#yandere sweet pea
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chezzywezzy · 3 years ago
Yandere Chic (5/5)
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Word count ; 3.9k
Man, my head was killing me. The migraine was so bad that it felt like my forehead was vibrating. I was so tired, too. Was I wrapped up in a burrito? I was so warm… What happened? Did I have a fever?
A callous hand cupped my cheek. I leaned into it slightly. It was my Sweet Pea - wait. Wait, wait, wait. There was a knock at our door… a break in… Oh no. My eyes shot open and I tried to sit up but the moment I put pressure to right arm, I collapsed. I let out a loud sob, pain shooting through my arm.
“Careful,” a familiar, masculine voice soothed. “That knife did a lot of damage… But don’t worry, I made sure to punish the man who did it. Lay back down.”
The man helped me back under the covers, although I was reluctant to listen. The soreness motivated me more than the fright in that moment. Once I was secured in the blankets again, I furrowed my brows and stared at my supposed captor.
“Chic?” I exclaimed.
He sent a lazy smirk. “The one and only. Missed me?”
“I - I thought the Black Hood killed you! He broke into Betty’s house and… Why do you have red hair?” I blubbered, gawking at me.
With his pointer finger, he pressed my head back to the pillow. “Well, Betty is a liar. She gave me up to the Black Hood. Hal and Penelope took me under their wings for whatever reason… Penelope sees me as her own son, so in public, I go by Jason now. Or —“
“The Gargoyle King,” I finished in horror.
He snickered. “Yeah. It’s pretty fun being worshiped. Pretty annoying to dress up each time, though, since all I wanna do is kiss my queen again.”
“This is insane. Can I go home now?” I whined. “Seriously, I’ve told you time and time again, I’m not interested —“
“And I don’t care,” he taunted. He scooted the chair further so that he was hovering over me. “You’re precious and I’m obsessed with you. Madly in love with you. So, frankly, I don’t give a shit if you hate me. Complain, beg, cry all you want. I’ll love every minute of it.”
Tears stung at my eyes, but I stubbornly kept them in. A firm frown was on my features. Chi - ‘Jason’ was clearly stronger than me. I had a fucked up arm and a fucked up leg. I had to escape, though, which meant I needed to get Chic to leave. There was a window to the left, but we might be on the second story.
God, this whole situation was a mess from the beginning. I should’ve never been involved in the Cooper life. No, I just shouldn’t have been so nice to Chic. Betty was suspicious of him from the start, and I should’ve been, too. But, instead, I invited him into our lives. And everything ended up turning to shit because of it.
“Heh, don’t be scared,” Chic continued, petting my hair. I visibly cringed, and I noticed his smirk twitched at my distaste. “You should try getting more rest. Tomorrow night, we’ll be busy.”
My face paled as I imagined dozens of traumatizing scenarios.
“Not like that. Tomorrow is ascension day for Betty and her friends. And you’ll be there to watch,” he explained boastfully.
“What did they ever do to you to do deserve this?”
He pursed his lips. “Hm. Nothing, really. It’s just fun being a king, ‘cause it means I can have whatever I want. Even you. Although… I do hate Betty with ever fibre of my being. She’s too nosey. Just had to ruin your opinion of me. It ended up making no difference, but it was still… difficult.”
“That… that’s no reason to kill people,” I whispered, not capable of making eye contact any longer.
“…Hm.” I wasn’t sure how much time passed, but he just stared at me. “I’ll get you some water and some painkillers. Don’t try and escape. Even if you make it outside, there’s snipers with blowdart in the trees and my Gargoyles surveying the lawns.”
“Fuck you.”
“Be careful what you wish for,” he mocked, exiting the bedroom.
I knew now wasn’t the time to escape, seeing as it only took a minute to fill up a cup. However, I at least needed to do some damage control and explore my room for any potential weapons. I had to get out and call the police. No way in hell could I let my innocent friends die.
I used my left arm to prop myself up and I carefully kicked my legs off the side of my bed. I inhaled sharply as my feet came in contact with the cold wooden floor. I inspected the room from my sitting position. There was a night stand. A portrait of an old man. A chair. A closet. A carpet. A clothes drawer. A mannequin. A window with fancy curtains. A bathroom door. And then the exit. The exit taunted me. I wanted nothing more than to risk it, but I had to heed Chic’s warning. I knew he wasn’t lying. If he was, he would’ve locked the door or reinforced the windows.
I didn’t have any time to digest my thoughts. Chic reentered, a glass and pill bottle in his grasp. He stared scrutinizingly, eyes glued to my damaged figure. “Don’t move around too much.”
“What pills are those?” I snapped.
His eyebrow raised. “Advil.”
He handed me the water and dumped two pills into my palm. I examined them closely. “…Okay.” I downed the water and medicine eagerly. I only realized then how parched I was. There wasn’t much I could do to prevent him from sitting next to me on the bed. He wound his arm around my waist and pulled he towards him; I hoped it was only my imagination, but I was pretty sure he smelled my hair.
“You should thank me, by the way.”
“Sure I should. Thanks so much for kidnapping me and hurting the love of my life —“
“I killed him.”
“Wh - what?”
“Your father. I bugged your phone months ago. I learned so many things about you, but most of all, I knew that I had to kill your father. I did it myself, in fact.”
“You’re a… monster,” I whispered, not sure how to process what I’d just learned.
“Hm.” He pressed a chaste kiss to my cheek. “The Viper Cavalier… I already know what’ll happen tomorrow. Your friends will survive by some miracle, and while Penelope is trying to finish them off, we’ll make a run for it. I’ve already had some of my Gargoyles set up a camp close to the railroad that neither she nor Hal know about. However, the only hitch will be when your loyal snake shows up to try and stop me. To which I will promptly shoot him. Right in front of you. For your own personal enjoyment. After all, as king, I decide who kidnapped who. And in my world, it was the Viper Cavalier who stole my queen away.”
I pushed him away when he tried to pepper kisses along he nape of my neck. “I regret saving your life, you criminal. Keep your dirty hands off me,” I seethed.
He scoffed, rising to his feet. “Stop trying to get on my nerves.” He fussed around in his pocket. “I hate to do this, but we both know at some point you’re going to try and escape.”
He unsheathed a syringe, and y eyes went wide. I tried to push him away, but it was too late. He pushed the needle into my neck. I felt instantly drowsy, limply hitting Chic’s chest until I drifted into a dreamless sleep.
When I woke up this time, I didn’t waste time trying to remember shit. I knew exactly what happened, who kidnapped me, and what the hell was going to happen. Ascension night. Was this my only chance to stop it?
Chic wasn’t in the room, but I could hear lots of footsteps passing the door. Gargoyles. The sun as set, outside, and I doubt that Chic would only dope me up for a few hours. I noticed that on the mannequin was a dress. A note, a glass of water, and a watch rested on the nightstand. I downed the water again before focusing on the note.
‘Put on the dress and get ready. I’ll collect you at eleven-forty-five. With love, Gargoyle King.’
I scowled, checking the watch. I had fifteen minutes… I guess I had no choice but to get ready. I was still incredibly groggy from being drugged. My body was completely on autopilot as I limped over to the dress and got decent. I was still in my pajamas, which was a relief. It was difficult putting on the dress with only one functioning hand. I was sat on the bed struggling to zip it up and I jumped when Chic entered, carrying the Gargoyle mask.
“Stand up,” he demanded casually, to which I listened mutely to.
He hummed happily to himself and zipped it for me. I hated how his hands lingered on my back. I felt his breath on the nape of my neck. He suddenly pulled away and put on his mask. “It’s showtime, Gargoyle Queen.”
I trembled slightly under his prodding touch. He lifted me up bridal style, muttering an explanation for his actions that I barely heard, and walked out of the room. Goddammit - it suddenly occurred to me that I should’ve broken the glass of water to get a weapon. Welp, too late for that.
We walked down a decked-out hallway with a portrait of that escort my father used to hire… So that’s where I’d heard the name Penelope before. Now wasn’t the time for that, though. He opened the door at the end, and my eyes widened.
Sitting at a grandiose dining table was Hal, Penelope, Betty, Jughead, and two other of her friends that I wasn’t officially acquainted with. Penelope grinned malevolently and chuckled. “What have I told you? No masks at the dinner table.”
