#yeah this a story about it lol
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liquidstar · 1 year ago
If my mom sees a significant amount of blood she gets lightheaded, and has fainted on some occasions. Once it happened when we were kids, I wasn't there to witness it but I heard the story from my dad. Basically my brothers, around 7 or 8 at the time, were playing outside while my mom was making their lunch, and she accidentally cut her finger. It wasn't anything serious, but it drew a fair bit of blood and she passed out. My dad saw this and rushed over, but he didn't really know what to do so he just sort of started slapping her to wake her up (not recommended, but he had no idea and panicked)
At that exact moment my brothers both came in from playing, and all they saw was our mom unconscious on the floor and our dad slapping her. So, like, without even saying a word to each other they both just INSTANTLY start whaling on him, like, full blown attack mode to defend our mom. Which obviously didn't help the situation, but she did wake up and everything was fine.
Now our dad says that he's actually really glad they attacked him over what they thought was going on, because it means he raised good boys. And I still think that's true, they're very good boys.
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nenoname · 4 months ago
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stan spending their childhood trying to make ford's polydactyly something positive in ford's life and genuinely believing its super cool....
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yardsards · 11 months ago
laios when his party needed more members:
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cappycodeart · 1 year ago
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CONCEPT DOODLES for an AU I dabbled in with a few friends after the winter king episode but kinda forgot about after the Fionna and Cake finale... I decided to revisit it and explore a little more after coming to terms with everything LOL... So, it's another "Winter King doesn't die immediately after his crown gets nuked" AU, but THIS TIME he's just dying really slowly (like Simon in the Betty episode) and ALSO joins Fionna, Cake, and Simon on their search for magic crowns. There's no logic behind this tbh, we just wanted to put him through The Horrors. And make them all friends. But mostly The Horrors. :) (he only gets to live as a treat, because I think he's funny).
Bonus (old screenshot), because this is still funny to me:
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nattikay · 7 months ago
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OC lineup! All the characters that currently exist in this "story"
#oeyä ayskxawngtsyìp#some small details may be subject to change#others might also be added to the “story” later#for example a while ago I was thinking maybe Rolukx and Se'txelu also have a sister because why not#tentatively named her Mingal and she'd be a teenager in the default timeline#(for reference at that time Se'txelu and Neynari are in their early 20s and Rolukx in his late 20s)#but she doesn't have a particular design yet and I haven't decided on many details#me being me i will also prooooobably give Neynari and Se'txelu some kids of their own at some point but again so specific ideas just yet#maybe even give rolukx a love interest#for personal reasons i can't decide whether it would be more cathartic to give him one or to not give him one#idk we'll see#also btw since this is chibi style don't take it as a 100% accurate height comparison lol#fwiw on that front I think Seylana and Neynari are a bit shorter than average#Rolukx is slightly taller than average#and everyone else is pretty solidly Average™ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯#also for those who didn't catch it in my previous post about these guys: Awlun is Lunaya's aunt (Awlun's brother is Lunaya's father)#hence the shared surname#also Seylana is not naturally blond; she started coloring her hair after Neynari was born to match her daughter#(there are canon Aranahe characters with hair like this such as Sa'nop and Nilngan)#(and yes I suspect it's artifical color because the tail tufts are still black. hence Seylana's tail tuft still being her natural color too#ANYWAYS#yeah#my art#neynari#se'txelu#rolukx#seylana#vontxu#awlun#lunaya
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fistfuloflightning · 8 months ago
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tj-crochets · 28 days ago
So you know how sometimes you do something as a kid or a teenager and you think it's totally normal and then the memory pops into your head as an adult and it suddenly recontextualizes the whole thing? Anyway shout out to my super nice high school math teacher, who also had the misfortune of being A. the first teacher to give me a syllabus that (crucially) included point totals and how grades were calculated B. scored tests as like 75% of the grade and C. allowed us to take tests as a group All those factors combined into two incidents that, in retrospect, he was in no way expecting to deal with but teenage me thought were totally normal (behind a read more because it got long)
