#yeah another project is anybody shocked? xD
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pixelatedraindrops · 10 months ago
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This is another project that I'm currently working on with @kazinsblog! We adore makoyuma and they're our number one faves.
So we decided to make a little 4koma style side special of Kazin's mini series "The Kanai Ward Case Files"
This intro is the only normal comic in this story.
Prologue: Flu season hits worldwide, and Makoto calls Yuma one day and gives him the warning. Yuma notices his congested voice so he wants to head to to Kanai Ward to check on him. But meanwhile, Yuma is trying his best to hold his cough as he talks on the line. Only to suffer the fit after Makoto hangs up. He isn't well either.
When Yuma arrives in Kanai Tower finding Makoto completely disheveled and passed out at his work desk, he ushers the stuffy CEO to bed. The two were shown pushing themselves while being sick alone. But now that they're together, these stubborn workaholics will finally rest and break from their duties in order to take care of each other. (for the most part anyway)
further information below
Of course since I'm involved in this project, they're obviously not going to be doing well... XD But this story is going to be a lot more fun and lighthearted than others I have written. (It's essentially written in a silly sick filler episode of a cartoon kind of vibe) meaning less whump, and more sick comfort and hilarity. There may be a few somewhat whumpy ones here and there (I can't resist) but it won't be as common.
Full Story Summary:
This RainCode fan side story revolves around slice of life comedy 4koma style strips with scenes of Yuma and Makoto being sick together and spending time with each other in Kanai Tower for about a week or two. They both have different halves of cold symptoms, Yuma with throat based, and Makoto with nasal based. (hence the title) Various cute and wacky stuff happen between the two and their bond grows stronger spending this time off together away from their duties as detective and CEO. They may be sick and miserable, but at least they're in it together! What could possibly go wrong?
The comic strips will be drawn by Kazin, but there will be some bonus art that the two of us will work on together (similar to the title which was a collab by us both)
Also, both of us agreed that these strips should be posted on my blog rather than Kazin's. Reason being is that this story is based on illness and my blog is half an illness blog so it makes more sense to share it to mine. You all likely expect this sort of thing from me at this point anyway… XD (I’m also the director so I write the descriptions of them.)
And this series will continue to be ongoing so long as Kazin and I have ideas. (we currently have almost 100 strips planned)
I will update this in separate posts whenever more strips get fully digitally drawn by Kazin whenever she can work on them. With the tag #kanaiwardcasefiles h&h. Some strips will be random, some will be two parters, and some will have a timeline or are connected to others.
We both hope you look forward to this project! There will be a lot of funny and cute moments between these two, so we hope you makoyuma enjoyers are excited!
Also bit of a fun fact: This was inspired by when my mother and I had covid late April 2024. Something similar happened to us, and we each had one cold-like symptom more than the other. (her with coughing and me with congestion) So I thought of this idea for these two!
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chromotps · 1 year ago
*immediately pounces on you to talk about CoraLaw bc no one else does anymore (at least, not on Tumblr and not English speakers)* I wanna know so bad how adult Law and Cora would interact bc that'd seem so interesting. Especially on a Cora Lives AU. Imagine coming back to life to find out the boy you saved turned out to be a pirate and a(n) (ex)warlord but also a doctor slash (advanced, bc of his devil-fruit lmao) surgeon. It was probably what most would expect what Law would occupy when he was given the devil-fruit (minus the whole pirate and warlord thing I guess) but at that time all Cora expected and hoped what law would be was free. And thinking of that, Cora would realise just how much Law had grown and how he's far from the kid he was then and how little he knows about the man (not that he knew much about Law even when he was a kid anyway, both their pasts were a touchy subject for them but they did get to know each other a little bit and got close, and at that time that was enough for both of them. They didn't need to know about each other's past or something to love and care for each other. I'm not saying your past defines you but sometimes it kinda does. Not fully, no, but it does help shape you into what you are now). And Cora realises that he missed out on so many things. They both wanted to live together, fully and freely. But Law spent 13(?? Or so) years without him but also, Law hadn't been exactly free, not when Doflamingo was alive and Cora-san's death was a wound that will never be healed. Yk what I'm spitting nonsense at this point and I'm probably projecting but yuh... I just badly wanna know how adult Law and Cora would interact when Cora steps into the light again (AKA brought back to life lmao).
