#yeah the quality of that first one is atrocious but
147days · 2 years
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these days i’m not sure of much but you could be my lifeline
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melodic-haze · 3 months
Arlecchino with a dom filthy rich reader. Reader showers her with lots of gifts on a daily basis. Jewelry, clothes, you name it. Reader would buy it all for her. Arlecchino is spoiled rotten by reader. Arlecchino would always say how reader doesn't need to give her gifts everyday. She finds it unnecessary but the way Arlecchino would wear those expensive outfits and jewelry as Reader fucks her says otherwise.
[Sorry for my bad English]
☆ — DEMO TRACK: sub!Arlecchino x dom!afab!Reader
☆ — CONTENT WARNINGS: Reader with a strap
☆ — NOTES: NOOO DON'T BE SORRY DUDE❗️❗️ It's easy to understand and it got the point across, this is actually pretty good english :333 gonna tell you rn it's so much better than the english from people where I'm at 😭 actually atrocious
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Arlecchino would ABSOLUTELY try and refuse your gifts at first, saying that she has no need for such material things when she already has you :333 (could not be my ass I'm so money-oriented it's so bad LMAOOO)
You have money to burn though—you can so easily buy your lover whatever she may want without needing to look at the price!!! You wanna spoil this woman in a way that she had never been spoiled before, so you pay attention to her likes and dislikes, take notes on her preferences, buy things that link with your observations and/or remind you of her
Eventually though Arlecchino would come to accept that buying her things, especially when they're so expensive, is one of the many ways that you show love. Far be it for her to reject your gifts when you've taken the time to pick them out with her in mind, even if yeah she says it's unnecessary. If it's coming from you then why would she refuse???
I think she'd initially like. Not wear them though 😞 not bc she's ungrateful, but bc she personally thinks whatever you've bought her doesn't suit her unless it's something practical. This ESPECIALLY applies to jewellery bc like. It's. An accessory. She doesn't really need it in her life, does she???? But she warms up to it :33333
The jingle of the precious necklace around her slender neck definitely helps with convincing that perhaps such gifts were okay.
It was a custom-made gift crafted using the finest metals, notably the highest-quality starsilver one could find in Dragonspine's unstable landscape. Perhaps you could have bought something much more.. easily produced such as gold, but you didn't—couldn't—settle for less when it came to the prime target of your bountiful affection and the person who was in need of true love.
Though you admit, it wasn't because of the item's worth that had you wanting for a custom gift for your paramour, no. Rather, your thoughts had often wandered to the crafted image of a red glow illuminating pale skin, along with how beautiful a sight it must be.
And when you see the magical jewels reflect its crimson light on Arlecchino's naked skin, when the chains clink quietly as the pendant bounces on top of her chest, you pride yourself in being right as you smirk and continue to fuck her with your faux appendage.
Your hand went to graze her neck, fingers trailing down as you slowed your efforts. It would have been nice to overwhelm her, to fill her over and over until she forgot herself, but you adored the view you were blessed with right this very moment. Despite how formidable this woman was, you still managed to leave her grasping for breath, glistening chest heaving as her necklace followed suit.
Such a thought itself had prompted you to reach for the camera on the bedside table before taking a quick picture. She would often question your want to capture her visage in such an unruly state but really, you can't help it!
After all, she looks positively delightful, all dressed up and gilded with your money.
My GOD being rich would also mean you can do that thing where like you rip the clothes off bc you got way too excited. She'd ask you why you did that but then you can easily tell her that you'll buy her another one and more 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ full disclosure heat shot up to her very core at the display ☺️
This is like the greatest sort of ask I've ever had bc I LOVEEEEE jewellery just saying
I read something somewhere about how if you buy your partner a necklace or smth then it's like you're binding them to you. Like a collar but a lot more innocent unless yk you WANT it to be less-than-innocent
Buying her all these things being not just a way to show your love but also to show ownership is kinda crazy in a hot way, and really why wouldn't you?? When she's this formidable and Beautifully Handsome figure, why wouldn't you want to show off the fact that she's fully and utterly yours???? Just clocking onto how perhaps her children point out that the sparkles make her look brighter, or how random people may stop and stare at the shimmering pendant on her neck and knowing that you've given her whatever bounties she could ever ask for (if she wanted to ask) is!!!! Definitely A Feeling 😋😋😋
BONUS if the necklace itself is sturdy too. You'd have to think of how she would much prefer practicality, so you've made sure the metal is STRONG and REINFORCED enough to withstand force........esp when you go to tug on it harshly like a collar. Bc really at the end of the day, that's what this is—the only difference is an actual collar would be thick and would wrap around the neck while a necklace is thin and hangs loosely
In any case you tug on it harshly, bring her even closer and more personal as you start drilling into her again, and it lifts her up instead of breaking thank god ☺️☺️☺️ and she does NOTHING but take what you give her!!!!! She hangs there like a ragdoll, eyes glazed over as little grunts and quiet moans escape her lips before you hit that One Spot at that certain and then suddenly her hands are grasping onto you frantically :3
And at daily life THEN that's when she starts fully accepting your gifts and wearing it without feeling like she's extorted you somehow. When people ask her about it, she'll say that she got it all from her lover before looking at you with a tint of red on her cheeks, remembering the times when you've fucked her to the point where she felt like an object herself 🫶
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lakesbian · 18 days
twig faq to answer all of the asks i got regarding my liveblog
Q: holy shit twig turned out bad huh A: yeah
Q: should i read twig? A: no. it's bad
Q: what about the parts of twig that were good though? i noticed that there were parts of twig that seemed awesome before everything suddenly exploded A: okay let me elaborate. the first ~13 arcs of twig are really really endearing when they're focusing on the lambs. when they're being about the lambs, they range anywhere from "cute" to "extremely fun" to "genuinely super compelling" to "shit that made me cry (positive)." we have high points such as:
12yo sylvester lambsbridge fumbles 3 people with crushes on him harder than anyone's ever fumbled in their life in the span of like 7 hours maximum
sylvester lambsbridge does transhet biopunk brokeback mountain
wildbow writes rose thorburn but if she were a hardass trans girl (she's the one doing transhet biopunk brokeback mountain with sy)
gordon dies and lillian copes by taking some of sy's drug that gives him turbo-adhd
helen is there
sylvester lambsbridge experiences what i earnestly believe to be one of the cruelest things wildbow has ever done to any of his protagonists
lots of other stuff, i'm abbreviating here
but the reason i say the first ~13 arcs of twig are good when they're focusing on the lambs is that twig is prone to slogging, strikingly mediocre fight scenes--sy can't fight for Shit, but wildbow still insists on describing, like, sylvester trying & failing to hit someone with a wooden plank with the same gratuitous, lengthy detail as taylor inventing a spider-based saw trap for someone. and unlike the spider-based saw trap, it's not interesting to read about. the arcs take an episodic format, and what this means is that virtually every arc goes on way too long, contains at minimum 40% more tediously detailed fight scenes than are actually necessary, and then leaves you feeling jarred when wildbow inevitably timeskips to the next arc just as the prior one was really getting into the emotional swing of things. i also have a (quite possibly subjective?) sense that twig wasn't as well-developed and thought-out as, e.g., pact, and oftentimes the setting conceit (1900s biopunk frankenstein-y british empire) doesn't feel like it's hitting quite as hard as it should.
