#yeah but give me a soft and sweet guy with a whole library of issues
When the fictional guy is a really obnoxious and irredeemable asshole but is also really soft and clingy with the person he trusts. But he also has a lot of trouble expressing and giving affection to his significant other cause it's been forever since he's had any affection from anyone else. Especially if it's some kind of soft and vulnerable affection like cuddles.
*sighs dreamily*
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endcryst4l · 4 years
favorite galaxies
technoblade x gn!reader! this is a sbi au where the reader is friends with techno and they go to the same school. they’re around 18 in this fic! enjoy :)
find part 2 here and part 3 here :]
prompt: You were going to Techno’s house to work on a physics project after the library had to close because of covid. You knew each other for a while now, sitting next to each other in your shared classes and even in lunch.
“He-” Phil tried to say to the stranger at the door before Tommy cut him off. “NEW FRIEND!!!” he yelled while running to you with his arms open. Techno told you about his brothers and how the youngest is a tiny devil. You laughed and accepted his hug. “Hey bud, what’s your name?” you asked him, not noticing that Techno was now watching you two.
“Tommy!! Who are you?” Tommy replied. “Well Tommy, I'm (Y/N), i’m here to work on a project with Techno.” you smiled at him when his eyes lit up at the mention of his brother. “Tommy please leave (Y/N) alone. You’re probably annoying them and we need to work on our project.” Techno said and Tommy and you pouted at the same time, making each other giggle. “You don’t annoy me Tommy but Techno is right.” you said to the blonde toddler. “Can I join?” he asked with the biggest puppy eyes and you looked over to techno, who was violently shaking his head no. “Only for a little bit.” you told him and Techno sighed, walking to the kitchen table, Tommy following happily.
“Sorry about him, he is really excited about meeting new people. I’m Phil.” Phil chuckled as he closed the door after you came in. “No worries, really. I’m (Y/N).” you said as you followed him to the kitchen, where Techno was already sitting in his chair and tommy was sitting next to an empty chair. “Saved a spot for me huh big guy? Thank you.” you smiled at him and he nodded excitedly. You sat down beside him and began unpacking your stuff.
“What were you thinking of doing?” Techno asked and you shrugged, “maybe something about the planets and galaxies? or stars?”
Techno hummed and began spewing his ideas about the topic, occasionally showing you some articles that might be of help. After you’ve decided on a more specific topic regarding the great above and divided the tasks you felt a small hand on your arm. You looked at Tommy, who was looking at the two of you with big eyes. “(Y/N) what is a galaxy?” he asked and you chuckled. “It’s a big system of millions of stars, together with gas and dust, all held together by a force.” you answered and he nodded, scooting closer so he could see your laptop screen. “Woah..” he commented and you smiled at him, showing him pictures of what some looked like.
Techno watched with a soft smile and felt his heart warming. This didn’t help his tiny little crush on (Y/N) at all. Phil perked up at the sound of Tommy's voice and noticed the way his son looked at the person in front of him and grinned.
You told the youngest more about galaxies in baby terms and he kept nodding, giving you his full attention. “That one is my favorite I think.” he said and pointed to the picture that was up. “Really? It’s my favorite too!” you gasped and he smiled widely. Suddenly he stood up and ran upstairs. You smiled and returned your focus back on the project, typing away about some of the tasks you got. After some time the blonde came back, now with paper and crayons. You almost audibly aww’ed and pulled up the picture of his favorite galaxy again, whilst editing some of your text. Tommy sat next to you again and began on his drawing, occasionally asking you about which color he should use. Techno’s eyes could barely leave the sight in front of him, yes Tommy was a social kid but he didn’t have the longest attention span. This was new to the whole family.
“Tech?” you called for him a second time, making him blush furiously. “Y-yes?” he answered and you giggled, “how many pages were we allowed again?”
“Ten, I believe, I’ll check it real quick,” he hummed, “yeah, ten.”
You nodded and thanked him.
Phil tried not to laugh, he’s never seen Techno this flustered by someone before. He smirked, coming up with a great plan. “Hey (Y/N), do you want to stay for dinner?”
Techno’s eyes widened and looked at his dad like he was crazy. You checked the time and frowned, seeing it would be too late to join dinner at home if you went now. “Only if it’s no issue, I wouldn’t want to be a bother.” you replied shyly and he shook his head no, “of course not! Besides, I think both of the boys would enjoy your company a little longer.”
You laughed as Tommy loudly agreed and Techno softly nodded, his cheeks red again. “Alright then. Is there any way I can help?” you asked. “No no no, you’re our guest. No helping allowed. Besides, Techno is here so it’s fine.” Phil answered and you nodded. The older man stood up and walked to the kitchen, Techno following him.
“(N/N)! Look!” Tommy said as he tugged on your sleeve and you turned around to see what he wanted to show you. “It’s done! What do you think?” he held up his drawing. “I think it looks great! I wish I could draw like that, it looks really good.” you told him as you looked at it up close. It really were just some different colored lines with black here and there but sometimes lying is okay. “It’s for you!” he giggled and you gasped, “thank you big guy, that’s really sweet of you.”
Techno watched the two a few seconds longer before glaring at his dad. Phil cackled and shrugged, “just helping you out! You obviously like them and I saw them look at you a few times and I wouldn’t be surprised if they liked you too.” The pink haired boy almost dropped the ingredients he was holding. No way, it couldn’t be possible. He scoffed and gave the ingredients to his dad. “You’ve got to be quick though before someone else steals their heart.” Phil said while nodding to you and Tommy, now drawing galaxies together. Techno laughed and shook his head, “I can’t believe they go along this well. They’re usually not that fond of kids.” Phil’s eyes widened, not believing what his son said. If anything he thought you must’ve had younger siblings or babysat. “I know.” Techno said knowingly and began chopping the ingredients his dad had washed.
At the sound of plates rattling (Y/N) put away their school stuff. “Let me at least help set the table.” you asked Techno when he came back from the kitchen and he firmly shook his head no. You huffed and tried to collect Tommy’s crayons, making him pout. “I know, but we have to make space on the table to eat dinner.” you told him and he nodded, helping you clean up. Phil smiled, grabbing the oven mittens. He was really hoping it would work out between you and Techno, you seemed like a great addition to the family. He was sure Wilbur would like you as well, feeling a bit sad he had to work a long shift today.
“Lasagna! The pan is still hot so be careful though.” Phil told the three of you, walking over to the table. He put the pan down on the coaster and took a seat next to Techno, dividing the lasagna in equal portions. Tommy eagerly held his plate up, making you smile. Phil gave him a smaller portion and motioned for your plate, which you held up and he put a portion down. “Thank you, it looks and smells really great.” you told him. “can’t take all the credit.” he said while putting food on Techno’s plate. Techno shrugged and smiled at you, making your stomach flutter.
You all ate the lasagna in a comfortable silence, listening to Tommy’s rants. He was telling his dad all he learned about galaxies today, you nodding when he looked at you for confirmation. After he finished he smiled proudly at his brother and dad, who clapped for him. You laughed and clapped along, impressed with how much he remembered.
After a bit of small talk and questions about school, Phil cleaned up the table and cleaned the dishes. Techno and you began talking about the new comic that came out in the series you were reading together. Tommy watched the two of you discuss the topic and began playing with your fingers. You shot him a small smile and continued the conversation. Techno’s expression visibly softened, making you blush slightly.
“Would you like some tea, (Y/N)?” Phil asked from the kitchen. You took a quick glance at the time and said yes. Not long after Phil came back with a tray that held three cups of tea and some cookies. As soon as the tray touched the table Tommy grabbed a cookie and quickly put it in his mouth. You shook your head laughing and grabbed a cup and a cookie as well.
All of you talked, Phil sharing some embarrassing stories about his sons, Techno filling up the details, you shared some stories from when you were younger and even Tommy shared some stories from the daycare he goes to.
Time flew by and after a few cups of tea you had to announce your leave. Phil offered to drive you home but you declined, it was only a small ten minute walk anyway. You quickly gave Tommy a hug first. “Come back soon okay?” he whispered in your ear, to which you nodded and ruffled his hair. You thanked Phil and told them goodbye again before following Techno to the front door.
“I’m sorry if I was too interested in Tommy, I’ll work some more on the project when I get home. Thank you for inviting me over though and for the food, I had a really good time.” you smiled at Techno.
He looked up at you with a smirk, “didn’t picture you as a person that likes children, you always laugh when they trip and start cursing them when they cry.” You laughed in response, “I know, I know. I saw my baby cousins a few days ago and they changed me.” you dramatically sighed and Techno chuckled. “He’s not going to stop talking about galaxies for forever now.”
“Hey you should be thanking me, you’re going to ace the test about them.”
Techno was about to reply when he got interrupted by a loud scream of Tommy. “(Y/N)! You forgot your drawing!” the small boy yelled while running to the door. “Oh! I knew I was forgetting something, thank you Tommy.” you said when he handed you the drawing he made. He quickly ran back to the living room, definitely not because Phil told him not to bother them.
“I really should go now, so again thank you. I’ll text you when I get home okay?” you told him and he nodded, already excited to be able to talk to you again. “See you, Tech.” you said as you kissed his cheek. His face immediately heated up and he sputtered out a bye, awkwardly waving after you. He stood shocked in the door frame for a few seconds, did you really just kiss his cheek? Was Phil right?
“Techno? Are you alright” Wilbur began asking brother before he followed his gaze and saw you walking, “oooo does little Techno have a crush?” he smirked. Techno groaned and walked back into the house again, “shut up Wilbur.”
Phil greeted Wilbur and looked at them with a raised eyebrow, not failing to see Wilbur’s smug expression and Techno looking like he had just seen the stars up close. “Well?”
“They uh, they kissed my cheek when- when they said goodbye?” Techno tried to tell them, but it came out more as a question, still unsure if it really happened. They cheered and congratulated them, catching Tommy’s attention.
“Is (N/N) coming back?” he asked with a big, hopeful smile. Phil laughed, “No Tommy, (Y/N) just left.”
The blonde boy sighed sadly and Techno nodded understandingly. Wilbur watched with an amused smile as he went to put his bag on the table, which still had the drawings on it.
“Did you make these Tommy?” he asked and Tommy enthusiastically nodded, “with (Y/N)’s help! They told me about galaxies today and then we drew them.” “Oh really? What did they tell you?” Wilbur asked, earning groans from the other two. He huffed and listened to Tommy patiently.
After his little ramble Phil went to put him to bed. Wilbur looked at Techno, who was smiling at his phone. “You’re so in love it’s gross. Now when am I meeting them?” he asked him and Techno rolled his eyes, “I don’t know, soon probably. If they don’t come back soon I think Tommy will start crying. ” “Yeah just like you.” Wilbur laughed as Techno’s face went red for the millionth time today. “N-not true!” “Sure Tech. But seriously, invite them over again. A time when I’m home as well.”
“You suck.”
“Love you too.”
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chibinekochan · 4 years
How to become a Demon Ruler 105
Part:   01 I 02  I 03  I 04
GN. Reader insert
taglist:  @ayesha95    ;  @nomnomcupcakesworld ;  @fex-phoenix   ; @depressed-bixch ;   @kitsune-oji
I feel ready for my dance lessons and to just end this day. 
"I'm glad to see that you are still so motivated." Barbatos seems to misjudge the source of my motivation but I take the compliment with a smile regardless. 
"I'm trying my best but I have to warn you. I have two left feet." I feel slightly ashamed of that. 
"I'm certain that we can fix that with enough practice. Let's move to the practice room." Barbatos seems to have zero doubts. I follow him but I still have concerns. 
The ballroom is exactly what I have expected. It's a seemingly endless room, with a lot of glass on one side. 
Barbatos turns the music on. It's waltz music. 
  Barbatos comes back to me, he stands right in front of me. “First, the hold. Place your left hand on my back."
I step closer to him and a bit awkwardly place my hand on his sturdy back.
He seems pleased enough. „Now extend your right arm.” 
I extend it and he takes my hand in his. I'm painfully aware of how close our bodies are right now.
I feel him squeeze his arm around my waist.
This is very embarrassing but also somewhat nice.
  "Please relax." Barbatos has a very soft tone. 
I had not realized how stiff I am. "I'm just a bit worried that I will hurt you." Just the thought of stepping on his foot mortifies me.
Barbatos gives me a soft laugh. "There is no need for you to concern yourself with me." 
This makes my heart ache for some reason. "Too bad, since I won't stop being concerned for you." I point a little to underline my sentiment. 
"How very kind of you." He shows me a genuine smile. 
Once again I find myself blushing. This is getting very troublesome. 
"Shall we start then?" Barbatos reminds me why we are here. 
I honestly had forgotten for a moment." Y-yeah."
"Very well, take a step back," Barbatos tells me what to do and I follow his lead. He softly pushes me. I take a step back and Barbatos follows me. "Now a step to the side, feel how I lead you." His hand softly pushes me to the side. 
"Now a step forward." His hand on my back gently pushes me the right way. 
Barbatos nods with approval. "Very good. Now I will count until we are in sync. One…two…three…" We both go through the motions, very slowly. I'm just focusing on the steps. I glance down to see where my feet are.
"Please look at me master." Barbatos notices right away. His words are very effective. "Sorry..." I look right into his eyes. I almost stumble but his hand keeps me sturdy. 
After this, our lesson runs pretty smoothly. 
I'm pretty exhausted but it wasn't as bad as expected. It must be that Barbatos is an excellent teacher and that he didn't even flinch when I accidentally stepped on his foot. 
"You did very well. After all this hard work you have certainly earned your dinner." Barbatos praises me once again. 
"It's all thanks to you." I know very well how lost I would be without him. Quite literally. 
"You flatter me too much master." Barbatos smiles. 
After a break in the library, I decide to go alone to the dining room. I can't forever rely on Barbatos to bring me everywhere.
  He looked like a sad puppy. I kept being strong. 
So now I have a map of the castle and enough time to find my way in this maze. 
With huge relief, I find my way. 
Barbatos seems equally relieved to see me.
  "Welcome. I heard you decided to come all alone. I'm glad you found your way." Diavolo seems cheerful as usual. 
"I'm glad too. It was the right decision to not send a search party just yet." Barbatos remark leaves me unsure whenever this is supposed to be a joke or not. 
"I'm an adult and I can handle myself." I'm not quite sure that they know that. 
"They grow up so fast." Diavolo seems a bit sad. 
"Yes, they certainly do." Barbatos nods with a sad expression. 
"I was already all grown up when I came here." I can only shake my head and start to eat. Both men laugh. 
Once again Diavolo seems pleased that I eat so healthy. I don't give it much thought, since somehow this is very nice. I might start to like this place after all. 
I feel pretty satisfied and plenty filled with my favorite dessert.
  "What are you planning to do this evening?" Barbatos knows already that my tasks are all done. 
"I will take a bath, relax and sleep." Honestly, I'm too tired to even think of anything to do. 
"That sounds great. You deserve the rest after all the training you did today. Barbatos told me about your magic reading. It's marvelous, to say the least." Diavolo approves and then he mentions the earlier incident. 
"I'm not sure about that. To me, it looked like it just broke." I feel like the picture of that golden pot smoke will haunt me tonight. 
"It was a magical item it's incapable of simply breaking." Barbatos seems sure of it but to me, the item looked utterly unimpressive. 
"It's certainly impressive. Nobody ever broke it, not even Lucifer." Diavolo seems to remicense over something. 
"Lucifer, like the devil?" I'm very confused. 
"The devil? No, he is a fallen angel that is now a very high ranking demon." Diavolo seems confused. 
"I guess humans got some stuff wrong." I can only shrug. I have much left to learn. 
"We will cover that topic in tomorrow's history lesson. Actually, he will attend the party in six days." Barbatos uses my interest to plug more lessons. 
"Wow, that is kinda scary…" I flinch a little. 
"Don't worry Lucifer is a great guy. We are great friends. He will love you." Diavolo seems to have nothing but good things to say about Lucifer. 
I'm not sure how to feel about this. 
"There is no need to trouble yourself with this. I know you will do great at the party." Barbatos gives me some encouragement. It's sweet of him, even when I'm not particularly worried about making a great expression. 
"Thank you. I should go to my room now." I feel suddenly very sleepy. This whole day was just a lot honestly. 
"Yes, that seems a wise decision. I would be mortified if you would find yourself sick." Barbatos nods and seems sad at the image of me getting sick. 
"Don't worry I'm a weed." I laugh. 
"Nonsense if you are a weed then I'm a pickle." Diavolo shudders at the thought. 
"You don't like pickles?" I find that very surprising. 
"It is a huge issue." Barbatos shakes his head."Regardless let me accompany you to your room." Before I can object to that Barbatos` motions with his hand. "I don't accept any objections." 
With that, I get silenced. 
So once again Barbatos escorts me to my room, but this time I walk beside him. 
Somehow this makes this feel much better to me.
  "I'm sorry that I went over your head but you are tired and I don't want to strain you by having to walk around for hours before you reach your room." Barbatos has a sad expression. Almost like that happened. 
"I understand, you are just worried for your master. I'm very grateful for that." I smile at him to assure him. 
"I'm glad that you see it that way. I know that I must seem harsh to you, but let me assure you that I care greatly about you." Barbatos offers me the softest of smiles. 
I can't help but smile at this. "I know thank you for your support Barbatos."
"I will continue to support you, even if it should take my life," Barbatos states this so casually and yet full of sincerity. 
"I don't want you to die for me." I'm confused and this is all I can muster to say. 
"I'm just saying that if you would require my life then I would gladly offer it to you." Barbatos doesn't miss a beat. 
I can only hope that such a day will never come. It would break my heart. 
"There is no need to be sad, master," Barbatos speaks softly, he must see my distress. 
I can't add anything to his words. "I should go and take my bath now. Sleep tight Barbatos." 
"Rest well, master." Barbatos waits again until I close my door. 
When I'm in the bathtub I decide to order Barbatos to never die for me. I'm sure he will do it if it's an order. 
With that thought, I go to bed. More or less ready for whatever the next day will toss at me. 
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bangtansfavwriter · 4 years
🥞☕brunch café owner! jin☕🥞
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tw: a tiny mention of anxiety and shitty people that you may have encountered in school / uni ( but a lot of fluff to make up for it! )
- so far, your day was a complete catastrophe, im not even gonna tone it down, it was a complete shitshow to be honest
-it was like god woke up and went "i’m gonna let y/n have a shit day lmaoo"
-you overslept and missed your bus... on the day you had an appointment with your lecturer about your term paper
- after tripping on the stairs and hitting your knee, you hobbled to the office where this gollum lookalike was already waiting for you
- your lecturer was unreasonable enough to not let you extend your deadline for your paper... the one book you needed wasn't in the library for the past 3 weeks and there was no other edition available. so you explained the situation multiple times even at the beginning of your writing process, you even wrote him mails to explain the issue
- but this man who literally radiated boomer energy with every particle of his being really had the audacity to not answer, not even to your second mail and then he actually said that he does not understand "how someone of your age doesn't manage to even get a simple task as writing a paper" done
-you explained the situation again but he was pretty much tone-deaf to your situation and didn't even care when you said that you're actually gonna go to the library now to get the book scans
- so you went there already drained and exhausted from that conversation
-but the library was an even worse experience tbh .......
[fic mode: on, hohoho]
The lady in the library yelled at you for no apparent reason after you informed her that the scanner wasn't working and made you look stupid in front of other students who were there until one of them intervened and helped you out, which you appreciated. But this whole situation grew even worse on you after you left the library because your anxiety kicked in. You went straight into a quiet alley nearby and started crying quietly. "But hey!" you then exclaimed angrily, while wiping away your tears "At least the paper is gonna get done, right?! because who gives a shit about mental health and all huh, Mr. Go?!" and you started sobbing again. "Dickhead... And that stupid library lady... with her stupid fat 80s glasses. And her ugly yeehaw look...". This was something you wouldn't ever do in public, crying and ranting that is. but the alley was quiet, your only company was a stray cat that was sleeping underneath a tree's shadow. or so you thought. "Ugly yeehaw people and their ugly ass clothes, like... go read a magazine or something...". You started feeling more liberated with each mild insult you'd utter, so you went on. "Ugly library lady and her giant wart, like who the fuck are you? yubaba?" you heard someone snort and start laughing a squeaky laugh that almost sounded like a windshield wiper. Taken aback by the unexpected witness to your mild breakdown, you stood still at first, then looked around, left and right, but you couldn't see anyone. "Over here!" you heard someone say. You looked around again and sighed when you still couldn't see anyone. "Did I finally lose my mind?" you mumbled to yourself, only to hear the squeaky laugh again. "Hey! Turn around and look up!". You got up the bench and did as you were told by the omnipresent voice and finally saw the person it belonged to. Up at the 1st floor, there was a guy looking down to you from his tiny balcony that had plants hanging down from it. He smiled at you when your eyes met and you felt your heart rate go up in an instant, as you realized this stranger, this awfully handsome stranger witnessed how your petty little rant and crying about yubaba's twin in the library. "Tough day, huh?" he asked, you just nodded and quickly wiped your face with your sleeve. "Oh no, hold on" he mumbled and suddenly disappeared from his window, leaving you behind with a surprised look on your face. A box of Kleenex suddenly landed in front of your feet, as he reappeared at his window. "Just one would have done it, too, but thank you. I appreciate it!" you said and smiled at the guy. While you wiped your face, you heard another something land on the bench. You looked up again to the guy who, all of a sudden, avoided your gaze. "That'll help, you know..." he said and looked at you in surprise when you started laughing. What he threw on the bench was a... bar of chocolate. One that also happened to be your favourite. You looked at him and gave him a huge smile that made his heart flutter. He looked away shyly and scratched his head. "Tough day, yeah... but this right here," you raised the chocolate bar, "this makes it all better, you're right about that. Thank you!" The stranger couldn't help but look at you once again. He almost felt compelled to it. It was like staring at the sun when it sets, you know that you shouldn't stare at it directly, but it's so breathtakingly beautiful that you can't help but look. He intently watched you while you happily munched on your chocolate and smiled to himself. "What's your name?" he asked you. "Y/N! How about you?" - "I'm Seokjin. You can call me Jin..." - "Nice to meet you, Jin. I wish it would have been under different circumstances, though. I'm actually quite embarrassed about that, but chocolate helps with that, too." You two smiled at each other. "You know what, Y/N? Sometimes good things happen at weird times. Don't be embarrassed about crying earlier. I'm the last person who'd judge you because of that. I know that library witch, by the way... That Yubaba comparison was spot on!" You laughed out loud - he very much wished to hear this sound more often now. "Y/N, I gotta get ready for work now. But I'm gonna share one last bit of wisdom with you. I know a good remedy for bad days." - "Better than chocolate?" - "Oh, yes. Even better than chocolate. There's a café in XX street. There's a whole lot of lavender growing right in front of it, you can't miss it. That cafe has the best pancakes in the entire city." - Oh my god, pancakes are the best thing on earth!" - "(!!!) You must go there and try then! They're fluffy and come in 5 different variations and the sweetest maple syrup! I'm telling you, if you have a bad day like this again, go straight to that café." He already got you at pancakes, so you definitely would go there. "I'll finish this damn paper and then go reward myself with pancakes! In one or two weeks I'll get like 2 plates of pancakes then!" - "That sounds perfect!", he laughed. Shortly after, he excused himself and you two bid farewell. He disappeared from his window and your troubles had disappeared from your soul. You went home with a smile on your face, thankful for the kindness he had shown you and hoped that you would see him in the café some day. "Who knows... Maybe he's a regular there. It sounded like it."
