#yeah I know the picture 4 and 5 are the same but well my animation brain was locked
collophora · 4 months
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Building Bridges by @maidenvault Found this fic again In my saved ebooks so I couldn't resist. Short fic I like a lot for portraying the "boys being boys" vibe of the early batch XD (I didn't draw the funniest parts 'cause my brain focused on the end but read it.)
Small spoiler for the end under cut
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536 notes · View notes
insertdisc5 · 11 months
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Hello everyone! Welcome to this month’s devlog!
If you just stumbled upon this, I am Adrienne, also known as insertdisc5! I’m the developer, writer, artist, main programmer, etc of the game. The game being In Stars and Time, a timeloop RPG, which is also the next and final game in the START AGAIN series, following START AGAIN: a prologue (available here!).  You can find out more about In Stars and Time here!!! 
My goodness. Can you believe In Stars and Time will finally be out THIS MONTH? NOVEMBER? TWENTIETH? TWO THOUSAND TWENTY THREE?!??!?!?!? Yeah turns out ME NEITHER so WE CAN FREAK OUT ABOUT IT TOGETHER.
So, as previously mentioned, In Stars and Time will be out on November 20th on Steam, itch.io, GOG, Nintendo Switch, and Playstation 4 and 5!!! We mentioned this previously, but we cannot guarantee they will come out at a specific time, nor guarantee they will all come out at the exact same time and hour and minute, but we will do our best! Hopefully “sometime in the morning for Canada” is the time. Don’t hold me to that though!
And for our announcement, we prepared a wonderful announcement trailer, animated by the lovely Mimi Chiu! Did you see it?!? Well, have it again.
In preparation for the release, we’ve been bringing our marketing A-game! I (insertdisc5) have appeared on The Completionist’s IndieLand Stream, and it was an absolute blast. I also reiterated my Big Hope for this game, which is that I hope ISAT makes you feel so many feelings. 
We’re also doing a Fanworks Contest on Twitter, with the prize being a key of the game on release!!! If you have something in mind, why not participate? We accept EVERY kind of art, from fanart to fanfics to cosplay to animatics to memes to even pictures of food! As long as it’s ISAT related, GO FOR IT!!!
And finally, every Monday until release we’ll be sharing some ISAT character playlists made by yours truly (along with some VERY MUCH NEEDED HELP from friends and family. Finding songs is hard!) You can check them out here on Spotify!
And, finally for real, mayhaps consider joining the Discord channel before all hell breaks loose. Make some friends. Show some memes. Post your last minute theories. Or maybe just lurk! Up to you and your delightful little brain.
How weird to know this is the last devlog before the release! I WILL be posting a couple more monthly devlogs after this month- I want to talk about how the release went! And even after the game comes out, there will be some fun little things in store! So please stay tuned even after the game comes out :) And as always, don’t forget to wishlist the game on Steam!!! Ok!!! Wishlist numbers this close to release are SO IMPORTANT!!!! SO PLEASE!!! I BEG!!! ON MY KNEES!!! PLEASE WISHLIST!!!! (someone does a neck cutting motion off screen) I’m told to tone it down. So PLEASE WISHLIST but like, um, only if you want, teehee <3
Thank you for following this devlog all this time. I hope you enjoy the game when it comes out later this month.
See you next time.
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156 notes · View notes
1moreff-creator · 1 year
Trying to figure out the Ace "murder" method
Hey, it's me again!
Seeing the great reception to my Arei murder theory (which, in case you missed, has an important second version (adult warning for Arei's BDA) and a less important third post, and beyond), I decided to try and figure out a method for the Ace murder attempt from episode 6. That and I have a sorta friendly theory rivalry going on with thebadjoe-
Seems like a fun challenge. Let's get into it!
Truth Bullets
Before the murder:
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1- Ace's body and wounds: Ace's body is sitting against a wall, slumped over. His neck has what seem to be three slice-type wounds across the front. These are the only visible wounds we know of. His face is angry, but this being Ace, it'd be weirder if it wasn't.
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2- Bloodstain on the wall: There is a faint bloodstain just behind Ace's neck. Notably, this is the only trace of blood outside of Ace and the wires.
3- Lone wire: Because I clearly didn't have enough thinking about ropes and pulleys in the other murder, this one involves a wire! That's practically just a sharp rope! Notably, there is blood around a huge chunk of the middle of the cable, and a bit on one of the sides.
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4- Wire taped to the fan: There is another piece of wire, wrapped around and taped to the broken ceiling fan. There is blood on the end of the wire not connected to the fan. The roll of tape used is right there. Fun fact, the tape actually dissappears from the background in the middle of the investigation, as pointed out by thebadjoe. Eden took it. This has more to do with the other murder than this one, but it's something to consider.
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5- Broken fan: The fan on the right (door view) is broken, and on the ground.
6- Moved benches: Two benches have been moved from their original position. The one on the left is just moved to the side, while the one on the right is toppled over next to Ace. Notably, it's under the broken fan, meaning it must have toppled over before the fan got there.
7- Stool: There is a stool.
I have genuinely no idea where the hell this thing came from. It wasn't in any of the second floor rooms, or any of the first floor rooms we've seen. Was it in storage?
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Hey, how fucking far did they drag this thing?! I have to imagine it was somewhere else, as there are actually a few doors which have never been opened, such as in the laundry room.
Whatever, no one cares. There's a stool, let's live with that.
8- Broom: There is a broom. I really hope they didn't get this from storage as well.
9- Toppled over weight rack: The weight rack has been moved closer to the... lifting bench thing, and now lay sprawled across the floor. Yeah, I got no idea about gym terminology.
10- Isolated weights: There are two small weights off to the side. Yep, they sure do exist.
11- Non-functioning fan: The fan on the left isn't moving (I know you can't tell from the picture, but trust me on this). This is especially strange, as we see the same fan moving the next day when Teruko and Rose go to the gym, despite the other fan still being gone.
12- Clean pull-up bar: The tape which was around the pull-up bar since the first day the second floor opened has disappeared.
13?- ???: So, uh, I got no idea what's going on in this general area. Apart from the bench press bar apparently disappearing, there seems to be a whole ass chunk of a mirror missing, which makes absolutely zero sense. It almost looks like someone took a bite off the damn thing, but I don't think anyone here eats glass, not even MonoTV. I imagine this is an animation error, but I'll point it out anyways in case it's somehow important.
14- Rose's account: During her painting session with Nico, her turpentine went missing.
15- Teruko's account: "[Ace] stayed unconcious for much longer than can be explained by blood loss or asphyxiation." Teruko believes this means Ace was likely knocked out with Rose's turpentine. Now, why she believes this when turpentine inhalation cannot cause unconciousness, only vomiting and nausea at worst, is beyond me. But since no one ever corrects her, I believe turpentine just... works differently in the DRDT universe.
16- Banging noise: Shortly before Eden and Teruko entered the crime scene, they heard a strange banging noise which came from the gym, followed by a clattering sound. This noise is... definitely strange, and in fact, I struggle to say what exactly it was. Since it doesn't match anything perfectly, I guess it must either be the weight rack toppling, or the fan falling. Also, this noise must have been caused by Nico, as no one else ran out of the gym afterwards.
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17- Nico's missing cloak: Nico's usual cloak (that's what it's called, right?) is nowhere to be seen. Where the hell it went is a fantastic question, but the fact they don't have it in the first place could mean a lot of different things. Also to note, Nico doesn't have any blood on them.
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I believe that about covers it. Let's see what we can manage. Also, I apologize in advance if it seems like this isn't very structured, I'm doing the best to explain my reasoning step by step.
What was Nico doing?
This may seem like an odd question to start with, but it's actually one which gives way to one of the most fundamental truths of the crime. One which I need to establish before getting anywhere in terms of theorizing. No, I'm not about to claim Nico didn't try to murder Ace, It's something else.
The answer seems obvious at first: they were clearly killing Ace, right? Well, not so fast. Nico was standing quite far from the body, yet holding a wire covered in blood. It almost looks like they just stumbled into an already established crime scene and were just investigating. Some claim this means Nico wasn't the one who set up most of the crime, but we have to remember this line:
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Charles: But did you not intentionally try to make a serious attempt on Ace's life? Answer honestly.
Nico: Y... Yes...
Nico admits to, at some point, having tried to kill Ace. Of course, this isn't conclusive, but there is actually something else which makes me believe Nico might be the sole culprit of this almost-murder. A piece of evidence I haven't seen anyone mention in detail before.
The isolated weights.
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What's the issue with this weights? Well, there are three truths which make them particularly strange.
1- The fact they're isolated means they were likely involved in the murder method.
2- They are decently far from any other piece of evidence.
3- They are neatly stacked on top of each other.
The fact they're neatly stacked means someone put them like that intentionally, yet they were clearly involved in the murder method. However, if they were involved in the method, how are they this far from everything else?
Well, let me answer those questions by raising others in return. Why is Ace so far from the wires, and why was Nico holding one of them? Why are the weights the only thing in the room which seem to be placed intentionally, when everything else is all over the place? When did Nico lose their cloak? What did they do to make that banging noise?
All these questions lead me to one answer. Nico wasn't actively trying to murder Ace when Eden and Teruko entered the scene, they were cleaning the crime scene. This could include moving Ace's body around, screwing around with the wires in a way which broke the fan, and, the important part, instinctively stacking the weights on top of each other. Maybe because Nico was getting bothered by the general mess of the room, or something like that (I know I would try to put some order in the room if I was nervous), and the weights were the easiest things to move around.
Whatever the reason Nico had for moving the weights, the point is, they did. This movement clearly didn't have anything to do with the actual method, as again, the weights were pretty far from everything, so it seems to me like they were just sorta "cleaning". And the reason everything else is in disarray is because they weren't done when Teruko and Eden got there.
Of course, you may be unconvinced. You may have questions like "why didn't Nico check Ace was dead dead?". But I promise, this will all make more sense as I explain further, so for now, let's assume Nico was cleaning the crime scene.
What does that mean? It means the position of most of the objects in the room could have changed between the time the attack was carried out, and the moment Teruko and Eden entered the gym.
With this possibility in mind, let's take a deeper dive into some of the evidence.
Two Wires on a Bird
(Wait, that's not how the song-)
Now, as you may remember, there were two pieces of wire in the gym; one by itself, and one taped to the fan. A lot of people assume these two were pieces of the same wire, which was broken when the fan went down, probably.
However, I do not believe this is the case. Remember, these wires are metal. From what I could find, their black color could imply they may be aluminum or iron, for example. These have, scientifically speaking, a fuckton of tensile strength. You would need a force of no less than an elephant stampede to break that with tension alone. They can be broken, quite easily with enough effort and tools, but not easily snapped.
No, I believe the answer is much simpler. There were always two wires; there was never an unintentional breakage. If these two things were ever one solid piece of wire, the would-be-murderer must have separated them before they set up their scheme, with whatever they could find. Maybe there could be tools in storage? Not too important.
But, beyond stealing the turpentine, is there really any evidence the killer really thought the method through with that much anticipation? After all, there is this line:
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Veronika: Is this what you were envisioning when you tried to kill Ace? That the trial would happen like this, but with Ace instead of Arei dead?
Nico: I didn't... I never thought about it... I...
If Nico is the sole culprit as I'm claiming, doesn't that line mean there wasn't much forethought on Nico's part?
Don't worry, I'll explain that line later. For now, let me show you that the almost-killer absolutely planned the method in advance.
Broken Fans, Broken Hearts
One of the evidence pieces which confused me the most at first was, without a doubt, the non-functioning fan on the left. Why the hell isn't it moving? It's not the other fan falling, as we see the fan on the left working independantly the next day. Clearly, something happened which broke this fan, and it may have broken the other one as well.
