#yeah thatd be embarrassing
krimprim · 2 years
what are some classic horror movies that you always recommend, and some more obscure ones that you love but don’t get a lot of attention? love your blog btw!
Got my first anon!! And it's super nice too 🤧 This is so lovely I'm really happy you asked.
I'm biased towards sci-fi horror and horror comedy's, but I've tried to give a bit of everything here. For classic ones I'd recommend? I'm taking some of my favourites from different eras so you can get a good feel for the changes horror went through. Noting here that I have not watched many movies from countries outside America, Australia and western Europe, just wanted to let you know in advance. Trying to fill out my horror repertoire between work and study 💀 Also this is long lmao sorry not sorry.
For early stuff my favourites would be The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari (the original horror film you could say, featuring my beloved Conrad Veidt), wonderful silent German expressionist horror from the 20s.
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On top of that I really loved Universal's 1925 adaption of The Phantom of the Opera ft Long Chaney and Mary Philbin. If you like that one I'd 100% recommend watching some documentaries on youtube about it cause it's really fun, Chaney bought the rights to the film himself as he really wanted to play Erik and adapt the story to screen. He did all his own makeup and stuff too it's great.
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Further down the track you have all the universal monster movies, I have unfortunately not watched them all yet but I really liked The Wolf Man, and have memories as a child seeing Creature from the Black Lagoon and enjoying it. This ties in to more obscure films I think more people should watch, but Them! also came out in this era and I love it so dearly. First horror movie I watched properly start to end, it's about giant mutant ants, and has a small cameo of Leonard Nimoy in one of his first roles :)
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Right after that in the 60s you have a big uptick in Hammer horror, which is where you get a lot of fun stuff (I can't give personal recs. I've only seen their phantom..which is good but like I'm embarrassed 😔). At the same time there was stuff like Rosemary's Baby (fuck Polanski) and Night of the Living Dead.
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Then there are the infamous slashers. There's a lot of them, and like the other stuff on the list it depends on what you like what you'll take to in a slasher. One of my favourites is Black Christmas (the progenitor of the slasher. idc about Psycho, Hitchcock can have nightmares about blonde women for eternity) which had a surprising nuanced look into things like abortion and critiques on classic relationship dynamics. I'm goofy though so I also like it because of the villain Billy Lenz. Goofiness is also why I adore Child's Play <3. The Original Texas Chain Saw Massacre I think is a good one to get to as well, interesting themes and even though the main characters aren't that deep I do really like Sally and Franklin. My favourite type of horror protagonists have always been family members, especially siblings. And again, if you're a fan of silly you should definitely watch its sequel, which is a horror comedy.
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Non slasher classics of the 70s/80s I recommend are Stepford Wives, The Thing, Suspiria, The Fly, Possession, The Lost Boys, Alien and Aliens, plus Evil Dead 1 and 2. They're all pretty well established here on Tumblr so there's not too much to say. I've watched the most films from this era if it isn't obvious haha.
By the time the 90s came around I feel like things got a bit all over the place, in a positive way. You got a bit of everything, though there was a bit of emphasis on horror movies becoming more "serious/gritty" compared to the slashers that came just before them. If I had to pick one film it would definitely be Candyman though. Tony Todd did an immaculate job and gave life to one of the most magnetic and charismatic horror villains ever. The movie is gorgeous and I adore the writing of it too.
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Runner up would be Silence of the Lambs, Clarice and Hannibal both get a big kiss on the lips from me <3
I'm not sure if it's been long enough to claim movies past the 2000s can be classics but I'll quickly list some ones I think are neat: Ginger Snaps, The Ring, [REC], Saw, Noroi, The Orphanage, Creep, I Saw The Devil, Get Out, Annihilation and His House.
I will try to be succinct for the obscure stuff (im not sure how obscure these are tbh but oh well) since I know this is getting really long lmao but here 💕
Them!, as previously mentioned.