Roughly one and a half weeks later, many all nighters and a whole lot of take out food, you finished the paper and handed it in. Liberated from this massive pain in the ass, you went straight to the café that your thoughts circled around during the times you weren't busy with your paper. "God, I hope he's there...", you thought and thought of Jin, who you thought about as much as you dreamed of the huge plate of pancakes you were going to get now. The café was not very far from where you lived, you walked there in about 15 minutes and recognised the place by a very accurate description Jin has given you. The smell of lavender bewitched you as soon as you stepped into the alley the café was in. Lots of flower pots were in the front of it, not only was there lavender but also gardenias and petunias. The flowers were all around the tables outside. "Of course, the flower boy loves the flower café" you said to yourself and smiled. The café wasn't too busy, as you came by at a rather early hour, when there were still lectures for most students and older people were busy at the local market place. You were greeted right away when you entered the café, by a younger man, probably also a fellow student, who was wearing an apron and gave you a warm welcome with his bunny smile. He showed you to your table at the window side from where you could watch bees hurdle at the lavender pots outside. You ordered shortly after, it didn't take much thinking when you saw the "Eat the stress away" menu, with regular pancakes, hashbrowns and a tea/coffee option. "Excellent choice! It's my personal favourite~", your waiter added. You glanced at each other. "Fellow student?" you asked and laughed when he suddenly looked at you with a gloomy look, but joined you in laughter right away. "Shared struggle", he said laughing, leaned over real quick and whispered: "I'll get you some blueberry pancakes, too. I'll tell the chef you're a friend of mine." - "Oh my god, thank you!" He winked and went straight to the kitchen, while humming a tune. Well, this was certainly the sweetest waiter you'd ever encountered. But you had your eyes on the door, hoping for a divine intervention that would lead to Jin coincidentally walk into the café when you were there. Around 15 minutes later you finally sipped on your coffee and were about to devour the fluffiest pancakes you'd ever had on a plate in front of you. The hash browns were a tad bit disappointing, as they had a slighty burnt taste and weren't spiced very well, in your opinion. But the pancakes were absolutely amazing. Their soft and fluffy texture was  complemented with butter and the sticky-sweet maple syrup that as truly as good as Jin said. And the blueberry pancakes were so good that you feared losing control over your facial expressions. Your waiter came along to your table, after he got the newest customer orders to the kitchen. You invited him to sit with you, which he gladly accepted. "How do you like it? They're really good, right?" - "I think this is what the kids call 'foodgasm'...", you answered and the two of you giggled. He looked at your plate and noticed the hash browns that you put at the edge of your plate. "Oh? Didn't like the hash browns?" he asked with wide eyes.
"They're slightly burnt, I think..." you said shyly. You were never one to criticize the cook when you didn't like your food in a restaurant. The only time when you actually complained was when you once found hair in your soup in a restaurant, and even back then you apologised for the trouble whereas it was clearly the chef who was at fault. "Please don't tell anyone, this can happen sometimes, I accept that." you quickly added, but your waiter shook his head ferociously. "You paid for this, so it is our duty to bring good food to your table. Our chef is a perfectionist, I don't understand how this can happen anyway. I'll get it sorted out, but not without teasing him. Can you wait a little until the customers are gone here. We close for lunch time. So people are gonna leave soon." You agreed and waited, while befriending the waiter - Jungkook, a 2nd year student who was currently doing a side job at "Café Smeraldo". After the last customer left, Jungkook decided to call the chef by yelling across the café. "He's also the manager you know. We're a bit short-staffed, you know... This is gonna be funny~~ JIN-HYUNG!" You almost spat out your coffee and started coughing as soon as you heard that name. "JIN-HYUNG COME OUT OF YOUR BUREAU! YOU BURNT A CUSTOMER'S FOOD!" He cackled after he heard noise coming from inside, while you sat there mortified. The door from the staff room slammed open and you instantly wished to turn into dust, as said manager/chef was the guy who consoled you on one of the worst days you've had in your academic life. The two of you stared at each other in shock, but before he could say anything to you he started scolding his younger co-worker and the two of them started bickering, while you continued sipping on your coffee, because this whole situation was soon more entertaining than it was mortifying. At some point Jin shushed Jungkook who shut up right away when he realized that this wasn't playful bickering anymore. Jungkook bowed deeply and went to the kitchen where he started cleaning. "You're friends with the boy?" Jin asked and sat down at your table. He looked tired, you thought. "No, actually we met earlier, but I suppose we just clicked very fast." - "So this kid got you my famous blueberry pancakes on the house, huh?" - "...I guess so. Look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause you trouble. I really didn't want him to say anything about the hash browns either." He quickly glanced at them and grabbed one to take a bite, but put it down again before doing so. "I can see it already", he said "you don't need to apologise, it's my bad." He sat there with a gloomy expression and sighed. "Tough day, huh?" you asked and smiled at him when he laughed at your reference. "Tough week is more like it. We're a bit short-staffed at the moment. But enough of me and my manager melancholy. Finished your paper?" You were surprised by his sudden change, but you went along. "Yeah, I turned it in earlier and came here right after. I gave you my word after all." You smiled at him, and he felt the same rush that he had experienced the day he first met you. You continued: "You were right, by the way. These pancakes are everything!! Especially the blueberry ones. Is that your recipe?" He laughed and nodded. "I'm glad you liked them!" he said. "I'll serve you better hash browns the next time, pinky promise. I got a phone call while preparing 3 orders, yours was the only one that suffered from it." - "It happens sometimes. Don't dwell on something so minor." - "Says you, who cried beneath my balcony because of some witch!" The two of you giggled. He looked at you with a look, that made your cheeks burn. His gaze was fond and soft, it was the kind of look you have whenever the sky looks pretty, or when a bird lands near you and sings a little song. Neither of you could break the look you shared, as neither of you could describe a bond that was apparently now formed with chocolate and pancakes. It was him who spoke up first: "Got room for more pancakes?". This question took you by surprise, but pancakes are always a welcome surprise. "Hell yeah, you can never have enough pancakes." - "I need more proof for that, but based on that sentence alone I can say that we may be soulmates, Y/N." You started laughing, as did he. "But why? What do you have in mind? Also, I'm surprised you still remember my name." His cheeks got a very apparent pink hue after your remark and you noticed how grossly you were endeared by this man. "Y/N... How could I forget..." he said with a low voice that made your heart flutter. "How could I forget someone who made me believe there was a banshee at my door for a solid minute!" He broke out in his loud and squeaky laughter as soon as he saw the pure offence and shock on your face, after he said that, because *that* was certainly not what you expected to hear.  "You're mean, oh my god!" you exclaimed but had to laugh, too. You guys needed two minutes to calm down again. The pink hue on his face was still there and you felt the rush of confidence in you. He noticed you looking at him and spoke up:
"Y/N... How could I forget someone who has made me smile on a day I didn't feel like smiling at all? I got the news my cook had to quit on the day we met. I thought this was the end for my café. But then, I met you, shortly after I got the news. And seeing you going from crying to happily munching on some chocolate despite having issues that made you cry in public in the first place... Seeing you forgetting your troubles with something so small as a chocolate bar. I don't know... I felt hopeful for some reason. And I love this feeling. And, god... I really hoped you'd take my advice and come here to have my pancakes! (he chuckled) But I have to admit something... I so regretted not asking for your number. For the past week I jumped through the kitchen door everytime a customer came in...". You were pretty sure your heart was soon gonna explode through your chest. He hid his face with his hands and sighed. "I'm not like this at all~" he whined, before facing you again. "But... How about I make us some more pancakes now? And hash browns, if you like. I haven't had breakfast yet and well... I really want to make you pancakes. Can I?" His voice became thinner with each sentence he added, since he came shyer with each bit. You chuckled, in disbelief about how your rapidly beating heart became so calm, yet so full when this man told you he wanted to make you pancakes. No nervosity whatsoever, no second thoughts, nothing. An epiphany over pancakes... Who would have thought? This was safe. This was a safe place for both of you, and both of you felt it.
"A breakfast date then?"
"Breakfast date it is."
"I like the sound of that."
-you two enter the kitchen after you insisted on watching him cook for you-
jk: hyu- oh, hi y/n! you guys know each other? ah hyung, i cleaned up everything and tidied up in the bureau. i'm sorry about earlier. (bows again and stands there shyly)
jin: (sighs very deeply) come here, you dodo.
the two of them shared a short but sweet hug, after which jungkook had a huge smile on his face again. jin and you shared a look and the same thought as you looked at jungkook after.
jin: jk, you wanna have pancakes with us?
jk: huh? yeah sure, i'm actually pretty hungry... (he smiles at you two) I'll go clean up inside real quick and prepare the table! yayy, pancake brunch with friends ☺️ (he leaves you two in the kitchen)
you turned to jin and smiled. "don't even start." he said quickly, while he started getting the ingredients out. "AWWW~~" - "NOOO!"
-the end-
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King Falls AM - Episode 9: Jack in the Box Jesus
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Summary: September 1, 2015 - An alleged sighting of the Lord & Savior at a downtown fast food restaurant has the residents of King Falls ready for deliverance, meanwhile Sammy & Ben try to navigate the flood waters of this revelation.
[podcast intro music]
Mayor Grisham Ladies and gentlemen, I promise you that while it is a terrible inconvenience that our modern electronics are out— this is not the end of the world. It could be a refreshing change of pace! Instead of reading, on your tablet, go down to the King Falls library, and check out the real thing! Instead of texting your BFF, go enjoy some pancake puppies at Rose’s! and have a face-to-face chat. This isn’t as bad as it seems— and it could be a blessing in disguise.
[KFAM intro music]
Sammy Good morning guys and dolls, you’re listening to King Falls AM—
Ben —That’s 660 on the radio dial.
Sammy And this is day 13 of what has been dubbed the King Falls Electrolocaust.
Ben This has easily been the hardest two weeks of my professional career.
Sammy It has been tough, but Ben and I want to thank you, and everyone out there listening, for the continuing support of the show.
Ben We got another doozy of a show for you tonight, King Falls. During hour two, we’ll be interviewing Maria Chandler, manager of the King Falls Apple store, and speaking about the effects the shut down has had on business.
Sammy As well as fielding your calls and talking about whatever’s clever this evening.
Ben I miss computers, Sammy. I miss the schedule. Our automated systems, my alarm clock. I’ve went through three the legal pads in two weeks!
Sammy [sympathetic] I know, buddy.
Ben I would literally watch Channel 13 if given the chance.
Sammy Wow. That’s saying a lot.
Ben [softly] I need my life back.
Sammy King Falls, how are you taking the modern electronic shut down of 2015? Are you refreshed? Reliving the mid-90s? Or— are you falling apart like our dear Ben Arnold?
Ben I’d listen to boy bands, to have a working smartphone. I’d wear, puka shell necklaces and sell my pog collection,[1] if you give me five minutes with my email.
Sammy Look on the bright side, Ben. You’re spending all your free time down at the library, and I haven’t called you out on it!
Ben That’s calling me out on it.
Sammy Eh-Well- and you know it’s nice hearing the birds tweeting instead of @kingfallsam. I’m not saying I don’t miss it but, I’m enjoying this a little bit.
Ben ♫It’s tearing up my heart when I’m with yoouu♫[2]
Sammy The references are not gonna bring back your goods.
Ben [hurt] Dammit Sammy, let’s just take a call from our jury-rigged phone system.
[bg music being provided by Chet’s record player]
Sammy You’re live with Sammy and Ben.
Cynthia Yeeaah, I wanna talk about the outages.
Sammy Cynthia Higgenbaum, ladies and gents. How are you doing during this electronic crisis?
Cynthia [blissful] I feel the warm embrace of the chastity belt that’s been placed on society. I’m relieved, de-stressed, marvelous!
Ben *chuckling* Whoa, heh, that’s- that’s a heck of a change!
Cynthia [suddenly aggressive] What are you trying to say, Ben?
Sammy It’s just you’re usually- you’ve been a little… pessimistic in the past.
Cynthia [mostly calm again] Ohhh, I still have problems; I’m full up with issues. But right now, I don’t have to worry about what websites my husband is perusing, what brain-dead TV my kids are watching— I’m at peace! It’s just me and my harlequin novels. Plus, with Jesus back and all—
Ben [jokingly suggestive] 50 Shades of Cynthia
Cynthia [angrily] Don’t be filthy Ben Arnold! I Know Your Mother!
Sammy I-I’m sorry, Cynthia— did you just say that Jesus is back?
Cynthia [gossipy tone] Have you guys not heard the news?
Ben Is she talking about Jesus Jesus?
Cynthia There’s only one.
Sammy Wellll, I think Mexico would disagree, but please tell us why you think Jesus—
Cynthia [snappy] I don’t think Sammy, I know! [softer] Earlier this evening, he was spotted glowing and speaking in tongues at Jack in the Box.[3]
Ben The one off Main Street or Red Oak Avenue?
Cynthia Ew, nobody does to Red Oak.
Sammy [softly] Jack-in-the-Box-Jesus.
Cynthia Oh, Hell no! I will not participate in that blasphemy. You’re gonna get smited—
Sammy Oh, I- I mean- I wasn’t- I’m sorry, I’m not meaning to, uh—
Cynthia Tell it to Satan! In Hell, Sammy! [hangs up forcefully]
[dial tone]
Ben This is big.
Sammy [slightly reluctant] If you or someone you know has had a sighting of *clears throat, Ben laughs* Jack in the Box Jesus please give us a call. Uh, 424-279-3858
Ben You’re on King Falls AM.
Deputy Troy Now I know what you’re thinking: how could the second coming of God’s only son happen and ol’ Troy here didn’t clue you in.
Ben Not what I was thinking.
Sammy What do you know Troy?
Deputy Troy Well I got a suspicious persons call out at ol’ Yack[sic] in the Box around 9. So, I hit the lights and cruised over to see what the fuss was about. And lo and behold, back by the dumpster with a mess of people looking on— there he was.
Sammy Now, are you really telling us that— [still reluctant] you saw, or, you believe you saw the son of God and the King of Kings bangin around outside the Jack In The Box?
Deputy Troy Well, he was a man. Somebody’s son, no doubt. Bearded. Good lookin’, if-if you’re into that sort of thing. He had a robe on—
Ben [cutting in]We can solve this right now. Was he white or was he black?
Deputy Troy He was more of a greenish color. Like a glow really.
Sammy The man had an aura around him.
Deputy Troy It was shinier than a damn Fukushima foxhound, fellas. Like, I felt a need to put on the old aviators, but I- I didn’t want to be cliché.
Sammy Alright, Troy. So, work with us here; you’re in the back of the Jack in the Box, there’s a uh, a Jesus-type guy—
Deputy Troy Just-a-ramblin’ on.
Ben Speaking in— tongues?
Deputy Troy Speaking in somethin. The last time I heard gibberish like that was comin’ from the back of my Chevy with Shell Snyder’s daughter.
Sammy So what happened next?
Deputy Troy Well a group of looky-loos had descended, as I said, and since it was only me, there was no perimeter set up yet. So I start ta approach this glowing Christ and somebody— Roy Higgins if you gotta know/— hollered out “It’s Jesus!” and the whole parking lot just went bonkers!
Ben Well, di-did you speak to the guy?
Deputy Troy Damn skippy. I told Roy that this was official police biz. And he shouldn’t be squawling around like a little baby.
Ben No, Jack in the Box Jesus.
Deputy Troy Oh, well no. I- I turned around and he was gone. Split right off into the woods, I suspect.
Sammy Did you follow him?
Deputy Troy Sammy. So you’re tellin me that you’d follow a 6-foot-tall and glowing perp into the woods??
Sammy [muttered] Point taken.
Ben So any other sightings?
Deputy Troy Well, not as of yet. But there were so many people they could’a had a revival in that parkin’ lot. So I’m guessin’ that’s how word spread so quickly. And without internet, too? That’s pretty damn impressive.
Sammy Is there an APB out or anything?
Deputy Troy For what, dilly-dallying around with a jumbo jack? He wasn’t doin nothin bad. Just acting a fool— Lord forgive me— where he shouldn’t’a been.
Ben And glowing.
Deputy Troy That’s right.
Sammy Well, please let us know if get any more info on this, Troy. We’d appreciate it.
Deputy Troy You bet. I’ll be sure to keep you boys and the listenin’ public informed. But if you should happen to stumble upon Jesus? Do not approach, bother or pester. You just call up Ol’ Deputy Troy.
[hangs up]
Ben …or your local church. [dial tone]
Sammy Deputy Troy, ladies and gents. Now we’re just going to take a quick break and hear from one of our new sponsors: Carl’s Candy!
Ben Yeah I don- I don’t think we should play this
Sammy What? Ads pay the bills remember?
Ben Folks, as a workaround with all the tech issues, uh, I went out and recorded a few spots of some of our sponsors- uh, new and old. Emphasis on Old, after this one.
Sammy Okay, so the audio is bad.
Ben *sucks in breath* You could say that.
Sammy This company’s paid up! They’re scheduled in one of your many notebooks. Let’s do this. We’ll be right back folks.
[slow, creepy xylophone music]
Carl [voice is soft and creepy, like you expect from a guy who offers kids candy from the back of a van] Do you know why they call it a blow pop? I sure do. And if you come on down to Creepy Carl’s Candy, I’ll fill ya up! I mean in. [whispering] It’ll be our little secret.- A sweet tooth is a terrible thing to waste. Come find a new sugar daddy to butter your fingers at Creepy Carl’s! Come in and grab a sack of Carl’s Boston baked beans while you’re at it. Oops, one fell in my pocket. Free if you can find it! *Ben groaning “oh no”* Every child’s welcome at Creepy Carl’s, big mouths, small mouths, white mouths and brown mouths. We’re equal opportunity! And just cause they shut down the ol’ brick and mortar doe’n’t mean you can’t buy it from my van. Be sure to ask your parents’ permission first, kids. Creepy Carl’s Candy, where the suckers don’t suck themselves. [Police sirens]
Deputy Troy [through megaphone] Carl, turn off your ignition. You are too close to the school zone.
Carl I gotta go! Catch ya later [tires squealing]
Ben [desperate, in bg] The mic!
[sirens fade out]
Sammy … Never again.
Ben I tried to tell you.
Sammy I know. Let’s never speak about this.
Ben [whispering] I need a shower.
Sammy *sigh* …Moving forward, we were just talking about a sighting that happened a few hours ago around the 9 o’clock hour, just off Main Street. It seems quite a few people believe that we may be experiencing a religious phenomenon. Perhaps the second coming of–
Ben [slightly gruff impression] “Don’t call it a comeback, I’ve been here for years!”[4]
Sammy *chuckles* Right, let’s go to the phone lines.
Ben [happily] That was good though right?
Sammy It was good. Good evening, you’re live on King Falls AM.
Reverend Hawthorne Ask and ye shall receive! King Falls-uh. It is the gooD Reverend Xavier “Right. With. Gaawwd-uh” Hawthorne.
Ben Reverend Hawthorne? Are you back in town?
Reverend Hawthorne [speaking over Ben] The One and Only, and we are turnin’ the wagons arounD as we speaK-uh. And we’re headin’ back to my flocK-uh. How’re y’all feelin’ tonighT, King Falls- I said How are you, Feelin’!
Sammy [softly] We’re feeling alright.
Reverend Hawthorne Praise GoD-uh! Hallelujah! Now a little birdie, uh-just chirp’n on my shoulder, told me there was a SighTing. A Vision. Dare I say it, eyeballs were laid on our Lord and Saviour at a burger joint in our fair city.
Sammy Yeah, about 9 o’clock here.
Reverend Hawthorne Could it Be-uh! that our 5-week-revival worked. Could it Be-uh! that our prayers have been brought forth the lamb of God-uh. Can I get an amen!
Ben Reverend Hawthorne we—
Reverend Hawthorne Amen! This miracle-uh, this sight from our God-uh, perched on a Mountain of Sanctity, says that he is ready to lead-uh, his most Highly Favored, Congregation bacK to the promised land. Gimme some organ, Deacon Reggie [organ music begins playing in bg]
Sammy [aside] Do you think Reggie has to wheel that thing around just in case?
Ben This is getting good.
Reverend Hawthorne Play it dirty, brother. We are going Home-uh. Take us back to Calvary, take us BACK-uh! … Samuel, Benjamin may I ask you gentlemen if you have a relationship-uh with the Author of the E-ternal Sal-vation; [organ goes silent] [softly] are ya saved?
Sammy I’m—
Reverend Hawthorne Then let me tell y’all, [organ starts again] because if you aren’t-uh, I’m coming back to town. One weekend only, the Xavier “Right with GoD-uh” Hawthorne Experience will be wheelin’ bacK into King Falls Fairgrounds this very night-uh. We are hoping to get One- On- One with the Risen Christ and start preparin’ for Kingdom Come. But just like old Xavier, you gotta come on down-uh so we can get you TurnT uP With GoD-uh. [click, dial tone]
Sammy Xavier? Hello?
Ben He’s, gone. Sammy.
