#yea im biased LMAO
arcanegifs · 1 year
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still kinda baffled at those who want a p/md explorers remake when its still perfectly playable and easy to just emulate lmao
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alastair-1205 · 2 months
Episode 16 reactions
Oooooh cool car
I can totally see how Wyldfyre and Robie’s personalities actually match tho. Like they’re both prideful in what they do and have that same little “Not that I needed help but thanks anyway” thing going on. It’s sweet. 
I love it when these two talk it’s so interesting omg
This poor kid is trying so hard to do the right thing and get his parents back 
I can see why Jay so easily believed him lol
Y’all have the elemental master of EARTH WITH YOU-
They won. But at what cost 
Oh god Lloyd’s own communication issues coming to bite him in the ass 
Noooooooooo she was doing so well :(
They’re gonna have to team with Zeatrix aren’t they
Oh that’s just not even fair to Tox wtffff
She’s putting it togetherrrrr
Frackkkkk man. He’s probably not even a bad dude, Ras is just using him too to get to Arin
This is like when ur friend is friends with someone who was an asshole to you. I feel bad on Arin’s behalf lmao
Im gonna scream omfg
I love that they’re bantering lmao. They know each other!!!
Plz be Cole v Geo
Frack is really sweet tho which is cool
Arin on the other hand is not doing so hot rn-
Cmon Cole you used to climb mountains for fun 
At least she owned up to it
Damn he was so close. But yea these contests seem biased
At least someone’s having a good time lol
It’ll be cool to see the dual power fights. Also did Geo win or loose or?
Wtf is a dragon icon 
Oooooooh huh. I wonder how he made the first one then if he needs elemental power to do it. Is that why there’s so many new masters? Did Ras kill the others for the last icon he made?
Oh that’s gonna be a brutal fight 
Cole was not prepared to deal with S1 Kai all over again lmao. I need them to be buddies now
I wanna write a pic about how it feels to have completely different elemental powers and how it feels to go without them for so long (even if the ninja are more used to it than most probably) 
COLE AND WYLDFYRE LMAO the duo I didn’t know we needed 
Oh these games are riggedddddd
Nokt doesn’t even have elemental powers why is he here?
Arin do be sulking
Oh Sora’s gonna get her ass kicked isn’t she
Omg I just realized. Sora not knowing spinjitzu is probably gonna be another reason Arin believes that Ras’ way is better 
Do none of the others see Arin just talking to Ras lol??
See and this game seems rigged in Sora’s favor. I think my earlier theory about Robie was right 
Sora didn’t show of Wyld’s powers cuz she knew she’d get bit about it 
Oh yo it’s ghost Wu talking to Cole again
Oh Arin :(
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fakeplastiicat · 11 months
my thoughts/rambles on ofmd s2
spoilers ahead!!
it was realy great but way too fast. i wish we had more time to see developments of other characters like frenchie or roach etc. instead of just stede and ed (don’t get me wrong blackbonnet is so cute). the jim and archie, olu and zheng thing also felt kinda random? and really rushed. unlike in s1, where there like almost an equal amount of screentime for most characters which made it really enjoyable to watch. as well as izzy’s character arc, yes, it is good but idk it just felt so rushed. also, stede and ed’s making up and breaking up also felt rushed like dude, you break up then read a love note and suddenly you’re like omg im in love w you again and i completely forgot abt all the shitty stuff you said to me when we broke up!! if they had more time or like another episode, it wld make the season even better.
izzy. since s1, i alr loved izzy sm and this season i loved him even more lmao. his character development was so sweet but like i said earlier, very rushed. there is definitely much more room to explore and develop izzy’s character rather than just abruptly making izzy’s attitude change if that makes sense?? also, killing him off (which actually made me cry) made his entire character arc and development feel very cheap and ‘wasted’. his death was also really abrupt and rushed (i guess?), in which after he passed, he was justed buried and then forgotten? by the crew. tbh i wld think they wld show some angsty montage of the crew but i guess not. also like my ouizzy dreams didnt come true.
