#yandere royal advisor
misstycloud · 5 months
Yan.fiancé x royal GN.reader x yan.royal advisor
[Mc’s GN but will still be referred to as King/have traditionally male title]
Imagine a yandere prince who’s set to marry the king of a neighbouring kingdom, finding out his future spouse may not have an ounce of space for him in their heart. Especially when it appears like the their faithful, royal advisor might’ve beaten him to it.
This was it, Karim told himself. He was finally going to muster up the courage to ask you out. While you two were already engaged and had a set date for the wedding, he wished to catch your interest the old-fashioned way; the proper way, that is.
He straightened out his shirt and combed through his dark locks one last time before knocking on the professionally made oak door. A voice from inside-which was undoubtedly yours- said ‘enter’ in a monotone pitch.
You were sitting at a large desk(probably for all the paperwork and clutter to have a home), writing in documents that he had no idea what they were for. Your were not alone in the room, though. A tall man stood beside you, seemingly waiting for your every beck and call. His long red hair was tied into a low ponytail that draped over his right shoulder. The man was none other than the royal advisor and the childhood playmate of Kingdom X’s proud monarch, Caecilius. Karim felt a drop of sweat roll down his neck as Caecilius stared at him with such an irritation that he felt wrong for even breathing in the same room. He tried ignoring it and gulped. He guessed the silence was suppose to be an indicator for him to speak first.
“Excuse me, Your Majesty, “ he bowed “I don’t mean to disturb you, but-“
“Then don’t.” You said gruffly, glancing up from your paperwork. Noticing him flinch slightly, you realised it might’ve come out too harshly. You closed your eyes and sighed, silently counting to five in your head before saying, “sorry, I didn’t mean to sound so bitter.” Pinching your eyebrows, you waved with your arm, signalling your fiancé to continue.
He fixed himself(straightening out any wrinkles on his clothes and dragging his fingers through his hair, again) the moment he got your full attention. “Ah, yes, well I was simply wondering if Your Majesty would be interested in joining me in the gardens this afternoon?’ He looked up at you with a glint of hope his eyes, still ignoring Caecilius.
“For what purpose, exactly?” You inquired while resuming working and going over the pile of documents on your desk.
“Oh, um, tea- and other things, of course! I had the cooks prepare muffins and cookies.”
“No.” You said without doubt. If you actually had been looking your fiancé in the eye, you would have seen his shoulders slump in a manner that would have his mother scold him. She’d definitively go on about how many recorses went into raising him and she refused to let him disgrace them by being mopey.
“O-oh, that’s alright. I apologise for disturbing you.” Karim muttered, sounding weak and ashamed by the end.
It might not have been intentional, but you kind of felt like he was trying to guilt trip you. “Karim.”
Said man glanced up at the sound of his name.
“It’s not because I do not enjoy your company. The reason is that I have a lot of work that needs to be done. So please, don’t be disheartened.” You encouraged him with an assuring voice. “We will have tea and snacks together another day, alright?”
Blushing, he responded, “Yes, certainly, Your Majesty.” Karim smiled, and it would’ve all ended well there if it wasn’t for the third person in the room.
“There is no reason to lie, Your Majesty.” Caecilius’ smug tone was like nails on a chalk board to your fiancé. The royal advisor put his hand on your shoulder before facing Karim. “Their Majesty actually doesn’t like tea, and sweets are something they can’t have too much of lest they feel ill. Although, this is something you should have knowledge of considering your position?” The red-haired man let the insult hang in the air.
Karim’s smile had instantly wiped off and he stood there in complete silence, trying to control his emotions while thinking of what to say back.
You were no fool and easily sensed the hostility between the two men who were supposed to be your closest companions for the rest of your lives. Not wanting things to blow out of proportion, you sent a warning look towards your advisor.
You were far from in love with Karim, but he was still your future spouse, and that meant he wouldn’t be treated however. At the end of the day, cavil was simply an advisor- albeit a royal one.
“My apologies, Your Majesty.” He stepped back and neutralised his expression, understanding he went too far this time.
You sighed and shook your head in both frustration and disappointment. Your fiancé appeared to have pulled himself together, he slowly excused himself from the scene. “Thank you for your time. I will wait for a day when your are less busy.”
You gave him a nod, an acknowledgement to his departure. The tan young man spun around and left, closing the door softly behind him. And as he did, he thought he saw a slight smirk on the advisor’s face.
It was later in the evening that Karim returned to his chamber. He flung himself on the lavish sheets of his bed and laid there spread out, pretending to be a starfish living in the vast ocean. At least a starfish wouldn’t have to deal with unrequited love, he thought. He would only have to worry about..whatever starfish did.
Grabbing a pillow, he screamed into it. What was he gonna do now? He’d already been living in your kingdom for months now, and the already scarce moment he managed to see you were becoming even fewer. Now two whole weeks could pass without him seeing as much as a glimpse of you. The closest he’d ever get to you was the whisperers of your name from the servants.
In the beginning, when he had first head of his upcoming marriage to you, he was honestly disgusted. That was because he had the impression you’d be a greedy, old man, giggling in his seat to take advantage of a young man. It was totally wrong! That impression was no where near who you actually were. You were neither old nor greedy.
During his stay, Karim had made it his mission to find out just exactly who you were before the wedding, and what better way to gather info than from the servants working in the palace. They work in the inner circle, they know everything! If anyone would know of the king’s bad habits, it’s them. Surprisingly, though, every servant he asked said nothing but positive things about you. While they obviously didn’t know you on an individual level, they couldn’t deny that you were a good person. To summarise all their thoughts : you were a fair and hardworking ruler.
A knock sounded at his door. Karim lifted his head to stare at the door. His personal servant bowed as a show of respect and then properly entered the chamber.
“Your Highness has not eaten dinner. Should I ask the chefs to send a meal up to your room?” She asked.
“No, I’m not hungry.” After thinking breifly he asked the maid, “Is there something in particular that Their Majesty likes?”
The maid was not prepared for this bold question. A little perplexed, she thought to ask to make sure she was correct in her assumption, “I’m not sure I understand completely, Your Highness. Are you referring to Their Majesty’s likes and dislikes?”
Karim nodded and repeated the question.
Feeling somewhat put on the spot, the maid ransacked her brain in what to say, thinking on the things Their Majesty says to enjoy. “Well, they are often engrossed in reading- from what I’ve heard. They go for strolls in the garden, as well.” She tried coming up with something more but found nothing. The maid apologised, “Unfortunatly that is all I can think of. Their Majesty works most of the time and does not have a lot to spare for hobbies.”
Karim held back a sigh, not wanting to make her feel bad for not carrying the answers he wished for. “It’s alright, thank you.”
“May I ask why His Highness ask? Perhaps if I knew the reason I might be of more help.”
Now he felt a bit embarrassed. “Oh..” he scratched his cheek, “Today, I went to request Their Majesty join me in the garden but they declined. The royal advisor even said they don’t like consuming too many sweets, so that may be why. Maybe they simply don’t like me?” Karim wanted to cry at the possibility. Sure, he and Their Majesty might not be getting married because they’re romantic sweethearts, but Karim had a hard time believing he was anywhere near repulsive. He shot uo from his position. “Quick, tell me their preferences in partners!”
“You must know something, tell me.” He urged.
The maid gulped and bit her lip. Should she tell him? She did know something; though it was only a rumour, it must hold some truth. She was a mere maid, nothing like the elegant, blue blooded people she in her surroundings. Telling him would surely be a violation.
“Wait!” Karim exclaimed and surprised the maid with his sudden outburst. “Or is it that Their Majesty has never expressed an interest in anyone previously?” It was certanly rare for royals not to have had any lovers, but not impossible. He had to admit, the though made him quite giddy. Imagine if he was Their Majsety’s first.
“Unfortunately, that is not the case, Your Highness.” She said timidly, and upon noticing his dejected expression, added, “Although, they are only rumours so they might not be true at all.”
“What rumours?”
She wondered again whether she was crossing a line but decided to tell Karim anyway. “There have been rumours circling around for a very long time about the king having a lover here at the palace- someone close to them.”
“And how long have these rumours been spreading?” Karim questioned to why he hadn’t heard anything about it and why no one ever bothered to inform him about them. He didn’t know how long was a ‘very long time’ but was keen to find out.
She took a second to answer, “For three years.” She answered finally.
Three years?! He’d be a bit more understanding if it’d just been a few months, three years however, that was way too long. Wincing, Karim contntinued firing questions. “Well, who is it? There has to be an idea of who the kings lover is, right? Tell me.”
Suddenly the maid seemed even more uncomfortable than ever. “You…you have probably already met. He’s always lingering behind Their Majesty- I don’t really think he has a life beyond these walls. And-“
The young man tuned out the maids speech. He was thinking deeply.
“Someone close to them”
‘‘He’s always lingering behind Their Majesty.”
“You have probably already met”
It was obvious who it was. Who else could it be? The clues in her speech pointed to one person. Karim’s mind filled with long, red hair, and those calculative grey eyes.
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obsessivevoidkitten · 6 months
The Centaur King
Yandere Centaur King x Gender Neutral Royal Elf Reader CW: Noncon, kidnapping, massive centaur dick, belly bulge from massive centaur dick, belly bulge from massive load of cum from said massive centaur dick, general yandere behavior. Word Count: 425 (Not beta read and barely edited but I hope you all enjoy, it isn't anything special I just had a centaur craving.)
Being made the centaur ruler's prisoner. You never saw it coming. Peaceful relations had been in place between the centaur kingdom of Crestwood and the elven kingdom of Fallfeather for over 20 years. Resentment between some individuals lingered, but most people were amicable. 
You had been the royal ruler of the elves. A fair monarch who had reigned since your father had perished in the great war before the current treaties with the centaurs had been put into place. 
But the highborn horse-men were playing the long game. If they couldn't take the realm with might and magic, then it would be theirs by other means. 
They had long since gotten your court wizard Elyrifel, the most trusted advisor to the crown, to serve them in their ambitions. 
When King Farendale of the centaurs made his first nonviolent bid for dominion over the elven lands it was through a marriage proposal. Though Elyrifel pushed hard for your acceptance, you refused to hear it out. A merger of two kingdoms wasn't something done so flippantly and you had scarcely met him outside diplomatic functions. 
Though at those functions he had always given you his undivided attention. Much to your annoyance, you thought it was likely feigned to get you to accept one of his many offerings of marriage. 
But a marriage for power wasn't all King Farendale had been after. He had genuinely wanted you for years, ever since his first fell upon your elven form, and his patience had run out. Your grace, regality, and devotion to your subjects had captured his heart even easier than he had captured you.
You had gone to sleep in the safety of your chambers and had woken up in his. Elyrifel had whisked you off to the centaur's kingdom with his magic.
Farendale knew everything would have been better had you been willing. But it was clear that the willing part would just have to come later. As long as you were his to treasure and fuck silly for the rest of your days and his.
You had been forced to marry him with your close allies and friends threatened if you didn't comply in a public ceremony.
And then you were utterly his. 
King Farendale's cock slid into your conveniently stretchy and pliant elven form almost daily. The massive dick leaving a perfect stretched outline in your belly every time it was sheathed within you. His large nuts filled you until it filled your inside and bulged out your belly, dripping everywhere when he finally pulled out.
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screeching-bunny · 1 year
I’m not sure if you accept thirst asks, but if you do, then, goshhhh imagine giving ‘it’ to one of your concubines and they just keep repeating the words “Thank you thank you thank you” as they suck and lap at your 🫢. They repeat the words like a prayer, almost as if they were worshipping a god (you).
But if don’t accept thirst asks then please feel free to ignore if this ever makes you uncomfortable.
Yandere! Concubine Harem Asks 1
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Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Yandere Thoughts, Bad Writing, Stalking, Possessive Behavior, Reader is Referred as ‘You’ NSFW!!! MINORS DNI. This is my first time writing nsfw content so it’s kinda bad 💀.
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In a magnificent office filled with many luxuries sat a grand ruler by their desk surrounded by towering piles of paperwork. The ruler's regal figure was draped in a robe of royal purple, adorned with gold trimmings, symbolizing their authority and power. As the sun's rays filtered through the stained glass windows, casting a warm glow upon the room, you sighed wearily, with brows furrowed with the weight of your responsibilities. All was quiet but if someone listened closely they could hear the faint sound of slurping.
“Can’t you be quieter? Can’t you see I’m trying to get some of my work done!?”
Beneath you and between your legs was your consort on his knees. He was undressed and was as naked as the day he was born. The man was known for his fierceness and cold heart was currently panting under you like a dog. The sounds of gasps and moans could be heard coming from the man. Currently his lips were red and swollen from the rough treatment that you have given him. Saliva dripped down his mouth as he was desperate to have a taste of you. He sucked and licked as if you were the only source of water he had in years. There was a look of desperateness in his eyes, it made you chuckle at how pathetic he looked. A constant mumbling of “thank yous” came from him each time he had a chance to breathe air.
The consort, whose name you couldn’t have bothered to remember, was as hard as a rock. Having enough of how slow this was going you decided to throw him down onto a couch. You made your way on top of him, positioned yourself, and slammed down right onto his member.
“Ahhh, agh!!”
Tears leaked from his eyes as he began to tremble. Your arms were pressed firmly into the cushions as you made your fierce movements as he was beneath you. He was huge and swollen within you. You began to rock your hips continuously down on him. His breathing became more harsh and stuttered. You leaned down and began to nibble down on his bottom lip. The kiss was very strong and aggressive. When your consort needed to breathe you made sure to slam your lips back on top of his again. His hands on your waist while your tongues intertwined with each other. Devastating pleasure overcame your consort. His eyes were hazy and you could feel a pump of warm liquid form inside of you. When you released from the kiss his mouth was red and swollen with a string of saliva attaching the two of you.
“Ah, ah, agh!!”
“I can’t believe you came from a kiss. Ugh whatever, a few of my advisors will be here any minute. If they catch us doing this, I won't be letting you off easy tonight.”
It was safe to say that the advisors were never allowed entrance into your study due to… your other matters. However, the next day whenever the maids came near that room, their faces would instantly turn bright red. The sounds that came from that room yesterday were definitely something else and they couldn’t help but blush from it. They just couldn’t believe it went on for an entire day! The good thing was that at least the maids that were in charge of cleaning up your mess got a massive raise but holy cow did you really have to break a sofa?!?! The only thing that they could do was pray for your poor consort.
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 14 days
I couldn't stop thinking about this, so, can you make a smut story with a yandere king x witch reader?
A/N: Sorry if this is answered very late. School and work have been piling up.
TW: Smut, dubcon, manipulation
"What should we do with the king? His condition..." A royal advisor says, peeking into the room to see his majesty, King Ren, in a sickly state.
"Well, I suppose we must offer up someone to him as a sacrifice," The royal wizard replies, using his staff to conjure up a list of candidates. "We will hold an event where we say we're choosing the king's wife. No one must know our true intentions."
"Hey, Fredrick, what about the girl on the very bottom of the list? Why don't we choose her and kill two birds with one stone?" The king's head servant suggests, pointing at your picture.
"Y/N L/N. She is the daughter of our most troublesome and dangerous witch. If we offer her up, we don't have to worry about her following in her mother's footsteps and wreaking havoc," The royal wizard says, selecting your picture. "She should get a letter saying to come to the castle this night."
"Mother, we got a letter from the royal palace requesting my presence," You say, sitting down at the dinner table.
"I wouldn't go. They'll probably kill you," Your mother replies, putting food on the table.
"Still, they're promising a hefty sum of money for my presence. We could turn this shack in the swamp into a beautiful mansion in the swamp. Plus, we could have extra room for Dad to stay in, instead of letting him roam the swamp," You suggest, giving your mom the letter.
"Alright, I'll let you go. But only if you take my satchel of potions, charms, and trinkets," Your mother replies, moving her dark green hair out of her face. "And put some seaweed from the estuary in your hair as a snack."
When you fly to the castle, you see the royal advisor, the royal wizard, and the lead servant waiting for you on the front balcony.
"Welcome, Miss Y/N, we have been waiting to see you," Frederick greets, offering to take your broom.
"Ah, it's been about 14 years since I've seen you. Still remember you turning my dad into an alligator," You reply, giving him a passive-aggressive smile.
"Let's not focus on the past and bad times. You're here to help the king," Frederick responds, leading you to the king's bedroom.
When you reach the king's door, the wizard unlocks the chains wrapped around the door handles. They fall to the floor, and you open the door to the pitch-black, smelly, messy room. You walk inside, and the doors slam shut, and hear the sound of chains being put on.
"Hey! What the fuck are you doing?!" You yell, banging on the door.
"I'm sorry, but it's the only way. Don't worry, you should survive him," Frederick says, standing guard outside the door.
"Open the damn door!" You shriek, trying to open the door.
Your ears become hot, and you feel someone's breath on your neck. You turn around and see the king in his twisted state. His skin is deathly pale, his veins are a glowing magenta, and the pupils in his violet eyes are hearts.
"King Ren?" You say, staring him in the eyes. "You seem quite ill."
"Wow, you're really pretty," Ren murmurs, his dry and cracked lips touching your neck.
You look at his nails and see they're overgrown, cracked, and yellow. The reality of your situation settles in, and you push him to the ground, and grab the lamp.
"Stay away from me! I don't want whatever sickness you have!" You yell, backing away to the other side of the room.
"I'm only sick with love for you," Ren says, crawling to you.
You pull open the curtains and curse at the sight of bars on the windows. You try to pull on the bars, but they don't budge. Before you could turn around to face the king, you feel his face in your ass.
"Hey!" You scream, pulling him out as he licks your pussy.
"Haha, you taste great," Ren says, pulling up your dress again.
"What the fuck is wrong with everyone in this castle?!" You yell, kicking him and keeping a leg on his chest.
"You're so beautiful. I promise I'll obey every command you give if you just let me kiss you once," Ren begs, still pulling up your dress. "You smell so good. Please tell me no one else has had you yet."
"Fine, I'll let you kiss me once and only once."
