#yandere stucky scenarios
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thefiery-phoenix · 11 months ago
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They'd most likely meet you if you were in the past with them, or an Avenger or even just a random civilian they once saved
Most yanderes often find it rather difficult to share but both of them get along really well with each other since they're pals so, they'll share you with each other, after all, sharing IS caring. And for YOU, that'll make it even more harder for you to escape from them
I can see both of them taking turns stalking you and claiming it to be 'keeping an eye on you to make sure you're safe'. Yeeaahhh.... I don't really buy that
If you're an Avenger like them you can't be one anymore since they don't want you risking your life and putting in danger. And if you're a civilian living without their protection, what if someone hurts you or does something to you? So, with the best interests in their hearts for you, and after all, they being your best friends, they only want what's best for you. And they know that the best thing for you is to be with them. FORVER
They'll collect everything about you, finding about your interests and stuff like that. They'll most likely kidnap you after 2 months or so but don't worry, they'll make sure you're happy with them and stock up on all your favorite things. HECK, they'll even have Natasha to help them plan their 'bringing you home' thing. Maybe even Clint as well
They'll constantly hold you every night and cuddle with you, telling you how precious and wonderful you are to them. Both of them really love cuddle sessions with you and it's best if you just go along with the flow since Steve might not be too nice unlike Bucky
Bucky generally never hands out the punishments since he doesn't like punishments. If you act up with Steve on the other hand, he literally won't hesitate to spank you and you'll really be needing some cream once he's done with his way of punishing you. But aftercare with them will be cuddles and they'll tell you not to act up. Bucky will try telling Steve to go easier on you and he'll cut you some slack
You won't be able to escape from these 2 anytime soon since they must've destroyed all sorts of escape routes and they even baby proofed the house so you don't accidentally hurt yourself or something
They're both super soldiers which makes them the PERFECT team , obsessive, possessive and overprotective of you. Not to mention kinda delusional too so... good luck trying to escape from them
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mrsdarkandyandere7 · 3 years ago
I don't mean to be mean or rude but there were these people in my class who were wearing like REALLY revealing clothes and I've gotten an idea: How would yanderes Peter Parker and poly yanderes Stucky (Steve and Bucky) react to the reader who's usually an introvert suddenly wearing really revealing clothing since she wants to be noticed and doesn't want to be viewed as an introvert anymore? Tbh, this is actually what I'm thinking rn... it's like if I want to be noticed in my college these days, that's the step I'll have to take but I don't feel comfortable wearing such revealing clothes
▶ This is a yandere/dark work and it may contain triggering content so please READ THE WARNINGS before. Do not read if minor.
AN: Hey there, first of i wanted to say that the way i portrait this request is how i believe the yanderes would react but its not me shaming you for wanting to wear revealing clothes. That's entirely your choice and i do hope that you find a compromise that will make you happy. Btw, i also don't wear that much revealing outfits but i definitely admire some girls that do so, to be confident enough to do so. Best of luck with this issue, honey :)
WARNINGS: Manipulation; Body-shaming; Controlling/Toxic Relationships.
AN: You’re in college + dating scenario.
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Yandere Peter Parker
Oh no!
Why would you ever change the way you dress? Because you want to become like all the rest? 
Peter is gonna completely freak out if you start wearing tiny skirts and tank tops, he simply can’t keep his calm
For one side because he’s too stunned with your gorgeous body and all that exposed skin makes him lose his attention even on small tasks
For the other side, why are you doing this? He absolutely loves the way you are and you don’t have to change yourself in order to grab the attention of others. His attention is not enough for you, is that it?
But since you wanted to act up, Peter has no choice but to prove you’re wrong, but he’ll still keep the caring boyfriend facade up. 
“Are you sure that’s not too short? I mean, you look a bit… I don’t know.” 
Dropping these double-meaning hints is painful, especially when you look at him with eyes full of sadness, but he has to.
“Are you sure that the top isn’t too revealing? I mean, it looks strange on you. Just strange, you know?” 
Slowly breaking your confidence is one way to go, but he has to admit that the new-found attention you get also helps. Creepy dudes persistently flirting with you makes you less and less inclined to keep wearing those provocative outfits.
All of this will eventually make you tired of this new style you wanted to try and Peter is more than happy when you announce to go back to your old clothes
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Yandere Stucky
Not a chance you’ll ever get to wear short and naughty clothes, not with them 
First of, you’re not allowed to go shopping alone, you always need supervision of, at least, one of the boys
They are the ones that decide what you can keep and what's out of line. No arguments, no discussions.
They decide and that’s final.
