#yay museum <333
stevie-petey · 2 months
happy birthday!! yay to retiring the fake and i hope you feel extra special and have fun today 🥳🥳🩷
gonna walk around dc today n look at pretty museums :)
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peskyfirefly · 3 months
yay sleepover!! let's do fmk please <333 tsukki, hoshina, and obi please thank you I'm sorry ily
.....how could u do this to me bestie......why do u hate me and want me dead........
fuck: adrienne for asking me this question
sorry typo (ilu too i promise)
fuck: obi. sorry my love for him has been around for so long and i need to climb him like a tree or else. ughhhh its not that i think hoshina wont be a good romp but obi.......obi would look after u so sweetly. i think hoshina is a more ummmm passionate type asdfghjkl; iDK HOW TO PHRASE THIS GENTLY IM TRYING HERE DO U GUYS GET WHAT IM PUTTING DOWN??
marry: tsukki <33 the other two have jobs that put them in scary danger sometimes and i cant handle that stress. tsukki just chills in museums and plays volleyball and reads wiki pages at 3 am while eating strawberry shortcake. thats the energy i need lifelong yknow?
ok wait we can make it a romeo and juliet thing. he stabs himself with one of his swords bc of this scenario. and then i use the other sword to end myself with him. (this is romance right?? and tragedy?? using his sword??? oh wait also euphemism ???) bc umm the haters (adrienne's ask scenario) doesnt want us to be together. or something. ok yeah....
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greetingsfromuranus · 5 months
endive and foofaraw :3
endive - if, under the circumstance, you were able to treat your f/o to a single, beautiful day without a budget, what would it consist of?
Bro. We go museum!!!!! Dinosaur museum... he probably knows way more than me, especially in the geology aspects, he can infodump all day and I sit there and listen :333 then after seeing every single exhibit we go aquarium....... OMG it would be so fun ^u^ and then after that we go to the park and go follow around the bugs and birds and study them together! I could draw them and Edd would tell me about all their interesting patterns and behavior! Maybe he could show me how to hold bugs with 8+ legs without getting grossed out..... oooooo and maybe we can get ice cream!!! We can get different flavors and then share them...... heheheh ^^
foofaraw - do your chosen aesthetics line up well with your f/os? meaning, if the two of you were to say, decorate a home, would your chosen styles clash or compliment each other?
We are definitely two different beasts in yhe aesthetics area.... polar opposites basically lmao. I'm a grody lil freakazoid, approaching Ed levels lol. But I think I'd be willing to try out new stuff to make Edd happy! Like at work I had to put a bunch of boxes in the freezer from the delivery, and I was actually really happy about the resulting organization..... there were no gaps, all the space was utilized and organized properly, it was honestly kind of amazing lol. I think if me and Edd were to share a space I would start by having a big closet full of shelves just filled to the brim with labeled and organized boxes! Edd would be so proud of me and I'd actually be really happy with it :3 I could organize my belongings for once, and maybe our separate belongings would be put into the same boxes together....... grrrargh thats so intimate........... >/////< though it would be hard for me to keep up with more routine organization.... I'd be a little frustrating for him in that area but I really would try my best!!
My aesthetic is just "keeping everything I've ever owned and never throwing stuff away", but I think edd could help me make it work... and help get my hoarding under control, lol.
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transthistle · 3 years
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ich war heute im museum ^ gay rights friedrich carl gröger
omg 😳
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seisho99 · 2 years
your blog has the vibe of really fun modern art museum where maybe there’s a little coffee shop where people come to sit down after they’ve looked through the museum. there might be a gift shop where they sell like. bags or hats with some of the more well known art pieces on them. maybe it’s all themed after the primary colors or something. i also feels like it has nice music playing in it all the time <333
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obeymematches · 3 years
Yay another emoji ask !! And congratulations on 700, you deserve it <3
Could I request 💞, 📱 and ✈️ for Solomon please ?
I just need some fluff and thank you in advance !
aaaa thank youuuuu ;; <333
of course bestie lets goooo
emoji asks
💞 - Describe his hugs!
His hugs are rare, given the fact you barely get to spend time with him. I do think he is lowkey touch starved though
His hugs are random; you are just talking about life when he suddenly has an urge to hug you and you have no chance but to obey
Depending on his mood hugs might last way too short
If he is rlly in the mood though he might start swaying you a little? not like. crazy amount but you know slowly left and right? yeah
pls initiate hugs though!! that makes him go so soft!!