The first was when I stopped doing math homework not long into the school year and he stopped me after class to (very kindly, very gently) ask me if I was okay and if everything was okay at home, because I'd stopped doing my homework but he knew I knew the material. I said "I stopped doing the homework because I crossed the threshold on the point totals on the rubric where I no longer need to turn in any homework to get an A." He paused, kinda blinked at me, and said "That only works if you get 100% on every test" I kind of stared back at him in blank incomprehension, and was like "Yes????" "What happens if you don't get 100% on a test?" "Well. I do get 100% on every test, but if I ever miss a question, you offer extra credit questions on every test" He didn't know what to say to that lol The other time was when he announced future tests would be allowed to be worked on in groups of three or four, and I walked up to him after class and said "Any group I am in will be getting 100% on the tests. That is unfair to the other groups, and unfair to the people in my group, who will not get a chance to test their skills because I am not risking my grade on their math abilities. Can I take the tests solo?" Again, teenage me thought this was a perfectly normal, logical thing to do, but looking back as an adult like oh my gosh there is no way my poor math teacher was expecting to have to deal with that. He did let me take math tests solo I tried the "calculate points then stop doing the homework" thing in my English class the next year and it did not work because that teacher had an "extra credit doesn't count if you haven't done all your assignments" policy :(
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vaguely-concerned · 3 months ago
just had the thought 'in the end the most important thing varric taught rook was how to make a home for, with, and in other people' and then I had to go lie down on the floor and clutch at my head in unceasing agony for a few hours, as you may well imagine. hawke and the kirkwall crew........ in the end you kind of saved the world a bit in the most characteristically indirect and chaotic of ways. not by anything in particular that you did or achieved or accomplished (lmao imagine!), but just by -- having existed, and by the love that was always there, despite it all, in all its imperfections, even when no one was saved by it in the end. you're not here right now and you're not quite haunting the narrative but I hear your voices bickering and arguing and laughing from the other room. (and so, I think, does varric. all the time.)
'did you think you mattered, hawke? did you think anything you ever did mattered?' yeah actually, varric says with da2 and keeps saying through the series. you were here. and I loved you. and as it turns out that mattered more than almost anything in the world, no matter how long it lasted or how fucked up it was at the time or what else happens, because varric manages to pass that feeling, that intangible... home, that echo of you all as you were together, that love, hopefully the best parts of it, on to someone else for them to bring with them on their journey, with their family. and maybe the world will be kinder this time. you never know. merrill's line of 'Everything affects everything. We were born, a bunch of things happened, and now we're in a mess with our friends.' varric's greatest fear of becoming his parents. even through the wreck and the ruin of the world, ghosts upon ghosts upon ghosts of love -- malcolm hawke, who we never even see, but his life touched hawke's and hawke's touched varric's and varric's touched rook's and rook is passing it on to the family they're creating. the unbroken legacy of love shines through in ways that are stronger and stranger than any magic. help
#I woke up. I opened my eyes. this insight hit me over the head like the fist of god. what the fuck. what the FUCK#dragon age#dragon age: the veilguard#dragon age: the veilguard spoilers#dragon age spoilers#hawke#varric tethras#dragon age 2#dragon age meta#let me live please I've barely reached consciousness I can't deal with this#the kirkwall gang.#what if they were secretly the most important people who ever existed. just because they existed. and for the love that was there#yeah you know what? that's not the worst legacy in the world is it.#da:tv really is da2 2 in some key ways. to me. one of the most da2 lovers or all time#also extremely da2 and also varric core for varric to adopt a kid (as a full adult) completely alone with hawke possibly dead#and STILL somehow manage to make it a varrichawke lovechild on some level. not romantic not platonic but something even more insane#every day varric is unbearably intimate with hawke through the narrative in ways he simply Cannot be with anyone in real life#(in ways you perhaps Should not be in real life. also. lol)#he keeps moving on no matter what b/c that's what you do. but I think varric's real home isn't even kirkwall or a place at all#it's a time. and that time is da2. or at least the story of da2 that he tells himself.#also also what about them themes around parenthood huh. I think varric in the end at least did not become his parents. thank god#trauma gets passed down. but so do other things and you have choices about what you want to leave behind#for those who come after you.#*tears streaming down my face* guess I have to go make breakfast and pretend everything is normal then. sick and twisted
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cocogum · 5 months ago
About Wakfu Season 5
I just remembered that Yugo and Amalia made some new friends that we've never seen before the Great Wave manga.
