#yasuko songs of days past
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questintheskies · 6 months ago
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genkinahito · 14 days ago
La Campanella, Musical “Touken Ranbu” Michinooku Hitotsuhachisu 4DX, Bokura wa jinsei de ikkai dake sotsugyo ga tsukaeru, Inu to sensou Ukuraina de watash ga mitakoto, Ultraman Arc The Movie: The Clash of Light and Evil, Japanese Film Trailers
Welcome to the second trailer post of the week. You can find the first trailer here and the next two trailers coming over the next two days. I did a recording of a Heroic Purgatory podcast dedicated to David Lynch. Over the last few weeks, I’ve rewatched some of his films and fallen in love with them again. Overlaying stories with his blend of surrealist imagery, the psycho-analytical readings,…
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pencopanko · 1 year ago
Another Coco "What If" AU, but this time Héctor actually recorded some tunes
Heavily inspired by the story of how Ryo Fukui's album "My Favorite Tunes" was rediscovered through his widow, Yasuko in 2017.
After the news broke out about de la Cruz's lies (and alleged murder) of his buried-by-time duet partner, musician, and songwriter Héctor Rivera, rumors of never-before-seen and extremely rare recordings of the latter performing either with de la Cruz or by himself circulated amongst certain circles, mostly fans of lost media and buried history.
Talks like this had been going around for ages, but it wasn't until mid-2018 when a shoe-maker family's son named Miguel Rivera came out with stories of how de la Cruz stole his great-great grandfather's songs and skull guitar complete with physical proof that the topic of lost recordings suddenly became one of the hottest topics in México. Miguel himself joined in on the hunt, which lasted for quite some time well past 2018 and was postponed due to the pandemic.
And then, in 2021. A miracle.
Either the previous matriarch known as Mamá Coco had completely forgotten about it or it had been a secret that she had purposely kept to herself for Miguel to discover, but there were some other things she had kept hidden from her mother... five 78 rpm records predating 1921, all sent by Héctor. Recordings of him singing by himself, with Ernesto, or just simple guitar arrangements of his other songs. Kept in secret by Mamá Coco somewhere in a corner of Miguel's hideout left unchecked after Imelda threw them out along with other objects related to music. Other 78s were later on discovered by a descendant of de la Cruz's inside the family estate and in various antique shops, all collecting dust. They were amongst the most important relics of Héctor's legacy, besides his red songbook containing the first composition for "Remember Me".
After efforts of digitizing came out successful (despite the damage done by age, the recordings were miraculously salvageable), "Recuérdame: The Lost Recordings of Héctor Rivera (1919-1921)" was released. Calling the album a sensation was an understatement. Rave reviews started coming out, stating that Héctor's warm voice reminded listeners of home and warm sunrays, and how one can feel the heartache and longing for his family from the way he strums his guitar alone, even if his voice is not as strong and commanding as de la Cruz's. His grito is oftentimes said to be addicting and infectious as well, with some claiming that they ended up doing it along. Others lamented over "what could have been" after listening to Rivera and de la Cruz's harmonizing and clear-as-day dynamic as a duet. Shortly after, the skeletal remains of Héctor Rivera were found in an unmarked grave in México City.
It not only solidified Héctor Rivera's legacy (thus directly affecting Héctor's overall health in the Land Of The Dead for the better), but it also largely improved the Riveras' overall economy with royalties from Héctor's never-before-seen music, in addition to the already booming shoe-making business and Miguel's own efforts as a musician. All because Miguel decided to steal a guitar that turned out to be rightfully his.
It is safe to say that Héctor Rivera is now considered one of the greatest musicians, songwriters, and poets in the history of Mexican music.
