#yeah matteo can Play It Cool he’ll do whatever jonas wants!!! he’s fine about all this for real
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rogloptimist · 4 months ago
watched a little too much 25 21 this week and @mundanememory’s matteo/jonas got me badddddd
The closet smells like dust and Lysol. It clashes against the gentle bergamot and wood of Jonas’s cologne, Matteo’s favorite of his small set.
“You haven’t worn this one in a while,” He whispers, his voice reflecting in hot breath against Jonas’s cheek. “It’s nice.”
“Mm,” The other man acknowledges. He pulls Matteo in by the waist, further response neglected. Matteo, as usual, let’s him take the lead. Jonas kisses unhurried, moving as if down a familiar road. Soft, casual. Matteo has to be careful to not seem clumsy in comparison– against Jonas’s steady, contained calm it’s hard not to feel gangly, limbs and want spilling out of him like he’s overflowing.
He’s making a conscious effort not to melt too much into the way Jonas drapes his arms around him, carefully monitoring the electricity sparking in his chest as the lovely warmth of the blond’s tongue darts into his mouth. It’s practically routine, but his face still flushes from the way his heart races as Jonas slides a hand up his sweater. Matteo runs hot– Jonas is chronically cold. He’s pictured holding his slender fingers in his own until they reach an equilibrium a frankly embarrassing number of times— an image he distracts himself from by trailing down Jonas’s neck in a tentative kisses, which really doesn’t do much to help. He has to remind himself that they do this in a custodial closet for a reason, sometimes. The ring that bites into his shoulder is a silent reprimand, coaxing him away from the more domestic of his fantasies.
He has to lean down a little for this, and he cups his hands around Jonas’s jaw as he licks softly at the delicate skin of the smaller man’s throat. They both know what comes next– Matteo undoes the metal clasp and zipper of Jonas’s navy blue dress pants in practiced motions and drops to his knees against the rough carpet.
“Wait,” Jonas interrupts, straying from their typical script of wordlessness. Matteo pauses, looks up. “I’m live soon.”
It’s not refusal so much as a warning. He dares a smile. “Okay, boss.”
He works quicker from there, wasting less time with his typical frivolities as he pulls down the elastic waistband of Jonas’s boxers. Jonas is halfway there, and it doesn’t take much work to get him fully hard as Matteo strokes him with a hand blushing at the knuckles. Jonas exhales sharp and long through his nose as Matteo takes him between his lips and begins his ritual. It’s a clandestine dance, both of them practiced at keeping pleasure quiet. Jonas has a hand thrown over his eyes, breathing controlled, steadily regulating the reactions of his body in a way that seems almost natural, thoughtless. It would make Matteo envious if room for such emotion wasn’t taken by reverence.
He works his tongue into the hot salt of Jonas’s dick heavy in his mouth, chasing after the way he bucks his hips forward in seeking for more– of which he is eager to give. His head buzzes with thrill as he hears Jonas’s breaths grow shakier in suppression of the more crude sounds behind his lips. The world shrinks down to just the two of them when they’re together. The rush in his veins is fueled solely by Jonas; his body, his pleasure, his praise. He could ride the high that he gets as Jonas fucks into his mouth and comes with an escaped moan for days. He waits a moment before swallowing and wiping his lips, entranced by the way Jonas’s golden curls fall back into place as he runs a hand through his hair.
Jonas zips up his dark pants. The simple gold of his wedding band flashes in the drifts of light that seep through the cracks in the door. Matteo brings his gaze away and back up to Jonas’s face.
Jonas looks Matteo up and down as he gets up from his place on the ground. “You wore the green tie,” he notes.
“Oh, yeah. People said it looked nice last Friday.” By people, he means Jonas. He was hoping he’d notice again, a little.
“It looks good with your hair,” Jonas says, which makes Matteo have to smother a grin. “Trine told me first. It’s her favorite color. She knows more about what goes with what than I do,” He laughs. 
“Oh,” Matteo smiles, a little forced. He remembers his own stilted words clashing against Jonas’s relaxed introductions between the three of them. He likes Trine, really.
“Ah, I’m on in a few minutes.” Jonas taps on his watch screen. “I’ll see you later, hm?”
“Right, yeah. Good luck live, eh, boss?” They both know he doesn’t need it, but Jonas smiles back anyways. He steps out casually, as if exiting any other meeting room. That evening, they’ll see each other at another team dinner and say nothing. Jonas, at least, is very good at pretending. All Matteo does is follow his lead.