Chic set me down. Betty’s expression betrayed her guilt and anger at the situation at hand, and I couldn’t help the few tears that slid down my cheeks. Chic was about to lift his mask off when Penelope said:
“Wait - King, before you do… Hellcaster, care to take a stab?”
“Sure. Arthur Conan Doyle famously said,’ Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.’ In which case, whoever is underneath that mask must have a connection to Hal and Y/n, and to you, Penelope. But it’s not Jason, because he’s dead and Y/n never met him. The one corpse that hasn’t been accounted for, who had an obvious interest in Y/n and who was last seen by the Black Hood… Chic.”
I could smell Chic’s smirk as the Gargoyle King mask fell next to our feet. I flinched when his arms wrapped around me shoulders and we walked to the table. Chic pressured me into a seat before he sat as well.
“Are you okay, Y/n? What happened to your arm?” Betty asked.
“If I were you, I’d be more worried about yourselves,” I warned. “Is… Sweets safe?”
Jughead responded,” Physically, he’s fine, but he’s been losing his mind.”
Penelope diverted the conversation elsewhere, and explained to the gang everything that Chic already told me. Unlike them, I couldn’t care less about their motives; I just wanted to escape with my friends. The escort indulged in their curiosity, telling her sob story about being a child bride and wanting revenge. It unsettled me how she was calling Chic ‘Jason’.
“The true Gargoyle King is you, Penelope,” Jughead deduced.
“Oh, well done, well done,” she chortled, but was interrupted by the chime of a grandmaster clock. “But now, it’s time to play one final round, with you, the Midnight Children.”
“To what end?” the girl with black hair exclaimed.
“Say… it’s to reveal your true nature. To prove that you are as dark-hearted as the town that birthed you. You will not win, all when you lose, your parents will experience the pain I felt. The death of a child.”
“You’re nuts,” Betty insulted, trying to make her way over to me.
“Ah-ah-ah,” Penelope scolded,” don’t meddle with others’ belongings, my dear niece. The girl was a present for Jason.”
Everyone scoffed and I wanted to join them. Complete the ritual in their stead. However, I knew it was impossible. I was forced to be an observer.
I wished that Chic would’ve allowed me to walk for myself, but he lifted me up again. The gang rushed out into the woods, while the three remaining serial killers went in different directions. If anything, with only the two of us, that would’ve been the time to attack. But I was mortified, as when I glanced up, there were vague dark figures in the trees. It sent shivers down my spine. How was it possible to not only entangle the Gargoyles, but professional snipers into this fucked up mess?
“Chic, it’s not too late to do the right thing,” I begged.
“Would you be with me if I did?”
“W - well, there’s so many other fish in the sea.”
“That’s what I thought.”
He placed me on my feet again when we arrived in a dirt clearing. I noticed in the center, there was a tree stump with an axe inserted. Torches were embedded in the ground. I noticed that Chic had taken off his shirt - if he wasn’t an insane psycho serial killer, under different circumstances, I would have adored his physique - and tossed it the side. I leaned against a tree, still somewhat fatigued from the drugs.
“What… what’s going to happen here?”
“I’m Jughead’s ‘challenger’,” he explained curtly, leaning against another tree with an eager expression. “Gargoyles!” Two people hopped out of the trees above, startling me. “Make sure she doesn’t pull anything.”
I was on edge with the two creeps hovering close to me. I was even more worried when Chic stepped out of view as distant chatter drew near. My friends emerged from the forest. “Y/n, thank god! Don’t worry, we’ll make sure you’re saved,” Betty reassured.
“Everything’s fine. Jughead, you’re up, by the way.”
It was a moment too late, though, because Chic had already revealed himself and was sprinting towards the axe. Jughead sprung into action, but it was in vain; Chic snatched it up and swung it powerfully. Jug barely managed to dodge, falling on the ground before recovering. Chic was stalking towards him, a malicious smirk present.
“Why are you doing this? All because of her?” Jug shouted, dodging another swing.
“Who wouldn’t want to be a king? Who wouldn’t want to be worshipped and have blood sacrifices made in their name? And all with the love of their life by their side,” he tittered evilly.
However, Chic speaking was what allowed Jughead to catch him off guard. He tackled his waist, forcing Chic to drop the axe and fall to the ground. Jug straddled his waist and pulled him up by the neck, landing punch after punch. I knew it was partly acting, as Chic went limp after the first pummel. Luckily, though, Jughead didn’t stop there until his friends demanded he stopped. Apparently the black-haired teen and Betty had ingested poison and needed to move on.
“Betty and friends, don’t worry, everything will be okay! Get going and good luck!” I called after them, as the Gargoyles were preventing us from interacting with one another.
I was incredibly proud of the Serpent. Chic had actually been hammered into oblivion as was knocked out cold. It was shocking that nobody had come to his aid yet, either, but I supposed that everyone’s attention was on the teen posse. It was boring just waiting, but every time I tried to walk anywhere to cure my boredom, gloved hands harshly gripped my arms to prevent me from going anywhere. I wasn’t sure how long had passed, but Chic began to stir just as a gun shot pierced the air, not too far away.
It my my blood run cold. I could only hope that my friends had been the ones shooting.
Chic groaned and sat up, groggily wiping the blood from under his nose. “Fuck, didn’t expect him to hit that hard,” he growled, and the Gargoyles detached from my side to loyally help him up. One of them handed their cloak to Chic, and the other forced his on me. Chic grabbed my upper arm and wrapped a cloth around my mouth. I flinched when a gun was passed to him.
“Is everything prepared?”
“Yes, King.”
“Good. We’re leaving now. Don’t try anything,” he ordered me. We headed off in a random direction, going deeper into the wilderness. It was hard to keep up with my prominent limp, especially when he suddenly picked dup the pace. It sounded like a war was going on behind us. There was so much shouting, screaming, crying. I had to get rid of the gag, even if it would pain me.
I lifted my cast slowly, squinting in pain. The stab wound hindered the ability for my fingers to function probably, and I wanted to cry from just bending my elbow. Chic’s attention was glued to the path ahead. I almost tripped several times, as the moonlight wasn’t enough to show the way. I felt at the cloth, steering my arm to the back of my head. I weakly fiddled with the knot, trying to pull it down. I almost wanted to gasp in joy when it slid down just enough. I jerked my hand to my mouth and pulled out the gag.
Chic turned to stare at me, but it was already too late. A scream ripped from my throat. “Sweet Pea!”
His palm collide with my face. I fell back into the grass, my ankle twisting all over again. I let out another cry for help before I was silenced. Chic lay on top of me, pressing me hard against the floor. He had shoved his hand into my mouth in a panic. Even in the black night, I could see his raging expression. His frenzied breaths fanned across my cheeks. Tears threatened to spill, so I squeezed my eyes shut.
Hope blossomed within me as I heard some of the shouting slowly come closer. ”Goddammit, you messed up,” he seethed. “You really think you’re going to be saved? Your fucking boyfriend can’t do shit if I kill him.”
I shook my head to beg for mercy. My vision was blurry and clouded from the teardrops. Like the flick of a switch, Chic grinned and stood back up. I was too scared to let anything out except for quiet sobs. His foot hovered over my injured arm threateningly. I got the point and stayed there frozen on the ground. All I could do was watch helplessly as he took out the pistol from his pocket, turning off the safety.
The sun was beginning to rise.
I could at least warn whoever was coming to the rescue. “He ha —!”
I let out a screech of pain, reeling on the ground. I couldn’t even cradle my arm, as it was still trapped under his foot. I arched my backs then I could possibly see who was approaching. I could only make out two or three approaching footsteps. I gasped when I saw a leather jacket duck behind a near tree.
Chic recklessly shot at the movement, missing.
“Come on out, lover boy! I know it’s you!” he roared.
Even if I was still in agony, it wasn’t going to get any better. I had to act. With my free arm, I struck, grabbing his pant leg and pulling. It didn’t mess up his footing, but Chic peered down at me for but a moment, which was enough for the unidentified Serpent - who I could only hope was Sweet Pea. The figure rushed to an even closer oak. When Chic shot, it was completely off, causing him to let out a frustrated curse.