Now, I looked through Google to see how ceiling fans work, see if I can figure something funky out. As a quick and oversimplified explanation, they run a current to create magnetic force which moves a rotor which moves the blades. From this, I thought of maybe using magnets to screw them up, but there aren't any magnets we know of in DRDT. I looked into Nico's laser pointer, but that also went nowhere. Despite the lack of evidence of its use, J's remote was the only thing I could think of for a while.
That is, until I realized one fundamental truth:
I'm an idiot.
The answer is much, much simpler. And it comes from one important question. Why is the tape on the fan facing the ceiling?
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Most people, myself included, see a stool, tape, and tape on a fan, and assume the killer used the stool to reach the fan and put the tape there. But the problem is, that would only allow you to place the wire on the underside of the blades. And I'm pretty sure the fan wouldn't do a cartwheel in midair to land upside down.
No, what the tape's position implies is that the killer had access to the upper side of the fan's blades. This means they were likely able to bring the fans down before the murder, and put them back later. However, it's very likely they wouldn't be completely able to fix them, explaining why the left one isn't moving.
I'm not sure how they'd do that, and it sorta relies again on tools from storage, but it doesn't quite matter. There's no point in taping a wire to a fan unless you want it on the fan, aka close to the ceiling, so the killer must have put them back. They likely did this way before the murder, though that raises the question of why the tape would still be there in that case. I do have an explanation, but it'll have to wait for now.
The fact the killer had this ability to take down and somewhat fix the fans makes the left fan's state trivial. They would just take it down to break it, like they did the fan on the right. Of course, the question is why.
I have two answers. The boring one is that the almost-killer thought having one fan moving while the other was broken would be suspicious, and would make Ace more cautious than just seeing both fans broken.
The more fun answer, but one I don't think makes much sense, is that breaking the fans could make the turpentine more effective. Keep in mind Teruko says it is inhaling the fumes from turpentine which can cause unconciousness, and the fans, moving the air around and stuff, would make it harder for the fumes to really be effective... somehow? Again, impossible to know from real life turpentine, as it doesn't work the same as in DRDT. There are a decent bit of inconsistencies with this answer, but eh. As long as Nico could conceivably believe it would help, they may do it. The killers don't have to always know exactly what they're doing.
Alright, Murder Time!
Now that you know how my brain interprets most of the evidence in the crime scene, it's time to get to the actual method. Just so you can get a taste of the insanity required to come up with something which is at least even slightly believeable, here's a highlight reel of the silliest ideas I seriously considered at one point or another!
-Using the broom to beat the shit out of a fan like a piñata.
-Putting the fan on the treadmill and making it run. Don't ask me how this would work.
-Creating a yoyo with the wire and the isolated weights. I almost wanted this one to be true.
-Creating a weird garrote thing with the wires and the weights.
Alright, got it out of my system. Let's actually start now.
The first thing we have to look at is the blood on the wires.
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This is, hands down, the part of the crime which drove me the most insane. We need to somehow figure out a way to have blood on quite a bit of the end of the fan-wire, a huge chunk in the middle of the lone wire, and a bit on its right side as well. All of this, while only leaving injuries on the front of Ace's neck, and not the back.
The simplest way to do this would be to "drag" the bloody parts of the wire across Ace's neck, but the question is how to "dodge" the parts which aren't bloody. If you try to think about this for yourself, you're gonna notice this is a lot harder than it seems. The bloody part on the middle of the lone wire is long, but the one on the right is small. Additionally, you have to somehow figure out a way to bloody up the end of the fan-wire, which comes with the problem of "where the hell even is Ace to have his neck cut by this thing".
The first thing I figured out is that the end of the fan-wire was likely attached to the middle of the lone wire, the latter doubled over the point of contact.
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(My art is back with a vengeance)
The lone wire could have even been tied around itself to triple over itself, if the length was still too long for the killer's taste. This would also help to explain the multiple injuries on his neck.
However, the problem with this is that goddamn little bit of blood on the right of the lone wire. It can't be solved by just dragging Ace a bit further, as there's a part of the wire which isn't bloody. This took me a while to figure out. In fact, at one point I was close to calling it quits, and just leaving that bit of blood unexplained.
But then, it came to me. A noose!
If the killer made a noose with the wire (let's assume that's possible), and Ace was dragged along the base of the noose, but not the noose itself, then the point of connection would leave a bloody part of the wire which would appear separated from the rest once you extended it out.
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(The main takeaway from this "drawing" is the noose, don't worry if you don't exactly understand the triple over thing. After all, I'm not even sure it was actually used)
Of course, now we have to ask ourselves why in the hell is the killer making a noose, then having Ace's neck drag across the base of the noose. The first thing which comes to mind is putting the noose around something, something like the pull up bar. That's sorta the only object near the fan I could see this working with. And we know the other end of the wire must have been on the fan.
This all points me to a theory I was already cooking up beforehand. The killer may have used gravity as a weapon, letting Ace's body lean on the wire as it tenses and untenses to slowly slash at his neck. This is sorta the system I'm envisioning.
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Obviously the drawings aren't to scale.
Now, if we miraculously (and it really would be a miracle) get this to work, it could explain those damn bloodstains that stumped me for hours. It could also explain the meaning of those isolated plates: if you manage to secure them to Ace's chest, they would weigh him down in such a way that his neck would press harder on the wire, causing more damage. I'll get to the way I believe it's possible the killer secured them later, but for now, this is the gist of my idea.
Now, there are a significant amount of questions and concerns you may raise just by seeing this, so let me address those.
The first concern you may have is the length of the wire system. Keeping in mind the fan-wire is atteched to the end of the blade, it would practically be impossible for this system to work if the fan spins all the way.
For the fan to actually spin automatically and not break anything, the "fan-out" position must exist only when the blade with the wire is as far away from the pull-up bar as possible. With how large the fan is, the end of the wire would be somewhat over the treadmills, maybe a bit closer to the door. The problem is, as the fan spins and the wire "tries to slack" (remember, Ace's neck pressing against it would mean it never fully slacks), it would end up practically touching the floor by the time the blade gets closer to the pull-up bar. Not to mention the issue of Ace's weight possibly fucking with the fan's automatic spin. In other words, it's impossible to create this system if the fan is spinning on its own.
...The sharper of you will have already realized why that argument doesn't work. It's not a problem, because the fan isn't spinning on its own. We established it earlier, remember? The fan was likely broken before the murder attempt even formerly began. That means the fan is spinning manually.
Perhaps that piñata idea wasn't so far off after all, we just needed a gentler touch. Using the broom and probably the stool, the almost-killer would be able to make the fan move on their whim. And this means there's no reason for them to make the fan do full revolutions. If they just move the blades back and forth a little bit, they would be able to "straighten" and "slack" the wire system however they wanted, and wouldn't need the system to extend all the way to the other side of the room. In fact, they would actually want the system to be as short as possible while still reaching from the fan to the pull-up bar, since that simplifies the positioning of Ace's body, as you'll see later.
But before we get to that, I have to answer something else. This method, you may have noticed, wouldn't exactly leave the deepest wounds, would it? I mean, it could definitively cause bleeding, but the wounds would likely be quite shallow, unless the wire is ultra sharp. It seems like a pretty bad murder system if it only leaves mostly superficial wounds.
Except, who told you the wounds weren't superficial? Remember, Ace didn't actually die from this. And although I'm no expert in anatomy, I believe any neck wound would be fatal if it's deep enough. Thus, whatever the method used was, it could only leave shallow wounds.
That still raises the question of why the killer would do this, but I'll get there. For now, let me give you a sneak peek: I believe the attacker knew Ace didn't die from the wire attack. Intriguing, right?
And if you're worried about the amount of blood being too much for shallow wounds, don't worry. As I said, I believe Teruko and Eden ran into the crime scene a while after the crime actually happened, so Ace must have been bleeding for a while. And I'm no forensic expert, but I believe people who are alive bleed faster than corpses, since the heart is still beating and all that. Essentially, there's a lot of blood only because Ace has been bleeding for a while.
Now comes the hardest part of the visualization, and frankly, the one thing which really makes me doubt whether or not this is possible. With the two benches found on the crime scene, you have to play jenga with them and Ace's body in a way which makes sure his head reaches the pull-up bar in the "fan-out" position, and which doesn't run into issues holding his body up in the "fan-in" position. Considering the height of the pull-up bar, I think the best way to do this would be placing the benches parallel to the wire, and Ace's body kneeling perpendicular to it. You might also want to put a space in between the benches for the knees to bend forward, but I'm not sure.
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(Not to scale)
Again, I know this is hard to visualize, and probably harder to pull off, but I don't think it's completely impossible. If anyone has better ideas on how to put the benches, I'd love to hear it.
Now, the sharper of you would realize a problem. As Ace's body flops onto the wire, it's likely going to get pulled forward, but it would also likely slide down towards Ace's chest. That's a problem, since his wounds are only on his neck. However, I have a possible solution for this. You know how I said you could secure the isolated weight plates on Ace's chest to make him press harder onto the wire? Well, if you secure them high and well enough, with tape for example, they might be able to stop the wires from sliding down.
The unfortunate part of this is that we can't be sure if there was any blood on the weights, which there likely would be in this case, since Teruko didn't check them closely. But the bigger issue here is the tape itself: where'd it go?
Well, I'll answer that question with another question. How is there no blood on the floor? Under this method, gravity would make at least a fair bit of blood fall to the floor. There's no way Nico cleaned it up, so how?
Well, if you don't want a liquid to stain a floor, what can you do? You can drape something over the floor so that gets stained instead of the floor. And this is how I plan to explain Nico's missing cloak. Their cloak was draped over the floor in the place where the blood would fall, as to avoid staining the floor with blood. Nico later removed the cloak from the crime scene, possibly leaving it in the dress-up room or somewhere else for the time being.
Now, that sounds ridiculous. Why would Nico leave the crime scene so early? Is there any actual evidence they left at some point?
Well, actually, there is. It's the other place where blood should have been in this method. Since Ace's neck must reach the base of the noose, it would touch the pull-up bar and stain it with blood. Or rather, it would stain the tape on the pull-up bar with blood. The tape which is also missing.
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In fact, this missing piece of tape is extremely important evidence for my theory. The fact it's missing means the pull-up bar was involved, possibly being stained with blood. It also means the culprit took evidence out of the crime scene, which helps explain why Nico is missing their cloak. It also gives credence to the theory the killer taped the isolated weights to Ace's chest, since one missing piece of tape could imply two missing pieces of tape. And- hey! That's why the roll of duct tape is still there! They didn't need it for the fan, since that set up was likely done before the murder attempt as established earlier, so they must have used it somewhere else!
Oh yeah, it's all coming together.
And with this, as you've noticed, we've sorta already arrived at my conclusion on the culprit. Since I believe Nico's cloak was involved in the setup, but was later removed, I firmly assert Nico is the sole almost-murderer. After all, even if the killer knocked out Nico and put them in the crime scene or something, there would be no reason to discard their cloak, and if Nico took it out the gym after waking up, there's no reason to return until they tell someone else about the body.
At this point, I should also address the hidden quote I know is gonna be brought up. Like with every character, if you inspect element on Nico's page you get a hidden quote, which in their case is "why should I own up for the mistakes someone else made?". That makes it sound like they didn't do this, but keep in mind, Nico did confirm having attempted to kill Ace, so I don't think it makes sense for the mistake to be "tried to kill Ace". I actually think this line could be a lot darker. I think this line could imply Ace made the mistakes being referred to, and Nico feels as though they don't have to own up for that. Like, "Ace was the one who fucked around, I just made them find out". Though I am admittedly biased towards evil Nico interpretations, so I can't be sure. Also, this could be about something from another chapter entirely.
Now that we sort of have an idea of how the attack could have gone down, we have to start thinking of the clean up. Unfortunately, this part of the plan wouldn't leave many clues behind, so it's largely speculative. Also worth keeping in mind, I believe this started a while before Teruko and Eden even arrived at the second floor.