📱 - Late night calls (how likely, topics, etc.)
✈️ - Having a long flight with him
Sitting next to him is going to be a ride, bestie
At the first 15 minutes it's p chill and you might think you got lucky with Solomon next to you - he is just getting comfortable, adjusting his pillow, seat, legs, etc. (his seat is p crowded though, imagine having the cape on and then 2 of his jackets because taking them off means extra luggage which means extra fees & he isn't that rich)
Even if you don't know him he'll spark a full on conversation which you can only barely hear due to your plane taking off. He takes this part well, not a worry on his mind
After a probably failed attempt at conversation he plugs in his earbuds and starts watching a random movie which is still pretty cool for you, sitting next to him
When you start to get your meals though & he keeps asking for drinks you kind of start to worry - during the second hour of the flight he starts using the toilet frequently so if he sits inside you are screwed
It is a 6 hours flight and he is awake the entire time. Not even 20 minutes spent napping. (talking about the grind and the hustle huh)
Eventually once his movie ends he takes out this book of his, which is like. so thick. He did prepare for all 6 hours it seems. You can't read the title of it but by the looks of the papers you are 100% sure he stole this from a history museum (jokes on u he was there when the book was written)
After 4 hours he probably wants to strike a conversation again unless you are taking a nap. If he sits in the middle row he'd just talk to the other person on the other side of him - if that person is awake.
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readingraebow · 5 years
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Beautiful Creatures Section Four
1.12 Promise - 2.12 Silver Lining
1. Who is in Ethan’s room in the middle of the night? Why? Ethan wakes up and finds Macon in his room. It turns out Macon isn't a Caster. He's an Incubus. And an Incubus has to feed on Mortals. At first Ethan is repulsed but Macon assures him that he's not a Blood Incubus. Instead, Macon feeds on something that all humans have but don't really need: dreams. This explains why the dreams shared by Lena and Ethan are never complete. Ethan says he can never remember all of them and it's because Macon has been taking bits and pieces so they won't know how it ends. And Macon refuses to explain why.
2. What does Ethan give Lena on her birthday? He gives her a necklace that belonged to his mom. It's a ring, that's made from three different metals and intertwined, on a chain. He says that he found it in his mom's jewelry box and he's sure that she would've wanted Lena to have it. Because it has sentimental value to him and Lena knows what his mom means to him and how much it means that he gave it to her.
3. Who knocks on the door during the Binding? What do these people remind Ethan has forgotten about? At the door Larkin finds Link, Savannah, Emily, Charlotte and basically all of the cheerleaders and basketball team and pretty much the whole school? They remind Ethan first that he completely skipped the reenactment and will now fail history since it's already pretty much over and he spent the entire day with Lena. And they remind him about the surprise party they'd planned for Lena. Because that's why they've come. The Ravenwood grounds have been transformed for the party and there's a stage and lights and all that jazz. And even though they all normally hate Lena, Ethan can tell she really wants to go to the party because it's definitely a Normal High School Girl thing: having everyone in school show up to your really great birthday party. And even though it's all Ridley and it's not real, Ethan can tell it's something Lena really wants.
4. Why did Link urgently come get Ethan from the surprise party? Who do we find out is behind this? He says that Ethan's dad is standing on the balcony of the Civil War museum in his pajamas... like he's going to jump. When they get there, Link says he left Ridley with Ethan's dad to make sure he didn't jump and that's just a red flag all over. It turns out Ridley's the one making Ethan's dad want to jump. She's supposed to be the distraction to get Ethan away from Lena. It seems Ridley has decided to side with Sarafine. And Ethan's dad isn't the only parent they've taken from Ethan. Ridley also hints that Ethan's mom's accident wasn't an accident, though Ridley wasn't behind that one. Ridley says she doesn't want to kill Ethan's dad but she said his mind is weak so he's an easy target. But they manage to talk Ridley down so she doesn't make Ethan's dad jump and they can get him to safety before Ethan goes back to help Lena.
5. Why was Mrs. Lincoln so obsessed with getting Lena out of the school? Sarafine was borrowing Mrs. Lincoln's body. So her vendetta against Lena and getting her out of school was actually all Sarafine. She says she was doing it to show Lena how fickle Mortals can be. Which just a few sentences from Mrs. Lincoln, the entire town turned against Lena and Sarafine wanted Lena to see that. Which is why she was wearing Mrs. Lincoln like a human suit. Rude.
