#yandere undertaker x y/n
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yan-lorkai · 10 months ago
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-- A/N: Lowkey I love his eyes, every single time that his eyes are showing I'm like ooo cute, beautiful eyes you have there, mr! First time I read it on the manga I was jumping and giggling fr, so I wrote this hehe <3
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Undertaker has very beautiful eyes. They are like deep pits where shadows dance in a macabre symphony.
His eyes oscillate between being your safe haven and your worst nightmare. When he's kind, his eyes shine like two giant sunlit emeralds, he tells jokes to make you laugh and he bakes you some cookies. His touch is soft, gentle as if you were a work of art he doesn't want to destroy, don't want to taint with his hands.
But sometimes his eyes are like a deep foreshadowing of a promise of regret and guilt that will bloom in your chest if you do something wrong. Facing them is like challenging an endless abyss, feeling your own soul being pulled into the darkness that inhabited those green eyes.
"Sometimes I feel like you love my eyes more than you love me, darling." He laughs when he notices you staring at him again, mesmerized, analytical. But you couldn't help it.
Every time you found yourself before those eyes, there was no fear for you knew he would never hurt you, just a strange fascination that compelled you to dive deeper into that ocular abyss.
"Uh, well, they're so beautiful!" You replied, a little shy. "Beautiful things deserved to be stared and loved. Don't you agree?"
He tilted his head, thinking. A smile graced his lips as if he found something very amusing.
"Indeed!" He murmured in a singsong tone. "But be wary, my dear. Beauty can often conceal darkness and not all that is beautiful is meant to be loved."
He leaned in closer, his eyes gleaming as he took hold of your face, holding it gently in his heads while his thumbs caressed your cheeks. "Remember that and you'll navigate this world with more clarity than most, hehehe."
As Undertaker's words lingered in the air, you felt a shiver crawl down your spine, there he go again, saying strange things that sometimes scared you. Really, your lover must be very happy to scare and then comfort you.
"But beauty's still worth admiring, even if it's got a few skeletons in the closet, right?" Undertaker chuckled, his eyes glinting with amusement at your carefree attitude and he nodded.
He pulls you close, letting you rest your head on his chest as you intertwine your hands together. "Regardless, your eyes are still pretty and I don't care about any danger or darkness if I have you by my side."
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fanfictionsworld · 2 years ago
what if reader is having a very bad day and when they goes back home, Undertaker/Sebastian greets them and maybe tease them like usual but their s/o burst out crying? what would they react?
Sad reader/gender natural which i hope i wrote well/Undertaker x reader/Sebastian x reader/some fluff/just emotions that are beaing expressed in a strange way or is just me not knowing how to express my emotions/if this comes out weird pleas forgive me i am not good at telling people that i am sad/
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Today was just not one of your happy days.
Its like that no matter what you try to do,you just could not cheer your self up.
Even some happy music could not change it.
Some thing in the back of your head just keeps putting you on the edge.
You can seem to stop it and its irritating you very much.
You are usually in check with your emotions and you proud your self on that.
I mean if everybody knew that you would feeling sad that would draw attention to you and you really do not want that.
Especialy with Sebastian who would literally trap you in his embrace until you tell him whats wrong.
But today was different you just could control your self,you just wanted to cry nothing else.
Its not like anything was wrong you just felt empty thats all.
Sebastian would make a big deal out of it if he saw you sad,which you did not want.
So as soon as you heard the front door of you apartment open,you pulled your self together,came out of your room and faced him.
You were smiling,saying hello and how was his day,etc.
Sebastian sensed something was wrong,but for now just chose to ignore it.
His focuse was now on a children's coloring book at the table.
You paint when something is bothering you,but he does not know that.
,,Darling,why is there a childrens coloring book at your table?
,,Are not perhaps too old for that,or maybe i am am falling for a baby,hm?"
That was it even though you knew he was just joking something about that seem to upset you,but you just do not no why.
And in the middle of the kitchen you brust out crying and you can seem to stop.
Your breath is heavier and you just can not stop your self,you feel like passing out,but strong arms catch you.
Sebastian lifts you up carring you to the room.
Upon entering he sets you down on your bed and his kises seems to calm you down.
You can not look at him you turn to the other side of the bed.
zou can hear a deep sigh from him and a large weight pulling you.
He has hugged you and know you cry even more.
,,You know i sensed something is wrong from the moment i walked in,but i thought nothing of it choosing to talk to you about it later,but if my teasing about the colouring book made cry you have my deepest apology my dear."
You wipe your tears take a deep breath and try to gather some strength to speak to him.
,,Its not your fault i do not care if you made fun of me for the colouring book i just had a really tough day its not like anything happened its just...its like..there something but there is not...i just i do not know how to explain it you know and i did not want you to worry because its nothing its just that its something and thats something is nothing and it would be stupied of me to say hey i am upset,sad and on the average of bearking down beacuse of something,but that something is nothing."
,,Darling if you are upset,sad or on the average of breaking down you should tell me,you should trust me about your feelings,whatever it is i will help you even if it is nothing and never say that your feelings are a problem to me beacuse they are not your feelings make you human a and love you for them.I know that you try to be strong hold them in check but you must understand that you can not keep them in dark for long and repressed them they will come and when they do this will happen and i do not want to see this happen to you,so pleas whenever you feel like this do not be afraid to tell me,i will help you in any way i can."
,,Thank you i am glad and i am sorry,from now on i will try my best to tell you my fellings,but now could you just hold me i could really use a good cuddle."
,,Of course anything for you my dear."
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Some times your overthinking tendencies took better of you and to day was one of those days.
Working as a assistant to the undertaker was not a bad thing.I mean you were a nurse you know people die,but ever since your hospital put you on this part time job with him you just got hit with a realization of how people die every singel day.
Existential crises were not your style really and you try to avoid them as much as you can.
But it seems this one could not let you go.
So here you were in your bed in a spear room your boss made you just lying and looking at the celing questioning everything in your life.
As you were questioning your life away you did not heard a knock on your door and a tall dark figure approaching your bed and till you felt a heavy presence on the egde of you bed looking straight at you.
You set up next to him and he spoke.
,,Deary why are your eyes full of tears,are you crying for the life of the lost soul we just fixed,come now death is a natural thing it will come for you to you should laugh while you stil can,hihihihi."
Something about that just did sit rigth with you and you found your self slaping him,but his arm stoped you before it go to his cheek.
,,How can you say that does it not bother you that someday it will all just pass,how can you be so calm,there familys there loved ones,how can you say such things!"
,,I know that my dear,but still you have to realize that its just how it goes in life,pople die i know as a human its sad thinking about death,but if you worked as long as i have in this field of work you would get use to it.I am sorry if i have upset you but its just like that i know how you feel i also wish people would not die,but that is sipmle out of our power,you just have to come to terms with it."
,,I mean yes i get that,but stil."
,,Just know that death is a natural part of life,but remember that before you die do things that make you happy so that you never ever regret your life,okey?"
,,Yes,thank you for cheering me up i needed that,um i know its stupide but could you stay with me in bed for a while if its not too much of a problem?"
,,No of course not i will be happy to."
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fearlesstigerquotev · 9 months ago
Yandere M!Pied Piper X F!Reader
Warnings: Mild body horror, possessive + yandere behavior masterlist
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Once upon a time, in the land cradled between the winding waters of the river Weser, there lay two towns, Hamelin and Weidehohl, each a curiosity of its own. To the west, Weidehohl nestled amidst the towering, age-old trees, where the pagans roamed, their shadows falling on creatures of the forest, and their deeds shrouded in darkness. They committed crimes that troubled the very heavens, where cats were denied their lives, and dogs met a mournful fate.
On the opposite bank, to the east, stood Hamelin, a settlement graced by the protective embrace of four mighty forts, where no soul could pass unseen or unnoticed. It was a city crafted from the warm, welcoming wood of time, its heart radiating with peace and prosperity. In Hamelin, the gentle hand of Christ blessed the land with abundance.
And in the blessed town of Hamelin lived a widow named Y/N. Her heart was as pure as the morning dew, yet heavy with the sorrow of a love lost. Her beloved had embarked on a sacred missionary journey, and for seven long days and seven nights, he had vanished from her sight. It was on the seventh night that his lifeless form was returned to her humble dwelling, a pitiful sight to behold. His body resembled a mangled corpse, the limbs poking out in odd angles, the silver cross ripped from his neck. Even the cherished keepsake, a timepiece adorned with a lovingly-crafted portrait of his beloved wife on their wedding day, had vanished into the shadows.
With tearful eyes and a contrite heart, the widow sought solace in the confessional, where she bared her soul to the priest and questioned the sins that had led to her husband's gruesome fate at the hands of the pagans. But the priest, hidden behind the confessional booth, offered words of comfort and guidance.
"Nay, dear child, the burden of blame lies not upon your shoulders," he whispered gently. "The pagans of Weidehohl are the architects of this sorrow, and their lives shall remain fraught with wretchedness unless they turn to the benevolent embrace of Christ."
"Father," Y/N confessed, "in my despair, I confess to having missed Sunday Mass twice in succession. What penance must I undertake to cleanse my soul of sin and ensure the reunion of my husband and me in the heavenly kingdom of our Lord?"
"My dear child," came the priest's soothing reply, "perform acts of charity, extend your hand to the needy, and become a sponsor to the orphan. Through these acts of benevolence, your soul shall find its path to redemption, and in the divine grace of our Lord, you shall one day be reunited with your beloved in the heavenly realm."
And so, the widow poured the essence of her very being into the sacred act of spreading the love of the Savior. She became the guardian of the forsaken, running a humble orphanage for the downtrodden street urchins. Beneath the sheltering eaves of her makeshift home, she provided not only a sanctuary from the cold, unforgiving world but also warm soups that chased away the hunger that gnawed at their fragile bellies.
To those who approached her with intentions other than those of the divine, she responded with an unshakable steadfastness. Her words, like a sermon from the heavens, would gently rebuke them, reminding them of the plight of the orphans and how humanity had often forsaken those less fortunate. In her wisdom, there was a grain of truth: Why should the Church entrust a humble widow with the monumental task of caring for orphans, while it basked in the wealth derived from indulgences?
Yet, Y/N knew better than to arouse the ire of the Church, for as a widow, a solitary soul, she teetered on the precipice of society's margins. A single misstep could condemn her to the mercy of the clergy, leaving her precarious existence hanging by a slender thread.
But despite her pure intentions, the Devil would test her belief in God once again. This time, He unleashed upon her beloved Hamelin a deluge of rats and mice, a horde of vermin with ravenous appetites. They descended upon the city like the overflowing waters of the river Weser, devouring the meager stores of grain, defiling the once-pure waters of the public well with their loathsome droppings, and spreading pestilence and death throughout the land.
In the face of this vile pestilence, the people of Hamelin turned to their faith with fervor, seeking solace and redemption in daily worship. Their voices echoed with praises to the Lord, sung until they grew hoarse from their devotion. Yet, amidst their piety, the plight of the orphaned souls remained unseen, their suffering ignored. Hearts once kind were now veiled by self-righteousness, their pride preventing even a morsel of bread from being offered to those in need. And so, Y/N toiled away once more, her body growing weaker and more fragile as the weeks passed by.
One day, a curious traveler, bedecked in a garb of vivid hues, sauntered into the fortified realm of Hamelin. Bemused and bedazzled, the city's folk kept a wary distance from this stranger, their wariness ignited by his flamboyant cloak and hair ablaze like Hell's own fire. At his neck, he wore not the sacred cross but a flute, intricately carved from bone.
"Citizens of Hamelin," rang out his voice like a melodious tune, "I bear, through secret charms unknown to most, the power to summon forth all creatures dwelling beneath the sun���those that crawl, swim, fly, or race across the land. These are the creatures that oft bring harm upon you—the mole, the toad, the newt, and the serpent. People call me the Pied Piper. If I but free your town from its rat-borne scourge, shall you grant me a thousand guilders?"
"A thousand guilders? Secret charm?" laughed the crowd. "We'd sooner drink cow's urine than entertain the whims of a charlatan like thee! Why, you are clothed like the pagans of Weidehohl! We good Christians would never associate ourselves with infidels like thee!"
And so, the Pied Piper found himself slumbering upon the city's cobblestone streets, right before the doorstep of the humble orphanage. Unable to turn a blind eye, she fed him with the crusts of bread the children could not eat, and soup made of vegetable scraps.
He looked up at her, bewildered that one of the citizens who had rejected him would dare nourish him. "Dost thou not fear condemnation? To aid a stranger such as I?"
"Nonsense," came her swift reply, "before me, I see neither stranger, nor maverick, nor even one hailing from Weidehohl. In this moment, I behold but a fellow soul, a man who may succumb to the bitter cold if aid is not given."
Bringing the broth to his lips, the Pied Piper relished in its salty aroma. How could a denizen of Hamelin, known for their stern devotion to God's path, radiate such tender warmth? In what felt like but a heartbeat, the soup disappeared from his bowl. "Is... Is this the doctrine of thy Lord?"
She smiled as she took the bowl from him, "Indeed, it is the teaching of our Lord, who bids us to love one another as He loves us."
The Pied Piper could only chuckle and rake his fingers through his red hair, which twirled upwards in delicate curls at the base of his collarbone. "Throughout my long years upon this Earth, they have regarded me as but an exterminator, a mere tool to rid their towns of the earthly vermin. Never have I been graced by the presence of Mother Mary herself."
"Mother Mary? How does a pagan such as yourself know of her?" curiosity laced Y/N's voice as she sat down next to him. Inside the orphanage, the children, intrigued by the unusual encounter, giggled and vied for a view between their surrogate mother and the curious visitor.
The Piper bestowed upon her a subtle, enigmatic grin, and with a deft movement of his fingers, he began to play a soft, mesmerizing tune on his flute—a melody so enchanting that it seemed as if the very stars had descended to dance in the moonlit night.
The children, drawn by the enchanting music, abandoned their timid hideaways and gathered around the pair. Their eyes, wide with innocent wonder, bore witness to the magic of the Piper's tune—a melody that had never before graced their ears. For indeed, the orphans had never heard of the wonderous music before. It was unlike the solemn hymns of the church, rigid and controlled. Instead, it was a music that spoke of freedom, of joy, and liberation from the chains of the mundane.
Y/N couldn't help but feel that it danced on the edge of sin, but she could not deny the children their delight. She allowed them to dance and frolic, their laughter rising like the joyful laughter of forest spirits.
In the end, she never received an answer to her question.
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With the passage of time, Y/N perceived a waning in the rat population, witnessed the orphans suffer less from the grip of disease, and felt her own health flourish in the absence of the rodents.
"Perhaps the Lord has graced me for extending sustenance to the Pied Piper?" she pondered, conversing with her fellow women during Sunday Mass.
"Hush, dear," came their swift rejoinder, "you were simply a fortunate soul. Our homes still teem with the pestilence of mice!"
"But consider this," Y/N beseeched, her voice laden with earnestness, "What if God sent this plague as a trial? A test of our kindness and charity, a challenge to alleviate the traveler's suffering, even if he be unconventional? If each working man were to bestow but one guilder upon the Piper, he would amass a bounty sufficient to lead the rats away from Hamelin!"
Her words did not go unheard by the mayor. Share his own coffers of wealth would he not. But pluck a thousand guilders from the working class to please the Piper—a fine deal indeed. After Mass, he called the Pied Piper to his office and told him of the proposal.
In response, the Piper laughed and shook his head, "Gentleman, the thousand guilders were but a jest. All I seek is a fine wife in exchange for my services."
The mayor's eyes lit up in delight. Now, he would not even need to part ways with his beloved coin! "Go forth, and choose an unmarried woman of your liking! Do anything that you must in order to kill the rats of Hamelin!"
On the morrow, the good folk of Hamelin awoke to a sight most peculiar. The Pied Piper, with his mop of hair burning red, led an army of rats away from the town, all the while playing a merry tune on his bone-carved flute. His garments billowed like swallows riding the breath of the wind, whilst the rats scurried at his feet, dancing with mania. They squeaked and chirped, running and tumbling in circles, over cobblestone roads, through the gates of Hamelin, over hills and meadows, until they reached the winding river Weser.
"Little rodents! Ye must be parched from your toil! Go, partake of the waters that the Lord Christ hath graciously provided!" sang the Piper, twirling around his own axis as he played the hypnotizing tune.
As if by some mystical command, the rats leaped into the river, one by one, and there, they met their watery fate.
"My, 'tis sorcery!" screeched the resident priest, clutching his cross in the palm of his gnarled hand. 
The mayor interjected, "But Reverend, thou must admit, the young lad hath cured us of this plight! And in return, all he seeks is a companion—a wife!"
The Pied Piper turned toward the crowd and bowed with theatrical elegance. The colors of his cloak simmered and contorted—one moment, a vibrant lemon yellow. The next—deep cerulean blue. Loud gasps of wonder and awe erupted from the crowd, who had formed a small comune along the river bank.
With a dazzling smile, the Pied Piper got down on one knee and raised his arms to the heavens, "Fair maiden, protector of the orphans, a soul akin to the benevolent Mary herself! Amongst the Christians of Hamelin, you alone treated me with the grace of human kindness. Would you do me the honor of becoming my cherished bride, despite the unfavorable reputation that taints my name among your townsfolk?"
Y/N froze and averted her gaze to the ground. Using the sleeve of her dress to conceal her face, she replied, "An outcast for an outcast, it seems. Piper, you have placed me in a most wretched predicament. I have dedicated my life in service to God and find myself an unwedded widow, a spinster by the world's judgment."
His expression darkened but was soon replaced by a charming smile. "Fair lady, I take it as a no?"
Unable to speak another word, the widow nodded, unable to reciprocate his smile. What use was there in accepting the hand of a man whose name remained a mystery to her? Besides, the priest would never officiate a marriage between a believing woman and an infidel. Even an infidel who saved Hamelin from certain ruin.
"Fear not. I had a lingering suspicion that such would be thy response."
Once more, he brought the bone-carved flute to his lips. But this time, the melody that poured forth carried an almost otherworldly quality, a tune that seemed to teeter on the brink of the supernatural.
The children, both orphans and those with families of their own, emerged from their homes, their gleeful laughter and exuberant cries resonating through the air like the unholy revelry of a wicked tarantella. Yet, as the music wove its spell, a sinister transformation overtook them. Their limbs elongated and stretched, contorting to grotesque proportions, as if every ounce of their humanity was being pulled apart by unseen hands.
The adults could not move a single muscle, it was as if their feet were planted firmly in the ground. Y/N herself was no exception, and she screamed and begged the Piper to stop this madness. But whenever she tried to take a step toward him, her legs were met with a gripping pain, searing through her body, mind, and soul. 
There was no doubt: The Piper wanted to see the Hamelians suffer. More specifically, Y/N.
Their movements grew wild and untamed, limbs flailing and twisting with a grotesque grace that defied the laws of nature. It was as though their bodies had become marionettes, but marionettes manipulated by a malevolent puppeteer, their movements driven by a dark and unholy force. They twirled and spun, their movements growing increasingly frenzied, entrapped in a wicked ritual that defied the doctrine of the Lord itself.
Laughter mixed with the cracking of bones as the children frolicked and pranced, following the Piper as he led them away from Hamelin. Together, they crossed the shimmering waters of the river Weser, traversed rolling hills, until they disappeared into the foreboding depths of the woods that led to Weidehohl. 
Y/N was the first to break out of the trance. With lightning-fast reflexes and a heart heavy with dread, she sprinted toward the looming woods that led to Weidehohl, her voice raised in a desperate cry. "Children! Come back! This is not the path ordained by the Lord!"
But her pleas fell upon deaf ears as the possessed children, their eyes vacant and their limbs contorted, followed the Piper deeper into the shadowy woods. Deeper into the woods she ran, the gnarled branches of ancient trees clawing at her as if trying to hold her back. She followed the trail of broken branches and twisted footprints, breadcrumbs of waning hope that stretched endlessly into the heart of the forest.
