#yandere yosano akiko
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animeyanderelover · 6 months ago
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Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, clinginess, delusional behavior, stalking, manipulation, violence, sadism, murder, f! reader
Tags: @shumidehiro @leveyani @izanami78
S/o is like Kocho Shinobu
Fukuzawa Yukichi
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⚪​An easygoing smile, a cheerful demeanor, a charming friendliness. Upon first glance you do not seem to fit in at all with the rest of the Detective Agency, all of them in their own rights a bunch of excentric people with unusual quirks and habits. It is this environment filled with people who aren't normal though that interferes with your abilities to successfully fool the members. Fukuzawa is only one of many who suspects you to hide something beneath that bright facade yet he has vouched for you, putting his trust in your abilities to protect Yokohama and its citizens. You spend a lot of time around the usually composed man, you adore teasing him and making fun of his inevitable stiffness and awkwardness as soon as you start teasing him, always causing his stoic walls to crumble as embarrassment paints his cheek a slight pink. He isn't the only one getting teased though, he often catches you doing the same with people like Atsushi as you always pick on him, your remarks almost sadistic which often leads Fukuzawa to interfere and reprimand you for your words, reminding you to be more mindful with the words you choose as you may hurt others feelings.
⚪​There is so much hatred underneath that smile and Fukuzawa knows that yet he finds himself unable to help you, a fact that bothers him deeply. You're unable to live a free life, your desire for revenge having stolen your wings to fly wherever your heart desires as you dedicate your energy into defeating whoever has taken away everything from you. He can't even remember how often the both of you have engaged into conflict over this deeply-rotted anger of yours, your sweet smile contradicting his oppressing seriousness. He doesn't wish for you to pump your body full of poison, doesn't wish for you to go down a path of hatred and anger that would lead you nowhere yet you dismiss his warnings and worries as your mind has already been made up. You're ruining yourself all in the name of vengeance and Fukuzawa is unable to let you go through with your plans. Tension rises as there is a sudden security you find yourself surrounded by, the walls slowly narrowing around you as you realise Fukuzawa's attempts to restrict you. A flicker of your frustration briefly flickers across your eyes as you visit him in his office. Now it seems the greater will is going to decide the winner.
Yosano Akiko
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🦋​Yosano and you make one terrific duo when you join as you have a lot in common. Your abilities having connections to butterflies as well as the shared sadism and the expertise in medicine. Both of you work very closely together most of the time yet there is an unspoken distance between the two of you, one that drives Yosano slowly crazy the further her feelings for you grow. She senses something simmering beneath your surface, a suffocating wrath that scares her slightly yet more than anything she wishes to understand you better. Her feelings for you are undeniable and you with your keen intellect have picked up on it by now yet never do you give her a comment about it, choosing to further torment her as if her feelings do not matter to you in the greater scheme of things. Time and time again she has found you all by yourself in your laboratory, surrounded by toxin that you painstakingly create and coat your katana with to later paralyse or even kill your enemies by scratching and stabbing them with the tip of your weapon. She's seen your speed and your agility yet she deeply worries about you, afraid that one day your hatred will lead you down the wrong path.
🦋​It is when she figures out that you have pumped your own body full of poison that Yosano finally breaks down, her heart breaking as she realises just how consumed you are with a hatred she still fails to understand. She begs you to stop with your madness, her heart throbbing painfully in her chest as you give her a carefree smile and wave her worries off, telling her that you'll be fine. You've been planning and scheming for years for your revenge and if worst comes to worst she can simply use her own abilities to heal you if something should happen to her. You couldn't have broken her more than with those words as she realises that all along you never cared for her as much as she cared for you, your desire for revenge always having taken priority as you worked with her so closely due to her own increased knowledge with the human body. What even is she to you? She's precious, Yosano is a good friend of yours. Words you mean truthfully yet the truth sometimes hurts more than a lie as Yosano realises that even if you consider the entire Agency as your family you only joined because you would get your best shot at getting revenge by working for them. Well, she won't let you.
Dazai Osamu
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🤎​Poisonous words laced in honey, an empty chest hidden behind a breathtaking smile and a bleeding heart rotting with hatred covered by a charming and cheerful facade. You are truly as graceful and beautiful as the abilities you possess yet Dazai is still aware of the venom that has filled your entire body. You are gorgeous yet deeply broken but hide your bruised heart behind a carefree and bright mask and the realisatio of how similar the two of you are almost makes Dazai want to laugh out loud. He shouldn't be as smitten with you as he is for he already knows that you can't fix him nor is he convinced that he could help you yet still he is unable to avert his eyes from you, feeling as if you have bewitched him already. Every smile you give him, every insincere compliment of yours and even the jabbing words you speak when you tease him only fill him more and more with an addicting sensation that threatens to overwhelm him. You know of his feelings for you yet you brush them off as they do not matter to you, you only silently watch as he willingly pumps himself fuller and fuller with the venom you provide him with, festering the obsession within him until there is no antidote that could cure him.
🤎​You are a minx. You are a witch. You have ruined him and only stood there silently whilst watching it all. And here he thought he was the secretive sadist between the two of you. Dazai is torn apart between elation and pitch black bitterness for what you have turned him into as he knows that your heart could never belong to him, dedicated to the dead for which you intent to sacrifice your own life for to achieve your revenge. Both of you are broken souls, neither one of you could ever be normal for the scars both of you received run far too deep. Yet there is something undeniably magnificent he finds in that. It's a fatal attraction, a lethal obsession he knows will only hurt him further yet with that pain always comes such a sweet sensation that only leaves him craving for more. An addiction wouldn't be appealing after all if it wouldn't be as beautiful as whatever it is the two of you have. Your presence is his poison and his medicine all in one, pain and sweetness blurring together until his heart threatens to burst as he greedily clings to every shred of your heart that you reveal to him. You complicate him and in return he will ruin you even more, drag you down with him until neither of you survive without the other.
Nakahara Chuuya
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🟠​In hindsight he should have headed Mori's warning when you were initially assigned to be his partner for an upcoming mission to take down a pesky organisation who had been mingling with the business of the Port Mafia. He should have followed Mori's words when the boss warned him to always remain careful around you for you were much more than you may look like upon first glance. Admittedly, there has always been something about you that has slightly unnerved Chuuya yet at the same time it also intrigued him, drew him closer. Your expertise in poison and pharmaceutics has proven to be terrifyingly effective to torture hostages for information and your use of poison in fights as well as your agility, speed and your own gift have been a great asset in this mission. You entrance him, lure him closer as if you were a spider in disguise of an innocent butterfly yet he doesn't realise that he is slowly getting pumped full of poison until he finds himself caught in your web. You take his breath away yet his heart is aching, aching for he knows that your heart is unobtainable to him. You're possessed by something else that he doesn't know of and Chuuya is desperate to find out what it is.
🟠​An entire building left in shambles, the bones in your leg shattered all whilst Chuuya is pinning you down, his body littered with scratches and wounds as he can feel the poison already numbing his body and dulling his senses yet it is the sheer amount of adrenaline and desperation still keeping him conscious. The fight that ensues after he finds out the truth shatters his confidence and reveals the ugly obsession you've been feeding him with. You only tagged along because you wanted to kill the boss of the organisation for it was him who took your family away from him and for the sake of revenge you have pumped your body full of literal poison, spent years of your life planning and scheming for this day. It is your resolve to give up your own life to take the person you hate most down with you but it is Chuuya's own obsession that stops you and the clash of different wills that leads to the fight between the two of you. For the first time he sees your true emotions swirling in your eyes as you glare at him despite the broken bones you received from him. Everything is over before it even began yet Chuuya chants over and over again that he will fix this somehow even as he loses consciousness.
Fyodor Dostoevsky
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🍎​Fyodor is the demon you intend to slay for it is him who remains responsible for the death of your loved ones. Years you dedicate tirelessly researching and even staining your own hands in blood yet all the lives you take seem insignicant in the face of your wrath as you destroy yourself and hunt down those who work for the devil. It is this sheer dedication that alarms Fyodor eventually of your presence as the news that someone seems to hunt after him and slay all his pawns stir a fascination within him even though he is already scheming how to kill you. You have captured his twisted interest as he himself decides to indulge you in your little hunt as he joins the game as both of you start wrestling to figure out who is the true hunter and who the true prey in this dangerous game between the two of you. The dedication you have shown over the years to kill him almost flutters him and as if to reward you he dedicates more of his own time into figuring you out and it is through gathering intel on you and observing you cautiously that he finds himself growing attracted. Both of you were given weak bodies yet both of you found ways around it to still take down those who stand in your way.
🍎​A little demon you are, daring to fill him with your poison as an obsession festers within his heart and you, witch that you are, hold the only cure. You are a sinner but you are a beautiful sinner, one that Fyodor intends to keep to himself. Your wings are stained in blood yet he intends to cleanse you of your sins until you are a beautiful, white butterlfy. His beautiful butterfly, forever encased within his own grasp without a way out. He will gladly face your burning wrath and step into the flames of your hatred for he desires his own revenge against you. Look at him, at the woeful state you have reduced him to and receive divine punishment from him. You have already stung him enough and now it is time for you to receive his own poison as well and suffer for the sins that you have committed. He truly sees the temptation of the devil within you as you are as gorgeous as you are deadly yet Fyodor sees himself as a man of faith who will not falter to the alluringly sweet addictions offered to him. Not now at least. Not until he has trapped you within his own web and pumped you full of his own venom. Do not fret for you will be a beautiful butterfly unable to flap its wings as soon as he is done with you.
Nikolai Gogol
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🕊️​There is a twisted sense of companionship once the two of you meet for the first time as the clown senses the brooding emotions bubbling beneath that cheerful surface, reminiscent of his own silly acts he likes to put on. You've been denied a normal life as your hatred was too strong for you to break free, there are chains holding you back as much as they are holding him back. My, emotions truly are nothing more than a meaning to deny the two of you to stretch your wings out and soar through the air. It is through this strange connection that the two of you manage to work together as Nikolai's ability is quite useful for you and your own gift entertains him enough to want to stick around. He cackles when he figures out that you have pumped yourself full of poison, have essentially made yourself into a biological weapon all to ensure to murder those who have taken your family away from you. How wonderful it is, having someone he can suffer with. Such desperation suits you. If only you'd be as dedicated to him as you are to the person you plan to murder. Your venom has already entered his system yet Nikolai remains unaware of it as of now though the twinges of jealousy are already there.
🕊️​The poison starts taking effect the moment he finds out that you have managed to kill the person you have been chasing for years, now alive and free from the chains of hatred that used to tie you down. Only then does he feel the slimy sensation of despair pumping through his blood vessels as he realises that you are a free butterfly whilst he is still the caged dove. He thought the two of you were feathers of the same wing, he thought you were supposed to stay chained down with him yet you dare to obtain your freedom whilst leaving him behind? How lonely, how infuriating it all is as he realises that you have chained him down even further whilst he hasn't done the same to you. Oh, how cruel you are. Enjoy your little freedom for as long as it lasts for now it is Nikolai craving to tie you down using the same methods that have already once kept you from living a normal life. He is going to track down the people you cherish, he is going to murder them in front of your eyes and he is going to shackle you in heavy chains once more that will forever connect the two of you. He is going to rip your mask off of your face and he is going to bask in that pure look of despair and hatred you will give him.
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sojuyae · 2 years ago
i need you to PLEASE expand more on the bsd zombie apocalypse au
more so if its yan 👀
bsd apocalypse au
bsd ada various / reader
notes: mild yandere themes, zombie apocalypse thingies, NOT PROOFREAD sad face and teary-eyed emoji
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-> your 'first' encounter with dazai is nothing short of terrible. your dull knife was pressed on his bandage-clad neck when he managed to sneak up on you. it's so easy to mistake dazai as a zombie when he looks so dead. dirty bandages adorning his arms and neck, dried blood sticking to his skin and clothes (not like you were better yourself) — had it not been the absence of rotting flesh and flesh (or the loud whine he had let out when your knife barely pressed on his throat,) you could've killed him.
the man took your hand in his with fervor, his eyes twinkling with cheer that does not suit a man like him. meeting him was terrifying enough, but him to ask you to join his group? utterly horrifying.
he didn't even give you a choice to decline.
if he had to be subjected in multiple earsplitting berations by a certain ideal donning co-detective for you to be accepted, there's no need for you to know. actually, he would let you know. he'd use it against you everytime you don't do something for him — you're complaining about having to go on a supply run in his stead because he's lazy? next thing you know he's letting out a scoff and telling you about the 'traumatic' scoldings of kunikida he had to endure just for you to be welcomed in the team.
-> dazai's words of 'persuasion' — if you could even call it that, rarely works. and you learned it the hard way. you watched timidly on the sidelines as dazai dismisses kunikida's reprimands and barrage of insults with a playful laugh, shrugging off any comments of how bringing any more people in the agency will only mean more mouth to feed and how 'kenji's appetite' is already worth 3 mouths.
despite kunikida's prior disapproval of you being an addition to the group, kunikida instantly — a little too instantly, warms up to you. in fact, when you were begrudgingly let into the team, he was the first to hand you a new and fresh set of clothing.
kunikida’s kindness and compassion warms your heart and it is often that you find yourself in his presence when something is troubling you. always able to lend his ear and provide some insight while he assigns the agenda.
kunikida proves himself as a reliable friend, so much so that you don’t know question how almost every supply run and night watch is spent alongside him.
-> if there was someone you were in favor of in the entirety of the agency aside from kunikida’s amazing diligence, you would’ve been sure yosano takes the crown.
she’s a formidable woman — always so quick to treat any wounded teammates. its almost a miracle how every single one that comes out of the infirmary looks better than ever, not a single sight of bandages and scars that would’ve littered their skin.
she is as quick to hound you in her empty infirmary whenever she manages to strike a deal with kunikida something about not being too ruthless when treating him? you don't know. she bemoans off your ears about how you’re always assigned to do some menial tasks with the others when you could be staying with her instead.
whenever you’re alone with her, you feel more of those large bear plushies you'd see displayed in malls more than anything — you're meant to stay still as she treats your lap as some kind of chair, your shoulder as a bed, and your stomach as some kind of pillow. her butterfly hairpin digging in your skin painfully while she rests her head on your shoulder.
-> when you met ranpo who was sat upon his desk, you thought he was very familiar — not because he was the self proclaimed greatest detective of all time that you kept hearing about before, but because you had a feud with him about this one last sweet remaining in of the aisle during the apocalypse. you won with a cheap trick that he surprisingly fell for; pointing at the air with a, 'look, there's more sweets!' and making a break for it.
by the looks of it, he didn't seem to forget about the incident, and it doesn't seem that he'll be forgiving you anytime soon too, with how sharp his glare is from across the room.
dealing with ranpo is tough. sending you in supply runs like the recent run wasn't just a day ago because he apparently ran out of sweets (then what are those in his desks????) always ordering you to bring him this and that as if he couldn't reach it with a stretch of an arm, even going as far as making you feed him because his hands were busy (they're literally just behind his head.) and skillfully ignoring the looks everyone in the agency gives him.
really, you should've let him have that sweet.
-> whenever you enter a room, your gaze automatically meets atsushi's. he would almost immediately stiffen under your stare and as if he was caught, would continue on his task without much of a word. the same routine would repeat over and over, you step inside a room, both of your eyes lock together, he resumes in what he's doing, looks back to see if you're staring, then he's back on wiping the same spot on window again and again.
your brain came up with the explanation that maybe, atsushi doesn't like your new addition to the agency, that he hates you. rations are limited and you're enough of a burden.
so when you're paired up with him to look for supplies (kunikida was bedridden, and you swear you can hear him weakly croaking about how dazai should go in your stead.) you're eager to prove to atsushi that you're not a burden, that you can help the agency.
it doesn't end well. if anything, you became only more of a burden — you didn't think that there would be a zombie creeping up from behind you. atsushi manages to stop it from going near you with his trusty ability, his claws ripping the undead to shreds; he didn't even stop until you forcibly pulled him from the mush of undead flesh.
an apology was ready on your tongue until he tackles you in a tight hug, his face buried on your neck, muttering words of how you're safe now; you would've been glad that your misunderstanding of him hating you is cleared up — you would've been glad. had it not been the claws that are still drawn and wrapped around your back, the mauled and unrecognizable zombie who's still spasming on the dirty floors, the smell of rotten flesh hanging in the air, and the violence he displayed in front of you.