6. What has Macon been lying to Lena about regarding the Claiming? So Lena can choose because she's a Natural. There's some weird clause in the curse that says that the first Natural in the family will go Dark, that's Sarafine, but the second will have the power to turn back. So since Lena is the second natural, she can actually choose. But it turns out that choice has consequences, which is why Macon didn't tell Lena. If she chooses Light, all of her Dark relatives will die, including Macon since he's technically Dark. He didn't tell her because he wanted her to choose Light and not know that she would be killing him because he's willing to sacrifice himself. But on the other hand, if she chooses Dark, she will kill all the Light members and there's no way she would ever be able to kill Aunt Del, Gramma, Reece and Ryan. Though Sarafine tells her that if she's Dark, they have a way that she can be with Ethan. But she's mostly just lying to save her own skin.
7. What does Lena have to give in exchange for using the Cast on Ethan to revive him? Uncle Macon dies. It was his life in exchange for Ethan's, though Lena had no way of knowing that. It seems he did sacrifice himself after all. But Ethan lived and Lena gets to keep him. Boo is still around though so I kind of wonder if that will be a little like having a version of Uncle Macon around, just one that can't talk.
8. Did you enjoy this ending? Did you enjoy the book overall? So I am curious about the second book since it seems like it just pushed the Claiming to Lena's seventeenth birthday instead of her sixteenth. And I'm honestly really sad that Macon died since I really liked him. But other than that, I did really enjoy this book! It was such a fun time and it was so fascinating that I almost couldn't put it down. This was such a good and fun read!!! I'm so glad we read it!!! I went into this book without any expectations and I guess I was pleasantly surprised?? I'm glad to find another YA book that's actually really good!
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  Section Four Reading Journal
Okay so. I really, really liked this book! It was a really fun time and it was a lot better than I expected it to be (though I didn’t really know what to expect/didn’t expect much). At the beginning there, it was fairly similar to Twilight though it ended up being a waaaaay better version? (Because, let’s be real, all YA is pretty similar, especially if it’s supernatural YA.) So I really liked this book!
I thought this last section was pretty interesting and I liked all the ~twists. Sarafine parading around as Mrs. Lincoln was such a fun time, wow. But also Larkin???? ‘Kay cool. (Read: rude.) Though I liked that he could hide his eyes with his Illusions. That was super cool.
I am toying with maybe reading more in this series. But I was browsing reviews on Goodreads for the next book and it’s, um, not well liked??? The vast majority of the reviews I read said it wasn’t as good as this book. So that’s disappointing. (I’m just hoping this series doesn’t go the way of Red Queen: utterly fantastic at first, utterly unreadable as you go along.) So I might end up reading the next book later. We’ll see. I am curious to see what happens to Lena since she wasn’t Claimed in this book. I kind of feel like she might have just delayed it instead of stopping it altogether.
I am also quite fascinated by the movie since the cast is fantastic???? Emma Thompson, Jeremy Irons, Viola Davis (she’s just everywhere; I feel like so many of our book club books have Viola Davis in the movie XDDD), Emmy Rossum, Kyle Gallner. I’m definitely going to have to dig this movie up because who can pass up all of that????? Not me, haha.
Anyway, I think this was my last full catchup book (besides the last couple sections of Outlander). So I think I am basically caught up to the group now? YAY!!! THIS IS SO EXCITING!!! It’s been a long (but mostly enjoyable) reading journey!! Now I’m so glad I can actually read everything while everyone else is reading it now!!! And I can’t wait to start all of our new books!!! Book club is the best. I’ll love it forever <333
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oh-totoro · 7 years
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Sorry for being a little inactive this week. Something else has been demanding my attention. ^_____^ Today I visited Studio Ghibli and Hayao Miyazaki’s house. I shall be heading to the Ghibli Museum on Friday! Yay! I shall try my best to post some photos. I have another 3 weeks in Japan; 2 in Tokyo and 1 in Kyoto <333 I am trying my best not to return home bankrupt! So many nice things, hehe. xoxox
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dk-s · 4 years
i remind you of sunshine??? WRONG bc that's YOU, angel!! and yay!! ur so lucky 🥺 it's getting to be winter for me so i won't be getting to see much sun for a while :( tho on my run today i got to see a very pink/purple sunset and it was very pretty and happy 🥰 and i had a bit of a break from school this week so i got to enjoy it more bc no homework!! altho.. still had to work on uni apps :// how is everything with you?
