#yeah sorry morgoth’s face is weirddddd
winds-of-zephyr416 · 1 month
BOOPABLE ELVES (and Ainur) ((and Edain))
Fingon (will blush)
Celebrimbor (will boop you back. This will lead into a chain reaction of back-and-forth boops if not kept in check).
Maedhros (but only by Fingon)
Maeglin (stares into your soul)
Glorfindel (thanks you?)
Beor the Old (only boopable by Finrod)
Elrond (unfazed, looks at you like this is normal).
Not Boopable:
Eönwë (too tall 😔)
Manwë (too tall + your hand phases through his face. Would be boopable otherwise)
Finrod (does the booping)
Melian (Thingol tried, once. didn’t go well).
Dangerous Boops:
Fëanor (boopable, immediately stabs you)
Sauron (boopable, will set you on fire)
Morgoth (not boopable, your hand dissolves the moment you touch his face. (((Why would you even want to boop the Dark Lord in the first place?? That’s Sauron’s job, not yours))).
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