#yeah right where do they get off sayin shit like that
cashmoneyyysstuff · 2 months
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katsuki is and forever will be a massive baby.
and it’s all your damn fault, so he says.
you hadn’t even said anything bad. all you'd said was that he looked even more handsome today then he usually did. and he'd looked at you like you grew an extra head, and now he's like this.
you don't even really know what did it, but then again it could've been anything with katsuki. too much eye contact, too long eye contact. your hands lingering a little too long on his face or your fingers rubbing at the crease of his eyebrows.
you don't know what it is but he won't remove his head from your neck now, grumbling about how stupid you are.
"shut up." he hisses through gritted teeth like he's angry, and he is. look at what you do to him ! it drives him crazy. you drive him crazy.
yet you giggle, rubbing softly at his hair and he shoves his head into you harder, the angle he's forcing your neck at is awkward but you don't mind, you'll let him have his little tantrum as you stroke his blonde messy tufts of hair tickling your chin.
"all i said was that-"
"i heard you. the first time. shut the fuck up." his grip on your hips tightens to the point you think he'll make indents in your skin. hands practically steaming and boiling hot to show you the embarrassment he refuses to let show on his face. your smirk grows wider, god you love messing with your boyfriend.
"i don't get why you're so angry, baby." you coo sweetly and he growls from the deepest part of his throat. he squeezes at your waist, clearly wanting you to just stop talking. but of course. you don't.
"it's cus you—you fuckin'—" he splutters and cuts himself off, not finding a proper way to convey how much you make his skin burn and prickle and itch. how you have his heart buzz and beat so loud against his ribcage he's sure you can hear it. and how much he fucking hates it. (he doesn't)
so he does the next best thing.
"ouch !"
he bites you. the asshole.
you're such an asshat !" you whine, pushing at his shoulders, and he grumbles when he pulls away. he lightly nuzzles against the mark he's left into your skin as a sort of apology, you don't deserve a kiss right now. (he'll give you one later) then he pulls away to look at you.
"s'your own fault," he huffs, cheeks less bright then they first were when you'd made the irreparable mistake of complimenting him (in his eyes, you regret nothing) but still with a nasty scowl on his face.
"ya keep sayin' dumb shit so now you deal with the consequences," he presses his nose against your pulse point as he huffs hard into your neck to annoy you and it works because you grumble, you feel him smirk proudly.
two could play that game.
"what dumb shit ? the fact that you're handso-" you cut yourself off with a giggled squeal as katsuki drops you backwards onto his bed with a snarl. you snort and giggle when he blows raspberries and softly bites into your neck, helplessly trying to push him away with your limp arms.
"you just can't help yourself, can ya.." he tuts, grabbing your arms and pushing them against his bed, barely suppressed smirk on his face as he sees your eyes prick with tears, leaning back in to blow into your neck "think you’re funny ? hah ?!"
he ignores your giggled plea's and bites at your fingers when he leans back enough for you to push at his face.
"yuck ! you're gross !" you wheeze, still giggling as you see the lopsided smile on his face. he huffs at the exertion of keeping you still, he really isn't trying hard to convince you he isn't handsome when he looked like that.
"yeah ? i'm gross, huh ? right back at you," he leans in close to you again, smirk still playing on his face "saying mushy shit like that."
"yeah well, i'll keep sayin' it !" you retort, sticking your tongue out at him. he rolls his eyes and drops onto you, causing you to grunt out an 'oof !' sound. he's stays quiet until he presses a soft kiss onto your skin, right where he'd bitten you. unbeknownst to you, his expression softens as he tries to repress a smile. he scoffs.
"you're so damn weird." he utters affectionately.
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syddsatyrn · 7 months
Omg your requests are open. I've seen some of your work and it's amazing❤️
Can you do a smut with Lucifer. He's become my new obsession.
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⛧Idle Time is the Devil's Play⛧ By Sydd Satyrn
⛧Pairing: - Lucifer Morningstar x Reader
⛧Warnings: Shameless smut, fingering, swearing, fluff
⛧Words: 2.5k
⛧Notes: This was actually rather fun to write, thank you for the request! My head canon in this one is that Lucifer wears reading glasses.
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The day started out on the wrong foot from the second you woke up. The dishes are piled up, laundry needs to be done, and how is there so much dust in here?! Nifty does her best to keep up but she's only one tiny person. You begin with the dishes, stack and stacks of plates and bowls, cups and flatware cover the counter. You let out a sigh of disappointment. After working for a short while, Angel Dust walks in with a surprised look on his face. “I thought you were dating the King of Hell, why are you wasting your time with chores?” The tall spider asks, holding a stack of dishes from his room. “Angel, I work here. I don't know how many times I have to tell you…” You reply with an eye roll. “Yeah, yeah, Charlie’s dreams, blah, blah, motherly nonsense. I’m just sayin’ you could totally slack off and get away with it.” He says, placing more dishes on the counter. You give him a side eye, and Angel laughs. “Chill out toots, I’m just playin’.” He says and heads back to his room. He’s right, you could slack off if you wanted to, but you felt the need to try for Charlie. You and Lucifer have been dating for a little over 6 months and within that time you’ve become rather fond of his sweet daughter and her dreams to rehabilitate sinners. So you took on a role at the hotel and did what you could to help make it possible. You wanted to impress Lucifer's daughter, maybe one day she might even see you as family, if you’re lucky.  You finally finish the dishes and take a step back and admire your handiwork. A clean sink, and counters, all the dirty dishes are now washed, dried and put away. It took a good chunk of the morning but it was worth it. The kitchen looks spotless and you decide to move onto the next chore. You tidied a few empty rooms and then delivered clean towels to each room with an occupant. You’re already running out of energy and it's only noon. “You look like you could use some coffee.” Husk says from behind the bar while wiping down the countertops. “You read my mind, Husker.” You say and take a seat at the bar. He pours you a cup of black coffee and sets it in front of you. “Thank you, you have no idea how much I need this.” “Don’t mention it” He says and returns to his countertops. Husk may seem grumpy all the time but you’ve come to know him as a rather genuine and helpful person.
You drink your coffee slowly and contemplate what you should do next. There are so many chores that need to be done, where should you even start? Nifty should be cleaning the bathrooms or taking out the trash by now. You decide to start dusting next, it shouldn't be too hard. 
After dusting the common areas, you begin on the hallways. You start at the top floor and work your way down. You hum quietly to yourself while wiping the window sills. As you turn a corner, you run into Angel Dust, and spill dusting spray all over his jacket. “Shit!” He says while wiping his jacked off with his hand, Angel looks frantic and upset, you’ve never seen him so scared. “I’m so sorry! Are you okay?!” You immediately apologize. “Y/N, I can't find Fat Nuggets anywhere! I took my eyes off of him for one second and he disappeared! My poor baby!” Angel says, clearly in a state. He looks like he might even cry. It’s gonna be okay, we just…need to split up! I’ll head downstairs and you stay up here.”You say, trying to remain calm. Angel nods, and you both go your separate ways.
You search all the rooms on the first and second floor, the lobby, the bar, and even the basement. There is no sign of the little pig. You were sure you would find him rooting around somewhere in the kitchen but still, no Fat Nuggets. You notice the back door is slightly ajar, you definitely didn’t use that door when you were down here earlier. You open it, expecting to have solved the mystery, but still nothing. You lean against the wall and let out a defeated sigh. “Dammit, Fat Nuggets, where are you?” You say out loud. Suddenly there is a rustlin noise inside a tipped over trash can. You lift the lid and inside is a very happy looking little pig. You scoop him up and give him a big hug, he must have gottens stuck out there looking for a snack. As you carry Fat Nuggets upstairs you hear a shriek of joy coming from Angel Dust. “My baby!” He cries as you hand him over. “Don't you ever leave my side again!” He says, baby talking to the little pig while giving him a snuggle. “I owe you one, Y/N.” Angel says with a smile. “Dont worry about it, I’m just happy we found the little guy.” You gently boop the little pig’s nose. —------------ As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of pink and orange across the sky, a sense of tranquility settled over the hotel. The warm glow of the fading sunlight painted the walls in soft, golden hues made the place feel somewhat serene. Finding Fat Nuggets took up the rest of your afternoon and you were feeling unusually exhausted. 
 You head down to the lobby and see Nifty cleaning up the last of the dusting you did earlier.
She greets you as usual. “Good Evening, Miss Y/N! How was your day?” She pauses her cleaning and stares up at you with her single cyclops eye. “I am so worn out, Nifty. How are you?” You return, smiling down at her tiny figure.
“I’m okay. There aren't as many bugs in the hotel to squish anymore so I’m getting pretty bored.” You smile at her, Not entirely sure how to respond to that statement. She always says the wildest stuff, but you’re used to it. Alastor says she's always been pretty quirky. “You should go spend time with your boyfriend.” Nifty teases,”I’ll deal with the rest of the chores.” “Thank you, I could really use a break. Today was a mess.” You say with a sigh of relief. After walking down the long, lavish hallway to Lucifer's room. You open the door slowly, you don't want to wake him if he is asleep. The King is already in bed wearing nothing but a robe and his reading glasses. The lamp next on the bedside table is the only source of light in the room. The blonde haired man is reading a book and glances over at you when he hears you come in. “I was wondering when you’d be here.” He says with a smile on his face. He closes his book and sets it on the nightstand along with his gold rimmed glasses. “Sorry I’m late, I’ve had a really long day.” You admit as you sit on the edge of the bed. “Oh? What did you get up to today?” He asks and crawls toward you. “There was a lot to do around the hotel today, a mountain of dishes and so much cleaning. Like seriously, where does all this dust come from?! Then Angel lost Fat Nuggets and he was outside…” You ramble on and Lucifer listens intently. “Fat Nuggets?” Lucifer chuckles and cocks his head to the side. “His pet pig.” You remind him. “Oh, I see…” Lucifer places his hand on your cheek. His warm touch sends shivers down your spine. He pulls your face closer and kisses your lips gently. Your heart flutters and you kiss him back, blushing slightly.
“Well, I’m glad you’re here now.” Lucifer laughs, knowing exactly what he's doing to you. “Sounds like you need some time off. I notice you do a lot around here, you shouldn’t wear yourself out like that.” “I just want to show Charlie that I support her dream and believe in her.” Your words make Lucifer’s heart swell, the fact that you are trying so hard to impress his daughter is quite possibly the cutest thing he’s ever seen. He smiles at you, his expression full of love and admiration. You return his smile, your face bright red. He pulls you in for a tight hug, burying his face into your hair. “You’re doing just fine, my love. You can let up a little.” He whispers in your ear, “You should let me take care of you for a couple days.” Lucifer's voice is sticky sweet, you can see why Eve was so easily swayed. You melt into his arms and he kisses the top of your head. “I know exactly what you need…” Lucifer days, his voice laced with a mischievous tone. “Do you…?” You ask and giggle at his bold statement. He reluctantly lets go of you and takes off to the bathroom connected to his room. You can hear him turn on the faucet to fill up the tub. Lucifer walks out of the bathroom a few minutes later, he grabs your hand and pulls you close, his eyes half lidded. He kisses your cheek and wraps his arm around your shoulder. “Come with me, my dear.” He leads you to the bathroom, the tub is filled about half way with warm water. The room is filling with steam and the lights are low, a few candles are lit. The ambiance is warm and charming just like he is. Your eyes widen and you feel Lucifer hands tug at your clothes, silently telling you to take them off. Your face feels hot as you start to remove your clothing, piece by piece. You leave them in a pile on the floor, trying your best to keep your composure. “I have to admit I wasn’t expecting this…” You say, Lucifer smirks, pleased with himself and your reactions. He removes his robe, revealing his perfect body. He steps into the tub and turns to you.
"Well, are you coming or not?" He teases, you take his hand and slowly get in the tub with him. He sits behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you just a bit closer. Together, you both leaned back against the edge of the tub, letting the warmth of the water soothe your weary muscles. The stress of the day melted away, you could feel your muscles relax, you lean the back of your head on his shoulder, breathing him in.
"See? Isn't this much better?" Lucifer purrs in your ear.  
You nod and let your eyes close. You can feel him kiss your temple and you can't help but smile. “I definitely needed this…”You murmured, Lucifer's hands begin to roam your body, his hands trace down your arms. 
"You have the most beautiful skin...I can't help but touch it." He whispers and kisses your neck, you sigh softly. "And you always smell like vanilla, I adore that..."
“You flatter me, Lucifer.” You reply. He kisses the back of your neck, sending a shiver down your spine. His hands begin to massage your shoulders, "Are you cold?" He asks, noticing the goosebumps forming on your skin. With gentle hands, his fingertips traced delicate patterns along the contours of your skin. In the hushed ambiance, time seemed to slow, as if caught in the embrace of the moment. “No, I’m fine.” You assure him.” You’re just really good with your hands.” “Is that so?” Lucifer says with a playful tone. He can barely contain himself, the way your body responds to his touch is fascinating to him. Lucifer's hands travel lower down your torso and gently cup your breasts. You hum softly and push your body closer to his.
"My, you're a needy one tonight, aren't you?" He chuckles and runs his thumbs over your nipples. "I think I know exactly how to help you." His hands travel lower and lower until they reach your core. Your breath hitches and your face turns a bright shade of red and Lucifer notices. "Is that okay, my love?" He asks, making sure he's not overstepping his bounds.
"Y-yes, it's more than okay.”
Lucifer's fingers explore your folds, teasing and prodding. His movements are slow and deliberate, as if he's trying to memorize every inch of your body. You gasp as he enters a finger into you. You moan softly and your back slightly arches. "That's it, my love, just let go, let me take care of you." The King’s tone is lustful and alluring. Lucifer adds a second finger and starts thrusting in and out, his thumb rubs your clit. He moves his fingers faster and harder. “Luci…fuck…” You swear followed by another moan, the pleasure is overwhelming. You can feel him smile against your skin, his hand working wonders between your thighs. You bite your lip and whimper, gripping the edge of the tub. Lucifer bites the tip of your ear and quickens his pace. “That’s it my dear, are you gonna cum for me?” Lucifer groans and pushes his fingers deeper inside you. You let out a whimper, a feeling of warmth growing deep within your core. Between the steam from the bathtub and all the stimulation you start to feel a little dizzy. Lucifer groans and buries his face into the crook of your neck. He focuses back on your clit, his middle finger massaging little circles, picking up speed with each second that passes. You can't stop the moans from escaping your mouth, the pleasure is too much. You can't hold back any longer and your body is rocked with wave after wave of pleasure. Lucifer's fingers move slower, helping you ride out the waves of your orgasm. Your chest rises and falls rapidly, your face is bright red. Lucifer pulls his fingers out and wraps his arms around you, hugging you tight.
"Are you alright?" He asks, kissing your neck. You nod and completely relax into Lucifer's body. You lay in the bathtub together, his fingers caress your arm, he presses another kiss to your temple.
"I think it's time you got some rest." He says, barely above a whisper. You both get out of the tub and Lucifer wraps a towel around you.
"You're absolutely perfect." He says with a grin and kisses your nose. You smile at him, continue to dry off and wrap your hair in a towel. Lucifer loans you a pair of his silk pajamas, they are just slightly too big for you. But all that does is add to how comfortable they are. You lay in bed next to him, the covers pulled over your shoulders. He pulls you close and runs his fingers through your hair.
"So, tomorrow you will do no chores, no errands, just relax and take it easy.” He says, with a slightly demanding tone. You lay your head down on his bare chest and he picks up his book. “Yes sir…no chores…” You murmured against his skin. “He chuckles, "Good girl. That's what I like to hear.” He praises while putting his glasses back on. You're exhausted from the day and can barely keep your eyes open. Before long, you fall asleep in the arms of your love, ready for a trouble free day tomorrow. 
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punkshort · 3 months
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Roll Call 2
a Roommates one-shot
Pairing: pornstar!joel x f!reader
Summary: Joel convinces you to watch one of the videos he's starred in and you like it more than you expected.
Warnings: reader and Joel watching porn, smut (18+ MDNI - I don't know what came over me but it's surprisingly soft), language, dirty talk, infidelity, unprotected piv sex, creampie, alcohol consumption
WC: 2.9K
A/N: this was inspired by these asks and is not considered canon, it's just for fun
"It really ain't as bad as you think," Joel teased, watching with glassy eyes as you tossed back a shot with a wince. You swiped the back of your hand across your mouth and shook your head.
"It's porn, Joel. It's pretty black and white."
"See, that's where you're wrong. You must be watchin' some low budget shit if that's your impression," he said over his shoulder as he lead you back to your table through the crowd of people hovering around the bar.
"What're you saying? Your porn is better somehow?"
"Yeah, that's exactly what I'm sayin'," he said with a grin before sliding into the booth. You plopped down across from him and greedily took a sip from your water. "My stuff's produced by people who actually give a shit about quality and storylines."
"Uh huh," you said with a giggle. The two of you were waiting for Tommy to get off work but the bar was busier than expected that particular evening and you had been stuck for almost two hours with nothing to do but drink and kill time.
"You don't believe me? Lemme show you," he said, pulling his phone out of his back pocket. Your eyes widened and you began to sober up.
"N-no, Joel, I believe you."
"C'mon, it's no big deal. We've slept together, for fuckssake, it ain't nothin' you haven't already seen," he said, eyes pinned to his phone as he scrolled on some website that had a suspicious amount of ads and pop ups. His eyes lit up when he found what he was looking for and fished his AirPods out of his other pocket, handing you one and shoving the other in his ear. You held it in your fingers, your mind reeling. You've never seen Joel's porn before, but Maria had, and she told you it was hot at the time but you'd never felt the urge to look it up for yourself.
Joel finally picked up on your hesitation and paused. "If you really don't wanna, it's fine."
You chewed your lower lip as you thought about it. You couldn't deny you were curious and you didn't have to watch the entire thing if it made you uncomfortable, so you took a deep breath and popped the earbud in. "Play it."
He grinned and glanced around. "Come over on this side, don't want anyone walkin' by to see."
You rolled your eyes, finding it laughable that he would even give a shit, but did as he asked and settled in next to him.
"Roll Call 2? Will I be lost if I didn't see Roll Call 1?"
Joel snorted and shook his head. "Shut the hell up."
He pressed play and you watched as the black screen faded to a classroom where Joel sat hunched over behind a desk looking busy as he scribbled on some papers. He wore thick rimmed glasses and a white button down shirt with a navy blue tie. You laughed and poked him in the shoulder.
"Maybe you're right. This is the most professional I've ever seen you dress."
"Yeah, yeah," he muttered.
A door squeaked open and he looked up to find a young looking brunette enter the room with a stack of books pressed against her chest.
"Excuse me, Mr. Ryder, do you have a minute?"
"Ryder?!" you cackled, "are you fucking serious?"
Joel grinned but kept his eyes on the phone. "Yeah, alright, that was less than subtle, but the rest is good, keep watchin'."
"Tiffany? What can I help you with?"
You hid your grin behind your fist and kept watching.
"Can I talk to you about this test? I-I really can't fail this class or else I won't graduate."
"Tiffany" set her books down on the corner of his desk and pulled out a paper, putting it down in front of Joel and leaning over. Her own button down shirt only had three buttons fastened, at best, so when she bent forward, her tits practically spilled out of her shirt.
"Mhm, I noticed your grades have been slippin'. Maybe you could do some extra credit to help boost your grade?"
"Really? You'd let me do that?"
Joel's hand gently brushed up against the back of her thigh, his gaze dropping to take in her plaid mini skirt.
"'Course I would, s'long as you do somethin' for me."
"Joel, this is so corny," you said as you were about to pull out the earbud. He stopped you and scooted closer.
"It ain't 'bout bein' corny or not, it's 'bout the production and the set and how the actors are treated. When you have good people 'round you, it comes through on the screen and the performance is better."
You sighed and continued to watch as his hand snuck up the back of her skirt. Tiffany gasped and pressed her hips into the desk then looked down at Joel, who was gazing up at her like she was the only woman in the world.
"I don't know, Mr. Ryder..."
"Why not, darlin'?"
"W-what if someone finds out?"
"No one'll know," he assured her before taking her hand and placing it over his lap. She moaned softly and bit her lip before sinking to her knees and undoing his belt. He groaned and leaned back in his chair, watching her with a pleased smirk.
"Yeah, that's it," he whispered when she took him in her mouth. Suddenly you remembered you were in the middle of a bar watching porn with your ex and you yanked the earbud out.
"Okay, I think I get the idea."
Joel chuckled. "Fine, I don't wanna make you uncomfortable," he said, setting his phone down so he could take a sip from his glass, but the video still played. You couldn't hear the audio anymore but you saw his head tip back and his eyes squeeze shut in pleasure. You wondered what kind of noises he was making, knowing he was the type to be more vocal during sex, an attribute you always appreciated. You tried to look away, focusing your attention on the people around you, but your eyes kept finding his phone. On the screen, Joel pulled Tiffany up by the shoulders and pushed her up against his desk. He slotted himself between her legs and pushed up her skirt before plunging his tongue into her mouth and rubbing slow circles over her clit.