Sammy Well, you heard it here first folks. Xavier Hawthorn’s Travelling Roadshow is coming back to town. Will Jack in the Box Jesus make his stage debut?
Ben [muttering] Tch- Jesus.
Sammy Literally.
Ben Do you think we could get an interview? Would it be Mr. Christ? Or-
Sammy Something tells me that there is something more to the story than what we’ve heard so far, Ben.
Ben Tsk. I get that, but this is King Falls, Sammy.
Sammy What a perfect place to make a return: a rinky-dink town with no internet.
Ben Line- [muttered] dammit, there’s only one line. Uh, you’re on with Sammy and Ben.
Archie Good evenin’ fellas!
[small dogs barking in bg]
Sammy Is thi-
Archie It’s Archie Simmons!
Ben He-ey Archie, how’s Princess Von Barktooth?
Archie Well, I do have news concernin’ the princess, and I just want to possibly recant some info from our previous call a few weeks back.
Sammy About the werewolves?
Archie Correct.
Sammy Wow. I mean, you sounded pretty convinced that you saw a werewolf.
Archie And now I’m saying that maybe I was misinformed.
Sammy I think you should probably tell Troy and the Sheriff’s Office, Archie.
Archie *giggles* You silly Sally, Troy’s on his way over now
Ben Why the change of heart, Archie?
Archie Well, new information has come to light boys, I mean with the Divine One making his triumphant, and let’s be honest, dramatic return to King Falls.
Sammy You’re talking about the glowing man at the Jack in the Box?
Archie [softly] Let’s be real here, it’s the J-Man, of course a heavenly carpenter would pick King Falls. So many projects to keep busy with.
Sammy [dryly] Uh-huh.
Archie Plus, with the princess and this new information, we have to believe this.
Ben You keep saying that, what’s going on with the princess Archie?
Archie She’s in a delicate condition.
Sammy Oh, of course. I mean she’s been through a lot.
Archie *giggles* No Sammy, I mean she’s with child. Ch-children. Puppies? There’s a bun in my $2400 oven boys!
Sammy Wait. She’s pregnant? From the werewolf attack?!
Archie [softly again] Well, that’s the thing. While I believed in my heart of hearts that the hillbilly beast from the trailer park had gotten to the princess, I think…
Ben What. What do you think Archie?
Archie I mean it was dark, I know it was a full moon but I was scared and recently awakened, sleep in my eyes etc. and so on.
Sammy You don’t think it was the werewolves.
Archie I’m thinking with this new evidence and the fact that I saw a long-haired, bearded man in a Biblical Act— Yeah I-I- I think- there’s a chance it could have been [whispering] the man upstairs.
Ben [stern] Upstairs from whom?
Archie Mankind! Come on Ben, get with the picture!
Sammy He’s saying that because there’s been a holy sighting tonight- which we should all be a little bit doubtful of- then maybe it wasn’t the werewolves, but the Alpha and the Omega.
Ben No! NO WA- That’s too much, Archie. You saw the werewolf. He looked you in the eye and howled at the moon.
Archie I don’t know what kind of weird things Jesus is into.
Ben No way. This is ludicrous.
Archie You just wait and see Ben! The princess may have lost her Westminster dreams, but it was all part of God’s plan.
Ben We’ve got to go Archie *laughs* you’re crossing a line that we cannot cross at King Falls AM.
Archie Judge Not, lest ye be judged boys. Kardashians[sic] 3:16 or a Psalm or something. I think Troy’s coming around the bend anyways boys, laters!
[click, dial tone]
Sammy You know? When I walk in the door every night I say to myself, “Nothing’s gonna surprise me tonight” And more times than not, I am just Dead Wrong.
Ben Let’s give the phone a rest for a moment, Sammy, the record player is just begging to be used.
Sammy *chuckles* Not a bad idea Ben.
[phone pings]
Ben What? *gasps* My phone! [several pings] OHH it’s back baby!
Sammy Me too! What’s going on?
[pinging continues]
Ben What’s up! Oh my God, I could literally kiss the apparition of Steve Jobs.
Sammy Hey, I’ve got a text here, Unknown Number.
Ben Okay, what does it say?
Sammy “I- I know why this happened. I know how to stop it. We need to talk“
Ben What?
Sammy No, that’s what the text said.
Ben You don’t think this has anything to do with… Thank You, Jesus.
[KFAM outro]
[1] Pogs - Pogs, generically called milk caps, is a game that was popular among children during the early-mid 1990s. The name pog originates from POG, a brand of juice made from passionfruit, orange, and guava; the use of POG bottle caps to play the game preceded the game's commercialization.
[2] “It’s tearin’ up my heart when I’m with you” - Lyrics to the song “Tearin’ Up My Heart” by NSYNC, an American boy band from the mid-90s
[3] Jack in the Box - American fast food chain, primarily along the west coast and southern states.
[4] “Don’t call it a comeback, I’ve been here for years” - lyrics to the song “Mama Said Don’t Knock You Out” by LL COOL J (also came out in the 90s)
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cilliansaccent · 5 years
Class of Temptation - CHAPTER FOUR
Leave a like, reblog or comment below to show your support and love! Enjoy…
No mention of Cillian’s true family or relatives. All names are made up.
This is a TEACHER x STUDENT fanfiction, it’s going to be kinky and very taboo!
I will write whenever the mood grabs me, so I apologise if there are long breaks between chapters :)
——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——-
Background: Tessa is a twenty-three-year-old model from a broken-up family, living in London with her best friend and starting a course on Drama and Theatre. Though, when she gets closer to the super hot Mr Murphy who is her much older teacher, there is a battle of lust and love between them. They’ll have to figure out what to do with their tight relationship as other issues begin to rise and nip at their heels…
Word Count: 1,775
!!Warnings!!: None.
Chapter Name: Strange
Brief Chapter Outline: Tessa gets a taste of what it’s like to study and isn’t sure of herself... 
——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——-
Two weeks had passed by since the day class had started and things really began to kick off. Cillian had gotten the assessment sheet for the big project. "So, this paper that is now being passed around is the information you all need for the end of year project," Cillian said as he stood at the head of the class. Everyone sat behind tables since they had finished the morning routine of games. 
Julian handed Tessa the two pieces of paper and she thanked him quietly. The guy was really sweet and they had hung out a lot in the library or got lunch. She learned he was a small author of a fantasy series he was writing and he would promise her to get a book for her to read when he got it published. Tessa read through the sheet and seemed to grow stiff. They were to do a play, like a real professional one for an audience at the end of the first year for this course. It was a romance play and she could hear the excitement through the class. "The second sheet is a small play between you and your partner for the class, it is recommended that you should start this week as there is a lot to cover and planning to do." Cillian watched the class whisper to each other. "Any questions?" He asked as he crossed his arms. "Yeah," Sofia raised her hand, her smile sly and sensual, "I got one." "Go ahead." Cillian gave her a smile. "With this whole partner thing, can we partner with the teacher?" She boldly asked. "No. You cannot. I will be simply taking notes and will grade you and your partner." Cillian replied smoothly, picking up the suggestion clear in the girl's eyes. "Any more questions?" Some more hands rose and the questions were asked, no hint of judgement shone in those beautiful baby blue eyes. Tessa was intrigued by how well he was with this whole teaching thing. He was really a good guy. Tessa found herself smiling and shook her head as she gazed back at the paper. "Alrighty, class. Since you are all adults here, I will give you the freedom to pick your partner. Once you have done so, come here and write your names so I know who is with who." Cillian gestured for everyone to start. "Wanna be with me?" Julian asked Tessa, his soft brown eyes on her. "Uh... Sure. I'll go write our names down then." She smiled and stood, following students to the front desk to write it down. Once everyone had done so, Sofia and her girls were giggling softly to each other as everyone spoke softly to each other. Cillian was looking through the paper and frowned, "Sofia." He said, looking up through his glasses. "Yes?" She batted her eyes at him. Tessa rolled her eyes, pathetic. "You need a partner." He waved the sheet as he came over to her. "I do got one. And that's you. You said we are all adults here, I can choose whoever I want and I... want you, Mr Murphy." She purred. God, Tessa thought, was she really doing this? In front of everyone? "Be serious, Sofia. Pick a partner," He set the sheet down in front of her, brows raised and his expression serious. "Damn. Fine. Alright." She huffed and scribbled out his name and wrote someone else. "Good. Make sure to listen next time." He said as he pulled the paperback and continued on the rest of the class. "So fucked," Julian muttered to Tessa. "Totally." She laughed lightly as she opened her laptop up to work on the current reading material. When the class came to an end, Cillian came to Tessa, "When everyone goes out. I'd like to chat with you." He said, patting the desk in front of her. "Oh. Okay." Tessa nodded as she popped her laptop into her bag. "Want me to wait up?" Julian asked as he slung his backpack over his broad shoulders and ran a hand through his hair. "Nah. It's fine. I have orchestra practice in like an hour." She said shaking her head. "Oh shit yeah, that's right. I'll see ya tomorrow then." He patted her shoulder and left. The class finally filtered out, the squad of girls were last and stared at Tessa with some odd look before they scurried out through the door. She frowned but stayed perched in her chair, watching Cillian bring together his papers. "Come here, bring a chair." He said with a smile and waved her over as he sat in his chair. She got up and grabbed her stuff and brought over a chair and sat beside the large desk. His arms were resting on the surface, his shirt sleeves folded up past his elbow. She couldn't help but see the veins on the backs of his hands, and the tense muscle of his bicep. "I don't want to seem as uh... how would you call it... strange when I say this. It is only what I perceive and have experience in." Cillian started, his accented voice causing goosebumps to rise up despite she wore jeans and a blue jumper. "We are now moving into the third week and I have noticed you are very reserved when it comes to roleplays I set out for a class. I want you to know that I do take notes of participation." He watched her expression, she looked nervous as her eyes darted away. "You are in no trouble," he said as he, on instinct, took her hands that were clasped in her lap. "I-I'm sorry, it's just... I get so nervous and scared. I want to but I can't." She shakes her head. Maybe she was out of her league for this class. Maybe this class wasn't for her. "And that is fine! No one is perfect and no one is expected to do entirely right either. You always have to try, no matter what." He squeezed her hands. His palms were warm and soft. "But what if I mess up? I don't want to mess up." She shakes her head as she looked up and met his gentle and caring eyes. "You learn from it. No shame in that. We are all here for the same thing. To learn and grow." He said pulling his hand back. "You have my full support. Know that. I want you to try tomorrow okay?" She inhaled and let out a soft sigh through her nose. She was absolutely terrified but she found herself nodding. "Alright M- Cillian. I will. I promise." She said with a small smile. "Good. I know you will be wonderful." He said. "You have a pleasant afternoon and evening." He said as she stood and grabbed her things. "You too." She nodded once and left. Until she was jumped by those damn girls. "So, what was that like?" Sofia asked, the slender brown-haired girl with matching eyes. "What was what like?" Tessa stepped back as she almost went face-first into the girl's fake tits. "The chat. With Mr Cillian." Sofia cocked a plucked eyebrow, eyes searching. Tessa's brows furrowed as she pushed back a strand of her black hair behind her ear, "It was just something about my performance. That's it." "Ah, right. Cause you aren't doing what you gotta do." Sofia let out a huff of air, the other girls let out soft laughter. "And how is this your concern? You should worry about yourself." Tessa said with a bit of a bite to her tone. "Oh my, getting a little annoyed? Everything is my concern. You're on my turf." Sofia stepped closer to Tessa, eyes narrowed. "You watch how you speak to me, or you'll find out the hard way to get on my nerves." She stalked past her, shouldering her and causing her to drop the books she had in her hands. Once the girls walked off Tessa watched them with a scowl then turned back just as Cillian had stepped out of the class. "Oh, what happened here?" He looked at Tessa then at the books as he crouched to start arranging them. "I-I- Let me. I dropped them." She hastily got on her knees and grabbed her books, their hands got caught on the stack. His warm, soft fingers curled around her palm as they stood with the stack in between them. "Sorry." Her cheeks bloomed with heat as she pulled her books close once he let her hands go. "Don't be. You okay?" His head tilted to the side. The sharpness of his jaw became more prominent, his slender neck disappearing under the woollen jumper he wore. A thought ran through her brain, the idea of her fingers tracing that soft skin- "Tessa?" Cillian's deep almost rugged voice brought her back to reality. "Ah- Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired." She said with a smile. "Oh. I see. Walk with me?" He offered. "Um..." No, "Yeah, okay." She nodded and they walked along the hall, people walking past them and admiring Cillian. "I forgot to ask you, how are you since the class started? Like with the whole modelling you do alongside with the class." He asked. "Busy I guess. It's uh, getting more faster as we near Christmas." She shrugged, "But it's fine. I can handle it." "Yeah? Props to you, then. But don't overwork yourself, yeah? Enjoy it." He gave her a smile that made her heart clench. "Thanks. I'll try not to. I need to stay young looking," She found herself smiling. "Indeed. Don't become like me, I've gotten old way to fast." He shook his head but he was still smiling. Wild confidence got her speaking, "I don't think so. You still look fine." "Oh? Well, thank you, Tessa. Very kind of you." They came to a stop at the elevator. "I'll see you tomorrow. Have a good day." He touched her arm gently and he stepped between the open metal doors. She held his gaze until the doors closed and she found herself all over the place, emotionally wise. She glanced down at her hands, she could still feel his fingers on them. Tessa shook her head. Enough of this nonsense. She was going to be late for practice. She liked orchestra, for two hours she managed to escape the world and play music with like-minded people. Despite it being their second week, she knew she was going to enjoy this greatly. Once there, she set up her cello and chatted to the people nearby. Until it was time to play.
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spaceskam · 5 years
It Will All Fade Away But You
for @michaelguerinweek day 4: the tropier the better
Summary: And there was only one bed.
“I can drive home if you want.”
Alex looked over at Michael with annoyance. He very clearly could not drive home. Just walked to the front desk of the motel had him bobbing his head and barely keeping his eyes open. 
“Yeah, right,” he scoffed, “Look, if you’re that determined not to spend the night with me. I’ll sleep in the car.”
“Oh my god, Alex, you’re not sleeping in the car,” he argued limply, dragging his feet harder. Alex didn’t respond.
The two of them had been struggling to get along more than either of them wanted to admit. Michael had asked for time because he couldn’t handle a relationship‒which would’ve been fine if Alex hadn’t caught him with his tongue down Maria’s throat the next day. Because of that, even now months after whatever they were ended, Alex put his efforts in being overly considerate. It was super petty and he knew it made Michael feel bad, but he kept on for his own sake.
It was only getting harder now that they were doing Project Shepard themed road trips together.
“We only have one vacancy,” the guy at the front desk said, looking bored as ever. Which he probably was considering it was almost midnight.
“That’s fine,” Alex said. His eyes drifted to Michael who was slowly drooping with fatigue.
“Just one night?”
Alex pulled out his card and, within a few minutes, they were making their way to room 17. Michael almost ran into the wall twice.
“Jesus, how are you that tired?” Alex asked, but it was more rhetorical than anything. They’d been at a military library all day and he had poured himself into countless tales of detailed Antarian torture methods. Alex would’ve been more shocked if he wasn’t emotionally drained.
“I’ll be fine,” Michael whispered, his voices soft and sweet that it pissed Alex off. Instead of giving that any unneeded attention, he unlocked the door.
“Oh, you have got to be kidding me,” Alex groaned. Of course. Why would things go his way? Why would anything go well for him? Now he was stuck in a tiny hotel room with his ex.
And there was only one bed.
“I’ll go sleep in the car,” Michael said once he noticed it. It wasn’t even a big bed. It was probably a queen, just big enough for them both to fit without touching. And Alex knew better than anyone they were both horrible at not touching.
“No, no, sleep in the bed. I’ll… sleep in the chair or something,” Alex sighed. Michael grunted, shaking his head.
“No, Alex, I’m not letting you do that. You take the bed,” he said, rubbing his eye. Alex shoved him towards the bed and he had nothing in him to stop himself from fighting it, falling to the bed with a soft thud. Michael grunted which annoyingly got Alex to smile. “We can share, Alex, I don’t want you sleeping in some fucked way ‘cause of me.”
“It won’t be because of you.”
“Yeah huh, ‘cause you’re all mad at me for being a fucking dick and won’t sleep next to me,” he said. Alex sighed as he weighed his options. He really did not want to sleep in the chair or in the truck‒his body was not as forgiving as it once had been. And it would be only one night.
He could handle one night.
“Fine,” Alex complied, unbuttoning his jeans before he sat down carefully so he could take off his prosthetic, “But don’t touch me or I’ll push you off.”
“That’s the meanest thing you’ve said to me in months,” Michael whispered, but the smile was evident in his voice. God damn it. “I won’t, Alex. My hands are kept to myself.”
Alex watched as Michael limply dragged himself to the edge of the bed, not even bothering to undress or get under the blanket first. He was asleep within a minute and Alex shook his head, working himself out of his jeans. Before he could slip off the prosthetic, his eyes drifted to the bathroom area.
He felt gross and would’ve killed for a shower, but he wasn’t about to even try to. He knew it wouldn’t be very accommodating and the last thing he wanted was the fall or something and have to deal with that embarrassment. Besides, staying gross would make it a lot easier to stay away from Michael. He wouldn’t want to have sex or anything with a layer of grime on him. Especially in a very questionable bed.
Still, Alex made his way to the sink and took a washcloth, wetting it and wiping his face and armpits down. He ran a wet hand through his hair too as a way to pretend to wash away the dried sweat. Once he was done, he went to the edge of the bed. He pulled off the prosthetic and the sock followed, the cold air hitting his limb like a relaxing breath. He placed the metal securely on his side before looking over to Michael.
Without much thought, Alex removed his shoes to reveal worn socks that had holes exposing a few toes. He shook his head with an annoyingly adoring smile. He would have to get him socks for Christmas. Or nothing for Christmas because that wasn’t his job to get him Christmas presents. Or maybe he would just to make him feel bad.
Alex delicately pulled the blanket out from beneath Michael’s body, covering him up before he got beneath him himself. He faced away from Michael as he laid down, closing his eyes as he hoped to just get this over with. The sooner he got to sleep, the sooner he’d stop thinking about his body heat and his stupidly cute toes and his perfect hair and his sad face and him. Then he could wake up and not have to acknowledge that he slept hardly a foot away from him and didn’t touch.
Or, he tried not to touch.
Alex was successful in not moving, but Michael’s agreement to stay on his side of the bed lasting a whole 30 minutes at best. Just as Alex was starting to dose off‒which was probably as good as it would get in a room he didn’t know‒Michael edged closer. He was definitely asleep, but Alex couldn’t remember if he’d ever moved in his sleep before or if this was new.
He was startled awake when a heavy arm threw itself around his shoulders, an unscarred hand dangling in front of his face. Alex took a deep breath as he stared at it. He hated looking at it more than he did whenever it was messed up. He knew the pain it still caused Michael, only now there was nothing to show for it. He’d felt first hand the battle that was feeling pain that shouldn’t be there.
Part of him wanted to grab the hand, but the logical part of him knew he should shove him away. They weren’t supposed to be touching. It was Alex’s rule. But, fuck, he wanted to touch.
Before he could make the decision, the hand was snatched away. Michael’s movements got more and more frequent until he was eventually whimpering. Alex couldn’t ignore it and turned to face him, just in time to see him fly up with panicked breaths. Alex sat up after him, every single issue he had with the man vanishing as he instinctively moved to comfort him.
“Whoa, whoa, hey, I’m here, it’s okay,” Alex cooed softly as Michael frantically looked around, wheezes mixing with his heavy breaths. Once he spotted Alex, he seemed to remember where he was and his shoulders slumped. A pathetic whine came from Michael’s throat as he wiped his eyes with the backs of his hands. Alex carefully put his hand on his back, rubbing softly as his other hand moved to grab Michael’s. “You’re okay, I’m here.”
Alex had more than his fair share of nightmares. After what Michael had been reading that day, he wasn’t all that surprised that it gave him some of his own.
“Sorry,” Michael whispered hoarsely, allowing himself to relax into Alex’s touch. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t revel in the way Michael felt against his chest after so long.
“Don’t apologize.”
“I woke you up.”
“No, I wasn’t sleeping.”
Michael squeezed Alex’s hand tightly, sighing against his neck. Alex’s hand moved to the back of his neck where he gently played with the curls at the nape of his neck. Eventually, he laid him back down and letting him stay firmly against his chest.
“Wanna talk about it?” Alex asked and Michael immediately shook his head. Alex dropped it.
He hated how he caved. He hated how he let his rules drop to the wayside the minute Michael seemed upset. He hated how Michael had slowly made him fall in love again during their Project Shepard road trips. He hated how Michael could only apologize and let Alex keep treating him like shit while he did his best. He hated how easy it was to hold him. He hated so many choices they’d made.
But he loved the way it felt to hold him again.
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Beauty and the Beast AU - Demon!Dean Winchester
We'll see how this goes! I'm using she/her pronouns for this fic, just to keep it like the original story.
Characters (As they appear): Fem!reader, reader’s father, Gabriel, Metatron, Michael, Zachariah, Demon!Dean
Summary: You are seen as the oddball around town, you're into books and other nerdy things that the small town you were raised in just don't get. You dream of going on the road and having adventures, but it's unlikely you can because you don't have a lot of money. Your father runs a house renovating business and goes to a job in the spooky abandoned house in the woods. You see where I'm going from here.
Legend tells of of a town, just like one you may know. There was a hero known through out the land for his selflessness and his righteousness. But in times of great peril he sought help from a dark force to go against a greater evil, Cain. With the help of an unlikely accomplice, the hero took the Mark of Cain. The Mark turned our hero into a dangerous foe, scaring family and friends with his unpredictability. But our hero lost the fight against the evil Metatron and died. In a turn of events our hero rose from the grave, but he was not the same person. His eyes black as night and powers beyond anything anyone had ever seen. He began to burn and pillage anything he could find in the name of destruction. His friends and family chased him down into an abandoned house in the woods. With the help of divine intervention everyone in the house was trapped. As our hero lives with the Mark he will fall deeper and deeper into the darkness, farther from his humanity. His brother has a cure, but fears what our hero is capable of. Our hero hides alone in the house, isolating himself from those he cared for most. Only true love could tame him and bring back his humanity. But who could ever love a beast?
