#yeah i basically drove w the fries i ordered along the way and i thought it is a great idea to drive w an open sauce as well!
martinskiseyes · 8 months
just had a panic attack over spilled sauce✌️
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sunflowerhae · 4 years
-> you’re mesmerized ✉
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-> love! triangle (Jeno, Renjun, OC)
-> ♡ ☾ ✓
playlist• heather, conan gray/Something, The Beatles/ flowers in december, Mazzy Star/ A BOY IS A GUN*, Tyler the Creator/ love again, nct dream/ soft universe, AURORA/ butterflies, kacy musgraves•
──────── ❝ 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭 ❞
•December 3rd plays in your mind as u and Jeno stand by his locker on the first day back to school from winter break.
•although it was a month ago, u still remember it like it was yesterday
•u and Jeno had gone to the fair in your town
•the last one of the year. They called it the winter festival
•but ur friend group had a tradition of going together.
•everything was going fine, until you and Jeno had broken off from the group to look at the phat christmas tree.
•you had forgotten a sweater, and Jeno was more than willing to give u his, along w one of his famous eye smiles
•u swore up and down (In ur own head) that that was the day you knew you liked (loved) him
•Jeno couldn’t stop staring at you in it. And when u turned to him, all he said was
•”it looks even better on you than me.”
•and then he kissed u
•so this is love
•you thought something would happen when you went back to school that Monday.
•but nothing came. Just Jeno refusing to meet ur eyes
•or talk to u://
•Jaemin said it was because he was scared and that you just needed to be patient
•u accepted it, and waited for the day he kissed u once more
•by Christmas break, y’all were back to being best buds™️
•and you thought maybe when Y’all returned for school, he would have worked up enough nerve to seal the deal w you
•but on that first day back
•in front of his locker
•Jeno locked eyes on the new girl, heather, for the first time
•the way he looked was absolutely beautiful.
•he had wide, open eyes
•and he couldn’t stop staring at her as she walked by and Laughed at something her tour guide said to her.
•yeah, he looked absolutely mesmerized
•but it wasn’t directed at you
•and you knew you lost him
•by lunch, heather was in your group
•turns out Jeno had history with her. And he wasn’t as “scared” as Jaemin said he was at making moves
•all the boys loved her, and while you really wanted to hate her
•u couldn’t deny that she was an absolute angel
•she had an eye smile, like Jeno
•and dimples
•and long, beautiful eyelashes
•and a beautiful laugh
•and she could keep up w haechans jokes, and chenji so easily called her noona, something they never did w you
•Jaemin tried flirting w her, but Jeno looked so protective over her, that Jaemin turned to you and shrugged while wrapping his arm around u
•u wanted to throw up when heather politely asked u and Jaemin how long u had been together
•and Jaemin threw his arm off u, and made gagging noises while the rest of the table laughed
•heather got red, and mumbled an apology to you while bowing.
•You wanted to hate her, you wanted to yell at her. But then, ppl would know that you liked Jeno. Jeno would know. And that was too embarrassing
•so you smiled at her, laughed, and shook your head while holding up a hand
•”Jaemin and me? Please, I’d rather die a lonely virgin with 50 cats”
•Heather laughed, and scooted closer to you, and said “it’ll be so nice to have a girl friend!”
•yes, u wanted to throw up.
•but u just wrapped your arm around her, like Jaemin did to u
•and reassured her that you two were already getting married, while she laughed
•over the course of the next two weeks, she spent more and more time with ur group
•and in three weeks, it was no longer just you and jeno by his locker every morning, but you, Jeno, and heather
•you and her were talking about how terrible the lunch food was
•when Jeno came up, and wrapped his arm around her shoulder Before giving her a kiss on her forehead, to which she blushed furiously for
•your mind went back to four nights ago, when heather scream texted u (“JSNSISHEVRB”) that Jeno had drove over to her house with milkshakes, took her to a park, and asked her to be his gf
•u cried all night, four nights ago
•after he says hello to u, y’all three talk for a while before the bell rings.
•Jeno and heather start walking towards class, talking about some random thing, while u walk slower in the back, basic third wheel style
•you couldn’t stop staring at their interlocked hands.
•u felt bad. Because heather had easily become ur best girl friend
•but u loved her boyfriend
•and u lowkey wanted her to die
•u felt like this wasn’t fair.
•u had known Jeno far longer than she did
•why did she get him?
•your thoughts silently went on like this for three more months after this incident.
•May 1st.
•every 1st, your group developed a routine of going to this cafe, just down the street from haechans house
•you would all order milkshakes and fries and sometimes burgers or onion rings
•and you would all just have a good time
•you were feeling a lil down today
•heather had told u that her and Jeno kissed for the first time, and said they loved each other
•to make literally all matters worse, she was wearing the sweater Jeno had let u wear, all those months ago
•the pain in ur heart had numbed. It didn’t hurt so bad anymore everytime you saw them w interlocked hands, or w his arm around her, like now, where they sat across from you in the half circle booth.