The first order of business is taking Ace's body out of the mechanism. They would need to gently let it lean on the wire until the fan wouldn't turn anymore, before quickly stepping off the stool and going over. I'll explain why they're so worried about the body later, but for now, trust me bro. They would push the body off the wire, moving the benches to maneuver better, but their movements are sort of sloppy. This results in the rightmost bench falling over, and when they push Ace up against the wall, they do so haphazardly, leaving behind a small blood stain behind his neck. This is unfortunately the only explanation I have for the bloodstain on the wall which still fits all the other evidence. I say unfortunately because it's a sorta odd explanation for something I would usually consider quite important, but I've had enough trying to explain the blood on the wires, I'm not gonna worry too much about this little thing.
After making sure the body is off the wire, Nico would want to take care of the most incriminating evidence first: their bloodstained cloak. They would probably roll it up into a ball to carry it, though I imagine they may wipe some of the blood off the wires as well. After all, it's the one piece of evidence which can be directly be linked back to them. Since they just took the body down, they would also pick up the evidence closest to them; the bloodstained tape on the pull-up bar and the tape and weights on Ace's chest. They decide to leave the weights in the gym for the time being, and carry out the cloak and the pieces of tape, likely leaving them somewhere else on the second floor. I think one of the changing rooms in the dress-up room is the likeliest spot, or the trash can. They were later planning on disposing of it in a better way, I imagine, but I don't think they wanted to leave the body alone too long, since as I said, they may have known Ace was alive.
Timeline-wise, it's hard to say how much time passes between Nico going out and into the gym, and the moment Teruko and Eden meet in the dress-up room. Especially because part of my other theory is that Eden was actually doing some stuff on the second floor at this time. So here's how I see it; when they return to the gym, they put the weights they had just sort of left there one on top of the other, probably move the stool a little, but most importantly, they start trying to figure out a way to take down the wire system. They initially try things like untying the noose or undoing the knot in the middle, but they're worried about blood getting on them or getting cut by the wire. This hesitation on how to take the wire system down is what explains the time difference between the start of their cleaning and the moment Eden and Teruko get there. I am deeply aware this isn't a very satisfying answer to that issue, but I don't think it's too outlandish, especially since Nico is clearly not in the greatest mental state.
Eventually, they decide they're not going to take the wire system down carefully. To avoid getting blood on themselves, the best way would be to rip out the entire system all at once. I imagine they looped the wire around the broom, and pulled hard in one direction. Do it well enough, and I believe both the noose and the knot between the wires would come undone. However, in doing this, Nico also accidentally knocked down the ceiling fan. This causes the banging noise Eden and Teruko hear.
However, Nico doesn't think anyone else is nearby, and thus doesn't worry about the noise. They just pick up the lone wire (by the parts which aren't bloody), which had flown towards them thanks to their broom trick, and stretch it out... because they felt like it. Yeah, I'm not really sure. But I know a lot of people do weird things to calm themselves when nervous, and Nico is not thinking straight. Fixing up the wire could be something they felt compelled to do without logical reason. I hope this makes sense to you as much as it makes sense to me. Regardless, this is what Teruko and Eden catch them doing. Nico runs away, and probably picks up their cloak on the way as to at least have the slightest argument for their innocence. Since the lone pieces of tape are there, Nico probably picks them up too.
That's basically it for what happened, though you may have noticed there is one piece of evidence I never mentioned. That being the toppled over weight rack. However, there's a pretty simple explanation for this, one I have to give credit to thebadjoe for. Essentially, it's possible the weight rack was moved by Ace to train. If he was bench pressing, it would make sense for him to bring the weight rack closer to the... bench press bench? You know what I mean. And then, when the killer attacked them with turpentine, the rack was toppled over in the struggle. There's unfortunately no way to confirm this, as in the ep 11 flashback, Ace is in the gym but the weight rack is not next to the bench press bench. This doesn't disprove anything; Ace could have just been doing literally anything else. But it unfortunately doesn't confirm anything either.
So, there we go! A series of events which more or less explains all the major evidence in the scene and is (hopefully) physically possible! The bloodstains on the wires were a major pain, to the point I will gladly take anything that explains them more or less satisfactorily, and the missing tape on the pull up bar convinces me I'm (hopefully) in the right track.
... Yeah, so there's still a problem.
Hey, OP, what the fuck?
So, once again my "method before motive" way of theorizing arrives at an extremely complicated system which seems to have no purpose at all. If the fan really is broken as I claim, then there's no way for this to be a remote murder, and a lot of this is just unnecessary. Like, why not just cut Ace's neck with the wires using your hands, the way God (MonoTV) intended? And what the hell did I mean when I said Nico started cleaning the crime scene despite knowing Ace was alive?!
So, here comes the most speculative part of my theory. The reason for the method. Initially, one would assume a system like this would be used to get away with the murder without being caught, like most murders in... well, murder mystery stories. However, remember that line I brought up before? The one where Veronika asks about the trial, and Nico claims to have never thought about it?
I think they're telling the truth. I don't think the purpose of the system is to get away with the murder at all.
And it all comes back to the concern I raised about superficial wounds. Like I said, this system seems odd because it wouldn't be able to cause anything but some shallow cuts. But, what if that's the point?
What if Nico designed this method specifically so it wouldn't kill Ace?
That sounds insane, but think about it. If Nico tries to cut Ace's neck with the wires just by using their hands, it's possible they would get over-excited and accidentally cut too deep, killing Ace almost instantly. If that's not what they want, then it would make more sense to set up a somewhat automatic system which runs less risk of cutting too deep. Maybe.
But, didn't Nico confirm they made a serious attempt on Ace's life, like they told Charles? Yes, but they weren't done.
I believe it's possible Nico wanted Ace to wake up after receiving his neck injuries. That way, he'd be weakened by the blood loss and the pain, but still concious when Nico actually killed them. Under this interpretation, Nico wanted Ace to die knowing Nico was stronger than him, not just by using turpentine and cheap tricks, but just in a straight up fight (though with the handicap of the injuries).
Is that too sadistic? Arguably yes, but we still don't know how far Nico's anger is capable of taking them. I'm probably biased since I am a Veronika kinnie at heart, whose love for a character only increases the more evil and fucked up they are. Still, trust me when I say I went insane trying to figure out any method which could explain the fucking bloodstains on those wires as well as everything else, and this one is the best one I've found so far. It's all I have, I gotta work the characters around it somehow, and this is the only way I can think of.
Nico waiting for Ace to wake up also answers a lot of the basic questions of what the hell was going on when Teruko and Eden entered. If Nico really made a serious attempt on Ace's life, why are they standing so far without confirming Ace is dead? Because they know he's not, and are waiting for him to wake up.
The biggest issues I see here (besides the sheer insanity of the idea) are:
-This method still really isn't that reliable at not killing. However, it doesn't have to be; Nico just needs to trust it more than they do their own hands. And the trust Nico has on their own hands could actually be very little knowing how insecure they is about a lot of things. Not a great argument, but it's there.
-If Nico didn't think of the trial at all, there's no reason for them to take the cloak and tape out of the gym. This is admittedly a much more pressing issue, since a lot of my theory hinges on them doing this. My best answer is that they were working mostly on autopilot. Not actively thinking of the trial, but still knowing in the back of their mind that they would have to hide they did this. It's not great, but it's an answer.
-We don't have evidence Nico even had another weapon on them. If Nico wanted to kill Ace after he woke up, they would have likely brought a weapon with them. However, counterpoint; we know they must have had at least one possible weapon, the turpentine bottle. It's a pretty shitty weapon, but break it open and it would be effective enough. Additionally, the fact we don't know where that thing is implies Nico could have been hiding another weapon, but I'm hesitant to claim this, because again, no evidence.
Overall, I think these holes aren't too big, and considering I'm expecting to get lots of things wrong here, I'm comfortable enough with my answer to put it out there for peer review.
Closing Argument
-During the afternoon, the culprit had to get two custom weapons for their plan. One, the turpentine, they stole from Rose during a painting session. The other, Hu's wire, they simply asked for with some vague excuse, as they had a good relation with her.
-Once they got the wire, they split it into two and went to the gym, a while before the victim arrived. They also brought a stepstool and a broom. With them, they took down the rightmost fan, and ductaped one of the wires' end to one of its blades. They managed to put the fan back up, with the wire hidden on top of the blades. However, the fan didn't spin anymore. The culprit also broke the other fan with a similar method, so as to not make the victim suspicious when they entered the gym.
-The culprit waited until the victim entered the gym for their regular nighttime exercise session, likely after feeding the fish in the relax room.
-The victim, Ace, wanted to do some bench pressing, so he brought the weight rack closer. They didn't notice anything amiss, until the culprit entered the gym.
-With a rag filled with turpentine (maybe; it's impossible to know how people in the DRDT universe would use turpentine as a sedative), the culprit ambushed Ace. Although there was a struggle which knocked over the weight rack, the culprit managed to get Ace to inhale enough turpentine to knock him out. Now, the culprit could have just killed Ace then and there, but that's not what they wanted. They wanted to prove themselves stronger than him, or simply to make them suffer for what he had done to them. In any case, they wanted him to be seriously injured, but not dead by the time the turpentine wore off. Since they couldn't trust their own impulses, they wanted to use a more hands-off method which would ensure Ace would be in serious pain, but not die until the culprit could make sure he felt it.
-Working quickly as nighttime approached, the killer used the broom and stepstool to spin the rightmost fan's blades so as to get the wire taped to it to fall down.
-They tied a noose around the pull-up bar with the other part of the wire. They possibly made the wire triple over itself, and attached the fan-wire to its middle. They also put the non-noose end under the noose on the pull-up bar, for extra stability. For Ace's body, they used the roll of tape to attach two small weights from the rack to Ace's chest.
-With the wire system now hanging slack, like a vine, between the fan and the pull-up bar, they moved the benches under it. The killer also wore a cloak, which they took off and draped over the floor around where they believed the blood would end up.
-They dragged Ace's body to the benches. They propped him up there on his knees, letting his neck press down onto the wire system, specifically a part of the fan-wire. Once they made sure he wasn't going to fall, they quickly made their way to the stepstool, grabbed the broom, and got on it.
-With the broom, they moved the fan's blades manually, not too fast, but with some strength. The wire system pressed hard on Ace's neck, starting to cut his neck as it straightened. Ace's head tilted as this happened, and he started to lean towards the pull-up bar. As his neck dragged over the rolled up lone wire, various shallow cuts opened in his skin. Ace's head touched the pull-up bar's tape, staining it and the base of the noose with blood.
-The killer then slowly allowed Ace's body weight to press on the wire as the fan slowly spun in that direction, the speed controlled by the broom. The wires didn't fall to his chest because of the weights, as well as the slow nature of the descent. His blood stained every spot of the wire his neck dragged across, including the end of the fan-wire.
-The culprit repeated this one or two times, enough to feel as though Ace was sufficiently hurt for their purposes, but not so much they felt he'd die before waking up.
-When they were done, they gently let Ace's body lean on the wire as far as the fan would allow, before dropping the broom and hopping off the stepstool.
-They quickly ran over to Ace, pushing him off the wire system before it could do any more damage to him. In doing this, the bench he was kneeling on fell over, and Ace's body slammed on the wall next to the pull-up bar. The culprit managed to keep him in a sitting position, but the impact with the wall had left a small bloodstain behind Ace.
-The culprit moved the benches a bit to maneuver better around the gym. They took the bloodstained tape off the pull-up bar, retrieved the weights and tape from Ace's chest, and got their cloak off the floor. They used the cloak to wipe a bit of the blood off the wire system, though since it was already covered in blood, some still remained. Not enough to drip off and make a noticeable change on the floor, though. The killer left the weights off to a side in the gym, and ran off with the tape and cloak. They likely hid it somewhere nearby, like the trash can in the hallway or the changing rooms of the dress-up room.
-They came back to the gym at around the same time Eden went to the second floor (this is related to my other theory, don't worry too much about it). They began waiting for Ace to wake up, but their desire for cleanliness guided them in the tense situation. They started trying to figure out a way to take down the wire system without risking injury and without getting blood on themselves.
