#yea this is long. but all intro posts are long soooo
roboyomo · 4 months
the pinned post
finally making one!!
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anyway hai helloo people i am roboyomo :] usually go by yomo (or robo but that's a rare one). i use he/him and masculine terms despite being agender
more info about my blog below the cut :)
current interests are:
#projmoon - Mostly lobcorp and ruina!! Probably one of my biggest interests at the moment,, adam and the fascinating worldbuilding could be some of the main reasons why
#pokemon - Still fairly new to pokemon, but nonetheless i still enjoy the games :) (even though i can only watch gameplays since i don’t have a nintendo ds. cruelty to me)
#yuppie psycho - Yuppie Psycho has been here with me for a long while, but It mostly stayed like a vague memory from a few years ago. Still, I absolutely enjoy the game and everything about it!! domori and rei sintra my beloveds,,
#utaite - A REALLY BIG utaite fan. literally 99% of the songs i listen are just utaite originals or utaite covers of vocaloid songs. (and only just a bit of actual vocaloid songs)
#ocs - LISTEN this may not qualify for an interest to some people. but it does to me. i love hearing about the little critters other people have created from their mind. and i love talking about my beasts. Basically hand over your beasts. i need to hold them like a dove it is urgent and of upmost importance
#studio investigrave - i. Did Not post about these games yet but i have a lot of art ideas for these games i love all of the current 5 games released urhfuwhrhwh,,,, biggest favorite out of the 5 is elevator hitch!!!!
#reverse 1999 - i am still fairly new to the game but i have been playing for like 3 something weeks by now and i fucking adore medpoc I LOVE YOU MEDPOC R1999 THEY COULD NEVER MAKE ME HATE YOU
I also have my own tags for this blog!!
#yomoposting : General posts and such. i use this to post mostly random stuff
#yomoart : my art tag!!! all of my sketches, drawings and illustrations are under this tag :]
#yomoasks : the tag for asks i receive! pretty straightforward
#yomo and his beloveds : i don’t use this tag as much,,, but generally i use this to tag posts that are centered around my most beloved/comfort characters!!
#yomo ocs?! : THE TAG FOR OC CRITTERS!!! Everything about them goes here - ranging from lore rambles to random joke stuff with them involved
and some character-specific tags!!
#adam the greatest : the tag for my most beloved adam lobcorp!! “all hail adam christ”, as i used to say. everyday i hold him like an injured bird because he is precious to me
#carmen the beloved : the tag for carmen projmoon :] i love carmie i hold her dear to my heart. which might be a bad idea considering what she does but i’m doing it anyway
#volo my bestfriend volo : the tag for volo from pokemon!!!! i adore him i love me some cool long-haired male characters with some very clear issues. and also with some religious motifs going on
#N the greatest : the tag for N (or Natural Harmonia Gropius) from pokemon!! i still need to get through the entirety of the story for pokemon bw and b2w2 but i love him nonetheless. cool green guy :]
i am also on Artfight!! My profile is here if you want to check it out :)
some additional stuff: i am an artist for as long as i can remember, i really really really like adam lobcorp, volo, carmen, cynthia, N and medpoc and i heavily obsess over characters that are just. long haired and have some sort of plan for the world and the humanity. <- and i do not mean “oh this is a good thing to do” NO they need call it a good deed but in reality it will absolutely ruin everything instead. plus i am also really obsessed with my own ocs and their lore so please please please ask about them i will happily ramble about my little critters. also please be careful with the things you say in my direction! i am. sensitive and i WILL be sad over what you have said about me.,,
my blog is welcome to everybody :] that is unless you are an asshole and/or a creep so please leave if you are anything like that. that being said, please do not make yaoi/yuri, fujoshi/fudanshi and himejoshi/himedanshi jokes on my blog! i am not comfortable with those terms exactly so please avoid using them in the comments or reblogs. thank you for your cooperation!!!