Did I think I was still going to be in this tiny town after I graduated college? No. But here I was. In the same tiny room, in the same tiny house, in the same tiny town. I suppose it would have to do until I found a job I didn't despise and made enough money doing side jobs so I could leave this place. My father and I shared this tiny house. One bedroom, one bathroom, one basement. I was given the office space in the house for my room. It was small and crowded, but I had to say it had its perks. Well, more singular: perk. One entire wall was bookshelves to house my many, many books. Majority fiction. If I couldn't have adventures on my own, I would join other characters on theirs.
I had woken up, fifteen minutes before my alarm, as usual. My dad said it was from stress, but I wasn't really stressed too much. Not really. The only thing that stressed me out was the fact that I was going into town for the farmer’s market and I wanted to avoid two certain individuals. I got dressed, I had been going for a more boho vibe lately, so today it was a long, floral skirt, black T-shirt, and some slip on sneakers. It was still warm out so I wanted to take advantage of it. Late September weather was unpredictable. The local weather station was talking about snow in the coming weeks and I really wasn't prepared for that to start.
I grabbed my large flannel bag and made my way too the kitchen. Dad was leaning against the counter, reading the local paper.
"Morning, pops." I called, "Any spicy gossip?" Small towns meant gossip was put into the newspaper, which I couldn't decide was terrible or not considering everyone knew about it anyway.
"Oh you bet, there's two sections worth of business about the monkshood going missing all over town. Which... I don't see how that's relevant." He said, taking a gulp from his coffee.
"Sounds like the resident werewolf was having none of it." I joked. Then something caught my eye, cupcakes on the counter.
"Oh did someone get a special delivery?" I winked, bumping hips with him. His face went red, he started scratching his beard to distract himself.
"Uh na- oh yeah. Mrs. Barber dropped them off this morning. Said she had some left over from the bake sale at the high school." He lied.
"It's Ms. Barber, dad. And she definitely has a thing for you. Why don't you give her a wink every once in a while?" I said, leaning over and taking one from the tray.
"Oh I don't know..." He said. Ever since mom left us, he's been nervous about getting back into the dating scene.
"Just sayin'." I shrugged and made my way out the door.
"What's the cupcake for? It's 10am?" He called as I shut the door. The cupcake was for our mail man. The man had an incredible sweet tooth. He was a huge patron of the bakery. And right on time, here came the mail truck. The only mail truck at our post office.
"Hey Gabe!" I smiled as he parked. He got out, smoothing back his brown hair. He had a smile that was contagious.
"Hey there, (Y/N). Is that for me?" He pointed to the cupcake in my hand.
"Of course, anything for my favorite messenger." He chuckled, taking it and replacing my empty hand with our mail.
"You spoil me." He smiled and took a bite. "So uh, where ya off too?" He leaned against the front end.
"Farmer's market and the library."
"So veggies and the same book you always get?" He said, licking his fingers of frosting.
"I don't need your judgement." I rolled my eyes, starting to make my way towards town.
"Thanks again!" He said, getting into his truck and continuing on his route.
I waved back, making my way past the neighboring houses and into the heart of town. The whole town was out and about. Everyone I passed seemed to look and whisper, it was the reality we lived in. I was the girl whose mom left without a trace. I was the girl who lived in her own little world of books and fantasies. I was different and odd compared to everyone else. But that was okay... Or at least that's what I keep telling myself.
The main Street was blocked off for the market. I crossed the street and pushed open the door to the library. It was a small shop, there were a few shelves and a register. In the back corner was a reading nook with a soft recliner chair that I knew very well and probably had my butt print in it. After I set my last read in the return box, I made my way towards the section I was looking for. The book had no title and no author, just a single rose on the front. I think that's what drew me to it. It was a story about a guy and girl who meet and she doesn't realize that he is her true love. I could quote this book, it was my favorite. Far off places, daring sword fights, magic spells, a prince in disguise. I held it close to me and moved towards the front where the librarian sat. He was an older man, a little odd looking but didn't seem like he could do any harm. He had told me his name was Met. A little strange but who was I to judge. He was hunched over on the desk, looking down through the glasses at the end of his nose. Met said he had read every book in the library more that 5 times which is why I think we got along.
"Good morning, Met." I greeted him, setting the book and my library card on the counter.
"That book again?" He said, not even looking up from his book.
"I can't help it. It's my favorite." I grinned, I couldn't wait to get my hands on it again.
"You know what? Just keep it. No charge." He said, looking up at me with a knowing look in his eyes.
"What? No, I couldnt-" I started. I hated that I was refusing but I just couldn't take it.
"I insist. You've read that book more than I have, which is saying something. I know you'll give it a good home." He smiled. I took the book and hugged it close.
"Thank you, thank you so much." I gushed, carefully sliding the book in my bag, "I'll see you around!" He waved as I left the shop, a new spring in my step.
There were the usual crowd in the market. The baker, the various farmers and Crafters. I made my way, stall to stall, chatting and picking up a few things. I preferred shopping this way, I could help out the community and get fresh produce, win win. The only issue was I accidentally made eye contact with the town pretty boy, Michael and his goon Zach.
Michael was the town hero. He was a good hunter and all around charmer. He was tall, dark, and handsome. Meaning every girl in town was in love with him. Except me, considering that I think getting by on your looks and being macho wouldn't be a great match for me, who finds more attraction in personality and, well, a brain. He and his goon Zach were odd friends, considering Zach looked like he was old enough to be Michael's father. Michael had this odd obsession with the fact that I wasn't obsessed with him. I had heard from the rumor mill that he had a crush on me and no thank you.
I quickly darted through the crowd, hoping he couldn't follow. I circled back towards my house. But as soon as I made it to the drive way:
"Hello, (Y/N)." Michael said, he was laying on the charm early this time. He was also, right behind me. I turned, holding onto my bag.
"Hello, Michael." I smiled stiffly. If I kept things short, maybe he would go away.
"Listen, I was thinking that we should go back to my place and talk. I havea few things I would like to dicuss." I clicked my tongue, stepping away from him.
"Maybe another time. I have to help my dad with a few things."
"Heh, that guy needs all the help he can get!" Zach laughed.
"Hey! Don't talk about my father like that!" I shouted, rolling up my sleeves to punch this dick a new one when Michael stepped forward and punched Zach in the shoulder, "Yeah, don't talk about her father that way!" He turned back to me, "Now, I know how you feel about me."
I raised an eyebrow, "You could not possibly have a clue." I continued, "Listen, I gotta go, nice talking to you, bye!" I hurried inside, making sure to lock the door behind me. I set my bag on the counter, carefully placing items in their places when I spotted a note on the counter.
Gone to the old house in the woods. Be home for dinner.
Love Dad.
Dad renovated old houses and made them new. He was just the run of the mill Property Brother, without the twin and real estate practice. The house he was referring to was this huge mansion that was in the woods. It used to be the home of this really rich guy back in colonial times, like pre-America. The guy never had any kids so it was just left to be abandoned and rot. Some people said it was haunted, but who would want to haunt that place? It was falling apart.
I shrugged and went about my day as usual. I made a snack from the delicious apples I got, read a little, tidied up around the house, and made dinner. But... Dad was late. Sure, he had been home late before but never this late. A hour turned into hours. I tried his cell phone but it just went to voice mail each time. So there I was anxiously sitting at the table, my foot about to wear a hole in the carpet from how much it was shaking. I just kept refreshing my messages, hoping that he would text me saying he was late or stuck somewhere.
"That's it." I stood up and gathered my things. I shoved the first aid kit, my phone, and a few other things in my bag before making my way to the garage. It was a two car garage, one spot for dad's work truck and another for my 1999 Thunderbird, a car that definitely did not live up to its name. I started the car, opened the garage and left, almost not pausing to close it.
It was just getting to be dusk, the sky was just beginning to fade to night when I got to the house. When I pulled up the long, winding driveway, far off the road, I saw dad's truck. I opened my door and looked around the car. Maybe he could have slipped and knocked himself out.
"Dad?" I called, looking around. His took box wasn't in the passenger seat, meaning he was probably inside. Holding my bag tightly by the strap I got closer. In the time it had taken to get here, it had chilled significantly. I really should have grabbed a jacket. The house was... Menacing to say the least. The white faded paint was chipping off, the columns on the front porch were near collapse. The wooden stairs creaked as I made my way up to the ajar door.
"Hello?" I called, peaking me head inside. I used my phone flashlight to look around. There was graffiti on the walls from kids who really should take an art class. Their pentagrams could use some work. There was stuff strewn all over. Lots of papers and other things.
"Dad?" I called again but cursed myself when I heard creaking. I am literally that girl in every horror movie. Let's go to the haunted house and call out to someone and then get straight up murdered. I am literally so stupid. I silently crept closer to the stairs, they probably led down to the basement.
"(Y/N)?" I heard dad's voice echo from below.
"Dad!" I called back, rushing down the stairs. As I got lower, the atmosphere seemed to change from a old house to almost a bunker. Metal lined the stair case as I went down further and further.
When I made it to the bottom I looked around in shock. This place was practically brand new. Hardwood floors, nick knacks lining the shelves. There was a kitchenette in the corner with a white marble island.
"(Y/N)!" Dad called again, the sound coming from a narrow hall that led to a bookshelf. I could hear my dad calling from behind it.
"Grab a book!" He shouted.
"A book? What does that-" I started grabbing books, pushing them away to see a door but instead, when I grabbed a copy of Arabian Nights there was a low groan from the wall. I took a step back as the wall swung back to reveal a secret room. It was a circular concrete room and as soon as I walked in goosebumps rose on my arms. Dad was tied to a chair in the middle of the room.
"Dad..." I ran up to him, "Oh thank God you're alright! What happened? Who did this?" I said, moving around him to get at the ropes.
"We gotta get out of here, kid, this guy isn't human. He'll kill us both." He whispered. What kind of an asshole takes a nice guy like my dad and locks him up? A psycho, that's who. My dad coughed, it was wet and loud and too much for my liking.
"God, it's freezing in here, you're going to get sick." I said, finally starting to loosen the ropes.
"Well, well...." I froze at the new voice. It was deep and cocky sounding, "Look what the cat dragged in." I stood up to face this guy. He was just Out of view of the light, all I could see were his nose and the smirk on his face. He was wearing a red button down, dark jeans and boots.
"Look, I don't know who you are or what you want but we don't have anything to give. Please, he's getting sick, you can't keep him here." I pleaded, holding my dad's shoulder to keep up this confidence I was trying to portray.
"What he deserves, breaking into my place, snooping around." The stranger said, crossing his arms over his chest.
"He was just doing his job, this house is abandoned!" I shouted, taking a step forward.
"Baby, please..." Dad whispered urgently, "Just go, it's me he wants, don't let yourself get wrapped up in this."
"I can't leave you here, I won't." I said, crouching down and holding his hands. They were so cold and I could feel him shaking. Dad's eyes were so dull, his teeth were chattering.
Rage built up in my chest as I stood to meet the stranger again.
"Who do you think you are, keeping him here like this?" I spat, "Come into the light, coward."
"(Y/N)!" My dad shouted in a warning voice. The stranger only chuckled and shook his head. He stood up from where he was leaning on the door frame and took a step forward. My jaw tightened and my eyes widened. The only thing I could focus on was his eyes. They were pitch black. No pupil, no Iris, just black. I quickly recovered my glare and stood my ground, even as he came close to me. He smelled off, like rotten eggs. On his arm there was a strange mark that seemed to glow red. In his hand he held a odd weapon. It was the jaw bone of some type of animal attached to a handle. There were even teeth still attached.
"And what do you intend to do with that? Club me until it breaks?" I smirked, again that confidence I was trying to portray. But was intimidation the right choice in this situation? I didn't care. He seemed like another smug asshole that could get whatever he wanted from his looks whoever or whatever he was.
He hummed under his breath, lifting the weapon to his open palm. He dragged it down, and I watched it slice open his palm. But as soon as blood appeared from the cut, it disappeared as if it healed itself.
And confidence gone.
"Look, sweetheart, this isn't about you. But you're doing a number on my patience. So get the hell out." He motioned to the door.
I looked at the door, then back to my father. I couldn't leave him here. No matter how much this guy scared me. I had no other choice.
"Let my dad go, I'll take his place." I said quickly, "Do whatever you want, just let him go."
"No! I won't let you do this." Dad said, leaning forward to struggle.
"I won't let you rot down here. Let me do this." I couldn't look at him in the eye.
The stranger took my chin in his hand, making me meet his eyes, the black void of nothingness. It made me think of death and despair.
"You sure about this?" He asked, he lowered his voice, "You sure you want to take his place?"
I nodded, "Please, let him go." I whispered, my voice was on the verge of shaking. The stranger grinned and let go of my face. He went around my dad with the weapon, in a quick slice, the ropes fell away. He grabbed my dad by the shirt, lifting him from the seat and pulling him to the door.
"Don't hurt him!" I shouted.
"I'll come back for you, (Y/N), I'll get help!" Dad called, his voice fading as the hidden door shut behind them.
Oh God...
I slowly sat on the chair, the dread setting in.
"What have I done?"
NEW SERIES - You will never guess how it ends. 
Reblog if you liked it, likes work too.
Read part 2 here!
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The Southsider (pt. 7)
Sweet Pea x reader
Chapter Summary: It seems like a normal day to y/n, until she sees an unfamiliar car in the parking lot. But she decides to play it smart and make a call.
Word Count: 2007
Chapter 1 • Chapter 6 • Chapter 8
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You put Sweet Pea's flannel in your backpack and headed to school. You slipped on your jacket and got to school with a pep in your step. You thought that everything was fine, put you saw one Reggie Mantle walking the halls.
Veronica and Betty came up to you. "Do my eyes deceive me? Why is he here?" Veronica asks.
"I was hoping you guys would tell me." You frown.
"Let's go before he sees you." Betty says, to which you respond by nodding. Unfortunately he sees the three of you leaving and decided to follow.
Veronica sent a text to Archie. Before he could get straight to you, Archie steps in his way at the last minute. You let out a smile. "Easy Reggie. I don't think she wants to see you."
"I know, I came to apologise." He looked at you, as if he wanted you to help him, but you just stood there. You didn't care what he had to say, what he did was unforgivable. He brought up the worst times in your life, just to seem superior.
He tried getting closer to you, but Archie pushed him off. "Look, I realized that what I did was pretty douchey. I was too focused on the Southside, but you've been in the Northside for so long that you're basically one of us." He gave you a nervous smile. "I'm sorry."
You said nothing. You're basically one of us? You felt madder than you've ever felt within this week. After the exposing, the letter, the bullying, this pissed you off the most. He wasn't sorry for what he put you through. He was sorry because he now thought of you as a Northside.
Sweet Pea spotted you in the hallway, instantly smiling. But that smile faded when he saw Archie pushing away Reggie while Betty and Veronica were beside you. As he got closer to protect you, he saw you walk straight up to Reggie and gripped his collar, punching him in the face.
He fell to the ground. Sweet Pea stopped in his tracks, definitely not expecting that. He then saw Archie putting his hands on your shoulders, which snapped him back to reality. As he kept walking he heard Archie say "I could say that I was the one who did it."
"No, it's fine. I'll deal with Principal Weatherbee when he gets me."
Sweet Pea then reached you. "Are you okay?" He put his hand on your arm.
"Yeah I'm fine." You smiled at him.
"Hate to break up this convo," Veronica said, smiling. "But we will be stealing your girlfriend. Bye now." And with that Veronica and Betty led you to the school library, where you all sat down and you told them about your date.
"You're kidding right?" Veronica asked.
You shook your head, feeling the blush grow on your face. "That's so romantic." Betty fawned.
"Who knew such a dark, brooding person could have a soft side to him."
"Just because he's not the boy next door doesn't mean that he isn't a sweet person, V." You said.
"She's right." Betty said. "Jughead is a lot more sentimental when it's just us two."
"See?" You teased.
"Hey, don't hate on Archiekins just because he's not afraid to be affectionate in front of others." Veronica sat back in her seat.
"So what if they have some pride? It just makes it all the more cuter when they show some bashfulness." You enjoyed being able to talk about stuff like this with them.
Meanwhile, Sweet Pea and Archie stared at one Reggie Mantle on the ground. "Get up." Sweet Pea said.
He got up. "Are you going to tell Principal Weatherbee?" Archie asked.
"Nah, it's cool. Once she realizes where she belongs it'll be fine." Reggie smirked. He decided that he was going about this the wrong way. He tried to humiliate you, but others had your back. But if you were turn your back on the Southside, that'll really hurt them.
Sweet Pea was about to punch Reggie himself, but Archie put a hand on his shoulder, shaking his head. The bell then rang, and everybody went back to class.
Toni and Cheryl, who seemed to be getting closer, were begging to have you tell them about the date. You decided to play with them, denying their requests. It wasn't like you cared for Betty and Veronica more, but you knew that they would make fun of Sweet Pea.
You only dropped little teasers to what happened, until you finally said "You should ask Fangs. He was there, even if he wasn't." They looked at you, confused. You just giggled. Oh Fangs.
When lunch arrived, you took the flannel and looked for Sweet Pea, finding him on his way to his table. "Sorry, I forgot to give this back to you."
He smiled and took it. "It looked better on you anyway."
"I kind of doubt that. I kind of find the flannels on you pretty hot." You reached up and was about to kiss him, but was interrupted.
"Oh, there you guys are!" Betty said, dragging Jughead along with her. Sweet Pea backed away from your touch, causing you to huff. He heard the huff, and held back a smile. He had that affect on you then. "So I had the most amazing idea in class. I thought that we could all go on a double date." She smiled as Jughead looked at her, surprised.
You didn't know how you thought about this idea. Jughead was like a brother to you, and going on a double date with him in it was a bit weird.
"I don't think that's such a good idea, Bets." Jughead said.
"Yeah, I agree with Jones."
"Come on guys, it'll be fun. Right, y/i?"
You looked at Sweet Pea, who shook his head. You then turned back to an eager Betty. "Uh, sorry B, but I have work later on today."
"Do you have work tomorrow?"
"Well, no but-"
"Then it's settled. The four of us will go on a double date tomorrow at Pop's. I can't wait." And with that they left.
You gave Sweet Pea an apologetic smile. "This isn't a good idea."
"I'm sorry. Let's just make the most out of it, yeah? I honestly didn't think it was a good idea either." He huffed and nodded his head. You kissed his jaw, then the side of his mouth. "Thank you."
He looked down at you and smiled before giving you a quick hug and walking away.
When school ended you headed to Pop's, greeting FP with a smile. "Well, what's got you so chirpy?" He smiled at you, glad that you were doing better.
You shrugged, thinking of Sweet Pea. "Oh, y'know, I'm just happy with my life right now."
"Well I'm glad that you're doing better now."
"Yup. Sweets has been helping me out the whole time." This got his attention.
"Sweets, huh? You've been spending a hell lot of time with him."
"Well yeah." You grabbed some ordered food. "I'd hope I'm allowed to spend some time with my boyfriend." He looked at you, shocked as you quickly sped walked away from him to deliver the food.
As you came back he stopped you from grabbing other plates. "What the hell you just say?" He quietly asked.
"FP it's not a big deal."
"Not a-"
"Let's not overreact, okay?" You put a hand on his shoulder. "He has been there for me every step of the way. He has done nothing but helped me when I needed it. Give him a break."
You took the food and served some people. He huffed. "Fine, but I'm having a little talk with that boy."
"Believe me, there are some worse guys I know out there."
His fatherly instincts seemed to still be intact. "Like who?"
Just then Reggie walked in, smirking when he saw you. "Like him."
He sat down to where the counter was, looking at you expectantly. You gave FP a look, and he nodded. You went to the back to help Pop make some milkshakes while FP went up to him. "What can I get you?"
"Is y/n here?"
"She's busy, I'll be serving you." He narrowed his eyes at him.
"Shame. She's pretty hot in the uniform, don't you think?" Reggie knew what he was doing. He knew he was talking to the serpent king. He wanted to test him, test if the Southside king could keep it together.
"I think she likes to be treated respectfully. Now what would you like to drink?" FP was trying his best not to punch this kid in the face.
"Chocolate milkshake. Extra cherries. Have y/n bring it out if you can." He nodded and headed to the back.
He went up to you and watched you make a chocolate milkshake. "I heard everything." You said, not looking up from your work.
"I am so close to spitting in this boy's drink."
You smiled. "Why don't we just act like we did?" You finished the milkshake, adding three cherries on top and handing it to FP.
He gave it to Reggie. "Here you go kiddo. I added a little something to it, just for you." He gave him a smile, leaving Reggie to look at his drink suspiciously. You passed by with two other milkshakes in your hand and gave him a smirk, causing him to be even more suspicious.
As you were heading back to behind the counter, Reggie grabbed your arm. "Excuse me," He said. "I'd like to order something."
FP then grabbed your other arm and pulled you away. "And what would you like to order?" FP asked.
He ordered, smirking at you everytime you passed by. Soon Jughead came around the time you were going on your break, so you went and sat with him as you took your break. Then Sweet Pea came to say hi to you. When you ended your break, Sweet Pea was about to leave before FP slid next to him in the booth. "Not so fast, boy. I'm on my break, and we need to have a little talk."
Sweet Pea squirmed in his seat. "I heard you and y/n are dating now." Jughead tried hiding his smile and obnoxiously slurped on his milkshake. "If I so much as hear or see anything that I don't like you doing towards her, you're a dead man."
He nodded. "Understood."
"But right now, we've got a more pressing issue. You see that boy?" He pointed to Reggie, Sweet Pea nodded. "He's been coming onto y/n the whole time."
"And the hierarchy of high school jocks strike again." Jughead said.
"Damn Northsiders! Always trying to take things that don't belong to them!" Sweet Pea tried to get out of the booth to confront the Bulldog, but FP pushed him back.
"Easy boy, you don't want to make a scene. Just keep an eye on him when you guys are at school. You too, Jug. We need to take care of her." The boys agreed.
Sweet Pea then decided to take off. He said goodbye to you while giving you a side hug and a kiss on the cheek. This angered Reggie, which led to him leaving Pop's.
Soon your shift ended and you walked home. When you got to your house, you saw two cars parked in the driveway. One of them you recognized as your aunt's. The other you didn't know. You scoped out the car, seeing a ghoulies jacket on one of the seats through the window. You then called Sweet Pea.
You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding when he picked up the phone.