i seriously seriously wish there was more frenchie screentime. maybe im just biased but him in s1 made it so fun!!
overalll, s2 was honestly not as good as s1 due to how fast paced and rushed it felt, as well as how it felt extremely centred arnd stede and ed only. however, i still really love this season sm, its so heartwarming and sweet but it can’t beat s1. also i really liked the ending of s2, it was super cute :)) thats it!
thanks for reading my nonsense! im not sure if it even made sense but yea, those are my thoughts! :)
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leclerced · 10 months
PLEASE. the way i laughed but also went that’s so sad 😭
i’m an oscar girly so i’m very biased LMAO but i love the idea that once oscar joins the relationship dynamic more than just fooling around he’s kinda putting down some more ground rules for the other drivers. i like to imagine oscar gets a bit possessive (🤭) and can also tell when lando maybe gets upset that he has to share their girl with the others. basically oscar taking care of his babies 🤭
i also love lando a lot so i just need to give him a win 😭
yea im an oscar girlie thru and thru the only one i like as much as him is max. i feel bad for lando bc /: he will always come second to oscar nm what its no contest.
oscar would end up being the dominant one in the relationship, lando just lets him take that role very quickly when he realizes that oscar just wants to take care of them and protect her more than anything. oscar would set ground rules, lando would’ve been so caught up in the excitement of it all that he wouldn’t have even thought about it, but oscar does immediately. while lando let the drivers make plans with her and he would work around them, oscar would set strict boundaries, no blurred lines anymore. he doesn’t let anyone touch her in public except max, daniel, and charles who are touchy with everyone, and he genuinely likes them and gets along with them. and it’s not like he doesn’t let the other drivers talk to her, but when oscar’s with her, everyone knows not to bother approaching bc he’s already got plans in his mind, and they’d already know about them if they were lucky enough to be included.
lando would usually sit and watch, ready to intervene if necessary, but oscar always has to be involved. even though he’s younger than the other drivers he takes control of whats going on, tells them what to do instead of just letting them do whatever they want. he especially likes fucking with george and bossing him around bc it gets under his skin when oscar tugs his hair and tells him what to do, and he knows he has to listen to the rookie or he’ll be kicked out in the blink of an eye. he gets a little power hungry when he realizes how bad everyone wants her, how far they’re willing to go to get on oscar’s good graces just so they’re not kicked off the roster
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alienaiver · 1 month
Kanda foe the headcanons game! 🌷
omg tori im so happy you sent him in, i was hoping so bad you'd see the game !!!! ✨ im sorry abt the delay<!!!33333 these are like, half-modern au kinda, since some of the questions doesn't really translate to the 19th century LMAo
Songs on his iPod: i think despite his tough-no-feelings demeanor, he really does like songs where the lyrics resonate with him, or put words into feelings he can't articulate well himself. its NOT emo or angsty tho, claims the angsty emo.
rootless tree - damien rice my demons - starset sacrifice - zella day (sobbing i actually made a kanda amv with this song once....) (these are all from my kanda playlist. im probably biased LMAO)
The one place they fall asleep – where they’re not supposed to: kanda's very reserved with rest. its only in his bedroom with a locked door unless you or alma are there. its too vulnerable and private if not. he fell asleep in a cafe with you once, which was silly, but he'd been overworking himself and your shoulder was right there
The game they’d destroy everyone else at: im so sorry, but kanda's entire personality in regards to video games is just: skill issue. he doesn't wanna waste his time learning how to fight in a dumb game when he can just as easily cut your throat irl no problem. though if ever convinced, hes flexible enough to beat everyone at twister
The emoticon they’d use most often: 🖕. (if he ever bothers)
What they act like when they haven’t had enough sleep: he's actually kinder, somehow. not like, allen's mask polite, but he's less bite-y and easy to anger. his baseline is too little sleep generally, but when he goes beyond even that limit, hes too sleepy to fight about every little thing, which translates as sudden kindness.