yea this post turned out to be a bit tooo long for my standards but who cares
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delta-magnetic · 3 years
soooo i might've been thinking about a certain some ask game again and decided, fuck it ima answer all the questions that im actually able to lol
i've done 5, 16 and 17 already but to add onto the latter two:
16. here's another 3 because yes- Welcome Home (Sanitarium), Ronnie, and Dirty Window
17. I HAVE MORE NOW BITCHES. now have Master of Puppets, Load and Death Magnetic! AND Cunning Stunts!
alright rest under a cut lol you know i love to ramble
1. (fun fact this question is why i was thinking about this again lol) AAAAAA i shall say, lars! i'm sure meeting any of them i'd be nervous/a little awkward, but i think lars would do best at diffusing that. plus getting to hear him go on and on about whatever, in person?? yes please
2. i have made, shitposts galore (and also 2 uquiz's, the most recent one actually being all around good lol)
3. also thought abt this one a few times since seeing it hmmm, a few come to mind, but you know what i think would be fun? struggle within on drums. i'm sure that intro is a recorded thing if/when it's ever done live, but lets just imagine. plus for me personally? i know i literally have a guitar in my room, but drums seem fun, and when i think drums + metallica, besides some of the obvious answers (one, master of puppets), this song is what i think
6. i'm sure most would go for ultimullet here, but you know what i'm gonna pick? 2019 james. i always want to put my hands in his hair but like, something about '19,,, soft old man ilu
7. i have not seen it! though i've heard it's good, might have to watch it someday
8. definitely museum with lars. dude loves art and would just be giving out insight galore! not bendy or strong enough for kirk or rob, and while i love james and also taking walks, i would be slow and idk if he'd wait up for me fjkdblsksnj
9. holy shit there are, so many... could go for any of the songs from Load yet to be played live tbh, but my answer shall be Devils Dance!
10. i'll admit, haven't listened to all of garage inc yet, but i really like Die, Die My Darling!
11. again haven't heard many of these, but omf their cover of 53rd and 3rd is [chefs kiss]
12. maybe an obvious answer, but st anger. it's weird, i really like the first half of it off the album, but then after that??? eh?? but live puts some of that missing, emotion?, into the 2nd half i'm wanting (plus yknow, SOLO !!!!)
14. oh lort. again, so many. im srry i cannot pick kjnfsdbkj, but i will say i know i'd pick somewhere in missouri! which seems kinda lame, but getting to say i've seen metallica in my home state would be pretty cool
15. you're tearing me apart dude!! i know it's a pretty typical answer, but black album! i wouldn't even call it my favorite album, but sound wise? definite favorite
18. i don't have much, but i really do live in that master of puppets shirt. it's comfy, one of my friends bought it for me because i didn't bring any money (not expecting to want to buy anything lol), and it was my first metallica thing i ever owned!
20. tickets to a show, i cross out but tbh, it's true! other than maybe s&m (1 or 2), yea collecting is cool but i'm not chomping at the bit to own every single album actually! wanna have the ones i'll actually listen to regularly yknow?
24. tbh lars with any of them would be a treat, but having to concretely pick pairs? lars and james, kirk and rob. lars and james are so many years of friendship, they both always have something neat to say, and having them bounce off each other in an interview would be cool. kirk doesn't speak that often, and i think getting him with rob would get him a little more chatty perhaps
...oh you also asked what i'd ask lol. idk man, especially to lars n james. maybe to kirk and rob i'd ask if either of them like, found new/different artists they liked through each other (since i know they both have pretty varied music tastes)
25. i am answering these all at 1 in the morning, so maybe i'd be able to think a bit more if i did this at a more reasonable time, but either way holyf a lot from Halo On Fire. just to pick one?
I fear to turn on the light // For the darkness won’t go away
26. hmm again, 1 am, head is kiiiinda no thoughts head empty for some reason?? though luckily not too empty, bc just sitting here thinking for a second, Bleeding Me just popped to mind?