++ for the red ask game!! can i ask you 🎒,🚗,📕,🉐, and 🇨🇳? (ik it's a lot i'm sorry 😔 & if u feel uncomfy answering any of them, obv don't answer!!)
anyways! i hope you are staying hydrated and well rested <333 SENDING YOU ALL OF THE LOVE 🥺 -age twin anon (is it ok if i keep signing off my asks like this?? i hope i'm not annoying you 🥺 you're just very sweet and lovely and i like talking to you 💛)
first of all, of course!! u can definitely use age twin anon and no!! ur not annoying me at all, you’re so so sweet and enjoyable to hear from and i think u are a whole cutie and no i will not accept anything else!!
im so proud of u!! for going on a run!! because like i never do that even tho i really want to haha <3 and im so happy that u got to see a lovely sunset because those are superb like paint brushed over the sky! and no homework? lucky the school year ends for me next thursday but i have so much work to do so i can be ready for year twelve and of course, uni applications due by march! im still trying to decide where i wanna go to uni!!
and omg yes!! i’ll answer <3
🎒 what’s your favourite school subject? i am a history enthusiast to the very core! i love ancient history and my ideal day is prob spent as a museum <3 but i dont do history at school because my school only offers modern history and its just white men in the 1950s :/ out of the subjects i do? i love human biology!
🚗 can you drive? do you want to? i’ve got the basics (and im a pro at mario kart!) but i wish i was more confident on the road, i’m very tense in any situation like that
📕 what’s your favourite book? i am a sucker for high fantasy and i am a tolkien nerd! my favourite book is called the silmarillion and its set around five thousand years before the lord of the rings! its like a prequel and its so well written but also its so frustrating. 
tolkien has an amazing way with words that makes you feel this surging longing for ancient kings and thrones and the beauties and the wonders of the world! and for the simple things like the comfort of true friendship or the aroma of baking bread and gardening!! but at the same time, that tolkien aes is found in the lord of the rings. 
meanwhile, the silmarillion is just blood fire death betrayal sibling rivalry a healthy sprinkle of torture and a bit more betrayal shiny jewels betrayal kinslaying and murdering your own kind some more blood angsty morally grey characters and sauron is hot and blonde
but something i love about the silmarillion is how no character is truly ever good, even the righteous heroes have made dubious choices and of couse, the fan favourites are the seven brothers and princes called the feanorians (because they’re the sons of feanor) who are the definition of morally grey.
and its so sad because the silmarillion is ultimately a tragedy. you’re not left happy at the end of the book because middle earth has been forever ruined in a concept called arda marred and the damage hewn into both the earth and its people will never be forgotten, entire continents have sunk and the gods have gone to war and so many have been killed. so yes that’s my favourite!
🉐 do you speak another language? my native language is urdu which i can understand very well (so i can hear when my parents are gossiping, especially about me) but i can’t speak it because i’ve never really practiced! i can read and speak a little bit of greek! and i can read arabic and i understand basic german!
🇨🇳 what’s your ethnicity? i’m desi!! im pakistani actually <3
ask me questions
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buckleyswift41319 · 7 years
random numbers for the End of Year ask meme thingy: 3, 9, 20, 29, 48?
Thank you!! 3. Do you feel you age?I guess?!? I don't really feel like a kid or an adult so that's probably accurate 25 year old. Lol.9. What was your favorite article of clothing this year? Post a pic if possible? I wore my Supergirl shirt a lot. Also my Bluetooth beanie. Both are quality articles of clothing. I'm on mobile so I can't post pix, but they're both in my "My face" tag. 20. Did you develop a new obsession?My gymnastics interest developed into a full blown obsession this year! Lol. NCAA Gym starts in 5 days!! Yay! 29. Did you lose anyone close to you?My cousin's grandfather passed away on the 10th this month, and we knew him pretty well, but I wouldn't really quality it as losing someone close. As for non death loss, none. 48. If you could go on an adventure during the remaining days of the year, where would you go and what would you do? Who would you go with?Does going to the movie theater for his first time in a year and a half count? Lol. In all seriousness, I got to do one. A group went into DC for my friend Jordan's birthday, where we explored an art museum for a couple hours and then had dinner. It was a pretty awesome night.
