#yeah homie it's your turn to be ignored <3
daincrediblegg · 4 months
really funny getting phone calls from a doctor who has straight up not given a shit about me in the past year and a half telling me I need to make an appointment to see him. Like boy buddy won't you be surprised when the next appointment I make is one that's going to be to tell you that I'm dumping your ass to find a new doctor
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May I request fluffy and romantic headcanons for protective Eclipse (Sun and Moon Show/Lunar and Earth Show) with a clingy female reader with she/her pronouns? <3 please and thank you! Have a lovely day ❤️
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Well of course you can! I'm more than happy to write about Eclipse! ^-^
I just adore him! <3
Thank you for requesting and have a wonderful day you too! ❤
×❢ About my work ❢×
fluff, he/they pronouns for Eclipse, fem! Reader, literally no warnings, Eclipse is just being protective about his partner
Requested by: @ssunnybee
Fandom: The Sun and Moon Show
Character(s): Eclipse, You| (Y/N) |The Reader, Dark Sun (mentioned), Bloodmoon (mentioned), Ruin (mentioned), Sun (mentioned), Moon (mentioned), Earth (mentioned)
Ship(s): Eclipse / Reader
Form: Headcanons
[The artwork is not mine! The credit goes to @//kiwi_artz!]
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𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝒉𝒄𝒔 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝑬𝒄𝒍𝒊𝒑𝒔𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒄𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒚 𝒇𝒆𝒎! 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
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• WAIT- before we begin I just want to congratulate about you managed to brought him into a relationship! Good job homie! Okay, no we can start it:
• There are some times that Eclipse gets jealous, however, your health is more important to him than his stupid feelings. Don't get me wrong, he gives you freedom, he won't overreact and he isn't paranormal. It's nothing toxic.
• However, he can get a little overprotective. I mean- do you blame him? Many people left him and betrayed him. He would be alone again without you. He is so happy and greatful that you're here, he doesn't want to lose you (or you to leave him). He also knows that this dimension has a lot of trouble and danger. He just wants to make sure of your safety...
• He usually doesn't let you go on missions. If he does, then he'll be very stubborn to come with you.
• "Leave this one for Sun and Moon, okay? You don't need to be there, hon."
• Also, I don't really recommend to go missions without telling him. You can lose a lot of his trust for you.
• He's not an outgoing guy. He mostly spends his time in his lab, around Earth or in the house of yours two.
• But when it comes to you, he'll be right beside you. (Dude he is in whole f-cking body guard mod/jk) Ruin and Bloodmoon are currently out somewhere and they already kidnapped and hurt others. Do you think it's safe for you to just walk alone around the pizzaplex? No. And don't forget about Dark Sun.
• He's willing to do everything for you. He'll even die like for the fifth time if he has to.
• He often ignores his feelings and he's sarcastic at times, but honestly this just makes him more entertaining.
• "Why did you came after me, Eclipse? I just went to buy a drink."
"Why? Because you didn't came back in atleast 10 minutes and you didn't answer my calls either! That's why! Now let's go back, I have drinks stored away."
• Also, now that I've mentioned calls, don't forget to check his messages! I think Eclipse would be that kind of boyfriend who needs to know where their partner's at. You got home safely? You're stopping by some shop? You'll hang out with someone? Please send a message to him!
• If you're on a trip, he'll call you often and and he'll probably won't be able to stop himself from saying that how muh he missed you (please say it back to him). Also, he might become a bit cuddly and touchy too! Oh, and he'll be very upset if he can't go with you, but he won't show that.
"Aww, were you worried for me this much? You're cute!" You said as you gave him small kisses. He didn't react anything, however, you couldn't ignore the sounds of his fans made — they're probably turning faster to keep Eclipse cool.
"Yeah?! I would gladly see how you would handle it if I was gone!" Eclipse spoke between the kisses as he wrapped his arms around your hips, pulling you more close to him. He clearly missed you, and he just couldn't live without the feeling of your small body against his anymore.
• He doesn't like socializing that much and he is more than tensed if random strangers start to chat with you. He'll become extremely upset and angry if the person doesn't want to leave you alone and they just keep bothering or start to touch your body without your permission. He'll most likely try to keep you close and frown at the person. *sigh* Why they have to be such a creeps...
(At the end please tell him he did good and you feel safer now!)
• He'll come with you, if you take night walks
• If there's something or someone that makes you uncomfortable to come out, he'll more than happy to take you by your hand and reside you
• Like I said, he usually calls you instead of watching you by cameras wherever you go, but if you're at the pizzaplex, where cameras all around the place, he'll use them. Don't get me wrong, he won't stalk you, however he checks them every now and then.
• Since the reader is clingy, I don't think he would mind your clinginess. He loves you very much and he wants to show it.
• However, do not take it too far! If you become too obsessed with him, he won't like that. He wants to be loved like a person, and not being treated by some occupied creep.
Please respect him, and show him affection and patience!
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Here we go: a selkie reader making a deal with Azul and using his seal coat as collateral. Bonus if Azul has to do research on selkies once homeboy leaves.
Azul: "Jade I need you to run to the library and get everything you can find on Selkies!"
Have full creative freedom! (I just love selkies and it makes me sad when people try to ignore the whole coat gimmick that's super important to them!) NSFW or SFW go nuts!
Yuu is Killed
Yuu has hair mentioned and is a selkie. They’re a ray of dumb sunshine like Kalim to make this hurt more The first year squad are all homies before ch 3
“You won't get away with this Azul! I swear to the seven!” Ace snarls at Azul as he is forcibly escorted out of the headmage's office by Deuce who is shaking in silent rage. “Watch yer back!” Epel shouts, face red and flustered as Crowley forcefully pushes him out of the room followed by an enraged Sebek.
“Curse you Azul! It's all your fault!” The fae shouts as he's escorted out by Jack, cradling a crying Ortho, in shock over the news. Jack shot the trio a wordless glare as he rushed out with Ortho in one arm and Sebek's hand in his own as the man shakes in pure hatred. Azul shook as well, but this time, in fear and grief.
“Azul. You are very lucky that that student had no home or family to speak of. Because of this, and also because it has nothing to do with the blackmail you have on me, I will allow all three of you to continue your education here. Under one condition.” Crowley paused, for once in his life being serious. “ You get rid of the anemones once and for all. That is what started this.” 
“Y-yes, sensei… I understand…” Azul trailed off in a daze. Nothing felt real at all. He… He didn’t mean it! He truly didn’t! Yuu had to be alive! he couldn't imagine it any other way! H-he was just talking to them yesterday! They couldn’t be dead! His little ‘gang’ was just that: A few young adults causing some mischief! Nothing more! It wasn’t ever supposed to go as far as it did. Never as far as this! 
The tear-stained and solemn look on the usually cheerful Floyd’s face cemented reality. Jade’s genuine frown and glossy eyes showed that even he was shaken up. Yuu was dead. And it was all. Their. Fault. Crowley dismissed them hastily, and the group took their leave.
Azul was going to rip up every single one of the contracts to get rid of the guilt as he mulls over what happened. He remembers their conversation just the other day as well. Such a bright, young student. Gone.
“Ah, evening there Yuu…”
“Hmm?” The prefect tilted their head as they turned around to face the trio where they stood in the hallway. Floyd to the left and Jade to right with Azul standing in the center. An obvious attempt at intimidation that went over the ‘magicless’ students head as they brush down the oversized fur coat they wear. 
“Oh, it’s you three!” Yuu says cheerfully, pulling out a thermos from their bag, before turning their full attention to Azul. And yet, at the time he only smirked at them, seeing them as nothing more than easy prey. What a fool he was to not recognize the gem of a person that stood in front of him. Jade and Floyd stole a few glances at each other.
“As you are aware, finals are tomorrow.” Yuu nodded. “Yup I’m quite nervous since I’m not from this realm, but I’m sure I’ll be fine. Oh! And you all as well!” Oh, what a bright smile they had…
“What if I can guarantee you a good score, Yuu? In fact—“ “Oh sorry! I can't study with you guys.” Floyd snorted. “Huh?” Yuu frowned slightly. “I'm much too busy with my study session with Deuce, and then there’s Grim, so yeah, sorry.” How hardworking they were…
Azul was taken aback for a moment before clearing his throat before the other two could interject. “No you misunderstand, I was going to make a deal with you and offer you a study guide.” “For the test?” Yuu asked just to be interrupted by Floyd with a ‘duh.’
Yuu just chuckles. “Seems the rumors are true. You’re a hard worker Azul.” Azuls expression turned to disbelief before he preened himself, “That I am.” “However, I am afraid I cannot accept this study guide. You have put a lot of work into it, I cannot imagine using it without having earned it. ‘Sides I do better studying on my own.” Yuu put their hands in their large, oversized coat pockets, messy hair adding to their charm of them. If it was real fur, Azul notes, it must have been really expensive.
“No, no, you will pay me back in time-“ “Sorry Azul, I don't have much money since this world has different currency.” Jade and Floyd were now snickering at Azul’s failed attempts to hook this student into a contract. “Plus I would forget to go over it. Anyways…” Yuu said, shaking their thermos in their hand before pulling something out from their bag., “Want some hot cocoa? I would have offered coffee, but the juniors were just lining up for it since it's the night before exams, I guess they’re gonna cram tonight.”
“Oh! Oh!” I want some!” Floyd shouted. “You’re… giving out hot cocoa?” Jade asked, amusedly. Yuu just nodded. “Made some cocoa and some coffee for my class but still have a lot of cocoa leftover. Want a cup?” “Sure.” Jade replied. “And you Azul?” 
Azul crossed his arms, “No thank you.” Yuu nodded and pulled out a few containers, looking closely, Azul can see that the cups were made of plants— leaves to be specfic. As Yuu poured out some cocoa into the strange containers, Azul interrogated them. “You’re giving out free drinks?” “Of course?” “Youre not charging for it all?” “Nope!” Yuus sincere smile made him sick, “I know not everyone can afford it and I made a lot anyways, so I'm giving it away.”
Yuu handed over the first cup to Floyd who squealed before taking a sip. “Those cups…” “I made them out of a type of non-toxic leaf that doesn't affect the flavor at all!” Yuu poured another glass for Jade who nodded and took it from them politely.”I’m so used to seeing plastic on the ocean floor, I was sick of it, so I made a few biodegradable alternatives… The ocean is my love after all, it hurts to see it polluted.” They frown.
Before Azul could even ask, Yuu cut him off for the final time that night. “In any case, get some rest tonight you three. Your mind needs to rest if you want to do your best, after all! Especially you Azul.” “Me?” Azul asked, as Yuu leaned in close to his face. “Yup! You work too hard sometimes, you know? We all see it…” 
They tucked a strand of hair behind his ear before letting go.“anyways… Bye guys!” Yuu waved, walking off into the hallway, leaving Azul confused as ever…
Then came the day. The day before it all went to shit. The last day he would see Yuus bright face. A bright, hopeful face so full of love and knowledge. A true sweetheart much like Kalim. 
As expected of Azul’s plan, Crowley sent Yuu after him with his most recent exploits. Now it was up to Yuu to stop his plan, unaware how they fell right into his trap. A simple deal was all it was supposed to be, Yet Yuu was determined as ever to barter. Azul always admired their fiery attitude.
“I agree to your terms on one condition!” He smirked so cruelly at them, who didn't deserve it. “Oh?” “I will give you my pelt instead, and you are only allowed to take my dorm after three days if I fail! Got it?” “And remind me, why would I want your pelt?” Yuu just tilted their head at him.
“Because it has all my magic in it…” Yuu stated. “I am a selkie. Our power is in our pelts! Without it, well, it's just important to us.” Yuu trailed off, taking off their fluffy coat, shaking the whole way, yet brave as ever they held it out to him. “Do we have a deal?” They ask.
Selkie pelts… selkie pelts… It only took a few quick searches on his phone to understand the significance of them. Without their pelt, a selkie is never allowed in the sea again. Oh this was rich. Utterly perfect. 
They would not be able to even go anywhere near the ocean to fill out their part of the deal! Azul wore a wicked smirk as he gave the order to the twins. He was winning this contract easily.
 “Jade, Floyd? Go keep an eye on Yuu. You know the drill…”
The two eels gave a slimy smile. “Yes boss…”
Azul was none the wiser of what was happening underwater. As far as he was concerned, it was an easy win. He wasn't aware of the fight Yuu had to put up the second they stepped into the coral sea. As they waded through the ocean depths with their friends. 
The sea was suffocating even with the potion, as the waves and riptides tried to tear Yuu to shreds for even entering the water they were now exiled from without their pelt. All they had to do was to hang on a bit longer… Push a little harder. WIth their friends by their side that would be no problem. Jack and Ace helped to support the, as Deuce made sure their breathing was normal.
All they had to do was hang in a little longer and grab that photo. From there all will be well and they can head back and get their pelt again! It was going well until a certain pair of eels came around.
With a blast of magic, the eels stopped the group where they stood, with the only way to continue being to fight. They ruined everything. As the battle dragged out, the ocean’s water became even more suffocating to Yuu as they fought to even stand without keeling over in pain, the water practically crushing them.
With a final blow from the wand, Floyd sent out a weak water spell… that ricocheted off of Jacks spell and aimed directly at Yuu. At most all the spell could do was knock them out, however Yuu was a selkie in forbidden territory. Water was deadly to them. The instant the spell made contact with their skin, they crumpled. 
For a minute they held their throat in pain, crying out. Air bubbles escaped their throat. Were they drowning? “Yuu!” Ace shrieked rushing to them, battle forgotten. The eels tensed up before diving down to check on Yuu. Despite their fight, they didn't want to truly hurt anyone.
Yuu’s tears merged with the ocean around them. As Jade went to grab them to take them up to the surface it was too late. The second Jade went to touch Yuu they dissolved right in his hands. All that remained was sea foam.
Yuu was gone. Forever. And it would haunt the trio for the rest of their lives. They killed someone. A genuine and kind someone. Someone who made the world a better place, now snuffed out, forever. And they would have to live with the guilt and the looks of absolute hatred from Jack and the rest of their friends, forever.
As seafoam washed against the island shore. They hoped that could see Yuu once more.
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idiswhadidis · 2 years
pizza delivery guy
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✩ pairing jungwon x f!reader
✩ genre fluff, strangers to lovers
✩ warning mention of food
a/n: a little bit late but happy birthday jungwon<3
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getting home from work changing into your comfortable clothes which contains of a basic oversized shirt, shorts and some fluffy socks.
today is the day.
the pizza thursday.
since 2 years you made it to a tradition to order your favorite pizza from your favorite pizza place on every thursday, you could count it as a national holiday.<3
but that might be not the only reason why you’re excited about pizza thursday’s, it could be also because of the pizza delivery guy¿
two months ago the pizza delivery guy you used to know didn’t show up at your door but someone else, a bit surprised that Fred the old pizza delivery guy aka your pizza homie you knew for 2 years didn’t tell you he quitted, seems the pizza friendship wasn’t two-sided but hey, the new delivery guy? god dayum.