Finally, at the heart of the sinister forest, she stumbled upon the lame boy, his eyes wide with terror and confusion. His frail form quivered, unable to join in the manic dance of his peers. Y/N knelt beside him, murmuring prayers of protection and strength. "Where have they gone, dear child?"
"There..." the lame boy whispered, pointing to a clearing in the midst of the woods.
The widow told the boy to stay put and approached the clearing. To her surprise, the clearing appeared utterly ordinary, as if untouched by the dark enchantment that had gripped the children. Bewildered, she turned back to check on the lame boy, only to have her heart plummet to her very shoes. He had vanished without a trace.
Heart hammering in her chest, she ran through the woods, between the ancient trees, leaping over quaint forest streams. But the lame boy was nowhere to be found. Not even the wretched Piper or the remaining children.
A gloved hand grabbed hers. Y/N shrieked and begged to be released, but it only caused the grip to tighten. She blinked and the next thing she knew, she was in a forest village, surrounded by the children she had come to love oh-so-dearly. 
Overcome with relief, she ran forward and embraced the children, sobbing and wailing just like at her deceased husband's funeral. Through tear-filled eyes, she beheld a wondrous transformation of the world around her. Waters gushed and sparkled, fruit trees burst into bloom with an otherworldly splendor, and flowers unfurled in hues that defied earthly comparison. Sparrows radiated a brilliance surpassing that of peacocks, their plumage resplendent. Horses bore wings akin to eagles, and even the honeybees had shed their stingers.
"Welcome to Weidehohl!" announced the Piper, taking her hand once more. Ignoring her pleas for release, he dipped and twirled the maiden with practiced ease, his steps sure and confident. Whispering sweet nothings, he drew her close for a kiss, and his gloved fingers brushed away the tears that streamed down her face. They danced in graceful circles, surrounded by the mesmerizing melody of the birds and the bees, who serenaded them with joyful chirps and buzzing.
It was then that she noticed the transformed children, each playing a flute similar to the one that dangled from the Piper's neck. The tune that flowed from their instruments was all too familiar—a cherished church hymn reserved for weddings. Dread seized her heart as the realization settled in, and all she could do was weep as the Pied Piper kissed away her tears,
As she danced, a small piece of metal fell from within the man's garments and onto the forest floor.
A timepiece, engraved with a lovingly-crafted portrait of herself on their wedding day. But in place of her late husband now stood the Pied Piper.
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echantedtoon · 1 year ago
In The Moon's Shadow (Yandere Kokushibo x Reader) Ch11 A Mother Sacrifices
(WARNINGS: Mentioning of death/blood/a dead body/someone being killed/violence, referenced spicy-ish stuff, mentioning of pregnancy, mentioning of vomiting, at least one body being brought into town, and mentioning of discrimination against demons. Mentioning of a wound on Y/n's cheek. Mentioning of someone dying in a house fire. Mentioning of murder.
EDIT: I read on Google morning sickness can happen as early as 2-4 weeks, headaches the first few months, and cravings can be as early as 4 weeks. If this is not accurate I apologize.)
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The bed felt colder when you awoken. The warmth you felt only came from the blanket that covered your body and the dim embers in the fireplace as your eyes slowly opened up. Delicate turquoise blinked awake at nothing before you realized that your back was cold. Twisting around, you flipped onto your back head turned but paused seeing that the other side of the futon was barren. Nothing but the cold air hitting your body. Your eyes blinked at the empty space before slowly sitting up.
A hand reached up to rub your face as you looked around the space of your home. The sunlight cascaded down through the windows and lit up the entire place however not one trace of the demon could be seen. 
"Kokushibo?," you called again a bit louder in case he was in the bathroom and didn't hear you.
No one answered.
Kokushibo was gone.
Your body was overran with a feeling of.. disappointment. He said he would leave that night so you shouldn't be surprised, but considering what happened between you both- You at least thought he'd stay long enough to say goodbye. Eyes stared blankly at the spot where he laid last night. Silence rang out throughout the home before it was quenched by the rustling of blankets being pushed over and the sounds of a body shuffling around to get ready for the day. The home remained silent and cold even as the owner grabbed a homemade coat to throw over her shoulders. The sounds of a door sliding open and closed echoed throughout the silence.
A shudder ran down your body as you pulled the coat tighter around your shoulders. Fall was starting to come to a close and soon winter will be here. You never did like the cold weather all that much. The cold wind wafting over you and making you shiver and shake. It was one reason why you liked working at the fragrance store. The constant making of soaps and candles made the building warm a lot of the time and it was an ideal place to work in winter. Your legs carried your shuddering from down the path before turning the first corner to get to your house but slowly came to a stop once you saw a curious sight. A decently sized crowd had gathered in front of a house. Not just any house.
The undertaker's residence.
A small crowd of about ten to sixteen people were gathered silently staring at the home and whispering to one another in hushed tones. Being a small village, there was little excitement in the town and one of the only times any excitement happened was whenever one of the residents passed away. You guessed one of the elders had passed away and now there was the usual temporary buzz of limited gossip around it. Curiosity got you to walk forward slowly until you got near enough to merge into the crowd and stop by to stare into the house's window. Inside you could sorta make out the forms of a man and woman with their backs to you. The man had an arm around presumably his wife and the woman looked to be shaking in sobs. Another person, the undertaker, remained calm and stood still. The family of the deceased no doubt making burial arrangements for whoever had passed away.
Eventually you turned to a girl next to you and asked, "What happened?"
She looked at you wide eyed and blinked. "You didn't hear? A man was killed. A hunting party went out for deer last night, and one was mauled by a bear or wolf. Tore him completely to shreds. His body was brought back early this morning."
Shock littered your body like leaves on the ground. "A..A-A bear or wolf?!"
There hasn't been any giant predators near your town for as long as you can remember! And someone was mauled by one last night?!
The girl nodded. "A group of men went out to try and track it down. If you ask me, I bet this cold has made the beast hungry and desperate for a big meal! You certainly won't catch me out in the woods now."
You gulped down and nodded before giving one last look at the window- And then leaving quickly. It was disrespectful to watch the family mourn their family. You only hoped that the beast was caught or moved on from here now, and you hoped Kokushibo wouldn't run into anything deadly like that. 
If you had stayed perhaps you would've recognized Nori's parents-
You successfully made your way back to your boss's home and saw smoke. ..Wait. That couldn't be right. Why was there smoke billowing in the air?! Worried you quickened your pass and made it to your boss's home only to not find her there. Instead of asking questions, you squeezed through the alleyway between two homes to follow the smoke in the sky, the smell got stronger than before. Coming to the other side you immediately froze. A much bigger crowd than the one at the undertaker was there covering the streets. What was going on here?! After a moment you pushed your way through this crowd and stopped once you caught sight of it. Frozen and jaw dropped.
Sabo's house was burnt to a crisp. 
There was nothing left but half a burnt shell of a house blackened by fire. Men were still going back and forth passing each other buckets of water and double pouring over everything despite the fire being long since burnt out. And there in front of the crowd was your boss and her family. The old woman was on her knees face buried in her hands sobbing uncontrollably. Sabo's parents were right behind her. His mother just... staring with this absolute shocked expression as if she couldn't process what she was seeing. While his father could only silently look stone faced continuesly shaking his head in disappointment. Whisps of thin smoke trails still rose as the men still hurried to pour as much water as they could on everything...but no Sabo could be found. After a moment you turned to a man next to you.
"What happened here?"
He blinked looking at you but then sighed. "The house caught fire in the middle of the night. Apparently during the night he got cold and placed his bed closer to the fireplace, but his bed caught on fire and burnt down the entire home with him in it."
Your eyes widened. Sabo was...deceased?
You supposed you shouldn't be surprised Sabo was the soft to not heed the warnings of a fire..but you still couldn't help but feel a little pity for his family despite you not liking any of them. But...life proceeded as normal. The days that followed your boss was mostly silent. Stone faced, and cold but silent. Only telling you to do things, but she didn't nag at you anymore and she didn't yell or anything else. Loosing Sabo seemed to have lesson her angry nature a lot. As much as you liked the peace, you still felt a little bad for her so you didn't ever say a word about the situation.. You were even half expecting Kokushibo to be home again once you returned home..but you only returned to an empty home. Cold and silent other than the noises you'd make yourself. You had to accept that the man had left and probably wouldn't be back for quite some time judging by how he was and how quick he left. That thought only hammered home harder when your boss decided to share some gossip more a few days later.
"The fighting has gotten worse in the east."
You had paused in the middle of putting some freshly set lavender soap on the shelf to look at her. Her sour expression staring at the fireplace. "Worse?"
She nodded disdainly. "From what I've heard, the Kibutsuji's forces had sprung an unseen sneak attack on the other side but in the process both sides have been depleted of a lot of resources so now both sides are desperate for it. I even heard they started taking over different towns and small villages for their resources."
Your eyes had widened. An unforseen attack? Didn't Kokushibo mention that he was attacked by an unexpected ambush? That must've been what he was referring to! No wonder he didn't want anyone besides you to know that he was here. Any signs of him could draw the enemy to your peaceful village and that would be devastating. Was that why he insisted on leaving so soon? To avoid any unnecessary violence to you and everyone else here? That thought gave you a small flutter in your chest. He really wasn't as bad as people depicted. 
"That's awful but it's still so far away. Surely there shouldn't be anything to worry about."
"Hmph. Dont become naive. Keep your wits about or mark my words. You'll be sorry you didn't. That's how people die foolishly." She seemed to speaking out of grief. She did that a lot especially after her family held a funeral for grandson.
You chose to not worry about what she said..but you couldn't help but wonder. Did she have a point? Kokushibo wasn't supposed to be anywhere near here but yet he collapsed outside your house. Could there be the possibility that there were others close by? Enemies that weren't so nice to strangers. Not a lot of people knew about your village tucked away deep in the forest unless someone traveled this far which wasn't often, so you weren't too worried about someone finding it...But Kokushibo had found it, so that doesn't mean others couldn't have discovered it too. As long as the fighting was far away and didn't come here, then there was nothing for you to worry over. All you had to do was just keep an eye and ear open for anything that might happen. Although you were sure nothing abnormal would happen here soon other than maybe Kokushibo coming to pay another visit to you. After all-
Nothing ever happened in your life. Nothing would change.
Oh how naivity likes to taunt fate 
Life as usual carried on. Days slowly passed in the cold autumn air. Leaves started to fall more than ever in the cold breezes and made everyone shudder. The news of the men's death buzzed down just a week after it happened as you thought it would, especially after the hunting party of men came back every night empty handed with no beasts to be seen, and Sabo's father hired men to tear down the remains of his son's ruined house so he could build a new one in it's place. Rumors circulated that whatever did this moved on after having it's fill but you couldn't help but..think it was strange.
Both happened on the same night Kokushibo disappeared. He couldn't be anyway connected to any of this... could he? No. No he couldn't have. He never made any threatening actions towards anyone minus Nori and Sabo but that was different. It was in self defense and defense of yourself. You had no doubt that he probably has taken lives on the battlefield being a samurai but surely he wouldn't just attack a hunter for no reason. Plus everyone said that the man died from an animal attack. You never thought a demon would show up here so a predator big enough to kill a man also lingering around wasn't too far off the table. And he didn't have a reason to harm Sabo either. Besides Sabo was the type of man that'd DEFINITELY NOT listen if someone told him not to get too close to the fireplace as he slept, and the undertaker already determined that Sabo's death was completely accidental. And the Undertaker knew death. He dealt with it all the time so he'd know best. But...you couldn't help but wonder. A bit of uneasy settling in your stomach. Maybe you'd ask him about it next time he was here? Perhaps he at least knew something about it. Oh gods...What if it was one of his enemies he had been hiding from?!
You had to force yourself into your work to keep from spiraling into worry. You shouldn't jump to such conclusions when there really wasn't even any evidence to any of your worries! That thought brought some ease for yourself. For now you should just let sleeping dogs lie and not involve yourself where you shouldn't be. It didn't involve you so you'd forget about it even if it was hard to. 
More time passed by and away went the worries with time. It helped nothing else happened in the peaceful town. Until...one day.
You woke up.
You did not feel ok.
Your stomach had felt as if you had swallowed a rock. A firm presence that felt uncomfortable. The pressure got worse as you sat up, and your stomach shifted- A gag left your throat as a hand shot up to cover your lips. The house filled with the sounds of scrambling before the back door was thrown open and what was once your dinner last night was no longer within your body. The sudden vomiting made your throat sore and left you coughing a few times before you were able to stumble your way back inside shivering from the cold early morning air. A groan left your lips and a glass of water was soon after downed to combat the burning feeling. 
Well... certainly not something you were expecting to wake up to today. 
"The meat must've gone bad. Now I'll have to dump out the pot I made and buy more from the butcher."
You were a little bitter about having to dump an entire pot of stew but if the meat was bad enough to make you throw up then it wasn't fit for eating. It must've been the stew that made you sick. No matter. You'd just buy some fresh meat from the butcher while you were out today and make sure that it was the freshest batch they had. It did irritate you that you had to remake dinner again that night but the delicious chicken you bought to replace the bad beef looked, tasted, and smelt delicious when eaten with the rice and vegetables you had that day for lunch and dinner. It was perfect-
Until you continued to get sicker as the days rolled by.
It didn't happen every morning. Most morning you'd wake up nauseous but only sometimes you actually had to scramble to get to the back door or bathroom to empty out the contents of your stomach. Always leaving your throat sore and yourself irritated. At first you thought it was the food you'd been eating, so you went back to confront the butcher, but as he pointed out LOTS of people bought his quality meat. If the meat he was selling was truly bad, then a lot more people would've been there angry and demanding their money back...He had a point. No one else seemed to be getting sick. So it wasn't the meat. You then thought perhaps it was something the animals ate before they were made to be bought but that still didn't make sense because no one else was getting sick from their meat and the farmers all treated their livestock well. You inspected any other food in your home for any signs of mold or rotting, but they all were perfectly fine. You were very confused and worried at this point. What was making you sick then if it wasn't the food? You must've caught a stomach bug. Great. That meant you had to visit the local doctor for some medicine. You did that right before going into work one day but you were surprised when the young doctor looked you over before shaking his head.
"You're not sick."
You blinked. "I'm not-..What?"
"You're not sick. You don't show any signs of the flu or any kind of colds. You're very healthy for a young woman your age."
"What- That can't be true. Then why have I been sick for the last week?"
"Well if it's not something you ate, then maybe there's another factor making you feel ill. Are you under any stress or anxiety at all?"
"No. I've been perfectly fine."
"Aha! Then there might be mold or something else in your home that's causing this. I'd suggest looking around for anything out of the ordinary."
That doesn't make sense. You were sure you'd just caught a stomach bug. It always happens to people this time of the year. But if the doctor said that it wasn't then it must've been something else in your home. You decided to try experimenting to try and find that factor.
You thought maybe perhaps you were inhaling too much dust while you slept so you deep cleaned your house that day. No such luck you still got sick and felt nauseous the next two days. Maybe it was something in your sheets? You washed your entire wardrobe and futon well. Still sick. Maybe it was the soap you had in your home giving you an allergic reaction? You tried switching out the soaps and cleaning products in your home. You still threw up the next morning. Your last conclusion was perhaps maybe the house was too stuffy so you tried leaving one window open all day when you went to work. Your entire home was freezing when you got back but you were hopeful that now your problems would be solved-
...You got sick again the next morning.
"I must've caught something else that no one else has."
"Quite your whining and keep that scarf over your mouth!"
You gave a tired look over towards the older woman who only glared back sipping tea like somehow this entire thing was your fault. Ever since you first started becoming regularly sick, things had sucked for you. Sometimes you'd have to clean up any sudden sickness from your floors if you couldn't move fast enough and more than once it made you late. Well the old woman was getting suspicious by your repeated lateness and after forcing you to cough up an answer, had made you wear a scarf or cloth over your face and stay a good distance from here so she wouldn't 'catch anything.'
"I didn't mean it seriously. I'm only a bit tired. My throat is a bit sore from being sick for so long."
"Well quit your complaining. I don't need to hear about every detail of your woes when I have my own!"
You rolled your eyes going back to dusting the shelves. "What are you cooking?" You asked steering the topic away from your mysterious ailments. "Are you cooking fried rice?"
The old woman gave you a look like you were crazy. "Either that scarf is blocking the air too much or your cold has made your nose numb. Anyone can tell that I'm eating fish-"
"With fried rice and a nice boiled potato?" You paused. Somehow picturing the dish in mind making your mouth suddenly water and stomach silently growl like never before. "All with a wild berry pie covered in sauce and radish slices."
You hadn't bothered to take notice that no normal person would eat a pie with spicy sauce and radish slices sticks on top of it but the old woman did. She gave you a look like you were mad which made you blink and slowly realized what you said. 
"Oh...That isn't what you're cooking?"
"Did you fall and hit your head?"
"N-No! Sorry. I guess not being able to eat breakfast and constantly losing my dinner later is making me hungry for different things I haven't eaten in a while."
Her brow rose before scoffing. "Whatever you say, but if you're smart you'll go see the doctor again. Maybe the fool will finally know what ails you."
Actually..that didn't sound like a bad idea. Maybe now he'd be able to tell you what was wrong since you've been sick for a little over a month now. Surely he'd at least have an idea. You had paid another visit to the young doctor. He was surprised to see you again after so long but you stumbled into whom must've been the man he was mentoring under. The older man watched silently as you and his pupil spoke about your condition and your growing concern for it. 
"Nothing's changed?," he looked at you in surprise.
You nodded just sitting there. The old man obviously listening to the both of you talking but kept quiet and just sorted out a few medicinal herbs on a shelf. The soft clinking of the glass jars being moved about being some of the only noises filling the space. 
"Yes. I've tried everything I could think of but I'm still getting sick, and now I've been getting headaches frequently too. I have no idea what's going on. I've had to have caught some kind of stomach virus."
"But I looked you over myself! You're not sick!," he insisted firmly furrowing a brow. "I'm looking at you right now, and I can still see that you're not sick!"
"Well obviously something is wrong with me!," you slightly yelled back in frustration frowning, "I'm getting sick almost ebery day! My head hurts constantly! It's starting to affect my life! I can't just live like this for the rest of my life!"
"Well there must be something you're not telling me! My diagnosis has never been wrong!  You women are always worrying, so it's probably something mental and you're too full of yourself to notice!"
Your scowled hard at him and seriously debated in your mind if slapping some sense into him would work instead. However the sounds of someone clearing his throat distracted you from any doctor slapping thoughts as you both looked over at the older gentleman. He casually refilled a jar with dried herbs he had just crushed still not looking up at either of you. 
"Pardon me for intruding into your business, but I couldn't help but overhear your unusual predicament," he spoke calmly without hurry, "Perhaps I might be of some help to you? I have much more experience after all. When you get to be my age, you see a lot of strange things that affect people."
The younger man instantly looked offended that his diagnosis dared to be challenged but you only happily smiled. Oh finally! Someone was taking you seriously! 
You nodded. "I'd like that very much! Maybe you can help me?"
He only hummed. "Well now...This problem of yours, when did it start?"
"Almost a month ago now."
"What exactly are your symptoms? And please be specific."
"I keep vomiting and it's causing me some stress. My throat hurts a lot after it happens and a lot of the time I get headaches," you explained to him with a growing worry in your stomach as he calmly put a lid on the jar he was filling and VERY seriously turned to you.
"I see. And how often are you getting sick?"
"Almost every morning."
"Morning?" His brows rose and his eyes widened as if some realization took over him. His eyes looking down your body. "Are you getting sick in the mornings specifically?''
"Sometimes I get sick later in the day, and it doesn't happen every day but yes." You confirmed. "It's mostly in the mornings."