Your solution is to borrow clothes from a friend and change into those sexy outfits hidden in the college bathroom. Before the day is over, you go back and change once again to your old clothes, knowing either Steve or Bucky must be outside to pick you up from classes
Now imagine the surprise and the shock they get when one day they both decide to drop in the campus to have a small lunch date with you
Forget about your classes because you’re going straight home, practically dragged down
Steve is angry while Bucky is more disappointed. 
Seriously, what the hell were you thinking? Why are you acting like a slut? Are they not enough for you, are you that attention-hungry that you need to show off to all other people, not to mention all the lies you’ve been feeding them
After being yelled at for around 40 minutes straight, you’re up for some good old punishment. That’ll teach you some proper manners.
Afterwards, you’re up to some time off. Forget about college, forget about your friends.
That’s gonna be your life until they know that you won’t pull something like this again and that’s gonna take so much time cause once their trust is broken, it’s gonna take a long time to build that back. 
So, in conclusion, it would've been better if you hadn’t done any of that. 
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that-yandere-life · 5 years ago
Steve Rogers Masterlist
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What Kind of Yandere is Steve
NSFW Scenario w/Steve [Blurb not HC]
Steve with Chubby S/O
Steve with an Avenger Target
Pregnancy HC’s
Steve with S/O Who Tries To Break Up *TW*
Steve with Affectionate S/O
Steve with Shower Sex Kink
Steve with S/O Who Gets Lost In The Woods
Steve with Touched Starved S/O
Steve with a Super Villain Target
Steve Jealous Sex HC’s
Steve with S/O with Claustrophobia *TW*
Steve with Virgin S/O First Time
Steve Finds Out S/O is Bisexual
40′s Steve HC’S
Steve Comes Home From a Mission and Needs S/O
Stucky Shares S/O NSFW Edition
Steve Attempts to get S/O by Being a Fake Knight In Shining Armor
Stucky with S/O Who Tries To Cause A Rift Between Them
Demon Stucky Tries to Possess Exorcist Reader *TW*
Steve with Kidnapped S/O Who Is Upset They Can’t Care For Stray Dog
Alpha Stucky with Omega S/O Who Runs Away In Heat *ABO Dynamics*
Stucky with Soulmate S/O Who They Reject Accidentally
Professor Steve with Student S/O *TW* *Professor AU*
Steve with Jealous S/O Who is Upset with Him Over Sharon
Steve with S/O Who is On Team Iron Man *Slight TW*
Steve Rogers Quote Prompt: “You shouldn’t trust me. Not after what I’ve done.” [Part Two of Team Iron Man]
Steve with S/O Who is Indifferent To Him Because of Past Abuse *TW*
Steve Scared His S/O Ran Away But They Were Just Making Breakfast
Steve with S/O Whose Mind is Broken to the Point of Dissociation *TW*
Steve with S/O Who Doesn’t Believe That Steve Actually Loves Them
Steve and Tony After After The Same S/O *TW*
Steve Quote Prompt #2: “Listen, I’m giving you two choices. Either you start eating willingly or I’ll force you. There’s no way I’m letting you starve yourself to death.” *TW*
Steve with S/O Who Constantly Tries To Escape Unsuccessfully, Finds a Huge Fence Surrounding the House When They Finally Get Out The Door
Steve With S/O Who Someone Tries To Convince Them He is Toxic, Not Knowing They Accept Him
Steve Poly Pairings-
Poly Stucky with S/O Who Bets Their Freedom on a Game
Poly Stucky with S/O Who Goes On Hunger Strike To Gain Freedom *TW*
Poly Stucky with S/O Who Has a Male Roommate *TW*
Poly Stucky with S/O Who Gets Married To Someone Else *TW*
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passionpluto · 6 years ago
Premiere Nebula Fun Facts!
I was planning on writing a character profile for Io tonight, but since I’m feeling a little under the weather, I’ll just give you a few Premiere Nebula fun facts about each character. So, here goes!
Valka: Probably my oldest character ever, to the point where she’s almost more of an imaginary friend than a disposable character. Underneath her serious and deeply traumatized mentor-like nature, she has quite the snarky side, and often exchanges quips with her adoptive sister, Io. She was an Ixi (goat-like species) when I first came up with her on Neopets, so sometimes I imagine AUs of her as a satyr or werewolf (since her backstory mirrors a werewolf myth). The nickname Io gives her, Valvi, originally made a ton more sense when she was on Neo, because she married a certain Neopets sports player character with “vi” in his last name, so it was like a J.Lo thing. Now it’s just a play off how many athletes have similar-sounding nicknames AKA I liked the name too much.