Keeping attention glued to my savior’s where-abouts, he kicked my stomach furiously before stalking forward. I finally curled up in a ball to recover, turning on my side so I could still see what was happening.
“You can only hide for so long, Viper!” Chic warned, aiming at the tree.
Wrong. I was going to intervene again. I turned again so that I could crawl forwards a bit. Even if I had to take another dose of pain, I had to divert his attention one more time.
“Chic, please,” I croaked,” no more.”
He didn’t spare a glance this time. “Don’t even try, Y/n.” He stepped closer to the tree. “I’m sure your coward Cavalier wouldn’t want you to get any bloodier, either.”
I paused. Clearly I’d have to be a bit more clever. The clock was ticking. I clenched my fist… right around some dirt and rocks. An idea hit me. I unearthed the grime, aiming behind me to imitate the rustling of a person, all while I faked a joyful gasp.
He fell for it. Bingo. Chic whipped around, shooting in the direction of the sound. Even in my suffering, I couldn’t help but grin as his eyes widened in realization. My heart bounded out of joy as Sweet Pea, the love of life, revealed himself. Chic tried to move fast enough, but Sweets tackled him to the ground a few feet away.
I watched eagerly as the gun flew out of Chic’s grasp. Chic let out an agonized grunt, and I thought that Sweet Pea would start punching the living hell out of him now that he had him, but his actions were different from what I anticipated. Instead of his fists flying, he lifted his hands above head before swinging them down. In that moment, I saw a metallic glint and I connected the dots.
A pocket knife stabbed into Chic’s chest. Once, twice, three times. Sweet Pea kept going. The look on his face was terrifying. I’d seen him angry before, sure; but never, never had he looked so resentful. I let out a muffled sob as I realized Sweet Pea had killed the man without hesitation. Blood was everywhere. A waterfall came from Chic’s wounds, and a puddle was slowly but surely forming around him. Spurts of gore splattered on Sweet Pea’s jacket, shirt, and face.
“Sweets, stop, please!” I cried, trembling against the ground.
His progression was gradual as his stabs became steadier until his hands stopped entirely, the knife hovering over the lifeless corpse. I recoiled when his sharp glare directed itself at me. HIs stare softened though, and he stumbled to his feet.
“Y/n, babe, you’re okay, you’re safe,” he rambled, almost as though he was comforting himself more than me. He kneeled next to me, gentle in his movements as he cupped my filth-covered cheeks. “Oh, you’re alright now, you’re safe, you’re safe…”
“S - Sweet Pea, y - you just killed h - him!”
“Uh-huh, you’re safe now,” he cooed, wrapping his hands under my arm pits to lift me to him. He held me close. “Oh, you’re safe now…”
“Sweets, please calm d - down, you’re scaring me.”
“Yes, that’s right, you’re safe now. Oh god, I love you. I’m here for you. Nobody will ever hurt you again.”
Even with my heart rate accelerating through the roof, I was fatigued. Afraid. Confused. Miserable. Injured. It was dawn. And Sweet Pea had saved me in time. The aches were becoming dull. I was so tired. So, so tired…
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lonleywriters-blog · 3 years ago
imagine this: Reader calls yanderes Sweet pea from Riverdale by his full name and starts to glare at him when he doesn't do something reader asked him to like maybe not doing the chore the reader asked him to?
Omg yes I love this idea
Yan. Sweet pea when you yell at him because he didn't do something
Pls don't reblog or take
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Let's say you asked him to put the dishes away as you left the house. You had such a bad at at work. What ever could go wrong went wrong. You spilled food everywhere including yourself. It took forever for your car to start and your shoe broke in middle of the day. You just wanted to come home make a snack and relax. You opened the cabinet and there was no cups you looked in the dishwasher and surprise there still in there. You just got so mad you couldn't take it anymore. You went into the living room where sweet pea was watching t.v and glared crossing your arms over your chest. Sweet pea got up to get you and stoped in his tracts he could see you were mad, really mad. He doesn't like conflict when it comes to you. He doesn't want to make you mad or get mad at you so he was very nervous. If looks could kill he would be long gone. You started yelling at him. "I asked you to do one thing one damn thing." It clicked in his head how could he be so dumb. He looked at you like a kicked puppy he didn't mean to forget. When you look at him you can't help how guilty you feel. You should take this out on him but the day has just been so so hard. Tears threaten to fall from your eyes. "I'm sorry I yelled it's been a hard day im so sorry pea." You say sadly as a few tears fall. He walks up to you slowly wrapping his arms around you setting his chin on your head. "It's alright baby I'm sorry I didn't put the dishes up." He smiled as you hug him back.
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writerbyaccident · 6 years ago
A Jealous Serpent (Yandere Sweet PeaxReader)
Request: Dude riverdale? That show is crap but it does something to me. Mad respect for u bro, like what u like. Could you write some yandere sweet pea? Like maybe some jealousy stuff with a sweet, small reader? Sorry it’s not specific if u need that feel free to delete this. Thank u :)
yes, another Riverdale addict! come, let us preach the gospel that is our trashy show
           When the bell rang, all of your classmates rushed out the door, eager to get their weekends started. You packed up slowly, happy that the school week was over but not wanting to get caught in the stampede currently taking place in the hallway. Once you had left the classroom, things had calmed down a little bit, though not by much of course. No, your school was too chaotic these days to ever return to being tranquil. You supposed that that was just one of the ways the trauma of your town had affected all of your lives. Even the students who were previously your school’s gold standard, like Betty Cooper and Josie McCoy, had found themselves caught up in the craziness that was Riverdale these days.
           You, however, had absolutely no desire to get involved with all of the mysteries and drama that plagued your town. So you just did your work, hung out with your friends, and kept your head down. Your life was quiet compared to so many of your peers’, and you liked it that way. When you reached your locker, you smiled at your neighbor, a former Southside High student that everyone called Sweet Pea. Most of your classmates were scared of him, not only due to the fact that he was from the Southside but also because he was a member of the Serpents. In all honesty, you had been intimidated by him to when he first moved into the locker next to yours, but you had since discovered that he was a lot nicer than most people gave him credit for. He had always been friendly to you, so you had warmed up to him significantly. Though, it annoyed you that he still wouldn’t tell you his real name.
           “Hey,” he greeted you, stuffing his books into his bag.
           “Hey—“ you said, stopping and looking at him expectantly.
           “Forget it,” he chuckled. “You’re not gonna trick me into giving you my name.”
           “Ugh, fine,” you groaned. “You excited for the weekend?”
           “Oh yeah, what about you? You doing anything fun?”
           “Not really,” you shrugged, “just the usual.” Sweet Pea glanced at you, a slightly nervous look on his face, looking like he was about to say something in response, but before he could, the two of you were interrupted. Someone had forced their way between the two of you, facing you with a cocky grin. It was Cameron, one of the members of Riverdale’s football team. Smiling at him politely, you wondered what he wanted. You had some classes with him, so maybe he had a question about homework or something?
           “Hey, what’s up?” he asked. You answered him, the two of you exchanging some small talk about the classes you shared. While you talked with him, Sweet Pea simply watched, silently fuming at the interruption. He had been just about to make his move after weeks of trying to build up his courage, and now this preppy idiot had stolen your attention. Ever since he had met you, Sweet Pea knew that you were the one for him. You were so innocent and sweet, always kind to him even though he was from the Southside, even though he was a Serpent. You were almost too nice, he had realized, that a town like Riverdale would chew you up if it got the chance. That’s why he had made it his job to make sure that that didn’t happen.
           You were such a rarity for this town, for this world even. Every smile of yours was precious, every word invaluable. Sweet Pea appreciated you like no one else in this whole damn town did, he knew he did. That was why you belonged with him; he was the only one who could love you in the way you deserved. But this asshole didn’t give a shit about you, he could tell. He would just use you and forget about you, leaving you broken up and broken hearted. So why were you even bothering to talk to him? It killed Sweet Pea to see you give your attention to anyone other than him. He knew what all the Northsiders said about him, and if you listened to their lies long enough, you might leave him behind. He would do anything to keep that from happening. Just seeing that guy near you had Sweet Pea ready to punch him right in the face. Anger was thrumming through his veins, leaving him twitching to show this shithead who exactly you belonged to. But he knew that he couldn’t do something like that in front of you. No, you wouldn’t understand, not yet, and he would just end up scaring you away.