"I can do any type of kiss I want?"
"Sure, whatever type of kiss you want to do! Hell, you can kiss me wherever you want!"
Ren stares at your pussy, then suddenly puts his mouth on your underwear. He groans in pleasure, using his tongue to slide your underwear aside, then sticking it inside you.
"Ooh-shit! When I said you could kiss me, I thought you meant above the waist!" You moan, letting your dress fall over his head.
Ren giggles, his tongue swirling around in your walls. His lips pucker up on your pussy lips, but they don't release. His do a sucking motion, driving you wild. The king grabs your ass and opens his mouth more.
"Ren, what are you doing?" You ask, trying to pull Ren's head off of you, only to have him spank your ass with both hands.
Ren's mouth is fully open, covering your whole pussy. His lips still suck on your pussy as his tongue pleasures you. As you moan through Ren's promised "kiss", his eyes become glazed over.
"Ren! Ren!" You moan, trying to keep yourself standing, but failing as your jelly legs stop working.
You fall to the floor, the king's lips still not letting go.
"Ren, I'm going to cum!" You yell, feeling yourself about to meet the limit. "Ah!"
Your cum flows straight into Ren's throat, and he generously accepts it, swallowing every drop. He pulls his tongue out and lets his mouth close so he can pucker his lips again. Ren removes his puckered lips, moving away from your pussy for just a brief second, only to give a quick smooch to your sensitive vagina. Your orgasm again, more cum flowing out of you, and he laps it all up.
"Now will you please tell me what's going on?" You pant, sitting up and looking at the king.
"You see, I was cursed to fall madly in love with the first person I see. Nothing more, nothing less. Now then, are you going to kiss me back? You surely didn't think a kiss from the king would be free?" Ren says, unbuckling his pants. "Pucker up those lips, sweetie."
His wide, lengthy, cock dangles in front of your face,twitching-begging to be touched. You give one small smooch to its tip, and Ren's eyes focus on you as if he's expecting more.
You move to his balls and kiss both of them, getting a small grunt out of him. You go to his shaft and begin kissing your way up his dick. His cock twitches as you do so, and his eyes start to become cross-eyed.
"T-That's right, sweetie. Kiss your beloved king's cock," Ren moans, his ass tightening.
When you kiss his tip again, you open your mouth slightly and lick it. Your lips finish kissing his cock with a pop, then he forces your mouth open and ejaculates all of his precious, royal, sperm into your gullet. You swallow his thick cum, and he lifts you onto the bed.
"Frederick, open the doors and bring the finest of toys! My beloved and I need some more time together!" Ren yells, a hand moving your panties down.
The doors open, and Frederick comes in and sees you.
"Sweetie, now that we've got all of our urges out, do you want to have a dinner date with me? Oh, what am I saying? Of course, you're going on a dinner date with me. If you didn't then I'd kill everyone in this castle, and it would be all your fault," Ren says, giving you a hickey on your shoulder.
"Please, don't hurt anyone," You beg, your body too tired from satisfying the king's urges.
"I won't sweetheart, as long as you obey me," Ren replies, leaning down and kissing your lips.
How deplorable. How disgusting. How could a kiss cause so much chaos?
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suiana · 2 years
Could I please request some yandere prince headcannons? Darling’s probably a servant or guard!
I love princes! even more if they're unhinged 😇
✎ yandere! prince headcanons . . .
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✎ warnings . . .
― manipulation, violence, degradation, obsession etc.
(gn! reader x male yandere! oc)
✎ yandere! prince who was the youngest child of the empire's royal family. obviously being spoiled with riches since young, getting anything and everything he desired.
✎ yandere! prince who was the star of the empire, being perfect in almost every aspect. from sword fighting, to academics, to even his looks. he was almost like a gift from the gods above! if only it weren't for his violent tendencies when he gets mad.
✎ yandere! prince who always showcases the best side of himself to the masses. after all, he is the face of the royal family. being the perfect son, he was worshipped like a deity. and what deity would be a cruel one? no, he had to be perfect. he had to be the perfect, kind, caring and respectful son of the empire.
✎ yandere! prince who releases his pent up anger and stress on those around him in subtle ways. from making his personal servants feel lesser than him to choking his advisor when he made a small mistake... i mean, being asked to be perfect all the time has really taken a toll on his mental health, y'know?
✎ yandere! prince who has always had the same group of servants serve him since young. no one else was qualified to serve him! he's their perfect prince after all, he should only be receiving the best. it's also to prevent his unruly habits from getting leaked. it would be really disastrous if word got out that their beloved prince was secretly violent!
✎ yandere! prince who never thought about those below him before he met you. you were such a clumsy little thing! accidentally bumping into him while running down the palace hallways... god, you were so freaking adorable. and the way you actually didn't know who he was until his advisor shouted at you... oh, you had him intrigued. there was someone who dared to not know him? how interesting indeed...
✎ yandere! prince who requests for you to serve him. can you imagine the shock on the head maid's and head butler's faces when they heard that their perfect prince wanted an inexperienced and new servant to serve him? oh how jealous they were! someone like you? serving the famed prince? that was something that the lowly people could only dream of!
✎ yandere! prince who only becomes more intrigued by you when you treat him like a friend instead of your master. he's the prince and you're just a lowly commoner! and he even berated you and called you a peasant to try and make it clear to you about your status difference! did you have so much kindness in your heart that you overlooked that? or were you just a dumb klutz??
✎ yandere! prince who realizes that you were truly just a kind person when you defended a child from getting bullied. you didn't even have any benefit from doing that so what made you do that? you were truly so interesting...
✎ yandere! prince who has his obsession with you solidified when you reply his question. "do i need a reason to help another person?" oh my...you were far too precious... it's truly a shame that you happened to end up catching his attention because he's never letting you go now. no... most definitely not. especially after you made him realize that there existed such a kind person. someone truly untainted, someone who deserved the title of a deity way more than him.
✎ yandere! prince who still treats you like dirt when others are around. he feels slightly bad but...it's still amusing to see you act so submissive and obedient. he wishes he could worship you publicly though, you deserve it. but he can't. for if he does, what will become of the royal family? royalty no more and just a mere mockery is what will be of him if he just as much as treats you like an equal. so for now, he'll have to worship you behind closed walls in the dead of the night.
✎ "little dove, get on your knees and clean my shoes. there's dust on them."
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peoplesgraves · 23 hours
Imagine being a Royal who can’t escape obsession
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Yandere Knight who’s been trained for the honor of protecting the royals their entire life. Who’s had any semblance of self beaten out of them instead being filled with nothing but reverence for their favorite. At first their obsession is devoid of romance, solely based on their divine duty to protect you. They’re happy just to stay by your side and content with forgoing their own life in favor of yours. That would all change the moment they actually get hurt protecting you. They expect to be broken just like when they were a kid, destroyed and remade stronger, better for you. Instead you are gentle and kind, you help nurse their wounds and their obsession transitions from one of duty to one of love. No longer content to die for you, now they must live for you, their beloved royal. No matter how many people they have to cut down your knight will never forsake their love.
Yandere Advisor a few years older than you but much much younger than your other advisors. They were a prodigy, groomed from a simple stable hand to the person they were today. Their incredible intelligence, tactical mind and people skills make them invaluable to the kingdom but they find themself laying awake night after night. Not worrying for the people but for you instead. They care not for the opinion of other royals or their peers but only of yours. They view everyone as below them, sure their friendly and compassionate on the surface but below the skin lies a bubbling darkness. Every meeting with you that’s interrupted by some silly problem or royal ball they’re forced to miss due to work, they find their facade cracking. They contemplate abandoning the wretched kingdom you loved, whisking you far far away so they can finally have what they love. For now though they’ll wear their cracked mask and guide you as gently as they can, both in your role as a royal and towards your devoted advisor.
Your families resident Yandere Wizard is a strange creature. Equally out of their mind as they are terrifyingly cunning. They slip between the two states so easily that it’s not quite clear which is their true self, maybe they’re both just hiding what truly lurks below their calculating eyes and outrageous outfits. Despite being perfectly capable of turning whatever enemy crossed their path into nothing more than a pile of dust, the prefers to use his magic in more…joyful ways. Turning your dress into whatever color you fancied at the moment or making flowers appears out of thin air whenever you seemed down. Some may call it a waste of their gift but they knew the truth, knew that nothing was a waste if it was done for love. They turn their tower into an inviting place for you and makes sure you know you’re always welcome, that they’ll always have time for their royal. They contemplate keeping you up in their tower forever and using their magic to bring you bliss until the end of days. They would give you whatever you wanted because all they wanted was you.
A Yandere Witch who’d started as a simple forest witch. Content to live in her small cabin among the trees and animals, only ever going into the royal city when they needed supplies or to sell off potions at the marketplace. Sometimes people would come to them for help with their maladies or to try and observe their strange skills for themselves and usually they’d abide before sending them on their way and going back to their solitude. Lately though their solitude wasn’t the great comfort it had once been. Something was missing or rather someone. They found herself going into the royal city more and more, not just flitting in and out of the market place but becoming a frequent fixture. So frequent in fact that under cover of night and a cloak you’d come to seek them, hearing of their skills on one of your visits to greet the subjects. They indulged you, allowing you to watch their work until the sun starts to peak through the horizon and to their joy you keep coming back whenever you can. They becomes so fond of your company that they consider getting rid of that pesky wizard of yours and offering themself for the royal court instead.
A Yandere Maid and your closest confidant, a fact she very much likes to rub in to anyone who will listen. She’d been raised for this since birth, the knight was raised to protect you sure but she was raised to serve. To handle every tedious, boring or undesirable aspect of your life so you’d never be anything less than content. It was a job they took very seriously, keeping detailed lists of what you liked and didn’t like, paying the shadiest people to vet any new people you came into contact with before you ever met them and of course helping in more normal ways too. Because you trust them so implicitly it’s startlingly easy to get rid of any favors of affection from anyone else, after all you didn’t need anyone else. Only they could take care of you the way you needed, it was their purpose, you were their purpose.
The Yandere Jester is perhaps the least assuming of yanderes. Always joking and smiling and laughing and prodding oh so subtly. Telling you stories of when they were sent to the gallows and their escape even fantastical tales of robbed royals, mysterious murders and other various crimes and misfortunes. Ultimately these were assumed to be humorous fibs from a misguided jester but still some nobles would whisper theories while looking at the jester fearfully, saying they were an escaped madman or perhaps a demon in human form. Truthfully no one but you seemed to like them much, always acting as if they were a rabid bloodthirsty beast and they were, to anyone else at least. To you they were a lapdog, hungry only for your laughter and joy. Eventually their stories get to be less about the past and more about the future, talks of how funny it’d be to steal away their beloved and leave all these silly nobles heads spinning. They don’t sound quite as funny telling that one, but still you smile politely and they love you even more for it.
Yandere Suitors sent from other kingdoms, mostly weaker ones seeking to form an alliance but also a few from stronger kingdoms, even empires who simply had a spare and figured it couldn’t hurt or needed agreements on something specific from your kingdom such as a rare resource. Eventually as more and more suitors came and then refused to return home even after rejection, they ended up as more of an unwanted harem situation. Constantly making and breaking alliances with each other to try and gain favor, flitting around the palace ordering servants around to make sure everything perfect all the time for you. Each trying to be seen as the best spouse for you, dreaming of the day you pick them and send the rest home, in pieces if required. Always whispering gossip in your ear, offering to warm your bed or accompany you out of the palace. Theyd do anything to be your favorite, just one step closer.
Throngs of adoring, Yandere Royal Subjects, even people from the far away villages and outer edge territories make their way to the royal city when you make a grand appearance in town. Cheering and waving colorful flags made from scrap, some huddled in groups giving blessings for your safety and health hoping they’d be extra effective with you so close. Parents hold up their kids as high up as they can hoping you’d bless them through the carriage window as they’d seen you do before. People insist on giving gifts and offering, although not to you directly once the royal entourage passes many march to the castles gates and leave them there, in place for your return. While many have negative views on other royals or monarchy in general, none ever seem to extend to you, their beloved royal. Any citizen led attacks or rebellions to the crown always seem to happen when you’re away and never touch your preferred parts of the castle or castle grounds, the very worst that’d ever happened to you was when a small outlier group raided your room and stole a few things. Those same outliers were later found bled out in the middle of town,in the middle of the day, with absolutely no witnesses. Everyone in town knows what happened of course, justice was served.
Yandere Assassin who was the best, never once caught or suspected for the hundred deaths they’d directly caused, so disconnected from themself and from the world that every new identity and culture they found themself ingratiated in felt just as much like home as anywhere else, nothing felt real or right so what did it matter who they were or who they killed. Not until they were assigned to your kingdom, to your family, did they finally start to understand what it meant to be alive and just how precious life was. Years of blood on their hands hadn’t taught them to live but a week with you and their heart was beating for the first time. They mostly watched from the sidelines, acting as just another servant. They watched how the other royals misuse their power to mistreat the people, each other and most egregiously, you. They watch as the others ignore and placate you, watches as they lie and cheat and subjugate the masses and they’re disgusted. It’s amazingly easy to poison their wine, everyone who could possibly be a threat to your ascension. They know you’ll be upset for a while at the loss of your ‘family’ but they promise to be there for you and now that they’ve taken a permanent position in the castle they’ll have all the time in the world to look out for you.
A local Yandere Dragon who kidnaps you every few weeks or so. Of course the first time you’d been terrified, a huge thundering monster snatches you from your visit to the courtyard and just flies off, with you in its talons. Though once back at their surprisingly not horrible cave, you come to understand them a bit. At least more than any other human had ever bothered to. Some knights from your kingdom had stolen from their horde and they wanted whatever it was back, sure being kidnapped wasn’t great but at least they were negotiating instead of just destroying the place in revenge. They are gruff and unpracticed but ultimately harmless to you and after a guarantee of their stolen treasures return you too are returned home. Though every few weeks the dragon seems to have some new grievance that requires the beloved royal as collateral and in that time they grow to be more and more comfortable around you, their little human. Should your kingdom ever wise up to their trick and try to fight against the dragon for you it wouldn’t be pretty. Last time someone stole from their horde they negotiated, that time, they’d burn the kingdom to the ground and take what was theirs, permanently.
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blakeswritingimagines · 4 months
Pearl Of The Water Tribe
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Summary: Being a calm and beautiful water tribe princess has never heated up your life until you catch the eyes of a fire prince and an in-place water chief.
Word Count: 10.k
Warnings: yandere tendencies, manhandling, manipulation, use of Y/N,
A/N: Was not meant to be this long, but also took up most writing time as well as a different post that's coming up.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Avatar the Last Airbender characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
You were in your castle in the Water Tribe, preparing for your trip to the Fire Nation. You were nervous but also excited, knowing that this would be your first time leaving your home. Your father's advisors told you that it was a great honor to be chosen for the trip, and a sign that your father was preparing you to become his heir. But you were still anxious about it all. Meanwhile, Zuko had also been preparing for your visit. He knew that he had to make a good impression on the water princess, and he wanted everything to be perfect. As the day of the trip drew closer, both of you began to wonder curiously what the other was like. You had heard stories of Zuko's fearsome temper, and how he could be unpredictable sometimes. But you also heard that he could be very kind and generous. Zuko, meanwhile, had heard rumors of the beauty and kindness of the water princess. He couldn't wait to finally meet you in person, and find out if the rumors were true.
On your first day in the royal mansion, you meet Prince Zuko. It seems like all the rumors have been true. He's tall and handsome, and his temper is as fierce as it's said to be. But... he's kind to you. Zuko watched you enter the room, taking in your beauty and the way your dress flowed around your figure. He could feel the heat rising inside of him at the sight of you, his thoughts swirling with questions about what kind of woman could capture his heart and calm down his usually short-tempered personality. Even though he hadn't been told your name, your presence was enough to send his mind spinning. "Are you from the Water Tribe?" he asked as he approached you, looking down at your sparkling eyes with curiosity. "Yes, I am." You replied softly, unable to hide your nervousness as you looked up at Zuko. His intimidating physique and powerful presence were the opposite of anything you had ever experienced before. You had never felt so small compared to anyone. But in this moment, he didn't seem to be the feared warrior you had heard stories about. He seemed… gentle. Kind. You couldn't help feeling drawn to him, despite your fear. "I've been told we were expected to meet each other." You continued.
Zuko's expression softened as you spoke, his mind racing with possibilities of what this woman could mean for him. He could feel himself becoming attracted to you despite your being from the Water Tribe. He was curious to know more about you, and he was intrigued by the fact that you seemed slightly nervous around him. That was rare. "Yes, I expected to meet a Water Tribe representative," he said, taking a step closer toward you, "what is your name?" You had a quick surge of panic when Zuko took a step closer, your mind telling you to run, but your body refusing to listen. His presence was so intense and he was so close. You suddenly realized just how tall he was, looking up at him with wide eyes and a nervous smile. When he asked for your name, you took a deep breath and finally found your voice. "Y/n…" You responded.
"Y/n," he repeated your name, his voice soft and almost hypnotic. He could tell from your reaction that you were nervous around him, but it only attracted him even more. He found himself wanting to reach out and touch you. His hand hesitated for a moment, and then he brushed a piece of hair away from your face, making sure to be gentle. "It's a pleasure to meet you." He paused for a moment, looking deep into your eyes. You could feel electricity all over your body as Zuko touched your hair. You had never had someone be so gentle with you before, and it felt amazing. You could tell that he wanted to do more. You were aware you should have been more cautious with him, as he was the fire prince and your father's enemy, but you found yourself losing yourself in his presence. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well." You responded, your eyes sparkling as you looked up at him, your hands twitching slightly.
