#yeah no pumpkin for breakfast but make it juiced!
nik2blog · 1 year
Just found out that pumpkins (and other squash) are technically fruits and that gives a whole new meaning to pumpkin juice being drunk for breakfast in Wizarding Britain....
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feenoire · 28 days
Heartfelt Veils II. A Doe Loves Its Wolf
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stepdad!joel miller x f!reader
rating: 18+ minors dni
word count: 6.2k
warnings: age difference (18/50), sexual harassment (cat call), fluff, angst, sexual tension, sexual acts.
summary: spending your 18th birthday with your stepdad ended up being an unforgettable day, one that will forever linger in your mind.
a/n: Joel quoting Romeo’s line in spanish, that’s the note. i hope you enjoy this chapter <3
series masterlist
The drizzle cascades outside, tapping the window of your bedroom. The pumpkin spice candle fills your room with its warm, comforting scent. You’re sitting on a chair, pen in hand, as you pour your thoughts into your diary at the study desk.
“Dear diary, I almost cry at the sweetness of October. Woken early by Joel, who made breakfast for me: avocado toast and raspberry juice. Days seep by like the stain of a raspberry on my pearl blouse. A week has gone by since I arrived in this small town, this new haven—Joel’s home. I could make a list of all the warmest things: my new chamber, forest saunter, delicacies, cold weather, the sleekness of his wood carvings, and Joel.
I’m afraid to admit it, but I think I like Joel, he’s like a sin worth hunting for. Something’s wrong with me because I know I’m not supposed to feel this way. My heart beats steadfastly for him, his brown eyes warm like the morning sun. For the first time, I feel like someone truly pays attention to me and genuinely cares what I have to say. I feel seen. Unlike the ghost I have been for the last seventeen years. He is flowers in my stomach. I always think of him before I fall asleep. Nightmares fade.
But I tried to convince myself that he was just being nice like most stepdads would do, because they can be kind at first but become total assholes later, that it was all just a pretense, they just want your mother, not you. That’s what I heard from my friends. But I truly hope Joel isn’t like that. That this feeling I have right now is just a phase, that he’s just a phase…”
The knock on the door startles you as you’re lost in your thoughts, letting them flow onto the book in front of you. In a panic, you quickly shut your diary and hide it in the drawer. Knowing you’d be dead if someone read it.
“Sweetheart, are you ready yet?” his deep, husky voice speaks.
“Yeah. I’ll be just a few minutes.”
“Alright. I’m gonna wait outside, okay?” says he from behind the door.
After his footsteps fade, you put on your jacket over your sweater and grab your school bag. Not wanting to make him wait too long, you quickly grab your walkman before running downstairs. There, you find Joel leaning against his black 1978 Ford truck, looking like a man straight out of a magazine.
Your breath hitches and your cheeks warm at the sight of him as you stand on the front porch. He wears a denim shirt under a brown jacket that hugs his frame, showing just how big his arms are. He is divine, like the Seleucid prince. It makes you flutter.
Like the gentleman he is, he opens the car door for you with a smile as you stride toward him. You can’t help but smile and blush at his lovely gesture.
“Thanks, Joel,” you say softly.
“Ain’t no worries, little girl.”
Little Girl. You like the way he calls you that, it sends a warm sensation to your core. You don’t know why. With the husky voice of his, you secretly wish he could whisper it in your ear.
Joel gets inside the truck and starts to drive. Meanwhile, your mother leaves for work early today. Joel told her that she could stop working if she wanted to and let him provide for her, but she said no, as work keeps her busy and she likes doing it.
It feels comfortable and calming to the mind as you look at the scenery through the car’s window. Observing the little town with its shops, parks, and sidewalks covered in fallen leaves. There’s an old man riding a bicycle, with ten dogs following him, stepping with their little legs. The sight brings a smile to your face. In the distance, a big mountain blanketed in fog. The weather is getting colder, as it nears November.
“What are you listening to?” Joel says, breaking the silence.
You don’t turn the volume all the way up on your walkman, so you can still hear Joel talking through the headphones.
“Um, just an old song from my mixtape.”
Joel smiles. “Why don’t you put your little mixtape on the stereo so I can listen to it too?”
Part of you is embarrassed at the thought of Joel listening to your playlist, or maybe you’re scared that he will judge you for it, without realizing how much you care about what or how Joel thinks of you. But a small part of you is delighted that you could listen to your favorite songs with him.
“Yeah, sure.”
You take off your headphones and put the tape in the player. The soft melody of Mazzy Star’s “Blue Light” fills the car.
Joel smiles as he listens. “Yeah, I’ve heard this one.”
“You have?”
“I have, it’s glorious.”
You smile, glancing at him. “It is, isn’t it?”
“You look like this song would if it were a person.”
His words make your cheeks flush. It’s the best thing anyone has ever said to you, especially when it comes from Joel. You try to shift the conversation back to him. “What kind of music are you into?”
“Fleetwood Mac, Bob Dylan, David Bowie—”
“I love David Bowie!” you say enthusiastically.
Joel laughs softly at your enthralled reaction. He watches you with a look of admiration in his eyes. “Me too, sweetheart.”
“Sorry,” you whisper as you bow your head. Scolding yourself internally for losing your composure in front of him.
“Don’t be.”
The song changes to “Storms” by Fleetwood Mac as you look out of the window again, gazing at the white swans swimming on the lake, beautiful as a painting. Time seems to speed up, and soon you see the big wooden sign on the side of the road that reads, ‘Welcome to Lakewood.’
The car passes by towering trees as you approach the small town. You’re so caught up in the scenery before your eyes that you don’t realize Joel has been looking at you. The town is beautiful, much like Silvervale, but a bit bigger.
Finally, you arrive at Lakewood High School. The school is big and built with maroon-colored bricks. Forest trees stand tall behind the building. Joel pulls over in front of the entrance. Some students head inside. The parking lot is full of cars and motorcycles, with teenagers hanging around despite the forty-five degrees weather.
You feel nervous, and your hand is slightly shaking. But you don’t realize it until Joel reaches for your trembling hand and holds it, enveloping your small hand with his large, warm, and calloused one. The contrast between his rough skin and your softness is noticeable.
“Are you okay?” he asks calmly.
You look at your trembling hand covered by Joel’s. Trying to control your anxiety and take a deep breath.
The idea of starting all over again, introducing yourself to strangers scared you more than you realize. You’re scared of being perceived and what if you’re not able to find a friend? You’ve always been a wallflower at your old school, with only one or two friends.
But you push the thoughts away—you’re not going to break down in front of Joel. Instead, you try to focus on the warmth of his hand. It calms you down and alleviates your pounding heart and trembling body.
You nod. “Yeah, I-I’m okay.”
His eyes are full of concern. “You don’t have to do this today if you don’t want to. I can take you back here tomorrow.”
“No, no, I’m okay, I promise.”
You don’t want to burden Joel, who already takes time before work to drive you here. You’re not going to let a little anxiety ruin your day, especially his.
“Are you sure?”
You give him a smile as a sign that you’re okay. “Yeah, I’m sure. Thank you for driving me.”
“Not at all.”
You open the car door and as you try to get out, Joel still clasps your hand, stopping you.
His gaze is unwavering and intense as he looks at you. “Call me if you need anything okay? Don’t hesitate,” he says with his thumb gently caressing your hand.
Your breath hitches from the intense eye contact. The tension between you is palpable, making your heart race. Unsure if he can feel it or if it’s just you. The pulsing in your core returns and it starts to ache—you’ve never felt like this with anyone before. You rub your thighs together to ease the ache. Joel’s gaze shifts from your eyes to your thighs, and his eyes darken.
“Little girl,” he whispers.
You try to hold back the whimper at the sensation and the way he calls you. “I-I have to go,” you murmur.
You withdraw your hand from him and get out of the car with a pounding heart. You welcome the cool refreshing air and take a deep breath. No one has ever affected you the way Joel has, and you can’t comprehend why. Trying to calm down and gather your thoughts, you head inside the building without looking back and decide to find the front office to collect your schedule and the school map.
Time passes, and the school bell rings signaling the end of the school day. Finally.
You didn’t really pay much attention to your surroundings today. You spent your lunch break alone in the wildflower meadow in the forest behind the school, sipping the cherry cola you bought from the vending machine and smoking a few cigarettes. With your walkman on and your favorite book as your companion.
You got to know a few people from your classes, but not many. Some of the teachers were nice and helpful. The thing you hated the most was the boys hanging out in the hallway, whistling loudly at you as you walked to class. Shitheads.
The last class of the day was English, taught by the handsome teacher Mr. Wayne—according to the students. He’s around thirty, with light tan skin, brown hair, brown eyes, and a slightly graying beard. He’s the youngest male teacher at school, which is why most of the girls are after him. It seems like everybody pays attention to what he teaches in class, or maybe they just admire his looks. He assigned everyone in class a copy of Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare and asked them to write an essay about it.
After you leave the school building, you don’t call Joel to pick you up as he asked you to. Instead, you walk through the forest, but not too far from the road. Keeping your phone’s map open to guide you home.
The earthy and musky scent of the fallen leaves is prominent. The faint breeze gently blows through your hair and rustles the leaves scattered around you. The sky is getting dim, and you have no idea why. You check your watch—it’s only 3:20 PM. You’ve been walking for twenty minutes, with just thirty more to go until you arrive. So, you tighten the jacket around you and walk faster.
After what happened this morning, you don’t dare to face Joel, so it’s best to just avoid him. The way he held your hand, his eyes darkening as he stared at you, was all too much. What if he feels the same way you do and is struggling with it just like you? You swear it was there—the palpable force of tension and electricity between the two of you. Maybe you’re just crazy, imagining things that weren’t there, that it was all in your head. What is wrong with you? He’s your stepdad—why do you feel this way? You’re certain that if someone could read your mind, they’d put you in a mental institution.
Now that you’re alone, you let the tears fall from your eyes. Your heart aches as you wonder if what you feel for him is genuine. Joel is a very kind man and a great partner for your mother, and you’re just a dumb seventeen-year-old girl who holds a secret longing for him. You secretly pray to God that these feelings will fade away. Reminding yourself that you need to control how you feel and distance yourself from Joel from now on before something bad happens.
As you continue walking you hear a faint crunching sound on the fallen leaves behind you. Heart pounding, afraid someone might be following you. It turns out it’s a black kitten trailing behind you as you look back. It meows at you as you approach, and your heart softens.
“Hey, are you alone?” you say softly.
Of course, it only answers you with a meow. You look around but you don’t see another cat. The kitten is alone. You wonder where its mother is. As you kneel on the ground and inspect it, its fur is dirty and tangled, and one of its legs is crooked. It’s a girl. You can’t leave her here alone—what if she dies?
“Why don’t you come home with me?” you whisper to the kitten.
You carefully lift her from the ground and carry her with you. She purrs and snuggles into your jacket as you hold her small form gently in your hands. You smile at the sight.
“You’re okay now, let’s go home.”
The kitten occupies your mind now; all you can think about is getting her home, giving her a warm bath, and tending to her crooked leg. The thoughts about Joel leave your mind.
It’s 4:20 PM by the time you arrive home, soaking wet. Late because you had to take shelter from the rain under the bus stop pavilion, shielding the kitten in your jacket’s inner pocket. You cursed yourself for wearing a black mini skirt today, and now your legs are so cold they almost feel numb.
The driveway is empty, signaling that no one is home. You take the spare key from under the doormat and quickly get inside. You bathe the kitten and take a hot shower yourself, then tend to her tiny, crooked leg before falling asleep in your bed with her.
Unsure how long you’ve been asleep—whether it’s been minutes or hours. You feel a big hand gently caressing your head, which wakes you up from your slumber. You open your eyes slowly and adjust your vision; there you see Joel bent over looking at you with a face full of concern, and his hand on your hair.
“Joel?” you murmur.
“Little girl, where have you been?”
You rub your eyes and slowly sit up, gathering your consciousness. “What?”
He sits on the edge of the bed. “I called and texted you, but you didn’t answer. I told you to call me to pick you up. Then, I went to your school, and you weren’t there, I was sca—” he bows his head and takes a deep breath.
It’s the first time you’ve ever seen Joel looks so scared. His eyebrows are drawn together, his jaw tense, and fear is evident in his eyes.
“Joel, I—”
“I’ve been searching for you everywhere, and your mom too—she was terrified. Where the hell have you been?”
You made everyone worry about you, and you feel so guilty about it. You should have at least let them know. Overwhelmed and too caught up in what happened this morning, you don’t dare reach out to him.
“I-I’m sorry, Joel. I was taking a walk home through the woods to… to clear my mind,” you say, your voice slightly shaking. “I’m so sorry for making you worry; I didn’t mean to.”
Joel’s face softens at your explanation. “But sweetheart, that’s like an hour’s walk.”
“I know,” you whisper.
“It’s still too dangerous, baby. You can’t just walk around the woods. What if you get attacked by animals or worse?”
“I didn’t think about it. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. Just don’t ever do that again.”
Joel is a remarkably handsome man, even when he’s worried, and you can’t help but admire his beauty. In return, he meets your gaze, his brown eyes make you feel safe and warm. His hand tries to reach your face, but you turn your head away and shift the conversation. Joel pulls back his hand.
“I found a kitten in the woods, her leg’s injured. So, I brought her home,” you say, pointing to the kitten sleeping on your pillow.
A smile starts to form on his lips as he looks at the little creature. “I didn’t even realize she was there.”
“Is it okay? I can’t leave her alone.”
“It’s okay, little girl,” he says warmly.
“Thanks, Joel,” you say with a smile. “Where’s mom?”
“Downstairs. She’s upset, I’m gonna talk to her.”
“No, it’s alright. Let me talk to her,” you say. “After all, it’s my fault.”
He nods. “Okay.”
Unconsciously, you remove the blanket from your lap and climb out of bed, stepping over Joel’s thigh. The cold air and the rough fabric of his jeans against your bare legs remind you that you’re only wearing a t-shirt and panties. Joel clears his throat, his cheeks turning red. Embarrassed, you quickly apologize and stride to your closet, shutting the door behind you.
God damn it. How could I forget?
As you go downstairs, you find your mother sitting in the dining room. Joel was right—she’s upset, it’s evident on her face. You stand across the table as your mother’s gaze shifts from the window to you. Your heart feels heavy with guilt as you look at her.
“Mom, I’m so—”
“Where have you been?” she says, her voice elevating.
“I’m so sorry, Mom. I was just taking a walk home, that’s all. I didn’t go anywhere else.”
“Well, you can’t just fucking disappear like that! We were looking for you everywhere. If Joel hadn’t told me, I probably wouldn’t have known.”
“I know, Mom. I’m sorry,” you whisper, trying to hold back your tears.
“No, you didn’t. You wouldn’t have fucking done it if you had known.”
Her words make your tears fall down your cheeks, and you sob quietly. Your mother is always like that—very strict about everything: where you go, what you wear, what time you come home. It’s as if she has been scared for you your whole life, and you never understand why. That’s why you are always cooped up at home.
“You go straight home from school from now on. Joel will pick you up, and no more taking a walk bullshit!” she exclaims. “You’re not going to let everything I’ve done to move here and protect you go to waste—”
She doesn’t finish her sentence, but instead, she lowers her head and shakes it.
“Protect me from what?” you ask softly, but your question is met with silence. “Mom—”
“Go to your room!” she yells, making you flinch. “No dinner tonight.”
Without a word, you obey her and go upstairs to your room. In the hallway, you catch a glimpse of Joel sitting on his bed with the door open, his face full of concern. You close your door and cry into your pillow.
In the middle of the night, a knock on your door wakes you up. When you open it, you find a tray of food on the floor: a plate of salmon noodles and a glass of milk. It must be Joel; you know your mother wouldn’t do this. You eat the food with your kitten and then go back to sleep.
October 31
On Halloween day, you lie in the wildflower meadow behind the school like you always do every day during lunch break. Too overwhelmed by the crowd inside, especially the cafeteria, you’ve never eaten there, not even once. You don’t care, though. You love spending your time alone here, with no one to bother you.
The school hosting a Halloween-themed event, allowing students to wear costumes. With a pair of wings, a flowing white dress, and a crucifix necklace, you completed your Juliet Capulet costume. It honestly makes you feel angelic.
It’s your birthday today, and you turn eighteen. You wonder if there’s someone who has a birthday on Halloween as well. If so, they probably live on the other side of the world.
It seems like your mother and Joel forgot your birthday since they didn’t say anything to you. Which makes you feel a bit sad today. To celebrate your birthday, you bought a slice of chocolate cake from the vending machine. You don’t even know what to wish for as you want to blow out the candle, so you just blow it out and eat the cake.
A little while later, you notice a doe standing near the shrubs around the trees, not too far from you. She catches your eye, she’s beautiful just like the one in your painting. So, you get up from your spot and slowly approach her, stopping a few feet away so you don’t scare the doe. You wish you could caress her soft fur and give her gentle kisses. Her eyes are captivating as she looks at you. Maybe it’s your deepest desire that comes true right after you blow out your candle. This very moment makes you feel like you’re in some kind of fairy tale.
The doe slowly steps towards you, but suddenly runs away when she hears a branch crack behind you. As you look back, you catch a glimpse of a man, but he is quickly hiding behind a tree. Heart pounding as you come to the realization that it’s similar to what happened in your dreams. Without thinking further, you run back towards the school. Suddenly, it feels so far, maybe because you have gone too deep into the woods than you realized. All you can think is to run and run; your breath is heavy and your stomach hurts. You hear footsteps behind you, but you do not dare to look back.
Keep running, keep running!
Finally, you reach the school building. Knowing that there are many people around, you dare to look back, and there’s no one is following you. You stand at the edge of the school, confused and feeling like you’re losing your mind. But you’re sure that what you saw was real, not just some trick your mind wanted to see. Suddenly, a hand touches your shoulder, making you flinch and turn around.
“Are you okay?” he asks.
It takes you a few seconds to calm your breath and pounding heart as you look at the person in front of you. His face is full of concern as he looks at you.
“Yeah, I’m okay, Mr. Wayne,” you say.
“You look like you’ve just seen a ghost. Are you sure?”
“I just… I thought I saw something, but it’s nothing.”
He nods and speaks calmly, “Okay. Why don’t you just join the party inside with the other students.”
“Yes, Mr. Wayne.”
Joel picks you up after school like he always does. By the time you get home, the house smells like baked goods and cherries.
“Take a walk with me?” says Joel from behind you. His deep voice echoes through the living room.
You turn around and look at him. “Alright. But where are we going?”
He smiles. “You’ll see.”
Joel holds your small hand with his large one as he leads you into the forest behind the house, his other hand holding a picnic basket covered with a white napkin. When you ask him what it contains, he doesn’t answer.
You can’t help but secretly admire Joel’s veiny hand, side profile, and salt-and-pepper curls. He looks so good it makes your heart swell.
“Watch where you’re going, little girl,” says Joel, with a smirk on his face. He catches you eyeing him, like a moth drawn to a flame.
A soft blush tints your cheeks from being caught. “Why can’t you just tell me where we’re going?”
“Patience, baby.”
Walking in the woods again reminds you of what happened earlier. So, you stay cautious throughout the entire walk, hoping no one is following you this time.
A little while later, you arrive at the spot Joel wanted to show you. Hidden behind the tall bushes is a serene lake, where swans swim gracefully. The lake is surrounded by trees and bushes, making it feel like a secret garden.
By the side of the lake is a bone-colored picnic blanket stretched out on the grass, with a few unlit scented candles placed on top of it.
“Joel?” you say, shifting your gaze to him who’s already looking at you with admiration.
“Happy birthday, sweetheart.”
Overwhelmed with happiness, you hug him. “Thank you, Joel. I thought everyone had forgotten.”
“Of course, I didn’t,” he says, his lips brushing your hair.
Pulling back, you gaze up at him. “But mom did. She didn’t say a word to me today. When I woke up, she was already gone.”
Joel caresses your hair with his hand. “Your mom’s busy with work as usual, but I got your present from her.”
That makes you feel a bit better, at least your mother hasn’t entirely forgotten your day. She’s never been there, and you’re always home alone on your birthdays—just buying takeout and watching TV, nothing special. The last time your birthday was celebrated was when you were six. If you’re being honest, you don’t really like having your birthday celebrated. You hate getting older and seeing it as a reminder that death is getting nearer.
But seeing Joel surprise you with all of this makes you think that maybe you deserve it for once. You’re forever grateful that he came into your life and his kindness, for treating you like his own family and making you feel cherished.
The two of you sit on the blanket. Joel takes out the items from the basket while you admire the view. There are countless lavender flowers growing around the lake, and fireflies fly around, glimmering in the foggy air.
Joel takes out the most beautiful cake ever—a heart-shaped cake with pink icing and red cherries on top. He places a tiny candle in the middle.
You blush and smile so widely that your cheeks almost hurt. “Joel, it’s so beautiful. Did you make this?”
He grins. “Yeah, how do you know?”
“The house smelled like cake when we arrived.”
“You caught me.”
“Seriously, Joel, I really love this. Thank you.”
“You deserve this, little girl.”
Have no idea when this will happen again, you savor this beautiful moment and every small thing. You’re not going to let this day be forgotten.
Joel takes a picture of you with his beat-up phone as you blow out the candle. But the birthday cake isn’t the only thing he brings; there’s also grapefruit juice, brownies, chocolates, blueberries, and much more. The two of you eat together, adoring the view and the swans.
“Wish I could stay here forever.”
“You like it here?” he asks.
“Of course I do. I mean, just look at this place—it’s beautiful here,” you say with a smile. “You’re lucky to live here.”
He smiles. “Well, you live here too now, sweetheart. It’s your home.”
“Thank you, Joel, for letting us live with you and for everything.”
“I’m glad to have you here, little girl. It feels more like home now with people around. I’ve been alone for a long time; I came home to a cold house, and it’s warm now with you here.”
The idea of Joel coming to a cold and empty home tugs at your heart. You can’t imagine him being so lonely all the time with no one to care for him. He deserves love and comfort. It makes you a bit glad that your mother has come into his life to fill the emptiness and give him what he needs, even though you secretly wish you could be the one to give it to him.
“I’m gonna keep the fire warm for you.”
Joel’s face softens as he looks at you. “I know you will, sweetheart.”
Your heart warms as you gaze into those dazzling brown eyes and see the sincerity on his face. “I haven’t thanked you enough for everything you’ve done for me—the room, this wonderful birthday, taking me to school, making me breakfast every morning—”
“For letting Ponyo live with us—”
With a soft expression, he giggles at the mention of your kitten, and you giggle too.
“And so much more,” you whisper.
“Sweetheart, you don’t have to thank me for any of it. I’m doing it all for you, and I love every second of it,” says he. “It feels good to have someone to care for.”
You beam.
“So, how was school? Did you make any friends?”
At the mention of friends, your smile slowly fades. “Not really. I’ve been spending time alone. But it’s okay. I mean, I’m not really a people person anyway.”
He gives you a warm smile. “That’s okay, little girl. Sometimes it just takes time. But promise me, if something happens or if you need someone to talk to, you’ll come straight to me, okay? I’m always here.”
“I will. Thank you, Joel.”
You’ve never felt so heard before; it’s like a burden has been lifted from your shoulders. The two of you sit in silence for a while, savoring the peaceful moment.
“They’re beautiful, the swans,” you say.
“They look just like you,” says he, with a heartfelt tone.
You blush and smile, and frankly don’t know how to respond to Joel’s sweet words. Every time he talks to you, it’s as if poetry flows naturally from his mouth.
“Have I told you that you look like a damn angel today, sweetheart?”
“Thank you, Joel,” you whisper and look at him, feeling his breath on your cheeks from how close you two are sitting. “That’s because I’m dressed as Juliet.”
“Belleza demasiado valiosa para ser adquirida, demasiado exquisita para la tierra,” says he.
Cheeks warm and heart racing at his words even though you don’t what it means or what he’s saying. Suddenly, it feels hard to breathe from the strength of the invisible string pulling the two of you together.
You keep your gaze on his eyes as you ask softly, “What does it mean?”
He gently bumps his forehead against yours, making your heart skip a beat. “It means you’re beautiful, little girl.”
It must mean more than that.
You try hard to keep yourself from grabbing his curls and slamming your lips to his, letting him take your breath away. He’s too tantalizing, like a forbidden fruit. But you quickly remind yourself that he is your mother’s boyfriend, not yours.
Joel slowly caresses your soft cheek with his calloused hand and leans forward until your noses touch. But you turn your face away and lower your head. Refusing to let yourself forget the reality.
Did Joel just try to kiss you? The thought races through your mind as you try to make sense of it, sending a rush of heat to your cheeks.
“Can… can I open the presents?” you murmur.
Joel clears his throat. “Yeah, sure, sweetheart.”
Joel takes the wrapped presents out of the basket, and you glance at him, catching something in his expression—is it sadness? You’re not sure. But you try your best to brighten the moment again.
Your mother gifted you a cozy, beautifully knit sweater and a new pair of shoes. Meanwhile, Joel surprised you with an “Among My Swan” vinyl and a lovely wood carving of your kitten, Ponyo, which makes you feel as jolly as a child.
“Oh my god, Joel, this is amazing. Thank you!”
Without further thought, you throw yourself at Joel and envelop him in a hug. In return, Joel laughs softly, circling his arms around you and pulling you into his lap, enveloping your much smaller body.
“You’re welcome, little girl.”
The masculine scent of cedarwood and leather is strong as you bury your face in his neck. It’s comforting and arousing at the same time. You wish you could stay in Joel’s embrace forever, knowing that everything will be okay.
As you try to pull back from his embrace, Joel tightens his arms around you, holding you closer.
“Joel?” you whisper.
He loosens his arms a little so he can glance at your face. From this close, you can see the texture of his skin—a little wrinkled around the eyes but soft at the same time. His eyes are rich, chocolate brown, but the pupils take over as they dilate when you lock eyes with him. His lips look soft with a natural pinkish hue, and his breath smells like coffee and grapefruit juice.
Joel Miller is beautiful.
His gaze shifts from your eyes to your lips as you start to talk. “Joel, I—”
He interrupts you with a bruising kiss on your lips before you can finish your sentence. His large hand lands on the back of your neck, pulling you closer, while his other arm tightens around your waist.
Oh my. You close your eyes and let him kiss you, feeling his beard rub against your cheeks and chin. Kissing Joel feels like you can finally breathe like he’s giving you his breath to make you feel alive.
Truthfully, you don’t really know what to do—this is the first time you kiss someone. Joel Miller is the one who takes it.
Your hands fist the back of his shirt and tangle in his curls as you moan into his mouth, giving his tongue an opening. Joel groans into your mouth at the sound of your sweet noises. He takes it as an invitation, so he passionately explores your mouth with his tongue, stroking yours and getting lost in the dance.
“Tastes so sweet,” he murmurs between kisses.