           So instead he bided his time, stalking off while you and Cameron talked. Getting away from you two didn’t help his anger much though. All he could think about was that bastard interrupting him, thinking that he was good enough to talk to you. When Cameron left school then, Sweet Pea watched him carefully, deciding to abandon his usual route towards your house and follow him instead. Following Cameron at a distance, Sweet Pea felt his rage and jealousy surge with each step. As soon as he was sure that no one was around, he pulled his switchblade out of his Serpent jacket, picking up his pace to reach his target. Not one to drag things out, Sweet Pea grabbed Cameron by the shoulder, spun him around, and promptly punched him the jaw. Sweet Pea felt pain flare in his hand in response and grinned. Sure, it hurt, but it meant that he was doing his best to protect what was his. Cameron held a hand to his jaw, wincing at the feeling and looked at Sweet Pea in confusion.
           “What the hell dude? What’s your problem?” he yelled at his attacker. But before he could do anything but yell, Sweet Pea grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and held up the switchblade to his face.
           “You want to know what my problem is?” Sweet Pea spat at him. “My problem is that you think that just because you’re some privileged little Northsider that everyone fucking worships just cause you can throw a football, that you can mess with other people’s stuff.”
           “What are talking about?”
           “I’m talking about Y/N. They’re mine, so if I ever see you trying to talk to them again, I’ll carve your face so badly that no one will look at you again. Got it?” Cameron simply nodded in response, able to tell from the look in Sweet Pea’s eyes that he was completely serious. He may have thought that you were cute, but you sure as hell weren’t cute enough to be worth permanent disfigurement. At his acquiescence, Sweet Pea smirked mockingly at him, letting go of his jacket and sauntering away. Now that he had taken care of that issue, he was feeling much better. Sure, he may not have been able to ask you out today, but at least he made sure that no one was about to steal what belonged to him.
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chezzywezzy · 3 years ago
Yandere Chic (4/5)
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Word count ; 3.9k
It was clear to me that being around people was the problem. Betty was sent to the Sisters of Quiet Mercy, and no way in hell was I going back to the trailer park. So, I forced myself into a hobo-like lifestyle, only staying on campus. I stayed there at all times, and at night I either slept in the library if I could or on one of the benches outside. Sweet Pea barely called me to check up at first, but I was too tired to answer. Too tired of letting myself be ignored. Sweet Pea was acting just like my father, not communicating and certainly not talking to me unless if he just so happened to remember I existed.
So, I ignored his calls most of the time. The campus was large and I knew it better than him, so I was able to avoid him. He apologized through text several times, but I could tell that since they were always late in the night, he was still probably playing that board game instead.
I sighed for the millionth time that day, plopping my things next to the bench. Occasionally,  party-goers walked past, but I was in the main part of campus where students didn’t tend to be at night, so it was fairly deserted. I had gotten ready for bed in the public bathroom, washing off a bit as well. It was time like this that I really wished that I’d made friends with my classmates instead of high schoolers, but it was too late in the school year for that.
I pulled out my quilt from my backpack and I used my backpack as the pillow. I set my alarm on my fully-charged cell phone. My sleep schedule was getting back on track since I was forced to wake up early in order to spare myself from embarrassment. Despite the fact that I was almost living like a homeless person, it was stress-free. The Gargoyle King couldn’t find me here.
I heard some rustling from the plaza in front of me and sat up. I was always on edge when I heard the slightest of sounds that night, even if the King had never shown up before. I surveyed the area thoroughly, but it was just a drunk college student trying to find his way home.
I sighed exasperatedly. The King hadn’t found me here, so there’s no way he’d show up now. I was safe here in my lonesome. I went to lie down again, but froze. Standing only a few feet away was a towering, blurry figure. I gasped, but for some reason, I wasn’t as mortified as I once had been. I was numb to the terrifying figure, but when I thought about it, he’d never done anything directly harmful. All he did was… stand menacingly.
I grabbed my phone when there was a ping. Jughead and Betty had been MIA, so I already assumed Sweet Pea was begging for forgiveness again. I ignored the looming creature while confirming my suspicions. I felt butterflies swarming involuntarily and my mouth got dry.
‘I’m sorry for not listening to you. I quit G&G. Please talk to me, I miss you and I love you, Y/n,’ it read.
The Gargoyle King stalked towards me, almost in a curious manner. His approach made me uneasy. I’d punished Sweet Pea enough, and the King had clearly located me again, so… I should at least talk to Sweet Pea. I mean, if it was true what he said about quitting the game, that would be the majority of the hurdle gone.
He even said the l-word for the first time. He wouldn’t lie about that, would he? My heart ached at the thought.
I reluctantly pressed FaceTime. The King was still walking towards me, and I knew that this was the signal to pack up and leave. He picked up instantly, hair disheveled and a firm frown on his face. “Y/n, thank god, you finally picked up. Where are you?”
��On campus… Did you really quit?”
“Yes! Yes, I promise. I’ll never touch that game again, I swear. Tell me where to go and I’ll pick you up and - and we can just talk,” he begged, rushing around the inside of the trailer.
I shouldered the backpack and bit my lip. “…Okay. I’ll meet you at the parking lot —“
“The fucking Gargoyle is behind you, get the fuck out of there!” He suddenly shouted and hung up, supposedly to come get me.
I jumped when I felt a branchy hand collapse on my head, so I ducked beneath it and dashed away. I could’ve sworn I heard a deep ‘queen’ echo from the beast as I ran for it. When I was in the parking lot, I keeled over and took a breather. I was panting, and the few students in the area stared at me curiously. I plopped on a bench and waited for Sweet Pea. The whole time, I was paranoid that he simply wasn’t going to show up, but after twenty or so minutes, a motorcycle came speeding into the campus.
He seemed to have spotted me instantly, because he braked and hopped off. I was caught off guard by the immediate affection, as he pulled me into a warm embrace and kissed my forehead.
“Thank god, you’re okay. We should leave. The Gargoyle King’s here,” he insisted.
“W - wait, Sweet Pea,” I stuttered,” It’s fine. I’m fine. I just… why would you give up the game when you didn’t even consider it before?”
“I’m sorry I didn’t hear you out,” he started, disparity evident in his voice. “It was wrong of me. I was so into the game that I didn’t realize that I was… pushing you away and ignoring you, even though you were in critical danger. I should’ve been there for you, but please forgive me. It won’t happen again, I swear it. I love you so, so much.”
God, I hated that all I wanted to do was forgive him. Maybe it’d be a mistake to do so, but I was still head over heels for him, even if he’d put a strain on our relationship. Oh, well. I pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“O -okay,” I conceded. “I forgive you.”
“Thank you, Y/n,” he replied in relief. “Let’s take a few days off, okay? You need a break and I need my girlfriend.”
“Oh! Sure, yeah,” I agreed as we saddled up to head back to the trailer park. Sweet Pea drove faster than normal. It was probably because he was so edge. In the back of my mind, I couldn’t help but wonder if the King had been watching us from a distance.
When we returned home, Sweets took my bags for me. He secured the doors and windows before engaging in conversation again. “I thought you might want to know, Betty escaped with all the other kids yesterday. If you’re up to it, we can visit.”
I excitedly grin. “Of course! I’ve been so worried about her, and because I wasn’t family, I wasn’t allowed to visit at all.”
“I knew you’d want to, so I told her in advance.” He wrapped his arms around my torso and pulled me into our shared bedroom. “Let’s get some sleep now, okay? I missed you,” Sweets mumbled into my ear.
My heart happily skipped a beat.
Out of old habit, I didn’t know, inviting myself into the Cooper household. Sweet Pea stuck to me like a loyal dog. He’d kept his eyes peeled all morning. When I entered the living room, I was shocked to find up to twenty kids in the living room, and Betty was nowhere in sight. The only person I knew in the hoard was Ethel, who was wearing an identical dress to everyone else. Shudders ran down my spine, though, when instead of a warm welcome, Ethel sent a spine-chilling glare and the kids started whispering to one another.
“Y/n, I’m so glad you’re okay!” Betty exclaimed, coming from upstairs. She wrapped her arms around me tightly.
“I should be telling you that, but I guess you were able to handle yourself… and an army of teens,” I replied. “I feel terrible for them, they seem so terrified.”