Zuko noticed the little reaction you had when he touched your hair, and it did wonders for his ego. You were clearly drawn to him, and he was finding it difficult not to take advantage of that fact. "How long will you be staying in the palace?" he asked, moving closer to you until he was standing directly in front of you and he was only inches away. The heat from his body was intense, and he could see that it was affecting you. The heat from his body was unbearable as he stood right in front of you, but you could feel your own body heating up as well. Your heart was racing, your breathing getting shallow, and you could barely stand still under his intense gaze. You did your best to ignore the urge to reach out and touch him. "A few days." You replied, your voice shaky. "Long enough to negotiate the war strategy and diplomatic treaty and have them come to a finish." Zuko was amused by how much his presence seemed to affect you. You were clearly attracted to him, but he could also tell that there was a slight hint of fear that was keeping you from totally surrendering to him. But he could fix that.
"Well, then in a few days, we'll have this treaty and war strategy all settled and sealed," he said, moving his hand to the side of your neck and brushing it against your skin. "Then what?" his voice was low, his gaze full of heat as he looked at you. You shivered as Zuko's hand brushed against your neck, "then I'll be leaving." You replied, your voice shaky. "Back to the water kingdom, back home to my family." Zuko's eyes narrowed at your answer. He didn't like the idea of you going back to the Water Tribe, away from him. Your presence made him feel things he'd never felt before, and he didn't want you to leave so soon. In a swift movement, he stepped in front of you and trapped you against the wall, his body only inches away from yours. "And if I were to ask you to stay here with me in the Fire Nation?"
You felt your breath catch when he stepped in front of you and trapped you against the wall. You were aware of just how powerful he was, and how vulnerable you were at that moment. A small part of you wanted to give in and tell him you'd stay, but a bigger part of you was telling you that you'd be a fool to agree to that. "I have a kingdom to watch over and a family to return to," you replied, trying to keep your words as steady as you could. Zuko knew that he shouldn't be doing this, especially considering that you were a Water Tribe representative and princess, but he couldn't resist the urge to bring you closer to him. For a moment, he forgot that you were his enemy, and instead, you were just a beautiful woman standing in front of him, who caused his blood to boil and his heart to race. "But what if you didn't have to have that burden anymore?" he asked, inching his face only inches away from yours. Zuko smiled faintly as he looked into your eyes. He could tell that part of you was tempted by him, and he was going to do everything in his power to make that temptation into reality. He took a step forward, his body pressing close against yours, his head tilted slightly towards you as he spoke. "What if I were to make you a more attractive proposition than the Water Tribe could ever dream of?" his voice was low and sultry, his breath hot as it caressed your neck, "what if I were to declare you my bride?"
You gasped as Zuko's body pressed against yours, feeling overwhelmed by how close he was. He was powerful and handsome, and his proposal caught you off guard. For a moment, it was the only thing you could think about. Your entire body was telling you to say yes to him and you wanted to, it felt so right… but something pulled you back to reality, and you remembered who you were. "I can't," you replied, your voice barely a whisper as you tried to back away, but couldn't because he had you trapped against the wall. "I have responsibilities…" As you tried to back away, Zuko's hold on you only tightened. He was close enough to be able to smell your perfume and feel the soft curves of your body through the material of your dress. This close to you, he had no control over himself. The only thing he wanted was to possess you. "That's just it." His tone was softer than you had ever heard it, but the burning desire behind his voice was undeniable. "I'm offering you something better than responsibilities, I'm offering you freedom."
You could feel your heart pounding and you were starting to feel like you were losing the battle. It would be so easy to give in to him and say yes, to give up your duties and to become his bride. You felt so small standing in front of him, you had never felt this way about anyone before. "You're asking me to choose between my family and my kingdom, and you." You replied helplessly, wanting him to understand you couldn't just throw away years of hard work… but knowing that you wouldn't. Zuko knew that he had you. He could see the way your resolve was beginning to crumble, and he used that to his advantage. He stepped even closer to you until his body was touching yours, his hands sliding down your hips before settling on your waist. "I am asking you to choose between a life filled with politics and responsibilities or a life filled with passion and love." His grip on you tightened to emphasize his point. "I'm telling you that you don't have to spend the rest of your life shackled to duties, you don't have to settle for less than you deserve."
Your heart pounded violently as you felt Zuko's hands on your hips. You had never felt anyone else hold you like this, and it felt incredible. "I…Um..." You mumbled, completely flustered. "Who are you to tell me what I deserve? You're the fire prince, the enemy of my kingdom…" The heat from his body was suffocating, but it felt amazing at the same time. You felt so weak like you were a mere plaything for Zuko's amusement. "You really want me to surrender everything and become your bride…" You whispered softly, your eyes staring up at him, "for nothing but you…" The thought of you being his bride thrilled him, and as you stared up at him in a vulnerable state, he could barely keep himself from devouring you. It took every ounce of self-control he had to keep from taking you right there, in that moment. And it would be so easy too, there was nothing stopping him. "I do," Zuko said simply, his eyes full of intensity. "Would you really rather go back to that dull life of politics and war strategies than stay here with me? Where you can be free to be mine and do as you wish?"
Sighing softly as you turned away from Zuko, stepping away from him and making your way to the door. You felt like it was tearing your heart out to leave, but you knew you had to. "I'm sorry, I just can't…" You whispered, your voice shaky and emotional. As you reached for the door handle, you took one last look at him. It hurt you to leave without him, but you knew you had to.
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Azula laughed as she saw Zuko walking down the corridor, his face looking distraught. She had been outside of the room, listening to his little chat with you closely, and she knew it wasn't going well the minute she heard your soft voice and Zuko's desperate tone. "Aw, she turned you down, didn't she?" she laughed. "Why does Father allow you to meet with these people anyway? I'm pretty sure she'd never give you a chance due to your temper alone." Zuko ignored his sister's mocking as he walked past her, his rage slowly growing as he thought about what had happened. You had rejected him, and all because you claimed you had responsibilities to fulfill. You didn't even consider the offer he made to you. As if a few responsibilities should be more important than being his bride. Azula continued to taunt Zuko as they walked down the hallway, which just made his anger grow. “She’s just a stupid Water Tribe princess. She didn't know what she was missing.”
Zuko continued to ignore Azula's taunts for the rest of the day, his mind distracted by his thoughts of you. He would stare off into space, his eyes focused on nothing as he ran your encounter through his head over and over again. He blamed himself for the way he reacted to your rejection, and how he lost control. But he couldn't shake the thought of being with you, of being able to offer you the kind of freedom and life you deserved. The next day, the meetings resumed and Zuko was faced with having to see you again. Your mind was filled with a mix of emotions as you saw Zuko again in the meetings. On one hand, you regretted rejecting his proposal, wishing that you hadn't been so stubborn and given him a chance. On the other hand, you knew that you had done the right thing and that you had to keep your head focused on your duties. You couldn't let yourself be distracted, you couldn't let yourself give in to him. You forced yourself not to look at him, but you couldn't resist the urge to glance over every so often at his strong but troubled presence.
Zuko remained bitter after the rejection from the Water Tribe princess. You had the audacity to reject him, an offer that would have freed you from the burden of your duties and gave you power and freedom. He didn't care how handsome he was, how strong and powerful his Fire Nation was. None of it mattered to you, you would rather return to that boring life than be with him. Still, the sight of you in those meetings caused his blood to boil. The way you would glance at him and try to not make eye contact triggered something in him. Despite your attempts to ignore him, you could feel Zuko's intense presence every time you looked over at him. You refused to let yourself look at him too long, but even that brief, occasional glance was enough to trigger something within you. You felt a strange connection to him like you could see part of his inner self and all the pain and struggle he was dealing with. You wanted to say something, to reach out to him, but you were torn between your desires and your duties.
You found yourself glancing at Zuko more and more during the meetings, drawn to the intensity of his presence and you couldn't stand how much it made your heart race. You tried to pay attention to the strategy and diplomatic discussions, but during the final meeting of the day, you realized you couldn't take it anymore. You had to say something before you left. As the final meeting of the day came to an end, Zuko was just about ready to storm out of the meeting until he saw you standing there. His eyes were locked on yours, and even though he tried to stay stoic, something in him was stirring as he stared at you. "Come here," he said in a low voice, his hand waving you over. Your breath caught in your throat as you saw Zuko's hand gesture, knowing that he wanted you to come to him. You couldn't deny how much you wanted to go to him either. But you needed to be strong. You were ready to leave the meeting, expecting that you would go back to your room and avoid any further interactions with him until you left, you took a step toward him and then stopped. "Why?" You asked defiantly, your tone of voice steady even as your heart beat rapidly in your chest.
Zuko's eyes narrowed when you showed this sudden display of rebellion, that you were keeping yourself at a distance because of your duties. But he would make you forget about those worthless duties, he would take over your mind and make you forget everything except him. "Because I'm not finished saying everything I came here to say." His voice was low, and though he held a gentle expression on the outside, there was a hint of danger behind it. "The last thing I need is some woman refusing to do what I tell her," he said again, this time with more impatience in his voice. You didn't flinch, your voice calm as you kept your distance from him. The power in his tone was tempting, pulling you toward him, and you had to fight against that urge. "I have to go back home, to my family, to my people." You replied, "I have duties and responsibilities."
Zuko was seething at the fact that you were defying him again. How dare you be so headstrong, so stubborn. He could see the way you kept your ground as his aura of heat intensified around you, just inches away from touching yours. "And you'll leave me to go back to those responsibilities, to those duties, instead of staying here with me and being mine?" He stepped forward again, and this time, his chest was pressed up against yours. You were struggling to breathe as Zuko pressed up against you. For a moment, you weren't focused on your duties or your family, or anything else. You were focused on him, his body pressed up against yours. You couldn't do it though, you had to get away from him. "You don't understand, I have a kingdom to watch over and a family to return to." You pushed him away when you felt him getting too close, "I can't just leave them."
At that moment, Zuko's patience ran out. A wall of emotions ran through his mind. You had rejected his proposal once more, denying him again. You refused to be his for no good reason. All of the annoyance, rage, and frustration built up in him exploded in an instant when you pushed him away. He grabbed your arm and yanked you close to him, so close that you were practically pressed up against his chest again. And then he put his face right up next to yours, his eyes blazing. "I don't care about your damn responsibilities!" He shouted. In the middle of Zuko screaming at you in the meeting room, suddenly the doors burst open. Zuko and Azula's father Ozai, charged into the room and took one look at the scene. His eye twitched slightly as he saw his son pressed up against you with his grip on your arm. Ozai stepped between you and Zuko, his eyes filled with anger. "What in the name of the gods is going on here?"
Zuko was silent as his father barged into the room, his arms crossed and a serious expression on his face. Ozai's glare was enough to make his own anger dissipate in an instant. His father had a strict rule against showing such emotions in public."Nothing, Father," Zuko said, keeping his tone calm and controlled. "The woman was discussing diplomatic issues and I told her to step aside for a moment." You saw Ozai's gaze immediately shift to you. A moment ago, you had almost given into Zuko's desire to make you his bride, but now you were face to face with the Fire Lord himself. You could feel your heart beating rapidly in your chest as you met his glare. "I must return to the Water Tribe," you replied calmly, your tone more formal than it had been a moment ago in an attempt to show the Fire Lord your respect. "The treaty is set." Ozai was impressed with the way you retained your composure under his stare. He had seen a lot of people break down and show fear in front of him. But not you. You kept a firm and confident demeanor. "A noble idea." Ozai's voice was stoic, but he was also studying you curiously. He turned to Zuko, an eyebrow raised. Ozai remained silent as he turned his gaze back to his son. His eyes narrowed as his thoughts raced through his head. He didn't like that his son had tried to proposition the Water Tribe Princess, even if you were a beautiful woman. He would have had words with his son after the meeting. But that didn't matter now that the meeting had gone nearly off the rails. "You," he said slowly, his voice icy and cold. There was no way Zuko could disguise the anger in his tone. "We'll talk later."
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Months had passed since you turned down Zuko's proposal, and things were quieting down back in the Water Tribe. You had managed to shake off the thought of his rejection for a while, but it had been all too easy to get caught up in your regular duties and not think about him. That was until you received a letter from Zuko, who had been exiled from his home and banished from the Fire Nation. You could have easily ignored the letter but you were intrigued by his asking for your help. Zuko knocked softly on your door as he stood outside your home, nervous about what you might say to him. He had been banished from the Fire Nation and was living in exile after his father challenged him to an AgniKai duel for honor and almost losing the treaty with you. As a result, even if it was hard for him to admit it, he needed your help.
As soon as you heard the knock on your door, your heart leaped in your chest. It had been so long since you had spoken to Zuko, and you didn’t know how to react when you saw him again. You cautiously approached the door and opened it to find Zuko standing there, dressed in humble clothes instead of the royal attire you last saw him in. You were shocked by how different he looked, but there was a trace of the same intense fire in his eyes. The moment you opened the door, Zuko felt a wave of emotions wash over him. You looked just as beautiful as he remembered you, and he had to fight the urge not to run to you and embrace you. He had missed you more than words could describe, and now that you were standing in front of him again, he barely managed to keep his composure together. "Hey," he finally said, his voice sounding as nervous as he felt. Your heart skipped a beat as Zuko spoke. You had been thinking about him for months, and now he was here, standing in front of you. "Hey," you said softly, your eyes taking him in and feeling confused by how different he looked. You couldn't help but notice how handsome he still was, even in his more humble attire. "Come inside," you gestured for him to enter your home, "please."
Zuko nodded silently and stepped inside the house, his eyes taking in every detail of your humble home. For a moment, he felt out of place, the son of the Fire Lord in the house of a Water Tribe Princess. But that feeling quickly vanished the moment he focused back on you. "Thank you," he said softly, as he was struck by how much you'd changed since last they spoke. You were wearing a comfortable and light dress and he could see that your hair had also changed. You couldn't help but notice how Zuko seemed out of place in your home. He looked far too grand to fit in with the simplicity of your surroundings, but there was a charm to seeing him there as if he was meant to be there. You closed the door quietly behind him and gestured for him to take a seat at the table, your eyes glued to him. There was an air of uncertainty between you both, as neither of you knew what to say. You could sense that he was nervous, and you felt the same way. As you watched Zuko take in your humble home, you felt a wave of affection wash over you. Despite the drastic differences in your social status now, seeing him in your home made you forget all that. You wanted to ask him everything that had happened since you last spoke, but all you could muster up was a soft, "What are you doing here?"
As you led him into the living room, Zuko caught a whiff of your scent, and it sent a wave of nostalgia over him. He remembered the smell of your skin and hair when he held you in his arms and it made his heart ache for you even more. At your question, his eyes focused on your gaze, and for a moment, he felt guilty for coming to you and asking you for help. But he reminded himself of why he was here, and why he needed your help. "It's a long story," he said quietly. You felt your breath hitch at the way Zuko looked at you, and you quickly shook it off. You walked over to the couch and sat down, feeling the tension in the air. "I have time," you replied, your voice coming out more confident than you expected. Despite the fluttery feeling in your stomach, you managed to muster your strength and continue. "You said you needed my help, why?" Zuko took a deep breath, steeling himself for the difficult conversation that was ahead. He knew he was at a disadvantage since he had asked for your help, which gave you the upper hand in this situation. And he also knew that you might turn him down, which honestly, wouldn't surprise him. "I've been banished from the Fire Nation," his said, with a hint of bitterness in his voice. He paused for a moment, waiting for you to say something, but when you remained quiet, he continued. "And I need your help to get back."
As soon as Zuko spoke the words 'banished from the Fire Nation,' your eyes widened in surprise. You couldn't believe what you were hearing. You had never thought that the crown prince could be exiled from his own nation. You listened intently as Zuko continued to explain the situation, understanding how vulnerable and desperate he must feel. But even with his explanation, you couldn't help but feel a sense of confusion and disbelief. "Why me?" You said softly, your voice laced with emotions. Zuko took a deep breath as he tried to think of a suitable answer to your question. He knew that you probably wondered why he chose you, out of all the people in the world, he decided to come to your home and ask you to help him. But the truth was that he had been thinking about you for months, despite how he had tried to push you out of his mind. "Because I trust you," he said quietly, and he spoke from the heart. He couldn't stand being without you for this long, and now he was desperate.
As soon as Zuko uttered the words 'I trust you', you felt your heart skip a beat. You didn't know what to expect in this moment. But hearing him say that he trusted you, made you feel like your knees were about to buckle. You swallowed nervously, not sure how to react or what to say. You were conflicted. On one hand, you wanted to help him, to be by his side and support him in his time of need. On the other hand, you feared that it was a terrible idea, one that could have serious repercussions. Trust was not something you thought you deserved, especially after rejecting his proposal. You were overwhelmed by the mixture of emotions flowing through your body, but you quickly got a hold of yourself and pushed all those thoughts away. "You trust me?" You asked softly, your eyes full of surprise and anticipation. He saw the flicker of surprise in your eyes at his words, but he could see the hesitation and resistance still there, and it gnawed at him. He knew you had rejected him once before. But there was also a slight change in your demeanor that made him wonder if there was something more going on in your mind. "Yes," he said, a hint of vulnerability lacing his tone as he tried to maintain his composure. "I trust you more than I've ever trusted anyone else."
Your mind was flooded with contradicting thoughts, your emotions swirling within you like a storm. Despite everything, you couldn't help feeling a sense of appreciation for Zuko's trust. His words resonated within you, causing a strange sensation in your heart. "Why?" You managed to ask again, your voice tinged with surprise and confusion. You didn't understand why he would trust you, especially considering the last time you saw each other and your decision to reject him. As you asked the question again, Zuko felt a sense of frustration well up inside of him. Wasn't it obvious to you why he trusted you? Didn't you feel how much he had been thinking about you? But he reminded himself to control his emotions. He couldn't let his anger get the best of him now. "Because you have a good heart," he said quietly. "And you're loyal. You're smart, and you always try to do the right thing." He couldn't help but admire your qualities and your fierce loyalty.
