#yeah idk whats going on here bcs i'm not allergic to anything
radiosandribbons · 4 months
0/10 do not recommend somehow spontaneously developing a weird lidocaine allergy??
i got some fillings done yesterday and i had a whole freakout after they gave me the shot bcs i couldnt remember how to breathe and then i laid down 15 mins ago and woke up puking my guts up??? horrific, rip my bedsheets
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jebiknights · 2 years
How do you think the clones would react to learning about Anakin seeing Palpetine since he was a kid?
Because I can either see “This seems logical and even though it feels wrong I’m sure it’s fine” (it was not fine) or “General…wtf man. Like I’m sorry but are Jedi, like, deathly allergic to red flags and common sense? Because I feel like that’s what I’m getting from this”
Either way I just keeping thinking about it and about that one comic where Sheeve peeve threatens the Jedi to have Anakin see him when he was like, what? 12? And then takes him to a bar in the lower levels to just be like “Yeah so there is slavery here too! But don’t worry I will keep promising to fix this for the next few years and then never do anything about it”
oooh I think it really depends on the clone! Like I think there are plenty who are going to be like "hmm feels weird but also I am a child soldier I have no baseline for what's normal and what's not, plus this is the Chancellor of the Republic we pledge our lives too! It's probably fine." (I think the big stickler for them would be if they found out that Palpatine demanded essentially that it be without Obi-Wan there and that's when they start getting weird about it.)
I do think that there are some with stronger personalities that would make a lot of jokes about how weird it is, but in general idk as much as I wish someone had noticed how weird shit was, from the outside it sort of? Looks like a normal mentorship thing? (key word here being sort of lol)
Honestly I'm ngl I don't actually think that the Corries are treated super shittily by Palps or the Senators (not that they are treated well but I don't think they are being killed left and right) HOWEVER I do think if anyone was gonna be like, "damn their friendship is a little weird - wait palpatine has been having private meetings with him for HOW LONG?" it would be the corries who spend the most time with palpatine and see his two sidedness much more directly than anyone else does imo
THAT COMIC THOUGH it makes me want to gnaw through wood for a lot of reasons... the fact Mace and Obi-Wan were wary and tried to stop it but in the end were forced to be like well we'll see where this goes.... also just I think about that comic so much cause you see so many early seeds of how Palpatine has manipulated his thinking and values! Palpatine ofc wants to fix things but he can't bc of the senate!! It would be better if only one person was in control of everything then things would get done!! Very evil, very devious, I want to swaddle Padawan Anakin in a blanket
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Hi guys :D
Ooohp it's the day!!!
Lol mood xdd
Having to be up early but also bc people get up at the same time as me xdd Not out of solidarity though lol
smooch :))
Y'all don't assume the dog xdd
Yeeeah there's Hoover xD
Ayyy Hen :DD
I don't like that guy he looks haughty
LOL aww Eddie xD
What do you bet like Chris is allergic or something
Go off Hen :DD
OPE skghskdjls theeeere he goes again xD
Why would you assume she was exaggerating lol, I ain't trusting anything about a dog destroying stuff lol
Who next lol?
Btw Hen's just constantly and consistently going off so I'll just put little "Hen <3"s as the clips keep coming up XD
Hen <333
OOP lol "for three hours?"
Wait why does she like it wouldn't she think of all the germs- LOL nevermind, yup XDD
Chimney does not seem regretful xdd
SLFHSJGLDJKS "Weirder than usual" XDD
Poor Eddie lol
Hen :DD <3
XDD We don't even have to see Eddie asking Buck, we just know he dropped him off and was like "here, he's yours now" XDD
Hen :)) <33
Oooop the barking continues xdd
Poor guy xDD
Idk which of those three I'm talking about, Buck, the neighbor, or Hoover xD
All three I guess lol
But cats xD?
Yeeeah I know they're not as loud xDD
Hen :DD <333!!
Wait ahh she's watching the surgery!!! :D That's my girl :)))
Lol, aaand back to Athena and Bobby xddd
Oof, poor guy 😭 xDD
Ahhh Hen!!!
