#yayyyyyyy thank u for asking!!
houndfaker · 4 months
2, 8 and 20, yukari!
character ask game
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
oh hehe i can do another one :] not to be all “she is literally me” but the way she very evidently feels disconnected from the people around her and how she had such difficulty forming meaningful relationships prior to the events of the journey hits very close to home and it’s such a real part of her character.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
i know we’ve talked this point to fucking death but the fact that both people who hate and like yukari consistently mischaracterize her as a bitch that tells people to kill themselves makes my blood boil. if you can only engage with yukari in the form of having her fill in the spot of ‘the rude person’ in your text post memes you are not affiliated with me.
also sick of “she’s homophobic” jokes because there is literally no instance in canon where she expresses homophobic beliefs you literally got that from an oversaturated voice actor joke and started randomly applying it to her. die by my hand
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
junpei iori, bar none. yes, sure, they are the friend duo that probably has the most screentime together, AND FOR GOOD REASON! they match each other’s attitudes, they’re both STUPID GOOBERS, and they just fucking get each other man! anyone who isn’t familiar with them might get the impression they hate each other but they are 4lifers for real. once again p3wm greatly reinforces just how well they work as best friends they make me wanna cry dawg.
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kamukuraenjoyer · 6 months
wait for the Izuru requests can I just get them with a quetzal? guatemalan Izuru means everything to me
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\O/ YAYYYYYYY i really like this thank u for the ask !!!!!!!!!
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flaireur · 15 days
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YAYYYYYYY im in the car omw to school (⁠。⁠•́⁠︿⁠•̀⁠。⁠) dying rn but we power thru !!!!! I HOPE UE CLASS GETS LESS BORING THOO 🍀🍀
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ba9go · 2 months
YAYYY WERE FRIENDS NOW 😸😸 im glad u had fun! and that's A LOT of flamingoes omg that's actually so cool
YAYYYYYYY HI ANONNNN 🥰 hehehe thank you again!!! and yea i might’ve said “WHAT THE FUCK” rlly loudly when i saw all of the flamingoes OOPS but YEAH IT WAS SO COOL
i wont lie anon i have never worn more pink in my entire life 😃😃 i was NOT in my comfort zone… but thank you that’s so sweet of you omg 🤧💗
THANK YOU FOR LEAVING ANOTHER ASK HEHE i hope you’re having a good day!!!! 🌷🌷🌷 bahguhgo signing off 🫡 💗
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constermonster · 2 years
How are your current cosplay builds going??
I don’t remember mentioning my cosplay build on here LOL maybe ur from ONE OF MY OTHER SOCIALS!?!!?!? but THANKS FOR ASKING ANON!
I’m currently making Kuki Shinobu from Genshin impact! She’s the first cosplay I’ve ever made, and I’m aware that picking a Genshin cosplay to make BY HAND for ur first cos isn’t a great idea, but I thought I’d b good coz I’m an artist HAHAHAH
I made a bunch of plans and broke down her fit so that it would b easier to make but I didn’t really follow them exactly as I’d planned
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It’s progressing pretty slowly hahahah coz I’m really bad at sewing and it’s one of those things that u gotta practice to get better at :/ who would’ve known. So I sew when I visit my parents house coz my mum pretty gud with sewing so she helps me out. Thanks mum ❤️
Im going home for Christmas soon so I can carry on with it and hopefully get the bulk of the sewing finished over the Christmas holidays!
Here’s a pic of the shirt I made so far!! I’m super proud coz I’m notoriously bad at sewing and I managed to make this yayyyyyyy! Still gotta hem it and make the boob window and add all the accessories etc but I thought it was a gud start!!
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I still gotta sew the rest of the outfit ha ha I literally redid the gloves like 5 times it’s ridiculous sewing enrages me so much but it’s so rewarding to be able to wear what you’ve made at the end!! It’s so valuable!
I’m not great at sewing, but I’m pretty ok at crafting? It’s my first time working with foam but I’m usually quite good at making 3D objects (I got an A in product design in high school 😎)
So when I’m in my flat I’ve been making a start on her armour pieces! Here’s the knee armour I’ve made for her!
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I’ve made 2 of them but I rage quit the 2nd one coz I stuck something down wrong so I have my insane scribblings all over it telling me how to fix it LMAO when it’s painted it’ll b reyt
For her small tiny details I wanna use my schools 3d printer coz some of my friends have used it to print cosplay stuff b4 which is EPIC! I wish I had a resin printer tho, those r epic!