Their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights or mornings: green tea, always
How they like to comfort/care for themselves in a slump: kanda likes to throw his head aggressively onto your lap and lie there with a scowl until you coax his problem out through his grunts. you ask questions and when you've figured it out, you help him process it
What they wanted to be when they grew up: he thought itd be punk-rock to own his own store. he didnt know what it entailed, but once he was in a independent store with tiedoll and he explained why it wasnt like [insert chain] and when kanda said, "so, basically you're your own boss completely?" and tiedoll nodded he thought.. fuck yea. but what? what type of store, you ask? fuck if he knows or cares
Their favorite kind of weather: summer blue skies with those big, cumulonimbus clouds!
Thoughts on their singing voice: he can sing, and he's good at it, too. he's only shown it once, to prove to allen that "singing's not that hard, dumbass. anyone can do it." he's well aware not everyone can, but he liked gloating when he pulled out an angelic deep timbre in front of the friend group. if he sometimes randomly starts smiling menacingly, just know he's thinking of that memory
How/what they like to draw or doodle: hes the type to just write words in cool fonts or styles. especially swear words LMAO
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these were so fun omg,,,,, hes so edgy im sorry but im also really not
send me a character and ill fill out these headcanons
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absolutebitchgetter · 9 months
Yea, the title is about me. So? it might sound like a fucking Kanye West song title but he is a peak artist. (i do not support anything anti semetic)
So, lets just put the nail in the coffin (Notice how im not saying final?)
I wont stop until i get an actual recognision from the entirety of Comic Studio.
I am prepared to namedrop, so you better change your ways if you know who you are.
So, lets get right into it.
There is proven to be guilt tripping and manipulation as shown by this post.
Do you really think im going to give up trying to stop pure rage filling into peoples minds?
Do you think i want them to end up like me?
I ended up horrible. Anger management out the fucking window. Ive proven many times i try to change that and i still am.
People laugh, ridicule, annoy and aggravate me.
I still havent gave up, even if the admins (clearly biased) try to silence me.
Doxxing scares, harassment, impersonation, ridiculed.
Thats what i have to go through.
Monthly, weekly, daily.
I dont know when it comes, it just does.
Everyone hates me, but do i want to change that? Yes AND no.
If everyone hates me, i get no drama while everyone blocks me. If everyone loves me, i get popular and every post i do gets a few votes or comments. However i am pulled into much drama.
Anyways, actually getting into it, everything i say is silenced or put down. Even when i mention the doxxing scares, "oh yeah sorry about that". Just some half assed apology! Are you fucking serious! (You know who you are.) Who gives a fucking shit if i am one of the most problematic users there, i got harassed and incorrectly banned. I am continued to be harassed, antagonised and made fun of. Its just irony at this point. The moderation team needs a rebuild and i will not stop until my justice is served. That includes an unbanning. The cs discord isnt any better either. I was once made fun of, but it seems to have understood me about my quest to solve my anger issues. I still cant forgive it though. However a certain moderator in there deserves a name drop. Their nickname is "homosexual" with a Binding of Isaac pfp. They proceeded to time me out and no one else for an argument involving me and 4 others. I was the only one timed out, it was not fair in the slightest. My rejoin involved me asking someone to spoiler Binding of Isaac (it is a very scary game for me) and i proceeded to get targetted for it. They also had screamed at someone and pinged someone who was very uncomfortable with pinging. The mod proceeded to scold them while the victim was asking them to stop very politely. How they were mod i have no fucking clue. Its honestly scummy how the admins do nothing either when deathzy says i "harassed them" (i dm'd them about bashing my post and the fact that i apologised for the nazi joke). They then proceeded to say they were "right" in the situation when getting Onion_rabbit involved by them faking harassment. Its scummy how both of them didnt get any reprimanding and i get a perma ban.