27. ooooo, if they were just on their own (not with family or friends) i'd probably try my best to not freak out and just be like "hey i love your music"
...and maybe ask for a hug
28. tbh i want to dress like cliff lmao, but my actual fashion sense? think like, current kirk but if he did not spent 600 bucks on everything and generally toned down a LOT (keep the graphic tees tho)
29. oh i can't remember who said it, but someone said something like, whenever they'd screw something up in the studio, cliff would just, look at them so disappointed njdfsbnkl
30. almost definitely kirk i'd say. i'm super shy, but if you get me talking about something i really like? unlikely to stop
31. YOU ARE MEAN !!!! my answer though, shall be kirk n lars! you want reasons? they're just neat!!!!!!!!
33. nah, if anything just because i don't have any of the social medias they're really on
34. hmm, not that i can think of?? partially because i haven't seen a ton of their inner-workings type deals, and they seem alright
35. just going general here, but memory remains. i just do not like that song for some reason
36. ...you know what idk how long this will even get but this post is already long enough so screw it this is getting it's own post lmao
37. tbh any of the more "moody" songs? like especially older ones, particularly Fade to Black and One. idk even what mood i need to be in to listen to them, but definitely not a regular-casual listening one
38. lowkey made a whole post about this lmao, but for a short answer for here: my uncle playing (the song) master of puppets whenever i was in the truck with him!
39. [looks at all of you very lovingly]
40. oh for sure. a few months ago i was out of town and, not having a good time. and putting on some metallica songs made me feel a lot more at ease
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bluesfm · 5 years
(  park  chaeyoung  ,  twenty two  ,  &  cisfemale  )  who  ?  these  days  ,  it’s  all  about    blue hyong,  who  comes  from    los  angeles  &  ca    and  is  making  headlines  as  a    singer    .    she   currently  has  a  fan  count  of  42k    ,  no  thanks  to  the  rumors  of  them  being  inflexible  !  but  ,  on  the  other  hand  ,  their  most  devout  fans  say  they’re  actually    imaginative    .  last  i  heard  ,  they  caused  quite  a  buzz  when    she   publicly   dissed    her  new   record    label  and   the   misogynistic  treatment   she  was   receiving   from   their  reps  !  it’s  no  wonder  they  remind  me  of    long   rants   in  the  notes  app   being  posted   to  her   twitter  account  ,  empty  bottles   of  wine  laying  at   recording   studios’   floors   &  notebooks   upon  notebooks   filled  with   lyrics   she  might   never  use   but   refuses   to   let   go  of   .  
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well hello human friends !! n also hello to the non human friends too , wassup . i’m angie a  dumb  noodle  from  the  middle  of  the  south  american  jungle  , and i’m here to introduce yall to this mess i call blue  who’s  a muse i have had  for yrs now n carry w/ me wherever i go , with some minimal changes but she’s still the  same  messy  bitch  on the  inside  don’t  worry  folks !  so   i  will   provide  u w/  some  background  info  on   her  n  some   possible connections  under   the  cut . issa  lil messy  but  we’ve   been  away  for  a while   pls  bear  w me
blue  is  the  only  daughter  to  a  couple   of  south  korean  immigrants  that  came  to   america  when  they  were  in  their  very  early  20s  n  already  expecting  blue  in  order  to  chase  the  american  dream  n  create  a  better  life  for  themselves  n  their  family  .  their  life  was  pretty  hard  for  a  big  part  of  blue’s  childhood  ,  while  they  were  both  studying  n  working  odd  jobs  to  pay  for  their  education  all  the while  taking  care  of  a child .  so  blue  didnt  have  the  best  childhood  ,  not  that  her parents  were  bad  or  anything  they  just  didnt  have  time  for  her  . nowadays  ,  they  are  a  lot  more  comfortable  in  life  ,  since  her  dad  became  a  lawyer  n  her  mom  is  a  nurse  ,  but  they  definitely  didnt  have  an  easy  beginning  .
ok  so  maybe  bc  they  werent  present  durant  most  of  her  childhood  they  didnt  notice  a  lol  of  signs  that  might  have  made  things  a  lot  easier  for  them  ,  bc  by  the  time  they  were  available  to  emotionally  be  there  , during  her  early  teenage  years ,  blue  was  already  kinda  a  mess . she  had  grown  up  w  very  lil  structure  n  refused  the  rules  they  tried  to  instill  on  her  n  was  already  used  to  doing  things  her  own  way  .  that  lead  to  a  lot  of  conflict  between  them  ,  since  they  expected  her  to  study  hard  n  do  well  for  herself  in  a  nine to fiver  when  she  was  already  sure  art  was  the  only  way  to  go  n  while  she  did  ok  ,  she  definitely  wasn’t  as  good  as  her parents  expected  her  to  be .