It’s going pretty slow because I have school + I can’t afford to buy any more resources like filler/ primer/ paint to finish off making these knee pads so I’ll do it when I’ve got more money lol
But I plan to have it finished by spring next year so I can enter a competition with it!! I wanna get it finished asap coz there’s so many other cosplays I wanna make aaaaaaa
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saturn-sends-hugs · 4 months
OMG BAD BATCH ASK GAME!!! 41, 42 and 46 pls🙏 if you haven’t done them, pardonne moi, I haven’t checked
41. Piercing headcanons?
of course u ask this one lol, I should’ve known. alright let’s see:
Tech: honestly, i think Tech would have very few piercings, if any. he strikes me as a big headphones wearer, and ear piercings would definitely bug him. i can see him with like a cute little nose piercing, but that’s about it.
Hunter: eyebrow piercing for sure, and i can honestly see him with like gauges or something? either that or his senses make him really not like piercings, idk
Wrecker: he would definitely get his ears pierced with Omega. he got jealous when Hunter said she could, so they went to Space Claire’s together and got little tooka earrings :)
Crosshair: absolutely decked out. Tech thinks it’s impractical, but Crosshair insists he doesn’t mind it and continues to get every facial piercing under the sun. he doesn’t go in for the fancy stuff and mostly just likes the clunky metal look.
Echo: he’s pretty hesitant at first to add even more metal to his body, but Tech and Crosshair eventually help him see it as more of a “reclaiming his body” thing. he had a septum in the 501st, and now he’s got at least three piercings in either ear and probably an eyebrow piercing too. he likes the fun, colorful earrings, and definitely color coordinates them. he has like mini lightsaber earrings and stuff. damn it now i want those.
42. Tattoo headcanons?
I answered that in this post! :D
46. Which Batcher are you trusting the AUX cord to?
hmmm that depends on my mood I think.
I feel like Hunter would have that classic dad rock stuff that’s great for a road trip.
Wrecker would 100% love a bunch of pop songs, he knows all the lyrics and will defend them to death, who cares how simple they are sometimes?
Tech, contrary to popular belief, doesn’t care for classical music and is really into that chaotic hyper pop stuff. The man is a Space Hatsune Miku fan, no I cannot explain why I think that lol.
Crosshair is an absolute drama queen. If you catch him listening to music, he changes it to some angsty early 2000’s stuff because he refuses to admit that he likes the slow, melancholy “girl with a guitar” stuff. he’s absolutely straight faced listening to it, but in his head he’s screaming along to stuff like Lizzy McAlpine or Conan Gray.
Echo’s taste is similar to Crosshair’s, except he doesn’t care if the others know it lol. He’s into the folksy guitar stuff like The Crane Wives. Besides that, he will belt the lyrics to every single ABBA song while Wrecker and Omega try their best to do the same.
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struck-by-the-rain · 5 months
y'know kas. you remind me of a fungus (good thing)
(I'm literally going into studying fungi as a career!!!!)
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ennve · 1 year
milena's MONTHS OF THE YEAR ranking
12. february ew disgusting its supposed to be short and fun bc winter break but it always feels so long to me
11. august i just want to go back to school at that point
10. november it drags on for too long can it be christmas already??
9. march pretty forgettable month if u ask me.. like what happens in MARCH literally nothing
8. october think about it what the hell happens in october outside of halloween which is at the very end of the month
7. january shes cute like yay new year and all but it also drags on for way too long for my liking
6. july it is the middle of summer break so thats cool but i always hate seeing companies just drop the pride flags on july 1st after pride month lol
5. september im seeing jebewon cix kepi and all the others in this month so yayyyyy but also school,, like im always so excited for school but when it finally comes it falls flat
3. april THE WEATHER IS PERFECT!!!!! it wouldve been first if not for the trauma i have with this month because of boys planet
2. june ITS FUCKING PRIDE MONTH also the end of the school year i always look forward to seeing my świadectwo z paskiem
1. may my birth month also the weather is Perfect everything is perfect fuck May haters literally fucking die
thank you for listening to my pointless 1am rant
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eviltwin76 · 2 years
Is there liiiiike a storyline for moth Taylor? All I've really seen about that au is What The Fuck He Gets So Moth and that it Sucks so I am cuoriouose about it
OK this is probably gonna be another long one though it's much less serious lol ^^;
so this au began bc it was just a cutesy thing to look at and byona loves drawing characters as cute bug people btw etc etc. so the story around the "onset" is a little weak. but here's how everything developed in my head:
One Day (inciting incident tbd) taylor started feeling ill and wrapped himself in a comforter cocoon and more or less went comatose for like a week (rel, his roommate, thought nothing of this) and when he popped out he had little baby hawk moth wings and antennae and a higher than average amount of pale green fuzz.