"See somethin' you like?" Joel teased when he caught you looking. You pursed your lips before rolling your eyes and shoving the earbud back in just in time to hear him groan deeply into her mouth when he began to sink his cock inside her. You had to admit, it was nice when the video didn't cut to a godawful closeup of her pussy but instead took advantage of her wide spread legs and chose to capture both their reactions. You swallowed, throat suddenly dry, as you continued to watch the video. Much like Joel in real life, he was attentive and caring, subtly making sure Tiffany was comfortable. He didn't jackhammer her, he didn't remain awkwardly silent, but instead he rolled his hips leisurely while lavishing her with praise until he tugged on her shirt and wrapped his hand around one of her breasts, biting at her nipple. She moaned and grabbed his hair, whispering how big he was and how good it felt and fuck me harder, Mr. Ryder, I can take it.
He pulled out and flipped her around, pushing her hips into the desk before sliding back inside, her pussy and thighs glistening from her arousal.
"Goddamn, you're so tight. Oh, good girl, look at you. Takin' my cock like a champ. Fuck, y'feel so good."
He was slamming his hips into her faster now, so much so that the desk was beginning to move. Tiffany's fingers clutched around the edge of the wood, knuckles white, mouth agape and eyes rolled to the back of her head.
"How much of this is fake?" you asked breathlessly, unable to look away. He shrugged, no longer watching the phone, but instead his eyes were glued to your face. Your lips were parted and your breath was coming a little faster now.
"What'dya mean?"
"Like, is she faking it?" you asked.
"No," he chuckled, casually draping his arm behind you. On the screen, Joel gently pressed a palm against her spine so she laid flat on the desk, then he reached down to pick up one of her legs to open her hips even wider. The noises she was making were so loud at that point, you didn't need to keep the earbud in anymore, so once again you took it out. He could tell how aroused you were, even though you initially tried to hide it. You squirmed in your seat and you rubbed the back of your neck before taking a deep breath. Your eyes met his and he saw you swallow thickly, your gaze flickering from his eyes to his lips over and over again.
Your voice was low, suggestive, as you leaned into him a little more. The heat between you was growing thick. It was probably made worse by the alcohol coursing through your veins but he didn't care, and neither did you. He nodded and tore his eyes away.
"C'mon," he said.
He grabbed your arm and shoved his phone back in his pocket before leading you through the crowd, his cock straining against his zipper, knowing full well how that night was going to end.
"Where are we going?" you asked when he bypassed the bathrooms in favor of a third closed door.
"Basement. Where they keep the booze."
He swung open the door and flicked on the light before pulling you in after him and ushered you quickly down the stairs. He swiveled his head back and forth until he spotted a corner of the basement that had a small amount of privacy hidden behind boxes of liquor, then turned around and cupped your jaw before crashing his mouth against yours with a deep groan.
"We gotta be fast," you murmured before breaking away and tugging your jeans down.
"Yeah," was all he said, his heart thumping wildly in his chest when you pulled your jeans all the way off and started on your underwear. "Jesus Christ," he added when he realized you weren't messing around. Fast meant fast.
You tested the weight of what looked like a repurposed workbench before hopping up and grabbing the collar of his shirt, yanking him forward just as he undid his belt. You helped him unzip his jeans and slid your hand past his waistband, wrapping your fingers around his cock as you nipped greedily at his throat.
"Fuck, baby, you liked that, huh?" he murmured, grabbing onto your hips, letting you pull his cock out and line him up against your opening without his assistance. He hissed when the tip of his cock prodded at your folds, feeling just how wet you were from watching that video.
You didn't answer. You just spread your legs wider and scooted closer to the edge of the table. Your heels dug into the backs of his thighs, urging him forward. A whimper fell from your lips when he slowly eased inside you, then tipped your head back with a gasp when he pushed all the way in.
"God, that feels good," you moaned, your arms draping lazily around his neck, forehead resting against his chest.
Slowly, he pulled his cock out, leaving just the swollen tip before pausing and pushing back in. You both watched in a daze as he slid in and out, emerging slicker than before with each thrust. Calloused hands ran up and down your thighs. Slowly, leisurely, adoringly.
"Faster," you mumbled, eyes fluttering closed, forehead still pressed against his broad chest.
"I don't like goin' fast with you," he whispered, then wrapped his arms around your waist, tugging you even closer as he continued slowly feeding you his cock.
You moaned and dug your nails into his neck when he hit a spot just right, making your thighs shake and your breath stutter.
"L-like the video," you managed to stammer out. You pulled your head away from his chest and hazily looked up at him. "Don't you wanna make this table move like the desk?" you asked him with a teasing smile, but he didn't give you one back. He shook his head and rubbed the pad of his thumb over your lower lip.
"No," he said softly, still fucking you agonizingly slow. His eyes were warm and sweet as he stared down at you, scanning your face. His fingers slid through your hair, cupping the back of your head as he continued to look at you, watching the little flickers of pleasure cross your features every time he hit that one spot he knew made you come undone. "Don't wanna fuck you like them. Wanna take my time 'n really feel you." He rolled his hips, pushing inside you extra deep and you melted against him, giving up and letting him take you the way he needed.
The hand that was lost in your hair tilted your head so he could kiss you. His tongue, slow and lazy, slipped into your mouth, licking and savoring the taste of tequila and the cigarette you bummed from him an hour earlier.
Eventually, you lost yourself in the moment, raking your fingers through his hair and kissing him back just as deeply. You knew it was too intimate, you knew it was dangerous to be like this with him, but it was too late. Who were you kidding? It's been too late for a while now.
You finally had to break the kiss, your lungs burning for air the same way your thighs were burning around his waist. Tipping your head to the side, you slumped against his shoulder, gasping and panting while he continued to torturously fuck you slow in the dirty basement of your favorite bar.
The setting hardly matched the mood, but it didn't seem to matter.
"You gotta know, I don't fuck anyone else like this."
You squeezed your eyes shut.
His fingers dug into your ribs, the others into your scalp, pressing you against him as if you were one.
"Yeah?" Your voice was breathy and high pitched.
"Only you." He pressed his mouth against your hair, his cock splitting you open in the softest way possible. "Just you."
"Joel," you whined, one hand dropping to grab the thin material of his tshirt, fingers getting twisted as you tugged and pulled at him. You said his name again, a whisper that time. Being so close, you could feel his heart beating loud and fast in his chest. It felt like it matched your own.
"Yeah, say my name," he muttered, hips moving a little faster now. "You gonna come f'me, baby?"
You couldn't respond. You were too close and everything was too intense. Instead, you nodded and squeezed your eyes shut tighter, fighting back the two tears that sprung up out of nowhere.
When you came, you pulled harshly on his hair and gasped, warmth flooding your limbs as your orgasm washed over you. He was murmuring something but you couldn't hear him over the ringing in your ears and then finally, your muscles relaxed and you sighed.
"Fuck, Joel."
"I know," he grunted through clenched teeth. "Shit, you're gonna make me come. Feels too good, I can't... oh, god."
He made a move to pull out but your legs tensed around him once more, keeping him still. His hips slowed.
"What're you-"
"I want you to come inside me," you mumbled drowsily from his chest. You felt more than heard the low growl he gave you in response.
Tugging him by the back of the neck, you pulled him down into a searing kiss, shutting him up. He cupped your jaw with one hand while the other remained wrapped around your waist, still holding you against him. It only took him a few more seconds before he spilled inside you, his moans getting lost against your lips.
Long after you had both recovered, your mouths were still latched together, tongues slowly dancing, neither of you wanting the moment to end, but it was you who finally pulled away.
"We should go before we get caught."
He hummed and pressed his forehead against yours.
"So what if we get caught?"
You practically stopped breathing at the double meaning behind his words, your brain unable to formulate a response. He must have sensed it because he continued.
"What's the worst that could happen?"
"Jail?" you finally offered, leaning back and giving him a smirk, purposely ignoring the real meaning behind his question. What would happen if someone found out about your affair?
He gave you a small smile and sighed. "You make a good point." He pulled out with a hiss, his gaze darkening for a moment when he saw your pussy leaking with him. "Christ," he whispered before backing away and fixing his clothes while you did the same.
"You ready?" he asked once you got your clothes back on and looked relatively presentable.
"Yeah," you replied, but took a step and stumbled. Joel quickly reached out to steady you, his thumbs rubbing affectionately over your arms as he did.
"Don't worry, I got you."
You looked up at him and smiled. "I know."
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2knightt · 4 months
HII!! could you write the gang with a reader that has an rbf and seems really intimidating/unapproachable but is a sweetheart? they arent very talkative and seem very cold but their love language is acts of service/gift giving & sorta quality time?? <33
୧ ׅ𖥔 ۫ pretty as a vine, sweet as a grape. ⋄ 𓍯
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…REQUESTED: you never judge a book by it’s cover. especially when it comes to y/n!
tags/warnings: people being judgy asf/spreading rumours, gang defending reader with their soul, reader is a softie i fear, reader is kinda shy, probably stupid:3c, steve threatening a manLMFAO
ೃauthor notes⁀➷ READER IS SO ME CODED HELLO also if two-bits part sounds stupid it ‘s because i’m high rn and even if can admit it’s a little iffy
dallas winston
thought of you as someone to be threatened by at first ngl
he heard of this scary, mean mugged, tuff looking girl and went ‘mh. an enemy🐺😒’
he went up to you one day, acting all tuff and shit just for you to look him up and down and nervously wave
look, he may not be the smartest cookie but he can see someone shy a mile away. and when he seen you wave, he felt like such an ass LMFAO
did he show it? no. obviously.
this is dallas. he’s an asshole.
“little miss tough girl, huh?”
that teasing from him DID continue until you walked away because dallas is the type to never back down, even when he’s wrong
expect for the next time you met him!!!!
he was actually asking you your name, where you’re from, etc, etc!!!
turning a new leaf dare i say…
and everything after that was history! cutest scary looking couple ever!
he plays into it sm if someone brings it up bro
“y/n? like..scary y/n?”
“yeah, like scary y/n. and i’ll get ‘er on ya if you keep talkin’ ‘bout her.”
he thinks it’s so silly to see you look really pissed off when he isn’t around just to greet you and see your whole demeanour change!!
dallas thinks it’s so cute😭 it’s like one of his favourite things about you!
“hey, baby.”
“oh! hi, dal!<3”
yuppp spoil that dickhead!😫 he lovelovelovesss getting gifts, ESPECIALLY from u!!!
if you’re clingy, i feel like he wouldn’t mind it. he teases THE FUCK out of u tho!😊
“big tough girl wants to hold hands, eh?”
“awh, look at ya. come ‘ere.”
johnny cade
you might think he’d be scared and intimidated, right? but NO! he’s literally bff’s with ponyboy, he knows damn well what rbf is!
you two are sooo cute together
little kicked, scared puppy with his feral doberman!!!
tells people to stfu whenever they try and spread rumours that you’re scary, mean, and rude.
“you’re dating y/n? don’t you know she-“
“i don’t care, shut up. ‘s not like you know her😒.”
sometimes refuses your gifts.
johnny’s not used to them :( but all u gotta do is say please and flutter your lashes and u got em!!!!
“i can’t take it.”
and he DOES NOT regret it! he might fight you at first, but he cherishes those gifts with his life<3!
loveloveloveLOVESSS having u around constantly!! since your love language is quality time, you two are always hanging out together.
and, with your scary looks, you often keep the socs away from him!
hip-hip, hooray‼️‼️
the gang was like…worried for johnny at first.
they were all like, “??seriously, johnny?? you pick the meanest girl?? ever???” and johnny was QUICK to defend. “y’all ain’t even meet her, and you’re already sayin’ she’s bad for me?”
when they did though, they were like ‘ohhhh….she really isn’t rude…..oh….’
and to know the real you?? treats it like an HONOUR
ponyboy curtis
was intimidated by you.
forgot he was also like you and accidentally glares at people who walk past him LMFAOOOO
You two are like two peas in a pod istg!!
“you look mean from far away,”
“???so do you, pony??”
mean looking couple who are truly just a bunch of nerds deep down to their soul<3
the gang was a little protective of ponyboy until they realized ur just like him LMFAO
They get having an rbf<3
pony loves spending time with you!
gift him a book and he’ll love you forever!!! (maybe even read it to you when you two are finally alone to help you fall asleep🤍)
he’s such a cutie…..
stays close to you in public because he thinks you’re scarier looking than anyone he’s ever met😊😊.
glares at anyone who goes around telling people that you’re mean and rude.
if looks could kill, they’d be dead already!!!
ponyboy does not fuck around with u i fear.
Sodapop Curtis
he was NOT afraid of you!! in fact, he thought the rumours of you being an asshole were all fake
“you talkin’ about y/n?”
“yes, bro! they’re so rude-“
“how do you know?”
“well, i don’t-“
“so, shut up?😒”
cuz like??? did they not bother to understand you???
soda literally made it his mission to prove that you weren’t a dick!!😭😭
you’re such a sweetheart to soda! he lovesss telling people about how cute you are around him since it’s his own way to squash the rumours.
“my y/n is so sweet, you wouldn’t get it.”
“isn’t she the same girl who beat the soc to a pulp?”
“she can barely kill a fly.”
you don’t need to do much to scare off the girls that flirt with him at the DX, just a nice little glare every now and then and they’re already gone!
(soda doesn’t have to know that you play into the rumours sometimes. it’s our little secret.)
steve randle
he’s petty AS FUCK LMFAOOO
they can’t handle the randle😜💯
“ew, y/n-“
that was an over exaggeration but you get the point.
gets very defensive when people try and ‘warn’ him about you lmfao
gift him a tool box and he’ll use it until it’s literally falling apart at the bolts<3
no seriously. it could be holding on by one screw and he’ll still use it. he doesn’t gaf. steve will use anything u give him.
he accepts ur rbf cause he thinks it’s SO FUNNY?? like he’ll see you far away with your friends looking all angry before one of them says a really funny joke and just watches your expression change so quickly
one of his fav things ever<3!
two-bit mathews
he makes so much jokes about it LMFAOOO
“jesus, y/n! you sure yer glare ain’t the thing that killed the dinosaurs?”
“swear i see the devil in yours eyes sometimes. it looks soooo good on you, though🤭🤭”
and he lovesss your sweetheart side sm it’s like he gets best of both worlds
He’d totally have it on his bed 24/7. his sister has tried to steal it before to scare him btw.
skmetimes just to spend time together with him—you just go walking around town with him while he has an arm around your shoulder the whole time<3
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apocalypse-shuffle · 1 year
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“Brand New Metal” (Hobie Brown & Fem!Reader)
| Hobie helps you pierce your nose.
| SFW, piercing description, needles
| Featuring almost the entirety of my own piercing experience. (Pic source: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023) movie)
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You pull away for what feels like the hundredth time in five minutes and Hobie’s hand moves outta the way even faster, barely a blur of movement before it’s back within his bubble of space.
“C’mon, Mama, I can’t do this if you keep jumpin’ away from me.”
You shift in place where your butt is planted beside the hard water stained sink. Shoulders dropping you rub your hands down your face.
“I know that,” you grumble.
Problem was, knowing barely qualified as a quarter of the issue, and whoever said knowing was half the battle clearly hadn’t been staring down the point of the thickest needle you’d ever seen in person.
You wave your hand to the metal rod with a grimace. “But look at the size of that thing, Hobes. That’s gotta be overkill.”
Hobie’s accent seems to get thicker as he hits you with a deadpan tone, full brows shading his eyes.
“This’s a twenty gauge needle. I’ve seen you ’old your guts inside you and still make time to bash in some fascists, this’s nothin’.”
In response you flip him off but Hobie - perfectly unfazed - only starts twirling the needle around two latex glad fingers.
His own piercings - of which there were plenty - glint off of the dim yellow lighting of his bathroom like a taunt. Or at least it feels like that to you.
“Look, I already told you piercings ain’t some crucial part of the scene, Mama. You don’t have ta do any of this. It’s all just boxes and labels, the lot of it,” Hobie points the blunt side of the needle at you. “And you know I hate labels.”
“Yeah, Hobes, the whole of Camden knows. Besides, I want it cause I think it looks nice not cause of capitalism’s agenda to make us buy shit instead of looking at whatever human right of the day they’re doing away with,” you shrug and Hobie’s mouth twists to the side for a second before he’s shrugging too.
“Great. Point’s been made then. Pick a struggle.”
“Fuck your struggle,” you frown. “It’ll hurt.”
“Hn,” he scoffs and shakes his head. He’s giving you this narrow look like he’d let you keep this back and forth up for the rest of the day without any complaints though. “Fake ones exist for a reason.”
“Fake ones won’t give me the satisfaction of a real piercing though.”
“The lie that we need to feel pain in order to be worthy of livin’ is also capitalistic propaganda, Luv.”
Now it’s your turn to give him a look; face dropping and one brow rising.
Hobie chuckles.
“Fine.” He grins, sharp. “We both know I know exactly what it is you’re sayin’. I just can’t tell if being an accomplice to yer masochism is fair to me.”
“You wouldn’t deny a woman her creative outlet, would you?”
“S’pose not,” Hobie agrees, taking another alcohol swab and disinfecting the needle again for extra measure.
He eyes you up and down and you smile, fluttering your lashes at him and kicking your heels into his cabinet doors. You needed Hobie to be the one to do this. For one, because you were not going to be able to do this yourself, and for two, because he was really the only person you trusted to puncture a literal hole in your body.
You take a deep breath, now if only you could chill the hell out.
Hobie shakes his head, wicks flopping around and knocking into each other languidly.
“Yer one ‘elluva reluctant participant to this for someone agreein’ they’re a masochist,” he nods to the needle while brandishing it like a knife. He knows you're full of shit, but he’s not about to make your decision for you. “You gotta stop flinching every time light just glints off the needle if you really want this.”
You lock eyes with him, sitting up to your full height and trying not to back away from the metal rod. “Maybe I’m just waiting for the adrenaline rush to kick in.”
“Pretty sure that happens after the pain, yeh?
A huff and your fingers curl over the edge of the counter and squeeze.
“Just…get it over with, Hobie.” You take a deep breath. “Please?”
“Alright alright, don’t get your knickers in a twist,” Hobie eases a hand around your jaw and raises the needle. “You know I’ve got you. Now keep still.”
Another deep breath from you and Hobie meets your eye for a second time.
“On three,” he grunts. With your head in his grasp you can’t physically nod so you use your eyes to convey your agreement.
Hobie takes a breath to start the countdown and you inhale with him. You’ve gotten your ears pierced before, you could do this. It was fine. Plus you’ll have a few seconds to prep yourself before he gets to number three. You got this. You both exhale.
“Three,” he states.
Without a second to spare the needle pierces through the squishy cartilage of your nose and your breath catches in your throat. Instantly tears well in your eyes and your face heats up something fierce - like somebody’s holding a blow dryer on the highest setting up to it with zero mercy. Your joints pop, grasp on the counter growing tighter in your attempt to keep yourself from jerking out of Hobie’s hold. The sheer need to not garner an actual injury from the metal is almost solely what keeps you in place.
This wasn’t like an ear piercing at fucking all. Fuck this septum piercing and fuck Hobie too. What the fuck?
“Ow! You motherfucker!”
NOTES: Hope you enjoyed!! I only wrote his accent clearly some of the time; you’ll have to forgive me. I was confusing my damn self, okay? I did my best.
Also what I said about how adrenaline works isn’t really correct so don’t take that as gospel.
Edit: Had this labeled gn!reader on accident at first y’all, that’s my bad. Sorry for any confusion.
btw: if you’d like to leave a comment I’d very much appreciate it. this is a sideblog tho so I won’t respond.
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morgluvsconnie · 2 months
VOW, a.arlert
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↜ CHAP.1 / not proof read , mild language , introduction / CHAP.2
A/N / hellurrrr this right here is basically just kind of an introduction to the characters & stuff so it’s kinda short? 😔 UGH I CANT WAIT TO GET TO THE GOOD PARTS (proof reading later)
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“how much?”
armin leaned back in his chair with a smug smile.
eren glanced at you, who was talking with sasha the whole time before looking back at armin.
“basketball team.”
“if you can do it, i gotta leave the basketball team. but if you fuck up, you leave.”
armin shifted in his chair, biting the skin on his bottom lip while staring at you. you, catching him by surprise when you turned and greeted him with a small wave.
it took a while for him to wave back before he looked at eren.
“might as well turn the jersey in.” armin shook his head with a low laugh that proved he had full confidence in what he was about to do.
or, what he was gonna do.
you on the other hand, you’d finally got up to walk home with sasha after your last class ended.
you grabbed your bag, putting your papers in neatly before letting out a long exhale. “shits exhausting.” you frowned a little, carrying your bag carelessly in your hand as everyone left the room.
the halls weren’t as packed, which cooled you off as needed. but you were stressed out from the amount of work you had to do and time you didn’t have.
“you got classes after this?”
“night classes tomorrow, like two.” you mumbled, finally making it outside.
“me too.”
you then looked around campus out of boredom as sasha did the same beside you.