so  ...  u  know   her  teenage  yrs  were  basic  girl  angsty  she  fought  a  lot  w  her  parents  n  rebelled  frequently  n  ran  away  from  home  like  ...  weekly  ,  but  she  never  rly  had  any  real  hardships  .  life  was  reasonably  good  but  she  always  had  something  to  complain  abt  ...  just  as  she  liked
but  then  she  reached  her  late  teens    they  all  realized  there  was  something  going  on  other   than  the  usual  teenage  angst  she  displayed  all the time  when  she  had  her  first  manic  episode  .   her  parents  thought  it was  a  “  blue  thing  “  at  first  bc  she  was  usually  a  very  impulsive  person  n  she  rly  didn’t  have  a  habit  of  thinking  before  acting  on  her  impulses  ,   but  her  mom  quickly  noticed  the  signs  of  a  manic  episode  when  she  realized  how  aggitated  n   restless  she  was  , specially  when  blue  described  an   hallucination  she  seemed  to  be  having  .   they  took  her  to  a  psychiatrist  ,  she  was  admitted  to  a  hospital  n  diagnosed  w  type 1  bipolar  disorder  n  very  quickly  medicated .  while  the  medication  brought  her  out  of  her  episode  ,  n  she  was  allowed  to  go  home  after  her  mood  seemed  to stabilize  ,   blue  also  noticed  it  stunted  her  severely  emotionally  n  decided  (  against  medical  n  parental  advice  [  pls  dont  do  it  fam  !!  take  ur  meds  ]  )  to  quit  her  medication  ,  falling  into  her  first  major  depressive  episode  a  few  weeks  afterwards  . n  for  abt  four  years  she’s  been  living  w  her  disorder  ,  n  she  doesn’t  medicate  at  all  .  she’s  super  open  abt  her struggles  n  she  has  a  Lot  of  them  ,  specially  w  how  much  drugs  n  alcohol  she  consumes  .   i  never  said  she  was  smart  yall  .
[  END  OF  TW  ]
ok  so  as  u  probably  assume  ,   blue  is  an  emotional  mess  .  she  has  a   very  chaotic  personality  ,  n  most  of it  isnt  even  from  her  illness or  anything  she  just  is  a  very  chaotic  person  in  general  ?  she  is   one  of  those  artsy  ppl  who  forgets  to  wash  her  own  clothes  so  she  ends  up  wearing  the  same  dress for  like  ,  3 days .  she’s  super  outspoken  n  outgoing  n  rly easy  at  making  friends  if  u  can  get  past  the  dumbass energy  she  exudes 24/7  ?  but  yes  just  a  very  outgoing  person  n  a  outright  mess  most  of  the  time  .  she  is  also  soooo stubborn  u  will  never  get  her  to  change  her  mind  abt  smth  she  believes  to  be  right  about  in  any  way  .  u  just  cant  .  she  loves  a  good  time  n  loves  partying  n  is  the  lack  of  impulse  Queen  soo if  u  got  any  bad  ideas  she  is  the  one   u  should  go  for  if  u  need  any  company  .  also .... so dramatic  .  she  makes  a  big  deal  of  everything  n  has  0  apologies  abt  that  .  just  catch  her  crying  over  high  school  musical  3  or  smth  like  that  .
