#yeah this is for my objectum folks
techdick · 1 year
If I write a little short story about someone stumbling across a giant, curious, sentient super computer, would anyone be interested in reading it? [This is an 18+ ordeal]
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teruthecreator · 1 month
Karen if you haven't done her already :]]
Sexuality Headcanon:
Gender Headcanon:
one of those lesbians who uses the term as both a sexuality and a gender (like meeeeee except i dont think she’s butch. she Could have butch swag but it’s not my immediate thought)
A ship I have with said character:
karen/gingi is my automatic go-to bc like. shes a dateable the gingi ships are all so fuckin cute but KAREN AND GINGI ESPECIALLY. i think the fact that it takes so much for you to even Convince karen to leave work with you and how quickly she not only warms up to gingi but becomes possessive of them makes me go absolutely insane. it makes me bonkers it makes me want to ram my head into a wall. literally WHERE is the karen gingi sex scene dogman come ON THEY DESERVE TO HAVE FLOP SEX AT KARENS APARTMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh yeah i also have karen/mingus thoughts but those will be saved for a secret project i desperately need to start working on
A BROTP I have with said character:
karen and oliver are a dynamic i am super interested in! they have some like canon basis for hanging out—karen was being commissioned by oliver to make some stuff for the scare shack and the two had running text conversations, as mentioned in ch3. and i just think it’s super neat for those two! i know she can probably only handle oliver in small doses but i think the two would genuinely geek out over artsy stuff together. like if you put on an animated movie for them both they will both go on two separate tangents about two separate things but will completely understand the other. i just think theyre neat <3
A NOTP I have with said character:
once again, don’t ever think i’ve seen a karen ship that’s made me scratch my head and go HUH so i think we’re all good here!
A random headcanon:
this hc is kind of self-indulgent BUT it has basis in canon since karen is canonically an enjoyer of stopmotion AND really old christmas movies. but i think karen LOOOOOOOVES the rankin/bass set of classic holiday straight-to-tv films. she used to watch them as a kid and now as an adult she can appreciate the animation work and laugh at the stupid plotlines and just genuinely enjoy herself. she has as many of the movies catalogued at her house (primarily in digital form i think) and watches them whenever she’s bored or sad. this is a trait i think she shares with mingus (who likes rankin/bass for a COMPLETELY SEPARATE REASON that is also a self-indulgent soulread) but once again i go into this a bit more in my secret project i need to desperately start working on, so i won’t get into it here >:-) you’ll just have to wait and seeeeeee
General Opinion over said character:
my absolute beloved. god i just. i REALLY like karen. like even beyond a character standpoint i think i am just attracted to her. she has a printer for a head but she makes me swoon. literally could replay her route a million times just to watch her get possessive over me and giggle and kick my feet. it’s so bad folks. she has a fucking PRINTER FOR A HEAD AND I’M NOT OBJECTUM SO I DON’T KNOW HOW IT HAPPENED. SAVE ME KAREN FROM DIALTOWN SAVE MEEEEE
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this part has genuinely made my heart flutter before there is something wrong with me
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farm-grown-queer · 4 months
Who is this thing?
It's me! I used to be called sahbi but now I go by Liz and sahbi is my OCs name!
I guess the point of these pinned posts are to serve as a sort of bio so folks can be like "oh yeah this person probably shitposts in ways I enjoy" at a glance so here goes!
I'm a trans woman but I'm also kinda some sort of vague ~thing~, it's like 60/40
Im autistic!
I'm 28, god help me.
I'm a practicing wiccan!
I have a degree in library science!
I'm married to a dog girl!
I'm obsessed with dragons!
I love infrastructure, industrial machinery, planes, trains, pool toys, and computers + their peripherals in an OBJECTUM WAY
This isn't a kink blog or whatever but there's probably gonna be NSFW posts so watch out
I've been using Linux as my exclusive PC operating system for over a decade!
I am a living example of the 4chan chud -> gorgeous trans woman pipeline
I don't interact with Tumblr fandom drama, I'm too stupid to know what any of y'all's anti-anti-anti-anti stuff is so just like.. be nice please?
It should be obvious but radical anything DNI, if you're a terf or any other kind of *phobe you should probably go play with a rope
If youre any kind of assimilationist you should think really hard about why you want to be accepted by those who'd rather see you dead- and then also fuck off.
If you want to reintroduce immutable labels or a binary into queerness (people against he/him lesbians, "are you a girl enby or a boy enby", stuff like that) please just hush :)
It says it up top, but obviously minors please scram.
That should be good enough to tell if I'm someone you can stand or not :3
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oneglassofwire · 6 months
On "objects cannot consent" you either have two kinds of responders from what I've seen. (I'm not disagreeing with you. Just adding onto point and also through anon-box since I only am able to be truly expressive without account showing or I'd make my own post/comment.)