*ding dong*
opening the door „hi Fred-, oh you’re not Fred“ expecting a middle aged man as usual but getting greeted by a really handsome man at the same age like yourself „oh uhm hi, Fred quitted so i’m taking his thursday shift from now on, which means i will be your new thursday pizza delivery guy. Jungwon my name.“ he introduced himself with a chuckle.
you stand there for few seconds thinking about the fact how he could know about your national holiday? seeing your confused state „..you‘re kinda popular in the pizzeria, you order every thursday the same thing and Fred told me about you soo yeah, here’s your pizza.“ he smiled at you and handed you the pizza, „well then hi my name is Y/n nice to meet you, new delivery guy.“ you returned the smile and took the pizza.
-end of flashback-
now sitting on the couch watching physical:100 waiting for Jungwon more then your pizza.. since the last 3 weeks you both started to talk more, he just didn’t hand you over your pizza and leave, he started to ask about your day or some some personal questions about how old you are? where you’re coming from? your favorite thing to do? your favorite color? even if you prefer cats over dogs?¿ it was kinda clear that he wanted to get to know you, and you could only say ditto!
getting up with your little happy dance once you heard the door bell ring.
„howdyyyy“ greeting him with a cheerful expression, „hey pretty girl, how ya doing?“ he greets you back with a joyful expression.
pretty girl? that‘s new, your heart beats a little faster. „i‘m all good, happy that you‘re here“, „happy about me or the pizza?“ he asks with a slight smirk shaking the pizza box in his hand, „50/50“ you answered with a laugh taking the pizza from him. „well then bon appetit, see you soon“, „soon?“ you ask, „i meant like next week as always yeah..“ he coughs „okay yeah till next week“ smiling at him you bid your good bye , closing the door and putting the pizza on the couch table ready to eat.
opening the pizza box, greeted by the so god damn good smell and a… sticky note? looking at it confused ripping it off turning it around to see what was written on it?
„hi there pizza junkie :D
may come a little sudden but i really wanna get to know you more, so would you like to go on a date with me? (:
i‘m gonna wait outside for another 15 minutes after you get inside, so if it‘s a yes come out again and if it‘s a no just ignore this, which means the next thursday‘s are going to be awkward :D
oh by the way this is Jungwon i forgot to mention“
smiling like an idiot as if you wouldn’t know it would be him, you instantly got up and speed walk outside your apartment.
and there he was leaning against the pizza delivery car staring at your door as if he would know you will come out. which now explains the words he said earlier „see you soon“ that sly mf-
„i‘ve been actually waiting for this not gonna lie“ you say excited jogging your way towards him with open arms to hug him.
he welcomed you with a wide smile slinging his arms around your waist, „so it‘s a yes?“, „definitely mister“ leaning your chin onto his chest looking up at him with your shinny eyes he adored so much.
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jimothystu · 1 year
Top Ten Fic Game! share your top [10*] fics by Kudos! drop the links so people can read them! bonus: do you agree or disagree with the readers on these being in your top 10? tag some homies who might want to do it too!
thank you @milf-arteta!!
10 better than in my dreams [cole caufield/nick suzuki]
this is one of my personal favourites, so i'd say i agree that it's one of my better ones. though i feel like more of my recent ones are better in general re the writing style, the plot, etc.
9 later [juraj slafkovsky/arber xhekaj]
oh yes. this was my first xhekovsky fic and i fucking love it lmao. it was so much fun to write and also @donttelltheelff helped me with it so that made it extra fun. idk i also just enjoyed the like, not quite edging but the teasing of them almost getting time to be alone together but things keep coming up. but they do, eventually, get their alone time in the second chapter lmao.
8 you're my instinct [auston matthews/mitch marner]
meh. this was one of my first hockey rpfs i think, and maybe the first one i wrote for 1634 so i don't feel like it's my best work.
7 they're not glass slippers but they're close enough [tim stutzle/brady tkachuk]
i love me some crack mixed with more serious stuff, and this has pretty much everything - crack/fun, smut, and fluff. i also just find the idea (shoutout to @may-the-puck-be-with-you) to be hilarious - timmy seducing brady with crocs lmfao.
6 the bitterness upon your lips [juraj slafkovsky/arber xhekaj]
i am a sucker for angst. writing and reading, and i also like how i was able to have various hab players in it, not just slaf and arber. and it was fun to play with the jordy/arber roommate thing a bit!!
5 paper thin walls [auston matthews/mitch marner]
agree/disagree? neutral
i liked the idea i had for it (4 times auston heard mitch through the walls + 1 time he joined him) and it was fun to write for the most part, but idk reading it now i'm not super proud of the way it was written ig, or i feel like i should've added more maybe
4 the secret truth off your numb lips [tim stutzle/brady tkachuk] ignore the title similarity to number 6 i named it without remembering and then just couldn't think of anything better
agree/disagree? neutral
this originally went down a different path and was going to be pretty angsty, but i changed the second half of it and while i do like how it turned out and i liked writing it etc etc part of me still wishes i had finished the angst part. but i did save the angst i'd written so i'll probably write a different fic around it
3 don't break the dam or you might drown in the current [tim stutzle/brady tkachuk]
this fic. this 12k fic. this is one of my favourite fics i've written. it was very self indulgent and i 1000% projected onto brady so that in and of itself was therapeutic lol. but i'm also just really proud of how i wrote the emotions and how i conveyed everything. and how i was able to write so much!! it's the longest fic i've written to date
2 intoxicated [tim stutzle/brady tkachuk]
hell yeah i love this fic. writing it was so much fun and i do go back and read it (bc if i don't want to read my own work then why bother writing it). it was just some dumb idea i had one night while trying to get to sleep and it turned into a crack/fluff piece that i enjoy a lot
1 je t'aime [thomas chabot/josh norris]
okay this is also one of my favourite fics i've written. chabby and josh grabbed me by the throat and i just had to write something about them. i'm actually shocked and really happy that this is my top fic because i didn't think there'd be that many people who'd want to read about this rare pair! but i love it, and i am tempted to make a part 2 at some point!
tagging @saintknightcowboys and any other writers who'd like to do this!!
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magnuficentwo · 1 year
4, 8, 9, 12, 13 :3
Hellooooo :3 [ask game in question !]
4- Do you know any disabled people irl ? What about online ?
I know at least like 2 or so people in my school who are physically disabled, and most of my friend group is some flavour of neurodivergent anyway. I don't have a lot of chances to get out there on my own accounts as it currently is unfortunately so my sample group is very small </3. As for online, yeah there's definetly a lot more there ! Shoutout to all my disabled homies I love u
8- Does your disability affect how you experience other parts of your identity ?
Boy does it ever (/silly). Pretty much all aspects of my life are affected by my neurodivergence (Mainly autism/OCD) and chronic fatigue, but I think the part that this shows through the most is with my culture. For a long time, I thought I was embarrassed of my culture and how I interacted with it in my day to day life, but as it turns out, it was never really my heritage's fault. I am straight up just Built Different and can't interact with it the intended way (+ americanization is a very real thing kids).
For an example, Brazil is LOUD. It is VERY loud. Music, politics, even just regular conversations about whatever, people are loud just as a default. This makes things hard to navigate for me, someone who has audio processing issues. I have to account for every little sound that people make whenever I go out because I genuinely will start getting so overwhelmed I will get physically ill. And this is just like, another part of my life you know ? I find I do better whenever I have a distraction like headphones or my phone, so I'll always have those in clutch with me.
Queerness is another thing i feel like messes me up. Being autistic generally means I have a pretty nebulous idea of what everything is, and my queer experience is just another one of those things. But ultimately, knowing I have full control over what happens to my identity and labels and everything is just super comforting, as someone who isn't very used to being in control of things yk ? I define what each of these things mean to me and that makes it way way easier :]
9- How do you measure your energy ?
I like the battery the most !!! One because it makes me feel like a cool robot, and two because it feels more concrete. Its like put that beast on a number scale
12- What's something people don't realize about your disability ?
I gotta be honest here, it's very much how much people will underestimate how the disability affects my behavior.
I'm pretty open about being autistic, and I do try my best to explain to people about the Chronic Fatigue stuff, but they'll just like. Most of the time ignore the fact I've told them about it ? And just treat me the Exact Same as everyone else. Don't get me wrong ! I don't want to be different ! I'm a person just like you ! But you guys *do need* to acknowlege I have very severe differences to you that will seem odd if you have no context for them. People have called me "mean" and "too literal" for not understanding cues before. People have called me lazy and entitled for not being able to participate in certain activities like everyone else before. And it's just another one of those things ! It's kind of a cycle in a way, where I have to explain myself for behaviors everyone is very aware I do, but never want to remember why.
I didn't mean to get venty lol. Anyway be nice to disabled people about issues that are VERY LITERALLY outside their control challenge
13 - What's the most Able Person Thing someone has ever said to you ?
Luckily, I mask well enough so that people don't usually bug me about my shit, but I've heard people say some genuinely baffling stuff before. My mom's side of the family especially.
My uncle has an autistic kid. She's nonverbal, often walking on her tiptoes, pale as they come– Poster child of "visible autism" pretty much. And he Does Not like that at ALL. He'll often complain about her behaviors and how she repeatedly does things after he tells her not to, plus some other ableist bullshit. Well, one beautiful day, I am playing with her while everyone's talking and eating. He looks over at us, and says something along the lines of "Wow [Mael], you and [Kids Name] really get along ! I'd almost think YOU were autistic by how well you can play with her !" And I just........stared for a second. Like yeah, you're not wrong, but GENUINELY what does that mean !!!!!!!!!!
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Gary “Roach” Sanderson HC Face
Since my Ghost HC Face Analysis was going great, I’m making our boi Roach! Now first of all, there was barely any information about Roach. I have scoured the internet for inspiration on how he looks and I basically only get it from pictures online of his eyes and helmet, but not the rest of his face. A lot of the info that I use for this analysis are more of a Call of Duty head cannons that are collectively accepted by the fandom combined with my own head cannon. Bear with me ‘cause Roach is such a fun character to imagine, and since there’s a lot of room for that, I will go wild with him! I’ll use my drawing slash bootleg criminal sketch artist skill and do my best. Let’s go!
⚠️This is just my interpretation and not canon at all. Just a fan researching stuff and doing art. You can agree or disagree with it as you like.
1. Age - We don’t know his age. But since he’s canonically a sergeant, I’ll go with mid twenties. 
2. Height and Build - Yet again, we don’t know how tall he is, but I’ll take @smokeywhalee​ ‘s height comparison as reference and just go with 185 cm or 6′1″. Since he’s a British special force soldier, I’ll go with lean and muscular build. 
Let’s go to the face  ヽ(>∀
In Modern Warfare 2, he didn’t have a depiction AT ALL. If you’re thinking the image below is him, It’s not. It’s the default TF 141 soldier skin (see his helmet, it has US flag while Roach is British). 
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Next, For those who don’t know, Roach has appeared in Call of Duty Mobile, and this is his face :
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However, though, we can still use these pictures as reference :)
3. Facial Features : From the default skins, I will take inspiration for the eye shapes. He has hooded eyes and slightly slanted eyes and strong eyebrows. The CoD fandom has depicted Roach as blond hair and blue eyes, and overall the baby of the group. So I try to make him cute but also fierce in a way. Since he’s the youngest one, I don’t draw him bearded and such. Also my HC : Under that mask, He has DIMPLES :D It really adds the cuteness and a character to him! Now for the rest, like face length, cheek, lips, and all those things are all my sketches of how he will look. 
Considering all the points, I collected all the information and there is the sketch! Now after the sketches, I think that’s not enough. I want to add ✨Character✨
4. Character : As we don’t have any reference for his personality, I will go with mine mixed with the fandom’s collective Head Cannon :
- Roach is one of the younger ones, and the raw one of the TF141. He’s lively and bubbly, a BABY, but he’s a total CHAOTIC BOI. He can be funny and kind, but when on a mission, he’s turns serious and deadly, ready for any situation.
- Roach is Ghost’s bestie in TF141. He balances Ghost’s silence and overall sad vibe. Ghost trusts Roach and talks to him a lot. They’re Homies™
- Roach is picky eater! This is the baby side of him. When there’s some things he doesn’t like on his meal tray like broccoli, he will set them aside and Ghost will instinctively eat Roach’s leftovers. 
- Gary Sanderson got the name “Roach” because he’s a JACKASS but somehow always escapes death. Real examples would be the ENTIRE MW2 except the betrayal scene :”) SERIOUSLY FUCK THAT D*CKH*AD SH*P*RD. Also here are some random stupid sketches I made of him not valuing his safety :
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I’M SORRY THIS IS SO STUPID FORGIVE ME PLEASE JUST IGNORE (I’m sorry Ghost I love you but this post is about Roach)
- One of the reason why he’s a jackass is Roach has a great core strength and is so BALANCED. He can do flips and stuff, and yes he can headstand. 
Bonus : Roach with my OC Jade!
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So yeah! This is my depiction of Sergeant Gary “Roach” Sanderson! Kindly share your thoughts!
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New Enemies, New Alliances (Sweet Betrayal Part 4)
Part 1     Part 2     Part 3
Spotify Playlist (collaborative)
Warnings: Swearing, graphic description of injuries/death, violence, grief, blood, manipulation
Word count: 3,661 
(A/N): Things are starting to get spicy, folks!
“Nice job today, I think you’d actually put up a fight in battle now,” Dream grabbed your hand and helped you up. You basked in the compliment, they were few and far between. Now, if you didn’t pass one of the Badlanders by accident, Dream and Lucius were the only ones to recognize your work. 
You brushed off your training clothes and smiled to yourself when you saw Lucius move to pat you on the back before stopping himself. He’s been around for a month now and he still isn’t used to not being able to touch anyone. You remembered that when he was alive, physical touch was his love language. It must be killing him to not touch anybody. 
“Yeah! I’d hate to be on the other side of your sword, homie!” You have no clue why he started to call you ‘homie’, he hated that word when he was alive. Faintly, you supposed that he must’ve learned it sometime between after he died and when he was looking for you as a ghost. 
“Thanks, guys,” you fiddled with the handle of your sword before swinging it over to rest on your shoulder. The walk home was filled with Lucius and Dream exchanging terrible puns, much to your exasperation. Out of all the things he could’ve kept in his personality after he died, it just had to be his love for puns. 
As the days passed and the war’s climax drew closer and closer, stress was increasing in the White House. Schlatt had become far more paranoid of traitors in the midst of the remaining cabinet, and truth be told you were also growing more paranoid. It was like you and Schlatt were the only ones completely loyal to Manberg anymore. 
Lucius had increasingly grown worried for your well being, always trying to push you to go to bed early and urging you to distance yourself from Schlatt. In your opinion Lucius was insane for even suggesting the latter, Schlatt was everything to you. Without him, you’d be nothing. 
“I really don’t-”
“Lucius, drop it,” you hissed out, rubbing your forehead and returning to your work. You needed to get this paperwork done as soon as you could, otherwise Schlatt would have your ass. 
“I’m not going to ‘drop it’, (y/n). You need a break! All of this,” he swung his arms around to gesture at your office, “isn’t you.” 
“You don’t understand, Lucius,” you bitterly chuckled and threw your quill down onto your desk. The ink that was on the tip splattered over the desk, staining the birch wood black. “This,” you gestured towards the office and walked over to the window. Lucius followed you and looked out at the city. You clasped your hands behind your back and smiled fondly at the sight of the endless buildings. “This is me.” 
