#yeah no hun you're the worst of the best and all it gave you was crippling self esteem issues regarding your academic abilities
whoever told me that being able to read at Leaving Cert level (17-18) at age seven would come in handy when im older was a fucking liar
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lazyneonrabbitt · 10 months
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Daryl Dixon x reader | current world AU(?)
You're chilling on the couch watching your favorite show. Daryl joins you because he wants to learn about your interests.
🏁 💕 🏁
"Wha's tha?"
You were curled on the couch, blanket over your body and a stuffed animal in your arms as you watched the tv.
You hadn't even heard him when he came in and only noticed his presence when he plopped down next to you and stole your snacks.
"Huh? H.. hey!" You snatch a handful of snacks as you turn your attention back to the bright pink screen.
"Whatcha watchin'?" Daryl had only recently started living with you and was still getting used to your day-to-day routines, especially on your days off work.
"RuPaul. Never heard of it?" You didn't even turn to face him as you talked, not wanting to miss any of the drama.
Daryl scoffed beside you, laughing at your question as he reminded you of his household. "Yes, dear. But Merle's all nicely tucked away in jail and we're not bailing him out again, so ignore his mental assholery and just watch. Food's on the way."
An amused smile pulled at his lips as he settled properly next to you and tried to catch what this show was about.
As the first episode went on Daryl just ..stared.
"Who's tha?" The question came as the bald man in his crazy suit walked into the bright pink room.
"That's RuPaul. He's the show creator and host." An acknowledging hum was given before going back to trying to understand again.
On screen the contestants were doing their runway makeup after spending most of the time working on the sewing challenge.
"How can ya understand wha' they're sayin'? I aint' even know half of them words."
You let out a laugh, quickly trying to muffle it and apologize. Letting him know he'd learn eventually you turned your attention back to the tv as the runway intro sound started.
A large, gorgeously dressed woman appeared on screen, doing a theatrical entrance and welcoming the judges.
"Who's tha' then? Sounds jus’ like tha’ host guy.” Daryl's questions kept coming. Not that you minded, though. It meant he was actually watching and somewhat invested in one your interests.
"That's because it is RuPaul again."
"Tha's really the fancy suit guy from earlier?" His eyes were locked on the screen, deep in focus as he stared at the woman. ..man?
"Yeah, there's a good reason why she hosts the show." There was admiration in your tone and he couldn't place what aspect of this show earned that admiration just yet.
"Yer shittin' me righ' now." He looked from the screen back to you who stared at him and nodded. “There aint’ no way tha’s the same person.”
"An' why's it She now? Cuz there's a dress on?"
Your smile widened and you snuggled into his side. "Yeah! See, you'll learn."
Seeing Daryl so involved in something his entire environment as a child had shunned warmed your heart. And he was right when he mentioned his family earlier. You could also still hear Merle's voice yelling all kinds of homophobic, racist slurs at any little thing that didn't go like he wanted it.
You both watched all the queens do their runway routines with you spilling your opinions out loud and Daryl sometimes doing more than hun in acknowledgement to your comment. A "yer righ', looks weird." might have been the most he said, but it was something nonetheless. When the judging started you even got a "ya really gotta translate fer me sometime." A shrug and an okay gave him enough answer for now, as you watched the two bottom queens stand at the ready to start their lipsync. "Wait wha's up now? I missed sumthin'."
"They're the worst ones this week. They perform a song and the best one stays." The song was announced and with the one famous quote it started playing and the two started their performance. Daryl had seen girls dance around poles and whatnot at bars he used to go to but this was something else. As the song went on you'd let out an impressed 'woah!' or a gasp, and even Daryl let out a soft "damn." at an impressive twirl and an "oh shit." as one of them dropped into a split.
Right between the end of the song and the winner announcement you glanced over at your partner who nodded at the tv, impressed with the performance.
"I hope the one in yellow wins." You state as you nudge him. "You?"
"Yeah. Yellow's good." You both watched as they went through the elimination talk and you cheered as the one you wanted to stay did win.
As you continued on with the next episode your doorbell announced the food had arrived.
Daryl went to fetch it as you got plates and cutlery and set up the small table to eat on the couch.
When you both came back you both got your food plated and sat down to continue on with the show.
“So,” you swallowed your bite of food. “Do you want translations? Or pause the show to get explanations?”
He gave it a short thought before shrugging it off and letting you know he'd save the questions for after the episode.
So you watched. Comments were still happily given mostly by you but Daryl started giving some lovely critiques as well eventually. Ones like "Man, why's tha' one always bitchin'?" when one of them kept complaining about judges' calls and whatnot.
During one of the sad, emotional conversations Daryl let out a comment that compared the mentioned parents to his own and how they would have reacted maybe even worse if he’s ever had to go through such a talk. You cuddled into his side even more, practically laying in his lap now as you listened to his heartfelt talk while watching the last bits of runway prep.
As the runway intro started again and banter between Ru and Michelle went on you both genuinely laughed.
“I like ‘er, she’s feisty.” You looked up at him from your spot now all the way down in his lap.
You shook with laughter in his lap, complimenting in his taste in women and agreeing to like her a lot as well. The runway starts and Daryl points out one of the queens “tha’s the one tha’ had the backwards cap on earlier? The bitchin’ one?” It was so cute how he tried to tell which queen was which workroom guy but he did get it dead wrong. “Oh, no sweetie. The bitchy one was the second one, with the high ponytails and the belts.” You saw how he gave it a little thought and seemed to connect the dots, so to speak with an “aigh’ yeah, tha’ one.”
On the screen the queens kept coming down the catwalk and showing off their looks as yet another question arose. “So wha’ about those tits?” You burst out laughing at the directness of his question as you thought back and indeed not seeing any breastplates on screen in the workroom yet.
“What about the tits, Dee?” Your breathy laughs were slowly calming down as you waited for him to elaborate. “Them skinny ones, there’s some real lookin’ racks on ‘em. An’ they aint’ got any fat to shove in a bra.”
“Well, Daryl. Them’s fake silicon tits.” You faked his accent before reverting back to your own to continue your answer to the question you thought he’d be saving for after the episode. “They’re like tank-tops, but stretchy silicon that are matched to your skin tone and stop right where the boob ends. The arm and neck holes are hidden with sleeve straps and necklaces.” You could see him stare and think again. He had been doing it a lot during the episode and maybe he was finally starting to understand it all. During the judging emotions were high again and you both watched as the queen poured her heart out on the stage. It might not have had anything to do with the challenge but it was a continuation of that earlier talk at the mirror that was still fresh.
"Mah dad would'a sent a huntin' party after me if I'd even look at a guy fer too long, let alone admit I was into 'em."
You had to go and pause the episode for a moment to let that sink in.
"Daryl?" You rolled over onto your back and looked at him. "Something you wanna share with your girlfriend now that you're in a safe place to talk about it?"
You got a look that was him clearly thinking about the conversation, before his eyebrows shot up and he looked down at you with an ‘oh shit’ kind of look. “Wha? No. I aint’ sayin’ I am.” He had to think first before phrasing this wrong again. “Wha’ I mean’ta say’s I can tell ya if a guy yer eyein’ at the store looks nice, ya know. Like ya girlies all do to each other. Bu’ if I ever let tha’ slip around my family I’d get beat fer bein’ a sissy.”
You reached your hands up to grab at his cheeks and get him close enough for a kiss, being helped up a bit as you couldn’t reach and gave him a loving kiss. “You know you can comment on pretty ladies too, right? If you spot one I’d love to get a peek too!” Daryl laughed before pressing his lips against yours again. “I know ya like them good racks an’ squishy butts too, sunshine.” He pulled his arms away from under you making you drop back into his lap with an ‘oomph’.
“Now unpause.” He pointed at the tv as he stuck his tongue out to you. “Wanna see if the bitchy one in the sparkly blue thing goes home. I’on like tha’ one.” Rolling your eyes and giggling you got comfortable again to finish the episode and see if Daryl’s wishes will be heard.
A/N: A headcanon question in our yume ship discord got out of hand in my head so I had to write a fic about it.
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winxanity-ii · 6 months
⌜No Hoods Attached | Chapter 02 Chapter 02 | stuck-in⌟
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You hummed a slow tune under your breath as you stuffed extra streamers into a trash bag.
After lunch, you and Seora were once again separated as you both had to head back to your respective groups to finish setting up.
Everyone then spent the next four hours rushing around, fixing up the room that the fan-meeting would be held in.
"Great job, you guys! The room looks amazing!" Sang-hun smiled, his voice echoing in the large room. "Since the time is nearing nine o'clock, that means that the concert is close to ending."
You halted in your steps, mind short-circuiting at the preppy, grey-haired male's words; you completely forgot that a concert was currently going on as you all were preparing the room for the fan-meeting.
"I now ask everyone to exit and make their way down the hall, where we will have group photos taken before being dismissed."
Setting the box down by the other boxes, you followed after the other volunteers.
"I'm sorry, but you're going to have to take off your jacket. Its red color clashes against the purple of the volunteer shirts and would stand out." A random woman, who had 'Section Leader' on her shirt, told you with an apologetic look on her face before moving on to another volunteer with a similar wardrobe error as yourself.
You frowned as you pulled the hoodie off of your body, internally screaming about how much you didn't want to do so; it was sort of like a shield between you and the world, and now without it, you felt kind of naked.
With your hoodie draped over the side of your arm, you began following the crowd of volunteers out of the room once more. Before you completely left the room, you decided to sit the jacket down on a long, metal table, opting to come back for it after the pics were taken.
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"I would like to once again thank everyone for volunteering and helping out." Mrs. Lee smiled as she stood in front of the room filled with volunteers. "Now that the concert has ended, this is the end of your volunteer work and the beginning of the fan-meeting.
Please grab a gift bag on your way out as we prepare to transition BTS from the concert hall to here. Once again, thank you all for your service, and have a wonderful night."
Soft conversations flowed as everyone began to break away.
"Come on, let's head out." Seora found her way next to you, nodding towards the exit.
As you both followed behind a group exiting the room, you rubbed your face, cheeks a bit sore from all of the big smiles you had to conjure up for the photos.
"Hey, you good?" Seora stared over at you in a bit of concern.
"Yeah, I just never had to smile so much."
A snort left your best friend's body, "Wow, way to sound so asocial."
About halfway out the door, you remembered something. "Shit. I almost forgot my hoodie."
"Where is it?"
"I think I left it back in the room where the fan-meeting is being held."
Seora allowed a low whistle to exit her mouth. "Ooh. That's kinda fucked up."
You rubbed your arms in worry. "Do you think they'll let me get it before it starts?"
"Probably not. Remember, they're moving BTS to the room as we speak, so they'll most likely have guards posted around the area."
You began to bite on the inside of your cheek, anxious at the thought of being unable to retrieve your jacket as well as the possibility of it being thrown away.
Seeing the look on your face, Seora gave your shoulder a firm pat. "Hey, don't fret too much. Though I said they wouldn't let us go back there, that doesn't mean we can't try."
"But what if we get caught?"
"Then we get caught. I mean, the worst that can happen is us going to jail and being charged with some type of assault or stalking charge, but if it means getting your hoodie back, then I'd gladly spend the night in a cell."
You calmed down a bit at her words, "Really? You'd do that for me?"
"Hell yeah! What kind of a bestie would I be if I let you go to jail by yourself?" Seora smiled, giving your arm a little nudge, "So let's go get it."
Using the moving group of volunteers as a cover, the two of you broke away and dashed down the hall. After a few minutes of sprinting and dodging fretting workers, you and Seora arrived at the door.
"Alright, we're here." The metal door had a poster of the seven-membered band, something that wasn't there before.
Grabbing the handle, you creaked open the door, peeking inside of the small hall. After a few seconds of waiting, you heard no footsteps or voices that indicated someone was there. "Okay, I think it's empty. Let's go."
As you made a move to sneak inside, Seora stopped you with a hissed, "Wait a sec."
You turned to face her, wanting to know why she did so. "What? Aren't you gonna come with me?"
"I can't. I have to stay behind and watch out for anyone coming."
Your head nodded in understanding. It made more sense for only one of you to retrieve the jacket instead of both. "Okay, I'll be quick."
Sending you two thumbs up, Seora gave you a bright smile. "Good luck, chump."
Shaking your head, you cracked open the door wide enough for you to slip inside, shutting it behind you with a faint 'click'.
Tiptoeing further into the area, you made your way down a mini hall before coming into a familiar area; your eyes immediately spotted your bright red jacket hanging off of the metal table covered in a long purple cloth.
As you made your way towards the table, you were able to make out the faint sound of conversations and clicking cameras beyond the tall black curtains that shielded the rest of the room from the back area.
Curious, you made a small detour past the table towards the opening of the curtains. A shocked gasp left your lips at the sight of nearly two hundred people seated out in the area, talking excitedly amongst one another, while several photographers took photos of everything.
"Nope. Nope. Nope." Backing away from the curtains, you quickly turned around, making your way back towards the table. Just as you picked up your red hoodie, you heard the opening of the metal door.
Head shooting up, you panicked for a bit before recalling having Seora out there as the lookout.
She would have warned you if it were anyone else.
With this in mind, you felt yourself calm down. But, before you could open your mouth and call out her name, a wicked idea sprang through your head: this would be the perfect opportunity to get payback for her scaring you last week.
As you heard the footsteps nearing, you quickly grabbed the jacket and ducked underneath the table.
Pulling your knees to your chest, you couldn't help but allow an evil-like cackle to echo inside of your mind as a pair of feet came into view.
This will no doubt be the scare of the month, you thought, picturing the frightened expression on your dear friend's face when you scare the fuck out of her.
As the feet came closer to the table, you mentally prepared yourself to reach forward and grab her by the ankles. Okay, in one...two...thㅡ
Your thoughts were immediately cut off in shock as the pair of feet were joined by six other pairs.
As your mind raced to piece everything together, you watched as the seven pairs of shoes were pulled out from under the chairs seated at the table, sitting down; you were met with a plethora of different shoe brands and colors.
Time seemed to stop as it finally clicked.
The sound of the curtains getting pulled backfilled your ears before being overshadowed by the exclamations of excited fans.
"The moment you've all been waiting for...BTS!" Eyes wide, your mouth dropped in horror at the announcer's words; you were a mere centimeters away from the one and only BTS.
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hotxcheeto · 2 years
Hello !
Since you do write for Caitlyn I hoped to request some poly Caitvi headcanons of them with a s/o who's childhood was tragic/sad so their inner child comes out too often in their adulthood?
Some ideas of their behavior would like: buying toys out of impulse, getting distracted by any bug on their way, making cute outfits for plushies, gets super excited around pets (literally adore them) and when they fuck up is really obvious cause they get all quiet and anxious thinking the worst over little things.
So yeah that's the vibe I'm going for😎.
I'm writing a character and I need some feedback to be honest. Hope you can help me !
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𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) - Vi x G/N!Reader x Caitlyn Kiramman 
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - Cursing, alludes to rough childhood, mentions of arguments and being judged, mentions of fear of doing something wrong, alludes to anxiety, mentions of overthinking, I think that's it?