His lips are a bit dry but soft, tasting like the blueberries he just ate—sweet and intoxicating. The kiss grows firmer, more desperate—something you’ve never felt before. He sucks on your bottom lip and slips his tongue inside again, leaving a trail of wetness.
You feel something hard pressing against your core, but you don’t know what it is. The warm sensation in your core worsens, pulsing to the point that it starts to hurt. You can’t hold back a whimper at the sensation and start to grind on it slowly to ease the ache, and he begins to groan.
“Joel,” you whisper breathlessly.
“Little girl,” he murmurs, panting.
He tightens his grip on your waist to stop your grinding. Slowly, you open your eyes and see the pain on his face. It grounds you to your senses, making you realize that what you’re doing right now is completely wrong. This is exactly what you’ve been trying to avoid.
“This is wrong,” you whisper, starting to cry.
You try to pull back from his embrace, reaching for his arm to let you go. His face shows hurt and the realization of what he’s just done. He releases you from his lap, and you sit on the blanket, concealing your face with your palms as you begin to sob.
“I’m so sorry, Joel,” you murmur, your voice muffled.
“No, baby, It’s my fault. I’m so sorry.”
You feel his hand carefully touch your shoulder, and he begins to hold your trembling form in his embrace. You can’t look at him, feeling too guilty about what you’ve just done. Joel is your stepdad; this is deeply wrong. You ruined everything and betrayed your mother.
“Oh God, what have I done?” you whisper under your breath.
“I am so sorry, baby. This is not your fault, okay? Please listen to me,” Joel says, his voice filled with pain, as if he’s on the verge of crying.
You keep apologizing to him, even as he tells you to stop. Yet, he still embraces you gently, as if you’re something delicate and fragile.
After a few moments, you’re able to control your sobs and stop crying. You let him hold your hand as he walks you back home. Once he’s sure you’re okay, he returns to the lake to clean up and give you some time alone.
Lying on your bed, eyes dry from tears, you replay everything that just happened. You start to feel numb, unable to cry anymore, and your head aches. You try to focus on the good things that happened today, but the image of kissing Joel and the guilt cloud your mind, making it impossible to forget.
The sky grows darker outside the window, and the sound of children laughing and trick-or-treating from the street reaches your room. But you don’t hear any noise from downstairs or any sign of Joel coming back.
Where’s Joel? Is he okay?
Feeling lonely and cold, you feel guilty for wishing Joel could be here to hug you and keep you warm. Ponyo’s presence snuggling on your chest makes you feel a bit better; maybe you’re not as lonely after all.
Eventually, you fall asleep with your wings still on.
taglist @morganlolitta
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lulublack90 · 22 days
Prompt 29 - Flag
@wolfstarmicrofic August 29, word count 600
“I’m taking it,” Sirius declared as he looked up at the ceiling in the Great Hall while they were eating breakfast. 
“Where will you even put it?” Remus asked him. “We don’t even have anywhere to live yet, how do you know there’s even going to be anywhere big enough to hang it?” Remus tried to make him see sense, but Sirius was having none of it. Once he got something like that in his head, he wouldn’t stop until he’d achieved his goal. He spun around in his seat, trying to spot the right person. He waved a hand to flag down Lily Evans as she was about to pass them with Marlene and Mary. 
“Oi, Evans, will you give me a hand?”
“With what?” She paused beside him, her eyes narrowing suspiciously. 
“You’re the best in our year at charms and I need help getting one of those down,” He pointed his finger up at the huge house banners hanging above them. 
“Nope,” Lily spun away. 
“What, why?” Sirius whined. 
“I’m head girl, Black. I can’t just steal a banner right in front of the entire faculty and student body,” She rolled her eyes at him. “And don’t even think about helping him, Potter,” She glared at James. 
“Yes dear,” James grinned as he leant over and kissed her lightly on the lips. 
“Good boy,” She smiled back at him before she, Marlene and Mary headed for the exit. 
“Aww, no fair,” Sirius sulked, crossing his arms on the table and dropping his head onto them.  
“Sorry Pads,” James patted him on the head. “I’ve got to do what she says,” James shrugged. 
“Hey,” Remus leaned over and nudged him with his shoulder. “Lily said James couldn’t help you, but she didn’t say anything about me not helping you,” Sirius’s head shot up off the table. 
“You’d do that for me?” He gasped.
“Of course,” Remus chuckled, ruffling his hair.
“I bloody love you, Moony,” Sirius grabbed him and kissed him hard.
“Love you too,” Remus kissed him again quickly before pulling a Dr Filibuster's Fabulous Wet-Start, No-Heat Firework from his bag. He dunked it in his pumpkin juice and launched it towards the Slytherin table, right at Snape. It went off with a deafening bang, shooting multicoloured jets of light into the air. The Great Hall was chaos as the sparks bounced around the entire room. The marauders cackled with glee when they saw the sooty mess Snape was in. They slipped out undetected with the rest of the rabble. But it wasn’t until they were safely back in the Gryffindor Common room that Remus pulled the hastily folded banner from under his robes. 
“Oh, Moony, I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you,” Sirius stared at him in awe.
“Just promise me you won’t hang it over our bed,” He laughed, knowing that Sirius had already had that idea without him saying a word. 
“Yeah, okay,” He conceded. 
“Or the toilet,” Remus arched a brow at him. 
“Remus, that’s so unfair,” But he accepted it nonetheless and decided it could hang from the ceiling in the living room. 
He took it upstairs and hid it safely in his trunk. He’d owl it to Monty later on, he’d hide it for him until school was over. He went back down to the Common room where his friends were now lounging on the squashy armchairs and sofas. He hopped into Remus’s lap and snuggled down. He couldn’t wait for school to be over so he could do this every day, all day, for the rest of their lives. 
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whorediaries-09 · 9 months
baby, something with sirius and reader going to a pureblood ball, and her defending sirius against walburga and sirius having heart eyes for her?? reader is pureblood btw, and slytherin, so she's basically perfect but risking her reputation for siri baby
your wish my command 💃
dusk till dawn
pairing- sirius black x lestrange!reader warning(s)- hurt/comfort, dialogue heavy. (let me know if should add more) a/n- kinda an enemies to lovers?
ps- i hate the banner 💀
the slut club
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let's make love tonight make it up, fall in love
the breakfast table seems too loud to be tolerated today. you rest your cheek on your palm, closing your eyes. you pull the wand out of your hair, letting it fall down. drawing incoherent circles on the wood of the table you yawn, too sleepy to let your mouth move and eat your breakfast.
your eyes don't open until the table goes too silent, excluding a few gasps here and there. the chaos murmurs down to a silent rumble. it's not your hand you feel on your head, it's cold and rough.
'you would've fallen asleep lestrange,'
your eyes widen. it's the voice of the casanova of hogwarts, who reeked of an arrogance you hated with all the hate you could muster.
'does it matter?' you snap back, your voice a carrying a heavy spell of drowsiness you didn't recognize. he raised an eyebrow, retracing his hand from your head, pushing a glass of pumpkin juice towards you.
'yep, i wouldn't want a bruise on my date's face tonight,'
the words spill so casually from his lips, it takes you a few minutes to understand what he said. when realization dawns upon you, you almost spit your drink on his face. instead you swallow on it in an unethical way, coughing up.
'w-what?' you splutter.
'bellatrix's wedding. be there.'
'well obviously i'm gonna be there, she's getting married to my fucking brother.'
'yeah so you'd want a date wouldn't you?'
'why don't you take potter? all the pureblood families are invited.'
'i'd love to, but his family isn't going.'
'but why me?'
'i dunno, cause i know you?' he says, sheepish grin on his face. you raise your eyebrow, looking at him questioningly. it's as if you're trying to progress his request. well not exactly a request, rather a command. nevertheless, you consider it for a moment. while sirius' rebellious attitude and image would surely taint your 'perfect' image, it didn't matter because you too needed a date and so did he. and even though you did 'hate' him, you saw your own opportunity, you wanted to grab it.
'so...what's in for me?'
'come on lestrange, you're getting a date out with me, isn't that enough?'
'nope. i would've considered it if you weren't so tacky black,' you return. he huffs throwing up his hands in the air.
'fine, i'll get you your favorite chocolates from honeydukes,'
'you can't buy me with chocolates. you'll do anything i say if i go out with you. deal?'
he glares at you.
***** the grand ballroom of the black manor glittered with the opulence befitting the pureblood elite. the wedding was a spectacle of extravagance, a showcase of the finest robes, dazzling jewels, and a careful dance of political alliances. sirius reluctantly found himself in attendance, accompanied by you that caused whispers through the gathered crowd.
your family was known for it's pureblood lineage, material possessions and wit. the confidence you felt in the satin robes was fake, but your aristocratic upbringing had taught you to never put your head down, even if you didn't feel comfortable enough.
maybe there was a fire within you or a coldness in your gaze that intrigued him tonight. while you were meant to be pawn, he couldn't help but glance at you. you looked different. you felt different. he wondered if you put up a mask at school or there. the latter seemed more appropriate to the image he had created of you in his head.
but still, you felt different. a stark contrast to the stifling atmosphere where he felt suffocated.
'remember, no touching,' you breathed smiling as you so shook hands with lucius malfoy. while the gaze from his empty eyes sent chills down your spine, you still smiled.
your eyes locked with your brother. he was decked up in a black suit, your family emblem stitched on it with silver threads. brushing his hair away from his face, he mustered a comical grin, putting up a thumbs up in the air. your mother stood beside him, dusting off invisible dust from the velvet. it was a wonder how he could tolerate her nonsense, considering how many times you had wanted to knock her teeth of. nevertheless you approached her. with sirius behind you.
'good evening mother,' you bowed.
'i see you've brought a traitor as your date. i'm not very proud,'
you smiled. you could talk back, she couldn't use the cruciatus curse.
'you never were mother.'
'glad you caught up.'
'i see someone has chosen my filthy traitor of a son as their date,' walburga's oily voice boomed. sirius backed his shoulders, unconsciously gripping on your arm. while his sudden touch felt ghostly, you controlled your urge to back up.
'lady black, i assure you just because you don't choose your son doesn't mean no one else will. he really is a perfect companion.'
the tension hung so thick, you could cut it with a knife. her eyes gazed over you as if you were rust on iron. you felt his grip tighten on your arm.
'now if you'll excuse us,' you said, turning to your brother, 'congratulations on your wedding brother, but it seems like no one here likes our presence. excuse us.'
'you really shouldn't have done that you know. defend me against my own mother.' he says, smoke leaking out of his lips as he passed a thin roll of tobacco to you. you crush it under your toe.
'eh,' you shrug, his eyes not meeting yours. yours wander among the stars, the beautiful twinkling reminding you of the veiled insults and shared laughter the both of you had throughout the night.
'i've never really had a friend you know. it was always my brother, but somewhere i think i lost him too. and maybe defending you against your mother gave me a sense of validation.'
sirius squeezes your arm.
'i feel the same way. i think about running away to the potters, but i fear i'll be the black sheep. my mother has engraved shit into my head. and even though i know it's not true, i feel like it is,'
'shit like? you're worthless? sirius you're way more than their opinion,'
his voice is heavy when he hums. silence ensues, but it's a signal. to maybe meet after dark. or maybe to show the place where the others gave him scars. either ways, you let him hold your hand. you think he needs the comfort, wreck your plans. you think you're the train that truly takes him home. at least for the night.
'i feel like i had to tear down my banners. and sometimes i think clarity's in death, but this doesn't die. and memories feel like weapons. the wounds don't close.'
you draw circles on the skin of his wrist. they are unhealed wounds. and maybe you want to heal them. just for perhaps the night. you want to stay, you want him to know that you're there. even if just for dusk till dawn.
it's a childish question but you let it spill out of your mouth anyways.
'will you be my friend?'
he doesn't answer. he rests his head on your shoulder instead. he smells similar to your father, but he doesn't feel like it. he feels like the train that could take you home.
'you collect broken things and try to fix them. if i won't be one of those unfixable things, then maybe.' he whispers. you tighten your fingers around his. it's a silent promise.
to stay.
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Hello, dear author. I really like your stories! I wanted to make a request. How about one for: "being Harry Potter's twin sister and being Fred Weasley's love interest." If you don't want to do it, fine. Thank you for your attention, my goal (with this question) is not to offend you or your work! Love u ❤️
Pairings: Fred Weasley x Fem!reader Summary: you're staying at the burrow Warnings: none
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"come on Harry, Y/n. hungry for a spot of breakfast?" Molly came in the lounge room, where you and your twin brother sat talking about hogwarts
"very" Harry answered, getting up
he followed Molly into the kitchen and you got up, trailing after them
you looked at the table and you found the only spot was the seat in between Harry and Percy, and opposite Fred
you walked over to the table and took a seat
Fred looked up and smiled at you as he shovelled his eggs onto his fork
you felt the heat rise to your cheeks and you looked away, turning to your brother, who was stuffing food onto his plate
he handed you the plate of eggs and you took it, putting some on your toast
you were staying in the burrow for a couple days so you could go to the Quidditch world cup.
you had a feeling something big was gonna happen that year, you didn't know what, but you were excited
but that wasn't the only thing you had a feeling for, over the past year or so, you slowly developed some feelings for the older Weasley twin, there was just something about him that made you feel butterflies every time you saw him.
but you knew that it was never going to happen, he was two years older than you, he was cool, popular and had almost every girl in his year swoon over him, so why would he choose you? a girl who was two years younger than him, and Harry potters twin.
you were the twin that nobody would notice, the twin that nobody cared about. when people think of Potter, they think of Harry, the boy who lived, the one with the scar.
you didn't have a scar that stuck down your forehead, because you weren't there when it happened, you, in fact were with remus when it happened, you were only a baby, but he took you out for the night because he always wanted a daughter, and he would take you out regularly just to spend time with you.
so, Fred had no reason to even think about you, but you liked to think he did, you'd like to imagine that he felt the same way, when in reality, he probably didn't even remember your name
you were in the middle of eating when you looked up, beginning to stare at the older twin that sat in front of you, who was laughing with his brother who was next to him as he ate.
you took the time to admire his soft features as he had his eyes away from you, distracted by something else
you zoned out and only snapped back when you realised he caught your gaze, noticing you staring at him
your eyes widened as you looked away from him quickly, looking down at your food
Fred and George looked at each other with smirks on their face as they snickered at the scene.
"you alright there, Y/n?" Fred asked you, making you choke on your eggs
you started coughing violently as the eggs went down the wrong way.
"yeah" you choked out, struggling to breath
"George. honey stop joking at the table when people are eating, do you remember what happened to Ron the last time?" Molly looked at Fred with her hands on her hips
"I'm not George, mum. and I wasn't joking, I was seeing if she's alright! what's wrong with that?!" he raised his eyebrows, his hands dropping his silverware
"I'm fine" you mumbled, picking up your pumpkin juice and taking a drink
"that's Fred's pumpkin juice" Ron butted in
you nodded your head slightly as you lowered the glass slowly
"I knew that" you whispered
"so you drank his juice..on purpose?" Ron questioned
"yes, I did" you sighed
"why would-" he started but you glared at him
"shut up Ron" you cut him off
Fred chuckled under his breath as you cursed at Ron.
you were sat in the lounge room, talking to Molly when Fred came down the stairs
"mum, the sweater's getting a bit tight, d'you think you could make another?" he said, his sweater with his initial on it on his body, seeming tighter than a just a 'bit'
"course dear, don't worry, i'll start after tea" she smiled
"thanks, mum" he kissed her cheeks before leaving the burrow, joining George who went out a while ago
"why don't you go out with them, I'm sure you'd have fun, dear" Molly insisted
"uh, I'll go out in a bit, I enjoy talking to you" you shrugged
"are you sure you're not just trying to get away from somebody?" she raised her brows
"no, why would I?" you laughed lightly
"i'm not stupid dear, I know what's going on, go out and have fun, there's nothing to do it here" she made you get up and leave to go outside
you sighed as you watched them all play, George passing around a magical spark.
"hello there, love" Fred crept up behind you, grabbing your shoulders making you squeal as he scared you
"stop doing that, it's not funny" you hit his arm, making him laugh
"it's kind of funny, you've gotta admit" he snickered
"it's not, you're going to give me a heart attack" you cursed at him
"oh please, I'm just trying to have fun, no one ever gets hurt" he smiled innocently
"oh really?" you tilt your head, knowing he's lying
"maybe a few but, i'd never hurt you, Love" he nudged you.
the nickname gave you butterflies and you felt a blush rise to your cheeks, that nickname never failing to do exactly that.
"what a gentleman" you giggled
"only for you, potter" he winked
his flirtiness was a natural thing, you knew it didn't mean anything, he did it with every girl, but the way he was so gentle when talking to you made you feel a bit more special, but you knew it was nothing
"can I show you something?" he wondered out loud, his expression showing nothing but mischief
"depends on what" you answered, squinting at him, not fully trusting him
"well just wait and see" he smiled
"you know what? I just remembered that Molly asked me to help with Dinner, so. um, I have to go" you rushed nervously before quickly leaving, running back to the burrow
Fred felt confused, dinner was in a few hours, it doesn't take two hours to make dinner that most of it made from magic, did you just not like him, could you not even bear to be near him?
Fred started to think it was something he did, he began to sniff his shirt to see if it was smelly, but then checked his hair when he found that he smelt nice.
you served dinner and sat down, waiting for the others. Molly came over, putting the last couple bowls down on the table, the rest of the family and Harry came in the house, taking their seats, Ron and Harry sitting next to each other in front of you with Percy on the end, ginny on one side of you while Fred took the other.
they all dug in and shoveled food on their plates
"beans?" Fred picked up the bowl, holding out out incase you wanted it
"sure, thanks" you went to grab it but he just served them for you and put them on your plate
"thanks" you mumbled, looking for the mashed potatoes
George passed them over to you and you took it, scooping it onto the side of your plate
"can I have some of that?" Fred asked, holding his hands out for the bowl. you passed it to him and smiled softly when you brushed hands, the cliché blush rising to your cheeks as he looked at you gently
Arther came in halfway through dinner and kissed Molly before turning you
"Potters!" he spoke in excitement "last time I checked you both still haven't told me the function of a rubber duck" he raised his eyebrows
you and Harry looked at each other amused by Mr Weasley
he kicked your leg under the table and motioned for you to answer him
you looked back at Arthur and cleared your throat
"well um, you- you put it in the bath" you stammered
"and what do you do with it?" he asked curiously
"you play with it?" you looked over at Harry for backup and he nodded before stuffing food in his mouth
"you play with rubber ducks in the bath?" Fred asked from beside you
"interesting, and do you think that makes the bath more enjoyable?" Arthur wondered, not letting you answer Fred, who was holding back a laugh
"for some people, yes, mostly kids" you nodded, taking a bite out of your food
"I don't get why it's duck, why isn't it something like a cat?" Fred asked
"when was the last time you saw a cat in open water, Fred" you blinked
"when me and George threw Crookshanks in the lake" he answered quickly
"Fred Weasley!" Molly told him off
"I mean willingly, Fred, you see ducks in water but not cats" you roll your eyes
"well why not a fish?" he proceeded to ask questions
"I don't know, Fred! I didn't invent it, I'm not the one you should be asking" you sighed
Fred chuckled at your response, nudging your shoulder
"I'm only teasing"
the next few days were spent rolling your eyes at Fred's stupid remarks, comments, and flirty actions. you wouldn't admit it but it made you laugh, you enjoyed when he would go up to you and say a stupid joke and wink at you
you pretended to be asleep when you heard footsteps coming down the stairs
you were in the lounge room, laying on the couch because you couldn't sleep in Ginny's room, you had gone down because her snoring was getting too loud for you, keeping you up, and as much as you loved Ginny, you didn't love the loud noise while trying to sleep
you closed your eyes and stayed quiet when you heard the person approaching you
it went quiet for a bit and you couldn't tell if they went to another room or not
you kept your eyes closed and you heard a light chuckle
"you bloody idiot, love" you heard Fred whisper from above you, slightly scaring you but you remained still, continuing to act asleep
you heard him bend down and you felt his light breaths fan against your face
"aren't you just beautiful when your sleeping?" he asked himself quietly
you felt his hand go to your cheek and gently caress it
"so peaceful, if only you knew" he whispered, pressing a light kiss to your forehead
he got up and you heard him go to the kitchen, you opened your eyes, confused by what he meant, and listened as the fridge door opened and closed, you heard him take a bite out of something and sat up when he went back to the stairs
"if only I knew what?" you questioned him, watching him as he stepped on the first step, he jumped in fright as he heard your voice, he looked over at you and he froze as he saw you, very not asleep
"what did you mean when you said 'if only you knew'?" you tilted your head
he stepped down from the stairs and cleared his throat as he stood there, caught off guard
"um- if only you knew that I hated you" he answered, nodding his head like he was trying to convince himself that that was his reason
"oh, ok" you smiled tightly, awkwardly turning back at the coffee table
if was silent for a while before he spoke up again
"that was a lie, I don't hate you, you just caught me off guard, i thought you were asleep" he said
"well, goodnight then" he scratched the back of his head
he began walking up the stairs before stopping abruptly, you heard him sigh before walking back down.
he came around the couch as sat on the edge of the couch, looked ahead, avoiding your gaze
"yes, Fred?" you spoke quietly
"I have a friend" he started but didn't continue for a while
"good for you" you nodded
"he likes a girl" he continued shortly
"good for him"
"ok, just, he likes a girl that's younger than him, and he doesn't know if he can" he shook his head
"well how much younger is she?" you wondered, growing confused on why he would tell you
"about 2 years, he thinks it's wrong to like her but he said he can't help it" he replied
"ok, well he can like whoever he wants, why are you telling me this?" you blinked, shifting in your seat
"well I want to know what you think, do you think that she's too young?"
"it's only by two years, but, if he likes her and something happens between them, I highly doubt it would go far" you spoke obliviously "what do you think?"
"why do you say that?" he tilted his head as he turned to you, catching your eyes
"well if it does- saying he's your age, which would make her mine- it would last 2 years at most" you shrugged
"how come?" he frowned at you
"because he'll turn 18 and that's not...legal" you answered "why are you telling me this, Fred?"
"no reason" he smiled softly "just wanted to know your opinion"
"alright then"
he got up and stood there, turned away from you, contemplating if he should go or stay a little more, he turned around and looked down at you
"but say he was in love, say he loved her with every bit of him, that she was all he could think about, say that she was what he's longing for, and that if anything were to happen, he doesn't want it to end when he turns 18, what then?" he rushed
"why is this bothering you so much?" you furrowed your eyebrows
"what happens if he doesn't want it to end?" he repeated desperately
"then he can wait for her, I don't know, Fred, what do you think?" you huffed
he rubbed his face frustratedly, the time of night hitting him as he grew tired "I think that I love you, and I just want to know what you think"
"beg your pardon?" you raised your eyebrows
"I love you, and it thought it was weird at first, because you're younger and stuff but, I just- I want to be with you, and if not now, then later, I'll wait, I'll wait for you if you want, I will wait until you're 18 if you'll have me, just say the word" he rambled
"I don't- I don't know what to say, Fred, I- I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a little crush on you, but I just, I didn't think you would ever feel the same" you stuttered
"well it wasn't exactly part of the plan, Love" he laughed
"well if you want to try it, then I wouldn't say no" you shrugged
"only if you want to" he sat down again, reaching to hold your hand
you let him grab your hand and blushed when he rubbed the back with his thumb
"I'd never say no to it" you said again
"well, do you want to go out some time then?" he asked you sweetly
this is so shit
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Remus Lupin x fem!reader [2.1K] A lazy, summer Sunday after the full moon. Fluff, softness and shared tangerines.
Sundays were slow at Hogwarts, especially during summer. The Scottish heat made everyone sluggish, lazy and languid, mornings spent in cool showers and afternoons in the shade outside. 
It’s where Remus found you after breakfast, half cast in shadows under an old oak tree on the edge of the lake. Your bag was spilled out across the grass, books with dog eared pages and empty potion bottles, a broken quill and a half eaten chocolate frog that was doing its best to escape with just two legs. 
He sat down without a greeting, close enough that his shoulder bumped yours, his denim covered thigh up against your bare one. Your dress wasn’t doing much in terms of keeping you cool, but the breeze picked at it every now and then, sunflower yellow cotton against the green grass. 
Remus handed you half the tangerine he’d peeled and you accepted it with a hum, glancing out of the side of your eyes to inspect him. It had been a full moon last night and he had a new line across his neck to show for it. The scratch was already healed over, silver in the sunlight, no doubt from Lily’s wand, possibly even Remus’ own, if he’d managed enough sleep. 
You asked him as such, your gaze on the lavender coloured smudges below his lash line. “Sleep well?” 
It was barely ten o’clock in the morning, but the summer sun rose around four and you hoped the boy had managed a few hours of sleep, as restless as they may have been. You’d witnessed him before, just once, slumped between James and Sirius as they led him back through the portrait, half hidden as the cloak started slipping to the floor. There had been some blood, a lot of naked skin, dirt covered bare feet and half lidded eyes, barely focusing on you. Remus was asleep before James had managed to lead him to bed.  
The boy hummed, creased shirt sleeves unbuttoned and rolled up to his elbows, smelling like citrus and the leftover smoke from the cigarette he probably stole from Sirius’ bedside. 
“Yeah,” he told you, his voice quiet enough that you could hear the owls above, making their way to the Great Hall. You knew he was saying it only for your benefit, a soft agreement that was supposed to make you feel less worried. “Managed a couple of hours, even with James’ snoring.”
You huffed out a laugh, leaning closer, every bit of your side touching his, like if you stayed near enough, you could convince yourself he was indeed safe, that he’d made it through another full moon without the need for a hospital wing visit afterwards. 
“They’re still asleep?” You asked, not needing to specify who you were talking about. There were only two other people who should’ve been lounging around you, talking shit and causing some sort of trouble. “They’re okay?”
Remus nodded, placing the last segment of fruit on your thigh, balancing it in the stripe of sun that came through the tree canopy. “Yeah. They’re safe. Tired, though. Don’t you worry that pretty, little head of yours.”
That was understandable. You’d only seen your friends from afar, from your dormitory window, watching in quiet fear as three shapes made their way to the forbidden forest, two familiar, the third you’d only seen in textbooks, in horror movie posters. James had engaged in too many discussions with you to count, whispered and heated, hidden from Remus until Sirius broke it up and the two boys had to watch you blink back tears as they both told you ‘no’ again, like they always did. 
It was always forgotten about when they visited the girls dorm when they shouldn’t have, shuffling through Gryffindor tower under James’ cloak, knocking on your door with a few chocolate frogs and Sirius’ last bottle of Pumpkin Juice. They said ‘sorry’ and you nodded, knowing. It was too dangerous to help, you were all too aware of that. So the boys aided at night, ran across the hillsides and through the forests, keeping Remus away from anything human and out of sight. And when morning came, they lingered in their dormitory, let Remus come to you, let you look after him in a way that only you could. 