Betty gulped, glancing at them. “They aren’t usually like that… It’s just that you’re —“
“The Gargoyle Queen!” a boy wailed, and everyone huddled into the corner. All except Ethel, who rose to her feet ‘bravely.’
“Don’t worry, guys. The Gargoyle Queen will be overthrown soon enough by me,” she declared.
Sweet Pea scowled, intervening,” Dumbass kids —!”
I covered his mouth with my hands nervously, not wanting to cause even more of a scene. Betty grabbed my shoulder. “Let’s talk elsewhere,” she whispered. “They’re still recovering from being brainwashed.”
I nodded eagerly, and we went upstairs. “So… what the hell was that all about?” I inquired once we were away from the hoard.
“Well, apparently you’re renowned for being the Gargoyle Queen.” Sweet Pea cursed under his breath. “I ‘killed’ the Gargoyle King in order to convince them to leave, but they think that you’re dangerous too, for whatever reason. I even tried convincing them with a game where they saved you from the King’s castle because you were a hostage… but they’re still convinced.
“What’s more worrisome is Ethel, though. She seems determined to make the Gargoyle King fall in love with her. She’s head over heels for him for whatever reason. She absolutely hates your guts, and it makes me worry for her safety. After all, we have no idea what the King’s capable of.”
Sweet Pea massaged his forehead. “So please tell me you were able to find out who this guy is. The fact that he’s obsessed with my girlfriend should already be a huge clue.”
“Well, the only person thatI knew of that was obsessed with Y/n was Chic,” Betty reminded,” but the Black Hood killed him.”
“Wait, really? How?” I grilled.
Betty gulped. “He broke into the house and killed him.”
“Poor guy, I guess,” I muttered.
“You should go,” Ethel suddenly spoke from behind us. “You’re scaring them.”
Betty scowled. “Ethel, they aren’t —“
“No, it’s fine,” I interrupted. “We were about to get some lunch anyways, right Sweets?”
“Uh - yeah.”
After we’d returned home, we didn’t exit the trailer even once for the rest of the day. Even when I recommended that we should go to Pop’s, Sweet Pea insisted that it was safer to stay at home. It took some convincing, but I caved.
Two weeks passed without a hitch. Sweet Pea really had made it up to me during those weeks despite my prior doubts, and I was living much more comfortably. The Gargoyle King must’ve been a busy guy, since he wasn’t around at all. Not that he would’ve had the chance to be, since Sweet Pea was glued to my side at every moment he could be. It was rather suffocating, though, since I desired nothing more than a bit of freedom.
I got that opportunity, though, because Sweet Pea was out helping Jughead out when Betty called me up one afternoon. She asked for me to meet her at Pop’s, to which I eagerly accepted, hopping onto my bicycle and riding there at top speed.
So there we sat, having missed the plump cushioning of Pop’s booths. “Order what you want. It’ll be on me,” Betty requested.
“Are you sure? I’m the one who should cover —“
“No, let me treat you. It’ll be payment for what I’m going to request.” The waitress took our orders. “So has everything been okay? Any Gargoyle King spottings?”
“No. Sweets has been smothering me ever since we made up. He’s more worried about the King than I am at this point,” I quipped.
“That’s nice of him,” Betty agreed. “However, that’s probably going to have to change. We need your help catching the Gargoyle King.”
“I don’t like where this is going.”
“I know, I know. I’m sorry to involve you, but Junior Prom is coming up. The Gargoyle King is going to be there to fulfill a game ritual. It specifies ‘Gryphon Queen,’ which we believe is referring to the prom queen, but just to make sure, we want you there, too. Besides, you’d probably be going anyways because of Sweet Pea, right?”
“He hasn’t asked me yet, but I guess… But I’m not even a student, would I even be allowed?”
“Nobody would notice, especially if you came with a date. That wouldn’t be the hard part.”
“Well… fine. Although I don’t have any dresses and I’m frugal.”
“The thing is, the theme for prom is G&G. That means everyone will be wearing medieval clothes,” she explained.
“Man… Sweet Pea had no participation in deciding that, right?”
“…No? He’s been busy with helping the the Serpents put a stop to Fizzle Rock dealers. In fact, he seemed uncomfortable with the theme when Jug brought it up with them.”
“Alright. Can I just wear a normal dress, though? The last thing I want to do is play into all this crap.”
“Sure, I’ll lend you one of mine if that works.”
“Yeah, please make it short, though. The last thing I’d want is for me to need to run away and then I end up tripping over the dress.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” she chuckled.
“Look at our boys, hard at work,” Betty jokingly bragged from beside me, nodding towards Jughead and Sweet Pea, who were at their posts by the door.
Sweet Pea and Betty told us the game plan when we arrived. He’d been clingier than usual, and even now as Betty chatted away by the punch, his eyes were glued to my figure. It made me giggle, although maybe that was because one of the kids added something else to the punch.
“Care to dance, malady?” I extended my hand and bowed mockingly.
“It would be my pleasure,” she replied, about to take my hand.
We were interrupted by a man wearing a mask and adorning a jester outfit. “Are you the Gargoyle and Gryphon Queen? This is for you.”
“Who sent this?” Betty asked as she scanned the letter.
“I got it from a Druid, who got it from a centaur, who got it from someone else.”
I peered over her shoulder, reading,’ To her majesty, my sweet Gargoyle Queen, and the Gryphon Queen. Gryphon Queen, you’ve been summoned to the place where the first Ascension Night was held. Gargoyle Queen, go to the restroom. Go alone. Tell anyone, and the every reveler attending the festival tonight will pay the price.’
Betty and I met each other’s gaze. We both knew what we had to do. I was absolutely nervous. I knew that Betty had a gun, but we were being asked to separate, so that left me weaponless. Sure, I probably wasn’t going to die, but I’d prefer death to being kidnapped again.
We snuck out the gym doors while everyone’s focus was on the announcement of prom queen. I felt terrible for Betty, I wanted nothing more than for her to be able to collect her well-earned crown. And yet, here she was, being put up against the Gargoyle King.
“The bathrooms are that way, then turn right,” Betty instructed, motioning with her hands.
“Okay, thanks. Stay safe, Betty,” I implored.
A few minute later, I was leaning against the wall next to the women’s restroom. I tapped my foot anxiously with crossed arms. It was more uncanny to be stuck waiting for the Gargoyle King or whoever to show up. Something was wrong, though; maybe the Serpents were just doing a good job, but with at least two-hundred kids in the vicinity, surely there’d be couples having fun in a classroom, or kids needing to use the bathroom.
But that’s when I heard it. A shriek that undoubtedly belonged to Betty echoed through the hallways, and I could stay still no longer. I may have been scared shitless, but it was embarrassing as hell to be coward, so I chased in the direction of the scream.
“Betty! Betty, are you okay?” I shouted.
I was well aware that I was very lost. The halls were silent, and I came to a pause. Betty was probably hiding. But from what? Were there Gargoyles that ambushed her? Was I next? My lips quivered as my gaze landed on the T-section of the hallway in front of me. Betty’s gun was there.
I heard a growl and I realized that the Gargoyle King had rounded the corner, closing in on me. The hallway was narrow and his entire width took up seventy-five percent. He held his arms out to prevent me from going around him.
But I knew I had to get the gun, no matter what. Besides, the King was still a human. That meant that he could fall over like one too.
I backed up, narrowing my eyes in order to seem threatening, even if I was tiny, weak, and very afraid. My adrenaline was pumping as I propelled myself forward and to the side. When I came into contact with the man, I pushed him and his arm, causing the King to not only drop something, but stumble into the wall. I slid onto the ground and reached for the gun, a sense fo security overwhelming my senses and I came into contact with the cold metal. I struggled to stand up - I must’ve twisted an ankle when I took that tumble - and propped myself against the lockers. Panting furiously, I aimed the gun at where the King was —
Oh, no. I should’ve seen it coming. He was gone.
I dropped the gun, tears finally falling. All I could do was pray to god that Betty was okay. I heard people exploring the hallways, accompanied with loud sobs and cries. A group gathered around my shaker form, but when Sweet Pea arrived, I immediately recognized his caressing hands.