“I know you, you aren’t this- this brutal or bloody insane!” Lucius tried to put his hands on your shoulders but stopped himself, settling for crossing them across his chest. “You’re caring, funny, ambitious, and most importantly agreeable! Now, if someone even slightly crosses you, your first thought is revenge.” 
“That person was a coward through and through. Aren’t you happy that I’m finally standing up for myself?” 
“Standing up for yourself? Standing up for yourself? You get stepped on constantly by that ram asshole that you call a father, you call that standing up for yourself?” 
You spun around to face him, looking down at his face with a harsh glare, “you have no right to bring Schlatt up, he’s done everything for me while you were just galavanting around the SMP doing Ender knows what! He’s the one that took me in. He’s the one that cared for me. He’s the one who made me who I am today. He’s the one that made me less of a coward.”
“Are you serious? He’s the one that completely fucked up your life! When was the last time he’s said anything that bordered on nice to you? When was the last time he said he loves you? I just want the best for you, (y/n),” he ran a hand through his hair and looked up at you in desperation and frustration. “You wouldn’t be this mentally unstable or this disfigured if you would’ve just stayed away from him like I told you to do when I was alive.” 
“You clearly don’t know what’s best for me if you’re too blind to know that Schlatt changed me for the better,” you scoffed to yourself. “That person left the second I killed you.”
You watched as his already pale skin blanched impossibly and his eyes widened in horror. “You- you what?” 
So he doesn’t remember his own death? How interesting. 
“You don’t remember? You were my first kill, I can still remember the crunching sound your skull made and how warm the blood that splattered on my face was when I drove that pickaxe through your forehead. The power I felt after I came to terms with the fact that I just took someone’s life? Exhilarating.” 
You smirked down at his terrified face, taking great pleasure in the fear he felt. He took several steps back from you, almost tripping when his heel caught the edge of the carpet. Grinning, you followed him until he was pressing himself up against the wall. You leaned down close to his ear and whispered, “I’ve never felt anything like it before. You were my first friend and my first kill, kudos to you.” 
He ducked out of your presence with haste and distanced himself from you, his chest heaving with panicked breaths. He stuttered out a response, “do you even regret it?” 
Regret was something you always pushed deep into your subconscious, “regret is for losers, winners own up to everything they do,” Schlatt’s voice echoed in your mind. You didn’t like thinking about your regrets, however the delicious fearful tone that shook Lucius’ voice was too alluring to ignore. He deserved every single ounce of the fear that racked his body, the argument that had raged on previously still filling you with anger. You’d humor him for now.
You certainly regretted it when you first killed him prior to losing your first life, if losing your first life is anything to go by. You hadn’t even done it on purpose; it was simply a freak accident in an abandoned mineshaft. You didn’t know that when you and Lucius discovered it that you’d leave without him. You could remember exactly what happened that day.
“Luci, wait up!” You pushed yourself to run faster into the cave, chasing the short teenager. He threw his head back and laughed, “catch me if you can!” 
You grinned happily to yourself, “I’ll catch you faster than you can say a damn pun!” 
You followed him deeper and deeper into the cave, passing different assortments of ores and jumping over crevices along the way. The carefree laughter that bounced off from the stone walls mingling with the slapping of both of your leather boots against the floor. 
Despite the sharp twists and turns, you managed to stay hot on his trail. Eventually, he led you deep into a mineshaft. That was where you couldn’t keep up with him anymore. By the time you followed him around a corner, he was nowhere to be seen. You slowly came to a stop and looked around at the dark hallways. This had to be the largest mineshaft you’d ever seen, it was seemingly endless with a labyrinth of twisting halls. You looked behind you only to be met with even more dark halls. You couldn’t even remember where you came from, everything in here looked the same. 
In the distance, you heard the hissing of cave spiders and the pitter pattering of their multitude of feet on stone. You swallowed nervously and took out your pickaxe, mentally scolding yourself for not thinking to bring your sword. Every single sound made you jump out of your skin and press yourself up against the wall, preparing yourself to swing at any movement. 
Eventually, you gathered the courage to start to wander the maze of hallways. You gripped the handle of your iron pickaxe in a vice grip, ready to kill any mob that would potentially sneak up on you. 
“Luci, please come out. I’m starting to get scared.” 
You paused to strain your ears for any potential reply, only to sigh to yourself when you heard nothing but cave spider sounds and the faroff dripping of water. With a steadying breath, you ventured further into the mineshaft. 
As you passed a hallway, you saw sudden movement from the corner of your eye. Squeezing your eyes shut with a small yelp, you spun around, raised your pickaxe, and swung it down with all your might. 
In an instant, you heard a sharp gasp. When you felt your pickaxe make contact with something, a sickening combination of a crunching and squelching noise accompanied the feeling of something warm splatter across your face. You peeked your eyes open to see what mob had attacked you. 
Instead of a zombie or… or whatever your mind was expecting to see, Lucius stood there looking at you with his eyes bulging and his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. Your hands left the pickaxe and flew up to your mouth as you stepped back in horror at what you’ve done. As soon as you dropped the pickaxe, Lucius’s body dropped with it. He fell to the stone ground limply with a thud, landing on his side with his arms and legs awkwardly sprawled out. 
You stood frozen as you watched his body start to convulse before falling still completely after what seemed like hours. Nothing but the roaring of blood in your ears and the obnoxiously loud thumping of your heart in your throat was heard. You finally snapped out of your trance when you saw his body still and started to dissolve in glowing golden dust. 
“No, nonononono what the fuck did I just do?!” You dropped to your knees next to his body, feeling icy dread as you saw the telltale sign of death floating from his body. Gritting your teeth, you pressed your hands over his limp arm where the majority of the dust was coming from in a desperate attempt to potentially save him. He was already losing his warmth, you could feel him rapidly cooling under your hands. To your terror, the dust merely slipped through the cracks of your fingers. 
Strangled sobs left your mouth as you removed your hands and dragged his upper body onto your lap. You lifted him up and hugged him as tight as you could, once again pressing your hands over the glowing gold, trying and failing to keep his body in one piece. You hated how he was slowly lightning as his body was dissolving. 
“I’m sorry,” you repeated to him like a mantra. “I’m so fucking sorry Luci, come back.” 
Just before he fully left you, you buried your face into the crook of his neck, praying to whatever gods were above that he’d just wake up and laugh loudly. 
“You should’ve seen your face,” he’d tease you, “I really got you good this time, didn’t I?” 
He’d then realize just how terrified you were, and he’d then hold you close to him while humming your song over and over. He’d tell you, “turn that frown upside down! You’re never fully dressed without a smile.” He’d put his pointer fingers on the corners of your lips and lift it into a smile, telling you to “fake it til you make it” and that “your smile is your best asset to use against someone.” 
You’d ask him in a bout of confusion, “but then you’d be vulnerable! Isn’t it better to just… hide it all?”
He’d give you that dazzling smile of his and gently tap your nose with a finger, “hiding everything behind a smile is better than being a husk of a person. I know there’s a constant happiness deep down in you, I’ve seen it and it’s absolutely beautiful. C’mon,” he’d start to jab your sides lightly, “give me a smile!”
You’d shove his hands away from you with a small, genuine smile. He’d then haul you up to your feet and lead you out of the mines, pulling you behind him as he ranted constantly about what he had planned for you both for the day with his signature blinding smile. 
But that didn’t happen.
Soon enough, you were holding nothing in your tight grasp and your face was hovering midair with something coming to rest in your lap. As you pried your eyes open and saw the bloodied pickaxe that laid in your lap and the blood that covered your clothes and slicked your hands, a guttural scream ripped itself from your throat. You’ve never screamed so loudly or so intensely; you were unsure if the copper you tasted in the back of your throat was from your fried vocal cords or from Lucius. 
You stayed in that spot crying until you couldn’t anymore. The full reality of the situation hit you as you finally found your way out of the cave after days of wandering. Not knowing where else you could go, you stumbled to Schlatt and Quackity’s house. 
The second Quackity opened the door and saw you sobbing and splattered with blood looking like you haven’t eaten or drank anything in days, he immediately took you into their household and sat you on the edge of the bathtub. He was the one that cleaned the blood off from your face with a warm washcloth and held you to his chest after you cried out when the feeling of the warm water was too similar to the blood that had splattered your face days before. 
Schlatt had been the one to coax you to eat something after you had passed out in Quackity’s arms, whether due to lack of sleep or nourishment, you didn’t know. Alongside that, he was the first one you talked to about a couple of days into your stay with them. 
Though you never told them what happened to your late best friend and what you did to him, they fully supported you and slowly nursed you back to the point where you could keep yourself alive without their constant aid. Whenever you’d have nightmares of the incident, Schlatt would be quick to make you realize that you were in their guest bedroom and not deep inside of a mineshaft while Quackity would stay by your side throughout the night softly humming small tunes. 
Though everything came crashing down when Philza showed up at their door one day and drugged you home, your time with them solidified your suspicions that you could be loved. 
You blunk, the scene of the blood spattered stone being replaced with your office and the very boy you accidentally killed cowering in the far corner of your room. He was staring at you like you were a starving lion and he was a cornered gazelle, watching your every move vigilantly. You couldn’t blame him, he was in the same room with his murderer after all.
“...I didn’t mean to kill you; I was terrified at the time, I couldn’t believe that I killed my best friend. Hell, I even killed myself because of the guilt.” 
Though a brief flash of sadness reflected across his face, he hadn’t budged from his place with his eyes still trained on you, “t-the past doesn’t matter. Do you regret it now?”
You once again paused, the question of ‘do you regret it’ circulating your mind once more. If Lucius hadn’t died that day, you wouldn’t be the person you were today; you’d still be getting stepped on by everyone. You’d still be a coward, a spineless nobody. You wouldn’t be happy. 
Though you hated yourself for even thinking about this, you questioned if you were truly happy here. You had everything you’ve ever wanted here: the power that you craved, a surefire means of getting your revenge, and living with the person that had constantly supported you. You couldn’t explain it, but it felt like something was missing. Yes, you’ve felt like that your entire life, but lately it felt like a massive, evergrowing void from deep within your core was swallowing everything within you. Maybe Lucius was right. Maybe-
“Why are you hesitating?!” Your eyes snapped to Lucius, surprised at his outburst. Now instead of the petrified look on his face just moments before, a spiteful one replaced it. “Why the fuck are you hesitating?” 
A bitter chuckle interrupted you, “the fact that you’re hesitating tells me everything I need to know. I really thought the real you was somewhere deep within you, but you were right! This is the real you... You really are the monster everyone says you are.” 
Before you could say anything, he fazed through the door leaving you standing in the middle of your desolate office. It felt like a spike was driven through your heart, you never would’ve expected Lucius to say anything like that. Not Lucius, never Lucius.
The pleasure that coursed through your veins previously during the argument had long since fleeted and been replaced with something you vowed to never feel again: regret. Disgust hit you full force as you remembered the delight and satisfaction that filled you at the sight of his fear. Your first and closest friend that stuck with you through thick and thin, his utter fear gave you pleasure. You really were a monster, weren’t you?
A knock sounded at your door, making you jump out of your skin. 
“(Y/n), it’s time for our session.” Dream’s voice sounded through the thick doors. You sighed and looked at your suit, you weren’t even dressed properly. 
“I’m not ready yet, I will be in about five minutes.” Your tone wavered slightly, making you hope that Dream wouldn’t comment on it.
“Is everything alright? I’m coming in.” 
The door opened to reveal Dream wearing his usual lime green hoodie and his signature smiling mask. His curls bounced as he made his way over to you and examined your face. 
“You look like shit,” he mused, “you know, you don’t need that ghost. He’s just been holding you back this entire time.” 
“Well,” you crossed your arms and looked off to the side, “he isn’t in the picture anymore.” 
He was silent for a moment before he walked over to your couch and sat down haphazardly, gesturing for you to do the same. When you did, he hummed, “you know, Lucius isn’t the only one holding you back from your full potential.”
“Who is then?” 
Schlatt’s name sent ice through your veins, your fingers growing numb and your throat drying up. 
Just as you opened your mouth to object, Dream raised a finger to silence you. “He can’t even run his own country that he claims to be so proud of. In fact, he’s making you do all his dirty work while he gets drunk off his ass, not even recognizing you for your work. Everything you’ll ever do, even if you half ass it, is always going to surpass him at his best... He’s going to fire you soon, you know.”
You felt truly helpless in that moment, “what? He needs me, he-”
“As soon as the war ends, he’s just going to toss you aside just like everyone else in your life has. Just like Philza has, and now just like Quackity, the Badlanders, and Lucius has. But…” 
He turned his head towards you and tilted it slightly. You hesitated before clearing your throat, “but what?” 
“I can help you. I won’t throw you out like you’re a piece of garbage; I’m not a brain dead idiot like they are. I see your potential, and you’re going to absolutely thrive if you accept my help.” 
You narrowed your eyes at him, “...what’s the catch?” 
“Ever the vigilant one; so wary of the world at such a young age, so smart,” he chuckled to himself. “What you have to do is simple, not even a moron like Schlatt could fuck it up. I’ll do all the work here, all you have to do is pledge your undying loyalty to me. Of course, you could stay here,” he released a long sigh, “and waste your potential while simultaneously inevitably getting abandoned, or you could break the cycle by working with me and reaching your full potential; I’ll never abandon you like they all did. Are you in?” 
He stuck his hand out towards you and held it in the air, waiting for you to seal the deal. You stared at it as you contemplated his offer. 
Though the thought of Schlatt throwing you out crushed your heart, you wouldn’t be lying if you said you expected him to do so sooner or later. With his ever growing dependence on alcohol, his judgement has grown increasingly more clouded. The furthest corner of your mind acknowledged that he was going to abandon you sooner or later as the abuse got worse, but your conscious mind refused to even think about him not being in your life. 
Maybe it was time to turn a new leaf, Dream had said that you hadn’t reached your full potential yet and everything here was holding you back. You trusted him, he had proved to be a good mentor and a good person during your training sessions. He proved to genuinely care about you. 
“Well, are you in or not? I’d hate to see such potential get wasted because someone is stuck in the past.” 
You slapped your hand into his and shook it firmly, “I’m in.” 
His mask lifted up slightly as he smiled underneath it. He shook your hand and matched your firmness, “excellent.”