"Pea, we've got a problem. The ghoulies are at my house, and for some reason out of any possible time my aunt's home too."
"No, I'm standing outside."
"Okay, I'm going inside."
"I have to, they could be hurting her!"
"I'm just going to stall until you guys get here."
"I will. Bye."
You then hung up the phone. You took a deep inhale and exhale, and opened the door.
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dusk-realm · 5 years
Chrysanthemum [Chapter 9: Misfortunes]
Tagging: @featurelengthfics @pan-lokistan @thedungeonsbat @severussnapesupporter @southsiderepresent
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Guys, remember to check the tags for trigger warnings.
A/N: some of you asked about this chapter, and here it is! I couldn’t sleep the other day, so I used the time to finish this up early for you, enjoy!
‘It would give us some advantage.’
‘Don’t you ever have enough? You don’t need to involve her into this.’
‘There’s no better cure for the spirit than putting oneself to work.’
‘So you’re just going to use a child for your own gain?’
‘We must protect Harry, Severus. At all costs.’
‘And her? Who will protect her? Or is she nothing more than a pawn?’
‘Feeling useful will make her good, she’ll make friends in the way.’
‘You know nothing about her. She dislikes them all!’
‘No, don’t make me repeat myself. I won’t allow this.’
(Y/N) dragged herself down the stairs to the dungeons. The torches that normally kept the corridors down there dimly lit seemed to be doing a very poor job that day, as she had to cast Lumos to navigate through the dark until she arrived at the Potions classroom door, at which she knocked softly.
‘Enter.’ A deep voice answered, and she opened the door. Professor Snape was busy filling up the jars of the classroom with unknown substances for her.
‘(Y/N), what are you doing here this late?’
‘How did you know it was me? You didn’t even look!’
‘Perhaps I can read minds, after all.’ He tempted with a sardonic smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
‘Oh, knock it off. Anyway, I just came here to see if you needed help before it’s curfew after all that… mess.’
‘Hm… well, you could put these away for a start.’ The professor requested, motioning at a wide variety of bottles, jars and containers of all sorts displayed on the floor around him.
‘Sure, it won’t take long.’
The student silently began her task, carrying as many containers as she could in her arms to the storage room inside the same classroom. Severus wasn’t fond of using spells anywhere near the potions or the ingredients, so she always had to do it the hard way. Well, it was still better than knock something off its place and end up making an absolute disaster.
‘And how was your day?’
The question caught (Y/N) by surprise, as Severus was not one to engage into small talk.
‘Eh… it was… fine, I suppose.’
‘Was it? I don’t recall seeing you during dinner.’ He finally pointed out.
So that’s what this was about. The student thought.
Well, the very first day of D.A.D.A had been disastrous. Apparently, Lockhart had been giving all the classes the same quiz about his ego his books, where (Y/N) had to play guessing just to scratch some points here and there. Rumour has it that Hermione Granger was the only one to get full marks,as expected. Some students had also been chatting about something having to do with Cornish pixies, but what had happened exactly to the Gryffindors wasn’t completely clear for the girl, and just casually asking Neville wasn’t an option right now; they hadn’t talked much since their small argument in the train.
 ‘Ah… yes, I went to the library after classes and I got into a book a little too much and missed dinner time.’
‘And what was it about that it enticed you so deeply?’
‘Forbidden substances and spells. It was some sort of a review on how they were discovered and then limited or just prohibited.’
Severus said nothing, but a soft humming sound indicated her that he was listening, so she went on:
‘It had a quotation from a book called Moste Potente Potions, but I looked for it and I think it must be in the Restricted Section or something.’
The title of the book made Severus’ eyebrows raise in disbelief and his eyes to lock on hers, not expecting the Slytherin to be reading such things.
‘What do you want from that book?’
‘Not much,’ she shrugged, ‘I just found it interesting and I wanted to read more of the chapter.’
As they spoke, (Y/N) finished putting away the containers that the potions master had already used. Severus watched her come and go and sat down on the stone floor with his legs crossed and his cape spread everywhere.
‘Come here,’ he called softly. (Y/N) beheld him with huge, shiny eyes, ‘what do you want to know?’ he asked in a hushed tone, as if it was absolute top secret.
(Y/N) practically dropped to the floor at the speed of light and sat on her knees:
‘So, I wanted to read about the Polyjuice potion because-’
A gentle shush scaping in between Severus’ teeth made her lower her voice even more.
‘because,’ she continued in barely a whisper, ‘it is very complicated to brew and I was wondering if it has any flexibility with the ingredients?’
‘Like for example?’ Snape encouraged.
‘Like, for example… It’s made with a hair of the person you want to transform into, right? But would it work with something else? Like the saliva, a piece of skin… or blood? Or would it ruin the mix?’
‘As you  may know, that potion wasn’t exactly created for… legitimate purposes-’
‘Yeah, I know tha-’
‘Shut up.’ He reprehended. ‘However, what the potion requires is something from the person you want to transform in, hence, as long as you can keep the mix stable, anything can be used.’ Severus explained. (Y/N) opened her mouth to say something, but closed it again as she noticed that the professor hadn’t finished yet. ‘Another issue is,’ he carried on, slowly dragging his voice, ‘how willing you are to drink a potion made with spit.’
The pupil chuckled and continued to ask questions, which Severus answered as if he was telling the most exciting adventure tale.
A couple of weeks went by quite fast as school got tougher.
The Slytherin was doing just fine in her classes, except for Defense. Everyone seemed to be more than happy to attend Professor Lockhart’s speeches about his numerous, incredible experiences, while (Y/N)’s head hung low every time she had to cross that door.
Her agenda was torn between classes, homework and doing occasional tasks for the professors in exchange for House Points.
Poor old Flitwick was a bit too soft with students out of his own house, so (Y/N) tended to gravitate around the Charms classroom, where there always was something to do, and always a bunch of points waiting for the young Slytherin and a cupcake.
Mcgonagall and Sprout would also let her assist them in the afternoons, but they were a bit more a aware of the position of their own Houses in the competition to give out points as easily as the Ravenclaw Head. 
On the other hand, Severus hardly ever awarded points, not even to his own House, so (Y/N) spent less and less time around the dungeons and more in the library, just minding her own business and staying away from Pansy Parkinson.
That girl had taken a liking to mock (Y/N)’s efforts to improve as a student, reminding her that whatever she did would not erase the past failures. 
That she would always be the shame of Slytherin.
It was almost dinner time, and Madam Pince was already giving the student reproaching looks.
Well, she had been there for the whole afternoon, so maybe it was time to call it a day.
Plus, (Y/N) didn’t want to worry Severus. He had already confronted her a couple of weeks ago over her skipping meals, so maybe it’d be good to let herself be seen in the Dining Hall.
(Y/N) sat down in the middle of the table, where it was almost empty. The groups of friends were all bunched together near the ends of the table, like colonies of insects. The girl loaded her plate with fish and vegetables to please her grumbly stomach and began eating.
Or, she did so until she heard a screechy voice call her name.
‘(Y/N)~’ Parkinson sang.
Oh my god, here we go again.
The gang soon sat down surrounding the teenager, squeezing her in between them, not letting her escape or move in the slightest. (Y/N) did her best to ignore them.
How they had the guts to come and mess with someone older than them was still a mystery for the teenager.
‘You finally crawled out of your den to fetch some food?’ The other asked in a sickly sweet tone. Parkinson was sitting to (Y/N)’s right, and she surrounded her shoulders with her left arm.
‘Well, of course,’ the other answered in an unsarcastically soft tone, ‘it’s dinner time.’
The pug-faced girl let her go for the moment and finally minded her own plate. The girls ate in silence, except the some glances and giggles here and there. 
‘Nuh-uh.’ Parkinson grabbed (Y/N)’s fork as she was going to eat a piece of broccoli.
‘What?’ She protested, trying to retrieve her fork by force.
‘Haven’t you eaten enough already? This is for students, you know?’
‘Fuck off, will you?’
Bulstrode, to (Y/N)’s left, harshly pinched and twisted the skin of the smaller girl’s ribcage, making her jump in her seat with an:
‘(Y/L/N),’ said Parkinson again in a deeper, lower voice, ‘you flunked Professor Lockhart’s quiz, didn’t you? Then-’ she finally snatched (Y/N)’s fork from her hand, and continued: ‘save the food for those that put their brains to good use. Go, see if the Hufflepuffs will have a troll eating with them.’
(Y/N) barely kept it together for long enough to stand up and get out of there. Her cheeks had turned a crimson red and tears threatened to start rolling down her heated face out of pure rage. The girl stood up and… fell down backwards with a squeak, and the whole school erupted in laughter.
Gathering the little dignity she had left, (Y/N) got up, dusted off her clothes and left the hall at a brisk pace.
The next morning, (Y/N) got up late on purpose just to skip breakfast. She couldn’t bear walking into the hall after what happened last night, everyone would laugh at her for sure.
Fucking Pansy…
Her left hand found the other in the mangle of white sheets. She looked at her knuckles from behind a mess of (H/C) hair, product of not having slept in the whole night. They were sore and still red from the beating her poor pillow received in the middle of a fit.
She got up when it was only 20 minutes left for the beginning of the first period. Thankfully, the dorm was already empty, and she had the bathroom for herself.
It was the last monday of September. They had Potions in their first Period, and they’d be brewing a Sleeping Draught. Lavender, valerian, standard ingredient and flobberworm mucus. Piece of cake, considering how half of the ingredients coincided with natural muggle remedies for sleeping. What a curious thing.
Neville was slowly crushing the lavender and the standard ingredient. He had automatically paired up with (Y/N), as always, but the girl thought that he was acting weird. He was unusually quiet, but (Y/N) was too tired to deal with that. There were still some giggles here and there, some fingers pointing, probably still too amused by last evening’s incident during dinner.
Professor Snape approached them from behind, quieting down the murmurs with his sole presence. Neville lowered his head so much that his chin touched his chest, feeling the professor’s breathing on his neck.
‘I don’t want to see chunks, Longbottom.’ He said before leaving to check on another pair of students.
Neville looked appalled at (Y/N), who was setting the cauldron.
‘What?’ She whispered. ‘You only have to go on until it’s like a cream.’
The rosy-cheeked boy nodded and continued.
Neville looked extra focused that day, maybe because the majority of the ingredients were plants? For once, (Y/N) thought it would be a good idea to leave him in charge, while she assisted him for a change. She was just so tired…
But oh, what a mistake it was trusting Neville Longbottom with a cauldron. 
It all happened fast.
Everything had gone alright until the last step, when the potion had to be stirred seven times clockwise. But somehow, Longbottom managed to screw up and stir counter-clockwise. 
The potion began bubbling and fuming abundantly:
‘CLOCKWISE NEVILLE,CLOCKWISE!!’ (Y/N) frantically exclaimed. The girl peeked above the cauldron in an attempt to fix the situation, but the fumes blasted and expanded- (Y/N) tried to get away from the cloud of fumes, but the strong mix of ingredients still had their effect; the girl quavered and tripped with someone else’s feet, falling down head first and hitting her forehead against the table.
The voices first were muffled and distorted, then they slowly faded away, as if she was listening underwater the sounds of the surface. Then, her eyesight weakened and clouded. (Y/N)’s consciousness finally drifted off to some other place, very far away from the Potions classroom.
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jawnjendes · 5 years
it came back for more | shawn mendes
university au, shawn x goth gf
AN: let me know if i should give the goth gf a name bc like,,,,,,,,,,, idk just let me know,, also does anyone actually like this series lmao
masterlist | series playlist
"You're leaving me?" Shawn asked in mock disbelief.
I knew he was joking, but the fact that he said it as we were walking through campus, in the view of many passing students was a little embarrassing. There was just no getting used to that, like he couldn’t get used to my emotional distance sometimes. I just kept my eyes on the ground and continued walking next to him. No hand holding today. Doesn’t mean I don’t adore him any less.
"I made plans with Stella weeks ago," I told him. "We already bought tickets."
Shawn smiled, letting go of his pretend hurt. "It's cool. I understand, and I hope you have fun."
"Shit, me too. I feel like this movie is going to destroy me."
Yes, this is about the most anticipated movie of the year. Yes, I was more hyped than I have been in months. No, there will not be any spoilers.
"You're welcome to tag along," I added. "I mean, if there's still seats available at the theatre."
He shrugged off the invite, which I knew he would do. Shawn wasn't into this particular franchise, claiming he was tired of this type of movie. Can't say I blame him, plenty of people felt the same way. It was just hard to ramble at him about it because he didn't know jack shit. That was why I was going to the movie with Stella.
"I'll just stay home and watch Grey's without you." He smirked.
"First of all, that's mean and I would never do that to you. Secondly, Grey's comes back next week!"
"Oh yeah."
“Besides,” I added, “I’m gonna spend the night at your place anyway. Just like every Thursday.”
“Yeah, but instead of twenty four uninterrupted hours, we’ll get…” Shawn counted on his fingers. “...Less than that?”
We made it back to my dorm to find Stella lying facedown on the couch. Shawn and I shared a look as we entered the vicinity. Not that this wasn’t unusual, it was just hard to pinpoint her reasoning for this. I mean, I shouldn’t talk. Sometimes I lie on the floor without explanation wherever I please. Stella was used to that, but Shawn would ask if I “wanted to talk” or something.
"Did you get spoiled?" I asked her.
"No," she replied, her voice muffled by the cushions. "I'm trying to kill time. There's five hours left before the movie!"
I sighed and went to sit on her legs. "I know. I made Shawn take my phone because I don't wanna go online and see something I don't wanna see."
Stella picked her head up. "That's a good idea." She reached for her phone on the table, extending her arm towards my boyfriend. "Can you take mine too?"
Shawn chuckled, back and forth between the two of us. But he took Stella's phone. "You're both crazy."
"And what about it?" I said back. Then I reached for his hand. "Anyway, I need you to keep me busy for at least three hours." I smiled and batted my lashes in an exaggerated manner.
"Only three hours?" he replied with a cheeky grin as he took my hand and got me to my feet again.
"Ugh!" Stella interjected as she rolled off the couch. "I'm going to the library! And I'm leaving my phone so I don't go online! If I'm not back before we have to leave, just assume I killed myself because I got spoiled!"
"That's valid," I told her, "but I like you better alive."
Two of the three hours went by before Shawn practically tired himself out. He tapped out and rolled onto his back, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I couldn’t blame him for pulling out (in every aspect) because it was close to finals season. Tensions were rising, he was finally feeling the consequences of missing assignments and poor exam grades. I knew that because I was going through the same thing. The semester was going to be over in a month, then I would be going back to California.
And Shawn was coming with me… for a week.
It got awfully cramped on my single size bed by the time Shawn was out like a light, so I got up and decided to get ready. I got dressed in the appropriate attire for this movie, a black t-shirt with the franchise logo and black leggings. Then I grabbed my makeup bag and sat down on the floor in front of my mirror. Halfway through my routine, Shawn awoke with a start.
"I'm up! Let's go again!" he said, sitting up.
I looked at him through the mirror, still blending concealer under my eyes with a sponge. "You're like, twenty minutes too late, my dear. I'm already getting ready."
He rubbed his eyes and yawned, nodding in response. "Okay…"
As he lied down again, I couldn't help but smile. Shawn was really fucking cute, and he had no right to be. I don't want to sound like that girl, because I’m rarely that girl, but how was I expected to spend three whole hours away from him tonight? Thursdays were usually our night, since neither of us worked or had class after four o'clock. I mean, nothing was going to stop me from going to this movie, let alone a cute guy with curly hair and a charming smile. That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t miss him.
"You're still welcome to join us," I told him from where I was sitting.
"You really want me to go, eh?" he replied, shifting to his side so he was looking at me.
"I'm just saying, it's probably the only time you'll see me cry."
Shawn picked his head up, eyes wide. "Seriously?"
Between the two of us, he was the crier. Are we surprised at this point? I had my exceptions, like watching a new movie I was very passionate about, or when my chronic GI issues would flare up and give me a panic attack. However, I haven't gotten sick in a while, so technically only one thing was going to make me weep.
"Well," Shawn spoke after a while, "guess I'm going."
I knew I was expecting tear jerkers, but I still sported my inner and outer wings to the movie. Half of it smudged onto my eyelids and half was under my eyes. On top of that, I got a dehydration headache, because I refused to drink water during a three hour long movie. I did eat popcorn, even though it was well after the time I cut off food for the day. That sounds concerning, but it's a thing I go through. If I eat after 8PM I will spend the night barfing.
Shawn, Stella, and I left the theatre practically buzzing. The mood of the film and the other moviegoers kept our spirits high, despite the fact that Stella and I had visible mascara tracks on our faces. I cried at things you wouldn’t normally cry at in a movie, like when your favorite character breathes, or makes a dramatic entrance.
"Okay," Shawn said, "that was actually a really good movie."
"Good enough to convert into a stan?" I asked, holding his hand.
"Mm, probably not."
I quickly let go of his hand. "Fine."
Walking towards the parking lot was when I started to feel something. My abdomen felt a little sore, and it made me slow down my steps a little bit. I placed my hand on my stomach; It wasn’t excruciating, but it was noticeable.
"You okay, honey?" Shawn asked, looking at me.
I nodded quickly and got back into step with him. However, the soreness was persisting by the time we got back to my car. I unlocked the doors to let Stella and Shawn in, but I stood where I was and focused on this pain. Maybe I cried too hard at the movie. Maybe the popcorn I had was giving me a warning.
Either way, there go my late night plans.
"So, I don't think I should stay at your place tonight," I told Shawn when I got in the car.
"Aw, why?" he asked.
"My stomach is, uh, acting up a little. Not feeling too good."
"You're gonna let your stomach stop you?" Stella piped up from the backseat. She wasn't one to normally say things like that. She knew how serious I got when I got sick.
I looked at her through the rear view mirror. "You got plans tonight?"
She picked at her nails and stayed quiet for a minute. "I have a friend visiting."
"Just stay at mine anyway," Shawn said to me. "I have the tea you like, and medicine, and a shit ton of blankets to keep you cozy. I'll be there to take care of you."
"I don't know, I wouldn’t wanna put that on you."
"I really don't mind."
We’ve been together five and a half months. In those months, I have gotten flare ups a handful of times, and all of those times had to do with trying new foods that ended up disagreeing with me. Each time I was with Shawn, and I had to tell him to leave me to deal with my illness. He did so, reluctantly. He really wanted to nurse me back to health, though.
Sickness is just so ugly. I didn't want to burden him with my physically unstable ass sleeping on the bathroom floor. I didn't want him to hear me puking in his bathroom. We just got to a place where things were Love sick, not Sick sick. Everything was so soft and sweet between us. For once nothing was grey, it was soft blend of black and pink. I didn’t want to taint it with my stupid gastrointestinal crap.
On the other hand, Stella is my roommate. She offers to look after me when I get sick, to which I always say no. I know how to handle it. Still, she goes to the extent of cancelling plans and breaking dates just in case I needed help. She was my safe person when went out. She was the extrovert who wanted and deserved to have a good time.
I had to stop by campus to drop Stella off, anyway. She got out of the car, reminding me once again that she'll have somebody over very soon.
Shawn turned to me once we were alone. "Please stay with me tonight."
"I don't need you to deal with my sickness," I said firmly. "It's nothing personal-"
"Okay, stop for a second," he told me. Then he placed his hand on the shoulder of my seat. "I know you know how to handle yourself when you get sick. It's like, a plan you've had to make and adjust over time, and you know it like the back of your hand. I get that, you know how to take care of yourself. I just don't want you to do this plan alone."
"I won't be alone, I have Stella." By that I mean, she's on standby only if things go really wrong... which is never. I’m not that sick.
This time, though… I’ve only felt actual pain one time before this.
Shawn gave me a look. "She's gonna be busy tonight. She wants to be busy tonight."
We stared at each other for a while. My stomach was flipping for reasons unrelated to illness. My boyfriend had stupidly kind, gentle intentions, and stupidly pretty eyes. He also had a very comfy bed.
I sighed. "Fine."
After some tea and rest, I felt a little better. I felt good enough to hop into bed with my boyfriend for about twenty minutes. It was fine until he was on top of me...
"Fuck, I'm sorry," Shawn frantically said, moving off of me. "Oh god, I'm so sorry."
My face was scrunched with pain, and I tried to control my breathing. The soreness from earlier turned into a sharp pain in my abdomen that made me push Shawn away from me. It was kind of a mood killer to say the least, since it made him panic.
"Are you okay?" he asked, voice trembling. "How bad is it? What do you need?"
"Shh!" It wasn't intended to sound mean, but I was trying to focus on what my body was doing.
I struggled to sit up, so Shawn held my lower back to support me. He kept asking questions, but I was rapidly tuning him out. The pain didn't get any better or worse, but I was feeling something in my guts. I got up and dashed into the bathroom.
We're going to get just a little TMI. I wanted use the bathroom, but my bowels weren't having it. Then, I wanted to puke but my stomach wasn't having it. I didn't know what to do, so I just stayed on the floor in front of the toilet and let my body try to figure things out for itself.
I shouldn't have had popcorn at the movies. Sure, popcorn is light on the stomach, but Stella wanted extra butter, and I hadn’t eaten for hours. I knew what I was getting myself into, and now I was paying for it. Add popcorn to the list of foods that were now forever tainted with a bad memory.
Shawn came knocking on the door, his voice full of concern. "Honey, are you okay? Can I come in?"
I didn’t say anything but he let himself in anyway. He sat next to me on the floor, next to where I was leaning over the toilet. Delicately, he moved my hair from my face and held it back.
"I don't think I'm gonna puke," I told him, resting my forehead on the seat. My mouth was watering inexplicably, and I felt a tingle in my feet.
"Okay, then let's get you back to bed," he said gently, placing his hands on my waist to help me up.
Then, I actually puked. Yup, no more popcorn for me.
It goes without saying that I was up for most of the night. I only threw up that one time, but I felt nauseous until the sun peeked through the window. Not only that, I always got a bout of anxiety whenever things with my stomach got bad, and it intensified knowing that I wasn’t home at my dorm. I wasn’t in the comfort of my squeaky single size bed. I didn’t have my phone charging next to me here because the only other outlet was on the other side of the room. I felt so out of place and I wanted to run, but I knew I couldn’t because traveling would only upset my stomach more.