Argh I wanna talk about them but I don't know what to say!!!! These idiots make me cry and sob and scream and smile and laugh and I cannot get them out of my head.
But oh! Regarding of their relationship dynamics, I do love the idea of Law being so openly devoted to Cora (and also possessive and obsessed but the latter is almost a fact that he doesn't even need to so anything or say anything for anybody to notice. I mean, look at this guy. He has tattoos dedicated to his lover. The Jolly Roger on his ship is dedicated to his lover. One of his techniques is dedicated to his lover. He steals hearts because his lover's name is Corazon which means heart in Spanish. Yes the last is a HC of mine but idc he'll still be obsessed even when my HC is removed lol). Idk if Cora would leave a kiss mark on anywhere on his skin he'd leave it there until it gets accidentally (and only accidentally, if anybody tries to wipe it off he'd replace their heads with a mop) wiped off. Cora would also be open about their relationship and would proudly gush about his lover who grins when he's kissed on the nose and could cuddle whenever Cora wants to (then he'd introduce said lover to the people and they're a bit shocked to see a 6 foot tall emo looking mf—). They'd fr be the Mom and Dad of the Heart Pirates. But that doesn't make them any less troublesome lmao.
...I had another thought pop up in my head and I— sigh... thinking about Strawhats meeting Cora and him and Sanji bonding over make-up (implied Zosan. Yes I did just imply Zosan without saying anything that could imply Zosan. I'm brilliant. Also implied Genderfluid Sanji. I love my HCs). And also— what. What does that have to do with– sorry, I was talking to my brain bc it suddenly brought Cross Guild Polycule (+ Shanks) in too. I remembered a fanart where Crocodile, Buggy and Cora were talking about jewellery and make-up while their significant others (Mihawk, Shanks and Law) are staring intensely at them xD not sure if that was a ship fanart tho! Also, I made it into Cross Guild (+ Shanks) polycule bc I can *blinks cutely*. So yeah. Just Bottoms bonding over treasure, jewellery, cosmetics and maybe their lovers (Pls we don't get enough Bottom Cora fics I am begging on my knees for them—).
I am making zero sense and I'm yapping at this point but *breathes heavily* I love talking about CoraLaw. I need more fanart. I need more fics. I need more content, posts about them. I– *dissolves into thin air*
hello!! wowza that's a lot of headcanons ahaha. I need to organize my answer lmaoooo
My brain caught on one of the points you made about adult Law and Cora—like, how surprised Cora would be at Law being a pirate. Maybe, after only really having Doflamingo as an idea of what pirates are like, Cora is a little... not disappointed, but like, worried when he finds out. Part of that worry goes away when he sees that Law isn't cruel. But he does slowly understand that, like you said, Law wasn't totally free after living with all that anger and guilt. I think I saw a post a while ago that talked about how Law never claims that he wants to be the King of the Pirates or anything—his "dream" was really just to avenge Cora, and might not have expected he'd survive after that. SOOOOOOO. I think once Cora totally catches up on who Law is as an adult (and realizes he still loves him :3c), he forces Law to sit down and have a conversation about what his new dream should be—it isn't about what he'd die for anymore, but what does he want to live for? Then, I guess the headcanons could be anything... maybe they decide they want to focus on bringing medical help to people who need it, and Law becomes some kind of renegade pirate doctor who goes into places the world government has quarantined... i don't know!! the world is their oyster!!
Ah... the two of them being lovey-dovey around the Heart Pirates........;w; I do also like the idea of them being a little secretive about it, at least maybe at first—like, Law is such a private person, and he doesn't want to "share" Cora after just getting him back... even if it's his own crew just seeing Cora blush or something, haha. And I love cute, open-with-his-feelings Cora, but also liked that rough side of him that would curse out useless doctors and stand up to Doflamingo—I could see him actually being more flustered than Law telling others about their relationship... Like, Cora is talking to Sengoku over transponder snail, and saying stuff like "yeah... I'm... kind of getting dinner with Law tonight. Yes, that Law—don't laugh, damn it, Dad!" and struggling to get his words out. Then Law comes up and takes the receiver from Cora to say, "Then we're gonna make out afterward. Have a nice evening," and hangs up.