"...Have you been experiencing any other strange symptoms lately?," he asked slowly looking at you again. "Have you been more tired lately? Maybe perhaps your body has been unnaturally sore or you've been craving certain foods?"
You just stared at him for a long, long moment eyes widening with every word before you lit up brighter than a candle. "Yes! Yes to all of that! You described everything perfectly! That's exactly what I've been experiencing!" You happily clasped your hands smiling at him. Finally some answers. "You know how to fix this right?"
He didn't answer you at first before his eyes trailed down to rest on your middle for a long, long moment before he slowly stood up. "Can I look you over? Just to be sure of something."
"Oh? Of course. If you think it can help you with your diagnosis."
You stood still as he silently stood up and walked over to you, and slowly looked you over. Taking great care in looking you over before stepping back and just staring down at your middle before calmly inhaling and looking back to your face.
"Ma'am, I'm going to be very blunt with you. Do you have any children currently?"
You were certainly surprised that he'd ask you that. Why would he be asking if you had any children? Obviously you didn't! And you told him as such slowly shaking your head no confused. He sighed.
"That would explain your lack of knowledge."
"What are you talking about?"
He slowly looked you dead in the eyes calmly. Seriously. "Ma'am, I won't beat around the bush with you but.. You're pregnant."
"... W-What?"
"You're pregnant," he repeated matter of factly before crossing his arms, "Not too far along either. You're only about a little more than a month if my old eyes are seeing correctly."
The silence engulfed everything around her. It felt as if giant hands were squeezing the home, pushing it's walls into her whilst they crumbled and collapsed around her at the same time a hole was swallowing her whole and a giant rock was shoved into her guts. The entirety of the world caved in around her, a ringing in her ears as all sound was lost. All vision blurring together.
The word was like an omen of bad luck and misfortune. Echoing through her skull and rattling her brain back and forth as it bounced around inside her mind.
An invisible hand squeezed around her throat choking her from air and squeezing all the blood as it drained from her face. 
Pregnant.... Pregnant....Preg-
"I-I-I can't be pregnant!" You finally found your voice after spiraling for what felt like forever. Your face going white. Your breath quickening as you stared at the ever calm old man. "T-T-There must be s-some kind O-Of mist-take!"
"Nope!," he bluntly said without missing a beat not one for beating around the bush. Your body froze as if dunked in ice. "And you wouldn't be the first first-time-mother to tell me that I was wrong. I haven't been wrong with a pregnancy diagnosis yet."
"But...But this HAS to be a mistake!," you stressed holding up your hands to him and looking at the just as shocked younger doctor for back up..but the shocked younger man offered none. "T-There's no possible way for me to be pregnant!"
"Do you have a husband?" He asked bluntly.
"A fiance?"
"Have you been with any man within the last month or so then?" You froze. A whiplash of realization coating your face. The old man saw the realization in your eyes and nodded. "Well there is your answer."
No. You hadn't been with a man. 
He was a demon-
You jumped as the older man smiled fondly at you and patted your hands. "Never the less the good news is in order so..Congratulations! I'm sure you and your lover will be very blessed."
"Yes," his pupil agreed clearly his throat and nodding at you. "Congratulations to you. And I think we can all agree my diagnosis was still correct!" The old man rolled his eyes at him.
"You can't tell anyone!" Your sudden shout caught the two men off guard. You held up your hands in a panic. "Y-You can't tell anyone about this...I-...I w-want to tell him myself. A-After all this is.. personal."
The old man regarded your face before just simply nodding. "Understandable. I never really involved myself in the gossiping that people like to do around here. Rumors and gossip are a waste of time."
You looked at the younger man and so did the older doctor raising a brow. "Oh alright. It's not as if it would benefit me anyways."
With an approving nod the kind old man looked back to you and smiled. "You have our word. Truly the news of a new life joining our little town is always a joy. I'm sure you'll be very happy."
You're supposed to be happy with this?
Everything was blurred together. Noises and sounds becoming one. You didn't even realized you had gotten home until you closed your front door. It slid shut as you slowly reached over to click the lock shut. There you stood quietly as silence ensued. And then all the panic and fear hit you at once. THUD!! Your body slumped against the door as your arms pressed against the hard wood, collapsing to your knees. Slumping against the door and letting the darkness claim you.
You awoke the next morning with a gasp and terror shooting through you veins. An honest to gods scream left your lips. You didn't know what you were screaming at or why. Maybe it was fear? Maybe it was the overwhelming situation? Maybe it was all of it or something else you couldn't explain at all. But whatever it was...it was relieving whatever fear paralyzed you leaving you numb and laid on the floor in the silence. Not a sound to be heard. Not a movement made. Just...an overwhelming calmness. A numb so numb that everything just felt calm..until feeling slowly returned to your mind and body. Reality of the situation hitting you as a new wave of panic hit you along with realization.
You were pregnant.
You were pregnant and the father was a demon.
It was bad enough that you were pregnant but the fact that the father was a demon. That came with it's own problems! For one..What would be a demon infant be like? Or would they be part demon? Would they be more human? What if they had inhuman features?  Would they have extra eyes? Fangs? Claws? You had no idea. And that was the problem.
Demons weren't welcome here.
It wasn't a big secret that demons were widely hated amongst humans. Or at least in your village they were widely hated. The one man who came into into town with just an extra eye was treated horribly and ignored until he left town. At the time you stayed out of it because it wasn't any of your business and it didn't affect you. But now it WAS something that involved you. It literally now had everything to do with you! If you had children and they had demonic features-...At least you and them would be ridiculed and hated for the rest of your lives. At worse you'd be exiled out of town and run out like Nori was. And at the absolutely worst...You didn't want to think about that. But that wasn't the least of your worries.
What the hell would Kokushibo think?!
You've heard tales of women who fell in love with demons. It usually never ended well from the stories you heard told around the town. Of women in loveless marriages to terrible husbands and being forced to raise unloving children. Kokushibo did not seem anything like the stories, but what about his family? You didn't know anything about him. You didn't know where he came from, who his family was, who he fought for, or even if he even wanted children in the first place! You had no idea how he'd react with this! Thoughts swirled in your mind. He could die on the battlefield. He could just not come back at all. He could want nothing to do with this and leave you to raise a child alone! You never wanted to be in a situation like this! But one thing was clear to you-
No one could ever find out about this...
No one. Not anyone else from the village. Definitely not your boss...And not Kokushibo. It was all too dangerous. Too risky. Too many unpredictable things could happen. None good. But there was no going back on this. 
But you couldn't hide this forever.
It was bad enough two people already knew about it. They said they weren't going to tell and there was no way they knew Kokushibo was a demon, but you couldn't just hide this forever. It was easy to hide for now..but your stomach would grow and eventually this baby would be born. People will notice. They'll be asking questions about it. They'll question who the father is since everyone knew you weren't seeing anyone. 
This was not good. 
Your day was spent pondering, worrying, thinking, pacing, grabbing your stomach,..until you finally knew what you had to do.
You had to leave.
It was the only option. The only SAFE option. You'd have to leave everything behind before anyone found out anything else about this. Thus..you planned. You had to leave, that was clear enough and you had no other options. But where would you go? The small inn near you had a giant map mounted on it's wall for any travelers who just happened to stop by and stay at the tavern, or just for anyone who needed directions. Perfect. You took the next day off without telling anyone to visit said map mounted on the large wall. Turns out it really came in handy as it showed miles of land around you. The warlords and war itself were too the east with both forces occupying most of the north and south sides of the fighting. That was also where danger was. 
Where Kokushibo was. Fighting.
You wanted to avoid all of that, so the safest option was to travel westward. That was neutral territory of powerful people who didn't want to be involved in the war. It would be the safest shelter for you and with all the money you collected from Kokushibo, you'd be able to settle down somewhere easily. You weren't sure what you were going to do once you got there but it would do for now. Now you just had to plan. For now you had to act natural and pretend as if nothing was wrong at all. You'd have to gather a few supplies and make a small map for your trip, but it'd be worth it.
Your boss wasn't happy when you came in the next day with the scarf back over your mouth. "Where were you!? You didn't show up at all for the last two days!"
"I'm sorry. I wasn't feeling too well after seeing the doctors."
She scoffed rolling her eyes and crossing her arms. "That's no excuse. What did he say?"
"Turns out I have the stomach flu," you lied as naturally as you could. "The doctor said I should stay home for a few days and rest. I just came to tell you."
"Hmph! Of course you out of everyone would get sick! Fine. But since you bothered to show up today, you're working! Now get in here and stack these shelves!"
You didn't fight her orders and only worked that day as you usually did, although a pit formed in your stomach the entire time. The next day while your boss thought you were home sick, you took the time to go over to the inn for a little while pretending to sit down and sketch but really you were drawing a quick map of the area you planned on going, and then stopped by a few places to buy the things that you needed. A warmer coat. A bag. Some food that wasn't very likely to go bag on your long travel. However you were hit with even more shocking news. The fur trade where Nori's parents owned. You were getting a new coat. The thick rabbit fur coat was perfect for winter and you in the middle of paying a woman a good few gold pieces for it. She was no doubt one of the seamstresses who worked here to sew the coats together.
"That's a good coat. Planning ahead for the real nasty winter months huh?," she commented.
"Oh. Y-Yes! I need something better if I want to stay warm! The owners really do make the best coats."
She nodded. "They do." She sighed sadly. "It's just a shame they haven't been around as much. Ever since their son's death, they've been cooped up at home."
You immediately paused coat in hand. "...What?"
"Their son. Nori," she explained before looking around before leaning over to whisper. "He was the one who was killed by the wild beast over a month ago now." You froze. "His folks haven't been the same since."
"...Ah. I..did not know that."
Nori ...was the one dead from the hunting party?
You thought it was really strange that he hadn't come back after threatening to take you later that week when he first showed up, but you thought Kokushibo had just successfully scared him away with his threats. You had no idea that he was-.....That he..HOW?! Nori was an absolute asshole, but he was actually talented with hunting. Before he was exiled even, you once saw him drag a bear into town by himself. One of the only giant predators that actually wondered around here. So why did he end up dying? If Nori could hold his own to against a bear, then what could've been strong enough to kill him? 
...A demon could be strong enough.
Kokushibo disappeared the same night Nori died. ...That couldn't be a coincidence. Could it? You still remembered what Kokushibo said to Nori before he threw him out of your house.
"Should our paths cross again for whatever reason...I will be the last thing you see before death claims you."
What if Kokushibo and Nori had accidentally ran into each other that night? What if he did what he told you?
"If he returns, he does. I warned him. If he so chooses to not listen to that warning then he'll face the consequences of his own actions. I never go back on my word."
If they had ran into each other that night...Then Kokushibo very much could've kept his word. He could've been responsible for Nori's death! If he didn't outright kill him then what if Nori saw him and confronted Kokushibo instead? Nori was one to instigate fights and he already tried to attack Kokushibo once. If he tried to do it again then it could've lead to them fighting and Kokushibo killing him in defense. 
Whatever the reason, this wasn't good. You were the last one aside from the other hunters and Kokushibo that saw Nori alive. Everyone already knew about his obsessive crush on you. No one besides you knew about Kokushibo anyways unless Nori told them, but considering that no one showed up at your door demanding to see Kokushibo, Nori hadn't told anyone about the demon. Which meant that left only...YOU. Everyone knew how upset you were over Nori. What if someone eventually gets the idea of that you might've had a hand in his murder? Even if you didn't, no one might believe you. You could end up being blamed for the crime! On top of that Sabo just so happened to burn to death in a house fire the same night as Nori getting attacked by an alleged wild animal? You still remembered what Kokushibo said to Nori too.
"If I should hear you came to bother this woman again, I'll keep my promise and be sure that you never speak again." 
Both Sabo and Nori had connections to Kokushibo in the worst ways possible. And both were also unsuccessful in courting you. Both were widely known to be turned down and disliked by you. Someone could make that connection. Someone could also blame you for Sabo's house burning down. Someone like your boss. You could possibly be blamed for both deaths or for having some part in them!!
You were in more terrible danger than you thought.
You had to leave. 
And you had to leave SOON.
But there was one last thing you had to take care of before you left. Some closure for your mind before you left forever. You visited the small cemetery outside of town. A particular pair of headstones to be exact. Worn slightly from being there for a few years. You ended up placing a small offering on each of your parents graves before standing there for a long, long time silently. This would be the last time you were going to be able to see them again. 
"I'm so sorry," was the only thing you could manage to say to them as tears were shed.
Night fell. The cold silence falling over the town. Mothers called their children in to sleep. Men returned home from their jobs to rest their tools until the next day. Lanterns and candles were put out until the next time they'd be lit. All quiet. Silent. No one outside or looking out windows in this cold night. A perfect night for you too leave.
Your back door opened as you stepped out. You decided taking the back way out would be more safer in case for some reason someone was out. You closed the door behind you as quietly as you could before sneaking around the side of your house and peeking out. The streets were silent and empty. You adjusted the large bag on your back as you carefully scanned the windows in the dark for any movement. It was filled with all of your supplies along with a few changes of clothes. You'd need them for the long trip. The cold wind blew across your form making you shiver. Ok. No one was up near you and everyone else was asleep. You left the fireplace going too so even if someone looked out, they'll see the smoke coming from your chimney and not think anything else was suspicious. For once you were glad living on the very edge of town. Quickly and quietly you dashed across the roads heading towards the woods westward. That's where you wanted to go. You had gotten to the forest edge when you paused and turned back around.
To take one last look at your village.
This is where you grew up. This is your home. Your first everything was here. Your whole livelihood was built here...but it couldn't last. Not unless you wanted to remain safe. Not if you want this CHILD to be safe. Turquoise eyes shined with tears as they looked over everything before turning.
Silently her form slipped away into the night. No one the wiser to her missing.
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purpdaderp · 2 years ago
Hello! I am violet a multi fandom fanfic writer I write x reader / y/n
Requests are open
If you want welcome home go to violetsditsyrainbow
I am writing for
Kingdom hearts
Lego monkey kid
Undertake aus (sanses and papyrus’s you can ask for 3 aus at a time for headcanons)
Don’t hug me I’m scared
John doe
Your boyfriend (these two are not going to be gore just protective fluff, still obsessive just not harmful, murder, or harm/ kid nap y/n)
Casino cup
Bendy and Boris quest for the ink machine
Steven universe
Poppy the performer
Pokémon sun and moon or xyz
Security breach
Dsmp (not dream, and I’ve heard it’s toxic but I’ve never seen any of the toxic parts ): )
The owl house
Genshin impact
Into/across the spider verse
Maybe more (probs forgot the rest lol. If wanted you can ask!)
What I’ll write
Tk fic
Platonic and romantic
What I won’t do
Full angst
Full agresive yandere (slight)
N$fw (not my thing)
Things I am not comfortable with
Hate on furries (I’m idk what the heck you are as long as you aren’t affecting me or others)
Pro shipping
How I will write
Mini story’s
For headcanons like undertale aus, you can ask for 3-4 per request like (3-4 at max characters from Steven universe) x (wanted description of y/n)
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o0-iris-0o · 3 months ago
Luminous | Xiao x [F] Reader
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Description: After months of isolation and endless work, your friend insists on taking you out for a night of music and escape. But a stranger at the bar has an offer that might take your life in an unexpected direction.
Warnings: Dark Themes | NSFW | 18+
Chapter: 3/29
V AO3 Tags Below V
Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Major Character Death | Dead Dove: Do Not Eat | Dark Fiction | Horror Themes | Depression | Anxiety | Angst | Emotional | Crying | Involuntary Medical Procedures | Blood | Needles | Injections | Vomiting | Captivity | Yandere Themes | Physical Altercations | Drugs | Drug Use | Alcohol | Intoxication | Gangs | Guns | Combat | Action | Romance | Enemies to Lovers | Cuddling and Snuggling | Fluff | Smut | Plot with Porn | Vaginal Fingering | Vaginal Sex | Oral Sex | Cunnilingus | Blow Jobs | Sex on Drugs | Bloodplay | Knifeplay | Hair Pulling | Rough Sex | Gentle Sex | Dom Xiao | Alatus (Genshin Impact) | Aftercare | Reader-Insert | Reader is Not Traveler | POV First person | Alternate Universe - Future | Diluc Cameo
< CH. 2 | CH. 4 >
Chapter 3
Xiao's Suite
Xiao, wearing a serious expression, addresses the two individuals standing before him, emphasizing the gravity of the task at hand. “I’m in need of your assistance with a matter of utmost importance,” He begins. 
Ever eager and confident, Itto responds with brash assurance, crossing his arms, ready to confront whatever challenges Xiao is about to present. “Anything for you, little dude! Lay it on me.” 
Standing beside Itto, Kuki raises her hand over her chest in a gesture of commitment. “We’d be more than happy to undertake any assignment you have for us,” she assures, ready to lend her support.
Xiao drops a notebook on the table before them, its page bearing a single scribbled note. “I need both of you to go to this address and retrieve all the belongings from the apartment. Y/N, our new member, is relocating to the inn, and her possessions must be brought here. Understand?” 
Itto, ever lively and enthusiastic, puts in with a broad grin. “Ah, you’re just rollin’ out the welcome wagon for a new recruit, eh? No problem at all. We gotchu! Am I right, Shinobu?” He turns to his companion for confirmation, but Kuki, engrossed in her task, is diligently entering the address into her phone. 
“Huh? Oh, yes, absolutely.” she replies, her attention momentarily diverted, accompanied by a subtle nod. 
With a resigned sigh, Xiao retrieves a set of keys from his pocket. “Here are the keys to the apartment. You can take the van in the garage, so here are those, too.” With a casual toss, the keys clink through the air, landing squarely in Itto’s outstretched hands.
“Sweeet! Did you hear that, Kuki? I get to take the wheel this time!” Itto’s expression lights up with pride and a sense of accomplishment. However, his elation is short-lived as Kuki swiftly snatches the van keys from his grasp.
“Oh no, you’re not. I’m not taking any chances with you damaging property that doesn’t belong to us. I’ll be driving this time,” she asserts, hands firmly planted on her hips.
Itto’s enthusiasm is curtailed, and he lets out a disappointed “Aw…” before conceding, “Well, that’s why you’re the Deputy Leader of the Arataki Gang; gotta make the right calls.” 
“Just… make sure the task is completed, that’s all I ask,” Xiao interjects, exhaustion etched across his face.
“I’ll make sure of it. Should we include the furniture as well?” Kuki inquires. 
“No, her personal belongings should suffice.” 
“Alright then, come on, Itto. Let’s get moving.” Kuki commands, taking the lead as she strides toward the elevator. 
Itto, following in Kuki’s wake, affirms, “Yep! Right behind you, compadre.” 
As the duo departs, Xiao observes their exit, managing a weak attempt at a fake smile and wave as he sends them off. 
As I gradually wake, I resist the urge to open my eyes immediately, lingering in that transitional state between dreams and reality. In this initial haze, I’m convinced that I’m nestled in the familiar confines of my apartment, lying comfortably in my bed. However, as my eyelids reluctantly part, I’m met with an entirely unfamiliar environment. 
A momentary disorientation washes over me, a subtle jolt of surprise that lingers briefly before I manage to piece together where I actually am. I extend my arms and legs in a languid stretch, shifting in bed. Suddenly, as I turn over, I’m greeted with an unexpected, “Good morning! I hope you slept well,” from Ganyu, who stands across the room, technically in her kitchen. 
In her hands, she holds a parfait, and my gaze is drawn longingly to it as my stomach emits a low rumble. “Oh, do you want one?” she asks, pointing at the glass in her hand. “I brought back two from the kitchen.”
Can she read my thoughts? Or maybe, she simply saw my hungry stare fixed on the enticing food in her hands. Regardless, I seize the opportunity, springing up from the bed. Quickly, I make my way to one of the counter stools positioned opposite of Ganyu, eager to indulge in such an amazing-looking dessert as I give her a nod of my head. “Yes, please.” 
