#yeah I’m stereotyping. autism on autism crime. what are you gonna do about it
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a-concert-just-for-me · 2 months ago
Someone signed up for my infodump event to be a presenter and wrote in the questions/comments/concerns box on my Google form: “I hope it’s not boring….”
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astridbrandonauthor · 5 years ago
Autism and Offending
Disclaimer: this is my experience being an autistic person, and every autistic person experiences autism differently from another person.
So I want to explain my issues as an autistic person. As an autistic person, I am surrounded by people who are not neurodivergent, and who do not understand neurodivergence. Some say they do understand, but they do not understand the autistic experience, specifically when it boils down to the individual level. Today’s topic is on offending people by accident.
One of the common and defining parts of the autism diagnosis is problems with anything social. Many of us cannot read social cues, many can make inappropriate conversation, many don’t understand when something is actually offensive, some can’t keep friends or make them very well. The list goes on and on. 
A problem I’ve come across rather often this year is offending people by accident. I don’t know it’s offensive, until the offended party flips out on me. I have to remind them I’m autistic. And it’s not even obviously offensive language, like using slurs or pertaining to especially heinous crimes that I would rather not mention. Just something that isn’t the worst thing in the world to joke or ask, but can be rather rude anyway.
Every single time it happens, I have to remind them I’m autistic. At that point, they either attempt to help me, or they automatically assume I’m using it to excuse my behavior. I’m not excusing myself, I just want to be understood. Never assume when I mention I’m autistic that I’m trying to use it as an excuse. I mention it for understanding.
This has caused problems between me and many people in the past. Earlier this year, I made an offensive joke about a shinto kami (One that I follow). In my head, it did not seem offensive. (I’d retell the joke, but I am terrified to). In fact, it seemed like a reasonable joke. I don’t see why deities and kami wouldn’t keep up with new words and slang, and use it amongst themselves, whether ironically or not. Many people jumped at me for it, and when I explained why I said it, I was told if it sounds offensive, then don’t say it. The problem is: it did not sound that way to me. Again to me, it sounded reasonable and fun. I see deities and kami in a different light than others. So to me, this deity seemed the type to love a good joke. However, many proved me wrong that night.
When I woke up the next morning and read up, one of the members was talking shit about me. They said that I was using my autism as an excuse, and I was just trying to make the admin of the group feel bad for me. I was being manipulative. I was in the wrong, and I’m the asshole for “using it as an excuse”. Although I said I was gonna go away for awhile, I ended up leaving the group because I hated how they talked shit about me after I went offline.
Another thing I’ve recently come across is offending due to wording. I offended a couple of people because I worded something wrong. (I couldn’t possibly explain it now; I’ve essentially forgotten what had been said). I struggle to word things properly rather often, and it took awhile for everyone to calm down after that. It was just a question, and apparently the wrong one to ask.
Again, I was told that I need to think about whether or not it would sound offensive if I was asked that question. In my head, I had all of the context, I knew exactly what I was talking about, but when I went to type it out... well, I screwed up.
Neurotypical folk do not understand that when they ask a neurodivergent person to think these things through, we are thinking it through and it still doesn’t bother us. It all makes sense in our heads, and when we try to translate it... things can get messy. Essentially, our universal translators are broken and it is difficult to fix it. Especially if you have gone most of your life with it broken, oh say 21 years? Yeah. I’m behind on learning social stuff. I just got my official diagnosis in January—after almost 21 years.
Problem? I’m an adult now. Most autistic programs out there are geared towards children til about the age of 18. There are very little programs for adults. 
Autistic children become autistic adults.
Even with those diagnosed as a child, they still need help as adults. Yet the stereotype of autistic people only being autistic as children is extremely hurtful. (That and other stereotypes, but that’s another discussion). Autism never leaves you—you just learn to cope and when necessary, continue therapy. It’s kind of hard, however, to continue therapy if there is no therapy available for your age group. And this is frustrating.