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 ? - Yeah/Nope
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG! I hope you enjoy hun! I based some of it off my own experiences but it's also 430am rn so I did my best lol! thank you darling! i hope your character writing is going good!
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Let's be clear, these two are amazingly great with taking care of you, even before you told them about some of your 'issues' as you used to call them
Caitlyn was the first to notice, once you both began spending a lot more time together
She knew you'd dress up cute, you put in a lot of effort into your appearance and you reminded her of a little shop doll dressed up among the other girl, boy and other dolls she'd seen
It was fun and a bit different from the sophisticated nature that comes with Piltover
Also loves your stuffed animal collection, but maybe not as much as you
She finds it adorable you treat them like your children and Vi, well when it comes to Vi she very much indulges in it
Listens to you when you name each one and tell them both their backstories and go into details about their birthdays
They remember them too
Vi loves you so much though, since you're helping her heal without even realizing
You don't care when she snuggles up under your blankets around your teddy bears and talks to you quietly while Cait makes you all tea to drink
It makes her feel like a child, and you don't mind either because she's listening to you and actually interested in you
Cait tucks you both in after you fell asleep reading a book together with you telling Vi the entire story and Vi finding you very pretty to look at
All cuddled up in her giant bed made to fit the entirety of your plushies she made sure to cuddle you both immediately after
They both always make sure you're comfortable with things as well, getting overwhelmed in public situations isn't new for you
They're very overprotective of you
Especially around other people who notice that sometimes you'll act childish and point out something cool to one of them
Whether it be a pretty butterfly or a street performer you found so awesome you had to tug on Caitlyn's sleeve to show her
Vi doesn't have any of it when someone is rude to you, that's for sure
And Cait focuses her attention to you always and makes sure you're alright at the time
They knows you mean well, even when it can get frustrating and they're trying to focus and you're wanting attention
But they'll never ever tell you because it goes away within a few seconds when they see that smile on your face, and it was like they never felt it at all
You'll bring them things while they're busy and they'll always stop to listen to you go on about whatever topic popped in your head
or to see whatever cool toy or trinket you'd brought home
Vi had accidentally been a bit rude to you one time on accident before and felt awful for it
Did EVERYTHING to make it up to you, and I mean EVERYTHING
She felt so bad
You cried for five minutes before the ice cream she offered became a bit too enticing along with the bear hug she gave you
You forgot about it after honestly but she still thinks about it
Lets you sit on her lap all the time because you like the comfort it brings
It makes you feel small and she holds you nice and tight in her big arms with her head resting on your own
Vi loves to love you and you're so sweet to her it makes her feel undeserving
You'll hug and sit with her always
Seeing her as your biggest and best teddy bear
Hearing you say that nearly made her cry
When you give her special nicknames and kisses whenever just because you know she loves you and it makes you feel good that you're making her happy
Caitlyn gives me motherly vibes and it unintentionally goes to both you aswell
You when you're sad and want her to sit you on her lap and hug you close
Or make you food while you kick your legs back and forth sitting on the counter telling her about what you and Vi seen around the city while she worked
Vi loves taking you to a cupcake shop nearby
Speaking of that, they love bringing you pretty sweets home to see that light on your face
They love it
And you love it because they're thinking about you and you weren't entirely used to that
You just love making them happy, and you know why and where it stems from, but it makes you happy
Vi loves when you talk about everything when you guys walk together down the street
Every little thing, you'll bring it up
She has this game where you'll point at people and come up with life stories for them
She'll have you giggling for hours, ready to pee your pants from how hard your laughing
And when you walk into the toy store to 'just look around' Vi finds herself paying for a few new stuffed animals and maybe a few dresses and suits for them
And a little tea set that you couldn't pass up
Walking down the street holding a ton of bags while you're carrying a fancy little box with your cups in it
A smile on your face as you talk to a few kids on your way
But it's all worth it
Though, that's the good side of it all, the cute side they love
But sometimes Caitlyn and Vi argue, it's VERY VERY rare if impossible that you're in an argument with them mostly because you just don't argue
But they do, rarely, but it can get bad when they do argue
You feel stuck between them both, but they'd never ask to make you choose a side unless you say something
You don't though, afraid that you'll hurt the other and they'd hate you for it
It's like being stuck between two parents arguing
You hate it when they're mad at each other, even if it's not for long because by the time night rolls around you're all snuggled up in bed tracing skin and pressing light kisses against your cheeks
Or sometimes you mess up
Like the time you broke one of Caitlyn's favorite glass teacups
You wouldn't look at her, afraid of what you'd see when you finally told her
She'd been asking if you were okay for at least an hour
Wouldn't say a word to Vi while she watched the interaction, you just stared at the floor
But they were just glad you were okay, Caitlyn didn't care about the cup she thought you were hurt
You were a bit shocked to say the least but it made it easier to come to her when you did something you deemed bad
But to your surprise, she was never mad
Sometimes she'd even laugh, and get you back to your good mood by making you smile
And when you overthink too much about something you did she sits and talks you through it the entire time
Vi can tell when you're lying to her very easily
So when you're overthinking about something you said, or maybe a small thing you did to one of them or to someone else
She talks you through it all like Caitlyn taught her
Because she knows you're freaking out quietly over nothing
But to you it's everything, in the moment anyway
Until she reminds you that she'll beat anyone and everyone up and she's got you laughing and Caitlyn smiling from across the room
Vi's good at distracting and desire
Caitlyn's good at calming and comforting
They're perfect for you, because they take good care of you and you take great care of them
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albertasunrise · 3 years
It's Yours - Chapter 9
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8
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Summary: You and Javier have been sleeping together for almost two years but after his name was leaked by the papers, he is sent home for investigation. You remain behind with Steve to catch Escobar but when he’s finally dead, you decide to go after the man you’ve fallen for. You don’t like what you find when you finally reunite with him.
Warnings: Fluff, Childbirth.
Relationships: Javier Peña x Reader
You were in the last month or so of your pregnancy and you were miserable. The Peña men had you refined to your bed or the couch and you were grateful. Your ankles were swollen, your back was killing you and the babies weren’t giving you a minutes rest. With bed rest though came loneliness and with loneliness came overthinking and you were starting to overthink everything. So when Javi had told you that Connie had offered to come out and stay until the babies had arrived you were over the moon.
Today was the day she was arriving and you couldn’t wait. Javier had been busy getting the house ready for the babies. The nursery had been decorated, toy army arranged and furniture had been built. So now his days were spent getting the other house ready for his dad. Chucho was there to wait on you hand and foot when he could but he still had a ranch to run so you spent most of your days alone. Javier had driven to collect the Murphy’s from the airport. Steve was coming down for a few days before heading back to Miami but Connie and Olivia were going to be with you for at least the next month.
It was a little afternoon when they arrived.
You were settled on the couch watching a nature documentary when the door swung open and two golden heads came into view. Connie almost threw herself at you, arms circling your shoulders as she squeezed you tightly.
“You’re so big now.” She squealed as she cooed over your bump.
“I’m a whale.” You sighed, pushing yourself up a little so you could see everyone better.
“You are glowing Mi Amor.” Gushed Javier and you rolled your eyes at him.
“You have to say that Peña.” You grumbled, “You’re the one who got me into this mess.”
“She’s got a point dude.” Conceded Steve, flinching when Javier punches his arm "Mind Olivia." He moaned before the toddle slapped his cheek with her little hand.
"Seems like Livie agrees with me." Chuckled the agent.
Pushing yourself to your feet, you rolled your eyes when Javier leapt to your side and grabbed your arms in order to support you as you waddled along.
“I can walk Javier.” You snapped, sighing when you saw hurt flash across his face “Sorry baby. I’m just a little fed up. Not sure if I can go another month.”
“You know it's common for twins to come early?” Stated Connie and you nodded, rubbing your aching belly as you tottered towards the kitchen.
“Yeah the Doctor did tell us and I’m praying they do. I’m getting impatient now.” You chuckled, pulling out a bottle of water from the fridge before plonking yourself down on one of the kitchen chairs, already exhausted from your short walk.
“You’re doing so well baby.” Said Javier lovingly as he placed a sweet kiss on your forehead “So proud of you, growing out little angels.”
Connie, Steve and Olivia were such a welcome distraction.
Steve helped Javier get the guesthouse finished and then had helped Chucho officially move in.
Connie took excellent care of you whilst Olivia and you played. She was fascinated by your bump and how it moved as the babies wriggled around inside. She loved to lay her little head on it, chuckling when she'd get nudged by a foot.
"You like that Liv?" You asked as she chuckled at you, clapping in delight.
'Ye." She squealed.
She'd started to pick up words. Now able to answer yes or no questions and you felt the maternal side of you overflow with pride and each milestone she'd hit.
"Would you like a little brother or sister Liv?" You asked as Connie popped your tea beside you before taking a seat in the armchair across from you.
"YE!" She yelled and she chuckled.
"Well, there you have it Con."
"Well actually..." She started before falling silent, grinning behind her mug and your mouth dropped.
"You're not?"
"I am." She nodded excitedly and you practically screamed in excitement, Olivia mirroring your reaction.
"What... How... wh-" You paused as you processed what she'd just told you "Why didn't you tell me?"
"Well, we wanted to wait till we passed the 12-week mark before we told people. You know how we've struggled in the past and we didn't want to jinx it." You nodded in understanding, knowing they'd lost a baby a few years back.
"And so everything's okay?"
"Perfect." She said as she pulled some images from her back and passed them to you.
"This is amazing Con." You said sweetly as you gazed at the photos "I'm so happy for you both." You finished as you smiled up at your best friend.
It was the last day before Steve was due to return to Miami and you had suggested that the men go out for dinner and few drinks. You were hoping for a relaxed evening, just you and Connie but you could tell that Javier wasn’t sure about leaving you.
“Are you sure you’re going to be okay?” He asked, his big brown eyes making your stomach flip.
“Baby. We’ll be fine.” You chuckled “I’m in great hands here anyway!”
“Come on, you boys go have fun. Might be your last chance before the babies arrive.” Said Connie, giving his arm a friendly squeeze.
“You’ll call if you need anything?”
“And you’ll take it easy?”
“Yes, Javier.” You groan.
“She won’t lift a finger for herself.” Stated Connie “Unless she needs the bathroom. There's a line.” She chuckled, eliciting a laugh from both you and Javi.
“Fine.” He said, finally giving in “You girls have fun.”
Little did you know that everything was about to change.
The first contraction was so mild you barely noticed it. Rubbing your belly, you groaned as you shifted in your seat in an attempt to get comfortable but as the evening went on they became more intense. You’d been warned that you might experience false contractions or Braxton Hicks so you’d decided to ignore them, convinced that they would pass.
It was around 6 when you realised that they weren’t.
“I think I’m in labour.”
“I really appreciate you and Con coming out here.” Said Javier as he gave his friend a genuine smile “The Mrs has been really struggling the last few months so I know that she really appreciates Connie being here for the last leg of this. I honestly have no idea what I’m doing. Even Olivia's doing a better job of keeping her happy.” He chuckled as he glanced at his pops “Seems like everything I do is wrong.”
“She’s growing two people inside of her Mijo.” Piped up Chucho, giving his son’s arm a friendly squeeze “She’s entitled to be snappy.”
“Your contractions are close together hun.” Stated Connie, holding your hand as another one ripped through you “How close is the nearest hospital?"
“47 minutes.” You panted “Timed… drive.”
“Right well I don’t think the you’re gonna last to the hospital hun.” She stated, “Do you know where the boys went?”
“NO.” You screamed, tears streaming down your flushed cheeks as you tried to breathe the pain.
She sprinted to the bedroom and grabbed a few pillows before making a b-line for the bathroom and grabbing some towels. bringing them to you in the lounge and arranging them so she could make you as comfortable as possible. Next, she grabbed the washing up bowl from under the sink and filled it with some warm water, knowing she’d need it to clean up the babies when they arrived.
“Right, sweetheart I need you to trust me.” She started as she pulled down your leggings and underwear “We’re going to have to deliver the babies here. I’m going to take a look and see how dilated you are.”
“SI.” You screamed and she looked at you in confusion.
“Odd time to scream for your ex.” She said before returning her attention to the job at hand.
“No… Call him… He could tell us where Javi is.” You panted out and she nodded in understanding, flicking through the phonebook beside the phone and dialling in the bar's number.
Silently grateful that Olivia's a heavy sleeper.
“Wonder what the girls are up to.” Said Steve as he took a swig of his beer.
“Probably watching crappy tv and gushing over all the baby clothes I spent a fortune on the other day.” Chuckled Javier “Si, reckon we can get another?”
“Sure thing.” Said the man as he grabbed two more beers “Another soda Chucho?”
“I think I’m good.” Said the older man “Will be bouncing off the walls.”
“Now that I’d like to see.” Chuckled the bartender as he walked over to the ringing phone and answering it, smile falling as he flicked his head towards Javier.
“What is it?”
“You need to go home.” He stated and Javier immediately started to panic.
“What's going on?” Asked Steve, pulling his eyes from the game on the screen and noting the now tense atmosphere.
“She’s in labour.”
‘Where is he?” You sobbed, contractions now so much closer together.
“They’ll be here soon sweetie. I just need you to breathe for me okay?” She instructed and you tried your best to do as she asked “I’ve called an ambulance too but hun…” She paused, glancing down before locking your gaze again “You’re going to have to start pushing real soon.”
“No.” You sobbed, shaking your head as tears stained your shirt “No I can’t.”
“You have to.” She said, stroking your hair away from your sweat-slick brow.
“I need Javi.” You wailed “Where’s Javi!.”
“I’m here baby.” Came a familiar voice and you sobbed “I’m right here beside you Mi Amor.”
Everything around you seemed to disappear and suddenly it was just you and him. Even the pain seemed to disappear and you cried as he pulled you in for a kiss but the moment was cut short when the worst contraction yet tore through you.
“Right hun you need to push.”
“No… I can’t.” You choke on a hiccup as you shake your head.
“Baby, if you don’t push then we won’t meet our babies.” Said Javier sweetly “You can do it, mi corazón.”
Connie ordered you to push and you did. Over and over until you were left limp on the cushions she’d so carefully laid underneath you.
“One more hun.” She said and you weren’t sure you had it in you “Come on he’s almost here.”
That was what you needed to make that final push.
With one more gargantuan effort, his cries filled the air and you let out a relieved sob as you watched her hand him to Steve so he could wash him. Not even noticing Javi cutting the cord. Chucho took his from the blonde agent after he was wrapped in one of the soft blankets you'd bought and bounced him in his arms, desperate to quiet him a little.
“How are you feeling sweetheart.” Asked Connie and you looked at her with a painted expression.
“Well, you don’t have long sweetheart.” She said sympathetically “Your baby girl is on her way.”
She wasn’t lying either. It seemed like you had no time at all to rest before your baby girl started to make her entrance. The orders to push were repeated and you did. Pulling at whatever reserves you had left to push your baby girl into the world and when you made the final one you allowed yourself to ultimately collapse bonelessly onto the makeshift bed as you watched Javi cut the cord and hand her to Steve to be cleaned.