for all of these reasons, i wouldn't have rated the first ~13 arcs of twig any more generously than in the 3.5-4 star range while i was reading them, but that's still an overall rating of good. i wouldn't still be thinking about some of the things from the first ~13 arcs of twig if they weren't overall good. if all of twig was the same quality as the first ~13 arcs, i would recommend it to people who i feel like could tolerate the pacing issues & would feel reading about the lambs was worth it.
but. BUT. BUT-
Q: so, twig turns out really bad, huh? what went wrong? A:
it is not all the same quality as the first 13 arcs. it turns out really bad the last 7 arcs are actually atrocious
the first thing that comes to mind if you ask me "what went wrong with twig" is that wildbow tries to write a trans woman as one of the main characters, and he does it badly. miss jessie ewesmont, my new favorite girl whom we need to get the fuck out of a wildbow novel. i think she was written extremely well--and in fact one of the top 2 characters in the book--prior to wildbow trying to handle her coming out. i'd even say the foreshadowing for it was perfectly well done and enjoyable. but after she comes out, during the last 7 arcs of the book?
you know how trans women are often victims of being treated as undervalued, disposable girlfriends, who are expected to coddle & cater to their partner's every whim while receiving effectively nothing in return? and you know how trans women are often treated as if they should be grateful for receiving (what is often less than) the literal bare minimum? and you know how trans women are frequently treated as if it's completely implausible for anyone to find them genuinely attracted or desirable, let alone worth pursuing or putting effort into?
yeah, the last 7 arcs of twig contain untold tens of thousands of words of wildbow reinventing all of that from first principles. this is a subjective experience, but it genuinely felt worse to read than amy dallon. at one point, the Disposable Trans Girlfriend in question literally says "i appreciate you not killing me" after she gets stabbed in her sleep by her boyfriend, sylvester. it's beyond parody. i've never said "WE HAVE TO HIT WILDBOW WITH HAMMERS" more in my goddamned life than while reading the last 7 arcs of twig. Transmisogyny Fucking City. it's a completely unforgivable and miserable reading experience.
and speaking of unforgivable and miserable reading experiences involving bigoted handling of a main character...onto Item No. 2 on the list of writing decisions that ruin twig! the ableism.
wildbow wants all of the lambs to--due to being ill-fated human experiments--have set expiration dates. one of the Main Points hanging over the entire narrative of twig is that every single lamb is, in all likelihood, going to die of complications from the way they've been experimented on before they're even twenty. two of them do die from those complications before the story is even halfway over: jamie's entire mind & sense of being is regularly taken out of his body, and one day, the doctors can't get it back in. gordon is a ~15yo with the heart problems of an elderly man, and they kill him while he's still young enough to make one of his last acts begging to see his dog one last time. it's good. it's tragic, it's interesting.
the problem is that wildbow's decision for how to depict sylvester starting to experience end-stage complications is to...turn sy into an ableist horror movie trope villain. sy hears The Devil telling him to kill his friends, and he just fuckin' blacks out and then comes to like "oh no...what's all this blood on my hands." i'm talking "mental illness is a Demon that can Possess You and make you an Evil Serial Killer" levels of ableist writing. like wildbow straight up turns sy into the joker from the movie joker. it's like that one "insaaaaynenene....assyyylum..... cray-ay-zeee...Insaayne" tiktok, you know the one. it's why he stabs his disposable trans girlfriend.
and it's baffling because: 1. wildbow wrote worm. you'd expect better from him when it comes to writing mental illness. but his skills apparently stop short of being able to depict a character with psychosis without making it cartoonishly ableist. but also, 2., sy doesn't only start becoming mentally ill at the end of arc 13! the previous arcs do very clearly establish that he's extremely codependent with the other lambs and needs continuous support to avoid experiencing life-threatening mental health episodes. he experiences dissociation, he struggles with severe memory loss, he acts erratically, he has self-injurious tendencies, he hallucinates, he talks to himself in public. prior to the start of arc 14, all of that is written with perfectly amenable levels of nuance and empathy towards sy. i wouldn't describe it as glowing representation, or anything, but it's by no means egregious.
but after arc 13? change of plans. now he's the joker from the movie joker, and we have to watch while his friends chain him to an armchair so he doesn't go around randomly cutting peoples hands off in a murderous fugue state.
it's bad. it's extremely bad to read.
the third item regarding how/why twig becomes terrible is a lot more simple to summarize: it becomes almost entirely about the previously mentioned sloggy fight scenes as opposed to about the lambs. and when it is about the lambs, it's often terrible to read anyway, due to the aforementioned issues with the handling of protagonist sylvester lambsbridge and his disposable trans gf. the plot becomes incoherent and uninteresting to the point where it's not even worth the effort of attempting to summarize how or why. everything that made twig good more or less entirely disappears from the story, and things that make it fucking awful are added.
Q: okay but lets say i have something unfixably wrong with me and i want to read twig anyway. wheres the best stopping point? arc 13? A: yeah it's arc 13. it's not a satisfying stopping point at all though. nor is the rest of twig prior to it really worth it. just don't waste your time. go read a good book, like pact, instead
Q: what the fuck is up with helen? A: :)
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luffyvace · 8 months
Inosuke x black male reader
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The last one from the poll!! Yippie!!
I love inosuke he’s so cool 😎
your hair is….very foreign to inosuke
this is Japan so when he sees you in general he’s very confused??
and confused=confrontational (like with giyuu)
so at first there’s a chance y’all beefed (it may have been one-sided)
but to talk specifically about your hair he probably pulls and inspects it a lot
or at least tries I know you don’t let that slide
he’d ask overly blunt questions like
“what happened to your hair, is it fried?!”
your skin is also new to him
the things he be saying is atrocious but he’s genuinely curious
mans also has no social cues
which makes him come off as rude
and even if he did have social cues he’d ignore them, cuz he doesn’t care 🤷‍♀️
to sum it all up, don’t take it personally
he be munching down on your cooking tho!
so at least that 🤦‍♀️
he always asks for so much / extras
he likes spicy too
He steals tanjiro and zenitsu’s food whenever you cook
When you use AAVE he doesn’t get it
and never will
you never even bothered to teach him
he doesn’t seem like the type of guy who would get it
if you wanna say something and don’t want him to know just teach tanjiro and zenitsu AAVE
zenitsu will get it before tanjiro does-
him calling you a idiot is irony I know 😂 /j
your culture/dances also don’t make sense to him..😞🙁
he might get the culture a little bit more than the dances
i mean it’s just dancing but he’ll be wondering why you have to do it a certain way
and as far as culture he’ll be like
”whaddya doin all this stuff for?! ITS POINTLESS!! lets go train instead!”
Tanjiro will get it tho!
he’ll explain his dad used to do a fire dance to ward the demons off
”is it something like that?”
close enough..🧍‍♀️
your bonnet/durag is very strange to him
He doesn’t get why you need something on your head to sleep
You explain to him that it’s to keep your pillow from soaking the oil in your hair and to keep your hairstyles neat
speaking of which when you braid your hair or if you have locs he thinks it’s very cool!
(that’s like the most positive thing I’ve wrote so far..)
Only problem is…..he wants you to do his hair like yours..
”but inosuke, your hair’s gonna fall out! And you can’t loc straight hair!”
He doesn’t wanna hear it..
he gets loud/starts yelling and you have to calm him down
your features are something he notices right off the bat but at the same time it goes right over his head
like he sees you may have a big nose/big lips but he doesn’t really pay much attention to it
like he doesn’t even think ‘everyone is different!’ so why would he pay attention to everyone’s individual features?
he’s looking for if your strong or not if anything 🤷‍♀️
im just gonna put a collage of his questions here cuz I can
”what’s that black thing on your head?” (Durag)
”is your hair a defense technique?? What does it do?”