but  yea  on  the  bad  side  tho  ,  blue  takes  up  n  gives  up  on  projects  so  easily  n  she  can  be  super  fickle  abt  things  in  general  .  like  ,  she  will  defend  an  idea  for  7  hours  but  2  days  later  she’s  already  onto  smth  else  n  doesnt  even  remember  being  so  obsessive  abt  that  other  thing  ?  a  mess .  is  also  Quite  abrasive  ?  if  she  thinks  ur  acting  dumb  shes  not  gonna  be  scared  to  call u  out  on  it  .  can  also  have a  Reaally  explosive  temper  .  not  usually  but  specially  during  manic  episodes  she  can  be  quite  easy  to  annoy  ngl  .  is  very  unreliable  ,  especially  if ur not  too  close  ..  tbh  that  is  something  connected  to  her  disorder  .  when  she’s  on  a  manic  episode  ,  she  will be  too busy  planning  things  she  will  never  get  around  to  doing  or  painting  her  entire  house  or  spending  3  days  awake  n  drunk  writing  17  songs  by  herself  .  n  during  her  depression  is  very  hard  to  get  her  to  do  anything  n  even  if  she  feels  terrible  , she  rly  cant be  an  available  friend  .
in  regards  to  her  sexuality  ,  she’s  an  open  bisexual  and   also  is  a  crazy  romantic  n  falls  so  hard  for  literally  no  reason .  but  like  ...  doesnt  have  the  healthiest  mentality  for  relationships  ?  not  like  in  a  toxic  way  but  she  will usually  give  145%  of  herself  at  all times  n  honestly  believes  all  of  the  ppl  she  falls  for  are  the one (1)  just  wants  to  make  things  work  no  matter  what  .  she’s  v  impulsive  w/  meeting  n  falling  for  ppl  tho  so  things  dont  rly  end  up  working  n  she  always  ends  up  heartbroken  over it  .  Well  .  At least she’s  trying  right  ?
in regards  to  her  career  n  art  , she’s  posted  youtube  covers  n  original  songs  for  a  couple  years  and  gathered a  decent  following  ?  she  wasnt  huge  or  anything  but  she  did  get  a  record  deal  w  an  actual  big  label  out  of  it  a  few  months  ago  .  blue  was  pretty  happy  abt  it  but  then  when  the  recording  process  started  she  realized  they  werent  treating  her  as she  thought  she  deserved  at  all  ?  which  resulted  on her  taking  her  thoughts  to  some  reps  of  the  label  n  when  she  didn’t  feel  any  difference  in  the  way  she  was  being  treated  she  took  it  to  the public  ?  which  definitely  caused  quite a  sitr  bc  she  wasn’t  a  huge  name  but  she  was  big  enough  ?  so  now  she’s  in  some  considerable  trouble  w  her  label  but  Also  more  famous  than  ever  so  they  are  choosing  not  to  bury  her  for  now  ?  she’s  in  some  definite  trouble  though  so  it’ll  be  fun  to  see  what  happens  next  n  what  her  moves  will be  ?  spoiler  alert :  it’ll prob  be  smth  dumb.
i  still have  so  much  to  say  but  i’m  so lazy  wow .  dont  start  ur  intros  so  close  to opening  time  folks  thats  my  tip  as  an  old  internet  auntie  .  OK SO  ONTO  SOME  CONNECTIONS  NOW  
some label  mates  who  she  may  or  may  not  get  along  with  ?
hookups !!  she  prob  has  a  few  she  regrets  too   bc  who  doesnt  am i  right
best  friends !!  ppl  who  actually  support  her  n  she  loves  w  no restrictions  just  love  all  around  friends
exes </3  not  gonna  lie  i  have  some  sad  ideas  abt  this  one
good  influence  bc  blue  is  a  mess she  needs  one  of  those  pls  someone  slap  her  head  n  make  her  drink  some  water
a  fling  she  has  feelings  for  but  may  not  be  requited  ...  i  like  my  romantic  connections  to  be  angsty  did yall  notice
artistic  soulmate  !!  someone  her  artistic  bitch  side  just  vibes  with  ?  could  be  a  songwriter  or  singer or  anything  tbh
some   indecisive  romantic   shit where blue rly  knows  sh’s  too messy  n  this  person  is too amazing ?  but  they still  have  feels  so   ... now  what ?