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noorakardemmomesaetre · 6 years ago
breaking my heart (in all the right ways)
or read Chapter Two on Archive of Our Own 
Pairing: Matteo x David
Summary: He brings his gaze to meet “David’s” (at least that’s the name scribbled across his name tag) and he can’t help but notice the septum piercing.
Damn. This guy is way out of his league.
Not that he has a league necessarily. For men anyways. Because he’s Straight™.
Kind of.
OR keeping that coffee shop AU trope alive and well.
Matteo stares into his closet, his hands shoved into the pockets of his baggy jeans, as he tries to find a shirt that is both clean and something Jonas would call "cool." His options are severely lacking.
“Butterfly?” His door swings open to reveal his far more fashionable roommate, Hans, with a curious smile on his face. “Are you looking for something to wear?”
Matteo’s fingers instinctively run through his freshly washed hair, wishing he had just thrown on his regular hoodie. Was he seriously trying to impress a guy he didn’t even know? A guy he’d met once at a coffee shop, no less?
No, he was definitely not.
But then his mind drifts back to that septum piercing and the way his smile had warmed the tips of Matteo’s ears and he forces his attention back to his closet.
He just wants this guy to think he has his life somewhat together. That doesn’t mean anything.
“Ohmygosh,” Hans claps his hands together excitedly as he enters Matteo’s room, planting himself firmly next to Matteo’s now stiffened body. “Do you have a…date?”
“Hans,” Matteo sighs, running his hands over his face before shaking his head. He grabs his worn hoodie from the edge of his bed and throws it on over the t-shirt he’d slept in. He glances at himself in the mirror, ignoring Hans’ head, which has suddenly appeared smiling over his shoulder.
“You look like you always do.”
“Good,” Matteo huffs irritably, pushing past his roommate and towards the front door.
“I hope she likes gray!” Hans calls after him in a sing song voice as Matteo makes for the door, fighting the urge to roll his eyes long after he’s headed towards his study session with Amira.
David is not behind the counter when he arrives and Matteo visually deflates.
Amira waves him over and he can’t help the small smile that tugs at the corner of his mouth when he sees her. Their friendship had started off rocky, but lately he’s noticed the way she looks at him, gently and with concern. It makes him feel like she cares about him and he can’t say that about just anyone. Not even his own parents.
And he knows he cares about her right back. He’ll never tell her that (because she’ll never let him hear the end of it if he did), but he knows because he’s early today and he’s already got a few notes scribbled into the notebook he brought with him. He’d prepared a little last night because he actually likes when him and Amira start off on a good note.
She’s staring at him with her nose slightly wrinkled and he knows she’s going to tease him about something so he braces himself.
“Matteo, weren’t you literally wearing that yesterday?”
“What do you mean?” Shit.
“I mean, I sat across from you at lunch yesterday and I can still see where you dropped that tomato sauce on the sleeve of your sweater.”
He lifts his arm, immediately noting the streak of pasta sauce on his sleeve, before shifting his gaze back to Amira. She’s biting her lip to keep from laughing and he clenches his tongue between his teeth before they both break into giggles.
“It’s too cold to take this off so just pretend this sauce is a part of the look.”
“I’m not pretending that,” Amira says through a wide grin, waving him off as she turns back to her notebook. “But can you grab me a stir stick when you go up there?”
He shoots her a thumbs up before slowly walk towards the counter trying to focus his attention on anything other than the muffled roar of the blenders around him.
He rubs his tired eyes with the palms of his hands as he gets in line wondering if maybe he can just head back to his apartment. Amira wouldn’t mind, she always says she’s doing this whole study buddy thing for him anyways.
“Na?” the voice catches Matteo off guard and he immediately drops his hands, his mouth parting in surprise. David is back at the counter, running his fingers through his hair before offering Matteo a soft smile. “Still not sleeping well?”
A woman behind him clears her throat and Matteo immediately moves towards the counter. He tries to ignore the warmth pooling in his stomach because he’d remembered? as he shrugs, working to find his voice.
“Have you tried tea? It could help…with the sleeping.”  
Matteo scrunches his nose the same way Amira had at him when he’d walked in and David grins, wiping his hands on his apron. He tilts his head, just barely, and raises an eyebrow. “I’ll make you a tea you like.”
“I've never really found a tea I've liked.”