“how’d you get your hair like that?”
”does your whole village look like that?? SHOW ME!”
his bluntness be getting outta hand ngl
You being a male doesn’t NOT affect inosuke whatsoever
he realized he wanted to be with you, and his mind, you were already his
(he didn’t actually ask you out 🤦‍♀️)
and yeah I pretty much have nothing else to say bc inosuke don’t care.
he’s him like that 🤷‍♀️
Inosuke’s love languages are quality time and gift giving
quality time = training
training = beating
not because he wants to beat you
but just because he doesn’t hold back at all
i hope your stronger than him
cuz if your weak……..😃
with gift giving he’ll remember the things you say you like but……it’ll just end up going..wrong..
for example! You say you need a new durag because it has a hole?
well! The great inosuke has taken the liberty to make you a new one!
like it? 😁
(oh gosh…..you don’t. What is this even made out of??)
”gee thanks..! Inosuke..”😟
(yes durat 😋..he doesn’t remember the name)
zenitsu and tanjiro support you two
zenitsu was already aware of non het couples
he doesn’t see the attraction but it’s none of his business to him really
tanjiro is 100% supportive and doesn’t see it any different from a hetero couple
kind confused?? But he’s supportive :)
also commends you for taking on the rambunctious inosuke 😅
inosuke doesn’t care what anyone else has to say about your relationship
Now if they’re passive aggressive he won’t get it-
but if they directly insult either of you—your gonna have to stop him from beating them up 😜
(or join him! 😊)
all in all….your relationship is very chaotic!
you love him regardless <3
Lol inosuke so silly
Hope you enjoyed💝
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in-kyblogs · 3 months
I was thinking and -I could of course be wrong- but I can see how they are building, beside the main narrative, also more covert themes in the background of the first two seasons of iwtv. The most notable being the theme of good and evil and where these very complex and flawed characters fall on that spectrum.
Lestat was a typical monster, presented to us as a more layered character than in the first interview, sure, but still we could argue he was the villain of season one. A compelling villain, a fascinating one, but not a sympathetic one, not yet. On the contrary Armand is very sympathetic, very layered, presented to us in a compassionate way, to the point that we were given his backstory in the first half of the season. We mostly feel for him, even if we recognise his flaws. He is scary, yes, and quite menacing, but he is often so pathetic that it’s difficult not to empathise with him. The show made some choices to make us feel this way. He is not painted as a villainous characters, but as hurt and lashing out one. Up until this point, at least. We are beginning to see glimpses of his monstrous nature in the latest episode but, even here, we know his motivations quite clearly. We didn’t really got Lestat motivations.
They are constructing opposite narratives for these two characters that parallel each other: they both hurt Louis in some way and were the bad guy in his story at some point (this is a book spoiler if you don’t know what I’m talking about, but we’ll see it in the next episodes). Lestat was presented without nuance and compassion, we know all about his worst qualities, and yet we are beginning to see he is capable of love. Armand was presented with utmost compassion and nuance, and yet we are beginning to see he is capable of atrocious acts.
So where are they going with this? A simple thing really: they are all equally capable of wonderful things and terrible things, not just because they are monsters, but because they are the most human of monsters, and that is the nature of humanity. The question of good and evil and which one we choose and how what we have endured influences us in that choice is ever present in human history and cultures. This is, of course, not a new theme at all in literature and cinema - but they are showing us, not telling us. And yeah that’s the measure of good writing. Because when they hit that point to the audience it’s gonna feel earned, and make an impression. The writing in this show is so good, that’s basically my whole point: this is all told from Louis perspective and they took the downsides of the first person narration, that is having a limited knowledge and perspective of events, and used them to build on narrative and themes. Amazing.
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Me again
Zombiewood, any season idm :3
Hi, hey, how are you. I'm so sorry this took so long! I had so much fun doing it, but my god, I had trouble getting started for some reason. Their dynamic is a personal favorite of mine, so my fear of fucking that up probably played a factor in that. But regardless, I did finish, and I'm actually really happy with it. I hope you like it. 835 Limited Life Zombiewood. I will admit I was self-indulgent in the martyn exposition at the start. I hope that's ok! Also I will fully admit to sprinking in some Mean Gils that could be read romantically if wanted, I am obsessed with the interconnected web that is the life series polycule.
Martyn stared across the water to where he could make out the Clocker’s tower just beyond the lightly swaying sugarcane and bamboo that made up their makeshift walls. When they swayed just right, Martyn could just make out the shocks of bright orange that stabbed him ever so slightly in the chest each time.
Things between him and Cleo were… weird… after Double Life. Maybe not weird, but strained? Tense, perhaps? Martyn didn’t know what to feel about it. Before Double Life it wasn’t as if he disliked Cleo, they were undoubtably stunning, and the confidence and bloodlust only every added to the appeal, but during Double Life it had been racked up to one hundred. He had thought that maybe it was the shared life that had send him into the tailspin when Cleo had declared that she and Scott were choosing each other and rejected him and Pearl - after all, as the first two games had show, Martyn was already somewhat obsessive and single minded in his loyalties when he got invested, a man doesn’t just swear loyalty to a king and start a red winter for him to be anything but loyal and single minded, but this devotion had seemed beyond even that.
There was anger, of course, and a hurt that he’d buried under said anger, and a passion that burned far brighter than anything else. The last few days, when he’d actually gotten to work with Cleo, spend time around her without open hostility, was the first time he’d felt he could truly breath.
And then they’d died.
And suddenly Martyn didn’t know how to act around her, not when those feelings hadn’t gone away even slightly.
He watched through the swaying vegetation as bright cyan joined the bright orange and finally, he turned himself away. Even with Scott being his partner this game, he couldn’t stop the instinctual fear in his chest when the two of them were together. If anything, being partners with Scott made it worse, as if they’d take both of them away from him again, as if he had any right to think about Cleo like that still, any right to worry about Scott like that.
He spent some time busying himself with meaningless tasks around the island, tending to the cows and chickens, organizing chests that he wasn’t sure Scott wouldn’t just rearrange when he got back.
"Martyn, are you here?" Speaking of, Scott's voice carried across their little island with ease, the musical quality that had been budding since the server lore took effect growing stronger each day. Martyn made his way out from the storage area to meet with Scott.
"Yeah, I'm right-" He froze. Standing just beyond the door was Cleo, the neon 80s jumpsuit jaxpositioned against the grey green of their skin and the bright orange of her hair in a way that should have been atrocious, but somehow worked. She gave him a smirk that should have been overconfident, but was instead perfectly in place on her face - he knew that whatever she had planned would be knocked out of the park with their skill.
"Hello Martyn," her voice was just as he remembered it, it flowed over him as easy as waves, his mind short circuited slightly.
"H- hi- hello- hey- uh-" He stammered, trying to get his thoughts in order. Martyn had been steeling himself against every interaction he'd yet to have with Cleo, he'd been extra vigilant to minimize running into her unexpectedly, even if it was a possibility every time he stepped off his and Scott's island. He had not expected this. "What's- what's up Cleo?"
"See!" Scott exclaims, and Martyn flinches some, having forgotten that Scott was there for a moment, "This is what I was telling you about! Now, I'm going to go and bug TIES, or see what the Bad Boys are up too, or something! You two! Sort this out!"