Something in the lake splashed, far away enough that you didn’t catch a glimpse of it, maybe a tentacle from the giant squid, maybe something no one knew about. But Remus took the opportunity to push your book bag away with a foot, long legs stretched out on the grass so he could manoeuvre himself into his favourite position. His head on your lap, sandy brown hair still mussed from bed and the sun slanting over his face in peach-gold coloured stripes, the last piece of forgotten tangerine stolen back between his fingers. 
He held it up to you from where he lay, brown eyes turning honey coloured in the light. You tried to hide your smile with a twist of your lips, an eye roll that wasn’t as casual as you had hoped. Remus grinned, waiting patiently until you leaned forward just a touch, stealing the fruit from between his fingertips with your lips, hoping your teeth didn’t graze him. 
That wouldn’t have been proper. Not at all. 
But neither was the way the boy stole your hand, his curling around your wrist to guide it to his head, humming something sinful when you let your fingers delve into his hair to scratch at his scalp. Remus’ eyes fluttered, lashes casting shadows across his high cheekbones, the sun erasing the reddened shadows under his eyes. He looked less tired then, laid out all pretty in your lap like that, eyes closed, breathing even, a small smile on his lips. 
Peaceful. Like he hadn’t had his body wrecked and cracked the night before, like each of his bones hadn’t splintered and pieced themselves back together before the sun had come up. 
You let him lay like that for as long as he wanted, skin warming under the sun, hand soothing over his hair, across his forehead and along the slope of his cheek until his lips parted in sleepy surprise and Remus turned his head into your tummy, nose nudging there as he slept. 
He woke when James and Sirius found you both later, when the sky was still blue and cloudless, whistling and shouting something awful as they greeted you both with stolen sandwiches and pocketfuls of sherbet lemons. You frowned at the two boys, both as messy and sleep rumpled as the other, James wearing Remus’ stolen t-shirt, Sirius still in all black despite the heat, a split lip holding onto an unlit cigarette as he approached. Then Remus moved, something that saddened you both, but he stayed close, sharing pumpkin juice as you both listened and laughed at how Sirius managed to land himself detention and lost points only mere minutes after leaving the common room. 
And when the boys inevitably stripped off to go for a swim, you made them both sit in front of you first, wand out to heal their own scrapes and scratches, small injuries that made Remus’ lips turn down. James hooted and hollered as he ran down the small hill, ignoring how you yelled about his glasses, ‘cause Sirius was chasing him and soon they were both barrelling onto the cold water. 
Remus stayed, still close, a small and tired smile on his face as he watched you huff at your friends, fond affection creeping over him as you reached for your book. You leant back against the old oak tree, the book in the grass beside you because you saved your lap for him. It took him a second or two before he lay back down, cheek pressed to your bare thigh, eyes looking up at you. 
“Read to me?” He asked softly. “Please?”
And who were you to deny him? You kept a hand on the pages, another in his hair, only glancing away to make sure your friends weren’t drowning. You read until your voice dropped to a murmur, until all the sherbet lemons were gone, the sour sugar a leftover fizz on your tongue. Remus had his eyes closed, awake enough to hum when you whispered his name, tangerine scented fingers drawing shapes over your ankles. You wondered if he could feel your goosebumps, you wondered if he knew what it meant. 
You wondered if he’d let you do this tomorrow and the next day, and maybe the next after that. When there was no full moon to worry about and you could let your best friend lay in your lap just ‘cause he could. ‘Cause he wanted to, maybe. 
When the sky turned lilac, a candy floss pink at the horizon with the setting sun, James and Sirius were dressed again and Remus had slept on you for an hour or two. You could all smell dinner coming from the kitchens, the dull bustling noises from the hall as students gathered. Remus stood as the other boys argued, something nonsensical, a debate Remus was ignoring. He helped you to your feet even though he ached, smiling bashfully with pink cheeks as he stared at you for a beat too long. 
There was a crease along his jaw from the hem of your dress, a sign he’d napped all too well. It was a nicer sight to see than the new scars and before you could stop yourself, you ran a finger over the silver line on his throat, the one that went from the nape of his neck and round and down, disappearing into his collar. Remus stilled as you did, hardly breathing as he let you touch him, lips parted in surprise but his gaze fond all the same. 
“Does it still hurt?”
The boy shook his head, standing too close, toes touching. “Nah, m’fine. It’s fine.” His voice was a pretty rasp, hoarse from sleep, quiet as if not to startle you. “Lily fixed me up this morning.”
You’d been right. But it didn’t stop the awful stab of jealousy, a sharp pain between your ribs and bloomed and grew like weeds. You told yourself you were being silly, that you had no reason to feel such a thing. Especially since James had taken to spending his free periods in the library, trailing after the red headed girl, gazing at her like you looked at Remus. 
You cleared your throat and nodded, smiling a little tight as you dropped your hand. Maybe Remus was a little more awake than you’d once thought, ‘cause he bent at the knees a little, just enough to catch your nervous gaze with his and smile at you. He was still sleep soft, all blushing cheeks and tired eyes. 
“Days like these?” He prompted, voice low enough that the other boys didn’t overhear as they made their way to the castle. “With you?”
You could hear your heartbeat, could feel it in your ears, could feel the rattle of your bones. You wondered if Remus could too. 
“They help me a lot, y’know. When it’s finally done and I get back?” He nodded towards the castle, chin lifting to the tower where your beds sat. “When the guys get me home and I can lie down, I always think about you before I fall asleep. What you’ll read to me the next day, what pretty dress you’ll be wearing.”
Your breath hitched and your shoulder bumped into Remus’ arm as you walked, a wide eye stare set on James’ broad back as you trailed behind them. You could feel Remus watching you, could feel the way he smiled. And when you were brave enough to look back, face feeling too warm, you wrinkled your nose and asked:
“Yeah? Really?”
Remus nodded, chin ducking to his chest like he suddenly wasn’t as brave with your eyes on him. “All your dresses are pretty,” he added. “But s’not the point. All of you help me. James, Pads, Lily.”
His hand brushed yours, pinky finger touching your own for a beat too long to be accidental and the boy kept his gaze on the grass as he walked. He cleared his throat, brows stitching together as he tried to find the right words. 
“They all help me. But you help me the most.” A pause, long and filled with something you couldn’t put your finger on. Tangerines, old books, new scars, cheeks pressed to legs and honey brown eyes in the sun. “When it’s all over? When it’s done?  You make me feel like me again.”
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I want to request a story where Mclaggen flirts with the reader and gets to close, so she kisses her best friend Draco to get rid of him. But he gets pissed when he finds out that she only did it to get rid of him. Happy ending pls
Thank you so much for your request, I really enjoyed writing it! I feel my writing style is closer to my older fics again at this one (I´m not sure if this is a good thing yet). However, I hope you enjoy reading it!
Friends to lovers
Warnings: alcohol consumption, harassment
A/N: Just a quick note for all the girls out there (and everyone else who will ever get in a situation like this): Please remember that it is always okay to speak up if someone makes you feel uncomfortable and never be afraid to make a scene if necessary (only if you feel like it´s safe obviously), regardless what other people around you might think or say about it. These feelings are completely valid and much more important than what others might think.
Also, since this fact might get lost in this fic: Consent is always key, always remember this, regardless of what situation you are in or what the relationship with the other person might look like.
“So what do you think? The silvery or the green one?”
You narrowed your eyes as you tried to conjure the images of the dresses in your mind.
“The green one. With some silvery jewellery.”
“Maybe the necklace you got me for my birthday?”
You grinned at your friend.
“I was thinking the exact same, Pansy.”
“Oh yeah, and what do you think, Draco? Which shirt should I wear tonight? The black one or the black one?”, you were suddenly interrupted by a deeper voice.
The blond boy pouted as if he would actually think about his answer.
“I think you should wear the black one, Blaise.”, he finally answered. “It stresses your eyes.”
“You´re too kind, Draco. And such an amazing help.”
You shared an annoyed glare with Pansy, which made the boys give in and burst into laughter.
“But honestly”, Blaise stated when they had finally calmed down again, “I don’t get why you make such a fuss about it.”
“It´s just a party. The two of you should calm down a bit.”, Draco agreed with his friend.
You nudged him playfully.
“Says the boy who takes about an hour to style his hair every morning and still gets it ruined in the first ten minutes afterwards.”
Draco touched his hair, looking slightly offended as a rosy shimmer spread across his cheeks.
“A malicious allegation. It looks like that naturally."
You shared a knowing glance with Pansy, fully aware of the fact that what Draco had just stated was nothing but a lie.
“It´s nothing to be ashamed of, Draco.”, you chirped as you smiled at him sweetly.
“It´s actually very attractive if a guy cares about his appearance, you know?”, Pansy added, making Blaise almost choke on his pumpkin juice.
The four of you were sitting in the Great Hall at breakfast and the most important topic of the day was the upcoming party tonight. By now, you had finished all your exams for the year and Salazar, that was for sure a reason to celebrate. And at one of the biggest parties of the year, Pansy and you obviously wanted to dress up at least a bit, eager to escape the everyday look of your school uniforms. And to do so, you were even willing to take some rude comments from your friends.
“As if I would be in need of such things.”, Draco returned, shooting Pansy a deadly glare, while Blaise still tried to catch his breath.
“Because unlike some of us”, Blaise stated, when he had finally recovered, as his eyes darted from Pansy to you and back to Pansy, “we don’t have to put in any effort to look great.”
“While Pansy and I, unlike some of us, are aware of how we can maximize our God-given beauty. It wouldn´t hurt you to try this as well at some point.”
“So you can´t even argue with the fact that we´re just irresistibly attractive, can you?”, Blaise grinned.
“It makes me want to worship the ground you´re walking on.”, you said, your voice dripping with sarcasm.
But while you were making fun of it, even you couldn’t deny that Blaise, as well as Draco, actually had some kind of effortless beauty. They were attractive, you couldn’t deny it, however, you would rather bite off your tongue than ever actually admit it to the boys.
“That doesn´t mean you couldn´t optimize it though.”, Pansy stepped in. “Maybe some eyeliner for Blaise and I bet Draco´s eyes would pop out more if we would curl his lashes…”
“And maybe ruffle up his hair a bit…”, you added, laying your arm around Draco´s shoulder in a sneaky attempt to get your hand closer to the neatly styled hair, but Draco realized immediately what you were up to and caught your hand with his.
“Don’t you dare. Do you know how much time it takes me to get this done? Won´t let you ruin it just like that.”, he growled.
“So you admit it.”, you stated with a triumphant shimmer in your eyes.
Draco looked at you irritated.
“Admit what?”
“That you style it."
Your friend hesitated a moment, before he grumbled: “Never said I wouldn’t. I just pointed out that you have a tendency to exaggerate.”
You rolled your eyes.
“Sure you did.” You sighed and rested your head on your friend’s shoulder. “But jokes aside. You look… well, let’s say at least acceptable, styled hair or not.”
Draco let out a low chuckle as he wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you even closer.
“Likewise, princess.”
And on the other side of the table, Pansy and Blaise couldn’t hide the smirk on their faces as they watched the scene in front of them, sharing a glance in silent agreement.
Later that day, Pansy and you made your way to the Slytherin common room. Pansy had indeed chosen the green dress, certainly enjoying the compliments you had showered her with as you had seen her all dressed up. You had dressed up yourself, not looking too bad as well and certainly more than just acceptable and -as Pansy noted- even Draco wouldn’t be able to help himself but admit that you did so.
And in fact, when you entered the common room, where Draco and some of your other friends were already waiting for you, the blond boy´s eyes widened slightly as he noticed you.
“So, what do you think? Is this acceptable?”, you smiled at Draco as you walked up to him.
Draco´s eyes wandered up and down your body, as he took his time to come to a conclusion. When his eyes met yours again, there was something in his gaze that you couldn’t quite grasp, something that made you blush for some stupid reason, but it was soon replaced by a cheeky grin.
“Finally, I don´t have to be ashamed to be seen with you for once.”, he responded.
When your attempt to slap his arm in response failed and Draco laughed at your pathetic try, you took some time to eye the boy as well. The Slytherin looked unfairly good in his black suit he always wore to such occasions. It somehow made the twinkle in his eyes only look brighter, especially now, that he tilted his head as he laughed. And also…
“Your hair!”, you stated in surprise as you noticed how some strands of Draco´s normally neatly styled hair framed his face.
The grin on the boy´s face only grew wider.
“Only did so for you, love.”, he teased.
“Oh yeah, for sure.”
“So what do you say? Do you like it?”
You eyed him sceptically. But no matter how hard you tried, you had to admit that there was absolutely nothing to criticize – neither about Draco´s hair nor about any other part of his appearance. For a second you got lost in the way he smiled down at you, way too smugly, yet in your eyes still looking just perfect.
“What? Got lost for words?”, Draco chuckled as he noticed your gaze.
You snapped out of your trance and quickly shook your head, not only as an answer to his question but also as an attempt to get rid of the strange feeling in your stomach as you looked at your friend.
“I told you it would suit you. Isn´t that surprising I was right once more, is it?”, you said with a shrug of your shoulders.
“You aren’t complacent at all, are you?”
“Says you”, you countered right away.
“Are the two of you done flirting now, or do you want us to excuse you for tonight?”, you were suddenly interrupted by Pansy´s mischievous voice.
You turned around, glaring at your roommate.
“You don’t actually expect me to answer this, do you?”
Pansy just shrugged her shoulders in response, pulling a face that made you suspect you rather didn’t want to know what she would say next. So you linked your arm with hers and pulled her towards the exit.
“What are we waiting for then?”, you asked.
The party was already in full swing when you arrived. It always amazed and irritated you at the very same time when you saw the students of the different houses in harmony with one another. Since none of you were wearing your school uniforms anymore, from time to time it was hard to even recognize which house the different people you barely knew were from. However, many of them -especially Slytherins- stuck to the colours of their houses, making it easier to at least suspect where they belonged, and somewhere on the other side of the room, you noticed Luna Lovegood, who had created some jewellery from eagle feathers. People were dancing, talking and laughing, on the dancefloor, at the improvised bar someone had built up or just lazily sitting in one of the seating areas.
The moment you stepped through the door, someone handed you a drink and you carefully sniffed on it. Just from the smell, you were pretty sure that whatever had been mixed into it, the night would be a very certain kind of fun.
Pansy had already raised her glass.
“To the end of torture and oppression!”, she cheered, before taking a way too big swing from her cup.
“To the end of torture and oppression.”, you agreed laughingly before you nipped on your cup as well, pulling a face. You certainly would need to take it easy if you didn’t want to wake up with some bad headache tomorrow.
When you had finished your drink, Pansy practically pulled you on the dancefloor, while Draco along with Blaise found some poor excuse to get over to the comfortable couches, meeting up with Crabbe and Goyle.
You didn’t even know how long you had been dancing, just enjoying the music and the company of your friends, when suddenly Pansy nudged you.
“Draco´s looking over!”, she yelled into your ear.
You turned your head, looking to the boys who still remained rooted in their spots in the seating area, and saw that Draco was indeed watching you. When he caught your gaze, you waved at him excitedly, which made your friend curve his lips into a small smile. But that smile quickly fainted as you tried to beckon him over, signalling him you wanted him to join you dancing. But while Draco was extraordinarily good in standard dances, he detested the stiff frippery without any clear rules with every fibre of his body. That´s why Draco just shook his head firmly at your efforts and quickly turned his head to his friends, engaging in the conversation again.
With a shrug of your shoulders, you turned around to Pansy again.
“If you don’t want it, you already have it.”, you said, slightly disappointed, yet not actually surprised at Draco´s rejection.
“I highly doubt it´s the dancing he´s interested in.”, Pansy mumbled under her breath and over the loud music, it was hard for you to understand.
“What was that?”
Pansy sighed.
“Nothing. Absolutely nothing.”
You threw your friend an irritated glance, but Pansy didn’t seem to want to deepen her explanation.
But while Pansy just went back to dancing, you felt your throat slowly getting dry from the yelling and the heated temperatures in the room.
“I´ll get myself a drink. You want something too?”
Pansy gave you a thumbs up and you made your way to the bar on the other side of the dancefloor.
You had just grabbed your drinks and wanted to make your way back through the crowd when suddenly someone touched your shoulder. You turned around and groaned quietly. Cormac McLaggen was standing there, grinning down at you. You detested this guy more than any other student in this school, not only because he was a Gryffindor, but mostly because he had a certain reputation regarding his handling of girls. You still remembered how -not long ago- he had tried to get close to Hermione Granger, and even though you didn’t exactly like the smart-alec Gryffindor girl, you had felt slightly sorry for her when you had watched the constant inappropriate attempts to get the girl. And the fact that he was standing now in front of you with that slimy grin on his face made you suspect that he was up to no good.
“Lovely (Y/n). I see you got me a drink as well.”, he grinned, stepping even closer to you.
You resisted the urge to step back and instead straightened your back, trying not to show how uncomfortable he was making you feel already.
“It´s for Pansy.”, you answered cooly.
“But I´m sure Parkinson can get herself a drink, can´t she?”
“So can you.”
“But then I wouldn’t have a reason to keep your company any longer.”
“That´s the plan.” You really weren’t in the mood to stay quiet or polite just out of respect for a guy’s feelings, especially if said guy happened to be McLaggen.
But he didn’t seem to mind the slightest.
“You´re really a tease, (Y/n), aren’t you?”, the Gryffindor chuckled, as he stepped even closer and put an arm around your waist.
“Let go of me. Right now.”, you hissed through gritted teeth, having to use all your willpower to not hex the boy on the spot.
“Why should I?”, McLaggen responded.
You looked at him in disbelief. Was he actually that stupid that he actually didn’t get how uncomfortable he made you feel? Or did he simply not care about it? And most importantly how would you get out of this situation most elegantly. You weren’t scared to make a scene in front of all these people, but you were pretty sure that McLaggen would hold it against you and even though you would be able to get rid of him like this for now, you weren’t sure how long it would last. So you took a deep breath, trying to get calm yourself down again.
“I need to get back to my friends."
“Why? You think they would grudge you some fun?”
“This isn’t fun for me, McLaggen.” You stressed his last name, trying to make clear that you didn’t feel like you were on a first name basis with him at all.
“C´mon (Y/n).” Well, that certainly didn’t work. “We´re just getting started. I promise you won´t regret this.”
But if he wouldn’t let go of you soon, he certainly would. But instead, he pulled you even closer.
“I´ll pass on this.”
You looked around, trying to find a familiar face to get you out of your misery, a place you could save yourself to, but the only people you spotted were Pansy and Draco who were standing next to the dancefloor, their eyes wandering through the room, probably already looking for you since you had already disappeared for much longer than you had originally planned.
“What is it (Y/n)”, McLaggen whispered into your ear, making goosebumps creeping over your skin in the most uncomfortable way. “Don´t got someone else to do the job, do you?”
Oh, if McLaggen only knew how much he had just scored his own goal.
“Oh well, you know, actually I do have someone to -as you just expressed so elegantly- do the job.”
You smiled at the boy sweetly, while the Gryffindor frowned.
“You do?”
“How come you don’t know yet? I thought most people did by now.”
You didn’t even have to hide the grin on your face as you saw McLaggen looking utterly confused.
“I didn’t.”
“Well, now you do.”
You quickly wriggled out of the boy´s grip and wanted to leave with a smug grin on your face, but McLaggen caught your wrist and held you back once more.
“Who is it then?”
You hesitated for a moment before you looked over to your friends still standing a bit off the beaten track and your gaze settled on a certain blond boy, who was talking to Pansy, for now completely unaware of his spontaneous promotion. You turned back to McLaggen and locked your eyes with his, not blinking once, as you said: “Draco of course.”
McLaggen looked at you in surprise.
“Draco? You mean Draco Malfoy?”
You rolled your eyes.
“Do you know any other?”
“But I always thought the two of you were just friends.”
“Ever heard something about the term friends to lovers? Honestly, McLaggen read a book someday.”
“But this is the real world, (Y/n).”, McLaggen frowned.
You had to try really hard to hold back a groan. That guy was harder to get rid of than the juice of a Mimbulus mimbletonia.
“But my fairytale has come to life. So if you´ll excuse me now, my boyfriend”, you stressed the word, “is probably already looking for me and I really want to get back to him.”
And without waiting for a response, you turned on your heel and made your way back to your friends.
When you had almost reached them, a smug grin still covering your face due to your recent award-winning performance, you turned your head around one last time, only to see McLaggen still watching you, lips pursed and arms crossed in front of his chest. Maybe you hadn’t been as convincing as you had hoped or maybe it was just his wounded pride, but if he would keep on watching you that closely, he would realize rather soon that what you had just told him had been nothing but a bluff. At that moment a second terrific idea followed the first one. And without thinking twice, you walked up to your friends with the sweetest smile on your face.
“Finally, (Y/n), what took you so long?”, Pansy asked you as you handed her the drinks.
“Sorry, I was delayed.”, you said, before you turned around to Draco.
“But you couldn’t stay away from me too long, could you?”, he teased with that familiar twinkle in his eyes, as he grinned down at you.
You returned his smile immediately.
“You have no idea.”, you responded before you grabbed him by his collar and pressed your lips on Draco´s without hesitation.
It was fireworks exploding.
You weren’t quite sure what you had been thinking when you had decided to kiss your friend, but it didn’t matter anymore.
You weren’t quite sure, how you had been expecting his lips to feel on yours, but you certainly hadn’t expected them to feel so soft against yours and fit just so perfectly.
You weren’t quite sure how you had expected to feel when you would kiss Draco, but it hadn’t been like this. You hadn’t expected the electricity buzzing through your body the moment his lips touched yours. You hadn’t expected the relief you felt as Draco didn’t push you away but pulled you only closer. You hadn’t expected to feel like air was only the second most important thing in your life as his lips slowly started to move against yours as well.
You heard Pansy gasping somewhere in the back of your mind, but it sounded muffled, just like any other noise around you. Every sensation that wasn’t linked to Draco and the moment you just shared felt just doll compared to the intense feelings rushing through your body. Every centimetre of your body was on fire and Draco´s heated skin against yours only fuelled the fire. The taste of the drink he had had still lingering on his lips felt intoxicating, just as the way your hands slowly wandered from Draco´s collar to his hair, while he pulled his arms around your waist, holding you so close, you felt as if your bodies might immerge with one another.
You didn’t know how long you stayed like this, holding each other tight, but finally, you ran out of air after all and slowly, you backed up again. As you opened your eyes, the sight in front of you was truly magical. Draco´s cheeks were rosy and his swollen lips slightly parted, as he panted heavily, his hair not only slightly ruffled anymore, but a total mess.
The Slytherin leant his forehead against yours and grinned down at you.
“Well, that was unexpected.”, he said, his voice sounding unusually raspy.
You didn’t answer and just nodded as you stared at him in awe.
You had never seen Draco as much more than a friend. You had always been really close and you had always been aware of the fact that he was quite attractive, but you had never seen him in the same way you did now. You had never felt the butterflies in your stomach somersaulting, had never had the urge to be as close to him as you did now, had never wanted to press your lips on his again so badly.
Draco brushed a strand of your hair that was falling into your face behind your ear, before his thumb traced over your cheek and finally your lips, which probably looked like a mess by now since you saw some light traces of your lipstick on Draco´s.
“So tell me, love, how did I deserve this special kind of attention from you tonight?”
For a second you were almost irritated. What did Draco think why one would kiss someone else? But then you remembered that your intentions for the kiss had originally been slightly different from the ones you had on your mind now.
When you didn’t answer and the boy in front of you saw the look of indecisiveness in your eyes, his face fell.
“Salazar, (Y/n), please don’t tell me you´re already so drunk that you just run around and kiss random people.”
The sharpness in his voice made you snap out of the trance you had been in ever since your lips had first touched his.
“What? No! No, I´m not drunk at all!”, you objected before you realized that this was probably just what a drunk person would say. So you took a deep breath and continued: “It´s just… McLaggen came up to me when I just got the drinks and was… well, he was McLaggen and he wouldn’t want to leave me alone, so I told him I had a boyfriend. And you were the first to come to my mind and I knew he probably didn’t believe me, so I thought if I´d kiss you he´d leave me alone.”
Only now that you said it out loud, you realized how stupid you must have sounded. Draco and you had never been anything but friends. What in Merlin´s name were you thinking to just walk up to a boy who had never shown any romantic interest in you and kissed him without even explaining the situation to him or asking him if he was okay with it?
“That´s what this was about?” Draco´s voice sounded even sharper than before, making you flinch.
“Look, Draco, I´m sorry. I know this probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do, but I… I don’t know, I wasn’t thinking, and I panicked and I somehow thought you´d be okay with this and…”
“You don’t have to explain yourself, (Y/n).”, Draco cut you off. “I get it. McLaggen is an idiot and I… I´m just glad you got yourself out of the situation, alright?” But Draco didn’t sound like he thought it was alright at all.
You nodded, eyeing him sceptically.
“So, you´re okay with this?”
Draco shrugged his shoulders. When he looked at you, the warm look in his clouded eyes had disappeared, and instead, his eyes were sparkling coldly at you now.
“Obviously. That´s what friends are there for, aren’t they?”
You gulped. For some reason, the word friends wasn’t quite fitting anymore for what you saw Draco as. You hadn’t believed that a stupid kiss could ever change your feelings the slightest, but somehow it did. Even though you weren’t quite sure if your feelings for Draco had actually changed within the last few minutes or if you had just become aware of something that had been buried under all those memories and experiences of the last few years, but what you knew for sure was that when Draco called whatever the two of you were friends, your heart clenched in a way you had never felt it before.
Still, you nodded.
“Yeah, you´re right. Friends. That's what they´re there for.”, you echoed weakly and forced a smile onto your lips.
For a moment, the two of you just stared at each other, before Draco finally nodded as well and took a step back.
“Well, since my job is done now, you don’t need me anymore, do you?” And without even waiting for an answer, he added: “I´ll get some fresh air now. It´s too crammed in here.”
With that, he turned on his heel, leaving you alone, staring at the spot he had stood only seconds ago.
“What in the name of Merlin was that all about?”, you suddenly heard a soft voice next to you.
When you looked up, you saw Pansy standing there, still holding the drinks you had handed her before your attack on the boy who called you his friend.
“I… this was… well, you heard what this was about.”, you responded defensively.
“Well, you can´t tell me that this was about you getting rid of that nasty Gryffindor.”
 “Would that be so hard to believe?”
“After I´ve seen the two of you almost eating each other up and looking at each other like some fools in love? Trust me, it is.”
“Neither we ate each other up, nor are we fools in love.”, you snapped back, probably a bit too harsh for just trying to set the record straight.
“Oh yeah, this was purely platonic.” Pansy rolled her eyes.
“It was supposed to look real.”, you contradicted.
“And Draco knew that too?”
No, he didn’t. He had had no idea why you had been kissing him, still, he had kissed you in a way you hadn’t even dared to dream of.