Yeah there's no way she didn't pass xD
Oh hi barbecue lol
Are y'all like trying to find an adoptee for the dog lol?
OHH it's for Hen XDD
DUH, lol
I mean we knew she would but still <333
Awww themm :DD 🥰🥰🥰
Hen and Karen :)) I mean but also everyone else lol
Awww seriously though I will miss her too 😭😭😭😭 so much :'(((
We better still see her >:((( xD
Oh nah there he is lol
Good I didn't think they would xS
Lowkey Buck the outfit is slaying :D
Also I know flannel is more a lesbian thing but.
yk 👀.
Aww yeah no of course y'all'll hang out :')))
You better.
NOOOOO 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😍😍🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭
Y'alllll 😭😭😭😭😭 <33333
Awwww themmmm :'DDDD
Btw that "ahhh" is both rhyming with the nah and not lol, long and short xD
Y'all can't do this to me :'((((
Fun fact I actually don't deserve this <3
Like I love her and all and I am so, so proud of her :)) but. Like, I miss her xdd
Already lol <33
0 notes
thepoodlepack · 4 years
What's wrong with goldenpoodles? I'm genuinely curious because almost all of my dogs are mixed breeds and behave fine. So I'm curious if there's something else I'm missing
jeez this feels like bait but u kno what, you got me
alright, so it goes like this. the doodle really began with a guy in australia being like i need the temperament of a lab for a guide dog but these ppl are allergic to dogs, so i need a poodle bc they have hair, not fur. so he bred em together. years later he’s like damn that was a mistake.
now, why, exactly? alright so first of all he only needed that mix bc labs on average tend to adapt better to situations that are largely exclusive to service dog work than poodles do. i can go into what this means at a later date, but that’s basically how it is. but either way, people jumped on this creation and it kinda spiraled out of control. soon, poodles were being bred by everyone and every breed. suddenly, they were a marketing scam more then they were a dog breed.
oh theyre hypoallergenic! all of them, all the time cause zero allergies! look theyre so much better than poodles! theyre friendly and easy to train, not like poodles of course, just like labs! they’re better than labs bc none of them shed, ever! they’re super healthy bc breeding labs and poodles together wipes out all their health problems, of course!
lies, lies lies. the aussie guy, whose name i’m not going to look up bc i’m lazy but who you can find if you google creator of doodles, straight up says that even the first litter(s) of labradoodles he bred had puppies that the people he bred them for were allergic to. he very carefully tested the litter and the reaction the person had before placing a puppy that was not going to hurt them.
think of the punnet squares we all learned about in 5th grade science class. you draw the squares and one parent has two fur genes and the other parent has two hair genes and what do you get? well if you have four puppies, one might have hairhair and the next one might have hairfur and the next one might have furhair and the next one might have furfur. and so guess what? only hairhair pup is going to be the best choice for allergic people. additionally, you can see why the non-shedding thing can be bullshit, and that in particular is also a guessing game. you may be able to test allergy sufferers against the pups, but that does not necessarily mean they won’t shed. hairfur, for example, may be a good choice for some allergic people, but perhaps they’ve got just enough fur to shed anyway. also, lets look at salukis (and frankly, most long-haired sighthounds). salukis are still considered dogs with fur, not hair. they also still shed, even though it’s just a little. and yet they’re still considered good for allergy sufferers.
(ps poodles do actually shed. but they shed like humans shed. your hair comes out, doesn’t it? like, esp folks with long hair, aren’t people always complaining how you clog the shower drain? yeah, like that. ALSO obviously the situation is more complicated then super simple punnet squares and as an ex-groomer i have something to say about doodle coats but i’m going to save that for later, put a pin in it.)