And then he was gone, diving gracefully off the edge of the island and quickly making his way to shore.
Martyn swallowed, turning his attention back to Cleo, who had made their way closer while he wasn't paying attention. Gone was the self confident smirk, replaced instead with a contemplative look as she searched his face.
Slowly, her hand came up to cup his jaw, a soft look coming to her eyes.
"Oh Martyn."
Before he has time to even try to disact her tone, she pulls him to his chest. He goes easy, ear pressed to the odd hollow quietness in their chest that lacked a heartbeat, something that had become a comfort in its constant. Martyn began to shake. Not quite crying, but his body trembled all over in their hold, falling apart and knitting together all at once.
They'd talk later, about Double Life and the soulbond, about them, what they were how they worked. But that would be later. For now, he settled into the hug and let himself exist, just for a few moments.
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toseeclearly · 1 year
i deleted everything by accident
I deleted everything by accident, and now I am grieving.
It's not that these things were important, technically. I deleted a tumblr I barely used or looked at; a place where I would start to write a post, get cold feet, and then leave it in the drafts until I no longer wanted to do anything with it. That's all it was, a graveyard to things I was never going to complete, ideas I'd given up on, plans I never followed through with.
But still, the day they rip the memorial down is still sad, and you'll forever walk by that lamp post and remember that, at one point, there were flowers here.
So I guess I just... use this how I used to use the internet: like a diary. I was once a dedicated blogger, back in the days when being a "blogger" had some sort of caché (I think if you said that now, someone would assume you were using some sort of throwback term, like asking aloud if anyone knew of a video store they could check out. Are there any video stores left? I don't know, and I don't feel like googling right now). I wanted to be a writer, a blogger, I wanted to be like all the cool teens I followed who had custom webpages with sections where they'd post about their thoughts and other sections for cool things they did with their friends. I wanted to be their friend and be posted on their cool blog! But this was the early 2000s, where the only way to contact these people was to either stalk a forum they might be on, or email them directly, and both of those always felt unappealing. So instead, I wrote about my life and my friends, read my friends blogs, hoped to be cool enough to be included. Hundreds of posts, stories and essays and quiz results and absolutely atrocious poetry, we wrote so much, I wrote so much. And all of it is gone, now. Blogs long deleted, websites no longer active, everything lost to digital decay. Or, if you're me, you delete your tumblr by accident while massively tired and only realise too late what you've done. More decay, more insignificant pieces of the web burned away. I'm the only one who cares, but that's fine. I can... rebuild. Or just use this space for my own terrible navel gazing.
I write a lot. I have a fair amount of published work, but I also write a lot that never sees the light of day (and probably never should, mostly for quality control issues). I spent a lot of nights writing Parkdale Haunt, a lot of very late evenings hammering out page after page after page until my eyes hurt and my brain was trying to escape my skull, but it felt good. It was a good time. There's several episodes where I wrote the first draft in a complete haze, like when you're running a marathon (NOTE: I have never run a marathon, but like, stick with me here, I'm just extrapolating from my time as a long distance runner) (SECOND NOTE: I hated long distance running and quit to focus on sprinting and hurdling, which I loved, because sprinting is designed for people who want all their endorphins RIGHT NOW and hurdling is designed for masochists, and the 400m hurdles is the perfect race if you just want to punish yourself for any feeling of hubris that you've ever had in your entire curséd life) and you're just zoning out and pushing through any thought you might have that says hey man, what if you just - oh, I don't know - lied down on that patch of grass over there? Yeah, that would be sick as fuck. Writing feels like that for me sometimes, like hey, wouldn't it be nice to just go to bed? Yeah, bed is good. But then I would look down and there'd be 15 pages in front of me, and I'd feel... great. And also exhausted and vaguely headachy, but great. Then I would just spam Emily and/or Ian with screenshots of scenes at random times. Being in my vicinity means you're getting unhinged screenshots at some point.
So I've been writing again. I've got two scripts going for a new show, here's to hoping it works out. And I guess I can write here when I need/want to procrastinate. I don't have much of a footprint left after I threw my fucking shoes in the ocean.
All this has done is made me miss hurdling.
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ispyspookymansion · 2 years
my true and correct ranking is
evil dead - all good
child’s play - mostly good people r to mean to seed it’s fun
final destination 3/4 but 4 is terrible
scream 4/5 and 5 isn’t that bad
saw - mostly good sometimes really great and even the bad ones have their moments
friday - mostly terrible but all extremely enjoyable
nightmare - 3 great movies and new nightmare and like the bad ones are fun
chainsaw - two fantastic movies i can take or leave the rest
psycho - i love 1 & 2 but the rest of them are notverygood
halloween - great opening wild sequel i own season of the witch merch and a dvd copy of h20 but christ alive when it’s bad it’s terrible
write-in last place is alien cuz those first two are without comparison but prometheus is the worst movie i have ever seen
saw should maybe be higher cuz i like her more than scream but if we’re looking at them as a franchise than i think 3D and jigsaw really bring her down cuz they kinda loose what makes those movies work so well i loved finally seeing the reverse bear trap in action tho
also i’d be reeeeally incherested in knowing ur rankings :D we’ve all given our terrible opinions i’d love 2 know urs
sorry this is abt to get so long and just know i dont necessarily believe any of this im saying words recreationally ! and i tried to think abt them as in quality of franchise, but i am obviously human with personal tastes and biases. i generally counted how many movies i gave 3 or more stars on letterboxd to get my numbering. below the cut for my takes!
- saw (8/9 or 88%) my babygirl. my sweet cheese. i can get why some people dont rock with it but writing it off as torture porn is unforgivable both in that its not, or not entirely, and okay so who cares torture those bitches !!!!! saw’s Quality is not consistent, but its premise is and its one of the most interconnected franchises which strengthens it as a series
- child’s play (6/8 or 80%): prefacing by saying this doesnt take the show into account, but the show is a wash for me anyways. child’s play is a perfect mix of funny and scary, both on a movie by movie basis and as a franchise. don mancini sucks at writing a tv show but his consistent hand in the series makes it a good franchise as far as consistency. edit i forgot about the terrible remake um. yeah. eep.
- final destination (4/5 or 80%): 1, 3, 5 are really good, 2 is decent, theyre fun! i rewatch them from time to time i love the concept i love tony todd and i think its impressive that theres really only one stinker (the final destination aka final destination 4 you will never be famous)
- scream (4/5 or 80%) very partial to the original, and i respect a lot of what scream does even in the movies i dont like as much, but the last film + upcoming no sidney lose points for me for sure. the first movie is standout, the rest are pretty consistent even if its at a level far below the first film. i havent seen the tv show
- noes (6/9 or 66%): my beloved <33333 i loooove the first three and i love new nightmare! the quality steadily deteriorates between those though it Is in a fun way most of the time. the atrocious remake damages this a lot for me but it Knows what it is, so you cant fault it for that. i would fight for noes as a favorite above scream and final destination, but its a weaker franchise overall imo
the next three i had a hard time putting in order tbh, but i guess what i’ll say is:
- psycho (3/5 or 60%): i really was surprised by how good the 2nd one is, cannot state that enough. but 3 flopped to me, the bates motel tv movie sucks, and ive heard the remake is horrible. the prequel is alright (it and 3 both get a half mark), though the whole franchise loses ground for the inherent issues with norman’s character. i havent seen the bates motel tv show.