-A few minutes later, as Teruko went to the second floor and met with Eden, the killer figured out a way to take down the system. They grabbed the broom and wrapped a clean part of the fan-wire around it, before pulling with all their might.
-Several things happened at once. The noose and knot in the point of connection came undone instantly, and the lone wire flew towards the entrance. However, the strength of the pull also took down the fan from the ceiling, making a loud banging noise which could be heard from the hallway.
-The killer didn't think there'd be anyone on the second floor at the time, so they just continued their clean up effort as they waited for Ace to awaken. They grabbed the lone wire by the non-bloody parts and stretched it out, just as Teruko and Eden entered the gym.
-Upon seeing the two girls, the culprit panicked. They dropped the wire and ran away, but still had the sense to quickly pick up their cloak and tape just in case.
-The culprit's plan was to wait until Ace woke up, and in his weakened and pained state, kill him with the bottle of turpentine or some other weapon they had brought with them. And they would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those meddling girls!
-The missing cloak, paired with the suspicious lack of blood on the scene; the turpentine theft during a painting session with Rose; the motive to kill Ace in this manner; their actions and presence in the crime scene; all paired with an admission of guilt. The method shows only one person with the ability, opportunity and motive to attempt such a heinous murder: Nico Hakobyan, the Ultimate Pet Therapist!
Is this conclusion perfect? By no means. Nico's actions are still extremely erratic and hard to explain, not to mention how difficult it would be to physically get the method to work. However, it's an answer which I feel sufficiently explains all the evidence in the crime scene, which is shockingly difficult. Those damn bloodstains, man.
Still, I imagine I've gotten quite a few things wrong, so this is more a starting point than a final answer. I just think it's solid enough to put out there and get second opinions on it.
Thanks for reading all the way to end! I would give you a cookie, but I'm afraid it's impossible through a screen. Have a good day!
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lucabyte · 3 months
HOWDY! *slams pile of papers on the desk* i have Inquiries. OKAY SO-
1.) i know the bridge between infurno and purrgatorio is Ali realizing they cant leave, so like, whats pawradisio???
2.) wtf happens ta Ali durin the 'age ???' section of their design timeline. what type cult stuff do they get involved w and how. its haunting me i needa know
3.) whats with the 3 year memory erasing thing in that one ali purrgatorio relationship chart. Really funny chart ive shared it w a few friends but also im staring intently at it like Huh What O_O
4.) what is mymk's final form? is it gonna be written, a comic, etc?
5.) got any music you associate w any mymk characters/ali? besides like, in canon reasons like Chrome more like any songs/artists/lyrics that remind u of anya em :0??
anyway yeah huge fan! also hope ur vacation's fun!
Hehe hi :)
1. We shall get there when we get there <3 my lips are sealed. Though I will say, there are further books by Dante one can animal-pun the titles of... Though they aren't part of the divine comedy..... (Alludes vaguely to plans that will inevitably take me years)
2. Okay so spoilers for Creature Feature, Ali's home setting (and @samhainian's thing) (because this is all a bit of an open secret) but Ali is, as I've alluded to previously, an Antagonist.
Creature Feature is a real world adjacent setting, set in our modern day, only with all manner of monsters and cryptids living secretly alongside humans. Ali lives in Wraithbrook, a hidden town populated primarily by monsters (albeit, most everyone still upholds a disguise, just in case). Being a (very) small town with an effectively captive population.... The post-high-school ennui tends to set in bad for people. Hope you enjoy the family businesses, kids.
So... This leaves the listless vulnerable. And boy is Ali a bit malleable. A trusted figure in their life takes advantage of this, part of an accellerationist group looking to break these confines, having singled them out as candidate for their most recent attempt to mold a magic user into a weapon to shatter the veil. And, well, if you've got a self-hating isolated guy who is predisposed to a bit of Catholicism already... Why not utilise the concept of the antichrist? They will be bringing a world together, in a way... And when you've been around as long as some immortal librarians have, doing a little bit of time dilation in the later stages of indoctrination isn't thaaaaat hard... Sooooo....
(But don't worry. They get better. Eventually. At least they look it. Everything is A-OK!!!)
(as for if purrgatorio is canon to this timeline....? Yes! But in a fucked up way! Can't make it too easy for the little guy....)
3. Okay so I was coy literally a sentence ago but yeah purrgatorio is set dead on like.. at the exact same time MYMK proper *should* start. Thus, it cannot exist at the same time as the main story... Ali's narrative powers keep them from being subsumed by the universe and just becoming a funny animal themselves.
But should a time come where Ali is *gone*, and the world is similar enough to the moments before they arrived? Well, the narrative can just pretend the time hasn't passed! Just, don't think too hard about your count of how many Halloweens and Christmasses you've had doesn't really line up....
(A normal person would simply name Purrgatorio noncanon, but hey, if Ali's whole thing is that they manipulate reality like a Narrative... Well. May as well use it! So once canon is over for both parties, things can start creeping back in. It's needlessly overcomplicated but I'm having fun)
4. Written with illustrations! An Online picture book, I suppose. I was initially damning myself to a comic, but after playing in the space with Purrgatorio, I realised I prefer prose. I'll probably write the thing in whole and then release it bit by bit as I work on the illustrations? I have a working outline as of right now and it's not a super long story lol. But its likely going to come after some practice with smaller projects like my reworking of Hazeclan and maybe Damonquest (name pending) (the latter featuring a cut main character of mymk lol)
So! ETA: a while. But we stay silly
5. OKAY.... so I can't link character playlists sadly since they don't exist (..... Yet.) and I'll stick primarily to our at present Purrgatorio cast.
I am like. Famously bad with identifying songs (<- usb stick full of songs on shuffle in the car as a kid) but I have been trying to put thought into this recently (my gold standard for this being my friend @teddymedley who's so good with character songs I did ask him for some vibe checks for this even)
So these are messy and some are like, inherited from earlier drafts of the characters so can be a bit off but I'll give a handful and their reasonings. (No links or embeds though I'm on mobile and Tumblr might eat my visibility if I do. I'll reply with some though)
[Ali Alighieri]
1. "Here comes the flood" by the Divine Comedy (self explanatory really, that animatic will exist someday I promise. This is THE big one to me, but @samhainian may have a different top spot opinion lol) Bonus: it has a demo version that also fucks supremely
2. "All the angels (demo)" by MCR. (Ali is not the MCR sibling, they're the P!ATD sibling. But I don't listen to panic lol)
3. "If you could save yourself you'd save us all" by Ween (peak "sorry what was that line just there?" song)
4. "In the meantime" by Spacehog (I like Spacehog. Everyone gets a spacehog song yaaay)
5. "Here comes the sun" cover by Ghost (not their style of music at ALL and you KNOW they're contrarian about the Beatles, but grim irony is such a vibe here)
[Chromium Mono]
1. "Manicure" by Lady Gaga (this is such a flippant "because I said so" choice lol)
2. "Let it grow" by Renaissance (this is such a nice cheesy song. I like to think of this as speaking to the actual nice loving guy chrome can be when he's not being a prickly bitch)
3. Kissing Ancaps by Patricia Taxxon (... GOD this song is way too cool or smart for chrome lol. It's a chrometab song to me because of the big words and cynicism. It's too modern and online for them but I'm attached to it... Also it contains a sample from let it grow)
4. "Run away with me" by Carly Rae Jepsen (more vibes based! Love some ms jepsen. But at least has a coherent theme wrt to eloping lol)
Bonus: oh god I really have to finish the voiceclaim video I was making. Premiere kept melting on me but I should probably let the world know chrome sounds like Donald Glover huh. The marshall lee to live action Simba pipeline.....
Bonus 2: @teddymedley suggested "Ratchet" by Bloc Party, with the phrasing "subject matter younger chrome sound older chrome" which I like!
[Tabitha Boss]
1. "Cable Rat King" by Gem Milsom (this one genuinely feels like a solid choice to me. It's polite and tentative and about depressive spirals, and is from the same album as the Number One Main Labyrinthine song, Pipes. That animatic will exist someday too I promise)
2. "This too shall pass" by OK GO (Preferably the brass band version. I think Tabitha would adore their videos, he'd be delighted by the moving parts and generally light tone. Also, Labyrinthine has a different "this too shall pass", being by Danny Schmidt)
3. "When will you die?" By TMBG (goofy song. But you get it.)
4. "Zeroes" by Spacehog (Spacehog again 👍)
Bonus: Jimmy buffet discography. He is living on island time baby
Bonus 2: @teddymedley assigned "Happy Hour" by Eels and I think the strange upbeat lethargic energy fits
[Lavender Wafeu]
Lavender is really funny because I honest to god don't think she listens to much music. This means I barely associate music with her apparently.
However @teddymedley did suggest "Black Rainbows" from Hawaii: Part 2, and I think that's better than any of my previous notes. Those previous notes being entirely the words "Little shop of horrors". She, Knives and Mafioso do also share an association with "Panda Hero" by Hachi but that's more visual to me?
I have however begun associating some Zelda OST tracks with her though... Hmmm....!
[Markus Felidae]
This poor bastard has shed and gained characterisation recently enough to have shook the MCR out of their system.... I don't have all that much for them.
Now. Hm. I think I'd have to go with some very on the nose musical tracks? My mind immediately goes to the opening track to Disney's Notre Dame, and maybe like, Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer from Cats? These are such dreadful picks lol. Sorry buddy, characterisation overhaul syndrome. They probably also would listen to P!ATD same as Ali though so do with that what you will.
Bonus: in Markus' earliest iteration over 10 years ago..hrm. long story short, 121 guns is so fucking unfitting but it's lodged there forever lol
[Lupus Felidae]
Lupus is associated in my head with the kind of dub anime opening best codified by 4kids era Pokémon. Like the ideal song here is that one from Yugioh. "No matter what"? That kind of cheese and boyish power of friendship. "OK!!" From the JP endings of anipoke goes here too it's cute to me.
"I can go the distance" from Disney's Hercules is also up there for the same vibes. She's just silly and having fun!
Bonus: "Don't let's start" by TMBG is a Miao song to me, but in relation to her family. So it's also Lupus and Markus' by association.
[Ess Somil]
The idea of an ess playlist is hysterical to me. I feel like it's a Mother 3 battle theme in that man's head all the time. What's your time signature boy.
Anyway, "Numbers" by Neil Cicierega. Since it is overwhelming enough of a soundscape. Or just "Doctor Worm" by TMBG. For that they live in the soil.
.... And that's probably enough!!! This ask is very long now! Sorry it took a while to answer lmaooo. I've been very busy but it's been nice to chip away at during my downtime! Thank you so much for the questions :)
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ryqfaeh · 9 days
Malaysia Digital Content Festival 2024 (MYDCF 2024) & First Look Ejen Ali The Movie 2 (EATM2)
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Official Banner of Level Up Play event by Malaysia Digital Content Festival (MYDCF) 2024
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Before the event, I was honored to be invited by Wau Animation Sdn. Bhd. to attend the Level Up Play event on September 13th, 2024 and witness their First Look of Ejen Ali The Movie 2 (that happened on Friday, the first day of the event).
As someone who is loyal and supportive of Ejen Ali and Wau Animation, it was a great pleasure for me to accept their invitation via private message. I am pleased to have the opportunity to come and support Wauriors' outstanding work there, as well as learn more about their forthcoming project for the Ejen Ali franchise.
Before I move on to the next story, I had already planned to attend this event before the invitation was sent. The reason is because of my admiration for Ejen Ali and AniMY. Unfortunately, I ended up focusing on Ejen Ali and forgot to visit other AniMY booths, my bad.
Okay, let's continue ~
Considering that Ejen Ali will be revealing their First Look on the first day of the event, I made an immediate purchase of a Day 1 ticket before September 11th. Later on, I was contacted by Waurior and was given a 'Special Guest' pass for the Day 1 event. That was so unexpected and surprising, you know?