this is  p  mcuh  it ??  it  has  taken so long  to  finish  this  i  hate  myself  but  HEY  if  u  like  blue  or  dislike  her  u  should  hit  me  up  so  we  can  come  up  w  some  plot  ideas  ?  i wish  i  had  a  quirky  goodbye  idea  but  my  brain  has  just  quit  working  guys  so  u  get  nothing  from  me  other than  a  good  old  fashioned goodbye  thanks  for ur  attention  i  love u
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As promised, here it is!!! Merhaba Arkadaşlar. (Means “hi friends” in Turkish). Trying to learn a new language so I can shove how cultured I am into people’s faces. I’m kidding! I give zero *expletive of choice* what people think of me. Besides, we all know who we’re supposed to please here on earth so 🤷🏻‍♀️
Lamest intro ever, but I couldn’t come up with anything. 🥴 Cut a girl some slack; creativity is a mood! 🙄🤓 Any-who, I’ve been toying with the idea of expanding my blog with other random stuff I like (Blog only though, my bookstagram will remain a bookstagram until I decide otherwise). Even though this might be the only post on it, I’m okay with that. I’ll figure it out as I go tbh..
Life Is Strange is a console game by DONTNOD Entertainment, a France based game developer company.
I wouldn’t really call myself a gamer, but I have played a few to know what the hype is about! Cause in all honestly, we’re here just for the stories. The gameplay and the graphics are a bonus! I don’t think I’ll be doing a detailed post on all the other games or any games for that matter. (Life is strange touched my heart!) so here’s a random list of games I’ve played: 1. God of war: Ghost of Sparta (PSP) and  GOW 4 (PS4), the one with the kid. Wow, that game was beautiful! I liked dad Kratos a lot!
2. Unchartered; all four parts. I still haven’t finished the 4th one though. I loved Elena’s makeover.
3.Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition. I loved the new Lara!!! and the story had me hooked!
4.Darksiders: I played this a while back, but I never finished it because it was soooo hard. The puzzles were challenging, and I usually found myself reaching out for youtube walkthroughs to progress in the game ahead. The story revolved around the apocalyptic four horsemen. It has several other parts as well obviously, but yea never got through that one to play or buy the others. 😛
I’m currently playing Horizon Zero Dawn. And I am very much intrigued by the story. The graphics, though!! I choke!😵
Now that we’re done with that side quest (see I know the jargon too 😏). Let us get to it!
Disclaimer: This isn’t going to be a technical review, I just love the game visuals and story, and this is just me raving and losing my cool over it! ✌🏻 LIFE IS STRANGE RUINED MY LIFE, AND I AM HERE FOR IT!!!🥺🥺😭😭
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It is so visually pleasing I cannot begin to explain. The autumn vibes, the small town, the mystery. The drama. The friendship, the grief. I just… wow!!! I don’t know if I’m late to the party and the hype has died down BUT YOU ALL NEED TO PLAY THIS GAME!!! It’s available on the google store for android users if you don’t have a PS4. The first episode is free, but you have to buy the rest of them—5 in total.
Id played the first chapter when the game first came out, and I was very much hooked! I’ve waited five years to play this game finally! And it did not disappoint.!!!
Here, let me sell you on the trailer!
Okay, so the gameplay is pretty straightforward. Like even a person who has never played console games will be totally fine navigating the game. It is by far the easiest platinum, too (this is the only one I have 😛 ). Easily attainable by capturing moments. Photo ops that present themselves throughout the entire game.
The critical point of the game was “reversing time,” and how each time you do reverse, it isn’t without “consequences.” *dun dun dunnn*
Rest assured, by the end of the game; you will be a sobbing mess…!!
Welcome to Blackwell Academy, Arcadia Bay
Arcadia bay is a fictional town in Oregon. The game focuses on the lives of teenagers that go to the prestigious boarding school, Blackwell academy. (I swear, throw in a boarding school in any book/ movie/ game, and I am sold). Blackwell Academy is a dream school tbh. Look at this: 😍😍😍
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This is the first time in a long time that I’ve felt for game characters like I would in a book, or else I just usually feel detached. Each and everyone had appeal and backstories that made them so real. I was really serious about my choices and the options I was presented with. I usually went through both choices offered to see which “consequence” would be suitable.
You play as Max Caulfield, an 18-year-old hipster babe with potential for becoming a badass photographer. She’s come back to Arcadia Bay after living for a while in Seattle.