“It was just the heat of the moment. I surprised him. And he would have felt bad to turn me down.”
“Oh, yeah, you have already assumed this for him, didn’t you?”
You looked at your friend irritated. You weren’t in the mood for guesswork right now, too many thoughts were running in circles around your mind.
“I mean, you kiss that poor boy like no one has ever done before and the next moment you explain to him that it was just to get rid of some jerk?"
“I know I should have just asked him first to make sure he is okay with it, but…"
“You really think that this would make any difference?”, Pansy interrupted you.
You sighed fretfully.
“If you got anything to say, Pansy, just spit it out. I´m really not up to your games right now.”
Pansy let out a small huff, not sure if she was supposed to laugh or grab you by the shoulders until you would finally realize it yourself.
“You really can´t be that blind, can you?”
You only frowned and Pansy sighed.
“(Y/n), you are aware that this guy had been head over heels for you since forever, aren’t you?”
“Draco, you foolish lunkhead! Who do you think we´re talking about?”
You stared at your friend in disbelief.
“Pansy, this isn’t funny.”
“Oh, I know, it really isn’t. It almost hurts physically to see the two of you interact with each other and how you are completely clueless to everything he does, even if Draco is behaving like a complete idiot around you.”
“You´re serious about this, aren’t you?”
“Of course I am, silly. Salazar, the way the two of you act is really so much more than anyone could ever make up in their head.”
“So you really want to tell me that Draco has a thing for me.” “Being hopelessly in love with you is more fitting, but if you want to put it this way, yeah, that´s what I´m trying to tell you.”
You felt the butterflies erupting in your stomach once more as your cheeks heated up to an unknown extent.
“I… I didn’t know…I mean, if I… I really had no idea…”, you stuttered, not quite sure what to say.
“Don’t you say.”, Pansy responded sarcastically, but then she grew more serious again. “The real question now is how you feel about it.”
How did you feel about it? On the one hand, all you wanted to do was run to Draco and kiss him until you were out of breath again for the rest of your life, but on the other hand, this feeling was so new and strange to you that you weren’t quite sure how to deal with it.
“I don’t know. I mean, I never even thought about the possibility that Draco and I… that we might ever be anything more than friends. It´s all we ever were, and I never had any doubts that we always would be.”
“But what about now? How do you feel about him now?”
You hesitated for a moment before you responded carefully: “Different.”
“And is this a good thing or a bad one?”, Pansy asked, but from the look on your face she already knew the answer before the words even left your mouth.
An uncontrollable smile spread across your face as you thought about the feeling of Draco´s lips on yours and the way that he had looked at you right after they had parted again.
“It´s a good thing. Really good.”, you smiled.
“Then you should probably tell him, shouldn’t you?”, she asked, the smirk on her face clearly visible in her voice as well.
You nodded.
“I will.” You shot your friend a thankful glance. “Thanks, Pansy.”
And with that, you turned around, following Draco into the dark.
The castle grounds were quiet at this time of the night. A few people were standing here alone or in small groups to get some fresh air, but still, it was quiet and from time to time you had the feeling to be all alone out here.
You weren’t quite sure how you knew where to go, maybe it was because of the strong tie between Draco and you that you had misinterpreted so badly, or maybe it was something else, but somehow your feet carried you to the place Draco was standing without fail. You spotted him leaning against the wall of the castle right away, his light hair shimmering in the dim light shining through the windows, mixing with the one of the moon shining down on you. You were pretty sure Draco had heard you approaching him, or maybe he was too lost in his own thoughts to do so, but as you got closer to him, the boy kept on staring into the void, showing no signs of recognition.
“Draco?”, your voice was soft, so soft you weren’t even sure if he had even heard you because he still didn’t react.
You cleared your throat before you tried once more.
“Draco?” This time your voice sounded stronger.
Draco however, still didn’t look at you, but a small shrug of his head signalized you that he had heard you. You took this as a sign to step even closer. Your heart was beating fast in your chest. You were scared. Scared that you might have ruined whatever relationship you had with Draco beyond repair, and if it didn’t yet, that your next actions would do so after all.
“I was looking for you.”, you spoke up again, not quite sure how to start the conversation properly.
“You found me now, didn’t you?”, Draco responded, his voice sounded cold and his eyes were still fixed on an invisible point in front of him.
You took another step towards the boy and leant to the wall next to him, not close enough to touch you, yet close enough to feel his presence next to you. You felt him tense as you did so, yet, he didn’t shy away.
A few moments of silence passed, as neither of you said a word. You looked up into the sky, letting your eyes getting used to the darkness until they finally spotted some stars glistening above you.
“It´s a beautiful night, isn’t it?”, you tried again.
Draco just hummed in response.
After another few minutes of silence, you couldn’t bear it anymore and tore your gaze apart from the night sky and looked at the boy next to you instead.
“Listen, I´m really sorry about what happened earlier. This wasn’t okay.”
“I already told you, it´s alright.”
You shook your head vigorously, even though you weren’t sure if Draco could even see.
“No, it really isn’t. I behaved like a complete idiot in there. Not only that I… that I just kissed you, but also what I said to you afterwards. I really screwed this up.”
“It doesn’t matter, (Y/n)”, Draco said, his voice still apathetic. “You did what you thought was best at that moment. And, I mean, it didn’t mean anything anyway, did it?” The last few words sounded different, a mix of bitterness and the hope that you might contradict. Before your talk with Pansy, you probably wouldn’t even have noticed, but now you did. And it almost broke your heart.
“That´s not true.”, you contradicted in a low voice.
Draco´s gaze flickered in your direction for a second, before he looked away again. Yet, he didn’t answer.
“It meant something. I mean, I know it did for you and I…” You paused for a second, thinking about what you should say next. “It meant something to me too, you know? I didn’t know that it would but it did. Much more than I ever thought it would.”
“It didn’t. Neither for you nor for me. I think we both made that very clear.”, Draco spit out, his voice not nearly as calm as it used to be, even though he tried really hard to hide it.
“Did we?”
“We did. We´re friends. That is what you said and what I said as well. We´ve always been and we always will be. Ain´t that hard to understand, (Y/n), is it? Even you should understand that.”
“I know you have a thing for me.”, you blurted out. You didn’t mean to do so. You had wanted to approach the topic more carefully, trying not to hurt Draco´s feelings or embarrass him, but the way he behaved like a stubborn child, made it impossible for you.
Draco froze for a second, before he shrugged his shoulders, looking anywhere but at you.
“And if I did? Would it change anything?”
The fact that he didn’t contradict you right away, didn’t call your assumptions ridiculous or even laughed at you, made even the last doubts you still had had about Pansy´s words disappear. Your heartbeat quickened even more, even though you weren’t quite sure if it was from annoyance or affection.
“Would it… Draco, this would change everything!”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. Draco this… what happened tonight… the kiss… this wasn’t just about McLaggen.”
“You said it was.”
“Because it was. I mean kind of. But not like this. I… Merlin, Draco. At first, I kissed you because of him. But all of this felt just so… When I kissed you it just felt so good, and then you kissed me back and I had the feeling as if all the stars would suddenly align. It felt as if it was the right thing to do and it made me wonder… no, it made me know for sure that this is what I want. That you are what I want. Not as a friend but as… more. And I know that I´m an idiot that it took me that stupid kiss to realize and if you are mad at me now, you got every reason to be, but if you let me ruin the possibility of… of us just because I screwed this up then you are just as much of an idiot as I am.”
You hadn’t even realized how much you had raised your voice until you fell silent again and you couldn’t hear any other noises but the muffled music coming from inside and your own heartbeat echoing in your ears.
A few moments passed and neither Draco nor you said anything. Your thoughts were racing and in your mind, you already prepared yourself to not only lose the potential relationship Draco and you could have, but also the one that you had had ever since you came to Hogwarts. But just as you wanted to apologize and leave Draco alone again, the boy suddenly let out a sigh and stood up straight again, turning around to you.
The expression on his face was unreadable as he said: “Love, you should know that I´m way too smart to be an idiot.”
It took you a moment to process his words, but as you did, a small spark of hope lit up in your chest again.
“Does that mean, that...”
“It means”, Draco interrupted you, “that I´m willing to give this a chance.” He smiled at you smugly as he saw the uncontrollable grin spreading across your face. “If that´s what you want to, of course.”, he added slyly.
“I think to know this for sure, I might need to try something again at first.”, you responded.
And this time you didn’t have to pull Draco down to you, but he leant down willingly, meeting your lips halfway.
And even though this time you were prepared for the feeling, it still almost swept you off your feet with full force and you had no doubt that your legs would probably have given in if it wouldn’t be for Draco holding on to you tightly.
When you pulled back this time, you felt neither conflicted nor confused. All you could feel was your love for the boy in front of you rushing through your entire body and the only critical thought that was left was the question of how you could have ever mistaken your feelings for the blond Slytherin for anything else but love.
You leant your head onto Draco´s chest, listening to his steady heartbeat that was far too fast, a fact that you would have probably teased him for if you wouldn’t have known that yours did just the same.
“You have no idea how long I wanted to do this.”, Draco mumbled, before placing a small kiss on the crown of your head.
And he was right indeed. You had been completely oblivious to his feelings for so long, but now that you finally knew, it was making you happier than you could ever find the words to describe.
“Merlin, I love you, (Y/n).”, Draco mumbled, making yet another wave of heat flush through your body. But before you could even answer, he quickly added: “You… you don’t have to return this or anything. I just… I wanted to tell you for so long and… well, now I just had to.” You smiled as you heard the insecurity in his voice, something he barely ever showed to others.
“It´s not like I… maybe just take me on a date first, okay? I just… I don’t wanna rush things right now if that´s okay with you.”
“Anything for you, princess.”, Draco smiled, making your heart practically melt, as you snuggled yourself even closer to him.
“But one thing you have to tell me.”, Draco spoke up after a few minutes of comfortable silence. “You didn’t just have a brainwave, did you? Someone told you that I… well that I might like you more than just a friend.”
You felt your cheeks heating.
“Maybe Pansy gave me a little hint.”, you mumbled into his chest, making Draco chuckle deeply.
“A little hint?”
“Well, maybe it was more than that.”, you admitted. “She pretty much threw it in my face and I still didn’t catch it.”
“I always knew that you´re not the fastest broom in the sky.”, he grinned, making you frown.
“At least it didn’t take me… how long? Weeks? Months? To get a girl and then not even telling her but letting others do the job.”
“Actually it´s been years, if you really want to know. But I guess now McLaggen was good for something at least once.”, Draco responded. “Doesn’t mean I won't hex him the next time I´ll see his stupid visage.”
“If you´re hoping for me to stop you, I certainly won´t.”
“I was rather hoping you´d help me with it."
“So we can serve detention together? Romantic.”, you laughed.
Draco cupped your face with his hands and made you look up at him. You could see the mischievous sparkle that you had always loved so much glistening in his eyes.
“That´s just how I am, love.”, he responded, before he pulled you in yet another kiss.
And it certainly wouldn’t be the last.
Taglist: @xodracomalfoyxo @marigold-morelli @army24—7 @lbhmoon @cappgyuccino @writingwitch007 @myomy0ss @tinafuentes @dmslvt @Slytherin4eva @foulkryptonitepeanut @chillcheesecake @pottertea @webswatts @jaiistg
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plussizefantasia · 11 months
Little Stinker
Flufftober Day 30: Pumpkin Carving
Steve Rogers x f!mom!reader
Word Count: 1.7k
AN: This is a continuation of Day 21's Story: Good Punkins. Steve and Little Dude have my whole heart I stg. I can't believe that we only have one more day! This was such a fun experience and I think I'm a much better writer than I was when I started. Reblogs and Feedback are always appreciated. I'll see y'all tomorrow for the last day of Flufftober!
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divider credit @royallaesthetics
Your little family had gone to the pumpkin patch on Saturday, little dude had been so tired that he passed out in his car seat on the way home and didn’t even stir when you lifted him out of his car seat and into the house.
However, in all of his five and half years on this planet, Caleb James has never slept past 7:00 am. That is why you were not at all surprised when the door to yours and Steve’s shared bedroom creaked open at about 7:05.
“Momma.” Caleb had whispered. Trying to climb up onto the very tall bed that you and your husband shared. “Momma gotta get up. Gotta put faces on our punkins.” 
“CJ, it’s too early to carve our pumpkins. We can do that in the afternoon, okay baby?” You pulled him up from his armpits and swung him over your body. Landing him in the space between you and Steve. “Plus, Mommy needs her cuddles. Can I have some cuddles, baby boy?” 
“Course Momma, I loves your cuddles.”
“And I love yours, baby.” 
“Do I get some cuddles too?” Steve’s sleep-coated voice rasped from beside you. His large arm curled around your waist and pulled both you and Caleb into his chest. His other arm came around from his side and trapped you and the little man in a bear hug.
“Daddy!” Caleb giggled. “You’re squeezing me!”
“Am I?” Steve asked. Squeezing the two of us a little tighter.
“Yeah, Daddy you’re squeezing too tight!” Caleb fought to say in between his giggles. Steve loosened his arms just a little bit, still holding firmly but allowing some space. 
“Cuddles for a little bit then I’ll make breakfast and we can talk about what to do with the pumpkins okay?” You asked your boys.
“Otay Momma,” Caleb said as he snuggled deeper into your chest. Slow mornings like this were your favorite. Just being able to exist with the people you love most in the world made everything worth it.
Your family sat in bed for another hour or two, Caleb drifted in and out of sleep and you and Steve just watched each other and your baby in content silence. 
Eventually, your husband's super metabolism caught up to him, and his stomach started to growl. He looked sheepish and a little bit upset that he had ruined the moment. You just laughed and kissed his forehead and your son’s before slipping out of bed and making your way downstairs to start breakfast.
If there was one thing Caleb had inherited from his father it was his appetite. Your boys would go through mountains of food if they could. For this breakfast, you made pancakes, some with chocolate chips for Caleb and some with banana slices for Steve. You cooked some scrambled eggs and fried up some sausage and bacon. You cut and peeled fruit to make a fruit salad, juiced oranges, and set the table. By the time you were done, your kitchen looked like a photoshoot for a cookbook. 
All that food only lasted your boys about thirty minutes though, before the table was cleared and Steve was up and cleaning the dishes and countertops.
“Can we put faces on our punkins now Momma?” Caleb had asked. 
“Sure baby, why don’t you go upstairs and get dressed while Daddy and I bring in the pumpkins from the car?” You had barely finished your question before your little man was racing up the stairs toward his room to get himself ready for the day.
You laughed and finished the last bit of the coffee left in your mug before you slipped on some shoes and made your way out to your car. You grabbed a pumpkin under each arm and started heading back inside. Before you made it more than three steps your show-off husband had taken them out of your arms and back inside.
It seemed like Steve wouldn’t let you lift any pumpkins this year, even if it was just from your car to your house. 
You had begun to get the kitchen table all set up for carving pumpkins. You covered the table in newspaper and grabbed three mixing bowls from your cabinets. You grabbed Sharpies and tape, some paper to draw on, and all the different kinds of knives that you’d need. 
By the time everything was set up, Caleb was making his way downstairs, fully dressed and practically bouncing with excitement.
“It’s punkin time Momma!” He yelled.
“Yeah baby, time to carve our pumpkins.” Three pumpkins were sitting on the kitchen table. Two of them were pretty large, with one flater side perfect for carving. Those were the ones Caleb had picked for you and Steve. His own was slightly smaller but taller rather than wider. 
“What do you want to carve on your pumpkin little man?” You asked Caleb after helping him up onto the chair, making sure that he was okay to stand and wouldn’t fall.
“Uncle Tony!” 
“You want to carve Uncle Tony’s face on your pumpkin?”
“No Momma, not his face. His mask, the one on the suit.”
“You want to carve the Iron Man face baby?” 
“Yeah Momma, and you can carve Auntie Nat’s widow and Daddy can carve his shield!’
“You want us to have Avenger pumpkins buddy?” Steve asked. “I thought you wanted faces?”
“Mine will have a face. Uncle Tony’s mask has a face.”
He had a point. “Okay little man, let's look at how to draw Uncle Tony’s mask.”
Twenty minutes later, Steve had finished sketching each design on your pumpkin, you had forgone doing Nat’s symbol for doing an actual spider. You’d made sure to include the signature hourglass shape on the back of the sider though, just to keep on theme.
Steve had grumbled the whole time he was drawing Tony’s mask. “He’s my kid?” “Why does he want Tony’s mask?” “My shield is so cool.” All muttered under his breath.
“Steve honey, to Caleb you’re just dad. You’re not Captain America, the first super soldier. You're the man who makes dinner and takes him to the park. He thinks Tony’s mask is cool, sure. But he loves you.”
“How do you always have the right words?” Steve asked you, sharpie still gripped in his hands.
“You have your powers I have mine.” You teased, kissing him chastely. 
“Momma help.” Caleb had called out from the kitchen table.
“What do you need help with baby,?” You moved across the room towards him.
“Can you cut the top open so I can get the guts out?’ he asked.
“Absolutely buddy, I’ll cut off the top and then you can use your spoon to get in here okay?” You grabbed the serrated knife from the table. You began to see at the top of the pumpkin, making sure to keep it as neat as you could. So that the lid could be put back on when you brought them back outside.
Steve stood back and watched you help Caleb with his pumpkin. Overwhelmed with love, he took out his phone and sent a picture to the group chat. 
Avengers-themed pumpkins, courtesy of little dude. The text message read.
He snapped a few more photos of you with your tongue sticking out of the side of your mouth like it usually did when you were focused. You finished cutting the top off of Caleb’s pumpkin and started on yours. Eventually moving on to Steve’s as well. 
Steve and Caleb were on scooping duty, given that you absolutely couldn’t stand pumpkin insides. They smelled and looked horrible and you just couldn’t deal with them. While the boys were scooping, you were warming up some apple cider that you had bought at the farm yesterday along with the pumpkins. You weren’t expecting to be ambushed by your husband when you returned to the table though.
Steve held in his hands a spoon piled high with pumpkin insides. He and Caleb were both giggling like children and Steve counted down from three before chasing you with the spoon.
You shrieked and ran away, hearing the cackling of your little boy from somewhere behind you. “Steve!” You ducked and dodged. “Steven Grant! I swear to all that is holy.” He continued to chase him, laughing along with Caleb who was still perched on his chair at the dining table. You managed to circle Steve and dashed towards your son. 
You grabbed onto Caleb and held him in front of you like a human shield. “What’s your move, Rogers.” You raised your eyebrow at your husband. “Drop the spoon and nobody gets hurt.” You pulled Caleb closer to you. 
"You wouldn’t dare.” Was Steve’s response, matching your raised eyebrow. 
“Watch me.” In one fell swoop, you dropped your hands to Caleb’s sides and started tickling the little boy. His laugh increased in pitch and he started trying to wriggle out of your hold.
"It’s up to you Honey, I don’t know how much longer he can last.” You laughed and continued to tickle your little boy, making sure that he was still having fun at the same time.
“You’re an evil woman you know that?” Steve asked you before theatrically placing the spoon down on the table. You stopped ticking Caleb as soon as the spoon was down and both you and Steve chuckled to yourself as his giggles died down and he tried to catch his breath.
“That was funny Momma.” He told you.
“What was funny, Daddy chasing me with yucky pumpkin guts or all the tickles?"
“Oh yeah?” You blew a raspberry on the side of his cheek. “You’re a little stinker.”
“The stinkiest” Steve agreed.
Caleb began to laugh once again and you and Steve followed suit.
Moments like this made all of it worth it. Steve's mind echoed your thoughts from that morning. Having both you and Caleb was like a dream come true. He would do it all over again if it meant that he would have you. That much he was sure of. Even if his son wanted a Tony Stark pumpkin for Halloween.
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delulu4marauders · 1 year
my sweet werewolf <33
y/n potter x remus lupin
summary: y/n was the only person remus could trust seeing him as a werewolf..
note: female!character, y/n potter ( james’ younger sister )
from the author: hey everyone! juliana here, this is my first time writing a real fanfiction so please don't judge!! i'm pretty bad at writing but i can’t help but make my own fanfiction!! i want to say thanks to everyone who liked the summary i posted, seeing all the likes on it made me so happy!! i’m still unsure about how i’m going to organize these, but i’ll make a way. comment if you want a part two and also comment any ideas for part 2?? btw sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes but lowercases in unnecessary places are intended. also it's 2 days until school starts again for me, so i may not post for a while but i will make time to write for all you guys who enjoy my story! tysm and i hope you enjoy!
word count: 3k
          it was a clear, rainy day at hogwarts. the sound of the gryffindor common room fireplace crackling and the quiet chatting of the other students made the common room feel like home. y/n was reading a book on a sofa in the corner of the common room, quietly enjoying her book while sipping on her pumpkin spice latte. the spooky season was coming, and hogwarts felt like the perfect place to be during halloween. just as y/n took another sip of her latte, a tall dark figure stood over her. it was her brother, james potter. 
          “what do you want?” y/n shrugged
          “hey! don’t be so crabby! i just want to come check on my younger sister” james explained
          “whatever” y/n rolled her eyes, flicking the page of her book
          “jeez..” james said under his breath, sitting down next to y/n “you going down to the great hall for dinner?” 
          “yeah.. how’s sirius and remus?” y/n asked sweetly, shutting her book
          “they’re fine, but remus is- you know.. having trouble..” james worried           “damn. poor remus..” y/n whispered
          y/n and james walked down the halls of hogwarts amongst the other students who were running down to the great hall. they sat down at the gryffindor table with sirius, who was chugging down pumpkin juice, lily, who was politely eating her dinner and making disgusted faces at sirius, and remus. remus’ face had a lot of scars from the past few full moons. when he smelt her bubblegum scented perfume, his head immediately perked up. there she was, his best friend. y/n and james sat down at the table, james directly started chatting up sirius and flirting with lily. y/n and remus sat there for a few minutes, eating their food. suddenly, y/n spoke up.
          “remmy?” y/n sweetly but calmly said
          “when’s the next.. you know..” 
          “two days..” he muttered
          “oh.. is there anything i can get for you?” y/n suggested
          “no.. it’s fine..” he sighed deeply
          “alright.. but if there’s anything you need-” y/n got cut off by remus
          “i know.. just go to you first. honestly, y/n. you tell me every time! i don’t need to be reminded, you know that?” 
          “okay.. i’m just worried for you. every time you come down to breakfast with fresh scars and-” 
          “i’m going to be fine, y/n. stop stressing” he slumped his shoulders down while talking
          y/n was walking down the hallways alone to her next class. potions. not only did she really like the thought of brewing potions, her favourite professor was teaching that subject. professor slughorn. he was a super chill, laid-back teacher and wasn’t as strict as all the other teachers. she entered the classroom and saw everyone already standing at the tables. she goes to stand next to james and remus. 
          “hey” words mindlessly came out her mouth
          “shh, the lesson’s starting” remus whispered. 
          remus was the type of student to enjoy classes and have good grades so him telling her to shush didn’t matter. this time in class they were brewing amortentia. y/n read her potions book and read all the ingredients she needed, found them on the shelves and added them to her cauldron. 
          ashwinder eggs… 
 rose thorns.. 
powdered moonstone.. 
pearl dust.. 
and rose petals..
          “miss potter” prof. slughorn said “what - does your amortentia smell like?” 
          y/n smelt her amortentia. she smelt baby powder.. gingerbread.. melted chocolate.. and a new book. these smells together was familiar… something she was used to but she couldn’t put her finger on it.
          “i smell.. gingerbread, chocolate, baby powder.. and a new book..” y/n listed slowly, trying to remember who owned the scent in her love potion. 
          the next day, y/n was peacefully studying in the library. she was just finishing up her transfiguration essay when she saw a shadow of a boy. she looked behind her and saw remus. usually when someone interrupts her study sessions, she gets really pissed but since it was going to be a full moon that night, she didn’t mind. 
          “hey remmy, you all good?” 
          “yeah.. i’ve been thinking.. you know how you said if i needed anything for the full moon i could go to you?” remus explained fast. y/n nodded. “well.. i- i.. i want you to stay with me while i’m a werewolf..” 
          “uh- are you sure??” y/n asked uncomfortably. remus nodded. y/n thought for a while. should she risk her life to help her best friend? she did promise him she would do anything… “sure.” y/n finally decided. 
          “really?” remus said. he hugged y/n “thank you y/n! thank you so much!! this means the world to me!!”
          this hug was different. y/n and remus always hug, but this hug was not a normal hug. he was closing his eyes, smiling, his arms weren’t stiff and it just felt more - from the heart.. 
          later on that evening, y/n got dressed into her pyjamas and went to the common room to check on james, sirius and peter, who were remus’ dorm mates but slept in the common room whenever it was a full moon. 
          “hey guys, how you doing?” y/n said, walking down the girls dormitory stairs and stopping at the doorway. they were playing uno and of course, peter had the most cards with sirius down to one card. 
          “we’re fine, aren’t you staying with remus for the night?” sirius said, still focused on the very professional game.
          “yeah, wish me luck. i hope i don’t get eaten.” y/n said playfully, half joking and half truthful.
          “if he does, i’m going to beat the crap out of him.” james said, overprotective for his younger sister
          “james, i’ll be fine. since i’m sleeping in your dorm, can i sleep in your bed?” y/n asked. back at the potter manor, they switch rooms all the time. 
          “alright, sleep tight lil’ sis” james said, picking up 4 cards from the pick-up-pile since peter placed down a ‘plus 4’ card. 
          y/n walked up the boys dormitory stairs and around the corner to remus’ dorm. she checked a clock nearby. it was 8:47, thirteen minutes to lights out and thirteen minutes until remus turns into a werewolf. she knocked on the door. shirtless remus opened. Once y/n saw this, she immediately blushed. 
          “oh- uhm.. hi, remus” y/n said, staring at the floor to avoid the awkwardness. 
remus noticed what made her feel uncomfortable. he quickly threw a shirt on. 
          “crepes. sorry about that… do come in..” remus said, embarrassed. remus never really swore, so she was used to him saying words instead of the real swear word. y/n walked into the dorm. she saw that they had moved james and peter’s beds against the wall to make space in the middle of the room. 
          “wow. so how much longer?” y/n turned around to face him
          “well.. It’s 9:51, so nine more minutes.” remus said, checking an old, grandfather clock in the back of their dorm. remus took his shirt off again and saw y/n blushing.
          “sorry. it’s the only way i don’t rip my shirts apart.” remus explained. she could hear the sincerity in his voice. 
          “it’s alright remmy.. are you sure you want me to stay?” y/n said sweetly
          “yes please.. so when i turn into a werewolf, which is in.. four minutes, i’m gonna need you to hide behind sirius’ bed. and if i dont talk for five minutes, get out your wand and yell sectumsempra at me, okay?” remus inquired. 
