#yeah normies can have breakdowns/meltdowns
wolfpawzjakey · 5 months
Percy being the strong one, always being so strong willed and the last to break. In the long past couple of years, he’s rarely broke from exhaustion. So, when he breaks down entirely one day, no one knows how to react to it. It’s not like anything big had happened that day, maybe plans had just fallen apart to meet with friends and actually do something totally normal in their abnormal lives, and he just loses it. He’s never been a big crier so when just start sobbing everyone kinda internally panics and stands around, he’s curled in on himself by the time someone reacts and at that point he’s just not reacting to anything. And this is like a full breakdown, he cries for about an hour, till he’s drained and exhausted, eyes puffy and face stained with tears. He’s barricaded on both sides by friends who’ve just leaned on him and have had him lean on them (respectively). No one would say anything about it being okay to meltdown every once in a while because what help would that be, but they let him know through actions it’s normal and okay. He soaks the attention in like a sponge.
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