The Phantom of the Opera from 1989. Absolutely glorious and gorgeous slasher style take on the story. I love it a lot. Has Robert Englund of Freddy Krueger fame.
Basket Case 1, 2 and 3, got to these after watching Malignant and hearing them brought up several times in reviews. They're fantastic B horror and so lovingly made it hurts.
The Hitcher!!! The original of course, which is dripping with so much homoerotic subtext it's crazy. Rutger Hauer plays obsessive freaky man so well and I love him for it.
Stigmata starring Patricia Arquette and Gabriel Byrne. It is so of its time in terms of the editing, pacing and music that I couldn't help but adore it. Suffers from unnecessary romance imo but still a great movie.
Event Horizon is thee absolute shit. Laurence Fishburne is my babygirl in every movie/show he's in and this one is no different. I was blown away watching it and my brother and I couldn't stop discussing it for like two hours after it finished haha. Hoping the director's cut will be released at some point cause I'm dying to watch it.
Joy Ride with Paul Walker. Got this one from a random horror movie generator. I still think about it a lot, there's something mesmerising about a movie with an evil truckie. I havent watched any fast and furious movies but the first one came out the same time as this so I like to pretend it's a prequel to it.
The Slumber Party Massacre remake and Slumber Party Massacre 2. The former for being one of the best remakes for horror I've seen and the latter for being batshit fun. The main villains weapon is an electric guitar drill idk what more you need.
That's enough I think, feel free to psychoanalyse me in the notes. Also if you ever want to send me a DM or another ask on or off anon or whatever that'd be fun, I don't bite :)
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ghost-yearning · 2 years
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Im swooning 😩
Me when i can be someones platonic hoe-
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headfirstslide · 1 month
random off my chest
#tw // eating disorder#its kinda weird and embarrassing to admit pete was a big contributor in my ed relapse when i was 19#i consider that time in my life the height of my 'pw induced female hysteria'#and stumbling on different magazine clippings and interviews where he would say fatphobic thinga#and ofc the holy text of chris saying pete would make fun of fat fans#i became totally paranoid at my next show or if i ran into him somewhere (i had constant fantasies and nightmares about this)#thatd hed make fun of me for being fat#i also had a weird relationship with that cuz i also enjoyed the idea of him being disgusted with me...i was a weird girl#to this day as ive been about half a year into recovery- that when i see these things hes said again i go all heart eyed instead#its just a weird place i allowed myself to fall into#i know a few other fans who felt this way and im sure its not uncommon in the wide celebrity worship world#and i wouldnt blame him ever honestly like yeah he said those messed up things but i took it to heart and ran away with it#but when i go back and look at it i do let myself wallow a lil bit and wonder what if he just . never said those things...#how different would i be#this is now unrelated to that point so u can stop reading here but#its also weird to be in recovery only because u reached ur goal#i feel like im in a weird inbetween place of not deserving to get better because i succeeded#u know everyone says i just need to reach my goal and then ill stop/then ill get better ...and thats what i did. and it feels#like im stuck in purgatory#idk . its just weird
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that time i got grifted out of 200 bucks
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iwaasfairy · 10 months
Faiwyyy, àll these mentions of mirror mirror and indelible and jskdkd of course oikawa and atsuko, now i'm thinking about either satoru-nii or stepdad gojo in a hotd/got modern verse 🥹
Yan!Satoru-nii who does everything to prevent his little sis from being arranged to be married to the Zen'in clan or
Yan!Stepdad Satoru who only agree to be married to your mom because his end goal is you, who has the most ideal technique to be paired with the six eyes and limitless
I'm sorry but like the lack of gojocest fic is just 😔
Is thERE A LACK ???? 👁️👁️ bC I WIll gladly step up to the plateeee omfjdjdkgkg I mean there’s not enough hours in the day for me to write all the fics I wanna write but yeA YOURE SO RIGHT ꒰๑˃͈꒵˂͈๑꒱୭̥*゙̥♡⃛ THATD BE SOOOO SEXXXyYYY I love satoru nii so much I have always loved the idea of big brudder satoru having a blossoming crush on his little sister anD ITs honestly mean n gross that I haven’t gotten to write it yet >:/
Skkskdkdmffj I can just imagine satoru being like the,,, he was the only child for a while until you, so now he’s just got an insane fascination for each of you stuff n seeing himself mirrored in you and it’s not like he wants to make you into him,,, it’s just that you look so fucking adorable following big brother’s lead. definitely if you’re kinda wide eyed and naïve n trust him too much for your own good. double definitely when you’re so dependant on him that you let him do whatever
like watching you as you undress and putting his hands all over n pinching and playing with your body until you can’t stand it. or sticking his fingers or sometimes him tongue into your mouth. or asking you to help him out, but really he just wants to embarrass you by putting you on your knees between his legs n shoving your head into his crotch, or holding you there, or generally just putting his crotch near you at all. and making you touch him “like this, like this, good girl—“ through his underwear even though you don’t understand what he gets out of it.
