#yang heechan x y/n
enbyjjunie · 10 months
First Times are Hard
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content warning: talking about sex, and i think that's it really wc: 1,3k summary: heechan can't seem to get intimate with his girlfriend, so he asks his friends for advice.
Heechan couldn’t believe himself. He had somehow finally bagged the most gorgeous, funniest, sexiest woman and then he didn’t know what to do to get into anything steamy with her. He had tried, of course he had, but it always ended up either awkward or sweet and innocent or both and he didn’t know how much longer he could go on that way without losing his mind. His head hung low as he was sitting in the kitchen in DKB’s dorms, thinking about the night before, how his incredible girlfriend had taken the initiative and crawled into his lap and started making out with him, even taking his hands to put on her body the way she liked, and yet Heechan had frozen like always... He groaned to himself as the scene flashes before his eyes in great and embarrassing detail.
Heechan jumped when he felt a hand being placed on his shoulder, not expecting anyone to be in the common area. He looked up at the handsome face of Sungmin, who looked to have changed into his day clothes already. It was early, compared to how early they’d usually get their day going on a weekend. “Are you okay, Heechan hyung?” Sungmin asked in a comforting tone, “yeah, yeah I’m okay. Do we have something scheduled this early?” Heechan looked down at his watch to see that, no, he hadn’t had the time incorrect, and it was indeed 7 am. Sungmin shook his head and took his hand off Heechan’s shoulder to move around the kitchen, to find the things he needed for breakfast, Heechan assumed. “No, we don’t, I just had plans with a friend of mine to grab a coffee before our schedule.” He paused for a second then went back to roaming around, grabbing stuff from their cabinets. “Why were you looking like you were being psychologically tortured? I could hear your groans and mumbles down the hall.” Heechan became red at the thought of being so loud with his torment, but before he could reply, Changmin and Dongil came into the kitchen too, with Harry-June following close by. “As could I,” Dongil quipped, and Harry giggled at the input, adding to Heechan’s embarrassment, placing himself on top of one of the kitchen counters, watching the older members roam around for breakfast. Changmin sat down next to the man in question and leaned forward on the table to search his face, for what, Heechan didn’t know.
As if it was obvious, Changmin sighed and told him to ‘spill it!’ to which Heechan groaned and hid in his arms on the table. “His ears are turning red!” Changmin whispered to Dongil, most likely, and Heechan reached up to cup his ears, embarrassment flaming them up even more. He could hear muffled giggles around him, and he was about to turn around to swat at them like the annoying pests they were acting like, but Changmin had put a comforting hand on his back before he could, moving his palm over the expanse of his back and Heechan felt the blush ebb away. “C’mon, tell us what’s going on, Channie.” Heechan gulped, trying to force down the lump that was hanging out in his throat. He straightened his posture in the seat and fiddled with his fingers. “You guys remember that I have a girlfriend, right?” he croaked out, nervous to be starting this conversation. The others rolled their eyes behind his back and Dongil groaned; “it’s not like you’ve been talking about her every chance you get.” A smile fought its way onto Heechan’s face. He was proud to be together with someone so amazing and happily talked about her to his group members. The smile fell again when he continued telling what had been bothering him. “Well, you see... We haven’t- We haven’t really... done anything yet...” his words turned into mumbles as he struggled his way through saying the words. Changmin sat beside him, brows furrowed, failing to understand why that would leave Heechan to behave this way. “Lots of people wait a while before becoming intimate with each other in that way,” Dongil offered, “for some, it’s not ever a part of their relationship,” he continued, trying to comfort his friend. Heechan’s flush returned to his cheeks and he croaked out; “it’s not that.” He looked over at Sungmin, who gave him this look, as to say ‘spit it out!’
Heechan sighed and shook his arms and then hands, trying to shake his nerves out of his body, before sitting still again, feeling every single pair of eyes trained on him. “When we...” he quickly peeks up at Dongil, having his words in the back of his head, “when we get intimate, I don’t know why, but I freeze up! I lose all confidence and my hands get awkward and my head starts to spin.” Heechan almost ended up yelling out in frustration, but he caught himself and it came out as a frustrated groan. There was a long moment of silence before the four others who inhabited the kitchen burst out laughing. Harry and Sungmin had uncontrollable bellylaugh and Dongil tried to suppress an unstoppable giggle, it was only when Changmin had gotten a few laughs out and really looked at Heechan that he swatted at the others to get them to stop laughing. “Aish guys!” the oldest threw at them as if he didn’t laugh himself. The pout on Heechan’s face immediately pacified them all.
Dongil cleared his throat and came over to sit on the other side of the morning’s main character. “Is there something holding you back?” He asked the younger, voice softening to a gentle tone, bringing comfort to Heechan. With the pout remaining, Heechan looked down at the table, a little too embarrassed to look up at the people surrounding him, shrugging. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to have sex, pleasure his girlfriend, he only hesitated because he didn’t know how to do that, which, honestly speaking, stunted him like nothing else. “I guess I’m nervous.” It was meant as a statement, but came out more like a question, Heechan almost questioning if it was alright to feel that way. He didn’t notice, but a soft smile grew on the two elders’ faces. “I think you’re in the vast majority for feeling like that,” Dongil answered the implied question. Heechan looked to him, ready with a million more questions but asking the most prevalent first; “how did you... continue if you felt like that?” Dongil looked up for a second, recalling his first time, a crooked smile stretching across his face. “I guess I worked together with my partner, to figure out what went where and what felt good.” He looked back to Heechan, creating eye contact to make sure his point came across as well as it could; “nobody expects you to know everything before you’ve even tried, Heechan-ah. Things like these take practice and trust and communication. Talk with y/n about your concerns and let her guide you when you need it.” Heechan felt a hand being placed on his shoulder again from the other side. Looking over, he saw Changmin with an equal amount of softness and sincerity in his eyes. “And remember; the first time is always going to be a mess. Don't spend time making sure it goes perfectly, because it won’t, and that’s okay; normal even!” 
Heechan’s tensed body relaxed almost completely at the care shown to him by the leaders and his two friends and he brought his arms around both their backs and shoulders to pull them in for a hug, thanking them without words.
Behind them, Sungmin was having a great time watching Harry look out into nothing, looking like he was taking in everything that the oldest was saying, committing as much of it to memory as humanly possible.
note: thank you so much for requesting! sorry it took a while; i am unfortunately not the fastest when it comes to writing. please consider reblogging, as that is how tumblr runs, and it gets me to users who may not see my works in the tags! thank you!
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