- evil dead (2.5/4 or 63%): look. sorry, but its not for me. i love the first one and i love the remake, but the style of comedy isnt my thing in the two in between. its not BAD in the sense that it is what it set out to be, but i just dont like that thing very much, and i struggle to call it a better Franchise than most due to how varied its parts are. ash williams tboy swag you Will always be beloved tho, and the first one is a real fav of mine
- halloween (7/13 or 53%): the original is very dear to me, i love the weirdass hustle of 3, and i think halloween 2018 was a great start to a disappointing trilogy. the muddied timelines mean the franchise itself is a mess. one great movie does not a good franchise make! i might put this above psycho depending on the day, but the last movie was so atrocious it leaves a very bad taste in the franchise mouth
- friday the 13th (5/12 or 42%): i love campground horror and overall, the quality of f13 as a series is pretty consistent! its just that its pretty consistently bad. i respect the hustle of sending jason to space and manhattan but its not my kind of film
- tcm (3/9 or 33%): only the first two and the 03 remake are really good to me. i dont think people realize there are NINE of these. a lot of the other sequels are decent movies, bad tcm films, so a low ranking as an overall franchise. sorry tcm, your writers dont understand what makes you great!
so um yeah. im pulling for scream or noes to win at this point, but my opinions are clearly not very shared....also these could change at any time i cant stress enough how much even the lowest franchises here are beloved by me, rewatched by me, have posters on my walls, etc etc!!!
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ketamie · 2 years
What are the furry things you’re into like idk the games or something or is it comics. I want to see what this is all about
i don't know where to even start i got into the furry thing when i was literally like 12 so there's a lot of backlog for me. i used to interface with the "fandom" via comics mostly at the time. though which i don't remember plus they're probably awful. & redacted. the first thing i've read that sticks out is grant by captaingerbear LMAOOOO i don't consider the thing particularly pornographic plus it's almost entry level furry-wise not that it really matters (the distinction isn't all that interesting imo). i've heard there's a wealth of some genuinely interesting gay furry comics (not grant) that i've just never gotten to. the internship by jackaloo comes to mind as something that's praised but i read it and did not care soooo. if you're more interested in pornography just dm me and i can point you in several directions im just not doing it here because look at me i'm completely normal.
nowadays what i like most about the fandom is the visual novels anyway like. what got the poison to start spreading for me was playing morenatsu back in 2014 which is like one of the progenitors of the gay furry dating simulator genre it's definitely not the first of its kind but i literally see its icy paw still clawing into modern gay furry visual novels. i'm not saying it's "good" but it's literally the template. there's a lot of things considered abhorrent about it that i've seen people try to fix in a certain fan-made remake but it'll never be the original morenatsu. for better or for worse. also the game was never finished but it did enough damage already
since then i've played. let me see. extracurricular activities, minotaur hotel, nekojishi, password, pervader, the human heart, distant travels, after class, house of beef, echo, the smoke room, adastra, arches, khemia. i've touched interea, badtime stories, morenatsu revisited, willy bear beach, lagoon lounge. i could be forgetting a couple. there's also a lot more i never bothered with. almost none of these are finished so far with the exception of echo, adastra and nekojishi to my knowledge because the entire "market" exploded maybe half a decade ago and people are still printing these out on the renpy engine on a very slow update schedule considering most of them are passion projects for broken gay men
if you'd ask me what seperates them from other gay media i think it's the only thing the fujoshis and "allies" havent infiltrated yet considering that being a gay furry requires like deep layers of investment i think. like it's very clear these things are written by gay men for other gay men and even though the quality is often atrocious i think it's so often beautifully camp that it doesn't matter. i always cite extracurricular activities as one my favorite pieces of camp media ever made. morenatsu has that feeling of insane longing embedded in its fabric even though i seriously doubt it was intentional. i could also just be projecting though. but yeah it's an insular community and that adds to its unique charm
if you'd ask me what i'd recommend... morenatsu but watch out (there's really heinous elements to it). echo 1000000% as honest to god some of the most amazing fiction that i've ever read but a lot of its text is dedicated to subverting already established tropes that you'll only fully appreciate if you read it as your n-th gay furry visual novel. but despite that it doesn't matter. adastra as a really well written gay romance. i thought password was interesting and it's something you can sink your teeth into. minotaur hotel.... it's alright. most of these are published on itch io as free games so you're very much free to pick and choose what you think you'd like. it's not that deep at the end of the day. if you want to hear a more detailed opinion on what i think is good or bad literally just dm me i'll talk your ear off like i've done to several mutuals in the past
and if you want to get a better grasp on what being a furry entails in general i might not be the best person to ask even though i'm literally obsessed with the visual novels i'm very much not all that knowledgeable about much else that goes on i was never a furaffinity baby i don't really know the artists the important pieces of work or whatever that means... i simply read.
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e-adlirez · 1 year
I saw in your post you said that Nicky saves Violet more than Colette, which scenes are those? (Sorry it's been a while since I've read the books haha)
cracks knuckles Let's see :D
I actually dunno if Nicky saves Violet more, but Nicky definitely doesn't get as much credit for them as Colette does, which is weird. Give the Australian dumbass the praise she deserves >:[
Aight, let's do this tally style because I'm a tryhard. I'm definitely gonna do a full version where I discuss every single time Violet's almost died from an unfortunate nat1, sooooo
First time our nat1 holder requires help is when she rolls at nat1 in whatever-the-hell-not-falling-under-a-spell-falls-under-as-a-skill-check, and she's almost pulled in by lake fairies and their lake. Prolly did a nat20 in perception, but a nat1 in the uh the not-falling-under-a-spell stat.
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Colette saves her from this one, so
Colette - 1 Nicky - 0
Second time kinda is when Violet and Nicky are paired together in Secret of the Snow, and Nicky helps Vi climb down a taaalllll ledge. Like reaaaallllllyyyy tall. Vi didn't roll any nat1s here, it's just a cute moment where Nicky is helping Vi through her acrophobia, and we love the two for it.
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Let's consider this a 0.5
Colette - 1 Nicky - 0.5
From Cloud Castle onwards we get a transition in the mood of the series, from "traveling in a weird world full of weird creatures that also has a bit of beauty in them" to "haha fairy go weeeeee". Cloud Castle isn't the most atrocious of this particular instance because it does tie in cloud-related mythology, and it's the first instance of this whole fairy spam thing happening. Anyway, Violet and Nicky are separated for the big parts of this book so we're just gonna skip on over to Treasure of the Sea.
Treasure of the Sea is Violet's first catastrophic nat1. Yes, even worse than almost getting siren-ed. Picture this: there's this cursed Mariana Trench thing that magically pulls down anyone who does the stupid thing and looks into it. A magical wise character is on the other side, so not crossing it is not an option, thus this thing is the magical equivalent of trying to balance on a beam/tightrope without looking down, in the perspective of someone who has no experience in such. Oh yeah and you're swimming across, so it's more like uh... trying to keep your head facing up while swimming. Dem their necks are gonna be sore--
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They make Violet's looking down so dramatic for some reason? I mean I get it, but at the same time I don't? She was like "yeah I feel like I need to look but I know I can't,,,, I CAN'T RESIST I'M LOOKING DOWN" "VIOLET NOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
I dunno? It just feels strangely worded? Written? I dunno, either way, Colette somehow resists the magic force of an abyss that literally no one in all of Aquamarina has been able to resist and pulls Vi up to the surface before she can be cursed and turned into a magic fish or something. Musta been the adrenaline, or Colette herself not being pulled down that made this a smidgeon easier. Dang that arm strength to lift all those shopping bags and violin training has been doing wonders for the both of them, somehow they didn't let go of each other-- /hj
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Colette - 2 Nicky - 1.5
Now we have Land of the Flowers, probably Violet's worst streak in the book series by far. Woman gets not one, not two, but THREE nat1s in it, each one worse than the last. Colette saves her from two out of three of them, that being the temporary amnesia flowers and almost-falling-twenty-feet-off-magical-stairs.