It took a moment for it to register.
You were so tired.
There was crying, but those were your son's cries.
She wasn’t crying.
Why wasn’t she crying?
“Why isn’t she crying?” Javier asked, staring at Connie as she checked over your newborn daughter.
She said nothing. She was calm as she waited for the tiny infant to show any signs of life but after a few minutes, she started CPR. Javier held you as the two of you watched the woman work, unable to control your emotions as fat tears started to fall. Chucho stood with your son in his arms and watched the terrifying spectacle, unable to help the few tears that slipped down his cheeks.
Then you heard the most beautiful sound.
“There you go.” Said Connie as she smiled down at the screaming infant “That's in sweetheart.” She said as she placed the wriggling baby in your arms.
“Don’t scare us like that baby girl.” Said Javier as he looked down lovingly at the tiny being in your arms.
“Don’t forget this little chap.” Said Chucho as he kneeled beside you and placed your son in your other arm.
You took a moment to stare down at your two tiny tots, forehead resting against Javier’s as you basked in the moment. Your whole body was shaking with exertion. You could smell what had happened as you pushed one of your children into the world but you didn’t care. No one did.
Your babies were here.
Everything else was irrelevant.
One Week Later…
You and Javier sat cuddled up on the couch, you holding your son and him holding your daughter. Connie was busy helping Chucho in the kitchen, still adamant that she stay a few weeks to help. The two of you had been struggling to come up with names. Nothing seemed to fit and you'd expected to have a little more time.
The ambulance had arrived a little while after you’d delivered and you were rushed to the hospital where they kept you and the babies in overnight. They were happy to discharge you the following day though and you’d quickly settled into a routine. You were sore, struggling to sit down on any chair that you had in the house. So you had almost sobbed when Si turned up with the most beautiful rocking chair you’d ever seen.
“Mae and I bought it when she was expecting and I dunno… I could never bring myself to get rid of it.” He stated, shrugging his shoulders as he placed the chair down “It’s supposed to be really good for breastfeeding and all that. You don’t have to keep it but…'
You stopped his rambling with a kiss on his cheek.
“It’s perfect.” You said sweetly, smiling when his eyes locked onto your son in your arms “Would you like to hold him?”
His eyes grew wide as he looked up at you with childlike excitement and he nodded eagerly, carefully taking him from you and cradling him with such care. You couldn’t help but swoon at the sight. The man would always hold a place in your heart but as Javier came to stand beside you, your sleeping daughter in his arms you swooned even harder.
“We actually had something we wanted to ask you.” Piped up Javier after a few minutes, Si looking up from your son to study you both.
“Well, we wondered if maybe, you’d like to be their godfather?” You said, watching him with hopeful eyes as he processed what you'd just said.
He said nothing. The tears in his eyes was all the answer that you needed and after a few more minutes of gushing over your son, he handed you back you little boy before stealing your daughter from Javier.
“You got names for them yet?” He asked as he bounced her in his arms.
“No.’ You grumbled, “Nothing feels right.”
“Mae and I were expecting a girl,” He said as he smiled down at yours “Had a name picked out as soon as we learned the sex.”
“What was it?” You asked as you sat down on the couch.
“Layla.” He stated, “Reckon she looks like a Layla.” He said with a watery smile, bringing her forehead to his lips and placing a gentle kiss there.
You looked at Javier. Sharing a mental conversation before he turned his head to the man and placed a friendly arm around Si’s shaking shoulders.
“She really does man.” He said, gently pinching her chubby little cheek “Layla Mae Peña.”
The man looked up at Javier and let out a choked sob before looking down at the tiny little being in his arms.
“If that's okay with you?” Javier asked and Si looked at him again.
“It’s more than okay.” The man replied.
“What about Luca for the other one.” Piped up Steve and you all chuckled, the soft moment broken by his eloquence.
“The other one?” You boomed.
“That’s my son Pendejo.” Javier jested as he gave his partner a playful punch on the arm.
“Luca and Layla.” You said, testing the names on your tongue “I think we’ve found their names.” You stated as you laid a gentle kiss on Luca’s nose.
“Does kinda sound like Luke and Leia.” Pointed out Connie and you chuckled again.
“I don’t see what the issue is.” Piped up Javier and everyone chuckled.
“Course you wouldn’t.” Teased Steve “Nerd.”
"You next Con." You said as you looked at the blonde who was cradling a sleeping Olivia on her shpoulder.
"Wait what?" Said Javier, confused by your statement "You're pregnant?"
"Mhmmm." She nodded, smirking at Javier's shock.
"Why didn't you tell me." He whined as he looked at his partner in shock.
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Whacky Gotham, Goofy New York, and Chaotic Paris.
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8)
Chapter 6: Evade The Bats, and Beat The Crows
The girls are in the old living room setting up clues (that are absolutely... useless) around Gotham. One being a picture Harley and Multimouse took earlier that day.
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"They might think to look here after they realize the clues are fake." - Steph
"Then where else would they not think to look?" - Maria
"W.E, I can get you and Harley in without them knowing easily." - Barbara said with a confident smile.
"But they'll have to go incognito... especially you Harley, no offense, but your outfit stands out just a tad." - Steph
"Ehhh, none taken, I'm sure I can tink of somthin' else tuh wear." - Harley
"I can help with that, but I'll need some clothes and some sewing supplies." - Maria said already thinking of what she could make.
Cass gave a nod and headed out of the room, after a few minutes she came back with t-shirts, jackets, sweaters, shorts, jeans, etc. and droped the pile of clothes infront of the group. She then handed Maria a sewing set she got from Alfred.
"Thanks Cass. I'll get to work on making our costumes." - Maria
"Let me help yuh wit' dat hun." - Harley said as she picked up most of the clothes for Maria
"Thanks." Maria
•—–·Let's see the Chaos shall we·–—•
"You never told us she could use magic!" - Red Hood looking under the table
"I wonder if she can infuse magic with coffee..." - Red Robin said looking in the cabinets for the third time.
"Stop looking for coffee!" - Red Hood
"She could've hidden in here." - Red Robin said while crabbing a mug
"I haven't had enough sleep to deal with this." - Selina then walked over and flopped herself on the couch and proceeded to fall asleep on impact.
"Maria get your tiny self back here right now or else!" - Tony
"Or else what? She Knows MAGIC! What else does she know that you haven't told us?!" - Red Hood
"... I never told you becuase it's meant to be a secret!" - Tony
"Oh, so now you agree with keeping things a secret?" - Red Robin grabbing the coffee
"What else can she do Tony." - Batman
"Well... she's great with tech, can kick butt in a LOT of different ways, has magic, and if she wants to, she can find and know where everyone or anyone is, but I think she gets massive headaches from a wide search like that." - Tony
"Anything else?" - Batman
(Tony thinkng of all the tiny gods she has in jewelery, and that she keeps Paris/friends and family safe on a daily basis, and that she is the well known designer MDC...)"No..." - Tony
As ivy was listening to them talk, she continued to search her garden, until one of her plants had a message fo her.
"Hello Ms. Ivy, please don't help Batman and Iron Man find us, we promise we'll be careful." - Maria
"Where are you?" - Ivy asked whispering into the plant.
After a few minutes Ivy got a detailed plan that Maria, Harley and the girls came up with to evade The IronBat group (Maria thought that would be better than ManMan group 'But it's Bat MAN and Iron MAN, so it has tuh be The ManMan group.' was Harleys defence, but Maria won that one.) and Ivy agreed to help as best she could.
•—–· Over to the Miraculous gang ·–—•
Plagg is cackling like there's no tomorrow.
"Guys something must be wrong, Plagg won't stop cackling, he won't even touch the cheese I gave him!!!" - Adrien
"There's no time for that, we need to find out where the hell Maria is!!" - Chloé
"Hahahaha, Ti- heheh Tikk- pffhaaaaaaahaha!!!" - Plagg
"He's trying to form words!" Adrien cradling Plagg in his hands "What is it my friend? Don't do this, you're to young...*sniff * you're to beautiful!"
"Hehehehe Shhhh- hahaha, she- she- haha...heheh- I'm so p-hehe-Proud wahahaha " - Plagg
"Proud?! She?! Where?! Who, is it Maria?!" - Chloé
"Hhhhhhhhahhaaaaaaaaaa" - Plagg
"Oh God he's wheezing!" - Adrien
"Hey guys, Peter and I got the snacks, found out where Maria might- oh kwami." - Alix walking into the room to a zombie looking Chloé, a panicked Adrien and the Kwami of death/bad luck/chaos laughing himself to death.
"Has he finally lost it?" - Peter
"She has become a true cat! hahahahahaaaaa heheheheeeeeee." - Plagg
Everyone in the room but Plagg "Oh fu-"
•—–· Over to the Batfam ·–—•
So everyone is panicking because for the past hour none of them could find Multimouse. Robin is sitting on the couch next to a now fully awake Selina, Red Hood and Nightwing are once again feeding each other the worst possible situation she could be in, Tony may or may not be hyperventilating, Red Robin is drinking coffee, and Batman is as stoic as ever... well on the outside anyway, on the inside, it's a warzone. Ivy is drinking her tea, slightly worried, but also hiding a small smile.
"What if we ask Oracle to try and help us find her?" - Red Robin
"... Right... Yes, ok let's do that... Bats you do it, I need to sit down." - Tony
•—–· Back to the girls ·–—•
The girls moved everything to the Bat-cave so they could set the route they would take, then the Bat-Computer started ringing.
"Hide!" - Steph
"Where, dere's nuttin' tuh hide behind!" - Harley
"Quick under the Bat-Computer." - Barbara
As soon as Harley and Maria hid under the Bat-Computer, Batman and the rest of the Batfam was on video call.
"Hey guys, what do you need?" - Barbara acting like nothing happened
"We need you to search for Maria, she's in a dark gray suit with pink accents, and she's with Harley." - Batman
"Ok, no prob, I'll contact you when I've found something." - and with that Barbara exited the call.
"Should we start heading out?" - Maria
"Yup, and here are your ID badges, don't lose them. I'll give our Batfam fake sightings, and lead them far away, then once you reach W.E I'll slowly start leading them closer to you." - Barbara
"Thanks, keep in touch if they decide to split up." - Maria
"Roger that." - Steph said giving a solute
Soon Multimouse and Harley are running over roof tops again, doing tricks, and stopping petty crimes, Barbara is leading the Batfam all over Gotham, and then they got to W.E, after Maria transformed back, they entered the building. Thanks to Babs, they entered without any problems and had free roam for the entire building, with some exceptions like new weapons designs, or the roof. They were hiding in the building for about an hour on the 7th floor when Barbara called in.
"Hey girls, you might want to be careful, I spotted some of Scarecrows goons a few blocks away, they seem to be heading in your direction, I'd say about 6mins tops until they reach W.E. Best to find a good room to stay in, or get out of there." - Barbara
"Thanks fawh de heads up Babs." - Harley
"Ok, we'll try to get out, let us know if we should turn back or not." - Maria
"Got it, and be careful." - Barbara
Maria and Harley then made their way back down, they were taking the stairs, because they figured it would be quicker, once they were on the second floor, they started to calmly make their way through the doors of the stairwell. That's when Scarecrows goons busted in, shouting for everyone to get down, Harley made sure to stay as close to Maria as possible as the goons gathered everyone to a wall. They were told to not move, talk, or do anything to anger them, once everyone was up against the wall, that's when Scarecrow came in. As he entered the room some of the employees started to look very scared, when Maria looked over to Harley, she saw her mouth 'it's ok', afterwards the goons had them all tied up and on the floor sitting down. Scarecrow scanned them before speaking.
"One of you will be testing my newest and most potent fear toxin as of yet. We can do this one out of two ways." He said lifting up two of his needle syringed fingers. "1. You can be a hero, and let yourself be my newest test subject, aka the boring way or 2. I pick whoever I want, aka the slightly less boring way. Now, who wants to go first?"
•—–· Over to Batman ·–—•
The Batfam was running around the other side of Gotham, now without Tony, because someone ( ehem Thor, ehem) was making a giant mess at Avengers Tower, and was fighting Loki... again. It was when they decided to call Oracle that things took another turn.
"Oracle have you foun- " - Batman
"They're at W.E. and Scarecrows there, I can't get in contact with them, and I can't get into the cameras at the moment, I need you to get your butts over there now!" - Oracle
"Wait you were in contact with them?!" - Red Hood
"Not the time! Just get over there before someone gets hurt!" - Oracle
"We're on our way." - Batman
They all then kicked it into high gear and were running to W.E, and out of everyone, Damian seemed to be the most visibly panicked, if him running twice as fast as everyone was any indication. At the speed they were going, they would be there in 20mins or less... hopefully.
•—–· Back to Maria and Harley ·–—•
So while Scarecrow was giving his little speech, Maria whispered into a plant to let Ivy know their situation, she wasn't able to get an answer before she and Harley were pulled away from the crowd.
"And what do we have here? Harley Quinn and a child. How interesting, well then, which one of you would like to test my new fear toxin?" - Scarecrow
"Eh, do me, I bet I got a lot o' trauma and fears from my time wit' Mistuh J. dat yuh would just love tuh see." - Harley
"... As tempting as that sounds I think I'll test it on your little friend here, after all, I know better than to mess with one of the Sirens." - As Scarecrow said that, one of the goons dragged Maria over to him. She didn't panic, she was actually really calm, which worried Harley even more because, remember all that emotional trauma she saw Maria had? Yeah, not the best match for the fear toxin.
As Scarecrow grabbed Maria, she locked eyes with Harley, and gave a brief smile before she felt a sharp jabbing pain in the side of her neck. Her vision went hazy, and from Harleys' point of view, she went a little limp from it.
As Maria started to see again she could hear screams, car alarms going off, and explosion in the distance, when she looked up, she saw them, her friends, her team... her family, they were all there lying infront of her... none of them moving, all of them were lifeless, looking as though turned into a gray husk of what they once were, and beside them were all the Kwamis, and their respective Jewelery, broken and shattered. She felt the tears fall as she looked around. Paris, the once beautiful city of lights, was now a wasteland, everything had a gray tone to it, people, animals, everything that had life... was dead.
And then she heard laughing, a sick disturbing laugh that was all to familiar... Lila. When she turned and saw Vulpina, she felt sick just looking at her.
"You have failed Maria, everyone you knew and loved is gone, all because you weren't here." - Lila
All she felt in that moment... was pure anger, she began to struggle, but somthing was holding her. She kept hearing that stupid laugh, and kept struggling harder and harder.
"You were never good enough, you were meant to always be our everyday Ladybug, but you never were, you never cared for us, and that's why, they're all gone, because you weren't good enough." - Lila
The last four words kept playing over and over in her head, until something clicked, she wasn't in Paris, so how did she get there? The last place she was at... was with Harley, she was in the W.E. building, and had fear toxin injected into her. As she came to that realization, she could hear the laughing fade just a bit, she closed her eyes and focused on finding everyone's souls, when she did, she saw that Scarecrow was right infront of her, a goon next to Harley, and a goon behind her, the other goons had left and were on the first floor. She snapped back when she heard Lilas' voice again.