“you know that blonde boy you hang with?” your eyes shifting to the ground.
sasha hummed for a few seconds before letting out an ‘ohhhh’, “armin?”
“that’s his name?”
“what? you got a crush?” she bumped you playfully, making you laugh. “hell no. he was just looking so i waved.”
sasha stopped and put her hands on her hips. “and since whennnn does the y/n, the one who’s always giving men death stares, wave at a boy she, so called, ‘don’t like’.” she used two of her fingers as quotations.
“when she bein nice.”
“which is never.” sasha tapped her head, as if she was proving something. “but, before i mess with you about whatever,”
you looked at her.
“armins not really the type to just like somebody, see what i’m sayin?” she tilted her head, looking at you.
you slowly nodded.
she continued, “i’m not saying he doesn’t like you, cus really, look at you. i’m just saying, i know armin, and if he liked someone for real, i’d be able to tell.” she scratched her head, trying her best not to hurt your feelings.
which she wasn’t, because you had none for him in the first place.
“i just don’t want you to like him and then… something happens and blah blah, shit like that.” she waved it off.
you chuckled at her poor but helpful explanation. “ion like him, we just waved at each other.” you said, passing sasha’s house and walking a few more blocks to yours.
groaned and throwing your head back, you used your key to open the door, walking in to greet your toddler…
your cat.
“ritta.” you said with a smile as she curled up, snuggling your ankles. “hello to you too.” sasha rolled her eyes, walking to your room. “hi mrs and mr l/n.” she said on the way there.
you stayed quiet, leaning down to pet ritta once more before walking to your room. “hey mama, dad.” you waved a little, making your way to your room as they spoke back.
you closed the door behind you, dropping your things immediately and groaning.
“damn, you already packing up?” sasha looked around, putting her things where you put yours. you shrugged. “tryna get outta here.”
“whyyy? your parents seem nice.”
“that’s because you’re here and my dad don’t feel like being a bitch.” you cringed, lying on your stomach across your bed.
“and i just wanna have some peace and quiet.” you glanced down at ritta, who was preparing to hop on your bed. who also somehow snuck past you. “with my child.”
sasha laughed, scrolling through her phone. “but you’re still gonna be near campus, right?”
“duh. can’t leave you.” you reached over to squish her cheek. sasha smiled.
“right. you coming over eren’s?”
“no parties.” you shook your head. “sick of em.”
“it’s not a party, just like…” sasha put her phone down to think about it. “like a get together, ion know.”
“i don’t even fuck with the same people as you.”
“you’re sayin it like you hate them.”
“okay, i don’t hang with em.”
sasha groaned, moving herself to the edge of the bed and hanging off, drawing things on the floor. “they’re cool, i promise. nobody’s really an asshole except for… eren? and jean when he’s trying to be. but they’ll like you.” she said.
you thought about it for a second before looking out the window. “tonight?”
sasha nodded, getting back up and crossing her legs in front of you. “it’s just gonna be a friend group thing.”
you looked at her with a slight confused look. “did they invite me?”
“eren invited you.”
funny, because eren didn’t even know you. not like that. you were just a friend of a friend, and so was he.
“he said you might as well start hanging with them since you’re cool with me and whatever.” she said in a sigh.
you went quiet, rethinking your thoughts. it would be less boring. but why hang around people you don’t talk to?
“i guess.” you tilted your head, rubbing your forehead.
sasha smiled and pulled you into a tight hug, shaking you around. “finallyyyy, it’s at like… nine? so we can get ready together.”
yeah, you didn’t do that. because sasha was more excited than you, which means she got ready at an earlier time than you. you laid in bed as the rambled on about how everyone acted. how everyone was cool and “niceee.” she said before snatching the sheets off of you.
“dude.” you mumbled. “i changed my mind.”
“no, you didn’t. come on, stop bein boring.” she shook you aggressively, making you push her hands away with an aggravated laugh.
“i’m not changing no clothes for this.”
“put on pajamas, duh.” sasha pointed at her own clothes. you pursed your lips together and shook your head. “yeah. no. all my pajamas are… either embarrassing or make me look like i’m seeking male validation.”
“well let’s switch pants and you can wear a hoodie like i am.” sasha took her pants off and tossed them to you.
“you… are too comfortable around me.” you sat on your bed, taking your pants off and putting hers on. sasha searched through your drawer while looking for some of your pants.
“damn, you were right.” she said, tilting her head at the cookies that had faces on your pants. you smiled a little, standing up and slipping on your shoes.
“okay, where he live? i’m not walking far, sasha.”
sasha rolled her eyes at your complaining and grabbed her phone. “not far. like down the block, we all live close to campus so, you know.” she shrugged, walking out of your room and to the living room.
“uh,” your mom stopped you where you were. you sighed and turned around. “where are you going?” she looked at you and sasha.
sasha looked at you awkwardly, knowing she was a bad liar when it came to anyone’s parents but hers.
“just to a friends house.” you said, staring at your mom.
she stared back, looking at your clothes. “you know when to be back, correct?”
a college student shouldn’t have a curfew outside of college.
“sure.” you muttered, turning around to walk out the door.
your mother mumbled something under her breath as you and sasha walked out, you shaking your head and closing the door behind the both of you.
“what’s her problem?” sasha said as you got to the end of the driveway, looking back at your house as she put her phone in her pocket.
“what isn’t?”
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brightbertalt · 1 year
Could I request a hobie brown x famous reader? Weather they’re a model or singer
thank u for requesting!!! omg I love this ask sm,,,,
warnings - injuries
hobie brown x famous model! reader
as a model, you were famous for your down to earth statements on the government and politics
“you do realize the government’s not here to work for you right? they don’t care about their people.” is one of your most televised moments ever
you were often on the front lines, fighting with everyone else
that’s where you met him, hobie
you were in the midst of a fight between ten different people, and you managed to crawl away
you definitely were hurt, and you managed to crawl away and prop yourself up on a wall
“you need some bandages.”
is all he said, before he started with the rubbing alcohol against your cheek
it wasn’t actually rubbing alcohol, just some cheap whiskey he found but he’s good at first aid
“i’ve seen you on the tv. you’re one of them models, right?”
you nodded, smirking a little to yourself; even though you just got your head knocked around, you still appreciated getting recognized
“yeah, I am. why does it matter?”
“you say all that shit about the government, yeah? respect you, sayin’ all of that on tv.”
it shocked you.
this hardcore punk rocker dude saying he respected you?
you felt a little in over your head.
“now get the hell up, we got shit to do, don’t we?”
after that, you guys stuck together like two peas in a pod
small little hangouts, like going to shows together
he found it hilarious how you went out in an undercover celebrity outfit; like hoodie and sunglasses and all
“i think we should let ‘em see. what’s it to them, yeah?”
one time you did, and it was all over the tabloids
that one really got a kick out of both of you
“they called me a damn hobo! i’d be pissed if it weren’t funny.”
after that, you didn’t care about being seen in public together
you were like the it couple of earth 138
flipping off paparazzi together <3
effortlessly perfect couple <3
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carolmunson · 1 year
baby, as if | flashbacks pt. 2
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welcome back to the jungle, babes. baby as if: masterlist (read with caution.)
welcome to the second part of the flashbacks. here we see what happened, where the sour parts began. here, we semi-answer the questions for why he's like that. tw: 18+ (21+ preferred), p in v sex, drug use, references to violence, active violence (domestic and non-domestic), references to gun violence, references to violence with a switchblade, references to club going/getting lapdances, established couple arguing, verbal abuse, psychological abuse/gaslighting, screaming matches, etc. dead dove, do not eat. for a more extensive list of trigger warnings please look at the master list.
5 Years Ago
“Oh, fuck that’s it,” Eddie huffs, sweat making the underside of his hair curlier than normal against his neck, “Ride it juss – mmm, shit, just like that.” 
“S’good?” you whine out, eyes glassy and begging for a morsel of his praise. You both still had your clothes on, panties pushed to the side under your diner dress, jeans shoved down part way while he leaned back on the driver’s seat of the van – parked hidden away beyond the trees outside the diner parking lot. Your lunch break spent sucking him in between your thighs.
“Mmmfuckyes,” he hisses out, voice gravelly and deep, “Always so good, sweetheart. Fuck, this pussy’s all mine, isn’it?” 
“All yours,” you yelp while his palm comes down in a loud crack on the side of your ass, “S’yours.” “That’s right, s’all mine,” he whines, eyes rolling while your hips slap against his pelvis. His hips stutter upwards and still, fingertips sinking into your skin where he grabs you, “Shitshitshitshitshit.” “Ooh yes, cum for me, cum for me,” you gasp, riding him through his orgasm, only slightly lucid from your own moments before. He grins at your encouragement, brows pinching in the ecstasy of his aftershocks before he pulls you in to kiss him while you both come down. 
“Fuh-hu-hu-uck, I love you,” he whispers while he catches his breath, “I love you so much.” 
“I love you, too,” you smile into his neck, pressing yourself flush against his chest to hold him tighter. 
His palm grazes your back, a soft hum pouring from his chest before he presses a kiss to your shoulder, “You gotta get a new dress for the diner soon, honey. This one’s a little tight, don’t you think?” 
“You callin’ me fat, Ed?” you ask, abruptly leaning back from him. 
He laughs, shaking his head, “No sweetheart, not at all. M’just sayin’ it’s showing you off a little more than I’d like it to.”
“How else am I gonna get tips, handsome?” you wink. He lets his eyes roam over your for a moment.
He shrugs with the cock of his head, “When you’re right, you’re right, I guess.” 
Eddie leans in to kiss you again, one rough hand comes up to cup your cheek, “If things keep goin’ how they’re goin’ you won’t even need to work at the diner anymore, sweetheart.” 
“Yeah?” you mumble against his lips. 
“Yeah, I’ll be takin’ good care’a you,” he smirks, mouth pressing against your cheek, your jaw, your neck, “Keep you at home with a couple babies, far the fuck away from Indiana.” 
“Oh, I gotta stay home with the babies?” you giggle, “I can’t be an award winning journalist while you’re home with the kids?” 
“I can do that,” he laughs, nuzzling against your skin, “Be a stay at home dad, watch you be great.” You give each other a few more kisses – soft and gentle, “I’ll see you at ten, kay?” “Okay,” you whisper against his lips, crawling off of him over the console and getting in the passenger's seat so he can drive you back into the parking lot. You touch up your make up in the mirror while he watches, lower lip tucking between his teeth. “You’re too pretty,” he scolds, “Who said you could look so pretty like that?” “Shut up,” you laugh, dabbing your chapstick on with your finger. You give him a final peck on the cheek before getting out of the van altogether, “See you later.” 
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Time ticks on at the diner and it’s a quiet night besides of the corner booths of your regular construction guys. You always take your time with them because they tip the best right after payday and even if you hate to admit it – they’re a little funny. They’re cute, too.
The grease and oil on their clothes smells like Eddie after a shift at the garage, smells like your dad’s coveralls. It’s what you expect men to smell like these days, never scrunching your nose the way some of the women do who walk by. “Who do you think’s winning Smackdown this season?” Bryan asks you in front of the guys. “Bry, you ask me something about WWE every time you’re here and every time I gotta tell you I have no clue what you’re talkin’ about,” you laugh, writing out the check and slipping it onto the table. “We gotta educate ya, girl,” the guys chime in, “Maybe one of these nights we can have the remote and put it on. We’ll tell you all about it.” “Over my boss’s dead body,” you roll your eyes, “No rush on the check fellas, let me know if you need anything else.” They always hang around late but you never mind too much, they don’t ask a lot and they never get too rowdy now matter how many beers they clear. Bryan and his closer work buddies have been coming around here since long before you were working behind the counter. He knows your birthday and you know his, you met his mom a couple of times, his grandparents twice. His daddy left when he was a kid, but his papa basically raised him. 
The bell on the door clinks and you can smell the acrid tobacco from the Camel’s Eddie smoked when the air whooshes in with him. He smiles at you, soft pink lips splitting his face when he sees you behind the shiney linoleum. Ten o’clock on the dot. You pour him a cup of coffee when he sits on the stool across from you. “How long you think it’s gonna take to close up tonight?” he asks, tossing a glance over at the group in the corner booths. His brows raise slightly before he brings his attention back to you: the smear of your mascara under your eyes, the slight dampness at your hairline – too pretty. “Should be ready to hit the road around eleven,” you pass him a couple of creamers and a sugar packet which he always ignores. Sandra tries not to get mad when you flirt instead of closing up.
He leans up on the stool, lips pulling in for a smooch. You oblige him every time, never realizing all the reasons he does it. He wants those boys to know you aren't on the market, well taken care of by a man with his budding reputation. Eddie Munson wasn't really someone you wanted to get on the bad side of, at least that's what people were saying in town under their chitters of day to day gossip. His posture stiffens when the guys get up to pay about a half hour later, when they make jokes with you, when they imply they'll see you tomorrow. Eddie's jaw clenches and releases, rolling his shoulders when they file outside to smoke their end of night cigarettes.
"Busy night?" he asks once the bell stops dinging. "A little," you shrug, you walk around the counter to clean up their table; smiling to see they've stacked everything together to make it easier to carry. "Good tips?" he asks. You nod, patting your apron while you disappear in the back, letting Peter know that was the last of the dishes. Eddie catches you when you reappear, closing in on a slow kiss. "Thought about you all day," he smiles, "Your dad was pissed, I dropped a wrench twice under the hood of some new customer's car." "Don't test him," you tease, "He's a hard ass." "I'm his favorite," he winks, "Gonna be his son one day, right? He can't hate me now." You start to count out the register, catching his eye in between the change of bills -- he winks each time, making your heart race. But your smile falls when you see his phone start to buzz on the table.
“Don’t get all pouty, it could just be Gare,” he says when he catches your change in expression. The soft breath out of his nose tells you enough. “M’sorry baby, I gotta go,” he says, one foot already hitting the white and black tile below him, “Big move over by Rick’s and they need extra support.” 
He leans over the counter again to give you a kiss, but your frown is evident. "How am I gonna get home, Ed?" you ask softly. "Aw, honey," he pouts, voice stuffy with baby talk, "M'so mean, huh? Why don't you call your dad? He'll come get you. Unless you wanna wait for me. I’ll be back in – I dunno, two hours tops. Come back a few G’s richer than I was before." "I'm not waiting around outside the diner until one in the morning," you sigh, reaching for your phone in your apron, "I'll figure something out." Your frustration is evident.
“C'mon, look'it me," he says softly, smiling when he meets your eye, "I’ll get you somethin’ pretty tomorrow." He leans forward to kiss you again – short little pecks, “Whatever.” Kiss. “You.” Kiss. “Want.” Kiss. “Don’t make this a regular thing,” you warn, crossing your arms and trying not to smile after the kissy assault. He nods, leaning in again to kiss you on the mouth more seriously than before. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” he says, gathering his keys and bouncing up off the stool, "Text me when you get home. I love you." “I know, handsome,” you nod.. He blushes at the name, you know it’s his favorite – he never really thought he was handsome before you came around to remind him all the time.
“Hey,” he pouts at you from the door, “Say it back.”  "I love you, too," you sing song, leaning on your elbow on the clean counter top. That's how it's been -- always with a promise of something pretty, of something new, of something he wants to see you in, to smell you in, to kiss you in. New shoes, new dress, new mascara, new lip gloss, new, new, new. But you were starting to miss the old Eddie who didn’t have to be on call all the time. Eddie, who'd be excited to see Beau at the shop, who wasn’t too tired from being with Rick and the boys, from making deals all night – from pushing bricks in different states.
When 11 hits you make your way out of the diner, your dad didn't answer your call -- both your parents and Beau fast asleep by now. You light a cigarette, seeing the headlights of a car turn on in the dark parking lot headed your way. "Hey, where's your man?" Bryan says from the driver's side, another friend in the passenger. "Had somethin' to do," you shrug, flicking your ash into the bush behind you. "I can give you a ride, if you want."
You weren't in any position to say no to a ride.
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A few weeks pass and Eddie hasn't been able to drive you home from the diner at all these days. Date nights coming in a little farther and few in between. Even Beau had been asking where he'd been lately. But tonight it was just the two of you, back pack filled for a night over at his place. Movies snuggled up on his couch, two different kinds of pizza and the cinnasticks you liked so much -- extra iceing. You could barely stop smiling during your mid-shift, giggling at every text message, every smiley he sent your way.
You jump at the harsh sound of the horn outside, expecting him to come in and give your mom a hug like he usually does. He's idling outside of your family's house, knee bouncing and fingers tapping on the steering wheel. Hair tied up, bangs curly and over flowing on his forehead, damp with sweat. 
“Is that Ed, honey?” she calls from the kitchen, organizing pins back in her trusty tackle box of hair fixins that she keeps in the cabinets closer to her hair cutting chair.
“Yeah!” you yell back, shoving some essentials in your purse before running toward the door, “Um, I’ll probably see you tomorrow!” 
“Okay, tell him I said hi!” she offera while you head outside. He flashes his high beams at you, honking the horn again while you squint under the harsh bright lights. Your keys jingle in your hand while your sneakers sink into the mud from the summer rain, hurrying to open the door. 
“Hi handsome,” you smile, but he doesn’t look happy to see you, “You okay?” 
“Babe, what’re you wearing?” he asks while he looks you over, “We’re goin’ to the club.” 
You look him over, blackest black slim fit slacks, shoes shined, leather jacket newly conditioned while all the hardware glinted back at you in the light above him. You look down at your sweatshirt and jean shorts, your dirty sneakers, “Oh, um, I can go change.” 
He sighs, big and heavy, leaning his head back on the headrest,  “We don’t have time, I gotta meet Rick beforehand.” 
“You didn’t – you didn’t tell me. I thought we were just going to yours tonight,” you say, hoisting yourself into the passengers seat, “So don’t act all – I don’t know – fuckin’ exasperated with me for not dressin’ up.” 
He takes a deep breath through his mouth and out through his nose, eyes closing and fingers tightening on the wheel while you click your seatbelt into place, “M’not exasperated with you. But now I gotta leave you at Rick’s ‘cause I’m not gonna be late for this play just cause you don’t read your texts.”
Your furrow your brows at him, his tone feels clipped, sharpened – he was tense like a stretched elastic, waiting to snap, “You didn’t text me.” 
“Yes I did,” he huffs, pulling out of the driveway and onto the street, “Why don’t you check?” 
You do, even going as far to open your text conversation, his last message from the last hour in his shift: see u in two hours, qt :)
“It’s just from when you texted me from work,” you say, turning the screen toward him, “See?” 
He scans it, knee bouncing, fingers drumming, he swipes his hand under his bangs to push away the sweat, “You have bad service or something? Did you delete it?” 
“No, babe, I think you just didn’t press send,” you laugh lightly, “Unless you got some other bitches you were supposed to meet tonight.” 
His head had never whipped so fast around, “Why would you say somethin’ like that, hm?” he snaps, “What’s wrong with you?” 
“Ed, babe,” you say softly, “You serious? I was joking. It was just a slip up, I’ll hang at Rick’s.” 
“Well it’s not funny,” he says, leg bouncing so fast it shakes the van at the red light you’re stopped at, “I don’t like that shit.” 
Your heart sinks, watching the whites of his knuckles flex and relax on the wheel. Your suspicions might be right about why he was acting like this tonight, “You gonna kiss me hello, or no, Munson?” 
His shoulders slump, turning to you to lean in for a kiss, but you catch his eyes in the streetlights – pupils blown to block out his pretty brown irises. Your brows pinch and you reach out to hold his chin in your hand. 
“Wait – are you -- are you fucking tweaking right now?” you ask, the anger present on your face. 
“Stop it,” he sighs, rolling his eyes and dragging his face out of your grip to look back on the road, “I had a little blow, m’not tweaking.” 
“So you’re gonna do this play all revved up? Thought you weren’t ever gonna touch your own stash,” you snap. Eddie wasn’t innocent and you weren’t either, but he was always – always adamant on not touching what he sells. 
“I’ve been awake for two days,” he boredly explains, raising his voice to drown out your disappointment, “I needed a boost.”
He grabs your hand from your lap, pulling your knuckles up to his mouth to kiss them, “Don’t be mad, please?” 
“I’m not mad you just…you don’t have the right personality to be playing around with that shit,” You huff, savoring the feeling of his soft lips on your fingers. 
“M’not playing around with it, it was just for a boost,” he pleads in a whine. You stay glaring at the windshield while his thumb caresses your hand. 
“Baby…” he says sweetly, casting his hook, “Don’t be mad, baby girl. I’m sorry.”
Line. Sinker. You try not to grin but can’t help it, warmth pools through your body when he talks to you like that. He presses a kiss to your fingertips this time. 
“Do you love me?” he asks.  “Unfortunately,” you groan sarcastically. 
“I love you more,” he says, keeping your hand with his on his lap, “Love you the most.” 