because then he always asks “do you like your big brother? you like me, yeah?” and “how much?” and he’s always so touchy with you and he dotes on you and he calls you a smart girl or such a good little sister when you listen to him,,, so of course you wanna help. Even if he has some weird requests
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flmed · 15 days
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full name.   johann frederick dreyman
nicknames / aliases. jo. j. jbear. commie jo. silvertongue.
height.   6 ' 1 / 184.
age.   46 - 50.
zodiac.   leo sun. taurus moon. gemini rising.
spoken languages.   german. english. french. russian. italian. intermediate dutch. intermediate greek. intermediate darija. now learning japanese bc @wellfell &. some spanish ..
hair colour.   dark brown, black
eye colour.   dark brown.
skin tone.   he's white; when he is embarrassed or blushing, he will easily have red cheeks, but he likes to get sun-tanned in greece.
body type.  mesomorph.
dominant hand.   right. but he practices his left hand for trickery.
posture.   he exercises so he doesn't have bad posture, but pulling a muscle once in a while is inevitable..
scars.   burnt scar on lower back near back dimples on right because fire wood ceiling fell to his back. nobody could see it unless you have sex with him. some faded scars from childhood on his abdomen
tattoos.   no.. he doesn't like to have tattoos on his body because it lasts for a lifetime &. he wishes his partner won't have silly, meaningless tattoos lmfaaoo.
birthmarks.   under jaw on left, moles on his chest &. back.
most noticeable features.   his eyes. he has those bambi eyes &. when hes smiling he looks like 😁 emoji, his long neck because he doesn't like to wear a tie .. his handsome features duh.
place of birth.   karlsruhe, germany. but his mother returns to untertürkheim, stuttgart, which is not really far away but jo will say he's from there because he was raised there
siblings.  none but has cousin, nina.
parents.   martha dreyman &. uwe günter.
occupation.  general counsel for Frei-Libertas, a security company that provides security service that's almost .. working under the shadow hence he never truly talks about his company exactly.
current residence(s).   an apartment in nyc. a house in london. houses in berlin &. stuttgart, and lakehouse in strausberg, outside berlin &. summerhouse in paros, greece. most of verses i tend to make him live in nyc, &. he's suffering there 😭.
close friends.    @parieur 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️. but for npcs thatd be timothy maier, fellow friend from his first job in law firm. some ' artists ' friends but those chiff is majorly closest friend.
relationship status.   single, divorced, ready to mingle. he has no children so .. yeah. he has several situationships too ig.
driver’s license.   yes. he drives up to 200km/h+ in autobahn with his porsche .. driver's license is needed.
criminal record.   not really. he was questioned for his mother's death.
vices.   pride. that's one biggest vice.
sexual orientation.   bisexual with women-leaning .. unlike having sex with women, jo is more selective &. has to know the men partner because of his pride.