At the same time, I am deeply thankful for the chance I have been given. Thank you, WAU, for inviting me. Alhamdullillah ~
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Description : Got invitation by Wau Animation as "Special Guest"
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I put on (Ejen) Aliya's casual outfit entirely during the event and added Comot as my primary accessory. I usually wear this for big and special occasions related to Ejen Ali only.
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On Day 1, I finally came across some Wauriors there and captured some memorable pictures with them. Talking to them, who have a high level and status, makes me feel shy because I am just a fan and a fanartist of Ejen Ali.
However, they're so cool, humble, sweet and friendly when meeting and talking to them. It's surprising to learn that some of them are aware of me, who has been known as Iqin, Ejen Ali Fanartist for nearly 8 years.
And the more surprising thing is when the director himself, Sir Usamah, knows me and asks, "Are you Iqin?" The fact that Ejen Ali has a huge fanbase and many fans makes it impossible to believe that the CEO knows you. Thank you, Sir, for acknowledging me as a fan.
When I met Mrs. Azi (who is the wife of Sir Usamah), she immediately recognized my Aliya's casual outfit. She said, "I suddenly remembered someone when I saw your outfit." Yeah, it's Aliya! >.<
Then, I met Sir Fuad for the very first time and he was so humble and calm to talk to. In response to the question (he asked me) about the teaser trailer screening, I expressed my amazement and couldn't think of any better way to describe it. Hehehe.
I also met Sis Ida, Sis Syu, Sis Salina, and Sir Shafiq at the Ejen Ali booth. When they saw my 'Aliya' outfit, they were amazed and said, "Aliya, Mama Ali, Ejen Aliya". Hehehe thank you, Wauriors. I really like how friendly and sweet you guys are. Love guys so much ~ sobs
The last one, Eva! My lovely (friend) twin. I'm so happy to meet her and we hugged a lot as we were happy to meet each other during the event. We took advantage of the opportunity to take a photo together.
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During First Look, Wau Animation released their first Teaser Trailer EATM2 in Hall 5. I'll tell you something. WAU told EA fans, including me, to not feel overly hyped about this and to lower their expectations.
However, this is the most satisfying thing that I have ever experienced in my life, and the Ejen Ali franchise. It's more than just an expectation. More than that. I received more than what they provided during First Look.
It came as a surprise to me that their upcoming surprise had something unexpected. Ehem ehem, *hint* their upcoming merchandise *hint*.
Due to spoilers, I cannot share the picture here as WAU will be released a lot in the future. You guys have to wait and be ready for their announcement soon. It's really worth to wait. It is truly worth it. I swear.
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To be honest, I bought a T-shirt that was limited edition from the Ejen Ali booth. However, due to some issues and spoilers, I cannot share the picture here and keep it as a secret until Ejen Ali releases it himself.
The design of that T-shirt was so beautiful and amazing that it grabbed my attention instantly. Once again, I am unable to share the picture. Sorry, guys ~
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See you in the next event, Ejen Ali and Wau Animation ~ Assalamualaikum!
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italiantea · 1 year
tagged by @hua-fei-hua, 15 questions for 15 mutuals
1. are you named after anyone
yes, i was named after my brother, on account of him being born earlier :p
ok no, i share the same generational name character with my brother but i wasn't named after anyone
2. when was the last time you cried?
like last week graduation day bro you know how it is
3. do you have kids?
idk what those are
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
like a decent amount ig. but I'd say my sense of humor is mostly recounting funny situations/Being Silly/puns (the sheer unbridled pun power of the chinese language... incredible)
5. what sports do you play/have played?
haha all the sports i partake in don't use the verb 'play' (im dogshit at ball games)
track and field in elementary/middle school (short distance running and long jump mostly) and parkour starting in uni. oh and i also did ballet till like age 12, to everyone's surprise ←now i literally just look like Some Dude and also have terrible coordination and absolutely no grace✌️
6. what's the first thing you notice about people?
hair, if they have glasses, shirt color. I'm pretty faceblind as well but in high school I used to memorize unfamiliar people by their shoes and that worked pretty well. i could spot Neon Pink Shoes senpai coming from a mile away
7. eye color?
8. scary movies or happy endings?
no preference as long as it's well written. also this is the strangest non-mutually exclusive way of classifying stories I've ever seen
9. any special talents?
i can hold like a really fucked up looking pose on parallel bars on account of my Freakishly Long Neck. can pull all nighters all the time and not get dark undereye circles. double jointed thumbs? Good At Jumping compared to the average person in my demographic. tentatively trilingual. Oh and i wouldnt say I'm particularly talented at drawing but i can say for sure i can draw a mean picture in powerpoint shapes with a trackpad. don't ask me why
10. where were you born?
also in a hospital in einem ✨Krankenhaus✨ yeah that seems fitting
11. what are your hobbies?
digital art, parkour, and more recently novel and lyric translation. anime and manga but i dont keep up with that many series these days tbh. dabble in guitar/piano/music composition once in a blue moon and yes I'm very bad at all of them :D
12. do you have any pets?
none of my own but there's like 15 dogs on campus and we (dog club) are constantly tripping over ourselves to keep them in check. they're very stupid <3
here, have a picture
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13. how tall are you?
been 166.7 cm since i was 15
14. favorite subject in school?
used to be physics in high school ig. at least the part about classical mechanics. never been a fan of electromagnetics🤢 in uni... idk, neurobiology was fun? and coding. i dont think most engineering students 'like' their core subjects haha
15. dream job?
*sweats* alrighty everyone that concludes this tag meme have a great night!
i definitely do not have 15 mutuals so anyone who wants 2 do it just go right ahead. if you're in an oversharing mood today.
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lietpolski · 1 year
Denmark, 0! (I'm so glad they added an all option!)
!!! ok here we go :D
1) what would their social media page/activity be like: i've discussed this w/ a friend but i think denmark is the most technologically capable after sweden! i think on twitter he's a little more professional (but he loves rting feel-good stuff) BUT he shines on insta. it's full of artsy pictures of the danish countryside and embarrassing videos of him and his friends on his stories :,)
2) what animal they remind me of: i don't care that it's predictable that man is a puppy!!!! manga denmark is a golden retriever but anime denmark is a yippy chihuahua with that fucking voice
3) my thoughts on their design/aesthetic alone: LOVE!! i think his canon outfit is really nice compared to.... whatever the other four are doing!! his hair is dumb but it's dumb /affectionate /i love him
4) physical headcanons: i got a few! he's an early bird!! and a light sleeper. physique-wise he's the second tallest nordic and he has BIG ass arms (an axe was his main weapon so!! makes sense to me!) he has a huge sweet tooth + he loves pastries!! but his favourite is whatever norway bakes because he's a softie :) as for actual food.... this man survives on sandwiches hot dogs and beer. get well soon x
5) social headcanons: denmark is the nordic with the most friends outside of the group!! finland comes close, because everyone loves finland and he has estonia & hungary, but i think denmark's outside friendships are more involved! a strip that really stuck with me is one during the denmark-norway period, where he goes to the netherlands and asks him to give him the buddy price on weaponry and ned agrees despite how he usually is :,) within the group, i see him as having an older-brother-but-kinda-dad relationship with iceland. sweden and him are close now and they're just the brothers who had a fallout but now r coping by insulting themselves jokingly (only when they're a few drinks in sometimes it's not a joke). he and fin only became close in later centuries but their personalities are super compatible so they're great friends!! and he and norway... oughghhg you're talking to dennor lover #1 here HAH to me they've been basically on-and-off in love for 1100 years or so :,) i'll go more into it in a future post so i'll stop here but!! yeah!!
6) psychological headcanons: i feel like i covered most of this in my denmark analysis!! but hm yeah for me his greateast fear is for sure isolating his family again. and despite how carefree he acts, i think he weighs his decisions very carefully because of what happened in the past when he didn't. i think he's actually really good with dealing with anger in modern day (he's had a lot of practice) but he regrets how he used to be before. speaking of before!! i love to think abt him from the viking era to approximately the late 1500s just... cocky bloodthirsty denmark is really fun to explore and i think people should play it up more instead of making him p much as sweet as in modern times! i dont think he wouldve been anything like that to anyone but his family and own people (also animals btw this guy loves animals 100%)
7) ship(s) with them that i like or at least consider: in terms of like... my version of canon i'm a dennor soloshipper i think :,) BUT i find denmark/norway/finland/sweden fun to think about!! also denmark/estonia is a rarepair i think is veryvery cute. and some classic nedden never hurt anyone!
8) made-up connections with other characters that weren't in the canon (friends, enemies, whatever): yes!! estonia as i just mentioned! he was danish land once and he's a nordic fanboy now so they have to have some kind of relationship! also prussia; i know they do have the whole awesome trio thing going on, BUT i think historical denmark & prussia is not spoken about enough. the 2 were on the same side all the time back then!! finally i find it really funny if he and poland get on each others nerves HAH again because of historical reasons!
9) headcanons about their past: again covered a lot of these already but!! here's one that's a little different. denmark was the first to become christian, and i think he would've annoyed the fuck out of norway and sweden (who were still norse pagan) about it! sometimes it just got him exasperated eye rolls, sometimes it got him beheaded, yk how it goes
10) content about them I'd like to see more of: anything i love denmark sosososo much more iceland & denmark content!!! i adore norway & iceland don't get me wrong but they for sure overshadow ice & dan when it comes to familial dynamics and it's a shame! also i think a lot of the historical content focuses on the viking era, the fall of the kalmar union or 1814, and i'd like to see more of him in the 1500s-1700s!! he was up to interesting stuff!!
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yutafrita · 1 year
idk if its a request but just letting out a brainfart of a "spin-oof??"/"sequel" for through the webs (yeah the same anon 🗿🗿) i dont write + im a gay man so if i use some m4m terms thats why
Being a student in *name* University, the best university in the whole country has its perks not only are you taught by the world renowned professor, researcher, and vigilante leader Sungchan Jung but also working in the National Museum as picked by the professor. You were always interested in arts and history, that is why you majored not only in Biology but also at Arts & History. And with those academic performances Mr. Jung was not wrong in picking you as the new intern of the museum.
You were intrigued with Dirchana. Even when you were a child when the 5 famous heroes were in screen you always talked about how you and Dirchana are simolar to the point that everyone believed it. You and Dirchana's similarites are on point that even your professor was surprised when he first saw you. And this job combined both of your interests: The Art and History of Dirchana and the other 4 heroes and animals which was inpsired by the hero himself.
Your first job was simple, to guide these college students in the "Through the Webs" wing a part of the museum where all of what happened was documented. Everything from the monitors Mr. Jung and everyone watched planning the escape, the robes the heroes wore back in the asylum, the 1970s Volkswaggen that Dirchana and Mr. Jung slept on, and even Pauk's old enclosure (Dirchana's most trusted spider which you named your dog after)
But one artwork caught your attention the most. It was a simple mural of Dirchana and Mr. Jung painted by Mr. Jung himself when he was monitoring Dirchana back at the early phase of their plan. He named it "I'll Fearlessly Love you" and it is situated at the middle of the whole exhibit.
The curator tapped on your arm to take you out of your daze at the mural to tell you that the students were coming. You fixed your clothes, readied the index card containing the information, and relaxed your voices before the students entered.
One person caught your attention immediately, hearing his friends call him Jinsu. The big doe eyes, his buff body where the buttons could pop off if he moved more, his sweet eye smile, his cute laugh talking to his friends. It was like you fell in love by first sight. You were silent until his friend suddenly said "Damn Jinsu that guy looks alot like you!". You fixed yourself and started the tour with the artwork.