Do neurotypicals understand how frustrating it is for me to not have the resources to try and communicate with them? Comedian Hannah Gadsby made an excellent analogy on what it’s like to be on the spectrum:
"To give you an idea of what it feels like to be on the spectrum, basically, it feels like being the only sober person in a room full of drunks. Or the other way around. Basically, everyone is operating on a wavelength you can’t quite key into.”
This is how it feels to communicate with neurotypicals. I feel like I’m drunk, and everyone else is sober. Somedays, I wish I was legit drunk because have y’all seen what’s going on out there? And this is why I don’t realize something I’m saying can be misconstrued as offensive or otherwise. This is why I get frustrated when people tell me to think about what I say and wonder if I would be offended if I was asked the same thing. I am thinking, and it does not sound like something I would be offended by. Perhaps I’m just far more laid back than a lot of people. I don’t know, and perhaps I may never know.
But just know, we are trying our best! And we are immensely sorry when we offend. 
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geek-gem · 7 years ago
A little talk about Michael Bay
I'm gonna say if I sound stupid forgive me and shit. Including correct me please. Also I might get off topic. Yet it's mainly well about the Michael Bay thing on the Dora The Explorer movie.
Including I found the notes funny mainly in the 2nd thing I reblogged that relates to this which was the last thing before my latest reblog. Seeing funny notes and ones I agree with. Basically the kind of jokes I forgot to hope for people would make when Michael Bay gets involved with a franchise. Including a cartoon.
I'm gonna say Thank you @angel-baez hope your not bothered by me mentioning you. But thanks for sharing that news.
But okay back on topic Michael Bay. I don't like him as a director. While honestly some of his films seem okay haven't seen them all. I'm mainly talking about the bigger ones where he's involved with a franchise. Such as Transformers and TMNT. Now Dora too and I remember okay these are cartoons in a way. While others were film franchise's.
Including I was inspired seeing a latest post about Steven Universe a reblog by Angel himself love that name lol chill out normal to smile just did. But about view points or yeah it's that post I mainly think about. But also the other Dora related posts.
Basically I wanted to say this and I did think a bit and waited till these women left Pizza Hut where I feel better to type this.
In fact this is where I get off topic.
Despite all the critical shit Steven Universe gets.
In a way or no yes.
Be grateful Steven Universe doesn't have Michael Bay putting his hands on it.
Including being pissed off at times at certain times people hating on the Crewniverse however it goes yeah that's how it's spelt remember.
But remembering seeing someone call Rebecca Sugar a racist which made me go what the fuck and other things. Including at times me being angry that I would like the show to be taken away from people yet that is not reasonable.
The concept and idea of Micheal Bay working on an adaption of Steven Universe or on the show itself. You would be begging for the original crew to still be working on it and praise the original show as a masterpiece.
Including Micheal Bay his films mainly the big ones or just.... here's some stuff. The explosions lots of people know that it's like a meme of him. Including sexualizing women at times. But at the same time I'm trying to not sound stupid. Yet women in his films just...Jesus. Also racism and I suppose if I remember right stereotypes. Along with thin plotlines honestly not everything has to be big but when it's the same shit mainly discussing the Transformers films. Basically Michael Bay does a lot of shit.
It's fucking amazing the 5th Transformers film was shit and it had new writers but it proved something if Michael Bay is still on. We are never going to get a film as okay or as good as the first film or even better. Including the aftermath of that 5th film sweet Jesus I'm glad I didn't see it. Yet it feels so weird I didn't seeing the film on sale on the PlayStation Store on my PS4 and just that 4th film changed me. Or basically I don't really like the Nostalgia Critic yet his video about that 4th film changed me. Where Doug plays the character.
Even though I changed over time about my opinions and shit. Yet I'm mainly upset and see the Transformers live action films as some of the worst ways to adapt a franchise got a text message from a aid from school told her some what an hour ago I left.