"You always were stubborn and never accepted the real truth, as class president aren't you supposed to just roll over and do as you're told." - Lila
Maria was done listening to her, and decided to kick Lila in the face (since someone didn't think to tie up her ankles.)
"Just go rott in hell already you lieing fox!" - Maria
Maria didn't get any answer, all she knew was that she hit whatever was really infront of her hard. Maria then heard Lilas' voice morph into a heavier, more distorted voice.
"That's a first, guess I'll have to increase the dosage." - Scarecrow
She then felt another jabbing pain in her neck, all she could do was scream from the pain, her head was spinning, and all she could hear was laughing, sickening laughter that came from both Lila, and now Hawkmoth. One thing Scarecrow didn't account for, was the deep hatred Maria held for both individuals he made her see. Because soon after he gave her more fear toxin she got her footing, pushing back into the goon behind her before using the goons' grib on her to do a half backflip into kicking the guys face in, quickly knocking the goon out, when she stood back up she only saw Hawkmoth, surrounded by her lifeless team and family, she only saw red, and charge right at him. She kept punching and roundhouse kicking him, giving one final charge, ramming into Hawkmoth before she felt weightless. She never heard the panicked scream Harley let out, she never heard the shouts that came from the Batfam just reaching the second floor, before she hit something... something rapped around her holding her from falling any further, causing her to start thrashing around thinking it was Hawkmoth, before seeing he was also grabbed by something. She struggled ignoring the slight pain that went through her harms and legs. She slowly calmed down as she felt her feet touch the ground again, she then saw another Hawkmoth that was now mixed with Lila hug her, she tried to break free, but realized that it wasn't Lila or Hawkmoth... It was calming, and her voice was gentle, it was Ivy. She only heard a few words, that's when she felt something blow on her face, and after a few seconds, she lost conscientiousness.
Harley came sprinting down and was by Ivys' side in less than a minute. Ivy could tell Harley was worried and joined her in hugging a now sleeping Maria.
"I'm sawhry Ives, It all just happened so fast, and she was so awesome at kickin' Cranes @ss, I din't get her out of dere quick enough." - Harley said as she looked Ivy in the eyes, with tears threatening to escape.
"It's alright Harley, none of this is your fault." - Ivy replied comfortingly to Harley
As the two hugged Maria Batman came over.
"We'll take it from here." - Batman
"Hell no. We ain't leavin' her side." - Harley
Batman just let out a sigh, after he dealt with Scarecrow and his goons, Batman, along with his sons, Ivy and Harley, all headed back to the Bat-cave where the other girls and Alfred were waiting.
If anyone noticed Robin looking over to Maria with a concerned look, they just ignored it, and continued their way back home.
Chapter 6 complete! Hope you'll liked it, and are havin' a fantabulous day, stay safe and rock all those positive vibes. !BUG-OUT! 🐞💮🐞
〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜 Tag List 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜
1st Place★: @animegirlweeb☕ , 2nd Place★: @jumpingjoy82, 3rd Place★: @zalladane, 4th Place★: @jayjayspixiepop, 5th Place★: @arty-shadow-morningstar, 6th Place★: @smol-book-nerd, 7th Place★: @irontimetravelflower, 8th Place★: @fandom-trapped-03, 9th Place★: @meme991001, 10th Place★: @buginetye, 11th Place★: @blackroserelina, 12th Place★: @jessigurl-design, 13th Place★: @adrestar , 14th Place★: @moon5608, 15th Place★: @little-bluestar, 17th Place★: @myazael, 18th Place★: @our-preciousss, 19th Place★: @wolf2118, 20th Place★: @nyx-in-line, 21st Place★: @kking13, 22nd Place★: @lunerlover2024, 23rd Place★: @moonlightstar64, 24th Place★: @corporeal-terrestrial, 25th Place★: @kashlyn, 26th Place★: @tbehartoo, 27th Place★: @heart-charming, 28th Place★: @solangelo252, 29th Place★: @t1dwarrior-of-earth, 30th Place★: @lady-phoenix-of-tardis, @lupagrimm
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mercurysstars · 3 years
All That Glitters Is Not Gold (part 7)
Summary: Y/n gets hired to be the avengers chief physician and also happens to be an ex assassin.
Word count: 3.2k
Warnings: Needles, swear words, reader getting angry.
A/N: Okay y’all so maybe the reader has slight anger issues.
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𝘍𝘪𝘹 𝘮𝘦 𝘶𝘱 𝘮𝘺 𝘥𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨.
Y/n suddenly became aware of the very persistent beeping noise in her ear. No matter what she tried she couldn't get it to stop and it was starting to annoy the hell out of her. She cracked her eyes open, the light-flooded her blinding her for a few seconds but her eyes quickly adjusted.
The first thing she noticed was the white plain walls of the Med-Bay. The memories flickered through her head like a flashing light. Y/n looked down to her bandage arm she peeled it back a bit, by looking at her wound she guessed she might have been out a little over a day and a half.
She grabbed the cords attached to her body and yanked them out causing the heart monitor to start flatlining. Wanda shot right up out of a dead sleep at the sound, looking over to make sure her friend was okay. Y/n didn't even know she was there until she spoke up "Oh good you're alive."
Y/n grimaced "Very much so. How long have I been out?"
"A little over a day," Wanda said confirming what she thought. "After FRIDAY alerted us, Barnes got there first to see you all bruised and bloody."
Y/n could tell Wanda was trying to keep the conversation light which she appreciated. She rolled her eyes and chuckled "You should see the other guy."
"Oh trust me I did." Wanda grinned. "I should probably go get bruce though so I'll be right back."
Wanda left her room. Bruce came in and checked her vitals and drew some blood just to make sure there wasn't anything toxic left in her blood. He said that they couldn't use the cradle because it could harm her further so there would be a scar. But Y/n didn't mind much a little bit of meditation and it would be long gone.
Wanda gave Y/n her phone but had to go because Vision needed some help. Y/n was checking some emails and she heard a little sniffle. She looked up to see a red-eyed Peter peaking into her room. She set down her phone and motioned him over. "Hey, Peter what's wrong?"
Peter seemed a little unsure of himself hesitating to speak. He once again sniffles wiping his face with his shirt. In a little voice, he mumbled, "I was scared you were going to die."
Y/n's heart broke into a million little pieces. She didn't know what to say to him. She wanted to comfort him but she didn't know-how. Y/n did the only thing she knew how. Made a joke out of it. "Oh, Pete you know some half-ass assassin can't get the best of me."
Peter chuckled also while hiccuping. He looked down then back at her. He rushed toward Y/n wrapping his arms around her. Y/n slowly wrapped her arm around him the stayed like that for a few seconds. She rubbed his back and patted it. "Can't breathe. Super strength." She choked out.
Peter pulled back standing next to her bed and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly "I forgot sorry."
"Don't worry about it. And hey get some sleep I'm the one in the Med-bay and you look worst than me."
Peter promised he would. He gave her a get-well card that he bought with his aunt May. He turned to leave. Bucky was standing in the doorway. Peter told him he could go in and left.
Bucky walked into the room. Y/n's face lit up when she noticed him standing there. "Well look who it is. My savior."
Bucky gave a small chuckle. He looked her over. He can't get the image of her lying limp in his arms out of his head. He doesn't think he's ever been that scared or panicked in his life. It became blurry to him after she passed out. He vaguely remembers carrying her the few feet to the med bay and Bruce ordering someone to get him out. Funny how someone can change your life within a few months of knowing them.
"How are you doing." He breathed out turning serious. He sat in the chair next to her bed setting her clothes on the tabled next to them. He couldn't explain it he felt like it was her fault she was in here. Even if he hasn't done it personally.
"Good, I'm good. How's Alpine? I know she has separation anxiety."
"Well, last night she somehow got into my room again. And right now I think she's with Wanda. I'm pretty sure she sneaks her extra treats."
Y/n and Bucky continued to talk. She genuinely enjoyed his company. There was a feeling that she didn't want to name that started to open up whenever he came around. They decided to watch a movie. Y/n was sitting crisscross applesauce and Bucky had his feet kicked up onto her bed while laying back in the chair.
"You actually liked this movie," Bucky exclaimed. Y/n got to pick the movie and she picked newsies. She thought it was the right thing to choose considering it's about young boys in New York. Though it was a little before his time it was basic Bucky and Steve.
"Yes, it was my favorite movie of my teen years. Believe it or not, I thought their New Yorker accents were really hot."
Bucky laughed. He couldn't believe what he was hearing "No way. They are so bad. They aren't even accurate."
"Hey don't judge. I can't help what my teenage hormones find attractive." She jokingly kicked his feet and he put his arms up defensively.
"I'm not, I'm not. It's just that I don't see you like that type of girl. Back in my day, they use to associate accents with thugs or gangs."
"It's the 21st-century hun. Times are different." She put her non-injured hand on her hip.
Bucky raised his eyebrows and smirked "So I'm seeing."
The buzzing of Y/n phone interrupted their conversation. The caller ID read Anthony Y/n put up a finger to signal to give her a moment. She clicked the accept button and a nervous sounding Tony picked up "Hey Y/n how are you? I heard what happened."
Y/n? He never uses her real. That only means one thing. He did something that could potentially piss her off. She was out for one day and this is what happens. "What did you do Tony."
"Okay look so don't be mad when I tell you. Meet me in the debriefing room in 10." He hung up before she got the chance to object.
Y/n slide to the edge of the bed. She swung her feet over. She attempted to stand up but when she put pressure on her foot she nearly collapsed. Y/n didn't remember hitting her foot or anything but it must have been when she dove over her desk. Bucky put his hands on her waist to steady her. "Woah you okay there doll?"
"Yeah. Can you like?" She made a turning motion with her hand. Bucky immediately stood up and turned around.
Y/n took off her hospital gown. Buck caught a glance of 2 long scars crossing her stomach and what looked like to be a burn on her hip through the reflection of the window. He quickly turned away out of respect. Y/n slide on her pants and cleared her throat. "I'm done."
Bucky turns around and sees her supporting most of her weight on her right foot. "Do you want me to get you crutches or a wheelchair?"
"Why would I do that when I have a perfectly good super soldier right here?"
She hobbled over to Bucky and wrapped her good arm around his waist. He rolled his eyes at her being difficult but put his arm around her. He wouldn't admit it but he secretly liked it and thought it was sweet.
They got down to the debriefing room. Tony was pacing around the front muttering something to himself. Y/n and Bucky took up the last two seats. Y/n's foot was throbbing so she put it on the table to elevate it. They waited a couple of minutes for him to start. Natasha finally decided to speak up getting annoyed "You want to tell us what this was about before you burn a hole in the carpet."
Tony stopped to look at them and started to pace again "Okay so I didn't tell you guys everything. That meeting I had was with the UN. They are trying to get General Ross to be ahead of the Avengers instead of Nick Fury."
He paused to let them take it in. Some were confused, and a couple were mad. "Wait are they just trying to do this since we didn't sign the Sakovia accords?" Steve said what most were thinking.
"See that's what I said but they were talking about some bullshit about us being unorganized and dangerous. And the only way they'd stop it is if someone took a truth serum and I said Y/n would."
Oh, this is why he told her not to get mad. She had to take a deep breath so she wouldn't pull off her shoe and beat him with it. Is he stupid? He's a genius but he can't think before he speaks. "So how does it work?" Clint asked.
"Well, they will hook you up to a lie detector machine and inject you with the truth serum. The way it works is that every time you lie the serum will start to burn and your heart rate will start to accelerate."
"So what all do I have to lie about." Y/n finally questioned. She was chewing her lip in contemplation. She's pulled off worst than this and has had more on the line than this.
"What I know for sure is that I said you've been with us for 2 years, you can't tell them how you got that cut and anything that can potentially get us into trouble. Also, you can't take any strong pain meds."
"So basically she has to have one hell of a poker face," Bucky concluded.
Y/n sighs and rubs her head."How long do I have."
"12 hours until wheels up." Tony better buy me so many boxes of pizza she thinks.
Bucky watched as Y/n sat on the floor crisscross applesauce. Her back is the door and the only light in the room is the light from the hallway in the quinjet. Y/n could hear the soft buzz of Bucky's metal arm with her eyes still close she says "You know you can come in Sarge."
That startles Bucky. He walked into the room and sat on the floor taking up space next to her. He looked at her "I came to tell you we are almost there. Are you nervous?"
Y/n thought for a few seconds. Most people in her position would probably be pissing their pants at this moment. Having to go in front of the United Nations and lie straight to their faces. So she answered truthfully "No, no I'm not."
Bucky was surprised. She was genuine in her answer. If it was him he would be having a near stroke. "Really? Anyway so why do meditate it doesn't actually help with anything."
"Actually it does. It helps with my heart rate and it helps me heal faster."
"Oh?" He looked at her expectingly obviously not believing her.
She kicked out her leg and lifted the pant leg to her suit. The bruise was gone and she rotated her foot and wiggle her toes to prove she wasn't in any pain.
Y/n grabbed his shoulder as a crutch to help her get up and grabbed her heels. Bucky looked up at her. "You know I can't seem to figure you out."
Y/n paused and pursed her lips in thought "Somethings are better off left as mysteries." She patted his shoulder and walked out.
Wanda, Natasha, and Y/n broke off from the rest of the Avengers, having to go to the medical room so she could get a mini medical exam.
The girls walk through security. Natasha dropped all of her weapons in a bin so she could pick them up later. They put a device around Wanda's neck so she couldn't use her powers. Y/n could see how uncomfortable it made her. She walked over to Wanda and whispered "I feel bad you have to wear that. You didn't have to come."
Wanda looked at her and have a small sad smile "What you're about to do is worst than this. It's the least I can do for you helping us."
Y/n nodded to her. Security officers escorted them to the medical room. They had Y/n sit on a bed. They made her pee in a cup, took her blood, and checked her medical history. Natasha was giving her advice. While she knew most things it was still nice having someone coach her through and remind her of it.
When they finished Wanda went to join the rest of the Avengers. Natasha walked her to the door she adjusted Y/n's suit "You've got this. We'll be supporting you in the crowd."
"Thank you Nat for everything really." She hugged her and Natasha gave Y/n's arm a reassuring squeeze.
Y/n took a deep breath. She stepped into the room. The room was a half-circle shape with large windows behind it. In the back were journalists and reporters. And in the front were the UN personnel were located. Y/n walked past the Avengers and took her seat in the middle of the room.
Y/n could feel everyone's eyes on her. She got blinded momentarily from the flashes of the cameras. She looked over to the Avengers. Tony, Bruce, Clint, and Steve at the end. Bucky in the middle. And Sam, Natasha, Wanda, and Vision on the other end. Wanda gave her 2 thumbs up and Y/n smiled back at her.