Omega: She was originally conceived as an emotionless girl type, which I later repurposed into Koto. The beginnings of her current personality were sparked by me rereading Harry Potter and wanting to create a nervous hero who later becomes strong, like Neville Longbottom. She kinda took the main character position from Valka after that. Outside of sports, she’s great with all sorts of art, especially painting and jewelry-making. Has light brown hair with rainbow tips, which a ton of people think are lame, but she finds them really cool.
Xue: Basically the magical girl mom friend taken to its logical conclusion AKA the sort who uses empathic powers to pester you into fessing up your issues. Annoying at times, but also a great leader who helps Valka out a lot. Loves vintage, lace, and all things cute, while still being the most educated of the group (she’d probably paint her therapy office in wall-to-wall pastels). High physical strength, fairly low magical strength.
Xing: Xue’s sister, who was captured by the Firebrands many years before the story’s beginning. Also likes vintage fashion, but is more into the ‘80s and ‘90s scene than her sister. Was a local singer in the Square before capture, who specialized in disco and rock music. My image of her is based off black disco queens like Donna Summer, and I just know she listened to her stuff a ton as a kid. (She also really likes Motown—she even modeled her hairstyle off Diana Ross.) Basically, someone who seems stuck in the past, but really wants to change the future. High magical strength, weak constitution, gets sick a ton.
Koto: Her race was pretty uncertain after I changed her from a Neopet to a person, but someone I really value and who really values my ideas is Filipina, so I made Koto of that descent to honor her. Clones have fascinated me since I was a child, and a science fiction book I read about them had a clone who could play the piano even though his counterpart couldn’t—so I decided to make Koto learn to play violin in secret. She seems like dumb muscle, but Star Corporations realized the importance of educating her, so she’s quite smart. I often have writing discussions with my boyfriend, and since she hasn’t come in the story much yet, he often calls her “Shego” (since both are mook types with green themes). Since Koto is usually a rule-following type who mostly rebels when her friends are in danger, I jokingly call these situations “Captain America moments.”
Stelle: My favorite character to write tends to switch between her and Valka. Her color scheme (green+silver+black) is probably my favorite. She often switches between a comedic mood and a more depressive mood, which is seriously making me consider giving her ADHD or bipolar. Due to her whole “dark past as a brainwashed assassin” thing, she has “Bucky Barnes moments” to match Koto. (I swear, I didn’t watch any of the Marvel movies until their characters were finalized! It’s just a coincidence, albeit one that might draw Stucky shippers to my story.) Has always been 100% gay in my imaginings of her (it took Koto a little longer).
Io: By far, the most fun character to write. The teen character who curses a ton and secretly has plenty of hidden depths. Will probably be an indie movie director when she grows up. She’s actually the Manufacturer’s daughter, which I love because hero/villain’s daughter relationships are typically romantic rather than sisterly (like her and Valka). Watches a ton of old movies, as well as movies from our era. Would probably love/relate to all the “troubled relationship with father” characters, and I can especially see her liking Gamora and Todoroki in a modern AU. (Despite my lack of father issues, I have similar tastes in that regard.)
Kaine: Originally just a villain to be killed, is now a Chaotic Neutral turned Chaotic Good character. A lot of this change was based on a Precure season in which a chara’s dark clone was killed, which made me realize I really didn’t want this to happen to Kaine. Was also originally a Yandere, but was changed to just a flirty character who falls in love easily (because I’m not huge on that trope anymore). One of the rare sniper-type Actresses I have planned. A 30-something adult who never got out of her goth phase, and whose magical girl form is pure Gothic Lolita. (Hers is one of my faves for this exact reason.)
Phea: The newest Nebula gal—I’ve only had her in my head for a year or so. Most of her concept was based on my love for model-themed magical girls and the (actually useful) celebrity activist trope. Since she has long ombre teal hair and is a plus-size model, the plus-size modeling community on Tumblr gave me a ton of inspiration for her looks. Only goes by her stage name—even I don’t know what her real name is yet! Her Actress name, Nymphea, happens to be both a flower (water lily) and a Pokémon (the Japanese name for Sylveon); the former was intended and the later was a happy accident. She was Valka’s old college roommate, and the two were quite close (Phea personally fantasizes about an “oh my god, they were roommates” scenario with Valka, but hasn’t confessed yet.) Loves photography and dogs—the bigger and fluffier the better! (The “Phea has a huge dog” headcanon is a joke born from the fact that many celebrities have tiny ones—Phea, on the other hand, would have a Saint Bernard and still give her a cutesy celebrity dog name like Rosetta.)
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