Your mind was spinning with conflicting emotions. You understood that Zuko's trust in you was sincere, but you didn't know whether to feel proud or guilty about it. After all, you had rejected him, and now he was coming to you of all people for help. You took a deep breath and tried to clear your mind, wanting to focus on the task at hand. "What exactly do you need me to do?" You asked, your voice betraying a hint of nervousness. The moment the question left your lips, Zuko felt a rush of relief. He had been unsure whether you would agree to help him or not, and now that you had, he felt like he could finally breathe easy for the first time in a long time. "I need you to help me come up with a plan to take back the throne," he replied. His eyes were filled with determination, as he was ready for whatever it took to return to the Fire Nation and restore his honor.
Feeling as if your heart leapt in your chest as you heard Zuko's request. You couldn't believe that he was asking you for help with such an ambitious plan, but there was a flicker of excitement in your eyes. You took a moment to consider the plan, your mind racing with possibilities. But then your face fell as you realized the reality of the situation. "Zuko… It sounds impossible," you said softly, your eyes filled with a mixture of sympathy and worry. "You've been exiled, and the Fire Lord holds all the power." Zuko flinched at your words, and a flicker of frustration crossed over his features. He knew everything you were saying was true, which only made his exile that much more painful. Still, he was determined to take back what was his, and he refused to give up so easily. "I know it won't be easy," he said, his voice low and intense. "But I will do whatever it takes to restore my honor and return to the Fire Nation." He stared deeply into your eyes, a fierce determination burning in his gaze as he spoke. "Will you help me…or not?"
The intensity in Zuko's eyes made your breath catch in your throat. You could feel his determination and passion, and it made you realize how much this meant to him. You knew the risks and the challenges that lay ahead, but you couldn't resist the pull of Zuko's magnetic personality. His determination was contagious, and you found yourself nodding. "Of course, I will," you said with a soft smile, your eyes full of determination.
"I'll help you every step of the way."
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As time slowly passed by, you helped Zuko adjust to being on his own and within an important Water Tribe who didn't seem keen on taking to him. Helping him learn to be more calmer and relaxed if he wanted his plan to work, even as he grew more protective and annoyed when you were around or working with others before attempting to pull you away. As Sokka arrived in the Water Tribe with his sister, Katara, and her friend, Aang, he couldn't help but feel a shiver of excitement. He had heard rumors about the beauty and grace of the princess in the Water Tribe, and he had been quietly yearning to see for himself. As he surveyed his surroundings, his eyes suddenly widened as he spotted you across the square. He couldn't help but stare at your figure. "Who's that?" he whispered to his sister, his eyes fixated on you.
You were making your way through the market in the middle of the square with Zuko beside you, your movements graceful and delicate as you picked out fresh fish for your family. You didn't notice Sokka's gaze following you, but Katara glanced over and saw his intense stares. She rolled her eyes and nudged her brother with her elbow. "That's Y/N. She's the daughter of the chief….you know the princess." The moment Sokka laid eyes on you, he felt a rush of awe and admiration. Your beauty had captivated him in an instant, and he could barely tear his gaze away from you. As he discreetly asked his sister about you, he tried to hide his excitement, although he was barely succeeding. "The princess?" Sokka's eyes widened even more, and he couldn't help but feel a pang of admiration for your title as well. While he was intrigued by your beauty, the fact that you were a princess made you even more captivating in his eyes. Still, he tried to maintain his composure, knowing that he had to first interact with you. He casually leaned down to whisper to Katara, "Do you think she's single?"
Katara rolled her eyes at Sokka's comment, not surprised by it. He was always flirting and trying to find a romantic connection with any woman he met. "Sokka, she's a princess. And she doesn't look single." She whispered back, still looking around the North as if in awe even as she glanced at the Water Tribe Princess. Sokka's hopes deflated slightly at his sister's response, and he couldn't help but feel a small pang of disappointment. Despite it, there was a strange feeling of determination and desire stirring within him. He couldn't deny the pull you were having on his heart, and he was determined to find out more. "I'm gonna talk to her," he declared quietly, his voice tinged with a hint of excitement and anticipation. Before his sister could protest, he was already making a beeline toward you.
As you strolled through the market with Zuko, a small smile tugged at the corners of your lips. The atmosphere was alive with chatter, and the scent of the sea and fresh produce filled the air. You picked out some fish and glanced back at Zuko, who seemed to be lost in thought. You were just about to call out to him when your attention was suddenly diverted by a new, unknown face in the crowd. Your eyes widened slightly as you noticed Sokka approaching, his gaze fixed on you. Sokka's heart pounded in his chest as he took in your appearance. The way your gaze met his made his stomach do flips. Despite his anxiety, a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "Hey," the word slipped out. It was a simple word, but it spoke volumes of his nervousness and desire to connect with you. He couldn't help but be drawn to you, even though he couldn't quite understand why. It was a strange and new feeling, and he wondered if it was just some silly crush.
As Sokka's greeting caught your attention, you turned to face him with a small smile. Despite the flutter in your chest, you managed to keep your composure, acknowledging his presence with a soft nod of your head and a friendly tone. "Hello," you replied politely, observing the tall Water Tribe boy in front of you. His nervousness was palpable, and you couldn't help but wonder what he wanted or why his gaze was so intensely fixed on you. Zuko's reverie was suddenly interrupted by your sudden attention shift, and he followed your gaze to see a young Water Tribe man approaching you. He couldn't help but feel a tinge of wariness as he noticed the way the man was looking at you, but he tried to suppress his jealousy. Sokka swallowed hard, his throat suddenly dry. His heartbeat pounded loudly in his ears, almost drowning out the noises of the busy market. He had a million things he wanted to say, but suddenly, all the words vanished from his mind. His usually quick tongue felt like it was tied in knots. He took a deep breath, gathering his nerves as he searched for the right words. "So, uhm… nice weather we're having," Sokka blurted out, wincing slightly at his cliché attempt at conversation.
You raised an eyebrow at Sokka's attempt at conversation, trying to hide the small smile forming on your lips. His nervousness was endearing, and you couldn't help but feel a flicker of sympathy for him. "Yes," you responded, your voice holding a hint of amusement. "The weather is quite nice today." You waited for him to continue, your eyes watching him expectantly, curious to see where this conversation would lead. Sokka felt a small bead of sweat drip down the side of his face as he struggled to think of something else to say. He was usually so charismatic and confident, but suddenly he felt like a bumbling mess. Despite the nerves, Sokka couldn't help but notice how breathtakingly beautiful you were. It made his stomach do cartwheels and made his mind go completely blank. "Right, right," he stumbled, his brain grasping for any thought he could turn into a conversation. After a brief pause, he met your gaze once more, his voice wavering slightly. "Do you… uhm.. come here often?" Sokka asked, wincing realizing how corny that must've sounded since you lived here.
A soft laugh escaped your lips, your eyes twinkling with amusement. Hearing Sokka's corny question made your heart flutter with a mixture of amusement and surprise. "Yes," you responded, still smiling. "I do come here often… since this is home and all." Despite the cliché and awkward situation, you found it endearing that Sokka was trying to strike up a conversation. You waited for him to continue, your eyes on him expectantly. Zuko gritted his teeth as he listened to Sokka's compliment towards you, his irritation flaring up again. He couldn't help but feel a sense of possessiveness and jealousy towards you, especially when he noticed the way Sokka was looking at you. He could feel his heart rate quicken, and the urge to intervene and protect you surged through him, but he managed to keep his composure. Instead, he watched intently as you and Sokka continued to chat.
Sokka felt a mix of relief and disappointment. He was glad that he didn't seem to have made a complete fool of himself, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he was coming off as awkward and inexperienced in the art of flirting. He cleared his throat, trying to come up with a witty response. But unfortunately, all he managed to say was a simple "Oh, right, of course." His mind blanked once more, leaving him feeling tongue-tied and lost for words. As Sokka's mind went blank once more, You couldn't suppress a chuckle that escaped your lips. His attempts at conversation were endearing, but it was clear that he was struggling. Seeing the look of desperation on his face, you finally took pity on him and decided to save him from any further embarrassment. You gently placed a hand on Sokka's arm, gently interrupting his awkward pause. "So, what brings you here?" You asked, your voice gentle as you tried to ease the nerves between you two. "Are you visiting or passing through?"
Sokka's eyes widened slightly as you touched his arm. Your soft touch sent a jolt of electricity through his body, making his heart race. It took a moment for him to compose himself, the warmth of your hand still lingering on his skin. He managed to gather his thoughts and cleared his throat once more. "I'm here with my friends,” he said, a small hint of a smile playing on his lips. “We’re accompanying the Avatar on his journey. So, kind of visiting.”
Your smile widened as you listened to Sokka's explanation. You had heard about the Avatar's journey, but actually meeting someone who was a part of it felt surreal. "You're accompanying the Avatar?" You repeated, your voice filled with surprise and wonder. Your eyes widened slightly, and you couldn't believe your luck. Not only was this Water Tribe boy charming in his awkwardness, but he was also on a noble mission. Sokka felt another rush of adrenaline as your smile widened. He nodded, his confidence returning slightly at your evident interest. "Yeah, it's been quite the adventure," he said, a hint of excitement in his voice. "We've been traveling for months, going to different nations and facing all kinds of challenges. It's been a crazy ride but right now he's here to learn water-bending." He paused for a moment, a cheeky smile playing on his lips. "But I must admit, I never expected that meeting someone like you would be the greatest adventure of them all," he said with a touch of flirtation.
As Sokka's words washed over you, your heart fluttered in your chest. The warmth of his smile and the gentle touch of his hand on yours sent butterflies fluttering in your stomach. You couldn't help but laugh softly at his cheesy words, charmed by his attempts at flirtation. "You're quite the charmer, aren't you?" You responded, your voice laced with laughter and amusement. "I might be able to help with the water-bending problem."
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As the Gaang settled into the Water Tribe, Sokka's eyes immediately drifted toward your striking figure. He couldn't help but feel a jolt of admiration and attraction as he watched you in action. He found himself stealing glances whenever you were nearby, observing your every move with a newfound fascination. He appreciated your strength, your grace, and your loyalty to your tribe. Sokka's typical banter and teasing were replaced by a newfound shyness around you. You were unaware of Sokka's observations of you. His shy glances and flustered demeanor went unnoticed by you as you went about your daily routine. However, you couldn't help but notice that your interactions with Sokka have felt different lately. He seemed more awkward and less confident around you, stumbling over his words and unable to maintain his usual charm. You had a feeling he was nervous around you, but his uncharacteristic behavior intrigued you. You couldn't pinpoint why he was acting this way, but you found yourself wanting to learn more about what was going on in his head.
As you go about your daily tasks, you can't help but notice a strange feeling of warmth in your chest as you watch Sokka from afar. His shy glances and nervous behavior around you left you feeling both amused and flattered. Despite his usual confident demeanor, there was something endearing about seeing him become awkward around you. When your eyes occasionally met, you found yourself smiling softly, feeling flustered by the unexpected connection. You found yourself drawn to his nervous energy, amused by his clumsy attempts to strike up a conversation, and interested in getting to know him better. Despite his shyness, Sokka's genuine interest in you made your heartbeat flutter. As Sokka approached you with a newfound confidence, his heart pounding in his chest. He had been observing your skill on the battlefield and found himself captivated by your grace, power, and loyalty. Despite his earlier attempts at witty banter, Sokka's nerves had returned, making his usual confidence falter. He found himself tongue-tied when he finally stood before you, feeling as if he were a naive boy all over again. "Hi," he said, his voice filled with a mixture of nerves and admiration. "You're an amazing bender."
Your lips twitched upwards into a small smile as Sokka approached you, his earlier nerves making him seem endearingly earnest. "Thanks," you replied, your eyes twinkling slightly with amusement. You watched as Sokko stood before you, his confident demeanor having slipped away, replaced by a nervous energy that was both charming and endearing. "You're not so bad yourself," you added, your tone light and playful, sensing the nervous tension between you both. "I've seen you in action. You're pretty skilled with that boomerang of yours." Sokka's heart leapt in his chest as he heard your praise. Your words sent a wave of warmth through him, making his cheeks flush slightly. Despite his nervousness, he couldn't help but smile at the compliment. "Thanks," he replied, his voice a bit softer than usual. "I've had some practice. And yeah, I'm pretty good with my boomerang. I'm pretty sure I could take down an army with it if I wanted to." His confidence was returning, his usual self-assurance taking over, but his heart still fluttered whenever his gaze met yours.
You couldn't help but chuckle softly at Sokka's boastful comment, your eyes dancing with amused affection. You could tell he was trying to play it cool, but you could see the nervousness lingering beneath his bravado. "Is that so?" You teased, raising an eyebrow in challenge. "An army, you say? I'd pay good money to see that." Sokka let out a hearty laugh, realizing that his attempt to sound impressive had fallen flat. However, there was a flicker of determination in his eyes as he looked at you. "You doubt my skills, I'll have you know, I've taken down more enemies than I can count with my trusty boomerang," he said, his voice regaining its usual bravado. "I'll prove it to you. Next training session, I'll go all out and show you what I'm capable of."
You smirked at Sokka's defiant response, intrigued by his determination. "Is that a challenge?" You teased, crossing your arms and tilting your head to the side. Your eyes sparkled with a mix of amusement and anticipation as you looked at him, secretly enjoying his attempts to impress you. "I suppose we'll just have to see then, won't we? I can't wait to see this legendary performance." Sokka's heart fluttered as your smirk sparked a playful fire within him. He grinned widely, his confidence returning in full force. He loved a good challenge, especially if it meant he could impress you. "You bet it's a challenge," he declared, his voice filled with determination. "And I never back down from a challenge. Consider yourself lucky to witness the true power of my boomerang." He was determined to prove himself to you, and nothing could extinguish that burning desire. Sokka grinned, his eyes gleaming with excitement. His heart raced, a mix of eagerness and nerves coursing through him. Though he was determined to prove his skills, he couldn't ignore the flutter in his chest at the thought of impressing you.
You chuckled softly, your eyes shining with a mix of amusement and admiration as you watched Sokka's determination. He was definitely putting on a show, and you were secretly charmed by his efforts to impress you. His confidence and bravado were endearing, and you couldn't help but feel a warmth in your chest at the thought of his eagerness to make an impression. "I'll hold you to that," you retorted, your voice light and teasing. "I'm looking forward to seeing this legendary boomerang in action." As Sokka boasted about his boomerang training skills, Zuko's irritation flared up once again. He couldn't believe that this Water Tribe boy had the audacity to claim excellence in something like boomerang technique. His fists clenched and his jaw tightened as he overheard their conversation. But he knew better than to cause a scene, so he quietly observed the scene unfolding before him.
A few days later, you and Zuko were idly chatting as you both walked along the Water Tribe, the conversation lighthearted and easy. Though your hands kept accidentally brushing against each other, neither of you made a conscious effort to pull away, the brief moments of contact fueling an undercurrent of tension between you. However, you were too lost in their conversation to notice the approaching figure until Sokka appeared before you two, his voice tinged with an unusual edge as he interrupted the conversation. As Sokka suddenly appeared in front of them, Zuko and you were wrenched from your conversation. Zuko bristled at the interruption, his irritation flaring up once again at the sight of the Water Tribe boy who had been flirting with you. He couldn't help but feel a wave of jealousy and possessiveness as he noticed the tension in Sokka's voice. "Hey, Y/N," Sokka's voice interjected, his nerves evident in the unusual edge in his tone. He forced a smile, trying to hide the mixture of jealousy and insecurity welling up within him. He had been watching the interaction from afar, unable to shake the feeling of irritation at seeing you talking so comfortably with Zuko. It was irrational, he knew that, but he couldn't help the possessive thoughts that plagued his mind.
You and Zuko turned your attention towards him, and your conversation abruptly halted. You smiled politely at Sokka, a hint of curiosity in your eyes as you noticed the unusual edge in his voice. You didn't seem to notice the subtle tension between the two boys, your focus shifting to Sokka's attempt at a smile. "Oh, hey Sokka," you greeted, your voice cheerful but tinged with a touch of surprise. "Everything alright?" Sokka's smile widened, but it did not quite reach his eyes. He struggled to keep his tone light and carefree, but his mind was racing. He felt a pang of jealousy at the sight of your and Zuko's easy conversation, and he fought to keep it from consuming him. "Yeah, everything's fine," he replied, his voice strained. He couldn't bring himself to meet your eyes fully, instead glancing at the ground as he spoke. "I was just passing by and thought I'd say hi."
You couldn't help but notice the strained undertone in Sokka's voice, his forced cheeriness standing out like a sore thumb. You furrowed your brows in concern, sensing the tension in the air. It was unlike Sokka to be so visibly unnerved around you. Was something bothering him? You took a step forward, your voice gentle as you responded to him while tenderly placing your hand on his arm. "Is there something on your mind? You seem a little… on edge." Sokka's heart quickened at your touch, your gentle concern sending a shiver down his spine. He struggled to maintain his composure, his mind warring between jealousy and the desire to be close to you. "No, it's nothing," he replied, his voice tinged with a mixture of frustration and longing. "Just a lot on my mind, that's all." He couldn't help but glance at your hand on his arm, the touch both comforting and aggravating all at once.
You noted the flicker of frustration in Sokka's eyes, sensing the inner turmoil beneath his surface-level response. You gently tightened your grip on his arm, your eyebrows knitting together in concern as you tried to decipher his mood. "Hey," you said softly, your voice laced with worry, "You know you can talk to me about anything, right? Is there something bothering you?" Your eyes met his, your gaze was earnest and full of compassion. Sokka's breath caught in his chest as he met your eyes, the sincerity and concern in your gaze making his heart skip a beat. Your touch on his arm sent a mix of warmth and longing coursing through him, and he struggled to find the words to express his tangled emotions. "It's just… I don't know," he stammered, his voice laced with a mixture of frustration, vulnerability, and longing. "I guess… I just…" He trailed off, conflicted between his feelings of jealousy and admiration for you.
