the true criminal!
(Stealth Elf is peeking through a window)
Eruptor: Hey Elfy, what're you-
(Stealth Elf covers Eruptor's mouth and drags him down)
Stealth Elf: Shhh, They'll hear!
Eruptor: Who?
Stealth Elf: (pointing at Spyro and Cynder) Them!
Stealth Elf: I hung a sprig of mistletoe in the Library, and I'm waiting for both of them to notice and kiss!
Eruptor: Are they even dating?
Stealth Elf: Yes! No, it's... [sigh] that's exactly why I'm doing this! No one here knows what in Skylands is up with those two, and they refuse to clarify! Are they dating? Platonic? Platonic with benefits? None of us can figure it out!
Stealth Elf: Well, not today! I'm getting to the bottom of this once and for all!
Eruptor: ...okay. I guess I'll leave you to it. (backs away cautiously)
Wolfgang: Hugo, mate, we gotta ask ya something.
Hugo: About what?
Echo: It's the music. I get it technically counts as something Christmas-y, but "Broccoli Guy and Chill Bill's Cool-iflower Festivity Mixtape" is still really weird for a party playlist.
Radio: 🎶Tis the season to be Troll-y, falalalala lalalala-🎶
Hugo: I was short on time! I had no better choices!
Wolfgang: Really? Aren't there thousands of Christmas songs out there?
Echo: And we have the Skaletones on speed-dial, couldn't get them?
Hugo: (storming off) Well, if you're not satisfied with my choices, then why don't you pick the songs out!
(Hugo storms off, leaving Echo and Wolfgang with the stereo system)
Wolfgang: ...I have a really horrible idea. (whispers it into Echo's ear)
Echo: That's awful. Let's do it!
Mags: Glumshanks! Glad you could make it!
Glumshanks: Thanks for the invitation. I'm actually kind of looking forward to this.
Mags: You better! This party's been a par-tic-ularly fantabulous jig!
Boomer: Mags, have you seen the fireworks? Buzz and Cali won't let us set them off and someone hid my secret stash!
Boomer: Oh hey, aren't you Kaos' lapdog?
Glumshanks: Not for tonight, at least until 8:30. Though, I'm not exactly sure what to do here.
Boomer: Well, worry not my fellow troll! C'mon, let's find some fireworks and set them off!
Glumshanks: I- that sounds kind of fun, I guess. Sure, why not!
Holiday Wash Buckler: (staring at his watch) Where the barnacles is Chompy Mage? He's late for our matching Santa outfit photoshoot!
Merry Snap Shot: Beats me, guess he forgot.
Jolly Bumble Blast: I hope not! The bees aren't too happy about looking like flying peppermints, let's just start without him!
Chompy Mage: I am here! Sorry for being late!
Merry Snap Shot: Mate, where's your Santa dress? Didya forget about the theme?
Chompy Mage: Golden Queen told me to not wear it, she also said something about kidnapping infants and how you all should be imprisoned!
Merry Snap Shot: You gotta be joking, after all this time, she's back to evil?! And on Christmas too?!
Jolly Bumble Blast: So...that's a no on the Santa photos?
Merry Snap Shot: (pulling out his Traptanium Bow) 'Fraid not, Skylander duties come first. Now, let's have a little chat with Goldie...
Missile-Tow Dive-Clops: Lob-Star, nice colors!
Winterfest Lob-Star: As to you, Dive-Clops. It appears that we match.
Missile-Tow Dive-Clops: Hey, we kinda do! Y'know, it's funny, me and Eye-Brawl were gonna do something like this, but when the headless giant heard he'd have to wear red and white, he ran off! We're still looking for him...
Eye-Brawl: For the love of the Ancients, it is just one day! I didn't complain when I wore that pumpkin for Halloween!
Headless Giant: (refuses in headless silence)
Eye-Brawl: You are so impossible!
Smolderdash: (walking past some snowmen) Roller Brawl? Where are you? You told me to meet you here.
Snowler Brawl: (jumping out of a snowman) Boo!
Smolderdash: (falling backward) Gah!
Snowler Brawl: [laughing] Gotcha! I saw the snowmen and I couldn't resist!
Snow-Brite Stormblade: (popping out of the Christmas tree) Ooh, you were hiding in random Christmas stuff too?