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the-last-f2p · 1 year ago
can I request 68 and 69 with yosano
Yeah :D
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68: “maybe after this, you’ll go back to being my sweet and obedient darling” and 69: “you’re not you without me. we’re meant to be together for eternity”
Featuring: Akiko Yosano
TW: User does have a healing ability but it's like only able to heal scratches and breaks, double suicide mention, implied violence?, blades, more specifically scalpels.
Akiko Yosano does not take kindly to any type of bullshit when it comes to you. You're supposed to be cute and helpful Y/N not another nuisance like somebody who actually SHALL be mentioned:
Fucking Osamu Dazai!
You first "joined" the detective agency after the port mafia injured a cute little bystander who was very near to death, Yosano of course had to help the bystander who got just a little bit of head trauma so sadly doesn't remember this.
The bystander awoke in the A.D.A medbay a couple hours later where Yosano was sharpening her knifes. (Like a serial killer, cool!) Of course a little freaked out they kindly asked where the hell they were. after Yosano responded "A building", which was just so useful, introduced themselves as Y/N.
You two hit it off and after Yosano found out about their new bestie's healing ablity she suggested (read as forced) them to work in the Armed detective agency as an apprentice of sorts.
Healing minor injuries as most people didn't want Yosano to chop off all of their limbs to heal a broken arm. And at the end of the day you two would clean up, talk for a while and go around Yokohoma together 'til you decide to leave.
Now thinking of it you are REALLY nice. Kind, sweet, attractive? Very protectable. And you're hanging out with Dazai great..
Fast forward back to present day and boom here you are with Dazai all handsy and flirty with him since he's your best friend! Yosano remembers when she was your best friend.. Pranking Kunikida and laughing at his reaction! Yosano could've pranked him with you.. And Dazai asking you to double suici-OKAY YOUR GIRL AKIKO HAS HAD ENOUGH.
She storms off into the medbay while tugging you by the collar. She has fire in her eyes and an intense need for blood. More specifcly, the blood of Dazai.
"Yosano what're you doing..?" You ask edging nearer to Yosano in order to either get a closer look at the blade she's holding or take it off her completely.
"Nothing really. You're not you without me, we're meant to be together for eternity," Yosano lets out an unsettling laugh "Maybe after this you'll go back to being my sweet and obedient darling." Oh she's holding a scapel.. Freshly sharpened as well.
But remember what they say: It's always the first insicion that hurts the most. But so does the second. And the third. And the fiftieth but by that time you should've learnt your lesson!
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elvestoneanzelote1 · 1 year ago
Hello! I saw your Albedo/Zhongli reader on wattpad and honestly love it
I like to request Albedo/Zhongli reader doing a little experiment then accidently creating a random girl that end of becoming reader assistant. (I'm going to mix Sucrose, Hu Tao, and Stelle for this one) I like to imagine that the girl is very quiet and shy but secretly very mischievous to anyone and can be snarky if she want, but also more open, calm, and, puppy like toward reader. Since reader create her, she likely more clingy and protective toward reader plus there a chance she'll have a weird humor and obsession with random things. (Stelle trashcan behavior) I was thinking that, reader trying to hide how the girl got here by saying that she lost her memory and he find her unconscious so that she don't get weird stuff from Mori, but that up to you if you want to change it. Also, Chuuya probably jealous of her and maybe Dazai if he find out about her existence, Since she the assistant which mean She gonna work closely with reader himself.
Bonus,this isn't another request but a question. Will Albedo/Zhongli reader interact with other character such as Verlaine in your book?
𝙰:𝚗- 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝! 𝚂𝚘 𝚜𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙸 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍𝚗'𝚝 𝚍𝚘 𝚒𝚝 𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚕𝚎𝚝 𝚒𝚝 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚢... 𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝚍𝚊𝚢𝚜? ,𝚎𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢 𝚒𝚝!
𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝙸 𝚖 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚅𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚎... 𝙴𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚞𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢..
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First thing, You were just busy doing some experiments and more likely to indulge yourself from boredom.
Until you accidentally hit one of your potions in alarmed by someone knocking at your door.
"Who is it?" You asked while picking up the glass which contained the potion... But it eventually emptied into another glass potion mixing it.
"L/n-sensei, Boss has requested you to look through this report," said a familiar voice making you recognized who may it be.
Your eyes flickered on the potion the at the door.
'Nothing will happen if I go out a bit to check the reports I hope..' You thought to yourself and left.
As the bubbles filled up the glass tube making it crack in just some few minutes.
"Huh? What was that?"
"L/n-sensei?" Chuuya called out to you as you shook your head slightly and smile.
"It is nothing... Nakahara please continue"
"Well... As I was saying the-"
You heard another crack making you glance back at your door and then at Chuuya who was very much confused by your off-minded attention.
"Nakahara, will it be better if we skip the report for the next day?"
"Huh? But... The boss wanted to..." He paused as his eyes narrowed in doubt, 'was my Voice not clear? Or did I mispronounce some words I should have practiced 10 times more again' thought Chuuya while he gaze down at the floor with a frown.
"It is not about the reports or your words but... I still have some work left"
"...is it? Another research...? Perhaps I can help sensei?" Asked Chuuya curiously as you shook your head.
"Give the report after an hour or two" you said and went inside the office alarming Chuuya as he heard the lock.
'Sensei doesn't often lock his office doors... Is it really urgent Experiment...?'
"So... Your telling me you found her?" Asked Mori as you nod, as Su Hu (mixture of sucrose and hutao) peek a bit shyly.
"Oh... What's your name?" Asked Mori to Su Hu who looks to be around 20.
"Are you sure you just didn't scooped your girlfriend?" Asked Mori with a stiffened smile as you shook your head.
Su Hu blushed and pouted a bit when you denied it and tugged your coat.
"Master Y/n! Are we going to have another experimentation?"
"I took her under my... Wings she will be... My..."
"I'm his student and assistant!" Said Su Hu smiling a bit as she waved slightly to Elise who just huffed away making Su Hu confused.
"A student? Oh you finally have the will to take a student now?"
"Master Y/n! Can we go and find some trash? I mean... Who knows we may find something valuable"
"T-trash?" Mori said with a frown as you shook your head making Su Hu pout.
"We can go burry people"
"Really! Is it already Saturday!? I always wanted to do it!"
"Sat... Wait... How long has she been with you?" Asked Mori as you pointed him two fingers.
"Two days?"
"No, Two weeks"
"Wh-where does she stays?"
"With me"
"..." Mori stares at you then at Su Hu who dragged you away with her as she mentioned about different styles of burying people.
Mori side glance at Elise who too was frowning.
"Elise-chan pinch me, Am I dreaming?"
"No, Rintarou Al-niisan truly found someone..."
"Call Kouyou immediately why was I not inform about this?"
The guard nods hesitantly With Mori still trying to comprehend what just happened.
'Does that mean, Y/n-kun will solely focus on his assistant? And how does she get to live with him! She is a girl firstly!'
It was silent in the Meeting room with Chuuya looking back to Kouyou who had mouth agape.
"He barely invited me to his house for a tea break yet... he let a 20-year-old girl live with him? How did she se-i mean melt him for that?" Said Kouyou immediately correcting her words as Mori shrugged off with a serious face.
"The girl have been living with him for two weeks"
"T-two weeks?" Chuuya Half- Shouts as Kouyou shushed him.
"We can't let others know about it... Especially, Y/n I am shocked he... Was. Into younger girls.." Muttered Kouyou as Su Hu and you seem to have 6 years gap... This is normal as it is acceptable for males and females to have at least a 7-8 years gap and she is eligible... But it doesn't add up for them.
The chaos and drama occur when you start to tag her... Mode likely she clung to you almost every day, going to meetings as you didn't mind as she eventually became a good assistant for you.
The main problem was Akutagawa Ryounosuke who just glared at Su Hu who tried to tease him (you know Hutao and Xiao thing) but heck to say He was jealous as he respected you a lot (besides Dazai).
And the fact that even you are taken away by another person make him... Feel he is not good enough.
'Am I not... Strong or helpful for L/n-sensei?" Thought Ryounosuke to himself as he was annoyed By Su Hu's constant clinging to your side which he wished he could too.
Chuuya was the most annoyed in sort of way.
He won't admit but he is envious of Su Hu, as He assumes you won't take another student besides that Mackarel Dazai but now you kept one, and the fact she is just a replica of Dazai clinging onto you. The only difference was she was shy at first meeting people but when she thought it was fine she started to act exactly like Dazai.
'Does sensei... Missed Dazai... Or does he prefer people like them...' Thought Chuuya who constantly thinks you prefer the likes like Dazai.
Truth be told you made an error in your experiment and made Su Hu.
But since she is helpful and makes good tea you let her stay as you are curious about how a small mistake in an experiment creates a life.
Kouyou was unsure as she assumed that you and Su Hu were eventually a thing that she wouldn't admit but was slightly annoyed. I mean you are her partner in crime why didn't you tell her if you get a girlfriend and why... Her out of all people.
Kouyou finds Su Hu unbearable because of her reckless personality and her burying people and even gives Kouyou a coupon!
Su Hu assumes Kouyou to be older like hell! She is the same age as Y/n!.
She would rather prefer the coupon to be given to Mori.
Which indeed happened. Mori had a lot of 50% discount coffin offer by Su Hu.
It was annoying for him too. He even stopped Elise from attacking Su Hu because in his desire he really want to dismantle Su Hu.
Though he doesn't know why he felt that.
Just say Su Hu had a lot of enemies by just sticking with you but she doesn't mind as her sole purpose is you! Your her creator after all!
Things went worse when Dazai found out oh, boy he was so angry and jealous.
He loves you a lot but... Has he been replaced by a student who is... having amnesia and even living with you? And became an assistant on your work, he was so pissed!
He wouldn't think that way against a girl, a lady to be precise but... The fact you smile at her, cook for her or you eat her meal made by her and every day see each other at work and at home!
Yes he is a changed man but he wouldn't mind murdering another person.
Fact to say... The agency was worried about Dazai crying dramatically on the corner.
None could move him.
Until they too found it out by some of them seeing you at work with a girl or going to a cafe with a girl.
Oh, boy things are messy for y/n just because of his mistake of making Su Hu.
The Port Mafia are already on the process to find anything about Su Hu to kick her out of your life or perhaps they can just murder her but... If they did you won't forgive them.
Which is something which they restraint the self to do so.
A:n- that's all good day/night to all!
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Akiko Yosano (self-aware)
Self-Aware! Akiko Yosano x GN! Reader
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Warning: Yandere. OOC. Spoilers for Yosano's past. Mentions of been torn apart. Mentions of medicine. Mentions of war. Mentions of Kunikida been broken. Yosano is angry. Yosano really doesn't like you at first. But she became better. English is my second language.
Becoming self-aware
🩺 Akiko Yosano was a calm and intelligent woman. Yes, she can be sadistic, she knew that, but she was a good person.
🩺 When Yosano became self-aware, she was furious. Yosano didn't care that she couldn't remember her parents. She was furious, that she remembered something from her past.
🩺 She wasn't real?! If she wasn't real, why she remembered The Great War?! Why she remembered treating people during The Great War?! Was The Great War real?! Was her work alongside Mori real?
🩺 Why she was forced to treat solders when she was eleven?
🩺 Yosano stormed away from the office. Tanizaki siblings find her only on the next day. Yosano almost destroyed a warehouse where she met Atsushi for the first time.
🩺 Tanizaki siblings managed to bring Yosano back to the office.
🩺 And then she felt the entity's presence.
Yosano was ready to destroy the entity. She doesn't care, who it was. She felt that this thing is responsible for the current madness. 
For the last few days, all ADA members were staying in the office. The situation was so bizarre. They don't want to be left alone.
Yosano can't see her friends' conditions. 
Kunikida looked like a husk of his former self. Carefree Dazai looked dangerous. Atsushi looked lost. Fukuzawa-sensei tried to stay strong, but Yosano can see, that present seems almost broken.
The entity was the reason they were suffering. And the entity was a coward. It never showed itself. If Yosano met it, she would tear it apart.
And then time resets.
And Yosano was once again in the warehouse, where Dazai proclaim he wants to make Atsushi a part of ADA. Both Dazai and Atsushi looked peaceful.
When they start feeling your presence
🩺 Be grateful that Yosano can't reach you.
🩺 Because if she could, she would eliminate you.
🩺 Yosano was sure, that you are a demiurge. An evil human-child. Were their lives entertaining for you that you reset time?
🩺 At the day when Black Lizards attack ADA office, Yosano was ruthless. Thankfully, she didn't kill anyone. Then she heard a voice.
"Yes, Queen, slay! [||||||||||||] cool! And she [||||||||||] style!"
🩺 Yosano felt, like she was cuddling with a bunch of kittens who adored her. Was it entity's feelings? That pure? Yosano was confused. If the entity was evil, why its feelings were that genuine?
🩺 Everyone could see Yosano's anger. Some were silent. But two people weren't.
🩺 Atsushi was first, who talked to Yosano. He told her about the entity been kind and sympathetic towards him.
🩺 Then there was Dazai. He, once again, was carefree. Dazai assures Yosano, that she will see the truth. That there is some hope.
🩺 Then, few days after her talk with Atsushi and Dazai, she saw, that Kunikida, again, looked as strong as he was before.
🩺 Kunikida looked delightful. He told everyone about entity, thanking him for showing them an importance of making plans.
🩺 Yosano's anger lessen. Atsushi, Dazai and Kunikida looked normal, not brainwashed. Maybe, there is something more to that strange entity?
🩺 It was a day when she took Atsushi for a shopping trip. The day, when they met Kyoka.
"You want to know what death is? I'll tell you. Death is the loss of life. Despite everything doctors like me attempt... a patient's life can still fall through our fingers. You think death lies in the apex of science? Anyone with such little regard for life will die by my hand."
Yosano heard cheering.
"tell him" "you are right" "wish my dentist were more professional"
"Doctor Yosano, I think you are the good doctor. But, most importantly, you are a good person. ADA is so lucky to have you as their friend. And as their doctor."
Yosano feel, like someone touched her hair.
[In reality, you mindlessly pet manga's page with Yosano on it.]
🩺 The same day, Yosano's anger disappeared. Because of Ranpo.
"I finished the investigation. It seems, that our entity is a simple human. Like we are. They don't have ability. There are no abilities in their world. And they have no idea, that we can hear them."
🩺 Yosano couldn't be angry at you anymore. The whole situation wasn't your fault. Yosano wishes, she can say that she is sorry for hating you. Yosano thought that if you met face to face, she will take you for a shopping trip.
🩺 And then Mori Ougai and Yukichi Fukuzawa met. The union was formed. All of them were trying to find a way out of this world. Find a way to you.
🩺 Yosano and Mori had a heated argument. They wanted to decide, who will be your doctor. No one wanted to back off.
🩺 Ivan Goncharov was the one who ended the argument. He offered Fyodor Dostoevsky to become your surgeon. Yosano and Mori formed a truce and agreed to look after your health together.
And then, one day, the purple moon shined above Yokohama.
When you installed BSD Mayoi Inu Kaikitan
🩺 Yosano take her job as your doctor seriously. Even in game.
🩺 All Yosano's cards now can heal. Even if all their skills are set on dealing damage.
"Wow, I didn't know that Yosano skill can heal 50% of team HP! Did devs buff her card? Now Very Hard Event stage won't be a problem"
"Yosano from Empress card is gorgeous"
"I need more Power up materials. Time to raise up Infirmary level."
🩺 When BSD gang gain access to the rest of your phone, Yosano take it upon herself to remind you about your health.
🩺 Now your phone remind you to take a rest from computer, to take a nap, drink water, go for a walk.
🩺 And if you need to take medication, your phone (Yosano) will remind you about it.
🩺 If you buy something online, Yosano will "accompany" you.
🩺 Yosano can't wait for the day when you meet. She and others will protect you. Because, for them, you were Their Guiding Light.
You were sick. It was a simple cold, but still, you felt awful.
Two notifications pop up. One is the reminder to take your pills. Second is from BSD Maoi game. You got a present from Yosano. Third of your notes from characters.
"[Y/N], I hope you are doing well. Remember, you are a good person. Please, take care of yourself. Akiko Yosano"
There was a cute stamp with Yosano attached to the note.
Your smile was weak. But, as with Kunikida and Atsushi before, you select Yosano's card and pet Yosano's chibi sprite.
"Thanks for your concern, Yosano. And for the kind words."