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fuckyeahokadamasaki · 5 months ago
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New visual teaser for ‘Yasuko, Songs of Days Past’
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22centuryworks · 11 days ago
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Yasuko Forum Songs of Days Past Friends
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私は寺田和弘監督「「生きる」大川小学校 津波裁判を闘った人たち」を2回みているので、この佐藤そのみ監督「春をかさねて」「あなたの瞳に話せたら」に登場するご家族には親しみがあった。この人たちをみるたびにじぶんの表現力が問われる気がする。この国、あるいは世界にはつねに表現力の問題が存在する。この国に戦争責任をとらない天皇が存在する以上、日本人の表現力などタカが知れており、残るのはあるモノを上位に置き、あるモノを下位に置き、それに値段を付けて売るというシステムだけだ。私はこの空虚な儀式にずっと自問してきたし、大川小学校津波裁判はその空虚な儀式が引き起こした悲劇の最たるモノだろう。2011年3月11日、たしかに日本、あるいは世界は終ったという衝撃。「生きる」の中で唯一生存した教諭Eさんが「誰か」の代わりに責任をとらされ、ご遺族に激しく責められる映像があるが、そのE教諭がじつはとても子どもたちに人気があり、正しい判断力を持った人物であったコトを吉岡和弘弁護士からフォーラム仙台さんで直にお聞きした時、この大川小学校津波裁判には象徴天皇より象徴的な「事実」が宿っていると感じた。この象徴性を表現できるメディアをこの国、あるいは世界は探しているに違いない。ご遺族の無念、天国へ旅立った素直な子どもたちの笑顔に見守られて。
根岸吉太郎監督「ゆきてかへらぬ」は実在の人物(長谷川泰子・中原中也・小林秀雄)の三角関係を描いている。その「ドリカム編成」の女性ヴォーカルにあたるのが広瀬すずさん。さいきんのすずさんの頑張りが異様に詰まっている。すずさんは初期から奇妙なほど上手い俳優というイメージがあり、そのすず文法(テクニック)の内情をみた気がした。一人の可憐な少女が「広瀬すず」に持っていくための努力を惜しまない、そこに異様な頑張りを感じた。それが戦前を生きた女優・長谷川泰子に重なってみえるコトの不思議さが魅力の映画だ。この異様な頑張りは中原中也役の木戸大聖さんにもみられ、小林秀雄役の岡田将生氏にもみられる。1995年のドリカムの「LOVE LOVE LOVE」という曲は終盤部分の「LOVE LOVE 愛を叫ぼう 愛を呼ぼう」の所に異様なインパクトがある。このインパクトに匹敵する。この映画をみている時、仙台で震度3の地震があった。
【地震情報 2025年2月21日】22時1分頃、福島県沖を震源とする地震がありました。震源の深さは約50km、地震の規模はM5.0、最大震度4を福島県で観測しています。
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metalwarrior22 · 2 months ago
Read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/1GnM5QV by gayestcatra Asami's in Caldera City. Asami's never coming back. Only there must still be something in her, some desperate hope, because she leans in to the mic, performer's smile on her face. “Thanks so much, everyone. I wrote this song for someone I knew when I was younger. Someone really special. I'm so happy you love it as much as you do. But most of all... I hope she does. If she's out there. I hope she hears it and knows I still think about her. I hope she knows if she ever wanted to find me again... I'd be right here.” Or Korra's the lead singer of a rock band just starting to go viral. Asami's returning home after thirteen years away, and hears a song that's unmistakably about her. Written for Korrasami Week 2024, day 6: Band AU. Words: 4630, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 6 of Korrasami Week 2024 Fandoms: Avatar: Legend of Korra Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F Characters: Korra (Avatar), Asami Sato, Bolin (Avatar), Mako (Avatar), Senna (Avatar), Hiroshi Sato (mentioned), Yasuko Sato (mentioned), Opal (Avatar) (mentioned) Relationships: Korra/Asami Sato Additional Tags: Korrasami Week (Avatar), Korrasami Week 2024 (Avatar), Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Rock Band, POV Alternating, Returning Home, Childhood Friends, Reunions, Songs, writing songs about someone, Lead singer Korra, also, bassist Korra, guitarist Mako, Drummer Bolin, Flashbacks, First Love, Love songs, past parental death, Separated for years, loves that never quite die, Author is tired, Author is stressed, this got out of author's control, Asami Sato Needs a Hug, Pre-Relationship, Musicians, How Do I Tag, no beta we die like hiroshi Read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/1GnM5QV
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chriscdcase95 · 2 years ago
(The following is set twelve years after the events of ATLA, and seven years after my unwritten fic, The Ancient World. Hence the Godzilla refrences.
For more context read these two posts. Otherwise, just keep doing what you're doing and enjoy the read.)
It's been seven years.
It has been seven years since the Titans re-awoke. Since the golden dragon was slain, and with it, snow fell upon the Fire Nation. Since the King of the Monsters reclaimed his throne, and returned to the sea.
For many, it was a nightmarish time in the Three Nations. Azula still has nightmares about those days.   
But it wasn't the giant monsters that put fear in the former Fire Princesses heart, it was that sinking feeling she'd awake and find herself back in that dark place in life. It worked her up into panic attacks and night terrors, even worse than the dragon Ghidorah, or Bagan.
And almost every time she had these, Ty Lee would be there to wake her up. To remind her she wasn't broken; to remind her she overcame that point in her life.
And to Azula's chagrin, sometimes Ty Lee would sing.
On the whole, Azula had no issue with “Ancient World Music”, as it was called.   
The more Republic City develops; the more the “Uncharted Lands” were willing to share the culture and art that they kept alive for millennia; the more the newly born music industry grew.  
And the songs Ty Lee had a particular ear worm for were called “Tiny Dancer” and “Circle of Life”, “Don't Let The Sun Go Down on Me”, “Don't Go Breaking My Heart” and “I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues”. Who made these songs with such long titles, Azula will never know.
And with Azula granted control over the industrial developments of Republic City - a bonus reward for her part in Ghidorah's defeat - Azula has become very accustomed to hear thousands upon thousands of songs being rediscovered and shared with the Three Nations each year.
That being said, you wouldn't catch Azula singing in public for the most part. She had a dignified and professional image to maintain as the United Republic's most powerful businesswoman.  
Azula's rather theatrical rendition of “Burning Love” being the exception. That was some bachelorette party; she has since promised to mind her drinking.
Back to the point at hand, Azula would still dream of that dark period in her life. And even today, with her new success and status, she feared blinking and seeing it all stripped away. As if this was the dream.