Dec-Ember: (climbing down from the hanging lights) I thought I was the only one doing so.
Smolderdash: W-wha...why were you all...[sigh] nevermind.
Tree Rex: Looks like the next song's coming up. Wonder what'll it be?
(Some very familiar music plays)
Terrafin: By the Ancients, not these! I thought we got rid of all the copies!
Flynn: Hey, Christmas 4 Bad Guyz 2 is a bop! Especially since I was a part of it!
(Echo and Wolfgang start laughing as Terrafin and Flynn start arguing)
(Spyro and Cynder are cuddling together in the Library, laying on a sofa with blankets)
Spyro: So, when should we rejoin the festivities?
Cynder: Mmm, I think we could wait a couple more minutes.
Stealth Elf: (thinking to herself) Come on, come on, come on, kiss, or don't! Just look at the dang mistletoe!
Cynder: Spyro? I never get to say this to you a lot, but... I-
(Cynder is interrupted by a loud explosion of fireworks)
Spyro: ...Huh. Guess Boomer found the fireworks after all. What were you going to say, Cynder?
Cynder: Oh, well, I was going to say... I'm-
(Cynder is interrupted again by the sounds of fighting)
Stealth Elf: You gotta be kidding...
Golden Queen: (bursting through the Library doors) For the last time, I said HE looked like he kidnapped children! If you saw him wearing that horrid costume you would agree!
Snap Shot: Save it for the Cloudcracker guards, Queenie!
(Snap Shot and Golden Queen continue fighting, knocking each other through a window in the process)
Spyro: That was odd.
Cynder: Yeah. Anyways, l-
Spyro: (noticing the mistletoe) Hey, what's that?
Cynder: It looks like...
Stealth Elf: Yes, yes, yes!
Cynder: ...Holly.
Stealth Elf: What.
Spyro: (plucking the holly from the ceiling) Hey, it is. Guess someone mistook it for mistletoe.
(Stealth Elf storms off)
Cynder: Sheesh, guess Stealth Elf isn't having a good Christmas.
Spyro: Wonder what she was doing by the window...
Cynder: Eh, probably not important. But, as I was saying...
Cynder: I'm lucky to have met you. All those years ago, after the fighting, you were the first to believe in me, that there was more than darkness in my heart. You led me down a better path, and I'll always be thankful for that.
Spyro: I'm glad I met you too, you're one of the best Skylanders around! Fighting Kaos, defeating Malefor, I'm not sure how we'd ever have done it without you. Plus, I got to know the best dragon around.
(Spyro and Cynder kiss)
Spyro: Merry Christmas, Cynder.
Cynder: Merry Christmas, Spyro.
Spyro and Cynder:
Spyro: So...are we dating?
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crowleywowley · 2 years
Always Been You | Javier Peña x Reader
Summary: friendship blossoms into something more with Javi.
rating: T
tags/warnings: fluff, pining, friends to lovers
a/n: MERRY CHRISTMAS @chaoticgeminate ! I hope you enjoy your gift, it's been a blast being your Pedrostories Secret Santa! Your topic really pushed me, as I've never done a friends to lovers before, so I really appreciate the exercise!! enjoy my friend <3
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Javier was never much of a dancer. Not in his younger days, and most certainly not now. There’s not really much time for something like that when you’re spending several years chasing down drug lords- granted when he moved back to the states, he didn’t exactly make time for it then, either.
 Lorraine had always tried to get him to dance with her, and he reluctantly obliged at weddings and similar occasions, but it was always these stiff, slow movements. It just never felt right on him, like he wasn’t in control of his body. He knew he looked dumb when he danced, so why bother subjecting himself to that?
But still- seeing her, looking down at him with full eyes and an extended hand, begging him to come onto the crowded floor of the bar they’d met up at, he felt it for the first time in a while, or maybe even ever. He wanted to dance.
He gave her a playful roll of his eyes before taking her hand and standing. He tried to ignore the flutter in his stomach when she laughed and beamed at him triumphantly. She situated herself in his arms, a respectable distance between their bodies, of course- appropriate between two friends. Javi tried to shove down the urge to slide his hand lower than its place at the small of her back, or to tug her in closer and get an intoxicating hit of her perfume. He didn’t know the song they were dancing to- he didn’t know most popular songs these days- but it didn’t matter. All he could hear was the pounding of his heart in his ears, watching her sway happily and use his hand to twirl herself around. Her skirt twirled with her, brushing against his knees when she moved back into his hold. God, he needed to calm down; his hands twitched for a cigarette he didn’t have on him. 