"Yeah, he does!" You said under your breath "Should we start?" You asked and the college students all gave their answers
"This mural was done by Mr. Jung Sungchan, Dirchana's husband, when the five heroes was first captured by Capsik, He told us that the mural was all that he could do in his free time as everytime hes not looking at Dirchana in the monitor hes thinking of his face, Romantic isn't it? Mr. Jung was not good at drawing unlike his spouse who is well renowned in arts but during these times he kept drawing his face and the both of them together to the point that his brother threw all the murals one day because of how many it was. He kept this specific one secretly in his pocket everyday looking at it when he missed his dear Dirchana. It is named "I will Fearlessly Love you"
Seeing the students take pictures, stare in awe, and look at it intently you saw the guy you noticed raise his hand. "I'm sorry to tell you this pretty boy but it's called I will Love you Fearlessly" Him and his friend laughed after saying it and laughing at your dumbfounded reaction
"I know my World History, Its I will Fearlessly Love you"
"And I know my Taeil, its I will Love you Fearlessly" Jinsu answered back
Taeil was one of Dirchana's teammate and friend, with a voice that pretty it was a no brainer that he will become a singer after he retired from being a singer. One of the songs he had was directly inspired by the painting and with the lyrics written by Sungchan himself it was obvious that the song was about the two's relationship. You just ponder yourself asking why Taeil named it wrong.
"So are you saying Mr. Jung is wrong?" You said
"I mean he wrote the lyrics and title" He rebutted
"I mean if you wanna prove me wrong we could get something to eat and you prove me wrong there" Jinsu suddenly said looking at you with as your friends call it bedroom eyes.
You were blushing, you were as red as the carpet the museum have, but you just ignored him and moved on the next part of the exhibit.
The rest of the guide was fine, people were asking questions and were genuinely curious. It was fun, but you can't deny how this Jinsu guy is hitting on you. From being at the back of the line into him inches away from you, him always asking you question, and even saying that you're as pretty as Dirchana made you heart flutter.
"Hey, Y/n" You hear a whisper while you were taking a lunch break You were shocked and almost knocked down your food "Sorry, sorry, it's me yk, Fearlessly Love you, I'm Jinsun Chan" The both of you shook hands as Jinsu sat down in front of you.
"What are you doing here?" You asked "Duh, I want a pretty boy to prove me wrong" He said bluntly. You choked on your food as he just laughed. You looked at him angrily but not ignoring how he called you cute under his breath. The two of you talked about Dirchana and the whole "Through the Webs" exhibit which eventually turned into the two of you talking about each other and you swore that you just found your soulmate and not realizing that you skipped your class with Mr. Jung while talking to this guy
"So that's why Y/n was absent" Mr. Jung told you. "They really look like us you weren't lying" you said laughing while looking at the couple intently. "You were exactly like that everytime I flirted on you" He whispered before kissing your ear "Like you weren't as red as this carpet when you confessed with me at the park AND the garage?" You said pinching his cheeks
Sungchan smiled before holding your hand "Let's look at the new wing" You smiled "I can't believe the museum made a whole exhibit just for the two of us"
"Babe?" "Hm?!"
"You said that potrait you drew of us was put in the museum"
"Oh right yeah! Forgot about that" Sungchan replied
"What was the name of it anyways? You were asking for me to name it but I can't think of anything" You asked "Was it fearlessly love you? Love you fearlessly?"
"Oh babe I do not remember" he answered which earned a laugh from you two. You pinched his cheeks before entering the wing.
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This is has been in my drafts forever I am so sorry!! I love this SO SO much you have no idea 🥹like it’s so incredible that you loved through the webs enough to make your own head canon about it!! I’m especially obsessed w Taeil becoming a singer after retiring- its so fitting for him!
Thank you again for sending this in 🥹every time I went through my drafts it sincerely brought a smile to my face.
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nsfwhiphop · 6 months
Incoming Text for Mya:
Hey, Mya!
I just want to let you know that I never speak to you because I don't know what to say, I'm not trying to get in your pants, and I'm not trying to seduce you, so I feel like it's a waste of my time.
Also, you deserve to know that I can easily speak to other women but when it is time to speak to MYA, I lose the speech, no words at all.
Guess I have this 90s teenager behavior when I mention your name, I feel like a kid again.
So, yeah, euh, mmm, yeah, excuse me if I take a rain check on having conversations with you.
Also, I don't think it's a good idea to talk about romance on this Tumblr page, it's just not what gentlement do, you know?
My blog looks like a wild, savage place, but believe me when I tell you that I still have good manners.
As a gentleman, I think, it's better to remain silent. Don't let intruders listen in on our conversations, it's better to leave the gossip hungry people starving, they won't find anything gossip worthy about MYA.
I'm doin' you a favor when I ignore you, there are a lot of sociopath-weirdos with money reading my blog and they stalk women.
Yeah, you heard that right, I clearly said: "SOCIOPATH-WEIRDOS WITH MONEY!" (these words are connected, they make sense)
What these weirdos with money do is very disgusting, they see the name of the woman appear on my blog and then they spend their money to stalk that same woman in real life, it's a disgusting behavior and it's happening to all the women I mention on my blog.
Can you picture this for a moment?
Imagine hundreds of multi-millionaire men and women reading my blog and using their money to stalk the women in real life.
1- Men with money in the Football world.
2- Men with money in the Baseball world.
3- Men with money in the Basketball world.
4- Men with money in the NFL Football world.
5- Men with money in the Music Industry world.
6- Men with money in the Film Industry world.
7- Men with money in the TV world like BET & CNN & NBC & CBS.
8- Men with money in the Political world of Republicans & Democrats.
All these men are lustful weirdos, they want to fuck the women that I speak with because they are lustful, the sin of Lust is a deadly sin, never forget the teachings of the Bible, they envy me, they want to fuck the women in my life, the sin of Envy is a deadly sin.
Remember the teachings of the Bible, it's written in the Bible.
That's why I warned all the women that I will stop mentioning their names from now on, to protect them from these "SOCIOPATH-WEIRDOS WITH MONEY!"
From now on, I will use this:
Using "HER" and "HIM" to conceal identities in dialogues.
"Using 'HER' and 'HIM' for anonymity in dialogues."
(this is written up there in my bio, check out my bio)
Here is an example dialogue:
HER: "hey, what you doin'?"
HIM: "nothing just chillin', watching the latest Steve Harvey show. In this new episode Steve teaches us how to protect ourselves against uninvited intruders."
Well, this is the end of the example. Now you know what's up!
Also, there are MALE sociopath-weirdos with money. Both sexes.
Also, there are FEMALE sociopath-weirdos with money. Both sexes.
I love you, Mya, I care about you and I don't want to see you in trouble with these sociopath-weirdos with money.
I encourage you to hangout with these girls:
#1- Joy Bryant.
#2- Christian Milian.
#3- Lauren London.
#4- Cassie.
#5- Kimora Lee Simmons.
#6- Mary J.Blige.
#7- Sevyn Streeter (@sevyn)
#8- Erykah Badu
#9- Tisha Campbell (@tishacampbellmartin)
#10- Solange Knowles.
#11- Laetitia Casta (@laetitiacasta) - French super model.
#12- Remy Ma (@remyma)
#13- Rapsody (@rapsody)
#14- Kelis (@kelis) (Fun Fact: Kelis lives with animals, livin' that farm life, you know she's a righteous woman, only a righteous woman will choose to live that farm life, she has Bible swagger, her style is so Bible, Kelis is a Bible reader.)
#15- Dawn Olivieri (@dawnolivieri) (Fun Fact: Dawn Olivieri lives with animals, livin' that farm life, you know she's a righteous woman, only a righteous woman will choose to live that farm life, she has Bible swagger, her style is so Bible, Dawn Olivieri is a Bible reader.)
These women will make sure you have fun and feel safe. It's a community of cool sisters, righteous sisters.
Love you, Mya! Have fun, big hug for you!
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loveforalexzverev · 6 months
Tennis Channel post-match interview with Alexander after his QF win over Marozsan:
Interviewer: Sasch, great to see you on our Tennis Channel Cadillac Desk, as always. Stats were very impressive today: 20 winners, 10 unforced errors, you got 75% of your first serves in, about as clean as one could play, regardless of how windy it was.
Alexander: Yeah, and also, I thought my opponent played extremely well, to be honest. Uh, extremely aggressive, super, super fast, from both sides. So, um, there's a reason why his record was, you know, was 4-1, uh, against Top 10 players, because he rushes us, you know? He doesn't let us have control over the match, and, um, he's playing unbelievable tennis, and I think he's gonna rise up the rankings very quickly.
Interviewer: Um, when you play an opponent like this who's - he's a little bit unpredictable, I mean, you see a ton of drop shots from him, and so forth. Where does your mind go? Do you try to take it to him first, or do you, kind of, go a little bit more into some of the -
Alexander: Yeah, you have to try. Um, I think, when I rushed him in the first set, uh, you know, especially in the beginning, um, maybe he gives you a little bit more. But then, you know, he found his rhythm, he found his rhythm extremely well, and he was *playing* extremely well. Um, so, you gotta hold on, you gotta wait for your chances. He gave me that chance at 6-5 in the second set, and I'm glad I took it.
Interviewer: Man, you took it, with that backhand up the line. Um, you know, it's funny watching you on hard courts. You're so brilliant, but I always think, "you know, I think clay's his best surface". So I don't really, I mean, what do you think is your best surface?
Alexander: I don't know, uh, to be honest. Um... I mean, look, I've won big titles on the hard, right? I've won the Olympics, 2 World Tour Finals, a few Masters Series. I still feel like I was the closest - even though, you know, I was two points away at the US Open final of winning the US Open - I still feel like I was the closest to winning the French.
Um, you know, just playing-wise, game-style-wise. So, um, it sometimes also depends on me, how I feel, what mood I am in. But, uh, we'll see, uh, we'll see at the end of my career where will I have the most success (smiles).
Interviewer: It's so brilliant to watch how healthy you are, because you really are one of the best athletes out there. Four-all, second set, you gave us a little bit of a Pistol Pete dunk overhead. You got some good ops on there, best vertical on the tour?
Alexander: Best vertical? Me? Or...
Interviewer: What do we think? Monfils up there as well.
Alexander: Oh, best vertical on the tour? Uh, who's up there? Um...
Interviewer: You gotta put yourself up there.
Alexander: If somebody else does, I'm very happy about it. Um, yeah, but, I mean, you gotta put Monfils, right? (Smiling) Especially Monfils, probably, like, five, six years ago. Uh, he was a different kind of animal. But, um, I'm happy that you called me that. Especially coming from you, look at that right bicep, I mean, it's popping out.
Interviewer: We gotta get a picture of that for Sasch, that'd make a good poster over there. Um, Grigor takes on Carlos tonight. If Carlos wins, it'll be Top 4 seeds in the semis, which is first time in history for this tournament. Um, you guys had some great matches so far this year. Um, your thoughts? On who you'd rather play? You don't really mind?
Alexander: No, I mean, I want to play the best, uh, for sure. But, uh, you know, Grigor *and* Carlos go under that category. Of course, uh, Carlos has, you know, a few more big titles, we know that. He's a great, uh, talent, great champion, he just won Indian Wells last week where he beat me quite badly.
So of course I want to be on the court with him again after that match, uh, same as he probably wanted to be on the court with me after [the] Australian Open, right? So, um, that goes without saying, and, you know, I'm happy to be here, I'm happy to be, uh, in these, kind of, late stages of tournaments again, and, uh, playing the best players (smiles).
Interviewer: The man is ready, wants to get after it. All the best, Sasch, go get some rest.
Alexander: Thank you. Thank you very much.