Luckily, whatever Azula was dreaming of tonight, she awoke from it with a jolt. As usual, she'd blink several times, making sure this was still her life, and it took about four seconds to register the sound.
Yasuko was up and crying again.
Azula rolls over to see a sleeping Ty Lee. For the past five years, Ty Lee has made a decent living as a drill instructor (“Fitness trainer!” Ty Lee would insist) for the RCPD. 
Ty Lee considered a job within the force itself, but Azula was pretty touchy about her putting herself in the line of danger. 
Azula had no doubt that Ty Lee would be the best on the RCPD itself; after all, Ty Lee fought her one-on-one on that expedition years back. In fact, Ty Lee nearly killed her in that fight. 
But as the later battle with the golden dragon showed Azula, Ty Lee was as vulnerable as everyone else. 
And as the revival of the King of the Monsters showed Azula, she wasn't gonna let Ty Lee put her life on the line for some “small causes” (such Azula’s own life).
Ty Lee didn't mind; after (barely) surviving Ghidorah and Bagan, she could settle for being the RCP's drill instructor. For the time being, at least.
But for the past week, Ty Lee was fighting a cold that left her bed ridden, which meant Azula had to take up more house duties. 
Azula didn't mind of course; she helped bring down Ghidorah after all; taking care of your sick wife and four month old daughter was only mildly more challenging.
Luckily, Ty Lee's cold has been clearing up the past couple days, but Azula wants to be sure, so she nudges her wife a little.
“Ty ?”
Ty Lee rolls over, still asleep and mumbling.
“Mmmm,” Ty Lee groans.
“Ty Lee ?”
This time Ty Lee speaks in her sleep. 
“A two-piece special with lots of hot sauce and all the fries you can give me.” Ty Lee sleepily mumbles.
Azula lets out a mild “hmph” and amused smirk. At least Ty Lee was over her own nightmares. Nightmares about that “burned man”. He had knives for fingers, Ty Lee says.
Still, duty calls. Azula kisses Ty Lee on the forehead.
“Alright, you have this night off.” Azula saysm climbing out of bed.
“I don't want that cup. Why would I want a non-mint condition Grimace cup ? Your selection is shoddy.” Ty Lee mumbles again.
With another chuckle, Azula makes her way to the room across the hall, to Yasuko's nursery. 
She doesn't bother turning on the lights, her eyes still adjusting to the darkness. The child's cries were like a foghorn in a dense fog.
Azula makes a beeline towards the crib, narrowly avoiding tripping over a stuffed dragon. Still a little tired, Azula leans over the crib to see a dark haired, wiggling infant for four months old, having rolled out of her bundle. 
Yasuko’s little hands reach futilely towards the bars.
With an amused grin Azula reaches down.
“She thinks she can, she thinks she can...” Azula says teasingly, picking the infant up and holding her to her face “But you're too inexperienced to know if you can. And that's how the hare got humbled.”
Immediately sensing her mother, Yasuko stops crying, but still makes a series of whimpering and sobs.
“Now, what seems to be bothering you ?” Azula asks with a sigh, holding Yasuko close and resting the infant's head on her shoulder, protectively holding the back of her neck and head with one of her hands.
Yasuko says nothing but makes a few babyish noises. 
“Oh, right.” Azula chuckles “You haven't figured out words yet. Well, you'll get a hang of it. And whatever's bothering you then clearly isn't now. So how 'bout we work at putting you back to sleep ?”
Yasuko lets out a little breathing noise through her nose, which Azula took as meaning “Great idea, momma! You always have the best ones!”
“I know I do.” Azula says, answering to the imaginary remark with a cocky smirk.
Warming up a bottle of milk and settling into the living room, Azula sits down on a rocking chair, swaddling her daughter and feeding her.
Looking to the side, Azula glances out the window to a bright view of Republic City's nightlife. It always looked more alive at night, much like every other city in Azula's experience.
Matter of fact, this view brought to mind that play she and Ty Lee would catch every now and then.  
It was a story shared across Uncharted Lands but only reached the Three Nations in recent years. It was about this King of the Lions, and they'd have performances of it every few years on Ember Island.
And so, unable to resist a wisecrack...
“Look Yasuko,” Azula says in a joking deep voice “Everything the lights touch is our kingdom.”
Yasuko says nothing, only letting out a relaxed sigh as she drunks from the bottle.
“Not into jokes, are ya kid ?” Azula sighs, “That's okay, we'll fix that in time.”
Standing up from her seats, and stepping towards the window, Azula lightly bounces the infant in her arms still working through the motions.  
One would think that being a mother for four months would make her used to this, but ever the perfectionist, Azula was constantly on her toes that she might fuck things up.
Be it the coup of Ba Sing Se; her revival of Gojira, and seeing the downfall of Ghidorah; or even leading the new industrial age; Azula tends to think of Yasuko as one of her better achievements.
It was about a year ago she and Ty Lee even considered having a family. Azula never really saw herself as a mother before, being more work focused, as well as her personal relationships. 
But like many things for Azula, shit changes.
Zuzu and Mai had a rugrat of their own the year before, and both Katara and Avatar Aang were expecting a little monster themselves. Needless to say, it brought out this sense of competitiveness in Azula.