Both to his chagrin and his relief, one of her coworkers who’d been part of their group cut in, allowing Javi a chance to step outside and catch his breath. The cold December air was sharp in his lungs, pulling him back down to reality. He wasn’t sure why he was so worked up over this- it was just a dance. He’d been her friend long enough at this point that this was far from the first time he’d seen her like this. But something had just… changed. Javier wasn’t sure exactly when, or what, but it changed. 
She just felt so off limits to him; he was damaged goods, she was all things kind and pure personified. She didn’t need him tarnishing that with his baggage. There were plenty of other much more respectable men and women in her office that suited her more than he did- and thus, he took to quietly admiring her from afar, tamping down any feelings he may have and staying in the zone she had placed him in several months ago; friends.
“There you are!”
Javi looked up, hearing her voice as she rounded the corner of the brick building. She was probably cold- she always wore her “dancing clothes” as she called them when they went out, leaving most of her leg exposed to the chilly air, but her smile remained as warm as ever.
“What are you doing out here? I turned around and you were gone,” she explained, wiping her hair from her forehead before wrapping her arms around her torso. 
“Just needed some air,” He responded. 
After he spoke,, Javi wordlessly took his jacket off, offering it to her with an outstretched hand. She grabbed it quickly, tugging it around herself and standing up a bit straighter now that she wasn’t so cold. He pushed away the way he felt seeing his jacket draped over her shoulders.
She leaned back against the wall next to him, mirroring his slouched posture and propped foot. “My dancing was that good, huh?”
He let out a breathy chuckle. “Yeah. That’s it.”
A comfortable silence fell over the two of them, Javi keeping his gaze trained on the ground while she fiddled idly with her fingernails. He wanted desperately to grab her hand, take her home, back into the bar- anything, he just wanted to get his hands back on her. His palm still burned from where hers had gripped it loosely. Javi hated feeling out of control like this- he was always smooth and collected with women. He wasn’t sure the last time he’d ever been taken out by something as silly as a crush.
“Hey, what time is it?” She asked after a moment, gesturing towards his watch.
Untucking it from his folded arms, Javi squinted down at the timepiece. “Uh.. just past eleven.”
She hummed in thought. “I should probably get going, gotta feed Salem. She always gets mad when I’m late.” She pushed off the wall, remaining at his side.
Javier laughed, imagining her being bossed around by her tiny black cat. When he’d first gone over to her apartment- as friends, of course- he had warned her of his allergy to cats, and of course Salem had jumped right into his lap and started purring happily. She’d made a joke about the cat having good taste, and he didn’t have the heart to shove it off his lap after that. He sniffled his way through the movie night, making sure to buy some allergy meds after he left.
“Can’t keep her highness waiting.” He started walking, offering his arm to her. “Walk you home?” He offered, secretly hopeful. 
Her arm linked through his. “Such a gentleman.” She teased, matching his slow pace.
“What can I say?” He deadpanned. “So, what does the rest of your weekend look like?”
She hummed and titled her head to the side, indicating that she was thinking. “Well, I’m mostly just catching up on boring stuff like laundry and groceries on Sunday. Going out for dinner tomorrow, though, so that’s fun I guess.”
“Oh yeah?” He raised his brows. “A hot date?”
“I wouldn’t exactly call it that,” She responded with a snort.
Javi ignored the spark of jealously over the confirmation that she was going on a date. He knew he had no right to be bothered by it.
“It’s more of a ‘two people meeting for dinner but I’ll only call it a date if it goes well’ situation.” She explained, gesturing with her free hand.
“Of course.”
“Well? What about you? I’m sure cool guy Javier Peña has something fun planned,” she spoke with a teasing lilt.
He scoffed in response. “I’m drowning in women. Pretty packed schedule for me.” She shook her head and gave a quiet laugh, nudging him slightly. “No, I’m probably just gonna catch up on adult things myself. Can’t go too crazy.”