“But you’ve never had a tea made by me,” David challenges him confidently with a smirk and Matteo feels his breath catch. Okay, he decides, he doesn’t not like tea that much.  
He reaches into his pocket to pull out his wallet, willing to pay whatever for this tea he’ll probably end up throwing away, but David reaches across the counter and pushes his wallet shut. Matteo lifts his gaze to meet his, his breathing shallowing in a way he prays isn’t obvious.  
“It’s on me,” David shrugs easily, pulling his hand away and Matteo decides he must be losing his goddamn mind. He hasn’t felt anything in days and now he can barely function because of…tea?
Not even the woman’s irritated sigh behind him can knock the smile off of his face as he makes his way back to Amira, his hands wrapped around a steaming made-just-for-him-and-his-whack-sleeping-schedule mug of tea.
“Is that…tea?”
“What? Oh…yeah, the barista said he thought it would help me sleep,” Matteo shrugs, ignoring the way Amira is staring at him, wide-eyed.  
“I’ve told you about ten different teas that would help you sleep.”
Matteo sips the warm drink carefully, trying to play this situation off without alerting Amira to his odd behavior. She glances past him, to who he’s sure is the barista, before bringing her gaze back to him.
“But did you ever make me one of these teas, Amira?”
She tosses a wadded up napkin at his face and he grins, basking in the warmth the tea is spreading through his body.
They finally agree to meet up once a week to go over their biology notes until Abi and Matteo finds himself running a comb through his hair on those particular days. One week, he does his laundry and wraps a belt around his waist, hoping the extra effort is noted by someone other than Hans. A certain someone.
David isn’t there every week. In fact, Matteo has only seen him once in the past three weeks, but that one time was enough for David to appear twice in the dreams he’s had when he’s been able to sleep longer than two hours.
Both the girl and boy squads decide to chill at the flat today and Matteo is seated sideways on an armchair, his legs dangling off the side. He pushes his hair up and off of his forehead as he turns his head towards where Jonas is attempting to convince Mia to let them have a party there at the end of the week.
“Listen, Mia, if we promise to clean up the morning after…” his face is pleading and Mia purses her lips, shaking her head.  
“I have to wake up early the next morning.”
Hanna walks by in that moment, on her way to sit on the floor in front of Mia so that she can lean back against her legs. Jonas falls silent momentarily, his eyes lingering on Hanna until she sits. When he looks up again, he catches Matteo’s eye and Matteo lifts his chin.
Just talk to her, he mouths.
Jonas rolls his eyes, brushing him off and turning his attention back to Mia.
“We’ll turn the music off at like 10:00PM.”
Mia snorts into her latte, raising an eyebrow. “Really?”
The group laughs and Matteo manages a relieved chuckle, sinking deeper into the armchair. Now that the idea of hosting a party here is fading, he turns his attention back to his phone, scrolling through Reddit for anything of interest. Maybe something he can use for his #MatteoMonday.
“Can I invite my brother? He has a couple of friends from the coffee shop that need a little cheering up.”
Everyone turns their attention to Amira, but no one more quickly than Matteo.
“Oooh, Amira’s brother is so cute.” Sam giggles from where she’s sitting on the floor and Amira rolls her eyes.
“Which friends?” Matteo’s voice surprises even him and Amira shifts her gaze to him, reading his expression.
“Do you know her brother’s friends?”
“Yeah, since when do you know anyone other than us?” Abdi’s eyebrows are stitched together as though he’s been betrayed and it almost makes Matteo laugh. He opens his mouth to say something, but Mia cuts him off.
“Fine, we’ll have the party here on Friday. Amira, of course you and your brother can bring whoever. I’m getting another coffee, does anyone want anything?”
Excited chatter breaks out amongst the group and Matteo sighs grumpily into the armchair. He doesn’t always do well at parties and makes a mental note to hit up his dealer for a little weed before then.  
“Yousef is who he’s bringing to the party,” Amira says casually, her cheeks flushed, as she walks by him on her way to the kitchen to talk to Mia. He tears his eyes away from his phone and looks up at her as she lingers near his chair before quietly adding, “And David.”
Note: wow, thank you all so much for the love you've given this fic! i can't tell you how surprised and grateful i am and i hope you continue to enjoy!
also, i've added a couple of tags, including one that mentions matteo's MI, which i hint to a couple of times in this chapter.
thank you all so much again! ❤ B
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