You were too tired to notice that sprite's eyes became warmer.
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mercurialgrrrl · 2 years ago
u and x or y for yosano please ^^
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warnings: physical torture/abuse, sadism, possessive behavior, controlling behavior, manipulation, power imbalances.
yan alphabet prompt.
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Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Seeing as she’s a doctor, Yosano has intimate knowledge of how the body works and how your body works specifically. That makes any sort of punishment or method of control rather,,, interesting. I definitely think she will purposefully get you hurt and use her ability to punish you by repeatedly hurting you and healing you. Beyond her ability, I think she’d use the fact that she has this knowledge against you by making you fully aware of how she could damage your body in the most excruciating way. I can see her giving you a “lesson” on the anatomy of a human skeleton by snapping each of your bones in one limb before moving to heal it. Yosano is very scary and very sadistic.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
I can’t see Yosano as somebody who would worship another. She strikes me as a control freak, somebody who simply wants to posses another person like a cute pet. That’s what she sees you as, a cute pet she can discipline to her heart’s content. She would use her authority as a doctor to control you, maybe even by making you sick or hurt and not curing/healing you so that you can be dependent on her, thus vulnerable to her orders. It would also be incredibly easy to isolate you. Of course, Yosano has to avoid the watchful eye of Ranpo which isn’t easy to do at all. But she’ll surely find a way.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Yosano met you because you were one of her patients who happened to get tangled up in a case due to witnessing a crime. Through the time in her care, she had grown fond of you and even felt… hurt when she had to discharge you. Maybe she’d start telling you that she still needed to give you weekly check ups for the next few months “just in case” because you got sooo hurt that day. It takes awhile until she decides she just needs to have you. But not that long. Patience isn’t exactly Yosano’s virtue.
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aghost-writer · 2 months ago
Chapter 5
This is a Yandere Bungo Stray Dogs x Female Reader Fic!
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The cool evening breeze drifted through the streets of Yokohama, rustling the leaves of the trees that lined the quiet neighborhood. From his vantage point on a rooftop across the street, Chuuya Nakahara stood with his arms folded and his hat tilted low, his sharp blue eyes fixed on the window of the apartment above the bookstore. 
Inside, illuminated by the warm glow of her lamp, was the woman he had thought about every day since they were kids—Y/N.
She moved gracefully, her silhouette framed by the soft yellow light. Chuuya leaned slightly against the railing, his chest tightening as he watched her casually pull off her sweater, revealing the smooth lines of her arms and the delicate curve of her neck. She wasn’t doing anything out of the ordinary, just getting ready for bed, but to Chuuya, she looked radiant. She always had, even back when they were teenagers running through the streets as part of the Sheep.
How long had it been since those days? Years, certainly, though he could recall them as vividly as if they’d happened yesterday. The laughter, the late-night escapades, the way she teased him until his temper flared—only to soothe him with that disarming smile. She had been everything to him back then. She still was.
But life had pulled them apart. Chuuya clenched his gloved hands, his jaw tightening as the familiar ache in his chest deepened. He had left her behind all those years ago, walking away to join the Port Mafia. It had been the only way to ensure her safety. The Sheep was a sinking ship, fractured and doomed, and if she had stayed with him, she would’ve been caught in the crossfire of something far worse. Joining the Mafia had been his way of protecting her, even if it meant stepping into a life of darkness.
From that moment on, he had resolved to watch over her from a distance. He’d ensured she was safe, shadowing her movements whenever he could. When she had returned to Yokohama and reopened the old bookstore she’d always dreamed about, he’d been there, watching from afar, protecting her without her knowing. 
And yet, even with that distance, the longing never faded. 
Chuuya’s gaze softened as she picked up her pajamas and held them up to the light, deciding on whether they were suitable for the night. The simple act made him ache for a life that could never be. A life where he could be the one waiting for her inside that apartment, the one she turned to when she was tired or needed comfort. But that life was a fantasy, and Chuuya knew better than to indulge in fantasies. 
As she pulled on her pajamas, he turned his gaze slightly, giving her a modicum of privacy even though he couldn’t bring himself to leave entirely. He told himself it was for her safety. Yokohama wasn’t kind to those who lived quietly—danger lurked in the shadows, and he’d be damned if he let any harm come to her. But deep down, he knew it wasn’t just about protection. He missed her, and this was the only way he could feel close to her.
He sighed, running a gloved hand through his copper hair, pushing his hat back slightly as he leaned against the railing. Did she ever think about him? Did her chest ache the way his did when she sat alone in that apartment at night? Or had she moved on, the memories of their youth tucked away like an old photograph in a forgotten drawer?
Chuuya doubted it. Y/N had always been sentimental, always holding onto the things that mattered to her. But the thought that she might have let go of him—that she might not feel this same gnawing ache—was enough to twist the knife deeper.
He closed his eyes for a moment, letting the memories wash over him. Her laughter, the way she’d call his name, the warmth of her hand brushing against his when they walked side by side. He had traded all of that for the darkness of the Port Mafia, and no matter how many years passed, he couldn’t shake the feeling that he’d made the wrong choice. But it had been necessary. It was the only way to keep her safe, even if it meant breaking his own heart in the process.
When he opened his eyes again, she had turned off the lamp. The room was bathed in moonlight now, her figure outlined in silver as she climbed into bed. She looked peaceful, her hair fanned out across the pillow, her eyes fluttering shut. Chuuya lingered for a moment longer, letting himself imagine what it would feel like to hold her again, to press her close and tell her all the things he’d never been able to say. 
But the fantasy shattered as quickly as it formed. He couldn’t have that. He couldn’t have her. Not now, not ever. 
He took a step back, retreating further into the shadows of the rooftop. The cool night air bit at his skin, but he welcomed it. It was a reminder of the reality he lived in—a reality where she was better off without him. 
As he prepared to leave, his gaze drifted back to her window one last time. She had fallen asleep, her breathing slow and even. He watched her for a moment longer, committing the image to memory before turning on his heel and disappearing into the night.
Every step he took away from her felt heavier than the last, but he forced himself to keep walking. It was better this way. It had to be. 
Yet, as he disappeared into the darkness of Yokohama, one thought lingered in his mind, echoing louder than the sound of his own footsteps.
He missed her. He missed her more than words could ever express. And no matter how far he walked, no matter how many years passed, that ache would never go away. 
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The night was unbearably long. Y/N tossed and turned in her bed, her blankets tangling around her legs as she shifted from one position to another. The silence of her room, usually a comfort, seemed oppressive tonight, amplifying every creak of the floorboards and every sigh that escaped her lips. Her thoughts were an endless swirl, her mind racing as the faint moonlight filtering through the curtains did little to soothe her unrest. 
She couldn’t stop thinking about the ache in her chest, the hollow feeling that had taken root the moment Fyodor walked out the door days ago. She’d told herself she was used to his absences, that it was simply part of their life together. And yet, nights like this—when the loneliness pressed down on her like a heavy weight—made her question if she truly could handle it. 
Her hand brushed over the cool sheets beside her, the space where he should have been. She sighed, rolling onto her back and staring up at the ceiling. Her heart ached with longing, but it also simmered with frustration. She loved him, truly and deeply, but at times, his absence left her feeling untethered. What was the point of loving someone so much if they were never there when you needed them most?
By the time the first rays of dawn peeked through her curtains, Y/N was no closer to finding peace. Her eyes burned with exhaustion, her head heavy from the lack of sleep, and her body resisted the thought of moving. She groaned, burying her face into her pillow as the alarm on her bedside table chimed faintly, signaling the start of a new day. 
"I don't want to get up," she mumbled into the fabric, her voice muffled and filled with bitterness. For a brief moment, she entertained the thought of calling in sick, leaving the bookstore closed for the day, and staying curled up in bed until the world didn’t feel so overwhelming.
But she dismissed the thought almost immediately. The bookstore was her sanctuary, her safe haven. It was where she poured her energy and found solace when everything else felt like too much. She couldn’t just abandon it. Not for this.
Dragging herself out of bed, Y/N shuffled to the bathroom, her movements slow and reluctant. She caught her reflection in the mirror and winced. Dark circles shadowed her eyes, her hair was a mess, and her complexion looked dull and worn. “Lovely,” she muttered sarcastically, splashing cold water onto her face in an attempt to wake herself up.
As she went through the motions of getting ready, her thoughts drifted back to Fyodor. She couldn’t shake the nagging question that had been haunting her all night: Was this life what she truly wanted? She loved him with every fiber of her being, but there were moments—like this morning—when she wished things were different. Moments when she wished she wasn’t married, when she didn’t have to bear the weight of loneliness that came with loving someone like him.
But as soon as the thought crossed her mind, guilt followed close behind. She hated herself for even thinking it. She knew she couldn’t imagine a life without him, no matter how hard it was. She loved Fyodor, deeply and completely, and no amount of restless nights or difficult mornings could change that.
Still, as she pulled on her work attire and brushed her hair into a semblance of neatness, the weight of her emotions lingered, making every step feel heavier than the last. She glanced at the necklace that held her wedding ring, the small band glinting in the morning light. Her fingers brushed against it, a faint smile tugging at her lips despite her melancholy. "I’ll be fine," she whispered to herself. "I always am."
Grabbing her bag, she made her way downstairs to the bookstore, her feet dragging slightly as the exhaustion from her sleepless night caught up with her. The air was cool and crisp as she unlocked the front door, flipping the sign to “Open” with a practiced motion. The smell of books greeted her like an old friend, and for the first time that morning, she felt a small sense of comfort.
As she settled behind the counter, she tried to shake off the heaviness that clung to her. Customers would come soon, and she needed to be present for them. She was good at putting on a brave face, at masking her emotions and focusing on her work. But deep down, she knew the day would be long, and the loneliness would linger.
It was times like this that Y/N felt caught in the conflict between her love for Fyodor and the toll that their life together took on her. But even as she wished for a different kind of life, she knew one thing for certain: no matter how difficult it was, no matter how much it hurt sometimes, she wouldn’t trade her love for him for anything.
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The days began to blur into one another as the weeks crawled by. Without Fyodor, Y/N fell into a routine that was both comforting and stifling. Each morning, she woke up, prepared herself for another day at the bookstore, and threw herself into her work. The bookstore had always been her solace, a place where she could lose herself among the shelves of stories and the occasional lively chatter of customers. But lately, even that felt hollow.
Atsushi started visiting her more often. At first, he seemed hesitant, lingering near the entrance as if unsure whether he was welcome. But Y/N’s warm smile—no matter how forced it might have been—always drew him in. He was shy and polite, often helping her rearrange bookshelves or sweep the floor when the store was quiet. She could see the way he looked at her, as though he sought comfort in her presence, and she found herself appreciating his company more and more. 
Dazai, true to form, came like clockwork every week, his mischievous grin lighting up the shop as he perused the shelves for books about death or the meaning of life. His antics were as predictable as the sunrise, yet Y/N found them oddly endearing. She’d grown accustomed to his teasing remarks and the way he lingered at the counter, chatting with her about everything and nothing. It was as if he knew she needed the distraction, though he never said so outright.
And then there was Kunikida. Every Friday at 4 p.m. sharp, he walked through the door, punctual to a fault. He always came with a sense of purpose, often discussing cases with Dazai or quietly browsing the shelves. Though his demeanor was stern and no-nonsense, Y/N had grown fond of his reliability. He seemed to sense her growing exhaustion, occasionally bringing her tea or asking if she’d eaten. She always assured him she was fine, waving off his concerns with a smile.
But she wasn’t fine.  
As the month dragged on, Y/N’s appetite waned. She told herself it was just stress, that she wasn’t hungry, but the truth was, eating felt like too much effort. Meals became smaller, then nonexistent, replaced by sips of tea and the occasional bite of bread when her stomach twisted painfully. She ignored the growing weakness in her limbs, the way her vision sometimes blurred when she stood too quickly. She had more important things to worry about—her work, her customers, and the endless, gnawing ache of missing Fyodor.
One Friday afternoon, the bookstore was bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun, its warmth spilling through the windows and casting long shadows across the floor. Y/N was at the counter, organizing a stack of books, when the familiar chime of the doorbell announced Kunikida’s arrival. She looked up, her lips curling into a tired but genuine smile.
“Right on time,” she said, her voice light.
“Of course,” he replied, setting his bag down by the counter. “Anything interesting come in this week?”
She gestured toward a nearby shelf. “A few new arrivals. Feel free to take a look.”
As Kunikida browsed the shelves, Y/N leaned against the counter, her head feeling unusually heavy. She’d been feeling off all day—her arms and legs felt like lead, and a dull headache throbbed at her temples. She told herself it was just fatigue, that a good night’s sleep would fix everything.
Kunikida returned to the counter with a book in hand, his sharp eyes studying her closely. “You look pale,” he remarked, his tone laced with concern. “Have you been taking care of yourself?”
“I’m fine,” she said quickly, forcing a smile. “Just a little tired.”
He frowned, clearly unconvinced. “Tiredness doesn’t explain why you look like you’re about to keel over. When was the last time you ate?”
Y/N opened her mouth to respond, but the words caught in her throat. The room tilted slightly, and she reached out to steady herself against the counter. Kunikida’s voice sounded distant, like it was coming from the other end of a tunnel.
“Y/N?” His tone was sharp now, alarmed. “Are you—”
Her vision swam, the edges darkening as her knees buckled. The book she had been holding slipped from her fingers, thudding to the floor as she crumpled beside it. The last thing she heard before the world went completely dark was Kunikida shouting her name.  
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Y/N’s eyes fluttered open to an unfamiliar ceiling. The harsh white lights above her made her wince as her vision slowly adjusted. Her body felt heavy, her head pounded with a dull ache, and the faint antiseptic smell that permeated the room made her stomach churn. She blinked a few times, trying to make sense of her surroundings.
She was in a small infirmary, the sterile white walls bare except for a clock ticking softly on the far wall. The bed she was in was stiff and uncomfortable, a thin blanket draped over her. She shifted slightly, feeling the cool press of a pillow against her cheek. Her hand moved instinctively to her neck, finding her necklace—the one that held her wedding ring—still in place. A small relief.
She had passed out. That much was obvious. The last thing she remembered was standing behind the counter of her bookstore, Kunikida’s concerned voice filling the air before the world tilted and everything went black. Shame and frustration settled in her chest like a weight.
It had been barely 15 days since Fyodor left, and already, she was falling apart. She clenched her hands into fists, the sheets crumpling beneath her fingers. Maybe she wasn’t cut out for this marriage. The thought twisted in her heart, bringing a sharp sting of guilt. She loved Fyodor deeply, but she couldn’t deny how difficult it had been without him. The loneliness, the constant worry—it was all too much.
The sound of the door creaking open pulled her from her spiraling thoughts. She turned her head, expecting to see Kunikida or perhaps even Atsushi, but instead, a woman with striking features walked in. Her short black hair framed her face, and her piercing eyes immediately locked onto Y/N. She wore a white coat over a sleek black outfit, her demeanor confident and unflinching.
“You’re awake,” the woman said, her voice calm but firm. She closed the door behind her and approached the bed, carrying a clipboard. “How are you feeling?”
Y/N hesitated, her voice coming out weaker than she expected. “I… I’m okay, I think. Just a little dizzy.”
“That’s to be expected,” the woman replied, pulling up a chair to sit beside the bed. “You passed out from exhaustion and malnutrition. When you were brought in, you were dangerously dehydrated, and it was clear you hadn’t been eating properly. You’re lucky someone got you here when they did.”
Y/N’s cheeks burned with embarrassment. She avoided the woman’s gaze, staring down at the blanket instead. “I didn’t realize it had gotten that bad…”
The woman studied her for a moment before setting the clipboard aside. “I’m Dr. Yosano. And while I’m not one to lecture, you need to take better care of yourself. Skipping meals isn’t just irresponsible—it’s dangerous. Especially for someone in your position.”
Y/N frowned, confused. “My position?”
Yosano raised an eyebrow, leaning back in her chair. “Running a business, dealing with customers, managing daily stress—all of that takes a toll on your body. And from what I’ve heard, you’re doing it all alone right now.”
The words struck a nerve, and Y/N felt her throat tighten. She didn’t need a reminder of how alone she felt. She forced a small, shaky laugh. “I guess I just got too caught up in everything. It’s been… a lot lately.”
Yosano’s expression softened, just slightly. “That much is clear. But if you keep pushing yourself like this, it’s only a matter of time before your body gives out again. You don’t need to handle everything on your own. There’s no shame in asking for help.”