“Hey, laundry day can get pretty wild. Last week I accidentally dried a pair of jeans, and now they don’t fit right. It’s the stuff of legends.” 
Javi laughed at her joke as they rounded the final block that brought them to her apartment. He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t been walking extra slow tonight, savoring the time he spent with her and the way her arm felt wrapped around his. They came to a stop at the entry, a small lapse of comfortable silence passing between them.
“Thanks for walking me home,” She said with a small smile. “Here’s your jacket. Thanks for not letting me freeze,” she placed it in his hands, and Javi tried his best not to tug it on too quickly and let her know how cold he’d been the whole time. He forgot how chilly Texas winters could get. 
“Don’t mention it,” He waved her off. “Now go inside and feed your cat, I’m scared she’s gonna come down here if I keep you any longer.”
She laughed in agreement. “Night Javi. See you Monday.”
“See you then.” He responded, sliding his hands into his pockets.
He watched to make sure she made it inside the building before turning away, making his way back to his own place. It wasn’t a far walk, but the cold air and the unsettling of his stomach were making him feel sluggish. He trudged on still, just trying to get home and get her out of his head.
A knock sounded, pulling Javier away from the TV. He was grateful for the interruption- he’d been trying to get into this whole Friends craze that everyone in his life had been talking about for months, and his brain was starting to go numb. 
Wiping his hands on his legs, he trotted to the front door. He didn’t bother looking through the peephole- he only knew one person who liked to knock on his door past a reasonable hour.
“I take it things didn’t go well?” He asked, not worrying with pleasantries. 
He knew if she’d come all the way to his apartment at this hour, her date had been a flop- they usually were. They liked to joke that she was a character in one of those god awful rom-coms she always dragged him to see; the main character who went on a montage of bad dates before finally landing on the perfect one. Of course, in her case, she was still in the montage. She swore up and down he actually liked those movies, but really he just liked spending time with her.
He tried his best not to be happy about the idea of the date going wrong.
“He was an ass.” She shrugged, taking her coat off and dropping it onto one of the free hooks by the door.
“Most guys are.” 
She laughed at that, and he felt a small bloom of pride in his chest.
“I’m sorry to drop in so late, I just didn’t wanna go straight home after that fiasco. I promise I won’t stay long.” She sat on one of the barstools with a huff, leaning casually against the counter.
He waved it off. “Don’t apologize,” he leaned back against the arm of the couch, facing her. “So what did he do?”
She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms before speaking. “Just… everything. Like- I don’t need someone to be a stereotype gentleman with all the door holding, chair pulling, and so on, but I mean, you could at least not close the door in my face, you know? But then when we sat down, he decided that was the time to be Mr. Chivalry, and ordered my food for me. Can you believe that?” 
Javier pulled a disgusted face. “Where’d you find this guy again?”
“One of my girlfriends set me up with him. She was just trying to do me a favor, but I swear they’re just sick of me being the only single one in the group.”
He nodded and hummed in response. “I don’t think you should worry about it so much.”
“Easier said than done,” She scoffed. “Sometimes it feels like there’s this big secret everyone else is in on but me. I don’t understand how so many people in my life have just found their soulmates like it’s no big deal.”
He wasn’t sure how to respond to that. This was always a sensitive topic within their friendship; she was his first female strictly-friend since grade school, and he never knew how far to go with the ‘love life’ line. He didn’t want to reveal his own feelings, but even aside from that, he didn’t want to push her too far in any direction, afraid of making her uncomfortable.
“I’m sorry,” He settled on. 
“Nothing to be sorry for,” She shrugged. “It’s just a fact.”
Another moment of quiet between them, before she finally spoke again. “Oh, I forgot to tell you the best part. He got all weird and defensive when I was telling him that story about you and I at that hibachi place. The one where I choked on the shrimp?”
He chuckled, mostly to himself, at the memory. The chef was doing that lame trick where they tossed the pieces of food to the guests around the table, and she had loudly hyped herself up to everyone in the group about how good she was at this game. When the chef got to her, he chucked the shrimp at her so quickly, and it went straight down her throat. Javi had been too busy laughing to help, and it had become a staple story between them. 
“How could I forget?”