          “sectumsempra? but doesn’t that injure people?” y/n wondered in worry
          “injures people, not werewolves. if i haven’t talked five minutes after i turned into a werewolf, it means the transformation didn’t work well and- nevermind, if it happens, just do it.” remus said seriously. y/n nodded. while waiting, they just chilled together on remus’ bed talking about school and their friends. 
          tick.. tick.. tick.. the clock hit 9:00. remus was sitting in the middle of the room and y/n behind sirius’ bed, clutching her wand just in case. she watched as he turned into a werewolf, which was not glamorous. 2 minutes after he finished transforming, y/n was waiting for him to talk. she really did not wish to use the curse. 
          “y/n?” a deep voice said suddenly
          “remmy? is that - you?” y/n wondered aloud, coming out from behind the bed
          “yeah, i’m not going crazy like usual” remus’ new deep voice stated
          “really? did you take anything?” y/n said, sitting on sirius’ dog hair bed.
          “well, my aunt gave me this thing called a wolfsbane potion that’s supposed to not turn me into a werewolf.. but she said the first time i try it i should mix it with like- pumpkin juice or water or something…” remus explained
          “well that helps..” y/n says
          down in the common room, james, peter and sirius were still playing uno. sirius lay down on his sleeping bag expecting there to be a pillow but of course, reality is always different from your expectation. 
          “crap, i forgot my pillow. do you think i should go up and get my pillow?” sirius suggests.
          “well, if the other gryffindor boys aren’t screaming then it’s probably safe.” peter teased. 
          sirius tip-toed up the stairs and quietly opened the dorm room door. he walked into the room, expecting to see a lot of damage in the room. but instead, everything looked normal. sirius scanned around the room for the grey wolf but it was nowhere in sight. sirius walked to his bed to grab his pillow and in the bed across from him, was remus in wolf form, laying on his bed. but he wasn’t alone. y/n was there too, they were in the ‘little spoon big spoon’ cuddling position with remus’ long, fluffy wolf tail wrapped around y/n’s legs tucking her in a sweet embrace. sirius was in complete shock. no one had ever seen remus in this state during a full moon transformation. sirius decided to shrug this feeling off, grabbed his pillow and walked back downstairs to the common room. 
          the beautiful, morning sun shone down on y/n, waking her up. she opened her eyes to see remus’ hard, shirtless and human chest. she looked up at remus’ face. he was already awake, reading a book. she was confused, she didn’t remember sleeping in remus’ bed. and especially with him. 
          “remmy?” y/n yawned
          “morning y/n” remus whispered sweetly
          “why am i in your bed?” she said, sitting up and leaning on the head board
          “you said that you would sleep in james’ bed but it was full of his dirty laundry, sirius’ bed had a lot of dog hair and you just didn’t want to sleep in peter’s bed so i let you sleep in mine.” remus explained
          “with you?” 
          “oh, i was sleeping on the floor but in the middle of the night i heard people talking so i got in bed too” remus said
          “oh.. okay..” 
          “y’know, you’re really cute when you’re asleep” remus teased
          “shut up! i probably snored all night!” y/n muttered
          “you didn’t, you were really peaceful” 
          “whatever” y/n rolled her eyes, leaning on remus’ shoulder to see what he was reading. it was a book on the wolfsbane potion. “oh, that potion.”
          “yeah, it really helped me last night. if i hadn’t taken it, you’d be dead by now” remus chuckled, half joking and half truthful. y/n laughed along too. 
          james, sirius and peter came walking into the dorm to put away their sleeping bags and pillows. 
          “had a good sleep?” sirius said, walking over to his bed. james stopped and stared as soon as he entered the doorway.
          “why the f**k are you two in the same bed?” james snapped
          “it’s not what it looks like, we’re best friends, james” y/n says, insulted by what her brother thought she was doing. she got out of remus’ bed and leaned against the bedpost.  “plus, your bed smells horrible! smells worse than when i use the toilet after you at home!” y/n teased
          “shut up!” james said, embarrassed. y/n and sirius laughed. 
          “so, hogsmeade weekend! you guys going?” peter asked, plopping himself down on his bed. 
          “of course! can’t pass up the chance to go buy lollies! probably even steal some too! you up for it pads?” james asked
          “duh!” sirius playfully added
          “well i better get dressed, meet in the common room?” y/n asked. the marauders nodded and waved y/n goodbye as she walked out of the dorm room.
          after she got dressed, she waited in the common room along with lily and marlene. lily and marlene were fangirling over their halloween costumes while y/n was reading a book on potions. the marauders came walking down the stairs from the boys dormitories. the first thing she noticed was james and sirius, doing idiotic stuff like always, so she just rolled her eyes. behind them was remus, wearing his chaotic academia clothes like always. y/n got up and walked towards him. 
          “that sweater is adorable remmy!!” y/n exclaimed. remus slightly blushed.
          “oh.. thanks y/n..” remus said, flustered. 
          “no worries! should we go now?” y/n suggested. remus nodded softly.
          they arrived at hogsmeade, they could see the three broomsticks, zonkos joke shop and honeydukes were decorated ready for halloween. they saw james, sirius and peter run into the three broomsticks and lily and marlene ran into a new thrift store. it was just remus and y/n. 
          “where do you wanna go?” y/n asked remus
          “there’s a new crystal shop i’d like to visit..” remus uttered softly
          “okay!” y/n said sweetly, grabbing remus’ hand and gently jogging to the crystal shop he was talking about. 
          they stopped at a clean shop with a big sign above the entrance that said ‘crystal clear’. y/n knew how much remus liked crystals, especially sparkly ones. on holidays james would visit remus at his house and y/n would tag along. back at remus’ house, he has a whole display cabinet for his crystals. they walked into the store, still hand in hand. y/n looked at remus’ face, which was happier than she had seen in a while. he let go of her hand to look at some cat - shaped crystals. she could tell by the expression on his face that he was in awe. like the feeling when you walk into a shop where they have all the things you love. y/n herself was looking around at the crystals. she saw a wolf - shaped crystal. it was so pretty and it captured the beauty of a real wolf. it reminded her of remus, and the night she spent with him in his wolf form. a tingly feeling crossed her heart. she thought.. was this feeling.. love? no, it couldn’t be, he was her best friend. she went to the counter, where remus had 6 crystals laid on the counter. 
          “i can buy that for you if you want” remus said, digging through his pockets.
          “oh.. it’s okay, you don’t need to” y/n smiled
          “please? i owe you, you could have died last night.” remus pleaded. y/n placed the wolf - shaped crystal on the counter along with his crystals replying ‘finee’. 
          they were chilling under a tree, eating lollies from honeydukes, chatting and laughing together. gummies, lollipops, bertie bots every flavour beans, chocolate frogs, the list goes on and on. 
          “why did you get a wolf crystal?” remus suddenly questioned
          “because it reminds me of my best friend” she half-lied. it did remind her of her best friend, but it also reminded her of her tiny crush on him. but she thought it was too cringy to say, and too risky as well. remus laughed.
          “same reason i got this” remus chuckled, reaching into his hand-painted tote-bag and pulls out a pink, transparent heart crystal. “reminds me of you because you look really good in pink and your heart is nice and kind.. also because… i kinda like you..” remus’ face went pink. he stared at the ground to avoid embarrassment.
          “remmy..” y/n breathed “i keep on trying to deny this feeling too..” 
          “y/n, we’re best friends, and we’re extremely close.. do you.. maybe wanna be my girlfriend?” remus asked shyly. y/n’s smile grew wide but didn’t want to be awkward. she quickly thought of how to say ‘yes’ without over - doing it. 
          “i’d love to be your girlfriend remmy!” she said, trying to contain her smile.
          that starry night, the marauders all met in the three broomsticks to have some butterbeer or pumpkin juice together. remus and y/n decided not to tell them just yet, after all, they’d only been dating for a few hours. sirius and peter were laughing at embarrassed james who was drinking his butterbeer, ashamed of himself.
          “hey! why are you laughing at james?” y/n asked
          “he tried to ask lily out but got rejected in front of all her friends” sirius teased
          “the poor guy, don’t laugh at him” remus said
          “yeah guys! don’t laugh! it’s not funny!” james said, staring at the floor
          “you guys are just jealous ‘cause you don’t have anyone to ask out” y/n snapped. sirius and peter stopped laughing. 
          “and what about you, still single always reading your stupid book in the corner of the common room every night” sirius replied back.
          “at least i’m doing something useful, you probably just stay in your dorm isolating yourself from everyone else!” y/n teased. remus spoke up.
          “plus, pads, she’s not single” remus proudly added
          “oh yeah? who’s she dating then moony?” sirius said, not expecting an answer
that word caused silence around the table. y/n’s face went pink and she drank her butterbeer. 
          “really?” james said in a fangirling voice. remus nodded proudly.
          “well.. i stand corrected, congrats guys” sirius muttered, embarrassed that he was wrong. he was used to being right all the time. 
          “oh shut up sirius, you’re just jealous because no one likes you” y/n bragged playfully. sirius rolled his eyes. 
          “whatever” he shrugged his shoulders.
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brokenmusicboxwolfe · 27 days
Oven repair still isn’t going well. I just can’t seem to get those two damn screws out. Excuse me I ramble/vent/moan/bore about things. (I am waiting a few minutes for some WD-40 to soak into rust, and the farmer sprayed the fields, AGAIN, an hour ago so I can’t go outside. I could do something useful, even with these grungy hands , or I could….)
I’ve had to stop working on the computer and the rest the tech issues. Which had already stopped my working in plumbing. Which had stoped me working on the roof. Which had stopped me working on the kitchen floor and wall at Mom’s house. Which had stopped me from working on the floors at my house. Which had stopped me working on….
So why the stove gets top priority?
Because, damn it, I like to have bread! I have toast every morning. Toast with cheese and fruit. That’s almost every breakfast. I count on having bread! **
And there is the mac and cheese I was going to fix to eat on for a week. And that sweet potato I was going to use last night. And the crust for the grape juice pie I was going to make in a couple weeks to use up juice (cluttering up the fridge) that I made from those fox grapes. And the bagels I’ve been craving**** I was going to make once I used up the bread. And roasting some of the peanuts from the field when they get harvested. And pumpkins and their seeds at Halloween. And turkey at the holidays. And cookies! And…
Okay, I also just like baking. I’m good at baking. Baking is so easy. And yummy.
I dunno. I can survive without an oven and a stove with a burner that goes full volcanic on low, but do I want to?
I have had my life’s pleasures whittled away from me. Like, at first it was just no trips or going out to eat. Fine. But then it was no going to the movies. No going to bookstores. Dropping all my comics and magazines. No buying books, or DVDs, or even little treats. No buying shrimp when the ground chicken is cheaper. No new clothes when I still have my parents’. No getting an internet provider good enough to watch videos all the time. No new sculpey or paints!!!
No family goes without saying.
And it isn’t just normal decay, with poverty (and the neglect that can lead to) speeding things up. Worse, thieves and vandals have repeatedly shown up lately to wreck my, already held together with duct tape, world.
Ok, yes, I have a few things left I get to enjoy. I’ve still got the pool (I almost refilled it after repairing the storm damage, but damn it’s cold) and the woods (when I get time, and the swamp is going dry again…gotta write about that sometime). And there are the animals, of course (but caring for them is soooo expensive). I appreciate my luck to have any of that.
But it all feel so precarious.
Any of them can be taken from me so fast. One tree can take out the pool, and sooner or later one will. Or maybe I will get so I physically can’t clean it any more first. The person that owns a quarter share of the farm and woods can still cause me to lose my woods. As it is, the people that own the next property seem to have it in for the swamp. The pets will all die eventually (old age I hope!) , and I should want no more strays show up. I’ve reached the “Oh no!!! Not another one!” stage every time a new one shows up.
As it is, I never go anywhere. I never do anything fun. I can’t buy things. I have no social life or any way to get one. Everything is broken or breaking around me.
My cooking may not be fancy, and I’m not a fan of the actual process of cooking, but having something yummy to look forward to eating at the end of the day has been something I counted on. During a day working on repairing, cleaning, or cutting brush, knowing I have leftover pizza in the fridge or that I can always make myself oven fries as a treat or that I’ll have brownies for dessert makes it easier to keep shoving through pain.
Ah well, it’s out of my hands. The problem will either be something I can afford to fix or it won’t. I’ll just have to adapt if it turns out to be “won’t”.
But first I have to get those damn screws out!
(Wanders off to go get a hack saw, chisel, hammer, drill, crowbar, and dynamite….’cause those suckers are coming out!!)
** I have no taste for store bought anymore. Mom went from occasionally making bread to making all our bread (when Pop developed stomach issues) thirty years ago. Then when Mom injured her arm*** in the shop, maybe fifteen years ago, I took over. After all those years of home made, when I’ve had folks give me store bought I realized I kinda hate it. So it isn’t just the cost of buying bread from a store (when every penny counts) but I don’t actually like it.
***Long story. Dislocated shoulder. Screw up by hospital folks. Mom with a completely paralyzed arm for six full months. Docs could do nothing but wait and see if it came back, and luckily it did.
**** If you think I hate store bought bread, the bagels are worse. I never liked bagels until I tasted properly made ones at a shop near my brother’s. It was a revelation. Too bad the shop is over 100miles away! There are NO bagels but grocery store plastic bag ones in my damn county. So it’s homemade or nothin’.
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casbeeminestiel · 2 years
Day 3: Digital
Jack pops into Sam’s room abruptly, completely engrossed with the Nintendo Switch in his hands. Sam sits up with a yell, prompting Eileen to startle and smack him in the face with a sleepy hand. The kid seems to realize his manners a second too late and shoots a sheepish look at Sam.
“Jack, remember what I said about knocking?” Sam pinches the bridge of his nose, blearily checking the alarm clock on his nightstand to discover it’s 7:00 AM. 
Eileen raises her tousled head from where it was soundly buried in her pillow, squinting at Jack and offering him a quickly signed hello before falling right back into the blankets. Sam can’t help the smile that grows on his face despite his exhaustion. They were up late last night scheming… among other things.
“Sorry! I meant to appear in the kitchen, but I was distracted by my game.” Sam wants to be mad, he really does. But Jack is a good one.
“Maybe uh, don’t fly and game at the same time, yeah?”
Jack nods firmly. He gets that from Cas, that same cruciality with which he takes to everything. Something as silly as this is treated with the same consideration that a life or death mission is.
“What made you so distracted anyways?” Sam thinks he might as well catch up with Jack since he’s certainly not catching up on sleep anymore. Eileen on the other hand- Sam absently brushes a stray hair out of his fiance’s face and envies her ability to return to her slumber so readily.
“Oh! Well, I’m playing Animal Crossing. See?” He tilts the screen around to show Sam. “I was just fishing in the game, and I found it very peaceful. Dean and I went fishing once, remember? Anyways, I went to his room first to show him, but he and C- he was sleeping, so I tried to go to the kitchen. But then I ended up here!”
Sam bites the inside of his cheek, knowing fully well that Cas ended up in Dean’s room last night. He wants to tell Jack that his secret is not as much of a secret as he thinks, but he decides to let it slide under the radar. He still wants to let Dean take his time with this one.
For now, he settles for asking Jack more questions about his game until Eileen wakes up again and asks what’s for breakfast.
The three of them make their way to the kitchen, Jack chattering away about his adventures for the past few weeks. He’s been making the rounds with Jody, Donna, and the girls as well as Amara and Rowena. When he’s not with them, he’s been doing cool stuff like spending a day under the ocean with a pod of dolphins (he rescued a calf from a fishing net and befriended the group) or bowling with a biker gang in Baton-Rouge (“Terri-May looks scary, Sam, but she actually is very nice”).
Sam doesn’t even pretend he isn’t fascinated by Jack’s adventures. The kid just seems to make friends wherever he goes. He has that effect on people, apparently. And the way he approaches life, all genuine curiosity and an undaunted kind of love for the bizarre, reminds Sam that this is what they fought for.
He lets Eileen take over some of the conversation as he makes pancakes and coffee for them, though he still listens and offers input every now and again. He watches the two sign back and forth in glances while he stirs the batter, mentally rattling off his breakdown of breakfast the whole time.
Pumpkin pancakes for Dean, Jack, and Eileen, and banana pancakes for me and Cas. Coffee, black for Dean and I. Two sugars for Eileen. Honey for Cas. Apple juice for Jack. Bacon for everyone but me, and an extra piece for Eileen. Fruit on the side for all of us. 
Like clockwork, Dean and Cas wander into the kitchen as soon as he slides the last pancake onto a plate and spoons some sliced strawberries to the side.
“Mornin’ everybody.” Dean is more free of tension than Sam has seen him in years, loose-limbed and wrapped tightly in his beloved dead guy robe. He won’t think of the implications, but he does leave a mental note of gratitude for Cas, who looks as equally pleased with life this morning as Dean does. Their hands aren’t quite brushing, but it’s a close thing.
Cas spots Jack and makes a quick detour to hug him on his way around the table. Jack reciprocates instantly in an embrace that absolutely no one would mistake for anything other than a son hugging his father. If Sam catches Dean’s fond smile at the two of them, he doesn’t mention it.
“I missed you, Jack.”
“Missed you too.” Jack steps back and addresses Dean, “And I missed you.”
It takes all of two seconds for Dean to break. “Shit, bring it in, kiddo.”
Dean wraps his arms around Jack tight. Sam knows his brother has a complicated history with the kid, but he also knows his brother too well to think he doesn’t love Jack like family. Dean will spend the rest of his life making up for his past mistakes with the boy he considers his own. That determination to make things right is one of Dean’s best qualities.
The thought almost makes Sam forget about the corn maze retribution plan he’s hatching with Eileen. 
Almost, but not quite.
He thinks about it some more as he eats his pancakes and enjoys the casual domesticity of their makeshift family, pretending he doesn’t know Cas has a hand on Dean’s thigh beneath the table. Turns over scenarios and logistics in his mind between bites of strawberry, drinks revenge in with his coffee.
Jack’s digital mishap this morning may have given him a wonderful, horrible idea. 
Dean, he thinks, enjoy your peace and quiet now, man.
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an-ecu-harrypotter-au · 5 months
TPS Part 8: Visions And Vines
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Ah wake up in the mornin after a bad dream. Ah gotta tell Jacklin bout it but Ah also gotta make sure Ah know wha's happened. Ah'm sittin wit 'er fer breakfast an see she's done talkin.
"Jacklin. Ah got somethin Ah gotta tell ya."
"What is it, Toby?"
Ah take a breath cause Ah know she probly ain't gonna believe me on this.
"You'll believe me right?"
"If it's something that's so bad that it could affect the other students then yes. Headmaster Dumbledore would have to know if the school could be in danger."
"If Ah tell ya Ah dunno if it could affect the other students, would ya still wanna know?"
"Yes, Toby. If it's that bad you need to tell me."
Ah jus' whisper it cause even though Ah don’t wanna look at Jacklin Ah gotta tell 'er.
"Dumbledore's gonna die."
"Did you see anything like a flash of green or anyone's face, Toby?"
"Ah saw a big flash of green, yeah."
Ah remember seein' a big flash a green an' then nothin'. Ah don’t remember seein' no actual faces.
"That's the killing curse. Someone's going to kill the Headmaster."
"But Jacklin, Ah don't… Ah don' want anyone ta die. And Ah don' want anyone ta know tha Ah saw this… this…"
Ah feel tha tears an' Ah just wanna hide mah head. But Jacklin lifts mah chin an' makes me look at 'er.
"I know that you don't want anyone to die. You have this ability and you don't know how to control it. Professor Trelawney might be able to help you have clearer visions so you can have a better chance of doing something about them."
Ah wanna believe 'er but Ah don’t really wanna take the risk. Ah don’t wanna see anythin’ like it agin.
"Am Ah… am Ah… am Ah a bad person, Jacklin?"
"No. You remember when I talked about what it means to be a Seer right?"
"Yeah. Ya gotta have some kinda inner eye ta see inta the future. Can't always control what they see an when. But Ah still all weird round here."
Ah start rubbin the space in between mah eyes. Ah can feel mahself gettin fuzzy till Ah shake mah head.
"You should have a drink of pumpkin juice, Toby. You look pale and need the sugar to feel better."
Ah take a sip a juice. Ah start hummin' a song till Ah see Jacklin lookin at me.
"Is that a popular human song where you're from?"
"It's called "Home, Home On The Range". Ah dunno if it's real popular though."
"On the range of what?"
"It's a place wit a big ol' sky an a lotta grass an a lotta animals."
"That would explain why I never heard of that term. We don't have that in the UK."
Ah forget bout hummin' an Ah feel like Ah'd really like ta go home, but Ah know it ain't ok ta leave fer home yet.
"Do you know where Charms class is, Toby?"
"No, Ah was gonna follow ya ta class."
"Oh. That's alright. This year, the classroom is in the South Tower in Class 99. We need to go all the way up to the 7th floor and go right to use the stairs going up the tower."
Ah follow Jacklin an we start headin' fer the stairs. We end up on the 3rd floor.
"Oh dear we're lost. We need to go into Charms corridor to find Professor Flitwick's office."
"Ah thought Dumbledore said we ain't allowed here."
"I know, Toby. But at least if we can find Professor Flitwick we can get figure out how the way to get class."
Ah look over at the ceilin an floor tha's all carved stone an' all the walls an' windows have paintin's on 'em. Ah wonder how this place would look, if Ah was a ghost.
"I hope this is Professor Flitwick's office so he can help us."
Ah look over an see Jacklin's at a door. Ah decide ta jus push the door open. There's this real big 3 headed dog an he's lookin mean.
"Bark! Bark! Bark!"
We get outta the room's fast as we can.
"What on earth was that!?"
Ah look over at Jacklin an Ah feel a little sorry bout somehow knowin somethin she don't.
"Oh, yeah, tha's Fluffy, the guard dog."
"How do you know that?"
"Ah dunno. Somethin in mah gut tol me Jacklin."
Ah don't know why Ah said that. Girls usually don't like talkin bout guts.
"Strange they got a big ol dog stuck up in that room though."
"There was a trap door so it must be guarding something."
We manage ta get back on track when Ah get an idea.
"Jacklin... Ah think Ah got somethin."
"What do you think it is?"
"Ah think that trap door's there ta hide the Philosfer's Stone."
"How do you know what the Philosopher's Stone is?"
"Well, Ah dunno fer sure, but mah gut's jus tellin me that."
Ah start followin’ Jacklin agin up the next flight a stairs. Ah wonder wha's gonna happen in there.
"There it is, Toby. I see Professor Flitwick by the door."
Ah look at Flitwick an’ Ah feel like Ah’ve seen him before. Jacklin starts makin’ her way inside tha room.
"Good morning, Professor Flitwick. I'm Jacklin Gryffindor."
"Well, it's lovely to meet you, Miss Gryffindor. It really is an honor to have you in my class."
Ah walk in with Jacklin an’ fer once we ain't sittin tagether. Ah ain't too upset bout it cause Jacklin's still close by.
"Everyone be seated so we can start today's lesson. Now I want everyone to present your wands."
Ah look at Flitwick. He looks like a squirrel with the way his eyes dart back an forth. Ah pull mah wand out an Ah hope Flitwick don't notice mah wand's different.
"Now today we will be going over how your wand type will affect your ability to perform charms. After all each wand has a unique skillset to reflect the parts that were used to make it. However, I personally believe that with a lot of practice anyone can pass my class even if their wand isn't meant for charms."
Ah pay close attention cause even though Ah know mah wand's fer nature type a magic, maybe there's a real good job Ah can do one day.
Time Skip
Flitwick gets ta a list a different jobs we can do based on what we specialize in. Ah'm real excited now cause Ah wanna get somethin Ah'm good at.
"Mr. Kwimper and some of you have wands that indicate strong connections with people and nature. That of course translates very well with Potions and Herbology which are very important elements of Healing magic. However to be a Healer you also need to excel in Charms, Transfiguration and Defence Against the Dark Arts."
Ah start ta feel a lil discouraged. Bein a Healer sounds good but Ah dunno if Ah'm gonna be good nough ta be one.
"Therefore if any of you feel that being a Healer is right for you, I want you all to use that passion to fuel you when you study. You may not be the best duelists if you have a unicorn hair core, but it is the connections with people and nature that make for great Healers."
Ah look at mah wand an Ah notice it's a real good-lookin’ wand. Ah feel better bout not bein able ta do everythang. Ah wanna be a Healer an help people. Flitwick sayin Ah might have a chance's good nough fer me.
"For Thursday, I want you all to practice the spells listed in Chapter 1: An Introduction to Charms. You will all demonstrate these spells in class. You're all dismissed."
Ah pack up mah stuff an Ah just start followin' Jacklin down tha hall. She's leadin’ me somewhere an Ah don't wanna be left behind.
"Let me see now. Class 72 should be somewhere along this corridor."
"Class 72?"
"Yes, it’s where we have to go for History of Magic."
Ah follow her down a long, dark corridor. It’s real spooky walkin' alone in tha coldness an’ darkness. But Jacklin’s in front a me an she ain’t even scared, so Ah follow 'er.
"We ain’t gonna fall asleep, are we, Jacklin?"
"Of course not. Professor Binns is a ghost. A ghost teacher would be too exciting for students like you who haven't been around them. Besides history is actually a fascinating subject that talks about not just wizard history, but other magical creatures."
"Yeah. Ah guess so. Ah’m jus' wonderin’ wha tha Binns ghost might look like."
"He died before 1890 so he's going to look very different than a typical old man."
"He’s not a meanie, is he?"
"I don't believe he would be. Headmaster Dumbledore wouldn't have a professor teaching something they're not good at."
We sit down an the bell rings. Binns' ghost comes right through a blackboard. Me an a couple other kids get all scared.
"Hello. It is I, Professor Binns again. For the first class I will begin with… the early origin… of witches and wizards. In the UK.... Ollivanders..... was founded after the.... Roman conquest of Britain... in the year... 43."
Ah start ta realize it's gonna be much harder ta stay awake than Ah thought.
Time Skip
"Alright, Toby. We're done with classes for today."
Ah’m so sleepy Ah can barely walk.
"Are you having a vision, Toby?"
"Nah. But Ah still dunno why Ah keep seein Dumbledore dyin."
"What did you see?"
"Some guy in black usin a green flash an then he's fallin off a tower."
Ah feel tears comin' inta mah eyes as it seems like no one can help me, an’ Ah'm gonna have ta find out the hard way.
"We have the rest of the day to ourselves. I think it’s important to try to rest."
Ah'm so scared like Ah got Spiderman instincts that Ah jus start runnin ta mah dorm room.
"Don’t run in the corridors. You’re going to get hurt."
Ah turn round an Ah see tha prefect comin' towards me. Ah’m not really tryin' ta run, but Ah’m still shakin’ real bad. Ah'm startin ta cry.
"Come now, come now. What has you all in a tizzy?"
"Ah've been seein scary thangs bout people gettin hurt. Ah dunno what ta do!"
"In that case I’ll escort you to Professor Trelawney. She'll know how to tend to you."