General taglist (comment if you want to be added):
@crybabyjabby  @izzybobizzy13  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @bunnyz-pxstel  @averytiredfanfictionwriter  @dcml04  @sparkling-gayyyy  @bbigbbrainn  @thaticecreambish  @kiinokochii  @satansphatass  @bxkubitch @bxmentchildxx  @roxy3457  @montygator17  @feverish-dove  @the-fictionwriters-hairdo  @jichuuchaeng  @404rynnotfound @luluwinchester  @laura--444  @the-cult-classic-bitch  @youngstarfishdinosaur  @nottheotheruser  @ohworm-writes  @localwolfanon  @realitycanbeajerk  @v10dw4lk3r  @esylwen  @seraphsema  @boiled-onionrings  @smolgreenybeany  @louistommosnesquickmilk  @galaxios  @ryxjxnnx  @autumnpleaves  @ravennightingaleandavatempus  @0ton1n  @self-righteous-dumbass  @a-simp-for-block-people  @fortunatelylazystranger  @m1lkmandan  @mirios-sunflower  @ahmya-4  @shinipii  @noyasblush  @auroraskyfall  @cryptocry  @hee-hee-haw  @blackstar-gazer​
Gender neutral reader:
@totem-awooga  @parkeepingparker  @whatislifebutlemons
Sweet Betrayal:
@zefrenchturtle  @smolgreenybeany  @wouldyoulikesomepollen  @savleftus  @bonkaloid  @prickypearpropaganda  @marceline1212  @simp-of-newyork  @wasteofspacze  @mossanon  @hee-hee-haw  @keiarma  @expir3d-m1lk  @seraphsema  @aiyncel  @louistommosnesquickmilk  @xx-smiley-xx  @maelstromania  @miloisagoodboy  @boiciph3r  @izuruamme  @sticksdoesart  
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Incompatible ships w/ Todoroki, Kirishima, Bakugou and Midoiya
Request: hii! i love ur posts so i thought why not request ajbakaha,, can i ask for todoroki, kirishima, bakugou, izuku getting jealous bc their s/o is getting shipped with another student :D (it can be their relationship is still a secret or smth) btw i love your posts!! it's free serotonin!! 😽😽- anonymous
Secret relationships are my favorite trope. This and friends to lovers. I live for these types of fics. Random fact, my allergies are acting up bc I helped take down the Christmas decorations and now my hands are on fire. Love ya. 💖💖💖
masterlist II rules
warnings: fluff, minor suggestive themes not something major though
Todoroki Shouto
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-Things like jealousy are a rare occurrence in your relationship. 
-Todoroki is the type of boyfriend who trusts you blindly and would put his own life in your hands without a single hesitation. 
-Sometimes it bothers him how other people effortlessly flirt with you but he knows that nothing will come out of it no matter how much they chat you up. 
-He knows you can handle yourself and get out of  a situation if things start getting out of hand. 
-And if you can’t, he will butt in glaring down at the person who wouldn’t take no for an answer.
-Everyone around you seem to believe that the two of you are really close friends; none of them have caught a whiff of your relationship and you are proud of yourselves. 
-I mean it is pretty hard keeping so many romantic milestones hidden from your friends. 
-But alas you both knew that keeping all of this to yourselves would be for the best. 
-Now, we all know that the girls of your class drool over any remotely romantic interaction you have. 
-Same goes for everyone actually. 
-Oh Kirishima held the door open for you the other day?? I can see a new ship sailing. 
-Sero helped you pick up your stuff when you bumped into a wall? Your knight in shining armor. 
-Really any sort of kind gesture was interpreted as romantic interest at this point. 
-The worst part of it all was the ship they had created and have been simping over for the past three months. 
-You had managed to create an unexpected friendship with Monoma from class 3-B. 
-The agency he interns in is right next to yours so you take the same train and then walk to almost the same building every single day. 
-You see him during patrol, the pro heroes you work under have paired up once or twice so a friendship was inevitable. 
-So imagine the surprise on your classmate’s faces when Monoma began waiting for you outside the 3-A dorm building.
-Mina wouldn’t shut up about how cute you two were together and what a perfect match you made. 
-Soon enough the other idiots joined the party and you were drowned in ‘awwww’s and ‘love story in the making’s. 
-You got tired of explaining that he was just a friend, that you weren’t interested in him. 
-The fact that you could feel Todoroki’s gaze burn through your back didn’t help at all. 
-Your boyfriend had asked you about Monoma because he too found it weird how he waited for you everyday. 
-The boy’s presence didn’t bother him at first. 
-He was lowkey grateful that you finally had company on your way to the agency considering he couldn’t walk with you since his building was in the opposite direction. 
-It started becoming a problem when all he could hear during the breaks was the stupid ship name the girls had created. 
-He could see how visibly uncomfortable it made you and how you would seek for his gaze during those moments. 
-Then they started talking about how cute your kids would be and that’s when Shoto had enough. 
-It’s one thing hearing about how cute your girlfriend would be with someone else and it’s completely different when you hear about their potential offspring. 
-Grabbing your wrist he basically dragged you out the classroom and into an empty hallway, pinning you to the nearest wall before connecting his lips with yours. 
-You let a surprised gasp which gave him the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth and deepen the kiss, making you grasp onto his shirt as your knees gave out. 
-After what felt like an eternity he let you go for air before attacking your jaw, neck and collarbones. 
-Soon those soft kisses turned into little love bites. 
- “Sho you’re gonna leave a mark.” 
-Releasing your skin from between his teeth, he admired the reddish hickey he had left at the base of your neck. 
-He was sure your shirt’s collar could cover it up just barely. 
- “That’s the point, love.” 
-Intertwining your fingers, he led you back to class, going to his seat with a proud smirk on his lips leaving a very flustered puffy-lips-messy-haired you in his wake. 
Kirishima Eijiro 
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-Kiribaby is not the jealous type. 
-Like only if you give your undivided attention to a puppy and you smother it with all your love and affection then maybe, just maybe, he will pout a bit and ask for his own fair share of love. 
-He trusts you just like Todoroki does.
-Nothing has ever happened to suggest that he should worry about others stealing you from him so he doesn’t worry. 
-Plus you are always together no matter what. 
-Almost everyone from your class knows that you are together so the shipping doesn’t start from them. 
-Oh no.
-It starts from class 3-B who has seen you talk to Tetsutetsu quite a bit this past few weeks. 
-You might wait for him outside their classroom during lunch breaks. 
-They have caught you hanging out outside of the school grounds. 
-So the only logical explanation they can come up with is that you two are either A) dating or B) have a thing for each other and are getting there. 
-Soon enough rumors start circulating. 
- “Did you know that someone from the hero course is dating that metal guy from class 3-B?”
- “Yeah yeah I heard it’s that girl Y/N. They do look really cute together, not gonna lie.”
-Eventually these rumors reach Kiri’s ears and they kinda get to him.
-He knows that you haven’t been hanging out extra with Tetsutetsu since every time you guys go out he is always with you. 
-You are the type of couple who does everything together, literally. 
-Apart from being in different agencies ya’ll are holding hands almost 24/7.
-So he really doesn’t get what everyone is talking about. 
-Mineta doesn’t help. 
-He really doesn’t. 
-He starts making scenarios about what you do while Kirishima is out of the dorms; how you have wrapped both homies around your finger and toying with them. 
-Oh the very vivid scenes he creates with all three of you in a…. compromising position. 
-Kirishima hates that most of all. 
-The words coming out of Mineta’s mouth disgust him to no end and soon enough he is walking to your dorm ready to talk this through. 
-Opening the door you greet your boyfriend with a smile and a quick peck but you immediately know what is on his mind. 
- “Baby what are we gonna do?” 
-You basically whine at the question. 
-He spends the whole night at your dorm brainstorming ideas until you both pass out on your floor. 
-And your solution to the problem? 
-Ignore the whole thing and continue on with your lives. 
-He suggested maybe leaving a mark somewhere *like our boy Sho* but you shot him down saying that they would just think Tetsutetsu did it. 
-After Monoma catches you in your classroom making out on your desk though the rumors soon die out. 
Bakugou Katsuki
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-Crazy boom boom boy. 
-Your relationship is a secret because he doesn’t want to deal with all the other idiots gushing over your relationship and getting all up in your business. 
-Your relationship is a sacred thing he has sworn to protect and he won’t let Mineta’s ugly ass hands get anywhere near it. 
-Gonna taint it even with his thoughts. 
-Guard dog Bakugou bark bark. 
-It’s fairly easy to maintain a secret relationship with him. 
-Sure he might be a tiny bit calmer with you and maybe just maybe his eyes linger on you during training but yeah he treats you just like he treats all the other extras he is surrounded by. 
-Now, Bakugou is kinda *read a lot* jealous in general. 
-He doesn’t like when people he doesn’t fully trust or like, talk to you or are close to you. 
-He has butted in on your conversations with Todoroki one too many times and the poor crispy baby is so confused like why are you like this? 
-I just want the chemistry notes please let me get them in peace for once.
-You have chastised him about that manier times but your resolve melts when he pouts *YES HE POUTS AT YOU RWIHPWIE* before wrapping his strong arms around you. 
- “I just don’t wanna lose you, dumbass.” 
-You can barely make out his words as his face is buried in your stomach but you heard him and now you are tearing up at the pure emotion he is showing at these moments. 
-At the end of the day though, he trusts you. 
-He may not trust the other horny extras around you but he fully trusts you. 
-There’s no doubt about that. 
-You can imagine ,though, the instant rage he felt when he heard the girls talking about you and Deku. 
- “They do make a great couple.” 
- “Have you seen how they look at each other?” 
- “Good for her, Deku is perfect boyfriend material.” 
-First of all, how dare you, second hold the fuck up…..when did this become a WhoRe hOuSe?!?!?!?!  
-Legit someone has to shake him out of his stupor after that one. 
-You look at Deku in a certain way? 
-Fucking DEKU?!?!?! 
-THoughts are swirling in his mind almost pouring out of his ears when he hears the voice. 
-That annoying ass voice that he has engraved in his brain since childhood. 
-And the moment his eyes land upon Deku and you speaking, he sees red. 
-He is pouncing on Deku in -5 seconds, the poor green haired boy completely unaware of what hit him, literally. 
-They are on the floor wrestling on another, you screaming at Katsuki to stop and get his shit together while your boyfriend is spewing curse after curse at the OFA user simultaneously asking what the hell he was doing with HIS girlfriend. 
-Aizawa had to break them up. 
-They both got detention even though Deku did literally nothing. 
-Katsuki was denied cuddles for a whole week and he was set on explaining duty now that the cat was out of the bag. 
Midoriya Izuku 
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-Izuku is the best boyfriend anyone could ask for. 
-He is loyal, shows emotions, is good at communicating with you, has incredible date ideas although he is kinda forgetful at times and his packed schedule doesn’t leave enough time to spend with you, at least not as much as he wants, but he always tries to make up for it in other ways.
-You love how much trust he puts in you. 
-You couldn’t be more grateful. 
-But Izuku has his insecurities. 
-At times it becomes hard for him to understand why exactly you’ve chosen him to love when you could have anyone you wanted in this school. 
-He can’t wrap his pretty little head around the reason why you stay with him when the only thing you get out of all this is others saying you deserve better than some crybaby. 
-It has become his mission to prove to you that he isn’t what others say he is; he isn’t some crybaby, he is a hero in training who won’t hesitate to risk his life for you. 
-You have reassured him multiple times that you don’t care what others say.
-You fell in love with him, him and all of his flaws. 
-No one told you that you should fall for him and no you didn’t agree to date him out of pity. 
-Most of the time you manage to erase those thoughts from his mind replacing them with the warm feeling of your love.
-But there comes a time when no matter what you say, the words of other people will get the best of him and it will be a struggle to build himself back up. 
-He is thankful to have you by his side during those moments because then he truly feels weak, he feels helpless, he knows these things shouldn’t bother him. 
-He loves you and you love him end of story, but they do get to him. 
-One of the worst times he questioned if he was good enough was during your third year. 
-Being in the support department you couldn’t be by his side 24/7 but you did always manage to see him during breaks to the point the whole class knew you and slowly became your friends. 
-The thing is they thought you two were also friends; neither had ever mentioned your relationship and things felt so comfortable between you that they assumed that you were really close friends. 
-Izuku had suggested keeping your relationship on the down low; him being in the hero course and having created rather the reputation, he was afraid that you would be dragged into something dangerous. 
-Plus All Might advised you two to keep it a secret and All Might’s words are law. 
-Izuku loved how well you got along with his friends, it meant that when he revealed your relationship they would all welcome you with open arms. 
-What he didn’t expect though was for them to start shipping you with someone else. 
-For some weird reason the girls of his class started obsessing over your interactions with Bakugou and soon after that they started trying to get you two alone in the same room, much to your dismay. 
-In reality, Bakugou was the only person who knew about your relationship. 
-He had ran into you as you were leaving Izuku’s dorm room, catching you two kiss goodnight. 
-Bakugou, as much as he disliked Izuku, would never get in the way of your relationship and he hated this ship shit as much maybe even more than you did. 
-Izuku was ready to crawl into a whole and die. 
-You had to stay in his room for almost a whole month to calm him down completely, him flying you to your own building in the morning so you don’t get in trouble. 
-It was a difficult time aand his classmate’s comments didn’t help one bit. 
-The tipping point was when he overheard Mina devising a plan of setting you guys up. 
-He walked down to the common room the next day with you next to him, hands intertwined, a hickey barely visible under the hem of HIS shirt, shocking everyone in the vicinity. 
-A new ship was created *after they harassed you for answers*
@the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​ @dnarez​ @storage11037​ @ezoyscorner​ @letscheereachotheron​ @wolfkid22​ @dark-thoughts-and-red-roses​ @threeamwriting​ @ysatrap​ @yashinosakura @belladonna-coven  @akita-l-lynn @angel6786​ @meena-in-a-nutshell​
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mistaeq · 4 years
Hope u don't mind me requesting again but I was wondering if u could do headcanons for the crusaders with a reader who likes to quote memes or vines like when she's got an idea of some sort she's just like "oh yeah, big brain time" or they're in a fight with an enemy she's like "I'ma bad b*tch you can't kill me", I just wanna see their reaction to someone with that chaotic energy (sorry if this doesn't make sense ':>)
Stardust Crusaders: With a s/o who Quotes Memes and Vines
TW // none
Thank you for your request! I genuinely had a lot of fun writing this idea for these five dorky men <3 enjoy!
Stardust Crusaders with a s/o who's often quoting memes and Vines, had to be fem!s/o, but I didn't need to point out reader's gender while writing, so it turned out kinda neutral.
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He's annoyed by your habit most of the time, but he can't deny that sometimes the result is pretty hilarious, above all when you happen to do it when fighting against enemy stand users.
Jotaro was trying to figure out a way to attack without being noticed, to make sure it could be effective and quick, when he heard you whisper "Big brain time", and the second after, you suddenly screamed at the top of your lungs, yeeting your stand against the enemy stand user.
"YOU'RE TRYING TO FUCK WITH MY HOMIES RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY SALAD?" screeching more or less the same way Stroheim would have done years ago, you guide your attack, your stand successfully making the enemy retire.
He tries to look annoyed and pissed, but you still managed to win, and he must admit he's a proud boyfriend. Jotaro is silently complimenting you, in his mind. Still, he scolds you. You acted in an irresponsible way and you could get really hurt.
When you see him so pissed over your behavior, all you manage to do is trying to ignore him. "Y/n, I'm not done with you." you usually shrug. "...Hi Not Done With You, I'm y/n."
Sometimes you both wonder how did such different people like you two end up together. But to be honest, Jotaro getting worried over you is something you enjoy, and seeing you so confident in your fighting skills makes Jotaro feel all proud and relieved you're not breaking down.