my brain is unfortunately too obsessed full with ace/lu and lawcora to come up with anything fun for those other characters, but I'm sure someone out in the world could add on! I'd also love more fics for themmm. I know sometimes you have to "make your own food", but I'm still too deep in my Ace Era to do anything about it yet haha
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thenamesseven · 4 years ago
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Word count: 2.7k
Warnings: Jae getting a bit...Naughty xD
A/N: Hey! New chapter here! I just wanted to ask you all a question, are you guys still interested in this story? Each chapter is getting less and less notes and I feel like it is not interesting anymore, I would like you all to answer sincerely so I know if I should keep updating it or not! Thank you and enjoy the chapter! ^^
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Scoffing, Jaebum kicked a little stone that was on the ground as he walked outside of the building, hands in his pockets and eyes down as thousands of thoughts ran back and forward in his mind. He would have never thought things would turn out to be more difficult than he expected, at the beginning his task seemed to be incredibly easy, one that anybody could have done. You were single, he was fairly attractive and showing interest in you, he had been more than clear when it came to the kind of relationship he wanted to develop between the two of you.
But stupid Yugyeom had to show up and screw everything.
What did he have that he didn’t anyways? Jaebum was older than you, something girls definitely liked. In his opinion, he looked more mature and as a consequence he also looked slightly more attractive. Jaebum also had this kind of bad boy aura, the one people who weren't afraid of breaking the rules had while Yugyeom looked like somebody who could have never broken a plate. Those were the worst kind of guys, it wouldn’t surprise Jaebum if he stabbed you on the back as soon as he got tired of you or as soon as he got what he wanted from you.
Let’s see if he stays around when that project the two of you had was finished. Jaebum was ready to bet all his money on Yugyeom vanishing.
Since he didn’t have any money on him he decided his best option would be walking all the way back to your apartment, it wasn’t too far but it wasn’t close either, walking around would help clear his mind hopefully, maybe that was exactly what he needed. His eyes landed on Youngjae as he looked around, another sigh leaving his lips when he realized how the male discreetly tried avoiding him as soon as he realized Jaebum was by himself. He was going to ignore him, Jaebum wasn’t a huge fan of your neighbor either but he then remembered Yugyeom mentioning him and his plans quickly changed.
“Youngjae!” He called out so he would wait for him, Jaebum increased his pace in order to not make him wait too much, Youngjae already looked uneasy, he didn’t need to make things worse for him “Hey man, already on your way home?” He asked
Youngjae, being the nice person he was, nodded innocently, gesturing to the bus stop “Yeah, I’m already done with classes for today” Both males started walking, pace slow but fast enough to get to their destination in time.
“Mind paying for me? (Y/N) is busy and I don’t have any money right now, I’ll give you the money as soon as we get home” Jaebum asked, perfectly knowing the other wouldn’t say no to him.
“Sure” Youngjae didn’t sound too excited about his new bus partner, not because he didn’t like Jaebum but more because he was lowkey scared of him. “I thought you would stay around with (Y/N) for the entire day?” He asked curiously, glancing at him as they both stopped by the bus stop, hands in their pockets.
“Nah, she can concentrate better without me around” Jaebum forced a confident yet fake smirk on his lips that Youngjae obviously believed, quickly catching the insinuation on the male’s tone, making his cheeks turn slightly pink “But yeah, she and this Yugyeom guy were really busy talking about this upcoming project and I didn’t want to bother them”
“Oh! Yugyeom? I’m glad he managed to get paired up with her for this, he was really looking forward to working with (Y/N)” Youngjae said with a more relaxed smile on his lips.
The bus stopped in front of them and Jaebum took his chance to stay quiet, letting Youngjae walk in first, pay for their tickets and choose seats that would allow the both of them to sit together for the whole ride “Was he? Does he like her or something like that?” Maybe his question had been a bit too direct but honestly? He didn’t know how else to ask.
“I don’t think so?” Youngjae said, sitting right next to the window, looking at Jaebum as he sat down besides him “I mean, Yugyeom is not the kind of guy who goes after somebody that’s already taken” He said trying to reassure Jaebum about it but again, the two of them were bestfriends and he didn’t know if Youngjae’s opinion was completely neutral.
“He better don’t” Jaebum muttered under his breath, leaning back against the seat as he kept his eyes forward “Why is he so excited about being paired up with her though?” 