preferred sexual role.   dominant. there's no other than being a dominant ..
libido.    high, heh.
turn-ons.   when you kiss his neck,, he'll sigh whilst playing with your hair but you must have dark hair .. even good if it's long because uh .. he likes to play with it. oh yeah &. 🍑 but issa okay if 🍒, he's just a man..
turn-offs.   lack of response to his foreplay/dirty talk .. become bossy/possessive like ' you belong to me '
love language.   physical touch &. quality time &. gift giving.
relationship tendencies.    he aims to have a partner who's equally in his field of business/same profession for safety, understanding reasons &. seeks tad younger around 3-5 years BUT WHAT'S SO FUNNY ABOUT THIS IS THAT HE ALWAYS HAVE PARTNERS IN STORYLINES WHO ARE FAR YOUNGER THAN HIM &. A RESULT FROM WHIM ONS/FLINGS GSKSG. so sex is majorly reason he's with the person because emotionally invested in building a relationship is '???" bc their first approach is sex. but truthfully he's affectionate, loving person but he won't verbally establish that he's exclusive with them unless there's a discussion about it hence it feels like fleeting. BUT he wants to have a child from loving relationship without marrying each other.. he'll cook, buy you things, &. will prods you about things he thinks :// unless you tell him that you don't like him to do so bc that means that's who they're &. how comfortable they're to be like that with him. he'll call you darling, beloved, but if he calls you liebe, meine liebe, mein leben ; he loves you.
hobbies to pass time.   playing guitar, trumpet, or piano if he has it. or reading and watch some foreign films, builds car legos/miniatures, driving his motorcycle or car, builds some DIY projects like table .. build his own car IF HES REALLY THAT BORED GAKAGALAB.
mental illnesses.    diagnosed depression lolz. c-ptsd.
self-confidence level. mf has big confidence unless you crush it on first try; he doesn't like to make mistakes.
. . tagged by @cartelheir
. . tagging @0brighta @foxtaeil @songb1rd @medicbled @solarisgod @crimeclean &. anyone else fr ..
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disgustinggf · 1 year
@bbexoxo girl firstly i dont know how u got more fixated on me saying u stole my text posts than people saying ur a catfish
however u can look at dates of my text posts and when u search them up elsewhere u would see that they were reposted on twitter nd other apps LATER :) so stop trying to help urself cuz no one believes u lol plus even if u did take from other apps (which u didnt cuz ur posts are 50% mine and thatd be too much of a coincidence), no one likes content stealers who cant form their own sentences. also i had friends look on pinterest and none of my stuff is there :)
another thing - if u got no time to stalk me, how come when i originally blocked u like a month ago, i got blocked back immediately? and other people got blocked back as soon as they blocked u too. so u do sit there and check this shit? but got no time for all the other stuff? mhm sure so believable
oh another thing ur acting legit the same as to last april (only attacking me when i wasnt even the one who exposed u), same asks, only empty and inactive blogs defending u so yeah no just quit this bs and remake ur account already cuz thats what ur obviously gonna do
also id like to mention how it must be such a funny coincidence how when u got called out u werent online so NONE of us got asks about it but as soon as u got online hours later we all immediately started getting asks about it. juuuust like last time
and where the fuck did ur tattoo and freckles on ur body disappear? i didnt even notice it but other people did so like can u at least try to catfish right lmfao embarrassing
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avocadoraisin · 2 months
hi! going anon cus i'm slightly embarrassed to ask this 😭
would it be ok with you if i made a character.ai of vampire Hoffman and used one of your drawings for the icon? totally ok if not- just wanted to ask!
yeah using my art for icons is ok :) if theres a place to put credit then thatd be cool but i assume not in this case
id just be wary about character ai in general, if thats alright haha
i admittedly dont really know a lot about it bc i never looked into it myself. i heard its training on fics? which isnt cool if true
im against ai art so i cant in good conscience turn around and give the thumbs up for a program(?) my writer friends seem to be uncomfortable with, so i have to do my duty and ask u to exercise caution and do some research before going ahead 🙏🙏🙏
perhaps look into roleplaying communities!