Ty Lee going into “playful aunt” mode around Izumi didn't help Azula's resolve. Neither did the puppy dog look Ty Lee would give Azula when the subject came up. At first they considered adoption. Years after both Ghidorah and Bagan's rampages, hundreds of thousands of survivors were still displaced across the Three Nations. Especially orphaned children.  
The problem was, Ty Lee just wanted to take them all, and couldn't stand to leave any behind. As for Azula, she couldn't afford opening a daycare in her house.
Eventually, Azula just threw six million into adoption agencies through her “Home For the Lost Ones” act. This effectively solved the bigger problem of orphans and refugees, but left Azula and Ty Lee back at square one.
Azula and Ty Lee considered male donors, but no options matched up to either Azula or Ty Lee's standards.  
They put that option in the “Maybe” pile.
While they were still considering their options, it reached both Azula and Ty Lee that there is a method of drawing power from spirits. 
If done right, one could bend the rules of nature a little; notably there were about a handful of recorded instances of same sex couples, conceiving together through this. 
They differ between the genders of the couple, but this isn't a lesson on the mystical birds and the bees. Even so, these instances were very rare. So, during the Winter Solstice, Azula and Ty Lee took a gamble.  
While not expecting it to actually work, they did draw upon the power of spirits. And through the act of tr- You know what ? What happens under the spirit-empowered waterfall, stays under the spirit-empowered waterfall.  
Bottom line, neither of them expected to actually conceive...but Azula experiencing a week or so of morning sickness shot those doubts down.
Azula didn't expect to be the carrier between her and Ty Lee, but for whatever reason, the spirits picked her. And of course, Azula wasn't gonna back down from a challenge. It was just another in a long list of challenges that Azula would overcome and perfect.
So after nine months of enduring morning sickness; mood wings; fatigue; cravings for white and red meat (and peanuts); restless nights; Yasuko practicing her kick-boxing in utero; culminating in seven hours of labor ? 
Azula would say she did a good job, all things considered.
During those, Ty Lee insisted that she and Azula take the last four off work, which was around the time her mood swings started acting up. 
Azula was annoyed and reluctant at having to be taken care of as her due date drew near, but in retrospect Ty Lee deserves the world for putting up with her like that.  
Azula still kicks herself for the things she said to Ty Lee during these mood swings and when Yasuko decided it was time to come out. When Yasuko was finally born, both Azula and Ty Lee took another six weeks off work. 
During that time, Ty Lee proved herself to be a pro at this whole mom thing, so much so that she's taking about a year off work. As for Azula, she's still not sure if she has what it takes.
Everytime she holds her daughter, Azula minds every step she takes; always second guessing the way she holds Yasuko; even questioning if she put her to bed right. 
Azula considered herself a master at many things, be it combat, strategy, politics and business. And yet this baby girl, a piece of her, has Azula questioning every move she makes. 
Azula wasn’t even sure she could give this girl a bath or heat up the bottle just right without Ty Lee's help. And yet, with Ty Lee sick the past week, Azula manages to pull through.
Again, the whole “Help stopping Ghidorah” thing was just slightly less challenging.
Which is why when Azula found herself nodding off to memory lane, she silently scolds herself when she feels Yasuko's hand grabbing at her hair. 
Yasuko lets out an airy “Ah” noise as she tries to take handfuls of her mothers hair and stuff them into her mouth.
“Hey, hey, hey!” Azula gives an amused grin as she gently pulls her hair out of her daughter's grasp “You're getting stronger everyday. I should keep an eye on you!”
As Azula holds her baby closer to her face, Yasuko takes the tip of her mothers nose into her mouth. It took Azula all her strength not to giggle.
“Well, that's one way of keeping an eye on things.” Azula says, gently pressing her forehead to Yasuko's. The infant lets go of Azula's nose in the process.
Yasuko says nothing, but makes a mumbling noise, before sticking her tongue out.
“Mm, I see.” Azula remarks, before glancing at the clock.  
It was 2:30 now. If she doesn't get Yasuko back to sleep soon, they'll be up all night.
Carrying Yasuko back to their seat, Azula found herself humming a little tune. It was something released days ago as part of the ever growing music industry. 
It was apparently another song from the Ancient World, kept alive through thousands of years of oral tradition, and now remade for a new world.
And unlike the thousands of other recreated songs, Azula found herself humming it twice now since its release. Once when she was in the shower, and again when she was asleep. 
Both times, she thought Ty Lee couldn't hear her.
And yet as Azula finally realized she was humming it, she notices the way Yasuko is looking at her, as they sit back in their seats.
“You like the tune, don't you ?” Azula asks.
Yasuko makes a babble noise, before sticking her hand into her own mouth.
A smile creeps up on Azula's face, despite herself.
“Very well, if I agree to sing for you, will you agree to sleep for me ?” Azula teasingly asks.
Yasuko says nothing, but just looks up at her mother.
“I'll take that as a 'Yes'. Just don't let Mama know.” Azula winks.
And with that, Azula leans back into her seat, laying Yasuko on her chest, ear to heart. She rubs a hand up and down the infant's back, as she rocks the chair back and forth.