Shawn fell asleep when I reassured him that I wouldn’t spend anymore time in the bathroom. He was on his side facing me practically the whole night. When I felt okay enough to lay down, I put one of the extra pillows between us and faced away from him. He started stirring by the time I was finally sleepy.
When I woke up in the late afternoon, I was just grateful I didn’t have class on Fridays. I couldn’t get up even if I wanted to.
I rolled onto my back, only to find that I was alone. I rubbed my eyes, then quickly remembered that I fell asleep with smudged eyeliner, and I just made it worse. I sighed and looked out the window from where I lied. It had gotten cloudy throughout the day. Thank god, today was not a sunshine kinda day for me.
If only I had the energy to get off my ass and go back home where I wanted to be.
My eyes blankly stared at the ceiling. Whatever spirit I had left in me was slowly floating away. My incorporeal being was rising out of my physical being, until voices outside the bedroom caused me to come back to earth.
“Oh, let me just see her! Maybe I can help!”
A woman. I slowly moved onto my side, curling up under the blanket and trying to focus on the window. Then, I heard Shawn’s voice.
“No! Ah - I mean…” He was suddenly outside the door. “Let me see if she’s awake.”
The door opened, but I didn’t move from my position. Shawn came up in my peripherals, and then he sat down on the empty side of the bed. His eyes met mine, and he smiled.
“Hey, you. How ya feeling?”
I blinked. “Tired… Not sick. Just tired.”
“As long as you’re not sick.” He brought a hand up to my head and stroked my hair. “Listen, my mom is here.”
“Why?” Seemingly innocent question, but it did make me feel some kinda way, and it certainly sounded like it.
“She comes every so often,” Shawn explained. “She’ll clean and do my laundry.”
Must be nice.
“I told her you were here,” he continued. “I told her you were sick, and she just wants to check on you.”
We had talked about me meeting his family. I joked about wearing a high ponytail with a pink scrunchie the way Meredith did in Grey’s Anatomy. Shawn replied by saying I’d be wearing a black scrunchie, duh. Clearly, it wasn’t supposed to be like this, the day after a particularly nasty flare up. I was severely unprepared and it was a couple of months too early. But how the hell am I supposed to turn his mother away when she was already here?
“I’ll go out there,” I told him. “Let me just wash my face first.”
Shawn looked pleasantly surprised. “Okay, great. We’ll be in the living room.” He kissed my forehead and got to his feet.
As I pushed myself out of bed, I noticed the persisting pain in my abdomen yet again. Not as bad as last night, but it was still there. I already knew how to handle this.
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hunnywrites · 5 years
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Arcade Dreams: Chapter Fourteen
Summary: There’s a new girl working at the Palace Arcade and Hawkins’ Family Video. Billy can’t stand her, and the feeling is mutual. No matter what everyone else seems to think.
Pairing: Billy Hargrove/OFC
A/N: Alright so it turns out writing about Billy having feelings other than angst is pretty tough. But you know, we’re finally making progress on the romance front. Enjoy!
Teddi ended up chickening out over calling about the apartment. It had been about a week or so since Hopper had come into the video store, and the idea of living off on her own was still constantly on her mind. If only she could just make herself call. Instead she could only trace the phone number that she had written on the back of one of her notebooks. She hadn’t brought it up with Billy either. He would’ve been supportive of the idea, Teddi knew he would. She didn’t have any siblings to worry about like he did. No strings tying her to her family. And she could already practically hear him joking about her apartment being the new party spot. Like she’d let that happen. But there was this part of her that worried that he might think the whole thing was stupid. That he might tell her she was running from her problems or being a baby. So for now she would keep it to herself. 
Now Teddi was in the library during her free period, mindlessly tracing that same phone number as she chewed on her lip. Initially she’d decided to use her free period to finish up on some homework before she had to go to work, but her mind was much, much too busy to focus on any math homework she had. In fact, she was so spaced out that she didn’t even notice that someone was walking up behind her. 
“What’s that?” Teddi jumped at the sound of Steve’s voice. 
She held a hand to her chest, glaring up at him as he pulled the seat across from her out and plopped down. “It’s nothing.” she said a little too quickly. 
Steve raised an eyebrow. “...That definitely doesn’t sound suspicious,” he grinned. “Come on, Ted. It’s me, Steve, you can tell me. You got a boyfriend you’re keeping a secret or something?” 
Teddi rolled her eyes. “Nothing so scandalous,” she joked. She supposed there was no real harm in telling Steve. He was a much more impartial party compared to Billy. “...You know that apartment building you told me about at the New Year’s party? The one out by the steel mill? I’ve kinda been thinking of moving there. Like getting out on my own and all.” she eyed Steve nervously while she waited for his reaction.
“Pfft, I sure wish I could move out,” was all he said. “My old man’s constantly down my neck about what I’m gonna do after school. Like I’m supposed to have any idea.” he scoffed. 
Teddi let out a small breath of relief and smiled. “You don’t have any colleges lined up?”
“Uh, well I was trying to pick out a few to apply to...but then I couldn’t really decide on any...and then I kinda missed all the deadlines to apply,” he nodded, flashing a sheepish grin. “What about you? I mean, you’ve gotta have schools trying to kick down your door, right?”
College. That was another subject that Teddi wanted to avoid. She’d been busting her ass working two jobs and making sure her grades were nothing short of amazing so that she could make sure to get into a good school...but there wasn’t really anything she dreaded more. And she was completely aware that it didn’t make a lick of sense. “Well, actually I got into NYU which was like...my dream school...but I don’t really know if I’m gonna go if I’m completely honest.”
Steve’s eyebrows shot upwards and he grinned. “Wait, what? Teddi, that’s amazing! Why wouldn’t you want to go there? I’m pretty sure Johnathan Byers would kill you just to take your place.” 
Teddi let out a snort before shrugging. “I don’t know...I know it sounds dumb. Trust me. I’ve just been wondering lately if I actually want to go to college or if I’m just doing it because it’s what people our age are supposed to do, you know? Or if it’s just like an excuse for me to get out on my own. And I feel like I finally have actual friends here now and I’m up and leaving. It kinda bums me out.” there was also the added fact that she had absolutely no idea what she would major in. She didn’t like admitting to people that her life wasn’t as put together as they might think. 
Steve shot Teddi a knowing look before leaning forwards. “Please tell me this isn’t about Billy Hargrove.”
Teddi scoffed, sinking down in her seat. “Oh please, Steve.” sure Billy was part of it. Of course he was part of it. Teddi was as close with Billy as she was with Steve, maybe even more so now. Which was ironic since they had been sort of mortal enemies, but it wasn’t solely about him. 
“What’s the deal with him anyways? You can’t honestly be falling for this whole ‘nice guy’ act he’s been pulling lately, can you?” Teddi could definitely understand Steve’s skepticism. After all, he was the guy that Billy had beaten unconscious just four months ago. At the same time though Teddi had a hard time imagining that the Billy she knew now could ever do something like that. 
“Look, I know that he’s not exactly Mr. Rogers,” Teddi said. Steve let out a snort. “But he’s really a lot different now. It’s like a 180...well, maybe more like a 150. We’re not completely there yet. I think if you two can get over your weird alpha male thing you have going you could probably even be friends,” Steve only shot her a disbelieving look. “If I can be friends with him then so can you. You’re friends with Johnathan Byers now, aren’t you?” 
Steve held up his hands. “Yeah, yeah. Look, I’ll take your word for it. I mean I don’t think me and him are gonna be hanging out any time soon...I just want you to be careful. If Billy really is trying to not be such a shit head then great. But just...keep an eye out.”
Teddi would be lying if she said she didn’t have her own reservations about Billy’s behavior. There was this tiny part of her that wondered if maybe it was all some sort of an act. Like Billy might be pretending to be a genuinely nice guy to get in her pants. But she always brushed it off. She wanted to have more faith in him than that. And she definitely wasn’t going to voice her paranoia out loud. “Yes, mother hen.” was all she said instead, grinning at Steve. 
Steve rolled his eyes. “Cute. Really cute. Hey, do you have the notes from history?” 
“You mean you didn’t take any?” Teddi asked with a smile as she started to search through her backpack for her notes. 
“...Oh, totally. I just wanted to compare them with mine.”
Teddi let out a snort. “Uh-huh...shit. I don’t have my binder. I think I left it in my gym locker. I’ll be right back, okay?” Steve threw her a thumbs up before Teddi rushed out of the library.
Billy usually liked to spend his free period in the gym. It always got quiet after gym class ended, and maybe aside from a few girls that liked to sit on the bleachers while he practiced his free throws no one really bothered him. Teddi had asked if he wanted to join her in the library while she finished up some homework. He’d said that he’d rather chew off his own foot than voluntarily step foot in the school library. 
There was also the fact that there was something that was bothering her and she actually seemed to think she could hide it from him. Teddi was somewhat of a shitty liar. Or at least he was really good at seeing through it when she lied. He wasn’t really sure which it was. Probably the latter. The bigger issue was that he had asked if there was something going on and she kept lying. So he had dropped the issue. But he also definitely didn’t want to sit around for a whole hour while she dodged his questions and acted like everything was perfect and told him to stop being so pouty. 
“Billy!” someone called just as he gracefully tossed the basketball into the basket. Billy turned, trying his very hardest not to roll his eyes when he spotted Cheryl leaning up against the bleachers. The small group of girls sitting a few feet away didn’t bother to hide the dirty looks they were shooting in her direction. 
He had been trying to avoid her for the last week or so. Teddi had been right; Cheryl Burns made him downright miserable. But ignoring a girl like Cheryl was proving to be pretty difficult. She didn’t really like to take no for an answer. Which he found pretty annoying. Just two days ago he had turned her down for a night out at the drive in, and yet there she was wagging those long, red nails at him beckoning him over like it had never happened. 
Billy let out a soft huff and jogged over to her, nodding once at her. He wasn’t going to try and charm her like he did with every other girl he spoke to. It would just give her the wrong idea. Cheryl bit her bottom lip, smiling up at him as she batted her eyelashes at him. “You busy?” she asked, tilting her head to the side. Her hands rested just barely at his sides.
Billy looked at her and back out to the basketball court. “...What does it look like to you, Cheryl?” 
She playfully rolled her eyes. “I need to talk to you for a sec.” she reached out and took one of Billy’s hands in hers and pulled him towards her.
He pulled away. “Can we do this some other time? Like I said, I’m busy.” 
Cheryl definitely wasn’t the sort of girl that got turned down often. Billy wouldn’t really be surprised to find out he was the first to do so. There was a moment where the sweet, seductive look Cheryl was giving him turned into one of annoyance and he hoped that it meant she would throw a fit and stomp out of the gym and leave him alone. 
He wasn’t so lucky. “And I said that I need to talk to you.” she nearly spat through her teeth. 
Billy rolled his eyes. “Fine. Talk.”
The seductive smile was back just as fast as it had disappeared. Cheryl happily took his hand in hers once again and pulled him out of the gym and into the hall. Whatever it was that she had to say, she clearly didn’t want to do it in front of an audience. She lead him two doors down to the girl’s locker room. Cheryl did a quick scan of the room to make sure they were alone before she spun around, giving Billy a soft shove against a row of one of the lockers and kissing him roughly.
Billy’s hands instinctively went to Cheryl’s waist before his conscience (which he was annoyed to realize seemed to sound a lot like Teddi’s voice) told him to stop. His hands moved to Cheryl’s shoulders and he pushed her away gently. He smirked down at her, raising an eyebrow. “I thought you said you wanted to talk?” 
Cheryl blinked up at him innocently, or as innocently as a girl like Cheryl could manage, and ran her hands down his bare chest before resting on his stomach. “Did I say that?” she all but giggled. Billy supposed he should have seen this coming. It was definitely a trick he would try to pull. He knew that he needed to get out before he did something he’d regret later. He was pissed at Cheryl. He didn’t even like Cheryl. So why was he sticking around? Christ, he thought, don’t pull on that thread. 
“Cheryl, if you want someone to fool around with how ‘bout you go find that moron Brian Jean?” he asked with an expectant look. After Christmas break ended Billy had offered to kick the shit out Brian for ditching Teddi to hook up with Cheryl at David’s party. Teddi had practically forbidden him, but that didn’t mean Billy wasn’t allowed to fuck with him. And he definitely hadn’t missed the pleased look on Teddi’s face a few days earlier when Billy “accidentally” happened to brush his keys down the entire side of Brian’s shitty little Chevette.  
Cheryl rolled her eyes. “Are you honestly still mad about that? That was forever ago, Billy. I didn’t even think you’d care,” Yeah, that’s the problem, he thought with a scoff. Cheryl hands snaked around his neck, pulling him down closer to her. “Come on, Billy, let me make it up to you.” she purred. Billy liked to think of himself as a strong guy. That he wasn’t swayed easily no matter what the situation was. But as annoying as he found Cheryl Burns, there was something about her that seemed to short circuit his brain. The shorter, more simple answer was that it was probably because she looked like the girls in his Playboys.
Everything after that was sort of a blur. He wasn’t sure how long he had been there with Cheryl. The bell hadn’t rung yet. That was really all he was able to discern. Billy had turned the pair of them around, pushing Cheryl’s back up against the lockers. His hands had a firm grip on her ass while her hands were tangled in his hair, her long tails scratching gently at his scalp. He hadn’t really thought much of the situation until he heard the locker room door open and a very familiar voice say “Oh, jeez. Sorry. Jeez. Uh I just…my locker…”
Billy spun around. Teddi was standing by the door with a hand over her eyes. He felt his stomach drop. Cheryl scoffed. “Can we help you?” she asked, glaring daggers at Teddi. 
“I, uh, gotta get something out of my locker is all...and then go and die from embarrassment.” she muttered. Teddi rushed passed Billy and Cheryl and disappeared for a moment. Billy heard her locker open and close before Teddi nearly bolted out of the room. He quickly followed after her, ignoring Cheryl’s protests. 
“Teddi! Teddi, can you fucking slow down?” he called, jogging to catch up with her quick strides. He grabbed her arm to stop her and spun her around to face him. She refused to make eye contact with him. He wanted to say something. His brain was screaming at him to say something to her. But he couldn’t seem to get anything out. “...I’m sorry.” was all he could manage.
Teddi still wouldn’t look him in the eyes. “Sorry?” she still sounded surprised to hear him use that word. “What’s there for you sorry about?”
“I mean…” he turned and gestured back towards the locker room awkwardly. “What just happened. Cheryl said she wanted to talk and then all the sudden-” all the sudden what? He asked himself. Teddi caught you fooling around with the same girl you said you were gonna stop fooling around with? Idiot. 
“You really don’t have to apologize. Really. I just needed some history notes. I’ll see you around, okay?” Billy didn’t think he’d ever seen Teddi so frazzled before. Everything about her at that moment was so unlike the Teddi he knew. He was a little surprised she didn’t give him an earful about how he needs to stop seeing Cheryl and leading her on. Now it just seemed like she would rather be anywhere that wasn’t near him. His jaw set firmly. “Don’t do that.” he didn’t let go of her arm.
“Don’t do what?” she asked with a loud sigh.
“Don’t act like nothing happened. Where’s the lecture?” he asked, leaning down so his eyes would meet hers. “You don’t have anything to say to me? No matters of the flesh comments?” he hated how angry he sounded. He was angry with himself, not Teddi. 
“Billy…” Teddi’s eyes were pleading. He felt bad all over again. He dropped her arm quickly as if it had burned him. “...I’ll see you later.” she muttered. All he could really do now was helplessly watch as Teddi nearly ran down the hall and away from him and the locker room. 
“God, what is taking you so long?” Billy’s hands clenched into fists at the sound of Cheryl’s voice. He whirled around to see her poking her head out of the locker room. “Are you coming back in here or what?” 
“Fuck off, Cheryl.” he spat, stomping past her and back to the gym. This whole being nice thing was definitely stressing him out more than he expected it to. He actually felt embarrassed. Embarrassed that he had been caught doing something so completely stupid. Embarrassed that he cared so much about how upset Teddi seemed by the whole thing. And it was definitely embarrassing to admit to himself that he knew why he cared so much. It wasn’t a secret that he was into Teddi. He definitely hit on her enough. But it was a little more than that. 
He couldn’t even say the words in his mind. That he liked Teddi. Something like that seemed so pathetic to say out loud. Not to mention it would get him nowhere. Teddi had turned him down enough times to know he didn’t stand a chance with her. Still, the feeling he’d gotten when he saw that she’d walked in on him and Cheryl was that same feeling he’d had when he’d walked into the Palace Arcade before New Year’s and saw Teddi talking to Steve. 
It made that familiar anger bubble inside of him, but in a different way. He was angry at himself. He felt pathetic. Practically pining over some girl. Maybe that was part of why he kept Cheryl hanging on. She was a way to momentarily forget about any sort of feelings he might have. Which was also pretty pathetic. 
There was also the option of just saying something. To stop acting like such a little bitch about it. Yeah, he thought with a scoff, I think I’d rather let Max hit me in the dick with that bat than do that. He shoved the gym door open and grabbed his bag before heading back to the locker room for a shower. At the very least they’d have to talk about this. He completely dreaded the idea. He was sure Teddi was dreading it too. But this whole ignoring each other any time shit got tough thing was getting old. 
But he underestimated Teddi. When she didn’t want to talk to someone, she meant it. He hadn’t seen even a glimpse of her for the rest of the day. He’d even skipped out on his last period early to catch her in the parking lot. When he got there her van was already gone. When he dropped Max off at the arcade he asked Keith if she was around, and he’d said she was off on her break. Billy still wasn’t sure if he was telling the truth or covering for her. 
He felt a little panicked then. Like finally he had gone and really fucked up. Maybe now Teddi wouldn’t want anything to do with him anymore. Maybe he had gone and chased off the one friend he had in Hawkins. To say he was angry with himself was an understatement. He thought about calling, but quickly brushed the idea aside. He’d give her her space. She’d come to him when she was ready to talk. The only problem now was trying not to go absolutely insane while he waited for that to happen. 
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kwrittink · 5 years
Sweet Coffee
Pairing: Kim NamJoon x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: language (like one curse word?)
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Bitter and earthy scents surround them i the cold early morning, mixed with the characteristic odor of every flip of the worn-out pages. The little sounds cutting through the quietness of the coffee shop - bell dinging softly at every opened door in the distance, whirring of espresso machines and the drag of chairs through the wooden floor - was soothing as it was familiar. 
"Isn't this the hundredth time you read this book?" Her words made NamJoon snap up from the slightly frayed book, a smile growing on his lips upon meeting his beloved's eyes. 
"Yeah, I figured it was fitting," He started, hand unwrapping from the warm surface of 'his' ceramic mug - being a regular customer on the coffee shop and a good friend of the owner earned him and his girlfriend little privileges, that went as far as having their own table and a set of personalized mugs -, his drink barely touched due to the nervous feeling harboring inside his stomach and landed lightly over her chill fingers, coaxing a shudder to ripple through her body due to the difference in temperature. "Though you don't get to call me out while having that open in front of you, Y/N." Teased, eyebrow cocking up as his eyes pointing the familiar thick volume of the favorite book in front of her, prompting a snicker while their fingers intertwined naturally.
"I guess we really did think the same..." Y/N shrugged with a smile that NamJoon didn't notice for being too engrossed with the sight of their hands linked together, wishing to never let go as butterflies fluttered all over his insides. He felt so giddy that morning, but at the same time such a nervous wreck that reading that old book was the only thing keeping him distracted enough to not break down. "Funny, we eventually end up at our start point, and like the first day we met we're reading the same books, having the same drinks, sitting on the same spot. I think the issue is this place," She chuckled lightly, and NamJoon smiled back at her with an understanding nod. 
"Also, isn't that the same beanie you were wearing-"
"Don't start blaming my coffee shop for you being two love-struck puppies." Just in time the tall and lean man that went by SeokJin - or just Jin, like they called him endearingly - popped at the table, and the breath NamJoon was holding then could be released silently, not ready for Y/N to be noticing the little details yet. I've been preparing for this for a month but am still not psychologically ready, apparently. He scoffed, sure it would be mistaken as humoring the owner as he patted both of them, one hand at his shoulder and one at her head, just as if they were children - his children. "Talking about it, today's your three-year anniversary, huh?" 
"Yeah, and thought we should probably change coffee shops now, Y/N thought fitting for us to celebrate here." NamJoon shrugged teasingly and prompted an eye-roll from the burnt caramel haired male. 
"Because she's a loyal friend, you should know that by now," Jin shot back, winking suggestively at his friend. Okay, he's got everything ready apparently. "And I may have told her there was a new dessert I wanted her to try today."
"Oh, so that's why you were so eager to come huh?" He inquired, eyebrow quirking up. Y/N smiled sheepishly at him and NamJoon could probably die from the cuteness at that point, weren't he planning to achieve just one more thing before he could go. 
"So, as it's the inauguration of said dessert, I'll have people recording the whole thing; the preparation, decoration - even your reaction, if that's okay. You know, social media now is the best tool for marketing!" Snorting again, NamJoon watched with amusement his girlfriend's face scrunching at the idea of having someone recording her eating, but most of all how naturally SeokJin delivered his prepared lines, smiling at the really natural performance. Give this man an Oscar, please.
After the whole ordeal - Jin managing to convince Y/N to let him do a little video of her reaction but without tagging them and with little face exposure as possible - and laughter died down, they both set themselves in a comfortably small silence, Y/N sometimes muttering lines from her book softly and NamJoon spying on her - and the door where the food came out from - while pretending to read his own. Leg bouncing under the table, it didn't take a second glance to notice how much of a nervous wreck he was becoming, but he hoped Y/N was engrossed enough on her own little world to notice. 
It had been a cold end of summer when they first met, SeokJin's little coffee shop in a fairly good air after opening on the beginning of the hot season with a premise of a place that had special and seasonal beverages, earning a fair amount of popularity for the innovation, but more so for the good looks of the owner and chef, that happened to be his roommate at the time. So with the rising fame of the place, it was often to see it crowded but NamJoon always tried his best to hang out when he was around, knowing that it meant a lot for his friend the support. And of course free coffee was always nice. 