(Pictures' quality might not be as good because I'd been using drive PDFs this whole time and Land of Flowers doesn't have a PDF in the folder I'm using sooooo)
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Unfortunately, despite Nicky being beside Vi in the illustration, it was Colette who saved her.
Colette - 4 Nicky - 1.5
She does have two nat1s in Crystal Fairies, but Will saves her from one while Paulina technically saves her from the other. As you can see this woman is forgetting her RNGesus incense and RNGesus is losing his patience about it more and more.
OKAY Star Fairies! There's only one nat1 Vi has in this one, and Nicky saves her from it. Probably my favorite save because this particular save is goated :D
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Colette - 4 Nicky - 2.5
Finally, Magic of the Mirror. There's technically one where Nicky saves the girls from accidentally walking into lava, but technically she was at the front of the group, and anyone else would've done the same if they were in her shoes
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Colette - 4 Nicky - 3
Then there's the scene where the girls have to listen to siren queen Esmeralda's song without falling under the spell, and Vi doesn't fare well in these particular trials, as we know. The problem is, as you can see here we don't know which among the girls specifically kept her from breaking from the group. It was more of a team effort thing.
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So what is to be done? Should I just give both Nicky and Colette a point here? Orrrrrrr
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Nicky and Paulina are closest to Violet in this scene that happens almost immediately after the trial, so point goes to Nicky :3 Am I grasping? Maaayyybbeeee
Colette - 4 Nicky - 4
And that's it! Turns out they kinda tied! Technically tho if you counted the minor occasions where Nicky helped the violin child as full points instead of half points, she would win 5 - 4. I rest my case :D
Oh yeah these aren't even all the nat1s Vi has had in the series. These are only the ones that either Colette or Nicky saved her from.
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charles+hawkeye, charles+margaret
I combined your first request with some others, but thank you for the additional one!! We love biodiversity <3 Ok so. CharMarg huh.
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To get it clearly out of the way: Canon CharMarg Bad. Both because it was just atrociously quarter-assedly attempted in one of the most pathetic pseudo-storylines ever scraped together, an embarrassment to put into such an otherwise quality show, and more importantly because any attempt to make these two get together in canon would always be bad no matter what, because Ms. Swit and Mr. Stiers did not want to do that and if anyone tried to make either of them do something they didn't want I would kill that person and then myself.
But there is one thing worse than canon CharMarg. And that is fanon CharMarg. Because obviously basically nobody actually ships these two, but there are many people, particularly of the mainstream h*wkbeej variety (#notallh*wkbeejers and certainly none who would be in the general vicinity of my blog at this point, I don't think), who like the idea of Charles and Margaret in a lavender marriage.
I love the recent interest in lavender marriages in fandom recently. Now everyone can do the same Pair The Spares maneuver fandom has always done with characters it doesn't care much about, but now they can do it even when the idea of the spares being in love is completely laughable. And it sounds so much cooler, too!
Man I'm sorry I don't know why this irks me so, but alas! It does. The thing is, a lavender marriage would do nothing for either of them anyways, in terms of "playing at doing what society and family want them to do", which is after all the entire purpose of such marriages. Margaret already basically had a test run of marrying into a family like Charles' when she tried it with Penobscott and she HATED it and they basically rejected her for not being the perfect Aryan race anyways. And that's beside the fact that what Charles' family want from him more than anything is children, and Margaret is at the very LEAST extremely on the fence about having kids. So she'd be as miserable as ever, obviously. And with all this, it's fair to say that the Winchesters would be hardly any more satisfied with CharMarg than they would be with Charles just staying a bachelor, so what the hell would he be in it for either???
So it's a no for me on that. So why did I put down that it's "better in fanfic"? Well now we must discuss not canon CharMarg, not fanon CharMarg, but a secret third thing. Hypothetical CharMarg. Essence of CharMarg if you will. The CharMarg that exists only in slight little glimpses in scenes where I'm like you know what? If they hadn't forced it, if they hadn't tried so hard and so badly, if they'd done nothing at all, if they'd just given us all these quiet little moments of friendship and kindness and smiles and affection and never implied anything else and then I’d seen that last scene with the book.......... I’d have been like yeah. I see that. 
And then the fandom could have done Pair The Spares normally, without pretense. And the thing is, I actually always loved fandom pairing the spares, putting every set of characters in groups of two (or three or four, if we really wanted to have some fun and get silly with it) and never leaving anybody behind, making sure nobody was alone. Even if they didn’t care about the spares much, really. It was always hell on fans of those less popular characters, of course (been there!), but it seemed to come from a place of awkward, fumbling love. Nobody gets left behind.
(Aromanticism?? Characters not needing a relationship to be fulfilled?? What’s that lol this is 2014 era Tumblr. Romance shipping LOCKDOWN.)
But of course they did force it and they did ruin it and now it’s hard to even write CharMarg as friends, sometimes, trying to parse out what their friendship is really like when they’re allowed to be people instead of two barbie dolls smashed together. 
They’re still great together though. It is great whenever they’re on screen hanging out together and being narrative mirrors and trying to figure out how to have a friend for the first time in their lives. God I wish they’d gotten to talk about their fathers together, about expectations and never being good enough and having to keep themselves apart from everyone else and repressed anger and repressed love and repressed loneliness. I wish everyone would stop smashing them together like two barbie dolls and just let them be great together. 
In conclusion society would be fixed if Loretta Swit and David Ogden Stiers got everything they wanted forever
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aanteater-nose · 2 years
Here I go. So about the new Velma series. Not only was I very excited to see Glenn Howerton in a voice acting role, but the concept for an adult animated scooby doo was actually pretty appealing to me. The show would’ve been ripe for the now-adult audience who grew up in the golden age of Scooby Doo TV (not to mention it’s kinda timeless). When I first saw the poster art for Velma I actually really liked it. The art style and animation is cool and the colors are vibrant, giving a very “spooky” vibe to the show nothing short of the mystery gang aesthetic. Really, an adult scooby doo could’ve been so fun; shaggy and scooby get the munchies and end up driving to a taco bell late at night only to find it’s haunted or some shit like that. But of course, as soon as I saw that we were race-swapping every character (not only that but Velma is literally just Mindy Khaling cosplaying as Velma) I knew to have my doubts about what this series would be trying to accomplish. Was I gonna get a good show with interesting concepts and humorous writing...or some “look how diverse we are, give us your money” bullshit. Yeah it’s pretty clear which one. 
I think we can all agree that comedy is subjective but holy shit. the humor and writing for Velma is just terrible. The show concerns itself so much with appearing edgy, witty, and (hate the use of the word but “woke”). It’s like if you sent a research team to twitter and had it come back with a script. Not to mention Mindy Khaling herself is uh, how you say, not funny? I honestly don’t know what I expected from her when I heard she’d be a big part in the Velma series, literally every show she’s ever helped produce or act in, she’s playing a self-insert of herself and her own life events. All. the time. There’s this self-pitying, snarky attitude that follows her wherever she goes, and unfortunately, that means the character Velma will be subjected to this misery as well. 