You continued to hold Sokka's arm, your touch conveying a sense of reassurance and support. You observed him closely, noticing the flicker of vulnerability in his eyes and the conflicted emotions that played across his face. "It's okay," you said soothingly, your voice soft and gentle. "Take your time. I'm listening." You gently squeezed his arm, your touch encouraging him to speak his mind, to share whatever was weighing heavy on his heart. Sokka's eyes fixated on yours, his heart fluttering at your soothing words and gentle touch. Your understanding and patience allowed him to gather his thoughts, and he took a deep breath before finally speaking. Sokka's voice grew more intense as his possessive and protective feelings for you surfaced. His eyes burned with a fierce determination to claim you for himself. "It's just… seeing you with Zuko," he admitted, his voice raw with honesty. "I guess it made me feel a bit jealous. I know it's silly, but I can't help it. I didn't mean to let my emotions get the better of me." he said, his voice low and possessive. "I won't deny that I'm jealous. The thought of anyone else spending time with you and making you laugh the way you did with Zuko… it drives me mad. I want that affection for myself."
You listened intently as Sokka confessed his feelings, your expression filled with surprise mixed with understanding. Although you were surprised by Sokka's sudden intensity, you couldn't help but sense a flicker of admiration growing within you. Despite your surprise, you kept your voice steady as you replied. "I see…" You said softly, your tone gentle and contemplative. "It's not silly, Sokka. Your feelings are valid, and I appreciate you sharing them with me. I assure you, that the relationship I have with Zuko is purely platonic. There's nothing romantic going on between us." Sokka's heart thumped in his chest as you responded to his confession with understanding and reassurance. Your gentle words helped to ease the intensity of his jealousy, but the embers of possessiveness still burned within him. "I believe you," he said, his voice laced with both relief and possessive determination. "But that doesn't stop me from wanting to be the one who makes you laugh and smile like that. No one else should have that privilege but me."
You listened attentively as Sokka explained his feelings, his possessive tendencies mingling with a hint of longing. You noticed the flicker of determination in his eyes and couldn't help but feel slightly overwhelmed by the intensity of his emotions. However, before you could respond, Zuko chimed in with a harsh yet playful tone, attempting to get under your skin since he also wanted you. "Well, Sokka, I must say, your jealousy is endearing, in a slightly unhinged sort of way. But there's no need for such possessive vibes, buddy." Sokka's eyes snapped towards Zuko as he heard his comment, his jealousy flaring up once again with an intensity that was borderline primal. His fists clenched at his sides, his body tensing as he bristled with resentment. The thought of Zuko trying to undermine him and make light of his feelings fueled the possessive fire burning within him. His eyes narrowed into slits as he glared at Zuko, his voice low and menacing. "I'll show you 'slightly unhinged', pal."
Zuko merely smirked at Sokka's heated declaration, his eyes flickering with a cold and mischievous glint. He knew he had gotten exactly the reaction he wanted from Sokka, and now it was time to stoke the fire. "Oh, really now?" He said, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "You're quite the feisty one, aren't you? I think it's adorable. It's almost like you think you're tough enough to handle me." He taunted. Sokka's eyes burned with fiery defiance as he met Zuko's cold gaze. He wouldn't let anyone, especially not Zuko, undermine him like that. "Adorable?" he sneered. "You won't be calling me adorable when I knock you on your arrogant ass." His body was coiled and ready, tensed like a wolf preparing to lunge at its prey.
Your eyes widened in alarm at the growing tension between the two boys. Your heart leaped into your throat as you swiftly stepped between them, your gaze darting between Sokka and Zuko. Without wasting a moment, you firmly grasped Sokka's arm, your touch pleading and urgent. "Stop it," you whispered fiercely, your voice tinged with a mix of fear and concern. "The last thing we need is a fight between the two of you. Sokka, rein it in. Please. And Zuko… ease off." Sokka's defiance flickered momentarily at your pleading tone and firm touch reached him. The sight of you standing between him and Zuko, your hand grasping his arm, quelled the fiery intensity that had consumed him a moment before. However, the embers of his jealousy still smoldered within him, threatening to flare up at a moment's notice. He let out a slow exhale, his body relaxing slightly at your touch. He still glared at Zuko with simmering resentment, but his focus was back on you and your plea for peace.
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Sokka's heart pounded in his chest as he implored you to join them on their journey. His gaze bore into yours, filled with sincerity and a hint of vulnerability. His voice tinged with a touch of pleading. "I know there have been some strained moments between us, but I want you to know that I truly care for you. I want to be with you, to see where our potential could lead. And more than anything, I want you to join us on this mission. You have skills that could be invaluable to the Avatar's success." Your heart skipped a beat at Sokka's words. You hadn't expected him to express such vulnerability and sincerity, especially considering the complicated past exchanges. As a mix of surprise and gratitude washed over you, you hesitated for a moment, grappling with the decision that lay before you. "I… I…" You stammered, your voice faltering slightly. "I don't know, Sokka. I appreciate your feelings, but this is a big ask. I need time to consider it."
Sokka's heart pounded with desperation as he softly pleaded with you to join them. His eyes pleaded with yours, his voice tinged with a hint of possessive insistence. "Please," he said, his voice earnest, "I can't bear the thought of leaving without you. I need you by my side, not just for the mission, but because my feelings for you have consumed me completely. You are the one I want to protect, the one I want to be with. Say you'll come with us. Say you'll be mine...please." As Sokka poured out his feelings, his voice filled with both vulnerability and possessive insistence, you felt a flurry of emotions swirling within you. Surprised by his raw admission, you hesitated for a moment, the weight of his words tugging at your heart. Despite your initial reservations, the sincerity in his voice was undeniable, and you found yourself drawn to the depth of his longing. After a few moments of contemplation, you finally nodded, your voice soft yet determined. "Alright," you whispered, your eyes meeting his.
"I'll come with you."
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murder-cookie-dust393 · 6 months
Hello! I am a fellow affogato (simp ahem) FAN-fan yes-fan
and I would like to request a yandere!affogato(with hypnotic abilities ofc) with a warrior reader who slowly falls for him and well
what happened next is up to you
(also Pookie bear may I be 🪻anon?)
Advisor in Distress
I'm just gonna be making apologies to my requesters from December so prepare yourself for a bunch of repetitive comments- Also, I think I did add you to my anon list, but I'll check just in case.
Disclaimer: I did not edit this, at all.
Tw: basically drugging but in small amounts, hypnosis
You knew who Affogato was. Everybody knew who he was. The grand royal advisor for his majesty. From your knowledge, he could be quite the snarky one. He would come to your comrades to comment that they haven't trained properly or guarded the citadel's walls.
You hated it when he insulted your friends and higher-ups. You knew they were doing their job as best as they could and were doing anything but slacking off. But it seemed Affogato wanted to do everything but be appreciative of them.
That was until a few weeks ago.
He started to hang around where the warriors were more frequently. Often going up to you and praising how hard you were working or how strong you were. It was weird and quite creepy. You were the only one getting this barrage of praises, so you felt like your comrades weren't getting enough.
So most days you ignored him or just answered with a nod.
But today he had more to give. All the warriors within your group had gotten incense sticks from Affogato as a present. Yours looked slightly more purple, but you didn't pay much mind to it. When you lit the sticks in honour of your dead comrades, there was a certain smell.
The scent had a heavy espresso smell along with a hint of cream. It was a pleasant one to be around. As you kneeled before the incense pot, you felt a sudden dizziness come over you. You steady yourself with a hand to the ground, but some thoughts start rushing through your mind.
The royal advisor did look extremely pretty last Tuesday. Was it his eyes? Or was it his elegant walk? You aren't sure. You brush it off and go back to your post.
The night is evident by the darkened sky and the glowing stars. The citadel is asleep, except for a few guards ensuring the safety of the kingdom. Through the shadows and dim spaces, a cookie in black robes swiftly passes by the silent halls.
They slide the door open to one of the many rooms for the warriors. The cookie steps inside without a sound, shutting the door with careful movement. They take off their hood, revealing none other than Affogato himself.
He kneels by the sleeping mat, watching the warrior sleep; the warrior being MC Cookie, his dear beloved. He smiles a wicked and loving grin. "Oh, how long will it take for you to fall in love with me? I need someone to protect me once I'm ruler, you know~" He whispers to them, expecting no response.
He leans closer, so close to touching their blanket-covered body now. "I've waited far too long. Everything will be in my grasp: the kingdom, the people, and you. My sweet knight." The advisor pressed a light kiss onto their cheek before leaving the room. No trace was left except for a small incense burning on top of a dresser; hidden from plain view.
(Jealous twink needs his protector- honestly goals)
(This was pretty fun to write! Honestly, requests aren't that bad once you start writing them. It's the effort to start them that's hard).
- Celina
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worukin · 2 years
Hello,I hope you're doing great!
Can i request for a oneshot of how would yan!prince react to crownprince!reader being forced to marry a princess in order for him to become king even tho they are in a public relationship?Would he try to show readers parents that he is a better option?
╭୨୧︰ prince yandere x crown prince reader
・✦⇢ oooh boy. i might do more info about my oc's soon that'll help differentiate their behaviour lol. this was very fun!
︰꒰1・ ( warnings ) — slight possessive behaviour, yandere themes, clinginess, pet names, jealousy, attempted arranged marriage and past mentions of it, homophobia from parents, mentions of use of dark magic, yan prince using unique methods to convince your parents (though specifics are left unsaid).
︰꒰2・ ( notes ) — AA MY FIRST REQUEST AND ANON!! giggling n kicking my feet <3 ( word count: 1k )
( if you are uncomfy with this type of content, kindly block me instead. have fun reading and enjoy <3 )
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You've been sitting in the throne room for quite awhile now, growing used to your parents attitude. It wasn't the first time they tried to introduce you to another girl.
The first time they did this made you realize they didn't really support your current relationship. It's not that they hated your lover, it's just they never really thought you two were in a 'serious' relationship.
"Oh Y/n! You must be kidding, you cannot become King with no lover!" Cried your mother. Holding back a scoff as you sat still— wishing to get out of here. "I told you she's not fit for him, I knew the girl from the North was better!" Your father yelled out in response.
A sigh escaped your lips. "Mother, Father please. It's no use arguing about such a matter for hours." You tried to be polite about it, so they could let you off.
They frowned in return, tense shoulders lowering. "You're right son, why don't you try and find Princess Amelia? She's somewhere around the East wing. Perhaps you'll converse more maturely than us!" Said your mother, who hurriedly pushed you out of the room.
Your fists clenched as you heard them whisper behind the door. Not considering if you were still there or not.
"Dear, you know we can't have a king with... you know! It's just not right."
"I'm not saying anything, I'm just worried how the advisors will react."
"How will our bloodline continue if our son is in a... relationship with a boy?"
"Even if they are open to the public, there are those against this and it could sully our name! The royal family would be no more."
"You know how much the royal advisors are against them. But you let them run off and do what boys shouldn't be doing anyway!"
"What if he taints us with the sin he's commiting? Dear please think rationally! This could be the end of our image!"
That... was certainly not what you intended to do. You knew your parents had their opinions but you wished they'd at least try to be more discreet about it.
You tried to stop thinking about it, and you're sure you'll find a way to fix this. What you just wanted to do now was look for— "Yoohoo! Y/n!" Your eyes found the voice, your lover standing at the end of the hallway.
A soft smile formed as you raised your arms, wanting an embrace from your beloved. "Hello my darling, how are you this afternoon?" He asked, nuzzling into your neck.
"Good, I hope~" a soft chuckle followed right after he left a peck on your lips. "Why don't we go to the garden, my dear?" You said trying to get away from the Throne room as much as possible.
Heart swelling at the way your lover lit up, grabbing your hand and leading you down the familiar halls. "Oh yes! You know exactly what to do, don't you?" He giggled when you interlaced your fingers.
As you made it to the garden, both of you quickly sat in your special place. He wasted no time to wrap his arms around you again, puckering his lips for a kiss.
You leaned in and your nose's brushed together, before giving him a delicate kiss. He was so warm— you wished to become king with him as your lover. Not Amelia.
"Oh my love, do you have something to say?" He chuckled when you're face changed to one of a person being caught red handed. "Don't act surprised, you looked so sad when you left the Throne room."
Your eyes looked away as he leaned into you. Twirling a loose strand of your hair from his finger. "Won't you tell me?"
Frowning once he saw your eyes dim even more, and when you went rigid in his touch— oh how it sent such a sorrowful ache in his chest. To see his darling so hurt made him hurt.
Eyes widening once he held your hand, and once you saw such a passionate fire in his eyes it reminded you how much he did love you. But it did nothing but bring you more shame. You felt dishonest with him— despite this whole ordeal not being favourable to you.
"They're getting impatient, my parents. This is the fourth time I've had a meeting arranged with another princess." You winced once his grip tightened, and you couldn't dare look him in the eyes.
"What..? The fourth? This isn't the first time?" His voice was so small it made you hurt. It was as if you were actually cheating on him and throwing away your relationship.
"I'm sorry dear... I have no control over it. I just can't stand up to them no matter how hard I try and—" he placed a finger on your lips. A shadow cast over his eyes.
Heavy breathes left him, making you worried. "Dear? Are you alright?" Holding him in your arms did help ease the painful squeeze on his chest, but just a tiny little bit.
He let out a shaky sigh, forcing a weary smile. You swear you could see tears from the corners of his eyes. "Yes love, why don't we head to bed? The sky's gotten dark already hasn't it?"
Quickly standing up and leaving no disagreement— he lead you to your quarters and practically forced you to sleep then and there.
"Oh my dear... I see how hard this is for you. Don't worry, your beloved will deal with this~" he whispered, arms shaking as he wrapped you in a firm hug. His poor darling didn't deserve to suffer such pain having to talk from one piece of trash to another.
But don't worry. He'll make it all better. And you'll be happier sooner than ever. Your beloved will make sure nothing will harm you anymore, and he'll do anything to keep it that way.
He might... call upon some dark forces he's been working with. But not to worry! He knows the do's and don'ts after making a few deals with them for years now. They're mostly harmless— when playing the right cards.
When you wake up the next day there's no need for you to worry about another princess anymore. He's already settled it with your parents. Now you can live happily without thinking about some girl from the north~
He'll do anything to keep you within his arms and not in anothers. And that means taking bold measures that could risk his title. It's a good thing your parents are very compliant with his unique methods.
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ʚ ﹒ ﹕ ̟乀 all works belong to @worukin, do not repost on anywhere else with or without credit, do not plagiarise. ty!
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ceruark · 2 months
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honkai star rail:
"i love you, it’s ruining my life" - sunday x gn! reader, nsfw.
general yandere headcanons - yandere! ratio, boothill, aventurine, sunday.
"opening sequence" - yandere! sunday x gn! reader.
"liquid courage" - ceo! sunday x gn! personal assistant! reader, au.
yandere! aventurine & yandere! topaz x fem! reader [poly] nsfw headcanons.
"eat your heart out" - yandere! sunday x vampire! gn! reader.
"wanna hear your mother tongue" - calling hsr men terms of endearment from your native language. [dan heng, jing yuan, blade, jiaoqiu, aventurine, ratio, sunday, boothill]
"DANCE WITH THE DEVIL." - yan! hsr men as slasher movie killers… and “love interests.” [blade, boothill, aventurine, sunday]
"hold my hand & don't be scared" - HSR characters navigating a haunted house/scary maze with their crush.
hsr entwined au:
"ensnared." - yandere! prince! sunday x gn! royalty! reader.
this lovely "ensnared" follow-up by @carrot-citrus-juice :>
ask: sunday and reader's childhood
ask: the other suitors - yandere! ratio, aventurine, jing yuan, kafka, boothill.
ask: robin's role & ratio's background - yandere! prince! sunday, yandere! royal advisor! ratio.
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kokofromwattpad · 1 month
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Dearest tutor
Plot: Star student of the Royal Academy has been sent to tutor the only Prince of the Imperial Royal family of Lilabett Corona. They then somehow enrapture the interest of the prince and his elder sister, the Crown Princess.
Cw: Crown princess! Female! Yandere x Tutor! Gn! Reader x prince! Yandere, mentions of torture, mentions of cult(briefly), blood, yandere tendencies.
A/N: Holy fucking shit it's finally out, I'm sososo excited.
Word count: 5.3k
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The student stood outside the gate of the Imperial palace with sweat streaking down the side of their face from the harsh blaze of the sun. They had textbooks held under their armpit, tightly to their right side as their left had awkwardly tried to fix the hair that had begun to fall into their sightline.
[Name][Lastname] was an extraordinary person when it came to academics. They excelled in any subject they were put in and always came out on the very top of the board when the exam results had been revealed.
But they were born with common blood flowing through their veins. Their father was a poor baker and their mother was a school teacher for the orphans by the local children's home. Because their mother had always prided herself with the fact that she believed that knowledge was a better virtue than beauty, their mother would make [Name] read and memorise any textbooks she could get her hands on.
While [Name] considered it good luck that they were able to enrol in the royal academy and had gotten a full scholarship, they were petrified when they found a neatly folded envelope on their dorm bed with a wax seal baring the Imperial family's coat of arms.
The summarised version of the letter read that the imperial advisor acknowledged their extreme academic prowess and wanted them to visit the imperial palace to tutor the empire's only prince in the few subjects he had been recently struggling with in his own classes.
Terrified out if their mind, [Name] agreed in the most cursive calligraphy they could muster with their violently shaking hand.
And now, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, the young student will have to spend their afternoon tutoring a bratty prince. Honestly, they were shaking in their boots from the mere thought of having to interact with royalty.
A cough abruptly interrupted the student's thoughts and made them shoot their head up in surprise. A tall man with long midnight black hair stood on the other side of the twisting gate. He looked to be in his late 30s, with a face and aura that screamed 'strict' and 'do not get me mad'. His dark hair was swept up to a waterfall like pony tail at the back of his head. He wore thin lensed glasses that seemed to be nearly falling off the tip of his nose. Hie eyes however were a lovely soft sage colour.
The man placed his right hand above his heart and bowed only his head at the young student. "Good evening mx.[Lastname]. My name is Von Alaric-Holloway. It is the Koinig family's honor to have you tutor your young master." he greeted. His voice was as smooth as his hair. The student nodded at his words. "The honour is all mine Mr.Alaric-Holloway." they said back, not trusting their voice to say anything else without stuttering, or falling over their own words.