obviously he was terrified and had no idea why this occurred. he confided in rel and sly but if anyone else knew he was sure that the government would snap him up to be imprisoned and experimented on for his whole life, so he avoided being in public and always put on heavy hats and coats when he had to.
as with all these "oc become a cute animal person" aus there's like a week where they all just dick around and have fun finding out about the funy animal features, like the attraction to lamps, addiction to honey and sweet nectars, vibrating in the night etc. he also gets a very small amount of future-vision on account of mothman reference, but not for anything hugely important, like knowing when an object is going to fall, when a car is coming, where satellites are in the night sky etc.
then the fun and games come to a stop when they suddenly realize he's shrinking. panic ensues as they realize the transformation is still ongoing, albeit at a slower rate. there's a middle part of the story here where idk what really happens but they go around investigating trying to find out why this happened and how to stop it.
at some point doc, laa, and mod are let in on the secret. taylor's heightened mothman Insight actually lets him see laa's zombie features for the first time (send another ask if u don't know about the "laa's screw & stitches are invisible" gag/plotpoint). mod offers to amputate taylor's unwanted parts (he covets unusual body parts) and taylor is seriously tempted but eventually dissuaded by sly.
taylor finally figures out that this transformation was triggered by the activation of dna that was implanted in him when he was a child and he was visited by a kaleidoskull (mine) that he thought was an alien (it is, just a bit More). again somehow through Plotpoints Yet To Be Determined he finds it and is able to enter two-way communication with it on some kind of a Plane.
he tries to convince them (begs really) to reverse the effects, remove the dna and turn him back into a regular human. unfortunately it turns out they did that to him because they thought it was really funny and clever, and they are still finding it really entertaining for him to slowly turn into an entire hawk moth and die in like a week. taylor tries to change their mind using logic and moral arguments, but fails desperately because they don't have the same moral values as humans whatsoever.
luckily for him, sly came along, and, fueled by rage and desperation to save his partner's life, and surprising everyone present, drew a fucking handgun on the thing. taylor was shocked and quite upset, but the kaleidoskull immediately burst into laughter. they were not at all threatened, but found the idea of being threatened with a gun by a human so absolutely fucking hysterical that they had no choice but to reward them with one wish and acquiesced to their demands.
and so taylor was saved and restored to his original body! thus ends the moth boy arc. and just to be clear, my kaleidoskull isn't evil, they just have highly alien morals and are mostly motivated by what they find funny, entertaining, or delightful, which is sometimes good and sometimes bad for humans. they probably don't see death as a bad thing because they know what lies beyond, or maybe we're just like bugs or pets to them, who knows.
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tobeblamed · 3 years
{OOC} I came from the grave because I too wanted to shower you with adoration because you're so amazing ♥️♥️🙌🏾
omgaaaaa !!!!!!!!! kay omg omg !!!
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inthewild-flowers · 4 years
49 for Dorlene (because I know you're writing that space pirate AU and I need some Dorlene in the meantime).
When I was looking through the prompts I saw that one and went “dorlene !!” so thank u for sending this lol :)))) (it kind of turned into a texting fic bc I've been writing a lot of texting lately but we love texting fics in this home)
“We’re trying to take nice pictures, guys, not…” Sirius paused and lowered his camera for a moment. “Whatever you guys are trying to do. Dorcas, can you look a bit more relaxed?”
“No I fucking can’t, Black, I’m freezing my arse off in this fucking pumpkin field.” Dorcas hopped up and down, trying to warm up. “Whose idea was this, anyway? A fall photoshoot.” She glared at Lily and Alice, who had championed the idea.
“Everyone else knew it would be cold,” Mary pointed out. Her hijab was a lovely mustard yellow colour, perfect for fall, and she had wrapped herself up in countless autumnal layers. Dorcas scowled at her.
Marlene, who was standing next to Dorcas, laughed. “Here, take this,” she said, and Dorcas felt something warm and soft drape over her shoulders. Marlene’s flannel shirt.
“Won’t you be cold?” she asked.
“Not as cold as you.” Marlene smirked down at her and Dorcas rolled her eyes. She slipped her arms into the sleeves of the flannel and wrapped it tightly around herself.
“Ok, ladies, are you ready?” Sirius asked.
“Ready!” Lily called out, and Dorcas felt Marlene’s arm slip around her waist. She shivered, but not from the cold.
The girls all smiled, and Sirius took the picture, and they went back to the parking lot. Before getting into her car, Dorcas took off the flannel and held it out to Marlene.
Marlene shook her head. “You keep it,” she said. “It’s cute.”
