#yarchurr art tag
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yarchurr · 4 months ago
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enough time has passed for an actor au
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yarchurr · 4 months ago
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buzzcut neve gallus propaganda
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yarchurr · 2 years ago
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here, we have a garrett hawke documenting his strange times in “thedas”
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yarchurr · 2 years ago
big ole WIP for my first ever animatic-thing ✨
(yes, barbara, jack does not have her tattoos because i would DIE)
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yarchurr · 2 years ago
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so the avatar and an abomination walk into a tavern…
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yarchurr · 2 years ago
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"hello c-sec, i'd like to file a complaint about these two batshit-crazy weirdos..."
"... yeah, one of them flung me off a roof and the other burned my friend's faceplates off."
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yarchurr · 2 years ago
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recreated TS’s eras tour poster with my girl pama
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yarchurr · 2 years ago
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“is there anything that doesn’t make you hungry?”
“i don’t know yet”
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yarchurr · 3 years ago
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shout out to the jewish nerd and the man of culture
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yarchurr · 3 years ago
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they have a lot of catching up to do
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yarchurr · 3 years ago
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i just feel like hanging out with cassandra is going to be fun
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yarchurr · 2 years ago
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so, who’s coming with you shep?
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yarchurr · 3 years ago
sopas for a rainy night
bay leonardo x reader
summary: you are a dental assistant at a clinic a few blocks from your shared apartment with April O’Neil, the reporter at Channel Six News. you're tired from a whole day at work but you come home to a passed-out and bleeding 6-foot turtle on the couch and three panicking brothers.
a/n: i normally don’t write fanfics or somestuff because i;m so shy, but i feel a little restless lately. i hope you like my first ever tmnt work!!
things to note: SFW, AFAB Filipino reader with she/they pronouns, some filipino terms here and there but they’re easily understandable.
this is also on AO3 and yes, I am the original author.
backstory: reader recently migrated/moved to NY to work as a dentist but is stuck at being a dental assistant at a dental clinic bc racist boss :--)
The shift at the Grand Willow Dental Clinic was a killer, and it was just Monday.
Dr. Finley, your boss, was a good fellow. He was the first person you talked to when first getting this job and was generally a nice person. Except when he has the gloves on and has the instruments in his hand, then he’s a more serious person, but you understand.
Your other boss, Dr. Medina, was a jerk. He was a stuck-up man who had little heart for others and that reflected in his career. He was mainly the reason you were stuck being a dental assistant for a few years despite having finished dental school and passing the boards in just six and a half years.
He had you running back and forth the halls, offering help to the senior dentists in the clinic (which they didn’t even need), and made you stay a few more hours to clean the place up and lock it down for the night. Judging by his sour mood with you today, you’re probably doing this for half a week. The entire 6 days if he feels like pushing it.
It was 10 in the evening as you left the grocery and you fished your phone in your pocket, shooting a text to April O’Neil, your roommate. You told her earlier in the day you wanted to cook dinner tonight, as you commonly cooked tasty Filipino dishes she hasn’t ever tried before.
She immediately asked if you were going to cook sinigang for tonight but you said you were craving creamy chicken sopas for a while. Intrigued by the new dish, she readily agreed.
‘got the stuff. im omw’
The reporter usually replied in a few minutes, sometimes with just a thumbs up for confirmation. The woman didn’t reply or ‘seen’ the message but you didn’t think much of it. Maybe she was deep into her research for her next scoop, or possibly digging deeper than she needs to? That woman works too hard for her wage, you think with a shake of your head.
When cold droplets slowly started pelting on your head and leaving dark spots on the concrete, you began to fast walk. God, could this day get any worse?!
The gods seemed to have heard your wailing and let out a belting laugh in return, which came in the gift of booming thunder and the onslaught of freezing, hard rain. Thanks, God.
Thankfully, you weren’t soaked that much when you reached the apartment complex entrance. You book it to the elevator (you refuse to use the stairs after standing for 6+ hours, your poor feet) and punch in the floor number.
Your thoughts were too loud for you to hear the commotion going on in your shared apartment with the news reporter. You unlocked the door and were about to yell out you were home when the sights and smells before you took you by surprise.
On the creaky couch was a massive green figure (was that a shell on its back?) with a large gash on its forearm and thigh. It seemed they were knocked out as of the moment, as you couldn't see their eyes through that blue bandana of theirs. Kneeling by the creature was April, a towel on their hands that was quickly turning red from all the blood.