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He doesn't really know what these hilarious sentences are, but hearing you quoting them always gives him a reason to say he's in a good mood despite the pressure DIO puts on your lives.
The six of you were on your way to Pakistan, just before your fight with Wheel Of Fortune, and you were sitting right next to Joseph. Out of boredom, you both were reading the road signs, and you took the occasion to be yourself.
"Road Work Ahead..." Joseph read out loud. You snorted, and rested your head on your hand, smiling at him, and answering, whispering to not to annoy your fellow crusaders. "Uh, yeah, I sure hope it does." The man loudly laughed, scaring Polnareff who was driving.
Unfortunately, after that hilarious moment, you got really hurt in the fight against Wheel Of Fortune, and before even thinking of driving a kilometer more, they had to be sure you were okay. You really looked dead.
Much to Joseph's relief, after he pulled you up from the ground, holding you tight in his arms and caressing your hair a couple of times, you opened your eyes. And noticed his ones were almost teary. Did he get that much scared?
You immediately smiled, not wanting to see him like that. You pulled a thumb up, a smug grin on your face. "I'm a bad bitch, he can't kill me." the man laughed, tenderly kissing your forehead and letting you back in the car.
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He knows what those quotes are. Avdol doesn't really mind them, he finds those genuinely funny. But he minds them when you fuck up your protection just because you want to quote those.
He particularly remembers that time you were with Polnareff, when a clone of Avdol himself and a clone of Jean's sister, Sherry, were created by an enemy stand user. He was watching the two of you from afar, just before joining you and saving you. As soon as you saw the clone of your boyfriend, you eyed at Polnareff.
"Are you telling me you asked for THIS thing, Jean? This is not Avdol, this is some flesh without his feelings! This bitch's EMPTY!" your strong stand picked up the clone, and threw him violently on the ground, over Polnareff's head. "YEET!"
When you did that, it took no time for the clone to rip off a bite of your leg, and you couldn't express how much it hurt. When you learnt that the actual Avdol was there too, much to Polnareff's surprise since he didn't know anything, you immediately scolded your boyfriend.
"You could come and help a little sooner... mother trucker, dude. That bite hurt like a buttcheek on a stick." Avdol stayed silent for a couple of seconds, before bursting into a laughter with you, kissing your lips. "I missed you so much, babe."
Avdol spent the following twenty minutes in checking on you and making sure you had no more severe wounds that could interfere with your trip to Egypt. He's pretty apprehensive, when it comes to you.
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He totally knows what those quotes are and laughs with you on those. It's likely for you and Noriaki to understand each other and communicate through memes and Vine quotes. It happens to be useful to talk without enemies understanding you.
The crusaders have plenty of war flashbacks of you and Kakyoin acting weird because of those. For example, the time you were walking with your boyfriend, along with Jotaro and Anne. You genuinely tried to hold back from quoting vines around Jotaro, but as soon as a man threw a paper on the ground and not in the bin, you two screamed.
"WHOEVER THREW THAT PAPER, YOUR MOM'S A HOE!" that's one of the reasons that pushed Jotaro and Anne to isolate themselves from the actual Kakyoin and the actual you, being attacked by Rubber Soul afterwards.
Rubber Soul and his fellow enemy stand users were an infuriating thing for you and Kakyoin. Last time you had a talk together, understanding they were only serving DIO for money, you found yourselves pissed off. Like for real.
"We here not having the money for some chicken nuggets and still helping Jotaro and Mr. Joestar for FREE and y'all want a hundred thousand dollars from a naked vampire? Not gonna happen, Karen!"
You're able to bring out the loudest part of Noriaki, since none of the crusaders like the same stuff of this type the way he does. You often call each other "dude" or "bitch" - regardless of your genders, in fact you called him a bitch several times -, even if you're an actual couple.
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He doesn't really know what those quotes are, but he finds it hilarious when you say them, and gets interested in it, so that he can get the reference when you repeat those. He starts saying those too, afterwards.
It happened when you met Hol Horse, a fast, precise bullet coming towards you, as you and Polnareff moved a little, but enough for the bullet to get in the little space between you, leaving you safe and sound. It had scared you, you weren't gonna lie, and in both your minds, a perfect vine quote appeared.
"Ah, stooop. We coulda dropped our croissant." if that quote wasn't perfect to be said with your boyfriend... nothing else could ever be. You both laughed, as Hol Horse realized he was alone against two people, and before you could say anything more, he was running away.
Teaching vine and memes quotes to Polnareff is the cutest thing ever, because you know he's gonna use them sometime, with your fellow crusaders or with enemies. But he doesn't have a great memory, and will need your help.
"Next time you put your fuckin' hands on me, imma fucking... babe help." no wonder Enyaba was staring at you two with a scared and confused look on her face. "...rip your face off..." you helped him. "...rip your face off." Polnareff repeated. "...bitch." you added, whispering. "Putain." you choked on your breath, did Jean fucking say bitch in french?
Polnareff has no chill, if you're willing to risk it all for a vine quote, he'll fucking do it with you, no matter what. Jotaro wants you two dead.
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Gen Z MC in the House of Lamentation ~ part 3
Because apparently yall can't get enough 👀
Asmo and Satan: *chatting*
Levi, running past them: AHHHHH LEAVE ME ALONE!!!
MC: I want to take a picture of you too IT'S ONLY FAIR
Satan: just... ignore them
Asmo: It's hard when they are so annoying, ugh
Levi: B-back away or I'll post the picture of you in the maid cat outfit and-
Levi: You were supposed to be on my side!
Solomon: Shall we eat at Femboy Hooters?
MC: Fuck Femboy Hooters, gimme gayFC. All my homies eat at the gayFC
Beel: Can I come too?
Solomon: well, since you're not gay we gotta go to Femboy Hooters. You know what this means, right MC?
MC: Maid outfit?
Solomon, nodding: Maid outfit
Asmo, on the phone with MC: MC!!!! You gotta come get me from The Fall! I can't wait 30 minutes for a Uber!
MC: awww, are you lost babygorl?
Asmo:... nevermind, I can wait that long
Levi: You're been binge watching Sanrio for 13 hours now, let's watch something more interesting.
MC: It's my mental illness and I get to decide the coping mechanism
MC: I'm single but it's okay. My meat is huge, I got a gorila grip pussy, poggers.
Barbatos: this is the timeline where I go insane and go on a killing spree
MC: Keep errr uh hating my ass still fat
MC: ha I'm cake
Solomon: I thought we told each other everything. no, no! You- YoU CAN'T! *tearing up* *softly* not like this
Beel: Can I eat them?
MC: Yeah sure, I already despise myself and want to be erased from this timeline
Beel: ...no *tears up*
Belphie: Hey MC. Why are Beel and Solomon in your lap?
MC: I made Beel sad with ny self deprecating jokes, again... Oh, and Solomon just wants attention
Belphie: Well...I want attention too
MC: aww, come 'ere cowboy
Belphie: ...ok <3
part one - part two - part three -
part four
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whoreadsnowadays · 2 years
(Pls know I'm comepletely ignoring season 5 like it didn't exist, post season 4 is the epilogue in my eyes)
So i said this before, but Casey tries dating April in late season 3, during the space adventure they both realize "Oh we arent as compatible as i thought we were" and seperate on mutual terms, Cam is obviously there to support their bestie as he goes through this, as calm as the breakup was Casey still takes it hard bc he really did like April and he's upset it didn't work out.
And then almost directly after that, Cam goes to Donnie, spurred on by Casey mind you, and confesses to him. They end up dating, and Casey feels just a little jealous of Donnie again. Not in the way he was jealous about April, but it's still distinctly jealousy. But they're both obviously happy, and he's still confused about his own feelings, so he leaves it be all of season 4.
And then after season 4, maybe a few months after everything settles down, Cam comes up to Casey and is like. "Hey do u know what a qpr is? I already talked to Donnie abt it dw" like super casual about it, and Casey jus :| "uh.Uh.. yeah. Yeah okay cool dude. Yes sure."
And nothing rly changes between them, they don't change their way of interacting with each other, but its like that feeling when you relax your shoulders and you don't remember when they tensed up. They feel more comfortable being touchy and close, and they can hug and even cuddle, without the subconscious feeling of it being "too romantic"
And Donnie thought he'd be more jealous of Casey when Cam brought it up to him. He wanted Cam to be happy obviously, and he was okay with the concept, but he was hesitant because he was sure he'd get unreasonably jealous. But he doesn't, miraculously. He sees the two of them cuddling on the lair couch and he doesn't feel jealous, he's annoyed they're taking up half the fucking couch.
Obviously Donnie and Casey joke around a lot, like;
Donnie: Casey your cuddle time is over I want my turn.
Casey, currently laying on top of Cameron: Mmmmm nah.
Donnie: Casey get up its my turn!
Cameron: Casey, its Donnie's turn.
Donnie: See?! Cameron said! Get up!
Casey: Awwwww Cammyyyyyy..
Cameron: Casey. Your turn is over.
Casey, slowly getting up: ugggghhhhh fine! But I'm gonna be so annoying when it's my turn again.
Donnie: That's a problem for the future. *proceeds to take Casey's place on top of Cameron*
Leo, standing with Raph on the other side of the room: ..is that how I act? Am I that motherly?
Raph, eating popcorn: Yeah. You are.
I just think it's so funny that Donnie and Casey went from fighting over April, to whining over Cam. I just have so much to say about them (all of them) being such close friends- they r The Friend Group.
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sleepywinchester · 3 years
Fool For You Pt. 8
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Summary:  You are back in your hometown Freeridge to take care of your sister Jasmine and your father after being away for six years. You left Freeridge looking for a better life but in that process you had to let go of someone you loved. But you’re back and things are not the same but they sure feel like it.
Words: 2K+
Warnings: N/A
A/N: Hola!!!! Hope everyone is safe at home! This continues the story as a some sort of a series re-write. It won’t be something of all the episodes but the main ones of where Spooky appears. Hope you guys like this and always feel free to leave some feedback is so appreciated it.
This was supposed to be posted for Valentine's day but life happens and I ended up finishing this chapter 3 months later... lol
(english is not my first language, might be some typos around)
Title:  Happy Valentine's Day
Chapters: Uno - Dos - Tres - Cuatro - Cinco - Seis - Siete
Six years have passed since you spent Valentine's day with Oscar. The memories of the last one brought a lot of good and mischief feelings to your soul. He had just inherited his father's beautiful red car. Memories of the week prior to the festivities, all he talked about him taking you for a day trip to Santa Monica. A chuckle filled the space as you remembered when you both got caught having a making out section by the beach.
“What are you giggling about mamas?” Oscar’s deep voice brought you back to the present.
You turned around standing in the middle of the bathroom doorway, seeing him sitting by the edge of the bed. He was wearing a black tank and his khaki dickies. Leaning against the door frame with your electric pink toothbrush on hand you gazed at him and took the brush out to speak.
“I was reminiscing about our last Valentine's day together…” you smirked before placing the tooth brush inside your mouth.
Oscar instantly chuckled, “Santa Monica wasn’t ready for those dos traviesos teenagers.”
You took the brush out, turning back to spit out the toothpaste foam and have some water. “Those?” You said leaving the toothbrush on the counter and walked back to the room and stood in front of Oscar. He looked up, his hazel eyes piercing yours. “Baby we are still dos traviesos,” you said before kissing him.
He followed your lead within seconds, letting his body fall back on the bed. You continued kissing his hips as his hands traveled your body. “You got time?” Your eyes were looking at his as your hands were on his belt.
“Para ti? All the fucking time,” he smirked and then continued kissing him.
The morning activities had woken up a hunger for both of you. Oscar was speaking with some homies on the phone as you cooked scrambled eggs with bacon. They had some runs to make but deeply you hoped those didn’t take long. Out of nowhere the thought of Caesar crossed your mind and that you never heard him come home last night.
“Hey, have you seen-,”
Your words were cut by Caesar himself busting inside the house yelling.
“Hey! Hey! There’s a dude posted up outside!’
In a matter of seconds Oscar stood from the chair, grabbed the gun from on top of the counter and stormed outside. Your heart began to bump so fast, scared for both of them.
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Quickly you grabbed the phone and began dialing Sad Eyes as you peeped from the window and instantly recognized who that man was.
“Oh shit,” you said, putting the phone down. Mr. Diaz has been in jail for almost a decade. You haven’t seen him since middle school when he got locked up. Oscar aura changed completely at the sight of his father. When he turned his body, you saw it on his eyes, he wasn’t happy his father was back. Mr. Diaz grabbed his duffel bag from the floor and crossed the street making his way towards the house.
“Babe?” You called him as he walked in. “When - How?”
Oscar shook his head groaning, “I have no fucking clue.”
You stood by the kitchen watching Mr. Diaz cautiously walk inside the house. His eyes roamed every inch of the space but when he spotted you, his eyes disappeared because of the big smile he gave you.
“Y/N,” he said.
You smiled back, “Hey Mr. Diaz…”
“I can see you two still together… Good.” He said looking at Oscar and you.
You smile awkwardly, “Yeah…”
Mr. Diaz picked up the awkwardness of the moment but decided to ignore it by walking around the kitchen and living room area. He admired the house as if it was an old museum.
You decided to walk around the living room and sit next to Oscar who was already sitting on the sofa with Caesar. You were right in the middle of the two brothers.
“So when did you get out?” Caesar asked, his voice had the tone of a 3 year old excited kid.
“Yesterday,” Mr. Diaz replied, still contemplating the house, “Looks kind of the same…” he said looking around, “doesn’t smell the same tho.”
You smiled proudly at his comment, “That would be my doing.“
“You live here?” He asked you.
Your eyes felt Oscar staring, it was obvious how he felt about his father being out of prison. He didn’t want him here but looking at his father, you really didn’t think he cared what Oscar thought or not. “Yeah.” You looked at your boyfriend. “I’ve added a couple things,” your sight went back to Mr. Diaz, “you know a bit of a female touch.”
“That’s good,”’he sat down across from the sofa. Mr. Diaz's eyes were locked on Oscar before switching them to his younger son. “You in school?” His Mexican accent was heavy and distinguished.
“Of course he is,” Oscar replied for his younger brother.
He looked at his older son, “How about you? Going to college?”
You saw Oscar raise an eyebrow, not believing the question he just got asked.
“Seriously?” Oscar said with unbelief.
“It's nice to see you,” Caesar told his dad, who just answered with a nod as he took a drag off his cigarette. “Do you have plans?”
“No,” he said, “just wanted to see you guys before I go to Bakersfield. Got a job lined up.”
“Caesar, you need to get to school,” Oscar said with his tone firm. You watched Caesar trying to give his older puppy eyes to let him stay but they didn’t work on him. Instead he rolled his eyes and grabbed his bag.
He was about to leave when he turned around. Caesar's body shook as he tried to figure out how to talk to his father. “Hey... Do you maybe I don’t know… wanna hang? After school?”
“Sure,” Mr. Diaz replied without much emotion.
Not being facial expressive in this family, the male Diaz didn’t show much emotion or even spoke much for that matter. You watched how Caesar smiled happily, for years Oscar was the only father figure to him. Meanwhile Oscar never really had a father figure.
“So where are you staying?” Oscar asked his father once his brother was out of the house.