Honestly, if i dont get this post noticed, there are going to be much namedrops in the next post. In the Oka situation that got them banned, i do concede, the sex jokes and the f slur were kinda dodgy. Even if you can reclaim i dont think you should be saying a slur. But i think a week ban should have been more appropiate. And if we're banning for sex jokes, Deathzy should be banned aswell. Just look at their fucking posts. They also drew ACTUAL FUCKING MPREG. how the fuck is that not being called out? simple answer.
They are popular.
Popular people dont get any reprimanding or a lot of the site quit.
its actually a joke how i get banned but none of the people listed arent.
Also, if you search up "toxicomic studio" on Comic Studio, read it.
So, in conclusion.
Nobody has listened to me, and this will be the final time.
If i get banned in the cs discord, so be it. The world shall listen to ABG's tune of fucking facts.
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ataraxixx · 1 year
I know me constantly hopping into your askbox is annoying but I rlly do not have anything better to do other than... math and biology work so I am here 2 ask you to rank some of my favorite ninjago tracks >:3c (if I did all of my fav tracks I wouldn't be getting my ask answered till next year LMAO)
Sensei Yang's Sacrifice
The Final Battle
Opening the Cursed Realm
Possession (the track)
Garmadon's True Potential
A Full Blooded Oni
March of the Oni (the track)
The Lost City of Ouroboros
The Upply Strike Back
Wu vs. the Crystal King
The New Warden
Nya Becomes Water (thats such a lame track title what the fuck man...)
i had to listen to most of these bc i didnt rlly remember them but heres my ranking
11: crystal king vs wu
10: march of the oni
9: full blooded oni
8: sensei yang's sacrifice
7: the new warden
6: opening the cursed realm
5: city of ouroboros
4: the final battle
3: the upply strike back
2: possession
1: nya becomes water / garmadon's true potential (i love them both dearly i could not choose)
and ill put my deeper thoughts under the cut
ck- i fear i dont really care for this one very much even tho i do really love this fight scene so like 4/10. the choral bits are cool i guess
oni- 5/10 its ok feel similar to yang in that its just general ninjago fare
mystake- its ok its a bit short like 5/10 tbh i like the percussive bits
yang- 5/10 its ok idk very generic ninjago fare but it suits the scene its from well
warden- harumis theme included automatic 10/10 (joke) but i do like this one. sorry i just really like the s8/9 ost they always bang for real. this ones a bit more on the chill side and its not that remarkable/memorable as far as the versions of rumi's theme go so like 5/10
cursed- 6/10 its a fun track but its like weirdly dramatic for a not very dramatic fight scene which is kind of funny. ok fight track
ouroboros- 6/10 yk going thru this list i noticed a lot of these are very percussive which is fine but yk. also very short
final- 7/10 a classic but nothing crazy
upply- 8/10 really big fan of all of motm's leitmotifs and the different percussion instruments in this really help distinguish it from like. every other extremely percussive ninjago song. but the leitmotif helps a lot too its very epic and grounded.
