#yeah im calling that woman who shall not be named leafy tea
mcbride · 3 years
am i absolutely completely 1000000% frustrated with the pacing in 11a? YES. the continuous dragging of the reapers storyline? YES. the lack of Carol screentime? YES. the almost non-existent Carol/Daryl interactions (exception of the premiere)? YES. do i like that Carol and Daryl are spending time apart? NO. do i like that Daryl is stuck with leafy tea for most of the season? NO.
NOW has that changed even one little bit how i feel about Carol, Daryl and their canon potential? ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY NOT! 
everybody say it with me: fandom gawds, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Carol and Daryl simply haven’t had time to sit down, talk and make up. they have been busy doing stuff and thangs cause their community is hurting and starving. they are on their separate paths and missions. it’s not like Daryl decided to ghost Carol, you know. they don’t have phones, he can’t slip into her dms and he is pretty much doing everything in his power to keep his family/community safe!!
cause if he doesn’t act like a good reaper, his cover is blown and he dies, or if he escapes there’s always the possibility they will track him down to ASZ and fuck it up. it’s not like ASZ is in any condition to fight any threat that knocked on their door. so he is stuck with leafy tea and her brand of brothers. of course, Daryl being Daryl, and with his history with her while he was isolated from his family and even Carol in the woods, of course he is gonna try to test her, try to get her to come to his side and help him help his family. the most important thing for Daryl is to protect them at all costs. ask Frost? so he ain’t trying to rekindle a flame with leafy tea, and he ain’t being “nice” to her cause he likes her duck face sooo much. he is playing a part. he is lying to her face with his whole chest and he ain’t fucking feeling bad about it...
meanwhile, Carol barely had any screentime, but that woman has done more in her limited time than anyone else - she’s feeding people, protecting people, finding people, all in a couple of days’ worth! imagine that. yeah, all her scenes seem somehow cut short or rushed. cause this show/writers still haven’t learned no one cares about the new characters coming into the very last season of the show, just so they can die a very unhappy death. 11a has been absolute pointless filler of Pope’s bullshit and leafy tea’s struggles. NO ONE CARES.
so i know this is painfully boring, but in their timeline, they have been separated for like 3 to 5 days. it’s not the end of the world. and i do hate what Angela Kang is doing with this storyline and how dragged out this shit is, but don’t slander the woman who gave you more in your face shippy moments than you’ve had in years before she took over. we accept what we can not change: it’s already written and the caryl spinoff is already planned, whatever will be, will be. we change the things we can: the current negativity taking over the fandom is unbearable even to the most optimistic shipper.  we can choose to ship and to hold caryl for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, beyond even death; or we can find something else for the sake of our own mental health. i’ve done that before for s7/8 and it was the best decision i ever made.
we don’t have much longer to wait... the show is ending in one year!! and then we will have all the caryl we can take. a little patience, my lovelies! we can do this. but it’s so much more fun to do this together!
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