“Is Betty okay? Where’s Betty? I need to find —“
“Shh, she’s fine,” he answered “We should go home now. Are you hurt?”
“I - I twisted my ankle, I think.” Sweet Pea lifted me up to my feet, and my suspicions were confirmed when I couldn’t put any weight on my foot. “Ow - ! I'm definitely did, I’m sorry.”
“Hey, hey, just calm down. You’re safe now. Just let me…” He wrapped an arm behind my legs and lifted me up, so I wrapped my arms around his neck.
“Wait, the Gargoyle King dropped something when I pushed him. Maybe it’s still there, Sweets. Can we look?” I requested.
We weaved through the crowd and analyzed the hallway. I didn’t notice anything, until I registered it: blending in with the white tiles was a white cloth. Sweet Pea saw it too, so he gently set it down so he could grab it. His nose scrunched when he sniffed it, but that seemed to dawn a realization.
“You sure? Going to stay at the Farm could help protect you,” Sweet Pea asked, plopping down on the bed next to me.
“Betty’s told me some terrifying things about it. It’s definitely a cult. I’d rather not join a cult just to avoid a different cult,” I reasoned. “Besides, I’d rather stay with you, Sweets.” I sent him a sweet smile, flipping on side so that I could cuddle into his bare chest.
“I can’t argue with that logic,” he said with a yawn. “Fuck, we should turn off the lights.”
I quirked a brow, running my pointer finger in a circular motion on his chest. “Depends. Are we going to bed or are we going to bed?”
He smirked, running his hand through my hair. “I guess we’ll find out, huh?”
I hopped off the bed and went through the trailer, flipping the various switches. I hummed a bit to myself, fluffing my hair up. I couldn’t help but admire my boyfriend’s gorgeous body as I joined him on the mattress, although this time, I straddled his waist, sensually running my hands on his body. I felt his hands clamp around my ass. I craned my face to his and he quickly pulled in for a passionate kiss. I let out a quiet moan when his hand crept up my waist. I pulled his boxers down —
Knocking came from the the trailer door.
I pulled away, a bit confused, but Sweets kept his hold on me. “It’s probably not important, they’ll leave in a second. Come on, babe.”
I bit my lip nervously. “It could be Betty or something. It’ll probably only take a minute, let me go see who it was, okay?”
Sweet Pea sighed and tugged his boxers back up. I limped over to the front door, him close behind as he put on his jeans. I opened the window slot, confused when all I saw was darkness. After ten p.m., the trailer park lamp posts turned off automatically, so I wasn’t able to see anything.
I was about to unlock the door when Sweet Pea grabbed my arm. “Wait. Ask who it is first.”
I nodded in agreement. “Who is it?” I called out, eyes glued to the darkness outside.
A crash suddenly came from the bedroom, sounding as though multiple windows were shattering at once. I gasped while Sweet Pea sprung into action, picking up the baseball bat tucked neatly in the corner.
“Come on out, fuckers!” He shouted angrily, nudging me back towards the door. The front door started banging as well, and when I peered through, I saw the grey curves of a gargoyle mask. Three cloaked figures emerged from our bedroom, cackling viciously. I noticed the glint of pocket knives in their grasp.
Sweet Pea swung the bat, which disabled two Gargoyles. “We need to run, Sweet, but there’s one outside the door!”
I couldn’t do much, since I was completely cornered, by my own boyfriend at that. Not to mention, running would be hard, seeing as my ankle was still recovering. A Gargoyle jumped at Sweet Pea with the knife, but I stretched my arm out. The knife sliced into my arm and I let out a cry of pain, but it was worth it if it meant that Sweet Pea didn’t get stabbed in the neck.
The front door of the trailer exploded into splinters, which made me collide with Sweet Pea. We were completely surrounded. Sweet Pea was disarmed, one of the Serpents pressing a knife to his throat. I clutched my arm. Oh god, we were fucked. Two Gargoyles pulled me to my feet, although they were surprisingly gentle.
“Did the quest card say the kill the Viper Cavalier?”
That question made my blood run cold. “W - wait, please don’t —!” A gloved hand muffled my begs.
“No. The King said that was his quest. All we’re supposed to do is retrieve the Gargoyle Queen.”
“Who has the fucking chloroform?” One of them shouted.
“Don’t you fucking touch her!” Sweet Pea raged, but was quickly shut up when some blood seeped from his throat.
The entire group erupted in cruel cackles, and a cloth was forced to my mouth. I struggled harder, even if I knew it was inevitable. They slowly started pulling me out of the trailer, and my head was feeling light. The last thing my mind registered was one of the Gargoyles sneering,” Don’t worry, Viper Cavalier, the King will take great care of her…”
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chezzywezzy · 3 years ago
Yandere Chic (3/5)
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Word count ; 3.9k
I’d been kept in the loop by Betty over text recently, and she understood why I was being aloof and distant. I simply didn’t want to be around Chic. He often spammed me with messages, and sometimes when I was home, he even came knocking on my door. I learned that Chic wasn’t a product of Alice and Hal and other minor details. But I tried my best to focus on my new, lovely boyfriend, Sweet Pea, instead of having my entire life revolve around a family I wasn’t even a part of. I was still doing well in school despite the personal problems, and I’d been participating in a lot of community service. So, in reality, I wasn’t doing too bad.
I was doing some homework on the front porch when I noticed that a large group of Serpents, including my Sweets, was breaking into the Cooper household. I gasped and curiously watched as they piled into the household. I had a feeling that whatever was going on had to do with Chic, so I made my way over. When I forced my way in, two sleazy people shoved their way past. I warily glanced at the, managing to sneak into the house.
“Thank you, Jughead. Thank your friends for me.”
“We’re Serpents. It’s what we do.”
Serpents began filtering out of the house, but Sweet Pea noticed me and stood next to me. He affectionately wrapped his arms around my shoulders as I advanced into the living room.
“Is everything okay?” I asked.
“We… we’re alright,” Alice spoke reluctantly. “Betty, you’ve been telling me something I didn’t want to hear, and I’m sorry. Chic… you’ve put us in danger twice. I think that you should do what you said, and leave.”
Sweets whispered in my ear,” Thank god, that creep’s finally hitting the road.” I couldn’t help but press myself securely against his back.
“I will. I’ll find a place,” Chic promised.
“Do it quickly, because you’re not going to spend another night here.” Alice was clearly on the verge of tears, so Betty went to comfort her. Chic rose to his feet and made sure to shove into my boyfriend as he passed.
It went without saying, I Madde sure to keep Alice company that evening.
The house hadn’t been any less chaotic, even with Chic’s flight. The Black Hood was back. And I thought that when Betty urgently called me and told me to go to her house one afternoon, it would be about that. Not Chic.
I met up with Betty and Jughead as they rushed into the house. I almost keeled over from a heart attack when I saw Chic leaning against the kitchen counter, but the other two charged ahead. “We should’ve gone to the Sisters weeks ago and found this out,” Betty exclaimed passionately.
“Found out what?” Chic asked casually.
“Mom! What is he doing here?”
“I took Chic to give this statement and invited him for dinner.”
“Great!” Betty shouted sarcastically, shoving a blue folder onto the island. “Except he’s not Chic!”
“Enough of the melodrama,” Alice groaned.
I was standing back, fiddling with my fingers. So Chic wasn’t who he said he said he was? Should’ve seen that coming. A creep and a liar.
“Jughead and I paid a visit to the Sisters of Quiet Mercy.” She shoved a photo into Alice’s face. “That is your real son, Mom. Not this con artist.”
Alice looked heartbroken. “I don’t - I don’t understand.”
Chic intervened desperately. “I do. Betty’s been out to get me. She never wanted a brother, and she hated when I became involved with Y/n —“
“You’re not my brother! And she’s not interested, pervert!”
Chic suddenly snatched up a knife, waving it wildly. Alice was struck, and the house erupted in shrieks. Luckily, though, Alice was able to hit Chic with a pan and knocked hi out while he was waving the knife at Jughead. I was in total awe, but I assisted the family in doing something rather shady: carrying Chic down to the basement and tying him up to a chair. After that, the Coopers and Jughead asked me to go home. I’m not sure what ever happened to Chic, but I never saw or talked to him again. He completely disappeared.