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appleshampooart · 6 years
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Guess who’s back, back again?!? After the much needed holiday break, where my health was the absolute pits, I am back at it again from now! Yay! Let’s start 2019 in proper new year fashion, by looking back at last years highlights <33 I made this #18of2018 compilation, and it was tough at first, but in the end it helped me to remember how many wonderful things 2018 brought me <3 1. Apple Shampoo! 2. A holiday to Ibiza with my mom <3 3. Anti depressants, which have helped me loads to combat my dysthymia 4. CBD oil, and accepting that I need more pain relief than I was giving myself before 2018 5. Spending a weekend at my aunts house, cuddling cows among other things 6. Seeing My Dad Wrote A Porno Live and spitting out my Prosecco from laughing so much 7. Seeing Alt-J live in a forest with a dear friend <3 8. Re-discovering my love for (punk) music <333 9. Seeing the Studio Drift installations at the Stedelijk Museum with friends 10. Seeing Black Panther with my friend who spoiled me with donuts after the movie 11. Having a picnic in a forest surrounded by wild deers with my besties (yes that is a thing that happened, I still cannot believe it <333) 12. Impulsively going to the beach with my dad, and renting a beachwheelchair and being close to the cold sea 13. Star Wars date with a friend, which was a weird and emotional, but very special night 14. Catching Pokémon with my sister in the park a few times 15. Taking a part of my savings to buy myself beautiful plants for my balcony, which I then spent the whole summer staring at in awe <3 16. Getting a stairlift! And subsequently doing a way over the top photoshoot with my sister to celebrate it. 17. Having wonderful, wonderful people in my life, who come over to my poorly housebound butt, to keep me company, make me dinner, and help me out. 18. Choosing my own happiness, in the form of saving money and having a tiny bathtub put in my home. 2018 was the first year in a long time where I was feeling a little better than the year before. Let’s hope 2019 keeps that upwards motion going <333 [#imagedescription three images of drawings. The first of a pink plaque saying #18of2018. The second and third are all full https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs5n7c8guMh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=81pepz09hry
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llydiahstiles · 8 years
hi Macy! ☀️️ I kinda had a bad day today because I had to work and I have massive back pain but I just had my fave food so I'm good! How's your day been?
Hey Lou! Awwh I’m sorry about that, I hope you’re alright now and yay, food always helps! My day has been good thanks, it was busy but now I’m bingewatching a drama so it’s even better
city:   new york  |  seoul  |   cape town  |  london  |  sydney  |   tokyo
season:   spring  |  summer  |  autumn  |  winter
mythical creature:   phoenix  |  unicorn  |  dragon  |  pixie  |  grim reaper  |  sylph
place:  bookshop  |   coffee shop  |   museum  |   rooftop  |  theater
element:    water  |  air  |  fire  |  earth  |  light  |  metal
archetype:   hero  |   femme fatale  |   antagonist  |   trickster  |  seeker  |   hunter
flower:  cherry blossom  |  aster  |  peony   |   mayflower  |  begonia   |  iberis
aesthetic rates
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kikixrita · 6 years
NYC Trip Spring 2018 :+D
We arrived on Thursday night around 5:20 in La Guardia. We then waited in a 20 minute line for a taxi:D The taxi ride was enjoyable as we got to see the citayyy. Ummm it was 50 dollars tho. wtf. After we checked into our hotel, the Seton Hotel, we walked to Shake Shack which just happened to be next door to us!! I got the Veggie Burger and Bob got the classic Shack Burger and cheese fries with a black and white shake. It was so yummy! Then we walked around and found a local grocery store and grabbed some food for our hotel. We grabbed muffins, apples and bananas, chips, ridgies(sour cream and cheddar knock off ruffles), peanut butter, and bread. After we brought it to our hotel, we went walking to Bryant Park! We sat down on the chairs for a bit, then continued our walk to Times Square. We saw everything including the scary people wearing costumes lol! We went into a Broadway store and the Guitar Center store. Then we started our walk back to the hotel. It was a fun start! 