Von nodded his head at the guards, giving them the silent order to open the sill closed gates.
The gates swept open as swift as the wind, letting the advisor and the student stand in front of each other face-to-face. Von nodded his head again at the student, signaling them to follow him as he pushed his falling glasses back up the bridge of his nose. He walked gracefully, with both of his hands held tightly behind his back and his head raised high in pride. The student trailed after him, struggling to keep up with his pace.
"The young master is about two years younger than you are, so he is around your age. The empress hopes that you and her grandson will become good friends with each other." Von said in quick voice, not giving [Name] the chance to actually process the words he was saying.
The student nearly nodded their head at his words and kept their head down. Every guard or maid that the pair walked past, bowed their head down, and gave sympathetic looks towards the two. Obviously, [Name] was going to notice by the third or fourth time that they had done this.
"Mr.Alaric-Holloway, why is everyone giving us such pitiful looks?" they asked the him.
Von cocked his eyes towards the sound of [Name]'s question. "I suppose it is because of the rumour that the young master is a troubled child." Von pushed his falling glasses back up the bridge of his nose. [Name] nodded at his words and continued to follow his pace down marble walkway.
Finally the two came to a grandiose staircase with gold linings that supposedly lead to the prince's study.
A young girl stood at the very top of the stairwell.
She looked around a year younger than [Name], so possibly 17 years old. She was short but not too short. She had long golden, nearly glowing blonde hair that was tied into a flattering bun to the back of her head. She wasn't wearing any makeup, which was odd for a noble to do. Her eyelashes were blonde as well. She was also wearing what seemed to be a military training uniform. [Name] noted to themself that this woman looked like a sinister fairy. The only reason she seemed sinister was from the deep red eyes that was embedded into her sockets and the very real and very sharp sword being held in a leather scabbard attached to her left hip.
"Von, may I ask who this commoner is, who is trespassing into my home?" she quipped at the advisor.
Von kneeled on his right knee with his right hand covering his heart again. His face had a thin layer of sweat covering it as he stared intensely at the ground.
"Crown princess, Frieda. The commoner behind me is prince Beta's new tutor. They are here to assist the prince in a few academy subjects that he is having trouble grasping." Von answered in a wavering version of usual tone of voice.
'Wait... what did he say? Crown princess...?' thought [Name] as they stared blankly at the blonde woman.
Once they're sense of self preservation finally returned to them, [Name] fell to their knees and buried their head into the cold flooring.
The Crown princess stayed silent at the student's sudden movements. She gracefully walked down the flight of stairs, and stood infornt of [Name]'s bowing head.
"Please raise your heads you two." she commanded in a gentle but firm voice.
[Name] raised their head, only to see that the princess was kneeling infront of them. She held the student's jaw in her right hand and lifted it higher. She turned their head left and right, checking both sides of their face.
She then got back on both of her feet and looked down to the student with a grin. "Take good care of my little brother, alright?"
The student was stunned into silence, but quickly shook their head in agreement. Satisfied with their answer, the princess strieded away, down a seperate hallway from the pair and disappeared from their line of sight.
Von let out a what sounded to be a strangled out sigh of relief. He then whipped his head to look at [Name] with an odd look to his face. He then got up and helped the student back to their own feet, while their feet wobbled from how scared they were from the encounter.
Surely the prince couldn't be that bad if that was the CROWN princess?
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He wasn't as bad as they had originally thought.
[Name] had introduced themself to the Sixteen year old prince of the empire, with no response.
He looked nearly identical to the Crown princess. Same glowing gold hair, same deep red hair. His skin wasn't tanned, rather it was a pale white colour, showing how little time he spent outside, the complete opposite of his sister.
The prince was quiet, scarily so. Whenever he was finished answering an exercise, he would look ominously at the young student until they noticed and would mark it for him and then explain how he got whichever answers wrong.
"Do you understand Prince Beta?" [Name] would ask.
The prince would then just nod at their words and write down his corrections next to his wrong answers.
The main sound that echoed throughout the study was the grandfather clock that stood in the corner, signaling the end and beginning of every second. [Name] almost every ten minutes would quickly whip their eyes towards the clock, checking to see when they could leave and run back to their dormitory back on school campus.
Once the Prince was finished with his exercises, he pulled out a thick, leatherback book from a drawer in his office desk. The lettering on the front read in gold cursive 'The rise and fall of cults.'
'Holy fucking shit. This brats' into cults' thought the student.
Instead of feeling an impending sense of neverending doom, they almost squeeled in absolute delight.
[Name][Lastname] was a true crime junkie.
Every murder mystery case, every cult, they knew all about it. The reasons as for the murders, the childhoods of the cult leaders. They. Knew. Everything.
The student cautiously stalked closer to the Prince, like how naive prey checks to see if it's predator is asleep. The Prince lifted his head from the inside of his book to look at the person coming closer and closer to him.
The student asked prudently, "Prince Beta, are you a fan of true crime?"
His eyes almost immediately grew a light in them that was not there before. His cheeks tinged a bit with pink as he looked curiously at the young student. "Are you?" he asked back.
Quickly, the student nodded their head aggressively, agreeing with the prince's question.
A smile stretched onto the boy's face almost immediately. "You are?! You don't think it's an odd interest?!" he screamed out.
[Name] nodded again with an even larger smile on their face. "Yes of course! I find true crime ever so fascinating! I'm even studying to go into criminology when I graduate!"
The Prince's eyes nearly sparkled like a small child's. He immediately got up from his chair and ran up to the young student. He wrapped his fingers around [Name]'s hands and brought them up in a clasp.
He then burst out in exclamation, "You, as of now, are my best friend!"
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Being the new best friend of the only Prince of the Empire came with a lot of responsibilities. He now follows the commoner student around the academy grounds like a lost puppy. People had begun to whisper about how [Name] had cast some sort of spell on the prince to make him lighten up so much.
Because of his much more friendly nature, a lot of people had begun to approach him, hoping to become as close to the prince as [Name] did, but all he would do is wrap his arms around [Name]'s left arm and drag them away as he ranted away about a new cultist book he got his hands on a couple days ago.
At the end of the school day, [Name] went back to their dorm room to rest until dinnertime. They did not have to tutor Prince Beta that day since it was a Thursday, so [Name] was able to catch up on their loss of sleep.
They fell onto their creaky bed and groaned from the ache they felt in their bones. The young student shoved their head into the sunken-in pillow and nearly fell asleep.
Suddenly, a loud knock echoed throughout the small bedroom. [Name] groaned loudly again and got up to answer the person outside the door. The student opened their dorm door to be met with a maid in her early thirties. "Mail." she stated and then gently handed the student a neat envelope. That was unusual. Usually, the maids would shove their mail, tear it up, they would even spit on their mail. They did all of this just because the student was a commoner.
The maid walks away from the open doorway, leaving [Name] alone with their thoughts. They closed the door and stalked back to their small, wobbly desk.
The envelope was sealed with a ruby red seal, bearing the seal of the Imperial family. [Name] fingered the envelope open and took the letter out with soft fingers. The letter was written by the Crown princess, written in curly and swirly handwriting. It was an invitation to a small tea party with a couple of other noble ladies who were friends with the Crown princess.
[Name] wrote in simple print lettering a thanks and acceptance to the invitation. They licked and sealed it closed. The student then left to go to the on campus post office to send it to the Crown princess.
The student then went back to their dorm to go and try to fall asleep again.
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[Name] stood outside the large glass greenhouse in the back garden of the Imperial palace. Abruptly, a young maid opened the door of the greenhouse to let the student enter.
"Welcome Mx.[Lastname]. The Crown princess has been waiting eagerly for you. Please follow me." greeted the maid as she bowed shallowly. [Name] nodded as well in greeting and followed behind the maid as quickly as they could.
The maid lead the young student through different sections of flowers ranging in shapes, sizes, and colour. What specifically caught [Name]'s attention was a small patch of pink Azaleas. 'How lovely.' thought [Name]
After a little bit more walking, the maid had lead the young student to an elevated seating area, where several tables and chairs were sprawled about.
The Crown princess sat at a table right in the middle. She was wearing a lovely red dress, with a cascading skirt that swept below her ankles. It had puffed out, see through red sleeves thst reached up too her knuckles. Her hair was tied up in a pretty up-do hairstyle, leaving little bit of hair hanging on her shoulders. Overall, she exuded an air of elegance and superiority.
Crown princess Frieda noticed that [Name] was standing on her left side, making her sweep her head in her direction. A small smile graced her face as she welcomed the student, "Good morning Mx.[Lastname], a pleasure to see you once again."
Frieda then stood up, showing her velvet red heels with a large diamond studded into the front of it. The princess pulled out the empty chair that was next to her, and gestured for them to sit down next to her. Understanding her intention, [Name] sluggishly walked up to the princess and sat down in the seat she wanted them to sit in.
The Crown princess sat back down in her original chair and sipped on her tea. Slowly, [Name] reached out and took a cookie from the large platter of baked goods. A maid came to the student's side and poured some tea into their cup as they nibbled on the sweet treat.
"So Mx.[Lastname], you are the commoner who attends the royal academy, correct?" quipped a young daughter of unnamed Baron. She placed her teacup back down in the saucer and with a smile, rested her smiling face on her intertwined fingers.
The student looked up from their cookie with a confused expression painted on their face. Recovering quickly from their confusion, they answered in shaky voice, "Indeed. I am able to attended the Royal Academy due to a scholarship I was gifted on my 16th birthday."
The baron's daughter giggled and whispered something into the woman's ear right next to her. The commoner looked down embarrassingly into their lap, wondering what they had said to warrant such a reaction from the other woman.
The Crown princess was sitting at the head of the table, her head held high, making everyone aware of her presence. The tutor sat on the seat on Frieda's left side, which definitely caused some stares from the other attendees. Definitely wasn't a good look for the poor tutor.
Frieda coughed into her clenched fist and looked at Alicia with a blank look on her face. "The honourable Alicia Crusainia. Please mind your manners towards my guest. Don't forget your place here."
Alicia's face became a bright, hot tomato red and looked down at her lap, similarly to the young student. "Mx. [Lastname]. Lift your head."
Almost under a spell, [Name] lifted their head from their lap and looked at the Crown princess in awe. Frieda was looking at [Name] with an odd looking face with her eyebrow raised. It was a mix of boredom and curiosity.
"You are my honored guest. My little brother treasures you quite a lot, therefore, so must I." She stated as if it was a well known fact.
"Yes, your royal highness." They said in a calm and deft tone.
Freida nodded her head, making her golden curls bounce. She then turned and took another sip of her tea.
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"So, [Name]! How was the tea party with my sister?" questioned Beta during one of his and the student's tutoring sessions.
The student looked at Beta with a confused look on their face. "It was alright, nothing special happened." They answer the prince.
Looking confused, Beta's head knocked to the side. "Really? Because from what I heard, my sister ripped some Baron's daughter a new one for making fun of you!"
'Making fun of me? Was that what she was doing?' [Name] thought to themselves.
"It seems that you were unaware. Maybe I could ask my sister to invite you to balls more often so that you can get better at catching on to these things!" Beta suggests with a large smile on his face, proud of his brilliant idea.
"No no no no no! I could barely handle a simple tea party! No way I'll be able to survive a ball where I have to dance!" [Name] panicked.
The prince pouted at their words, disappointed in their answer. He slumps over his desk and makes his head fall into the crook of his arms. His blonde hair fell over his arms, looking like a veil over his arms.
"Mhm.... I mean.... if you can convince your sister, and I don't have to dance... then I'll agree." [Name] softly said, scratching the back of their neck in nervousness.
Beta's head immediately shot up and with an absolutely large smile, he nodded aggressively convincing the student that he may be half bobble head.
"Then you will come to my birthday ball, right?"
[Name] answered, "Of course your majesty."
The student then sat down across from the young prince with their textbook and continued on with their lesson.
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After the lesson was completed, [Name] was walking steadily through the velvet covered floors of the castle's hallways. The student placed their hands on the back of their neck and rubbed tough circles into the nape of their neck, relaxing their muscles after two and a half hours of being on the tip of their toes. Even though Prince Beta had claimed them as their best friend, [Name] still stayed on guard around him, just incase he was the type to have extreme mood swings.
[Name] groaned in pleasure as they passed through another hallway of the residential wing of the Imperial castle.
"Mx.[Lastname], have you finally finished your lesson with my brother?" a voice asked behind the student.
The student whipped their head around and caught the eyes of the young Crown Princess.
The Crown Princess was wearing a light cream colored dress with many flowy layers that what [Name] assumed was to let wind in more easily to cool the princess down.
"Your Royal Highness, you are correct. I have just finished mine and the prince's tutoring session." answered the student with a cautious look on their face.
Frieda giggled maturely at the look of [Name]'s wary expression. "Have no worry Mx.[Lastname], I don't bite." she joked.
They nodded at the Princess's words.
"Then why don't you join me in my office for some tea? I'd like to discuss something of importance with you." she proposed.
The student nodded, making the princess walk past their side and leading them towards the direction of her office. The pair walked past several paintings of similar blonde haired individuals, who the student assumed was members of the Imperial family who had unfortunately passed.
The two came to two large wood doors that lead to Frieda's office. One of the guards who were standing on duty, opened the doors for the pair to let them in.
[Name] realised that the Crown princess' favourite colour was a red and gold. Many of the furniture was lined with a deep velvet including the long curtains with gold linings and stitches. The only things that were not those two colours were the floor, her desk and her book shelves that lined every wall of the office.
In the middle of the room were two overstuffed couches with a coffee table in the middle, most likely to hold meetings such as the one the student and princess were about to have.
"Tell Isabella to prepare some tea for my guest and I. Also tell her to bring some of the new pastries we received from the Levan kingdom." The princess ordered one of the knight, making him turn is tail and gallop to where [Name] guessed was where the maid was.
"Please Mx.[Lastname], take a seat." Frieda says while gesturing to the couch.
With unprecedented caution, they shift over to the sofa and sit down and nearly sink in due to cushiness. The princess giggle from their distress as they tried to sit up in the embracing seat.
A maid enters the office with a cart being pushed by her. Ontop was a large teapot and two teacups with saucers. On the level below it was a tower of pastries which [Name] recognised from it's appearance at the tea party from the day before.
The maid sets the teacups and saucers down in front of the pair and quickly prepares the tea and pastries. She then curtsys to the Crown princess, bows her head at the young student, turns on her heel and leaves.
Frieda languidly picks the teacup up and takes a long sip of the steaming hot tea. While [Name] is wandering how the princess is not reacting to the pain of the most definitely hot beverage, Frieda speaks up, "I have asked you to come here with me today because I would like to apologise to you."
She places the teacup down in it's saucer and looks and [Name] with a sympathetic look on her face. "What the honorable Alicia Crusainia did at my tea party was extremely rude and uncaring. She simply has no idea how tough one's life can be."
[Name] stunded in silence. Why was the Crown princess apologising to a commoner like them? Not wanting to deny the princess' words, the student looked down into the light brown of their tea and said, "It's alright. Honestly speaking, I didn't even understand what she had said, so I didn't feel anything."
Frieda looks surprised at their words. "But aren't you the top student at the Royal Academy? How could you not know?" She questioned.
They look embarrassed as they quickly answer, "I am just book smart! And I honestly have a lot of trouble applying my knowledge in real-life situations. I read a royal etiquette book before I left for the palace, but it honestly didn't come in very handy..." they muttered off.
The Crown princess' face morphed into a look of conviction. "Then, after school every day when you don't have to tutor Beta, you will spend it with me, and I will teach you everything you need to know about social cues, etiquette, conversations, everything!" the princess says in a voice that screamed determined.
Nearly jumping out of their chair, [Name] tries to plead that the princess did not need to go out of her way to teach a commoner. The princess merely ignored them and gently ordered them to eat the prepared pastries.
Now the young student's weekly schedule would consist of every Monday, Wednesday and Friday being spent tutoring Beta, and every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday being tutored by the Crown princess. They would almost always leave the palace absolutely drained of their energy, a mere husk of their former self as they rode the carriage baring the Imperial coat of arms back to the dorm houses on the school campus.
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The days were feeling longer and longer as Beta's birthday ball's date came closer and closer. The blonde prince would chat with the young student about anything and everything that came to his mind. The friendship between the two of them had become even stronger than before for no particular rhyme or reason. Beta would lug behind them during school hours, despite not being in the same year, and would frighten off the little amount of friends that the student would have had before the prince.
Soon enough, Beta's birthday ball came up.
A formal invitation had already been sent to them, written personally by the spry prince himself in loopy lettering.
The student got dressed in the most formal clothes they had on hand. Sure it was a bit tattered and a few small holes were sprinkled on the ends, but it would be fine as long as no one looked at them! And besides, they're a commoner! They are probably just going to sit in the corner of the hall and only get up to get more food and drinks.
With that plan in mind, the student climbed carefully into the imperial branded carriage once again and rode off to the party.
Soon enough, the young student arrived at the Imperial palace. They stumbled out of the carriage and brisket walked into the large building, not wanting to be noticed by the announcer so that they could hide away as best as can from the nobles attending the ball that night.
They had finally reached the banquet hall, entering and hiding away from plain sight from the noblesmen and women.
"Now then! Announcing the entrance of Crown Princess Frieda Köinig and Prince Beta Köinig!" announced a high ranking servant from the top of the large staircase in the middle of the banquet hall.
The entire hall was decked to the nines with red, gold and white. The diamonds hanging from the chandelier were burning even more brighter than what the young student assumed was usual. Long banquet tables were lined with finger foods of all varieties.
A servant walked up to the scholar and offered them a tall flute of champagne. Gingerly, they took the glass off the tray, making the servant walk away, and taking a few sips and proceeding to nearly lurch it out from the taste. Okay, they are definitely not a fan of champagne, duley noted.
In that moment, the Crown Princess and the prince entered through the doors at the top of the stairs. Beta held his elder sister's hand in his as he lead her down the stairs. All of the noblemen and women stared in awe of the siblings.