With a soft smile, she delicately places her own parfait on the counter and retrieves the second one from the fridge, situating it in front of me along with a gleaming spoon. To my delight, it happens to be my absolute favorite flavor—maybe she really is a mind reader, but who would mind a bit of culinary telepathy when it leads to such delicious food?
“I hope you enjoy it. I wasn’t quite sure what flavor you preferred, so I just grabbed the one that seemed the most appealing,” she confesses with a hint of nervousness. 
“Thank you, this one’s perfect,” I express my gratitude before grabbing the spoon and indulging in my first bite. The flavor seamlessly melds with my tongue, and the freshness of the fruits is delightful. “It’s been so long since I’ve had something this good. Do you guys have a chef?”
“Oh, absolutely. The inn has its own dedicated cook for the guests, but we’re free to help ourselves whenever we’d like,” Ganyu shares before turning to retrieve a couple of napkins from the opposite countertop. As she’s fetching them, my eyes inadvertently catch a glimpse of a glistening tattoo of sorts on the back of her neck—an intricate cryo symbol embedded in her skin that glows ever so slightly. With a napkin in hand, she hands one to me and keeps the other for herself. 
Unable to contain my curiosity, I question her about the tattoo, “If you don’t mind me asking, what’s that on the back of your neck?” 
“Oh, It’s my vision,” Ganyu explains, her voice carrying a note of pride as she lets me catch a better view of the symbol, pulling her hair out of the way. “Xiao thought the original visions were too flashy and obstructive—or something like that. So he came up with a method of transferring it into a tattoo form.” 
Releasing her hair, she then studies me for a moment, a faint hint of puzzlement in her expression. “Do you have a vision, Y/N? I don’t see one on you.”
“Yeah, I do! It’s—” I start, my gaze drifting across my own body in search of my vision, only to realize, “Ah, damn, I must’ve left it at my apartment…” I admit as a twinge of anxiety begins to creep over me.
“Don’t worry! Xiao mentioned that he’d be grabbing your things, didn’t he? I’m confident he’ll show up with it. Though, you really shouldn’t go too long without your vision. I’ve heard it can have serious effects if you’re without it for an extended period of time,” Ganyu advises, concern now sweeping her expression. Pausing to think for a moment, she then speaks up again.
“Here, let me text him for you, just to make sure he keeps an eye out for it,” she offers kindly. Retrieving her phone from her pocket, her thumbs swipe across the screen as she types her message to Xiao on my behalf.
“Thanks. I really hope he does get my things; I’m pretty screwed without that,” I respond, my gaze falling to the countertop as worry permeates my thoughts. 
“It’s alright. We’ll make sure you get everything back,” she assures. As her phone buzzes in her hand, she smoothly transitions to a different topic. “By the way, would you like to meet another crew member? She’s the only other person you haven’t met yet, aside from the members of the Arataki Gang.” 
“Sure, I’d love to meet her,” I agree, wondering if this crew member is anything like the other two. Suddenly, something dawns on me, “Wait, are you guys the Arataki Gang?” I ask, my expression a mix of curiosity and a bit of apprehension as my mind flashes to numerous news headlines and stories I’ve heard about them. They do some pretty crazy stuff, and by crazy, I mean crazy dumb. 
“Oh, no. You’ve got the wrong idea. You’re an adeptus, right?” Ganyu questions, gesturing towards where my ears would be on her body. 
My brows furrow with confusion at her sudden, odd question, “Huh? No, not that I know of.” 
Ganyu, now wearing a perplexed expression herself, responds, “Really? That’s strange. I was certain that’s why Xiao brought you here.” She mumbles, her gaze turning downward as she collects her thoughts.
“A-anyway, you see, me, Xiao, and Yanfei—the member you have yet to meet—are adepti. Shenhe is an exception because she grew up with us, but she’s human. Together, we formed our own group. Then, one day Xiao and Yanfei crossed paths with the Arataki Gang, who came to our aid in a dire time. To show our gratitude, we offered them a safe haven here at the inn. While they’re free to come and go as they please, they often choose to stay. In return, they agreed to continue assisting us whenever we need help,” Ganyu carefully explains, unraveling the intricacies of their alliance. 
“So, you’re telling me you guys are adepti? Huh, I remember reading about you in history class back when I was in school. And now, you’re a gang?” I ask, a hint of confusion in my tone. The thought of such revered figures from history now transformed into a gang doing unconventional dealings raises an array of questions in my mind. How could such highly sought-after gods end up doing ‘business’ with likely criminals?
“Essentially, yes, in a brief summary. Oh, we shouldn’t keep Yanfei waiting. I didn’t mean to get sidetracked,” Ganyu remarks briskly, hastening towards the door. I quickly follow behind, both of us leaving our now-empty glasses abandoned on the counter. 
Y/N's apartment
A piercing scream echoes from beyond the door of your former apartment, shattering the silence of the corridor. 
“Why are you stealing my friend’s stuff?!” Sedna gasps, trying to snatch the article of clothing from the stranger’s large hand. However, with a height advantage, he easily holds it above Sedna’s head. 
“I keep telling you, I ain’t stealing nothin’! I was hired for this job! How do you think I got her keys, huh?” Itto exclaims loudly, tauntingly dangling the keys in front of Sedna's face. She tries to grab them as well, but isn’t quick enough. “We didn’t break in or anything.”
Sedna begins to grapple with the unsettling realization that someone has been commissioned to invade your space. “So you were hired by a gang to steal from Y/N! You even stole her keys! I’m calling the cops!” Sedna hastily grabs her phone from her pocket, but Kuki jumps in just in time. 
“Absolutely not! We’re not affiliated with any gang,” she asserts, swiftly denying the accusation. “We’re hired movers, here to pack up our client’s belongings and transport them to her new location.” Thinking on her feet, she comes up with a convincing story on the spot.
Sedna, caught off guard by this unexpected explanation, pauses to process the information. “Hired movers?” she repeats, skepticism evident in her voice. “But Y/N didn’t mention anything to me about moving when I saw her just two days ago.”
With practiced ease, Kuki continues to weave her narrative. “Ah, you see, there's been a last-minute change of plans. Our client was facing eviction from this apartment and had to move quickly. Now, she's temporarily staying at an inn while we handle the relocation process.” 
“Evicted? With such little notice? That’s illegal! You can’t just kick someone out without a proper thirty-day eviction notice!” Sedna’s anger intensifies.
“We’re just the movers, ma’am. You’ll need to address those concerns with the property management,” Kuki responds briskly. 
“Ugh, could you at least give me the name of the inn she’s staying at, then? I’d like to make sure she’s okay,” Senda implores. 
“Unfortunately, it’s against company policy to disclose our client’s personal information,” Kuki answers with practiced politeness.
Her brows furrowing, Sedna struggles to find evidence to validate their legitimacy. “Then, could you at least share the name of your company?” she presses on.
“It’s Qingce Moving Company, ma’am.” Kuki replies. 
Quickly, Sedna types the name of the company into her phone, her thumbs moving rapidly across the screen. As the search results confirm the legitimacy of their moving company, a mixture of relief and resignation washes over her. “Oh, alright… I guess I’ll just text her then,” she concedes, turning towards the door, but Itto interjects with a final word.
“You see! I told you I wasn’t lying,” he taunts, his tone laced with a cocky attitude. 
Sedna, choosing not to verbally engage any further, responds with a silent gesture, sticking her tongue out at the peculiar mover man. In a reciprocal fashion, Itto mirrors her gesture, momentarily diffusing the tension with their childish exchange.
Several hours have passed, and I’ve found myself deeply immersed in the world of Yanfei. However, I’ve come to realize that she’s quite the talker, and our interaction has become an unending stream of stories that show no signs of ending. It feels as if I’ve been transported to an impromptu history class, and Yanfei is the lecturer. 
“Anyway, a long, long time ago, nearly…” Yanfei momentarily stops to count on her fingers, “Five-hundred years ago—gosh, has it really been that long already, where as the time gone—but yes, about five hundred years ago, I was a legal advisor in Liyue Harbor, back when the land was still habitable of course…” 
As our seemingly endless conversation goes on, we’re abruptly interrupted by a jarring sound of banging on the room door. Yanfei, startled, rises from her seat and makes her way over to the door, swinging it open. 
On the other side stands two figures—a towering, horned man with a big smile and a petite woman with striking green hair. A sense of déjà vu washes over me as I rack my brain, trying to recall where I’ve seen them before. 
“Oh, Itto… it’s you. And Shinobu! It’s wonderful to see you! Come on in,” Yanfei warmly gestures, inviting them inside. 
“Hey, amigas! What’s going on? Looks like you’re having a party in here,” Itto exclaims, his eyes sweeping across the room, taking in the sight of Yanfei, Ganyu, and myself.
“Itto…” I mumble, the name triggering a sudden recognition. Then it clicks. “Itto! I know you. Yeah, you’re the leader of the Arataki Gang,” I announce as the realization dawns on me.
“Woahoho, did you hear that, Kuki? Looks like I’m famous. Arataki Numero Uno Itto, the one and oni. Haha, yep, that’s me,” he proudly remarks, a boisterous grin stretching across his face.
“Yep, you’re pretty famous, alright… I see your face plastered across news stations every day,” Kuki slyly responds, her tone carrying a subtle playfulness. 
“Hey, that’s worth something, isn’t it?” Itto questions, though he quickly regains focus. “Oh shoot, wait, wait, wait—hold that thought. Sorry to be the party crasher, but the little dude upstairs wants to see Y/N pronto,” he adds, a sense of urgency threading through his words. 
“Do I need to come as well, or is it just Y/N?” Ganyu interjects.
“Nope. He specifically said, ‘Can you grab Y/N for me. Just Y/N. Alone.’ He really emphasized the ‘alone’ part,” Itto elaborates, attempting to convey the details of the request. 
A heavy sinking sensation takes hold of my stomach as those words settle in. My mood, once lively, shifts to one of anxiousness. The mention of Xiao’s request for me alone stirs up memories of our last interaction—a less-than-pleasant experience, and the thought of facing him again in solitude puts me on edge. 
Rising slowly from the comfort of Yanfei’s couch, I mutter, “Well, I guess I better get this over with.” A nervous giggle punctuates my sentence, an attempt to mask the knot coiling around my throat.
Trailing behind Itto and Kuki, we exit Yanfei’s room. Ganyu swiftly joins, avoiding the likelihood of another long-drawn-out conversation with Yanfei. Our footsteps echo through the hallway as we head toward the main elevator. 
As we approach, I take a moment to exchange what feels like my final goodbyes with Ganyu before we step into the compartment. Her figure gradually disappears behind the closing door as she sends me off with a wave. 
“You nervous?” Kuki asks, casting a sympathetic glance in my direction. 
“Is it that obvious?” I reply, feeling my stomach drop as the elevator begins its ascent. 
“Hey, come on, there’s nothing to be worried about. Little dude’s not that scary once you get to know him,” Itto says, attempting to offer reassurance. Surprisingly, his words carry a certain comfort. If someone with his personality can find common ground with Xiao, then maybe there’s some hope for me as well. 
With a gradual halt, the elevator announces its arrival with a familiar ding, and the door slides open before us. Any remnants of comfort immediately evaporate as I lock eyes with Xiao standing at the opposite end of the room, his gaze piercing and fixed squarely on me. 
With a hesitant step, I’m the only one who emerges from the elevator. Kuki lingers, holding the door open just long enough to whisper a hopeful “good luck” to me before their presence vanishes behind the closing door. 
A sense of isolation washes over me as I stand alone, facing Xiao, who raises his hand, beckoning for me to approach. Reluctantly, I drag my feet forward. The last thing I want right now is another earful from him. Coming to a stop at a cautious distance, I position myself directly before him. 
The panoramic view outside the windows catches my attention—a breathtaking expanse of buildings stretching for miles, extending further to where the mountains loom. Sunbeams cascade down, illuminating the small waves in the pool out front, casting sparkles of light into the suite. 
Despite the captivating scene outside, Xiao’s presence is overwhelming. Dressed entirely in black, he wears a tank top paired with skin-tight ripped jeans and well worn boots—almost as if he’s dressed for my funeral. 
Emerging gradually from behind his back, my focus is drawn to his hand. In a deliberate motion, he reveals something instantly recognizable to me, and my eyes light up. “My vision! That means you got my stuff for me…?”  
He nods, acknowledging my comment as I extend my hand out to reclaim what’s mine. But before I can retrieve it, he intervenes, pulling the emblem back and signaling for me to follow him. 
I begin to trail behind as he guides me to the stairs and up to the second floor—a balcony with multiple doors along the walls. I start to question where he’s taking me when the memory of Ganyu’s tattoo surfaces, a possibility occuring to me. Could he be taking me to transfer my vision?
Xiao ushers me into one of the rooms, and my gaze is immediately drawn to a tattooing chair unfolded flat, accompanied by a table hosting what appears to be a tattoo gun and various other equipment. The rest of the room, surprisingly cozy, features a couch and chairs arranged in a sitting area.
Delicately, Xiao places my vision on the table before pointing over toward the chair. “Go lie down, on your stomach,” he instructs, his words the first spoken to me since I stepped into the suite. 
Making my way over, I settle myself onto the chair, having a rough idea of what’s about to happen. Once settled, I turn my head, watching Xiao’s movements with a mixture of curiosity and lingering anxiety. 
“This is going to hurt. Prepare yourself,” he cautions. 
I make an effort to mentally prepare for the impending process, taking a deep breath. However, any semblance of preparation crumbles as I watch Xiao wield a sharp, thin rod. In one swift motion, he strikes my vision with it, and the glass shatters, scattering shards across the table. The sudden, stinging pain cuts through my chest, catching me by surprise. No amount of preparation could have lessened this horrific feeling.
The pain surges through every inch of my body in rapid succession, knocking the breath from my lungs. Once I manage to gasp for air, I don’t hesitate to release it in a blood-curdling scream—the sensation the most agonizing I’ve ever experienced. 
Through my now-hazy eyes, I watch an icy blue goop ooze over the edge of my shattered vision, and the relentless pain continues to suffocate me, leaving me with nothing to do but scream. 
“The quicker I do this, the faster the pain will go away,” Xiao asserts, rushing the table to my side. 
There’s no way in hell I’m going to be able to sit through this. 
My stomach clenches, a rising feeling building within, and my head starts to spin. Instinctively, I squeeze my eyes shut as I feel Xiao grab hold of my waist, trying to lay me flat on the chair, but I can’t help squirming with every jolt of pain. 
Despite my struggles, Xiao persists with the task at hand. The tattoo gun begins to buzz, and I feel the machine’s pressure against my neck, but the overwhelming sear across my body overshadows anything else.
Unable to endure the strain put on my body, my awareness succumbs to the stress, and I fade into unconsciousness. 
As I come to, my eyelids gradually flutter open, taking in the blurry room that surrounds me. A subtle soreness settles at the nape of my neck, accompanied by a strange, fine stinging sensation at the center of my arm. Glancing to my side, I find Xiao diligently arranging his belongings on the table. Noticing my return to consciousness, he retrieves an object off the table and takes a few steps in my direction. 
My attention narrows in on the item in his hand—a syringe, though distinctly different from the ones I had encountered yesterday. The contents inside are a translucent pale blue. I fixate on the needle, confused. Did that come out of my vision? No, that’s already on my neck. Then what is this…
Breaking the silence, Xiao directs me with a commanding tone, “Get up.” 
Hesitantly, I rise from my reclined position with deliberate slowness, battling the remaining disorientation as I regain my bearings. Once I’m upright, Xiao advances, closing the distance between us. With a swift motion, he grabs hold of my wrist, drawing my arm toward him. 
Instinctively recoiling when I realize his intention is to administer whatever mystery liquid the syringe holds, I snatch my arm back, pulling it away from his grasp. “What is that?” I ask quickly. 
Dismissing my question, Xiao insists, “Give me your arm.” 
“No. Tell me what that stuff is first.” I press, refusing to allow any injections of this unknown substance. Rising from the chair, I shield my arms with my hands, a tense pause hanging over us as I give him a moment to provide an explanation, but silence ensues. 
Undeterred, Xiao inches closer, an insistent motion urging me to lower my guard. Determined to evade his grasp, I sidestep, attempting to slip past him. But as my back turns, his arms encircle me, one of them anchoring around my neck, effectively pinning me against his body from behind. 
Panic sets in, and I grab at his arm, pulling, but his strength is overpowering. In the midst of my struggle, I find myself briefly distracted, and Xiao takes the opportunity to thrust the needle into my arm. The sensation is immediate—a cold rush as the liquid enters my veins.
Once the substance drains into my arm, Xiao releases his hold on me. Free from his grasp, I inhale sharply, gasping for air as I immediately demand, “What the hell was that? What did you put in my body?!” But my questions fall on deaf ears as Xiao remains obstinately silent. 
Ignoring my pleas for clarification, Xiao discards the empty syringe onto the table with a clatter, then takes hold of my wrist. With a tug, he drags me out of the room, despite my attempts to pry my arm free as we descend the stairs.
Both of us stumble along the way due to my resistance, and Xiao sharply whips around to face me. “Would you stop?! You’re acting so damn annoying!” he shouts, the force of his words causing me to wince. He continues to guide me to the couch, shoving me down onto the cushions. 
As soon as his grip loosens, I take the opportunity to hoist myself over the back of the couch. However, a sudden firm grasp closes around my ankle, sending a jolt of alarm through me and prompting an instinctive, strong kick. Xiao’s hold on me releases, and I go crashing to the ground. 
Undeterred, I muster the strength to get to my feet and dart toward the elevator, but before I can make it, a pair of arms envelops me as Xiao’s body collides into mine from behind. He huffs, “You’re not going to make this easy for me, are you?” restraining my hands behind my back. 
Spinning around, he pushes me back towards the couch, but my resistance persists. “Let go of me! What did you do to me?!” I yell, exerting every ounce of strength within myself to break free. 
Despite my struggles, his hold remains firm, and amidst my failing effort to escape, a sudden intense warmth begins to spread throughout my body. Again, I’m overcome by a disorienting lightheadedness, and the more I resist, the worse I begin to feel, prompting a reluctant end to my rebellion. 
Tossed back into my seat on the couch, Xiao places a hand on my forehead in a scrutinizing manner. “Well… at least that calmed you down,” he observes with a subtle satisfaction. 
Retracting his hand, he briefly steps away, disappearing from sight and quickly returning with a chair in hand. Dragging it across the floor, he positions it in front of me, across the coffee table, and takes a seat. “As you can already tell, you will begin to experience some discomforting symptoms from the serum I’ve administered. These symptoms include hot flashes, cold flashes, nausea, dizziness, and lightheadedness. These are all normal. However, if they start to become unbearable, you need to tell me right away, ” he explains slowly, in a tone reminiscent of someone speaking to a child. 
My gaze fixates on him through my now fuzzy vision. Though my breath becomes labored, the urgency in my tone persists. “You need to tell me what you just put in my fucking body.” 
His response is a cold dismissal. “Don’t say anything to me unless it has to do with your symptoms.” Unbothered, he reaches into his pocket, retrieving his phone and diverts his attention to its screen, tapping away. 
Suddenly, my determination to press the issue wavers as the room around me blurs into a disorienting swirl of motion. Reflexively, I cup my face in the palms of my hands, shielding myself from the unsettling vertigo. Just then, the air becomes thick with heat while an icy chill washes over the core of my body. 
With my hands firmly pressed against my face, I sink back into the couch, trying to ask Xiao a question he’ll actually answer, “How long is this supposed to last?”
“About three hours.” 