Y/N nodded, though she wasn’t sure she truly believed it. Asking for help had never come easily to her. She’d always prided herself on being independent, on handling her struggles quietly and without burdening others. But where had that gotten her? Lying in a hospital bed, barely able to keep herself upright.
Yosano stood, crossing her arms as she looked down at Y/N. “For now, you need to rest. And when you leave here, you’re going to eat a proper meal. That’s not a suggestion—it’s an order.”
Y/N managed a small smile, despite herself. “Yes, doctor.”
Satisfied, Yosano nodded. “Good. I’ll be back to check on you later. If you need anything, just press the call button.”
With that, she turned and left the room, the door clicking softly shut behind her. Y/N let out a long breath, sinking back against the pillows. The silence of the room pressed down on her, and her thoughts began to spiral once more.
She had always thought of herself as strong, capable of handling whatever life threw at her. But now, she felt fragile, like a glass teetering on the edge of a table, ready to shatter at the slightest push. And then there was the guilt—guilt for worrying Fyodor, even if he didn’t know what had happened; guilt for not taking care of herself; guilt for feeling like she was failing as a wife.
Her fingers brushed against the necklace around her neck, the cool metal of the ring grounding her. Fyodor’s absence was a constant ache, but she couldn’t blame him for leaving. His work was important, and she had always known it would take him away from her at times. She just hadn’t realized how much she’d struggle without him.
Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes, but she blinked them away, refusing to let them fall. She had made it through so much already. She could make it through this too. But as she lay there in the quiet infirmary, the weight of her loneliness felt heavier than ever.
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The door creaked open again, and this time, Y/N looked up to see Atsushi standing in the doorway, a tray in his hands. His usual bright smile was there, but an underlying nervousness didn’t escape her notice. His cheeks flushed as he caught her eye, and he awkwardly shuffled inside.
“I, uh, brought you some food,” Atsushi said, his voice tinged with uncertainty. He carefully placed the tray on the small table beside her bed. “I thought you might need it, especially after… everything. Dr. Yosano said you need to eat.”
Y/N’s stomach gave a small, almost imperceptible growl, reminding her just how empty she felt. Her hand instinctively moved to her stomach, and she smiled weakly at Atsushi. “Thank you. I’m not sure I deserve it after… well, everything.”
Atsushi waved his hand dismissively, his blush deepening. “Don’t say that! You need to eat to get better. And I—” He paused, clearing his throat, his gaze dropping to the tray for a moment before meeting her eyes again. “I insisted on bringing it to you. I wanted to take care of you. After everything… I just feel like I should do something.”
Y/N’s heart warmed at his earnestness. The gentle kindness in his voice and actions made her feel a little lighter. She could tell he was doing his best to make her feel better, and it made the tight knot in her chest loosen slightly.
“That’s very sweet of you, Atsushi,” she said softly, her smile growing a little more genuine. “But you don’t have to do this for me. You’ve done more than enough already.”
Atsushi shook his head adamantly, his messy hair falling into his eyes as he spoke quickly, almost too quickly. “I want to. I—I’ve been visiting you a lot, and I just want to make sure you’re okay. You’re important to me. And to everyone.”
His words caught her off guard, her smile faltering for just a second. He meant it. She could hear the sincerity in his voice. He really cared about her.
She found herself unable to respond at first, unsure of how to navigate this new dynamic between them. They were becoming closer, and while she appreciated his kindness, a part of her felt guilty. She wasn’t sure if it was fair to Atsushi—or even to herself—to lean so much on someone who wasn’t her husband.
Atsushi seemed to notice her hesitation and quickly added, “But, uh, I didn’t mean to make things awkward. I just… I just want to help. Please don’t feel bad.”
Y/N’s gaze softened. “It’s not awkward, Atsushi. I just… haven’t been in the best state lately.”
She gently reached for the tray, moving to sit up slightly, her body still heavy from weakness. Atsushi immediately stepped forward, as though ready to support her, but she motioned for him to stay back. “I’m okay. Really. Thank you.”
Atsushi nodded, though his blush hadn’t faded. He watched carefully as she picked up a spoon and tasted the soup he’d brought. It was simple but comforting, warm against the coldness she felt inside. Her stomach protested, but the warmth of the food soothed her, making her realize just how much she had been neglecting herself.
“You’re right,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. “I needed this.”
Atsushi’s smile brightened at the compliment, though his cheeks remained flushed. He fidgeted a bit, obviously trying to keep his composure. “I’m just glad it’s helping. I… I just want to make sure you get better.”
Y/N glanced at him, noticing how his gaze lingered on her, his concern evident. His deep care for her was impossible to ignore. It almost made her forget the heaviness of her own guilt for a moment.
Atsushi hesitated before adding, “I know things must be hard for you right now, especially with everything that’s happened. But… if you ever need anything, or just someone to talk to, I’m here.”
His words were soft, and they echoed in the quiet room as he stood there, watching her as if waiting for a reaction. Y/N couldn’t help but be moved by his sincerity, the care in his eyes. He wasn’t asking for anything in return—he just wanted her to be okay. That was all.
Her heart squeezed, and she took a slow, steady breath. “Thank you, Atsushi. You’ve already done so much for me.”
Atsushi’s eyes brightened, a little embarrassed but clearly happy. “It’s nothing, really! It’s just… I want to see you smile again. That’s all.”
Y/N looked at him, and for the first time in a long while, she felt a warmth spread through her—not from the soup in her hands but from the kindness radiating from the young man before her. She had missed feeling this way—cared for, thought about, seen.
She put down the spoon for a moment, meeting Atsushi’s eyes, her gaze softening as she said, “I appreciate you, Atsushi. More than you know.”
Atsushi blinked, clearly surprised by her words, but he quickly smiled, his face lighting up with happiness. “I—I’m glad I could help.”
Y/N took a moment to steady her breath, feeling a little more grounded in that moment. Atsushi’s kindness, his concern, were like a gentle balm to her weary heart. The void left by Fyodor’s absence didn’t feel as heavy in that moment.
“Maybe after I eat, we could talk?” Y/N asked quietly, hesitant but hopeful. “It’s been a while since I’ve had a real conversation with someone.”
Atsushi nodded immediately, his eyes bright with enthusiasm. “Of course! I’d love to. You don’t have to rush anything, though.”
Y/N smiled at him, grateful for his patience and warmth. She picked up her spoon again, the warmth of the food making her feel a little more like herself with each bite. Maybe, just maybe, things could get better from here.
The room fell into a comfortable silence, the only sounds being the soft clink of her spoon against the bowl and Atsushi’s gentle, relieved sigh.
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snailsgoingdowntown · 19 days ago
Yosano Akiko
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
✭- yandere/dark content
♡- fluff
♥︎- nsfw
❥- suggestive
♢- angst
✽- crack
Head Canons:
➵ Toxic Relationships HCs ✭♢
0 notes
suiana · 1 year ago
the way i look at you (various yandere! characters x gn! reader) (angstober day 10)
i see the way you smile at others, see the way your eyes crinkle at the corners every time you smile and laugh. it's precious. i wish time would just stop whenever you smile. because your smile and laugh should be preserved for eternity.
and your laugh- it's contagious. i find myself laughing along with you even when no one else is.
i relish in the knowledge that you openly love and adore me. i love it, love it more than anything. i love it when you call me yours. i love it when you get possessive over me, it makes me feel like you truly love me. with you, i feel at home.
i also notice how you hide your face in your hands when you're embarrassed. it's cute, really. when you get all red and flustered and try to hide it. i like being the one who gets to witness this side of you. not so much when others do though.
that's why I've taken it upon myself to get rid of those who've seen it.
they do not deserve to be alive after seeing something that's meant for me. no, not at all. so i drag them to our home and paint our walls red. it's a beautiful sight. that's why i show it to you. wouldn't you like it too?
but then i notice how you've changed. your behavior, your actions around me... they're no longer carefree and joyful. you're... scared?
i look into your eyes- they're shaking and fearful for their life. and it hurts me. am i scaring you? do my action terrify you?
i try to ignore it. try to push away the thought that you're no longer comfortable with me. but I can't stand the fact that you and i will no longer have the cute relationship that we used to have.
that's why I've decided to kill myself. I'm the source of your fear, no? so if I'm gone, you'll no longer be scared.
it's fine.
I'm fine, really.
as long as you're happy, that's all that matters.
i just don't want to see you cry or scream in fear whenever you look at me.
death is nothing when i am the source of your troubles.
so I'll go. I'll leave this earth if it'll make you happy.
i just hope that in the next lifetime that i see you. I'll notice how your eyes light up in happiness rather than in fear, just like how they once used to.
yosano akiko, ryunosuke akutagawa, yuuji itadori, noelle your faves
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bonne-chanson · 2 months ago
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✑ click here for my stormbringer x reader suite masterlist!
✎𓂃 𝒉𝒊 ! 𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒎𝒆 𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒕 ᝰ.ᐟ
i’m a 21-year old university student (they/she) trying to make their way through life at the moment! i love all things classical from music (forever a twosetter) to literature, birds of all kinds, and anime / manga (currently obsessed with bungo stray dogs and demon slayer, especially stormbringer)!
as music is primarily the focus of my life (and my major, hehe), i’ve recently come back to writing to give myself something else to look forward to. i figured i’d pick up the pen again after having spent an entire lifetime holding the violin. ♡ i’ve been on tumblr for a while as a lurker, but this is the first time i’m actually writing for my blog and interacting with people!
that being said, i’d love to try my hand at doing x-readers and connecting with more people, so here’s a list of fandoms and characters i’m currently open to and willing to write for / comfortable with as well as my boundaries and interaction rules!
✑ click here to view my latest work!
tags: ✎ sonnet sings (posts) ; ✐ sonnet answers (asks)
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✎ᝰ.ᐟ 𝒇𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒐𝒎𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔:
bungo stray dogs (masterlist, works in progress)
armed detective agency: dazai osamu, nakajima atsushi, kunikida doppo, yosano akiko, edogawa ranpo, fukuzawa yukichi, tanizaki jun’ichiro
port mafia: nakahara chuuya, akutagawa ryuunosuke, akutagawa gin, higuchi ichiyou, tachihara michizou, mori ougai, ozaki kouyou, sakunosuke oda / odasaku, arthur rimbaud
stormbringer: paul verlaine, adam frankenstein, piano man, lippmann, iceman, doc, albatross
decay of angels / rats in the house of the dead: fyodor dostoyevsky, nikolai gogol, bram stoker, sigma, ivan goncharov, oguri mushitarou
hunting dogs: fukuchi ouchi, suehiro tecchou, saigiku jouno
the guild: f. scott key fitzgerald, lucy m. montgomery, louisa may alcott, edgar allan poe (more soon…)
government: sakaguchi ango, ayatsuji yukito, tsujimura mizuki
others: shibusawa tatsuhiko, agatha christie
STRICTLY PLATONIC / FAMILIAL: izumi kyouka, miyazawa kenji, tanizaki naomi, kyuusaku yumeno, buichirou shirase, yuan, okura teruko
note: for those who aren’t that far into the anime / manga yet, as there is a lot of double-crossing in the series, i’ve placed the characters in one group each to make them easier to find! and yes, i also write for BEAST!
demon slayer (masterlist)
coming soon…!
note: i’m not too comfortable writing for demon slayer yet, but hopefully i’ll be able to update this list soon!
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✎ᝰ.ᐟ 𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔:
i can…
write for almost all genres! i’m open to doing things from tooth-rotting fluff to heavy angst, headcanons to one-shots and drabbles, or a good ol’ comfort fic!
also write for smut / yandere! 18+ requests are allowed, but i will have to emphasize that MINORS SHOULD NOT INTERACT. although i can’t completely control what you decide to click on, i would be more comfortable if those under 18 don’t interact with any of my adult / nsfw content.
do requests! i’m currently accepting requests so as long as they’re within what i’ve listed above and the boundaries you are currently reading.
write for all sorts of pairings for character x reader! feel free to specify and i’ll try my best to write them for you (as long as those specifications are within boundaries, of course).
(for bungo stray dogs) write for light novel characters! they will, however, most likely be tagged with spoilers for those who haven’t read them yet.
i will NOT…
write any 18+ / nsfw content for minors—that includes both writing for the characters below 18 and entertaining the nsfw requests of anyone who is also below 18. any work regarding characters who are below 18 is STRICTLY PLATONIC / FAMILIAL. i also refuse to age them up to write them for romantic / nsfw works.
write for rape / non-con, pedophilia, heavy abuse, incest, etc. dark themes in general / dark fics / interactions with blogs who have dark themes are okay with me and i do enjoy them every now and then as long as they remain fiction, DO NOT INVOLVE CHILDREN / MINORS and aren’t too extreme nor do they promote / romanticize any of those listed (and those that fall under those terms) in real life, but writing for those topics and the process of writing for them in general makes me uncomfortable, so i personally don’t write for things like that. also, absolutely NO proshipping (ESPECIALLY with things that involve children / minors) here!
tolerate the usage of AI for creative work, and that includes sampling any of my work for any AI outputs. please refrain from using my written works as references to train / feed AI!
accept requests if i do not feel comfortable writing them in general. if it feels too extreme for me, i won’t bother. sorry!
be able to guarantee that i can publish things on time. i am still a full-time student and have other responsibilities outside social media!
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✎ᝰ.ᐟ 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒓𝒖𝒍𝒆𝒔:
as usual, please be respectful! i generally don’t mind nsfw talk, but nothing directed at me or from ageless blogs / blogs run by those below 18.
DO NOT INTERACT if you are against the lgbtqia+ community / homophobic / transphobic, xenophobic, lolicon / shotacon, identify as a “MAP” (minor attracted person), ableist, sexist, proshipper, make jokes about rape, etc. this is a strict rule of mine as i do not want to make anyone uncomfortable on my blog and because you disgust me if you fall under any of those terms. you will not be tolerated and you will automatically be blocked. GO AWAY!
no personal venting / ranting, please. it is very likely that i do not know you personally, so please refrain from bombarding my inbox with personal issues!
no stealing, reposting, or copying any of my works! translations are allowed, but please ask first and credit me! i also have an ao3 account which i will link here soon.
IMPORTANT: if i’m doing something / have said something that makes anyone uncomfortable, PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO REACH OUT AND TELL ME! i’m still new to this whole tumblr thing so the last thing i want is to leave sour interactions with anyone here. ˊᴖˋ
now that all of that’s out of the way, thanks for scrolling this far! i hope to make friends with you guys and have some fun bringing back an old hobby of mine through my fandoms! feel free to fire away in my inbox! ♡
✎ . . . ᝰ.ᐟ
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animeyanderelover · 2 years ago
Request: Hello! I really liked your Happy Death Day posts and I've wanted more of them so I have two request with that concept. 1) Happy Death Day with dazai, ranpo, fyodor, atsushi, akutagawa, chuyaa (and if you have read the manga) teruko, saigiku, tetchou, sigma. if you haven't read the manga then you can write for the first 6 mentioned with gin, kenji, yosano, and kunikida instead.
I did Dazai and Chuuya already in another post with this concept so I took a few other characters you suggested in here to still give you 10 characters. Also, don’t worry, the fourth season has by now aired so everyone knows those characters now. Those are longer than my usual Happy Death Day Hc's which is because I watched the newest season whilst writing those Hc's and felt inspired.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive relationship, obsession, stalking, clinginess, paranoia, delusion, manipulation, violence, abduction, isolation, sadism, death, suicidal thoughts
Happy Death Day
Nakajima Atsushi
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🐅Messages that are left unread despite the hours just ticking by are the reason for Atsushi to dash to your place, sweaty hands holding the phone close to his chest as he can't help but glance at the screen every few seconds. You've never left him ignored like this for more than an hour, and that only if it's an emergency since you know how terribly anxious and paranoid your boyfriend is. When he stands in front of your apartment, his anxiety suddenly spikes and causes a sharp pain in his abdomen as he realizes something. The door is open. He drops his phone as his vision zooms in on the door left open, anything else blurring out as he hears his own ragged breath and his heartbeat threatening to break his rips from the intensity it starts to hit his chest. The door is nearly ripped out of it's hinges as Atsushi storms to your place, voice cracking and shaking as he shouts your name. When a rotten, metallic scent suddenly invades his nostrils, everything stops for a short moment, even his heart as only dread and horror seems to exist inside of him for a moment.