(ALSO unrelated, not because of you, i think im gonna switch anon off for a bit. was just something i was thinking of for a while. been going through some weird stuff lately, and my art has been getting a lot of attention lately too, and i dont wanna admit it but its adding to the Fears. so im just trying to mitigate things that make the fear meter go up, at least for the time being. this is my explanation in case anyone notices and wonders what happened)
(yall are also always welcome to request i answer anything privately if u dont want me posting it publicly, thats totally okay & fine & i do it too)
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localplaguedoctor · 6 months
Hey guys Mischa here back with another fire post
When plague doctors were still around they carried staffs. These had two uses.
1: To inspect the person with the plague without touching them
2: If someone were to attack them, they would use it as a weapon
While today we don't inspect sick people with sticks and try to figure out how to fix them, I do think we should start carrying around staffs for self defense. Like yeah, maybe there are better options, but like, thatd be really embarrassing to the person. If you get shot with a gun in a fight, big whoop, doesn't shock anyone (in america). If you get your ass handed to you by a beaked up hottie with a staff, it will never leave your memory and it'll be funny as hell.
Unrelated life update: I got new headphones which are sick and I'm gonna play dnd for the first time in like,,, 4 years???? Also gotta cool mushroom totebag
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h0rny-little-switch · 4 months
🦜 - do you have any tickle crushes?
🐠 - share a nice tickle memory, if you have one
🦄 - share a tickle fantasy you have!
Oh, hey again bestie!
I have several tickle crushes on here. But I’m not telling! Heheheh. Those of you who think you’re one of them, you might have to tickle it out of me. 😋
I had a few of them, but I’m too embarrassed to mention them. I did have a nice RP with someone where I tickled them until they swore their loyalty to me for another roleplay. She was very cute.
A fantasy I have it to be surrounded by bound ticklish cuties with their feet all mine. And vise versa, that I want them to take their vengeance on me, in an erotic gang ticklegasm palooza!
Yeah. Thatd be awesome.
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bumofthewild · 2 months
omg i agree with you so much on stormblood. i agree zenos sucks so bad but be warned bc the fandom is obsessed with him and people who ship their wol with him actually attack people who don't like him. really bad behavior from that part of the fandom it's extremely embarrassing
omg ok yeah... i assumed thatd be the case like i figured he was a popular character. i mean he has the basic characteristics of a popular character (white violent obsessive conventionally attractive)...but i dont interact w fandoms even on a good day so i think ill be spared having to witness any of this 🤓
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bedrockbones · 2 years
Dark SBI murder au but Tommy's both the murder and the little shit
send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it ///not accepting
tommys first kill had been an accident. it was a school bully who had pushed and pushed and pushed. they boy had seen tommy as an easy target. the foster kid. the transfer. the one with no friends and no allies. months of torment all came to a head when the boy had chased tommy halfway home after school until tommy decided...why is he running? he...doesnt really remember the fight. but he comes back to himself with a rock in his hand, the edge of it wet with blood and a still warm body by his feet he expects, as he hides the body, for the guilt or terror or shame to set in. it never does. all tommy feels is relieved. even- he feels good even. tommy realizes he doesnt have to be prey anymore. he could be the predator
he gets a new placement a few months later (no one ever finds the body. a nearby construction site with still drying cement takes care of that problem) and he starts experimenting. the thing is- all the cool murderers have a style. theyve got themes and-and calling cards and stuff. but tommy doesnt have any of that. is he supposed to? but nothing really calls to him and he doesnt want to force a style! thatd be even worse than not having one he should-experiment. yeah. study up on the big names. Azrael, Soot, and Protesilaus. Those guys are the best. theyve even got the cool killer names! he studies their kills. their MOs. and once hes ready, he tries them out. the first few are sloppy so he hides the bodies. he cant let people see that-those are embarrassing!- but once he has them down, he displays them in similar fashions when he sees on the news theories of the return of "The Angel" tommy almost cheers. people think he's Azrael! that must mean he did a good job!