Behind the two were three other hulking figures of various heights, in different colored bandanas but similar wide-eyed expressions.
There was a tense silence before April flung her selves towards you with her arms wide open as if her smaller height could hide the sight before you. She calls your name in a squeaky voice and a nervous smile. “Y-you’re home early! You didn’t text me or something!”
“I did text you, a couple of minutes ago actually.” You finally reply, voice calm but your eyes constantly switching from her sweaty face to the turtle men. You thought the rat population in New York was going to be the worst thing you’d experience. Is this why your mother was pushing for you to go to California? “April, what’s going on?”
She gnawed on her lip before dropping her arms and grasping your shoulders. “Listen, don’t freak out. They’re my friends! They’re harmless.”
“Yeah, we’d never hurt you!” Calls one of the turtle men which frankly, made you startle. One of them smacks his arm and he shrugs in response.
“Are you sure? Are they hurting you?” You ignore their commotion and look into the woman’s eyes, looking for any trace of fear in those brown eyes. “Did they bribe you or something?”
“No, no! They’d never, promise. We’re cool, we know each other way back.” She assures you. Her voice is firm and you can sense she’s being genuine. You drop your shoulders and take a sigh before going forward, closer to the four figures. The three stay firm on their feet, but they seem to tense up a bit.
The reporter bounds up beside you. “These are my vigilante-ninja friends. That’s Donatello,” she points to the guy on the left, who was the tallest and wore a purple bandana and a ton of tech and bobs all over. He waved with a small smile. You see the three fingered hand but you looked at his eyes and politely nodding.
“Raphael,” the middle one was a stocky guy and wore red. He grunted at you, but didn’t do anything else.
“I’m Michelangelo! Call me Mikey, or you can call me yours.” The right one, the one who piped in earlier, interrupted April and did a little curtsy. You managed to stifle a snort but smiled at his little display. He wore orange.
“And this is Leonardo.” She finally points to the guy on the couch. He still wasn’t conscious and you were starting to get concerned. You eye the blue bandana turtle a little more before looking back to April.
“Oh, we know your name already! It’s (name), right?” Mikey pops in with a charming grin. You nod slowly and look at April a bit suspiciously.
“Okay, introduction aside.” You finally say. “What’s happening here?”
“We were fighting some punks down 6th when this guy had a nasty knife,” Raphael sniffs before pausing. “Did some deep gashes on Leo and takin’ him out before I could beat his lil’ ass.” That would explain the purple bruises around his face and neck.
“We were gonna book it to the lair but April’s place was the closest,” Donatello says to April. “Well, yours and April’s.”
“He’s been bleeding out ever since. It’s the first they’ve come to me like this,” April worriedly says. She murmurs your name. “Can you help him, please? I… I know you do teeth stuff but-”
“I am a doctor, you know.” You chortle. “Doctor of dentistry, yeah. But a doctor still.” You lay down your bags in a corner of the room and start tying up your hair. “Okay, I got my stuff in my room to do some sutures. I need some bowls to catch the water when I clean the wounds.” April nods and hurries to the kitchen to fetch said bowls.
“Um,” You start and you look at the three figures. “Are you... Guys alright with helping out?”
Donatello nods with a smile. “I’m usually the one playing doctor, so it’ll be great to actually learn from one!” Mikey puts up two thumbs up and Raphael nods.
You smile at them for the first time. They were kinda nice after all. “I don’t know how I’ll be as a teacher, but I’ll try.” You fidget with your hands a little, a little shy with your request. “Donatello can help me out with patching up Leonardo. I… actually need you guys to start boiling some macaroni for dinner…”
Raphael was a bit stunned. God, who asks strangers to cook for them! “D-don’t worry! I actually bought a lot of stuff so it should feed all of us. I just need you to boil the macaroni and cut up some carrots if you would.”
“Hell yeah, Chef Mikey makin’ an appearance!” Mikey, the sunshine boy that was starting to grow on you, gladly agreed. “Don’t worry about it, sweetcheeks. We’ll get to cooking!” You give him the groceries you bought earlier and he hustles into the kitchen, tugging at Raphael to follow.
As soon as you assembled all your supplies that you extracted to your room and with the bowls from April, you and Donatello get to work.