Once again, it’s just the writing that is the worst part of this project. As a big fan of shows like Arrested Development and It’s Always Sunny, I love watching characters who are just awful people committing awful acts. However, in order for those characters to be loved, the writing has to actually be good. Watching the small clips of Velma I’ve seen, I feel like I’m constantly being lectured by that one kid in class who tries to one-up every joke ever told. The show (and mostly Mindy) tries to show off how “smart” and comically sarcastic they are. As for the race-swapping of every character but Fred (who conveniently stays white so that the gang can make fun of his heterosexual, small dick, male whiteness) Mindy claims it’s because she identified so much with Velma that she felt race did not need to be tied into the character at all...which is contradicting because if that were so, why not leave the character as is? Regardless, for a show that claims to care so little about race, there are a lot of race jokes. (they couldn’t even make those funny either). 
I ofc cannot fail to mention the fake gay representation of Daphne and Velma. Anyone who’s ever watched scooby doo has had their own theories about velma and daphne, one of which being they were gay, so yeah that’s not a new concept. However, it’s so clear to see this show just lazily throwing shit in because it’s trendy. Not to mention anyone who attacks a show so full of minority “representation” will be attacked online and the creators know this. Essentially, all the inclusivity Velma parades is an obvious attempt to rack up brownie points, please do not accept this as real representation of any kind. 
So yeah anyways in conclusion, the race-swapping and queer baiting is a cash grab, the writing is atrocious, and the main character is an asshole with no redeemable qualities doubling as a self-insert of Mindy. The fact that they already got renewed for a S2 despite the overwhelming backlash just shows that it expects to survive on hatewatching alone. 
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lcndonboysstuff · 4 months
i’m a big fan of taylor’s music even if i’ve cooled on it post midnights. i’m most excited for the rep section because that’s my favourite album of hers. it’s just for the ttpd section i genuinely won’t know what’s going on. idk if i should listen to it more before i go to make it more enjoyable..?
You can maybe just "listen" to the songs of ttpd, just don't look at the lyrics cause they're atrocious imo.
Also, I like rep too! Gorgeous was the song through which I came to know about Taylor lmao. Prior to that, I did hear about her but never really listened. Then, I read about that Kanye fiasco and felt real bad for her. Love the song Delicate and the meaning behind it! After that she again fizzled out of my playlists😂 until Evermore and Willow. I loved Willow and listened it on loop lmao. Then I started loving Exile and still quite often say, "I think I've seen this film before"😅😂
This is becoming lengthy, but oh boy, since I've started, let's finish.
I always used to find TS pretentious and since people loved her, I was like, maybe it's a me thing. Then I listened to "Folkmore" and started warming towards her for some reason, and listened to Lover, 1989. Then Midnights announcement came and once again, I thought midnights was pretentious af, and told myself that it was a me thing. Didn't listen to any of the songs from that one until Instagram reels forced me to honestly.
Ttpd I only listened to Fortnight, So Long London (love the production of SLL but not the lyrics or sentiment behind it). And I tried listening to the Anthology but.... fell asleep😶🤐.
yeah actually i think i’ll just listen to the ones in the set.
same i liked rep and then heard me! and yntcd during lover era but i didn’t actively listen. i became a bigger fan after folklore and evermore those are definitely two of her best.
i liked midnights initially then as time when on i realised i don’t think it’s a high quality album. i still find it enjoyable though.
did not like ttpd at all. sometimes i wonder if i still liked her as a person would i have convinced myself that i liked it? i’m not sure.
lol at the falling asleep part. there’s definitely some ok songs on there i just have no desire to revisit them after my first listen. i will say i’m a fan of “who’s afraid of little old me” and “florida”though.
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otomebanshou · 5 months
Opinionated piece on Tengoku Struggle -Strayside-
Below is a very opinionated piece based on my feelings after completing Tengoku Struggle Strayside. Please do not take any of my comments to heart, I just like to ramble and get things off my chest to throw into the void of the internet. Enjoy.
Let’s start off with strong feelings. I didn’t like the game. 4/10, I may give it a 5 just for Sharaku being the saving grace of the game to be generous. I was always with the crowd that was down for some longer routes for love interests. This game put that to test for me with 12 chapters (13 for Goemon) for the boys and god damn did it wear me out.
So let’s move on to that. The game is way too fucking long for its own good. Not in a good way is it long, it’s way too damn fluffed up with pointless shit and beating around the bush. I could barely spend quality time that mattered with literally all the guys because the route wanted to push it’s very subpar plotline. 
The plot is atrocious. Not as bad as Charade Maniacs but honestly it was just as insulting. “We need to get the bad guys who escaped hell! …but we can’t fight them.” is honestly a really stupid plot. They had me going for a second, hopeful, that based on how things went down in Sharaku’s route (my first route) that it was all just leading up to a pokemon battle with the route’s villain and Rin was the pokemon trainer. Me, playing it at the time, when I got to the fights with Asaemon, I thought “oh ok! Maybe this is how the game is going to go, that’s cool I guess!” Boy was I fucking wrong. The game doesn’t know where it fucking wants to go other than beat around the bush for 90% of the chapters. 
The routes honestly would’ve been better off at 7 each, 8 for Goemon I guess. Like I said, a lot of the routes spend a majority of the time beating around the bush especially when it comes to feelings and where the fuck the plot is trying to go. Or maybe you’re Kiku and you are bitching and moaning about your sister who hates your guts for 11 chapters. No seriously his route can literally be summarized by: Kiku: Azami! Stop helping the bad guys! 🙁 Azami: ew no I hate you! Kiku: 🙁
Meanwhile, Yona and Sharaku had some of the better routes, developments, and just overall better everything. It doesn’t save the game for me however. It still left me feeling “wtf is the plot actually trying to be” for the entire time. But to give some praise, Yona is a very interesting character and his love for novels, including smutty ones, was a very nice touch that leaves me feeling very fond of him! Sharaku was just wonderful and I really enjoyed how deeply sweet his gestures for Rin were.
JacK, I love you but your route (and your personality) is a bit all over the place. I somehow felt like ranking him as my number 2 because, honestly I don’t know, I just liked him? He definitely had me on a rollercoaster of what the fuck is going on because he’s just so hot and cold and I still don’t really have a grip on who JacK REALLY is. But, like everything else, I’m blaming the writers here.
Finally, Goemon. Disa-fucking-pointing. LOL. He’s not as bad as Kiku, but lmfao, the common route hinted at the fated lovers trope, like a very typical otomate game. Fine ok, I ADORED Akaza so I had some hope. Some faith. DASHED!!!! Goemon is somewhat cute at the very least, questionably obsessed with himself that he kinda sweeps under the rug and never really talks about again, and he’s well liked. But that last part made him kinda boring to be honest. My main issue with him is the route sucked!! Rin and Goemon LITERALLLLLLYY beat around the bush about this whole “I loved you in the previous life” for ELEVEN CHAPTERS. It’s not even like rewarding. Goemon KNOWS and Rin doesn’t. I thought in like chapter 4 or 5 this shit would get cleared up and they’d build into something really amazing. Nah bro Goemon is just like “yeah uwu i really loved this dango shop, the girl there was beautiful uwu” and Rin spends nearly EVERY chapter going “god i wish i was the dango shop, the dango girl, hell the dango he ate ;_;” and Goemon kinda just.. Lets it happen which I found absolutely annoying LOL. I think the only real positive I have for this is Sharaku was funny, no shocker he’s funny in every route, and Goemon’s VA is really good, because otherwise I was really bored. My face when it said: chapter 13 PLEASE JUST END IT PLEASEE I DON’T WANNA KEEP PLAYING THIS SHIT
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ALSO THE WRITERS PUSHED IN A RAPE SUBPLOT AND A OUT OF NOWHERE “BETRAYAL(????)” AND IT WAS SO BAD LMFAO like holy moly I felt nothing for that part other than “yup there it is, that's the shit they love to do for no fucking reason WHAT SO EVERRRR”
Ok, we are nearing the end I promise.