“I mean, (Y/N) is really good at what she does” Youngjae admitted with a shy smile, which twitched slightly when the other male turned on his seat and looked at him with an arched eyebrow “I-I mean, she sometimes doesn’t use headphones when she works and plays music really loudly” He quickly added, panicking at the thought of Jaebum thinking about him trying to seduce his girlfriend “If some songs that I’ve heard are hers, I can understand why Yugyeom would want to work with her” Youngjae shrugged, dragging his eyes away from his seatmate to focus on the road “Besides she’s really nice and responsible, everybody likes her” 
“(Y/N) is a very likable person, it’s just...Her nature, you know?” 
“So I shouldn’t really worry about the crush my girlfriend used to have on Yugyeom right?” Jaebum asked, making Youngjae chuckle softly. By your reaction earlier he had easily guessed everyone knew about your feelings towards Yugyeom but you were too oblivious to realize just how obvious you were actually being.
“I guess not” Youngjae shrugged “Yugyeom has always kind of known, like, I’ve heard him comment how cute she always acts around him and how flustered she used to become when he was around but Yugs never acted on it, I doubt he will try to date her now that he knows you are her boyfriend”
“So you’re telling me he knew she had a crush on him and never said anything?” Jaebum frowned at the information he had just been given. If he was always so sweet and nice with you, if he had always been interested then why wouldn’t he have asked you out?
You know why? Because he was just leading you on.
Youngjae shrugged, not really wanting to talk bad about his best friend “If he knew, he never told me”
“What an asshole” He muttered under his breath, shaking his head as he glanced down at the rings in his hands, playing with them when it was time to bring up another subject, something that would surely make him embarrassed but it was time to admit he needed help, Jaebum couldn’t figure this out by his own and getting some advice would definitely help.
“I kind of need your help for something” Jaebum suddenly said, breaking the small silence that had settled down between the two of them. He slightly turned in his bus seat, facing Youngjae and ignoring some of the curious eyes that darted their way when they noticed the change in Jaebum’s tone.
“Me?” Youngjae asked, unable to hide the surprise in his expression. “I thought we...Like….Uh…” He was about to confess how he thought Jaebum hated him but preferred to stay quiet, not willing to screw this sudden friendly behaviour he was showing “What do you need my help for?”
“You know, when I lived abroad our relationship was more…” Jaebum stayed quiet thinking for the right words to describe something that never existed in the first place, a small frown appeared on his forehead, how was he supposed to explain all to Youngjae based on lies? “Passionate?” He asked himself, frown becoming deeper since he didn’t even know what he was exactly trying to explain “But now that I’ve showed up here and we live in the same place it’s all constant arguments and mood swings” He sighed as if he was desperate “Like there are moments when I think she’s going to kiss my soul out of me and then, seconds later, she looks like she’s about to slap me”
Youngjae looked at him dumbfounded, not really believing Jaebum was telling him that kind of information about the relationship he shared with you when the two of them hadn’t even shared a few hours together, hell, Youngjae thought Jaebum hated him this morning.
“What do you think I can do to make things a bit smoother between us?” Jaebum asked when Youngjae simply kept staring at him, shocked and surprised, his silence was honestly making him even more frustrated.
“Uh...What does (Y/N) like? Maybe buy her presents?” Jaebum scoffed obviously not happy with that reply, even when he had not even spent more than seventy two hours with you, he knew you weren’t the type of girl that was easily bought with those materialistic gestures. By the few conversations he had shared with you and the books he had spotted in your room, you were more of a romantic, someone who preferred being guided by feelings and not logic or greed.
You were a complicated one.
“That’s not going to make things better, trust me” He replied sighing, leaning his head back against the bus seat so he could stare at the ceiling. The bus would soon arrive to the apartment’s building and Jaebum was still as clueless as he was when he got out of the cafeteria before.
“What you need is to get back that spark, your relationship has turned dull, comfortable now that the two of you live together and you need to spice things up once again” Jaebum turned around, shocked when he found an old man sitting there. The smile on his face said he wasn’t making fun of him, that he was simply trying to help but Jaebum couldn’t help but feel slightly embarrassed that somebody else now knew he was incredibly lost when it came to relationships “Trust me young man, it worked with my marriage and I’ve been married for almost fifty five years with my Inhye” 
“Fifty-five?” Jaebum asked surprised, hope resurfacing in his chest “So I just have to spice things up a little and everything will go back to being fine?” He asked, ignoring the way Youngjae started frowning besides him, he obviously disagreed with what the old man was saying but Jaebum knew someone as nice as Youngjae probably didn’t even know what spice up meant.