Beta was wearing a lovely white suit with light red and blue jewels sprinkled all of the jacket. He wore blue cufflinks and large rubies were studded into the edges of his collar. This was a big upgrade from the white tunic and black pants he wore during their tutoring sessions, or the navy blue military styled uniform they wear at the academy.
Frieda looked stunning as usual. She was wearing a new cream coloured ball gown, embedded with small diamonds across the fabric. Elbow length gloves covered her arms and gold sleeper rings were slid up her fingers, making them glimmer in the chandelier light. A floral styled tiara sat on top of her head, the same coloured diamonds were set in it as well.
The siblings came to the end of the staircase and gracefully smiled at the crowd. Frieda and Beta were quickly surrounded by the stuffy noblemen and women. [Name] stood aside and stayed out of sight of the siblings.
Beta leaned into Frieda's ear and whispered something to her. His words made the princess look around, almost frantically. The curls in her hair bounce from the movement of her head. Frieda quickly caught the eyes of the commoner, making a graceful smile spread onto her face. She tapped Beta's upper arm and pointed into [Name]'s direction, whispering something into his ear. All of this happened while the said student was slowly sipping on their champagne and gazing outside the stained coloured window.
Frieda and Beta walked past all the noble people, making them gasp and quiet down immediately. "[Name]! You're really here!" announced Beta as he unhooked his sister's hand from his arm.
Frieda smiled in happiness from the sight of Beta speaking animatingly with his tutor. "I am quite glad to see you here Mx.[Lastname]. I hope that you have so far been having a good time."
[Name] nodded at the Princess's words with a chuckle. "I have. No need to worry your royal majesty." Frieda nodded at their words and let her younger brother control the way the current conversation is going.
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The cusp of the birthday ball was on it's way. Everyone was jovial and talkative. Frieda had left [Name] and Beta to themselves to that she could converse with the other invitees. Beta stuck to [Name]'s side like usual.
The duo had moved closer to the end of the hall, nearer to the food lined banquet table.
Suddenly, a loud trumpet sounded through the hall, bringing attention to a well dressed servant standing at the end of the staircase. Frieda stood in the middle of the staircase, her dress flowed down the stairs like a flowing river.
Frieda with a calming smile, announced, "I would like to present my gift to my little brother. He and I had a long discussion together about what would be the best present for his birthday. And I would like to present to you all what I had come up with. But first, I would like [Name] [Lastname] to come near the front."
[Name] stood in fear from the sound of their name leaving the princess' lips.
'Shitshitshitshitshitshit.' thought [Name] while they cautiously approached the front of the thick crowd of loudly dressed nobles. When the commoner finally reached the front of the crowd, they stood there, shifting there weight from foot to foot, shivering under the eyes of the Crown princess.
Soon enough, the princess signals at someone from behind her to do something. The large doors open up and a young woman comes tumbling out. An imperial guard grabs what little left of her brown, wet hair and roughly shoves her down the stairs. She stops rolling conveniently infront of [Name]'s feet, dirtying it with blood from a large gash on her right cheek.
Frieda climbs down the stairs and grabs the girl's hair and forces her head up to look into [Name]'s terrified eyes.
"Do you remember this girl Beta?" questioned the Crown princess, looking at her younger brother who was standing right next to his tutor. Beta looked down in awe at the beaten and bruised girl kneeling infront of him and [Name]. He then leaps from his tutor's side and falls into his sister's embrace. "Thank you thank you thank you! Oh, I love this present so so much!"
The young student stared at the bloodied girl with a look of terror in their eyes. This girl looked so oddly familiar. As if they had seen her before.
"Who is this girl, may I ask your royal majesty?" asked the tutor, not looking away from the nearly catatonic girl.
"This, my dear, is the honorable Alicia Crusainia, the one who had made fun of you at my tea party two months ago." answered the princess in a matter of factly tone of voice.
'Holy fucking shit she's fucking crazy!'
Beta made a nearly inaudible squeeling noise of happiness and quickly when back to [Name]'s side. "Now I get to take care of her properly for making fun of you! Aren't you so excited!?"
A thick sheet of sweat covered [Name]'s face as they stared down at their bloodied shoes. Frieda took notice of this action and nearly flung herself to [Name]'s side when she saw the blood on their shoes.
Frieda stomped on Alicia's head making her lower her head for the commoner.
"Now then, let's discuss our future from this time onward. How about we begin with giving you a proper title and moving you into the palace with my little brother and I"
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Posted on: 30 August 2024 23:46
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
What if the roles are reversed. Yandere jester and Emperor Y/N.
You became ruler of an entire kingdom before you reached the age of thirteen. Tragedy struck a month before your upcoming birthday; leaving no one else to rule but the young heir. Lacking the experience, your crowning came with the introduction of a royal advisor. Both celebrations were on the same day, and you had not smile once since the accident nor had you often before.
Your lack of care was noticable by all, your advisor came up with a plan to brighten your mood. His sibling ran a traveling act, and while they were unable to make plans to visit the kindgom anytime soon, their child was working towards taking over the family business someday, and cheering up the new ruler was the perfect start.
Working on your studies in the garden, the sound of laughter and the ringing of bells alerts you to your guest. A smile face replaces the book in your lap; slinking away as you express your shock. The young jester bows as they stand back up, pulling a horn from behind their back and blowing it with all their might.
"Good Afternoon, your highness! It is an honor to meet you. I come from far away lands just to bring a smile to your face. I hope we can become great friends."
You stare at the other child's colorful clothing, before collecting your books and walking away with another word. They pursue.
"W-wait! Where are you going?"
"To continue my studies elsewhere. It iss too noisy out here."
"Please don't leave so soon! I-I'll help you with your studies!"
You stop in your tracks. "Alright."
With the jester's help, you finish your studies quicker than usual that day. As thanks, you push aside the rest of your duties to see their act. The only problem with that was it wasn't very good. Their jokes fell flat even before the punchline, and they were unable to juggle amongst other physical activities. As their pins crash on their head for the fourth time, the jester finds themselves close to tears for which you offer a handkerchief.
"You shouldn't cry over something like that. Wipe your face and try again. I'll show you."
You pick up the pins, setting two on the wall as you toss the first back and forth in your hand. Gaining a good grip on the first, you add another until you're tossed all three in the air with no problem. You catch them and and place them back down as the jester claps.
"That was amazing! How did you do that?"
"We had a jester before you who taught me.. He was in the carriage when it fell off the bridge."
The jester loses their smile. As it falls, they wonder if this ache in their chest is what you've been feeling the entire time. It felt terrible. They didn't want you to suffer like this anymore. They grab one of the pins, shouting:
"I'll do my best!"
One step at a time, the jester becomes better at their act with your help. They try it out on others in the castle with tremendous reception. You take them on as the royal jester, having them play at gatherings and festivals much to everyone's delight. Despite their success, they failed to bring joy to the one that mattered most. They were the smile for the crowd that you had still yet to muster.
After another failed attempt at making you laugh, the then teen ventured to the garden alone that evening. Chin held high, they still couldn't fight the sadness held within for failing their now closest friend. It was nerve wracking, and there was only one other cure for their woes.
The jester pulls a small music box from their pocket, a gift from their father before they came to you all those years ago. They turn the handle until it clicks, humming along to the soft tune that emits from the box. It soothes their soul just like it did when they were young; bringing only pleasant memories to mind. Strangely enough, the most recent ones only have you in their image.
"What are you doing?"
The jester clutches the box, and their chest as you approach from the darkness. You pay no mind to their fright, staring at the box as its melody ends.
You point. "What's that?"
"This?" The jester cracks its handle one more. You frown as it plays.
"There was something else with it."
Their face grows flush. "Do you mean my singing?"
"I suppose so."You sit beside them. "Please do it again.'
The jester eventually begins to sing. You close your eyes, listening to the combined melody of them and the music box. As your lips twitch slightly, an idea pops into their mind. They gradually rise in tone, reaching the point where their voice reaches every corner of the garden. They throw a hand over their chest, dramatically orchestrating themselves along to the tune. Their performance comes to a halt when they hear a small snicker.
"You're the worse. I was enjoying that." A half smile lingers over your lips as you pull your hand away from your mouth. The jester stares at it, and the faint twinkle in your eye. They've never seen anything more beautiful. Finally, they've reach the goal they set so long ago - and the result was far greater than they could've dreamed. Neither a starlight night nor a cloudless sky could compare. There had been the sparks of emotion before then, but on that day- they fell in love.
Your smile remained after that night, and the week after. With your faithful jester by your side, it never left and neither did they from your side. With the gloom overcasted over the castle gone, you gained the attentions of your people and others throughout the land. Those of the upperclass attempted to win your hand. The townspeople spoken of your beauty at its full shine. The little jester felt something else in their heart from then on - rage.
"Leave me alone!"
A ball rolls across the hall grounds as a shout rings through its entryway. The night had just come to an end with a big festival held throughout the day. The jester was working on improving their act even further when they heard a shout. Your shout.
Hurrying to the scene, they watch as a general's son is tossed to the floor; a red streak across his face. Looking at you, the jester could see a red ring around your wrist and tears in your eyes; anger as clear as day. No, that wasn't right. You should always be happy. You should always smile.
"Get out of my castle. Get the hell out of my kingdom. I'm not looking to marry anyone now, or ever for that matter!"
Marriage. Of course others wanted your hand. You were everything one could ever want, but did they truly care about you? You were happy, happy with your caring jester and everyone else in the castle. Their heart stunned at the last of your words, but if they could remain by your side that's all that mattered.
You hurry off; your frown the last thing they saw. Why - why was the world so cruel? They worked so hard to make your smile last, and it was shattered. By him.
"What the fuck are you looking at?" The man shouts.
The jester doesn't even flinch at the venom in his voice. The one brewing in their chest was too loud for them to sense anything, but the anger they felt for this pathetic creature at their feet. Lower than them. Lower than you. Only you matter in this world. You and your happiness, and they'd do anything to achieve that- as well as tear apart whatever force tries to take it away.
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obsessivevoidkitten · 2 years
A Royal Pain In The Ass
Yandere Male Alpha x Male Omega Reader (CW: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, INCEST, non-con, male reader, a/b/o, ass eaten like it is groceries, blowjob, marking, biting, knotting, musk, general yandere behavior, necromancy, assassination, minor character death, angst, pain, violent sex, breeding, forced feminization, size difference) Word Count: 2.9k (This is probably the worst thing I have ever written, but I think I covered all the appropriate warnings. Sorry for any mistakes I did proofread, but I did not have this beta read.)
Your father, King Esmer, had been among the wisest and most powerful kings in all the world. He had led decisive victories in war, chosen brilliant advisors, and knew when to rule kindness and when to rule with a bit of a sterner hand. Overall he had been much loved by all the classes and had truly united his kingdom, alphas, betas, and omegas alike. But as he grew older many in the royal court began to fear that your brother, Prince Vairthold, would become a tyrant of a monarch. He had always been a bit of a demanding brat, but as he grew so too did his arrogance and entitlement, and when he presented as an alpha he became an accomplished warrior, his powerful muscles and keen instinct allowing him to become a terror on the field. It did nothing to staunch the growth of his ego. Your father could not see it, as blinded as he was by denial and love for his first born, so he would not hear of it when his advisors wanted him to choose another heir. Perhaps one more malleable and temperate such as you, his younger son, an omega. “He will grow into the role,” he would always say, “I had to learn and change a lot too when I first started. Besides, most lords just would not accept an omega ruler.” And that would be the end of the discussion. But once Esmer had passed his successor wasted no time in changing how things were to be done. They were, in the grand scheme of things, very minor changes at first. Statues built, mundane orders carried out, nothing too unusual or threatening. But within months your older sibling allowed a dark sorcerer in the court in a high advisory position. Dark magic was not something that had been allowed in any capacity previously, but your brother had searched long to create someone to place in this position. When he finally had the magic user that he so desired he became not just arrogant and demanding, but colder and crueler as well. He did not go out slaughtering people, though laws did become more draconian, with several inmates disappearing in the dead quiet of night. He also revoked many of the laws and rights that omegas had previously enjoyed under his predecessors, making them basically under the ownership of their alpha or beta relatives unless they were single and had no family. You, being an omega yourself, were almost never allowed out of your brother’s sight, even being forced to stay in his bedroom. The only time you were not with him was when he was off in the darkness of night consorting with his dark advisor, and even then he left the bulkiest beta knights he could find to guard the door and make sure you had zero chance of escape. Your older sibling had always been far too possessive over you, some people, including your late father, might have mistaken his behavior as merely how a protective alpha is supposed to act around their smaller omega family members. But you knew better, you could tell there was something impure about the way you caught him leering at you, something off about how he had kept away any and all courters, something wicked in the way his expression changed when you were in heat and he caught a whiff of your scent. He had never been particularly mean to you, perhaps a bit of bullying here and there, but ever since he had changed the laws and the status of omegas he had been a lot more gruff with you. Not tolerating any dissent. If you resisted he would not hesitate to slap you across the face, but if you cooperated and did not complain he would often reward you with little gifts for your good behavior. Over time you learned never to complain, and so far nothing terrible had happened, but you did not trust his intentions at all. You dreaded to think what would happen if you had your heat now when he was always so close. He had not just forced you to sleep in his bedroom but to make a nest for yourself there too. You knew what it implied and you did not like it one bit. But a few months into his rule, as he started ignoring his court less and less, right as your heat was starting, he died. He was assassinated in his sleep. You were not involved at all in his murder, how could you be when you were constantly under the watch of him or his guards, but you did not raise a huge fuss over it either. You had been freed. Just in time. But it was only a delay of the inevitable. Soon after you had been crowned all those who had been involved with the assassination died, one by one. It was as if there had been some curse on the act of killing your brother and there was fear and dismay among the court and kingdom as a whole. You had never really been raised to rule, you mostly went by the advice of your council, they may have been using you as a puppet king to talk through, but they were good honest people who had wanted the best for the kingdom. With so few of them left you were buckling under the weight of your responsibility. But it would not be yours for long. After the last traitor of your sibling had been done away with, a few months into your reign and right as your heat was starting again, your brother and his wizard, who had gone missing after your brother’s murder, came sauntering into the castle, right in front of the throne as you were holding publicly addressing the problems of your lower-born subjects. There were whispers and murmurs among the guard and the present nobles. He looked different, blueish grey skin, dark rings around his now violet eyes, and his bright blonde hair had faded a bit, but he was still unmistakable as anyone but Vairthold. The deceased king. You, and everyone else present, were shocked and speechless. Had he faked his death? Why did he look so odd? Terror and hopelessness filled your heart as you knew immediately he had been responsible for the deaths of those involved in the plot against him and you were sure you would be next. He ordered the guards to remove everyone from the room except you. They hesitated briefly but decided that if your brother was not dead, and he seemingly had the ability to kill anyone who had tried to stand against him, then he was still their rightful king and they better be quick about following his orders. Vairthold smirked at you as they did his bidding while slowly approaching you, causing you to slink back against the throne with your arms in front of you protectively. The guards had left along with his magic using companion, so you were alone with him and he could do whatever he wanted with you. He wordlessly plucked the crown from your trembling form and placed it atop his head instead. “Awe, don’t be scared, little prince. I was mad at you for not avenging me, but I know you are just a weakling little omega doing what you were told. I am sorry I left you like I did, you must have been so terrified, but I wanted to become a lich, and I had to get rid of all those who would have stopped me.” You could not bear to meet his gaze, your lip trembled in fear, and your eyes were beginning to fill with tears. A lich was an immortal abomination made of magic that few believed in. If he truly was one then this couldn’t get any worse. Except it could, because under all the fear and anxiety there was another scent that had just graced your brother’s nostrils. Your heat. He began nuzzling his nose at your neck and underarms. In a rare act of defiance, perhaps forgetting exactly what he was for a moment, you tried to push away his head with all your might but he just chuckled and pinned your hands to the side. He had never been this brazen before. “It’s good that you’re feisty sometimes, shows that you’re strong, bet you’ll make us lots of strong heirs. I’ll forgive you for being uncooperative this time, putting you in front of subjects today when you’re in heat is bound to make your head a bit off. I should kill them all.” At his mention of heirs you redoubled your efforts to push him off, to somehow wiggle out of his grip, there was no way you could let this monster put anything inside of you. “N-no, this is my throne n-now! Y-y-you have to stop!” It was a pathetic display really, but a bit surprising coming from you. He smacked you with enough force to sting, but you knew he was not really trying to hurt you, just trying to remind you of your place. “Awe, that’s too cute, if you wanted the throne all you had to do was ask~ I will let you use it later.” He quickly disrobed and ripped off all of your clothing, leaving you bare beneath his hungry gaze. All your squirming and panicked pleas did nothing to stop him bending down and assaulting your neck with sloppy licks and kisses. You could smell the musk practically radiating off of him, it was making you dizzy, his smell had never interested you in the slightest and it still didn’t You could tell by his pheromones that he was a virile and fertile alpha, in any other alpha it may be attractive, but it only made your brother more terrifying. He did not have the same opinion of your scent, it had been driving him wild for years, but now was the first time he could freely indulge himself. He alternated between sniffing and licking your underarms and neck, he had longed for this for years and no one could stop him now. After making sure that you both utterly reeked of one another, he got between your legs on the ground in front of the throne and put your legs over his shoulder. Your mind felt distressed to the core, but your body had different plans, you could not control how it reacted. Especially when under the direct affections of such a powerful alpha during heat. You felt disgusted with yourself when you realized your cock was rock hard and felt slick start to leak out onto the throne beneath you, but your brother was thrilled. The smell emanating from your desperate little virgin hole was divine and he wasted no time at all in pulling your ass close to his face and sliding his tongue right in. The flavor was even better, so full of your pheromones, the taste was so intimately yours and he knew he was the only one that ever had or ever would get the chance to savor it. It was a royal treasure that only he and he alone was worthy enough for. A small involuntary moan escaped your attempt at stifling it and encouraged him to keep going. You really couldn’t help it, you were so grossed out, scared, and overstimulated that you were crying even as you instinctively spread your legs wider for him to get better access. You could feel his warm tongue sliding all around your entrance, stretching and warming it up. He pulled his face away from your ass and sniffed and licked at your precious little nuts, they were so tiny and delicate, unlike his big alpha balls. The scent you had there drove him wild. He started sucking on them before licking up your relatively small shaft and sucking your cock until he felt you buck into his mouth and cum all over his tongue. He moaned softly as he swallowed it all down. “I’m disgusting. That was wrong,” you muttered under your breath as you stared blankly at nothing in particular. “How could someone so sweet and perfect be disgusting? How could you think something that felt so good could possibly be wrong? Don’t worry princess, I know something that will feel so good you won’t even be able to form thoughts like that~” That was enough to jolt you from your post-orgasmic daze and revulsion, as your brother leaned over you, greedy hands busy groping and caressing up and down your sides. “I’m not a princess!!” You shrieked as you rocketed upwards from the throne and headbutt your lustful sibling as hard as you could. The unexpected impact caused even a large alpha such as himself to stumble backwards. You did not waste a fraction of a second to exploit the opening and started to get up past him. But he was no stranger to physical combat and knew how to recover quickly. He grabbed your arm and pulled you over to himself with great force. He sat on the cushioned throne and lifted you easily, forcing you to face him as you straddled his lap. When you felt the force with which he was grabbing you and saw the violence in his eyes as a small trickle of blood flowed from his nose you immediately regret assaulting him. “Let me be VERY clear, I am the king. And you ARE my princess. And when we are married you WILL be my queen. And there is nothing you can do about it.” You instinctively whimpered softly at the anger of the bristling alpha. He ignored it and focused on putting you in your place, submitting to him and impaled on his cock. Vairthold lifted you up and slammed you down on his cock. You screamed loud as it stretched and hurt in ways you had not conceived of. You knew he had stretched you. You knew there would certainly be blood. Even your slick couldn’t make this painless when he was driving into you so forcefully while you were so tense. “This could have been a lot easier on you, but you wanted to play rough!” With his hands gripping your sides painfully he lifted you up and slammed you back down on his dick repeatedly, thrusting upwards into you each time for added force. With each thrust you whimpered and yelped out in pain, your mind breaking a bit by bit. It felt like you were being stabbed. His nails began digging in, bruising your sensitive flesh as he only escalated the force he was using, you thought you were going to pass out, you even began to welcome it. “Puh-plea-ease, p-please. I’m s-s-sorry. I’ s-sorry. I-I’m sorry.” You sniffled and stammered, tears and snot running unattractively down your face, though your “partner” didn’t seem to mind in the slightest. “Say... You’re... My... Princess…” He spat each word through gritted teeth, emphasizing each by painfully pulling you down on his cock. “I-i’m your p-pr-prin-ce-cessss.” You struggled to form the words but once you had the change was immediate. He began slowing down to a much more merciful pace before pulling your trembling form close to him. It was still extremely painful, given the abuse your hole had just endured, but you tried to not focus on it. You could not bear to look at him so you just buried your crying face into his chest instead. Vairthold took this as a sign that you were willingly seeking comfort from him as your alpha so he slowed down a bit more. As he slowly slid his cock in and out of you, a mixture of slick with a bit of blood leaking down his shaft, he licked, kissed, and nuzzled the sensitive scent gland on your neck to try to comfort you. You had hurt him, but you had submitted to your king, so you didn’t deserve anymore pain. “You’re being such a good girl for me, I am gonna put so many babies in that belly.” You sobbed a bit louder but made no movements against him. He stroked your back soothingly as his knot swelled up inside you, tying the both of you together right before his cock spasmed and began filling you up with seed. As he came he bit down on your neck hard, officially marking you as his mate. By the mercy of the gods you finally passed out, sparing you the pain of being conscious while tied to your alpha. King Vairthold licked your neck clean of the blood he had just drawn and cuddled you protectively, his instincts telling him to keep his mate safe at all costs. When his knot finally allowed him to, he slid out of your ass before bundling you up and carrying upstairs to your private chambers. He cleaned you off carefully and laid you in your bed, before sliding in beside you and wrapping his arms around your waist. As he lay there with his princess in his arms he could scarcely wait for the preparations to turn you into a lich to be completed. He was going to keep you with him for all eternity.