He looked at his son replying before taking another dragg. “Here.”
In that moment Oscar stood up from the couch, you could feel how pissed off he was. You watched him walk towards the bedroom, leaving you alone with Mr. Diaz.
“He hates me,” he said with his voice low.
Another thing he had in common with his son was that his eyes spoke a thousand words.
You didn’t know how to speak to him or what to say, last time you saw this man was in 9th grade. “He-,” you cleared your throat, “I don’t know if he hates you or not… it's been years and honestly we haven’t talked about you in the past months.”
“Months?” he arched an eyebrow confused, “you two were inseparable when kids thought you were together all these years.”
“Not really,” you said standing up, “we broke up well-,” you shrugged, “I broke up with him when we graduated high school, I moved away for a couple years but I came back a couple months ago and now we are together again.”
Mr. Diaz nodded his head, “At least you found each other again.”
“Si…” you said getting distracted by a loud crash coming from the bedrooms, “Tengo que ir donde él… Hablamos más luego.”
The noise of bangs and things breaking became louder the more you reached the room. Once in front of the closed door, you took a big deep breath preparing yourself to see a very pissed off Oscar. Before you opened the door, the loud noises suddenly stopped. The first thing you noticed when you opened the door was all the broken glass on the floor. Your eyes scanned around the messy room until they met Oscar once again sitting by the edge of the bed in silence. Instantly you noticed the blood on his hands and had a small panic attack.
“Oscar!” You shouted quickly running into the bathroom for the first aid kit. This was one of the first things you bought when you moved in with him. You know that sooner or later you would need it and you weren’t wrong. Going back to him you knelt down between his legs, his eyes were stuck on the floor, filled with rage.
“Talk to me,” you looked into his eyes that were filled with suppressed tears. “Oscar… hablame.”
He hissed when you poured antiseptic over his cut, “Crap.”
“Exactly,” you glared at him, “Why were you breaking all this crap!?” Oscar rolled his eyes. “I saw that,” you told him as you continued to cover his cut.
“He hasn’t called or written for years and now he just comes back as if nothing ever happened?!” Oscar let out what was bothering him. “I-,” he clenched his jaw, “I hate him.”
“Don’t say that,” you looked into his eyes. “He- he wasn’t the best father but es tu papa.”
“I hate him, Y/N…” Oscar's eyes were full of rage.
You sighed, finishing up putting on the bandage and standing up. Today wasn’t supposed to be full of troubles from the past. It was supposed to be a chill day with your boyfriend. You were hoping to go on a date and have a normal Valentines day and you weren’t going to have less. Oscar and you needed an escape from the real world. “Let’s get out of here,” you told him.
He looked at you confused, “Que?”
“Let’s get out of here,” you said again, “is Valentine’s day for fucks sake. I am not letting your father’s return ruin this day.”
You could see how the rage in his eyes slowly burned out at the same time a small smirk formed on the corner of his lips. He sighed looking away for a second before standing up and holding you close.
“Tienes razon,” he said, “let’s get out of here.”
Both changed into new clothes and made an overnight bag. There weren’t plans made for today but you and Oscar were big fans of spontaneity. Something would come up and honestly being away from home sounded like a great idea at this moment. Oscar texted his brother letting him know he was going to be out for a day. You chuckled when he out-loud said “don’t do anything stupid” as he typed.
“You know that’s practically impossible,” you told him. The breeze of the coast made your hair fly with the air as your extremely hot man drove. “Those chamacos go from one stupid thing to another,” you continued, “we weren’t like that.”
“We were too busy having sex,” Oscar said, “in this car.”
You chuckled quickly looking at the backseat and reminiscing, “Ah, the old days but I’m pretty sure Caesar and Monse are doing something.”
Oscar’s face instantly looked so disgusted, “I don’t want to talk about this.”
You chuckled, “Es la verdad.”
“They broke up,” Oscar said.
“How many times did we break up cuando eramos chamacos?”
“Too many fucking times,” he let out.
Once again you chuckled, “And we always ended up back together… Those two are the fucking same.”
He smirked, deep down he was happy his little brother had someone. His eyes found yours again, “Where are we going?”
“There is this small inn by Santa Monica. The reviews said it is the perfect couples getaway.” You finished the sentence with a flirtatious wink. “We can be more traviesos.”
“I hope Caesar doesn’t get in any trouble while we’re down here,” he let out.
You caressed the back of Oscar's neck, smiling when he let his shoulders relax at your touch. “Everything is going to be fine,” you told him. “My sister is hanging out with them and if anything happens, we will be the first to know. Now can you just give me your all devoted attention and don’t think about your brother and his crazy friends…” You kissed his lips.
Oscar looked at your eyes for a second before turning his focus back to the road. For the rest of the hour you tried your best to take Oscar's mind off his father and his brother.
/ / /
“This is fucking nice,” Oscar let out putting his duffel bag on top of the white bed.
You chuckled, “Look at the view.”
He stood by you on the window holding you by the waist and taking in the beautiful sight of the beach. “Thank you,” he whispered in your ear.
“For what?” you smiled.
“You make everything better,” he said, “if it wasn’t for you this day would have fucking sucked but you… you made it better.”
It was a rare thing for him to be so spoken of his feelings but God how much you loved it when these unusual moments happened. Without hesitating you kissed his lips.
“I got an idea,” he stopped kissing you. “We need to get ready.”
You certainly loved surprises and even more when coming from him. For tonight you decided to wear a white dress with high heel sandals. You wore your hair natural just like your make up only adding a bright red lipstick.
“Wow,” you let out when you saw Oscar walking out of the bathroom. He was wearing a white button long sleeve shirt and khaki pants with his converse. You smiled taking in how handsome he looked. “You look hot.”
He smiled for you, “Tu tambien mamas’,” he walked around you, “I’m so lucky.”
You got closer to him, “Yes you are,” kissing him.
He held your hand as you two walked through the streets of Santa Monica. The fresh air coming from the ocean was salty and so pleasant. You followed Oscar lead down the streets until you two got to a small restaurant by the beach.
“Una mesa para dos,” Oscar spoke to the hostess.
She smiled and showed you two the way to a small table outside. The sounds of the waves in the background played better than any song. There was a small candle on the table, lighting bright enough to see Oscar’s eyes on you. Moments like this when there could be a million people around and his eyes were always on you. These were the moments you felt like the only woman in this world.
“This is nice,” you told him, “unusual for us but nice.”
“Our usual dates involve shrimp tacos and watching movies at home,” he said reading the menu.
“I love those dates too,” you said.
Instantly he looked up from the menu and winked giving you a small smirk. “But sadly those are postponed until nuevo aviso because my father decided to just come home after a fucking decade.”
You sighed, “Oscar can we just forget about your dad for one night?”
“You’re right,” he sighed, “Perdon.”
“He told me he thinks you hate him,” you couldn’t help but ignore your own words and talk about his father. Instantly he shot a ‘are you serious?’ glare at you. Innocently you shrugged, “Sorry pero you started.”
“I do hate him,” he said with no remorse.
Oscar put the menu to the side, leaning backwards and crossing his arms onto his chest. “I wrote letters to him,” he began to say. You could feel the sadness in his tone, “for years I wrote and called… You know what I got in return? Nothing.” He placed both of his elbows on the table, holding his hands onto a tight fist. You placed your hand on top of his, “When he left I was a kid but I had to grow up and be a father for my little brother without knowing what a father was. Maybe if he had kept contact or replied to my letter maybe I wouldn’t have turned out so fucked up but he didn’t and here I am… A fucking mess.”
“Hey,” you hold his chin up, “we’re all a fucking mess but it’s just life, you did the best you could and Caesar has turned out good.”
Oscar clenched his jaw, “I guess… I only had one normal while growing up though.”
“What?” You were curious about what his answer would be.
His eyes disappeared into a thin line as his smile grew bigger, “You.”
You giggled with happiness, “Baby I ain’t that normal.”
“You are,” he holds your hand softly caressing it, “I love you.”
You leaned forward kissing his perfect lips and whispering, “I love you too.”
tags are open: just comment or send me a message ;)
@flamingweasley @dolanackles @lcandothisallday @mmelissarenee @donnaintx @blckgrl-sunflower @jayankles oscar
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wantaichi · 4 years
haikyuu + skincare hcs
ever think abt how they treat their skin? probably not. but like. do they wash their face like a normal person? have a 32 step skincare routine maybe??
msg me for any character who’s not here and i’ll drop their routine for u
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sugawara. lives up to his title as mr. refreshing. cleanses, tones, and moisturizes. !chefs kiss! keeps a jar of aloe vera face gel in his fridge, his mom had a spare. carries around a 100-sheet pack of oil film, more out of habit than of need. good skincare just makes him feel in control of his life, ok
ennoshita. fuckin’ spotless. part of the 0.0001% who don’t sweat easily. doesn’t have a complete regimen but never skips out on cleansing and toning before bed. actually reads the product ingredients and googles the benefits before buying. neutrogena type of guy. 
asahi. facial scrubs are his holy grail. like. dead skin? stubborn hair follicles? haha not on his watch ヾ( ・`⌓´・)ノ゙ trims his goatee every 3-4 week bc a well-groomed beard goes hand in hand with proper skincare. a sucker for aromatic products. lavender? shea butter? SOLD.
daichi. “healthy lifestyle is key to healthy skin“ typa dude. rly just thinks natural is the way to go. drinks 8 glasses of water, eats his veggies, exercises regularly, gets 8 hours of sleep. sounds like smth off wikihow if u ask me. probably is.
tsukishima. cetaphil hoe. brand loyalty embodied. on it for 5++ years, and never once considered switching. BUT. his routine ends at step 1. cleanse. and that’s it. the fuck he need a 32 step skincare routine for? long as he gets a day’s worth of grime and dirt off his face, he gucci
yamaguchi. sensitive skin’s got him constantly changing/exploring different products. rode on tsukki’s cetaphil agenda for the first few years of puberty (rly just out of curiousity) but dropped out when his skin got used to it. thinks pimple patches are a blessing to mankind.
tanaka. fuck. chaotic greasy. asks for oil film from suga just to stick it on his forehead, lets it stay there. uses whatever’s in the bathroom to wash off, aka majority of saeko’s products. got yelled at once to “get his greasy ass over here” and got slabbed with aztec healing clay mask. converted to clay mask hoe after 20 minutes. “mm this shit’s dope!”
nishinoya. fuck. chaotic greasy part ii. but make it baby face. only does skincare when chillin at the tanakas. homie got him to try the clay mask bc chick’s dig that. “bro, u mean the mask or boys who do the mask?” “both bro” “awshit bro gimme that” thinks splashing some water twice a week is enough
kageyama. ? this yalls mans? oblivious to the whole concept of skincare, only acknowledges general hygiene. uses whatever’s on the soap holder to wash his face. probably dove. doesnt really have much skin problems to begin with, only breaks out once a year. living proof that god has favorites.
hinata. only started taking skincare seriously that time a huge ass zit grew on his chin. yachi offered him her unfinished bottle of cosrx (she’s a hoarder and u kno it), and has since been giving him all her leftover bottles. basically gets to use good quality products for free smh
kuroo. not very big on the idea of skincare per se, but supports any brand on that cruelty-free and vegan agenda. reads the product ingredients like a children’s book. “mm phenoxyethanol and retinyl palmitate.. i’ll take it.” always leaves the saleslady stunned.
kenma. too lazy to adopt a routine. but regularly uses his mom’s facial wash. you know. those mom brands. has a stash of facemasks from lev’s trip to korea —> only form of skincare he actually appreciates bc he can simultaneously play his games and be all bout dat self care 
lev. abuses his perks of having a sister. casually uses all alisa’s imported, high end stuff. la prairie. estee lauder. la mer. and she doesn’t mind bc her “levochka deserves all the finest things”. boujee ass russians
yaku. baby face. when god made it rain collagen, he was freestylin in a pool full of it while we was all sleepin. doesn’t exert much effort, just cleanses and tones bc it’s part of proper hygiene. girls envy him. parents in their 40s wanna be him. 
oikawa. SKINCARE HOE KING. fuckin high maintenance. goes to the derma for his monthly laser facial treatment. on broke days, he settles for a diamond peel. skin so smooth it puts the entire female population to shame. spends his savings on those clinique eye creams. probably modeled for the face shop once
iwaizumi. homie reeks of male cleanser. might either dove men or nivea men. there’s no in between. oikawa internally screams everytime he witnesses his bff wash his face. two words. aggressive. rubbing. bordering on hostile he might actually skin his face off
mattsun and makki. fuck. drugstore cleansers. the ones that come in sachets. agreed to take turns in buying bundles for sharing. sometimes sneaks a pinch from oikawa’s clinique products when he’s not looking. haha dumb hoe. may have an addiction to charcoal nose pore strips just so they can compare blackheads
bokuto. buys whatever’s on sale idfk. genuinely wants to get on kuroo’s go green agenda but too lazy to look around the store. normally just uses the bubbles from his soap or shampoo. his belief: if it cleans his hands and his ass, then it can fuckin clean his face too
akaashi. healthy lifestyle + decent regimen = pretty skin. cleanses and tones. tried his mom’s aloe vera face gel once and got hooked. shit’s relaxing as hell. owns a bunch of facemasks, sometimes uses but keeps forgetting to take them off before falling asleep. uwu af
futakuchi. doesn’t have a routine cause “who tf needs that” and “obviously not me.” or so he says. secretly the biggest spender on skincare in all of dateko. owns a bunch of anti wrinkle products and probably one of those jade rollers. but no one needs to know that. just wants everyone to think he’s naturally pretty
aone. told by futakuchi that “knitting your brows too much causes premature wrinkles, but not like i’m an expert on that hhhahaha dont get me wrong.” can’t rly do anything bout it. he was born with that face. also buys whatever’s on sale
ushijima. surprisingly blemish free? but not entirely smooth? just spotless? basically a rock? never went past step 1: cleanse. never realized he’s been skipping out the 31 next steps. cetaphil hoe.
tendou. dry. crusty. compensates by sweating a lot through practice. might be effective if he’d stop leaving the foam on longer than recommended, thus leaving his skin dryer than his love life. yeah, i went there.
shirabu. flawless at first glance. until you lift those uneven ass bangs. tbh its nothing serious except “are we gonna ignore the fact that his whiteheads follow the shape of his bangs” as pointed out by tendou. uses whatever cleanser his mom buys for him
semi. decent skin care routine. a big boy who’s fairly knowledgeable on other brands outside cetaphil and dove/garnier/nivea men. takes him less than 5 minutes to pick a product bc he’s tried them all, knows what works, knows his skin type in and out. stan semi for clear skin.
see inarizaki + sakusa here
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obxdrewseph · 4 years
Tik Tok - Rafe Cameron
Description: Rafe Cameron falls for a girl he often sees in a cafe and is too nervous to talk to her, so his best friend, Topper, decides to take matters into his own hands and makes a tik tok asking if anyone can identify Rafe’s crush. Of course, she sees it and confronts him. 
P.S. pretend covid doesnt exist in this LOL
“Bro, just do it.”
“Rafe, c’mon man. When did you become such a pussy?”
“Shut the hell up man, I’m not.” 