Humming the opening beat, Azula finds the lyrics slipping through her mouth.  Even she's taken aback by how soft her voice is.
“There's a hero/If you look inside your heart/You don't have to be afraid/Of what you are...”
Yasuko snuggles into Azula's chest. So far, so good.
“There's an answer/If you reach into your so-o-u-u-ul/And the sorrow that you know/Will melt awa-a-a-a-ay...” 
Yasuko lets out a hiccup, but Azula doesn't let it deter her. 
 “And then a hero comes along/With the strength to carry on/And you cast your fears aside/And you know you can survive.” Azula sings the chorus “So when you feel like hope is gone/Look inside you and be strong/And you'll finally see the truth/That a hero lies in you-u-u-u...”
In what was about a few seconds in real time, a whole slew of memories filled Azula's head at once.  
“It's a long road/When you face the world alone/No one reaches out a hand/For you to ho-o-o-old.”
The memories were pretty unpleasant; they brought back a series of mucky feelings. Feelings she would rather do without. 
Memories of her father, the asylum, and everything leading up to the Titans awakening, flooded her like a tidal wave.
“You can find love/If you search within yourself/And that emptiness you felt/Will disappe-e-e-a-a-a-ar...” Azula sings, trying to keep her voice down.
She had to blink a few times to be sure she was still here. That Yasuko was here with her, and that the past seven years were not just a dream.
“And then a hero comes along/With the strength to carry on/And you cast your fears aside/And you know you can survive.”
Again, a thousand thoughts fill Azula's head, in what was a couple of seconds in real time. Luckily, more welcoming memories and feelings filled her.  
Like the explosive; the recreation of an Ancient World weapon that scorched the Earth and left poison in its wake. The kind that had the power to burn away a city with nothing more than a bright flash.
It was when the Titans awoke, when these weapons were uncovered, that Azula and her new team would recreate one of them. 
At the time, Azula thought that by giving the Fire Nation such an arsenal, it would both demonstrate the power the Fire Nation still had, and provide the weapons that would slay the Titans.  
For Zuko's benefit of course. He had everything to gain from this.
But that all changed, when the titan Gojira attacked.
“So when you feel like hope is gone/Look inside you and be strong/And you'll finally see the truth. That a hero lies in you...” Azula finishes the coursus, gently brushing her fingers through Yasuko's dark hair.
Azula remembers how the Avatar's crew and hers were left stranded in the Uncharted Country. How over time, she found herself connecting to those she never thought she would.
And how the very weapon she intended to fight the Titans, was instead used to empower the injured Gojira, once Ghidorah's true colors were revealed to the world.
It was what led to her and Ty Lee ending up together after all.
“Oh, oh, Lord kno-o-o-ows/Dreams are hard to follow/But don't let anyone/Tear them awa-a-a-ay...” Azula sings, noticing Yasuko was starting to snooze. “Hold o-o-o-on/There will be tomorrow/In time you'll find the waa-a-a-aay.”
Sensing someone standing behind her, Azula looks over her shoulder to see a tired eyed, but smiling Ty Lee, watching from the doorway.
Azula blushes in mild embarrassment. She tried her hardest to not let her wife catch her singing again, but a loss is a loss.
Contenting herself, Azula continues, as Ty Lee quietly makes her way to the couch.
“And then a hero comes along/With the strength to carry on/And you cast your fears aside/And you know you can survive...”
As Azula sings the next verse, she is sure Yasuko was sleeping by now.
“So when you feel like hope is gone/Look inside you and be strong/And you'll finally see the truth/That a hero lies in you...” Azula brings her singing voice down to a hush “That a hero lies in you...That a hero lies in you...”
As she finishes singing, Azula glances back at Ty Lee.
“Not a word.” Azula mouths.
“That was too cute!” Ty Lee beams, covering her mouth and wiping an eye.
Azula opens her mouth, but Ty Lee holds a finger up to stop her.
“And that wasn't A word; that was four words.” Ty Lee says, crossing her arms with a more cocky smile.
Azula closes her mouth with an amused smirk.
“Try not to wake her.” Azula says, slowly getting back up, her wife following after “Then she won't go back to sleep.”
“Who do you think you're talking to ?” Ty Lee asks, raising an eyebrow, gently taking Yasuko into her arms “Maybe the girl with four nieces and nephews has become something of an expert at the field.”
“Are you sure you can hold her ?”
“Oh yes.” Ty Lee nods “It's been clearing up since this morning. Come noon tomorrow, it'll be like I was never sick.”
Accepting Ty Lee's answer, Azula follows behind her to Yasuko's bedroom.
Tucking Yasuko back into her crib, both Azula and Ty Lee took a minute to look down at the daughter.
“You know, sometimes I still don't believe it.” Azula sighs wistfully.
“Azula...” Ty Lee starts, knowing what Azula's gonna talk about.
“I know, I know.” Azula says, trying to keep herself reserved “I just had a few more of those dreams lately.”
Ty Lee doesn't push the matter. Azula talked about it extensively.
About how Azula would have a dream about waking up in the asylum; how she'd be a Firelord, but live a life that felt more empty; sometimes she'd wake up back to being a fugitive.