possess- 9/10 im a violin player so im always very biased to when ninjago uses violins and i reallyyy like their use here bc its like the dark intense but contrasted with the little fiddle notes and yea. its cool its very morro-y. the back and forth between the violin and the rest of the ensemble is really fun it reminds me a lot of the danse macabre and tbh they prolly took inspiration from that seeing as its one of the most well known pieces abt the undead
garmy- 10/10 one of my absolute favorite ninjago tracks ever sorry i absolutely love the mesh of the sons of garmadon theme ( one of my favorite leitmotifs) and the garmadon family theme bc its just sooo fucking crazy and intense and it suits the scene its in so well. mega banger alert
nya- really love this one. lots of ninjago music is extremely percussive so this one is really nice bc its so Different. the slow careful treading at the beginning building up into something intense and i always rlly like nya's music bc its very different instrument wise from most of the other tracks and she has a lot more wind instruments usually but it also just focuses more on the wind + strings than the percussion which is nice. and the overarching beat done by the what i assume is bells of some sort but electronic instruments dont always sound 1:1 to real ones but yk what i mean(idk why i wrote so much abt this one but its a good track. 10/10)
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an-architect-of-words · 4 months
This may be a long ask because I like to yap lol
Honestly, I feel like one of the most realistic possibilities/best addition they could give us in the remaster is: more clues to find that would provide more insight to the characters and their relationships to one another. I feel like there’s many great opportunities for them to do that with the characters, especially the Washington’s (which I would happily take as a win because they are so interesting to me and we didn’t really get to know Hannah and Beth). First opportunity that comes to mind is when Sam finds Josh’s phone. This is probably me totally being biased because I want more Josh content even though he is the character that has the most lore (sue me) but I feel like we didn’t really get to see him genuinely interact with most of the characters. I mean there were obviously moments that I believe Josh was being genuine, but most of it was definitely a mask *pun intended* and him being devious. They could add some text interactions between him and all other members of the group or allow you to just kind of search through his phone. Because I’m a JoshxSam enthusiast I would geek if they had a couple of flirty messages between the two or texts that show them being what each other needs. Hell, throw in a couple messages between him and Chris where they both talk about their crushes (and more texts between him and Josh in general because friendship goals). I mean the devs used to look through Reddit so they know what the ppl want. Why not make JoshxSam Semi-Canon 9 yeas later LMAO?! I’d also like to know if Josh is really girl crazy or if it’s an attempt at being normal so seeing some brief talk surrounding Josh’s love life or affairs would be rather entertaining to me.
Another cool thing they could do with his phone is have it to where you can go to the photos app and get to see photos he’s taken. They could even have you be able to open his email and find things regarding school or his interest ect. 
Since I mentioned the photo app, They could also add like a scrapbook in Beth‘s room where she writes little notes about the characters to give insight about her relationships to the characters or memories she’s had with the group and her family. All the devs gotta do is add a couple more badly photoshopped edits to the game /lh.
Another thing I think they could do is add a couple more rooms that you can explore, maybe like two or three. One: Josh‘s bedroom, Two: Bobs office where maybe you can find emails on his computer regarding Josh’s psyche, talks of Hannah and Beth’s disappearance/memories of them, some personal journal entries that talk about the dynamic of their family, history of the land and their encounters with the suspicious activity that takes place on the mountain. It’s been a few years since I’ve watched the video game fully so maybe some of this is in there because I think I remember you being able to find police report Melinda made regarding noises. ORRRR im making things up.
This would be an easier way to add some content without actually needing the actors to be there. What do you think? Do you think it is plausible? 
Yap away, Anon!!! Honestly, we all need to get used to reading detailed thoughts again 😂. It’s healthy.
Anyway, I love this!!! I mean, I am a SUCKER for putting pieces together via settings and items. (I am weirdly attached to the fact that you can find one of Bob’s trophies for a film called “Blood Monastery,” because it loops back to Chris finding the monk outfit in the basement). I just geek over anything that makes the world feel detailed and connected. So I love the idea of adding content to Josh’s phone! You’re right; it’s a very easy way to add more lore and fun interactions (absolutely give me texts between Josh and Sam or Josh and Chris!!!).
I also like the idea of seeing Josh and Beth’s rooms, because I thought Hannah’s was VERY well done. You can glean so much about her from her bedroom. Whoever designed her room did a stellar job. Beth is the least developed notable character in the whole game, acting as a bit more of an exposition machine than character at points, so I’d love stuff to further humanize her like what we saw for Hannah.
Anyway, Ballistic Moon DID confirm new footage/story animation (though it seems limited)— along with more collectibles and interactions, so your idea is quite feasible, actually! Meaghan Martin has confirmed she recorded a little bit for the remake, and there have been vague leaks of Jessica. So we will be getting some new voice work/face animations for at least some characters.