What did I get myself into…
< CH. 2 | CH. 4 >
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yandereaffections · 2 years ago
Black Butler Masterlist
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Sebastian Michaelis 
Ciel vs Sebastian over you
Reaction to your Pregnancy
Domestic HC with your child
Father and Husband
Clingy sebastian
Relationship w/o sex
Not believing his confession
Distancing yourself
Missing and returning with a present 
Throwing yourself into a river
Pagan, Pansexual, Crossdresser
Framed to Death sentence 
Married to Ciel
Sebastian HC
His need for Validation
Sick s/o
“Cheating” on him
Haunted House + Hunted Down
Unwillingly hurting his S/o
Angel trying to seduce S/o out of their Contract
Angel stealing his S/o & Child
S/os child being their “one and only love”
Ciel having a soft spot for his S/o
Demon trying to replace sebastian for his S/o
Independent S/o
Crush trying to hook him up with someone else
Fluff HC
Nature loving S/o
Gold digger S/o
Stubborn S/o refusing to take medicine
S/o on her period
Physically disabled s/o
S/o with cutting scars TW
Kissing Seb as he pretends to sleep
Easily flustered s/o
Punishments HC
Witch s/o who attracts cats
After sex cuddling
Capturing his darling
S/o being the favorite parent
Sebs children trying to take his S/o away from him
Someone attempting to ‘save’ Sebs S/o
Neko S/o
Emotion HC
Arguing wih S/o
Demon S/o rejecting him
Trying to distract him with cats to escape
The difference between Normal and Yandere demons HC
Introducing your baby to the Phantomhives
Grell trying to harm S/o
S/o turning into a cat
Darlings already mated to a powerful demon
Empathetic and sweet S/o
Marrying Sebastian
Finding a way to make human s/o immortal
Smol and delicate s/o
Giddy/Energetic S/o 
Ciel and the servants figuring out Sebastians dating
Darling that cant cook but makes him something anyways
Ciel and the servants figuring out Sebastians dating
High class noble darling that doesnt pay attention to him
Celebrating Halloween with his kids
S/o invested in a book
Noble S/o whose parents doesnt want them talking to seb
Bringing home a stray puppy
Smart yet weak Neko S/o
S/o who has a tendency to climb and get stuck ontop of things
Touch Starved Sebastian
Stupid S/o
Taking Seb to a cat cafe
Nephilim S/o
S/o has a kid from a previous relationship
More Fluff
Taking care of a overworked S/o
Domestic Seb w/ darling
Fighting w/ his kids trying to take S/o away from him
Romantic Darling
S/o’s afraid of cats
Darling being ridiculed for coming out of the closet
Meeting S/o’s overprotective family
Sexuality and Gender Idenity HC
Spoiling his S/o
Darling w/ small Titties
Goth S/o
What music Sebastian listens to
Making a contract with S/o
Yandere Alphabet: D,F,H,R,T
S/o who loves loud aggressive music
Darling has an Eating Disorder TW
Yandere Alphabet: A,J,K,W,Z,I,Q
S/o is afraid of ghosts
Comforting Depressed Darling TW
Comforting S/o w/ the stomach flu
Darling that curses a lot
Loving a small, cubby and cute reader
Darling who always makes degrading comments and jokes about suicide TW
S/o who fears and avoids Sebastian 
Bathing darling
S/o who smokes TW
Dominant S/o
Taking care of a greedy food aggressive cat
Getting matching piercings 
Demon S/o
Finding out Darling has a crush on their best friend
S/o whos nervous at any sensual touch
Modern day Satanist Darling
S/o getting upset when finding out about his past affairs 
Reaction to his darling dying
S/o admits to loving his true form
Celebrating darlings birthday
S/o shutting down when kidnaped 
Fluffy Morning and Night Routine HC
Darling with Major Trust Issues
S/o who doesnt want kids
Darling who can turn into a chibi neko
Being reunited with S/o after being separated for a few years
Demon S/o having a family together
Schizophrenic Reader
40 year old male reader thinking your too old for him
Worker S/os employer abusing them
S/o who constantly has mini break downs
Autistic S/o
Short Tempered Darling
Platonic relationship w/ a  young neko
Disabled S/o who used forearm crutches 
Helping S/o through a Asthma Attack
S/o that loves playing with his hair
Avoiding him due to think demons are only manipulative 
Even More Fluff HC
S/o whos happy to be kidnapped 
Darling saying “I Love You” for the first time
Comforting S/o w/ daddy issues
S/o being sadistic in a strict way
Doing his makeup
Ciel Platonically being Yandere over Sebastian's darling
Placing cats ontop of you to wake you up
S/o wanting to do his skin care
S/o w/ a bad immune system
Play fights w/ sebastian
S/o who likes teasing him
S/o who cant speak english
Another demon wants to steal sebastian's S/o
Would sebastian understand memes?
S/os tics/adhd sounds are like cat sounds 
Spending a day at the beach
Would Sebastian use S/os mental disability against them?
His daughter bringing a dog into the house
Mermaid S/o
Phantomhive servants are platonically Yandere for Sebastians S/o
How Mayrin treats Sebastians S/o
Ciel accidentally calling sebastian's S/o “mom”
Collector s/o
Kittens love language is touch
S/os already married to a human
Writer S/o using sebastian as a reference for the villain
Meeting his wealthy yet not noble S/o
Being romantic w/ his kitten
How he goes about confessing and courting S/o
How he interacts with his new born child
S/os whose personality is bitchy/mean
S/o w/ ADD and MDD
Gifting him cat themed items
Romancing his kitten
S/o that blushes easily
Using his tailcoat as a blanket
Where he likes kissing his kitten & why HC
Loving care HC
Leaving gifts around the manor for his kitten
Building you a home HC
S/o thats bad at cooking trying to join him in the kitchen
Kitten who writes poems for him
Asking him to teach you how to fight
S/o giving him all sorts of affection
Giving back love to his affectionate kitten
S/o willing to give up their soul to save ciels 
What a average day with your new child looks like
“You look so beautiful like this…covered in all of my marks.”
 “This is what would happen if I didn’t take care of you.”
What life is like for the kidnapped S/o
“You’re weak. You need me.”
 “I love you, and I know you love me too. Even if you refuse to admit it.”
S/o who wants to travel the world with him
Demon S/o wants to spar with him
S/o whos a major sweettooth
S/o responding to his flirts with "Good joke, but you're a demon right? You're not supposed to feel. " 
The purge
Watching horror movies with Sebastian
Kidnapped S/o who refuses to look at him and makes rude comments 
Denying him by saying stuff like "you're like a father to me"\
S/o is a stoner
S/o has nipple piercings 
General HC
How Sebastian expresses himself to his Kitten
Playing GTA/RDR with sebastian
S/os basically nocturnal 
Styling sebs hair
Stalking HC
Asking him to dance
S/o gets extremely fatigued at the end of the day
S/o trying to tickle him
Caring for S/o after top surgery
S/o loves dancing to Kpop songs
Platonic S/o caffeine addict
S/o has 5 dogs
S/o imitates him constantly
Platonic seb adopting a young demon
Servant S/o works for a family that regularly abuses them
Sebastian vs Agni
Grell making Seb jealous via flirting at his s/o
Playing human games w/ his child
Running into poor S/o adoring cats
Kidnapping HC
S/o bothered by how much time he spends on contracts
S/o is feisty constantly fights against Seb
Seb baby fever HC
S/o having baby fever
Comforting S/o after their father suddenly passed
Matching tattoos
S/o using him as drawing inspiration
Yandere Alphabet M,K,A,L,U,Y 
Hunted down
Nuclear Apocalypse 
Platonic Babygirl is half demon half human
Life Threatening and Supernatural situation
Life threatening situation
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Claude Faustus
Stalker prompt
Kidnapping HC
Affection HC
Pregnant S/o
Demoness S/o who wont give up without a fight
Innocent S/o
Hunted down
S/o uses ariel silks
Famous Violinist S/o
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Ciel Phantomhive
Ciel vs Sebastian over you
Haunted House + Demon
Becoming your Suitor
Rejecting his advances 
Recognizing Crossdressed Ciel
Fluff HC
Independent S/o
Matching your outfit with his
Comforting S/o on their period
Ciel Platonically being Yandere over Sebastian's darling
Childhood friend S/o
Ciel accidentally calling sebastian's S/o “mom”
Platonic HC
Shy s/o
Falling for a Maid S/o
Servant S/o works for a family that regularly abuses them
Platonic Seemingly absent minded S/o is actually v smart 
Yandere Alphabet I,K,Y
Trick or treat
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Clingy S/o
S/o trying to escape
Kidnapping S/o
Cheering him up
Aggressive S/o 
Killing his rival
How he shows love
Rival threatening S/o
Loving s/o being treated unfairly
Fluff HC
S/o who “wears the pants” in the relationship
S/o can see/talk to ghosts
Darling that defies gender norms
Celebrating Halloween with his kids
Scary Movies
Ticklish S/o
Capturing S/o during a escape attempt
S/o wants a cat
Darlings into steampunk
Naga Undertaker soft affections hc
Half reaper S/o
Yandere Alphabet T,V,X,Y 
Hunted down by vampire undertaker
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Alois Trancy
“youre mine do you understand? you belong to me”
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Tough and Blunt S/o
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Relationship HC 
S/o scared to accept Grells proposal
Figuring out what Grell is
FtM S/o
Not fearing what grell is
Grell raising their kid
Dealing with a man that persistently bothers you
Reacting to S/o singing the 5th verse of WAP
Celebrating Halloween with her kids
Childs now an adult
S/o doesnt want their child to be around the Phantomhives
Family w/ grell HC
Grells child angry theyre hidden 
Married life HC
Loving her S/o whos self conscious about their body
S/o who curses a lot
Platonic relationship with Kid Witch 
S/o who has MILF energy 
Kid Witch gets hurt by an angel 
Pregnant S/o
Loving a chubby S/o
Jealous HC
Kid Witch whos traumatized from getting attacked by an angel
Cuddling after a long days work
Comforting S/o during a Anxiety attack
Soft S/o
Affectionate S/o
Attempting to escape
S/o who walked around the house naked
Humanitarian/empathetic S/o 
Spoiling Grell with affection
s/o saw her kill Madam Red
S/o not believing grell has genuine feelings towards them cause she simps for so many others
S/o who trusts people to easily
Taking advantage of her S/os mental disability making them rely on her
Being with grell in her butler form
S/o absolutely fawns over grell
Platonic young reaper darling
Yandere Alphabet A,B,E,L,V
Vampire grell
Witch S/o
Life Threatening situation
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S/o trying to escape
Spoiled, aggressive S/o
S/o breaking down for the first time
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Elf s/o whos anxious about their ears
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Ronald Knox
Yandere Alphabet L,M,U,Y
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Edward Midford 
Tailor Apprentince S/o who shows skin
Cold and distant S/o
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William T spears
Platonic timid sibling reader just became a reaper
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Sebastian Michaelis
NS FW Headcannons
Period kink
S/o giving a bj 
Heat HC
Bedding his S/o at a high class ball, bondage
Claiming S/o infront of her fiance
Punishment HC 
Sebastian murdering the competition and taking his S/o
Darling going through their first Heat 
S/o losing their virginity 
Bratty S/o 
AFAB darling calling him Daddy 
Face sitting HC 
Making darling squirt for the first time 
AFAB dry humping
Noncon & Breeding TW
Breeding Kink
Favorite Position & Orgasm control
Dubcon & Body Worship TW
How Vocal he is
Male Incubus S/o 
S/o likes pain during sex
Vampire Sebastian Breeding
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Claude Faustus
Darlings first heat 
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Naga NS FW
Foreplay HC
Body paint NS FW
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Sex addicted AFAB S/o 
S/o has trouble orgasming 
Body Praise 
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danger-noodle-uwu · 3 years ago
𝑯𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖?
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Sebastian is rough and passionate. He wants his kiss to ignite your heart on fire, a flame that burns for him and only him yet he wishes you to know that his heart too is burning for you the same way. He seals it with a kiss, he marks you as his over and over again. His sweet darling with addicting taste as if it is from heavens, something that almost bring satisfaction to a demon. Almost.
Claude is sincere and gentle. His emotions are– well not a common occurrence or a sight so usual. Therefore, he pours his affection, love and tenderness all in kiss, to tell you how much he loves you and adores you. You are more beautiful than any other being in existence and that he is glad to call you mine. Though it often gives him ideas to have his way with his little spider and mark you as his forever.
Ciel is slow and sensual. Soft lips capture yours in a sensual kiss, slowly guiding you along while revealing a thousand secrets. This moment is everything for him. An escape from the ache and suffering for once and he is enough. Not weak or too emotionless or foul. He is enough. He cherishes every second of this moment and let's himself slowly drown in your warmth.
Alois is honest and impatient. Each kiss is different from the last, as one minute he feels like he's all whiny and cuddly but the next he wants you underneath him, or perhaps bowing before him like the royalty he is. However, something remains constant, his impatience when it comes to recieve your kisses and his unfiltered self. Maybe it's just the way you kiss him that strips him of all power and once, restore what had been lost.
Undertaker is genuine and vulnerable. His lips locked yours and suddenly, he feels like a teenager expressing and confessing his feelings. He is weak for you and just you, all due to the tenderness your lips show to his, melts him. It always makes the confession more sloppy than he'd have thought and he tries be more dominant, only for him to lose to you. So, he will lose to you again and again until there is nothing of him left.
Grell is suggestive and fierce. She is a believer of 'kisses are more than just plain old love, they're about a need for each-other.' Thus, she always tries to lead onto something more yet the more admirable is the fierceness her offers. The way she isn't afraid to shower you in love and attention not caring about anyone witnessing it. In fact, she wants the world to know that you are hers, beauty in its truest form now belongs to her side.
William is shy and adoring. Love is among those things, he really isn't an expert in because each time your lips cage his, he gets anxious. Where should his hands go?! Should he keep his eyes closed? Is he supposed to just stand still? He's supposed to kiss back.? oh sorry...but of course, there is adoration for you sealed in a kiss. It always him yearning for more but only does shyness kick in that moment!
Ronald is affectionate and goofy. There are kisses and then there are kisses. On busy days, softness dances on his lips and he guides you along gently with hesitancy of letting go. Yet comes days where all his attention can be devoted to you and his kisses would leave you panting. It oftens reminds you that he missed your kisses but also that he's teasing you. Despite the goofiness of the moment, it still means the world to him.
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viridwns · 3 years ago
I really liked the Ronald x Time traveler prompt,and wanted to make a similar request.
Can I request a time traveler x Undertaker story,but Undertaker is sometimes more interested in talking about the future than helping them return to it? Maybe he could get tired of escape attempts and try to get his hands on their cinematic records of the far future (Aka he sometimes tries to unalive them)
yan!Undertaker x GN!reader
Warnings: unhealthy relationship, mentions of death and murder, abuse, toxic relationship.
A/N: i wrote this at 12AM so expect some spelling mistakes
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Your mom had read you bedtime stories about demons and monsters, about foolish humans making foolish deals with them. You had proudly stated you would never fall for their tricks and you would never ever say yes to them. Your mom had laughed and said that monsters disguise as humans to trick people. You shut your mom down quickly, saying you would recognize them. You were so full of shit.
You were lost and he knew you were. He seemed so kind to you back then. A little weird, but kind nonetheless. Undertaker, a strange name, but it fit him and his job. It wasn't like you knew much about names from the late 1800's. Undertaker was sweet enough to let you live in his home, to feed you and to take care of you. All for a simple price; you had to answer every question he had about the future. The only logic answer here would be yes, and that's exactly what you had answered.
You now know how stupid that decision was.
It all started out as innocent questions, just some man curious about the years he would never live to see. But as the days went by and you became more desperate to go back, he seemed to become more relaxed; not even trying to help you anymore. His questions became progressively weirder as well. Things about waking up the death and sorts. It was then when you noticed how scary he actually was. He was huge, his figure looming over you even when he was sitting. His long greasy hair and his heavy boots giving off an ominous vibe. His sharp nails and slender fingers, his strong, but lanky arms where he so casually lifts caskets with. Then was when you realized how easy it was for him to just snap your neck.
You should've ran right then and there, but you were foolish enough to stay. As days turned into weeks and weeks into months was when you put two and two together and came to the conclusion he didn't want you to leave anymore. You hadn't even gone out once since he took you in. You has asked him about it, but he shrugged it off with a lame joke and a sick giggle.
You had to get out and that's exactly what you did. Making sure he was asleep that night, you snuck out onto the streets of victorian London. But being alone on the streets of 1800's London, especially at night, was an invitation for trouble. Weirdly enough, you didn't have much problems going around. Not until a figure grabbed your shoulder. A figure with long nails and slender fingers, a figure with long grey hair, a figure who could easily snap your neck.
You had fought and you had lost. He didn't even seem fazed by your biting, kicking and scratching. It was just another tuesday for him.
Undertaker had caught you once and wasn't going to catch you a second time. You had just wasted every opportunity for an escape. He had found the kindess in his heart to give you one more chance. And if you hadn't learned from your past mistake, you said yes one more time.
But now he stands before you, your so called 'cinematic record' in hand, you wished you had listened to your mother and her silly stories.
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lucifer5lucy · 3 years ago
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'When you desire for something to happen earnestly, the entire universe bends to that will.'
Follow Lucy's journey as she sets to correct all the wrongs in their lives. How? you'll just have to stick with her to find out!
WOHOO! I'm back.
/AN/ This story follows the Kuroshitsuji manga and not the anime. Though there are minor differences between the two,I'd like to go with the original content as the manga has lots of chapters and arcs. The characters will have a lot of time to mature and this is very important for the story to reach ideal goals I have set for myself.
There were many characters that I grew attached to who didn't make it till the present, so I hope that after all the meticulous planning on how I can save certain characters without changing the storyline, you all can enjoy reading my work as much as I enjoyed creating it.
As a die hard fan of this manga and anime, I had previously written countless headcanons and short and long series but after searching my older books I found this story that I dropped because I didn't find the time to finish it. However, now that I do have the hard copy I shall publish more chapters as and when I can.
The story concept and Idea of Lucy and Luka and other new characters are mine. Kuroshitsuji/Blackbutler is Yana-san's and I take no credit for her characters.
The artworks, images and songs used within the story are not mine unless specified. Overall, I wish you a pleasurable reading, I'll update whenever I can!!
If you find the story interesting Drop a vote (^_~) /AN/
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ruins-posts · 4 years ago
yandere undertaker👀👀
A plate filled with bone-shaped biscuits is pushed towards you, followed by a cup of warm tea. You attempt to reach out to them, but the chains binding your wrists tightly hold you back. The delicious aroma of the 'food' made you salivate and your stomach growled loudly, begging for it. No amount of struggle bought your meal nearer to you, so you gave up and began to cry.
A roar of laughter erupted, echoing around the room, followed by footsteps. Undertaker revealed himself to you, a candle in his hand being the only source of light in the room.
"I thought of feeding you if you gave me a good laugh, and watching you struggle so desperately for biscuits has given me one."
Your sobs fill the room soon. It had been days since you were last fed, all of this in the name of punishment. A hand reaches to your face to wipe your tears away.
"Hungry, are we?"
you only give a weak nod.
"Here, I'll feed you." The mortician grabs a biscuit from the plate and brings it near your mouth. But before you could take a bite, he pulls it away.
"But first, you must promise me to never try to escape again, dearie~"
You give a weak nod again, aching to devour the biscuit he held in his hands.
"Good girl. Now open wide-"
He feeds you one biscuit, and then proceeds to free you of your chain so that you can eat on your own. You attack your food like a savage animal, not leaving a single crumb on the plate. Undertaker sits in front of you on a coffin, watching you gulp the cold tea in one go with great amusement.
After you were done, he gets up from his place and frees you off the chains that were wrapped tightly around your ankle. He carries you the bathroom and places you in the bathtub, where he had prepared a warm, soothing bath for you. Your body is scrubbed clean and your greasy hair is washed with great care by him.