Day 2 <333
Bobs birthday!! We started a little late as Bob had some work to do, so we left our hotel room around 11am. We got the yummy coffee from downstairs (espresso) and started walking around east midtown. We ended up walking north on 5th avenue, running into the Rockefeller, The Plaza, and Central Park! We walked around Central Park, then went to a pizza shop on the lower west side. After eating the delicious pizza, we walked through the park! We ended up at the boat pond and I got to use free bathrooms and we grabbed a coffee and cookie at Le Pain Quotdien. It was so yummy. There was a really funnny squirrel and the birds were walking around the cookie. hhehehehehheh
After we ate, we kept walking through the park. We ended up walking past the Gugenheim and the Met! We walked into the Upper East side, stopping by Bobs old apartment. We stopped at the little park near the river on the upper east side. It was really nice. The weather was dreary, but it was still enjoyable. Bob talked to his grandma and then we started the trek to the subway. Luckily there was a new subway station that we stumbled upon. Oh also we got to pet Cecil the golden retriever!! He was so cuteeeee. We got our metro card, hopped on the subway, and we were off! Back to the hotel. Once we got back, I fell asleep from 7pm-9pm. Whoops! It was a well needed rest. We decided to go out again and we went to a mexican restaurant called Siniqual. It was soooo yummy! There were free chips lmaooooo! The waiter was so nice. We got a veggie fajita. Yum! We stayed until around 11:15pm. Once we left, we tried finding a newspaper so bob could record the events form his birthday. (the main notable thing that happened was that Bill Cosby was found guilt of all three counts of sexual assault....so we are glad we didn’t find the newpaper lmao!)
Day 3
We were TIRED! I slept in until 9:30! RARE. We got ready, grabbed the free espresso downstairs, and headed out. We stopped at Bryant Park for a few minutes, then decided to get H&H Midtown Bagels. We took the subway up and got there. Bob ordered a Blueberry egg and cheese + a tee shirt, and I ordered an Onion Bagel with plain cream cheese...but I got an onion bagel with tuna salad? It was still good tho. We walked to central park to eat, and it was magical! After eating, we walked to The Met and sat on the steps. I took some photos for a group of gals, then we met up with one of Bob’s friends and got some Pizzzzzzzzaaaaa. It was yummmmmmy! He got us into The Met for FREE and we said our goodbyes. Bob and I then walked around the met! We first started at the Asian art but not finding Japanese art -_- After, we saw Greek adn european statues. Omg. that was so cool! I think the coolest was seeing how big the marble and limestone statues were. There were also funeral statues...so they carved the persons face/head into marble and would place their ashes inside this marble box. It is so neat. Then we stopped at the Petrie Cafe and got a coffee, but not before seeing the Oceanic part of the museum. After the Petrie Cafe my legs we hella sore...but I persisted! lmao
We ended up looking at the European paintings section next. We stumbled across a lot of Christ paintings, some a little scarier than others. Then we got to see some Van Goghs, Monets, Degas, and Renoirs. I wish there were more famous female painters :( Anyways, that was cool! After that, we walked across the park! It was very busy and it was sunny :D We ended up on the upper west side to go to Levain Bakery. It was worth it. We got a chocolate chip and walnut and a double chocolate chip cookie. I liked the walnut and Bob liked the double chocolate. Worked out perfectly :-) We brought our cookies to Riverside Park and sat, ate, and people watched. After we ate, we facetimed with bobs mom who was watching Suki. He was so excited! 
We started walking towards the Subway and took it all the way down to Times Square. We saw some interesting characters on the subway and near Times Square. Needless to say we were getting eager to go back to Suki and our apartment lololll
Later that night we watched some Modern Family in the hotel room and ordered Shake Shack. I got the veggie again and bob got the crispy chicken burger-sooirrr good! It was rainy outside, so it was a perfect way to spend our last night in the city.
The next day we had a bit of an early start as check out was 11am. The hotel was kind enough to hold our bags so we were able to roam the city in the afternoon! We started out getting espresso from the free coffee machine in the hallway, then headed to Bryant Park with our muffins. It was so nice :-) Sunny and in the mid 50′s. We sat and ate, then made our way to the Empire State building. We continued down 5th avenue to Madison Square park and people watched. We got to see the Flatiron building and saw cute dogs everywhere! We then went to Wagamama. It was ok...I’m not sure if I would recommend. The chicken katsu was good for a food chain serving Japanese food. After eating, we made our way back to the New York Library! We went through a neat 60′s-70′s exhibit then made our way up to the third floor and saw the main study rooms. It was so cool. I was so excited to be there! We then rushed to Rockefeller, took some photos, ran into a bakery to find Black and White cookies, then ran into Magnolia Bakery because we couldn’t find the black and white cookie, then ran into a little deli and finally found black and white cookies. YAY! We persisted yet again. We made it back just in time to grab our luggage from the hotel (Seton Hotel....the best/cutest place to stay on a budget in NYC.) We hung out in the lounge and got picked up and taken to the airport in a Lyft! :D 
I am currently writing this at La Guardia, where we just ate a really yummy pizza from Angelino’s. 10/10 recommend. It was such a fun trip! I can’t wait to come back soon. 
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