Staff came over and started to unpack and hook her up to the lie detector machine. They took off the jacket to her suit and connected wires to three fingers on her right hand. They put a blood pressure cuff on her left tricep and inflated it. Ross stood up and cleared his throat being the room's attention on him.
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I'm General Ross and I will be doing the questioning on the behalf of the UN."
He turned his gaze to Y/n. "We're going to test the lie detector first."  Y/n nodded to him and he began.
"Is your legal name Y/n Y/l/n?"
"Yes." Y/n states.
"True." The man in the chair next to her says.
He looked down at the paper he had in his hand looking for his next question. "Very well. Were you born Y/B/D 1995?"
"Are you nervous?"
Natasha's words come back to Y/n. Lie once. Lie about something small. So they don't get suspicious. Y/n let her heart rate pick up a bit and purposely avoided eye contact. "No."
"It's okay to be nervous. God knows I would." Ross joked a few people chuckled and Y/n had to physically hold back an eye roll. He thinks he got her but in reality, he's right where she wanted.
He nodded to the staff and they walked over to her and began to prep her. They cleaned a small area of her arm with an alcohol pad. "This might hurt a bit." One muttered.
They stuck the needle into her arm and injected the serum. At first, it felt cool but then it hit her all at once it felt like someone poured a pan of grease on her. Y/n's skin was on fire, she bit her cheek so hard it nearly drew blood.
Bucky watched as Y/n closed her eyes and took a deep breath. If it was anything like the Super Soldier serum he knew it burn. She opened her eyes and if he didn't witness it he wouldn't even know it happened seconds ago.
General Ross walked back to the front and began to speak "We are ready to proceed. Did it hurt? I've never tried it."
"Yes." Like a bitch.
"What role do you play for the Avengers? Tony mentioned you've been there for 2 years."
"I'm their Chief Physician." The second part of his sentence was a statement so she missed lying by an inch.
He asked questions like that for a while or worded them differently. The questions were getting repetitive and Y/n was getting bored and impatient. She hasn't had to lie yet not that she wanted to. Especially not when she has the truth serum from hell injected in her veins.
"Have the Avengers ever put you in any unnecessary danger?" Ross questioned.
"Never." She replied trying not to bounce her leg.
"Tell me Miss Y/l/n how did you get that cut? It looks pretty deep." He paused seemingly watching for her reaction.
"My cat. She has some pretty mean claws." Y/n stated without missing a beat. She felt the burn of the serum. It wasn't as bad as the injection but damn did it fucking hurt. Despite that Y/n kept a straight face starting to get annoyed with him. She could hear the flutter of the cameras.
"Would you consider Miss Maximoff unstable in any way, shape, or form?"
Y/n has to stop her eyes from going wide. What the hell kind of question was that besides rude. It's like he wants her to lash out at him. "No."
The man watches the monitor for a few seconds "True." He finally says.
"Would you consider Mr. Barnes dangerous?"
The audacity of this man. You want to see someone dangerous? Let's see how dangerous I am when I choke you out with this cord that's wrapped around my finger- "No"
"Are you aware of his past?"
"Very much so. And that where it should stay the past. I don't know what you're trying to get at general."
"Were you aware that we are starting a search for Lilith and anyone with information on her that doesn't come forward will be sent to the raft? And were you aware that if we find her we are ordered to kill on sight?"
Y/n gets a bitter taste in her mouth. This cannot be happening. She can't freak out right now. She clenched her jaw "No I was not aware of either."
"Very well that's all." Ross returned to his seat among the UN.
The staff came over and unhooked her from the machine. Y/n felt like she could finally breathe. She stood up and walked out without glancing back. The Avengers did the same meanwhile getting swarmed with paparazzi.
Part 8
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@theashlynbarnes @writingonabrokenwall
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butmakeitgayblog · 4 years
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City of Angels: Just a Little Doped Up
Also available on AO3
Lexa ached seeing her wife in pain.
The weeks leading up to the big day had left Lexa feeling emotionally drained; a jittery ball of nerves bouncing from one room of their apartment to the next, testing out any and every remedy she could come up with to alleviate her wife's discomfort. Weeding through half-hearted protests of, "I'm fine," and diligently argued pleas of, "I'll do it later," Lexa clawed, begged, borrowed, and stole her way to this particular finish line.
After a month of grumbled fights and empty threats of a contentious divorce if Clarke didn't stop rescheduling, Lexa could only manage a haphazard sigh at being on the receiving end of her wife's icy glare when they'd finally led her away.
Because Clarke had eventually agreed to the procedure, albeit with an air of begrudging resignation, having spent the days leading up to the appointment grumpily preparing Lexa for what to expect.
And she thought she did know what to expect. Lexa had fully anticipated the swollen cheeks and glazed eyes that greeted her when the nurse had called her back. She'd expected the blood tinted dribble of drool that leaked from the lax hang of her wife's mouth. Even the wobbly chin and glistening sheen of tears upon seeing her again didn't lead Lexa to think a single thing was amiss.
But this?
She certainly hadn't anticipated this.
"Who the hell is that?"
"Pardon?" Lexa mumbled in return as she continued to read through the clipboard in her hands, a sigh escaping her at the fifth question in a row.
"I thaaaid," Clarke pushed out with a glassy roll of her eyes, "who the hell is that?"
Slowly dragging her eyes up for a moment Lexa flashed a pleading, yet overly-saccharine, look of love at her wife.
"Clarke?" she said as sweetly as she could manage.
"Shhh. Just for a little bit, okay?"
Lexa watched an affronted frown pull at her wife's lips, cheeks stuffed with enough gauze to render any threat from the look quite moot. Shooting the disgruntled love of her life another smile, Lexa turned back to the discharge sheet she'd been attempting to fill out.
"Is she always this… lively?"
A cough of laughter jumped from Lexa's chest as she dotted the final 'i' in her last name. Handing the clipboard back to the waiting nurse, Lexa grinned over at the woman now fighting through a series of torturous looking blinks.
"You have no idea," she whispered. "But this is rare form, for sure. You'd think a doctor would-"
"Oh no," the nurse, Monroe, interrupted, shaking her head ruefully as she moved to slip the clipboard in its holder. "Doctors make the worst patients. If they're not pulling the MD card on you, they--"
"Heeey you. C'mere."
"-- Act like a fool?" Lexa finished for her, tossing an exasperated look toward the caregiver in charge.
Turning to the sound of her wife's call, Lexa had to swallow the urge to laugh. Despite Clarke's best attempt at what Lexa knew to be her sultry voice of seduction, the growing puddle of spittle escaping the loose sling of her mouth was enough to kill any hope of that particular mood.
"Yes, my love?" she soothed anyway, rolling the wheeled stool she sat on over to catch her wife's searching hand. "You feeling okay?"
"Yeah," Clarke hummed, her words sticky, and slow, and slurred. "There's thit in my mouf."
"It's gauze, sweetheart," Lexa said, leaning down to press the whisper of a kiss to the swollen curve of Clarke's jaw. "You had your wisdom teeth taken out."
"They took my teef?!"
Seeing the flash of indignant anger in Clarke's eyes, Lexa immediately moved to intercept Clarke's free hand that had sluggishly tried, and failed, to fly up to her mouth.
"You asked them to, remember? They were hurting you."
Clarke shook her head, her eyes turning watery along with her words. "I wouldn't do that."
"I promise ya, hun," the nurse chuckled as she moved to Clarke's other side. "You did."
"But I hate doctorth."
"Amen, sister," Monroe hummed as she took Clarke's wrist and did a final check of her vitals.
Lexa watched as Clarke's eyes seemed to spin in their sockets for a moment before landing on her again, a smile blooming on Lexa's lips at her wife's adorable befuddlement.
"I lub you," Clarke slurred with doe-eyed conviction, picking her head up just to have it fall back a second later. Letting her wandering gaze loop around to her opposite side, baby-blues turned to the nurse instead. "I lub her, ya know."
"I should hope so," the nurse grinned as she placed Clarke's hand back down. "Otherwise the whole marriage thing would be kinda awkward."
"Yeah," Clarke said in a lazy sigh. "That'd be weird… Like we were straight--."
"Okay, Clarke," Lexa tried, shooting Monroe an apologetic smile. "Why don't we just-"
"But I'm in lub with her," she rolled on, pausing for a moment to noisily smack her obviously numb lips. "She's an angel, ya know?"
"She seems like it."
"No. No," Clarke shook her head defiantly. "You don't get it."
Releasing a nervous laugh, Lexa squeezed the hand in her grip in warning. "Clarke--"
"She's an angel. Like with the flappy wingth one. A halo and… 'N a harp, I think. Birkenstockth."
"Well those are certainly all words," Monroe smiled down at the babbling patient.
"She fell down a cliff to lub me," Clarke crooned in high-pitched broken words, her lip starting to tremble again with emotion.
Running a soothing hand through blonde hair, Lexa shook her head at the nurse holding back laughter as she stood to lean over her doped-up wife. "Clarke, sweetheart, shhhh, okay? We're gonna be going home in a minute, so just rest. If you talk too much, the swelling will be worse."
"Thee, look," Clarke said, ignoring Lexa entirely as she flopped a hand in the general direction of Lexa's face. "She's still got a lil thcar on her eye... I kith it when she's thleeping."
Head rolling back towards the nurse, Clarke looked up with a deadpan warning.
"Don't tell her that though."
"It'll be our little secret," Monroe winked before moving toward the door. "Okay, Mrs. Griffin, I'm gonna go get you the rest of your aftercare info and a wheelchair, and then you can get this one home."
Lexa breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. "Thanks, Monroe."
"No problem, just sit tight."
The door clicked shut as the woman left, Lexa taking her seat again to fire off a text to Raven to let her know they'd be done soon. A hush fell over the room as she slid her phone back into her pocket before lifting her head… and seeing her wife glaring daggers at the closed door.
Blue eyes rolled to her with what Lexa supposed could be defined as righteous indignation.
"I think that bith was flirtin' with me."
"Clarke," Lexa gasped and her mouth dropped open. "Do not call her that."
"She got all winky with me," Clarke argued, mimicking the move by seductively winking with both eyes. "I know what that meansth."
"Sweetheart, she was not flirting with you."
"She's trying to busth up a happy home. Make me get a divorce."
"She wasn't. She just thought you were being goofy."
"I'm not goofy… You're goofy."
Lexa simply sighed. "I am goofy, you're right."
"I know," Clarke nodded as Lexa tucked back a wayward curl behind Clarke's ear. "... 'N fuckin' 'winky' out there-"
"Clarke, stop."
"You tell her to sthop," Clarke frowned. "I'm married and she nid- no- needs to knock it off."
"I'll tell her that, okay?"
Clarke merely sighed, head falling to the side as stared over at Lexa through several slow blinks. "I can't feel my lipth."
"They're still there. Pretty as ever."
"I think they took my tongue away."
"I hope not. Definitely need that for later."
Clarke perked up at that.
"Are we gonna have thex later?"
"No," Lexa chuckled. "You're high as a kite, love. And you're going to be in a lot of pain in just a little bit, so I think it's gonna be a while before-"
Her words cut off as Clarke's bottom lips scrunched together, eyes filling with tears yet again.
"Oh, don't cry," Lexa hushed through a laugh as she scooted closer, carefully cradling her wife's face in her palms. She swept the pad of her thumb along the delicate row of lashes, collecting the dewy droplets before they could fall.
"You don't wanna have thex with me anymore," Clarke sniffled.
"I always want to have sex with you, Clarke," Lexa assured with a smile, rolling her eyes at the entire trainwreck of a conversation. "But you just had surgery, so for now you have to heal first."
"... Heal first?"
"Yes," Lexa nodded definitively. "Heal first, then sex. I promise."
Clarke seemed to debate the matter for a moment, her eyes shifting in and out of focus as Lexa ran fingers through the tendrils of her hair.
"Okay," Clarke finally conceded, giving a lazy shrug of her shoulder as all traces of sadness suddenly vanished from her face.
Lexa snorted as she pulled back, glad to have seemingly navigated that particular minefield successfully. A quiet knock on the door pulled her attention away as the door eased open and Monroe walked backward into the room.
"Alright, Clarke," she announced, pivoting around to pull a wheelchair up to the side of the recovery chair. "Your chariot awaits, m'lady."
"Oh look, winky'th back. Mleeeh."
Monroe's face pulled to the side in confusion, her gaze darting to Lexa who could only close her eyes and shake her head in answer. Biting her lips to seemingly hold back an amused response, the nurse gave a tiny nod of understanding as she moved to help the patient currently losing a battle with a blanket.
"Alrighty. Anyway. Ready to head home, Mrs. Griffin?"
"Griffin-Woodth," Clarke immediately groaned as she lumbered to her feet, one arm hooked through Lexa's while the other elbowed the nurse away. "We're a team."
Monroe lifted her hands up in surrender when Lexa grunted against Clarke's struggling and gave up on their coaxing method of transport, instead moving to wrap an arm around Clarke's waist to bodily shuffle her into the wheelchair. Easing her wife down in the seat, Lexa dodged a sloppy kiss aimed at her cheek.
"Hang on, sweetheart, you're bleeding again," she rushed out before Clarke could become emotionally unglued at her rebuff, mechanically moving to ransack the sterile tray still off to the side to grab a few fresh bundles of gauze.
Squatting down, Lexa tipped Clarke's head forward by her chin, thanking everything holy when her wife let her mouth fall open at her urging. Swapping out the soaked gauze for fresh ones and escaping unscathed from the teasing nip of teeth at her fingers, Lexa tenderly wiped Clarke's chin clean before tossing the rolls in the biohazard bin and moving to wash her hands.
"Well at least we know she's all set for home aftercare," Monroe said with a grin as Lexa shook her hands off and wiped them dry on a few paper towels.
Ears pinking at the statement, Lexa ditched the towels in the bin as well and made her way back over. "Yeah, sorry. Force of habit. Working inside of a hospital and being married to a doctor for four years, you just kinda get used to it."
"A lot of spouses can be a little put-off by the blood and drool."
"She drools when she sleeps anyway," Lexa shrugged, gathering up the paperwork they needed and stuffing them inside Clarke's purse. Placing the bag over her shoulder, Lexa leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to her wife's forehead. "You ready to go home, love?"
"Mhmmmm," Clarke hummed with a dopey bob of her head.
Lexa held the door open as the nurse started wheeling Clarke out, her eyes doing a scan of the room to make sure they had everything. A quick jog let her catch up to the pair as they neared the patient checkout, Clarke babbling Monroe's ear off the entire way.
"Hey, sexy," a voice shouted as the doors of the clinic slid open. "Get your fine ass over here."
Lexa smiled at the call as she looked up from the soggy flow of words her wife was directing at seemingly no one in particular.
"Wabeeeen," Clarke called back in a throaty haze of excitement, her head and hand not holding an ice-pack wobbling back and forth in a bizarre kind of drugged-up celebration dance. "Baby, Waben's here."
"I know," Lexa said as Monroe wheeled them toward the SUV parked by the curb. "She drove us here. And now she's gonna give us a ride home, remember?"