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petrichorade · 7 months
Hii :D I just wanted to say I LOVE ADORE CRY SCREAM over your Ratiomei art. I love them both sm I wanna swallow them sjsjsksk
But I'm kinda new to the Ratiomei corner of the fandom, and I'm afraid I don't know much about the ship. So I would really appreciate it if you tell me why you ship them and what made you ship them. Or what lore made you ship them. ANYTHING! Lmao just give me more Ratiomei food 😞😞❤❤❤
Awwwww thank you so much for the compliment! And glad that you asked actually! I will answer your question as an excuse to spread the brainrot 😈😈😈
Kind of going chronological starting from here:
They were first introduced when Honkai Star Rail is still in 1.4 version if I remember correctly! 1.6 version Drip Marketing happened on October 31th 2023 11:00 A.M (GMT+7) at that time, and the 5 star Character that were revealed being Ruan Mei (Ice-Harmony) for the first half and Dr.Ratio (Imaginary-The Hunt) for the second half. It's pretty cute that Hoyo dropped them only 5 minutes apart (Xueyi, the 4-star as well though, after Ratio) since they usually postpone 2nd half 5-star for a day or two. This is their early drip marketing banner that some of you are familiar with!
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But I really haven't start seeing things here, I love them both as their individual selves and crying a little because I want them both so bad but they literally gonna be released right after Argenti, who's been on my warp list for long long time ever since I saw his leaks ^____T (I'm an F2P Player, and still until now, so yeah)
// long story short, I receive a happy ending by attaining the 3 of them with extreme grinding + Ratio ended up being free :D //
Also I saw some of their gameplay leaks, some beta players weirdly likes to put them together in a team? Makes me goes '...hm?' But I haven't manage to see stuffs yet. ((edit: I just realized this is a beta testing thing where these players basically put two characters that were about to be released in the same team to test out synergy and everything))
Then it all starts with THIS TRAILER. It was revealed here that there will be a new region being unlocked on Herta Space Station and it's turns out to be Ruan Mei's workspace, the Seclusion Zone. It's all cool until I realized Dr. Ratio were being placed in the SAME AREA.
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I compare this trailer to previous character trailers, and literally can sense something.
Taking Imbibitor Lunae and Fu Xuan's trailer for example; them both being in the same planet (Xianzhou Luofu) but their character's animation were taken in different place, Dan Heng IL on Scalegorge Waterscape, while Fu Xuan on the Divinition Commission. Yet both Ruan Mei and Ratio's animation, not only took place in Herta Space Station, specifically the SECLUSION ZONE itself, not other places. I'm starting to lost my shit there, because I'm assuming SOMETHING goes on BETWEEN THEM if they were at the very same place.
And to be very honest, at this point many thing happened pretty fast as I also saw their fanart together out of no where. Either after I saw one particular art of them drawn together with kafblade (will share the link later) or I'm being silly try typing 'ruantio' on search and found them, but learned that they're being referred as ratiomei more often!
The brainrot being so pure, I'm starting to sketch them out of the blue...and create something decent. But I'm not ready to reveal it yet, letting the art fermented for a while. Until hoyo, again, dropping that they will be the next Battle Pass matching profile pictures :]
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Idk if some of people aware of this, but BP profile pictures most of the time always just...pair folks not coincidentally + matching themes as if they were couple. This the list of characters that were paired for BP chibi profile pictures before (also note it's so far always been male-female);
1.0 - Himeko & Welt
1.1 - March 7th & Dan Heng
1.2 - Kafka & Blade
1.3 - Jing Yuan & Fu Xuan
1.4 - Bronya & Gepard
1.5 - Jingliu & Yanqing (this one's questionable a little lol
Therefore, right after this info getting dropped, I'm finally posting the art itself, being my first RatioMei fanart 😂
Now jumping into when the 1.6 updated + the lore was revealed!
I'm going to be honest as I play along the way (and for those who's interested with this ship but not playing HSR): they basically have zero direct interactions.
But! I may have create a breakdown of they might potentially knows each other a bit, you can read it on my twitter thread here! (and sorry not sorry if everything came out very delusional)
Dr. Ratio also left so much notes on that specific area of the Seclusion Zone that looks like a greenhouse lab and were packed with her critters + the imitation of Tayzzyronth (Aeon of Propagation)'s emanator. Compiling them all ↓↓↓
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Besides that, they're also mirroring each other so much;
1. Ruan Mei actually didn't want to be part of Genius Society in the beginning yet gaining Nous' gaze. She even tossed the Genius Society invitation letter to trash can when she receive it. Meanwhile Dr. Ratio completed doctoral degrees in 8 fields and actually wish he could be part of the Genius Society one day, but the moment he receive letter from Interastral Peace Corporation (IPC) instead, he thought he might never be able to gain Nous' attention at all.
2. Related to previous part, there is a literal reason why 1.6 patch were named "Crown of Mundane and Divine". These two were more of a 'two pages in the same book' as what my mutual refers it. If you completed the trailblazer mission for patch 1.6, the reward name being "Mundane Recto, Divine Verso". The reward literally obtained if you done BOTH of their trailblaze continuance where BOTH of them also will eventually became express' visitors. //I keep highlighted the 'both' term because it's seems that, despite the almost non-existent interactions, they're still tied together one way or another//
I want to dig deeper about this Recto-Verso concept since it's a printing terminology and it resonance so much with their overall traits, maybe I'll create separated post for this later!
The 'mundane' and 'divine' crown itself is visible on their head, being their hairpins (this is my personal approach);
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Ratio -> laurels/leaves ; grows on everywhere on the branch, unnoticed -> the way Ratio saw himself being a mundane between all the mediocre people, not special. Representing Mundanity
Ruan Mei -> flower ; grows near the tip, most of the time one top of tree branches, eye-catching, facing the sky -> Ruan Mei having a goals to be an Aeon, reaching for the sky and getting Nous (Aeon of Erudition)'s attention. Representing Divinity
Fun Fact Section
Ratio literally have a voice line if he were being put in the same team with Ruan Mei + opinion about her 😂 if you want to listen to his voice, check this out. He talks about fellow Simulated Universe participated Genius Society member as well, though. But it makes me freaking ill with the fact that he CHUCKLES a little in the middle of talking when added to the same team with her like I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE LOVER BOY
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And to note, Dr. Ratio belongs to another faction under Nous beside Genius Society, the Intelligentsia Guild. And nope, he's not (directly) part of the IPC despite he works for them according to the storyline. I have a professor irl who also works as a consultant for a corporate company beside his academic career, and that's how I kinda view Ratio 'works for the IPC' wording goes :)
Now this is the interesting part comes! Besides him, there's an eye-catching figure who belongs to Intelligentsia Guild, and it's being...Ruan Mei's grandmother! This fact was written on Data Bank, not the playable character section (where you can level them up etc.)
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Another fun stuffs I found on Dr. Ratio's lore is the one I highlighted in red;
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My theory is that Ruan Mei's grandma might be also part of the rumored council, supported by the fact that Ruan Mei's intelligence were mostly inherited from her maternal line. I can only assume Ratio and her grandma knows each other, and it's potential that Ratio might have heard/know about Ruan Mei not based on other people's view, but from her grandma herself (judging how eager he learns the truth from credible sources). Also here's more thing that makes me hopeful for them;
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Ruan Mei's grandma have been watching her for years, and from this, I kinda feel hopeful we're soon getting Intelligentsia Guild lore + further depth about these two characters as I felt like we've only knew them at the tip of an iceberg.
This is all I can pretty much provide you of why I like this ship. And again, it's all about matters of preference, I love these two characters both as individuals and as a ship, they're very precious to me and I want to continue drawing them even more TwT so thank you so much for asking this question and make me starts my day with joy! Love you muachhhh
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ayamisc · 10 years
It's been so long!! :3
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(c) James Cameron, Paramount Pictures, Disney
Live journal.. one of the websites I'd forgotten I have an account on. Sorry. :<
But to be fair, with the recent changes in my life and fandoms.. I really thought I'd never go back here. Until.. I remembered again that.. most jdorama subs can be accessed here, really. Even special ARASHI variety shows that I've been longing for, for so long.
Anyhow, I don't really know what to write so I'll just update whoever stumbles upon this journal.. what has been happening in my life since the last time I posted.. which I think was 3 years ago.
1. I graduated college. Hurray. With a degree in Chemistry in my country's #1 university (University of the Philippines - Diliman). Yes, I'm somewhat proud I guess. And here is one of the few times I'll ever shout it out loud. Because.. I honestly think that.. yeah.. It's only right that I'm proud of my school.. as to whether my school will be proud of me.. well, I think it's too early to tell... My school's unofficial motto is "Serve the people." And well.. I'm still studying (again).. and not even a taxpayer yet.. so yeah.. definitely too early to tell. :P
2. I was able to return to the following fandoms that I've left behind: watching anime, reading manga, anime fanfiction, jdorama, kdrama, kpop. Well. So yeah. At the moment, it's just the last 4. I dunno when I'll start reading manga again. But eitherway, I always jump from these from time to time. With 1 or all at the same time. It's hard to believe I'm turning 24 this year. HAHA. :P
3. I entered med school. And because of that, I don't really have time for my fandoms once school season starts again (June - April) but anyway.. I still have a month left, so Imma enjoy it till the last minute. :P (Not to mention.. keep enduring until semestral break and Christmas break comes)
3.1 And because of medschool, not just my LJ.. but also my tumblr has been left behind.. -__- I really wanted to start blogging properly there, but alas.. I was only able to blog for a month into medschool until I had to stop for lack of time. Actually, I don't get to watch any jdorama or kdrama too whenever school starts. Of course I can, but I try not to. So really, my only outlet once school starts is kpop. LOL. Watching 3-5 kpop MVs is a lot less time-consuming than watching 1 drama. or anime for that matter. And sadly, I don't really have much time. I actually only sleep during my free time.. and.. well.. in medschool... sleep is a sin. :((
4. I still play on facebook. Just one game though, at the moment. As compared to when I used to play 5 or 6 games there. I play Cafeland at the moment. It's cool.. not time-demanding. Easy too. :P
5. LINE PLAY! Yeah, I play LINE PLAY everyday. It's been a year and a half I think, though my first account got reset because I changed my number. x.x But anyway, the 2nd account, the one i'm using now.. is less than a year old.. but it's all good. I like the way my room and avatar looks. And I also like playing Fruit Monsters. :D :D :D
6. I got an iPAD air! well, more accurately, my dad got me an ipad air. (how shameful for someone turning 24 this year. but. anyway) And.. most of my medicine books are stored there as e-books.. and i have a few games there too.. but mostly.. I have tons of kpop live videos there. :D So yeah, talk about learning and leisure at the same time! :)
And.. well.. I couldn't think of anything to say now. Anyway.
In the 8 years I've been on LJ.. lol... well obviously, I suck at blogging. As I only blog every once in a while. Not to mention.. I think I've commented to someone's post here.. maybe 5 times? In that whole 8 years? usually, when someone is an introvert in real life, they become extroverts in the internet.. but not me.. so sorry for that. :P
Till next time then?
