ismailignosis · 6 years
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Today is both Good Friday (crucifixion of Jesus) and Yawm-i Ali (birthday of Imam Ali). In fact this weekend is not just Easter but Passover! Here is a video on Ismaili Muslim views of Jesus - a perspective which affirms both Jesus' crucifixion and his status as a manifestation of the Logos. “I am the Christ who heals the blind and the lepers, who creates the birds and disperses the storm-clouds. I am he and he is I (ana huwa wa huwa ana). Indeed, Christ is the establisher of the truth, he is the king of this world and of the hereafter. Jesus the Son of Mary is from me and I am from him. He is the supreme Word of God.” - Imam ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib, (Ja’far ibn Mansur al-Yaman, Kitab al-Kashf) https://essentialismaili.com/2015/12/22/video-jesus-in-esoteric-islam-ismaili-interpretations-of-christ/ #GoodFriday #Ismaili #YawmAli #AgaKhan #Imamat #Christology #Ismailism #AhlAlBayt #ProudIsmaili #HazarImam #OneJamat #DiamondJubilee #CanadaCelebratesDJ #ProudToBeACanadianIsmaili #JACanada #JubileeArts 
 Please visit www.ismailignosis.com or ask.ismailignosis.com or visit our Facebook page www.facebook.com/IsmailiGnosis for more gems about Mawlana Hazar Imam, the Imamat, and Ismaili history and philosophy.
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