when phil sees one of “his” kills on the news, he does a double take. because he remembers his kills. he studies his victims and he most assuredly did not kill this man but everyone seems to think he did and yes, listening to the details, seeing the set up and the victim choice, if phil were anyone else he could see how this copycat would be misconstrued as the real thing. but phil isnt anyone else and he would like to know who the hell is copying his kills? were they taunting him? some arrogant upstart trying to encroach on his territory?  he doesnt even know why hes so annoyed. he’s not wilbur. he doesnt care about fame. that’s not why he does this (though he loves his son and understands his motives. its a tough world out there, trying to make your mark on it is unforgiving.) still. the fact that people dont realize its a copycat and instead think this kill was the real deal...phils interest is peaked
technoblade knows phil is hunting the newbie. hes been on him for weeks now and still no sign of the copycat. it was funny at first-watching phil scramble after some rookie killer and somehow not catching him- but then the little brat started copying techno as well. and thats when all bets were off.
when wilbur heard about this, he had laughed at first. only to grow more offended as time goes on that whoever this killer is isnt copying his MO. does this asshole thing wilbur isnt on the same level as his father and techno? oh he’ll show that little brat the truth then.
tommy knows he’s being hunted and it is the best. azrael thinks hes enough of a problem to deserve being hunted? thats so cool! tommy needs to make this worth the man’s while! 
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pjsk-writin · 2 years
can i req tsukasa, nene and ena meeting s/o’s family like at a dinner but their overprotective and like giving side glances and asking personal questions as if it were a police interrogation and asking like “do you really love them… whats **insert smth ab them**” acting as if theyre getting married in 2 days and stuff, along w chars reaction to it and the conversation after
just thought thatd itd be fun :)
YEAA THIS WAS FUN, hope you like this !! <3
♡ OVERPROTECTIVE FAMILY - Tsukasa Tenma, Nene Kusanagi and Ena Shinonome x Reader
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When you told Tsukasa that your family had invited him over for dinner, he was already ecstatic!
When you told him they might be a bit overprotective, he just laughs. "Haha, is that so? Don't worry, they'll love this future star!"
As expected when the dinner occurs, it's a bit chaotic-
Your family side-eyes him, and he just gives them his usual confident grin
Every single time they ask him if he really loves you, he'll gasp and aggressively nod. "Of course! How couldn't I love my dear co-star?" (They ask about the co-star thing, and he exclaims how he's a future star. You might have to stop that tangent-)
They also ask him about what you like, and he responds very enthusiastically. He can and will ramble about you, don't get him started-
After the dinner, when you talk to him, he laughs off any concern or questions you have for him. "I think it went well! As expected, everyone loves this future star!!"
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When you tell Nene that your family had invited her over for dinner, she's a bit nervous, but she can handle it
When you tell her they're a bit overprotective, that's when she gets worried- "They are? I hope I don't upset them..."
The dinner actually goes pretty well all things considered!
Any time your family side-eyes her, she just awkwardly looks at you-
Every time they ask if she really loves you, she'll just blink before nodding. "I mean, yeah, they're wonderful..." 
They then proceed to ask her about what you like, and she responds very carefully. She knows a lot about you, but rambling about you like she usually does to Rui in front of your family is a bit embarrassing-
After the dinner, when you talk to her, she just buries her face in her hands. "I just hope they liked me...It would've been better if I brought Robo-Nene." "Nene, they wouldn't believe that I'm dating a robot." "...I know, but still-"
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When you tell Ena that your family invited her over for dinner, she's a bit bewildered. She doesn't have dinner with her family often-
When you tell her that they're a bit overprotective, she just sighs. "Ah, really? Hopefully I don't do anything wrong."