I WILL try to at least post once a month. My goal is to post every week, but at the least, I should post once a month right? -___-
Ja! :3
PS. This blog was originally posted on LiveJournal—
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yknow it's funny how people perceive you and how you (or personality tests lmao) perceive yourself/you. like last week at my cadetship grad, the manager of it said in her blurb about me, that I was "naturally shy and quiet, but she came out of her shell, eventually"... some of the people in the group around this time last year found out that if you load me up on wine and shots, that im super loud, kinda obnoxious, and wild... and kept trying to drag me back out on town in sydney.... and to also say "im the sexiest bitch here!!!!" even to their families lmao... someone in the course even called me "charismatic" in feedback, and it stayed with me for the rest of the program.
from years 7-10 (early to mid high school in 2008-2011), I was known for being all edgy, wild "not giving a fuck what people think about you" and "marching to your own drum", weird, loud, funny..... you get the picture.... at the catholic school I was at.
back then, i was NEVER deemed as quiet or "shy" or "introverted" or "keeps to herself" etc etc.... actually, by year 10, when lame buzzfeed and other personality quiz sites started to spit out that I was introverted and gave me other readings that weren't extroverted (eg. I remember doing one about "what aussie animal are you???" and it gave me koala (extremely introverted, shy, and sleepy) instead of kookaburra or cockatoo (which were both extreme examples of extroversion))..... I got SO FUCKING ANGRY that those quizzes were basically calling me a killjoy and boring, bc I was a koala who was the above listed characteristics. like hell, my drama class kept telling me to pursue comedy or do stand up (im not that funny tbh, in hindsight) bc I was just so talkative, loud and such a show off jackass that.... yeah, I might as well be a stand-up comic, throw it at me.
but then, when I moved schools in 2012 to public school, I played the precocious, diligent, modest/placid (except for my group), and timid former catholic school girl they thought I was (but really wasn't- we all know how) so well for my teachers.... that I basically got asked frequently by my bio teacher before I went to tafe every second thursday, "I really can't see how you EVER excelled in drama, when you're so flighty and nervous???? what were your marks like??? you never talk in this class or get up and address the school, like a drama kid would..... what do you mean you were nearly a straight A student in drama??? what on earth??? again, you're so introverted and thoughtful here at *insert the schools name here* that you possibly couldn't excel in that subject????"
like mr garrel, pls consider that I HATE biology and resent this line of questioning very much. also, NEVER say any of that to my drama teacher, I'm sure he'd fight you at this point. moreover, consider that drama isn't in the subject selection for my year. plus, y'all need funding for new drama room equipment, so that's why I'm quiet. and finally, I've learnt that being the loud show-off, weird, "you march to your own drum" girl for the ENTIRE year group for the first 4 years of high school, was much too tiring.... so now I just limit it to my friend group only.
now, back in the present day.... yesterday, I did a chatbot interview for kmart. where after I answered the 5 questions of it, it emailed me the "personality insights" from my answers. one of the insights basically said that, "you have no problem being the centre of attention, and you generally gravitate towards people who have the same energy as you. but have you ever considered piping the fuck down??? bc this may scare people, bc you seem not to let them voice their opinions. learn to sit and listen to others more often and dim your natural Loud Personality™️. "
like, I guess it's "I contain multitudes" and everything else, where you turn on different parts of your personality for different situations. like at work last year, I very much wanted to be left alone to do my fucking assessments.... and eventually, wanted to get out into the field to do home visits (inspections) and shit for my assessments.... but the place I worked at deemed me "too shy" for fieldwork, and just stuck me on back office phones for the entire rest of my cadetship.
but throw me into the cadetship group, and everyone always made me the leader of group projects or activities with powerpoints (when quite a few of them already knew how to use powerpoint, but they didn't want to do it.... so they just passed it onto me and called me the "powerpoint whiz")... and obvs the one night where a few of them got me wasted and met Loud Ilona™️ , that I started this post with.
and I know work is NOT the place to be my super extroverted performer self, so I'll get quiet and mousy in the back... and most esp in the trainee/cadet position I was in.... bc that's how I learn most of the time. by being quiet and thoughtful and methodical (while also being impulsive).... which that place (and also the kmart test picked this up through "you're easily distracted and that ruins productivity. pls consider staying on task and caring about productivity levels") really didn't want me to be.
anyway, yeah. it's something I'll always be wary about, how my personality presents itself to different people.... and also what mood I'm in when I do personality tests or job interviews. also the
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purplesurveys · 2 years
1. Is there a certain place or store you especially hate going to? So we have this local bookstore chain that’s majorly gone down in quality over the years. I used to love going to their branches just to spend half an hour going over their book catalogue and all the pretty school supplies that they had, but it seems as though going to any of their stores these days just feels like walking through a ghost town. Barely any books and all their writing/crafting/whatever supplies scream entry-level/basic. Sometimes I think about how they’re still managing to pull through when customers don’t really walk through their doors anymore.
2. When was the last time you made plans with someone? Earlier this evening Angela, Reena, and I made plans to go out for some drinks then a sleepover at my place next weekend. Separately, Reena and I also plotted out our game plan for snagging Yet To Come tickets tomorrow morning lol.
3. How long do leftovers usually sit in your fridge? It really varies. Some leftovers will be gone within the same day; sometimes we forget about certain Tupperwares until somebody finds mold in it already lmao.
4. What is something you do for other people that shows you care for them? Ask questions about whatever it is they’re sharing.
5. What was the last animal/pet that you met? This jolly little aspin that walked over to us at our Tanay accommodation. According to the staff, he isn’t owned by the place and is most likely a stray who just wandered through the premises, and ugh was he the cutest. He had the most active little tail that wagged more quickly than I’ve seen on any dog hahaha and also liked head scratches.
6. Is there anyone in your life with whom your opinion changes on frequently? My mom. Most of the time we’re in good terms but sometimes her attitude that I hate so much will spike up. The difference between just swallowing it down as a teen vs now is that at 24, I’m pretty much numb to it at this point and will not hesitate to bark back, which will lead to bigger arguments. It’s a big reason why I’m in the belief that we will never have that close mom-daughter relationship that others have; we’re just too fundamentally different from one another.
7. Do you ever look up set lists for concerts? Yeah, I hate not knowing!
8. Have you ever woken up thinking that the dream you had was real? Sure.
9. Have you ever kept a journal? Do you currently keep one? I’m going to count these surveys, which I’ve been doing since I was like 10. I didn’t start archiving them through Tumblrs until I was 14, though.
10. Is there a certain song or band who remind you of specific people? Well yeah, I feel like that’s a very focal and universal point about music; there’ll always be songs that remind you of certain people, memories, experiences, etc.
11. Would you prefer to take a picture of yourself or have someone else take it for you? I never figured out the perfect selfie angle for myself so I’ve always asked other people to take photos of me instead.
12. How often do you style your hair differently from how you normally style it? Not often at all.
13. What was the last thing to really surprise you? How well my pitch went today (honest to god thought we were gonna flunk it into oblivion) + hearing the news about my latest promotion.
14. What did you do this past weekend? I spent the weekend with my family in Tanay. Barely any wifi and no cellphone signal at all for those two days, so we learned to make do with games we thought of off the top of our heads haha. 15. Is there something in particular you always seem to forget? Continued from last night. It’s always the little things. Like forgetting I turned on the water heater to make coffee, charging my phone the night before, where I placed this and that, etc.
16. Have you ever found out that you have been sleep walking? I found out because I was told that I did, yes. But I’ve never woken up mid-sleepwalking, if that’s what you mean.
17. What’s the last thing you promised yourself? That I’m gonna have to work on this thing that I’ve been procrastinating tonight.
18. Have you ever tried making something from one of those short cooking videos? How did it turn out? Does Yoongi’s tuna salad crackers count? I literally made a batch as soon as I watched him making it in that short scene from In the Soop, haha.
19. When was the last time you had to wait in line for longer than a few minutes? Like three weeks ago when I was trying to order food from this deli inside the grocery store. Staff had no sense of urgency and I was getting hungrier by the second, but it didn’t feel as though I was ever gonna get my turn so I just walked away from the line and told my dad we could get drive-thru instead. 20. Have you ever written a review for a product you bought online? Sure, that’s a norm in the K-pop buy-and-sell scene but you mostly review the service and not so much the product.
21. Would you rather go out somewhere with your friends or stay at home and hang out with them instead? Go out with friends! I can easily get bored at home.
22. Do you ever interact with any brands/companies online? If I have a concern or complaint, yeah.
23. How happy are you with your current job? If you don’t have a job, what’s something you think you think you would dislike about working? I have my ups and downs with it. I got promoted again so my personal morale is a bit higher right now, but of course I get bad days too.
24. Is there anything you seem especially sensitive to, such as sounds, smells, etc.? Yesssss, I’m sensitive when it comes to certain sounds like when somebody scrapes their utensils against their plate a certain way and it makes this high-pitched sound that I can’t stand. Also loud bangs, slamming doors...I hate those.
25. What was the last board game you played? No idea. 
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kingbcwser · 2 years
Lemme just list out the thoughts here bc you did ask for em: 1: Thank god it's animated, I was worried because of the other mario bros movie that was live action from eons ago now 2: IT LOOKS SO GOOD!!! 3: Poor penguins D: 4: What is up with Mario's voice? 5: Somehow, Toad sounds perfect.
//okay wow I wasn't expecting you to actually come back! Hope you enjoyed! But hey here's my little response to your points (under cut because... yeah, long):
1: ngl I was a bit afraid that they'd commit the same mistake but thank goodness they learned their lesson
2: YES I DO AGREE WITH THAT, I thought it'd be another case where the internet would bully N.intendo because of the very first teaser but knowing Miyamoto DID made Bowser gently hold a cup of coffee in Wreck-it Ralph got me pretty hyped. Also, well, it's big N, I was really doubting it would be actually bad but HOLY SHIT THAT'S SO GOOD!!! they really stepped up in their game!!
3: the penguins were so cute but rip Pablo ig 😔 and we did something similar in SM64- don't lie to me
4: Well imo I do like his voice (you can consider that I'm not from States nor I watch things in English sooo shjdkdo you can ignore me if you'd like) but I thought that it lacked personality and... yeah, mainly the accent. I heard that mr. Iwata wanted Chris to be Mario before he passed so yeah it's either up to him to get better at his voice impression or the internet to decide his fate shdnkekdkel (.... but ngl I did wish it was another one that I forgot the name rn)
5: I'M ACTUALLY SURPRISED THAT TOAD SOUNDS THAT GOOD??? I always pictured him with a high pitched annoying voice and his va did an amazing job at that!
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kirnx-art · 2 years
And now for my least favorite feature of YanSim redesigns (alongside turning Muja and Mida into students): Giving Osana animal-like features. You can communicate that she likes cats through your design without straight up resorting to turn her into a borderline catgirl.
I have a lot of personal preferences that I stick to, so actually I don't like a lot more things in yansim redesigns than I like...
1) I agree that Muja and Mida as schoolgirls is boring. Although perhaps the point is not that they are schoolgirls, but that they become like, family-friendly characters. Muja in the form of a schoolgirl is most often depicted as um...just a kind girl...and that's all.
Like, I might not be against schoolgirl Muja, but it would be much better if, instead of a copy of Amai, she would use her status. For example, she can give students debilitating/sleeping pills and like...r4pe them while they unconscious. Well, or at least she can take care of them "like a real nurse", because that's all she needs. She can make a person feel bad so that they goes to bed under her care. I...love headcanning Muja as a horrible person haha
2) Mida wasn't made as a schoolgirl that often, mostly being made into a strict non-pedo™ teacher who "just helps Taro with studies". I also don't like it when she is dressed in the most boring and closet clothes similar to the teachers uniform in the game. I'd rather see her in the same outfit as in canon, just with a few changes to make it more elegant, I guess
3) Ayano's transformation into a "true yandere with a personality". Often this is just a depiction of a completely different character with kawaii uwu yandere personality. You know, for me, Ayano with her own persona (yeah, she actually had personality all this time!) has really great potential as a good protagonist. But it is better to write a separate post about this.
4) Oka goth girl. Like, not just a gloomy girl, but really belonging to subculture. I don't have anything specific against such redesigns, just don't like the idea of Oka being goth girl.
5) Marty Sue Taro redesign, or turn him into a popular super mega handsome man with muscles. I explained why I don't like it in this post. However, there is still a claim to another type of Taro redesigns... although, here I don’t dislike the redesigns themselves, but the way their authors present them to the public. "I redesigned Senpai, now he has a lot more personality and doesn't look like bread" - and the picture is just Taro with a different hair color. Like, seriously?
6) Hanako's transformation into actual little girl. Just no. For me, it's much better if Hanako is Taro's twin, but with a somewhat childish personality due to some reason. In addition, this makes it possible to see killer Hanako.
7) Redesign of the characters in such a way that it becomes unclear to which fandom or time period they belong. For example, I saw redesigns of the main characters of the 1980s mode, but they did not at all look like Japanese highschool students from 80s (in fact, this also applies to the characters of the 1980s mode themselves in canon... imo at least their hairstyles do not reflect the spirit of 80s).
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