Ah sniffle a little as mah prefect puts his arm round mah shoulders. Ah hope Professor Trelawney can help me... or at least tell me what is happenin’ to me.
Time Skip
Ah don't remember wha happened but Ah somehow managed ta get back ta mah dorm an sleep like the dead. It's mornin when Ah wake up feelin really hungry.
Trevor ribbits an Ah smile a lil.
"Awright Trevor Ah'll get yer eats. Ah know ya like wormies so Ah'll get ya a wormy. There ya go lil buddy."
Trevor stops eatin' ta look at me. Trevor looks all happy. Ah pet him very gently an’ he croaks his thanks.
"Ah'm gonna go an get somethin ta eat mahself."
Ah head ta tha Great Hall ta eat breakfast an feel somethin in mah pocket.
"Ooh Ah got a chocolate bar."
Ah chew slowly an' start hummin' while Ah chew. Ah make mah way ta the Great Hall an Ah see Jacklin wit 'er white hair.
"Hey, Jacklin!"
"Are you feeling better, Toby?"
"Uh huh."
"That's very nice to hear."
Ah finish mah chocolate bar an get mahself some hash browns an pancakes.
"I can only imagine how hungry you're feeling given that you missed lunch and dinner yesterday."
Ah eat some hash browns first, cause Ah think they might get cold before Ah can eat ‘em later. Then Ah start on some pancakes. Ah look over ta Jacklin an’ Ah see that she's startin’ ta stare at mah belly.
"How are you able to eat so much? Are you having a growth spurt, Toby?"
"Tha’d be really good if Ah was! Maybe Ah could finally grow some more inches."
Ah look real embarrassed now, 'cause Ah'm sure Ah have a lotta food in mah stomach even if Ah don't realize it.
"Ah ain’t fat, am Ah?"
"No. You need to have fat tissue to help you grow. Especially if you’re having a growth spurt."
"Taller's not normal fer me though. How tall do ya figure Ah might get?"
"It’s possible for you to be 6 feet tall. You might be the type of boy who grows into someone with a lot muscles and all the girls would want to date you."
Ah start blushin an get all embarrassed.
"Why'd ya gotta be bringin girls inta this? Ah don't wanna be bothered by a lotta girls who only like mah looks then say Ah'm a dummy."
"Oh don't be embarrassed, Toby. You never know how puberty will change how we look. I think if you do grow up to be tall and handsome, any girl who's worth being your friend would never make fun of you."
Ah smile a lil. Jacklin's real good at makin me feel good bout mahself. Ah try ta think bout what'll if happen when Ah do grow up. Ah still ain't so sure bout the handsome part, but Ah can see mahself as bein tall.
"Maybe puberty ain't gonna be scary as Ah thought."
The bell starts ringin.
"Awright time ta go ta Potions."
Time Skip
"For Friday, I want a 2 inch scroll about the Hair-Raising Potion. You may leave now."
Ah walk wit Jacklin as we all move on ta Herbology.
"Ya wanna know somethin, Jacklin?"
"What is it, Toby?"
"Today, there'll be a problem wit some a the plants that'll keep us out a class. Sprout'll want us ta help an Ah'll be able ta see Pacer agin."
"I see. If your vision is right, then we should see her trying to clear up an out of control plant. I already know that we have Herbology with Hufflepuff so you're right about seeing your friend again"
Ah get a lil happy bout that. Ah hope Pacer likes Herbology so we can work wit Sprout tagether.
"Whoa! Careful, Toby!"
Ah stop ta see a weird black type a plant's kinda slitherin round on the ground.
"That's Devil's Snare. Professor Sprout is trying to control it."
"Don't get any closer, dears. Devil's Snare coils up when you touch it. Use the Fire-Making spell to draw it back inside."
"Yes, Professor Sprout."
Ah have ta pay attention ta what Jacklin says cause Ah don't wanna mess up the spell.
Ah see fire come outta Jacklin's wand an' Ah what ta do now.
After a few minutes we get the Devil's Snare's under control. Professor Sprout smiles at us.
"Well done, dears! 10 points to Gryffindor each."
Ah look at Jacklin's smilin' face, an' Ah can't help but grin a little.
"The rest of your class is here. Just in time."
Ah look an see Pacer wit the Hufflepuffs. Ah go on up ta him.
"Pacer hi!"
"Hello, Toby. Vhat did you do for da professor?"
"Me an Jacklin helped 'er get some Devil's Snare back inside the greenhouse. Ah ain't ever worked wit that type a plant before but Ah like workin gardens so Ah think Ah'm gonna like this class. How about you?"
"Oh yes my moder has a greenhouse for a lot of medicinal plants. Dat is because she vorks vith my fader in running our family apotecary."
Ah try ta imagine a greenhouse tha's bout as big as this one. A real young Pacer helpin his parents wit different plants like ginger an lavender.
"I have to go sit vith my class. It vas nice talking vith you, Toby."
Ah wave bye ta him an get settled next ta Jacklin. Ah'm real curious about what'll come next.
"As you can see dearies, this is Devil's Snare. You must take very good care of yourselves when handling this. Given that they are sensitive to light all of the windows are of course open."
Time Skip
"Can I talk vith you Professor Sprout?"
"Ah gotta ask ya somethin ma'am."
Me an Pacer go up ta Sprout at the same time when class ends. Pacer got ta 'er first so Ah let 'em speak first.
"I vas vondering if you vant any students helping you."
"And do you want to ask me the same thing Mr. Kwimper?"
Ah nod at 'er cause even witout the House points Ah wanna be part a somethin Ah'm good at.
"How thoughtful dearies! Mr. Kwimper you already helped enough for today. I'll ask you if you can help after one of my lectures when I'm ready. If you have a free period Mr. Burton, I would love your help trimming some dittany."
"Yes Professor Sprout. My moder asked me to do dat before in her own greenhouse."
Ah wave bye ta Pacer an go back ta mah dorm room. Ah need a lil nap before Ah work on mah scroll wit Jacklin.
Time Skip
"Uh, Jacklin, can Ah ask ya somethin'?"
"Of course, Toby."
"Ya say a lotta wizards fly a broom cause we gotta learn ta fly 1st year but somethin bout it don't make sense. Why can't yer dad jus pick up yer letters himself?"
"My father is always traveling so it wouldn't be practical for him to constantly travel to Hogwarts. Flying from say France to Scotland would take way too long if this was an emergency. Also depending on where you are, humans can easily see you fly on a broom which is against our laws meant to keep magic a secret. That's why I was told by my father to send all of my letters to Gryffindor Manor. Mother sends them to where ever he is once she gets them."
"But what if yer awready at home? Can't ya magic yer letters ta him?"
She looks at me an Ah hope Ah ain't bein a dummy.
"Wizards under the age of 17 can't do magic outside of school. We all have the Trace which specifically goes off if we willingly perform it. I can't use a spell to send them until the Trace disappears on my 17th birthday at midnight."
"Oh. Ok."
Time Skip
"Of course Slytherin is joining us for this class."
"And tha's bad somehow?"
"Well.... I'm just concerned that there are some in Slytherin that won't be as friendly with you about your condition. I don't know that for sure but it's a concern."
Ah look who Ah'm gonna have ta spend the day wit an' Ah can't help but sigh. Ah've been lookin forward ta the first lesson.
"Everyone line up! My name is Madam Hooch and today we will learn the basics of broom control."
Ah line up in front a mah broom.
"I want you all to raise your hand over your broom and say "Up" with authority."
Ah follow Hooch's directions an' raise mah hand.
"Up! Up! Up!"
Mah broom don't move.
Jacklin's broom goes ta 'er on the first try.
"Up please!"
Sayin please worked an Ah'm real happy bout it.
"Well done, Mr. Kwimper."
After a few minutes everybody's got their brooms. Madam Hooch pulls out 'er whistle.
"Now mount your brooms and keep steady. Rise a few feet, and then come straight back down by leaning forward slightly."
Ah get on mah broom an even though it's like ridin a horse Ah'm real nervous. Ah can't stop thinkin' how high Ah might fall from.
"Now give your broom a nice kick."
Ah look round fer a second, sighin. Ah give mah broom the best kick Ah can. The broom flies a little too high.
"Mr. Kwimper?"
Ah keep tryna make it fly down. Mah feet are startin’ ta shake. Ah keep thinkin bout fallin. Ah feel like Ah’m gonna pass out cause Ah can't stop mah broom.
"Mr. Kwimper!"
Ah faint an Ah dunno wha happened next.
Jacklin's POV
"Ahhhhh! He's falling!"
Some girls scream as I watch Toby fall. I instinctively swoop down and catch him with my broomstick. While it is impressive of me to handle the extra weight, my flying is so sloppy it was all I could do to land without crashing. My fellow Gryffindors cheer for me while some of the Slytherins laugh at Toby.
"Bloody hell did you see that catch?! She's amazing!"
"Ha! Kwimper went and got himself sick!
Madam Hooch comes up to us.
"Miss Gryffindor, I’m taking you to Professor McGonagall. I have never seen such skill from a first year. 50 points to Gryffindor for your heroism."
"Thank you, Madam Hooch. I hope Toby will be alright."
She looks at Toby shaking her head and starts to carry him.
"This boy certainly isn't meant for flying. I'll have to discuss this with the Headmaster."
I follow Madam Hooch as she brings you to the Hospital Wing.
"Madam Pomfrey please attend to Mr. Kwimper. He's come down with a bizarre case of motion sickness. Either that or a severe case of acrophobia."
"I see. Set him down on the cot there."
I watch as Madam Hooch lays Toby down on a cot.
"Come along now Miss Gryffindor. I'm sure Professor McGonagall would be very pleased to hear the news."
I leave the Hospital Wing hoping Toby will be alright.
"Madam Hooch may I ask what you wanted to ask Professor McGonagall?"
"Of course dear. I believe you have a strong instinct for flying and such skill must be developed. Your flying ability while still sloppy, is far more advanced than a first year student."
I follow her to Professor McGonagall's office.
"Excuse me, Professor McGonagall."
"Yes Madam Hooch, what is it?"
"Due to the specific nature of my recent class, I believe Miss Gryffindor would be eligible to tryout for your Quidditch team."
Professor McGonagall looks up from her papers.
"And what exactly has Miss Gryffindor demonstrated?"
"She was able to successfully dive to save Mr. Kwimper when he lost control of his broom. Despite the sudden weight she was able to land without crashing."
She raises an eyebrow.
"I see. I will consult with Headmaster Dumbledore about whether an exception can be made. At the very least we will have to determine if it would be possible to for her to take an elective in place of Flying."
"Thank you professor. And now Miss Gryffindor I'm willing to let you skip this class for today. You may make use of your free time as you wish."
I nod as I go back to the Hospital Wing.
Toby's POV
Ah get a few hours sleep an' try ta not feel like Ah'm a failure. Ah couldn't even fly a lil without faintin. Ah feel like Ah jus don't belong.
"Are you feeling better, Toby?"
"Yeah, Ah kinda just wanna forget 'bout it, but Ah guess Ah can't do that even if Ah wanted ta."
"I know. Madam Hooch was concerned that you were looking sick and out of control. When you fell off your broom I swooped down on my broom to catch you before you hit the ground."
"Why’d you do that? Why not jus' let me fall? Why go through the trouble?"
Ah can't understand why she had ta make me feel more barrassed by doin' somethin good fer me. Jus when Ah thought she was gonna call me a dummy, she goes an starts bein’ nice ta me.
"Toby if I let you fall, then you would have died. You were falling head first at a dangerous height. I merely acted on pure instinct."
"Yeah. Yer right. Maybe Ah'm worryin' too much. Things'll get better."
"Now I came here to tell you what Professor McGonagall had to say. Do you want to hear it?"
"Madam Hooch told her that I saved you by using an advanced level of skill on my broomstick. Even though it wasn't perfect, she was very impressed by ability to land without crashing."
"Madam Hooch then asked if she wanted me to try out for the Quidditch team as the youngest Seeker."
"Wha's Quidditch?"
"Well I’ll explain it to you at dinner. The point is that Professor McGonagall said yes!"
Ah smile fer her cause Ah know it makes 'er happy even though Ah don't get it.
"Jacklin do ya think Trevor's gonna be awright? Ah ain't fed 'em in a while."
"Don’t feel bad about not feeding Trevor, Toby. We have enough free time to go back up to our dorm room. I can feed him for you if you want."
Ah feel the hurt from not feedin’ mah froggie wash away instantly. She wants ta care 'em like 'er own pet. She ain't known us fer long an awready took Trevor inta her heart. Maybe things'll be alright after all.
Time Skip
A couple days pass an Ah follow Jacklin inta tha Great Hall fer breakfast.
"I heard from Headmaster Dumbledore, Toby."
"Oh what'd he say?"
"He accepted the request to let me try out for the Quidditch team and drop Flying as a class. Although, since we can't pick electives until our third year, I get to have an extra free period."
Mah eyes bug out cause Ah'm all excited.
"Wow! When do ya get ta try out fer the team?"
"I have to go to Quidditch tryouts after lunch today."
"Ah hope it goes well!"
Ah start eatin' an Ah look over at 'er.
"What kinda stuff do ya gotta do in Quidditch tryouts?"
"They might test my skills as a Seeker."
Ah think about why they have tryouts. An Ah wonder if anybody ever fails at somethin’ an doesn’t get on the Quidditch Team.
"Seekers need both a sharp eye and the ability to fly one- or no-handed. I'm only a first year so they probably want to test that. The Golden Snitch is very small so you need good vision. That's why it's worth 150 points. Even though it doesn't automatically win the game, it's still very important as it's harder to find compared to the Quaffle or a Bludger."
Ah nod ta her, but Ah'm still thinkin' bout what it'll be like ta fly without holdin' onta somethin'. Ah then realize Ah'd get all sick an probly faint agin.
"What kinda weather'd make it hard ta fly?"
"Rain. We would be flying high in the air up into the clouds so it would be difficult to see."
"What bout snow?"
"Yes since it only gets colder the higher up you fly. That can cause your movements to slow down."
"So what'd ya think's the best weather for it?"
"A day like today is great flying weather."
Time Skip
Jacklin comes back from tryouts an she's carryin' 'er Quidditch jersey. Ah smile, wonderin' if she got picked ta play.
"Uh, Jacklin, how’d tha tryouts go?"
"I got picked to join the team. I won’t exactly play any games right away but our current Seeker says he’ll help me train so I can come into the game in case he gets injured."
"That's great!"
Ah think she gets why Ah'm stimmin' cause Ah think Ah'm bout as excited as she is.
"We have open practice tomorrow at 1 pm so you can come over and see what real Quidditch looks like."
Ah smile real wide. Ah know Ah gotta go an see what a real Quidditch game's like.
"We have our first game in November so that only gives us 2 months to prepare."
"Wow! That's soon. Are ya worried?"
"No not at all. Everyone on the team have had at least a year of experience. I'm more concerned that I wouldn't be ready in time if our Seeker got injured. He's a seventh year so he would have a lot of skill that I simply wouldn't have yet."
Ah can't help but hope Jacklin'd be able ta get the hang of it real fast 'cause Ah wanna see her fly.
Time Skip
One day Ah get a strange vision that we’re playin’ some kind a game an Ah know Jacklin's a queen. One a the pieces got all smashed.
"Did you have a brief vision just now, Toby?"
"Well, uh, yeah, Ah did."
"What did you see?"
Ah'm a lil off after the vision but Ah can remember everythang Ah saw.
"Well, it was us, you an me, playin'... some kinda board game. One a the pieces got all smashed."
"Board game? What did the pieces look like?"
"There was magic black an white pieces. They moved bout the board over squares."
Ah see Jacklin start ta think.
"I think that's wizard's chess."
"Ok well we was on the black side an we had ta go over the board."
She nods an Ah think Ah did good at explainin this. She draws out the board an the pieces fer the game. She labels 'em all so Ah can understand it.
"What pieces were we?"
"Well ya were queen an Ah was takin the place of the missin horsy man beside ya."
"I see. The horsy man as you call it is the knight. In wizard’s chess the piece becomes destroyed when it’s captured."
"Oh ok."
Ah follow Jacklin down the hall an Ah realize it's leadin' ta the Hospital Wing. Ah get real sad an start ta think bout bein' the one ta take care a people. Ah hope that if Ah become a Healer, Ah won't ever get sick patients that're too far gone they die. Ah don't have that kinda strength.
"What are you thinking about Toby?"
"Ah got bit ahead a mahself an was thinkin bout bein a Healer. Ah'd be real sad if Ah ever got patients that ain't gonna get better. Cause that'd make me useless. An Ah don't wanna be useless."
Ah see Jacklin's givin me a look people give when they feel sorry fer ya. Ah don't like that look cause Ah don't wanna have people feelin sorry fer me.
"There are people at St. Mungo's who can't be cured but you can always be a Healer on a different floor, Toby. Only those who can't be cured live on the 4th floor."
Ah dunno how she does it but Ah feel a bit better bout thangs. Maybe it's cause a her Veela magic but Ah dunno fer sure.
"Thanks Jacklin. Ah'm feelin better now."
She smiles an Ah jus know no matter wha' happens it's all gonna be awright.
Tagging: @arrolyn1114, @nemos-rapture, @xanatenshi, @briefpandatimemachine, @hooked-on-elvis,
@vintagepresley, @aliengoth3, @smokeymountainboy, @bigdaddyelvislover, @mercsandmonsters,
@pledgingmylovee, @presleysgirl6, and @thetaoofzoe.
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incendio22 · 2 years
Pt 2 Chapter 2: A Familiar Face
As I walk up to the Slytherin table in the Great Hall for breakfast, I see her. Sitting in front of Sebastian. It's as if the shock paralyzes me. I stand still, looking at them and feeling completely unsure about how to react. Sebastian looks my way and gives me a confused look, which for some reason creeps under my skin. My brain seems completely unable to function, so I simply sit down at the other edge of the table as far away from them as possible.
I need to gasp for air quietly as I pour myself some pumpkin juice. The sight of Anne Sallow was a shock. I had no idea she was going back to Hogwarts. Of course I didn't see her before. Of course she didn't go to the party last evening. What baffles me, however, is the fact that Sebastian went to the party without her. Ominis sits down next to me.
''Did you hear that Anne is back?'' Ominis asks me in a low voice.
''I didn't hear it. But I just saw it,'' I say while glancing her way.
''To be honest, I'm not surprised,'' Ominis goes on. ''I mean, she's been unwell for a long time but it's only reasonable that she needs to finish her studies.''
''I guess so,'' I tell him. ''I was just surprised, though.''
''Have you spoken to Sebastian since before summer?'' he asks while having a sip of juice.
''No,'' I shake my head. ''I found a bunch of letters from him when I came back home.''
Ominis looks up at me with a confused face.
''What did they say?'' he asks, obviously eager for details.
''Just some fluff about how he was falling for me. But it doesn't matter,'' I tell him in a low voice as I shrug my shoulders. ''He wrote them throughout the year. So it's nothing new, exactly.''
''I mean,'' Ominis starts. ''If he really was falling for you, it would have mattered. But you're over him, so of course that means nothing now.''
I sit silently.
''You are over him, right?'' Ominis asks, as if he needs clarity in his previous statement.
I sit in silence for a moment. It was so easy to forget about him during summer, but with him across the room my heart makes me question if I really am over him. During summer I talked to other people, felt some flutters in my stomach but nothing compares to how he made me feel. I glance over at Sebastian quickly and notice that he's looking our way.
''Yeah,'' I lie to Ominis. ''Of course.''
''That didn't sound too convincing,'' Ominis laughs as he says it. ''If it helps you feel better, that man could live a million lives and still never be as good as you.''
''You're so stupid,'' I tell him jokingly. ''That didn't make me feel better. And you used to be friends, don't forget that. He was your best friend for a reason.''
''And there's also a reason he isn't,'' Ominis says promptly before he gets up and starts walking out of the Great Hall.
My first class of the day is History of Magic, which we are taking with Gryffindor. I notice Garreth looking my way and there is an empty seat next to him, but I head over to Natty and sit down.
''You recovered from last night?'' she says in a tired voice.
''Barely,'' I tell her. ''You look like you've had better days?''
''Better days, yes,'' she's laughing ''But no better night.''
Professor Binns enters the classroom and starts talking about the history of Azkaban. If I wasn't tired before, I was ready to sleep by now. The class feels like it lasts forever, but eventually it's over and I quickly leave the classroom. I feel someone walking close behind me, so I fasten my pace and head out to the courtyard. I still feel the person's presence.
''Y/n,'' the voice gives me chills running through my spine. It's Sebastian.
I freeze. It's like I'm unable to move. Why on earth is he trying to talk to me? I turn around.
''What do you want?'' I ask him in a cold tone.
''Please, can we talk?'' he asks in a sincere tone. His eyes are pleading.
''I think the air between us is pretty clear,'' I tell him and wave my hand between us to  gesticulate that there really is nothing to talk about. ''We have said all that needs to be said.''
He rolls his eyes slightly, pressing his palms together.
''Please,'' he begs.
I start walking away from him. He doesn't follow me, but I hear his voice behind me.
''I'll be waiting in the Undercroft.''
I keep walking with determined steps, trying to get away from him as quickly as possible. My entire body feels tense after just being in his presence. His voice is still lingering in my head, and whilst it's a comfort I just want to get rid of it. A part of me wants to meet him in the Undercroft, but my mind is telling me no. That I will only get hurt again. And I can't go through that again.
Having  heartache is a risk you take when you choose to love, I have always been well aware of that. But I also know that it's foolish to think that he wouldn't break my heart twice. After all, it seemed so easy for him to break it and walk away from what we had. Even if I love him, I won't let that cloud my judgement.
I spend the evening sitting in front of the window facing the Black Lake. It's getting late, so the common room is getting emptier by each second. It's quiet until someone walks up behind me.
''Y/n,'' I turn around to see Anne Sallow. Her voice is kind. ''I'm glad to see you.''
I always liked Anne, but right now it feels like too much to talk to her. Not because I have anything against her, but because she reminds me too much of Sebastian.
''I'm sorry about what happened to Ominis,'' she says in a low voice. ''He did the right thing, though. I'm just sad that he had to pay the price he did.''
I nod silently, avoiding her eye contact. She sits down next to me.
''Sebastian messed up,'' she says in a comforting voice. ''I don't want to make any excuses for him, not in any way, but he really misses you.''
''Good,'' I tell her in a short tone.
''Y/n,'' she says in a low voice. ''People make mistakes, I know that better than anyone. I know it takes time to heal, but what the two of you had was something real. Something rare.''
''Anne,'' I begin but stop myself as I feel the urge to say mean things bubble up. ''With all due respect, Sebastian broke my heart. He made me feel like the most special person in the entire world, just to leave me when I needed him most. And he made it look like I was easy to walk away from. I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I will ever let myself love like that again.''
She looks at me with kind eyes for a good moment. I feel as if she understands me, despite barely knowing me.
''I really get it,'' she says. ''And I'm not saying you should give him a second chance. I'm just saying that you should hear him out.''
We sit together for a long moment. In silence, we watch the lake and the creatures swimming around. I've gotten a bad habit of staying up too late, causing me to lose sleep. But I don't see the point in lying in bed if I can't sleep anyway. I decide to go for a walk in the castle.
I wander around the astronomy tower, exploring parts of the castle I have never seen before. Somehow I end up in the defence against the dark arts tower, facing the entrance to the Undercroft. I don't know how I got here, but I decide to go there. Since it's in the middle of the night, I just assume that Sebastian won't be there. He said he'd wait there, but given how easily he gave up on us I simply don't expect him to wait around for more than an hour. But there he is, sitting half asleep on the floor. He looks baffled when he sees me.
''I didn't think you'd come,'' he says with a worried look on his face.
''I didn't come for you,'' I tell him in a short tone.
I wander around the Undercroft, looking at the books lying around and the abandoned gobstones lying in a corner.
''I missed you,'' he says after some time in silence.
''That's unfortunate,'' I tell him as I glance his way. ''Please, save your tears. I don't want them.''
''I messed up, I know,'' he pleads. ''And I'm sorry, I really am. I was in a really bad place after all the things that went down with Ominis and I pushed you away. Please, forgive me.''
I stare at him. His eyes look as if they are begging and he looks genuinely sorry. It feels like a knife to my heart. All I want is to throw myself around him, to forgive him and go back to how it was. But my heart is fragile and I can't risk having it broken again.
''You really hurt me,'' I tell him whilst burning my eyes on him. ''And you know that if you would have tried to fix this sooner, I would have let you. But you waited all summer. Not a word. Please, tell me how I could ever trust you with my heart again.''
''I don't know,'' his words are barely audible. ''But for what it's worth. You've been on my mind so long that I can barely stand it anymore. And I torture myself with the memories.''
I can't stand to look at him. My heart is too soft for him because all it wants is for me to give in.
''Sebastian,'' I say firmly. ''I gave you everything I had. I loved you when you couldn't love yourself. I was there, for all of it. And if you only would've handled things a bit more maturely, we would have been fine. But you didn't. So I'm sorry, but I can't go back now. I need some time to heal this wound.''
He looks disappointed.
''I will wait for however long that takes,'' he looks into my eyes at me as he speaks. ''I'll wait and do my very best every single day to make you change your mind. And if you don't, then I'll accept that. But I swear on Merlin himself, I won't give up on us. Not this time. I'm not letting you go again. At least not without fighting for us.''
I can feel my heart drop. And the butterflies in my stomach. But in this moment, I wish I could kill them. My mind feels like a warzone where no thought makes sense. One side is telling me to forgive him, to let him try to make things right whilst the other is telling me that it's not worth the risk of him breaking my heart again. I walk away, feeling filled with hatred and angst towards him.
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here are the plots if you want to use them to vote:
this is what I'm thinking would happen with each ship (for more context, see the post below this that says story poll):
After curfew was one of Lily and James’ favorite times to meet. Some students were always sneaking around but none of them bothered to venture up to the Astrology Tower or the owlery. They would usually hold hands as they got their mail and the picnic basket the house elves were kind enough to prepare before going to the Astrology Tower. 
Lily got herself comfortable on the blanket, feet swinging back and forth in the air. She paused when she saw a small parchment envelope. Eyes squinting, she examined the way her name was written before holding it up to her nose. 
“Hmm?” James asked as he took the food out of the basket. 
“This letter, it’s from Y/N. She’s a Hufflepuff in most of my classes. She always scents her letters so they smell like a garden.” 
“Y/N… You’re talking about Hufflepuff’s chaser? She’s wicked fast, it’s insane. She should be their seeker.” 
“Yeah, that’s her.” 
“What did she sa— Hey, I got a letter too. I bet it’s about the upcoming match.” 
Lily rolled her eyes. “Not everything is about quidditch.” 
“Whatever you say, love. Open the letters on three?” 
Both of them smiled as they tore through the envelope. A range of emotions went across their faces as their eyes scanned the small paragraph you wrote over and over again. Like a mirror, they clutched the envelopes to their chests. Lily nodded. 