“Spoil her with attention and passion, show her you love her” Jaebum’s smile twitched when he heard those words, he kept his smile up though, afraid the people surrounding him would be able to see through his façade. Everyone would surely call him a hypocrite for criticizing Yugyeom when he was doing something similar.
Love was something that didn’t exist for Jaebum, it wasn’t in his nature to have those kinds of feelings in him. There was a time when he was human, when he also had stupid crushes like yours on girls that would have never noticed him, he also experienced heartbreaks well enough to know how hurt you would be if you knew why Yugyeom was being so nice and sweet, you were useful for him, you could make things easier in his life and you were silly enough to trust him blindly.
“Thanks for the advice, I’ll definitely do that” Jaebum said, standing up with Youngjae once the bus stopped. The old man reached out to pat his back, nodding and cheering for him enthusiastically while he walked out.
Jaebum still didn’t have a game plan but at least, he had a slight idea of what he would have to do now.
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After attending your classes, having a quick lunch in a place nearby campus and working your entire shift in the coffee shop close to your university you were finally standing in front of your apartment’s door. A regular person would be completely happy and relaxed, content now that they could get rid of the uncomfortable clothes they were getting, take a shower and get some dinner before going to bed. You weren’t ordinary and you wouldn’t be able to relax as soon as you walked through that door.
By the soft music you could hear from your side of the door, you knew Jaebum was waiting for you inside. Doing what? You didn’t know but you just hoped he wasn’t in a mood as bad as the one he was in when he walked away during lunch period. You would have contacted him earlier, tried to talk things out to really find out what his problem was but since you didn’t even know if he had a mobile phone you couldn’t call him.
You gasped when you opened the door, surprised to see Jaebum was standing there. You hoped he had heard you coming up the stairs instead of waiting there for the entire afternoon because that would have surely been incredibly tiring. Opening your mouth to greet him, you were instantly silenced when he reached out and grabbed your wrist, pulling you closer to his body and allowing himself to embrace you with his arms.
What was going on?
“Uhm...Hello?” You said trying to look up at him, voice hesitant as Jaebum only pulled you closer to him. A soft blush appeared on your cheeks when you felt your breasts being squeezed against his hard chest, he was too close for your liking “What did you break?”
“Why would I break something?” He asked, instantly leaning back to look into your eyes 
“I don’t know, being all lovely is what kids do when they’ve done something their mother is going to ground them for”
You couldn’t have known this but your words were pretty insulting for Jaebum’s ego. First you ignore him for some kind of guy that was obviously using you to get good marks and now, after he had gone through the efforts of preparing the romantic dinner that awaited you in the living room, you refer to him as a kid? Out of nowhere like that?
Jaebum spun the two of you around, making your back meet the front door with a soft thud. Like the night the two of you met, he kept his body pressed against yours, not letting you move away. Your hands instantly flew up to his chest, keeping a little and not enough for you space between the both of you.
“J-Jae?” The nickname slipped past your lips in a desperate attempt to get his attention, but the intense gaze in his eyes told you Jaebum was really set on doing whatever he was planning to do and that he wouldn’t back down now that he had you where he wanted
“I’m not a kid (Y/N)” He said quietly, his tone so low and husky that a shiver ran down your spine. He looked so different from the innocent Jaebum you’ve been with this morning, he wasn’t the same person, in fact, he looked like a predator hunting down the prey his been after for too long “And I would strongly advised you to change that attitude because my patience is running thin” His head moved lower, lips brushing against yours in a tempting way, making your heart pound against your chest.
“What are you…?”
Jaebum proceeded to dig his face into your neck, running his nose against the sensitive skin in order to shut you up “I’m saying you’re mine and it’s about time you act like it” He whispered, breath tickling your earlobe as he moved his mouth up, teasing you with each warm breath he took “After all, I’m sure you’re smart enough to figure out what happens to bad girls, mhm?” Your face was absolutely red at this point, flustered was an understatement for how you felt 
“I won’t play your games Jaebum” You warned, trying to sound as serious as you could, attempting to hide the trembling in your words
Jaebum scoffed ignoring you, shaking his head before he gently placed his forehead against yours “Bad girls get punished babygirl” He whispered, his hand snaking up your arm and towards your neck “And you don’t want to tempt me, trust me”
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Taglist: @gold--gucciempress​ @harringtonsblackgf​
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