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mewpangxin · 1 year
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♥️The Queen Of Hearts♥️
TW: Yandere, Manipulation, Graphics Of Violence, Deaths mentioned, Adult themes maybe?, Toxic relationship, Victim Blaming, Psychological horror, etc.
Note: I'd like to say that my Mc is not cheerful, there's a hint of them being bullied in this.
(It's probably obvious TT that English is my second language, hopefully my grammar is okay!)
“Are you ready to begin, my darling?”
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—ONCE UPON A TIME THERE WAS A CURIOUS LITTLE THING, sometimes bolder than normal.
You were admired in a universe which titles 'Wonderland' and met many strange customs in it.
How astonishing to be exploring and talking in fantastical stories! That was until you caught the attention of the monarch himself.
He finds your existence.. peculiar.
“Oh, and who is this lost dear?” His tone has no bite as his gray eyes dilated innocently at you.
Surprisingly, he didn't berate you when you came out mysteriously by an opening portal created by someone's power at his tea parties and being the oh pure soul you were, you asked him upfront whether he would be okay if you’d like to be friends with him. How (ignorant) brave of you.
“Your majesty, forgive them! They didn't know any better about their etiquette and manners!” The advisor of the queen with a clover mark stated.
“Trey, don't. We should hear.. how our queen is going to handle this.” The orange head muttered, his expression was unreadable.
“..That moron is a goner. Sheesh.” The red haired boy chimed in with sympathy.
“They're not dying! Don't be weird, Ace!” His partner who was serving drinks nagged at him.
“The heck are you on, Deuce?!”
“Eh....??” Your lips thinned with anxiety.
Everyone stopped what they were doing almost comically as they prayed at the demise of yours.
What they didn't expect was that a vehement burst of giggles escaped their leader himself.
The attractive royal laughed so much!
That he forgot to compose himself!
His subjects were combusting in the background and the wine-haired male regained his senses.
“Are you bothered by this?” You inquired. A rush of memory from reality washed over to you. What if he despises you? What if he thinks you're a freak?
His brow raised as if scanning your horror.
“How terrible of me. As its ruler, I must apologize for a moment. I am Riddle Rosehearts, a queen of this land you stand. What about you, visitor?”
“Erm.. I can't say, uhh you can call me however you wish, sir..” You bowed with a grin, still waiting for his response. Unlike other 'Alices' he knew, you took your time to remember *ahem* his rules.
You both hit it off and exchanged whimsical ideas on hobbies, traditions and silly stuff that you can chat with. You became enthusiastic when you informed him about your goals, your parents and adventures that you'd often go to. He seemed peaceful and even gave you his tarts too!
“Of course, history from your country is baffling. Then again, our state isn't the same, is it?”
“Mmh, ah, your majesty! Can you teach me how I must conduct my speech in your presence? Are there any books you would recommend to me? I'm a slow learner! I don't want to be rude to you. You have been hospitable. I should repay you.”
“It appears you have problems at your school? Is it affecting your performance during classes?”
Riddle's words may be sweet like sugar and cakes but his intentions weren't out of generosity.
In it there hides a tension that you weren't able to decipher as you nodded obediently, too absorbed with your conversation to comment on his overly protective behavior about your life.
“I just feel like I don't belong there, can't I be with you for an eternity? I could work for you!” It was lighthearted and you were jesting to him.
Riddle distastefully clicked his tongue.
“You dared to farce around with ME.....?!”
You don't mean a word you apprised!
“Your majesty? What.. are you..?”
“Rule 154 # Of The Queen Of Hearts: One must not cancel a request from her majesty.”
“What?! Hold on.. I didn't agree to anything-”
“Or are you deaf in what I'm saying? I'm The Queen Of Hearts and I hereby announce that you will be my-bride-to-be! My words are law!” You weren't that stupid, putting two and two together.
“How..! That's a dictatorship!” Your mouth moved.
“When have I said I was a nice queen?”
His smirk was frigid and it looked more noxious than previous rounds he sent. “I have the impression that you promised to be with me by your own free will. You are not going back on that one pact you spoke of, are you, my crown?”
“Listen! Please, please..! I can't marry you, your majesty! I.. I can't be! That is..” Insane.
“You should beg more then.” He scoffed. No longer upholding his kind image that he feigned.
“That's..! No.. no..! Surely, you're joking!!”
“You can't leave, not unless you can kill me. You don't have the legendary sword either, do you?”
He had eradicated White Queen's goons already.
“The blade that is for slaying Jabberwocky?” Mad Hatter had explained to you of its origins.
“You don't need it.” Riddle remarked venomously.
“You destroyed it....?” You wondered.
That damned weapon he had placed a curse on it with ancient spells that only he can revert.
And? What if you're a destined hero? He will ABSOLUTELY have his happily ever after!
“I could never hurt anyone for..” Your shoulders sagged as your inner panic grew by seconds.
Riddle's expression was cruel as he analyzed.
“Our tale fancies you a lot. Alas —what can it do if you are tender-hearted with your enemies?”
“T-There are other ways to go back to my world!”
And you were correct on that. Riddle remained stoic as he took a sip of his herbal tea tardily.
He brought his cup of liquid onto his saucer.
“Yes. That is if you're competent for it.” He sighed as he finished his sentences. “So? Are you going to challenge me into a duel? A game? Which is it?”
“A duel? A game? With.. you who is a wizard?” He deliberately chose his lines to rile you up.
You weren't going to win if you were hasty.
“I'm not a savage. I allow you to take options. And you did nothing. Can you blame me?”
You would be ethereal if you were to sit on the throne with him. And it was a good opportunity that you were simply gullible. If you were smart, he'd have to break you than what he wanted.
A single drop of tear slid from your hazy eyes.
“I thought.. I thought we were confidants!”
“Throwing tantrums won't make me negate my resolve. It's your fault for being this credulous.”
“Fine.. I'll do it. Let's fight. I'll pick what we WILL do next, you can't cheat or turn to your allies! Most importantly, you can't use magic at all.” You have to set a covenant up, or else he could be sneaky.
“Alright, I will not do that.”
He wasn't a scummy type of man anyway.
“You promise on the sun above us?” You said.
“Yes, I do. If I cannot be faithful, I'll let you have a clue or a hint to help you back to your family.”
“Are you lulling me into false securities?”
“What are you ascribing of me?”
“So you are not?”
“You're getting off track. Shall we start?”
It was quite hilarious that you think you can weasel out of his grasp. You weren't great at these things. It was inevitable for you to end up embarrassing yourself when he's done with you. Should he kiss you? Dress you in a wedding gown? Ah, he's going to prolong your downfall, your face would be adorable to inspect when you realized you could not beat him no matter how hard you initiated.
“I hope you're not a liar, your majesty.” You said vigorously as you eyed him with skepticism.
“If you can defeat me in our bet, I'll tell you the answer you'd be glad to get. However should you fail to do this, you'll become my King Of Hearts as per our unanimity. Do you understand me, Alice?”
Your blood veins turn icy as his threat hangs.
Losing your role will mark your doom.
If you became his significant other..
You will get stuck here!
“You're.. crazy!!” You inhaled a shaky breath.
“That's excursive. Have you decided yet? What will you choose? Croquet? Hide and seek? Whatever you're confident in, I'll approve you a chance.”
❝ Now speak to us your verdict. ❞ 
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You should have seen the warning signs because ol' sweetheart, he's not going to let you run!
He's dead set on having you as his spouse in his kingdom. My, you think he's a rational companion, isn't it? You really are pitiful aren't you, our reader?
Never trust what strangers say!
Especially if it's from The Queen Of Hearts!
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Inspired from damnation twst au by @shiny-jr
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animeyanderelover · 3 months
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For my Yandere Alphabet I always only accept 4 letters so I'll choose only 4 you named in your request.
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, control, authority abuse, manipulation, gaslighting, strict behavior
Yandere Alphabet
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Affection-How and how often do they show affection?
💓​Cornelia is very specific with her affection for you as she is an ardent believer that good treatment should only result from good behavior. As a family member of the royal family she is freer yet somehow also more restricted than others as she has duties to fulfill as the princess and warrior for her kingdom. Affection is a sign of her pride and fondness for you yet she can't be proud of you if you misbehave yourself and disrespect her so as she is the one in charge of you. If you want affection it needs to be earned and then she prefers to not make a show of it and keep it in more private surroundings. Whilst neither verbal nor physical affection are love signs she excells in, she still values quality time together with you as a bonding experience. Whether it is enjoying an expensive meal with you or taking you with her to a famous opera. Whilst she does give you gifts from time to time as well she isn't outright drowning you in lavish presents as she would think of it as a waste to give you more than you need. When she gifts you something then only when she knows that you need or want and will actually use it instead of letting it lie around somewhere to be forgotten.
Confession-How do they make their feelings visible? Would they ever confess and court their darling?
💓​Her feelings have always been tricky for the princess to accept, not even to mention to merely tolerate, as she possesses awareness of her own unhealthy emotions. Cornelia, the woman who prides herself as a strong warrior, feels ashamed of her own feelings that are out of her own grasp of control, something that has never quite happened to her before. It takes quite a lot out of her to stomach everything and in return your mere presence seems to put her in a worse mood as you are the catalyst of all of her current problems. She tries not to mind you but she can't help but hyper-focus on you a bit more which normally ends in her scolding you and calling you out for every little mistake you commit which she probably wouldn't have noticed under other circumstances. She'll give you an especially hard time if you are a servant or even a soldier serving her kingdom as it often feels like she is specifically targeting you. She will give praise where praise is deserved though so if you actually manage to elicit a compliment out of her you know that she is earnest.
💓​Mutual marriage is not a well-known topic in the royal family as most engagements are arranged as nobles are wed to other nobles. It would already take quite a bit of work to ease up her father and other advisors into the idea of her taking someone who might not even be a noble and in the worst case not even from Britain. With all of the effort she puts in to even ensure that everyone will tolerate it she will not make a fool out of herself by having you reject her. By the time she informs you about all the arrangements she has made as well as her own feelings both of you have already known each other for quite a while which means that by that point in time she has already gotten a good picture of how you see her. Depending on her observations as well as the conclusion she could draw from them she might be less strict and demanding if she at least knows that you are loyal and respect her very much. In either case though you will not be given the option to choose whether or not you even want to be her lover as she has already made that choice for you.
Earnest-How intense and dangerous are they really?
💓​Life with the Princess Cornelia can feel very restrictive and smothering. She never lets you off the hook even if you are her lover as she believes that the rules should reply to all people under her father's kingdom and she won't let you step out of line just because you think you have more privileges than others as she won't let you use her as a shield to get away with certain stuff. She has virtues which she lives by and which she demands all of her knights to have as well. Now that you also belong to her you have to live by those virtues as well and if you behave yourself, she will always without a fail have you punished. After all you are under her care and for that every act of rebellion and lack of respect would be directly disrespectful for her as well as put her in a position of embarrassment and humiliation as she is the one responsible for you. Her strictness shouldn't be mistaken with needless cruelty though as she never does anything that would torture you without any purpose, without any lesson she wants you to learn, behind it. She is domesticating you, establishes her own dominance without showing any weakness as you may otherwise see it as an opportunity to bite.
Sharing-Would they ever share their darling with someone/let them see others?
💓​Cornelia is a strong and independent woman who doesn't rely on anyone else. As a member of the royal family there are a lot of public events she is expected to attend to and in such instances she will take you with her as you now have a role to fulfill as her lover. If you should have previously misbehaved though you will be locked up as she won't let you disappoint her in front of other people. She wouldn't needlessly show you off though as she knows that there are people out there who fight against her kingdom and who would target you simply to deliver a cowardly blow to her. It's due to her independence that I can see her only willingly share her darling with two people. One of them would be Euphemia, her beloved younger sister who she adores and would trust and who would serve as the opposite that would balance life out for you a bit. The other option would be Guilford, her chosen Knight who has proven his dedication and loyalty to her over and over again and who she knows she can trust blindly with you.
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bbystark · 7 months
Yandere m!ninja x fem/gn!darling?
omg anon this one got the gears turning, thank you <3 (this also made me want to do a spy!yandere soooo badly omg)
tw read at your own discretion
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yan!ninja who’s original mission was to infiltrate your father’s kingdom to obtain important information on military strategies and political happenings 
yan!ninja who for the first time in his life finds himself distracted from the orders his samurai when you interrupt a meeting between your father and his advisor 
yan!ninja who should really be focused on the fact that your father is currently planning on waging a war, but can only focus on your graceful demeanor and the innocent glint in your eye 
yan!ninja who begins to report less and less information, claiming the king is paranoid and information is becoming more difficult to obtain (that’s a lie, he’s really just buying himself more time with you) 
yan!ninja who unlike other yanderes doesn’t leave a single hint of his presence behind, he gets off on knowing you have absolutely no idea that he knows every single intimate part of you, and you know absolutely nothing about him. 
yan!ninja who scales the walls outside your bedroom, stealthily entering through your balcony to stand in a dark corner and watch you peacefully sleep. 
yan!ninja who loves to follow you through the darker corridors, everytime your skittish frame would turn to ensure there was no one behind you his heart would race and he would pretend that for a just a second, you had made eye contact with him from the shadows
yan!ninja who eventually realizes he needs something to report, and leaves you to listen in to a meeting he heard was happening between the king and a neighboring royal
yan!ninja who becomes increasingly enraged when he learns that your father is planning on marrying you off to some prince in order to strengthen political ties 
yan!ninja who comes to your room that night and stands over your bed, watching the rise and fall of your chest, still seething about the newfound information
yan!ninja who realizes what he must do, and gently runs a finger on the apple of your cheek 
"don’t worry princess, i won’t let them take you away from me.” 
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