“You go first.” 
“Um.” James started scratching the back of his head. “She’s liked me since we were fourth years but she doesn’t expect anything. She just needed to get it off her chest so she could try to get over me. If there’s a small chance I like her, she wants me to just send a letter… You?” 
“Are you serious? That’s what she wrote to me! I mean, she only liked me since last year but it’s almost the same.” 
You took your breakfast to the Black Lake pier. It was one of the last days of good weather before autumn really settled in. You also did it to escape the claustrophobic Great Hall while you internally berated yourself for sending those letters. Why would you do it so close to the start of the school year? You should have waited until summer when everyone would have graduated and never looked back. Then you could have at least avoided them. 
Taking off your shoes and socks, you sat at the very edge of the pier and let your feet kiss the water. The elves had made an amazing breakfast: apple streusel muffins, bacon, honeydew, and pumpkin juice. You took a bite and just looked over the lake. Two bodies plopped down next to you, making you jump. You turned your head to see James on your right side and Lily on your left. They placed two envelopes on your lap. 
“Read James’ first.” 
Delicately, you peeled open the envelope and pulled out the letter. As if it was a neon sign, the words Lily and I are dating, blinded you. You pressed the letter to your face and threw yourself back until you were laying on the pier. This was possibly the most embarrassing thing ever. Even more embarrassing than dropping the quaffle after you sneezed in the middle of a game. Lily picked up the other letter off your lap and held it over your face. You tentatively took it. The couple laughed when you threw the letter. 
“Are you serious?” you asked. 
James nodded. “Lils and I talked about it and we want to give it a try with you. If you’re okay with that?” 
You and Remus gave each other looks from opposite sides of the Hufflepuff common room. Sirius lost his shoes hours ago and his shirt was gone only mere minutes before you and your friend locked eyes. Remus shook his head, peeling himself from the wall as he did so. You made your way to the yellow wool couch where his shirt and shoes hopefully still were. 
You chuckled as you met Remus at the front. Sirius was slumped over him but still trying to party. The taller man readjusted himself before. 
“Y/N, can you stop by the kitchens and get him something?” 
“On it.” 
Racing up the stairs before Sirius threw up on himself, you made it to the marauders’ dorm. There was a lowlight coming from the bathroom and the sound of Remus trying to get Sirius into the bathtub. You went in, setting the tray with bowls of chicken noodle soup and watermelon chunks and cups of tea on the counter before making your way to the belligerent boy sitting on the edge of the tub. Remus scratched at his head. 
“Padfoot, what can I do to get you in this bath?” 
“I told you, get in with me. Y/N too.” 
You turned the faucet and grabbed some bubble bath. “Okay, pretty boy, let’s take a bath.” 
“What?” Remus asked you. 
“Just do what he wants so we can sleep. He won’t know the difference between us in underwear and him naked.” 
Remus put a charm over the food to keep it warm before joining you and Sirius. Your cotton underwear stuck to your body as the water soaked you. Remus sat in front of Sirius while you sat behind to try and avoid seeing him completely naked. He lathered up a washcloth to wash Sirius’ body while you did his hair. 
“It would’ve been easier if he turned into a dog,” he grumbled. 
“Rem, he can barely stand. Do you think he could actually turn himself right now… Yes, pretty boy, let me just condition your hair and then we can eat. Okay?” 
Sirius sighed, bending all the way over to look at you. “I like it when you call me pretty boy.” 
“I’m sure you do.” 
“I like it when Moony calls me caraid. Do you know what it means?” 
“It means love in Welsh.” You looked up at Remus. “And you swore British speech wouldn’t rub off on you, saying love every sentence. You’re starting to sound like me and James.” 
“Shut up.” 
You and Remus finished washing Sirius up and got him into some pajamas before sitting on Remus’ bed to enjoy the food. Sirius didn’t eat much but enough that he hopefully wouldn’t be too hungover in the morning. He whined until you and Remus slept in bed with him. 
The raven-haired boy woke up in the morning, clutching his head. Letting his hand fall, he froze when he felt something underneath him. You woke up when Sirius screamed. Remus came to shortly after, groaning his complaints. 
“Is there a fire?” he asked. 
Sirius slapped both his hands to his cheeks. “Did we sleep with each other?” 
Remus opened one of his eyes. “Did you really just ask if we had a threesome?” 
“I’m in bed with both of my crushes and I can’t remember anything about last night, excuse me for forgetting if there was a threesome or not.” 
You and Remus sat straight up. “Did you just say crushes?” 
Instead of being at Hogsmeade with everyone else, you and Sirius were making out in his dorm. Friends with benefits wasn’t exactly what you would call each other because you had only made out. But you were getting there. His hands were under your shirt, groping your breast, over your bra. Your hand was down his pants, fingers toying with the band of his underwear before slipping past it. All clothes were shed aside from your panties and his briefs. 
You groaned as he pushed one finger into you. Sirius’ lips left yours to kiss up and down your neck. You both jumped when the door opened. James was so concerned with reading his muggle book Remus gave him that he didn’t even notice you two at first. He only looked up when he heard the band of your underwear snap when Sirius tried to quietly pull his hand away. 
“Well, don’t stop on my account but I’m taking a shower and finishing the book in the comfort of my blanket.”  
Sirius looked down at you. “I don’t mind… Y/N, we don’t have to.” 
You kept looking between him and James. “It’s kind of weird if he doesn’t join.” 
Both men’s eyes went wide. James gulped but his feet were carrying him closer to the bed. 
You looked down at Remus’ hand holding your wrist as he led you through Hogwarts. Your friend was more frantic than usual which was saying something because since knowing Remus when you were both three, he was a somewhat frantic boy. 
“Rem, slow down. My legs are shorter than yours, you know.” 
He didn’t say anything but slowed down ever so slightly. The two of you didn’t completely stop until you were in one of the empty classrooms on the seventh floor. He locked the door and sat you down on the large desk at the front for whatever professor chose to teach in that class for the day. You watched your friend scratch at his head before tucking his hands in his back pockets. He was looking extra cute today. Your breath caught in your throat. Right then and there you made a decision. After Remus told you whatever he needed to say, you would confess to him. 
“I need your help,” he finally said. 
You giggled. “That’s what you dragged me up here for?” 
“I help, you don’t have to whine. When have I not helped you?” 
“I like James and I want to tell him that but I don’t know how.” 
Your smile dropped. Remus was gay? And he never told you? Part of you was sad that you liked him, knowing his eyes were on someone else. Another part of you was sad that maybe you weren’t safe enough of a space that Remus ever felt comfortable telling you about crushes or his sexuality. And then you focused back on the fact he liked James… the other person you had a small crush on.  
“Y/N? What’s the problem?” 
You were snapped back to attention, focusing on the boy in front of you. You jumped down from the desk when you felt tears in the corner of your eyes threaten to fall. 
“Yeah, I’ll help you. You guys look good together,” you said before you started to leave the room. 
Remus grabbed your hand before you could leave. “Will you turn around and look at me?” 
“Why did you start crying?” 
You sighed. “I’ll tell you if you let me go.” 
Remus nodded even though you couldn’t see and let go of your wrist. Slowly, you turned and looked at him. There was no way you could say it in a way to spare your feelings. So, you decided to just be outright and then run. 
“I like you, like like you,” you said before tearing open the door and booking it. 
You were only a little bit down the staircase before Remus caught up to you. You tried to yank out of his hold but he just moved to the steps below you. 
“You said you’d let me go if I told you. Please let me leave with some dignity.” 
“But you didn’t let me speak.” 
“You don’t have to tell me anything.” 
“After the bombshell you just dropped, I think I do.” 
You sniffled. “Rem, I get it, you’re gay. I don’t feel like being let down gent—” 
“I like you too.” 
“But you like James.” 
“Dude, you do know what bisexual means, right?” 
“I forgot.”
“Can I kiss you?” Remus asked, breathlessly. He gave you a peck on the lips when you nodded. “You’re such an idiot sometimes.” 
“This whole summer I tried to ask you out and you never returned the sentiment. I didn’t want to ruin our friendship so I stopped.” 
“You asked me out?” 
“Merlin, Y/N. Was me saying let’s go on a date to the beachfront restaurant on couple’s night not obvious?” 
“I thought it was so we could get free cake.” 
“You’re unbelievable… But I do have feelings for James too. I just wanted to tell you that.” 
“Rem, I have a small crush on James too.” 
He gave you a side smile. “Should we do something about that then?”    
Regulus decided to get some quidditch practice in early on a Sunday morning. The pitch would be clear and even when it was later in the morning, the other players would all be at Hogsmeade. Putting on his gloves, he started to walk into the pitch when he heard two voices. 
You and James were practicing quidditch. Well, he was practicing and you were pretending to help him while really you drew pictures of the gnomes that ran by and posed for you in exchange for bread. Not many people took art as an elective but you enjoyed it. James flew low and just practiced throwing a quaffle — he sometimes took over for the Gryffindor chaser — so he could talk to you. 
“Did you see Regulus the other day?” 
“How could I not? He rolled his sleeves up and it was so hot. Do you think he’s noticed our staring?” 
“Nah. Thank God he’s more oblivious than his brother. You know, Pads almost killed me the other day because I said Regulus’ hair looked the best in the entire school that morning.” 
“That sounds like Sirius,” you said with a laugh before standing up to throw the quaffle to your friend. “I want to kiss Reggie’s face off.” 
“Get in line… hey, Y/N, do you want to kiss each other’s faces off after this?” 
“Hmm, why not. Ugh, I wish we could just date him?” 
Regulus came out from where he was hiding. “Okay, then date me.” 
You dropped the quaffle and James fell off his broom. Both of you looked at the man in front of you. 
“I’m sorry?” 
Regulus shrugged. “Date me, then.”  
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deke-rivers-1957 · 8 months
Toby's Visions
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Ah wake up in the mornin after mah dream took a bad turn. Ah gotta tell Jacklin bout it but Ah also gotta make sure Ah know wha's happened. Ah'm sittin wit 'er fer breakfast an see she's done talkin.
"Jacklin. Ah got somethin Ah gotta tell ya."
"What is it, Toby?"
Ah take a breath cause Ah know she probly ain't gonna believe me on this.
"You'll believe me right?"
"If it's something that's so bad that it could affect the other students then yes. Headmaster Dumbledore would have to know if the school could be in danger."
"If Ah tell you tha Ah dunno if it could affect tha other students, would ya still wanna know? Sometimes it's jus a feelin' tha Ah get.
"Yes, Toby. If it's that bad you need to tell me."
Ah look down at tha floor again an' Ah jus' whisper it out the side of mah mouth. Ah don’t wanna look at Jacklin but Ah gotta tell 'er.
"Headmaster Dumbledore's gonna die."
Jacklin looks surprised an' Ah can see tha she wants ta say somethin’, but Ah get the feelin’ tha she don’t know wha' ta do.
"Did you see anything like a flash of green or anyone's face, Toby?"
"Ah saw a big flash of green, yeah."
Ah remember seein' tha big flash o' green an' then nothin'. Ah don’t remember seein' no actual faces.
"That's the killing curse. Someone's going to kill the Headmaster."
"But Jacklin, Ah don't… Ah don' want anyone ta die. And Ah don' want anyone ta know tha Ah saw this… this…"
Ah feel tha tears an' Ah just wanna hide mah head. But Jacklin lifts mah chin an' makes me look at 'er.
"I know that you don't want anyone to die. You have this ability and you don't know how to control it. Professor Trelawney might be able to help you have clearer visions so you can have a better chance of doing something about them."
"Can it really help?"
Ah wanna believe wha' she's sayin’, but Ah don’t really know tha Ah wanna take tha risk. Ah don’t wanna see anythin’ like it agin.
"I would think so. We can't tell the Headmaster someone is going to kill him if we don't have all of the details."
"Am Ah… am Ah… am Ah a bad person, Jacklin?"
"No. You have a condition that's making it hard for you to stay grounded to reality. You should have a drink of pumpkin juice, Toby. You look pale and need the sugar to feel better."
Ah take a sip an’ Ah like tha taste. Ah take a bigger sip and Ah feel like it's makin' everything better.
Ah take another sip a juice an’ Ah feel calm an’ real relaxed, like Ah don’t wanna do nothin’ but sit here an’ look outta tha window at tha pretty sky.
"Ah feel like… like… it’s okay to jus sit here."
"Well we only have morning classes today, Toby. After we finish History of Magic, we have the rest of the day to ourselves."
Ah start hummin' a song tha Ah know mah family like an' Ah wait for Jacklin ta wanna say somethin’.
"Is that a popular human song where you're from?"
"It's called "Home, Home On The Range". Ah dunno if it's real popular though."
Ah see Jacklin look a little confused when Ah say tha name. Ah wonder if tha name sounds weird ta her. Ah keep hummin' a verse ta myself an’ Ah look out tha window.
"On the range of what?"
"It's a place with a big ol' sky an a lotta grass and lotsa animals. There's cattle… and horses, too."
"That would explain why I never heard of that term. We don't have "ranges" in the UK."
Ah forget bout hummin' tha song an Ah start to look around tha room an check out tha other students. Ah look over at a couple a girls sittin’ at tha next table an Ah hear 'em talkin' ta each other. Ah feel like Ah'd really like ta go home, but Ah know it ain't ok ta leave fer home yet. Ah hear tha bell ringin.
"Do you know where Charms class is, Toby?"
"No, Ah was gonna follow you to tha class."
Ah look at Jacklin an’ Ah feel like she's expectin' ta take tha lead on everythang an' Ah don't know if Ah like tha or not.
"Oh. That's alright. This year, the classroom is in the South Tower in Class 99."
"Class 99?"
"Yes. We need to go all the way up to the 7th floor and go right to use the stairs going up the tower."
Ah follow Jacklin an we start headin' fer the stairs. Ah start ta hum tha little part a tha song ta mahself agin. It's somethin' Ah can hold onto ta keep from bein' too scared.
"Alright. That was a lot of stairs. Let's take a second to catch our breath."
"Oh dear. I think we're lost Toby."
We start wanderin round an end up on tha' 3rd floor.
"I think this is the Charms corridor."
"Oh. Ok. Ah guess it's better than bein lost, now, huh? It's real pretty here, Jacklin."
Ah look over at the ceilin an floor that's all carved stone an' all the walls an' windows have paintin's on 'em. Ah wonder how this place would look, if Ah was a ghost.
"I hope this is Professor Flitwick's office so he can help us."
Ah look over an see Jacklin's at the Door to tha Charms Office. Ah notice tha door's unlocked. Ah look at Jacklin an decide ta jus push tha door open. There's this real big 3 headed dog an he's lookin mean.
"Bark! Bark! Bark!"
We get outta the room's fast as we can.
"What on earth was that!?"
Ah look over at Jacklin an Ah feel a little sorry bout somehow knowin somethin she don't.
"Oh, yeah, tha's Fluffy, tha Doorkeeper's guard dog. Ah member him now."
"How do you know that?"
"Ah dunno. Somethin in mah gut tol me Jacklin."
Ah don't know why Ah said tha. Girls usually don't like talkin bout guts.
"I think your Seer abilities are giving you this instinct that somehow let's you know things ahead of time."
"Ah guess it's kinda good Ah know tha much now.
Ah still feel bad bout not tellin 'er but it ain't like Ah can choose when it'll happen.
"I wonder what it is that we could possibly be doing that you would know something like that. There was a trap door so it must be guarding something."
Ah walk along next ta Jacklin an' Ah wonder tha same thing. Then it clicks.
"Jacklin... Ah think Ah got somethin."
"What do you think it is?"
"Ah think tha trap door is there to hide the Philosfer's Stone."
Ah look over at Jacklin an she looks like she's surprised Ah just said tha.
"How do you know what the Philosopher's Stone is?"
"Well, Ah dunno fer sure, but it's jus wha' mah gut tells me. Comes outta nowhere so it ain't always helpful."
Ah feel Ah made a real good guess, but Ah dunno whether Ah should feel good bout it or not.
"In that case, I think we need to keep this to ourselves. It isn't our business to question why Headmaster Dumbledore why need to hide it."
"Yeah, that's a good idea."
Ah feel relieved tha Ah can tell Jacklin 'bout this an it be a secret just between the two a us.
"Alright. I think this is the right way now."
Ah think Jacklin's Veela magic's better than she says it is cause she managed ta make us not lost no more. She really is the Elf princess from Lord a the Rings.
"Are you ready to go up the South Tower, Toby?"
Ah feel like Ah’m bout ta go up on a real big adventure wit mah princess Jacklin. Ah look at her an' Ah think Ah want her ta always be next ta me. Ah don’t wanna leave her side again, not ever again.
"That's great because we have to climb at least 2 more flights of stairs before we get to Class 99."
Ah start followin’ Jacklin agin up tha next flight a stairs. Ah know tha we're headin’ ta Class 99 an’ Ah wonder wha's gonna happen in there.
"There it is, Toby. I see Professor Flitwick by the door."
Ah look at Flitwick an’ Ah feel like Ah’ve seen him before. Jacklin starts makin’ her way inside tha room. Ah hold onta her arm a lil tighter an’ Ah take a deep breath.
"Good morning, Professor Flitwick. I'm Jacklin Gryffindor."
"Well, it's lovely to meet you, Miss Gryffindor. It really is an honor to have you in my class."
Ah walk in with Jacklin an’ Ah feel 'er lettin’ go a my arm. She walks away from me an’ sits down next ta tha girl with tha pigtails. Ah look at the empty seat next ta me an’ Ah look at tha students.
"Everyone be seated so we can start today's lesson. Now I want everyone to present your wands."
Ah look at Flitwick. He looks like a squirrel with tha way his eyes dart back and forth. Ah pull mah wand out an Ah hope Flitwick don't notice tha mah wand's different from tha others in tha class.
"I want everyone with a unicorn hair core to stand by the door, everyone with a dragon heartstring core by my desk, and everyone with a phoenix feather core in the back."
Ah stand by the door next ta the other students with the unicorn hair cores at the end a the room.
"My wand has a Veela hair core, Professor Flitwick."
Flitwick’s face gets real interested in a hurry when Jacklin tells him tha her wand has a Veela hair core.
"Veela, you say?"
"Yes, Professor. My mother gave me one of her hairs to put into my cherry wand."
"I see."
Flitwick’s face still looks like he’s lookin’ at tha most gorgeous thing he’s ever seen and Ah get jealous. Ah see tha he’s jus' lookin' at Jacklin an' her wand an no one else gets any attention.
"How well would a cherry wand with a Veela hair core perform in Charms, Professor? I understand that this can be a temperamental wand and is very rare."
"Oh, my! Very rare indeed! I’ve always wanted to examine a Veela hair core and the wand it makes, especially given how temperamental they can be. That would make quite the instrument, Miss Gryffindor."
"What do you think this type of wand could specialize in, Professor?"
"Oh, I see this wand functioning quite well for a range of magic. It would be good for spells that require a certain amount of nuance. It could do quite well in Defense Against the Dark Arts and even transfiguration."
"Thank you, Professor."
Jacklin goes an’ sits down. He looks more interested in mah wand in tha same way tha he was lookin’ at Jacklin’s.
"Is this English Oak, Mr. Kwimper?"
"Yes, sir."
"In that case, you will excel in the natural world of magic. English Oak specializes in Healing magic. If you're interested I can show you some healing spells in your 4th year."
"Do you mean tha Ah could learn how to heal injuries?"
"Yes. Healing magic is a very noble profession. I believe that you have a great connection to nature and a strong intuition. Both are needed to be a great Healer in the future."
This is tha first time anybody has ever told me tha Ah might be able to do somethin’ in tha future tha would make me feel special or somethin’.
"Thank ya."
Ah look at mah wand an Ah notice tha it's a real good-lookin’ wand. It looks like it could be tha most special wand in tha whole school. Ah do mah best ta listen ta him talk bout wands an wha' they could be good at.
"For Thursday, I want you all to practice the 3 basic spells in chapter one of your book. You will all demonstrate these spells in class. You're all dismissed."
Ah pack up mah stuff an Ah just start followin' Jacklin down tha hall. She's leadin’ me somewhere an Ah don't wanna be left behind.
"Let me see now. Class 72 should be somewhere along this corridor."
"Class 72?"
"Yes, it’s where we have to go for History of Magic."
Ah follow her down tha long, dark corridor. It’s real spooky walkin' alone in tha coldness an’ darkness. But Jacklin’s in front a me an she ain’t even scared, so Ah follow her to Class 72.
"What are we gonna be doin' in History a Magic, Jacklin?"
"From what I heard from older students we have to try to stay awake."
"We ain’t gonna fall asleep, are we, Jacklin?"
"Of course not. A ghost teacher would be too exciting for students like you who haven't been around real ghosts. Besides history is actually a fascinating subject that talks about not just wizard history, but other magical creatures."
"Yeah. Ah guess so. Ah’m jus' wonderin’ wha tha Binns ghost might look like."
"He died before 1890 so he's going to look very different than a typical old man."
"He’s not a meanie, is he?"
"I don't believe he would be."
The bell rings an Professor Binns' ghost comes right through tha blackboard. Me an a couple other kids get all scared.
"Now, settle down everyone."
He floats ta a podium in the front of tha room an’ speaks in a soft, sleepy voice.
"Hello. It is I, Professor Binns again. For the first class I will begin with… the early origin… of witches and wizards."
Ah sit down at one a tha desks next ta Jacklin an Ah try ta pay attention. Ah feel like Ah'm slippin’ away inta tha dreamland a tha dead.
Ah snap back inta real life an’ Ah feel really cold. Ah see Ah'm droolin' in tha corner a mah mouth an Jacklin's nudgin' me awake.
Ah'm writin' down tha notes fast without really knowin' what Ah'm writin’.
Time Skip
"Alright, Toby. We're done with classes for today."
Ah’m so sleepy Ah can barely walk. Ah'm walkin' through tha long, dark corridors wit Jacklin when Ah feel like Ah’m in tha middle a tha strange vision tha Ah had.
"Are you having a vision, Toby?"
Ah snap outta tha vision an Ah look at Jacklin.
"Ah still dunno why Ah keep seein Dumbledore dyin."
"What did you see?"
"Some guy in black usin a green flash an then he's fallin off a tower."
"We haven't even see Dumbledore today so it's not as if that would trigger your ability."
"Then why would Ah be havin' tha vision? What kinda trouble could Ah be gettin' inta?"
"I have no way of knowing that, Toby."
Ah feel tha tears comin' inta mah eyes as Ah get real sad an scared bout not knowin’ tha trouble tha Ah might be in. It seems like no one can help me, an’ Ah'm gonna have ta find out tha hard way.
"We have the rest of the day to ourselves. I think it’s important to try to rest."
Ah'm so scared like Ah got Spiderman instincts that Ah jus start runnin ta mah dorm room.
"Don’t run in the corridors. You’re going to get hurt."
Ah turn round an Ah see tha prefect comin' towards me. Ah’m not really tryin' ta run, but Ah’m still shakin’ real bad. My nerves are bein' real weird since tha vision.
"Come now, come now. What has you all in a tizzy?"
Ah start ta feel like cryin’.
"Uh, tha uh, Ah've been seein scary thangs bout people gettin hurt. Ah don't want any part a tha trouble tha's comin’ an’ Ah don't know what ta do."
"Do you mean to say you have Seer abilities?"
"Yeah. Yeah, Ah got tha gift. But Ah dunno how ta use it. It happens when it wants ta happens… an’ it’s kinda drivin’ me nuts."
"In that case I’ll escort you to Professor Trelawney. Such abilities must be tended to immediately."
Ah sniffle a little an' Ah wipe tha tears from mah eyes while tha prefect puts his arm round mah shoulders. Ah hope Professor Trelawney can help me... or at least tell me what is happenin’ to me.
Time Skip
Ah dunno how long Ah was wit Professor Trelawney, but when Ah came back Ah felt funny. It was like she made tha vision disappear fer a while. Ah sleep like the dead, an slept through all a lunch an dinner.
Trevor ribbits an Ah smile a lil. Ah get tha bowl a food fer Trevor an Ah sit tha bowl down fer him.
"There ya go lil buddy."
Trevor stops eatin' ta look at me. Ah try ta make a face tellin' him he has tha most beautiful froggie eyes Ah ever saw on a frog. Trevor looks all happy. Ah pet tha top o' him very gently an’ he croaks his thanks.
"Ah'm gonna go an get somethin ta eat mahself."
Ah sit Trevor down ta make sure he don’t wander inta any trouble. Then Ah head ta tha Great Hall ta eat breakfast.
"Ooh Ah got a chocolate bar."
Ah chew slowly an' carefully, an’ Ah can taste tha chocolate. Ah start hummin' while Ah chew. Ah wonder what Professor Trelawney found out. Ah wonder if Ah can be like one of tha wise people in m' visions. But right now Ah'm just a country kid. Wit a chocolate bar as Ah make mah way ta the Great Hall. Ah see Jacklin wit 'er white hair.
"Hey, Jacklin!"
"Are you feeling better, Toby?"
"Uh huh. At least Ah don’t feel like tha whole world is gonna come an’ get me."
"That's very nice to hear."
Ah stuff mah face while Ah Jacklin reads. Then Ah finish tha last a tha chocolate bar. Ah feel a little better, but Ah'm not used ta eatin' this much for breakfas’. Ah'm startin' ta feel kinda full, actually.
"I can only imagine how hungry you're feeling given that you missed lunch and dinner yesterday."
Ah nod an Ah try ta swallow tha mouthful a food Ah got in mah mouth.
"By the way, how far did you get in taking your History of Magic notes yesterday?"
Ah swallow tha food in mah mouth real good an’ Ah talk inta tha air while mah mouth is kinda full.
"Ah... Ah dunno. It was jus’ kinda hard ta pay attention."
"Maybe during our first free period after Herbology we can go over my notes. I have a feeling that you’re not the only one who missed something from that class."
Ah nod again an’ Ah start thinkin' ‘bout missin’ tha class an’ wonderin' what Ah missed.
"Yeah, maybe tha's a good idea."
Ah eat tha hash browns first, cause Ah think they might get cold before Ah can eat ‘em later. Then Ah start on tha pancakes. Then Ah get up ta get m' third helpin a pancakes. Ah look over ta Jacklin again… an’ Ah see that she's startin’ ta stare at mah belly.
"How are you able to eat so much? Are you having a growth spurt, Toby?"
"Tha’d be really good if Ah was! Maybe Ah could finally grow some more inches."
Ah look real embarrassed now, 'cause Ah'm sure Ah have a lotta food in mah stomach even if Ah don't realize it.
"Ah ain’t fat, am Ah?"
"No. You need to have fat tissue to help you grow. Especially if you’re having a growth spurt."
Ah look at Jacklin again an’ she's makin' tha smilin' face, an Ah'm hopin' tha smilin' face means Ah'm not bein' super-stupid again.