You first cleaned out the forearm wound and Donatello did the same to the thigh gash. It was kind of amazing the guy didn’t rouse from the sting of the antiseptic, but he must be really out of it. You first let him watch you do the stitch so he can replicate it on the other wound.
When he gets the hang of it, he starts threading the needle through the skin and making locks to stitch the wound shut. In no time, you both have the wounds shut and are now cleaning up the left blood and caring for the minor injuries the turtle has.
It was when you waddled back from the kitchen for some ice for the bruise on his face that the man finally wakes up, and you instantly feel the tense stare in the electric blue eyes. You immediately stop in your step, the ice freezing your fingers but his stare rooting you to the floor.
Donatello was fretting at his brother, seeing as the man laying was tense and thus straining at the fresh sutures. “Leo, calm down! You’re gonna open up the stitches!”
“Yeah Leo bro, just chill. Dinner’s coming up soon!” Mikey sang from the kitchen. Raphael wanders in from behind you and goes to Leo. He immediately takes the other side of the couch, just standing there with a worried look in his eyes.
“You doin’ good, bro?” Raph gruffs at Leo. The former finally takes his eyes off you and lets out a weary sigh.
“Yeah. Just… a little woozy.” The man finally talks. He puts a hand to his face, and that gets you moving. You approach him and he trains his eyes at you again.
He has the most beautiful eyes you’ve seen.
Oh my god, focus. Jesus, (name).
You clear your throat before speaking. “Here. For your bruise.” You hand the towel-wrapped ice, and he slowly accepts it. You fight the urge to jump when your fingers touch. When the cold touches his face, he lets out a sigh and deflates into the couch. Raph lets out a snort and you smile a bit.
“Call on me when you need something, Donatello.” You lightly tap said turtle’s shoulder. “I’ll get into the kitchen and have Mikey join you. I hope you guys like soup.” You say with a smile before bounding for the kitchen. You could feel the weight of their stares at your back.
Mikey was happily chopping up the last carrots when you walk in, and April was straining the macaroni. “I’ll take it from here, Michelangelo. Go join your brothers, yeah?”
“You got it, sweetheart.” He winks as he leaves the station to wash his hands then goes to the living room, an apron still tied on his body. Your eyes wander to the turtle’s footwear (which boggled you, to be honest) before you snapped out of it and started moving. You clean your hands before you start assembling the soup on the stovetop.
There was silence, only the hushed voices of the brothers in the other room and the sound of the fire on the stove to fill. April was a bit hesitant, but she broke the silence first. “Is everything… cool?”
“Y-yeah. The sutures were clean and Donatello’s applying some stuff for his minor injuries.”
“No, I mean the whole…” She waves her hand vaguely in the turtles’ direction. “Are you cool with it?”
“I…” You start. “I’m surprised, yeah. How long have you known these guys?”
“I actually had them as pets when I was a kid.” She smiles, reminiscing about simpler and sweeter times. “When they were un-mutant turtle babies, of course. But they’re like my brothers. I trust them with my whole life.”
You smile at her sincerity, and she seems a bit shy at the vulnerability. “They’re the ones you’ve talked about before- your bestest friends.” She nods. “You told them about me?”
“Yeah. When you replaced my former roommate.” She says. “I’m sorry for not telling you sooner, though. I think you understand why I was hesitant to tell you of their existence.”
“No, I get it.” You lay your hand on top of hers. “It’s a big secret. And I promise, my lips are sealed. Besides, you’re like the only friend I made in my entire stay so far.”
She smiles brighter and squeezes your hand. “What about Casey?” She quips.
You snort, and you continue assembling your dinner. “Yeah, sure. Isn’t he your ‘friend’?” You make air quotes and April, in all her grace and beauty, fumbles and gets red.
It only took a while more before you deemed your sopas done. You took out bowls and started pouring them in, before having April help you give out the soup.
Mikey happily chows in the dinner as do the other brothers, albeit a little quieter with their enthusiasm. Leonardo, now sitting upright, was slower in his eating. You and April get your own bowls and eat alongside the brothers in the living room.
Michelangelo finishes his bowl in record time. “It’s really good!” He licks his lips. “Can I get seconds?”
You flush at his praise and you nod, a smile on your face. “Thank you. Yeah, I made a lot.” With a whoop, Mikey flies out of the room, and Donnie follows after him for more servings.