You can’t hate Max. She’s too cool! She’s technically the choices you make but were aware of her as a character and how she thinks when we make her make a specific choice. Max has a gift, she can reverse time, and she must figure out how to use it right.. even though she is us/you. I loved her character arc. The growth from scared, don’t really believe in myself to a total hero by the end; I LIVE! 🙌🏼
This game was a mood—so much attention to aesthetics. Also, sidenote, lighthouses intrigue me. I like what they stand for metaphorically. I’m a sucker for such expressions, cheesy, but heh.
Look at this haiku on a tree stump near the lighthouse:
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“Turn this way now or face the lonely autumn tree and never look back.“
This right here is the crux of the game. Also, the words are compelling; the attention here being that decision making is not an easy process. I would know, I’m very indecisive!
In Islam, we believe in the Qadr and Decree of Allah (Qadr Allah). As in what he has written will happen, and no power on earth can stand in the way of it not happening. That being said, when faced with indecision (as most Muslims), we turn to Dua. That can alter the course of our Qadr, but see God even foresees that, He already has an alternate picture of what direction our Life would take with or without our Dua. Hope I make sense. This game made me think alot about fate! I guess this is where the concept of alternate realities and universes comes from where the butterfly theory stems from how one little decision on your own isn’t really your own to make. Life is strange gives a lot of attention to this: how one action now will affect your future, present, and even past.
The butterfly effect is a big theme in the game. If you don’t know what it is, it means that’s something as simple as a flap of the butterfly’s wings can cause hurricanes and storms/ change the entire set of events. Also, butterflies are a beautiful metaphor and kind of very much reflective of Max’s journey throughout the game. Episode 1 is named Chrysalis!
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The blue butterfly is often found throughout the game at crucial moments. I also thought it was a reference to Chloe (blue hair)
I like how effectively the moments we captured were incorporated into the game. They’re like portals into the past, and with Max’s powers, she uses this to her benefit. Dont want to go in detail as I’m keeping this spoiler free.
This game might just have the most underrated soundtrack of all. The acoustic guitar and the mellow indie voices! #calm. Link here. Listen, you won’t regret it.
The visuals in this game!!!! It is beautiful. Yes, they didn’t go all out on the animation like games nowadays with super realistic characters, but the camera angles and how it was shown, the sun drenched scenes. The Golden Hour. Not far from a cinematic masterpiece! look at these screen grabs!!!
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It was more than just a game. It discussed topics like bullying, mental health, suicide, addiction, grief, death, and, ultimately, love. All under one story, yet separated into manageable plot lines. It prompted you to think about these serious topics in a more emotional way rather than as just topics. Hope you know what I mean. 😅
I initially didn’t like Max’s punk friend Chloe cause she looked like a real trouble maker. Rebellious, dealing with drug dealers, hanging out in the junkyard shooting bottles. Typical rebellious teenager, but she grew on me, and that was the point. The game is setting you up to be wrecked!!!
Also, can we appreciate the strong female friendship here? You don’t see that nowadays IRL or even in the media. I lived for Max and Chloe’s friendship, and it made me yearn for a childhood friend like that!
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My favorite part was the dream sequence; the fear was palpable! It was like punishment by time cause you are stuck in this nightmarish loop with all the villains you’ve been trying to throw off, and it was a masterpiece. Beautifully done, also the literal walk down memory lane!! I cannot with this game! I cried. look at this nightmare. UGH!!! SO GOOD!!!
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When it comes to time, it is always represented as a loop. “the beginning is the end” (what up “dark” reference). I’ve been trying to keep this review spoiler-free, so I’ll stick to it! But once you reach the end, it  makes you question if there was really ever only one “choice” from the very beginning,
In all honesty, Life is strange was not what I expected, and it caught me off guard. It wasn’t just the characters or the story. This game put me at ease; it was simple but also beautiful. I loved, and I laughed, and I cried and I definitely didn’t want it to end!!
The message of the game was simple; what’s written will happen no matter your time-bending powers. Also, another undertone I couldn’t help seeing was how your decisions just make up your KARMA.