“Then ask her out!” 
It was your typical Wednesday afternoon-- the college cafe was bustling with students coming in and out from classes and from students mingling with their friends.
Rafe and Topper sat in the midst of all the chaos, ignoring their econ homework to stare at Rafe Cameron’s current obsession.
“How is this girl different from any other you’ve liked? Just man up and ask for her number or something.” 
Rafe Cameron. 
Notorious player on campus. And douchebag. He was the type to sleep with a girl and kick her out of his room at 3 in the morning. He never had strong feelings for a girl, which is why Topper was baffled at the fact he kept staring at the dark haired, brown eyed plain Jane in the corner of the coffee shop. 
“Look, she’s just a pretty girl. And she just looks... shy I guess.” Rafe lamely said. He didn’t know why he wasn’t just barging up to her like he normally did at parties. Of course, those girls were clawing to get to him. He didn’t have to work as hard. 
Topper sighed loudly. “Fine, fine. If you’re gonna force my hand.” 
Rafe raised a brow as Topper slowly pulled his phone from his pocket. 
He then began to film the girl and zooming in on her face. 
“Top, what are you--”
After 30, long, agonizing seconds for Rafe Cameron, his best friend finally stopped filming the poor girl.
“Does anyone know this girl? This loser wants to ask her out...” He spoke as he typed.
“No wait--”
“Done. Just posted on tik tok.”
Rafe’s jaw dropped.
“Now, we wait.” 
You had a long day of classes and all you wanted to do was fall in your bed. 
But no, as a history major, you had to read 250 pages (the entire book needed to be read by the end of the week, but you were spacing), write detailed notes on them, and then start on your essay that is due next week. 
You always liked to get ahead of schedule so that your work wouldn’t pile up. 
After sitting in the cafe for an hour, you had to go home to cook dinner. You hated eating at cafes since bread just wasn’t your thing. 
Once you hit your dorm room, you checked your phone that seemed to have hundreds of notifications.
"The fuck?” You whispered out loud. As an RA, you could say whatever you wanted to in your room, but you still felt weird swearing in front of others. Which is why you whispered the words to yourself.
You dropped your bag at the door and quickly opened your phone. 
Congrats, you’re famous! don’t forget me lol
rafe cameron ?? honeyyy get itttttt 
Confusion. That’s all you felt. You quickly clicked on the link on of your friends sent you. 
You watched the video set in as Topper, the owner of the account, zoomed in on your face at the cafe you were just in. You didn’t think you looked pretty as your hair was a mess and you hadn’t showered in a couple of days. 
Not to mention you were wearing jeans and a baggy t-shirt-- the normal college attire. 
As you read the caption, you felt your heart race at an abnormal rate. 
The words became blurry fairly quickly as your stress started to build up. You set your phone down on the counter to avoid dropping it-- you were rational enough to do that. 
You kept getting texts from your closest friends saying two words: Call me. But at this point, you couldn’t even think straight. What was a hot, popular guy like Rafe Cameron doing pining over you? And apparently being too afraid to ask you out?
Honestly, you had never been hit on in your first two years of college and you didn’t think it was going to start with Rafe Cameron, the richest guy at the school. And every straight college girl’s wet dream. 
You heard your phone buzz on the counter and you checked caller ID. It was your best friend.
You took a deep breath and answered it.
“Hey, you didn’t tell me you were dating Rafe Cameron.” She joked. 
“Shut up! Tell me what to do!!” You screamed. 
“Ok, ok, I can tell you’re freaking out and nervous, but this is a good thing! A happy thing! A guy liked you so much that he put a video--”
“His best friend posted the video--”
“As I was saying, put a video out about YOU! This is your chance to finally have the romance you’ve always dreamed of, right? You’re always pining after those book boyfriends or whatever who AREN’T REAL.”
She emphasized the last part which made you cringe. Your obsession with fictional characters was justified-- if she read, she would know. 
“Dude, this is Rafe. Rafe fucking Cameron.” She gasped at your swearing, a joke both of you had because you’ve known each other since you were children.
“Exactly, it’s Rafe motherfucking Cameron, meaning, you HAVE to go after him.” 
“No, you’re wrong! He’s Rafe Cameron! If he was really into me, he would’ve asked me out already. Literally no one can say no to him nor does anyone want to.” You bit your lip, thinking of ways to get out of this. “You know what? I bet this is a prank or something.”
“A prank?”
“Yeah, like Topper trying to embarrass Rafe by making an ugly girl ask him out--”
“First of all, don’t talk about yourself like that. And second, no, tik tok is not the place to embarrass girls. They would get roasted so hard. And third, THIS IS YOUR CHANCE.”
Contrary to your best friend, you never seriously wanted a relationship. You were the type to fantasize about falling in love and hyped up all of your friends when they had crushes, but you never truly found someone you wanted to get to know or wanted to date. 
It just seemed so outlandish to you. 
Plus, you wrote off college boys when one followed all of your roommates on instagram besides you. That kinda knocked your ego down. 
“Look, I’m just going to ignore this. I don’t think it’s going to be the love story you think so I’m gonna go.”
“Wait, y/n--”
You hung up before she could finish. 
You just couldn’t deal with her hopeless romanticism right now. 
You sighed and tied your hair into a messy bun. How could you finish your homework now? 
“I don’t think she saw it.” 
Topper laughed at his nervous looking friend.
“Dude, she definitely saw it. It has thousands of likes the last time I checked and I’m pretty sure people were tagging her in the comments.”
Rafe fixed his hat so it covered his face. He definitely didn’t want his friend to notice it turning beet red. 
“I hate you dude.” 
“No you don’t.” 
Once again, the two rich boys were sitting in the same cafe they were in yesterday. They had been sitting in there for two hours now, and there was no sign of the mysterious girl who did or did not know she was tik tok famous.
“I don’t think she’s coming.” Rafe commented. On one hand, he was relieved he wouldn’t have to talk to her. But on the bigger hand, he desperately wanted to see her again. He didn’t know why he was so captivated by her brightly dyed hair or the 10 pins stuck on her backpack. She seemed so normal, yet she stuck out with all the book stickers she had on her laptop. Rafe would never tell a living soul that he liked reading YA romance novels but he felt like he could confide in this mysterious girl. 
“I don’t know. It’s still early.” Topper noted. 
“Um, excuse me?” 
The two boys’ heads shot up at the dainty voice.
You were wearing black ripped jeans with a white top; it was the most simple outfit Rafe had seen you in as you usually dressed in bright colors. He would never admit it, but he even noticed when you changed your nail polish.
What Rafe didn’t know was that your best friends held an intervention last night and told you to dress “more to his style” which included simple attire. Yet, you couldn’t fully immerse in the role and wore your favorite bucket hat that was covered in white daisies. 
“Hey,” Rafe said lamely. 
Topper immediately gathered his stuff and left you two alone. What a homie.
At Rafe’s bland answer, you smiled politely. 
“Can I sit?” You asked. Rafe nodded and gestured towards the seat. He didn’t know why he was acting so weird, but you were just so much prettier up close. 
He could see the bright red earrings you wore that matched your Nikes and noticed your clumsily applied makeup (which he knew because his sister was so good at it). It only made his heart race even faster.
“Um, so I saw the video... I’m sure you know which one I’m talking about.” 
The boy blushed.
“Yeah?” He tried to act suave and calm, but his nerves were all over the place. He felt a bit calmer seeing the girl start to play with her hair: a nervous trait his sister said most girls had. 
“Um, well, I... I was wondering...” The girl trailed off, her face turning a darker red. He almost felt bad for her, but she was so darn cute and wanted her to continue.
“Look, I’m really bad at this... and I know you’re good at it, so...” 
The boy’s ego inflated slightly. 
This wasn’t going the way you wanted it to go. You felt frustrated that you couldn’t even get the words out that you practiced. Your eyes prickled with tears from embarrassment; you wanted to get out of the situation as soon as possible. You didn’t know what you were thinking approaching the hottest guy in campus and expect not to be tongue tied. 
And his lack of words made you think he was just messing with you. 
You felt a gentle hand on top of yours which burst your drama bubble. You looked up and saw Rafe’s bright blue eyes full of concern, and... something else.
Dammit, he probably thinks I’m a weirdo. 
“Hey, it’s ok. Honestly, it was my friend, the one who left earlier, it was his idea to put the video up and he did it without my permission. If it were up to me, it would’ve taken a lot longer to pluck up the courage to approach you...” He confessed. 
This shocked you. Rafe Cameron... tongue tied around you?? 
“Look, let’s start over. I’m Rafe Cameron, junior, business major, and fun fact: I’m on the hockey team.” You knew all of those details, but you let him give a formal introduction. You thought it was cute that he felt the need to explain all of this to you because there wasn’t anyone at your campus who didn’t know who he was.
You held out your hand.
“Y/N, a sophomore and a history major. Fun fact: I’m an RA.” His eyes brightened at your response and shook your hand with a smile. 
He had to practice his stern handshake with businessmen his father forced him to meet, but your hands were gentle and soft, like they were afraid of hurting him. It’s been a while since someone has treated him so delicately. He liked it. 
“Well, y/n, it’s a good thing I don’t live in the dorms because I definitely would’ve tried to act up to get your attention.” He teased. 
You laughed at the response because you knew a couple of the young freshmen who made a ruckus in the lounges so that you had to come in and yell at them. 
You shrugged. “I don’t know, we could’ve met sooner if you were.” 
The flirty words flowed from you naturally and you wanted to take them back as soon as they left your mouth.
But they made Rafe Cameron blush, so you let it go.
Suddenly, his watch buzzed and he swore under his breath.
“Shit, I’m so sorry, I have a business meeting to get to. Can I get your number for uhhh... for future purposes?” 
His slight fumble of words made you grin.
“Of course.” 
I guess tik tok is good for something. 
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ramp-it-up · 4 years
Go Crazy
(Cold Part 2)
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Pairing: Leslie Odom Jr. x Ofc Reader Charlie Lewis (you)
Word count: 4.3k
Summary: Non-profit head Charlie Lewis requests Les in A Box for the New Year. Her best friend Tiffany delivers.
Warnings: Cursing, Parental expectations, alcohol, drunkeness, SMUT 18+, I mean 18+, DID I MENTION 18+?. Breast play, Slight pain for pleasure.
Not Beta’d. Mistakes my own.
a/n: This fic is for @6lackfiction I hope you like it! This is the 2nd of 3 parts.
Two Months Earlier, New Year’s Eve/Morning
Charlie and Tiff were chilling after the ball drop, Tiffany having just almost hooked up with a random guy after kissing him. She asked him to meet her in an hour at her place, but first she wanted to make sure that her girl was good. 
Current situation, dragging Charlie back to her place and trying to hold her up until she could tuck her into bed. She was a good fucking friend.
“Hear me out. Listen. Listen. Look.” 
Tiffany got Charlie’s keys out of her purse and unlocked her door, propping her friend up against the bricks of her doorway.
Charlie hung off of Tiffany for support as they made their way inside and up the stairs, trying to get her attention.  Tiffany turned her head so as not to get more of a whiff of Chuck’s breath than was necessary.
“All I want for New Years is a quality man.  A MAN! With quality penis, who recognizes my worth.  You know who I dream about?  I just want him to turn me outttt!”  
Charlie whipped her head so hard that she stumbled as Tiff got her to her bedroom.
Tiffany laughed as she got Charlie to her bed and knelt down to take off her boots.  She called over her shoulder as she went to the bathroom to get a makeup wipe for her bestie.
“You mean Leslie?  You know he's the homie?”
“Yesssssss. Leslie.  I know he’s your homie?  You talk about it all the time?  Why you ain’t smashed yet???? I don’t trust it.”  
You narrowed your eyes at your friend.
“I don’t know?  Tiffany shrugged.  
“He’s fine and whateva. I hear the rumours about how he can put it down.  Don’t let that angelic voice fool you.  He is a human boy. We just started off as friends when he was with that model chic, and now I can’t just smash and pass.”
She smirked at you.  
“But you two would be perfect together.” You ignored that remark.
“Yeah, cause you a hoe.  You finna smash ol dude.  What’s his name? Bernardo?”
“Fuck you Chuck. His name is Benedict.  You know what. Time for bed.”
You sat up in the bed, head swimming and adamant.
“You say anything to him and I will fucking kill you Tiffany!” 
You threatened her as she slipped your sequined dress over your head.
“Chill, Charlie. Ain't nobody telling your basic ass secrets.  Especially to Leslie.  He’s a good guy.  But I think you two would be dope together.  The question is how…”
“Don’t be scheming none of your hair brained schemes.  I just need to go back in time and ask for Leslie Odom Jr. to be delivered to my doorstep in a box. With a fucking big yellow bow!”
You mumbled as you lay back down and started drifting off into a liquor stupor.
“Yellow, not Red?” Tiffany heard you as she made sure you were in be
“I said yellow, bitch.  I love you so muchhhhhh…..”
And you were out.
Tiffany whispered “Happy New Year.” as she tiptoed out of your place, locked the door with her key and prepared to get dicked down.
Here it was, less than two weeks later and here you were, leading Leslie to your place.  There was a part of you who couldn’t reallly believe it, but you decided not to retreat into self-doubt and fuck this up.
You walked beside Leslie, smiling over at him, mentally hyping yourself up for being a heaux tonight.
Despite the heat you shared at the bar, the walk chilled what was about to go down. By the time you reached your door, you were wondering what the hell you’d done.
But when you looked at Leslie inside your house, you warmed up again.
Leslie didn’t want this to be a one night stand.  He wanted to spend the night with you, of course, but he didn't want you to think that he thought you were just a jump off.
“Do you want anything to drink?”  You slipped off your heels as you closed the door, tossing your purse and your keys on the table beside the door.
Leslie walked into your living room, checking out the decor and art.  He looked impressed.
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“Wow.  I don’t know what I was expecting..”
You looked around, trying to see it from new eyes.
“Yeah.  It’s a lot.  My dad. Charles Lewis. He was a lawyer, one of the top ones in Harlem.  Adam Clayton Powell was his mentor.  He owned a firm… well, my family still owns it.  My cousin Frank runs it now…”
“...Lewis Law… I’ve heard of it! It’s historic.” Leslie was looking at you in awe.
You shook your head and laughed.
“Yeah.”  You looked back at him. “So.. do you want a drink?”  You walked over to the bar, which was an actual full size wooden bar that you might see in a restaurant.  Leslie’s eyes bugged out of his head.
“I was going to ask what you had, but.. It seems you have everything.”
He was beginning to seem inadequate.  What would you want with him?  What could he give you. Well, obviously, it was just sex. He could only stare at you.
You laughed again. “Well, you were drinking whiskey at Che’s sooo….” You got a glass and poured two fingers. “Jamesons? Neat.”
He cleared his throat and nodded, embarrassed at his reaction. It was a little awkward.
You went over to the couch and sat as he stood by the bar, drinking, and watching you. You wanted to remain clear headed so you didn’t pour yourself any.
“So… you didn’t want to go into the family business?”
Here we go, you thought.  
“Well, I did go to Spelman because of the connections it would give me to get into law school and beyond.” 