You get to Rick's, hand in hand with your boyfriend while he guides you inside. To anyone else it would look like a party but the group was too small, it's what Eddie would call a gathering. He says his hellos and you say yours before Ed finds the man of the hour in the corner with Steve Harrington -- budding favorite dealer amongst Indiana's elite. "Harrington," Eddie nods, his arm skating around your waist. They nod at eachother mid conversation, you both wave. You try not to listen to whatever they're talking about, not wanting to get caught up in the stress. The smoke in the air burns your eyes against the neon pink light fixtures burning on the wall. You wonder where Rick ordered these one's from -- or stole them. Something. "Alright baby, I'm gonna head out with the guys but I'll be around later, alright? I'll come get you," he promises, pressing kisses on your cheek that offer you whispers of his cologne. It's not too long before a joint is perched between your lips, hearing the revs of cars and Steve's motorcycle outside, all headed to he same place. But Eddie didn't show up -- popped up two days later with a cross tattoo on one of his knuckles -- fresh. His eyes were dark, under eyes darker -- tense and overwhelmed -- but much richer than he was two days before. Not showing up became regular. Countless texts and calls of: ‘Sorry baby, things are running late.’ ‘Sorry baby, have to run some plays for Rick.’
‘Sorry baby, gotta go to Michigan with some of the guys.’
'Sorry baby, I'm just so tired.'
Bryan drove you home every shift for two months, ever since Eddie stopped coming by. Started spending his nights at clubs and bars to deal, ignoring your calls and texts for days on end.
You let Bryan start kissing you goodbye.
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Four and a Half Years Ago
Eddie got another cross tattoo a month after his first, hunkering down and laying low for a while, especially now that his daddy was out of jail. No one liked Mack Munson the way they liked his son, not the same criminal he was. Mack did crime for sport, how far can you go? How many people can you hurt? How many envelopes can you push until you've pushed too many? He's normally out for a few months before he's back in again, but that's easy when you've got no where to go.
Eddie was different -- making a name for himself in all the right ways. Oh, a kid at the park's bike got stolen? Eddie got him a new one. Wayne's car broke down? He covered the cost to fix it. Mrs. Costner couldn't pay her heating bill? Don't worry, Eddie will be there with the cash before you can say 'hypothermia.' Even the cops were starting to let him slide if he could spare a few pills, a few ounces, a few dollars. It felt good to be bad if he could get some good out of it. Not that he was telling you anything, this was through the grapevine. Checking your phone to some of your friends with pictures of him at the club. 'This your man?'
He'd come see you sometimes at the diner, fresh and clean, nails shined and silver shinier. Eddie would look at you with those love sick eyes, watching you work in the overhead light. Your smile, your laugh, the way you hold one hand on your hip while you pour coffee. His phone would buzz and then he'd leave, sometimes without saying goodbye.
Your boyfriend, the ghost. Sex felt different when he offered it, he seemed distracted. You could've sworn you saw a girl's name pop up on the screen when he had a call come in but he'd flip it over before you were sure. Forehead to forehead, panting while he held your face in place to look at him. I love you, I love you, I love you. It was hollow, the dark blackness of his oversized pupils daring you to not say it back. You always did. How could you not?
Bryan was different -- he was long car rides and shared doughnuts. He always let you play your favotite songs on the radio. You weren't walking on egg shells, he liked when you bantered with his friends. There wasn't an underlying dread beneath every interaction the way it had become with Ed.
And Bryan's pupils always stayed the same size.
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You aren't expecting to see Eddie's van outside the diner when you finish up your mid-day shift. The fall weather turned the sun down hours ago, but the night was still young and abuzz with life. You'd planned on going out since you had the weekened off, but it seemed like Eddie had different ideas for you.
He shoved the diner door open, looking disheveled and out touch, reeking of cigarettes he chainsmoked before he got in. "You done for the night?" he asks while you come around the corner of the counter with your jacket on. "Yeah, um -- why're you here? You didn't text me," you ask quietly, following him out into the crisp air. You wave your goodbyes through the newly repaired window to a dissapointed Sandra -- even if Eddie paid for the fix, she still didn't like that boy.
"We're goin' for a ride," he mumbles, "Gotta talk to you about somethin'."
You heart sinks and then hammers when you get in the passengers seat of the van. Fear floods through your veins, even overpowering your disappointment when you see a lipgloss in his cup holder that you know doesn't belong to you.
You take the moment that he's distracted from a phonecall with Gareth to text Bryan that you won't need a ride, shoving the phone in your pocket where he can't see. Eddie takes you to the lake where you both used to sit in talk in the summers when you were first getting to know each other. This visit didn't feel friendly in the same way, this time you knew he wasn't going to awkwardly reach for your hand or fumble over his wors like he used to.
“So you fucked some other guy?” he asks, flicking his cigarette into the lake, “You cheated on me?” 
“I – Eddie -- we've barely been seeing each other. You've been dodging for months,” you explain, “I thought we were done.” 
“Did I say that? Did I break up with you?” he snaps, “Cause I’m pretty sure your dad still thinks I’m your boyfriend. Pretty sure all the guys still think I’m your boyfriend. And now I look fuckin’ stupid ‘cause you’re goin’ around with some asshole.” 
You shook your head no, feeling his anger radiate off of him, so quick to find it these days, “M’not goin’ around with someone. We aren’t like, together or anything. He took me on a few dates, he drives me home, we kissed, we–” 
“You fucked him,” he spits, “And I know you did cause you can’t fuckin’ look me in the eyes. You at least owe me that much.” 
You reluctantly make eye contact with him, your reflection shining back in his wet angry gaze. You take a deep breath through your nose and out through your mouth shakily, “Yeah, I fucked him. At least he’s fucking around for me to fuck.” 
“Oh, s’that what this is?” he scoffs, “Not getting enough attention? God for-fuckin’-bid huh? God forbid I got shit to take care of so I can help out my uncle and get ‘im set up in an apartment. God forbid I start movin’ up the ranks so I can start making some more cash. And-and-and god fuckin’ forbid I take some different shifts at the garage so I can sleep in a little after being up all night tryna not get busted by Hopper and his fuckin’ pig brigade. So sorry I wasn’t comin’ home to you with flowers every night, I had to take care of some other shit. I mean Jesus Christ do you ever think about anyone but yourself?” 
Your eyes meet the earth again, watching the way your calves flexed and unflexed, the crease and re-crease of your sneakers. 
“You’ve been at the club, Ed,” you murmur quietly, “So you’re not so innocent either.” 
“At the club?!” he balks, “You mean sellin’ drugs at the club?” 
Your eyes burn with tears because he’s not hearing you, “You’re n-not just selling at the club. The girls’ve been showing me p-pictures. You’ve been hooking up there long before I started seeing Bryan.” 
He lights another cigarette, letting the smoke billow out into your face, “So his name’s Bryan, huh? Okay.” 
He takes a step toward you, sticks and wet grass crunching under his boots, “And what’s so great about Bryan, baby?” 
You swallow thickly, suddenly aware of his looming presence, how big he can make himself seem when he’s angry. He takes another crunching step towards you, only a foot between the ends of your sneakers and the tips of his Docs. You feel the smoke of his next drag kiss your face again, hear his arms cross over his t-shirt. 
“You forget how to talk, princess?” he bites. You shake your head no, matching his posture by crossing your arms over your chest. The straps of your tank top bite at your shoulders uner your jacket when you do, your bra straps pulling along with them. 
“He cares,” you say quietly, “He’s not…he’s not giving me up to go, I don’t know, have strippers dance on him so he can make a buck at a bar.” 
“He cares? Is that what you call it?” Eddie laughs bitterly, “So it wasn’t me caring about you when you’d call me every night from your dorm? Not me helpin’ watch your little brother when you needed to take an extra shift or two? Helping your mom with her errands? It’s not me caring when we’d drive out to the dunes cause you wanted to put your toes in the sand – you know how much money I lost that day?” 
Your eyes pool with tears when you remember that day, he’d tossed his phone in the trunk. Nothin’s as important as bein’ with my girl, baby.
“Buying you a new TV for Beau so he can play video games in his room and not bother your dad? Fuck, takin’ your dad out to lunch so we can talk about the future I want with you? But I don’t fuckin’ care? Askin’ him your ring size but I don’t fuckin’ care?!” his voice raises with every sentence. 
You wince when he shouts, not expecting the anger to be so explosive. His pupils are blown, but that was starting to become more expected than before.  He shakes his head, "You know what, babe? You're right. I don't fuckin' care. I don't fuckin' need you." Eddie tosses his cigarette to his feet, stomping it out. "Plenty of other pussy to keep me occupied, right?" he asks, head tilting when he looks at you, "Since that's who I am, huh? Didn't bother to ask me if I was fuckin' around did you?"
"S'not like you'd tell me the truth," you argue back quietly, voice meek while you hold back your tears. "Pffft," he scoffs, "Better watch that attitude on you, girl. You're gonna run that mouth to the wrong person one day. Not every guy is like me."
He crunches back toward the van, lingering his eyes on you while he stands at the open door on the drivers side. His face is pale in the light of the moon, eyes aching for you to say something. Almost yearning before he hardens again. "Bryan can pick you up, right?"
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Four-ish/Three-ish Years Ago
Bry asked you to be his girlfriend two weeks after your fight with Eddie. Pulled out all the stops with that union money; good dinners, nights out on the town, all the boys knew how to do was drink beer and party. You finally started to understand WWE in a way you weren't sure you were supposed to, but it was as fun as it was ridiculous. Boys nights became boys nights plus you, the crowd favorite. Pulled in for soft kisses on football Sundays and baseball games, borrowed jackets if it got chilly. Eddie never let you wear his jacket. After a month you were sure that you'd made the right decision. The soft way he looked at you, his sandy hair, the callouses on his hands from a hard day of work. He was a good boy, good enough that Sandra made sure to give them discounts every time him and his friends came in. You only thought about Eddie when you'd run into him or that crew in town, cigarette between his full lips and a snarl to match.
Eddie didn't like to be made a fool of the way you'd made a fool of him. After another month, you barely thought about him anymore -- you had other things to worry about.
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Bliss has its costs.
The first time Bryan hit you it was a blip in time, followed by a water fall of apologies. Before you noticed how much beer he was backing when he was out with the guys, why he started off so nice. You never saw him after he got too drunk -- angry and ruddy in the face. Stumbling into his apartment where you'd be there waiting for him. He stopped liking it when you'd joke around with his friends. He stopped liking it when you'd come to boys nights. He stopped letting you listen to your favorite songs in the car.
But when he was good, he was so, so good.
When he was bad, he was horrid.
Eventually, your parents noticed that you stopped coming around. You never showed up at the shop, stopped bringing Beau to and from camp and school. Your mama never saw you, you hardly came home. Your daddy would text you in the morning and ask if you’d be in the diner that night to get a glimpse of you. Bryan would snatch your phone at every incessant call.
“Why do your folks wanna talk to you all the time?” he’d ask, “Did you tell ‘em you wanna leave?” 
You got so many bouquets over the next five months you could open a flower shop or a funeral service. Either way, they were more often than not. The 'sorry's' never stopped coming and the bruising started to match. You went through concealer like the diner went through cooking grease -- opting to start wearing readers to work to detract from the caked up product on your cheeks, by your lips, on your throat. But no matter how bad it got your heart would soar at his smile, at his gentle touch, at the softness of his kiss. You knew now why it was so hard for all those other women to leave.
You started hearing stories about Eddie -- more erratic than he was before but somehow more beloved around his part of town. A violent type of Robinhood that you didn't want to cross. Gareth came by the diner one night when you had finally gone in, sitting across from you with a smile while you caught up on a slow Tuesday. Told you all about it, about him, about what was new with the guys. It felt nice, like old times -- a fondness in your chest blooming when you watched him leave.
Two days later, your phone buzzed in the darkness of Bryan's apartment -- RESTRICTED popping up on the screen. You didn't have to guess who it was; Gareth wasn't coming in for a late dinner. He was doing rounds. He was keeping tabs on you.
Bryan had passed out on the couch hours ago, the deep steadiness of his snoring echoing through the living room. You reach for your phone, tip-toeing to the back porch while you consider denying the call -- but you know he'll just keep calling. He hates being left in the dark.
You answer shakily, “Hello?” 
“Where are you?” you hear him ask in a low voice, menacing, “Sandra told me what’s goin’ on. Where are you? Now.” 
“Nothing’s goin’ on, Ed,” you say quietly.
“If nothings goin’ on then why’re you whisperin’, hm? You keepin’ quiet for what?” he challenges, “Are you at his house?” 
“I’m not telling you where I am.” “You think I won’t find you? I got eyes all over this place,” his laughs, “You don’t think if I tell Sandra I’m comin’ to save your ass she won’t give me your schedule?” 
“There’s a reason she doesn’t give it out to you,” you hiss, “It’s literally illegal. Can you stop your fuckin’ hero shit? You think you’re any better?”
“Hero shit?” he growls, “Your mama keeps calling me crying on the phone asking if I’d seen or heard from you at all. Your daddy hasn’t slept in days thinking maybe this asshole finally snapped your fuckin’ neck. You keep skippin’ out on shifts at the diner and you wanna shit on me for tryna help? Fuck outta here.” 
“I’m fine,” you say through gritted teeth, “Stop. Calling.” 
“And yeah, sweetheart, I do think I’m better,” his voice raises, blaring through the receiver, “When’d you ever hear that I’m beating on the bitches I take home? Who am I beating on? Don’t make shit up just ‘cause you wanna be stubborn.” 
"Fuck off," you hiss. "Why did Gareth tell me you got bruisin' everywhere, hm? Why did Sandra stop me the other night at Melvald's to tell me to call you? I know she doesn't like me, so it must be serious -- right?" he challenges.
"I have it under control," you growl. "Yeah?" his voice lilts, argumentative and ready to go, "Well fu--" "Who're you talkin' to?"
Bryan takes your phone before you can answer.
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When you show up to your shift the next day Sandra can barely recognize you, tears welling up in her eyes when you come in the door.
You do your best not to meet her gaze, simply nodding when she asks 'Was it him?'
You woke up late, knowing you couldn't miss another day or the owner would fire you -- already on probation for all the work you've missed. Didn't have a chance to shower let alone do your makeup, not that you could bare to touch some of it.
The morning is slow, she let's you sit in the back and cry it out to Paul while he flips burgers and flap jacks on the grill. You prep, chopping up whatever he could have you chop, anything to keep you back with him unless Bryan thought it was a good time to show up with his buddies.
He passes you a lemonade and two Advil at noon, winking in the way grandfather's do when they know you've had a bad day.
"Here ya go, sugar," he smiles. You smile back, igorning the sting of the tear in your lip reopening at the gesture.
"Thanks, Paul."
The bell dings during another slow period and you smell Camels before you catch a familiar whiff of Creed Aventus.
"She's in the back," you hear Sandra mutter through the server window.
“Oh, girl, what did he do to you?” You know that smoky voice anywhere, it pours like ice down your back. “You can’t be here,” you shake your head, stepping away while he steps closer to you.
“Hey, look,” he starts with his hands up, soft and gentle, “Look, look. Sandra called me, I’m just coming to pick you up.” 
“I have to be here,” you assure, “I can't leave early, he's gonna know.” “That’s fine,” Eddie shrugs, “I’ll tell him you’re comin’ with me.” 
You shake your head no, “It’s fine Ed, I can handle this. Please just go home.” 
“I’m not doin’ this with you,” he shakes his head in response, gruffer this time, “This isn’t for me. Your folks, they – they miss you. Beau misses you. Asks me if I’ve seen you every time he’s at the shop. I can’t be lyin’ to Beau like that. Don’t you miss him? Don’t you miss your folks?” 
Your lower lip wobbles when you think about Beau, all the basketball games you missed for his youth league. The voicemails of him begging you to come.
"C'mon, Sandra said it's okay if you dip out early," he says, ecouraging you with caution -- like you're a feral cat about to run away, "Come with me, I'll take you back to his so we can get your stuff." "Eddie please," you beg, "Please don't get involved -- he'll get the cops on your back I --" "I'm not worried about cops," he chuckles, a knowing smirk flickering on his lips, "Get your jacket, come get in the van." "I can't..." you urge again, throat tight with a threatening cry. You turn around, back to your chopping, drowning out the blood pumping in your ears with the beat of the knife.
"You can, c'mon." You ignore him, feeling his eyes on you, narrowing down to burn holes in the back of your skull. He doesn't have the same patience he used to. You hear his soft sigh, the cross and uncross of his leather jacket, the tinkling of his chains and hardware.
The dam breaks as his smooth honey voice; it had been so long since someone had called you that. Said it like that, so low and pretty, like he means it. You let out a choked sob when you feel his palm slide over your back and around your shoulder.
"Oh, baby, baby, come here," he whispers, pulling you into him while you fall apart. Tears streaming over the bruises on your cheek bone, the tear in your lip, over your jaw.
"Let's go get your stuff, okay?" he asks, rubbing your back against the polyester of your work dress -- you got a new one in a size too big when Bryan said he didn't like how your old one fit, "Come on, let's go get in my car."
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"Prince of the trailer park," Bryan grits toward Ed when he knocks on the door, "To what do I owe this white trash surprise?" "Comin' to get her stuff," he respons nonchalantly, "You gonna let me in or what?"
"Her stuff?" Bryan asks, sick smirk sliding over his face, bleary eyes peering into the van parked by the sidewalk. "What's she tellin' you?" he asks, arms crossed over his white tee, freckled arms flashing against the fabric.
"Nothin'," Ed shakes his head, "Just comin' to get her stuff." Bryan takes a step forward and that's all it takes to get Ed ready to go, arm out to keep his distance, to keep himself between your boyfriend and the van.
“I’m not playin’ around today, man,” Eddie warns, “Let me go grab her stuff and this doesn’t have to be a problem.” 
“Problem? You’re ninety pounds soakin’ wet,” Bryan laughs, his couple inches on Eddie helping to bore over him, “What’s she telling you?” 
“She hasn’t had to tell me anything,” Ed repeats, “S’all over her face. You’re all over her fuckin’ face man, now let me in the door before I do something you don’t like.” 
Bryan lunges, but he’s not quick enough, the soft click of a gun cocking puts him back at attention. “My uncle did two tours, Bry, you think I don’t know my way around a trigger?” Eddie smirks. You watch from the van, horrified, heart racing when you see the black metal gleam in broad daylight. Ignoring Eddie’s demands to stay in the car you throw open the door and run to the sidewalk. 
“What the fuck, Ed?” you rasp out, voice heavy with your earlier cry, “Put that shit away.” 
Bryan catches your eye, looking at you with a fuming rage, “This is all you, huh?” 
“No, it’s not – I didn’t say anything,” you plead up at him, “I promise.” 
“Listen pal,” Eddie continues, another step forward while his heavy boot finds its way over the door frame, “We can make this real easy if you let me.” 
They bark at each other like rabid dogs when the doors close behind the three of you, a barrage of insults from Bryan’s liquor soaked mouth. You grit your teeth, jaw tight while you decide what’s worth it to keep and what’s not. Your eyes glaze over with tears and the whirl of the place around you. 
When did Eddie start carrying a gun? 
When you’ve fit as much as you can in your duffle you make your way towards the door; hearing Eddie’s low growl of the threat when Bryan makes it way over to you. 
“If you think for one second you’re gonna see or hear from her again then I promise you, you are sorely mistaken,” he mutters, the scrape of metal on metal rings in your ears when his rings slide over the short barrel. 
“If I remember correctly, you’re not around too to find out are you?” Bryan bites back. 
Eddie chuckles smugly, a tight pulled smile across his face with his dimples deep on his cheeks, “I got eyes on every corner, chief. Don’t test me.”
“We’ll see about that, huh Munson?” Bryan nods, eyes settling on Eddie’s knuckles – another fresh cross tattoo blazoned across pale skin. 
“We won’t see about shit,” Eddie nods back, “I always keep my promises.”
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He takes you to his place -- his uncle in a nice little apartment in the city now so the trailer's his. It looks the part, new repairs and updates the other people in the park couldn't believe when he started making them. You fret and worry the whole way there, not looking at him once for the ride, not even a thank you.
"He won't come to mine," Eddie soothes in the car, "I got a friend outside your folks place, too."
"Mhm," you nod, watching the town woosh by while he presses on the gas, two turns and it's just trees lining the street.
"You're okay," he says when he pulls in, hopping out to open your door from the otherside, "C'mere."
You follow him in, collapsing on his bed the moment you make it into his room. His sheets are fresh, they smell like him on his side, pillow laced with a few strands of his wavy hair.
"You know you're the only one I ever let in my bed," he says softly, kicking his boots off in line with his other shoes. "Hmm," you hum, too despondent to reply.
"Scooch," he mumbles, warm palm pushing gently at your arm. You make room for him, hearing his jacket slide off and his belt get undone. If it was a year and some change ago the sound would've sent your reeling with need, now it just sounds hollow.
He slides in next to you, encouraging you to flip over so he can see you. You haven't looked in those soft brown eyes in a while, it almost hurts. His brows furrow and then soften, yearning the way they did before he left you by the lake.
"You hurtin'?" he asks, hand reaching up to run over your hair, "Can I get you something?"
"I took some Advil at work," you answer, the ache at a dull thud in your face. Exhaustion starts to overtake you while you sink into his mattress, the first time you've felt safe in months.