It was nice, though. Life returned almost to normal. Sweet Pea and I had a healthy and serious relationship, so much so that during December, I moved in with him. We lived peacefully in the trailer park. For a while, we fell into a pattern. Sweets drove me to college, I studied and worked, he drove me home, and most nights we either went on a date at Pop’s or were invited to Alice’s for dinner. Life was normal and happy. No Chic, no Cooper household drama, and no father-daughter drama. I had cut out a majority of what was toxic and chaotic out of my life. I was thriving.
One day, though, my homeostasis was disrupted. Sweet Pea and I had just finished doing some… couple activities when Betty called me up. It was already nine p.m., so I knew it had to be serious. “Betty, what’s wrong?” I inquired eagerly, struggling to pull up my jeans with one hand.
“You know talking out loud helps clear my thoughts, I hope you don’t mind. The weirdest murder happened, you won’t believe it,” she started. “Dilton Doiley and his friend, Ben, were found dead in the woods. Maybe it was suicide, maybe murder, but they were doing some crazy ritual. They had these… weird carvings in their backs and were found with blue lips. Ben barely made it, but Dilton died to poison. The circumstances are completely unknown, it’s crazy. Jug and I are leaving in a few minutes to investigate Dilton’s secret bunker.”
“Sweets and I are going on our late-night walk in a few minutes, too. I’ll call you if I see anything suspicious, okay? Stay safe, Betty,” I warned.
“Same goes for you. You’re one of my best friends,” she replied.
Sweet Pea wrapped his arms around my waist, peppering some kisses against the nape of my neck. He stole the phone from my in the process. He sent me a smirk and interrupted,” Bye, Betty, I’m stealing my girlfriend from you now.” And with that he hung up.
“You’re lucky we were about to hang up,” I pouted.
“What mystery was she telling you about this time?” Sweets inquired as we exited the trailer and started walking into the woods, hand in hand.
“Do you know who Dilton Doiley and Ben something was?” I began.
“… I don’t like the use of ‘was,’” he noticed suspiciously.
“Yeah, ‘was.’ Betty said that when Jug was in the forest on a walk last night, he found their dead bodies. They were doing some crazy ritual and had all sorts of markings etched in their backs. They apparently drank poison. Ben barely survived. Obviously, Betty and Jug are on the case now.”
“That’s fuckin’ terrifying. Goddammit, why can’t Riverdale ever just be normal?” he groaned.
I sighed in agreement. “Yeah, first thing I’m gonna do when I graduate is get the fuck outta this town. It’s gotta be cursed or something —“
We both froze when we heard a twig snap to our left. We turned, confused, as there was nothing there but shrubbery. “Maybe it’s an animal,” I muttered, turning on my phone’s flashlight. However, what we came face to face with was no animal.
Towering at at least seven feet tall was a figure made hip of twigs and branches. But what was most unsettling, was that it had a wooden mask stained with red. My eyes trailed up and down the… monster, taking in various details, before I finally glanced at Sweets again.
“You see that?”
“I think we need to fucking run now.”
The monster took a taunting step towards us, and we took off from the direction we came. Even when we made it back to our trailer, Sweet Pea reminded me that we had found the creature not too far from us, and that we should go somewhere else. Of course, the first place that came to mind was Pop’s Diner.
By the time we stumbled through the front door, I had calmed down enough to try and register what the hell we’d seen. Luckily, Betty and Jughead were there too. They seemed just as out-of-breath. In front of them, they’d drawn a picture of the monster of scratch paper.
“Guys!” I called, plopping next to Betty. “You saw it too?”
“Yeah,” Jug said. “It was the Gargoyle King, if I had to assume. Luckily for us, he doesn’t run very fast.”
“What did you guys see?” Betty inquired.
“Taller than anybody I’ve ever seen around town. They probably use stilts, right?” I began.
“Yeah. Plus, they weren’t too far from the trailer park. It’s why we had to come here. Maybe it’s a Ghoulie exacting revenge?” Sweet Pea added.
“What’s this Gargoyle King you mentioned?” I asked curiously.
“Long story short, Dilton and Ben Buttons got involved with a cultish game. Last time I saw Dilton, he told me that the Gargoyle King was real. That… thing in the woods is the closest thing to it we can get,” Jughead explained.
“Ethel’s involved, too. It was too tall, but again, the stilt idea exists. She also isn’t answering our calls.”
They started investigating a map while Sweet Pea and I took a breather. It wasn’t as though we had much to offer to their investigation. After half an hour or so, I checked my phone. “Sweets, we should probably go home. Whoever this Gargoyle King is, they hardly seem like a threat. They walk slowly and clearly tend to skulk in the woods. I’m fuckin’ tired, please?”
Sweet Pea looked on edge. “Yeah, you’re right. We’ll tell you yes if we learn anything that’s helpful, okay? Good night.”
We said our good-byes before we headed home. We both had a very hard time sleeping that night.
In the middle of one of my classes, I was surprised to receive a text from Jughead asking if I could help him with the case. He told me that in order to get closer to Ethel and learn more for the case, he had to play a game with Ethel. But, for some reason, Ethel asked for me to be there, too. She hadn’t specified why, and we’d never even met before. I trusted Jug, though, so I agreed.
“This looks like the place,” Jug said, motioning to a weird pipe dug into the ground.
“What the fuck, Dilton definitely had a few screws loose,” I commented as we climbed down.
“No kidding.”
When we were both inside, the first thing I took note of was the dozens, if not hundreds of candles. It was rather spooky. “Ethel,” Jughead stated, which made me cast my gaze to the front. Down a short hallway was a room, and in the middle of the room, a table. Sat at that table was a girl with brown-orange hair and a big bow, but what was odd about her attire was that she was wearing medieval garb.
“Welcome to your first game. Your entry point to the realm of Gryphons and Gargoyles. The magical kingdom of Eldervair. First things first, join me.”
Jug and I kneeled down at the table, occasionally sending each other questioning glances. “Do you want to be the Radiant Knight, Arcane Invoker, or Hellcaster?”
“Uh, Hellcaster.”
“I’ll be Arca —“
“You do not choose,” Ethel interrupted. “Sit here, next to me. You are already the destined Gargoyle Queen.” I did as told, situation myself next to the strange girl. “Good choice,” she continued, directing her attention back to Jughead. “That was Ben’s avatar. I was supposed to ascend with him, but he betrayed me and finished the game with Dilton.”
“I’m sorry, Ethel,” I apologized sympathetically.
“Doesn’t matter. Pick a quest card. Let’s get started.”
The game began, but only for Jughead. I was mostly concerned about why the hell I was the Gargoyle Queen, when I had no association in any of this drama except that I was friends with Betty and my boyfriend was a Serpent. I tuned back in to the conversation when Ethel spoke,” Two chalices sit before you.”
“Ethel!” I exclaimed. “No way is he doing that!”
“You wanted to prove your worthiness,” she retorted with a shrug.
Jughead seemed to be pondering it. “If I do this, you promise to give me the scripture?”
“I promise. The King as my witness.”
I couldn’t help but scan the room, paranoid. Jughead picked up one of the chalices and chugged it. I watched, chilled to the core, waiting for him to drop dead. I knew there’d be no convincing him to stop, however, I was relieved when he seemed fine.
“I’m fine. Rulebook, now,” Jug demanded.
“You have to kiss me first.”
“My god, are you serious?”
“It’s in the scripture. The Hellcaster kisses the princess or doesn’t get the treasure.”
The ritual was complete, and we were both relieved and ready to get the hell out of there, until we realized Ethel had drank the chalice with poison.
It was the fault of that stupid game. Sweet Pea came home a week ago with a manual for Gryphons and Gargoyles, and ever since, he’d gotten completely addicted to it. It bothered me, especially knowing the outcome of the game was almost certain death. From the moment we got home to the middle of the night, he played it with his friends. Somehow, even Jughead had gotten absorbed in it. Betty hadn’t been in touch either, but I presumed she had a lot more investigating to do now that she was down a detective.
I sighed, shutting my laptop and setting it on the table next to me. The chilled midnight air nipped my skin and I let out a yawn, finally throwing the blanket over me. I hated not having Sweets in the bed next to me. It made me feel lonely. I was tired, and clearly Sweet Pea wasn’t coming home anytime soon, so why not sleep outside and wait?