🐅The door to the kitchen is behind him and from the breeze caressing his back he knows that the door is wide open. The source of the scent is right behind him but Atsushi is paralyzed, can only stand there frozen as shudders and trembles run through his whole body. A part of him fears to see what's behind him, fears to face the ugly truth. Seconds feel like eternities as he just stands there, his chest tightening and stinging as Atsushi starts hyperventilate. Yet no matter how rapidly he suddenly gasps for air, he feels like he's suffocating as tears start dwelling up inside his eyes and soon after cascade down his cheeks. When he finally gains the last bit of desperate courage he can, he slowly turns around, even if his body is refusing out of sheer terror to see. The door is wide open and in the middle of the kitchen, surrounded from a puddle of blood, lies his darling, a knife still embedded in their stomach. This sight is the final stab for him. He goes down on his knees, stomach twisting and revolting as he gags everything up he's consumed today.
🐅After the painful process of gagging and choking on his own vomit, Atsushi lets out a scream, one more reminiscent of a wounded animal than an actual human. His chest hurts, his heart hurts, every breath hurts as the tremor worsens. Something inside of him erupts as his blood starts boiling, his vision darkening in front of his own eyes as something just takes over. Something that wants to hurt, to kill, to take revenge for destroying the only good thing in his life. Atsushi doesn't remember much after, he only recalls waking up from the weird state of not being here next to your corpse, the whole room and furniture in shambles. A fresh set of tears rolls out as he crawls closer to you, not caring how he stains his clothes and skin in your cold blood as he just puts his head against your chest and clings onto your dead body in utter distraught and helplessness like a newborn and cries and cries for hours on end. You can't leave him like this! He can't do this without you! Eventually one thought takes over his mind more than anything. He just wants to die now that you've left him.
🐅You all but leap out of your sheets when you're woken up by a painful kick in your side and a gruesome cry that blows away all of the sleepiness you might have left although you doubt it with the nightmare you just had. You turn shocked to the other side of the bed as you see Atsushi falling down from the bed, entangled in his sheet as he kicks and cries as if he's just seen something far more horrifying than you have in your dreams. He's completely out of it and disorientated, nails clawing into the blanket surrounding him and tearing it apart before it's suddenly removed from him and he feels something warm embracing him, a sweet voice calling out to him. He recognizes that voice, that scent from everywhere and feels his heart shattering once again as he starts crying and sobbing terrified, nearly crushes you in his arms and pressing you close to his own body as if you'll disappear if he lets even a bit loose. You sit with him in this position for hours on the cold ground until the first sunshine announces that morning has come.
🐅Atsushi isn't the same anymore on this day as he flinches at the slightest of sounds, barely manages to call the day off in the Agency and stays glued to your side at all times. He's constantly on the verge of another meltdown, enters a small frenzy every time you suggest for him to leave you alone for a moment or two as he all but grabs you harshly and pulls you back to his side, breath erratic. You only attempt once to ask him what in the world has him acting like a maniac but it only results in a mental breakdown. As the day continues though, you yourself start to think that you're slowly going insane as you note how everything that happens, you have already witnessed before. This can't be real is what you tell yourself but how many coincidences can there be? You don't tell Atsushi at all but start returning his clinginess as you grow terrified. You try to cling to the hope that this is all a mere big, scary coincidence yet you nearly jump out of your skin when you hear the bell ring and start to visibly shaken as you recall what happens if you open the door.
🐅As the ringing grows more persistent and even Atsushi notices that you're trembling an asks you horrified what's wrong, you can't hold it in anymore. You start crying as you tell him the dream you had. If you open the door, you'll be murdered. The ring of the doorbell has by now changed into someone hitting the door from outside and shouting if anyone is home. His whole body is trembling from rage. An animalistic look in his eyes as you notice how his body is partially beginning to transform as he all but growls at you to lock yourself up in your bedroom although you hear his voice cracking at the end. You do as he says and lock yourself up, cower on the ground as you cover your ears. You can't blend out the feral growls and screams, the crashing sounds and the one agonizing, short and shrill scream of someone that you feel in your bones before they're forever silenced. You just about manage to unlock the door with your shaking hands when Atsushi calls your name before the male crashes you into his arms. This time stained in the blood of another and not yours. But Atsushi doesn't care. He doesn't care one bit.
Akutagawa Ryunosuke
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⬛️Akutagawa goes through extreme denial when it comes to his darling as he despises them. He despises them for their weakness, for their silly antics and most of all for the emotions they stir up inside of him. Emotions that make his chest feel all fuzzy. Emotions that make him weak. Despite all of that, the man finds himself more than just once stalking you even if this is admittedly a bit more risky. He's not exactly unknown and would be in troubles if he were to run into one of the Agency members but ultimately Ryunosuke just doesn't care. He has no problem growing violent, even in the brightest daylight in the city. On this day it's not really different as you go on about your day and he trails behind you, always keeping a distance between you two just enough to not lose you from his sight. He's quite familiar with your daily life now, a result of his frequent stalking yet he'd rather not admit that out loud. He knows that you're on your way to the train station to catch the train that will drive you to your workplace. He won't follow you into the train.
⬛️He stays long enough and watches the train departing from the station before he silently leaves. A scowl edged onto his face as always as images of you flash before his eyes and no matter how much he tries to push you away, it just doesn't work. It annoys him so much. Until he suddenly hears the explosion, the shock wave causing him to stumble forward as the ground shakes. People start screaming and running, push past him to get away. Only he remains frozen in his place, an emotion that makes him feel like a small and weak child all over again engulfing him tightly, refusing to let go. The explosion came from the rail your train departed from. That realization strikes through his entire being and suddenly he's turning back and pushes everyone violently away who gets in his way. He inhales a lot of smoke as he races to the burning train he can clearly see as it exploded merely moments after departing. Rashomon is tearing the wagon open where you were sat and protects him from the flames burning inside as he starts searching for you, noticing with dread that all the passengers are already dead.
⬛️He knows that you're dead when he finds your burnt corpse as he realizes that you sat close to the bomb when it went off. It was an instant death for you. He's surprisingly silent at first, just staring down at your corpse before his eyes go to what's left from the bomb. He recalls that Mori mentioned something about a terrorist group using bombs. So you died because of the existence of some little group? That's when the rage suddenly errupts out of him as his ability goes crazy, trashes around and destroying everything and everyone in it's way. Your body remains unharmed though. He leaves before the police finds him, needs a lot of effort to tear his gaze away from you. There's an ache in his chest, not only from all the smoke he just breathed in. This is a pain that will probably never go away. He calls Higuchi as soon as he's out again, asking her with a voice shaking with wrath that he wants her to find out where the headquarter of the group is. He wants to give them a painful and cruel death and after he's slaughtered all of them, he just wants to be alone.
⬛️Akutagawa is probably already someone who doesn't have the healthiest sleep schedule. Upon waking up, he nearly activates Rashomon by pure accident as the lust for blood and death has him still in it's grasp. He's unnerved by the dream he just had when he realizes that he's in his room although he doesn't want to admit that to himself since it was just exactly that. A dream. Strangely enough he still feels the burning pain from all the smoke in his lungs alongside with the pulsing pain in his heart. Akutagawa does his best to brush it all off though. Everyone in the Port Mafia who meets him on that day kind of senses that he's in a bad mood though and for that avoids talking to him as good as possible. Something inside of him is highly squirmish and the unease only grows thicker when he hears and even witnesses things that he knows from his dream. He hates the way his heart jumps up and down in slight paranoia and fear for you as he starts doubting himself. It isn't until he overhears a few men talking about the terror group that his surface cracks.
⬛️They're scared out of their mind when he approaches them and demands them to tell him what they were just conversing about. One of them manages to stumble out that there are suspicions that they might attack today again and set a bomb off somewhere in the city. Akutagawa is calling Higuchi before he even realizes it himself, orders her and Black Lizard to find out if the rumors are true and he wants to be immediately informed if they find anything out. Higuchi is smart enough to hear that Akutagawa is not in the mood to hear any objections or questions so she just accepts his orders. Ryunosuke himself is hurrying over to you after he finished the call, something feels off about this whole day and time tells him that you're right about now heading to the train station. He rushes after you and does his best to not act out of place. You yourself seem a bit strange as he catches you looking around more than just once, steps slow and hesitant. This continues even shortly before you enter the wagon as he images for a moment that your hands are shaking. In that moment his phone starts to ring.
⬛️You can't get this dream out of your head as you stand in front of the train, anxious about the uncanny similarities between your dream and this day. You even contemplate whether or not you'll just skip work and tell your boss that you're sick. Just as you hesitantly step into the wagon, someone suddenly grabs you by your hand and yanks you back, causing the train to leave without you. You crush into someone's chest and are about to scream before the person suddenly starts dragging you away, the voice of a man hissing at you to run. You squirm around, cry out when his grip becomes bruising before an explosion shoots shock waves through the air and everyone around you breaks out in panic. You're suddenly silent, turn your head back and are able to catch a glance of the burning train that you were just about to enter. You almost died just now...just like in your dream. You're numb, allow yourself to be led away from the station by Akutagawa as you're in too much shock. It's only after you've somewhat recovered that you finally mutter out that you nearly died just like in your dream. Something that makes Akutagawa stop.
Edogawa Ranpo
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👓Yosano and him are currently on their way to a crime scene because obviously he, the greatest detective of all time, has to be there. What would the police do without him after all? He’s complaining to the female doctor a bit about the fact that just this morning he asked you for some special pastry that is currently sold in a few bakeries in Yokohama and you told him that you don’t have any time today. You’re currently working on an important project and on top of that the bakery which apparently sells the pastry he craves is too far away from your workplace. Ranpo really wanted those sweets, already whined about it to you and now he’s doing the same to Yosano. Luckily she deals patiently with his complains. The crime scene is unmistakable as Ranpo sees even from the distance the cars of the police, the barriers and all the ambulances. One of the police officers notices them and initially mistakes them for citizens, tells them that they can’t enter the zone. Something Ranpo laughs about as he proclaims to the young officer who he is and that everything will be solved now.
👓According to what the officer tells them, two groups of people just started shootings at each other, resulting in a lot of innocent citizens to be caught in the warfare. A few were killed, a lot more hurt. They seem suspicious as they don’t trust Ranpo, but he forgives them since he knows that it’s their first day. He invites them to watch him though so they remember him the next time. All he needs is to put on his glasses to instantly deduce that the culprits were two gangs, both fighting to raise up and he’s even able to find out their hideouts, leaving the officer flabbergasted. He’s belittling them for underestimating him until Minoura, a familiar face in the police , walks over. Ranpo is greeting him, advices him to work harder since he solved the case once again, yet stops when he notices the serious expression on the man’s face. He asks confused what’s with the grim face but his eyes widen when the older man suddenly asks him if the detective knows someone named (l/n) (y/n). Why does he ask this? Minoura gives him a look of pity and sympathy which has Ranpo’s heart dropping.
👓(l/n) (y/n) bled out due to a shot through the stomach minutes before Yosano and him arrived at the scene. Minoura asked him because your phone had a wallpaper of him and you. That’s all he’s able to take in before his surroundings seemingly vanish around him. You’re dead? He just talked to you a few hours ago. Why were you here? Your workplace is somewhere else. He doesn’t want to accept it but the fruitless rejection is shattered when he’s gently led to the ambulance and sees your corpse, the blood staining your clothes. Green eyes can’t tear themselves away from you as he feels paralyzed until his eyes wander to your belongings resting next to you and he lets out a strangled noise. The horrible truth dawns on him when he sees the bag containing the pastries he asked for this morning. You died because of his request and he didn’t even predict it. Something shatters in his heart and mind as he turns around and stumbles away, requests to be alone. He walks around aimlessly until the sun sets and he collapses and the tears finally start to fall. It’s his fault, isn’t it?
👓You’re not woken up by your horrendous nightmare, much to your own surprise, but by the ringing of your phone. It rings and rings without giving you a break and you’re slightly confused who would call you in the middle of the night. Imagine your shock when you see the name of your boyfriend on the display which finally leads you to press the green button and accept the call. He doesn’t say anything, instead you just hear troubled breathing from the other side of the line and ask instantly if everything’s alright with him. You think that you hear something akin to choking back a sob when Ranpo hears your voice but you aren’t sure. In the end you don’t find out the reason why he called you in the middle of the night as he reverts after a while back to his carefree behavior although you suspect that he also had a nightmare which is a bit strange. You two hang up after a while but you find yourself lying awake for the rest of the night thanks to your dream. It’s shortly before you leave for work that Ranpo calls you again, tells you with urgency unlikely for him to heed safely to work.
👓Even without using his Super Deduction the way the day shapes to be just screams suspicious. Accident after accident which he predicts without the use of his outstanding intelligence. Simply because he’s witnessed it all before and finds himself growing tense. If he can go with anything from the dream, you shouldn’t go to the bakery where the shooting happens if he just doesn’t ask you for the pastry so he didn’t do it this morning. He also warns the Agency about the upcoming conflict about to happen in the district. He’s serious as he’s confident that this dream was more than a dream. The police is informed and for a while he dares to think that everything might be alright. Until he receives a from you. You overheard from some of your colleagues today that there’s a bakery selling some special pastry and thought that he might be happy if you were to buy him some. He nearly drops his phone out of horror. No. Why are you still there? He’s panicking, tells you with a raised voice to leave from there. You’re confused with his unusual reaction until your eyes land on a group of people.
👓Silence on the line, then footsteps of you running and the sound of guns being fired are the last things Ranpo hears before the call is ended. On the way to the crime scene, he’s on edge, constantly urges Yosano to drive faster as the image of your dead body is summoned in his memories. Why were you still there? Is it just fate for you to die on this day? He’s jumping out of the car and runs straight to Minoura, whose talking with a newbie in the police. He asks straight away for you, heart unbeknownst to everyone else trembling with fear. The older officer’s face shows recognition when he hears your name but no sign of grief or pity as he points over to one of the ambulances and tells Ranpo that you’ve awaited him. Your arm was graced by a bullet, otherwise you were lucky. You’re taken by surprise when the first thing that Ranpo does is crashing into you as soon as he sees you, head pressed against your shoulder as he mutters that he’s sorry over and over again. You’ve rarely seen him so vulnerable. He doesn’t seem to want to stray from your side for the rest of the day at all.
Yosano Akiko
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🦋She’s heading down the rainy streets on that rainy evening, worried sick as she fails to yet call you again. Your voicemail has been the only thing that has been answering her calls for the last hour. An hour where you were supposed to reach the house yet you didn’t. You told her that you’d be a bit late because of the weather but this has been too long now to not alarm her. She knew she should have driven to your workplace to pick you up but you insisted on going alone since this weather isn’t ideal to drive in. As she heads down the roads, the wind occasionally blowing the cold rain in her face, she notices blue lights blinking in the close distance. The police. A keep out zone has been made and as she steps closer, she sees what has happened. A car has crashed into the sidewalk, it’s front is crashed. There’s something she notices with horror as she walks even closer. There’s blood staining the ground and the front of the car which leads her to the conclusion that a person must have been crushed in between the building and the car. This accident happened on the way you usually take to walk back home.
🦋A dreadful hunch fills her as she taps one of the officers on the shoulder and asks him what happened here. He luckily replies to her, tells her that due to the bad weather a car lost control and crashed into the sideway, hitting a civilian who wasn’t able to dodge in time. The driver was mildly hurt but still driven to the hospital. The other person on the other hand was pretty much crushed between the car and the now damaged building and was in need of immediate treatment due to their severe injuries. Her fingers clench tighter around her umbrella as she thanks the officer and starts walking with fast steps to the hospital. She is by now almost convinced that the person in the accident is you as everything adds up too perfectly. She’s seen the blood and can very well imagine that your injuries might be too fatal for you to push through. But her ability…her ability can save you. She starts running soon after, abandoning the umbrella as she prays that she makes it in time. She’s drenched in rain and disheveled when she arrives in the hospital and asks the people at the front where you are.
🦋When she tells them her relationship with you, they tell her that you were immediately delivered in a surgery room as your wounds required instant treatment. It’s probably still ongoing. She’s storming to the room, suppressing any tears all the time. She’s scared. When she arrives though, she sees that the doctor and a few of the assistants are standing outside, a solemn and grim look on their faces. As a doctor herself, she knows this look all too well. They tell her initially to leave when they see her until she asks what happened to you. The doctor tells her as carefully and gently as your wounds were too severe and you passed away whilst in surgery. She doesn’t want to believe it, pushes past all of them at first to get into the room. Despite being a doctor though, despite having been a medic during war, she is horrified when she sees your body. No heartbeat, no brain activity and the warmth that is fading away from your body as she holds your hand for the last time. She caries herself out with her head held high until she sits down in the hospital and starts crying as her grief takes over.