“Right? Anyways, I was telling him that story because the friend that set me up with him- Melanie, you know her- was at that dinner, and I was just making the connection as a conversation topic. But then I mentioned you were there and he was all, ‘who’s this Javi dude’, and ‘I wouldn’t have laughed at you’. Like it was some kind of competition. Isn’t that pathetic?” She finished, throwing her arms out in exasperation. 
“Yeah that’s… something.” He shook his head, unable to place the feeling in his gut. He was part of the reason her date had gone wrong, which made him feel guilty. But at the same time, she was defending him. She was pushing away a potential love interest just for him.
“Ugh, whatever. He sucks, I hate dating, nothing’s changed.” She sighed, standing from the barstool. “I better get going. Thanks for letting me rant.”
As he watched her move across the small space, something stirred in his chest. A feeling he couldn’t quite pinpoint, but it had his heart pounding. It was like something in his brain was telling him that if she walked out that door, that was it. Anything he felt for her- it had to be done with.
He couldn’t take it back now. 
She stopped, turning to him as she grabbed her coat. “What?” She asked, puzzled at his outburst.
“I just.. don’t leave yet.” He hated how small he sounded.
Her brows furrowed in confusion. “Oh, uh, okay,” she re-placed her coat on the rack. 
They stood there silently, though this time the silence was unlike their usual comforting one. It was tense, thick- the kind that made his ears hurt. He was searching desperately for the words, knowing the longer he took the worse this was gonna get. 
“I can’t take it anymore.” 
“What do you mean?’ She questioned slowly. 
“This. I can’t watch you get hurt like this over and over anymore.” He couldn’t bear to look at her. His heart was pounding so loudly she could surely hear it.
She touched his arm softly, though he felt jolted to life by it. “Oh, Jav, is that what you’re worried about? Don’t worry about me. I’m fine, really-“
“No,” he interrupted, taking a deep breath. “What I mean is, I can’t keep watching you do this without telling you how I feel, and I hate the way I feel, because it’s not fair to you. But you have… you’ve had me for months now. I have tried to ignore it, put it away for your sake. But then I hear you talk about things like this and I just want to give you so much more. Shit- not that I think I’m better, but-“
This time she interrupted. “Javi, breathe. It’s okay.”
They took a breath together. He’d never acted like this before- he was never someone that rambled. Those were the kinds of people he made fun of all the time. But he had opened the. Door, and all his words came tumbling out, whether he liked it or not.
“I… I don’t know what to say.” She spoke gently, as if approaching a frightened animal.
“You don’t have to say anything. I should’ve kept that to myself,” He winced at his own words, wishing he could shrink into himself and disappear. 
“No, no. Thank you for being so honest.” 
Javi hated the way her words were sounding. It felt like she was setting him up for a gentle rejection- she’d never used this tone on him before. 
“Javier, I knew you were special from the moment I met you. I knew you were going to be trouble for me from that very first day. But I didn’t want to push you, because I knew you’d been through some shit, and didn’t think you were stable enough to deal with a relationship. So I pushed all that aside.” She touched his cheek, forcing him to look at her. Her eyes were glassy, the way they always got when she started sharing her emotions.
“It has killed me every single time we’ve talked about you with another woman. For the longest time all I could think about what how I wish it were me, and that made me feel like an idiot. But god, Javi, You’re kind and funny and so supportive of me all the times, and I just… I have always wanted you.”
Javier’s head spun. He must’ve been dreaming. He was falling from the sky and couldn’t see the ground. He was spiraling, there was no way these words were coming out of her mouth.
“You feel the same?” He asked, not even caring about the hopeful tone his words took.
She let out a breathy laugh. “Yeah. I guess so.”
His heart was surely going to burst in that moment- he wasn’t sure he’d ever felt such intense emotions, and so many at once. 
“So… what now?” He spoke, nearly whispering. 
Before she answered, she glanced off to the side. They’d moved closer during their confessions, so close their chests almost pressed together. 
“You could… you could kiss me now.”
That was it. His heart was bursting, he was dead and gone. He couldn’t even fully process her words. She must’ve known this, because she smiled at him, before closing the space between them and pressing their lips together for the first time.
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feedback/interactions always appreciated <3
@iamskyereads @guess-my-next-obsession @wheresarizona @kirsteng42 @wildemaven @axshadows
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