oh and wait a hot minute there. i said best choice, didn’t i, not hypoallergenic. well, that’s because no dog is hypoallergenic. poodles, and a few other dog breeds, they have hair, like we do. but the thing is both humans and breeds with hair still produce the dander, though they’re different kinds. breeds with hair happen to produce the least amount possible that dogs can produce, which is why they’re a better choice for allergy sufferers, but that’s still not a guarantee. my roommate Dakota is allergic to dogs. if i don’t wash my dogs for an extended period of time (which has never happened, ever, in my life, idk what ur talking about), thus giving the chance for the dander my dogs still produce, he will have a very, very mild reaction when touching them. it can be countered by him washing his hands after touching them and also me just giving them a fucking bath, i need to stop forgetting, but still, there you go. ALSO people might not be allergic to dogs bc of their dander. they might be allergic to the saliva of dogs, which poodles or any other breed with hair still produces about the same as other dogs. so, yeah, not hypoallergenic, not at all.
the people who taut their hypoallergenic dogs for sale largely don’t do the testing required to check if they’re actually providing a dog to someone who won’t react to it. not acceptable at all.
so, labs are friendly and easy to train right? not at all like poodles, right? no. absolutely incorrect. some labs are friendly and easy to train. some labs, a lot of them when they’re puppies, are nightmare fuel. personally, i have a theory that everyone’s vision of labs in their heads are either a) service dogs or b) those old labs who are slightly pudgy (or morbidly obsess, which is a different topic) and who are graying in the face and just want to lounge around because they’re seniors now. alright, so here’s why thats bad. labs are a working breed. a retrieving breed. they’re supposed to be bulky and strong and driven. service dogs are highly trained, to a point that most pet dogs will never see, and if you see them with their actual disabled handler, they’ll probably be around 2.5 yrs of age and out of their most wild days. old labs are well. old. sleepy. maybe a bit achey. and well out of their most wild days. oh, and it’s the same type of thing with goldens by the way, the other most popular doodle type. poodles are also easy to train, especially if their parents have a decent temperament. they’re all about equal if you actually start training them when they’re puppies and just pay for some training classes, like everyone should. in the puppy classes i’m in right now, Euphoria is leaps and bounds ahead of doodles, goldens, and labs that are her age or older. I train her properly and she’s got amazing parents. that’s it, that’s the trick. not breed, not necessarily, and def not in this case.
I am once again going to say that labs and goldens are more often used as service dogs than poodles because of their adaptability, but it’s the ability to adapt to situations that most pet dogs will never have to worry about.
jeez this is a long post. i’ve still got more to cover too. alright, on to super healthy, or “hybrid vigor” as the nerds call it. uhh, it’s bullshit. thank u for ur time.
okay, but actually why on gods green earth would breeding two completely different breeds with little to no research make them super healthy? now i want to preface this with i’m (generally) pro-outcross projects. Euphoria’s dad is half mini poodle and half standard poodle, which isn’t technically an outcross bc all the variations are of the same breed, but if we’re going by genetic diversity alone minis and standards are different enough to actually be different breeds.
so, to be clear, outcrosses, given the proper thought and planning: good, results in healthier dogs (see: lua dals). randomly breeding two very different breeds together with no planning other than to sell the puppies to randos who won’t continue the outcross: bad. especially when you’re doing it to cash in and don’t health test at all, or don’t health test the major health problems with both breeds (if you’re doing an f2 breeding or anything like that). no the poodle’s health problems don’t get canceled out by the goldens or labs or whatever the other party’s health problems are, and vice versa. and yeah, i’ve looked at a lot of doodle breeder’s websites and yeah, most of them don’t health test at all, or at least don’t health test properly. do you know i own one doodle and currently live with another? yeah, i got them both from breeders and do you know how much health testing their parents got? if your answer is none, good job, you’ve been paying attention. in my defense, i was like 13, i didn’t know what i was doing.
alright, so those are the big points. this is kinda gonna be just... a mix of my other complaints. here we go, hope you’re ready for more. argument the first: i feel like it’s pretty disrespectful to reputable breeders. now, i actually have two reasons why that is. reason one: most reputable poodle breeders don’t want their breeding stock bred with other breeds, for various reasons. i’ve even met a few who used to be okay with it and then as the doodle scam got bigger and more out of control, they stopped being okay with it, even to the breeders who they had been fine with it in the past. that means a lot of doodle breeders out there have their breeding stock because they scammed poodle breeders into giving them pet quality, not breeding quality, dogs or because they’re getting their stock from non-reputable breeders. i also feel it’s disrespectful to breeders who are actually trying to create new breeds. quite frankly, a breed with the size, strength, and adaptability of a lab or golden that doesn’t shed and that has the train-ability of a poodle, lab, or golden sounds pretty interesting to me. did you know you can actually make that breed? and it wouldn’t be a cross with unpredictable... well, everything. it would actually be a true dog breed.