The friends in question being the unnamed male Sadida and female Eliatrope couple who got married:
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I'm explicitly focusing on these two because Yugo talked about them as if they were more than just civilians they had to protect but were rather familiar faces.
Like he literally addresses them as his friends. That little detail didn't have to be there, and yet Yugo just happened to call them like that.
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"Two friends." Yugo couldn't have been talking about two random people of his and his wife's race like that. That male Sadida and female Eliatrope had to have spoken to Yugo and Amalia multiple times or at the very least spent some time together before.
We haven't seen them before and have only seen them in the Great Wave manga.
Which is why I fully believe (but mostly hope) that we'll get to see their stories in Season 5.
I know I'm just randomly talking about these two with no solid concrete evidence that they could be important in the long run, but I SWEAR they have a lot of potential to show us many things.
A lot of things in Season 5 that is.
Just think about it for a second.
Yugo calls them his and Amalia's friends, they're a mixed-race couple and are probably the second couple in the world of Twelve's history to contain an eliatrope.
Not only do they look very distinct and have been addressed as friends by the freaking royal leaders of the kingdom they're inhabiting, but their relationship could also serve as a way to properly show us the relationship between the Sadidas and Eliatropes and how it has evolved ever since the Necrome war ended.
No joke, I seriously think these two will be crucial in the fifth season. Tot has always liked adding new characters for every season he puts out, so who's to say that we won't see the couple anywhere else besides the Great Wave manga?
Seriously, I remembered how we were all reading the webtoon format and wondering who those friends were. We even started guessing who it could have been until we got the reveal! Please do something about them Tot 😭😭
(I also hope we get to see them in the second great wave volume. They did see their king getting poisoned at their wedding after all ✨️✨️)
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clowningaroundmars · 2 months ago
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some more hobie1610! :)
i luv this little bug just bc i love mj and i LOVE LOVE LOVE hobie! i simply couldn't resist 🩷
in the story, i tried mashing together a bunch of different references for his character, while still trying to stay true to the character of mary jane watson but also not sacrificing too much of hobie brown. i hope i… did a good enough job?
more under the cut :)
☆ hobie1610 is a supermodel-in-training inspired by mj watson's dreams of being a model and an actress. except in 1610, mj has these dreams forced onto him rather than aspiring to be them. he's living mj watson's dreams and hates it lol
☆ hobie1610 has a strained relationship with his family, true to mj watson's awful family dynamics in canon. it just... runs in every mj's blood i guess lmao
☆ hobie1610 wants so badly to be an investigative journalist! his plan after graduating from visions is to land an internship at the daily bugle :)
☆ he also gets up to mechanical shenanigans in his free time, fixing and building whatever he can get his hands on. he's very handy with machines and tech, true to the original characterization of hobie brown on earth-616, except on earth-1610 he usually has to hide his tools and gadgets
☆ his favorite subjects in school are english lit and physics!
☆ i gave hobie1610 uniform locs to look like mj's signature long hair but also to directly contrast hobie138's freeform locs
☆ if hobie1610 were to ever meet hobie138, he'd seethe and mald with jealousy. just like miles, mj's biggest wish is for his family to stop stacking so much pressure on his shoulders all the time. seeing another version of him living the free anarchist life would def have him feeling a type of way
hobie meeting mj: oh wow... nearly forgot what my face looks like without m' piercings lol :p
mj meeting hobie: I'M BRITISH IN THIS DIMENSION?!
☆ but he's a hobie alright! he rebels as often as he can in the typical ways teens with strict parents do. no one is putting this guy's flame out 🔥
☆ most of that rebellion consists of sneaking out when he knows he shouldn't. his mother is strict, but she's often very busy and that gives hobie1610 many chances to slip away unnoticed. his bravery is inspired by mj's character in the spiderman ps4 game, where she gets involved in dangerous missions with peter. those gameplay scenes with her in the museum inspired the 3rd chapter of my hobie1610 story
☆ hobie1610's sense of humor is more like zendaya's mj than anyone else
☆ the concept of hobie being miles' mj didn't entirely come out of nowhere! it wasn't just abt punkflower-- the possibility came up when i remembered that andrew garfield claimed he wanted his spiderman's mj to be a man. specifically played by michael b jordan ;)
☆ hobie1610's casual wardrobe outside of visions and his photoshoots consists of mostly greens and earth tones. most mj's across various diff portrayals have green or earth tones in their casual fits
references ↓
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somegrumpynerd · 6 months ago
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Did a little doodle of the twins on my lunchbreak, Nightmare is reading the story out for Dream c:
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slickricklj · 8 months ago
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Jill Valentine + Chris Redfield - When you know, you know.