"That'th nice of her... She's tho nice," Clarke sniffled as they pulled to a stop. Lexa could barely hold back a sputter of laughter at that, giving Clarke a conciliatory nod.
"Sure she is. We'll go with that."
"Jesus, Griff, what'd they do to you?"
Lexa's head snapped up to level their friend with a warning glare after blue eyes turned to her and started welling up all over again.
"Because ya look great!" Raven very expertly added, pulling her lips back in apology before spinning around toward her car and opening the door. "Okay, let's get you up and in, princess. Chop chop."
Scoffing at that pathetic display, Lexa pulled the purse off of her shoulder and shoved it in Raven's general direction as she rounded to the front of the wheelchair.
"You ready to get in, love?" she asked as she squatted down in front of her wife. "Me and Monroe are gonna help, okay?"
"I can walk mythelf."
"Let us help."
"You really shouldn't walk by yourself, Mrs. Griffin."
Clarke scowled at the nurse, a mumbled "Griffin-Woodth" floating between them as Lexa straightened back up.
"Don't make me do it, Clarke."
Blue eyes swung back around to her, a defiant glint coloring them… once they'd stopped rolling in Clarke's head.
"You're gonna be mad at yourself later," Lexa reminded. She waited a long moment as her wife stubbornly stared back. Shoulders slumping in defeat, Lexa stepped aside with a sigh and nodded toward the car.
Raven smiled and shook her head as she raised a knuckle and rapped twice on the darkened window.
"You owe me five bucks, Woods," Raven said as the door popped open.
"Yeah, yeah," Lexa frowned and shuffled aside to make room. "Excuse me for siding with my wife."
"Well in all fairness, it was a really dumb bet."
"Thank you," Lexa drawled as her friend stepped out.
Anya only shrugged as she closed the door behind her. Stepping to the wheelchair, she pulled up the sleeves of her long black coat and smirked down. "So we meet again, Clarke."
"Anya!" Clarke cheered, throwing her hand up to awkwardly pat the woman on the arm. Twisting around to look at the nurse behind her, Clarke hushed her voice and added, "She's an angel too, ya know?"
"Is that right?"
"Mhm. Our guard- our garden- our gardenia angel. But she kinda thucks at it. Don't tell her I thaid that though."
Anya's spine snapped to attention at the words, her glare darting between Lexa and the nurse eyeing the strangeness of her thick, dark outfit in the middle of L.A. heat with curiosity. Letting out a nervous chuckle, Lexa minutely shook her head and grabbed Clarke's hand to get her attention.
"Yes, sweetheart, everyone here's an angel. Let's get you in the car now, 'kay?"
"Yes," Monroe said as she seemed to blink herself out of whatever thoughts she'd been having, instead walking to the side of the wheelchair and flipping on the breaks. "Time to go, Mrs. Griffin… Woods. Griffin-Woods," she tacked on at the narrowing of Clarke's eyes before glancing up at the woman across from her. "You wanna grab that side?"
"Don't worry about it, just step back," Raven said as she helped Lexa guide the nurse up and away. "It'll be easier this way 'cause grouchy ass likes to fight anyone helping her."
With that, Anya crouched down and slid one arm beneath the bend of Clarke's knees, the other snaking between her arm and waist to wrap around her back.
"Up we go," Anya murmured and lifted Clarke out of the seat, ignoring the lazy protests from her passenger as she kicked aside the wheelchair with ease. Monroe grappled to grab and right the seat as Lexa refused to look at her, instead letting her head fall into her hand at the entire display.
Raven opened the backseat door as wide as it would go when Anya stepped forward.
"Clarke, tuck your head into me like you do Lexa," Anya said as she bent to scoot the woman through the door of the car, only to yank back a moment later with a garbled yell of disgust. "Not like that!"
"She licked me!"
"You thaid like Lexa."
"Why did I agree to not film this?" Raven groaned and flopped back against the side of the car.
"Can we please get this shit show on the road," Lexa sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose as she took control of the chaos and began rattling off instructions. "Clarke, no licking. Anya, just get her in the car. Raven, you agreed because your friend, my wife, is a very well-respected doctor and teacher, and having a video of her licking a random woman's neck wouldn't be great for her career. Now, go start the car. Monroe… I don't even know. Thank you? And I'm sorry about all of this."
The nurse simply smiled as she reached down to unlock the wheels again and looped around back toward the clinic. "Don't worry about it. Happens more often than you'd think. She'll be out of it for a bit, but just roll with it. Keep everything clean, read the aftercare instructions, and call if you have any questions."
Exchanging a final nod of goodbye, the nurse left the group and went back inside.
"Okay, put her in, Ahn. I'll meet you on the other side."
With a disgruntled huff, Anya gave the woman in her arms another wary glance and moved to settle her into the backseat. Lexa rushed around the back of the SUV and flung the door open, slipping in and across the bench seat in the back as Anya leaned in and set Clarke down.
"Hey, Clarke? I'm gonna buckle you in now," Lexa said as she accepted the seat belt clasp Anya stretched out for her.
Clarke glared between the two of them, her hands swatting at her sides. "I'm not a child. I can do it mythelf."
"You just licked Anya's neck in the middle of a parking lot," Raven pointed out as she started the engine. "And that was after you told a random stranger that she's a whole ass angel."
"Yeah, she told her I was one inside as well," Lexa said as she clicked the buckle in place.
"Hence why we're not exactly trusting you or your motor functions right now, babe."
"But she is an angel. You are an angel," Clarke hummed, sending a hazy look of adoration to her wife while Lexa draped a blanket over her lap. "You're my angel."
"Say angel again," Raven snorted and slipped on a pair of sunglasses.
"... Sure doesn't fuck like an angel though."
"Ew, no!" Anya thundered and flung herself backward out of the door frame, dramatically heaving twice before slamming the door shut hard enough to rock the entire car.
"Clarke," Lexa hissed as her wife continued to leer.
Anya grunted as she whipped the front door open and climbed in. "Why did I agree to come to this?"
Clarke's lips pooched as she sent a very wet sounding smooch in Lexa's direction. "Don't be mad, baby. I like that you're nasty in bed."
"Oh my G-- Lexa, will you please muzzle her. No one wants to hear this."
"Speak for yourself," Raven gleefully cut in as she started to pull away. "Get it, Griff! Tell us the really freaky shit."
"She lets me--"
"Clarke!" Lexa yelled while leaning forward to get her attention. Glazed eyes blinked at her in slow passes as a pout spread across Clarke's face. Sighing when she was sure she had her wife's attention, Lexa reached up and tugged a curl of blonde behind her ear. "... I promise you, whatever it was you wanted to say just now, you would wholeheartedly regret saying it later. Especially to Raven."
"That's fair actually," Raven called back as she moved them through midmorning traffic.
Clarke shifted to reach for Lexa's hand, assuring her in what Lexa supposed could be a valiant attempt at a whisper. "Don't worry, baby. I wasn't gonna tell 'em about the butt stuff."
Eyes sliding closed as a chorus of retching mingled with cackling laughter from the front seat, Lexa sat back in her seat and ran a hand through her hair.
"Not a word."
"I'm not saying anything," Raven choked out through the dying rolls of her laughter.
The car fell quiet as they drove, Lexa looking out the window and letting her mind drift. She watched the cars and hills of the outskirts of L.A. fly past as they wound their way home. Despite… well, everything, she was glad this was finally over; the final expense officially checked off of their list of 'to-do's'. She idly tapped her fingers on the leather of her seat and admired the green hillsides, smiling to herself as she thought of what came next.
They hadn't told anyone when they'd made the decision to start looking through private listings, Lexa having sworn Anya to secrecy until they'd figured out an actual plan. She wondered if she'd miss the familiar drive to their apartment, the only home she'd truly known on Earth. She was excited, if not a little nervous, but ready to take the next step with the… absolute mess of a woman beside her.
Letting her head lull back over to check on her patient, Lexa startled a bit to find watery, blue eyes already staring back.
"What's the matter?" she hushed in a soft and concerned voice, scooting closer as she reached up to brush away a rogue tear.
"You're really hot... And tho pretty."
Rolling her eyes at the dreamy words, Lexa grinned back. "Not as pretty as you."
"My wife'th gonna be tho mad at me," Clarke whined and shook her head.
"... Why is your wife going to be mad at you?" she asked with a quirk of her brow.
"'Cause I think you're really hot," Clarke confessed through a fresh wave of tears.
"Seriously can you like, knock her out or something?"
"Shut up, Anya," Lexa said as she scooted the remaining distance between them. "Clarke, darling, I promise, your wife won't be mad at you for thinking I'm hot."
"How do you know?"
"Because she's your wife, genius," Anya drawled. "I still can't believe they trust that woman with human lives."
"You're just a little doped up right now," Lexa soothed even as reached out to flick her friend on the ear. "Don't worry though, I'll take care of everything. You just relax."
Clarke blinked owlishly at her for a minute, Lexa clearly able to see the cogs grinding to life through the fog of the drugs. She smiled and nodded as Clarke's face suddenly lit up, eyebrows shooting upward as her mouth dropped open.
"Oh yeah," Clarke beamed, her head wobbling back and forth as she flopped around a little in her seat. "That is you, innit. I forgot, ha. That'th crazy."
"It is."
"Man, I am high."
"You are."
"You should kith me."
"I should not."
Lexa nearly groaned as soon as the words left her mouth.
Clarke's face fell into a devastated frown, her lip trembling as her head fell to her shoulder. "You don't wanna kith me."
"Clarke, no, that's not it--"
"I knew it. I'm tho ugly now you won't kith me anymore."
"Oh my God, stop. Just, hang on," Lexa huffed. "Raven, do you have napkins or Kleenex in here? Anything?"
She waited as Anya rifled through the glovebox, accepting the fistful of napkins along with a deep look of disdain when she passed them back. Gently cradling her wife's chin, Lexa tilted her face back up.
"I'm gonna make you a deal," she murmured as she dabbed away as much blood and spit from Clarke's lips as she could. "I will kiss you. But. You have to let me kiss you. You just sit there, okay?"
Clarke bobbed her head in a tiny nod, Lexa's heart squeezing tight at the sad but hopeful face still cradled in her palm. Once she deemed those lips as clean as she could ever hope for given the situation, Lexa tossed the soiled napkins into the seat beside her.
Bringing her other hand up, Lexa held her wife's face between her palms, a smile spreading over her lips as she took in the sight of her. The sight of laugh lines that had begun reaching out from the corners of baby blues, their recent appearance reminding Lexa how happy their life together had proven to be. She admired the few twists of grey that weaved in and out of silken blonde, the effect of them making the woman look all the more distinguished.
Running her thumbs over the apples of delicate cheekbones, Lexa leaned in and gently pressed a kiss to her wife's lips. She hummed at the familiar feeling, soft and sweet as ever, her movements steady and light so as to not cause any pain. Pulling away, she left a last peck on Clarke's upper lip, forever a slave to sealing the little beauty mark with a kiss.
"Better?" she whispered as she watched Clarke's eyes flutter back open.
Clarke was quiet as she stared back, a long moment passing before she heaved a defeated sigh.
"I couldn't feel it."
Lexa did her best to bite back a snort of laughter, head dropping forward as her chest shook with the effort. "Don't worry, sweetie. I'll kiss you plenty to make up for it when you feel better, I promise."
"We're here, lovebirds," Raven announced as she pulled to a stop outside of their apartment building. Lexa squeezed her shoulder over the top of the seat in thanks as she reached for the handle. "I'm gonna stay here so my lazy ass doesn't have to find a place to park, but I'm gonna call you guys later, okay?"
Grunting in acceptance as she opened her door, Lexa hopped out and ran around the back of the car to meet Anya on the other side. A few petulant protests and a very one sided bartering war later, Lexa pressed the button to shut the doors of the elevator in their building.
Sighing as she all but collapsed back against the rail of the elevator, Lexa reached out a hand to nudge her friend's shoulder.
"Thanks again, Ahn."
"Yeah, whatever," Anya grumbled, adjusting her grip on the woman sagged at her side.
If Lexa had had the energy she would've laughed at the pair of them, knowing full well Anya was supporting every inch of the woman's weight despite Clarke's staunch insistence that she could walk.
She reminded herself that her wife's stubbornness was part of why she loved her.
"Okay, here we go," Lexa rallied as the doors slid open on their floor. "Last stretch, love, and then you can rest."
"I wanna make nachos."
"Yeah, we'll have to see about that," Lexa shook her head as she jogged ahead to unlock the door, holding it open as Anya all but dragged Clarke through the entrance of their apartment.
"Where should I put her?"
"No," Clarke said with enough ferocity it startled the pair, taking Anya particularly by surprise when she elbowed her way out of the hold and launched herself toward the couch.
Lexa felt her heart jump up into her throat as Clarke nosedived toward the cushions, landing face first into the set of pillows.
"Clarke!" she yelped, darting around the couch and crouching over her. Biting back a twitch of annoyance, Lexa pulled the woman upward and helped her flip over. "Jesus, you have got to be more careful. You could've really hurt yourself."
"I'm fine, baby," Clarke slurred, glassy eyes shining behind the low droop of her lids. "I don't feel anything. You could punch me right in the mouf and I'd be fine."
"I'm not going to punch you."
"I might."
"Goodbye, Anya. Thank you for helping," Lexa blindly called over her shoulder, "but you can go now. Raven's waiting."
"Right, right, right," Anya said, rapping a knuckle on the wall as she turned to go. "I'll leave you to take care of the little missus. Call if you need anything. Feel better, doc."
"Byeeeeeeeeee," Clarke sing-songed out to her before the door closed, shimmying in place as Lexa helped her adjust on to her back. "She's gonna go makeout with Waben."
"What else is new," Lexa grinned and pulled the blanket off of the back of the couch.
Lexa moved to take off Clarke's shoes and socks, leaning down to peck a quick kiss to the wiggly toes before tucking them under the blanket as well. After placing the shoes in their home along the front hall of their apartment, she moved to ditch the balled up socks in the laundry despite the disgruntled yowl from the plump feline stationed on top of their washer.
The jingle of Penny's collar followed her as she went about collecting the supplies listed on the aftercare sheet, piling a tiny tray up with gauze squares, water, pain medicine, and snacks.
"That'd not nachoth," Clarke said with a sleepy grump of a frown as Lexa laid the tray on the coffee table beside her.
"Not nachos. No crunchy stuff, unfortunately. Doctor's orders. But may I offer you a bowl of our finest applesauce?"
"This is bullthit."
"I know."
"You did this to me, and I'll neber forgib you."
"I know."
"Will you cuddle wif me?"
Smiling down at her wife, Lexa simply nodded and quickly tied her back into a ponytail.
"Scooch," she hummed, toeing off her shoes before gingerly climbing over to the opposite side. Lowering herself as gently as possible, Lexa fit herself into the snug space between her wife and the back of their couch. She wriggled down enough to make sure she was safe from knocking into the already swollen jaw.
"Better?" Lexa whispered as she rested her head on Clarke's chest and draped an arm around her waist.