April was talking with the boys, reminiscing about what they found out during their run. This was probably where she got most of her info on her reports. You gather, before bringing the bowl rim to your lips and slurping the rest of the hot soup.
You let out a sigh when you finish, unbeknownst to the eyes that watch you. You get a little red at their stares and April goodheartedly laughs, and you see the blue-eyed turtle quirk his lips a bit.
Jesus, what is happening to me.
As a good host, as your mama raised you well and would materialize and slap you if you didn’t, you collected the finished bowls and dumped them in the sink. As you return, you see the injured turtle being a bit sluggish and that reminds you of something.
“The sutures Donatello and I used were non-absorbable ones, so they need to be removed in about 2 weeks. Please don’t try to move around much for a while, or they’ll reopen.” You say in a calm voice. Those hypnotizing blue eyes are at you again, and you try not to get lulled in. “Your minor scrapes will heal in a few days. You might need some antibiotics and some painkillers for the big wounds, though.”
“We still have some in the lair.” Donatello pipes up.
“If you ever need some more, just tell me. We may have some lying around the clinic.” You smile at him. “Do you have questions?”
“Yeah,” Raphael says and his eyes pierce at you. The bright green of his eyes almost blinds you. Is it normal for them to have such beautiful eyes, what the fuck?
“You’re awfully calm for someone walking into four monsters in their home.” He starts, and Mikey swats at him for calling them ‘monsters’.
You sigh as you look at him. “I admit, I was very surprised and a little scared. But April trusts you a lot. Besides, she’s been talking of ninja vigilantes all this time since I got here. She talks of all the good things you’ve done, all the lives you’ve saved.” You smile back as the brown-haired woman knocks on your shoulder.
“And I just can’t let someone bleed out when I know I can help. It just doesn’t sit right with me.” You look at the sitting turtle and he seems surprised you looked at him. He holds your stare. “I promise I’ll help when I can be of service.”
Michelangelo looks at you in awe. “That’s really cool of you, dudette.” He bounds to you and pats your shoulder. “That totally means we’re friends now!”
You ponder it over, and you think you like that. Friends . “I’d love to have more friends if you’d have me.”
“Yeah, for sure!” Donatello beams up.
“It’s getting late.” Leonardo finally speaks, and he slowly stands. You rush to give him the small paper bag that contains some medicine.
“Here. Drink one white tablet every 6 hours for pain, and the one yellow-and-red capsule two times a day after meals to fight off infection.” Your hands feel tingly when they touch his three-fingered one, but he accepts the small bag with a thankful smile that went straight to your fuzzy stomach.
Oh my GOD.
“Thank you. Truly.” He says, to you, and your voice almost squeaks.
“Y-yeah. This should last you for 5 days. If the painkillers don’t work or if you feel you need more, please contact April and she’ll tell me.”
He nods, and they get ready to leave. Leonardo straps on the katanas that were on the coffee table (they were really shiny and they seem well-loved) and has Raphael assisting him as they leave through the window. You decide you don’t comment on it, you’ll most likely see them go in and out of it in the future.
They wave bye to April and you before they jump out. Your heart immediately plummets to your stomach and you rush to the window, and you watch the four shadows that leaped beautifully in the air. You immediately worry over Leonardo and his wounds, but the two connected shadows seem to do less acrobatic jumps and stick to simply getting over roofs as quickly as possible.
They long have disappeared from the view but you’re stuck to the window, still looking and staring. April taps your backside and that gets you moving again, and you start cleaning the space.
As your body goes through the motion of cleaning up, your mind wonders and your heart is beating pretty wildly. The telltale sign of your stomach feeling so light and fuzzy has you alarmed and you are brought to a possible conclusion.
Tangina. You have a crush on a mutant ninja turtle.
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yarchurr · 3 years ago
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here is my official post announcing that i am a big fan of these scrimblos
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yarchurr · 3 years ago
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glamcrew au: employee profile - gregory
gregory astor, son of the multimillionaires jessie and lynette astor, asked his parents to buy the fazbear entertainment corporation. after the mysterious fire that broke out at the pizzaplex, he spearheaded the reconstruction and renewal of management of the mega location. (which he totally did not do just to see freddy again. nope, not at all.)
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yarchurr · 3 years ago
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sebastian, baby!
(go watch middleditch & schwartz on netflix for all the hijinks)
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