But the worst one was pretty vivid.
It was seven years ago, when Azula was preparing to revive Gojira. They were at Boiling Rock, where the golden dragon dropped the King of the Monsters following Bagan's defeat. 
With the knowledge that the Titans fed on the power of these weapons, it was a no brainer. They just launch the weapons and empower the monster. 
Except the only complete prototype could only be turned on manually. And it did not escape Azula's notice that most people were still afraid of her. Hated her even.
You'd think she'd be used to being feared and hated. But after weeks of accepting that love and compassion is not a weakness; and thinking that she was worthy of receiving it ? It hurts a little more.
Even after she helped save Ba Sing Se from Bagan's wrath, everywhere she looked she got these dirty looks. In the immediate aftermath of Bagan's defeat, almost everywhere she looked there'd be people giving her these dirty looks, or whispering behind her back.
As if they thought she was a greater monster than the so-called “Demonic Dragon God” that had killed nine-hundred-thousand people in its rampage!  
Azula remembers the look Zuko, Mai and Ursa gave her when they first saw each other in the following Bagan's rampage. It looked like an addition to the nightmare they had on their hands.
So, while Zuko and his armies were evacuating the areas surrounding Boiling Rock, Azula took it upon herself to activate the weapon and empower Gojira. 
She didn't care if she got incinerated, so long as she was out of everyone's hair, she'd be doing the Fire Nation its greatest favor. 
But as she was setting up the weapon, expecting it to be the end of her story, word got to the Avatar and his friends what Azula was up to. 
Avatar Aang, being a good boy scout, along with Katara and Ty Lee kept telling Azula was a life worth saving, how she doesn't deserve to be alone, let alone die here.
And so, when Aang, and Ty Lee both sat down beside Azula, refusing to leave her side as the timer started, Azula relented and allowed them to save her.
It was only when Azula was among the benders who aided bringing down Ghidorah did the general population accept Azula. The rest is history, leading up to Azula's new life with Ty Lee and Yasuko.
And because of this ? Azula's worst nightmares are the ones where she's back at Boiling Rock, the “weapon” at the ready, and the injured King of the Monster's staring her down.  
Only this time, no one would come for her. She was destined to die there to empower a monster that would live for millennia past the Fire Nation. Doing the world the ultimate favor. And she was alone and worthless.
Azula is pulled from her train of thought when Ty Lee puts two hands on both her shoulders. They were here. In Yasuko's nursery. Ghidorah has been dead for seven years, and Gojira has returned to the sea for just as long.
Ty Lee moves Azula to face her. Azula didn't even realize she had tears, until Ty Lee wiped her eyes.
“I'm here.” Ty Lee says, reassuringly, before she puts her forehead to Azula's “You're here. And Yasuko's here; and she's always gonna be here. And so will you.”
Azula gives a sad smile, before wrapping her arms around Ty Lee's shoulder and buries her face into her shoulder. She doesn't sob, but she lets out these deep exhales as she lets this hurricane of emotions wash over her.  
When Azula looks back up, towards the clock over Yasuko's dresser, she sees it's 2:37.
“I say it’s time we hit the hay.” Azula says with a sigh.
“It's like you read my mind.” Ty Lee nods.  
Before they make their leave, they pay the sleeping Yasuko a final glance.
“We made something wonderful.” Ty Lee sighs, wrapping an arm around Azula's waist.
“Yeah, we did.” Azula says, reaching down into the crib, tracing a finger around Yasuka's head, without even touching her “And she will bring wonderful things into this world.”
“I'd expect nothing less.” Ty Lee says with a smile.
And with that, Azula and Ty Lee made their way to their bedroom. As they climb back in, they resume a cuddling position, with Ty Lee spooning Azula.
After a moment, Ty Lee speaks up.
“You know ?”
“Ty, not now.” Azula says, trying to get to sleep.
“I'm just saying, you sang to Yasuko and...” Ty Lee says, letting Azula catch on to what she's saying “Tap the headboard once for no, and twice for yes.”
Azula taps the headboard once. And then twice.
Stifling a laugh, Ty Lee kisses Azula on the cheek, slowly and gently rubbing her hands up and down Azula's arm.
“I sat on the roof/And kicked off the moss,” Ty Lee sings softly “Well, a few of the verses/Well, they've got me quite cross/But the sun's been quite kind while I wrote this song-”
“But you didn't write this-” Azula says sleepily, but with a snarky smile.
“It's for people like you that keep it turned on...” Ty Lee continues “So excuse me forgetting/But these things I do/You see, I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue...”
“They're clearly brown.” Azula says, a sleepy smile overtaking her snarky one.
“Anyway, the thing is/What I really mean/Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen.” Ty Lee continues to sing, slowly getting lulled by her own singing voice.
“I accept-” Azula yawns “Your flattery...”
“And you can tell everybody/This is your song/It may be quite simple/But now that it's done,” Ty Lee sings, completely unfazed by her wife's snark “I hope you don't mind/I hope you don't mind/That I put down in words...”
And with the next verse, both Azula and Ty Lee succumb to sleep.
“How wonderful life is while you're in the world.”