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#Resident Evil#Chris Redfield#Jill Valentine#Valenfield#Reviledit#Jill X Chris#Chris X Jill#vgedit#videogameedit#gamingedit#Resident Evil Revelations#Resident Evil 5#Resident Evil Death Island#those who enjoy their dynamic...enjoy! :D#those who know the lore and dialogue should find plenty of the layered subtext here#They've been obvious from day 1 and I love how their relationship has been such a focal point in the story#other characters are totally aware they have something between them and it's been exploited multiple times#Wesker took advantage of their feelings in RE1 and RE5#Raymond put a lifesize dummy of Chris for Jill and O'Brian baited them by having them think the other was missing LOL#People BS about Ada but didn't even pay attention to the lore to see she actually was connected to RE5 when they established Irving#leaked the info HE obtained on Spencer's whereabouts meant for Wesker to get. They showed up the same night...it's no coincidence#Ada is known for having reliable info she shares and doing things behind the scenes uncredited IJS#RE4make made it even clearer for those who didn't have a clue ADA was against Wesker and had no bad intentions#Claire witnessing her brother's reactions to Jill and even him telling her to leave and he'd stay despite low ammo and no comms..#Sheva telling his personal business he was keeping private and his reaction which... he made no excuses for what he was doing.#And yeah I threw in some Ada/Leon stuff because Chris and Leon clearly were aware the girls were special to them plus MANY parallels exist#threw in an old ref I made about MVC3 in another post. It may be non-canon but point remains.... :P#I did also include Brad spotting them on the helipad to go with the theme but also to show how they bring each other peace/hope#flashing gif tw#biohazard
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sableeira · 2 years ago
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whoever edited that bsd official art to make it look like chuuya is holding onto dazai’s arm will be put on trial for irrevocably changing my brain chemistry and making me so much worse
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the original and the edit in question. this artwork really makes me crave a mid to late 19th century historical au where Chuuya is a swordsman struggling with changes to his job due to the meiji restoration and with Dazai as a detective/private investigator who hires Chuuya as his bodyguard when a seemingly harmless investigation turns dangerous. they kind of hate each other (as per usual) but Chuuya needs the job and Dazai, while he proclaims to dislike chuuya, is also very smitten with chuuya’s fighting style and temper (as per usual).
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timebom · 2 months ago
”omg sobbing, jinx and ekko are exactly like miles and gwen, the parallels are crazy!! 😭❤️”
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nevermeyers · 10 months ago
people need to calm down their delulu wishes and start focusing on the canon narrative. sorcerer world has always been about strength and cruelty. the becoming a monster in order to win conversation needs to be here and it's perfectly fine. one thing is you don't liking it, or don't liking how they disrespect someone's body, specially bc the majority of cultures do respect it and mourn it after death; it's normal to be repulsed, since gojo was ever seen as a human, that's the loneliness the strongest carries. the other thing is saying it doesn't make sense, became it narratively does. if you don't understand it, maybe read hidden inventory arc again, shibuya arc too maybe, or isn't enough what happened to megs for you to understand? jjk was always about an unfair and cruel world and sukuna won't be defeated by the power of friendship.
and, friendly reminder that this manga started by yuuji's body being used and dehumanized in order to contain and kill sukuna. but y'all don't seem to ever care about him.
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pepperpixel · 1 year ago
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+ Butch 4 Butch +
(Except neither one of them is rlly that butch but holy fUCKING SHIT THAT SONG IS LITERALLY THEM… the version of them I made up in my mind palace… it’s them.)
Anywayyyy. Yeah! Have a tagr art dump..! aka, those vibes when you, out of a series of moments of temporary insanity, end up finding, taking in, nursing back to health and eventually falling into a tangled messy yearning situationship w the asshole tsundere alien who tried to destroy your entire planet… rlly extremely relatable vibes!!
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