The dinner goes well!
Whenever your family side-eyes her, she just smiles at them before looking at you
They ask if she really loves you, and she hums and nods. "Well I mean, of course I do. They understand me better than anyone else!"
They then ask about various things about you, and she responds easily. You understand her, and she understands you as well! She smiles at you the whole time
After the dinner, when you talk to her, she's actually really happy. "Y'know, despite all the questioning, that was...Nice. Do you think they'd mind if I had dinner again?"
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lubotomies · 8 months
trick or treat
every once in a while youd go into the tags and see random people making posts thatd be like 'LISTEN UP' and then go on like a long ass tangent on how the eddsworld fandom is ruined and 'Tord left, tom left, DO YOU ALL WANT MATT TO LEAVE TOO!??!?' or something theyd always find random ass trivial shit to say is ruining the community and then theyd end it with 'if you guys dont STOP .... i will stop writing eddsworld fanfic. Yeah. Thats right' and it made my face burn with second hand embarrassment
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moved2fshfish · 1 year
HEY SORRY ITS ME AGAIN WHO WANTS TO DRAW YOUR BAND AU i was wondering what is Kyles role in the band, and if there's others in the band? and if so, what do they play? sorry i just dont wanna get it wrong thatd be soooo embarrassing THANK YOU
So basically kyle is the drummer )and she has 2 braids and a green bandana)
kenny is the lead vocalist (b/c of that one episode where he was an opera singer or something)
craig is on keyboard
stan bass guitar
marjorine lead guitar!!!!
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buckieduckie2 · 1 year
💌 and 💫 if you want to do another one 😔
YES id like to do another one 😔
💌- poetry or love letters? poetry OBVIOUSLY over love letters cause 90% of love letters are corny n shit and super deparate anyways that shit ages like milk aint no way 🤢🤢🤢- and all the GOOD love letters are basically poetry anyways and poetry is just gonna be better and like... ALSO with love letters all ya get is love but with poetry you can talk about anything... also poetry is short n sweet half of the time so you dont feel bad burning it cause they only wrote you like 5 lines 🥰
love songs or mixtapes? mixtapes, aGAIN cause like love songs are basically just poetry and love letters in song form and yeah theyre cool to listen to but if someone wrote a love song about me idk if i could take it i might die of second hand embarrassment- HJSDHFJHDJ also like mix tapes are so sweeeeeet and they have good songs like what if the person who wrote the song is bad at song writing like HKJHD 💀 nah but like if someone made me a mixtape in cassett form thatd be- thatd be so lovely hehhehe 🤭 OKAY BUT LIKE IF I ON THE OFF CHANCE END UP FALLING N LOVE N SHIT AND THEY WROTE ME A LOVE SONG AND IT WAS ACTUALLY GOOD N SHI IDK BRO 🤭🤭🤭💀
make out sessions or snuggling- sunggling. why would i want to be tasting someone elses dinner that shit would be so slimy and gross wtfrrrrr 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 but also snuggling 😥😥😥😥 its nice ig idk id get stressed out and start having a crisis thats what would happen
💫- well you see this is quite the complicated question to answer- the last time i feel like i got a CRUSH CRUSH was 6th grade- 💀 bbbbtutuuttuttt yeah idk uhhhhhh do i wanna be their friend? or do i wanna be their lover 👹 ig i think i have a "crush" pretty easily all the time on different people but im not sure if thats me forcing myself to like that person or if im genuinely attracted to them but like then i think about a scenario of me dating them and all i get is rocks inside me stomach so 😟😟😥😥😥😥 but there was one person whom i had slowly over the past 2 years been gaining soft feelings for but then she got a girlfriend 😟😟😞😞😞😞😞😞 but like
do i want to date someone
does ✨ society ✨ want me to date someone
HAHAHAHHAHA 😀😀😟😟😟😟😥😥😥😥😥
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