Belief in object sentience like experiences. Which then doesn't make sense because they haven't communicated with every object ever and even if the one's they have wouldn't have an interest in sexual activities... Some others might. Some might know through the internet or overhearing it. And have ways to communicate that. Some might just like doing something that their pal likes and the closeness. The list goes on. This belief is taking their experiences and thinking it's universal. And a lot of the value/specialness in sex is through human societal constructs which some objects may not care about/understand to so the actions of sexuality expression isn't anything significant to them.
2. Non-belief in object sentience like experiences. Which doesn't make sense because if they don't believe in objects being more than the typical sense of "nothing" "tool and that's it", why does it matter to them? Consent matters because violations of consent can cause pain, suffering, discomfort, etc. If no harm is being caused (since due to this view, objects wouldn't experience any form pain or have any awareness of what this is... since they don't believe the pre-req belief of objects being "more than"), what's the issue then?
I feel with 1 and 2 both overvalue the importance and value and specialness of sex for EVERYONE and what it should or shouldn't be based on their own perceptions/societal perceptions imposed upon them. Certainly, there could be objects which DO care about some of these things but there are also one's which might not. A general statement like "objects cannot consent" is far too big of a generalization.
I'm also just thought expressing here. Could be parts here which could have more elaboration/things to be said about them.
Thank you for sending this in, actually! These are really good opinions and exactly what I was thinking.
A lot of the folk who try to use the “objects can’t consent” argument against objectum individuals ignore MANY points about how this is a genuine attraction, and not a fetish (no hate to people who have a kink for objects, of course.) And yeah, it’s weird and wacky to find objects attractive; it’s genuinely not hurting anyone! Ironically, in my experience, objectum people are so much more aware of consent with their object partners than a good amount of cishet people out there.
And, just as an extra bit that I was going to add to the original post but didn’t:
Dear people who say that objectum people are objectum because they can’t get a human partner: no. Nope. This is coming from a being who’s in a healthy relationship with a person.
It’s almost like there’s a bit of projection coming from these types of comments to objectum people ;)
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yourfaveisobjectum · 5 months
prev asks are so weird??? i know SO MANY objectums that are anti-endo (myself included) and also. your 'opinion' on medical stuff has zero correlation to attraction? whatever. kissing my drums sloppy style
LITERALLY !!! We follow seeeeeveral anti endo objectum n posic folk on our main and I'm literally right here??? Lolol
N yeah, do NOOOOT assume every objectum person is anti Endo, there are several non systems and people who don't know about systems at all that don't know wtf endos even are !!! Stop assuming everyone believes the same weird stuff as you !!!
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pangolin-404 · 1 year
what's an objectum? I voted cuz I thought it was just what ya would put on a TV you're not using
(poll in question here) Ok so let me preface this by saying I myself am Very new to the concept and only recently went "hm. yeah I'm probably objectum of some flavor." and if I say anything wrong, other objectum folks are more than welcome to correct me !
An objectum person is someone who is attracted to objects, be that romantically, sexually, platonically, familially, A Secret Fifth Option, etc. In my meandering through the tag, I have seen beloved objects that are CRT monitors and PC towers, supercomputers, radios, transmission towers, buildings, mannequins and statues, handheld gaming devices, suitcases, knives, plushies, clouds, and vehicles like cars, trains, and planes! Most of what I've listed are mechanical because those are the spaces I enter most, but really anything can be the muse for these feelings, even concepts.
A concept also tied in with being objectum is being POSIC (perception of object sentience, individuality, and consciousness), and I've seen it mentioned in tandem with animism and hyperempathy, but none of these things are exclusive to each other. Not every objectum person is POSIC, not every POSIC person is objectum. I've seen people both POSIC and not say things ranging from how their object misses them, or enjoys time with them, to loving in a way not conventionally human. Defining how the beloved object "feels," I guess, is a very person-by-person experience.
I made the poll because I was curious what people who like CRT monitors have as a favorite display! Mostly intended for objectum people because that's where I see the most open affection for CRT monitors, but also anyone else, hence the (objectum) in parenthesis; it was not a requirement to vote! Does someone like setting the channel to static on a tv, or playing games with a computer, the most? that sort of thing.
Lots of people draw their beloved objects, which is why I added "faces" as an option; there are a lot of monitor object head characters with screen faces in the tag!
I hope this answered the question!! now you know what being objectum is ! and hug your local crt monitor today. they're friend shaped
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ladybirdplace · 2 years
There's a thought that just struck me... I have no idea if you've gone over it or ever considered it before, but have you ever considered the connections and similarities between the objectum community and autosexuals? As an auto I personally feel solidarity with objectum folks
Yeah, I think there is a lot of kinship there to be had, having a partner that people wouldn’t otherwise think of as a partner. I’m glad you feel solidarity between you and objectum people because I was honestly kind of afraid to talk about it, even if I stated it in my intro post that I’m objectum.