"Mhm," Clarke said, the drowsy weight of her hum sounding peaceful and warm.
"You can't sleep with those things in your mouth."
"Not thleepin'."
Giving up that fight before it could start and deciding she'd just slip them out once the woman dozed off, Lexa snuggled in deeper, breathing in calming lungfuls of her wife's scent.
The day had been insane, which after four years of marriage she was generally used to, but overall Lexa couldn't help but pat herself on the back. She knew when the medicine started to wear off they'd both be in a world of pain, but for now, she let herself relax into the peace of the moment.
Which was promptly broken by the faint buzz of Clarke's phone.
Sighing in annoyance, Lexa dug her hand under the blanket and into Clarke's pocket to pull it out. She thumbed in the passcode, muscle memory having her click 1203 for their anniversary without a thought, and tapped to open the notification.
Asshole (11:42 a.m.): so... you're gonna tell me about that butt stuff thing later right?
"For fuck's sake, Raven." With a disgusted sigh, Lexa closed out the message and slapped the phone on the table.
Snuggling back into the snoozing body beneath her, Lexa decided she'd just have to deal with that later.
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White Collar Characters as New Girl Quotes
Peter: Since you won't be able to contact me for the weekend, I've left a complementary bowl of written advice. For example, "Neal, stop doing that" just applies to everything.
Mozzie: Don't trust your government kids.
Neal: Do I regret it? Yes. Would I do it again? Probably.
Diana: Why are you being the girl in this argument?
Neal: I don't know, Diana. I don't know. But I do know you're being heteronormative.
Jones: I don't dance. I'm from the town in Footloose.
Elizabeth: What a dumb idea. Do it.
Sarah: Its a weird life, but its where I am right now.
Keller: I set an alarm for five am so I could switch Neal's fiber pills with placebos.
Peter: I wanna care about something as much as you care about ruining Neal's life.
Neal: One day, you could be a father.
Mozzie: One day? I AM a father.
Diana: Theo is not your kid, Moz.
Mozzie: HE’S MY BLOOD!
Mozzie: You always see the worst in me.
Jones: Yeah, because you are the worst.
Peter: What you’re doing is illegal.
Mozzie: I'm not taking advice from you, you pronounce the 'g' in lasagna.
Peter: I have a question about my clothes.
Neal: Burn them! Burn them all!
Jones: What do I bring to the table?
Neal: That’s easy. You’re the cute one.
Jones: What?
Neal: I’m the hot one, Diana is the cool one, Peter is the smart one and you’re the cute one.
Neal: Stop making that face at me, I hate that face!
Peter: This is my only face! I don't have a lot of faces!
Neal: Mozzie doesn’t have a life plan. He doesn’t have a day plan. I once found a note he wrote to himself that said “put on pants”. Followed by a question mark.
Elizabeth: So did you have sex with Neal?
Sarah: No, the opposite!
Elizabeth: The opposite? You gave birth to him?
Elizabeth: We’re a family. Families talk about things.
Mozzie: No! Families ignore things until they go away.
Neal: I should also warn you guys that my friend's a little bit into crime.
Jones: Wait, you think he's into crime?
Neal: Well, he doesn't have my sense of fair play and high profile interests. I had before we met.
Neal: June, Would you consider us adorable?
June: No, you and Mozzie are adult criminals.
June: You’re cute.
Neal: I'd like everyone to take a moment to think back to a time when they did something stupid, how they were treated, and how they wish they were treated.
Peter: What did you do, Neal?
James Bennett: Hey guys, do you think I'm a good person?
Peter: You're a terrible person.
Mozzie: It's hilarious.
Sarah: I don't really know Mozzie, except for that one hour when I committed crimes with him.
Peter: That's all there is to know.
June, to Peter on day 1: Neal is by far the best person I know, so if you let anything bad happen to him, I'm going to come over to your house and crazy-murder you.
Mozzie: Have you ever made a decision in your life?
Peter: Of course I make decisions. How do you think I'm wearing clothes right now?
Elizabeth: I laid those out for you, Hun.
Neal: There is something serious I have to tell you about the future. The name of my firstborn child needs to be Reginald VelJohnson.
Neal: I lost a bet to Mozzie.
Mozzie: Neal is gonna do something bad.
Peter: So you're saying that this is a different kind of bad than we've seen for the past three years?
Mozzie: A true friend knows.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
The past
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He didn't liked to fight with you, really... bjt sometimes he forgot how... far away he can be with his emotions.
He was more stuck on his thoughts than he was used to... even Overhaul, his childhood friend, called him out for it. Mimic had to slap the back of his head to make him go back to concentrate on the meeting, even the big boss was getting worried at this point.
The worst part of the day was when you tried to help him with something and he lashed on you.
"Just-!" He breathed in and out with a hand on his head before letting out a chuff and giving your back to you "Just leave me alone. I dont need another headache."
"... fine then Kurono." You hissed his sur name and he winced at the sound of it "I was only trying to help my boyfriend you jerk."
"Whatever. As if I needed some." He waved you off as he heard your scoff, heart cleansing when he just knew you were going to get angry at him, cry because of him.
Fucking idiot...
The man laughed in glory as he stared at the target all pierced with the amount of shots that was hit.
"Ya saw how maany scores your dad did Tiger?!" The man laughed louder as a tony giggle escaped his mouth at enthusiasm of the man.
"Now now..." a femine and more calm voice called from the balcony "We dont want to cause problems to the neighbors now do we? Hajime?"
"Nah!" The man waved with a bark of laughter "If anything I just 'WOSH!" he grabbed him and threw in the air as he catched.
"Dad!" He clinged on his arms but pet put a nervous laughter.
"No using of quirks Hajime..." the woman sighed but soon it looked like she felt a bit dizzy and the man was fast enough to catch her even with him on his arms.
"Ayumi.." the older man spoke on a less happy tone, brows furrowed as he checked the woman's temperature.
"I'm fine Hajime." Despite the pain and fatigue, she still could smile a bit and pinch his cheek "How is my teddy bear doing huh?"
"Mom... are you getting sick?" He mumbled as his father put him on the ground and helped his mother to get up.
"Is just a flu baby. Nothing to worry about." The woman said gently as the man furrowed his eyebrows and looked away.
"When you're going to get better?"
"Soon, Hari. Mommy is going to get better soon."
He sighed, hand resting on the balcony as he stared at the city... the sky was with a beautiful shade of orange, indicating that soon night time he was going to take some rest at least.
He took off his gun out of his pocket to inspect...but his mind was in other place as he furrowed his eyebrows at it.
"This is a very well gift of your old man to ya tiger, I need you to take care of it." The man gave the gun, unloaded, to the boy as he furrowed his eyebrows at it.
"When you're going to get back?" The boy mumbled as the man sighed, patted his shoulder and got his suitcase and a hat, smirking sadly at the boy on the entrance.
"See ya soon... Hari."
His father never called him Hari.... it was always a nickname ... something wasted right... and before he could reach the door to tell him to wait the door was closed on his face.
"Hari..." he heard the call of his mother and he immediatly dropped the gun, grabbing the tray where it contained a plate of food, a cup of water and inumerous pills he didn't know for what.
"I am here." He mumbled, entering the room as the sickly woman giggled, her usually bright with life now it seemed drained out of energy and... everything.
"You sound like All Might there baby.." he frowned as he took a seat besides the woman.
"You won't eat?"
"Dont have energies to do it hun... I actually called you here for other thing... " the woman got up slowly on her elbows just to drink the water and the pills.
He could see her bones... it wasn't normal... none of that was. His father leaving without a explanation, his mom didn't ever got better from thsi flu... what the hell was even happening?!
"Hari..." she carresed his cheek, knowing already of his quirk "You are such a beautiful and little gentleman you know that?"
He pursed his lips... he didn't liked where this story was going.
"Despite having my character and appearance you still got daddy's eyes and quirk that I love so so much." She mused before quickly grabbing a napkin and having a fit of coughing.
"Mom..?" He said and widened his eyes in horror at seing a bit of red on the white napkin...
"Sweety... remember that talk me and your daddy had? About a beautiful place where nana went?" He nodded as she gave him a hearted yet sad smile "Mommy is soon going to met nana once again!"
"Can I come too?" He asked while fisting the sheets as the woman shaked her head before cupping his cheek.
"I'm afraid not honey.. you still have so many years here."
"You too!" He exclaimed as the woman brought him to a hug, he could feel her ribcage and her shoulder blade yet he hugged her trembling.
"No honey... mommy has to go met nana." She said with a sad smile while carresing his back "baby, you would like to live with your uncles?"
"No!" He exclaimed, fist clenching on her clothing as he cried "I want to stay like it was before! You and daddy!"
"... daddy is not coming back sweety..." she said painfully as he widened his eyes "That's why I want you to stay with your uncles.."
"But-!" She shushed him quietly and weakly.
"Please... be good to your uncles... promise me?" She lifted up her bony arm with her pinky out as he sniffled and wiped his face with the back of his hoodie and interlocked his pinky with her.
"That's my brave boy..." she cupped his face "You're such a good boy Hari..."
The punching bag was almost disfigured from how much he had used so far.
"Angry today buddy?" Rappa asked while rolling his arms to strech some bones of his shoulder.
"Could say that." He mumbled with a nonchantly look before hearing Overhaul voice calling for him.
"Go on. Overjerk is calling for you man."
Nodding towards Rappa, he grabbed his coat and got out from the hide out and met with Chisaki leaning on the door frame with a nonchantly look.
"Listen, I knew that I fuck up." He lifted his hands up as Chisaki only arched a eyebrow but soon mentioned with his gaze at the door of his dorm. "... ah."
"Not even me get my past get the best of me blockhead." He muttered nonchantly before turning his back to him and waving "I dont want to see that partner of yours crying their eyes out, it makes me sick."
"Oh fuck off, what doesn't make you sick dude?" He muttered before gulping at the death glare he received.
Cursed hearing of his...
He sighed before knocking, seing your face before you quickly turned it away from him and layed down.
"...(Y/n)... Can we talk for a bit?"
"You forgot to clean that place." His uncle muttered while couting some bills as he glared at the bloody wall.
"Why I am the one to clean this?"
"Because you are living with us? Maybe?" His aunt spoke while putting on a necklace of pearls on her neck as he furrowed his eyebrows.
"... You two live well. Why couldn't you help my mom? Or my dad?"
The woman laughed as the man sighed, grabbing harshly on his shoulder and making him turn his front to him.
"Your father was a mere thief that couldn't even provide for my sister. And was her fault to get sick this way, if she hadn't turned out to be such a bitch, agreed to her arrangment marriage and hadn't stormed off with that Kurono guy she would be out of those fucking problems."
His eyes narrowed while clenching his jaw, grabbing the gun his father gave to him before leaving and pointing at the male.
"You can say whatever you want about my dad but NOT about my mom!" He growled as the woman shriek in fear at seing a child with a gun as the man raised his hands up before smirking.
"You dont even know how to use this thing brat."
He quickly took the ammunition he had stolen from his uncle's office and with enormous accuracy he shot it an inch away from his head. The woman letting out a scream again as the male widened his eyes at him.
"My dad at least did a good thing on teaching me how to use a gun at the age of three." He said with anger as he lowered a bit his gun before a bunch of man, wearing suits invaded the house and pinned both his uncle and aunt on the ground as he in fear got hidden behind the kitchen counter.
"You both think is funny taking advantege and being in debt with the yakusa huh?" A much older voice spoked up as he peaked one eye to see a man with white hair glaring at both of his uncle and aunt.
"P-Please sir we were going to pay-"
"Liars." A man lowered one pocketknife onto his uncle shoulder as he put his hands over his eyes as he flinched at the shout of pain it came after "you even went to the cops to tell about our plan in order to some money... and I lost a bunch of capable man and it will cost a millions of yen to get every single one of them out of jail."
"Boss!" He shriek when a man found him "We have anothe-" without thinking a strand of his arrow hair shot and cutted the man's cheek, the poor guy being immobilized and falling onto the floor.
A bunch of guns and males with attacking quirks aimed at him as he trembling picked the gun again and pointed at least of one of them.
"Don't shoot you idiots! Is a kid!"
"Yeah but he is got a gun!"
The man glared at them and in one motion all the guns were lowered, yet he didn't lowered his one still.
"Hey, kid... no one is going to hurt you, relax." He soon directed his gaze at the couple on the floor "Whose is this? I thought neither of you wanted a child."
"Is my sister's son with a thief rat." The man growled as his wife helped him with his missing fingers "That little shit died and gave him to us."
"I asked for his name imbecile." The man growled as his uncle yelped and bowed to him.
"K-Kurono Hari master!"
"... Kurono, huh?" The man looked at him as he still had a firm grasp on his gun "Say kid... you know how to deal with those I see, those these two treat you well?" His gaze fell on his uncles before he shaked his head.
"... How about an offer then?"
"So this makes kinda you and Overhaul brothers huh?" You giggled at the glare he gave to you before he flipped your head.
"You're the worst. I tell you this all shit and-" he stopped talking and gasped when you hugged him tightly, grazing your nails into his back much like his own mother would do.
"I get it Hari, and I'm not mad at you..." you kissed his neck and sighed "Just rely on me more often okay? Instead of being a dick."
"... yeah. I will." He hugged you back as he smirked, at least he knew he had a home of his own. You. You were his home.
(A/n): this was shitty, I know. But it was what came to my mind. Forgive me. I didn't do justice for arrow haired man... ;-;
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vfdbaudelairefile13 · 5 years
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Misery Loves Company part 2:
This is Sunny Baudelaire:
Don't you dare underestimate her due to her age and size. She will take your foolish underestimation and make you regret it. She may be the smallest and youngest on the Baudelaire team but she is definitely a force to be feared. Sunny is armed with a strong ambition, clever wit, sarcastic tongue, and her four very sharp teeth. She is the child who walks through a storm with a smile on her face.
When Sunny meets her older half-sister, Violet, she accepts Violet with open arms. Shes excited to have a sister and shes relieved that Klaus has an older sibling who will take care of him as he has taken care of her. Sunny is determined to survive and defeat Olaf and his goons. Sunny is the peacemaker of the three children and she uses her compassion to help her older siblings see eye to eye. Sunny will see dangers and evils that no one her age should ever have to deal with but she is going to do her best to stay strong for her siblings. Sunnys the girl that finds trouble even when shes not looking for it, so Olaf better be careful. This baby girl bites back with rage and fury. Especially when you're threatening her loved ones.
"If they open the trunk..." Violet whispered. "Klaus. You take Sunny and *run*, I'll kick them with both of my feet to buy you guys some time."
"The fuck?" Sunny whispered shaking her head.
"Sunny's right, Vi," klaus whispered. "That's not happening. We are not ...we are not splitting up again. Either all three of us survive or none of us,"
"But...Snickets take care of their own..." she whimpered.
"Ohana," Sunny whispered to Violet, shifting her head to look at Vi. "Just us," she said holding up three fingers. "You, Klaus, Me," she said as she pointing at each finger.