"Why didn't you tell me?" he asks, thumb sliding feather light over the bruise on your cheek bone.
"Didn't want you to be right," you croak out. "Sounds like you," you smiles back. He comes in closer, arm snaking around you like he used to.
"I missed you," he whispers, "All the time."
Your eyes water, "Don't...don't do that."
"Baby, I'm being honest," he urges, "Couldn't stop thinking about you."
"You don't mean that," you sniffle, your heart sinking while he pours out more confessions.
"Of course I mean it," he says, looking at you with desperation behind his gaze. He leans in slow, warm lips brushing yours, careful not to press to hard on the swollen corner of yours. You relent, letting him kiss you, letting his hands roam over your waist and push you in from between your shoulder blades.
"Didn't you miss me?" he asks. The pit in your stomach knows that you didn't -- you didn't miss him breaking off dates, you didn't miss the ignored calls, you didn't miss him fucking off for who knows how long. You didn't miss finding lipgloss in his car, hair strands that weren't yours.
But you missed this. The way it feels to be told that you're the only one allowed in his bed. The only one he sends someone to keep tabs on. The only one he misses.
You nod, your body moving this time to get close to him.
"I'd never hurt you like that," he mumbles against your lips, "Not my baby. Not my girl."
He holds your eyes in his when he puts you gently on your back, gingerly pulling off your diner dress. He presses kisses down your neck, across your chest.
"Let me make you feel special," he says down at you, light shining behind his head like a halo, "Let me show you how special you are."
He still knows your body like he wrote the schematics for it, pulling soft needy moans out of you like a never ending string of chords he's always known how to play. You almost forget the thumping pain in your head, peppered in gentle kisses at every wince. 'I love you' weighing heavy on his tongue when he keeps eye contact, but never passing his lips. Never passing yours. Maybe neither of you have to say it.
You both settle afterwards, two rounds have pushed you past the point of exhaustion -- fast sleep in his arms after a bottle of water and two more Advil out of the palm of his hand.
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You wake up in darkness, a sea of dark blue and black with a soft green glow of his side table clock. A little past midnight.
Your head pounds, dehydrated from all the crying. You search for your phone in the blankets -- noticing the bed next to you is empty while doing so. You peer over the mattress, no light coming in from under the door.
"Ed?" you call out, but no one responds. You sigh, finally finding your phone somwhere under your hip. Your inner thighs ache from having his hips slam into them hours before, hips in their full extension while he pushed into you deeper and deeper.
274 missed calls. All from Bryan.
Your blood runs cold, looking out the window to see Eddie's van missing. A car you don't recognize sits a trailer away, humming with muffled music, a shadowed figure inside behind a cloud of smoke. A gentle moment of ease flits through you -- at least someone was looking out.
i just woke up, where are you? who's the guy outside?
You wait for a bit, going through your socials to make sure Bryan is blocked on everything. You delete all the messages, not bothering to read them so your fear doesn't spike again.
Your phone buzzes.
i'm out.
You swallow, hoping he's not making good on any promises -- not after that show earlier this afternoon. But you don't have to wonder past the next scroll on Instagram.
Grainy with a filter is a photo posted 45 minutes ago from a friend of a friend, a bottle girl at the club that all the boys love the most. With two girls on each thigh there sits Eddie in a VIP back room, laughing at someone in the background -- whiskey neat in one hand, cigarette in the other. The caption makes your heart hammer --
'our king on his throne. ♡'
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macfrog · 5 months
hi queenie, love of my life 😌 i’d like to ask the following for 🩵: d’you think there was ever a moment where joel really thought holy shit. she drives me insane… i gotta fuck her. ???
(rly hoping there was 😌)
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ily, sister! thanks for the gif. feeling really. normal. about him. right now. oh, yeah. he had his moments. let's get into it.
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compensation 1.1k words | duckie's baby shower 🩵 warnings: literally just joel masturbating to the thought of his neighbor. good shit.
she can’t have been older than twenty-five, when she moved in.
hell, she’s not even thirty yet, as it is. she’s too fucking –
you’re too fucking young for him, and that’s the end of that.
at least – that’s what joel’s telling himself, trapped on your front porch. watching you relive the story of the ups driver who almost wouldn't let you sign for his package.
doing his best to keep his eyes on yours, and not the thin tank top you’re wearing.
“…she’s like, how do i know you’re gonna get this to him? i’m like, uh, what the fuck do i want with my boring ass neighbor’s mail? no offense, joel. but c’mon. i’m literally signing for it. anyways.”
you turn, bending down for the box by the stairs, and joel drags his eyes upwards.
his hand shakes at his side. jaw ticks, watching you turn back, the package leaning against your front. your breasts – oh, jesus.
he swallows. his throat feels like carpet burn.
“’s heavy,” you mutter, edging towards him. “rock collecting?”
“mind your business,” joel clips, slipping his hands around the box. the back of his wrists brush against the swell of your breasts, and he stares so intensely at his own address on the label that he hopes it’s burned forever into his vision.
you huff as the weight passes into his hands. a little sigh.
something twitches beneath his belt buckle.
joel sits the box on his hip. “well, thanks for this. and for calling me boring.”
you cross your arms. it only pushes your tits up more. “stay humble, old man.”
he should walk away. right now. he should take his package, and his pride, and the fucking rock in his jeans – and head on home.
but then you slump against the doorpost, one ankle crossing over the other, and say, “s’posed to get pretty hot this summer.”
“’s already pretty hot.”
“hotter, jackass. they’re sayin’ record temperatures.”
“they say that every year.”
you poke at the inside of your cheek with your tongue. the way you always do, when you’re trying to annoy him.
and it’s working.
“actually, uh –” joel shifts between feet, “– i was gonna ask you a favor.”
his gaze trickles down your figure. each curve and swell of supple skin. the shorts he’s getting a little too used to seeing you in, too used to looking for. your bare legs, and the glow of sun on them.
when he looks back up, you’re smirking at him.
christ, he wants to wipe that smirk clean off your face. wants to twist it into something darker, something…something louder, and filthier, and –
“joel. hellooo?”
you wave your hand in front of his face, and he snaps back.
“huh? oh, shit. sorry – i, uh…” a flush rises like an inferno up his neck. he shakes his head, fighting it off. “yeah. a favor.”
“you good? don’t pass out on my porch,” you warn. “wait until you’re back on your own land to do that.”
he breathes a laugh – panting, almost. “i’m good. i just – i need someone to water my, uh – my plants. i’m outta town next week, visitin’ my brother. if you wouldn’t mind…”
he feels like a fucking moron when he finally meets your eye again.
you blink back at him, frowning. head tipped, looking him up and down. “i don’t mind,” you say, something cautious in your voice, “but i expect generous compensation for my time.”
“compensation,” joel agrees, nodding. he’d do anything to be off this goddamn porch right now. “how about i’ll owe you one?”
“works for me.”
“alright. thank you, again,” he holds the package up, “and, uh – i’ll see ya.”
he’s gone before he hears your response.
too young. she’s too young. you’re so young. goddamn it.
you drive him fucking insane. you and your little shorts, the simper on your face. he swears he could see through the white of your top, two perfect circles where –
oh, fuck.
he spills into his bathroom, a heavy hand slamming down on the valve. the water roars from the showerhead, louder than the blood in his ears.
joel hauls his tee over his shoulders, the fabric peeling from his muscles and crumpling in a damp pile on the floor. he shucks the rest of his clothes off, kicking them to the side, and steps straight into the cubicle.
he looks down, and – fucking hell.
his cock sways between his legs, all rosy and already dripping. he can feel his pulse hammering at his tip; hisses when the stream sprays over it.
his hand lifts, curving around air.
shit, he just wants to touch himself. wants to relieve the ache between his hips. he has to.
he balls his fists against the tiled wall. his head drops low between his shoulders. the water pours down over him, pastes his dark hair in soaking flicks around his face. he can taste the salt of sweat and sun as it slips from his skin.
once. if he only did it once, would it matter? he’s hard now, anyways. there’s a quick fix.
you just – you caught him off-guard. he only went over there to pick up a package. he didn’t fucking know you’d be – oh, christ – he didn’t know you’d be in that shirt. no bra, no nothing beneath it.
he can still feel the plush of your tits on his knuckles. the way they moved as you leant against the doorframe. he can still see the summery shine on your skin.
he thinks about slipping his hands under the hem of your tank. up, up, up, across your smooth skin until he’s cupping them. squeezing them; circling his thumbs over the hardening peaks.
the short breaths from your lips, your smirk melted into a delicate o-shape. voiceless, nothing but whimpering and gasping when his teeth take your nipple.
before he even realizes it – he’s stroking his cock.
and quickly.
he groans, lips turning to his bicep. he bites down on the skin, hard.
he’d slip your shorts down your hips; see whatever slutty little panties you wear. he’d pull your thighs over his shoulders, unfold your sweet cunt and –
“shit,” joel pants, hips stuttering. his fingers splay out on the slippery tile.
you’re so infuriating. loudmouthed and fucking bratty. and he could shut you up, he knows he could. he’d sit you on his cock, wrapped perfectly around him, and fuck you dumb. fuck you until you’re nothing but a sobbing, soaking mess.
fuck you with that scrap of a tank top on. tits bouncing beneath it, the fabric riding higher and higher until they’re exposed.
what a good fuckin’ girl, taking all of him. letting him split you open, letting him fuck you raw. so big he’ll leave an ache deep inside you; so hard that he makes you come three times over before he’s even close.
but – fuck, he’s close, right now.
“c’mon, baby,” he mutters into his skin. teeth gritted; fist so tight the skin threatens to split across his knuckles. “make me come, c’mon.”
it’d dribble from your cunt, and he’d push it straight back in. make damn sure you keep it all in there, make damn sure you’re walking around all full of him. the seam of your thighs slick, semen seeping into your panties.
“goddamn,” he groans, and with a throb, coats the shower wall.
his cock twitches, pulses until he’s empty. the ache begins to thaw.
he shuts the shower off, still massaging his softening dick as he steps back out. he lifts a towel and drags it across his tingling body.
and he swears, when he notices the sun dipping below your roof –
it will never happen again.
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archangeldyke-all · 5 months
Something with like cellmate prisoner!sevika?! 😭😭😭 idk I just think like her being all dangerous and powerful, having a shit ton of friends but like selectively, no one messing with her maybe even hating how just mean she is. And then comes in reader and yk. I’d love if the story was smutty but u can chose ofc 🫦
i love this so much
men and minors dni
living in zaun is shit. but the one thing that's always kept you and a majority of your fellow citizens in line, was the ever-looming presence of stillwater prison just a few miles away. you've watched countless people enter those prison walls. you know very few who ever came back out.
and now, through a series of unfortunate events that lead to you assaulting an undercover enforcer, you're going to find out first hand just how horrible stillwater really is.
you don't think you've ever been so nervous in your life as the enforcer guides you-- restrained and already hating the itchy fabric of your new life-long uniform--down a long, long hall of cells.
he's chewing a wad of bubblegum, casually, like you aren't about to piss yourself with nerves. "listen kid." he says, looking you up and down. "i read your file. seems like you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time." he says, shrugging. "no prior arrests, clean record-- honestly i'm surprised they sent you here, but i guess you did break marcus' nose." the enforcer chuckles here.
"you know that asshole?" you ask. the man guiding you snorts.
"'s my boss." he mumbles. beside you, a prisoner lunges at the bars of their cell, screaming at you. you jump, and the guard laughs. "as i was sayin'-- you seem like a real peach. like you'd be a good influence on some of our... rougher prisoners." he mumbles.
dread starts to curl in your stomach. you have a pretty good idea of where this conversation is headed, and you don't like the outcome. you just hope you aren't cellmates with someone real bad: like genie the counter-fitter who got caught two years ago; esmee the weapons expert who successfully set an entire square block of piltover's wealthiest neighborhood ablaze; or, god forbid, sevika.
she'd been caught just weeks ago, smuggling an entire airship's worth of shimmer into piltover's loading docks. it was big fucking news.
sevika's a big fucking deal.
and you want absolutely nothing to do with her.
which is why, of course, the guard pulls you to a stop right outside of the only cell with a light on, the low, dim glow of a reading lamp and the quick flickering light of a lighter. you feel like you're gonna barf.
sitting in the shadows of the cell, puffing on a hand-rolled cigarette, sits sevika, silco's second in command.
if he's the eye of zaun, she's the arm. he might be watching-- but she's doing. she's nothing but bad news; everything you've tried your best to avoid while living in the undercity.
well, look how well that turned out for you.
"sevika, meet your new cellmate." the enforcer calls out. a pair of silver eyes snap up from her book and lock on yours. you shiver.
"fucks' wrong with her?" she mumbles. you gulp.
"nervous, i'd assume. 's her first-offense." the guard says. he shoves you into the cell and you jump as the bars slam shut behind you. "you ladies have fun." he says, before turning and walking away, the smacks of his gum echoing behind him.
sevika inspects you from her chair.
"how'd you fuck up so bad you ended up in a cell with me from your first offense?" she asks, seemingly intrigued.
"punched an undercover enforcer." you whisper. sevika's eyebrow hitches up, a little amused.
"think his name was marcus, or something." you mumble. she sputters.
"ha! really!?" she asks, a little smile growing on her face. you nod. she takes a drag off her cigarette, then points at the bunk beds. "i get bottom. don't go thinkin' 'cause we're cellmates it means you get to touch my shit. i got people outside pullin' big favors for met to get shit like this." she gestures to her cigarettes and lamp. you nod. "don't look so nervous. i won't bite unless you piss me off."
you try to stop shivering. you don't succeed. "s-sorry."
she studies you for a moment, her smile growing as she does. though she's no longer armed with shimmer, her arm's still in perfect working condition, five little daggers gently tapping on the table top as her eyes dart across you. "you from the lanes?" she asks. you nod. she snorts. "you know who i am?" she asks. you nod again. she chuckles, then stands. she approaches you, circling around you like you're prey, then chuckling and leaning back against the table, crossing her arms over her chest. "you scared'a me?" she asks.
"shouldn't i be?" you choke out.
it seems to be the right answer. sevika laughs, then sits back down at her table, picking her book back up, chuckling intermittently for minutes after.
she's not a bad roommate. she's surprisingly tidy, always quiet, her nose usually buried in a book. she smokes like a fucking chimney, and you've come to find she gets her tobacco-- and sometimes a bit of weed-- from one of the guards every tuesday night.
she's got special privileges among most of the guards. they're always sneaking her books and flasks, letting her get away without cell-searches, letting her read past lights out and have lighters and screwdrivers and other dangerous, weapon-like tools.
you, on the other hand, do not have these privileges. and, keeping in line with sevika's one and only rule, you don't touch her shit. all of this means that while sevika smokes and works on her arm and reads and works out, you spend your time just... sitting on the top bunk. watching her.
sometimes, during open cell time, she gets visitors. you're surprised that none of these visits end in shady dealings-- sevika doesn't seem to need to trade her stash of goods for anything. most of her visits are quick, and most end the same way: a small scrap of paper being shoved in sevika's hand.
she burns the scraps after she reads whatever's on them.
she's... pleasant, sometimes. it's rare, but it happens. one day, you'd forgotten to make your bed before you went to breakfast. you returned to find it neatly made, and when you thanked her for helping you avoid trouble with the guards, she had just waved it off. "don' get used to it. i won't always be here to fix your mistakes."
once, a fight broke out while you were in the showers. you were sent back to your cell soaking wet-- your hair still lathered in shampoo. she had chuckled, called you a "wet rat", and helped you rinse your hair out in the tiny sink in your cell.
and... she's kinda pretty. it occurred to you one evening while the two of you were partaking in your nightly routine: sevika reading in her chair while you study her, pretending to sleep. she'd glanced up at you and whispered. "why're you always lookin' at me?"
you shrugged, then nearly choked on your tongue when 'you're pretty' almost slipped out of your mouth. "uh... i got nothing else to look at." you'd ended up saying. she seemed to accept this.
"you don't have any prison girlfriends?" you ask. sevika's in a particularly jovial mood today: the note she'd been delivered earlier in the afternoon must've had great news. she's decided to share her joint with you. the question slipped out the second you took your first puff-- your tolerance astronomically low from being without for so long.
sevika laughs. "nah."
"but..." you cut yourself off before you get yourself in trouble, biting your lip. sevika chuckles, then nudges your leg.
"y' can say it." she says. you smile at her, then speak.
"it's just... i had a few friends who work at babette's." you say. "i figured you'd have as much of a reputation here as you do there."
she takes a second, tilting her neck side to side as it cracks, then sighing. "i got shit to do in here." she says simply. you raise an eyebrow at her, biting your lip again, and she chuckles. "say it." she demands again.
"you just read all day." you laugh. sevika nods.
"i'm... working." she says. you just nod along, pretending you understand what she's alluding to.
it happens in the strangest way but you and sevika start to become... friends.
she sits alone at lunch, and you sit alone too, on the oppisite side of the cafeteria. but you're so used to looking at sevika, that you find yourself watching her even when there are much more entertaining things to look at, like the handful of fights that break out every meal.
you notice she loves the jello cups you guys get once a week. so you pocket yours and toss it at her later that night. the way she smiles lights up the room even brighter than her tiny lamp. you make it a habit.
she starts loaning you her books, finds you a crate to sit on by her table while you guys read together at night.
and when sevika gets jumped in the middle of the night-- you don't even question it before you jump out of your bunk, grab sevika's screwdriver where she left it on the table, and start swinging in the dark, blindly.
"what the fuck?" someone squawks when you manage to stab something in the dark.
"what?" sevika whispers in the dark.
"sevika, your bunkmate fucking stabbed me!" her attacker's voice rings out.
a light flicks on. you cringe at the sudden brightness, then blink in confusion as sevika and a guard with a screwdriver sticking out of their shoulder stare at you.
sevika's grinning. the guard is scowling. you hold your hands up in shaky fists, preparing for a fight. sevika chuckles.
"relax, sweetheart." she says, swinging her arm around you and tugging you into her side. "ran's a friend." she whispers into your ear. you blink at the bleeding guard, then back at sevika.
"so, what, we're taking your girlfriend with us now?" the guard-- ran-- asks. sevika looks at her friend, then looks at you, a calculating look in her eye. she smirks, shrugs, then looks back at the guard.
"she threw herself between me and a uniform-- can't just throw that kinda loyalty out, now can i?" she asks, smiling.
you don't know what's happening. you're about to ask-- when suddenly you black out.
the first thing that comes back to you is your sense of hearing.
"sevika, fuck, you can't just throw a wrench in the plan like this--"
"i can do whatever the fuck i want--"
"on the night of the breakout?! no heads up!?"
"do i need to remind you which one of us is second in command, here?!"
"...fuck. c'mon, help me load her in the van."
the next thing is your sense of touch. you're laying on the rumbling cold steel of a van floor-- currently in motion.
you're shivering, but then something warm and wool and smelling like cigars is draped over you.
you're head keeps bumping uncomfortably with every crack in the road. someone gently picks your head up and puts it in their warm nap, a hand coming down to scratch your scalp.
your voice comes next. "mmmh?"
"it's okay." sevika's voice comes. you groan, cracking your eyes open, only for her face to be grinning down at you. "fuckin' maniac." she giggles.
"wha?" you groan. you're seeing double, your head is pounding.
"ran knocked you out. 's what you get for stabbin' 'em." sevika chuckles. "but, you're lucky, 'cause they don't hold a grudge. they helped me lug your ass outta stillwater."
"wha?!" you ask again, snapping up. sevika laughs as you look out the front window of the van-- the depths of piltover surrounding you as you head, presumebly, to the last drop.
you recognize the man driving-- a tall, muscular, tattooed man who'd recently been added to your cell block's guard rotation. in the passengers' seat sits the guard you'd stabbed-- bandaged and watching you with amusement.
"wha's happenin'?" you mumble, looking back at your cellmate as you clutch a hand to your throbbing head. you've been shrouded in a red cloak-- sevika's already out of her prison uniform and back in her 'second in command' look. she smirks at you.
"y' really think i was jus' sittin' around, servin' my time?" she asks. you shrug.
"figured somethin' was goin' on. y' kept gettin' those notes. didn't wanna ask." you groan. sevika chuckles.
"well, you shoulda. or i shoulda warned you, so you didn't try killing my crew." she chuckles. you blink over to the person in the passengers' seat, cringing.
"s-sorry." you mumble. they wave it off.
"'s cool. knocked you right the fuck out, didn't i?" they chuckle. "we're even."
you turn back to sevika. "you broke me out of prison?" you ask. she shrugs.
"'re you mad about it?" she asks. you gawk at her.
"uh... just... a little surprised?"
sevika cackles. you smile at the sound, despite your headache. "i wasn't plannin' on it! then you started givin' me your jello, 'n readin' all my books, 'n..."
"she's got a crush on you." ran fills in from the front.
"i didn't say that!" she shouts.