I set my alarm and started to doze off to the music of the forest. The wind brushed my hair around time to time, and occasionally, I heard a Serpent walking or talking in the distance. I turned on my side, cuddling my knees to my chest. Just as I was almost lulled into sleep, I picked up the vague sound of slow, approaching footsteps. Maybe Sweet Pea finally decided to sleep. But even if it was him, I wasn’t in the mood to be around him. I stirred a bit as they came closer.
It really must’ve been Sweet Pea, because he paused right next to my seat. I was confused, though, because it sounded as though leaves were rustling from right next me. It became rather insistent, and he wasn’t moving away. Suddenly, I felt something cold and metallic touching the top of my head.
My eyes shot open, and dread consumed me as I saw the looming figure of the Gargoyle King. I sat up instantly, letting out a shrill scream. Lights in the trailers around starting turning on, and the King turned and left the scene. I was left paralyzed after tipping my chair and collapsing into the small table, eyes glued to the evacuating figure.
F.P., Fangs, Jughead, and a group of Serpents came to the scene, and the boys helped me up. “Y/n, what happened? Did you see the Gargoyle King?”
Sweet Pea pushed his way through the crowd, pulling me into a warm hug. “Y - yeah. I was asleep, but I heard someone coming towards me. I thought it - it was Sweets, but then he dropped something on my head. I woke up and he was just… standing there!” I stuttered fearfully, clutching my boyfriend’s shirt tightly.
Jughead weaved around me, leaned over, and picked up something. “W - what is that?” I asked. The crowd was starting to disappear, bout a few of my friends stuck around to comfort me.
“A tiara.” He inspected it in his hands. “I guess Ethel was serious about that whole ‘Gargoyle Queen’ thing.”
“What?” Sweet Pea shouted angrily. “What the fuck are you talking about? Are you telling me she’s in danger again?”
“Sweet Pea, chill —“
“Shut up. Are you kidding me? We have a serial killer hunting my girlfriend, and you’re telling me to chill?”
I pushed myself away and placed my hands on his cheeks. “Sweets… let’s just go to bed, okay? It’s late. Jughead and Betty will take care of it… F.P., too.”
“Yeah. We’ll keep an eye out for any Gargoyle King. Make sure to stay inside, too,” Jug said, patting my shoulder.
“…Fine,” Sweet Pea conceded, grabbing my arm and pulling the both of us into the trailer. He strictly locked the door and sighed. “Goddammit. I should’ve come home sooner.”
“It’s not your fault. I just wish you weren’t so obsessed with a… board game,” I admitted.
“I… I’m sorry. It’s just really fun.You should join.”
“It’s the reason two kids are dead, drugs are becoming a thing again, and Ethel is in the hospital. I don’t want you playing that game, Sweets! Not you or any of your friends. Even Jughead’s lost it, he’s hardly solving the problem!”
He massaged his forehead. “It’s not the board game killing them, it’s that Gargoyle King or whatever the fuck! And we’re not using the Fizzle Rocks, I promise! Can we just… go to bed, babe? It’s late and we have classes tomorrow.”
I bit my lip. “…Sure.”
Yeah, Sweet Pea’s definitely not obsessed with that board game. It’s definitely normal that we never talk, he never sleeps, and I even have to ride my bike to school. Two weeks had passed, and it had been a solid three days since I’d seen him. If I could’ve known when we first started dating that our relationship was fragile enough to be ruined by a knock-off Dungeons and Dragons, I never would’ve been interested.
So, just like normal, I had woken up at two a.m. alone in bed. I couldn’t sleep. I was always worried that the Gargoyle King would break in. To be fair, though, the last time Sweet Pea actually paid attention to me was when said King attacked me.
It was suffocating in the trailer. There weren’t any lurking dangers outside the trailer, so it was fine to step outside. I pulled on a sweatshirt and went out. The cold air nipped the my exposed face. I took out my phone and scrolled aimlessly through my gallery - I had over seven thousand memes, and only memes - for a few minutes. The cold grass tickled my bare feet, although I didn’t mind the sensation.
“That’s the queen,” a deep voice suddenly spoke, and several people emerged from behind the trailer. I dropped my phone from shock and shrieked, trying to reenter the trailer. However, a number of hands grabbed at me, pulling me back. One hand covered my mouth, another had my neck, but a majority of them gripped my arms and waist. I struggled against the cloaked figures with scary masks, tears slinking down my cheeks. I was being dragged away, and obviously nobody had heard my cries, because the rest of the trailer park remained silent and asleep. At some point, my arms were pinned behind me and only one of the men felt the need to hold me. I was still struggling, trying to slobber on or bite the hand against my mouth, but it was in vain. Somehow, I was dragged up an entire hill, and I dreaded when we passed by some lit torches and I was pushed into a cult circle.
I scrambled to my feet, realizing I was totally enclosed by ambiguous figures in gargoyle masks. There was at least ten people. And, only a few feet away, was the Gargoyle King. Was this when I got sacrificed to a dude wearing a tree?
“Gag,” the King growled, clearly using a voice changer, and I stared at him in horror. I did what I could before I was grabbed again, letting a shrill scream rip, even if my voice cracked several times. However, I couldn’t prevent the white cloth that was tied around my mouth. I was forced towards the King, who reached out and grabbed my shoulders. I was turned around and my back was pressed against the twig figure.
“Bring the new recruit.”
Suddenly, a new figure emerged from the crowd, accompanied with two people that were carrying chalices. I knew where this was going. I struggled harder against the person. The masked recruit walked forward. It took shocking turn, though, because he shouted,” Now!”
Serpents emerged from every corner of the woods. “Gargoyles, run!”
The King let go of me while Serpents swarmed the area. My knees were jelly so I fell to the ground. I tore off the gag. Sweet Pea appeared at my side, and they’d somehow snatched one of the… Gargoyles, was it? I was hardly registering what was happening around me. My vision was blurred from sheer stress. I knew people were talking, but all I could focus on was Sweet Pea’s arms that were secured around me. I couldn’t stay at the trailer park any more. Sweets picked me up, to which I clutched onto him desperately. I guess at some point I passed out.
A few days later, I was staying with Betty. They were more than understanding when I called up, and Sweet Pea thought it would be a good idea, too. Betty was gone most of the time - it was adorable how brave and hardworking she was - so Alice and I spent most evenings knitting, playing monopoly, and watching movies. It was fairly therapeutic and felt like a break. I didn’t need to think about my busy boyfriend or the Gargoyle King; the most stressful thing consuming my life was schoolwork and leadership programs for community service.
I was cuddled up on the one-person couch, a warm hot coco cup in my grip, while I aimlessly watched a YouTube video. “Hi, Betty,” I called as the woman entered the house. Even while walking inside, she seemed to be deep in thought.
“Oh, hey, Y/n,” she greeted.
“Betty, there’s some leftovers in the kitchen,” Alice said. She was sat on the couch next to me doing some paperwork. Apparently she’d becoming more successful, a newswoman, and I was proud of her for that.
“Thanks, mom.” She made her way over.
It was only seven, but I was dreadfully tired, so I shut my laptop and just basked in the surrounding heat. I occasionally took a sip of hot coco, staring into space. “Are you alright, Y/n?” Alice asked.
“Yeah, just sleepy. I’m going to get ready for bed.”
I finished my drink and slowly rose to my feet, heading over to the downstairs bathroom. I washed my face and started brushing my teeth. I leaned over the sink to spit it out, when all of a sudden, the electricity went out. It was startling, so I quickly washed the rest of my mouth. I stood in the kitchen in a confused fashion.
“Betty, you stay here, I’ll check the power box,” Alice said from the front door.
“What’s going on?” I asked warily, hugging myself.
A flash of lighting boomed from outside, ad when Betty and Alice turned to me, they screwed unanimously. I was confused, stumbling back a bit. But I realized what was scaring them when I backed straight into a hard surface. Twigs rustled as two arms enveloped me tightly. I was too tired to scream - I’d ruined my throat from last time - so all I could do was try and push at them.
Betty said that I’d be fine, so the two of them ran up the stairs. The moment they were gone from view, the art unraveled themselves and the Gargoyle King backed away. I stumbled back, so confused by their decision, my brain apparently figured that the best next course of action was to faint.
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