Side characters? They ranged from pretty cool to what the fuck is the point of you. 
The coolest? Asaemon, and the couple that I forget the name of. I also kinda like Shin.
Azami is pretty mid tbh. She’s just a bratty girl. Nothing really new.
Shinobikuni is the most disappointing villain? Like she literally… did nothing. Lmao @ the ending where she just kinda lets Goemon win without a fight like “lol you got me i guess!”
Lol Mukkun wtf, the whole betrayal was so short lived it lasted like 2 minutes before it just… moved on… and changed the villain… LOL…………………
And then the white haired dude I forgot the name of. He was actually ok until… yeah lmfao wtf. I honestly couldn’t really even be mad at him because it just was such a sudden and weird choice that I just… didn’t feel anything. I was more mad at the TERRIBLE decision here. And so fucking out of nowhere like why? Actually I know why, it’s only purpose was to cause shock and I’m so disappointed.
The characters who stole the show are obviously King Enma and Mr. Corporate slave. XD They were the most enjoyable and honestly very intriguing of the cast. Always bringing humor to the table and overall brightening up my glum mood from a shitload of pointless text that brought nothing to the table. King Enma was a delight, I wish his presence was more prominent in the game.
Now, Rin.
She’s honestly just ok. The eventual background information about her that you get, obviously, from Goemon’s route was ok. I was kinda with it but that was ruined by how Goemon’s route ended up. Sometimes I really liked Rin then other times I was kinda bored with her. Not that she’s bad or I think she’s a deadpan MC, just… I don’t know, I didn’t really end up loving her. She was just ok. The whole man hating thing makes sense now but I feel more bad for her in the sense I can’t believe the writers just did that to her randomly. I don’t think I’ll ever be over it.
I forgot the cat. He was ok I guess. I wasn’t crazy about him. Did chuckle a few times at the dick biting jokes tho.
Last thing, I did *most* of the memory stuff extras, but tbh after Goemon’s bullshit route, I was just so fed up with the game I skipped about the last 25% of them. I completed them by force skipping. I just couldn’t anymore with the game. It was already so long and I was so drained by the game’s refusal to just.. End things.
So yeah. 4/10, other people will probably like it. I also didn’t really think Birushana was a very interesting game, but a lot of people really like Birushana. So, to each their own. I'm happy the game was localized and am thankful for everyone who worked on the game!
That’s it! If you read this far, you get a gold star sticker from me and I’m sorry for my opinionated piece/rant. lol
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ilopisara · 10 months
17.11. 23:52 | Ilo Pisara vs Hakunilan Yo 2 - 5
Alright, let's dissect this catastrophe of a hockey game like a surgeon with a sense of humor darker than the coffee I shouldn't have had before bedtime. First off, "VETOJA HYVÄT HERRAT!" What was that display? If our shots were any more pathetic, we'd be better off tossing coins at the net and making wishes. Eleven shots on goal? My grandmother could block those in her sleep – and she uses a walker! Yuri Tarde... where do I start? A defensive menagerie of errors! Fourteen giveaways?! You've been more generous with the puck than a billionaire in tax season. And one shot on goal - did you think we're playing hide and seek with the puck? Macho Fantastico scored both goals for us, which is less 'fantastico' and more 'where-was-everyone-else-o'. Kudos for hitting 100% shots on net percentage though; clearly someone forgot to tell you it's not just about quantity but also quality! Jani Saari, center extraordinaire—more like 'center of none.' With sixteen giveaways, are you running for Santa Claus this year? We might as well gift-wrap the puck next time. At least your passes weren't completely atrocious. As far as historical context goes: remember those wins we racked up before? Yeah, cherish them because games like these make them look like flukes. Future implications? If we keep playing hot potato with the puck instead of shooting it (yes, VETOJA!), our future looks bleaker than an ice cream shop in Antarctica during winter. Shape up or ship out – unless you want to become professional bench warmers!
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mochi-prosperity · 10 months
The Mochi Prosperity Challenge!
(I am playing loose with the rules and I dont keep score, I am just having fun playing the sims again :) Screenshots are poopy, will be better next update^-^ )
Round 1- House 1 "Davis"
(of course my computer crashed so I don't have a lot of screenshots ;-; bare with me and my gross in game snapshots. it will get better! )
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-Hello Emmy!-
"Huh...? Who is there... do the birds talk here?"
-Hahaha nope! Just me :) I am Mochi! I am ..your caretaker in a sense.-
"Oh...Hello Mochi...are you like a god or something?"
-To you maybe... but in reality I am just here to make sure things go smoothly ...well as smoothly as they can. Just do your thing and forget I am here!-
Emmy Davis is a popular sim who has the goal of being top of the military career. Thank goodness for that cuz I don't think I have enough patience to make many friends for her with the small neighborhood we have started with.
She is one of the 5 Starter families, and my only solo flyer! And she's a cutie to boot... trust me.
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-Whatcha doing?-
"Smelling the flowers! I really enjoy the aroma they give off."
-Wonderful! How about the house, does it fit your fancy?-
"It will do for now."
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"Okay finally, got the job I have been striving for since getting here!"
-Oh? Have you been without a job?-
"Oh, heavens no! I just have been doing a silly old do nothing job I found day one. Shouldn't you know this though?"
-...look the game kept crashing I barely remember anything.-
-never mind that, congrats on the job! Onto the top of the military track now for you it seems. Any other big plans?-
"Skate rink!"
-I'm sorry?-
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-Oh you were being serious... Why does it look like its flooded?-
"I have no clue! But it saved my fall at least, that could have hurt a lot more than it did."
(I have no idea why it was like this but I thought it was funny it was a pool/rink mix haha.)
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"They have arcade games here too!"
-Are you winning?-
"Nah. But at least I'm not waist deep in water anymore."
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-Oh you're home again! Who is this?-
"This is Moonshine! He just showed up and was so playful. I wish I could keep him."
-Maybe not the time quite yet. But I'll approve a pet for you soon.-
"Thanks Mochi!"
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-Getting some skills up before the end of the season?-
"Yeah, I needed logic and fitness for my job, but chess is a little boring to be playing solo."
-Yeah I agree. Don't worry maybe next round we can find a friend or two for you.-
"Can Moonshine be one of those friends?!"
-...Maybe. Well its time to end the week!-
"Oh, bye Mochi!"
-Goodbye, Emmy!-
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(Sadly a lot of my screenshots went missing after my computer died, but thankfully this round was not very eventful, most eventful thing was that she burnt the toaster pastries. I'll get a better pic of my girl soon. I feel bad she had to sadly be downgraded to in-game snapshots. The quality is atrocious. I streamed this first part of the round on my twitch but it crashed around 30 mins in hahaha)
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