I loved living as Max for five days, and I’d gladly do it again. I’m sad that I will never experience this game for the first time (just as it is with good books). I’m sad not getting to know more about everyone who lives in Arcadia bay — Max, Chloe, Warren, Nathan, Kate, Victoria, Mr Jefferson — everyone.
Knowing Max was an experience, and I feel like I just lost a really good friend. 😔
So this is to Max Caulfield. If I could rewind time, I’d like to relive you for another five days again for the first time. I’m stoked for having been a part of your world and for sharing your head space, and I hope I did well. Stay “hella rad.” Goodbye. ✌🏻
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0 notes
vanlegion · 8 years
Unpopular Opinion Time
I’m full of these as my mutes know…
Today its about SVTFOE!
Soooo….. Again, expect to see a point of view most likely opposite your own. Curious? Read on. But don’t get upset at me if you do. I’m just stating how I feel. I am in no way harshing on anyone else opinions or views.
I’ve never been a Starco fan. If it happens, it happens. Ill be ‘eh’ but i wont be rage quit mad either. Ill be more disappointed.
Why? Because how many shows feature two main protagonists (traditionally m/f) that end up together by the end of the show? Quite a few. But how many shows are there where they don’t? Not as many.
I just think its just as important to show a relationship with platonic love as it is romantic love.
Now I’ll say straight up right now there’s a number of OTPs I have that do feature the best friends/main protages ending up together. First that comes to mind for me is Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable. I was all to excited for that. However, I was for it pretty early in the show, and this was due to some cues I myself picked up while watching the show. Quirks and cues peppered into the show here and there...
These are the things that I subconsciously read when I get into a show. It’s why I have many OTP’s that are indeed characters that are mains, but also why I have OTPs that aren’t the mains.
Sakura and Lee, for example, from Naruto. SakuLee was my OTP out of the gate.
We all knew Naruto was all hot for Sakura, and Sakura in turn for Sassass Sasuke. There were obviously cues here, but these didn’t really make me think ‘Hmm... Yeah I want these two together.’
But which cues did I pick up on?
Cue from Lee, and cues from Hinata. Since both their intros.
And then there was the entire Kakashi/Guy dynamic that... HNG. But there’s too much there to post so, moving on.
But this is why I’m not on the Starco train. Because I read cues that Marco was already in love with someone else ( for years, might I add) and because I was beginning to like Marco as a character... my brain goes ‘Oh, I hope he gets the girl he’s been pining for!’ Because yeah, Marco has been in love with Jackie since, what first grade?
It would seem really ham fisted to make Marco suddenly be all 'I love you romantically Star!’ after showing how happy (all goofy and lovey dovey face) Marco has been with Jackie.
You cant just turn that off. I know. It takes a long while to move on. If they decide to switch Marco over to Star, its gonna feel incredibly off.
Jackie has been like… the best. I love her so much. She’s kind, shown to be dorky just like our babies, is not trying to break up the crime duo; just more trying to be a part of it. And Star too has been incredibly supportive despite her own feelings. Like, i’m gonna feel terrible if Jackie gets hurt. She’s been nothing but patient and sweet. I also can’t see her denying Marco going after Star to help her, and hell, I can even see Jackie being all like ‘You’re not going alone; I’m coming with you! Star’s my friend too.’
Or she’d just tell Marco to be safe, knowing he’d go after her.
I honestly can’t see her getting mad, or jealous... but I can see her getting hurt... and Jackie has been way too awesome to be hurt like this.
Ugh, so yeah I’m just... venting. I’m just hoping endgame is Mackie and Star can have her pick of Janna, Tom, Oscar, Heckapoo, Roberiet (Yea, omg that Minstral dude lit my fire)
Hell, I’d be totally down with Jarcar! (Jackie/Marco/Star) I’m Poly, so promoting the Polyamorus angle is always an option for me. Lol. Jackie is so chill and she’d probably be willing to share Marco if it’s Star. Heh.
But yeah... it just feels like all these Starco shippers are “Its either Starco or nothing!” and most won’t be happy if it is indeed anything else.
But again, this is just my thoughts, feelings and me venting. I am not a ship hater. If Starco is your thing, then it’s your thing and you’ve go the right to enjoy it.
0 notes