You sat upon a chair, wrapped in a towel while Undertaker examined your body. He presses lightly upon one of the bruises, earning a wince from you. Knowing very well that you were hurt, he wraps your wrists and ankles with bandages instead of chains. You now look fresh and clean, nobody would ever figure out that you were almost starved to death a moment ago.
Dressed up in new and fresh clothes, you were taken to the table whereupon a feast had been prepared for you. Your favourite foods, accompanied by your favorite drinks had been place upon the table. Tears formed into your eyes as you fed, a day ago this was all you dreamt about, you hoped that food would miraculously appear in front of you to save you from your starvation.
Undertaker watched you keenly and smiled, feeling pity for you. He hated doing this, he hated torturing you and hurting you, but you just wouldn't stop trying to escape him and kept denying his love for you.
"Thank you"
He was pulled away from his thoughts when you said that. You had never said something like that before. Normally you would just try to thrash him or become angry at him for treating you this way, and he would have to chain you to your bed.
With a smile, he motioned for you to come towards him, which you obeyed. You looked down in fear, wondering what you would be facing now. But he wraps his arms tightly around your waist and pulls you close, looking into your eyes.
"You will not try to run away again, get it? You are to stay here with me, forever. If you try to escape, I will lock you up in a coffin till you understand how much I love you." he says, madness gleaming in his beautiful green eyes.
You gulp and nod, now understanding very well that you indeed had no way to escape, no matter where you went, he would always find you. He leaned in and pressed his lips to yours. You respond to his kiss, making him happy and deepening the kiss. Your back soon finds the wall and you separate for air. He kisses you again with greater passion.
He smiles within the kiss, content that you had finally began to understand that he was the only one you were supposed to love, and that nothing could ever separate you from him. You were his, and his only.
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yan-lorkai · 8 months ago
I’m quite new to this app so i’m sorry if i wrote this wrong :’) , but would it be possible to request:
Headcanons for Undertaker with a darling who is working at his shop while also having a crush on Undertaker, yet is completely oblivious to Undertaker wanting to court them too.
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: Hi darling! Yes, you did everything right. Don't right :). Hope you like this!
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ You always thought Undertaker was funny. He was playful yet always affectionate teased you, often making jokes or comments that made you laugh so hard, though you never seem to understand some things he said. He liked his parables and riddles. But for him, you are immensely funny and you often caught him smiling while he looks at you - it's because he is thinking how much time you'll need it to realize that his gestures and words have another meaning and bear his romantic feelings for you. Another day? Another week? Another month? He have time on his hands, he can wait.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ He finds excuses to be around you, “accidentally” brushing his hand against yours or standing just a bit too close. Often, he brings you treats or gifts, claiming they are leftovers or things he just happened to come across, though he goes out of his way to find things that will make you smile. And he is delighted whenever you let him feed you your food. He even lick his fingers after while maintaining eye contact.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ He is very protective, insisting on walking you home or ensuring your safety, especially if you stay late at the shop. He often steals glances at you when you are busy helping someone chosing a coffin to bury their loved one or with the bureaucracy, a soft smile playing on his lips as he appreciates your dedication at your work. His compliments are cryptic or humorous, leaving you confused sometimes but always flattered.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Undertaker invites you to assist in his intricate experiments, using it as an excuse to spend more time together and share details he wouldn’t with anyone else. He gets a bit jealous if you talk about or interact too much with others, making dark jokes or snide comments, quickly covering them up with a laugh or two. He loves telling you embellished stories from his past, hoping to share pieces of his heart and hint at his affection, even if he doesn't downright admit he is a grim reaper to you. Not yet. Maybe he'll tell you in the future.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Whenever he has the chance, he lets his touch linger a bit longer than necessary, cherishing these small moments of contact. Your skin is so warm and soft, so human and he loves it. Though entertaining as it is, Undertaker really wants you to understand and realize everything he has been trying to convey. He can only wait for so long before taking things into his own hands.
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fanfictionsworld · 2 years ago
Fluffy head cannons for Undertaker? :D
Well it has been long since i wrote something so here i go...
FLUFFY head cannons for Undertaker
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I believe this man is very touch starved.He loves hugging you out of nowhere.He just wants to know that you are real and that this is not just a dream.
Undertakers favorite past time with you is talking about the world its rigths and wrongs,making coffins,baking,reading,etc.
When it comes to does right's and wrongs you like to the talk badly about the upper class and how awful those people are to people how are not them thinking they can get away with everything because they are rich.
He would always laugh at the your angry face,but he would agree with you on that.
When its comes to making coffins its rather difficult for you which makes Undertaker really happy because he can show you how its done and he can show him self off to you just a little bit he always like the way your eyes lit up when he shows you how to make a ceratin part of the coffin.
Baking is a rather difficult one on his part at least.You do wonders in the kitchen.You have to literally kick him out of the kitchen just so he doesn't ruin diner.
Reading might be his favorite past time of all.He gets to lay his head down on your lap as you brush your fingers throw his hair.He loves the expressions you make whenever there's is a intresting plot twist or something you do not like is happening.
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mars-writes-yandere · 3 years ago
Can I request some yandere Undertaker with Cruelty,Game,Regret,and Yearn from your yandere alphabet?
thanks so much for requesting!! and i’m in love with undertaker
Warnings: mentions of kidnapping and forced affections
Pronouns used: they/them
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Cruelty: how would they treat their darling once abducted?
Undertaker will treat them lovingly. He’ll make sure that you’re comfortable and he’ll try to give you affection but won’t push it too much if you refuse
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Some parts of it are a game to him. He wouldn’t think that your relationship is a game but he sees you escaping as a cat and mouse type thing. At some point though he’ll have enough and capture you.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
I personally don’t think he will ever feel remorse for taking his darling. You’re his plain and simple. Why should he feel bad about taking what’s his?
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
It depends. Undertaker can go for a LONG time without kidnapping his darling but if they try to move away, or get with someone else he’ll snap.
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venus-haze · 3 years ago
The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter (Yandere!Austin!Elvis x Reader)
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Gif credit to @karamelcoveredolicity​
Summary: You’ve been Elvis’ personal assistant since his Comeback Special in ‘68. Your work leaves you little time for a social life, but you don’t mind, you get to work for Elvis Presley, after all. When Priscilla leaves him and he finds out the truth about the Colonel, your relationship with him shifts drastically. And not for the better.
Notes: Reader is a woman, but there are no other specific descriptors. Obviously I don’t condone the behavior in this fic in real life. Please read and consider the warnings before reading this fic. All content that could be considered disturbing is under the cut. Let me know if warnings need to be updated or added. Requests are open🔮 Do not interact with my blog or posts if you are under 18 or post ED/thinspo content.
Word Count: 4.3k
Warnings: This is a yandere fic, so expect dark themes such as emotional blackmail, obsessive and manipulative behavior, and abuse of power, which some people may find disturbing or triggering. Some sexual content that involves coercion, but nothing overtly explicit. Do not interact if you are under 18.
Prequel | Part 2 | Part 3
You were fresh out of college when you snagged a job at NBC’s studio in Los Angeles as a production assistant. The first year or so was mostly getting coffee and answering phones, only doing real work on sets every so often. You ended up getting on the good side of one of the executives when you managed to find a pilot script that had gone missing. From there, you were working directly on sets, brushing shoulders with stars you could have only dreamed of meeting.
The highlight of your career as a production assistant came along when you were assigned to work Elvis Presley’s upcoming Christmas special. You thought it sounded a little corny, but at least you’d get to be in the same room as Elvis, the man whose face adorned the walls of your teenage bedroom.
The "Christmas special" became a covert operation to actually film Elvis’ musical comeback with as little interference from his odd and overbearing manager as possible. You felt like you were part of a team, something bigger than yourself, especially when Steve Binder had asked you to personally assist Elvis throughout production, spiriting him away when needed to avoid the Colonel.
"Me? Steve, I don’t know if I’m qualified to do that. I mean, he’s Elvis Presley," you’d argued.
"Y/N, I wouldn’t ask you to do this if I didn’t trust you. EP needs someone reliable in the network right now," he said.
That was more than enough convincing for you, although when you formally met Elvis, you were shaking like a leaf. He was kind, taking the time out of what you knew was his busy schedule just to talk to you. Your professional relationship developed, and he began asking your opinions on aspects of his career unrelated to the special.
You were surprised when he had approached you before production was even over, offering you a position as his personal assistant going forward. Without hesitation, you accepted, giving NBC your notice as soon as shooting for the special had wrapped up. Your friends balked at the decision, but you had the last laugh when the special finally aired that December and set Elvis’ career trajectory skyrocketing again.
He had told you about his plans to tour the world, finally be able to go to Europe, and even Japan. He’d need extra help for such an ambitious undertaking, and you nearly cried when he said he saw something in you that made him know you’d be the perfect fit. The prospect of traveling internationally was especially appealing; there were so many places you wanted to visit, but couldn’t afford to go.
As time went on, these dreams of foreign cities were replaced by sold out residencies in Las Vegas and adrenaline-filled tours throughout the United States, but you didn’t mind that much. Elvis had become a close friend to you, and you’d spent many hours just chatting with him in his suite or dressing room. It didn’t even feel like work sometimes.
You didn’t know what you’d be without him, probably still clawing your way up the ranks at NBC or another studio. You were his shoulder to cry on when Priscilla divorced him. Not that you necessarily blamed her, Elvis was by no means perfect, but he was your friend. Your heart broke further when he informed you of the Colonel’s lies and how much debt he’d put Elvis and his family in to fuel his own greed and gambling addictions.
You developed a habit of checking on Elvis in his dressing room after his Vegas shows, it was when he seemed to be most troubled, most vulnerable. The door was closed, so you knocked, making Elvis aware of your presence. You could hear a muffled "Come in," and entered.
Elvis’ dressing room was always in some state of mess despite the International’s housekeeping staff, with plates of hastily eaten meals and various glasses of half drunk alcohol strewn about the room. His elaborate costumes were either hanging on a clothing rack, or styled on mannequins.
He sat on the crushed velvet couch, his head in his hands. You noticed the empty whiskey bottle on top of the vanity and frowned. It wasn’t good for him, not with all the pills and potions Dr. Nick passed out like candy.
"You put on a great show tonight! Like you always do," you exclaimed as you approached him.
He lifted his head. "Y/N, you can’t leave me," he said, the desperation in his voice startling you. His eyes were red and puffy, as if he’d been crying. You couldn’t tell whether it was tears or sweat dripping down his face.
"Elvis, what are you talking about? Why would I leave?"
"Everyone else has. You see the news, I’m washed-up. No one cares about me anymore."
"I care about you. You’re so important to me," you said earnestly, sitting next to him and putting your arm around his shoulders. "I mean, since we first met, we’ve hardly spent a day apart."
That did make you feel guilty. You liked Priscilla, she was always kind to you, but you knew the distance must have taken a toll on their relationship. The drugs too, which you tried to curtail his use of to the best of your ability. For better or worse, you felt an obligation to take care of Elvis, especially now when he seemed more alone than ever.
Caught up in your thoughts, you hadn’t noticed the change in the way he was looking at you, as if seeing a completely different woman from his personal assistant of nearly three years.
He engulfed you in a hug, burying his face in the crook of your neck. You returned the gesture and swore you must have imagined feeling his lips press against your skin. Rubbing comforting circles into his back, you held him for what felt like hours.
"Maybe you should head up for the night," you suggested. "Take a shower and try to get some rest."
He lifted his head, opening his mouth as if to respond to you, but instead he nodded, getting up from the couch and walking over to the door. You followed, taking his hand in yours as the two of you stood in the hallway.
"If you need anything, you let me know, okay? I’m not going anywhere," you said, hoping your smile would reassure him.
"Thanks, darlin’. You gave me a lot to think about," he said.
His gaze was intense as he brought your hand up to his lips, giving it a kiss. You felt your face heat up at the gesture. He’d given you quick kisses on the cheek before, but this seemed more intimate.
Someone called for him, and he dropped your hand, clearly annoyed by the interruption. You used this as your opportunity to bow out for the night, letting him know you’d be returning to your own room in the hotel.
You took the elevator up to the floor just below the penthouse, where you and almost everyone else in Elvis’ entourage resided. Of course, your room wasn’t nearly as big as his suite, but it was nicer than any apartment you’d rented in LA. Elvis wouldn’t let you pay for anything yourself, from room service to use of the hotel’s many amenities, claiming it was part of your benefits as a Presley Family Enterprises employee. You could definitely see how his generosity played a role in landing him in debt to the Colonel’s "management company," so you decided not to overdo it.
Just as you were starting to get comfortable and wind down for the night, you heard your room’s phone ring over the sound of “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” playing on the TV. You sighed, reaching over to the nightstand to pick up.
"Hey, Y/N," Jerry said.
"What’s up, Jerry?"
"EP wants to see ya."
"Oh, why didn’t he just call me?"
"Who knows. He just told me to tell you," he said. "I’m headin’ down to the casino."
"Alright, don’t have too much fun," you said as you hung up.
It was odd, Elvis knew your room’s phone number. You supposed he was busy with something else, and Jerry was the closest person around. You put your dress from the day back on, sliding into your shoes before leaving to go up to the penthouse and see what Elvis needed you for.
You were the only other person who had a key to Elvis’ suite at the International. When he’d given it to you, the two of you alone in his dressing room after one of his shows a little over a year ago, you accepted it with pride that he trusted you so much. Still, you never exploited the privilege, even knocking beforehand as a courtesy.
"Elvis? Jerry said you needed me?" you called out as you unlocked the door to his suite.
The room was dark, only illuminated by the televisions on the wall. You noticed Elvis sitting on the couch in his silk robe, with little else on that you could notice.
You gasped, turning away from him. "Oh—my, I’m so sorry, I’ll—"
"C’mere," he said, voice deep and smooth. He was still sweaty from the show earlier that night, his jet black hair messy and sticking to his forehead. He had a bottle of some kind of alcohol in his hand, which he placed on the coffee table in front of him.
You stood frozen in place.
"Don’t make me ask twice, darlin’. And lock the door behind you," he demanded.
With a ragged breath, you did as he said, hearing a pleased hum rumble from his chest when he heard the door lock. A commoner entering a throne room, you approached him cautiously, his eyes blazing as they followed your every move. You felt ten inches tall, and for the first time since you met, you were truly intimidated by him.
He let out an amused scoff when you sat on the far edge of the couch. "Closer, baby."
You got up, hesitantly sitting down next to him. He put his hand on your thigh, sliding the hem of your dress up higher and higher, until you placed your hand over his.
"Elvis, this isn’t appropriate," you protested.
He gave you a sly grin, his eyes hooded as he leaned over you, effectively trapping you on the couch. "I’m just tryin’ to make my best girl feel good. Don’t you think you deserve that for how hard you work? How good you are to me?"
"I don’t need anything. Just making you happy is enough for me," you said, hoping to quell whatever was bringing on this change in his behavior.
"It’d make me real happy if you just lay back and let me take care of you for once, huh?"
Unsure of what else to do or say, you nodded. Not so long ago, you wouldn’t have hesitated. It wasn’t like you hadn’t thought about it before, especially when you first met him, in awe of how impossibly handsome he was in person. You’d actually felt bad about your fantasies when you got to know the man behind the star, charming and kind, who seemed to take a genuine interest in you despite your having no status in the entertainment industry. Maybe he really was trying to take care of you, recognize your devotion despite everything falling apart.
You gasped when his fingers brushed over your panties. The cool metal of his rings on your thighs made you feel all the more sensitive.
Softly, slowly, the way the serpent must have spoken to Eve in the garden, he whispered, "Tell me you love me, and I’ll give you everything."
"I love you. I love you, Elvis," you whimpered.
The worst part was that it was true. You did love him, to a fault, you’d now come to realize, but you never wanted things to end up like this. There was no romance, no passion. It all seemed so desperate and dirty.
"I love you too, Y/N. It’s you and me now. Just us, baby," he panted, pressing kisses to your neck and shoulders as he stripped you of your clothes. He shed his robe, and as you had expected earlier, wasn’t wearing anything underneath it. Your head was spinning as he kept muttering ‘I love you’ while he kissed and groped you, his hands warming your skin as it made contact with the cool air in his suite.
You weren’t sure when you’d ended up on his bed, but at some point when he had nearly suffocated you in a kiss, he must have grabbed you by the hips and guided you over. Suddenly feeling self-conscious, you grabbed for a sheet to cover yourself, but he caught your wrist in his hand.
He clicked his tongue. "I don’t think so, darlin’. I wanna see what’s mine."
Everything was a blur from there, and when you woke up that afternoon, you felt sore all over. You remembered you were in his bed, and tried getting up, only to be kept in place by his arms snaked around your middle, holding you against him. Grabbing one of his arms, you pulled it off of you, and then the other. Just as you were about to get out of his bed and as far away from him as possible, he stirred awake.
"Where do you think you’re goin’?" Elvis asked, his normally bright blue eyes, stormy and dark.
Your eyes widened, not expecting to be put on the spot like that. "Bathroom."
He nodded. "Alright, come back to bed when you’re done in there."
You grabbed your bra and panties that had been discarded on the couch, sighing when you noticed the zipper on your dress was now broken. Continuing into the ornate bathroom, you locked the door before you even turned the light on.
As the room was illuminated, your hand flew to your mouth in horror when you saw yourself in the mirror. Your neck and collarbone were littered with dark hickies, your waist and hips with finger-shaped bruises that almost looked like stripes on your skin.
With shaking hands, you reached for a cup, filling it with water from the sink and taking small, slow sips. You didn’t want to go back and have to face him, and decided to try to drag it out as long as you could. You slowly redressed, taking care of how sensitive your skin was. A few minutes had gone by, and you hoped he’d fallen back asleep so you could get the hell out of there.
Your heart dropped when you opened the bathroom door, seeing Elvis speaking on his bedside phone. He looked at you, a smile spreading across his face. Hastily, he ended the call and beckoned you back over to the bed.
"I ordered room service, should be here in a few minutes," he said. "I got your favorite."
"Thank you," you said. What else was there to say? ‘Hey, what the fuck was last night?’ You situated yourself in his bed, pulling the covers up over your chest.
With a gentleness he failed to display last night, he moved your head to give you a tender kiss on the lips. You kissed him back, but pulled away with a hiss when he placed his other hand on your bruised shoulder.
"Oh, baby, I went too hard on you last night, huh?" he cooed, caressing your cheek. "I’m sorry. I couldn’t help myself. I’ll be more gentle next time."
"Next time?"
He didn’t notice you squeak out the question as room service had knocked. He got up from the bed, throwing on his robe as he made his way to the door. The room service staff entered the suite with their cart of food and drinks, but you kept your gaze cast downward, too embarrassed to even attempt to make eye contact.
He sat down to eat, but you hadn’t left his bed yet.
"Eat up, Y/N, before it gets cold," he said.
"Can I have something to wear? My dress broke," you said.
He seemed amused. "‘Course, darlin’. I’ll buy you a new one."
Elvis handed you one of his robes to put on, and you wrapped it tightly around yourself, wanting to keep your body as covered as possible. His hand was on the small of your back as he walked you over to the table where the dishes were laid out. Your favorite dish was placed next to where he was sitting. Did the International’s kitchen even make that?
The two of you ate in silence, which you were thankful for. Despite the sick feeling in the pit of your stomach, you hadn’t realized how hungry you were until you took the first bite. Eating your comfort food improved your mood a bit, and you allowed yourself to sneak glances at Elvis when you thought he wasn’t looking.
You were so confused, about what had happened that night and your own feelings about him. You weren’t sure you could bring yourself to hate him, not when he caught you staring and gave you a boyish smile. He’d never acted the way he did last night before, and you couldn’t think of any time he indicated he was attracted to you, at least not that you noticed. You knew you needed time on your own to think.
"I think I’m going to head back to my room to shower," you announced when you finished eating.
"Why? There’s a perfectly good shower in here," he said.
"I need my shampoo."