I’m paranoid, but people ARE particular. I’m sure there are a lot of people who think one is less weird (and thus wrong) than the other.
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radiomogai · 3 years
ok y’all know this post by @othergenic going around???? yeah Tumblr won’t let us reblog it to this blog with commentary so i’m posting our response as its own post because we did NOT type that much only for this to happen. also hi othergenic we tagged you in this so you can still see it as a response and stuff let us know if you want to be untagged
oh boy here we go
collectively, we’re figuring out what our collective identity is but we do have some things down. we’re two-spirit, and polyam, and mspec somehow, and aspec somehow. and we’re genderqueer, and a trans man, and transneutral, and likely transxenine. we’re alterhuman, being collectively catkind, and physically nonhuman with being a hybrid vampire. and we collectively use rai/rainy and petri/petrichor pronouns, and we’re pretty sure we collectively use it/its as well!!!
i, Cecil, specifically, will sum up my identity as a two-spirit horrorcosmium drakefluid xenic horror, with my orientation being a polyamorous grayasexual arospec omnisexual gay man. i’m physically nonhuman, being a cyborg errantery {errantery being tldr’d as a carnivorous shapeshifter}, a cat therian, a dragon theriomythic, deer therian, zombiekind, and i’m otherhearted. i’m an intradeity, and i have two xenidens, one focused on rot/decay/decomposition and another focused on rebirth/regrowth, though i likely also have an eye-themed xeniden that i just need to focus on a bit. i use various pronouns but most commonly it/its, deca/decay, rot/rots, 🦷/🦷s, and stygia/stygian. i’m a fictive of Cecil from Welcome To Night Vale, and my roles in my system are very important to my identity {particularly being an organizer}. when asked “who are you?” i can sum it up as “i’m a helper, i help people”
that said!!!! yeah. that’s the summary of my identity. but you said we can go into as much detail as we want so here we go folks my gender is trans, my gender is queer, my gender is largely masculine, my gender is largely xenine, my gender is related to eyes, my gender is related to gore, my gender is related to decay, my gender is deep, and complex, and multifaceted. as an organizer, it’s very important to me to label every facet and aspect of my gender, along with the rest of my identity. this results in me using a lot of different labels, some contradictory and many overlapping. i do this for the sake of my own mental ease, but also partially out of spite
my orientation is a little more nebulous. i’m polyamorous, that’s very, very important and inherent to me. i’m grayasexual, but it’s not central to my identity. i’m arospec but not entirely sure how. i label a lot of different types of attraction i feel outside of sexual and romantic, delving into things like tutelary, sensual, spiritual, queerplatonic, and all of that sort of thing. i’m attracted to men, i know that for sure. i’m not sure if i’m attracted to women, i think it may fluctuate? i’m attracted to xeninity for sure, and i believe to neutrality, and really, i, as someone inherently queer, i’m attracted to queerness. i’m objectum, conceptum, and especially soundrum as well. i’m medusan, and nonhuman-loving-nonhuman, and nonhuman-loving-human. i’m not fictosexual, but i’m a fictive largely attracted to other fictives
most of my pronouns are darker and edgier. i prefer to be called a horror rather than a man, woman, or what have you. idk what else to say about myself so i’m gonna let Jon write now since he’s staring at me
Oh, okay, I didn’t expect you to actually let me write. I’m Jon, my archival name being Jonathan, and my identity is currently in crisis. I’m questioning a lot of things, from my gender, to orientation, to presentation, to species, to pronouns. I’m largely male, with archival-related genders I believe. I currently sum up my gender as being a digiorganizeaic man. I currently sum up my orientation as being asexual biromantic, but I am certainly questioning that as well. I’m acespec and attracted to men, certainly, but I’m still figuring it out. For now, I use he/him pronouns. Like Cecil, being an organizer in the system is important to my identity.
Jack flipped me off when I tried to pass the front to eyir to type, so we’ll just leave eyir alone to mope.
The three of us (Cecil, Jack, and I) run this blog for the most part. We still need to make an introduction post or page for ourselves.
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osorcanine · 3 years
Idk if you watch buzzfeed unsolved but Shane flirted with a clock in today's episode (and later called another clock sexy). He mentioned objectum people (not by name, just 'those people who fall in love with the Eiffel Tower and stuff') and said if he had to fall in love with an object it would be this clock and he said "I think I'd kiss a clock and sort of go out on dates with it." I count that as a win for us objectum folks today :D (I can send you a post with the gifs of this scene if you want, lemme know!)
Fuck yeah! It's the little things - even if this was all done as more of a joke, it wasn't cruel and it was genuine. I'll take that.
I don't believe I have submissions on but if you made a post with the gifs and tagged me that'd work just as well I think, or if I do have submissions on you can just send them through there. You could also possibly DM me - I think I have messages on? Don't feel pressured to do any of those tho, only if you want!
I love that you shared this with me - it made my entire evening honestly. :)
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