"You're not just a Snicket, Vi. You're a Baudelaire..." klaus reassured her. "And we Baudelaires take care of our own, too,"
Violet smiled at both of them but shook her head. "I'm the eldest...its my job to..."
"Stand down, little soldier," Klaus whispered. Using the exact phrase that violet had used when she told him that she was gonna do everything in her power to defeat Olaf. "Little brother and sister are here,"
"Not alone," Sunny agreed.
Violet looked from Klaus to Sunny and gave them both a small smile. She knew that they meant what they said...they had just saved her from being Olafs captive but she couldnt help but hear Olafs cruel words replaying in her mind. The orphans heard Olaf and his gang get out of the car. They heard a sharp noise poking at Olafs trunk. They believed it was the hook handed man. Sunny bared her teeth ready to attack, although she was scared. She didnt know *exactly* what Esme and Olaf wanted from her older siblings but she knows she didnt want them to get what they wanted. Klaus started breathing rapidly, worried that they were going to open the trunk. He put one hand on Sunny and the other one Vi, closing his eyes. Violet noticed Klaus was breathing heavily through his mouth and she was scared that he was making too much noise. So she quietly slid a hand over his mouth to muffle the noise, making sure to not cover his nose so he could still breathe.
They froze as they could hear the mans hook rattling around the trunk handle.
"What are you doing?" Olaf asked. Klaus started shaking because his eyes were closed and he believed Olaf was talking to him and his sisters.
"Getting the trunk wine for Esme..." the hook handed man explained.
"Forget the trunk wine!" Olaf replied. "We have to find those brats!" He said punching the trunk of the car. Violet hoped that if Olaf continued to hit the trunk, that he wouldnt hit it hard enough to make it open. 
"But the wine..." Esme whined
"Madame Lulu will provide us all with beverages. My sweet. Let's go. We dont have a minute to lose," olaf said walking ahead and everyone in his troop followed him. Esme growled under her breath but followed along.
The children laid in Olaf's trunk for several silent minutes pondering whether or not the coast was clear. "We are doomed," Klaus whispered.
"Honestly, we're lucky hes such an asshole and assumes that someone will provide beverages for him," violet whispered.
"Out?" sunny whispered which meant, "do you think the coast is clear and we can get out of here?"
"If we're being honest, we shouldnt have gotten into this trunk in the first place," klaus whispered as Violet rolled her eyes.
"This is what happens when you listen to my loopy ass," she joked as she began reaching around for the emergency handle to open the trunk.
"*listen?* you think I had a choice?" Klaus hissed back annoyed at Violet's joke. "Your loopy ass picked up my sister and put her in this fucker's trunk! What was I supposed to do? Wave goodbye?"
Violet frowned but didnt respond. While Sunny gave Klaus a mean glare. "*Our*," she reminded Klaus.
"Sorry," he muttered feeling bad because he was still adjusting to the fact that he wasnt Sunny's only sibling anymore. "I'm trying, Vi."
"Uh-huh. No...its fine... you're still adjusting," Violet said only half believing that he was sorry as Olaf's words kept replaying in her mind. She sighed. "Sunny? Do me a favor, hun. Since you can move around better than we can. Find a red hand that says emergency. Pull it and the trunk should open." Violet explained.
"Copy that," Sunny replied as she shuffled herself off of her two siblings. Violet and Klaus laid there as Sunny slowly crawled around. "No luck," Sunny replied after a minute.
This sent Klaus into a frenzy. He began to shake and tears formed in his eyes. "We are sitting ducks," he said. "Hes gonna come back and need something from his trunk and we are either going to die from hunger, dehydration, or by his hands."
Violet rolled her eyes. "Stop overreacting. I can figure this out. I just need to..." she said as she realized that she was in a hospital gown. Which had no pockets. Which means she didnt have any of her ribbons. "He has my ribbons..." she said sorrowfully.
"Yep. We should never have gotten into this fuxking trunk." Klaus muttered angrily.
"Are you a broken record player? Got some new complaints?" Violet asked.
"Actually...yeah, first off..." Klaus began.
"Stop," Sunny interrupted sternly. She hated when they argued. She just wanted her tiny family unit to stay united. She looked sternly at both siblings as she traced her fingers in her blonde hair, pulling out her yellow ribbon. "Spare?" She asked Violet as she handed her the ribbon.
"Thanks, Sunny. Its smaller than mine but it should work. I'll give it back to you."
Sunny shook her head. "Keep," she said smiling. "My gift,"
"You're seriously the sweetest thing ever, Sunshine." Violet said as she struggled to tie her hair while laying down.
The entire time Klaus was shaking and imagining the worst outcome which was obviously Olaf finding them in his trunk like a pack of sardines in a can.
 Sunny watched her brother and crawled to him. "Never hurt again," she said slowly putting a gentle hand on his chest. Klaus looked at Sunny who smiled back at him. "Protect," she whimpered pointing from herself and Violet to Klaus.
Klaus opened his mouth to ask Sunny something but was interrupted by Violet saying. "I got it,"
Both younger orphans looked at her as she gave Olafs trunk a good kick. Klaus' eyes got wide. "Are you *trying* to get us killed?" He asked terrified.
"No...just trust me."
"I have trusted you and look where it's got me," Klaus muttered
"Stop," Sunny replied.
Violet huffed at Klaus' response as she gave Olafs trunk another good kick. "Sunny. I need your teeth," she said.
"Hell yeah!" Sunny cheered.
"Can you two please keep it down?" Klaus begged.
His sisters ignored him as Violet instructed Sunny to use her teeth as a lockpick to unlock the trunk. After a few minutes of Sunny twisting and turning her head. The siblings each gave a sigh of relief when they heard a faint *click* as the trunk popped open slightly. Sunny take a quick glance outside to make sure the villains werent around. "Clear," she called as Klaus pushed the trunk open entirely. Sunny moved out of his way so he could get out of the trunk first. He grabbed Sunny and set her to the ground and held out a hand for Violet to help her out incase she was still effected by the anesthesia. Violet grabbed his hand and once Violet was put of the trunk. She lowered the trunk but didnt completely shut it. The children huddled together behind Olafs car. Violet shivered in the cold air and Klaus took off his suit jacket and handed it to her.
"Here...you need this more than I do..." he said.
"Thanks, bro."
"Plan?" Sunny asked as her eyes noticed the VFD insignia. "V.F.D." she muttered as she pointed in the direction of one of the carnival tents.
Violet and Klaus looked to where she was pointing and then at one another. Violet scoffed and rolled her eyes as Klaus smiled.
"A carnival? Really? Does this cult control the whole planet?" Violet asked  jn annoyed tone.
"What are you talking about? That's VFD. That's a good sign," Klaus argued
"Or a very bad one. Like *very* *very* bad sign, Klaus." Violet pointed out.
"How? Theyll know where the survivor is hiding," he explained.
"Olaf," Sunny noted.
"Sunny's right. Klaus. If this is VFD and *Olaf and Esme* are welcomed here...this might be the wrong side of VFD...well the *worst* side," Violet scoffed annoyed.
"Fuck..." Klaus whispered.
The children sat on the ground, all three trying to figure out what would be their best next move. All three scared for their lives. All three worried about surviving long enough to be reunited with whichever parent survived the fire.
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Grace & Pablo
Grace: tell me that Mia is creating drama where there literally is NONE Pablo: Wrong number? Grace: idk does she have yours or not Pablo: Who you on about? Grace: OMG CAN YOU PLEASE FOCUS Grace: the best friend I've had since forever Pablo: Oh Pablo: brunette, skinny one? Grace: UM obvs Pablo: She's been following me about lately Pablo: offputting, honestly Grace: since when?? Pablo: idk man Pablo: time Pablo: tell her to not, let her down gently, yeah Grace: what have you said to her tho Grace: it was a no, yeah? Pablo: she is up in my DMs too Pablo: tryna be nice, she's your mate and that Pablo: don't take a hint though 🙄😬 Grace: 👌👌 so that's it Pablo: what's she chatting 'bout me then? Grace: that you hooked up with her at that girl Becca's party & have been so 😍😍😍 Grace: but that obvs did not happen Pablo: Why would she tell you about that Pablo: what the fuck Grace: OMG Grace: why aren't you denying it like!! Pablo: what is up with girls Pablo: why do you tell each other everything Pablo: especially when you're my sister Pablo: fuck sake Grace: excuse you, you're MY brother!!!! Grace: why would you EVER do that Pablo: erm well I weren't thinking about you Pablo: and don't ask me questions about what I get up to Pablo: so sick man Grace: DON'T GET UP TO THOSE THINGS WITH MY BEST FRIEND Pablo: come on Pablo: not your best friend, is she? Pablo: how was I supposed to know, anyway Grace: obvs not now Grace: UM maybe cos she's been coming over since we were like 5 Pablo: Idk, why would I pay attention Pablo: well annoying when you've got that lot over, giggling and shit Pablo: stay well away Grace: couldn't stay well away at the party tho Pablo: it was a party Pablo: and she was all over me Pablo: what do you expect me to do Grace: & like there were no other girls there?? okay sure Pablo: I'm saying I didn't know who she was Pablo: legit Pablo: not at the time Grace: whatever just ruin my fucking life Pablo: leave it out Pablo: it was only the once Grace: that's so fine & so chill then like so sorry Pablo: what's your problem Pablo: have it out with her, don't go in for this girly drama Grace: I will, trust Grace: obvs just wanted you to know I hate you Grace: so there's no confusion Pablo: nah don't be dramatic Grace: how is this me being anything Pablo: dun' know what you expect me to do Pablo: happened now init Grace: you could've been sorry Grace: you could've like told me when you saw her name in your DMs & worked it out Grace: idk Pablo: why would I tell you Pablo: you don't need to know Pablo: didn't reckon she'd be telling ALL her mates Pablo: specifically not you, at least Grace: you know literally nothing about girls do you Pablo: know what I need to Pablo: this stuff is long Pablo: no time Grace: so sorry to keep you from your busy schedule Grace: do you want any more of my friends numbers before you go like?? Grace: really just ruin everything before school Pablo: 🙄 'low it Pablo: get my own numbers Pablo: and I ain't gonna go near any of your stalker mates again, trust Grace: as I literally don't have any now it's not a problem hun Grace: thanks so much Pablo: that ain't my fault Pablo: you'll sort it out Pablo: gives you something to do, dun it Grace: go away I s2g Pablo: 👌 Grace: you're the WORST Pablo: GOD Pablo: calm down Pablo: don't need this aggro Grace: yeah cos telling me to calm down is really gonna do it Grace: I hope she gave you an sti honestly Pablo: oh that's nice Pablo: got creams for that shit anyway Pablo: go talk to mum Grace: get yourself checked babes Grace: for real Pablo: 👍 sound Pablo: if your skanky mate has giving me anything I will put her on blast fr Grace: 🙏🙏 Grace: living for that Pablo: so weird Grace: me? okay Grace: probs don't fuck girls you've known since they were kids like Pablo: so every girl at school Pablo: you mental Pablo: don't make me sound like a nonce, she's your age Grace: you don't know every girl at school like that Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Grace: but tbh there's other schools, boy Pablo: I don't know her Pablo: and don't be trying to tell me who I can fuck, like 😂 Grace: ugh Grace: take some responsibility Pablo: for what Pablo: getting with a girl who wanted it Grace: EW Grace: shut up Pablo: she forgot to mention that bit Pablo: handy Grace: duh I'm not saying you forced her into it Grace: even she wouldn't go that hard Pablo: she'll get over it Pablo: all do in time Grace: there's nothing for her to get over she's living her best life rn Grace: torturing me thanks to you Grace: there's like pics & everything btw so Grace: you might wanna answer those DMs Pablo: you what Pablo: I didn't send her none Grace: maybe they aren't you Grace: idk Pablo: not sending her dick pics when she's seen it, trust Pablo: what's she chatting shit for Grace: STOP talking about your dick to me Grace: as for creating drama that's what she does Grace: I literally said that at the start of this convo Pablo: she's the one showing off pics Pablo: jesus Pablo: all you lot are psycho Grace: don't even try & be horrible to me rn Grace: you slept with her Grace: I've literally done nothing but ignore her for a few days thanks Pablo: whatever, you're all nuts Pablo: not worth the hassle Grace: it'll be easy for you to leave me alone then Grace: don't ever want to speak to you after this Pablo: 🙄 bit hard when we live in the same gaff Pablo: but fine by me Grace: go to more parties & fuck more psychos babes Pablo: haaaa Pablo: wanna watch out, start vetting you 'forehand and you'll all be in trouble, like Grace: 💔 Pablo: ✌ Grace: 💜
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kyunsies · 3 years
Yes omg black mirror was so good!!! Eat well!! How was your day, my lovely big sis? I start my new semester on Wednesday :( it was delayed so they gave us a longer break :(( I don't wanna omg all the people in my uni suck!! The uni is good and it was one of my favourites so I'm glad I got in but omfg the people are the worst! I hope I never have to attend uni in person! As long as it's online, it's okay! I can tolerate it! I dread the day uni will open in person omg I'd just not go!! Also in case you're confused, I'm also studying for something else at the same time! It's common here to study for a uni course + another course under an institute which is kind of an exam only basis? It's hard to explain. So I've been studying for that during my break! I studied quite a bit today I'm so happy! I followed my schedule!! - 🐼anon
Hey mädch!! I'm gonna go and try to sleep now! It's almost 5am omg I did it again!! I love you!!! I have a song for you! It's a cute one! It's called iii and it's by suggi! I hope you like it! - 🐼anon
yeah !!!! black mirror was honestly so good 🥺💖 their title tracks never disappoint !!! and my day was pretty okay live my day went by quickly <3 but i wasn’t able to gif anything when i came home bc i didn’t want to be too repetitive since a there were already some gifs from the gambler recording diary so i decided not to 😭 maybe there will be something for me tomorrow to gif !!
also love …… is it just the ppl in your major or class that “suck”?? :/ i don’t want you to think that everyone at your university is terrible …. yeah young adults are kinda stupid sometimes LOL but honestly babe this is just coming from my years of experience , you really should try looking forward to going to uni irl instead of online 🥺 there’s a lot of opportunities and lessons to be learned while living alone on your own . and ppl might piss you off or a group of ppl might annoy the hell out of u in particular but uni is honestly a valuable experience . you get to grow with friends on a way deeper level than you ever could in high school 🥺 you’ll have some of the best and worst memories of your life but you’ll learn to grow and adapt and mature . it’s really a beautiful thing, and being online may be convenient or safer for you right at this moment, but i want you to look forward to you experience actually being at uni angel !!! 💖 plus, you’ll learn how to deal with said dumb ppl bc we can’t escape them in the real world lol
i don’t mean to be preachy or condescending or anything love i hope you understand !! i just want u to have the best experience you can okay <3 and i’m here for you every step of the way !!! BUT U STAYED UP LATE AGAIN >:( hun, pls rest well 🥺 i’m glad you’re studying well but u need to rest !!!!!!! ily, and i’ll listen to that song for sure 💖 goodnight !!!!
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