Dorcas [7:53pm]: lily
Dorcas [7:53pm]: she called me cute
Dorcas [7:53pm]: or me with the flannel anyway
Dorcas [7:54pm]: what does it mean?????
Lily [7:55pm]: that she thinks you’re cute obviously
Lily [7:55pm]: i’ve been telling you this for years
Lily [7:55pm]: MARLENE LIKES YOU
Lily [7:56pm]: ASK HER OUT
Dorcas [7:56pm]: but what if she doesnt
Dorcas [7:56pm]: that would be embarrassing
Lily [7:57pm]: i will fucking ask her out for you if you dont do it right now
Dorcas [7:57pm]: nO DONT DO THAT
Lily [7:58pm]: THEN ASK HER OUT
Dorcas [7:58pm]: HOW DO I EVEN DO THAT
Lily [7:59pm]: “hi dorcas, i was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me”
Dorcas [7:59pm]: its not that fucking easy
Lily [7:59pm]: already drafting a text to her…………
Dorcas [8:00pm]: oh my god FINE ILL ASK HER OUT
Lily [8:00pm]: yessssssss
Lily [8:00pm]: you got this i believe in you shes gonna say yes!!
Lily [8:00pm]: i love u dorcas!!!
Dorcas [8:01pm]: the sentiment will be returned if and only if marlene says yes
Dorcas [8:05pm]: hi marls!!
Marlene [8:05pm]: hey whats up!
Dorcas [8:06pm]: i wanted to ask you something
Dorcas [8:06pm]: nothing bad !!
Dorcas [8:07pm]: sorry im nervous
Marlene [8:07pm]: don’t worry! what is it?
Dorcas [8:09pm]: do you want to go on a date with me?
Marlene [8:09pm]: jkbhewfckshdfjhjkdbshjc
Dorcas [8:12pm]: marlene?? u good?
Marlene [8:13pm]: yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Marlene [8:13pm]: i am, in fact, absolutely perfect stunning never in my life been better
Dorcas [8:14pm]: ,,,,,,,,,,,is that a yes
Marlene [8:14pm]: yes!! its very much a yes!!! <3
Dorcas [8:14pm]: oh good
Dorcas [8:15pm]: :D :D :D
Marlene [8:15pm]: :D
Marlene [8:18pm]: do you have any plans for the date?
Dorcas [8:18pm]: no i havent thought that far ahead
Marlene [8:18pm]: can it be tonight????
Dorcas [8:19pm]: !!!! yes absolutely !!!!
Marlene [8:19pm]: yayyyyyyy !! :))))
Marlene [8:20pm]: ill be at yours in 15 mins
Marlene [8:20pm]: wear the flannel
Dorcas [8:21pm]: bold of you to assume ive taken it off
Marlene [8:21pm]: :D
Dorcas [8:22pm]: lily i love you very much youre my dearest friend
Lily [8:22pm]: HA!
Lily [8:22pm]: I KNEW IT
Send me a fall prompt!!
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comicgeek · 4 years
Y'all this is Cedar, they're very awesome and incredible and I love following them. Cedar is a name they're trying out so I'm sending this ask because they asked for someone to use it in a sentince so here we are
Yayyyyyyy!!!!! Thank u 😊
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oatmilksgf · 3 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIX YAYYYYYYY i know you just sent me an ask but us being birthday twins is actually smth that is so sexy n special 😌 N E WAYS i hope you have an awesome day!!! ilysm
I LOVE US BEING BIRYHDAY TWINS thank u sm i hope u had sm fun today thank u!!!! i love u!!!