And because your dad was a Morehouse Man, but that was beside the point.   
“But because of the extensive community service requirement every Spelmanite has to complete, I fell in love with working with people who don’t have as much as I do. It was a hard conversation to have with my dad, but he loved me, so he got over it.”
You were oversimplifying.  There were a good six months when you and your dad didn’t really speak, but you were right. 
He loved you and you only had each other, so when he showed up at your graduation, cried and said you were everything he wanted in a daughter and how proud he was, it was squashed.
You were so glad that you all didn’t waste any more time, because less than five years later, he was gone.  
And since your mom had never been around, you were completely lost. 
That’s why Jeremy happened, and the worst three years of your life, up until last year, when you finally dumped his trifling ass.
That led to the holidays and your extended holiday to get your head right. Which led to your first day back at work, which led to Leslie being in your living room right now.
Leslie sensed there was more to the story, but he didn’t push it.
“Spelman, so that’s where that sweet tea southern charm comes into play. Atlanta?  You are so New York, but something about you makes me feel like you could work a root on me in a second.”
You threw your head back and laughed, a vision in black bustier and jeans on a blue settee.  Les moved closer.
“I DID almost go to Xavier to piss off my Dad, but haven’t spent that much time in NOLA to study Vodun, or even Candomble.”
You appraised him as he moved closer to where you were. He sat down at the piano and started tinkling with the keys
“Please, have a seat.  Take a load off.”  
You gave him a sexy side eye as he had already made himself at home.
He’d show you a load.  He cleared his throat. You caught the vibe, but for some reason, were prolonging the inevitable.
“So, what about you? What was the family business, and how bad did you disappoint your folks when you became a singer/actor type person?”
Les stopped playing and turned to you, his knee brushing your leg on the settee.
“I was always going to do what I’m doing now.  Born in Queens, North Philly raised.  I spent most of my time singing in church. Went to a performing arts high school.” 
His eyes were intense and intelligent.  There was more to him than just a voice and nice smile. 
“I did go to Carnegie Mellon in Philly before I moved to LA. Now that’s what disappointed my folks. That I moved all the way across the country.  They wanted me on Broadway from the jump, but I had to make my own way.  You feel me?”
You felt him alright. Deep in your soul which ignited your core. You sat up and tried to clear your head.
This feeling was getting deeper than you intended. You were a sucker for intelligent men. But you had to be careful. You weren’t about to dive in again, oh no.
“Yeah. So all that talent and brains and you’re saying that you didn’t come to my place of your own free will?  That I somehow put a spell on you? What kind of ideas do you have in that mind, Les?”
It was Les’ turn to be amused. You’d read him like some bones. His beautiful smile made you feel some kind of way.  He scooted so that he was now sitting with you on your furniture.
“That’s usually my line.  You know, where I go into soft Daddy mode and ask what’s in that pretty little head of yours. You’re fucking with the script, Charlie.”
He’d moved closer and pulled you close to him, his hand caressing the dark chocolate of your jaw and ghosting over your lips.
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You whimpered at the gesture, but tried to remain strong.  You only watched his lips for a sign that he might let you have them.  On yours, and all over your body really. 
You watched as he started to move them.
“I've been having ideas all day since I first met you this morning." That grin and the way that his mouth crinkled at the corner
"Mmmmm.  What kind of ideas have you been having?"  You were not going to be able to keep it together.
"I was thinking about kissing you again.  But then I thought that you couldn't handle it."  The challenge was evident in Les’ eyes.
You scoffed. “It's you who couldn't handle it, Les.  Bet!"
Les was leaning in.  "Bet," was what he said right before his lips touched yours.
You were being pulled into the spell that was Leslie Odom Jr. His lips took control and you were done for the night.  Your defenses were zero. He was about to have his way with you.
He put it on you on the settee. His mouth was insistent, yet tender, while his hands were everywhere, making you feel everything.
He made you feel alive for the first time in a long time.
Les placed his hands on your jean-clad hips and moved them smoothly up your sides, his thumbs moving over the center of your bustier, finding the hard nubs underneath. 
Then, he grabbed overflowing handfuls of your breasts and kneaded them through your clothes, desperately wanting them out, but not going there just yet. 
He reveled in taking in the power of your lips until he was tipsy.
You were getting wetter by the second, but you weren’t about to make a mess where you were. You stood up and reached your hand out to him.
"Let’s go."
Another change of venue.
Les could not quite get what you were saying, because his mind had left him.  He started to understand just as he stood up and you started to kiss him again.  
After the kiss, you lead the way to your bedroom. You’d decided not to think about it too much, because you knew what your head would make you say and do.  It had been too long and Les was too fine to think right now.
Les followed you up the stairs, his eyes mesmerized by your ass and the sway of your hips. He couldn’t leave you alone now if he tried.
When you went into your room, you shut the door as Leslie stood by your bed, his eyes intent on yours.
He couldn't believe his luck, that you were about to let him do the things he'd been dreaming of all day.  He was so deep under your spell.  
Oh well.
He didn't want to ruin things with a simple fuck.  It would be a good fuck, he was sure, but he didn't want for you to get things twisted.  He knew that you had plenty of reason to be guarded.
But right now, looking at you, all he wanted was to be closer than close.
"Come here."
It was a request that you gladly complied with.  You were drawn to him like a moth to a flame and did even think of resisting.
He kissed you again so tenderly, that you felt like you were floating on air.  You could hardly breathe when you stopped.
"Hey, we don't have to do anything you don't want to do.” 
He was giving you the chance to pump the breaks.  But you could feel how hard he was, because you were palming him through his jeans, and you were not about to stop now either.
You looked down at his jeans, which were currently tighter than they were, and smiled.
"I think your friend down there wants more than that.  We can kick it."
You didn't know what you wanted, but you knew you wanted to bone.  Les was just everything right now and you couldn't think about tomorrow. 
You walked to the table next to your bed, opened your enamel box and took out a magnum.  You held it up for him.
“We’re going to need this.”  
You watched his face fall.  He cleared his throat nervously.
Oh shit. You having condoms was a turn-off.
"Do you have any XLs?"  Was Leslie blushing?
You tried to keep it cute, but inside, you were cheering. 
You turned back around and retrieved the appropriate size. You hoped he wasn’t trying to play you.
Leslie relaxed and asked you one more time. 
“Charlie, don’t think that I…”
"Stop talking so much." 
Your eyes were focused on his lips and wanted them on your body as soon as possible.
You put your hands on his shoulders and pushed his jacket to the floor.  Then, you pulled up his sweater and helped him pull it over his head.
He caught you staring at his abs when he came from under the sweater. 
Damn, no one would ever figure that Les was as cut as he was.  Those abs. Those arms.  
He gave you a lopsided smile and kissed you neck and down to your chest.
Les couldn’t lie, he couldn’t wait to see you out of your bustier. 
Your knees almost buckled because that was your spot.  You didn't protest at all when he pulled back to take you in as he reached behind you to take your top off.
You were surprised when he knew how to navigate the hooks and eye.
He saw your raised eyebrow. 
“Yeah, I ain’t a choir boy any more.”
His mouth made an oooh shape as he brought his hands to the front of your body to take the bustier off, his fingertips briefly touching your nipples as they skimmed along your chest.
Leslie’s mouth dropped open. You were very full and beautiful, a 34 double D cup, with sexy as hell dark raisin colored areolas with prominent nipples.  His wet dreams were coming true.
You smiled at him as he ogled you, letting him look for a minute, then moving closer to him.
You shivered and felt Les’s abs, traveling down the route you planned for your lips to take. You pulled him toward you a little bit as you tugged on the button of his jeans.
You reached out and pulled you to him forcefully.  It was the sexiest thing ever. He felt on your ass through your jeans as he whispered in your ear.
"I'm gonna need to help you with that baby.  It's not easy at the moment to take these off.  I’m really excited."  
He kissed you below your ear, then released you to take his jeans off.
Leslie’s eyes were glued to you as you took off your own jeans.  You were more beautiful as you stood there in satin lace boy shorts that matched the bustier. 
You were so glad you weren’t wearing granny panties that day.
"Like what you see?" You were feeling bold as you stood there in his gaze.
Leslie’s felt like his eyes were saucers. You were so beautiful.  His mouth started to water.
When he took of his underwear, You had to sit down.  Baby was indeed packing. You could not tear your eyes away.
Leslie grinned at your astonishment and you wondered if a Magnum XL would be big enough.
You reached out fascinated, like a child at a petting zoo, and tentatively touched it.  
He made a noise, and you jumped and giggled. Then, you calmed down and touched it, the large brown organ throbbing with his need.  He did want you.
Your small hand barely closed around it and your lips opened, your tongue darting out to moisten your lips on instinct. 
The sight made Les throb more and leak into the palm of your hand. 
You withdrew your hand and looked him straight in his eyes as you licked the drop of precum off your hand with a wide swatch, wetting it so that you could stroke him as you kissed the tip of his dick.
Leslie’s head went back as your mouth opened wider and wider to accept him, but snapped back up so that he could see you moaning around him.  You couldn’t fit all in your mouth, but you were giving it a valiant effort. 
Fucking your throat would have to do for another time, but he watched and reveled in the sight of you now. 
He reached for your breasts and was rewarded by the best, most pronographic moan that vibrated around him as he toyed with your nipples.
Before he could shoot off down your throat, he moved out of your grip and next to you on the bed, pulling you with him into a horizontal position.  
You were all hands, mouth and throbbing parts again.  Leslie’s lips moved from yours down your neck to your breasts, reveling in them and teasing each of them mercilessly and making you moan in ecstacy.
He moved down your body and stopped briefly to visit your belly ring on his way to his destination.
He pulled your panties down your legs and then looked up at you. 
"Can I taste you?"
"For someone so smart, that's the dumbest question I've ever heard!"  You were mad.
He laughed at you and went to work, first nuzzling your slit, taking in your aroma and the satin smoothness of your skin, enjoying the sight of your pretty little pussy. 
Les hummed in admiration, and kept humming as his lips met yours, causing you to arch off the bed.
It had been too long since someone else touched you down there.  
He watched the sight of your back arching, making your breasts peak and move as your pretty neck opened up to his view, the point of your chin the goal on his horizon.
He dove in, his tongue parting your inner lips and tasting the tangy sweetness of your core.
He moaned in ecstasy as he poked his tongue in as deep as he could, curling it and sucking your clit.  Your toes curled at the sensation and your legs started to shake.
Not so soon.
“FFFuckkkkkk, Lesssssss!” 
He kept it up, adding his the two fingers on his dominant hand so that he could concentrate on expertly sucking your clit and making you see stars.  His arms held you down so you had to take it and as much as you tried to get away, you couldn’t. 
Somewhere, somebody screamed.
You weren’t too sure, but you thought you blacked out for 4-5 seconds.
You were still in another world as he leaned up to put the condom on and spread your legs wide.  You whimpered, as you were still sensitive, but he was relentless. 
Les had your thighs in his hands while staring straight into your eyes.
You wanted to hit a high note when he entered you slowly, the feeling was so delicious.
He gradually sank into you, giving you time to get used to his girth, but it was sinful pleasure and pain.  You couldn’t believe it, so you leaned up to see it for yourself.
Yep, ALL of Leslie Odom Jr. was stretching you out like…. All you knew was that it felt good. So good, that you lubricated him as he went.
  As Leslie sank into your warmth, he went back to your breasts, the beautiful mounds the main focus of his lust at the moment. 
Your warm pussy wrapped around him was getting him close, but looking at the rest of you was going to get him off.
Once he was fully inside you, he started rocking his hips slowly, but then sped up as your nails dug deliciously into his back, urging him to go faster.  
“Harder. Please. Les… Please!” 
You begging for him to hit it harder was the best music to his ears.
He shifted your thighs up and hooked your knees over his arms as he dug deeper and harder, building up pace to match your cries and moans. 
The feeling of his you covered cock sliding in and out of you, stretching your walls and now hitting that spot that made you light up brought you to the brink again in no time.
And no matter how much he wanted to flip you over and fuck the shit out of you from behind; despite the fact that he had a condom on, the feel of you was so amazing that he was at the edge in a matter of minutes.
But he couldn’t go out like that.  Not the first time.
So he pulled out. And off of you.
You screamed bloody murder.  You watched him go over to the box and smile as he found more XLs.
Then, he tore the condom off and started stroking, turning back toward you.
Your hand immediately went to your clit, stroking small, tight circles, and kneading your breast in your hand.  
“So, I’m gonna have to finish myself?”  
You’d caught on to what he was doing, but two could play that game. He stood and watched you as you played with yourself. 
“You can.  But I want to fuck your tits. Your choice.”
For some reason, that was so fucking hot. You were so fucked out and in sex land that you were down for anything.
“Well, come here then.” 
Your grin was everything.
Leslie, more calm and in control, came to kneel over you, his legs on either side of your torso.
He pumped his cock over you a few times, as you licked your lips, eager for him. He dripped onto the valley between your breasts as you put your hand over his and pumped with him. 
Then, you grabbed your breasts and pulled them, by the nipples, close together.  The pain was a preview to the pleasure.
That got him, and he plunged his cock in between your warmth, removing your hands and replacing them with his. 
He twisted and pulled your nipples as he forced them together to give himself the best sensation of his recent life.
He forced himself to keep his eyes open as you stuck out your tongue to lick him as he emerged on the other side of your tits.
Holy fuck this was amazing.
The delicious pain he was giving your nipples made you even wetter and as you watched him grunting and grimacing above you, you couldn’t help but reach for your clit again.  
When he noticed, he stopped, grabbed another condom, then got on his knees, smacked your hand away and ate you out some more as he covered himself again.
After you came for the second time, he grabbed your hips and flipped you over.  
You automatically got up on your knees and arched your back, the sensation of him plunging into you from behind almost making you come again immediately.
He fucked you rough and hard, smacking your ass cheeks alternatively as he started chasing his own release, satisfied that he had sufficiently put it down.
His hips snapped at lightning speed it seemed as he pushed your head down into the mattress.  You didn’t care if you could ever breathe again as he made you cum for a third time.
You heard him shout and you knew that he was done, too, and flopping down beside you.
You gaped at each other.  Leslie felt he had to explain.
‘I, I’ve never…” 
You giggled.
“Me neither…”  
He smiled back at you, chuckling.
“That was….”
“Amazing.”  You spoke at the same time.
Then you spent 30 seconds grinning at each other like idiots.
“Les…” You looked concerned.
“Yes, Charlie.” He was worried now.
“I have something to tell you.”
“What is it?”  Here it comes.
“I’m STARVING. Wanna order takeout?” You were worried that he wanted to jet.
His grin was gorgeous.
“Okay! Great, there’s a good Thai place down the street.”
He watched you as you grabbed your kimono and headed to the living room to get your phone. You stopped on the way out of the bedroom.
“You can use the bathroom, the shower, whatever you need.”
You smiled shyly at him.
“Thanks.”  You were so freaking cute.
He had a feeling that what he needed was walking to the living room right at this moment.
Hope you enjoyed. 🙈
@6lackfiction @sillyteecup @sebastianabucknettastan @riiyy @thefifthmaraud3r @lonelydance @curtainremote @theatrenerd86
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