"Just be down for the soundcheck at 6, alright?"
"I love you, baby," he said.
"I love you too."
You gave him a kiss and fled the suite, wasting no time in running to the elevator. You frantically pressed the button to your floor, and as soon as the doors opened, sprinted to your room.
Shedding the robe he had given you, you threw it across the room, along with your bra and panties. When you showered, you had scrubbed your body as much as you reasonably could, as if it would undo what had just occurred the previous night.
You couldn’t bring yourself to do more than stare at the wall, exhaustion washing over you. You were dreading the soundcheck, only three hours away, but you couldn’t claim illness. Elvis had just seen that you were fine, and you didn’t want any of Dr. Nick’s "medical care." You caked concealer and foundation over any visible hickies, and threw on a scarf for good measure, hoping to avoid any potential questions about where you’d gotten them if anyone noticed.
To your surprise, the soundcheck and next few days went smoothly, as if the encounter in his suite never happened. The only thing that changed was he’d kiss you in front of others, and introduced you as ‘his girl.’ The congratulations were sweet, but the claims from his band and the Memphis Mafia that they ‘knew it would happen sooner or later’ shocked you. Were you that oblivious to Elvis’ feelings toward you before?
On an afternoon before yet another Vegas show, he asked you to meet him in his suite. It sent a wave of anxiety through you, but you agreed, figuring what had happened a few nights ago was a one-off incident, the result of whatever had been injected into his veins before the show and the overwhelming feelings of loneliness he’d been struggling with.
You cautiously entered the suite, relieved to find the lights on, curtains open, and Elvis fully clothed, playing a tune on his piano. His eyes lit up when he saw you, and he crossed the threshold to meet you.
"There you are," Elvis said, giving you a sweet kiss on the lips.
"Did I keep you waiting too long?"
"Y/N, darlin’, I had the best idea," he said, smiling the way you hadn’t seen in a long time, enthusiastic and full of life. You’d hoped the past few days had been a fluke, and he was back to his old self again.
"What is it?"
"You and me get married. Whattya say?"
Your face fell. Though he and Priscilla had been separated for a while, the ink was hardly dry on the freshly served divorce papers. It definitely wouldn’t look great publicly, but he was in no state to get remarried so soon, especially not to you. "I’m not sure that’d be a good idea."
"Why not?" he looked hurt, as if it had never crossed his mind you would answer with anything but an enthusiastic ‘yes’.
"I know you’re still hurting from Priscilla leaving, but—"
"But I have you. And if I don’t have you anymore then I—I’ll—" He stormed over to the glass case that housed his gun collection, which had only grown as of late.
You immediately rushed over, hugging him from behind in an attempt to restrain his arms. "I’ll marry you. I’ll marry you, Elvis. Okay?"
You panicked when you felt one of his arms pulling from your grasp, so you held him closer, pressing your face against his back.
"Why’re ya cryin’?" he asked, voice emotionless as he felt your wet tears bleed through his shirt.
"Because I’m so happy," you lied. Lied straight through your teeth.
You loved him, cared about him, but you were terrified and had no one to turn to. Everyone had either checked out or were content turning a blind eye to his increasingly troubling behavior. You supposed you played some role in letting things come to this.
Had you really been so engrossed in the glamour and chaos of it all to not notice? Whenever the topic of relationships came up, you’d joke that you were married to your job. Thinking about it more deeply, perhaps it wasn’t a coincidence that your job was an all-consuming entity which overtook your life. You’d lost touch with your LA friends, mostly socializing with Elvis’ supporting band, backup singers and the Memphis Mafia. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d spoken to your family besides a quick phone conversation, and spending holidays at Graceland became a given. Your whole life revolved around him.
When you felt Elvis’ hand over yours, you resisted the urge to pull away. Instead, you relaxed your arms, allowing him to turn around and take your face in his hands. He wiped away your still-flowing tears with his thumbs.
"I knew you’d make the right choice, baby. You’re always so good to me," he said, his delusional joy evident on his face. 
You nodded, hiccuping as you tried not to hyperventilate. You were trapped. Trapped like he was. He knew how horrible it felt, and yet he dragged you down with him. Misery loves company.
“I’m gonna call the hotel manager, let ‘em know to bring your stuff from your room up here,” he said. 
“Okay,” you whispered. “That sounds great.”
The next few hours were a whirlwind as you watched your life being brought up, piece by piece in his–now your–suite. He went on about the wedding, and you silently wondered when he’d even have the time in his busy schedule. Your eyes drifted to the glass case that had just become the bane of your existence. Shotgun. It’d probably be quick, devoid of any ritual or intimacy; a witness, two signatures and a ceremonial kiss. That was all you’d get. 
Later that night, when Elvis had his next show, you stood off to the side of the stage, as usual. He was captivating as ever, and you hated that you still smiled when he sang your favorite songs and cracked jokes to the audience. He had the charisma to match his looks, and you mourned the dream man you had crafted in your mind before his true colors came into view.
“Now, before I leave tonight, there’s someone I want y’all to meet. She’s real special to me,” he began.
You felt like you were going to throw up. He wouldn’t. He never brought Priscilla on stage, and would only mention her during the shows she was actually present at. Then, to your horror he did just that, calling you by name and waving you to join him on stage with him. Frozen in shock, you stood firmly in your spot side stage, not missing the glare he shot you when it seemed like you were taking too long.
“Go on, girl!” one of the stagehands urged you with an oblivious smile.
You walked onto the stage, feeling dizzy and then dizzier. Hundreds of people’s eyes were on you, but none of them felt like they were piercing your soul like his were. You didn’t know what to expect from this new power play until Elvis got down on one knee, presenting you with a glittering diamond ring.
“Y/N, darlin’, will you be my wife?” he asked, with a lovestruck sincerity that almost made you say ‘yes’ without hesitation.
Still, you looked out to the crowd, hoping at least one of them would sense your discomfort. Instead, they broke out into taunting laughter when he said, “She’s just got a little stage fright.”
That was it. Say ‘no’ and look like a bitch while still having to marry him, or say ‘yes’ in front of hundreds of people, effectively killing any chance at arguing that he made you do it. Eyes watering, for the second time that day, you agreed to marry him. The crowd erupted in applause, and he kissed you, passionately like you’d always wanted. Like he really loved you. You almost fell for that act too, until he pulled you close, his lips barely brushing your ear.
“You’re not goin’ anywhere,” he whispered, echoing the words of reassurance you had told him just a few days before.
With that, you collapsed in his arms, blissfully unaware of the still roaring crowd and pleased smirk that had spread across his face.
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seijorhi · 4 years ago
Pretty Young Thing
A yandere Erasermic commission for an anon, I hope you like it bby!!
Aizawa Shouta x reader x Hizashi Yamada
TW non-con, breeding kink, pregnancy, surrogacy, pregnant sex, smut, age-gap, nsfw
“Don’t you think she’s a little young, ‘Zashi?”
“It’s up to you both how involved you are during the first stages and the overall pregnancy. Normally we suggest an initial meeting with the potential surrogate for all three of you to get a feel for one another and decide if you want to proceed with the arrangement, but should you wish, we can–”
“No,” he interrupts, sparing Hizashi a fleeting glance. “We want to meet her.”
Beneath the desk, his husband squeezes his hand. 
Hizashi quirks an eyebrow, pausing midway through fixing his hair in the mirror. “Whaddya mean, babe? She’s in her twenties ain’t she?”
He’s not wrong, but that’s not the issue. They picked you, they both picked you, but there’s this lingering unease that he can’t seem to shake. It’s not so much your age specifically, he knows that you’re only a few years younger than the majority of the other women whose profiles they’d seen – you’re old enough to understand what you’re getting yourself into and agree to it, at any rate – it’s just that he doesn’t quite understand why somebody your age would want to do this.
And there’s something different about you, it’s just a feeling of course – he hasn’t yet had a chance to confirm his suspicions, but he wants to meet you and decide for himself.
“We do have a number of potential surrogates with promising Quirks if you’re considering pursuing that option for your child,” the Doctor told them, smiling as they flipped through page after page of profiles.
Hisako, 35, Quirk: Sun-flare
Nozumi, 26, Quirk: Mimic
Koharu, 28, Quirk: Seismic Wave
Chiyoko, 33, Quirk: Golden Whip
Yuzuki, 32, Quirk: Silencer
There’s dozens of them – which is more than he expected. 
Aizawa knew coming in that this wasn’t normally the process, that this agency catered specifically to Heroes – was recommended by the Hero commission – but it still feels strange, just browsing through pages upon pages of potential candidates to carry their baby. 
Was he supposed to be feeling some kind of emotion looking at these profiles? The women were all healthy, each of them attractive, in their own ways (nothing but the very best, the Doctor had reassured them with a smile). This woman, whoever they picked, she’d be carrying their baby, yes, but that was the extent of it. She wasn’t going to be a part of their lives beyond that, so what did it matter if she was nice or liked to cook or play tennis?
There were stats, of course. Their education and IQ’s and little snippets of history, but they were all impressive, otherwise they wouldn’t have been included. Were they supposed to choose based on their Quirk? One that might compliment his or Zashi’s? Quirks were troublesome things to begin with, and–
“Wait-wait, Shou, hold up,” Hizashi’s voice cut through his musings, long fingers wrapping around his wrist midway through turning the page. “Go back one.”
He does as he’s told, flicking the page back.
Y/N, 23, Quirk: N/A.
A lone eyebrow lifts. Quirkless, huh? A blank slate.
But that’s not what caught Hizashi’s eye.
“She’s kinda cute, don’tcha think, baby?”
It feels weirdly like a first date, nervous jitters and all – though he’d like to believe he’s better at suppressing that now then back when he was a teenager. Aizawa hasn’t bothered to shave, but his hair’s tied back in a loose bun and he’s pulled out a suit for the occasion – he’s even wearing a tie for fuck’s sake. Beside him, Hizashi’s ditched his usual leather jacket and ripped jeans for, well, nicer jeans and a button up floral shirt.
And then there’s you. Standing in the doorway of the cafe glancing around like a little lost lamb, he recognises you instantly from the picture on your profile, but the moment your eyes meet his he’s struck with the realisation that the picture didn’t truly do you justice.
Because you do look young (at least compared to their thirty odd years) and it might just be the hesitant smile adorning your face as you start to make your way over, or the charming little summer dress falling to your mid-thigh, swishing hypnotically with every step, but Shouta feels something catch in his chest the more he stares. You really are… what was the word ‘Zashi had used? Cute?
Yeah. You were cute. 
The agency had offered to host this little meetup at their clinic, and while he hadn’t particularly cared one way or the other, Hizashi’d been insistent. He’d wanted this to feel ‘natural’. 
‘I don’t really wanna meet our potential baby mama for the first time in some boring, sterile office, d’you?”
He’d only bitten back a sigh at the time, shaking his head. It wouldn’t have been worth upsetting him by reminding him that the girl was technically a glorified incubator. He had every intention of being involved in this process, but this initial meeting was to establish two things. Firstly, that after meeting them, you still felt comfortable with carrying their baby, and secondly, he wanted to make absolutely certain that you weren’t trying to get anything out of this.
Oh, he knew you were getting paid, handsomely, he’s sure, but the thought that you, or any of the women the agency had fobbed their way might not all be in this for altruistic reasons had crossed his mind. 
You were just so young.
But he was more than happy to determine those two things in a ten minute meeting at the agency. 
Hizashi was not, and so here they are. 
Ten minutes in, and he finds himself glad of his husband’s insistence. Hands wrapped around your mug of coffee (you should enjoy it while you can) you chatter away with Hizashi, beaming and blushing, tripping over your own words in your nervousness. 
You’re about as dangerous as a kitten, and he allows himself to relax enough in his seat to enjoy watching the blonde charm you. 
“So why don’t ya tell us a little about yourself, songbird?”
“There’s really not all that much to tell,” you say with a sheepish laugh, but they listen as you talk anyway. It’s nothing the profile hadn’t already told them, nothing spectacular that would make you stand out in the crowd. 
And yet, an hour and a half later, you’re trying in vain to distract him and Hizashi both so that you can slip your card in with the bill to pay for lunch, and Shouta finds himself oddly amused.
There were other candidates – ones with impressive Quirks, smarter than you, more accomplished than you, older than you–
“Ya sure you don’t want a lift, sweetheart? It’s no trouble.”
You smile again, demure little thing, and shake your head. “Oh no, really it’s okay. It’s not far and… I like the walk. Thank you, though.”
– but none nearly so endearing, he thinks. 
And when they watch you disappear into the crowd, one final wave thrown over your shoulder, Hizashi’s fingers lace with his once more.
“So she’s our baby mama, huh?
He’s silent for a moment. “I suppose so.”
The agency recommended, at least in the initial stages before the implantation procedure took place, that any communication between the three of you should go through them. 
Hizashi had your number programmed into his phone before you’d even left the cafe, and he’s been texting you every day since – to the point where it wasn’t unusual for Shouta to come downstairs and find Mic chuckling to himself, fingers dancing across the keyboard on his phone as he replies to whatever message you’ve sent. 
Shouta, for his part, tends to message only to check in.
How are you feeling? Any side effects from the meds?
Your response comes a little slower than usual, and it’s almost an hour before finally he receives it.
Sorry they’re cracking down on us using our phones at work :( 
Everything’s good so far! The doc said i should be on track for our appointment next week!
… is it weird that I’m a little excited haha?
His brow furrows at that. You hadn’t mentioned a job – at least not to him, he’d have to ask Hizashi later whether you'd said anything to him. 
Why on earth were you still working? He’d seen the contracts, he knew exactly how much you were getting paid for this little venture, wasn’t that enough to support you?
He makes a brief mental note to make sure that whatever job you were working at, you stopped long before the baby was due. You might just be a surrogate, but he’d be damned if his baby was put in jeopardy because you were needlessly exerting yourself. 
Nevertheless, his expression softens somewhat as he reads the second part of your message. You were excited, hm? 
Well, that made three of you.
Both he and Hizashi’d been willing to come along to the clinic with you – he’d even submitted a formal leave request to take the day off from UA, but the Doctor had assured him that it wasn’t necessary.
“The procedure is quick and relatively painless. She’ll be home within a few hours, and so long as she remains off her feet and doesn’t undertake any strenuous activity, she will be perfectly fine.”
It hadn’t sat particularly well with Hizashi who’d spent the afternoon huffing and complaining about the clinic trying to kick them both out of the process. That much, he expected – he understood it to an extent; the agency catered specifically to Heroes, most of their clientele probably had busy schedules (which was true in their case as well). There wasn’t a need for them to be present at such a minor procedure, even if it did hopefully mark the beginnings of your pregnancy. 
What he hadn’t expected was the twinge of discontent he felt settle in his own stomach. The Doc might’ve preferred they stay out of this, but at the end of the day he really didn’t give a shit what she or the agency wanted.
So he messaged you.
Do you want us there with you?
He watches those three little dots bounce for almost a solid minute before finally your reply comes through.
No, it’s okay, you don’t have to come. The Doc said it wouldn’t take long and I don’t wanna be a burden for you guys
It’s not really an answer to his question, and he briefly wonders if Hizashi might be right about the agency interfering, but he’s not going to fight you on it. 
At least, that’s his plan until Principal Nezu pulls him aside at the end of a staff meeting and tells him that he’s found somebody to cover his classes tomorrow if he still wants the day off. 
“Ya gotta go, babe. One of us should be there for our ‘lil mama.”
He asks you what time your appointment is and there’s a surprisingly pleasant fluttering in his stomach when you walk through the clinic doors and catch sight of him sitting in the waiting room.
It’s a momentary surprise – you almost do a double take, but a smile lights your face and you ignore the receptionist in favour of racing towards him. 
“Shouta, I thought you weren’t coming!” Your arms wrap around his middle, squeezing tightly.
He finds himself returning your hug – albeit somewhat stiffly – but he’s glad he made the decision to come. The Doctor wasn’t wrong, you’re only in with her for just under twenty minutes, and when you come out there’s a tremble in your legs, but you seem otherwise fine.
It goes without saying that he’s driving you home, though you try once again to beg him off.
Kitten, when are you gonna learn that so long as you’re carrying his and ‘Zashi’s child, they’re going to go out of their way to make things easier for you – whether you want them to or not.
Yet your quiet discomfort on the drive home doesn’t slip past his attention. Maybe it’s because he’s become accustomed to your nervous rambling, but there’s something odd about the way you’re sitting so quietly, fingers twisting in your lap as you stare out the window. He knows that if Hizashi was here, he’d be chatting your ear off, but he’s never been one to fill silence with unnecessary small talk.
Though he can’t exactly help the way his own mind drifts. Are you in pain? The Doc didn’t say anything about there being any pain, only that you should rest over the next few days, so it shouldn’t be that. Perhaps you’re just lost in your thoughts – it’s strange for them having a surrogate, he can only imagine what’s going through your own head now that it’s actually begun. He hopes that you aren’t having second thoughts, almost opens his mouth to ask before thinking better of it.
You’re entitled to your thoughts and feelings, whatever they may be, and if you wanted to talk to him about them, you would. 
It’s not until the scenery outside starts to change and the fancy sky-scrapers give way to dingy apartment blocks and dilapidated buildings, crammed in together too tightly that he realises that it’s not discomfort that’s written across your face, but embarrassment.
This was your neighbourhood?
Shouta recognises it, and really he should have picked up on it earlier when you’d given him the address – he’s spent more than a few nights patrolling the area. It’s a hotspot, not for the high-class, dangerous villains plastered across the news every night, but thieves and murderers. Petty thugs who prey on the weak, those addicted, with nowhere else to go… you live here?
Surely with the money you’re getting from the agency, and your job on top of that, you can afford a better neighbourhood.
He glances at you out of the corner of his eye, watches as you all but shrink into your seat, and when you speak, your voice is little more than a whisper.
“You can just drop me off at the corner here.”
He pulls the car to a stop by the curb, and for a moment neither of you speak. He doesn’t know what to say, and judging from the way you’re nibbling on your bottom lip and glancing up at him, you don’t either. 
“Thank you,” you cut him off with a tight smile. “For coming today, and for… this. I-I really do appreciate it.” 
The words aren’t quite sincere, but he only nods – noting the miniscule sigh that escapes your lips at the action. “Of course. Anytime you need us, just call, okay.” He waits for you to nod before continuing, “Do as the Doc said, rest.”
You all but scamper from the car after saying another goodbye, though Shouta waits until you’ve disappeared into the crumbling apartment block before driving off.
Maybe the inside is nicer, but he sincerely doubts it.
“You should’ve seen it, ‘Zashi.” The two of them are curled up on the love-seat, half empty containers of takeout littering the coffee table in front of them. “I just can’t figure out why she’d be living somewhere like that.” 
The blonde frowns. He’d been messaging you throughout the afternoon, so he knew that the appointment had gone fine. It wasn’t that he expected to come home and find the erasure Hero jumping for joy, but the subtle discontent on Shouta’s face had been enough to make him pause. 
“You’re worried about our ‘lil songbird?” he asks, pushing away just enough so that he could turn to study his face. 
The short nod says plenty. Of course he is – even if you weren’t potentially carrying his child, you’re young, beautiful and far too innocent for your own good. In places like that, you were easy pickings, and you don’t even have a Quirk to protect yourself. His job requires him to assess his students’ strengths, their failings and weaknesses and their progress. He doesn’t need to see you in action to know that you wouldn’t be able to hold your own in a fight. 
It bothers him. 
“She’s not safe there.”
Hizashi hums, but instead of settling back against his husband’s side, he straightens up further. “Well, why don’t we go take a look-see, huh handsome? Make sure our sweet thing’s pad’s all safe ‘n sound, put your mind at ease. Whaddya say?”
As he stares into those imploring green eyes, Shouta knows that he should say no. 