"she's not denying it though--" the man driving teases.
you choke on your spit. sevika huffs, rolls her eyes, and speaks. "i... i kinda got a crush on you, yeah." she mumbles. "and i swear i'm not sayin' this jus' 'cause i think you're cute but: you should really stay with us at the last drop until things calm back down, since, y'know... you're kinda wanted now..." she says, rubbing the back of her neck.
you blink... shocked.
you don't really know what to think. you tried your whole life to stay out of trouble, and it managed to find you anyways in the form of a drunken under-cover enforcer deciding to smack your ass when you'd had too many drinks to hold your punches. you tried to stay out of trouble in stillwater until you were saddled with sevika. you tried to stay out of trouble with her until she dragged you-- literally, you were unconscious!-- out of prison along with her. it seems like trouble's meant for you.
but if there's one thing you're certain of, it's sevika.
you smile at her, then reach up to cup her cheek. she looks more nervous than you've seen her in all your months in stillwater together.
"you gotta crush on me?" you ask. she gulps.
"i'd say it's a little more than a crush seeing she broke you outta stillwater as your first date--"
"ran!" sevika hollers. you chuckle.
"is this our first date?" you ask, raising your eyebrow at her. she shrugs.
"it's... jus' don't expect the next dates to be this exciting." she chuckles, rolling her eyes. you grin, then dart forward and press a kiss to her lips. when you pull away, she's wearing that same nervous look again.
"you okay?" you whisper. she licks her lips, nuzzles a bit against your hand on her face, and nods.
"'m just kickin' myself for not puttin' the moves on you sooner. coulda been fuckin' you to pass the time in prison instead of readin' all those boring books." she mumbles. you burst into laughter, and she grins.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @vikasub
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daydreamingsirens · 1 year
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It starts with a simple text.
You tryna fuck or nah?
Well shit he couldn't get more direct than that. You liked that about him, he didn't fuck around; he told you what he wanted and when.
And that's where you found yourself. Face down, ass up with his arms around her hips and his face buried in it.
You hiss as he slaps your ass and presses the flat of his tongue against you and drags it up slowly, laughing as he feels you turn into a quivering mess. Not to be outdone or laughed at, you throw your hips back and sway from side to side.
“Is that all you fuckin' got? You woke my ass up for this—ooh.” he closes his lips around slick flesh and slurps. You took that as your cue to stop talking, spread your thighs wider, and press your chest into the quilt. He moves back and surveys his work, watches rivulets of spit drip down into the covers before he straightens up and slides his dick through the mess.
“It wasn't like you was really sleep though. I mean unless you fall asleep with ya phone in hand, waitin' on my texts and shit. Obviously you wanted this dick.” he gives you a silly ass look and you roll your eyes.
“Keep lookin' like that and I'mma take my ass back to sleep, fool.”
“Nah,” he barely presses the tip inside, just enough for you to feel it and moves back before you can thrust back on it, “what you gon' do is take this dick right here. Now throw that ass back and quit fuckin' playin'.” He holds his dick steady as you throw your hips back and sheath him in one smooth movement before he grabs your hips and thrusts without a second thought.
“Ooh s-shit.” you moan and buries your face in your arms as he smacks your ass hard, the sound vibrating around the otherwise silent room.
“Yeah, throw that shit back.” he meets you thrust for thrust, his bruised hands splaying across your lower back as you move, slapping sounds filling the room. He hears your muffled whines and grabs your hair, pulling your head back up, “Now what was you sayin', I need you to repeat that.”
“I s-said—ooh—fuck me like you mean it. Fuck me like you fucked up whoever you fought earlier.” he tugs your hair a little harder as he pistons his hips faster, feeling you clench and loosen whenever he'd dig his nails into your hip. He strokes over your spot and you holler.
“Yes! Right there, fuck, right there!” sweat drips down your face and you doesn't give a single fuck that you're sweating your hair out or that you might wake someone up as you grip the quilt and cant your hips back and feel one palm connect with the thick flesh of your ass and the short fingernails on the other hand dig even further into the skin on your hip.
“What's my name?” he says as he tugs your head back up, wrapping the soft strands of hair around his hand.
“Fuuuuuuuuuuuck, Fontaine!” you sob as you feel yourself gush. He pulls almost completely out and slams back inside, making your knees wobble and the bed frame shake dangerously.
“Fuck yea. Scream that shit baby, I can't hear you!”
“Fontaine! I-I'm cum—ah!” you scream as you reach your peak. Fontaine slows his pace and fucks you through your orgasm before he cums inside of you and collapses on your back.
“Mm. You gon' wrap my hands up before I gotta shimmy down ya drain pipe in an hour or nah?” you roll over and throw him off and onto the floor with a grunt.
“Maybe, now let me lay here and think about my life for the next twenty minutes.”
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raya-hunter01 · 8 months
Can you do story with jey uso about his gf getting really turned on by his grills and starts to tease her when he notices so she retaliates plz 🙈?
I Know You Love It...
One Shot
Jey Uso x Black Female OC! (Tessa)
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut
Jey’s girlfriend Tessa is in town for the Royal Rumble, and he has a surprise for her. He has a new grill to show her. Tessa is having a hard time keeping her emotions and hormones in check as Jey is teasing her throughout the day and even during his Royal Rumble entrance when he realizes what effect it has on her.
Frustrated, her friends Bianca and Rhea have a solution to her problem. What is there left for a girl to do? Seduce her man of course and let him know who’s in charge.
A request for mya2realsworld, I hope you like it.
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GIF is by #kayah makes gifs
Royal Rumble 2024
Tropicana Field
Jey's Dressing Room
This is getting out of control, this man is too fuckin’ sexy to be doin’ this shit, I thought watching my boyfriend as he’s looking in the mirror at his new bottom grill that he had made.
“How you feelin’ this lion look, ma?” he asked, smiling at me as I blushed.
“Uh, it’s interesting,” I said as he laughed turning back to the mirror. “Come on, this shit fire,” he said pulling out his phone taking a picture showing his fangs as I felt a tingle down my spine.
Shit, it was more than fire to me. Hell, be my personal vampire and feed off of me wit yo’ sexy ass. Shaking my head at my thoughts I knew this was going to be a long ass day.
He’s so happy about his new grill and all I can think about is the coldness of it against my thighs as he teases me before devouring this pussy with his mouth.
 Then just take me and fuck me from behind, fangs cold against my neck as he nibbles and sucks on my neck marking me for the world to see.
Jey’s soft lips against mine brings me out of my dirty thoughts as I moan, my hands immediately wrap around his neck as he smiles against my lips.
“Where did you go beautiful?” he whispered as I blushed moaning as he stole another kiss.
“Just zoned for a minute, I’m sorry, what were you sayin' babe?” I asked as he smiled. “I said I can’t wait to put on for you tonight,” he bragged as I smiled.
Boy, you don’t even know how bad I want you to put it in me and on me right now. Tessa calm down and get yo’ ass together.
“I can’t wait, baby,” I whispered as a knock interrupted us.
“Uce, they waiting to do your photoshoot,” the stagehand said as he sighed. “Work is calling, are you still gonna meet Bianca and Rhea in catering to get something to eat?” he asked as I nodded.
“Uh, yeah Bianca texted me about five minutes ago, so I’m going to head that way,” I said standing up and drinking him in as he put on his white Yeet shirt and wet his hair.
The simple action caused a small moan to slip from my lips.
“You good baby?” he asked as I nodded, clearing my throat as Jey shot me a knowing smile. “Yeah, uh, I’ll meet you in catering,” I said giving him a kiss on the cheek before heading towards the door.
“Yes, sir ready to show off this new grill,” he said hyping himself up as I bit my lip glancing at him one last time before heading to catering to meet up with Bianca and Rhea.
Rounding the corner, I saw them waiting at the table, I waved and went to fix myself a plate before taking a seat opposite Rhea.
“Girl, we thought Jey had kidnapped you,” Bianca said as I laughed.
“I wish, the new grill he had made is doing something to my spirit” I sigh as Rhea wiggled her eyebrows knowingly at me.
 “Meaning you him want to eat the box so good, your spirit leaves your body,” Bianca said as I covered my face with my hands. “Jeez, somebody just heard that,” I moaned embarrassed as she shrugged her shoulders.
“Ain’t nobody listening to us, they in they own world, now be honest. I’m right aren’t I?” she asked as I nodded. 
“Girl, I want him to go down on me for so long he has to take up residency and pay rent,” I said as Rhea looked at me in shock.
“Well, listen to you, I didn’t know you had it in you Miss Innocent,” Rhea teased as I blushed.
“He brings out that side of me, I cant’ help it. Can we change the subject please,” I pleaded as they nodded.
Bianca and Rhea were my girls, and always made coming on the road with Jey so much fun. From the first day we met we all just clicked.
The catering area began to thin out as we ate and caught up on the recent happenings in our lives.
“So, when do you leave out?” Rhea asked as I frowned. “Tomorrow night, I got a meeting Monday morning and I hate it,” I said honestly as Bianca nodded in understanding.
“I feel ya’ Montez is heading out tomorrow, and I won’t see him until Wednesday,” she said as Rhea offered us a comforting smile.
“Dom and I are on the same schedule this week, but after next week it’s up in the air,” she said as I sighed.
“Damn, that su”—my words caught in my throat as I saw Jey and Montez walking into catering.
“Girl, what’s up with you?” Bianca asked looking up and smiling. “Oh, you wanna climb that fine ass tree, don’t you?” Bianca whispered as I covered my mouth in shock as Rhea laughed.
“More like fuck the shit outta the vampire. Do you see the fangs on that grill?” Rhea asked as Bianca nodded in approval.
“Ya’ll this ain’t funny, my mind has been everywhere since he put it on,” I said as Bianca laughed. 
"Don't tease her Rhea, she'll realize soon enough that she holds all the power between her thighs," Bianca said as I frowned at her.
“Huh, what does that mean?” I asked honestly confused. “The pussy holds power, girl. You want him, right?” She asked as I nodded unashamed.
“Hell, every second of every day I want that man,” I whispered as Bianca smiled.  “Then stop waiting on him, seduce his ass,” she said as my eyes met Jey across the room as he winked at me.
“Seduce him?” I questioned as Rhea smirked. “Hell yeah, take charge and tell him what you want him to do to you. I bet his ass will not know what to do with himself,” she said looking back at him, waving as Jey returned the gesture totally unaware of the plotting that was taking place.
“I don’t think I can do that,” I said a little unsure. “Look, here they come, act natural and just think about what we said,” Bianca said as Montez sat beside her and gave her a kiss on the lips.
 “How did the shoot go?” I asked as Jey sat beside me pulling me close, licking his lips as a near inaudible moan only Jey heard fell from my lips.
 “It went good, is everything good baby?” he asked caressing my thigh as I licked my lips, meeting his streamy gaze.
His grip on my thigh tightened as I smirked innocently at him. Once again, I saw a tiny flash of his grill as he sucked on his teeth causing Rhea to clear her throat.
“Damn, all this eye fucking at the table, I need a cigarette and I don’t even smoke. I bet the sex is wild” she said as Jey and Montez laughed.
“Never change Mami,” Jey said as she shrugged her shoulders and got up to throw her plate away. “I need to head to hair and makeup I got an interview to shoot with Kayla,” she said as Bianca sighed.
“The women’s Royal Rumble is opening the show, I’ll follow you down there so I can get a little touch-up,” she said as Montez helped her up and grabbed her plate.
 “I’ll take this so you can eat after,” he said as she gave him a chaste kiss on the lips. “Thanks, baby,” she smiled as they left catering arm and arm with Rhea a couple steps ahead.
“I’ll find ya’ll later and good luck,” I said as Rhea smiled brightly at me. “Thanks, boo but remember what we talked about,” she shouted as I blushed.
 “What ya’ll been talkin’ about that’s got you blushin’?” Jey asked as I smiled caressing his beard.
“Nothing for you to worry about baby, just a little girl talk,” I assured him as he seemed pleased with my answer.
 “So, it’s just us now, huh?” Jey whispered as I shivered leaning into him as he caressed my arms. “Are you cold, Ma? You have been shivering off and on today,” he said as I nodded not trusting my words.
“Well, I can’t have that, let’s go so I can warm you up,” he said smoothly taking my plate as we made our way back to his dressing room. Quickly ushering me inside he placed my plate on the small table beside the door.
The sound of him twisting the lock made my thighs clench. What was he up to now?
 I felt his presence behind me as he gently gathered my hair in his hands moving it to the side, his lips dangerously close to my ear as he held me close.
“I know you love it,” his deep voice seductively whispered as he gently nipped at my ear.  My soft purrs filled the room as his hands caressed my breasts over my Yeet crop top.
“You know I love what baby?” I gasped as he pinched my nipples smirking against my neck. The cold metal faintly marking my skin as he nibbled on my neck.
“My grill, I know you love it, and I can’t wait to taste my dessert,” his deep voice dangerously low, combined with his masterful lips, and hands had me at his mercy.
 “Mmm, are you gon’ be able to eat all your desert baby? Are you up for the job, it can get messy,” I whispered, too turned on to be ashamed of the words coming out of my mouth.
“Oh, I’m up for it, and I know you feel just how up for it I am. I’mma eat it all up real good, 'cause you deserve it,” Jey moans, his dick growing against my lower back.
 “Fuck, Jey,” I hissed as his hand found its way lower, skillfully sliding my panties to the side, caressing my pussy.
“Mmhmm, I love how she is already messy and wet for me. Damn, I bet you taste so sweet,” He groaned as I whimpered in pleasure and torture.
 “I got you, baby, you ain’t gotta worry bout nothin’ Tessa. Daddy gon’ eat and drink every last drop, I promise,” he whispered as a strangled gasp escaped my lips.
Pulling me closer, he feasted upon my neck, greedily sucking and nibbling as the fangs on his grill intensified my pleasure.
 “Yes! Make sure you eat it all baby. Mmhm, bite me,” I moaned as he groaned in pleasure as his fingers continued toying with my clit.
Just as I began moving against his hand another knock for the second time today disturbed us. This time causing us both to moan in frustration.
“Somebody better be dead,” Jey hissed as I tried to walk away, but he stopped me. “Oh, you gon’ get this nut, stay yo’ fine ass right here. This Pussy gon’ stay wet all night thinkin’ bout this mouth and this dick,” he whispered as his fingers began to swirl around my clit as I gasped.
 “Jey! Oh fuck!" I exclaimed quietly as he licked my ear before biting it. “Yeah, who is it?” Jey asked casually like he isn’t torturing my ass at the moment.
“Sorry to interrupt, I know Tessa is here, but they want to film some stuff of you getting ready for the show,” Sami said as Jey growled. “Cum for me,” Jey whispered as I shuttered against him.
“He’ll be right out Sami, thanks,” I answered trying to sound normal as Jey helped me chase my end.  “Give it to Daddy like a good girl,” he moaned I reached my peak.
"Yes! Oh, fuck!" cried, my head falling back against his shoulder in exhaustion as I rode the powerful wave as he kissed my neck.  
“You good baby?” he asked calming his breathing as I nodded.
“Yes, I needed that bad. I just hate that we don’t have more time,” I whispered coming down back to earth as our lips met in a sensual kiss.
“I’m good, that was for you.  I probably won’t be back in here until after the show, we gotta go over some last-minute stuff before the rumble,” he said as I nodded in understanding.
“To be continued,” I said pulling him into a gentle kiss as he smiled. To be continued and then some, I’ll see you after baby,” he said walking out to join Sami as I went to clean up.
By the time it was go time for the Men’s Royal Rumble, I was soaking wet again. Just thinking about the conversation, we had earlier and what Jey was going to do to me later had me in a daze.
Sitting in Gorilla, waiting on a stagehand to take me to my seat in the stadium I see Jey, Trin, and Jimmy come from around the corner talking.
His grill was ever present and his mouth seemed to take on a different shape as I saw a hit of his fangs.
“I’m beginning to think he’s doing this on purpose,” I muttered as Rhea smiled. “Why do you think that?” she asked as I watched him laugh loudly at something Jimmy said as I rolled my eyes, shifting uncomfortably in my seat.
He just is, he knows it’s turning me on, and he likes it. He told me so,” I said as Bianca smirked. “Girl……Finish him!” She whispered as Rhea nodded her head in agreement.
“Hell yeah, Fatality,” Rhea said as I contemplated their idea as Jey, Jimmy, and Trin came over.  Getting up I gave Trin and Jimmy a hug.
“It’s good to have you back girly,” I whispered as she nodded. “It’s good to be back,” she said as I saw the bright smile on Jimmy’s face.  He was happy to have his wife back on the road with him.
 “We’ll let ya’ll have a minute,” Jimmy said as he led Trin towards the curtain to wait with him. “You gon’ lei me or what beautiful,” Jey said smirking as our eyes met.  
“You ain’t slick, I hope you know that,” I said laughing catching the double meaning.
 “Come on, lei me….You know you want to,” he whispered, the silence defining as I finally took a deep breath, taking it out of his hand and putting it around his neck as he licked his lips.
 “Tessa they ready to take you out,” Paul said as I smiled. “Thanks, here I come,” I said giving Jey a quick kiss. “Good luck and crush it,” I encouraged as he smiled.
“Oh, I will. I already told you I’mma put on for you tonight, Ma. You just make sure you payin’ attention,” he whispered stealing another kiss before heading to the curtain beside Jimmy.  
That man is going to be the death of me with his sexy ass.
 The suspense of the night and his plans still had my mind in a chokehold.  I made my way to my seat, directly behind where Samantha sits so I could be out of the crowd view and enjoy the show.
The roar of the crowd as his music hit was insane as he bounced out into the stadium. He had a different swagger about him tonight as I watched him amp up the crowd climbing onto the ropes as the crowd bounced in sync with him.
“Damn, this is amazing,” I muttered truly proud of him looking around the stadium at the sea of hands bouncing. Walking around the ring hyping himself up our eyes met briefly as he hit the corner where I was.
“Let’s go Uce!” I cheered as he smiled before getting down and continued playing to the crowd.  
Coming back to the corner where I was, Jey released his long thick tongue flickering it back and forth fast as hell, demonstrating to the world just how dangerous his head game is as I involuntarily shuttered at the sight.
“Oh, you motherfucka,” I muttered as he paced back and forth, our eyes met again as I tried to keep my breathing under control.
I can’t believe he’s out here on national TV teasing me.
“You mine later,” he mouthed in character pointing at himself as I nodded biting my bottom lip.
There was nothing else I could say, he had made his point very clear.
 I was being set up and after Jimmy’s entrance, it became even clearer as the brothers stared each other down.
Watching the stadium's big screen, I felt myself getting hot as the camera panned to Jey as he sneered. His fangs peeked through as they created an amazing Royal Rumble moment with an intense stare-down.  
The heavy breathing, the fangs faintly showing, and the up-close camera shots up on the stadium screen of his angry face was making it hard for me to focus.  
Thirty minutes later a sweaty Jey leaning against the rope gave me the signal to go backstage before winking at me. I quickly got up and security led me backstage and I went back to sit in Gorilla with Rhea and Bianca.
“This is cruel and just unfair. Did you see that shit he did with his tongue during his entrance?” I asked as Rhea laughed.
"Girl, he was warning yo’ ass about what he’s gonna do with that tongue later on,” she teased as I shook my head watching him on the monitor trying to catch his breath in the corner.
“Teasing me all night is what he’s been doin’ and he’s been doin’ it since we left catering,” I said as Bianca smiled.
“We already told you how to handle this, take control and get what you want,” Bianca said as contemplated the idea.
Now our sex life wasn’t boring by any standards, it was just that a lot of the time Jey took control and initiated.
My man was a pleaser, and even though I give just as much as I get, tonight I wanted something different and I wanted it bad.
“Boy, them wheels over there turning,” Rhea said pointing at me as I laughed. “Maybe or maybe not Ms. Nosey,” I said as Bianca scoffed.  
“If you don’t fuck that man’s brains out when he gets back to the dressing room, I know something. Shit, it’s a long drive to the next city,” she said as Rhea laughed.
“The dressing room is tacky. Jey got a whole ass bus to do the nasty on as much as they want. You just make sure to get poor Dennis some earbuds,” she said as I rolled my eyes.
“Tessa, fuck that! He has been showin’ his ass all day, walkin’ round here teasing you and shit. He started it, now you finish that shit before you leave this building. I’m tellin’ you sis….. Finish…. Him,” Bianca said as I smiled.
"Ya’ll ain’t gonna corrupt me, I’m going to finish watching the Rumble in Jey’s dressing room,” I said licking my tongue out at them before getting up to leave.
“I smell a plan brewing in her head,” Rhea said as turned around giving her a sly smile before walking away.
The more I thought about him, the dirtier my thoughts became. Bianca is right, where you act up is where you get done up. We aint’ making it to the bus I can tell you that much.
Watching the disappointed look on Jey’s face as Gunther eliminated him I shook my head. "Guess Cody doing the finish the story gimmick and goin' to Mania again to lose," I muttered kinda bummed Jey wasn't at least in the two.
He did awesome and I'm so proud of him. His time is coming soon, I know it is. I saw Jey walking from the ring slapping a few fans’ hands heading backstage after Sami entered the Rumble.