🦋Yosano awakes with the dawn of a new morning, sweating with the lingering feeling of terror still present in her chest as her eyes wander around and take in her surroundings. You’re already awake too and turn around with a concerned look as you ask her what’s wrong when you notice her condition. She’s panting, sweat glistening on her skin and her eyes stare at you in shock as if she doesn’t believe that you’re real for a few seconds. In the next moment she’s sitting up too and shuffles closer to you, grabbing your face and inspecting you as if looking for something. You give her half-concerned, half-flabbergasted look. Eventually the woman stops though, lets out a sigh and replies that it’s nothing besides a nightmare. You raise an eyebrow when you hear that but don’t dig deeper. The morning is at first quite normal as both of you take a shower since both of you are sweaty, dress up for work and enjoy your breakfast together. Both of you don’t want to worry the other with your nightmares, unaware that the other one dreamed exactly the same.
🦋It’s after all a nightmare and nothing more, right? Well, that turns out rather hard to believe as both of you head to your workplaces. Accidents, stories, the work you two have to do today, it all appears to be terrifyingly familiar. The entire day shapes up to be eerie thanks to all those “coincidences” and it puts you on edge and starts affecting Yosano even more. She’s not as oblivious and stubborn to ignore the red flags she notices throughout the day in the Agency. Images of your dead body, still lingering freshly in her mind, return and embed themselves inside her memory. She’s with her thoughts not as present as normally, as soon as no one wants something from her she spaces out. She checks the weather for this evening only to find no warning of a storm. But the storm took you by surprise too in her dream. When the end of your shift ticks closer, the sky darkens as thunder is heard throughout Yokohama and the clouds pour out everything they have to offer. That’s when she calls you and insists that she’ll pick you up. You tell her driving in this rain would be insane.
🦋Yosano in the end walks to your workplace as it’s about 20 minutes from your place with her umbrella and another one for you since you didn’t account for such heavy rain. The walk home is tense as something doesn’t feel right for both of you. She holds your hand tightly and you grab onto her with equal pressure as your stomach starts flipping with the nervous anxiety. A few minutes into your way home it happens. A loud squeal, followed by a signal-horn. Both of you see a car losing it’s track on the slippery street as it slithers into the sidewalk. You’re paralyzed in shock as memories flash through your mind and you recall the gruesome pain you felt when you were crushed. If it wouldn’t have been for Yosano who pushes you away so that both you tumble to the ground, it would have become yet again reality. You hit your head on the ground, start to feel slightly dizzy yet the shock keeps you conscious as you start hyperventilating a bit. Yosano inspects the bump on your head, feels relieved when she knows it’s nothing serious and afterwards just embraces you tightly.
Miyazawa Kenji
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🌱It’s shaping up to be just another peaceful day for Kenji although his darling is currently hanging out with their friend somewhere else. He kind of wanted to tag along but it was fairly easy for you to persuade him into letting you head out alone. So he’s ended up walking around the city with Atsushi and Kyouka, buying some random things on the way. Mainly lots of food since Kyouka is insatiable as often. Everything is fine. Then Kenji’s phone suddenly starts to ring and Atsushi has to help him to accept the call as technology and phones are still fairly new for the boy who spent over a decade of his life in the countryside. He’s happy though when he sees your name on the display. Only that it isn’t your voice on the phone. He recognizes the voice of your friend crying on the other line, trying to form a coherent sentence yet completely failing to do so. Now, Kenji is certainly a bit more clueless but he isn’t dumb either. Something happened with you, didn’t it? There’s some time he spends calming down your friend, staying true to his optimistic side and telling them that all will be fine.
🌱They finally manage to explain everything to him after pulling their shit together. You two were caught by some sort of gang on your way and got threatened to follow along. You defended yourself though, freed yourself and your friend and both of you ran afterwards. You got caught though and the last thing you managed to do is throw your phone your friend’s way, already unlocked and screamed at them to run and call your boyfriend. The last thing they witnessed was you clawing and fighting with everything you had. He’s heard of this vicious gang in the Agency before, he’s heard how they treat their victims. Before Kyouka and Atsushi can ask him what’s suddenly with the strained look on his face, Kenji is already gone, pushing through the crowd, the phone still pressed against his ear. Your location isn’t too far away, hopefully he’ll make it in time. The boy reaches the place soon without any backup, maybe that’s why a few of them approach him so carefree, laughing at him when he asks them about you and pointing to an empty building behind them.
🌱He charges straight through the door, leaving all the guys from the gang beaten. He finds you unconscious in one of the rooms, a gun against your head as the leader is shaking in fear since they’ve seen what Kenji has done. He shouts that he’ll shoot you if he gets any closer and Kenji stays still for a moment, lifts his hands and tells them that he won’t do anything if they let you go. For a brief second they seem to consider until the worst happens. You regain consciousness, notice Kenji and the gun against your head and panic. Everything is over in a few seconds. You start frantically moving and defending yourself, Kenji steps closer to stop you, the leader gets terrified. One accidental pull of the trigger and in the next moment you collapse on the ground. All they can do is stare at what they did in horror before they look at Kenji. He stares at you for a few seconds with dull eyes before those empty eyes turn to stare at them. When Atsushi and Kyouka find him, he’s hugging you tightly, bawling and crying. He’s stained with blood, a deformed blob of flesh and bones the only thing left.
🌱The first thing the day has prepared for you when you wake up is the feeling of nearly being crushed. Seriously, it feels like someone’s going to break your lungs and it’s only when you turn around that you notice that it’s your boyfriend. He’s clinging onto you, arms wrapped around your torso, forehead pressed against your back as you hear his uneven breathing and the whimpering, the tears staining the material of your shirt. He realizes that you’re awake when he senses your movement as you turn around, stumbles out something from not having intended to wake you up from your sleep as he starts wiping away his tears. You’re worried, question him if he’s had a nightmare which he confirms. You admit to him that you also had a nightmare but don’t want to talk about it which he accepts after some prodding where he realized that you were serious. You two just spend the night hugging each other and comforting each other and you manage to doze off again until you have to stay up and start your day. Kenji seems to have recovered his optimism though.
🌱What you notice is that he’s clingier though as he follows you around as you do your morning routine. He follows you into the kitchen, into the bedroom and even waits in front of the toilet for you. You can’t help but wonder if this is a result of the nightmare that he’s had which in return makes you wonder what exactly he dreamed of. So you decide to ask him whilst both of you are eating breakfast together. You notice from the corner of your eyes how he halts his movement, a distant look in his eyes before he shakes that expression off. There’s still a faint look of pain in his eyes when he is candid about what he dreamed, unable to lie to you. Deep down he just wants your reassurance that it was merely a dream after all too. Instead you look at him with a expression filled with horror as you drop your chopsticks. Initially he believes your reaction to be because of the brutality of his dream but his demeanor changes when you press out with a shaking voice that you’ve had the exact same dream as he did. Both of you just stare at each other, reflecting the horror of each other.
🌱Your friend is plainly confused when they see Kenji following you since this was planned as a day only between you two. You convince them that it’ll be fine though, hiding the gruesome truth behind why he came along. It was already a small challenge to get here in the first place. Kenji wanted you to not meet your friend at first. In the end he only allowed it under the condition that he’d accompany you. Honestly, that puts you at ease though because if this really is an omen, then at least you have Kenji and his ability to protect you. Then it happens. The gang really comes, surrounds you and tells you three to just follow along without causing a scene. Only that with Kenji in the scene things are vastly different than in your dream. All he gives them is his normal smile before all of them start flying as he beats them up. When he sees one particular person, one you recognize too, the look in his eyes changes. You stop him before he can do something though, hiss at him that your friend is still here. Don’t worry, dear s/o, from now on he’ll always be with you to protect you.
Akutagawa Gin
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⚫️Her darling has yet to find out about Gin's true identity since she never told them about her place in the Port Mafia. Yet the assassin can't bring herself to tell you about the crimes she already committed and her position in the Mafia. Everything is working so well for you two after all, you adore her and she loves you in her own slightly obsessed ways too. This is bound to fail, she can't keep this hidden from you her entire life yet she wishes that she could. Fate has different plans for you two though. It all boils down one day when you're out with her on a date and she gets flustered and shy with all the love you give her. There's someone following you two though, Gin has noticed since a while this guy that is tailing behind you two and it puts her on edge. She's in public right now, you're with her, if that person decides to attack then her whole cover will be blown. She tries to lose them, drags you suddenly somewhere through the crowd in hopes that she'll be able to shake them off without making you suspicious. She can deal with this but not as long as you're with her.
⚫️For a while everything appears to be fine as she can't see the person anymore when she turns around although she keeps her surroundings in check. Only when the sun sets and you two have settled down on a bench in a nearly empty park take things a drastic turn. Just as you two are about to depart they appear again and pull out a gun with shaking hands. You freeze in shock, Gin tenses up as the weapon is pointed right at her. They'll make her pay for what she did to their partner. That's when Gin realizes the situation. They know who she is and want to avenge someone she killed. You don't know what's going on, step slowly forward with raised hands and tell them to put away their gun since they got the wrong person. Gin flinches only slightly when she hears your words as shame and guilt washes over her. You don't know anything about her. They only hiss at you to stay away and that this woman there is an assassin of the Port Mafia who killed their spouse in cold blood. Gin slowly steps back, starts pulling out a knife from her handbag.
⚫️The setting sun shines on the metal though and in the next moment the person freaks out, screams at her to put the knife away. Fucking murderer, they will kill her and if it's the last thing they'll do! Multiple shots are fired all at once as fear and rage clouds their mind. All shots hit. Only that she isn't the one who got hit. You jumped in front of her and shielded her, unaware of her unnatural reflexes. Silence where only the ringing of the shots are heard as Gin perceives in slow motion how you fall with your face first to the ground, hears how they drop their gun in shock as they shot someone innocent. Then she lets out a short shriek of your name as she falls down next to you, begs you to stay conscious whilst she tries to stop the bleeding from the multiple wounds, staining her white dress and skin in your warm blood. It's for naught though and she can only look how the life fades away from you. They try to stammer out apologies as Gin clenches the knife in her hand but don't even get to finish their sentence as their throat is slit in the next moment.
⚫️The dream you have is anything but pleasant as it wakes you up in the earliest morning hours. You just lay in bed, panting and sweating as you try to relax again and ease your troubled breathing from the shock of dying in your dream. You find yourself, not really to your surprise, unable to fall asleep again and so you just decide to take a shower and prepare some things for your day. There's mild unease settling in when you notice the date of this day and remember that you have your date with Gin today. Normally that would fill you with excitement and giddiness but today you can't help but be a bit creeped out thanks to the unnerving dream you just had. Your phone starts ringing after a while which surprises you a bit. Who would call you at this hour? Strangely enough you're even more shocked when you see Gin's name on your display but accept her call immediately. Gin herself doesn't seem to know why she exactly called you, or rather doesn't want you to tell. She just wants to hear your voice, that's all. Very suspicious indeed.
⚫️You two still meet for your date although Gin certainly doesn't tell you about the weapons she's hidden in her dress and handbag when she sees you, eyes already trailing round to seek out that one person who killed you in her dream. Both of you act weird though. You notice here and there how she constantly glances behind her back and how her eyes constantly analyze the people around her whilst you space out and can't enjoy this all as much as you normally would. Gin notices your strange behavior just as much and is the first one to ask you about it. You give her a conflicted look as you don't want to concern her too much but find yourself unable to reject her worried eyes. You're frighteningly honest, too honest, to Gin as you admit everything to her. You want to tell her immediately after that she doesn't have to worry about that stupid dream, but stop when you notice that horrified and paranoid expression on her face. When you ask her what's wrong, she suddenly grabs you with unexpected strength and starts dialing a number in, asking to be picked up.
⚫️She doesn't tell you anything when you ask her, just insists for you to wait and trust her for just a bit longer. It all starts dawning on you when you see the car and the people inside of it. All of them have weapons and address her in a respectful tone as she tells them to take you away and protect you whilst she has some business to take care of. Your dream...no, it can't be. When you shout at her whilst pushed into the car if she really is an assassin in the Mafia, she stops for a short while and glances at you. A look that shatters you as your whole belief crashes down onto you. You're silently terrified the whole ride, when you're led into what you can only assume to be a hideout for the Mafia and when you're locked away in a room where you collapse on the ground and start silently hyperventilating as everything is too much for you in that moment. Gin returns after a while and all you do is glance shortly at her in her true attire before you look somewhere else. Gin doesn't know what she can say to you either right now. She just wanted you to be safe, that's all. Things probably won't go back to normal again.
Fyodor Dostoevsky
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🍎You're not even aware of this man yet but Fyodor already knows everything about you. His little, sweet sin. His crime that he has to punish for tempting him into committing. It's a delightful task for the man though as his very existence is what causes you loss after loss, agony after agony. It isn't going to be any different for you today as you drive to work after another night where you cried yourself to sleep. Unaware that this will be your last day where you have the luxury of a job. Unaware that this is your last day in life. Ironically even the man with connections everywhere doesn't know about the tragedy that happens whilst he decides to busy himself with other things. Fyodor is informed an hour later about the accident. A truck suddenly swayed on the road, causing a massive road accident. Your car crashed into another one and tipped over. Your injuries were too severe, you succumbed to your wounds before the ambulance arrived. Fyodor doesn't show a visible reaction but spends a few minutes just staring at the message and mulling the words over.
🍎He's able to gain access to the footage of that specific street and watches in silence the accident unfolding again in front of his eyes. In a cruel way it's fascinating. In one moment you're driving safe and sound to your workplace, in the next your car topples over on the road. All previous work he has done is dropped as he starts focusing on your case, finds out where your corpse is kept and enables himself to see you one last time. It's strange, this clenching emptiness in his chest when he sees your dead body for the first and last time. Your skin even colder than his when he caresses your face with tenderness unlikely for a demon like him. He leans down to press a kiss against your forehead, inspects your bruised face. You don't look like you found peace and salvation in your death. There are no tears that he sheds for his darling but he leaves the building with his eyes stuck to the ground, deep in thoughts as he becomes aware of that hollow feeling he has in his chest, a dull pain as soon as he thinks about his darling. Won't they leave him in peace even in death?
🍎The driver of the truck has to be punished. They've committed a crime and Fyodor wants to bring them the judgement they deserve. They stole something precious from him. His darling was his cherished angel. An angel stained with sins but an angel nevertheless. The poor person gets abducted within the same day, shaking and trembling as they have no idea what's going on. They beg Fyodor to let them go since they're innocent yet shut up when they notice the glimmer in Fyodor's eyes, reflecting hell's fire itself. He asks them if they know what terrible thing he did for Fyodor to even deem them as worthy to not just kill them off like that. They can probably already think what he means but insist that they didn't intend to cause such a major traffic accident and kill and hurt so many people. Those are empty words and apologies at best in Fyodor's ears. The dead can't return after all which is why their sin can never be forgiven. A single touch of his hands is all it takes to end their life immediately but Fyodor finds no salvation in their death.
🍎He's never been a great sleeper, especially since he has anemia and suffers from a weaker health. There's no tantrum he throws, there is no tears he sheds. What he does is checking on his darling after recalling all the events of this rather detailed dream. You're alive but that doesn't quench this strange feeling. His intellect makes him one of the most terrifying criminals for a reason and he doesn't just brush this dream off as merely this. It was too detailed even for someone like him and considering that awakes a fascination and curiosity inside of him. He starts waiting for events in the world to happen which he is already aware of and in the next few hours he arrives at a truly interesting conclusion. That this wasn't a dream. No, it's the truth of what will happen and what might have already happened before. He's not even doubting this as he's too confident in his own intelligence and skills for such a thing. The question right now would be if you now just as much as he does. You were the main character in this tragedy after all.