"Taller's not normal fer me though. How tall do ya figure Ah might get?"
"It’s possible for you to be 6 feet tall. You might be the type of boy who grows into someone with a lot muscles and all the girls would want to date you."
Ah start blushin an get all embarrassed.
"Why'd ya gotta be bringin girls inta this? Ah don't wanna be bothered by a lot a girls who only like mah looks then say Ah'm a dummy."
"Oh don't be embarrassed, Toby. You never know how puberty will change how we look. I think if you do grow up to be tall and handsome, any girl who's worth being your friend would never make fun of you."
Ah smile a lil. Jacklin's real good at makin me feel good bout mahself. Ah try ta think bout what'll if happen when Ah do grow up. Ah still ain't so sure bout tha handsome part, but Ah can see mahself as bein tall. Ah think Ah'm gonna like bein' taller.
"Maybe puberty ain't gonna be scary as Ah thought."
The bell starts ringin.
"Awright time ta go ta Potions."
"Yes and I heard that we won't need our cauldrons today."
Ah smile as Ah get up ta walk wit 'er ta the dungeons.
Time Skip
Ah take mah seat next ta her an’ Ah start gettin' ready fo tha first lesson a tha day. Ah take out mah quills an' tha potions book, an' Ah make sure tha book's opened up ta tha right spot.
"Students pay attention. If any of you had learn anything from our first lesson, you should be able to answer basic questions about the Cure for Boils Potion."
Snape looks at me an Ah hope Ah know tha answer.
"Mr. Kwimper. Tell me why it’s important to remove the cauldron from the fire before you insert the porcupine quills."
"Porcupine quills... tha quills gotta be added after tha cauldron's cooled… cause tha potion'll explode?"
Snape’s face stays tha same.
"So you do pay attention. One point for Gryffindor."
Ah can't help but grin a tiny bit. Ah take a look at Jacklin, an' Ah see her smilin' at mah answer. Ah feel real proud of m'self right now.
"Miss Gryffindor tell me how you would know the Cure for Boils Potion is complete."
"The potion will start to emit pink smoke when it’s finished, Professor Snape."
Professor Snape nods in approval as he turns tha question to Jacklin. Ah take lots a notes, 'cause Ah really wanna learn about tha different ingredients an' tha way they come together ta form each potion. Ah keep an eye on Jacklin an Ah see more smilin’ on Jacklin's lips. Ah like those smiles, too.
Time Skip
"For Friday, I want a 2 inch scroll about the Hair-Raising Potion. You my leave now."
Ah walk wit Jacklin as we all move on ta tha greenhouse.
"Do you think you can have a vision that can predict what will happen today, Toby?"
"Ah mean… maybe. Why? Ya expectin' somethin’ different ta happen today?"
"No. I simply think that if you're able to predict something that can happen within a couple hours from now, it would prove that you are a Seer."
Ah look at her a lil surprised.
"Well, Ah gotta picture somethin. Uhh, hmm, let’s see, tha next class' Herbology over at tha greenhouse. Ok… lemme see if Ah can try."
Ah close mah eyes an’ Ah concentrate, real hard. Ah feel the vision come on… it's really close now. Ah can almost see it... tha vision in m' head is real blurry, but Ah start ta see a blur tha could be a plant. But somethin... somethin' jus ain't right in tha vision right now. Ah keep goin'. An' finally, Ah get a clear view fo tha vision. Ah open mah eyes.
"Well… Ah know tha future!"
"What do you think will happen, Toby?"
Ah just keep smilin. Then, Ah decide ta jus say what Ah’m seein'.
"Today, there'll be a... problem... with tha plants that'll keep us out of class. It'll be somethin' tha teacher an tha students'll have ta fix."
"I see. If your vision is right, then we should see her trying to clear up an out of control plant."
We get closer ta the greenhouses. A weird black type a plant's kinda slitherin round on the ground.
"You were right, Toby! That's Devil's Snare. It hates sunlight and Professor Sprout is trying to control it."
Aha! It's still a problem... it still makes me look smart.
"Don't get any closer, dears. Devil's Snare coils up when you touch it."
We stop walkin' an' Ah wait ta see wha happens next.
"Can we use the Fire-Making spell to help, Professor?"
"As you wish."
Ah have ta pay attention. Ah don't wanna miss the next thin' tha professor's gonna say.
Ah see tha red fire come outta Jacklin's wand an' Ah know tha right thing ta say. Ah look at Devil's Snare. Ah think Ah can do this. Ah make tha same motion, as best Ah can, and Ah say tha magic words.
After a few minutes tha Devil's Snare's back under control. Professor Sprout smiles at us.
"Well done, dears! 10 points to Gryffindor each."
Ah look at Jacklin's smilin' face, an' Ah can't help but grin a little. Ah feel like Ah'm close ta bein' a Seer.
"Excellent. The rest of your class is here. Just in time."
Ah get settled an' listen up for tha lesson on Devil's Snare. Ah'm real curious about what'll come next.
"As you can see dearies, this is Devil's Snare. You must take very good care of yourselves when handling this. Given that they are sensitive to light all of the windows are of course open."
Professor Sprout goes on fer a while teachin’ bout Devil’s Snare. Ah write everythang she says down in mah notebook.
Time Skip
Ah finish takin' m' notes when tha bell rings an' Ah close tha notebook up an' stand up. Somethin bout writin wit a quill's jus real satisfiyin.
"Toby, do you want to work on our Potions assignment once we get back to the common room?"
Ah look at her smilin’ face.
"Uh, yeah… Ah guess Ah could do tha."
Ah follow 'er upstairs an we get ta work on our homework. Ah try ta read through the Potions book on mah own. Ah don't wanna ask Jacklin questions cause Ah don't wanna be cheatin. Ah wanna do mah own work an show Ah can do good wizardin work.
"Toby, did you write the ingredients or the effects of this potion first?"
Ah'm readin through mah Potions book agin as Ah notice Jacklin's eyes lookin' over m' shoulder watchin' me read. She smiles an' Ah can't help but smile back. It's real nice. We both read, readin' over what tha other's sayin'. Ah start ta feel real comfortable sittin' here by Jacklin. This feels real good.
"Sorry, do you mind if I proofread?"
"Nah, Ah don't mind."
She reads it wit a real serious look.
"There needs to be a few commas. Other than that, I believe Professor Snape would know that you wrote this yourself."
Ah read over m' scroll one more time an' Ah realize Ah dunno how ta use commas. Ah try ta fix mah mistakes by addin 'em.
"Here, you can proofread my scroll. Do you think I wrote enough?"
Ah take the scroll she offers me. Ah dunno why she'd trust me ta check when Ah ain't too good at writin but Ah don't question her.
"Ah think it's really good Jacklin. Really good."
"Oh. Let me see if it's two inches long."
She takes out some kind a tape measure.
"This is a little over 2 inches. Are you ready to measure your scroll yet, Toby?"
Ah look down at m' scroll for a second.
"Ah ain’t finished yet."
Ah keep writin’.
"Uh, Jacklin, can Ah ask ya somethin'?"
"Of course, Toby."
"What do ya think our Flyin lesson's gonna be like?"
"I would imagine it would involve learning how to sit on your broom properly."
Ah gotta think bout tha one.
"Then why can yer dad jus pick up yer letters himself if he can ride a broom?"
"My father is always traveling so it wouldn't be practical for him to constantly travel to Hogwarts. I also don't know how to apparate as we aren't going to be taught that yet. That's why I was told to send all of my letters to Gryffindor Manor."
"But what if yer awready at home? Can't ya magic yer letters ta him?"
She looks at me an Ah hope Ah ain't bein a dummy.
"Wizards under the age of 17 can't do magic outside of school. We all have the Trace which specifically goes off if we willingly perform magic. We can only use magic only in times of extreme danger or within the grounds of where we learn magic."
"Oh. Ok. Ah get it now."
"That's good, Toby. I'm glad you understand now."
Ah smile an go back ta mah scroll.
Time Skip
Ah follow Jacklin down tha stairs an down tha path a grass ta where Madam Hooch's waitin for us. Ah see a group a Gryffindors settin' up their brooms.
"Of course Slytherin is joining us for this class."
Ah look who Ah'm gonna have ta spend tha day wit an' Ah can't help but sigh. Ah've been lookin forward ta tha first flying lesson.
"I want you all to raise your hand over your broom and say "Up" with authority."
Ah follow mah teacher's directions an' raise mah hand.
"Up! Up! Up!"
Mah broom don't move.
Jacklin's broom goes ta 'er on the first try.
"Up please!"
Sayin please worked an Ah'm real happy bout it.
"Well done, Mr. Kwimper."
After a few minutes everybody's got their brooms. Madam Hooch pulls out her whistle.
"Now mount your brooms and keep steady. Rise a few feet, and then come straight back down by leaning forward slightly."
Ah get on mah broom right in the middle a tha Slytherin group, an Ah think mah heart skipped a beat right when tha broom moved. It takes tha whole of mah energy ta keep steady on tha broom an now Ah can't stop thinkin' how high Ah might fall from.
"Now give your broom a nice kick."
Ah look round fer a second, sighin. Ah give mah broom tha best kick Ah can. The broom flies a little too high.
"Mr. Kwimper?"
Ah keep tryna make it fly down. Mah feet are startin’ ta shake. Ah keep thinkin bout tha fall. Ah feel like Ah’m gonna pass out cause Ah can't stop mah broom.
"Mr. Kwimper!"
Ah faint an Ah dunno wha happened next.
Jacklin's POV
"Ahhhhh! He's falling!"
Some girls scream as I watch Toby fall. I instinctively swoop down and catch him with my broomstick. While it is impressive of me to handle the extra weight, my flying is so sloppy it was all I could do to land without crashing. My fellow Gryffindors cheer for me while some of the Slytherins, including Draco, laugh at Toby.
"Bloody hell did you see that catch! She's amazing!"
"Ha! Kwimper went and got himself sick!
Madam Hooch comes up to us.
"Miss Gryffindor, I’m taking you to Professor McGonagall. I have never seen such skill from a 1st year. 50 points to Gryffindor for your heroism."
"Thank you, Madam Hooch. I hope Toby will be alright."
She looks at Toby shaking her head and starts to carry him.
"This boy certainly isn't meant for flying. I'll have to discuss this with the Headmaster."
I follow Madam Hooch as she brings you to the Hospital Wing.
"Madam Pomfrey please attend to Mr. Kwimper. He's come down with a bizarre case of motion sickness. Either that or a severe case of acrophobia."
"I see. Set him down on the cot there."
I watch as Madam Hooch lays Toby down on a cot.
"Come along now Miss Gryffindor. I'm sure Professor McGonagall would be very pleased to hear the news."
I leave the Hospital Wing hoping Toby will be alright.
"Madam Hooch may I ask what you wanted to ask Professor McGonagall?"
"Of course dear. I believe you have a strong instinct for flying and such skill must be developed. Your flying ability while still sloppy, is far more advanced than a first year student."
I follow her to Professor McGonagall's office.
"Excuse me, Professor McGonagall."
"Yes Madam Hooch, what is it?"
"Due to the specific nature of my recent class, I believe Miss Gryffindor would be eligible to tryout for your Quidditch team."
Professor McGonagall looks up from her papers.
"And what exactly has Miss Gryffindor demonstrated?"
"She was able to successfully dive to save Mr. Kwimper when he lost control of his broom. Despite the sudden weight she was able to land without crashing."
She raises an eyebrow.
"I see. I will consult with Headmaster Dumbledore about whether an exception can be made. At the very least we will have to determine if it would be possible to for her to take an elective in place of Flying."
"Thank you professor. And now Miss Gryffindor I'm willing to let you skip this class for today. You may make use of your free time as you wish."
I nod as I go back to the Hospital Wing.
Toby's POV
Ah get a few hours sleep an' try ta not feel like Ah'm a failure. Ah couldn't even fly a lil without faintin. Ah feel like Ah jus don't belong.
Are you feeling better, Toby?
Ah see her smilin' an' Ah feel a little better. Jacklin still thinks Ah’m somethin' worth carein’ for. Ah start ta think things're gonna be okay if Ah stay wit Jacklin.
Yeah, Ah kinda just wanna forget 'bout it, but Ah guess Ah can't do tha even if Ah wanted ta.
Ah notice m' stomach start actin' kinda funny. Ah just think it's probably the aftereffects, but Ah don't know if Ah can keep anythin' down right now.
"I know. Madam Hooch was concerned that you were looking sick and out of control. When you fell off your broom I swooped down on my broom to catch you before you hit the ground."
"Why’d you do tha? Why not jus' let me fall? Ah mean, wouldn't tha have been easier for tha house? Why go through tha trouble?"
Ah can't understand why she had ta make me feel more barrassed by doin' somethin good fer me. Jus when Ah thought she was gonna call me a dummy, she goes an starts bein’ nice ta me.
"Toby if I let you fall, then you would have died. You were falling head first at a dangerous height. I merely acted on pure instinct."
"Yeah. Yer right. Maybe Ah'm worryin' too much. Things'll get better."
Ah notice she’s puttin' her hand on my back like she means it. Like she really cares. At least Ah’m feelin' better fer a moment.
"Now I came here to tell you what Professor McGonagall had to say. Do you want to hear it?"
"Madam Hooch told her that I saved you by using an advanced level of skill on my broomstick. Even though it wasn't perfect, she was very impressed by ability to land without crashing."
"Madam Hooch then asked if she wanted me to try out for the Quidditch team as the youngest Seeker."
"Wha's Quidditch?"
Well I’ll explain it to you at dinner. The point is that Professor McGonagall said yes!"
Ah smile fer her cause Ah know it makes 'er happy even though Ah don't get it.
"So. Did Madam Pomfrey say it was alright for you to go yet?"
"Uh yeah, Ah'm good to go... once mah stomach stops hurtin'."
Ah try ta get up an Ah guess Jacklin can tell Ah ain't as good as Ah said.
"Are you feeling dizzy or anything, Toby?"
Ah look a lil upset.
"Jacklin do ya think mah froggie's gonna be awright. Ah ain't fed 'em in a while."
"Don’t feel bad about not feeding Trevor, Toby. We have enough free time to go back up to our dorm room. I can feed him for you if you want?"
Ah feel the hurt from not feedin’ mah froggie wash away instantly. She wants ta care 'em like 'er own pet. She ain't known us fer long an awready took Trevor inta her heart. Maybe things'll be alright after all.
Time Skip
A couple days pass an Ah follow Jacklin inta tha Great Hall fer breakfast.
"I heard from Headmaster Dumbledore, Toby."
"Oh what'd he say?"
Ah'm a lil confused as ta why he'd wanna talk ta 'er.
"He accepted the request to let me try out for the Quidditch team and drop Flying as a class. Although, since we can't pick electives until our third year, I get to have an extra free period."
Mah eyes bug out cause Ah'm all excited.
"Wow! When do ya get ta try out fer the team?"
"I have to go to Quidditch tryouts after lunch today."
"Ah hope it goes well!"
Ah start eatin' an Ah look over at 'er.
"What kinda stuff do ya gotta do in Quidditch tryouts?"
"They might test my skills as a Seeker."
"And what would they have ya do?"
Ah think about why they have tryouts. An Ah wonder if anybody ever fails at somethin’ an doesn’t get on tha Quidditch Team. Ah ain't so sure Ah could do it if Ah had ta do some kinda tryout.
"Seekers need both a sharp eye and the ability to fly one- or no-handed. I'm only a first year so they probably want to test that. The Golden Snitch is very small so you need good vision. That's why it's worth 150 points. Even though it doesn't automatically win the game, it's still very important as it's harder to find compared to the Quaffle or a Bludger."
Ah nod ta her, but Ah'm still thinkin' bout what it'll be like ta fly without holdin' onta somethin'. Ah then realize Ah'd get all sick an probly faint agin.
"But what'll ya do if they pick somebody else? How do they decide which students get on tha team?"
"First years can't even try out for Quidditch because we wouldn't even know how to fly. Madam Hooch and Professor McGonagall were willing to make an exception for me. Even if I don't make the team, they can still train me so that I can join in my second or third year."
Ah look at her an see how determined she is to make tha Quidditch Team.
"So, now, Ah don't mean ta put any pressure on ya, Jacklin, but ya think ya might do well?"
"I never flew on a Quidditch pitch before so it's possible that they might start with an obstacle course. Navigating in the open sky and landing is different than trying to navigate around objects."
Ah watch her as she takes tha last bite a breakfast.
"What kinda weather'd make it hard ta fly?"
"Rain. We would be flying high in the air up into the clouds so it would be difficult to see."
"What bout snow?"
"Yes since it only gets colder the higher up you fly. That can cause your movements to slow down."
"So whatta ya think's tha best weather for it?"
"A day like today is great flying weather."
Ah quickly finish eatin' tha last a mah breakfast.
"Oh! Thank ya, Jacklin!"
Ah get up and head out behind her.
Time Skip
Jacklin comes back from tryouts an she's carryin' 'er Quidditch jersey. Ah smile, wonderin' if she got picked ta play.
"Uh, Jacklin, how’d tha tryouts go?"
"I got picked to join the team. I won’t exactly play any games right away but our current Seeker’s says he’ll help me train so I can come into the game in case he gets injured."
"That's great!"
Ah can't hide tha excitement in mah voice when Ah say dat. Ah think she gets why Ah'm stimmin' cause Ah think Ah'm bout as excited as she is.
"We have open practice tomorrow at 1 pm so you can come over and see what real Quidditch looks like."
Ah smile real wide at Jacklin when Ah hear tha. Ah know Ah gotta go an see what a real Quidditch game's like.
"We have our first game in November so that only gives us 2 months to prepare."
"Wow! That's soon. Are ya worried?"
"No not at all. Everyone on the team have had at least a year of experience. I'm more concerned that I wouldn't be ready in time if our Seeker got injured. He's a seventh year Seeker so he would have a lot of skill that I simply wouldn't have yet."
Ah can't help but hope Jacklin'd be able ta get tha hang of it real fast 'cause Ah wanna see her fly in tha game.
Time Skip
One day we're walkin ta tha common room fer our free period. Suddenly Ah get a strange vision tha we’re playin’ some kind a game an Ah know tha Jacklin's a queen. One a the pieces got all smashed.
"Did you have a brief vision just now, Toby?"
"Well, uh, yeah, Ah did."
"What did you see?"
Ah'm a lil off after tha vision but Ah can remember everythang Ah saw.
"Well, it was us, you an me, playin'... some kinda board game. One a the pieces got all smashed."
"Board game? What did the pieces look like?"
"There was magic black an white pieces. They moved bout the board over the squares."
Ah see Jacklin start ta think.
"I think that's wizard's chess."
"Ok well we was on the black side an we had ta go over the board."
She nods an Ah think Ah did good at explainin this. She draws out the board an the pieces fer the game. She labels 'em all so Ah can understand it.
"What pieces were we?"
"Ya were tha queen an Ah was tha horsy man beside ya."
"I see. The horsy man as you call it is the knight. In wizard’s chess the piece becomes destroyed when it’s captured."
Ah feel real relieved ta know wha tha vision meant, tha there's nothin' to worry about.
"Oh ok."
Ah follow Jacklin down the hall an Ah realize it's tha one tha leadin' to tha Hospital Wing. Ah get real sad an start ta think bout bein' the one ta take care a people. Tha one thing Ah hope fer if Ah become a Healer is tha Ah don't ever get sick patients that're too far gone they die. Ah know tha Ah don't have tha kinda strength ta lose a patient Ah get close to, even if it is part of bein' a Healer.
"What are you thinking about Toby?"
"Ah got bit ahead a mahself an was thinkin bout bein a Healer. Ah'd be real sad if Ah ever got patients that ain't gonna get better. Cause that'd make me useless. An Ah don't wanna be useless."
Ah see Jacklin's givin me a look people give when they feel sorry fer ya. Ah don't like that look cause Ah don't wanna have people feelin sorry fer me.
"There are people at St. Mungo's who can't be cured but you can always be a Healer on a different floor, Toby. Only those who can't be cured live on the 4th floor."
Ah dunno how she does it but Ah feel a bit better bout thangs. Maybe it's cause a her Veela magic but Ah dunno fer sure.
"Thanks Jacklin. Ah'm feelin better now."
She smiles an Ah jus know no matter wha' happens it's all gonna be awright.
Tag list: @arrolyn1114, @aliengoth3, @vintagepresley, @comebackep, @thetaoofzoe, @presleysgirl6, @bigdaddyelvislover, and @mercsandmonsters.
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curlynerd · 3 years
Dean Winchester hates mornings.
It might have something to do with the four hours of sleep that precede them. Or perhaps the lingering memories of dragging a grumpy, petulant 12-year-old Sam out of bed for school when he was still an equally grumpy, petulant kid himself. Or maybe he just isn't wired to handle the early hours.
Whatever it is, Dean Winchester hates mornings.
And yet, he still wakes up early every day.
Drags his ass out of bed with a grumble and a sigh. Keeps his curses as quiet as possible so he doesn't wake Cas beside him. Scrubs at the sleep making his eyes gritty. Shuffles into a pair of pajama bottoms and his slippers with a disgruntled huff, like having to deal with the early morning chill is one of life's greatest inconveniences.
At the doorway, Dean pauses and looks back. Cas is still blissfully unconscious, his breathing slow and heavy and relaxed. The second Dean got out of bed he snagged all the blankets and cocooned himself in them, but by now his hand is out, searching for Dean so he can wrap his arm around him again. When it fails to find him, it curls around Dean's pillow. Cas buries his nose in it and lets out a tiny coo of contentment.
Dean smiles, his heart so full it aches. For just a second, he considers crawling back into bed with Cas. Succumbing to his hatred of mornings and going back to sleep with Cas nuzzled up against him like Dean is his personal teddy bear.
But he doesn't. He shuts the door behind him as quietly as possible and shambles down the hallway.
Dean's not quite firing on all cylinders without coffee in his system, so he bangs his shoulder on the doorway as he rounds the corner into the kitchen, and he swears a blue streak on his way to the sink. He's still grumbling under his breath as he grabs the lid of Sam's shaker bottle from the side of the sink and washes it with as much malcontent as he can muster. Sam always forgets to wash it when he rinses out his bottle, and Dean always has to clean it the next morning so Sam doesn't get yesterday's nasty protein shake crap mixed in with today's. He sets it beside the clean bottle and makes himself some coffee.
It's not long after the smell of fresh coffee fills the kitchen when Sam walks in, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and wearing running clothes like the health freak he is. "Hey."
Dean grunts in acknowledgement. Words are for after coffee. Sam starts making himself a protein shake without so much as a 'thank you' for cleaning his lid. Hell, he's probably not even aware Dean does it for him.
"Oh, can you do extra spinach in my omelette? Gotta use it up; it's getting kinda wilted," Sam asks on his way out the door, like it's a given Dean will make him an omelette. Because it is a given. Five people in the bunker and someone needs to make breakfast for them all. Might as well be Dean. "And tomatoes?"
"Yeah yeah, have it your way, Burger King," Dean grouses as he pours himself a mug of coffee. He dumps what's left and fills the carafe with more water.
"Awesome, thanks." And then Sam's gone off to do horrifying morning activities like jogging.
Dean, however, is doing something even more horrifying. He fills the coffee maker with pumpkin spice flavored coffee and grimaces. But God help him, Cas loves the stuff. And Dean loves Cas, so he'll make him some freakin' pumpkin spice coffee. Though this is the only point in the entire day when he questions his love for Cas. Just a little bit.
As nutmeg and cinnamon fill the air, Dean chugs his respectable cup of plain ol' dark roast and browses the contents of the refrigerator.
Blueberries. He should use those up too. Dean plucks them, some eggs, some butter, some milk, and all of the stuff for Sam’s atrocious vegetable omelette from the fridge.
Jack comes shuffling in while Dean is mixing up blueberry pancake batter, looking sleepy but chipper. He looks even happier when he sees what Dean’s cooking. “Excellent timing! Chop Sam’s tomatoes for me,” Dean commands before Jack even has a chance to say a ‘good morning!’ or grab some juice. The coffee is finally kicking in and dragging him into full wakefulness, but the patient parts of Dean’s brain don’t come online until at least 9am.
Eileen isn’t far behind Jack, but she takes one look at Dean with his spatula and Jack at the cutting board and immediately backs out of the kitchen. “Sorry! Dunno what you’re saying!” she shouts as she retreats, as if she expected Dean to try calling out orders after her. “I’m gonna shower!” Dean sighs and shakes his head. Probably for the best. She handles produce and a chef's knife the same way she does with vampires and a machete.
“Hello, Dean. Jack.” Cas drags himself into the kitchen with half-open eyes. His sleep-rough voice is adorable. The wild shock of hair standing up on one side, even moreso.
“Mornin’ Sunshine!” Dean croons at full volume, like he does every morning, because he’s kind of an asshole and secretly likes the way Cas scowls at Dean’s energy as he makes a cup of his terrible pumpkin spice coffee.
Cas comes up behind Dean and rests his chin over his shoulder to watch him cook, like he’s too tired to even bother holding up his own head. Dean has to be careful how he moves his arm so he doesn’t burn himself on Cas’ hot mug, but he’d be lying if he said this wasn’t one of his favorite parts of the day. Cas tucked up against his back, sleep hazy and warm from their shared bed, those beautiful blues blinking owlishly as Dean makes food for their family.
“Sure you don’t want any?” he asks, pointing down at the griddle even though he knows the answer already.
“No, too early to eat,” Cas grunts by his ear. “Coffee is enough. It smells delicious though.” He tilts his head down to press a gentle kiss to Dean’s shoulder before he pulls away to slouch down in a chair and finish waking up.
By the time Dean finishes breakfast, Sam and Eileen have filtered in too, completing their packed table. For a brief moment it’s utter chaos as everyone grabs plates of food and cutlery and coffee and juice, but before Dean can blink everyone is settled, chowing down on their breakfast or quietly drinking their awful flavored coffee. Dean lets out a weary sigh and sinks down into a chair next to Cas with his own stack of pancakes. It’s way too early to feel this tired.
Almost immediately Cas tilts sideways until he’s using Dean as a headrest again. "I don't see how you can stand getting up so early," Cas says around a slow sip of his coffee. He closes his eyes in appreciation and hums softly.
Dean glances around the table. At Sam, his overly long hair plastered to his sweaty forehead, scrolling through his phone as he shovels egg white omelette into his mouth like he's starving for it. At Eileen, a pleased grin on her face as her closed fist moves in a circle in front of her, her thumb pointed down over her stack of pancakes. At Jack, watching her intently as she teaches him a new sign, his fork suspended halfway to his mouth until a bite of pancake falls off it and smacks onto the table, making Eileen laugh.
At his family, fed and caffeinated and content, ready to start their days because Dean took the extra time to get things off on the right foot.
"I dunno," Dean says with a shrug as he passes Jack the bottle of syrup. He grins. "I kinda like mornings."
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