“Alright, it’s showtime Tessa,” I muttered leaving on my Yeet crop top but removing my skirt and underwear.
I patiently waited for him as I knew people were going to stop him along with way to congratulate him on the awesome performance.
I also knew he wasn’t going too take long.  He had been just as turned on as me and was anxious to get back.
Hearing him and Jimmy talking I went and stood by the door. I held my breath as I heard his hand on the doorknob.
"Uce, I’m tellin’ you they fuckin’ up my plans by calling this last-minute meeting bullshit,” Jey growled as I smiled.
“You know Tessa’s going to understand, besides it’s about our plans for WrestleMania. I’ll meet you in thirty in the bossman’s office,” Jimmy said as I heard Jey sigh. "A’ight, I’ll meet you," he said as I nodded to myself.
 So, I had thirty minutes to get what I wanted. Eh, it won’t take that long, this will be easy.
The door opening interrupted my thoughts as Jey walked in and straight passed me as he seemed to be taking in the empty room. “Tee, where you at?” he called as I licked my lips hearing him call me by the pet name he gave me.
“Don’t turn around,” I whispered locking the door and walking up behind him caressing his bare sweaty shoulders. “Why were you over there where I couldn’t see you?” Jey asked, moaning as I kissed his back.
“You’ve been a bad boy, teasin’ me with that tongue for the world to see,” I whispered as he groaned, his breathing anxious as I ran my nails faintly up and down his back. “I had to stand on business,” He moaned as I smirked.
“So do I, now take off your gear,” I moaned biting his shoulder as he kicked off his shoes and made quick work of his tights as I admired him from behind pressing my body onto him as he hissed feeling my bare lower half against him.
“Let me see you, please,” Jey pleaded as I trailed kisses along his back tracing my fingertips across his pelvis as his muscles flexed.
“Not yet baby, I’m playin’,” I said as his sharp gasp of pleasure made my pussy tingle as I began to stroke him.
“Fuck…Yeah, stroke Daddy’s dick and get him off,” he groaned as I moaned at the thought.
“Mmm, it’s so hard, is that all for me Daddy,” I whispered toying with him, enjoying his struggle to steady his breathing as he’s tryin’ to figure out what I’m going to do next.
“Hell yeah, I been thinkin’ bout sinkin’ deep in that pussy since I picked you up from the airport this morning,” he groaned confessing his plan as I continued to stroke him, my pussy getting wetter by the second at his declaration.
“So, that’s why you been teasin’ me all day?  All you had to do was take it, it’s yours. Every inch of me is yours,” I whispered, his moans becoming more frantic as my strokes were becoming slower and more deliberate.
“You want me to tell you what to do with this pussy don’t you?” I asked already knowing the answer.
“Fuck, yes, it’s been awhile,” he moaned trying to focus on not cummin’ as I teased him.
“Oh, don’t worry you ain’t cummin’ yet because mama ain’t said you could. You know what those grills do to me, and you still try me,” I whispered releasing him as he hissed at the loss of my hand stroking him.
“Fuck, you ain’t playin’ fair,” Jey groaned as I chuckled lightly, walking around to face him as he groaned taking in my appearance.
“Neither did you flexin’ that grill any chance you could.  All in the ring taunting me, giving the world a taste of how you put it down for me,” I moaned biting my lower lip as my eyes on scanning his body.
“You know it’s all for you, only you…So, stop playin’ and come get this dick,” Jey moaned closing his eyes, stroking himself as I smiled.
Go in for the kill and let him know it’s your show.
“Nah, you stop playin’ and come get your dessert like a good boy,” I purred as his eyes met mine. “Shit, you ain’t gotta tell me twice, how you want Daddy to eat dat pussy baby?” he asked as I smirked.
Backing away slowly towards the counter, Jey stalked me like a lion stalking his prey. “I want to ride that tongue while you’re on your knees,” I confessed without shame.
 Turning my back to him, I placed my hands on the counter, spreading my legs as he smacked me on the ass as I groaned.
“Damn, you being a bad girl tonight, I love that shit,” he moaned sinking to his knees and placing his head between my thighs.
I moaned seeing his hungry gaze as he stared at my wet throbbing pussy licking his lips.
“What are you waiting for, desert’s ready Daddy,” I moaned as he grabbed my hips as his tongue brushed against my sensitive clit as I instantly grabbed his hair.
“Enjoy the ride baby,” he whispered, his face disappearing beneath me as he feasted greedily upon me. I could feel the cold metal of his grill each time he enclosed his mouth over my clit. “Yes! Eat all your dessert, Daddy, it’s just for you,” I moaned as Jey groaned against my pussy.  His vibrating mouth along with his masterful tongue were on a mission, working me over as my legs began to shake.
His fangs slightly dug into my sensitive lips with each flick of his masterful tongue.
 Looking at myself in the mirror I smirked as he took me to heights unknown, bracing my hands on the counter as I began swirling my hips riding his face.
Looking down at him as he moaned, flattening his long tongue, his deliberate strokes becoming faster as I groaned in pleasure trying to hold back.
“I said to enjoy the ride, don’t fuckin’ play with me right now, cum in my mouth,” Jey growled his eyes meeting mine as I smirked. “Make me,”  I panted gasping in pleasure as Jey began lapping up my juices.
My hand gripped the back of his head as he devoured me whole, swirling his tongue around my clit and occasionally nipping setting my body on fire.
The fangs on his grill heightened my pleasure as he inserted one finger then two curving them, hitting my G-spot over and over in sync with his tongue as I screamed in ecstasy. "Yeah, I know you love it, show me how much. Cum Tessa," he groaned.
 “Jey! Fuck, I’m cummin’!” I exclaimed exploding in his mouth as he welcomed my essence stilling my body over his mouth as he drank all my body had to offer.
“Mmhm, dats what I wanted, you taste so good baby,” Jey praised as I gasped, euphoria still overtaking over my body.
Gazing down at him I saw my essence dripping from his beard as he smirked.  “Thanks, for dessert baby it tasted so fuckin’ good,” he moaned licking his lips as I tried to catch my breath.
I knew he had a meeting to get to but he wasn’t leaving this room without rearranging this pussy. Deep in my own thoughts, I gasped as his arms pulled me close and he kissed my neck.
My brain was still fuzzy trying to figure out how he moved so fast.
“You like these fangs, don’t you?” he whispered gently nipping at my neck as I moaned.
"Yes!, Mmm, look at us baby,” I moaned as he pried his lips from my neck glancing up at our reflection in the mirror. His hand skillfully toying with my breasts under my shirt as I purred, his dick hard as a brick, rocked up against my ass begging for relief.
Tell him what you want, do it now before you run out of time. You want his ass to sink balls deep up in this pussy.
“Kiss me,” I whispered as I felt Jey’s heart beating wildly against my back as he grasped my neck, bringing my face close to his. Caressing my lips with his thumb before our lips met in a passionate kiss.
I couldn’t help but moan as I tasted myself on his lips.
“You taste good don’t you?” He whispered deepening our kiss. His tongue gently stroked mine as our mouths fused together, refusing to let go as I whimpered against him.
“I need something from you, it’s important,” I whispered against his lips slowly stroking him as he hissed, releasing my lips.
“What you need ma, you know I got you,” he panted as I slowly guided him inside of my welcoming warmth as we both gasped in pleasure.
“I want you to watch me in the mirror and make me cum again Daddy,” I challenged as his eyes widen at my request as I claimed his lips in another kiss.
“That’s what you want baby?” Jey gasped against my lips, his thrust becoming more powerful. “Yes, Daddy!” I screamed as he swallowed my cries.  “Look in the mirror and don’t close your eyes, if you do I’ll stop,” Jey whispered as I wined against him.
“Fuck you look so good in my shirt, bent over takin' all dis dick,” he panted, his strokes making my pussy quiver and tighten around him as his hands gripped my hips.
 “That dick feels good too,” I moaned meeting his thrusts as he groaned trying to still my hips and take control but Bianca’s words were ringing loud and clear in my head…FINISH HIM….
Arching my back using the counter as leverage I began throwing my ass back on his dick as Jey hissed.
“Tee! Fuck, you trying to make me cum…. Shit!” he growled as I smirked as his eyes closed in pleasure never stopping his strokes.
 “And will…Now, open your eyes, baby, if you don’t I’ll stop. Do you want me to stop,” I taunted throwing his words back in his face even though we both were in the same boat.
I was close and so was he.  “Don’t you fuckin dare,” he growled opening his eyes, smacking me on the ass as I purred.
 “Yes, stroke it, good Daddy,” I gasped as he moaned in shock at my words and how I was taking control. His heavy breathing and his tight grip on my waist, letting me know it wouldn’t be long.
“Mmhm and you betta keep throwin’ dat ass...Yeah, throw it back to Daddy just like that,” he commanded against my ear as I bit my lip continuing to meet his strokes, as he dragged his fangs gently down my neck as I moaned in pleasure against him.
“I know you hear it Jey,” I taunted as a low growl escaped his lips. “Fuck, Tee,” he groaned stirring the vixen inside me.
 “Mmhm, I know you felt that shit, I’m about to squirt for you baby,” I moaned talking my shit as Jey moaned gripping my hair.
 “Fuck, I feel it, now be a good girl and squirt for Daddy,” Jey groaned, throwing vicious backshots as I squealed in pleasure.  His intense, passionate gaze captivated me as I finally let go.
“Oh, shit! I love you!” I exclaimed, squirting as Jey growled “Yea, that’s it, fuck you beautiful. I love you too,” he praised as I continued to fall apart in his arms.
The force of my orgasm triggering his own. “Ahh, fuck,” Jey groaned, stilling inside me as he came, his head resting against my shoulder trying to catch his breath as I whimpered at its force.
“What the hell just happened,” he breathed as I smiled “Nothing, just something we both needed,” I whispered as he kissed my shoulder totally spent as I moaned at the loss of him inside me.
“Damn, I guess this grill is a keeper, huh,” he smirked showing his fangs as I slapped his arm.  “Hell yeah, it can stay but I can’t be responsible for my actions. I really like that one," I said without shame as he laughed.
“Shit, I don’t mind at all.  Hell, watchin’ your sexy ass take this dick in the mirror might be my new favorite thing, that was hot as fuck,” he whispered kissing my shoulder.
“I have to agree with you, it was very hot,” I said turning to face him, gently kissing him on the lips.
“I hate to leave you like this,” he said caressing my hips as I smiled. “It’s ok, I’m gonna get dressed and go shower on the bus. So, you grab a quick shower and go to your meeting,” I said as we shared a brief kiss before he started towards the shower.
“Keep the bed warm for me, we just getting started,” he said gathering up his gear as I pulled a Nike sweatsuit out of his bag for him to put on.
 “Well, you just keep your grill in please, and thank you, sir,” I said as he laughed going in to grab a quick shower as I got dressed myself.
Yeah, that grill definitely is a keeper…
@reci24 @southerngirl41 @vebner37 @jeyusos-girl
@melaninsugababy @romanreignkisser @bebesobrielo
@arination99 @2-muchsauce @bakugoumarianawrites
@empressdede @alyyaanna @christinabae @anonandwannakeepitthatway @venusesworld @jeyusosgirl  @theninthwonder @mya2real  @justazzi
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
Dude I miss nw!Joel. How’s my man doing?
Night Drives (one shot)
1k words / creepy!joel x fem!reader / master
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Warnings/Notes: standalone. creep. c. 2018. non-outbreak AU. Drug use. dubcon. unsafe PIV. Night walks list. request from @alloftheboysivelovedbefore. 
Imagine you’re pretty drunk from a girls night out and you’re talking on the phone with a friend while waiting on your Uber which will be an SUV, middle aged driver, kinda cute.  Guy pulls up in an SUV, rolls down his window, “lookin’ for a ride?” You get in, still talking on the phone, battery getting low.  The driver is wearing PJ pants. Good for him, you think. 
The driver brazenly checks you out as you buckle your seatbelt.   “Well damn, look at you.”  Unprofessional but you’re flattered.  “Where am I  takin’ ya?  Home, I hope?”  He has the address.  Does he really need to know if it’s where you live?   You don’t answer, you keep talking on the phone with your friend, not paying attention to anything else.  He lights up a joint. You don’t really mind, even though this is the sketchiest Uber driver ever.  
Finally, your phone dies. The driver starts hitting on you, eating you alive with his eyes, draping his hand over the center console, not quite touching you but in your space.  “Like to party?” he asks. 
You’re drunk enough to play along.  “Yeah, I guess.”  
"Knew you were a bad girl." He tries to hand you the joint but you don’t take it.  He checks you out again. "Damn, you're hot,” he says.  You’re becoming more attracted to him as the drive goes on.  He says, “How’d I get this lucky? Damn.”  His fingertips start to graze your bare thigh and you don’t bother tugging your dress down or pushing him off.  It’ll be over soon, you’ll never see him again, no harm in a little flirtation.  “Right place, right time I guess," he mutters.
Next thing you know, he’s parking the car.  Not at your house. 
“Where are we?” you ask, confused.  
“This is home, baby.”  He turns off the car.  “C’mon, let’s have a drink.  Got some real good shit inside, too.”  
You look confused.  “What’d you say your name was?”
“Joel.  And I don’t need yours, ‘less you want me sayin’ it later.” 
The blood drains from your face as you realize this is not your Uber driver.  “You’re not Uber, are you?” 
“Shit, no.  I look like an uber driver to you?” 
Now you’re screwed.  Your phone is dead, you have no idea where you are.  He pretends to be sympathetic about the confusion and says he wishes he could help but he has a flip phone and it’s dead, too.  He doesn’t have a car charger. But you’re welcome to come inside and use his computer so y’all can get some directions.  You can have a drink while you wait.  
Against your better judgment, you go into the basement with him and he secures both locks, making your stomach turn.  He motions to the couch for you to sit down.  He finds a cord for your phone instead of his, a welcome surprise that puts you at ease.  He also getas out that good weed he was talking about and brings you an IPA.  You sit down on the couch while you wait for it to charge, and he sits next to you, far too close, with his arm across the back of the couch behind you. The basement is dimly lit and the situation couldn’t be more sketchy, and yet something is stirring between your legs.
He lights up the joint then puts it up to your mouth and you accept. “Attagirl,” he says. 
Your arousal grows as his hand drifts to your thigh and lightly strokes your skin.  
As though reading your mind, he says, “Sugar, don’t worry ‘bout what you should be doin’.  Go on, drink your beer.”  You take a sip, you’re starting to sober up way faster than you want to.   His fingers stroke higher on your thigh, lifting up your dress.  “We can do whatever we want,”  he says in a low rumble. 
He leans closer and the hand behind you makes its way to your bare shoulder.  You put the beer back down.  The hand on your thigh creeps to your inner thigh.  Before you know it, he’s nudging your panties aside feeling how wet you are for him.  “Fuck yeah,” he whispers.  “God, you’re fuckin’ hot.”  
He leans over and kisses you, then keeps leaning, the force of his kiss sending you down on your back.  He’s a good kisser.  His upper body is against yours.  Before you know it he’s all the way on top of you, waistband pulled down, with his massive wood grinding against your soaked panties and you’re moaning into his mouth.  
“That’s right, baby, all yours.” He pushes two fingers inside you.  “Hell yeah, that’s what I’m talkin’ 'bout.  You let him take your panties off, hungry for his cock, and when you feel his tip at your entrance, he can’t be inside you fast enough.  He grunts as he impales you with his log, stiff member, and holy shit does he feel good.  
“Fuck yeah, baby.  Damn you feel good.”  He really, really does, too.  Far too good.  Upsettingly good.  He looks good too, damnit.  His arms bulge out of his t-shirt as he hovers over you, slamming his thick cock into you.  He fucks you nice and hard.  “Love how you take this cock, baby.”  He speeds up a little and you start to moan more vocally.  “Hell yeah,” he pants. 
He really knows what he’s doing. He wraps one of your legs around him and keeps pounding you, kissing you, sucking your neck. Next thing you know, you’re coming. “Yeah, come on this cock.”  You come hard, then he puts you in a mating press and pulses inside you.  You don’t even move to stop him. You take your pills pretty good, anyway.   
By the time you recover, your phone is charged and you’re actually not that far from home, it turns out.  You let him give you a ride home for real this time.  The whole thing is surreal.  
I know what happens after NW pt 5, I just have to write it (clown emoji).  I guess I’m having fun exploring his history as a menace meanwhile. 
as always thank you for reading & engaging! y'all are the best.
All joel: @ethanhoewke @silkiers @eiviea @evyiione @xdaddysprincessxx @queerly-anxious @chernayawidow @ambassadortotrilliusprime @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @jasminespringtime @romanarose  @fandomsfallnomore @djarinxore @lokanda @blackvelveteen1339   @manazo @wolvesandvampires  @taeslarityy @str84pedro @kyloispunk @filthfairy @fieryglutenfreechickennoodles @harriedandharassed @moonlightdivine
NW: @tehweeana @cutesyscreenname @ele-meno-p
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chaotic-toasters · 5 months
Gone (2)
So both parts of this have been out on Wattpad, I just felt like waiting a bit to post this one so you all could suffer ����
Cortnee Vine x Reader
Arsenal Women x Reader
"Cort? Are you in there?" Charlotte joked, waving her hand in front of Cortnee's face. "You left for sec."
"Yeah, sorry, what were you sayin', babes?"
"You ready for the match tomorrow?"
The winger racked her brain. "Against..."
"Arsenal! How have you forgotten? We've literally never played them before."
"Oh, right," Cortnee shook her head.  "It slipped my mind."
"You're so forgetful sometimes," Charlotte smiled fondly. "Aren't you excited to see Y/N?"
Y/N. Just hearing your name sent pangs of guilt through Cortnee's empty heart.
"Yeah, of course," she lied. "I'm always excited to see her."
The duo sat in silence, both occupied by their own thoughts.
"Hey, Char?" Cortnee said suddenly. "Could you ever imagine a life without me?"
Charlotte was quiet for a moment. "No. I need you. Why?"
"Just asking."
"Hi, girls," you forced a smile onto your face as you slipped into the changing room. "We ready to face Sydney?"
"Yup," Katie patted you on the back uncharacteristically softly as you sat down at your cubby. "Ye' ready?"
"Mhm," you pulled your shirt over your head, missing the way Kim and Steph shared a look. "I'm excited."
Katie snorted, ignoring the way that the rest of your teammates glared at her. "Coulda fooled me."
"I am excited."
Stina silently intervened, pulling the door open and ushering Jonas inside to do his pre-match talk. "Quiet down, girls."
Jonas raised his eyebrows at the thin layer of awkwardness in the room. "Everybody alright?"
"Yes. Go ahead, Jonas."
"Okay, so..."
"Y/N," Kim grabbed your arm just before you left the changing room. "Wait a minute."
"What is it, Kimmy?" you asked, eyes darting to the side where Steph was standing with her arms crossed.
The Scot sat on the bench, gesturing for you to do the same. "Ye' trust me, don't ye'?"
You nodded instantly. "Yes."
"I hope ye' understand that Steph informed me of yer' current... situation with Cortnee Vine," the captain stated apologetically. "Regardless of how ye' feel about that, ye' need to let me or Jonas know if ye' can't play today."
"Steph!" you hissed, standing up quickly. "I told you all of that because I trusted you! I don't want this getting out."
The defender's gaze never wavered. "Do you think we'd let something like this get out? I was your captain. Kim is your captain. We care about you as both a player and a person. If you can't play in today's game because the emotions are too high, then don't play. You're more important than football."
You clenched your jaw, reluctantly backing down and returning your gaze to Kim. "I'll tell you if I need to come off. Can I go now?"
"Yeah. Go ahead."
As soon as you were out the door, Kim sighed. "She's not gonna tell me shit."
"No, she won't," Steph agreed. "We'll just have to keep an eye on her. I'll let Lia and Stina know."
Cortnee's eyes flicked to the left, pursing her lips as you slipped into the line of Gunners next to her.
It was as if you knew she was watching you, automatically diverting your gaze to look anywhere but at her.
She decided to just try talking to you. "Y/N—"
"Not now, Viney," Kyra whispered, reaching over to pat the winger on the shoulder. "Later."
Cortnee turned away, deciding to just sulk in silence. The two of you hadn't spoken since the incident, and it was killing her inside. She missed you. A lot.
"Ow, fuck," you groaned, stretching out your leg as the whistle blew. "Fuck, that hurt."
Mackenzie Hawkesby extended her hand, offering you an apologetic smile as she pulled you to your feet. "Sorry, mate."
"S'alright," you answered gruffly. "Let's get back to it."
"Y/N—" Cortnee stopped short as you swiftly turned around. "Y/N, can we talk after this?"
You shook your head, jogging into position as Katie prepared to take the free kick. You didn't need any distractions.
"WHY YE' TAKIN' THE PISS?!" Katie's booming shout was the first thing you heard after going down for the tenth time in fifteen minutes. "WHAT ARE YE' TRYIN' TO DO? KILL HER?"
Charlotte Mclean only shook her head, backing up slightly. "It was an accident."