Seriously it makes me sad. Including I wanna mention seriously you would praise a Zack Snyder adaptation or just version of Steven Universe and I have thought of this. I don't hate Zack Snyder I like his work. But also people's reactions to him are crazy. Including I some times make jokes about Steven dies and he comes back Jesus style.
Including during the first Steven Bomb of 2016 after that bomb actually. Made some weird thing this thought Rose is God, Yellow Diamond is the devil, and Steven is Jesus yet that's bullshit some weird religious meaning shit but when I found out about well actually more in depth of what the show was doing. That no one was a villain in the show and we look into why they do the things they do. It changed me thinking that some post I liked when I was still new here on Tumblr. Basically talking about or mentioning yeah Steven Universe isn't a black and white tv show.
But sorry to get off topic. Were on the case of Michael Bay but just saying you'll like a Zack Snyder version of Steven Universe maybe he'll shove a lot of story lines in the face and change some stuff. Yet respect them at the same time. Also just really I'm thinking just... seriously some criticals have pissed me off that I think of how the show should be.
Yet Michael Bay back to him. His work on stuff like Transformers and TMNT, will say the first film is the reason I became a fan yet just...it's another story. I don't mind the third yet seriously just everything.
I was okay with the first TMNT but thought the 2nd was better. Yet their not the best it depends on your own opinion.
Seriously no one attacks Michael Bay or says let's boy cott his stuff yet people assume Rebecca Sugar is a racist when clearly their intention was not that. Along with even if it's a show. Movies and TV shows are different but seriously you complain of how some characters are portrayed and consider some stereotypes. I could try to understand in a way. But compare that to the shit Michael Day has done. Including other films like Pain And Gain a film that was really surprised and shocked me. In a way one of his better films. But my judgement is a weird considered he based that upon a real life crime and other shit.
Also the famous Nostalgia Critic review of Pearl Harbor while I never seen the film. Just well I have seen bits of it at Hawaii last year yeah interesting right at Hawaii just....I don't care for Nostalgia Critic much these days despite some funny moments. The film doesn't seem to be the best.
I'm sounding stupid basically just what he touches I just don't like his work. Seriously it's a miracle he doesn't have his hands on the Sonic The Hedgehog franchise on that upcoming film by Paramount not Sony. While I rather have Warner Bros to have the rights for personal reasons. Yet keep Bay away from that shit typos for shit and others.
I remember that Sonic Legends fake movie thing I talked about and it was fake yet I believed it, but it was on Deviantart this awesome poster and information. It saying Michael Bay directing and I think Steven Spielberg executive producing like with the Transformers films. Also DreamWorks and Paramount a CGI PG-13 movie. Amazing years later Paramount actually gets the rights.
But the thought of that and Michael Bay fucking up storylines while not the best some were deep. Such as Shadow's story from Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Unleashed a game I love and reblogged a shit ton. Including even keep him away from Sonic Forces and Sonic Mania despite I dislike the custom character. I'm being weird wanna mention 06 but no yet just tv is on in here and some guy in here.
Seriously I thought this imagine The Loud House him working on that and considering the shit that went down, or Wander Over Yonder, or OK KO shows I love and others too.
I got off topic yet this could relate to Dora The Explorer which was a cartoon first. Just.....I'm getting worked up. But I wanted to talk about that Steven Universe part and Sonic. Yet I thought of other things like other cartoons.
Oh yeah imaging Michael Bay's Gravity Falls I don't like that show anymore but God damn the idea lol normal to smile.....
I don't think I'll tag this just....I'm typing this in a Pizza Hut lol just I feel that says something. But lol almost left I but just almost left o.....smiled right now.....
I'm getting distracted but I seriously wanted to talk about this. Sorry ticks started to get ahold of me my Autism. I was basically trying to be deep lol just....smiling a bit because it's funny in a way but sad.
Yet I could be getting worked up. But I think someone should say sometime I seriously thought that was fake yet that college humor thing did it say it parodied Michael Bay just asking. I need to finish my pizza and sorry to bother
Edit wow my smile wasn't really a little talk and even thought first I just wrote This
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