•you couldn’t stop looking as ur usual waiter, Jane, came up.
•”hey y’all, I hope you don’t mind, but we have a new worker that needs training, and since y’all are so sweet, I figured he could practice on you? Is that okay?” Her sweet southern bell accent made it hard to say no, not that your group of friends would anyway.
•u actually knew Jane quite well. She was in ur grade, and sat next to you in art.
•u loved her honestly
•u also loved how the blush on Haechan’s face increased, and he couldn’t look up to meet the sweet red heads eyes, which were actively looking at the young boy
•ah, young love
•u made a mental note to talk Haechan up to her tomorrow in art (which you texted Haechan under the table, and he looked up at u in surprise with a smile on his face)
•when u looked away from Haechan, up to the new waiter standing in front of you with a shaky voice and nervous eye
•u felt like the air was sucked out of u
•oh my God that’s the most beautiful boy I’ve ever seen
•you knew u looked mesmerized
•wide eyes, open mouth
•u looked like jeno, three months ago
•jeno saw this
•he didn’t say anything, but he saw it
•tbh, jeno did like u on december 3rd
•and he was going to tell u he liked u on the first day back, after break
•but heather was,,
•the one thing he ever needed
•his soulmate, he thinks
•that didn’t mean he still didn’t care for u
•but when u so willingly befriended heather, he thought u were okay
•so he never questioned it
•but the way you looked at the waiter,,
•he thought you looked mesmerizing
•so he was going to help u, bc u deserved it
•when the waiter got around the table and finally turned to you to ask for ur drink, he locked eyes on u and
•my man dropped his pencil pad
•he got so red, and went to pick it up, but halted when you started giggling at him
•he sent a smile ur way, then went to reach to get the pad
•renjun had liked u since freshman year
•he hated biology, but ur beautiful smile and the way you threw your head back when you laughed made it waayyyy more bearable
•he had never talked to you, and barely saw you when sophomore year came around
•but that didn’t mean he didn’t think abt u
•u were literally always on his mind
•he was so excited for Advanced Art 3 this year
•he had heard there was a lot of portrait drawings
•and he had gotten marked down before for drawing you for assignments when he wasn’t supposed to (not by much doe because they were THAT good)
•so he was excited to freely be able to draw u
•but bruh when he walked in and u were
•ugh he was sad
•not that sad tho bc
•u were THERE
•he saw u a lot with the only other girl in ur friend group, so he felt too embarrassed to say hi
•but he promises his bsf, mark, that he would have if u were alone,,,
•all the damn time
•(mark don’t believe him doe, i agree)
•he had never looked directly into ur eyes
•which is why everytime he drew u, he felt like the eyes were wrong
•so wrong
•but he couldn’t place what it was
•but having u look into his eyes now
•my god he was so excited to go home and draw u
•but u,,,u were not excited
•bc wtf just happened
•u,,at the time,,didn’t know u had just met the loyl
•bc u had only ever really liked jeno before
•u decided to push that shit D O W N
•but jeno
•he was like “nah”
•he had said that he wanted to pay, and before anyone could argue (k like anyone would argue) he grabbed the bill and shuffled heather out of the seat so he could get out
•he grabbed her hand and walked towards the cash register, where jane was standing
•when u saw them holding hands it,,weirdly didn’t bother u
•all u could think abt was that beautiful waiters smile
•jeno and heather walked up to jane nd were like
•”jane, 🅱️ls get our waiter, we have to play cupid.”
•renjun: comes out from the kitchen
•jeno: “y/n, the girl sitting over there? yeah, this is her number”
•jeno: slides over the bill, w ur # written on it (he put it in the section that said “Tip_______” bc he thought he was funny. like, ur tip is a whole ass gf)
•renjun: blush
•jeno: “just tell her who u are bc she doesn’t know we’re doing this but we can tell y’all like each other uwu”
•renjun: huh *sweat*
•jeno: “mkay byeyeeeee”
•renjun indeed did text u that night
•and mark coached him through what to say
•so naturally, renjun looked like a fucking idiot
•but u thought it was cute uwu
•and u were sharpening ur ax to literally murder jeno uwu ❤️✨🌙😌
•when renjun asked u if u wanted to go on a date uwu
•and u were like “ummmm yeth”
•u agreed y’all would over the weekend
•but yet
•when u walked into art the next day and bumped into a rando
•and looked up
•and you and renjun locked eyes
•u had a feeling y’all would be hanging out sooner than the weekend
•the thought had u smiling wide while you said hello
──────── ❝ end ❞
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