Look at Silken Windhounds and Biewer Terriers who began both development in the 1980s. Biewer Terriers were recognized by the AKC this year, and Silken Windhounds still haven’t been. And yeah, that’s the problem isn’t it? Making a real new breed takes a lot of time, planning, and care. People would rather just cash in. I think it’s sad and I think it’s disrespectful to the breeders who do work so hard to make actual new breeds.
and finally, unpin being an ex-groomer goddamnit. guess what? doodles are awful to groom! they’re terrible on the grooming tables because people want to have in both ways: they want a dog that doesnt shed at all and they want a dog who doesn’t need to be groomed. well guess what, that dog doesn’t exist and you can have it only one way. and also, bring back the goddamn punnet squares because a lot of doodles have awful coats. if you have hairfur and furhair over there, guess what, their coat fucking sucks bc it’s not meant to be like that. it wants to mat bc hair but also it wants the mats to slide out bc short-ish fur but its too thick for the mats to slide out bc thick hair. and yes its more complicated then this and that means its often more awful then this. its awful, it makes me want to cry. and maybe it’s slightly easier to get away with it with a shorthaired dog like a lab, or, you know what, even a golden, okay, even a slightly long haired dog like a golden but people are doodling akitas? border collies? bernese fucking mountain dogs? i am crying. i am crying right now as i type this.
lets do a sum up to this disaster of a post. look, i don’t go out there attacking or yelling at every doodle or every doodle owner i see, alright? or any of them really. i might engage in conversation to one that’s interested, but that’s it. i love my doodly Isis, okay? shes tiny and she’s adorable and I love her more than life and i will never, ever get another doodle. i don’t like the way they’ve gotten so prolific, i don’t like the reasons they’re now widespread, and i don’t like almost all of the people that create them, including the ones i’ve literally given my (parents) money to in the past. i wish they were better but i just cannot approve of them, especially not in the environment they exist in now. that said, i do support them in their original use case as assistance dogs, and i do not care about them if they’re shelter dogs.
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transssexualheart · 7 years
Hey b I know you like asks so answer all 200 because I'm just that nice :^)
200: my crush’s name is:as if you all don’t know at this point. it’s sarah
199: i was born in:2002
198: i am really:gay
197: my cellphone company is: i’m so fuckin stupid i’m not sure what the question is asking
196: my eye color is: brown
195: my shoe size is:eight and a half/nine
194: my ring size is:i don’t wear rings
193: my height is:5′5
192: i am allergic to:nothing
191: my first car was:never had a car
190: my first job was:never had a job
189: last book you read:hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy
188: my bed is:small
187: my pet:is a beautiful orange cat named danny and i love her
186: my best friend:is lovely
185: my favorite shampoo is:i don’t care 
184: xbox or ps3:i’ve never played a ps3 so i guess xbox
183: piggy banks are:ok??? why are we trying to start piggy bank discourse
182: in my pockets:are trash
181: on my calendar:i don’t use a calendar
180: marriage is:alright?? i’d get married if my partner wanted to
179: spongebob can:?? exist??
178: my mom:is not very nice
177: the last three songs i bought were?uhhh i havent bought music in a while idk
176: last yt video i watched:for him.
175: how many cousins do you have?fuck dude. so many. i don’t know.
174: do you have any siblings?two, a brother and a sister
173: are your parents divorced?well my parents tried to get divorced but my dad died before it actually got worked out and my mom and my stepdad aren’t married and have never been so
172: are you taller than your mom?i believe so  
171: do you play an instrument?yeah, piano
170: what did you do yesterday?not much, just sat around and then walked in circles around my house for hours and then hung out with my siblings in the yard
[do you believe in]
169: love at first site:no, what if that pretty girl u saw on the street is an asshole?? what if she’s racist and homophobic dude u don’t know her
168: luck:sure
167: fate:yeah i guess
166: yourself:haha no
165: aliens:ya
164: heaven:idk
163: hell:idk
162: god:idk!! 