One particular day the aspiring writer and library cashier - his part-time job at that time - had the luck to find a table near one of the windows closer to the kitchen empty, promptly setting his stuff on the leather cushioned seat before heading to make his order. Luck would have it that his bag slid to the floor right after he turned around, so when a girl entered her newly favorite place in a rush upon seeing an empty table through the window, never noticed the bag right next to her feet. And in the exact moment she was getting up to make her order, NamJoon got back to the previously empty table, practically bumping into that girl and almost spilling the big cup of piping hot and just brewed Americano on the thickest wool sweater he had ever seen.
"Excuse me but, did you see a bag in here?" The boy in the black beany had a deep but soft voice, eyes confused as he searched with his eyes for his belongings. 
"No I'm sorry, the table was completely empty when I got h-" She was about to explain but as soon as she looked back gesturing, the dark bag stood out at the foot of the wooden furniture, causing her to gasp. "Oh that must be it! Surely it slid off from the table or something," she picked the bag and quickly handed it to him and he relished on the cheerful and sincere interaction, smiling a little and thanking her. 
"Well now I must be going, I'm sorry for the inconvenience," she started while mentioning to pick her stuff, the weary version of her thick romance almost slipping as she tried to balance everything in one hand, weren't for NamJoon's hands holding it in place. 
"Oh no please stay. The table surely is big enough for both, and outside must be freezing already." He asked, not wanting her to lose the only seat in the shop just because of a small misunderstanding. Her face sported a surprised expression and NamJoon's cheeks were burning slightly, not thinking he'd ever act that way in his entire life.
"Well I won't be asked twice... If you don't mind," she smiled, setting herself and her steaming beverage in front of him, a grin on his lips to mimick the greeting gesture.
A silence installed itself right after as they both pulled books to the table, and NamJoon would realize that it wasn't an awkward moment at all, and would happen quite often as they met again and enjoyed their companies while sipping on their drinks and reading.
She cleared her throat softly, calling his attention. "Excuse me, but where did you get that edition of the book, if you don't mind me asking?" 
"Oh, it's the new one that just arrived at the library I work on. You know, little pros of working at the bookstore," NamJoon chuckled lightly, patting the brand new volume endearingly. The girl in front of him seemed thrilled to know he was employed at that kind of place and suddenly they were discussing about a diversity of subjects - the goods to have a physical book in hands and the pros of buying ebooks and things of the sort - without even proper introduction, but even before they both had to go and part ways and finally exchanged names and phone numbers, NamJoon had the conviction that he had fallen in love in that evening.
"Babe, oh my god," Y/N's exclamation was low, hand clutching to his in alarm. He looked up at her equally startled, having managed to relax a little and forget the world while deep in his memories, the heart previously aching with emotion now threatening to jump out of its cage.
Even NamJoon's eyes widened upon seeing the plate it was brought to the table. 
"Now, I really like the expression you guys have on, that's exactly the kind of awe I'm looking for," SeokJin started while placing the bigger-than-average golden plate in front of Y/N. "This is a special dessert created for special occasions and well, today it's a very special date to you two, am I right?" The little grin on the corner of his mouth failed completely to convey how excited the chef really was, but the man at the other side of the table could clearly see how thrilled he was. Y/N laughed, prompting NamJoon to do the same, seeing amusement glinting in her eyes as she asked what exactly was being served. 
"Well I'm glad you asked. This my dear, is a perfect dome of chocolate sprinkled with edible gold leaves and surrounded by peach slices and mint, that once this lovely hot salted caramel sauce is poured over will reveal a beautiful-" the dramatic pause for a chuckle almost made NamJoon roll his eyes as he picked the golden decorated porcelain holding said hot sauce and lifted it over the perfectly handmade reversed bowl. "Probably is better if you see it for yourself, hm?"
Like a true entertainer - something that nowadays was very useful on the gastronomic business - he tipped the porcelain, caramel spreading quickly over the whole expanse of the semisphere and slowly making it wrinkle then gape, melting from the center and out, while silence fell over the whole ambient, growing curiosity of all in the small coffee shop to know what was hidden inside. 
Namjoon could only watch the expression on Y/N's face change as her eyes set on the surely old-fashioned and delicate ring placed carefully on top of the creamy texture of the pretty white chocolate cheesecake just as if it was a cherry. At far there was a small gasp, and that was probably what made her snap her eyes up and put him to move, knees finally responding to the commands to get up. "Na-"
"Y/N, I know that you don't like grand gestures or a big exposure and predictable scenarios for this kind of thing since I happen to know the kind of stuff you read," he started, chuckling a little as he got down on one knee beside her, hand holding the trembling other with candour and eyes meeting a little scared for both sides. "But I couldn't do this without trying to show you how much you mean to me and the feelings that I usually fail to express are practically spilling out of my chest. 'In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.'" A smile grew on his face with successfully managing to speak without his voice trembling, and almost broke into a laugh upon watching Y/N's expression change at the recognition of the quotation, face falling just a little in mocking disappointment for having her favorite book used in such manner. "In simple words, I planned all this to ask you: Would you marry me?"
There was a feeling of general commotion on the small coffee shop, making NamJoon slightly conscious and he would have been blushing if it weren't for being so engrossed in watching Y/N's expressions change as the words sank in. 
A sob cut her words before she could answer and crushing off his nerves for a second, her pained frown worried him a lot. "Y/N What- What happened?" He started, even mentioning to get up, but quickly shoved back down by her trembling hands. 
"Before I can answer that, I need you to know something- Two things actually." As his girlfriend spoke kneeling on the ground together with him, fingers ice-cold cradling his face, a sense of dread threatened to wash over him, an insistent nausea right at his throat. "First of all, I love you so, so much,"
He swallowed loudly, parting his lips to say the phrase back but unable to get anything out, too aware of the people staring at him - not that they mattered to him at that point - and waiting for something to come out of that big gesture he had put on and was starting to regret immensely. Softly, NamJoon felt himself nod, encouraging the girl in front of him to continue, even if by then he was staring completely unfocused at her face. 
"Second is, I-" Y/N took a deep breath, and as she breathed out the smell of half the sugarless coffee she had gulped down before SeokJin's specially made dessert arrived at the table flooded his senses, forcing him to blink and finally focus on her teary eyes. He waited, unable to search his mind for something that he had done - or any other reason - that caused his beloved so much pain to be crying like that. One more sob cut through the silence, the whole place so quiet one could hear a pin fall on the wood floor.
"I'm pregnant, NamJoon. Found out this morning, three months already." At her blurting, it took NamJoon at least an eternity so he could put words to the sounds, meaning to the words and finally shift the world back to place. As if far away he heard some people gasp shocked with the turn of events, waiting for development.
"Shut the fuck up," he breathed out, lungs aching with the lack of oxygen as he was completely unaware from holding his breath till then. "I'm going to be a dad?" 
Y/N's face crumpled with a mix of feelings, letting out a little relieved whimper - that she'd later on blame on the hormones - before nodding, heart beating so fast upon seeing the growing smile of the man in front of her, letting herself be pulled into a hug that was meant to ground both as their throats loosened, letting out little chuckles. 
"Yeah but now answer his question!" The voice of one customer urged at the back, startling them enough to remember that they weren't in fact alone.
"Oh right!" She chuckled, sitting back on her knees and grabbing his hands, heart swelling at the look of complete adoration NamJoon got on, eyes twinkling with unshed tears. "We do, love." Y/N stated, the cutest giggle he thought she could have ever produced muffled as the whole shop broke into cheering while he wrapped his arms around her figure, breathing ojlut his relief and filling his lungs with the scent of her, that not only occupied the spot of fiance but also mother of his children all in the same day. Parting for a moment he looked down, hands sliding to her jaw with utmost delicacy.
"Great, you were making me a little nervous already." And as the deprived man he was, NamJoon kissed her, lips pressing with a certain urgency of somebody that couldn't handle too many emotions in one day. Jin cleared his throat to call their attention, prompting them to break the intimate gesture and look up at his 'proud dad' expression.
"So, should I still not tag you both on this post?" 
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writersblock2point0 · 6 years
Sweet Serial Killer, Part 2
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Oh wow guys! I actually did it! Omg. I’m so proud of myself.
Now, I really need ya’ll to read this next bit. 
Blood, gore, like omfg so much gore. Skinning, flaying a man, death(don’t worry, no one important-duh) and Jerome being a fucking badass. This iss very VERY dark material, like sickening to most(or some of you, lets be honest, if you were wanting more after the first one ya’ll be a little fucked up). 
Okay, so I hope ya’ll enjoy. This is more relationship building with the three main boys(A,M,C) omfg I'm totally calling them AMC from now on! So yeah, amc bond building with Jerome but also the others. Like, super cute but in a demented and concerning way? I was also inspired by GoT with this. (Go House Bolton*coughcough) 
Also, the song mentioned in this is Teddy Bears Picnic, if you were curious. It’s a creepy, but favorite of mine. 
The rain hits the world outside. Drops running down the large window as I sat at the small square table, a small cup of coffee in hand as I watched the drops compete with one another. When two would combine, I’d move to another, and then another.
I looked up when I heard the soft clicking of heels, turning to see Jane suddenly peering down at me. She was wearing this cute dress that was black and lace. It ended at her knees, and the sleeves puffed but ended at her elbows. It had a high collar, and held her Volturi crest as a brooch. Her hair was pulled back into a tight bun, elegantly braided and looked softer than silk. Her red eyes were accented by her bold makeup.
I smile up at her, “Janie! So lovely to see you here, what are the odds?”
She doesn’t reciprocate a smile. “The masters want you home. You’ve been gone for a while.”
I smirk, “What? Only them? You sure you didn’t miss me?” She doesn’t answer, and doesn’t look impressed as I sigh and tell her to sit. She does, sitting taller than ever and with an air of propriety. If I didn’t know any better, I’d take her as a trophy. I’d keep her hair, and eyes, and those lovely lips. I wonder if there’s a way to make a body last as long as I would like it to, other than the obvious.
Vampires. I hum to myself, sipping my coffee as I look out the window again. Aro, the head of this family, along with Marcus and Caius offered me a home and something I haven’t had in a long time. Love. Did they love me? No, perhaps they loved the things I do; my mind, my creations, my art. A trill of pleasure slithered down my spine at the thought. Yes, my art.
Still, vampires. Who would have ever guessed. I freeze as I see a child walking down the street, a yellow umbrella and a pair of bright red rain boots. From the white dress, I could see it was a girl, with long yellow hair and light skin. I held my breath as flashes flickered inside my head, images of what to do, how to do it. I watched her turn to look at a woman with a baby and a obviously round belly calling to her. I relaxed as I turned back to Jane. Giving her a smile, and finished my coffee.
The castle was quiet when we entered, other than the brunette receptionist greeting us. The one that was here when I first arrived didn’t make it long. It wasn’t because of me, but a guard lost control. Sad, I would have liked to hear her beg, her voice was always so lovely. What was her name again?
We walked in silence to the library, a place the masters often were. It was a large room, bigger than my childhood home, filled with old books, ones with pictures and ones without them, ones in different languages, and ones that were actually journals. They even had scrolls.
The doors opened, and I followed Jane in. The air was stiff, but it wasn’t like these vampires needed to breathe, or open a goddamn window. It smelled of paper and wood, and dust. I stand still as we come to the table they are seated at. Marcus is sitting, a comically large book in front of him, and his long boney hand smoothly flips a page, not making any sound as he does so.
Aro was standing with a book in hand, eyes flashing over the pages before he turns them.
Caius was sitting in a chair, but he wasn’t reading. He was staring me down. I’m wondering why he looks less pissed than he usually does. Perhaps there was a feeding today and I didn’t know about it. I do not attend those, for my own safety, as Aro puts it.
“So nice of you to join us, Jerome.” I turn to Aro, seeing his eyes on me. He shuts his book, and in a blink of an eye is standing before me, palms out and fingers wiggling in a ‘gimme gimme’ way. His face is frozen in a stoic grin as I let him see.
“Hm, still looking for inspiration?”
“Yeah, though I’m willing to wait. Are you?”
He lets my hand go, grinning at me in surprise, head tilted down as his eyes narrowed in amusement, as if I made an inappropriate joke, as if I was flirting. “Of course, you always make it worth the wait dear.”
I sniff, my lungs uncomfortable with the air. I nod, turning to the closest window and opening it. The rain smelled refreshing, and I let the breeze comb through my hair as I hear the book pages ruffle in the wind.
“Why must you always open that blasted window Jerome.” It was no question, but a bitten remark from Caius. I feel myself smirk, and I look at him from over my shoulder.
“Why must I breathe you ask?” His eyebrows raise, as if I offended him. “I’m hurt, Sir, I thought you wanted me alive and kicking. Without me, you don’t have your fun.”
He narrowed his gaze, “You call what you do fun?”
“For me it is, for you? Hm, no.” I smirk, glancing at him from the corner of my eye, “But you like to watch, don’t you.” He glowered even more at my remark. I hum, looking outside. I was still at a loss as to what to do next. I didn’t have a victim; usually I got one and then the inspiration would come to me. But not so much these days. It’s been four days, since I’ve started looking. I needed to scratch the itch, just reach over and sink my nails into my skin and dig. Dig until skin peeled off, until blood stained my fingers, and screams shredded my ears. Not my screams of course, no, that wouldn’t do. How could I enjoy it if I was screaming the whole time? No, the screaming was for the victims, my sweet little victims.
“You're spacing again, dear.” Aro’s voice is a far away echo that travels closer as my thoughts are waved away. I hum, turning to look at him. I know I look dazed, perhaps even a little high.
“I’m sorry, did you say something?”
Aro grins, like a proud father looking at a monstrous child destroying a toy. So loving and oblivious to what their child will grow to be, but I suppose Aro is encouraging my future.
“Be patient child, you will find the one.” Marcus’s weazed advice is almost calming, but I still cannot help feel a twinge of annoyance. I am calm, and I am patient. Who said I wasn’t? Nevertheless, I send the three of them a charming smile, wild thoughts flowing through my brain like a river. Persistent and untamable.
“I hope so,” I reply, watching a bird land on a ledge of a window across the city. For your own sake.
I smiled as I dragged the body in by the ropes I tied around the man's ankles. I found the perfect one. Dark silky hair, long lashes that tears would just cling to, beautiful blue eyes. I pass by Demetri and Felix, both give me charming sinister smiles.
“Murder on the agenda today?”
I hum, “Not until next Tuesday,” I stop pulling, letting the rope fall off my shoulder as I turn to gaze down at my new plaything. He was a looker. He’d be a gorgeous vampire. I sigh, tilting my head, too bad he wouldn’t be pretty for too much longer. Perhaps I’ll keep his skin.
“Would you like some help?” Demetri offers, red eyes unblinking as he stares me down.
I nod, “Yes, please. I want him perfect.” I watch as Demetri holds the limb figure, wincing as his shoes drag. “Be gentle, if he bruises too much it won’t look right.”
“What do you have planned for us this time?”
“Something long, something I need to think carefully about. Too much at once and he will die, too little, it is boring.” I speak freely, knowing that usually I surprise them all. I like to be secretive. Very secretive.
My nerves fluttered inside of me. My stomach swelled with each step and I was so eager to get to my special boy. I hummed to myself, a jolly little tune, pushing the doors opened as I entered the room that the Master’s themselves set up perfectly for me. There were their chairs, not that they would have an issue standing forever, but they were royalty, so of course they needed designated seats. Each master was seated in his respected seat. A guard on each side of them. A few were by the doors, letting me pass as I pushed a small trolly in. It squeaked as I rounded the large wooden X. I could sense Caius’s agitation on my back. I would need to fix the wheel if I didn’t want to hear him complain for an hour.
I rub my fingers, so happy to have finally found one so special. My perfect boy. He would be the best yet.
“My sweet,” Aro smiles, eyes light with curiosity as he watched me. He waves me over, but I stand still. He wanted to see, but I shook my head.
“No.” Reaching up, I let my finger tips fall over the bare ribs of my boy, feeling him shutter as my fingers were probably cold. I hummed as I saw his nipples harden from the sensation, though I doubt it was because of arousal. “It’s a supposed to be a surprise.” I look to him, “You’ll ruin the fun.” Aro sat back, taking my small, useless warning to heart. I was human, I couldn’t hurt him, but perhaps I would be turned and I knew newborns were dangerous.
I slowly lift the sack I made sure Demetri placed over the boys head. He winced at the low light of the torchest, casting a yellow glow over the room as he took in everything around him.
“What-what is this?” He was english, coming from somewhere I wasn’t able to pinpoint but the accent was cute. I wondered if you could hear it in his screams.
“Shhh,” I place a finger to his lips, stepping closer to him. It wasn’t that warm in this room, and his body was already shivering. I frowned, turning to Aro. “Can we turn up the heat?”
“Is it necessary?” Caius replied, and I nodded. He snapped his fingers and two lower guards quickly left.
“Don’t worry, we’ll get you warm soon enough. You’re gunna need it.” I grin, and he’s already got tears in his eyes. I love it. They pool under his eyes, reddening his cheeks as they stick to his lashes. Just like I had hoped. I spend a few moments admiring his face, he was so pretty.
“If you would, Jerome.” Caius complains, and I pause in tracing the boy’s cheek bones. “Start already!”
I clench my jaw, “It is not warm enough. I want him to sweat.”
“Why? So you can order for the room to be cooled?” He shot back, and I hissed.
“Be patient you old hag, I am trying to enjoy this!” His eyebrow shoots up, and I give him a charming smile, “It will be fun. Now, let me work.” He doesn't say anything, but his eyes have darkened in the low lighting.
“I’m sorry, he is such a rude man.” I whisper to him, going back to following his jaw. “He is very old you see,” I move to the side, taking the boys chin and turning him so he is looking at Caius, “He does not allow himself to enjoy the little things. Like how pretty you are. Isn’t he pretty Caius?” I use his first name, knowing how it irks him. I grin at how Caius’ hand twitches as he glares at the boy. “Hm?”
“Jerome.” I sighs, seeing a bead of sweat roll down the boy’s neck. He’s ready. I reach over to the trolly, taking the comically clean white sheet and lifting it, making sure my special boy can’t see what is on it. He wouldn’t like it too much. No, and I want him guessing.
I take a very thin blade, one I had picked out just a few days ago specifically for this.
“Tell me, what is your name?”
“Llion.” His voice was barely a whisper as he watched me, eyes such a beautiful crystal. It was like looking at a broken sky.
“Llion,” I parroted, bringing the blade out and he shifts in fear as he sees it. “Now, I need you to hold very, very, still for me.” I stand in front of him, “Can you do that?”
He’s looking around, probably for help or an escape, but when he finds none, he resolves so silently nodding. “Yes.”
“Good.” I boop him on the nose, “I knew you could be a good boy. Now, I have another question for you. Have you ever read a book, called a Song of Ice and Fire?”
He furrows his brow, shaking his head.
“Well, there is a quote, from there that I just love.” I smile, holding my hands behind my back, “It goes like this,
‘A naked man has few secrets; a flayed man has none’.”
His eyes widen, and I take it all in.
“No! No, please!”
I grab him by the face, holding him still as he cries. “Stop. I said, stay still.” I hold his arm, and begin. I watched a few videos on skinning animals, and so I have a vague idea of what I want to do. I hum the same song I sang before, content in my work as I ignore his jerking and screams. I smiled as I sliced a piece from the top of his wrists to elbow. The skin was thin and floppy as I dangled it in front of his face.
I didn’t even bother to look, just tossing the piece away from me and hearing it hit the stone floor with a nice wet splat. Poor Llion was sobbing, shuttering with pain as he kept his head down. I marveled at what it looked like underneath his skin, running a finger over it and shivering at the feel. It made him make a funny noise.
I worked quietly, pausing to admire his bare arm as I worked my way up to his shoulder. I just began to reach it when a large mass suddenly pushed me away, causing me to fly back and onto my ass. A guard was on Llion like a cat on a mouse, teeth sunken into his fleshless limb. Llion screamed as, what I assume is the venom, hit him, also the biting of course. I wrinkled my nose, shaking with anger as I stared the vampire down.
How dare he!
“Jane!” I bit out, and smiled as the vampire crumbled under her gaze, feeding stopped as he froze in agony. I reached into my pocket and flipped my lighter open, calmly lighting him on fire before watching him erupt into flames. He would not be able to run the flames out, while he was still frozen in such pain.
I registered Llion’s screams, the venom working it’s way into him.
I spot a large machete on the floor, next to the overturned cart, and I pick it up, and shrug with a look at Llion’s arm. I hold his shoulder before hacking away at his socket. The arm falls from him, dangling in the air as it was still held up by a shackle. I take it and pull it apart, the bones and muscle causing a little strain, but without the skin, it seems to pull apart fairly well. I look to the other guards, eyes black as the stair me down. They are across the way, the burning vampire between us. The lower guard is silently screaming as he begins to crumble into dust. The flames are fanning me, and I bask in the heat they give. I sneer, looking them over and then at the arm.
“If you were that hungry, you could have just asked.” I throw the arm towards them, letting it fly through the arm and land with a slap and a roll, stopping at their feet. They don’t move, “Go ahead,” I can feel the tension in the room, and I soak it all in, letting it feed my anger. “Eat it.”
A guard, with a dark complexion and strong jawline, picks it up and holds it out to the others.
I throw my arms out, “Enjoy!” I give a mock bow, before turning back to Llion. He is crying, but isn’t screeching anymore. I see how much his wound is bleeding, and I place my blade over the guard’s dying flames, getting it red hot. I roll my eyes and carderize the wound.
“We can’t have you dying on us, can we Llion?”
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quickeningheart · 5 years
   Charley draped her arms over the back of the sofa, sipping her coffee as she watched her cousin race back and forth, preparing for her first day of school. Vinnie sat beside her on the couch, and Modo and Throttle were in the kitchen, taking surreptitious glances around the doorway as they cleaned up the breakfast dishes. All three mice seemed completely mystified by Alley’s behavior.
    When she headed down the hall, abruptly stopped halfway, and turned around to make a beeline back to her bedroom, Charley couldn’t take it anymore.
    “Alley. Alley!”
    The frazzled blonde screeched to a halt, looking over her shoulder with wide eyes. “What?”
    “Will you please relax?” Charley held up her mug with a grin. “You’re makin’ my coffee very nervous.”
    Alley blinked, then broke into a sheepish grin of her own. “Sorry. It’s just … I’m nervous. And excited. And nervous.”
    “What’s the big deal?” Vinnie scoffed. “It’s just school. Ain’t that a normal thing around here?”