In a weird way, I hope it truly is all minor additions. I definitely want certain things cleaned up and emphasized and whatnot, but I’m also nervous that a lot of new content might include things that don’t align with the tone or lore of the original (though, there have been official statements saying the devs worked hard to ensure new content keeps with the integrity of the old. And Ballistic Moon has many workers who’d worked on Until Dawn before).
I think the following things are also realistic:
Adding Emily and Matt’s “extra” chapter back into the game. That really should not have been removed as a pre-order bonus. It’s part of the story.
I think they could recycle some PS3 content for Mike and Chris. Brett Dalton and Noah Fleiss joined the project in its PS3 phase. So they have recorded content for Mike and Chris that was scrapped along with parts of that prototype that didn’t make it into the finished project. Now, I think some things were very much scrapped for a reason. All the characters changed a bit from then as did the tone and beats of the story. But I also think some stuff could potentially be added back even if Brett Dalton or Noah Fleiss can’t/decline to return.
Anyway, these are my thoughts! Thanks for the discussion!
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stealanity · 5 months
cmkejdfornomg you can’t just say stuff like that bc i’m gonna fall in love with you 😭😭😭 i would do anything for you i stg
but OMG minho’s my bias too ‼️ we stan a cat man. you having two skz biases is so valid lmao it’s so hard to pick bc they’re all wayyy too likable
im already in love with you, don't forget about our wedding next week (tomorrow) 😼 I LOVE CAT MAN LIKE i think the majority of my bias list are kitty coded.. but yea, it's so difficult to have only one bias 😨
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UGHHHH This song is so very Hiiragi Kirai like you look at that and you go "yea. they made that" its got like all their signature shit BUT ITS NOT BLAND OR ANYTHIGN ITS SO GOOD IM
i <3 finding old songs from producers i love
and its cool cus this one doesnt use flower and like. usually i dont like synth v but?? the voice is still good somehow?? but maybe thats just cus im biased towards liking it
although he does still sorta sound like his throat is a little sore but idk if thats just me lmao
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bombshelllblonde · 6 months
heyyyyyy im backkk!!!!!!!
invading ur ask box again lol, sorry!!!!!!
this might start being a thing
i totally forgot to mention last time hiw muvh i love lenny, mary-beth and hosea and tilly and MOLLY O SHEA omg
the drinking mission w lenny is one of my favorites, and I LOVE PLAYING DOMINOES W TILLY MY GIRL SHE IS THE BEST
Like yea gurl!!!!! kill the o driscolls!! kill them all!! avenge ur pookie!!! rahhh!!!
Mary-beth and kieran are my blorbs. my pookies. my babbygirls. my schmookums
molly o'shea that woman that she is i love her so so so much
i feel so bad for her tho w her fights w dutch :(
speaking of dutch, idk i have like a neutral (slightly negative) view of him???
i dislike how he treats molly, and w how he treats mary-beth?? (inst dutch also like 40-50 and mary-beth like 20-smth? idk im probably rlly biased in this lol)
ALSO another reason dutch be chosing Micah the rat over what is his basically adopted son??
im definitely biased in this but wtv lmao
but he hasnt really done much so i dont hate him, but i dont like him either
moving on, do yk if theres any way to explore blackwater + south of it while playing as arthur? i wanna get all the dinosaur bones and legendary animals !!
i replayed the 'americans at rest' mission, yk w bill (i think) javier and charles at the bar (towards the beginning of the game)
its so fucking funny i cannot
arthur walks in, uses his amazing charmer skills (LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER) and then bill runs in, punches a guy therefore starting a bar fight, HERE COME CHARLES WITH THE STEEL CHAIR, arthur gets his ass kicked and then kicks ass and nearly beats the guy half to death
yk when jack grows up and tells epople abt his dear ol uncle arthur that uncle lore drop boutta be CRAZYYYY
did i mention charles throwing a chair? its my favorite part could you tell
i have a pretty neutral view of john marston ig, i kinda hope he steps up and gets the stick outta his ass, starts being a father to jack or smth but im trying not to get my hopes up lmao
thats it for now!!!! hope u have a nice day!!!!