161: horoscopes:idk they’re fun to look at 
160: soul mates: i’d like to believe in soul mates
159: ghosts:idk
158: gay marriage:gay marriage isn’t a fuckinhg cryptid, yes i believe in it i’m gay and i’m gonna probably get married
157: war:god fuck i don’t know
156: orbs:??????????
155: magic:could be real, might not be, who knows
[this or that]
154: hugs or kisses:kisses
153: drunk or high:never been either so
152: phone or online:phone, can text my friends whom i lov
151: red heads or black haired:black haired i guess
150: blondes or brunettes:someone’s gonna get sad when i answer this but brunettes
149: hot or cold:i don’t know actually
148: summer or winter:summer, it’s better than having seasonal depression added onto my normal depression
147: autumn or spring: spring
146: chocolate or vanilla:vanilla
145: night or day:night
144: oranges or apples:apples
143: curly or straight hair:curly!!!!!!!!!!!!!
142: mcdonalds or burger king:don’t really eat at either but if i had to choose, mcdonalds
141: white chocolate or milk chocolate?white chocolate
140: mac or pc:pc
139: flip flops or high heels:high heels
138: ugly and rich OR sweet and poor:wtf 
137: coke or pepsi:don’t really drink soda
136: hillary or obama:man i don’t know too much about politics all i know is that i’d choose hillary over trump any day
135: buried or cremated:man i’m not sure,, i guess i’d prefer to be cremated Please Rid The World Of My Horrible Body
134: singing or dancing:singing
133: coach or chanel:i have like fifty cents do you think i can afford that shit
132: kat mcphee or taylor hicks:who
131: small town or big city:i love the city, maybe that’s because i live in a small town but i love the city
130: wal mart or target:target
129: ben stiller or adam sandler: idk
128: manicure or pedicure:well i don’t want anyone touching my feet i don’t even like taking my socks off around friends unless i very much trust them
127: east coast or west coast:well i live on the east coast so
126: your birthday or christmas:my bday bc we go on vacation for it bc it’s over the summer
125: chocolate or flowers:flowers
124: disney or six flags:never been to disney so six flags
123: yankees or red sox:sport???
[here’s what i think about]
122: war:didn’t another question p much ask the same thing
121: george bush:idk??
120: gay marriage:p much already been asked bud
119: the presidential election:not my president can’t believe u fuckers let trump win
118: abortion:if someone wants an abortion, they should be able to get it. no one else should have a monopoly over that, not even the father, because their body does not belong to him.
117: myspace:never used it
116: reality tv:eh
115: parents:some are good, mine i am not fans of
114: back stabbers:i don’t think i’ve ever really been backstabbed
113: ebay:it’s ok?
112: facebook:don’t really use it
111: work:don’t have a job
110: my neighbors:i don’t talk to them much but everytime we go near their dogs on the otherside of the fence they call the dogs back or pull them away one of the kids went “haha you can’t touch our dogs” and?? idk why??
109: gas prices:i don’t drive
108: designer clothes:can’t afford them
107: college:haven’t been 
106: sports:Throw Ball
105: my family:my sister is lovely, my brother is really mean, and my parents are also p mean like i don’t realize sometimes until i tell something they said and they’re like “??? that’s really not ok??”
104: the future:hasn’t happened yet how would i know
[last time i]
103: hugged someone:earlier today i hugged my aunt because she’s over for easter
102: last time you ate:just ate a tootsie roll a lil bit ago
101: saw someone i haven’t seen in a while:i guess the only person i haven’t seen very recently is spence and the last time i saw him was a few weeks ago
100: cried in front of someone:long time ago
99: went to a movie theater: went to see beauty and the beast a while back but i don’t remember exactly when that was
98: took a vacation: last summer
97: swam in a pool:last summer at my aunt’s probably 
96: changed a diaper:many years
95: got my nails done:i painted a clear coat on them a lil while back does that count
94: went to a wedding:year or so ago?