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shazzeaslightnovels · 4 years ago
Toradora! 1
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Author: Yuyuko Takemiya
Illustrator: Yasu
Label: Dengeki Bunko
Release Date: 25 March 2006
English Release: Seven Seas Entertainment is currently publishing this series is English so please check it out if you are interested in the series.
My Score: 4/5
Story & Characters:
Genre: M/F Romance, Comedy, Drama, High School Setting
Story Premise: Takasu is a high school boy with a soft heart who loves to clean but he gets misunderstood due to his rough appearance. He also has a crush on a girl named Minori but would never be able to work up the courage to talk to her. One day, he runs into the girl known as the “Palm-top Tiger”, Taiga. She’s incredibly violent and brash but she’s also best friends with Minori and happens to live next door. He finds out about her crush on Takasu, his close friend, and the two make a deal to help each other out with their respective crushes.
I’ve had that “Holy Night” song from the anime stuck in my head for the past week and I wanted to take a break from fantasy so I figured it was finally time I read my first Takemiya volume. Now, I have seen the anime for this multiple times and the first time I saw it was years ago so it’s impossible for me to look at this volume as a new reader. Because I know how these characters are going to be handled in future volumes, I can’t give honest first impressions of them. With characters like Taiga, I have to wonder whether my impressions of her would be completely different if I didn’t know how she was going to be developed.That is to say, there may be some spoilers here and it may not be friendly to readers who are entirely unfamiliar with the series.
Anyway, this volume ended up being what I needed it to be in that it was an easy and enjoyable read and, because we’re only in the first volume, there isn’t much romance or drama focus yet. I really enjoyed seeing Taiga and Ryuuji grow closer over the course of the volume and they have a such a lovely relationship. The part where Taiga and Ryuuji bond after they’re accused of dating was my favourite scene in the volume.
Ryuuji is such a great character. I really like that he’s not a very traditionally masculine and loves cooking and cleaning. I also like Yasuko, who is his single mother who works as a hostess and I like that she is portrayed as a good parent and is never insulted due to her work but still clearly has some struggles with being a single parent. Taiga is a classic tsundere with her violent tendencies but she’s also very clumsy and has her reasons for acting the way she does. It’s hard to talk about Minori and Kitamura much yet because we only really see them through Ryuuji and Taiga’s highly subjective eyes. Ryuuji sees Minori as a bright and normal girl and Kitamura appears as a responsible and kind person so neither of them have had much chance to become complex characters yet but I’ll be waiting for it to happen.
I didn’t rate this volume a full 5 stars because, having seen the anime, there weren’t much surprises for me while reading. It was still worth reading because I enjoyed Takemiya’s writing style and the narration and there were a couple of things that I had forgotten about but I’d be lying if I said that my enjoyment was not affected by knowing how things were going to go. Also, because I knew how Ryuuji and Taiga’s relationship was going to develop, I wasn’t able to enjoy it as much because a major part of me enjoys them more as friends instead of as a romance. Still, I’m glad I finally read it and I enjoyed it a lot.
Recommended for:
Anyone wanting to read a romcom should really enjoy this.
Adaptation Notes:
The Toradora anime is 25 episodes long and covers the entirety of the light novel. This volume is adapted in the first two episodes of the anime and it’s pretty much a perfect adaptation. They didn’t cut much but I did notice that they shortened the scene where Ryuuji and Taiga talk at the diner after they’re accused of dating. In the light novel, Taiga goes more into detail about her feelings about her parents and Ryuuji shows Taiga a photo of his dad to make her laugh and it works. It’s a nice exchange and I’m sad it was cut from the anime but the anime is very faithful to the original overall. The animation is solid and the voice acting is incredible which makes it more than worth the watch for fans of the light novel.
The manga is (still, somehow) ongoing at 9 volumes and features art by Zekkyou. It is slightly more faithful than the anime and, aside from narration, it doesn’t skip anything. It’s highly enjoyable and Zekkyou’s art makes it worth the read for fans of the light novel.
I will be reading volume 2 soon.
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marshmallowgoop · 6 years ago
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New information regarding Kill la Kill the Game: IF—and Kill la Kill in general—from ArcLive episode 47!
In the episode, Arc Kenny and James Chen join Carrie Keranen, Satsuki Kiryuin’s English dub voice actress (for both the anime and the upcoming game). Much of the video consists of a Q and A with Keranen where she addresses fan questions from Twitter. Near the end of the video, Keranen tries out the game herself, playing as the character she voices!
Some highlights: 
✄ On Arc System Works’s official Twitter, fans were recently told to “keep an eye out” for where to pre-order the North American release of the Kill la Kill the Game: IF Limited Edition. In the ArcLive episode, it’s stressed that NA LE pre-orders will be coming “very, very soon.”
✄ The episode also elaborates on what the North American Limited Edition will entail. The North American Limited Edition includes a limited edition box, the game itself, a 40-page art book, a 31-track soundtrack featuring the character themes in the game, and a squishy Mako croquette keychain that even comes in a Mako-themed takeout box.
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You can catch a glimpse of the takeout box here:
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✄ The game is made for fans of the anime, and the story—which is new—drops the player right into the action. Prior knowledge of the show is expected.