(thanks for responding to these btw! lmk if im bothering u tho, ty for letting me ramble abt my hyperfixation lmao)
okay lsitennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn rdr2 has been mt hyper fixation since July of 2022 when my brother in law gave me his old ps4 and the game and i don’t think ive shut up about it since i started playing. My entire personality is rdr2. And my current outlet/therapy is writing my rdr2 fanfiction
it’s gotten to the point where my family has literally started buying me cowboy/outlaw stuff. when I was a teenager i loved owls so everyone got me owl things. now im obsessed with cowboys at 26 years old and every gift I receive has something to do with outlaws
My sister got me a cameo of Roger Clark talking to me as Arthur for my 25th bday and literally nothing has ever topped that. It was the most amazing gift ever and now I have a video of Arthur Morgan saying my name and talking to me about my horses!!!! It’s so amazing I watch it all the time
unfortunately there isn’t any way to explore blackwater as Arthur unless you get like mods or something. the AI immediately roll up and the bounty hunters shoot him dead if you try to get into west Elizabeth
do you know how to play dominoes??? Literally ive only ever played 5 finger fillet in that game because i cant fucking play dominoes or poker bc i don’t know how
also Tilly is amazing just wait until later in the game. there’s a mission that really solidified the love i have for Arthur being the protective older brother
Dutch is sooooo complex and i think that’s why i love him so much. i won’t get too deep into my feels for him just yet bc i want you to keep going without me saying anything but once you get farther into the game we can talk about him!!!
Hosea and Dutch are literally my gay fathers. I love them so much. Their love for each other literally makes my tummy flip I love it so so so much
Also I’d let Charles hit me with a chair too, tbh. Love of my life
I never disliked Molly but I didn’t like her either, I think she’s just too much of a loud mouth. Felt like to me she could have not been in the game and it wouldn’t have changed much. Idk
And John’s complexity we can talk about after you progress a lil further. I honestly don’t want to spoil anything or give it away unless you don’t care about spoilers. But I’m just gonna stay quiet until you let me know 😂😂😂😂
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skzoologist · 10 months
I have so many screenshots in my camera roll of SKZ and ATZ members (my ult groups) whether they be official comeback pictures or fan taken ones from their concerts, meet and greets, or just screenshots of them in different shows during comeback season 😭 it got to the point where my Google photos got filled like 2 or 3 times 😭😭 out of the K-pop photos I have saved I think at least 60-80% of them are SKZ and ATZ and there's a solid portion of them that I saved for outfit styling and haircut/styling ideas 🧍
HONGJOONG BIASED? 👀👀 THIS IS A FIRST FOR ME?? All of my ATINY friends irl are San biased 😭 (which I can't blame them cuz he was the one that got me into ATZ ^^; and also like 👀👀) ALSO YEONJUN 💕💕💕
Getting bias wrecked by literally every one of them 🤝🤝
- 🐹
Now that is an entire collection I would love to see one day, holy shit. I am sure one day I will reach your level, but I haven't yet, only beacuse I am veeery picky about my saved pics lmao. But my chat is filled with screenshots with every comeback, I might actually spam you guys with the better ones haha. Also the outfit thing is so valid of you, I actually need to search for pics for uh, definitely not Bae related reasons 👀
LOOK, MY FRIEND LOVES THEM SHORT WITH ANGER ISSUES, I BLAME HER x'd But yea, I cannot blame your friends tbh. San just cannot be my bias, because in EVERY video, his hips just don't goddamn calm down, as Yeosang said and I AM VERY SHY, HOLY SHIT- Also hell yea, Yeonjun and Beomgyu's friendship? How the younger annoys the older? Gets me everytime.
nO BECAUSE I LOVE THAT, IT'S SO WONDERFUL- Loud too though, imagine being in a room with just the three. My eardrums would die in the first 5 minutes lmao
Absolutely 🤝🤝
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slytherinshua · 1 year
i’m definitely a Hwang Hyunjin bias till the day i die tho (there’s something abt the last name Hwang dude Hwang Hyunjin? FINE Hwang Yeji? FINE Hwang Minhyun SO FINE)
also yea i could do both tho if you’d like! that was you don’t fill your feed up with just our convos lmao but i can stay an anon if you’d like ! <3 -🦦
hyunjin was my first bias omg 😭 i hold him responsible for making me get into skz ig??? i think??? his studio choom like... yeah.