🍎You think that God just hates you at this point. Your whole life has been a catastrophe since the last few weeks and now you even dreamed about your own death. It truly can't be any worse than this anymore. That's what you think at least. On your way to the bakery to buy something to eat as your own fridge is nearly empty due to the low payment you've received those last few weeks, you are not aware of the man who strokes serenely behind you, eyes observing you. You look tired and stressed out, have lost a bit of weight thanks to everything he put you through. There's no one in the bakery when you enter at first but you don't really care. Only when the door opens again and announces another customer do you spare a short glance at the man who just entered. You ignore him even as he stands right next to you, looking over the pastries and bread in the counter. It isn't until he suddenly asks you the question how your night was that you turn around with a slightly bewildered look. That's none of his concern after all.
🍎He returns a calm smile, one that slightly unsettles you though. You turn your eyes to the cashier as you wonder if they could help ou only to find them suddenly leaving which confuses you even more. You don't look all too well. Life must have been hard on you, isn't he right? You get all defensive when he starts talking like that to you although feat also starts striking you more and more as the sinister glimmer in his eyes freaks you out. He's curious, how does one feel when dreaming about their own death? Your face falls, eyes widen and your breath hitches when this question leaves his lips. A telltale sign and you only notice that he was waiting for this when you see the previously calm and arrogant smile taking on a more sinister form. Poor thing, he'll save you from your death and this life. You want to run, you want to scream but before you can do anything, something sharp penetrates your skin. A small needle injects something into your veins. You notice with blurring vision the cashier and his voice promising you that he'll save you from your own life.
Jouno Saigiku
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♦️You've stopped believing in anyone since a long time ago. Your trust in the government of this country has been broken ever since they've started keeping you in a special building, all because Jouno asked them for a favor. Said favor being you. The Hunting Dog asked the government to essentially trap you for him and all they did was listen. You're not treated bad after all, Saigiku just loves you and doesn't want to endanger you, it's a small sacrifice for the safety of this country. That's all you've received from everyone in here as all of them don't value you more than one of the Hunting Dogs. Speaking of the man, he's currently out on a mission and you're alone as often. You don't have many visitors as nearly everyone is too afraid of Jouno since his somewhat possessive tendencies are known to everyone and as if lying would work on him. You're sitting on the edge of the bed, deep in thoughts until your food is delivered by someone you haven't seen so far. A new face. Not as if that would mean anything for you. You won't be allowed to see anyone besides Jouno.
♦️You dig in the food listlessly and start to chew, noting a slightly weird taste to it as well as the one who delivered the food to give you a conflicted look. You tilt your head curiously and they seemingly flinch at that gesture, chewing their bottom lip before turning around. Their head hangs low and just before they leave, you swear you hear them muttering an apology, that it's nothing personal and that they'll be soon gone too. What was that about? You're not particularly hungry and dislike the aftertaste of the meal so you leave it and just go back to your bed, grab a book that you recently got. After a while something weird happens though. A numbness spreading from your fingertips, your tongue and your lips to the rest of your body, accompanied by an ache in stomach and head. This doesn't feel normal so you run to the door, or at least attempt to do but you stagger as you find to your horror the numbness spreading fastly. You're barely able to knock on the door and cry out for help before you fall over, completely paralyzed and unable to breathe.
♦️Jouno returns a few hours later and the first thing he wants to do is checking on his little darling to see if they behaved well. Only that he's stopped by one of the guards working here who is terrified, heart beating fast and muscles tense and trembling who stumbles out that Jouno can't see you. The way Jouno smiles at him and tells him to explain what has happend during his absence probably makes them feel like they could wet themselves. When they tell the blind man finally that you were poisoned and suffocated alive due to a total body motor paralysis, all emotions leave his face. The guard isn't able to react in time when one of his hands wrap tightly around their throat and squeeze tightly as his fierce temper bursts out for a short while. It's only because Fukuchi and Teruko stop him that the guard is set free although Jouno tells him in an arctic tone to leave where he won't notice him. He sits the rest of the day in the room where you were confined silently. He took you because of his own possessive nature, sure. But he meant it when he said that he'd protect you.
♦️It's at first unusual, after thinking about it, not so unusual that Jouno suddenly wants to see you in the middle of the night. You just wish that it wouldn't be now, not after the horrific dream you just had where you suffocated whilst you were fully conscious due to some poison in your food. You're really losing your mind in here, aren't you? What surprises you is that there's no teasing, no greeting, no sadistic remark when he enters. In the dim light you notice his face, void of the normal nonchalant expression on his face spiking your anxiety. You did nothing wrong as far as you can remember, why is he looking at you like that?! The sudden increase in fear is noted by Saigiku who shots your worries down by telling you that he isn't here to hurt you or punish you. You only ease slightly though as you don't trust the male as far as you can throw him. Your eyes are glued to him as he sits down on the bed next to you. He's looking at you, you feel that even if you know that he's blind. You don't say anything and he doesn't either for a while.
♦️The motion of him suddenly petting your head in something you dare to name gentle affection startles you. He rarely is that gentle with you after all, you have every right to be disturbed and flabbergasted by this sudden affectionate gesture. You actually dare to ask him what's wrong but as most of the time, you don't receive an answer from him. Instead he replies to your question with his own question and asks you why your heartbeat and your breathing pattern was already so frantic before he even entered. You flinch but aren't exactly surprised to hear that. His heightened senses are a living hell since you can't keep anything a secret from him. You don't want to tell him about your nightmare, in the worst case he'll use it to torment you again and right now you wouldn't be able to handle that. When you feel his fingers running harsher through your scull though and asking you again the question, you realize that you don't have a choice. As always. You keep it vague though, only tell him that you had a rather disturbing nightmare. The reaction you receive is unexpected.
♦️It's all pressed out of you within minutes and all he has to do is basically retelling what he has dreamed about and the reaction of your heart and your body tells him everything he needs to know. He leaves as fast as he has come although you have by now realized that something is going on but are as always never informed. The only thing you witness later on that day, hours after Saigiku has gone on a mission, is a small commotion outside your door which quickly dies down though and leaves you wondering what has happened. When Jouno returns, whatever small tension he might have had throughout the day leaves when he's informed by a guard that they captured the intruder. They are terrified when Jouno enters the room they're kept in, already informed about the background and their motives. Revenge on him by poisoning his innocent lover? That's exactly why such vile people as them should just die. Why not have a taste of the food just so they know what you went through? He leaves you in the dark about the truth, just dotes on you slightly more in return.
Suehiro Tetchou
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🌸Recently there has been some tension in the city thanks to a rather heated conflict between the Port Mafia and a foreign gang who tries to interfere with their business and affairs, numerous fights have already been ended with the cost of the lives of citizens. It worries you but it makes your partner even more anxious. Tetchou is protective, very much so, and you know that already. You've promised him to inform him as soon as something happens. He hopes that it won't come this far yet hope is rarely something you should put your trust into as he receives one day a message from you. No context is given besides the name of a place but there is no need for any context as he can already think why you mailed him. He immediately tries to call you but you don't pick up which results in him suffering a short heart attack. There are no orders for him currently so he storms out to the location you sent him. Teruko and Jouno end up tagging along. Both of them are bored as it is and when they hear Tetchou's hasty explanation, they take the chance to catch some terrorists.
🌸They arrive just in time to see a car leaving the abandoned place and as soon as they see them, they start firing. What other confirmation do they need? Plum Blossoms in Snow is instantly used by Tetchou and that without any worries as Jouno confirms to him that his darling isn't inside the car. He grabs the first guy closest to him when he storms over to the now split car and asks them in a serious tone what happend with you. A frightened realization dawns on the face of the guy when they become suddenly aware that the insanely strong man in front of them is in fact your lover. Their lack of an answer does nothing to soothe Tetchou's worries though as his grip by now threatens to snap some bones. They let out a cry before they point to the river, stuttering out that you walked in onto them disposing of some bodies from the Port Mafia and had to be silenced too. The statement implies everything Tetchou needs to hear to feel his heart stopping for a moment in his chest. He steps back in shock before he storms to the shore of the river.
🌸True to what they told him, he sees a few dead bodies floating in the water as soon as he runs into the river although none of them interest him as he frantically searches for you. The final sight that truly breaks him in the end is when he finally finds you, the water around you stained in red. He's shaking, slightly hyperventilating when he pulls you out of the water and notices with horror that you were shot through your lungs yet are still clinging to life for some miracle. Your pulse is faint and is getting weaker and weaker though as you choke out blood. Your eyes flatter open weakly when you hear a familiar voice calling shakily for you. When he realizes that you're conscious, he promises you that he'll get you to a hospital immediately. All you can do is lift your hand weakly which he quickly grasps, give him a weak smile and whisper something that destroys his very core. "You came. I knew that you'd come." You die seconds later in his arms, taking half of his heart with you. He should have done more. Then you'd still be alive but instead he failed you.
��It's truly not a pretty way to wake up as you nearly tumble out of your bed out of shock when you wake up from one of the worst nightmares you had in years, maybe even the worst of all. You attempt to be rational though as you take deep breaths to calm your racing heart down. You've spend a lot of time investigating all the fights, have read reports of all the victims and how many of them died. It wouldn't be unlikely for all of that pressure and lingering terror in your heart to result in a dream like that. There's nothing for you to fear though. You work for the government, you often work together with the Hunting Dogs, your partner is one of them and you yourself aren't completely defenseless. You chant those few lines again and again in your head until you've regained your composure enough but then it's already too late to go back to sleep. Instead you just shower, dress up, eat, brush your teeth and go through a few files of the most recent attacks again. Your phone is on silent mode so all the messages and calls from Tetchou go unnoticed.
🌸Only when you drive to your workplace do you see him. He's standing right in front of the building and as soon as he sees you, he rushes to you. You're very confused to why he's here but can't ask him this question when he nearly crushes you in a tight embrace. He seems desperate judging from the way he squeezes you so you decide to return the hug for now. You stand there for a few minutes like this and slowly you start to feel embarrassed from the looks the people who pass by give you. You try to convince him to let go now which he eventually does, reluctantly. When you ask him what that was for, he replies that you didn't answer to his calls and messages. That's when you check your phone for messages and calls are quite stunned from the sheer amount he spammed you with. Has something happened? That question triggers something in him as you notice his whole body tensing up and a sorrowful look flashing inside his eyes. You assure him that you'll listen and as the honest soul he is with you, Tetchou tells you about the dream he had.
🌸Instead of comfort from you, you stumble back in horror after he's finished talking. You show him your back, start rambling to yourself that this can't be true, that this is some really twisted coincidence and nothing more. The fright and fear you radiate puts Tetchou at even more unease and he notices how you've started to shake when he rests both of his hands on your shoulder and questions you what's wrong all of a sudden. The look you give him when you turn around is pure paranoia as memories of your terrible death flash in front of your inner eye and you reply in a voice merely above a whisper that you've dreamed the exact same thing. The paranoia in your eyes appears in his eyes all at once as his grip around you tightens. Both of you aren't stupid. This can't be brushed off as a mere coincidence. You find yourself being dragged away by Tetchou despite your protests as he insists that this time he will protect you. Your personal freedom might be limited, you might lose your workplace but despite all of that he's convinced he's doing what's right. Can't you see that?!
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☁️Sigma isn't terrible. He's kind, he's caring, tends to your wishes and worries with the best of his abilities. Yet you're stuck in the Sky Casino most of your days in a special suite, cameras are nearly everywhere in your room and guards are constantly looking out for you. All because you're not just a lover for Sigma. You're his identity. You're his home, his family, you're the purpose he always wanted for life. Because of you he became someone and he is precisely because of that so terrified and paranoid to lose you and let you go. Your emotions about the man in question are conflicted as you don't hate him, you might even love him in a way yet you also can't forgive him from cutting you off from the world down there. You often lament silently about your situation and try to pinpoint how you feel about Sigma. That day isn't really any different as you walk around the hallways, for once not accompanied by guards which took a bit of begging Sigma for it. You bump on your stroll through the hallway into someone unknown though.
☁️ You notice how they carry a bag around with them, some of the content falling out of it which they frankly collect again. Aren't those coins used in his casino? They don't even notice you when you step carefully closer, not until they look up and you're standing nearly next to them. They're clearly startled, press the bag closer to them and shuffle away from you. That's when you realize what's going on. They're a customer who gambled too much and ended up in major debt and stole those coins to gamble more, where they got them from is above your knowledge though. You pity them a bit, decide to just leave them since they'll be caught anyways. They seem to just continue down the hall too. Only that in that exact moment Sigma and his men appear. The composed look on Sigma's face is replaced with fear when he sees you though, tells you to get quickly away from that person. Unfortunately it's already too late, your arm is suddenly twisted behind your back and a knife pressed against your throat as they start threatening to hurt you.
☁️They're desperate and so is Sigma right now which is why he tells his staff to not shoot. He steps hastily closer as he tries his very best to stay calm, promises his customer that he will forget all about their debt as long as they let you go. They stare at him for a nerve-wracking amount of time before they slowly let you go and Sigma quickly ushers you to come to him. That moment is short-lived though as from the other side another guard appears, gun pointed straight at the thief. Everything happens too fast for Sigma to control then. The customer turning around and attempting to grab you, Sigma hiding you behind his back, the new guard shooting the customer, them trying to stab Sigma and you shielding him which results in the knife being plunged right into your throat. You collapse straight into Sigma's arms, twitching and choking on your own blood whilst Sigma starts shouting for help, his composure shattering as he tries to stop the bleeding, starts crying and begging for you to stay with him. Your body soon goes limb in his arms though and all at once his sense of self is shattered. Without you he's a nobody.
☁️Sigma only exposes his more insecure and vulnerable side to you and rarely to anyone else yet even you're caught off guard when he slams the door to your room open and storms to your side. Before you can even begin to ask him what's wrong, he almost throws himself at you, arms wrapped tightly around you and face buried in your shoulder. You take notice of the way his whole body is trembling and the wetness staining your clothes from his tears. So you swallow all possible questions you could ask him down and just wrap your arms carefully around him too, returning his hug. Neither one of you says much for the next hour as he at one point just lays down in bed with you and stays with you, trying to gain some semblance of sanity again. Even when you attempt to ask him about what happened after he has seemingly calmed down a bit, although he's still cuddled right next to you, he refuses to speak of it. He avoids the topic at all costs and eventually you give it up. He stays until the morning with you before he leaves you, very much to his displeasure.
☁️Throughout the day he constantly checks on you though, tightens the security around your room and insists for you to stay today in your room. This goes very much against your wishes and annoys you as you don't understand why he's acting like this. You've seen his insecure and more irrational phases before but this is something even worse and the most annoying thing is that he doesn't want to worry you and for that doesn't tell you anything. It's so frustrating. To your luck the guards keeping watch in front of your room are almost friends to you by now so you manage to negotiate with them that they will let you out of your room but will accompany you. It isn't ideal but you take what you're offered. You need some short change just to fully get rid of that gruesome nightmare of yours. What you tried to forget though comes back to haunt you when you see the same person staying in front of you, shaking when they notice the two guards. The guards pull out their guns when they notice the bag filled with coins, tell you to go back to your room.
☁️When you storm back to your room, you see Sigma who also rushes towards you. He's already beginning to scold you with a mixture of mild anger and paranoia until he hears you. All you do is stutter out that you have to stay in your room, that the person with the stolen coins from your dream is there, that you don't want to die before you leave him standing there and slam the door behind you shut. You weren't specific but Sigma understood everything you just told him. In the next moment he's calling for more guards, tells them to arrest the customer but to not kill them. Not yet. Honestly, he could have let it slide if it would have only been a dream of his but you had the same dream, you were the one sacrificing yourself for him and dying. They took you away from him, murdered you. Now he can't ignore this anymore. If they're so desperate for the coins, he'll give it to them. Only that Sigma will show them the special function for those coins too. You never hear of that person again, notice though how Sigma grows far more overbearing than he used to be.
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invidiia · 1 year ago
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ "Happy Halloween!" 𖤐 bsd yanderes // reader
trick or treating with the yanderes of BSD! can be read as platonic or romantic.
[ a/n ; HII HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! i hope everyone's having a good day today! i'm going as reze for halloween, what about you guys? <3 separate posts for trick or treating prompt coming out later today! ]
[ warning ; yanderes lolsies, blood, mention of death/previous kidnapping ]
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— disagrees with the very idea of you going out to trick or treat! aren't you too old for that anyway? only gives in when you beg. it'd be nice to let you get out of the house a little anyway.
— keeps a hand on your shoulder while you trick or treat. they don't even want to do this, it's just to make you happy, and they're willing to go out if it'll stop you from complaining about your predicament. tries to steer clear of other people, they're still cautious. absolutely afraid that you're going to rat them out and leave them.