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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a .  age:  19 lmao b .  birthplace:  montreal, quebec, canada c .  current time:  10:36PM d .  drink  you had last:  red gatorade im gonna be up all night yall lmaoooo e .  easiest person(s) to talk to: jojo ( @rcdhccdie​​ bc irl bestie yayyyyyyy ), marzi ( @gciltyascharged​ ), jayda ( @angclstrumpct​ ), lilac ( @aurality​​ ), inky ( @inkblccd​ ), tracie ( @tranquilsongs​​ ), izzy ( @warpaved​ ), merc ( @familiarblood​ ), vee ( @hxgure​ ), serena ( @aesthetic-survivor-of-twd​ ) and ket ( @hashirinnegan )  ,,, i ,,, dont really talk to a whole lot of my followers / mutuals unfortunately !! f .  favorite current song(s):  pretty much anything lana del rey and billie eilish sing bc im fckin sapphic and a bi disaster and autistic lmao h .  horror yes or horror no:  tbh that depends on the genre !! serial movie genre ones give me panic attacks and fuckin super terrifying vivid lucid nightmares and i hate them but monster ones like van hellsing are neat tho !! :> i .  in love?:  i no longer feel capable of deeper human emotion nah bro ,,, sometimes i wish i was tho- j .  jealous of people: i mean. i’d be lying if i said i wasnt of at least some people but it’s just probably too complex a feeling for my body to register for long periods of time. at this point i’m just surprised and happy i’m still fucking alive ig. my standards aren’t high enough for jealousy and if i ever am jealous it doesnt last long at all. like. deadass all it does it just make you feel more shitty and that’s,,, not on my bucket list yknow? k .  killed someone:  purposeful edginess isnt funny anymore @ whoever created this meme  l .  love at first sight or should i walk by again?:  shut the fuck up man, you’re not funny :I m .  middle name:  mrwhatzittooya :)))))))))) n .  number of siblings:  two older sisters !! i was supposed to have an older brother but he was stillborn so rip :C o .  one wish:  to be happy and motivated again lmaooooo to be free q .  questions you’re always asked:  ‘are you okay?’, ‘can you do this?’, ‘why are you so lazy?’, ‘what’s up?’, ‘what’re you doing?’, ‘how’s life?’, ‘why’re you here?’ ‘what’re you doing with your life?’, ‘why can’t you do something useful for once?’ ,, all that shit r .  reason(s) to smile:  i can’t remember the last time i actually smiled and meant it !! :’DDDDDDDD well aside from my cats ,,, and yall,,,,, s .  song you sang last:  idr tbh, i don’t really sing anymore bc these stupid classmates i thought were my friends made fun of my singing voice a long time ago and i never really got over it so i stopped and never sang ever again,,,,, thanks school ,,,, you made me feel so good lmao  t .  top 3 fictional characters:  uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh erica ( gangsta. ), daenerys targaryen ( asoiaf ), clementine ( twdg ),,, idk i have a lot tbh u .  underwear & color:  none of ur fuckin business lmao v .  vacation:  i fucking hate leaving the house tbh but i love montreal a lot. its nice w .  when’s your birthday:  july 13th x .  x - rays:  i had a lot when i was a baby and as an infant bc i was born @ 24 weeks premature, and bc i was so fragile everyone in the family thought i was gonna die i mean technically i momentarily died multiple times apparently before they brought me back but i BEAT THE ODDS BITCH !!!! IM HERE ON THIS BITCH OF AN EARTH- sometimes a part of me thinks they shoulda just left me there but that didnt happen so ig im here until i find my purpose yaaaaaaaayyyyyy y .  your favorite food:  uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh pizza z .  zodiac sign:  Cancer sun / Sagittarius moon / Libra rising ( Western ) ; Dragon ( Chinese ) ; Woodpecker ( Native American )
Tagged by:  nobodyyyy Tagging:  all y’all who wanna do this !!
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dineshgilfoyle · 7 years
lennnnny can u write a jarfoyle shortfic to this prompt "you wrote my name down wrong the first time i came here and i didn't correct you, but you're really sweet and now i don't know how to tell you that you've been calling me by the wrong name for the past month" + on a sidenote: OMFG SV PREMIERES NEXT MONDAY YAYYYYYYY (2 weeks right before my finals ughhhhh)
(Yeeees Can’t wait for SV! Don’t let it distract you from studying tho!)“Hey, Jacob,” Gilfoyle said when Jared approached the counter. “The usual, right? Grande mocha?”Jared nodded politely and said, “Thank you.” He reminded himself to be grateful that at least Gilfoyle always got his drink order right, which is what really matters. He took out his phone to pay with the app.Gilfoyle frowned at the register and rolled his eyes. “This app sucks. One time I hacked it for fun. It took me, like, ninety minutes before I was staring at some guy’s social security number. All because he wanted every tenth latte to be free. Totally worth it, right?”Jared smiled admiringly as he listened to Gilfoyle’s rant. “Try again,” Gilfoyle said. As Jared lifted his phone to pay again, he said, “Hey, by the way... my name is Jared. Well, that’s what I go by anyway.Gilfoyle furrowed his eyebrows. “Seriously? I’ve been calling you Jacob for, like...”“Two years!” Jared said cheerily as he paid. This time the payment went through. “Why are you correcting me now?” Gilfoyle asked him curiously.“Well, I... I’m trying to work up the nerve to ask you out and it would be pretty awkward if you didn’t know my name,” he said.Gilfoyle thought about it for a second, then said, “Yeah. Sure. I’ll go out with you. I am going to keep calling you Jacob, though.”Jared furrowed his eyebrows at that response.“Next customer!” Gilfoyle called out.
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