✄ As has been stated in the past, the game is once more emphasized to be easy on newcomers to the 3D arena fighter genre.
✄ IF is noted to be visually similar to the Guilty Gear Xrd and Dragon Ball FighterZ games.
✄ Mako Mankanshoku (in her Fight Club uniform) and the Ultimate Double Naked DTR (featuring both Aikuro Mikisugi and Tsumugu Kinagase) are confirmed to be free day-1 DLC!
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✄ Keranen remarks that recording for the English dub of the game happened around the beginning of this year. At Sakura-Con in late April, David Vincent (Senketsu) noted that he had just finished recording. Keranen says that the game has a lot of Satsuki, and she spent about 15 hours recording. 
✄ Arc Kenny adds that the game has a lot of dialogue in general, and there is a load of swearing and foul language; Keranen says that she was even surprised by the amount!
✄ Keranen was very excited to voice Satsuki again. She recorded for the anime at a significant part of her life, and she learned a lot from the role, as Satsuki was a bit of a different character from her previous roles. Further, Keranen met a lot of close friends from the job, such as Erica Mendez (Ryuko Matoi) and Christine Marie Cabanos (Mako Mankanshoku). She says that getting back with the old crew for the game was a really enjoyable experience.
✄ In regards to the featured gameplay, fans get a first look at some of the menus for IF:
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✄ Further, the title screen for Satsuki’s story mode is shown, and the official translation of her scenario—named for the pop song by Yasuko Naito—is “Torn Spirits, Changing Fates.”
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✄ Fans also get a first look at the game’s Practice Mode, and Keranen plays the “100-Unit Extermination” COVERS challenge, where she defeats 100 COVERS enemies as quickly as she can.
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Satsuki: Come at me, you damn dishrags! I shall take you all on at once!
✄ Interestingly, the COVERS Challenge features items that the player can collect for temporary buffs for their fighter. It seems that these items are Aikuro’s needles and Mako’s brass knuckles.
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✄ The last remaining COVERS will always be a very large COVERS (whom Keranen refers to as “Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson”):
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✄ The video also includes a Free Battle versus match of dual-wield Satsuki Kiryuin versus Ryuko Matoi—with the English dub, of course! Upon winning, Keranen even repeats Satsuki’s line.
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Satsuki: You’re just a girl being worn by her Kamui. This is as far as you go.
✄ Completing matches and practice rounds will garner in-game currency that can be used to unlock music and art in the game.
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✄ The sound effects in the game seem to sound different than they have in previous builds, and there also seems to be an additional sound effect of Guts running with Senketsu on the “Now Loading” screen.
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✄ In regards to Keranen’s Q and A, she says that “Do not ask the sparrow how the eagle soars!” is her favorite line. When autographing, she’ll write that line!
✄ Keranen also expresses interest in a slice-of-life season 2 of Kill la Kill, feeling like there isn’t much opportunity for another action-packed season. She would like to explore who the characters are and what they would do after their goals of the first season have been fulfilled. She wouldn’t mind a “college life” scenario!
✄ Keranen admits that she was afraid she would lose the role of Satsuki after the second recording session for the anime. Interestingly, both Mendez and Vincent have expressed a similar fear. 
✄ To better get into Satsuki’s shoes, Keranen began holding a pen in the recording booth and focused on delivering her lines down to the end of the pen. She feels doing this helped her performance a lot!
✄ Keranen’s favorite scene to voice was Satsuki’s apology on the Naked Sol in episode 22. She got very emotional and struggled not to cry when recording!
✄ Keranen feels Satsuki should be in Mario Kart! Arc Kenny adds, “If Ryuko can be a plane, then Satsuki can be a car.”
✄ When Keranen got the role of Satsuki, she was told not to look ahead to see what happens later. This led to a situation where she saw a Satsuki/Senketsu cosplayer at a con and didn’t realize that the mashup would actually occur in the show! Other actors weren’t told to not look ahead, but Keranen was supposed to be in the dark until Satsuki’s true motives are revealed at the end of episode 17. At that point, Keranen was allowed to see what happens later. Keranen respects this decision, being a director herself.
✄ Keranen says she does reference the original performances of the characters she portrays.
✄ To get into her Satsuki role, Keranen would say the line, “Take my blood, Junketsu. It is the eternal vow between you and I.”
✄ Finally, the video concludes with announcements. Arc System Works will be at CEO in Daytona Beach, Florida this weekend, and the Kill la Kill the Game: IF demo will be there as well.
✄ Arc System Works and Carrie Keranen will also be present at Anime Expo. Arc’s booth is #3711. There will be a panel with Takeshi Yamanaka (IF’s producer) and Hiromi Wakabayashi and Shigeto Koyama from Studio Trigger on July 6 from 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm. Further, there will be surprise announcements about Kill la Kill at AX!
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questintheskies · 2 months ago
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questintheskies · 7 months ago
Yukite Kaheranu trailer
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questintheskies · 7 months ago
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questintheskies · 4 days ago
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Suzu Hirose at Yasuko, Songs of Days Past stage greeting
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questintheskies · 5 days ago
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questintheskies · 6 days ago
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questintheskies · 8 days ago
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