"Katie," Kim's stern voice filled your ears next. "Leave it be. We don't need ye' gettin' a yellow."
You rolled over, clutching your ankle with a whimper as blood flowed quickly and freely down the side of your face.
"Y/N," Steph pressed a hand to the wound on your head, other hand resting on your back as you went limp from exhaustion (and maybe blood loss). "Y/N, don't move. The medics are coming."
"You'll get yer' arse over here if ye' know what's good for ye'," Katie growled, pulling against Lia and Kim. "Thinkin' ye' can just hurt Y/N like that? Think again."
Your eyes subconsciously drifted over to where she stood, taking in the way Cortnee was frozen in fear as she stared at the big screen.
It was replaying the moment in which Charlotte had timed her tackle wrong, hitting you square in the ankle and causing you to fly forwards and into the goalpost.
It spurred Cortnee into action, the winger darting over and shoving her own girlfriend out of anger. "What the hell, Charlotte?! Look at what you did! Look at Y/N! You fucking hurt her!"
Charlotte looked aghast. "It was an accident! And why the hell are you taking her side? I'm your girlfriend! Not her!"
"I wish she was!" Cortnee snapped before slapping a hand over her mouth.
You suddenly sat up, injuries forgotten as blood dripped down the side of your face. "Really?"
"LAY BACK DOWN!" Kim and Steph yelled, both pairs of hands shoving you onto your back.
"Y/N, where are we?" an Arsenal medic you didn't remember arriving asked you.
Cortnee took that as an opportunity to get away, apologizing to her manager before taking off into the tunnel.
"At the Emirates," you responded immediately, maneuvering yourself so that no blood would stian your jersey. "I don't have a concussion, mate."
Lotte peered over his shoulder. "She looks fine to me."
"Lotte, no," Kim protested. "Ye' had stitches all down the middle of yer' forehead and said ye' were fine. Ye' don't get a say in this."
"I do!" you objected, closing your left eye just before the crimson droplets could get into it. "It's my decision because I'minjured and I am me. And I say that I'm fine! I just need a bandage and then I'm good to go."
"Why is it bleedin' so much?" Kim sucked in a breath as more medics ran onto the field with a stretcher. "That's way too much blood just for a collision with a goalpost."
One of the medics shook their head as you shoved everybody off you and stood. "I don't—"
Their voice was cut off by the sudden ringing in your ears, hitting you at the same time the dizziness did. You keeled over, someone quickly catching you before you hit the ground.
In a panic, Steph tapped your clean cheek in an attempt to get you to respond. Unfortunately, you were already passed out, concussion symptoms making a delayed appearance but hitting you full force nonetheless.
Had you been conscious, you would have heard the cries of both the crowd and your teammates as you fell. You would have noticed the look of worry on Katie's usually smug face. You would have seen Kim's uncharacteristically terrified face. Seen Kyra hiding her face in Caitlin's shoulder. Seen Jonas sprinting onto the pitch with paramedics in tow.
Another thing that you weren't aware of was the paramedics telling your teammates that it wasn't a concussion. They weren't sure what yet, but it was something much worse.
The waiting room was eerily silent, each and every player lost in their own thoughts as they waited for updates on your condition.
The game had been called off, both Kim and the Sydney FC captain wanting to follow you to the hospital.
Everyone had arrived at roughly the same time, storming into A&E and demanding to know what was going on.
A doctor had quickly informed them that you were suffering from an epidural hematoma and rushed to surgery.
No one had spoken since then, afraid that if another word was uttered it wouldn't end well.
It was simply a waiting game, the only sound being the ticking off the analog clock on the wall.
Seconds turned to minutes, and minutes into hours. Some of the players fell asleep, while other forced their eyes open in hopes that you'd be out of surgery soon. It didn't work, and most drifted off with their worries still at the forefront of their thoughts.
It wasn't until early the next morning when a doctor would finally enter the room, clipboard in hand. "Family of Y/N—"
Everyone snapped awake, Kim shooting to her feet at her words. "Yes, that's us. What's going on?"
"Y/N Y/L/N was fortunate enough to not incur any permanent brain damage or go into a coma," the doctor assured with a smile. "She'll make a full recovery."
Cortnee breathed a sigh of relief from the corner of the room, wiping away a few stray tears as all of the other girls cheered quietly.
"Thank you, doctor," Kim's relief was evident. "Can we see her?"
"One at a time. She's very disoriented right now and it wouldn't be good to overwhelm her."
All eyes turned to Cortnee who only shook her head. "Doc just said not to overwhelm her. I don't think it would be a good idea right now."
"I'll go then," Steph declared, standing up. "Kim, you should go next. I think you need it more than her."
"Hey, kiddo," Steph's voice was gentle as she sat on the chair next to the bed. She reached over to grab your hand. "How are you feeling, love?"
"Hey, Stephy," your eyes were shut, voice hoarse. "My head kinda hurts."
She smiled, just happy that you were alright. "I figured. You scared us, you know."
"'M sorry," you murmured, tugging Steph's hand closer. "Is anybody else here, or just you?"
She scoffed lightly. "Kid, everyone is here. Jonas is here, Kim is here, Katie is here... the whole team is here. So are the Sydney girls."
"Is Cortnee here?"
Steph faltered. "Y‐yeah. She doesn't want to come in, though. Doesn't think it's a good time."
"Okay," you mumbled, unsure of whether to be disappointed or relieved. "Did we win?"
"We called off the game," the defender said. "We were too worried."
"I'm gonna head out, kid. Kim's next. I think she needs to see you more than you need to see her."
You chuckled. "True."
"Hey, Cort?" Charlotte's voice was hesitant. "I—"
She stopped short as her and Cortnee locked eyes. A sort of mutual understanding passed between them. No more words were spoken, but they seemed to come to an agreement. It hadn't been clear to either of them before, but now it made sense. They loved each other, but they hadn't been in love for quite some time.
They had thought that they were soulmates, and they weren't completely wrong, but they weren't completely right either. They were platonic soulmates. They cared deeply for each other, but they weren't meant to be together.
Maybe this wasn't what Cortnee had expected, but she wasn't complaining. All that was left was for her to convince you to give her a chance. If she succeeded, she was golden.
"Kimmy?" you questioned.
"Yeah, kiddo?" the skipper's voice was less shaky now.
"Can— can you call Cortnee in? I want to see her."
Kim was silent. "Are ye' sure?"
"Okay, kiddo," the Scot patted your uninjured leg. "But if it gets too much, then I want you to tell her to leave. You can't be overwhelmed right now, and this isn't a great idea, but I trust you."
True to her word, she left, the door shutting behind her before it swung open a minute later to reveal the redhead who had been on your mind since you'd woken up. "Hey, Cort."
"Hey, Y/N," the winger hesitantly sat down at your beside, offering her hand which you took without a second thought. "I— I was worried about you."
"Yeah. I— I missed you," she admitted. "Listen, what I said yesterday on that pitch— I meant it. Char and I— well, we kind of... we, um... we broke up."
The dull ache in your head paused, brain disconnecting at Cortnee's words. "Huh?"
"We ended it on good terms," Cortnee swallowed, forcing herself to keep going despite the cowardly urge to shut the fuck up and sprint out of the room. "She understood that—that I love you. You were my best friend, Y/N. I cared for you, but I didn't realize that the love I had for you wasn't platonic. I didn't realize that the love I had for Char wasn't romantic. It was the opposite."
Her confession was everything you'd ever wanted (other than having an almost fatal brain injury in the process), but now that it was happening, you could barely form the words to respond. "I—I love you too."
"Are you sure?"
You snorted. "What, do you want me to say, 'SIKE!' I WAS JUST KIDDING!'?
"No, no, no," she shook her head quickly. "I just want to make sure it's not the epidural hemahema whatever it's called talking."
You snickered.
"What? I'm not a doctor!"
"I'm sure, Cort," you smiled at her, reaching up to pat her cheek. "I love you. Always have, always will."
"That's sweet." She smiled back at you.
You waited. "Well?"
"Well what?"
"You gonna kiss me now or you just gonna stare at me?"
"Oh," Cortnee blushed. "Can I kiss you?"
"Are you deaf? I just said yes."
"Oh," she said again. "Oh."
You rolled your eyes, grabbing her by the front of her jersey and pulling her into a kiss. "You're an idiot sometimes, you know that?"
She grinned sheepishly. "Yeah, but now I'm your idiot."
"Yeah, you are. Put that on your Twitter bio, will ya?"
"Of course, love. Now get some rest."
"Love you."
"Love you too, Y/N."
"Oh, and one more thing," you said, grabbing her by the wrist just before she turned around. "FIFA declined my request to switch national teams."
Her grin became impossibly wider. "Really?"
"Yeah. Some dumb legal shit."
She squeezed your hand happily. "I love dumb legal shit."
"Me too, Cort. Me too."
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thebearer · 11 months
Willow gets bullied in school so when she tells Teddy, Teddy takes it upon herself to fight the kid/kids that messed with her sister. I could see this happening at any age but I can see this at least starting to happen when they are pretty young.
teddy's a few years older than willow, but enough where they're in school together most of the time. in elementary school, some of the kids make fun of willow's stutter, so teddy shoves them face first into the mulch.
you have to come pick your fourth grader up, covered in birth and scratches, because she's been beating up kids for making fun of willow. richie is her number ONE defender.
"she shouldn't be in any trouble, cousin."
"she shouldn't be hittin' people. that's not right, dorothea." carmen glares at his eldest, cross armed in the bear's dining room.
"oh, please. like mikey didn't do this shit for you? c'mon." richie waves him off. "and mikey was a lot older. it's what you do for family. you shouldn't be teachin' her to go against the family-"
"-go against the family? what?"
"yeah, go against the family. it's not right. you gotta stick up for your family-"
"-cousin, what th... this-this isn't the mafia, ok? there's none of that eye for an eye or i'll put a horse head in your shi-"
"-no, but there should be alright. good rules to live by. stickin' up for your family is important, teddy, and you did good. those little pricks-"
"-richie." you hiss, glaring at him.
"sorry, sorry, that's on me." richie holds his hands up. "but those kids shouldn't be sayin' that shit to your sister. should be more tolerant or whatever. keep hittin' them until they are."
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iluvcarmzatto · 3 months
Catching His Eye
Mikey Berzatto x female!reader
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Warnings: cursing, fluff kinda sorta, flirting, drinking, one drug used (weed)
Summary: Mikey and Richie go out to a bar to hang out and then Mikey sees the reader and tries to make a move.
A/n: HEY GUYS!! I have a couple of pretty cool ideas for Mikey fics! This one is going to be relatively short since the Mikey series I’m working on needs some extra work. anyway I just wanted to do something different and I thought this was a perfect idea so I hope you like it! LOVE YA💗 THIS DOES NOT CONNECT TO THE SERIES! ITS JUST A ONE SHOT YALL!! <= FYI
“Hey Mike, you tryna head over to the bar?” Richie said over the phone hoping that his best friend would say yes. “Cousin, of course. It’s fuckin Friday night.” said Mikey said and with just that sentence alone he knew it would be a fun night.
“Hey Tiff! I’m gone for a few hours.” Richie said as he headed out the door with his car keys. “Ok! Love you.” “Don’t do anything fuckin’ stupid.” She said sternly at Richie while looking at him. He chuckled, “Of course not.” “Love you too. Call me if you need anything.” She nodded and with that he was gone.
Mikey left his house and grabbed the keys. He got there a little earlier than Richie since he lived a bit closer to the bar than him. He waited in his car until Richie showed up.
Richie’s car pulled up in right next to him in the parking lot. Mikey smiled and got out the car. “Hey what’s up man?” They dapped up as they walked towards each other. “Feels like it’s been fuckin’ ages.” Mikey said while sighing. “Mike, it’s been three weeks since I took off.”
“Oh shit yeah! How’s Tiff?” Mikey asked while his eyebrows pulled together. “Shes good man she’s good.” They both walked to up to the bar and conversed more about best friend shit.
They ordered a couple of drinks and were laughing their asses off. “HAHA! Fak almost failing the fuckin’ inspection is probably one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard.” Richie said obviously the loudest one in the bar, and that bar was pretty loud.
Mikey and Richie weren’t too drunk but they were definitely feeling the kick of it.
You walked into the bar tired of work that day and a drink was all you wanted. The dress you wore was god awfully tight which you liked since you liked showing off your body that you worked so hard in the gym for.
You didn’t work out for the approval of men, you worked out for yourself because of it became almost a stress reliever but also was a way you could look into the mirror and be confident.
You had to admit that today you looked amazing in that dress.
As you walked closer to the bartender you asked for one tequila shot. The chair on the bar was just what you needed right now. Sitting down felt like a relief. You sighed and pulled your phone out of your purse.
You caught Mikey’s eye fast. As soon as you sat down he noticed you, not sitting too far away from him and Richie. “Cousin, look at her god damn.” Richie turned around and saw her. “Damn, she’s beautiful.” “Tiff wouldn’t even be mad at me sayin that, hell, she would fuckin agree!” He said laughing.
Mikey chuckled at him. He kept staring at you while you were taking your shots and scrolling on your phone. Richie noticed him looking at you and said, “Mike, go over there and just talk to her.” If she catches you staring at her she’s gonna think you’re a fuckin’ creep.”
“You’re fuckin’ right man.” Mikey said conflicted on what he should do.
You got up and asked the bartender where the restroom was. Since this was the first time you had been to this bar, you didn’t know the way around it at all. He told you where it was and you walked over there quickly. When you were walking, Mikey saw your ass move in the dress. “Oh my god, she’s fuckin’ perfect!” Mikey said with that image permanently implemented into his mind.
Richie laughed and said, “Starin at ass all night ain’t gonna get ya too far.” He said. Mikey laughed, “Yeah, yeah I know but I haven’t been in the game for a while.” “What if I fuck it up?” He said and looked at Richie, his brown hair falling into his face a little.
Richie looked at Mikey and said, “Cousin, you won’t fuck it up, you’re Michael fuckin’ Berzatto you always find your way man.” He patted Mikey’s shoulder. Mikey chuckled, “Yeah yeah I guess you’re right.”
“I know I am” said Richie confidently. Richie started laughing, “what?” Mikey said smiling. “I don’t know it’s just crazy to me after all these years of being best friends, you would be the one asking me for advice about this type of shit” Richie smiled. “Shut the fuck up dude” Mikey said while laughing.
You came out the restroom and turned around the corner. Richie saw you and said, “There she goes” fuckin’ opportunity of a lifetime right there.” He shrugged. “Your choice” Mikey rolled his eyes and finally got up. He walked over to where you were originally sitting.
You approached closer to your seat and saw this man with brown hair and brown eyes. He was extremely attractive and you were wondering why he was going closer to where you were.
You sat down at your seat and turned your head to look at the man. “Can I help you sir?” You said politely, while doing a half smile. He looked into your eyes. “Can I buy you a drink?” He said smoothly but on the inside he was nervous. You intimidated him so badly. You were the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid his eyes upon so of course you would make him nervous.
“Depends on what you get me.” You said in a voice that you didn’t use often until you saw attractive men. He leaned in, not too uncomfortably close but was still being smooth with it, “whatever you want” you smiled.
“I like you. You’re fuckin’ awesome.” You said. You weren’t drunk but you still felt a little tipsy. He laughed, “Appreciate the words of affirmation.” He said and smiled at you. Richie saw you guys from his seat and smiled. “I’m so glad I talked him into this shit.” He thought to himself.
“Two shots of tequila please.” You said to the bar tender. “Coming right up ma’am.” He said. “So what is a beautiful woman like you doing here in a shitty bar?” Mikey said. You shrugged, “I had a long day and this was my closest way to let go of all that shit for today and relax.”
“No shit, we have the exact same reason.” He said. You laughed, “A lot of people come here to do that so I dont think we’re special for that.” “Here you go ma’am” the bar tender said while sliding your drinks to you.
“Thank you.”
“Cheers” you said while raising ur glass up before swallowing it all down. “Cheers” Mikey said while staring into your eyes. He put the cup on the bar. “Shit! That’s strong.” Mikey said while closing his eyes tight.
“What? Mr big strong guy can’t handle a shot of tequila?” You said laughing and touching his arm that was very built. He chuckled and looked at his arm after you touched it. “Oh my god” you said embarrassed I’m so sorry I usually am not this bold I swear like I’m a quiet type of pers-“ he cut you off, “it’s ok sweetheart I don’t mind.”
“Sweetheart” my god you could’ve melted into your chair right there. Sure guys would try and get at you but none like this. He was funny, chill, handsome, and easy to talk to.
He smiled at you and you smiled back. “So does this tequila shot master have a name?” He said while looking at you. “Oh shit! Yeah I forgot to introduce myself, usually I’m much better at this, I’m just drunk as shit” you laughed at yourself. “I’m y/n” “what’s yours?” “Michael but everyone calls me Mikey.”
“Mikey is a good name. You said trying to keep conversation since you wanted to talk to him more. “Thank you sweetheart.” He said while putting his hand on his chest.
“Hey uh you wanna come over to my seat, my cousin Richie is over there and I forgot he was over there.” “I love talkin’ to ya doll but I don’t wanna leave him there by himself.” You completely understood and having nothing else to do you said, “sure! I’ll follow you Mikey.”
You saying his name was all he wanted to hear. He walked back to where Richie was sitting. Richie looked up and saw Mikey followed by you. “Let’s go Mike! He better thank me for this later.” Richie thought as you guys got closer to the stools.
“Y/n, this is my best friend Richie, Richie nodded and stuck out his hand for you to shake it. “Nice to meet ya sweetheart.” You smiled at him, “Likewise” you said. I thought you said he was your cousin?” Mikey looked at him, and said, “Nah, we’re not blood related but I’ve known him for so fuckin’ long we basically are cousins.”
Richie laughed, drunker than he was before, “I can’t believe Mikey has finally managed to find someone that is actually nice.”
Mikey looked at him embarrassed that he even said that. “Thanks Richie!” “For that comment!” You chuckled, not really knowing what to say. You sat down and just felt like you belonged with those two.
You vented about your job and they did too and just talked about life and where you were from. All night long everybody was laughing and having a good time. Then Richie checked his phone for the time, “Fuck! Tiff! She’s gonna be so mad when she realized I stayed later than I told her.”
Mikey looked genuinely concerned for him. “Well man go ahead, I’ll see ya soon cousin.” He stood up and hugged him. “Nice to meet ya Y/n!” He said running off to his car. “You too Richie!” Mikey yelled, “Drive safe fuckin’ idiot!”
Richie laughed and got into his car, “you know I will!” You couldn’t help but laugh at their conversation. You loved their relationship and wished you had a best friend like that.
You and Mikey walked out of the bar and sat on a bench just outside of it next to a tree. When you sat down you let out this big sigh, “I need to get out of the dress.” You said kind of getting annoyed by it at this point in the night. He looked at you, “You look amazing in it.” He said while looking at you with his brown eyes that felt special and important.
You didn’t know how to explain it. Like he admired you.
“Thank you.” You said smiling. You pulled out a blunt and your lighter from your purse. He looked over, “You smoke?” You nodded, “The best stress reliever to exist because you just fuckin’ forget everything.” He nodded “I think need that shit right now too.”
“Oh yeah?” You said lighting up the joint. You put it to your lips, inhaled, and blew out. You handed it to him. “What could you be anxious about? You got a girl waitin’ at your house too?” He inhaled it and blew out. “Fuck no” “I’m not good with relationships.”
“She gotta be real special for me to actually try and not fuck it up. Other than that, it just adds more drama in my life.” You nodded and internally was disappointed that you may not get to know him further.
You both sat in silence for a few minutes passing the blunt back and forth. Watching cars go way past their speed limit on the street.
It was never an uncomfortable silence, it was actually pretty calming.
“You know something, my whole life is just a fuckin’ mess” you turned your head slowly to him and continued listening. “I feel like everyone has these high expectations of what they want me to do with my life but in reality I don’t know what I’m fuckin’ doing.”
“Shit is scary dude.” You continued nodding and listening. You finally chimed in, “Yeah well, life is a fuckin bitch.” You ever heard someone say if you ever want god to laugh you should tell him your plans.” He shook his head. “Nah I never heard of that one but that shit makes sense.”
“Well whatever you do in life, I know you’ll figure it out and be great at it.” “Even though I just met you, it feels like we’ve been friends for a very long time.” He smiled, “I was thinkin the same thing sweetheart.”
You guys talked some more about life. “One question Mikey” “Shoot” he said. “Will you potentially maybe want to see me again?” “Like a date.” “You would get the real y/n and not this version who’s tired and out of it.”
“I would be a fool to say no darlin’” he said while getting closer to you. You had never felt safer being close to anybody in your life. “And by the way, this version of y/n is perfect.” He said reassuringly.
You smiled back at him and laid your head on his shoulder. He couldn’t believe he had a beautiful woman laying her head on his shoulder. He was definitely going to tell Richie about this tomorrow.
He was glad he saw you from across the bar because he got to have this moment.
That’s how you and Mikey Berzatto met and the rest became history.
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