Concerned or not, there’s still a line, privacy that should be respected. He’s tired and this is the only night that they both have off this week. Your place is almost twenty minutes from theirs, and it’s already late – almost midnight. The list goes on, there are a thousand reasons that he should say no.
“Fine. Just for tonight.”
Two weeks later, the two Heroes receive a call from the agency; the blood test came back positive – you’re pregnant. 
In the blink of an eye, at least to Shouta, this becomes startlingly real. You’re pregnant. They’re going to have a baby. Boy, girl, it doesn’t matter… You’re pregnant, and as his husband ends the call and yanks him by his collar into a fierce kiss, he realises how important this is.
How important you are, just by the virtue of carrying their baby.
They invite you over for dinner to celebrate, and while he’s never been one to flaunt the comfortable lifestyle he and Hizashi have, he does find it strangely pleasing to watch you wonder wide eyed through their apartment. He’d be the first to admit it’s big – bigger than they’d ever probably need, though with the baby on the way maybe they’ll finally be able to make use of all that extra space.
Mic grabs you by the hand, eagerly dragging you towards the nursery he’s already begun setting up. “Once I heard the good news, I just couldn’t wait to get started! Our little rockstar’s gonna have the sweetest crib, don’tcha think? Ain’t it amazing?” 
He’s already started painting and there’s a wooden cot halfway assembled and the beginnings of a musical mobile pushed off to the side waiting for him to return to it. It’s hardly close to being finished, but you just grin, gazing at the mural he’s started on the walls. “It’s amazing,” you say.
“I knew ya’d like it!” he beams.
Shouta hangs back as Hizashi guides you through the rest of the apartment, chattering excitedly away. He likes seeing his husband happy, and somehow you manage to bring it out of him without even trying. It’s still early days but Shouta has to admit that already you’re more to him and Hizashi than he expected, or even anticipated. You fit well with them, seamlessly, as if you’d always been a part of their lives.
After dinner, they drive you home despite your protests, and Hizashi insists they walk you up to your apartment. You’re no doubt under the impression that they’re doing it to be gentlemanly, missing the shared looks between the two men as they pass the out of order elevator and tread down hallways with stained carpet and peeling wallpaper, ignoring the leering yellow eyes of your neighbour, peeking out from the crack in the doorway as they bid you goodnight, ‘Zashi squeezing you extra tight.
There’s an uncharacteristic hardness in his husband’s eyes as they both slip back into the car, “No way in hell are we lettin’ her stay here.”
On that at least, there’s no arguments from him.
Hizashi, unsurprisingly, is the one to bring it up.
The three of you are grabbing a bite to eat after your first ultrasound. This time, both of them had been insistent on being there, and he’s glad they were. Seeing that grainy image of their baby, hearing it’s heartbeat – strong and steady – had filled him with an emotion he’d never felt before.
It was happiness and excitement and wonder and awe all mixed up and wrapped into a gut punch that stole his breath away, and while Hizashi had burst into a loud fit of tears, burying his face in Shouta’s neck while reaching for your hand, he’d managed to keep his own at bay.
Regardless, you have little choice but to indulge them when they drag you out to one of the blonde’s favourite restaurants – on the proviso that they had you home in time to get ready for work.
“Songbird, there’s something the two of us have been meanin’ to ask ya.”
You perk up a little, hastily swallowing down your mouthful of food so you can reply, “Oh?”
He wonders if you notice the way your hand already instinctively drifts to your stomach, your barely there baby bump. 
“Why’re ya livin’ in a place like that, sweetheart?” You freeze, the corners of your smile slipping, but Hizashi continues, “Ain’t the money from the agency enough? We know you’re working that other job as well… we just…”
Shouta can physically feel you tensing like a bunny caught in a trap, and he doesn’t know what possesses him to reach out, sliding a hand across the table as you pale, but you take it regardless. 
“Talk to us. Please,” he begs. “We just want to understand what’s going on. You have to realise that it’s not exactly a safe neighbourhood, and it’s not just you we have to worry about anymore.” Dark eyes flicker pointedly towards your stomach. 
It’s a dirty tactic, but that doesn’t mean it’s not the truth. Did you realise how much danger you were truly in? Not just from the common street thugs – though frankly he thinks it’s nothing short of a miracle that you’d managed to get this far unscathed – but any number of villains with a grudge against either one of them, or Heroes in general. If they found out a pretty, quirkless thing like you was carrying their baby, how long do you think it would take before they tracked you down and kicked through your door?
Your eyes flicker between the two of them, and you swallow shakily. “I-it’s…” you break off, taking a deep, steadying breath, “It’s all I can afford right now.”
“But, hun, what about–”
“I know,” you say. “The money for the surrogacy isn’t for me. It’s money I owe.”
Neither Hero speaks a word as you talk, telling them about your uncle, the man who raised you, how his business went under a few years back and you both lost almost everything.
Shouta isn’t surprised to find out that your uncle turned to loan sharks when the banks turned him away and threatened to take your house. Alarmed at the man’s blatant stupidity, yes, but not surprised. Your eyes start to water when you tell them about how he died a few months back – a hit and run –  and the visit you were paid only a week later, informing you that your uncle’s debts were now yours, and payment had better come through quick. 
Your hand’s trembling in his by the time you finish. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t have any options, I didn’t know how else to get the money, and they said that i-if I didn’t pay up, they-they’d–” a sob catches you unawares, and once again it’s Hizashi who’s out of his seat and at your side in a heartbeat, sliding into the booth beside you, pulling you into a one armed embrace. 
It’s his eyes that you meet, and Shouta understands. He doesn’t need you to explain what threats were made. You were scared, terrified probably, and you had every right to be. 
“I didn’t know what else to do,” you sniffle. “I’m sorry for lying to you.”
Really, he should be furious. Disappointed at the very least. 
“Move in with us,” he says instead, ignoring your sudden, startled intake of breath. “At least until the baby comes.”
He should be, but this works better.
It takes a little longer than he’d like to convince you, but the two of them wear you down and a few weeks later Shouta finds himself carting boxes of your things up into the spare room in their apartment.
Despite the fact that you’re pregnant with their baby, you’re terrified of being a burden to the two Heroes, but it’s because of the baby that you eventually relent.
They want to be close, involved. They want to know that you’re safe – and their apartment’s state of the art security system will make sure of that when they’re not home with you. They want to make sure that you’re not exerting yourself, that you’re eating the right things and not running yourself ragged at a job you don’t need, stressing yourself out needlessly and putting the baby at risk.
All of that’s true. 
It’s just not the entire reason. 
At first, he convinces himself that it’s for Hizashi, as well as his own peace of mind, but he’s starting to wonder if that’s the full truth of it. Because of course he wants to keep a close eye on the pregnancy – he knows that this can’t be easy on you. You have no family left, and if you have any friends then they’ve done an excellent job of keeping you at arm's length. 
You have nobody but them, and it does bring him some modicum of peace to know that you’re just down the hall if anything goes wrong. 
Hizashi adores having you there with them, having somebody else to cook for, somebody to come home to at the end of a long day. More than a few times, they’ve both returned from a night of patrolling to find you curled up on the couch, fast asleep with a blanket over your legs and a book slipping from your fingers, having tried, and failed, to wait up from them.
You tune into Mic’s radio show on the nights you can’t sleep, and on the odd mornings that you wake up before either of them, they come downstairs to find bacon sizzling away in the pan, a pot of coffee already brewing. There’s something oddly charming about the way you pout while you pour it for them, knowing you can’t have any yourself.
“You’re a special kind of masochist, ya know?” Hizashi teases, sidling up beside you to grab a cup.
You sigh dejectedly. “I must be,” you reply as he plants a kiss on your cheek and squeezes your side affectionately, but it’s impossible to miss the sparkle in your eyes. You’re happy here, with them. 
Shouta warns you from pushing yourself too much, but even he can notice the apartment’s tidier when they arrive home than when they left, the freshly baked goods sitting on the countertop that weren’t there yesterday.
“I just… I know I can’t pay you back for all of this, I just wanna make myself useful,” you tell him one night when he asks about it. “I still feel like I’m taking advantage of the both of you, staying here…”
“You’re carrying our baby, that’s enough,” he reminds you, his calm, steady voice brooking no disagreement. And yet, as dark eyes study your face, he can tell that it’s not enough for you, so he sighs, and in a quiet voice adds, “We like having you here.”
He likes having you there. Sitting at the dining room table, helping him grade papers, lounging around on their rare days off together – helping Mic set up the nursery, volunteering to go shopping with them for baby stuff. He’s lost count of how many pregnancy books you’ve bought, pouring over them with a fine tooth comb late at night – often falling asleep in the process, leaving him and Hizashi to carry you off to bed with a barely there kiss to your forehead.
You fit between them in a way he hadn’t quite expected. Not a burden, not an interloper, but as if there was always a place carved out for you with them, and it’s only now that they realise that there was something missing to begin with. 
It doesn’t quite click until he finds his thoughts drifting towards you at work, his fingers drumming along the top of his desk so he can stop himself from reaching for his phone. He’s not usually so distracted teaching, and as the hours drag he finds himself glancing towards the clock on the wall, counting down the hours, minutes, until the day is done and they can return home to you.
Shouta can’t pretend for much longer that there isn’t something oddly satisfying watching your belly grow and your breasts swell as your pregnancy goes on. You’re glowing, and soft and beautiful, and he could kid himself and say that it’s just the normal effects of pregnancy, but there’s some part of him that’s strangely proud when your shirt rides up and he catches a glimpse of your baby bump – knowing it’s his child you’re carrying. His and ‘Zashi’s and yours.
And oh, he wishes that it was only pride that burns through his veins at the sight of you, barefoot and pregnant, pottering around the apartment. Hizashi’s the one to hold back your hair and rub your back soothingly when your morning sickness hits, but it’s Shouta who takes care of you when you start complaining about aching muscles and joints.
He tells himself that it’s purely about comfort, namely yours, ignoring the way you flush and stutter when he drags you up the stairs and pushes you gently towards the bed, telling you to lie down on your side. 
It’s just a massage, yet the moment his fingers run along your soft skin and a breathy moan slips from parted lips, the very last vestiges of the facade he’d built up in his head crumble into dust. 
You’re perfection. Bared and beautiful beneath him, making the prettiest noises for him as he works away at your muscles, expertly releasing all of your tension. He’s glad that your eyes are shut and you’re lost to the bliss, you don’t notice the way his breath hitches and becomes rough and heavy, the way his cock twitches in his sweats, blood flowing south as you arc into his touch. 
Such a responsive little thing, aren’t you?
“You’re amazing,” you moan, and though you can’t see that either, Shouta smirks. “Please never stop.”
It’s a good thing he has restraint, because it’s taking absolutely all of his to stop himself from taking more. 
He wants all of you. 
Wants to tease and taste.
Wants to hear those pretty fucking moans take the shape of his name… Hizashi’s name.
And maybe he might have felt guilty for those perverse thoughts, for the way he wants to tear the rest of your clothes off and fuck you nice and proper, breed you–
If his husband hadn't been standing by the door, watching the two of you for the last ten minutes. Shouta doesn’t need to look to know that it’s not anger or jealousy burning in his gaze.
He knows that his husband’s far from disgusted, knows it from the way Hizashi grabs his wrist on his way back down the hallway, pulling him instead to their bedroom and shoving him back onto the mattress with a wicked grin.
There’s something positively feral in the blonde’s expression as he hovers over him, forcing Shouta back down with a hand splayed across his chest, the other reaching down to his sweats to free his aching, needy cock.
“You’ve been holding out on me, baby,” he sings.
They have time.
Your due date is still months away, and you’re comfortable, here with them. 
There’s no reason for you to consider leaving until the baby’s born, and Shouta is adamant about keeping it that way. Hizashi can huff and puff and moan all he likes, he knows that they have to take this thing with you slowly. He won’t risk spooking you and losing any chance they have.
That’s not to say that he doesn’t empathise with the blonde, what with all the affectionate hugs and touches you thoughtlessly bestow, the way you’ll plonk yourself down on the couch between them so they can feel when the baby’s kicking.
Hizashi’s gotten to the stage where he’ll drop to his knees to shower your stomach in kisses when he gets home of an evening before sweeping you up into a hug of your own, his face a mask of perfect innocence when he catches sight of his husband’s less than impressed expression over your shoulder. 
Having you here with them, this little temporary faux family dynamic the three of you have found yourselves in is easy, domestic and nice. It should be enough, but it’s not.
“It’ll be weird, going home after this,” you hum absentmindedly one night.
Preoccupied with the noodles you’re toying with in your bowl, you miss the sharp look shared between both men.
“Whaddya mean, sweetheart?”
If you notice the odd stiffness to the words, you pay it no mind, simply shrugging. “I mean once the baby’s born. I dunno, I think I’ve become too comfortable here freeloading off of the two of you…” you glance up, smiling a little. “Going back to work and finding a place on my own again, starting fresh, it’ll be different, that’s all. Not bad different,” you hasten to clarify at the blonde’s nearly stricken face, “just… different.”
“Well it’s not like we’re gonna be forcing ya out, hun! You’re always welcome to jam with us for as long as you want.”
You shake your head with a rueful little laugh, “We both know I can’t do that. You’ll have the baby to worry about and the last thing I want is to feel like some awkward interloper, always getting in the way – especially after everything you guys have done for me.”
Hizashi’s fingers dig into the meat of his thigh, tightening with every word out of your mouth.
“No,” you say, shaking your head. “I’m not saying I’m never going to come around to hang out or anything, but once this baby comes I’m gonna have to figure out what I’m going to do with my life.” Your eyes meet his, wide and hopeful, and Shouta’s reminded once again of just how young you really are. “I can go anywhere, do anything. It’s kind of exciting, don't you think?”
It was a mistake, to think that you’d come around to them on your own. 
You were young and naive, still living out a rose tinted fantasy where the world was your oyster and all you needed to do was reach out and take it. And maybe he’s partially to blame for that, taking your problems and getting rid of them, making you feel safe and comfortable, not realising that that security didn’t extend outside of these four walls, outside of their protection.
They need you, but kitten did you ever stop to think that you need them, too? 
Shouta had made the mistake of forgetting how this all came to be – you hadn’t wanted a family, you were just trying to save your own skin. You still think that you can make it on your own, without them. 
He supposes he shouldn’t blame you for your misplaced idealism, it’s only natural after all. Some people just don’t know what’s best for them.
They need to be shown.
You don’t stir as your bedroom door swings open. 
Not as Hizashi pulls back your sheets, groaning softly at the sight of your swollen breasts and precious baby bump, stretching against the confines of your silk pajamas. “Ain’t she a fuckin’ dream, Shou?”
Not as the blonde busies himself in carefully sliding your sleep shorts down your legs, or even as Aizawa gathers up your wrists, pressing a kiss to each one, and binds them to the headboard with his capture weapon.
“Gentle, ‘Zashi,” he murmurs when the blonde crawls up on the bed beside you. “Nothing too rough.”
You wake as long fingers caress your cheek, tilting your face towards him so he can kiss you properly.
Shouta hadn’t bothered to turn on the lights, but bathed under the soft glow of moonlight from your window, he watches your eyes flutter open, the momentary confusion that flashes across your face followed by realisation, horror, as you try to jerk back and cry out–
Only Hizashi doesn’t give you the opportunity, winding his hand through your tresses and anchoring you against him, forcing your lips open so that he can deepen the kiss and groaning appreciatively when a terrified whimper escapes you. 
You still haven’t noticed Shouta kneeling on the bed between your legs, too preoccupied by Hizashi’s tongue sliding against yours. “Relax, kitten,” he says, laying his palm on your thigh, letting his thumb glide over the smooth skin.
“Let us take care of our cute ‘lil baby mama, yeah songbird?” Hizashi adds, breaking away from the kiss with a lovesick grin.
Tonight is solely about you. Your pleasure, whether they have to tease it from you willingly or not.
Your tears are kissed away, your broken little pleas swallowed under ‘Zashi’s greedy lips as Shouta shuffles down the bed, nudging your thighs further apart so he can lie between them.
The keening cry that leaves you at the first stroke of his tongue against your warm sex is a thing of beauty.
Blood rushes to his cock as you writhe, and he tightens his grip as much as he dares to keep you locked in place as he delves in again. There’s little finesse to the way that Shouta eats your pussy – it’s a simple study of reactions; the way you gasp and shudder when the tip of his tongue circles your clit, the way your pussy clench and quiver around the muscle when he eases it inside of you, massaging your spongy walls.
Never one to be left out, Hizashi decides that there’s a better use of his attention than just your lips. With your arms bound, he’s not able to take your top off entirely so he settles with yanking it down, freeing your breasts.
“Fuck baby, you’re so pretty. Look atcha!”
Your tits must be tender and aching, because the moment Hizashi’s mouth envelops one of your nipples, sucking at the pert nub, a fresh sob bursts from your lungs and you’re trying desperately to wriggle away.
Hizashi just frowns, breaking away for a second to brush a stray lock of hair back behind your ear, “Ah shit, sorry babe! I’ll be gentle, promise.”
Shouta’s far too preoccupied by the intoxicating taste of your sweet cunt to notice whether he actually does or not, but he trusts him not to push you too far. There’ll be plenty of time for that later.
Your baby bump is cute and all, but Shouta wishes that it wasn’t blocking his view of your face – he wants to watch every little expression as he slides two thick fingers into your dripping cunt and your hips buck up to meet him. It’s a twisted kind of pride he feels, pride fused with filthy, maddening pleasure as he pulls a string of choked moans from you with just a few shallow thrusts of his fingers.
His jaw’s slicked with your juices, your cunt sucking his fingers deeper when he turns his attention back to your poor, neglected clit. He can tell that you’re close, not just from the needy whimpers and the way your muscles are tensing beneath him, but the desperate canting of your hips, rocking up against his face even as you beg for relief.
“Shouta, Shouta, please– oh god, please stop, p-please!”
He longs to wrap a fist around his throbbing cock, desperate to help relieve the burning ache deep in his gut as you cum for the first time on his tongue. Or better yet, maybe have Hizashi wrap that perfect mouth of his around his cock and suck him off–
But now’s not the time for him to be greedy. 
Rough fingertips prod at your walls, searching for that hidden little spot that’s gonna make you go wild–
You almost convulse when he finds it, and Shouta can’t help but smirk against your cunt as you tighten and quiver around his digits. With Hizashi playing with your tits, pressing hot, open mouthed kisses along your neck, Shouta’s lips wrapped around your clit, tongue flicking at the sensitive pearl as he suckles on it and long, thick fingers driving you to madness with each and every stroke, it’s too much for your poor, pregnant, oversensitive body to handle.
You cum with a strangled shriek, and Shouta almost moans at the flood of juices that gush from your trembling cunt onto his waiting tongue. 
“How’s she taste, baby?” Hizashi asks, green eyes blown wide, his own erection straining against his leather pants. 
Shouta doesn’t waste a beat, pushing himself up with one arm and grabbing his husband’s wrist with the other, yanking him into a fierce kiss – letting him taste your honeyed juices on his tongue.
Fingers tangle in dark locks, tugging him closer, and ‘Zashi lets out a low, throaty groan. It’s rough and eager, a slow burning frenzy that makes the blood in his veins sing with excitement. With their lips still locked, the blonde hastily yanks at the zipper on his pants, freeing the painfully hard member with a tight hiss. 
But when he finally does break for air, it’s not Shouta that he addresses, but you, lying spent, crying and breathless between them, beautiful in your fucked out state.
“You can’t expect to put on a show like that and not get me all worked up, sweet thing,” he coos, taking his flushed, throbbing cock in hand and giving it a few slow, cursory pumps. “I’m gonna fuck ya so good, baby – have you singin’ like a little birdie for me,” his eyes meet Shouta’s, a wicked smirk tugging at his lips. “Nothin’ but the best for our cute ‘lil wife. Whaddya say, songbird? Lemme make you feel all nice and special, yeah?”
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