SMTH ABT THOSE HWANGS 😭 its the same thing with jo's as well like listen
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jo wonsang (tho i cannot call him fine cause hes cute and nothing else like the first pic is the only "fine" pic of him i could find everything else is just??? ADORABLE?? MY BABY?????)
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jo deukchan (hehe 🤭)
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and jo byeonggyu
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im fine with whatever u want tbh :D my dc is on my carrd if u want it (the priv 🔒 link), and u can stay on anon if u want <33
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yuukei-yikes · 2 years
If someone has only listened to the songs and watched the anime, what's the best way to get into other content? (I'll admit im biased towards whatever has the most Haruka tbh)
HMMMM both novel and manga are pretty long. id say the novels are an easier read than the manga and maybe even quicker lol they're pretty short, 8 of them and like less than 200 pages each?? depends on what u consider long. but the manga has 2 routes and it gets confusing so yea. if u want the manga just read until everyone fucking dies which is volume 4 cuz then the second route starts and if u dont wanna Deal with that cuz its like a lot happening, then id not read it. second manga route id read as the very very last thing. first id read the novels
but since ur awesome cuz u like haruka i will tell u all the bits that feature haruka as a main character in case u just wanna read those.
manga volume 3 and the little first bit of volume 4 are the yuukei yesterday arc (takane is protag ofc but haruka is here and they are very cute :) )
then there's the second manga route with the lost days arc. again let me say. very different from what the normal routes are so in this haruka meets takane and shintaro at the hospital and never ayano, thats volume 10. its haruka pov babyyyy(SECOND MANGA ROUTE HARUKA ARC I UMM... personally i fucking hate this arc like ok yes YES YES HARUKA POV HARUKA POV FUCK YEAHHHHH but there's 1 thing that happens in this arc that i fucking hate so much it makes me just dislike the whole thing lmao so i never recommend it buuut u can go ahead. thats just me being nitpicky its not bad lol and has lots of cute harutaka)
and then the 2nd novel volume headphone actor which is the yuukei yesterday arc so ofc haruka is here and then CHA CHAAAAN volume 6!!! HARUKA POV!!!!! if u like haruka and he's ur fave and u want all his content. NOVEL 6 OVER THE DIMENSION. READ NOW. NOW. NOW. i love you over the dimension *kisses it and tucks it in bed* its not a long read at all like i said less than 200 pages. u can finish it in 1 afternoon for sure. ive re read it like 1 million times i love it so much💗💗💗over the dimension💗💗💗 its haruka's pov during the cultural festival btw and even more hangouts with the quartet.
he also has a couple chapters in the eighth novel but without reading the rest i dont recommend it cuz itd be confusing LOL if u still wanna tho, its all the chapters named with "side 9" at the end.
ummm yeah anyways. lol
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aritamargarita · 2 years
what’s your favorite wwe game?? I have the 2k22 one rn and it’s pretty fun but I love the older games bc I’m so biased for the 90s-00s rosters
YEA 2k22 is really fun!
probably my favorite one has to be svr 2007? i don’t know it was really just a fun game! from the roster to the season mode it was just a vibe
IM PRETTY BIASED TOO LMAO i played here comes the pain once with my cousin a really long time ago and i was never the same I HAVE YET TO GET MY HANDS ON ANOTHER COPY ITS A WORK IN PROGRESS!! people know how good the game is so they scalp the hell out of it
i kinda wanna go waaay back and play the really old games though. as of right now youtube is my best friend LMAO
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