    “It’s not just school. It’s college. It’s like … like jumping from the little leagues straight into the big ones!” Alley protested.
    “That’s right, boys. Our little Alley has to put on her big girl panties now. She’s playin’ with the grownups,” Charley teased.
    “You, shush!”
    A pair of balled-up socks was launched her way, almost landing in the mug. Charley managed to catch them without spilling too much coffee, and tossed them back. “And why are you taking an extra pair of socks?” she asked curiously.
    Alley blinked down at them, then threw her arms into the air. “I don’t know!” she wailed as she stomped back to her room.
    Charley leaned her forehead against the couch and laughed.
    “Is she gonna be okay?” Modo asked with amused concern.
    “Don’t worry, big guy. First day jitters.” She offered a reassuring grin. “We all got ‘em. College is kind of a big deal, and I think her parents are expecting a lot from her, especially her mom.”
    “Did you attend college?” Throttle wanted to know.
    “Hmmm.” She finished off her coffee; Vinnie instantly got to his feet to fetch her a refill, and she offered a grateful smile along with the mug. “Sort of,” she replied to Throttle’s question. “I graduated high school a few years ahead of everyone else my age, and I took some courses at a local technical school, just to supplement my knowledge and get an official business degree. I’ve always known what I wanted to do, though, and I already had the work experience, thanks to my dad and uncle. So I never felt the need for the whole college thing like Alley’s doing. Still, I do know how it feels, moving out on your own for the first time and all. It is exciting, and kinda scary. Nobody’s there to hold your hand anymore, ya know?”
    “Don’t worry, babe. I’ll always hold your hand when ya need it.” Vinnie plopped down beside her, handing her the mug and taking her free hand to press a soft kiss into her palm. His red eyes glowed with impish humor as she blushed at his charming actions. Throttle and Modo looked at each other knowingly and grinned.
    Alley made a reappearance, dragging a large, rolling backpack behind her that looked a bit like a miniature, bag-shaped version of her van. She set the gaudy pack by the stairway.
    “Are you bringing your entire library?” Charley asked, amused.
    “They’re my textbooks. And my computer.”
    “Do you need all the books? That’s a lot of extra weight to drag around. What classes do you have today?”
    “Lessee … Schedule…” Alley frowned. “Schedule…?” She patted herself down, eyes widening. “Schedule!” She turned on her heel and made a mad dash for her room, much to the amusement of her audience.
    “Girl’s gonna give herself a stroke before she makes it out the door,” Throttle observed with a chuckle, shaking his head.
    She reappeared with a thick yellow envelope and her phone. “I need a favor. Can someone take my picture? Mom demands pictures of my first day. I’ll never hear the end of it if she doesn’t get any.” She offered the phone with a pleading expression.
    Laughing, Charley held out her hand, but Throttle intercepted. “Stand with her. I’ll take one of you together,” he said.
    “Great idea!” Alley grabbed her cousin by the arm and hauled her to the bare wall. “Say cheese!” she teased, giggling at Vinnie’s snort.
    Charley stood stiffly and managed an awkward smile, clearly not used to being in front of a camera. Alley, on the other hand, snapped off a playful pose, flashing a double thumbs-up with a brilliant grin, hamming it up with practiced ease. The flash went off, and she relaxed, accepting the phone from Throttle. “Thanks!” She studied at the picture. “Hey, this thing has a great camera. Charley, why do you look constipated?”
    “Oh, shut up.” The mechanic laughed as she delivered a playful shove.
    “Is someone honking outside?” Modo rumbled, head cocking to the side as he listened. They fell silent, and in another moment, the faint sound of a car horn drifted in through the open window.
    “Oh! That must be Chex.” Alley slipped the phone into her pocket. “She’s giving me a ride to the campus today since we have some of the same classes.”
    “Not Chris?” Charley slid her a coy glance.
    “I think he would’ve, except Chex beat him to it,” Alley replied with a laugh, hoisting the heavy bag onto her shoulder.
    “That was nice of her.”
    “Nah. She only offered ‘cause she’s hoping I’ll convince one of you guys to give her a ride on your bikes.”
    They all stared at her. She flashed a hopeful grin. “Just one? Doesn’t have to be far. Around the block, even. Oh, and when I say ‘one of you’, I’m pretty sure she means you, specifically.” She turned her smile on Modo, who straightened at the sudden attention.
    “Why me?” he asked, confused.
    “Oh, I dunno. Maybe ‘cause you saved her life? And she’s got a serious case of hero-worship as a result?”
    He looked flustered as Throttle and Vinnie snickered behind his back. “I’ll, uh, think about it.”
    The horn sounded again, sounding even more impatient. “Alright, I’m comin’!” Alley huffed to no one in particular as she bounded down the stairs.
    The four of them stared after her for a moment, before Charley sniggered. “So,” she began amicably, “bets on how long it takes her to figure out she’s not wearing shoes?
    “You’re such a blonde,” Chex snorted as Alley slid into the passenger seat of the little, silver-blue Accent (after scrambling back up the stairs to retrieve her shoes amid hoots of laughter from the peanut gallery).
    “Yeah, yeah. Just drive,” she grumbled, hauling her heavy pack into the car with her. “Sweet little ride, by the way. I sorta figured you'd drive up in a hearse or something.”
    “Don't I wish.” Chex pulled a face. “The step monster gave it to me. Said I needed a reliable car that’s good on gas mileage.”
    “She gave you a car?”
    “Yeah, she’s the type who likes to buy her way into the hearts of children.” Chex sniggered. “Hey, a free car is a free car. I just make sure I park it way back so people don’t see me in it. It totally does not fit my image.” She was silent a few minutes, before sliding Alley a sideways glance. “Sooooo … did you ask ‘im?”
    Alley laughed. “He said he’d think about it. Keep badgering him; I think you’re wearing him down. He's not the type to turn down a lady's request.”
    “Oh, yeah! I almost forgot. Since we were speaking of step monsters, Chris said yours works a lot with jewelry appraising and stuff. Do you think she could help me and Charley out? We got some antique jewelry and loose gems and wanted to try and sell ‘em, but we need to know the value and find buyers and stuff.”
    “Yeah? What do you got?”
    Alley opened the front pocket of her bag, withdrawing the sapphire and diamond necklace Stoker had left behind. “Here’s an example.”
    Chex’s eyes widened as she took a good look; quickly turned her attention back to the road when someone honked loudly. “Holy shit, is that thing real?”
    “As far as I know.”
    “Where’d you get it?”
    “It was a gift from Stoker.”
    “Some gift! And you say there's more?”
    “Yeah. I guess precious gems and stuff aren't worth much to the mice. Stoker got what he needed from 'em—like the gold and most of the diamonds—and handed the rest over. Good thing, too, 'cause Charley could really use the money they'd bring in.”
    “She in trouble or something?”
    “Or something. Can't really talk about it. But do you think your step-mom could help out?”
    “Yeah, sure.” Chex shrugged. “I guess you can try and arrange a meeting with Victoria. I’ll give you the number to her office and tell Chris to let her know you’ll be calling. She'd probably be more open to helping if the request comes from him. She doesn't like most of my friends.”
    Alley didn't quite know what to say to that. “Well, thanks, that’ll be really helpful. I'm sure Charley and the guys'll be grateful, too.”
    “Cool. Think it’ll earn me some points toward scoring a ride?”
    Alley laughed and rolled her eyes.
    Chex showed Alley the most direct way to get to the main campus through Chicago, warning her to leave at least two hours ahead of time to avoid any potential delays such as mid-town traffic jams. Most of the professors did not take kindly to tardy students, and wouldn't let her into the class if she arrived late, no matter what sort of excuse she had. Luckily, they had no such issues and made it to the campus with plenty of time to spare. They parted ways in the parking lot with promises to meet for lunch, as their first classes were in different buildings. Alley used the opportunity to give herself another lightning tour of the campus; now that the maps had all been switched back to their proper places, it was much easier to figure out where she was. She also made a mental note to check out the secondary campus in the middle of the city, where her first business classes would be held the following day.
    However, it shortly became apparent that she wouldn't be taking those business courses any time soon. Or any of her other courses, for that matter. No sooner had she signed in on the roster and chosen a seat, the young student assistant taking attendance called her back to the desk.
    "Sorry, Miss Davidson, but your name isn't on my list," he began, his bored tone suggesting that this wasn't the first time he'd had to make this announcement to a new pupil. "This is Music Composition 101. Check your schedule."
    Alley clenched her teeth, annoyed by the insinuation that she'd gone to the wrong class. "No need. I know my schedule," she replied with as much politeness as she could muster. No need to take it out on him; he was just doing his job, after all, and she didn't doubt he'd already had to send other students on their way to the correct classrooms. But she wasn't one of them, darn it!
    At his obvious skepticism, she pulled the thick envelope from her bag and riffled until she found her schedule, handing it over with pursed lips. "Right there.” She tapped the page. “Music Composition at ten o'clock. Room 317."
    He glanced over it, handed it back with a shrug. "Must be a scheduling error. You'll have to take it up with the office." He went back to his roster, a clear dismissal.
    She stared at him. "What, you mean … now? But class is about to start!"
    He shrugged again. "Sorry, but the rules are if you're not on the roster, you can't attend the class. Better get it figured out and make sure there aren't any other conflicts." Seeing her expression, he softened. "Look, Professor MacDougall is running late today. Her kid has an ear infection or something and her nanny just quit on her. I'm taking over for her until she can get here. The class lasts two hours. You can probably get it sorted in more than enough time. Come back with a note from the office, and I'll let you sit in the remaining time. If Professor MacD shows up, I'll explain the situation."
    "Yeah, okay. I'll do that." Alley wasn't very happy with the solution, but at least he was trying to help. She hoisted her heavy bag and started for the office, grumbling to herself. What a way to start off her college career!
    "What do you mean my scholarship's been revoked?"
    Alley gaped at the secretary, wondering if she'd started hallucinating for some reason. Delayed effects of Stoker's miracle cure, by chance? She would skin that mouse alive when she saw him again!
    The secretary—Her name was Mary, Alley recalled—was clearly uncomfortable with the conversation, tapping away at the computer and nervously adjusting her wire-framed glasses. "Um, you see, there has been some discrepancy with your SAT scores—"
    "What kind of discrepancy?" Alley growled. "I passed those tests with more than enough points to earn my scholarship! I studied my ass off to get those scores!"
    "Please lower your voice, Miss Davidson." Looking distressed, Mary adjusted her glasses again. "You see, I am very sorry, but there appears to be some … concern over how you … acquired your high scores."
    Alley's eyes narrowed. "I. Studied."
    "Are you certain that is the only way you passed?"
    She felt like she'd just been kicked in the gut. "Are you actually accusing me of cheating?"
    Mary cleared her throat. "Please, lower your voice," she repeated, more firmly. "The fact is, through most of your academic history, your scores have always been … less than spectacular." She adjusted her glasses yet again; Alley was sorely tempted to rip them off her face and stomp on them. "Yet you managed to pass your SATs with scores that put you within the top fifteen percent of the entire country. That is no simple feat. You must realize how … suspicious it all looks."
    "Slacking off does not make me a cheater," Alley hissed. "I was just lazy. I never cheated on anything in my life! And I'll have you know that in my last two years, I completely turned it around, got As and Bs in all of my classes. Or does that not count for anything?"
    Mary pursed her lips, then calmly swiveled her computer monitor until it faced Alley. Puzzled, she gave it a cursory glance. And then her jaw dropped as what she was seeing registered.
    It was her permanent school record. Only it wasn't. All four of her high school years were displayed clearly on the screen, except that for two of them, the high scores that should have been there seemed to have been replaced with grades that could only be described as abysmal. Even her art and writing classes—her favorite subjects in school—barely covered passing ground.
    "Are you kidding me?" she screeched, ignoring the secretary's glare. "With scores like that I wouldn't have even passed high school, much less made it into college!"
    "Yes, that is exactly my point," Mary replied primly.
    Alley massaged her temple, where a headache was steadily forming. "And you seem to be completely missing mine," she growled. "Those are not my grades. I've been … set up or something!"
    "Why would anyone set you up?" The secretary looked more than a little skeptical.
    "I don't know!" Alley threw her hands into the air. "Maybe some bored student decided to play a mean prank and picked me at random. It happens, right? That thing with the maps? And it's not like computers can't be hacked or anything!"
    "Our system security is top-notch. Not just anyone can break into it." Mary looked offended at the very suggestion; Alley decided that mentioning how easily her cousin could probably break in wouldn't really help her case at the moment.
    "Then it's some bizarre glitch in the system," she muttered, struggling to think of any answer. "I took those tests a year ago. If I'd really cheated, wouldn't someone have figured it out way before now? I mean, I was in here with the dean's kids last week filling out forms! Remember? Why didn't you bring up this situation then? It sure would've saved me a lot of hassle now."
    Finally, a hint of doubt in the secretary's eyes, before her expression firmed. "I am very sorry for all of this trouble, Miss Davidson. I promise I will look into the matter and see if it can be resolved in a satisfactory manner."
    "And what am I supposed to do in the meantime? Can I go back to class?"
    "I'm sorry, but that just isn't possible at this time. As I said, your funding has been revoked. All of your classes have been canceled. Until this situation is resolved, policy states that you cannot attend this school."
    Alley started to panic. "But keeping my scholarship depends on me maintaining my grade point average! If I can't attend those classes, I'll flunk out by default, and I'll lose it all anyway, even if I manage to get it back! It could take weeks to get it all sorted. It'll all be for nothing!"
    Mary was sympathetic but unwavering. Alley realized she would be getting no more help out of her, turned and trudged from the office as the churning mass of dread, confusion, and defeat sat like a sick lump in her gut.
    All she could think of was how in the world she was ever going to explain this to her parents.
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angclhyunjin · 6 years
of light and verse | jaebum
desc: you literally end up falling for the boy who sits at the back of your uber hard lit class. college!jaebum litmajor!jaebum. all the fluff. just super fluffy
word count: 1.913
requested by: @jaebums-sunshine​ [Jaebum college au/domestic au fluff!]
note: i wrote this at lit 4am but ummm my love as a lit major was too cute to pass up
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oh my god ok COLLEGE JAEBUM
setting my heart on fire at the thought of my lit nerd headcanon for him
lets get into it!
so its freshman year and ur walking into your first lit class, a bit intimidated bc its like,, a course no first year dared to touch but u just wanted a cool sounding course so bad u jumped at the opportunity
its GREEK MYTHOLOGY!! who wud not hello
and ur excited until the professor opens her mouth
and ur blown away by how,,,,,,, interesting and riveting the whole thing is but shit is it going to be this hard throughout??
the first few classes involves you frantically taking notes and trying to keep up w the impossible pace this class is going
but theres this BOY
he sits right at the end while ur in front so u could pass him off as uninterested,,, taking the course for extra creds??? wrong
this BOY quips in between the lecture with the most fascinating comments, connecting the odyssey to so many modern works, to poetry and to music
and ur like,,, who made u,,,, how r u like this
ur kind of annoyed by how smart this boy is
its not like you dont get wtf is happening here, but how can he get it and SO MUCH MORE
and tbh ur kind of jealous but u didnt hear that from me. also he has the softest voice that creeps up behind u and makes ur body stir
wait what
so u work super hard
and like super hard, u finish all ur readings and do ur own research
but u still feel like its not enough
like idk who u think u are, u start living at the library
cup of tea in hand and a book in the other, it sounds optimal but the stress is lowkey making you lose ur mind
ur looking for a book in the aisles, a VERY specific one on sappho’s fragmented poems
and FINALLY u see it............on the top most shelf
ur 5′4″ self is SCREAMING
and u could ask for help but help is for losers
so u make the very intelligent decision to climb the shelves what?? no ones looking
ur almost there when
a hand
reaches at the same time as urs
u almost scream for real this time, shutting ur eyes real tight, letting go of ur meager hold on the shelf and falling back
like u have accepted ur death at this point
until???? wait??? you feel two hands around you and suddenly you’re not falling
“my god, are you okay??” how tf do i know this voice
you open your eyes to be met with the softest brown eyes, framed by these wire glasses
its him
of c o u r s e
u literally dont know what to say until he laughs a little at you (an adorable, light noise that fills you up)
“this is probably not one of your greatest moments” ur cheeks are on FIRE
suddenly he notices his arms are still around u and he hastily places u on ur useless jelly feet
“were you going for the book on sappho? i didn’t know anyone else here knew it existed”
you’re about to stammer out a reply, not really ready to explain to the lit prodigy that ur trying to be at least half as insightful as him but he
squints at u
“wait, aren’t you in my lit class?? you are, aren’t you?”
he REMEMBERS ur invisible ass??? ok??? what doesnt this boy notice?????
u finally find your tongue, stammering out a “y-yeah, i was planning out my paper and needed a second reference”
wow is he lowkey impressed he stares at u for a bit
ur now hyperaware of ur messy bun and glasses, the old t shirt you’d tucked into mom jeans feeling so inadequate in front of him in his stylishly messed up hair n button up,,, how could someone be this pretty at 4pm on a sunday
“honestly, me too. but its okay, you can have this” 
he barely needs to reach up to get this book and ur like, looking at his shoulders as he faces away from u for a split second and man is he built
“are you sure???” you let out in an almost whisper “don’t you need this?”
“nah its okay i read it over the summer already” o yes of course
“i’m jaebum by the way” he smiles at you and ur stomach JUMPs
“i’m y/n” you try, and then blurt out “and also really sorry for this i’m like,, dumb as hell-”
“its no issue, y/n” his voice is HONEY as it says your name and you can feel urself turning redder
“i’ll see you in class then” hes gone as quickly as he arrived and ur still in shock because what the fuck
did that really happen or did u doze off after a caffeine crash again???
so the next day in class u walk in, heading towards your seat when  ur eye catches jaebum’s
and he gives u the BIGGEST SMILE
ur blushing furiously and manage a quick smile back
and thru/o ur so distracted bc u swear u feel his eyes on the back of ur neck but ur also too scared to look bc WOW WHY IS THIS BEAUTIFUL BOY STARING AT ME
so at the end of the class ur throwing all ur books into ur mess of a backpack when u hear a voice 
“so did you end up finishing the book”
its god jaebum, beanie hiding his tousled hair and trademark glasses on his nose
“no i still have some stuff to cover but its fine!! you can have it u want-”
“no, no i was going to suggest we do the paper together?”
is this ,,,, really happening
“okay great! i’ll meet you in the library at 4?”
“okay see you then!!” u squeak out and dash
wtf was that
this man did not need ur help, he is a lit GOD
but ur there at 4, a little thankful for the heads up bc u managed to put some semblance of makeup on urself
and he walks in and ur heart is on fire again bc hes so pretty and he’s also so excited to do lit, lit makes this boy
u slowly ease into conversations w him, sappho being taken over by more personal deets
ok first of all, this boy has 5 cats
he shows u pictures of all of them, names and all, like a mom showing off her children
ur heart is so so full of this endearing boy
you keep meeting thru the rest of the week
on tuesday, he asks you ur favorite color
on wednesday, he convinces u to tell him ur favorite memory
on thursday, you tell him how vanilla ice cream is everything to you but u cant stand strawberry
on friday, he asks u for ur number
on saturday, he randomly texts you 6 pictures of his cat sitting on two legs
on saturday, you realize u have fallen for the boy at the back of ur lit class
u dont know what to do
this boy is so so dumb at heart but can also recite all of shakespeare’s sonnets by heart
like hes the cutest idiot u have ever seen
and ur falling super hard for him
ur friendship goes strong for a while
gradually u blush less frequently and get comfortable w him, going over to his place at times
the first time u go (for lit probably) he opens the door and ur greeted w the smell of disaster
like really it smells super bad
and hes frantic and panicky bc “i didn’t know how hard cooking was the tomato sauce is all burnt what did i do”
poor perfect boi is bad at cooking???
even surrounded w smoke and in a dirty apron he looks ADORABLE
and ur laughing and taking the saucepan off the stove for him, throwing his failure out and suggesting u just get some chinese
and he agrees w a sigh and ur like ur so dumb
and no ur definitely not trying to think abt how he wanted to cook for u
when u call him over u make spaghetti
red sauce
“wow so ur really out here triggering me like this”
“is it my fault ur an idiot sandwich”
“w o w”
he probably pouted and u probably made fun of it tho ur heart was crying 
so it goes on like this for a while
and ur always wondering ‘does this boy even like me like that’ bc he out here giving u so many signals but never making the move
like ur ass is never sure if he’s into u or just being nice
bc lets face it - im jaebum is the definition of nice
and its honestly getting kind of annoying
like pls tell me if u like me my heart cant take it much longer
u guys are at his, doing ur readings
you glance to the side and see jaebum reading intently, eyes flying over the words, relaxed and so sweet, a ray of light from the window falling on him and making his eyes radiate a dark brown
you dont even notice how long you’ve been staring until u hear his voice
“hello what r u doing”
“nothing! just,,,, you looked really pretty with the light falling on ur face. no i mean, look!! like, you’re pretty”
did u JUST 
"not that that means you’re not pretty at other times!! i mean,,, you’re pretty all the time and its honestly really crazy” WHY ARE U STILL TALKING
hes just.... staring at u in wonder
and ur lik e wow this is it, this is when the ground acc swallows me up and i die
when his face breaks into this beautiful smile
“you think i’m pretty?”
his voice is so soft and pure
u r, on the other hand, about to collapse from embarrassment
and just nod and its like the day in the library all over
and he’s still smiling when he says “y/n, i think you’re the most beautiful person i’ve ever seen”
your stomach SWOOPS
“i’ve wanted to say that for the longest time” he breathes and you notice just how close he is
“thats just,, i mean wow i didn’t know...” u manage to say
he leans in a little closer and his hands r burning a hole resting on ur thighs
the light is very brilliant as his head dips lower, breath on ur lips until he fills the gap between you
and im jaebum is kissing you
you barely remember to respond, but when you do, he leaves light kisses on ur lower lip, hand coming up to cup ur cheek 
ur entire body is on fire as he draws you closer, your hands going into his hair and feeling for the first time how soft it was 
wow u had really dreamed about this huh
he draws back a little bit, face incredibly close to yours and asks u “is this okay?”
“more than okay, this is perfect” you press him closer and all else is forgotten
send in requests!
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