93: broke a bone:never broken any bones
92: got a piercing:when i was like five
91: broke the law:idk
90: texted:a few mins ago
89: who makes you laugh the most:hahah. u
88: something i will really miss when i leave home is:oh man. all my friends, hubbard hall, the school playground, as much as i wanna leave this town i’ll probably cry leaving it behind
87: the last movie i saw:moana!
86: the thing that i’m looking forward to the most:death
85: the thing i’m not looking forward to:school starting again
83: the most difficult thing to do is:tell someone you’re in love with them
82: i have gotten a speeding ticket:never??
81: my zodiac sign is:leo
80: the first person i talked to today was:probably my mom
79: first time you had a crush:seventh grade
78: the one person u can’t hide anything from:apparently you because u always figure me out
77: last time someone said something you were thinking: yesterday, spence was talking about how his bf had big hands and i said “u know what they say” and i was about to say “big gloves” but he beat me to it
76: right now i am talking to:i’m not talking i’m typing
75: what are you going to do when you grow up:idk
 74: i have/will get a job:i don’t?? know??
73: tomorrow:is easter
72: today:is not easter
71: next summer:??
70: next weekend:idk man??
69: i have these pets:one cat, two fish
68: the worst sound in the world:chEWING
67: the person that makes me cry the most is:haha
66: people that make you happy:my friends
65: last time i cried:about a month ago
64: my friends are:the best!!!
63: my computer is:alright
62: my school:is the fucking worse
61: my car:is non existent
60: i lose all respect for people who:support trump
59: the movie i cried at was:i cried over the shitty mario movie when i was seven
58: your hair color is: dark brown
57: tv shows you watch:i don’t really watch tv
56: fav website:i dont kno
55: your dream vacation:to go to the beach with friends
54: the worst pain i was ever in was:emotional
53: how do you like your steak cooked:well not burnt
52: my room is:alright
51: my fav celebrity is:does dan avidan count? he still holds a special place in my heart
50: where would you like to be:my answers for these kinds of qs are always so gay 
49: do you want children:used to not want them, but i guess depending on the person i’d have them with i MIGHT
48: ever been in love:ya
47: who’s your best friend:asdgkjgf
46: more guy friends or more girl friends:many of us are nb
45: one thing that makes you feel great is:being loved
44: one person you wish you could see right now:u know, u all know who
43: do you have a five year plan:???????
42: have you made a list of the things to do before u die:1. kiss a girlthat’s it
41: have you prenamed your children:no
40: last person i got mad at:probably my brother
39: i would like to move to:nyc
38: i wish i was a professional:animator
[my favs]
37: candy:sweedish fish and jolly ranchers
36: vehicle:idk
35: president:i only remember obama
34: state visited:idk
33: cellphone provider:also idk
32: athlete:don’t pay attention to sports
31: actor:i don’t freakin know
30: actress:well,
29: singer:wELL,,
28: band:not sure
27: clothing store:idk
26: grocery store:hannaford??
25: tv show:no idea
24: movie:so many good movies
23: website:i think this was already asked??
22: animal:not sure
21: theme park:only ever been to like one
20: holiday:xmas
19: sport to watch:uhh i guess soccer?? i’ll actually understand whats happening so
18: sport to play:also soccer
17: magazine:don’t read them
16: book:carry on
15: day of the week:saturday
14: beach:no specific one i just like the beach
13: concert attended:only ever been to one, it was a top concert
12: thing to cook:grilled cheese
11: food:not sure
10: restaurant:idk
9: radio station:don’t really listen to the radio
8: yankee candle scent:??? idk???
7: perfume:don’t really wear it
6: flower:roses or tiger lillies
5: color:blue
4: talk show host:i don’t know??
3: comedian:bo burnham
2: dog breed:shiba inu
1: did you answer all of these truthfully?ya
i didn’t move the whole time i answered all 200 help me
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