— makes you share your candy as payment for letting you go out. you don't mind though.
FYODOR DOSTOEVSKY, JOUNO SAIGIKU, chuuya nakahara, yukichi fukuzawa, doppo kunikida, michizo tachihara, VERLAINE, agatha christie, ango sakaguchi, edgar allan poe, akiko yosano, ryuunosuke akutagawa, sigma, hirotsu?
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— didn't plan to take you trick or treating, but wanted to. sure, they had an underlying fear you'd use that to run, but they knew they'd get you back anyway.
— goes with you to the door to ring the bell. (and depending on the character, might dress up with you, too!) keeps you close and doesn't let other people talk to you, other than kids that like your costume. you wouldn't tell a kid you were kidnapped, would you? probably not.
— goes through your bag of candy, probably pretending to find something they like, while they're making sure that there's nothing dangerous or something you snuck in. shares their candy with you, too!
osamu dazai, atsushi nakajima, sakunosuke oda, lucy maud montgomery, ichiyo higuchi, gin akutagawa, kyouka izumi (platonic), rimbaud, kouyo ozaki, tatsuhiko shibusawa
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— gladly takes you, since it was their idea. they wanted to trick or treat with you, for both the candy, and getting to see you dress up and get a bunch of treats.
— obviously keeps you close. they doubt you'd run, and if you did? well, they'd just catch you and bring you right back. why would you run and ruin this night anyway? it's no fun to miss out on halloween! don't you want candy?
— shares their candy, watches horror movies with you, even makes little treats with you, like taking dough and wrapping it around a hot dog to make a mummy!
RANPO EDOGAWA, kenji miyazawa (platonic), mori.., ichiyo higuchi, q (platonic), nikolai gogol?
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— forces you to go out with them, trick or treating or maybe just out cause it's halloween, nothing too social. probably kills someone for the blood to look real. "oh wow, that looks real!" "thanks, it is!"
i can't think of anyone who'd do this but nikolai idk
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— platonic bonus :: probably goes through your bag. checks your candy for blades, or anything dangerous. they can't have you hurt, can they?
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[ a/n ; "this isn't accurate!" suck my dick 😭 anyway uh if you see multiple on the same thingy, it's intentional, i probs couldnt pick just one. happy halloween !!! ]
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the-last-f2p · 2 years ago
For BSD prompt can I please have number 46 for Yosano Akiko and number 58 for Koyou Ozaki
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Featuring: Yosano Akiko and Koyou Ozaki 46: “why would i hurt you?” & 58:“care to remind me as to what happens when you disobey me?”
Note: I am sorry as I delted my og draft of this post and ur request so I'm just gonna at the orignal requester since it wasn't annon. Requester: @hedgehog666 Tw: Drugging , killing/murder , abuse, Koyou calls you a flower name.
Yosano Akiko:
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Yoasno was strangely... Gentle with you. You never really got hurt somehow so it was just because it didn't seem nessacry right? She was always nice with you. And you wanted to do something in return. It started simple getting her a snack from the vending machine when she had no money then hanging out in her office regurlarly and then hanging out with her outside of work until you two were not only the bestest of friends but practically attachted at each others hip. It was a normal day you had just came back from a mission with Kunikida and Kenji it was supposed to be just the usual go out and stop some shady buisness but the port mafia had to show up of course and shooting you. So there you sat in Yosano's office waiting to get hurt you've heard what she's done to the others so you're slighty very scared. "Yosano-san?" "Yes Y/N?" "Are you going to hurt me? "Why would I hurt you?" She didn't even let you get another sentace in as she carried on "In all honesty I really like you. Your hair , face, personality you're always so amazing I love that. But you know what I don't like? You talking to Kunikida. But I don't need to worry bout that anymore it's just so sad that I wasn't there to save him from his wounds and died before I could save him right?" No one mentioned that to you... "Are you lying-" "No. I'm just telling you what's going to happen" She smiled sadistically you guess what everyone told you about was true Yosano is scary and sadistic "now how about you sleep while I deal with that pest to our new realtionship my dear lover?" You didn't have time to awnser as Yosano came up to you with a needle and inserted into your skin. You immediatly blacked out. Yosano was excited she hoped you were excited as well! I mean you are going to be living with your best friend and girlfriend now who wouldn't be excited? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Koyou Ozaki :
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Do not try and leave the port mafia. It's an unspoken rule at this point very few people who have even tried live to tell the tale with the exception of Koyou and Dazai of course. You though were dumb enough to think that you were witty enough to run away from everything. From the port mafia , from the killing , mental tortue and most importantly Koyou. You hated Koyou. Maybe it was because she insisted that whenever she slapped , kicked or worst case scenario totortued you was a form of 'training'. You work for her remember? If she told you to jump of a roof you better do it or else she'll just push you. Despite her delicate look Koyou is a harsh woman. She wouldn't hesitate to hurt you. So when she found out about this... Incident shall we say? She was ready to punish you. But all in the name of making you behave I mean you're kind of an idiot if you thought you could escape the darkness so it's well deserved. So that's why you're here staring at Koyou paitently waiting for her to say something. And say something she did. "You really thought you could just leave?" She looked at you half disgusted half amused she's difficult to read not as difficult as say Mori or Dazai but still. "I-" You started to speak before.. "Do not speak unless I tell you to." She interupted you "Now I don't know if you have no common sense or something but what you did was down right stupid. Don't you agree?" You nod "Great to see we're on the same page.Now care to remind me as to what happens when you disobey the mafia and by extension me?" Koyou was hard to read but now you could see that she there was some sadistic glee present on her face you knew what you had to awnser. "I get punished." You hoped you actually had to awnser that question. "Right , now my pointsettia are you ready to face the consequences of your actions?" She smiles "And don't awnser that I don't care either way." Her smile turned into a sadistic one as she started walking towards you. You didn't know what was going to happen to you percisely but one thing you knew was that it wasn't going to be good for you.
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tabathastan · 6 months ago
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Dating Yosano Akiko would include
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She loves treating your wounds, but when its not serious she doesn’t use her ability.
She not a yandere, but…. she will kill someone for you if they are messing with you the wrong way or if they are trying to hurt you.
She doesn’t play when it comes to you.
You and Ranpo are close friends now and he helps you plan dates and etc for her.
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elvestoneanzelote1 · 1 year ago
A:n- this is from a book which I wrote.
Butterfly Magix yandere Mashle magic and muscles x fem reader
I hope you like it.
Y/n is inspired as Yosano Akiko from BSD in the book. And is apart of Alder house.
You can read it on wattpad or quotev too!
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The place was quiet as you and Mash stood while the headmaster sat above the stairs.
You couldn't help but wonder how he often goes up there just to sit there.
Perhaps, to show superiority? Well, he doesn't seem like that...
To make people shiver in fear? Perhaps.
Mash share half of the cream puff with you which you refuse to eat... He seems to enjoy cream puff more.
Yet... he seems persistent.
"I don't... Really... like Vanilla... Cream puffs" you said as he flinched in shock as he retreated the half cream puff with a dull aura which... You eventually felt guilty.
"But... We can bake more chocolate cream puffs and Vanilla ones!" You reassure as his gaze meets yours again and nods happily.
The headmaster awkwardly coughs as he doesn't want to disturb both of your conversations.
It was adorable
"I assume... both of you know why you both were called"
"Finally getting expelled?" You asked as the principal coughed and explained what you both had done.
"I knew I should have done my way..." You mutter as Mash shook his head.
"It will be too easy..."
"Hmmm," you were more in thought as The headmaster laughed out while burning the paper script.
"What is even more unforgivable is a world where caring is at a Disadvantage"
You listen to him intently as you can see... He knows Mash can bring a change in the mindset of the society in one way... Perhaps... So...
"I sincerely... hope that someone like you both becomes a divine visionary"
"Lucky for you... I plan on that," said Mash as he side glanced at you as the Headmaster's eyes focused on you who smiled a bit and shook your head.
"I don't plan to be one... But... When Mash becomes a Dinvine Visionary I will be one of the people who believe he will bring change"
Mash's eyes widen a bit yet he firmly nods while the headmaster smiles at the scene.
"Well... for that to happen let me explain how you can become a Divine Visionary, Mash"
As Mash quickly nods to listen.
Your mind wanders back to the letter you sent to your grandparents... Perhaps this weekend you will visit them... And even buying a broom will Lemon join? You thought to yourself self-doubtful.
"Mash? Mash?"
As your attention snapped back to Mash who seemed to be so lost now you shook his shoulder.
"H-huh?" He finally snapped out of his daze formed as the headmaster sighed in relief.
"As... I was saying... Earn high marks in your school activities and acquire as many coins as possible I will handle the vice principal and Bureau of Magic, Do you understand Mash? I'm counting on you"
"...also Y/n" called out the headmaster as you looked up confused.
"I have heard... about what and how from your grandparents"
You internally flinch as you nervously smile a bit.
"Your magic as Healing has not been seen by any mage the Bureau of Magic would like to meet you tomorrow"
"...to-tomorrow? It is the weekend... I mean..." You paused yourself from arguing as the Headmaster brushed his beard for a moment in thought and nodded.
"I will discuss it and change the meeting"
"Thank you, sir,"
"Both of you can leave now"
You and Mash bowed a bit and took leave while you were signing in relief.
'There will be problems you will face... Mash... But I believe in you that you will be able to overcome it...' His hand took out the letter as he sighed.
'Someone must have told the Bureau of Magic about her healing abilities which we saw... But... How far can her healing go... And what is her limit...' Thought the headmaster smiling at the two new transfer students being unique and perhaps that's the reason why...
"I did not understand how..." Said Mash as you sighed.
"You need to be top... Tier in studies"
"Practicals... Too"
"Or... maybe you can steal someone's Coins"
"Stealing... is bad y/n"
"... But seeing your condition it is the best option for you"
Mash frowns a bit yet you pat his shoulder.
"I was just kidding... I'm sure you will find a way to earn those coins"
"Will you help me to gain it?"
"Hmm, that depends" you replied as he frowned a bit.
About to take your leave Mash holds the hem of your cloak.
"Will you stay... For a bit more?"
"Umm... Sure?" You replied as you swore you saw the flowery aura behind yet quickly dismissed it.
Mash doesn't speak much so you take it upon yourself to talk to him and ask a question which he replies most of.
He was enjoying talking to you... As he found out about your grandma's love for rabbits... And how you often have to carry one thing of those merchandise for her shake.
"What type of animal do you like?" Asked Mash as you thought for a moment.
"It doesn't matter much... But I will say... Cats"
You nod as he thought for a moment.
"Don't... they scratch your hands?"
"Some do"
Mash shook his head and then glanced at you.
"If... you don't mind me asking but... Do you like butterflies?"
"Well, you could say... Is it because of the hairpin?" You asked as he shook his head.
"Then from where did you assume...?"
"I would say it... Resemble you"
"Butterflies cannot see their wings but in our eyes they are beautiful... Y/n, thank you for being here with me... Sorry for being a burden and even bringing you here in Academy because I lost my way" said Mash apologising with sincerity.
You shook your head and pat his head which made his eyes widen slightly and gazed up to yours.
"What's gone is gone... I would say I don't regret being here, Mash"
Mash awkwardly hugs you which alarmed you yet you awkwardly oat his back while hugging back.
Both of you were not used to hugging or hugging a friend but... For some reason, Mash felt that the warmness he felt when he hugged you was something he will treasure in his memory and he hopes he can hug you again... Soon in a way.
But little... do both of you realize in the hallways apart in the corner a certain tall man stare at the scene as his lips tremble while having a deep frown present on their lips.
Yet he sighed in... Regret that they could have approached you much earlier.
Well, you do realize who was stalking you today... It was the blue-haired guy which you could see.
'Is it me or does he seem mad about something' you thought to yourself as you both unhugged each other.
Mash talk about... The cream puffs and flavours he wants to add which you agree to help him to bake as you both left.
The blue-haired male came out of his hiding spot as he stared watching you and Mash leaving with a deep frown.
'...why does she hang out with him... For?'
A:n- that's all! Good day/night to all take care!
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destinationsorrows · 1 year ago
Masterlist+Request info+About me
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I don't have anything written just yet
Request Information;
When requesting, request a scenario or something of the sort. I am severely uncreative (lie)
No NSFW: 🌑
NSFW allowed: 🌕
Same Gender only: 🌈
Platonic Only: 🫧
Fandoms/Characters I write for,
Omori, 🫧
Sunny, 🌑
Aubrey, 🌑
Kel, 🌑
Hero, 🌑
Mari, 🌑
Sweetheart, 🌕
Space boyfriend, 🌕
Omoriboy, 🌕
Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun:
Amane Yugi/Hanako, 🌑
Tsukasa Yugi, 🌑
Nene Yashiro, 🌑
Kou Minamoto, 🌑
Teru Minamoto, 🌕
Aoi Akane, 🌑
Akane Aoi, 🌑
Sakura Nanamine, 🌕
Natsuhiko Hyūga, 🌑
Mitsuba Sousuke, 🌑
Tsuchigomori, 🌕
Sally Face:
Sal Fisher, (🌕 Aged up only)
Ashley Campbell, (🌕 Aged up only)
Larry Johnson, (🌕 Aged up only)
Todd Morrison, 🌈(🌕 Aged up only)
Travis Phelps, 🌈 (🌕 Aged up only)
Ghost Eyes (Webtoon):
Tobias Schneien, 🌑
Mattias Schneien, 🌑
Rudolph Richardson, 🌑
Emilio Murkmere, 🌑
Carmelo DeMonte, 🌑🌈
Will write any other characters if requested, I love you Ghost Eyes fandom
Creepypasta/Marble hornets/Other:
Ben Drowned, 🌑🫧
Jeff the killer, 🌑
Jane the killer, 🌕
Ticci Toby, 🌕 (Hes 19)
Tim Wright/Masky, 🌕
Brian Thomas/Hoodie, 🌕
Eyeless Jack, 🌕
Slenderman, 🌕
Nina the Killer, 🌑
Bloody Painter, 🌕
And tons more, too many to put down just request and I'll write it
Bungo Stray Dogs:
Osamu Dazai, 🌕
Chūya Nakahara, 🌕
Atsushi Nakajima, 🌕
Akiko Yosano, 🌕
Doppo Kunikida, 🌕
Jun'ichirō Tanazaki, 🌕
Kenji Miyazawa, 🌑
Kyōka Izumi, 🌑
Ranpo Edogawa,🌕
Naomi Tanazaki,🌑
Ryūnosuke Akutagawa,🌑
Ichyō Higuchi, 🌕
Gin Akutagawa, 🌑
Kyūsaku Yumeno, 🌑🫧
Motojirō Kajii, 🌕
Sakunosuke Oda, 🌕
Ango Sakaguchi, 🌕
Edgar Allan Poe, 🌕
Lucy Montgomery, 🌕
Fyodor Dostoevsky, 🌕
Bram Stoker, 🌕
Nikolai Gogol, 🌕
Sigma, 🌕?
Saigiku Jūno, 🌕
Tetchō Suehiro, 🌕
Scott Pilgrim (Movie, Comics, and Show):
Wallace Wells, 🌕🌈
Scott Pilgrim, 🌕
Ramona Flowers,🌕
Knives Chau,🌑
Envy Adams,🌕
Kim Pines,🌕
Matthew Patel,🌕
Gideon Graves,🌕
Young Neil!!,🌕
Stephan Stills,🌕
Soul Eater:
Black☆Star, 🌑
Maka Albarn,🌑
Franken Stein ,🌕
Death The Kid,🌑
Crona Gorgon,🌑
Soul Eater Evans,🌑
Tsubaki Nakatsukasa,🌑
What I will write,
Angst, Fluff, NSFW (Includes Gøre), Yandere, Comfort, AUs, anything that isnt in Wont Write.
What I won't write,
Inc3st, p3døphilia, basically anything weird and gross, anything sexual for characters under 18 (If i have to age them up then dont request it unless its Sfw)
About Me!!
Hi my name is Mercy! My birthday is April 1st and I'm currently 15 years old.
I enjoy alot of different fandoms and I really love art and music. If you want to be friends just ask, dms are open to anyone and everyone!!! And don't be shy to request anything, i don't bite! :3
Art Instagram is Mewre44, if you want me to draw anything just dm it's free since my art kinda sucks currently.
Thats it!! Feel free to dm or request!!!! Bye!
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