#yandere psycho 1960
yanderes-galore · 1 year
Could I request prompts 12 and 23 for norman bates from the slasher movie pyscho (1960s version)? Pairing is romantic
Was finally able to see Psycho on Netflix! I do indeed have a story idea I can do for this. My prompts were used for this.
Did not do character research for this, wrote it right after seeing the movie so I hope his character is correct :) I also wrote this late at night so there's that too, lol 😅 By the time I post this it'll be the next morning where I can look at this with a better mindset and edit it.
Yandere! Norman Bates Prompts 12 + 23
"You were never meant to see that! Oh, what have I done...."
"You're crying... come a little closer, I'll make it all go away."
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Stalking, Obsession at first sight, Clingy behavior, Murder, Kidnapping, Delusional behavior, Forced relationship, Darling is naive as serial killers weren't too common in the 1960s, Vomit, Violence, Norman actually has no chill.
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Norman had seen many people come to the motel before. Whenever he did grow attached to them, Mother scolded him. Mother never let the guests stay too long anyways.
Despite the desolate feeling of the motel and house, Norman never really felt alone. He's happy, mother's happy, things were great with just the two of them. There didn't need to be anyone else.
Then Norman met you, a tired traveler needing to rest. Norman had noticed you had a friend with you. The man thought nothing of you both, you'd probably end up like all the rest.
Then Norman started talking with you. By just standing in the office of the motel you managed to make him stutter, a shyness enveloping him and intoxicating his mind. You are so easy to talk to. You even seem to shy away from him as he did you.
Norman likes talking with you. He feels like he could talk for hours, actually. Norman sometimes felt this way towards guests... although with you it seems like a stronger feeling. Maybe mother would like this one....
Norman makes a promise to himself to be the best gentleman towards you. To you, he's a kind and sweet man who runs a motel and takes care of his sick mother. The person he didn't like was your friend....
Norman feels ill at the connection you two share. Perhaps he's envious, glowering at your friend and thinking about how close you two are. Norman just met you... you didn't know anything about him... and he already wanted everything to do with you.
"I can get you both some food! Then I'll show you to your rooms." Norman chirps, suddenly in a good mood.
"What rooms are available?" You ask, Norman being very attentive to your voice.
"There's twelve rooms, all vacant. You can have room one while your friend has room four!"
"Uh... we can share-" Your friend pipes up. Norman frowns at their voice, mood souring as soon as they spoke.
"Sorry, I can't do that. There's only one bed in a room and sharing a bed simply won't do! Can't have anything... unsavory, right?"
You and your friend grimace at the implication.
"Yeah, guess not...." You murmur. Norman smiles again, ushering you both outside.
"P-Please, take your room keys and wait for me! I'll deliver some food for the both of you."
You and your friend agree before taking the room keys and heading to your rooms. Norman couldn't stop smiling at the thought of you... he wanted to watch you through the hole in the wall but he had other matters to attend to at the moment.
Not only did he need to feed you... but mother has to know about you, too.
Norman consulted his mother about the two new guests he had met later in the night. The thought of you had made him excited! Although... he hates that you came with someone else.
His mother shared a similar sentiment. You seem very kind and just may treat her son right. Yet there was that issue with your little friend.
Norman pleaded with his mother to keep you. He wanted you over for dinner but it was too early for that to happen according to her. Norman was overjoyed when he watched you eat the food he brought back from the house, you said it was great!
Mother likes how you make her son happy. He's always gotten attached easily, though he may have picked right this time. She promises her dear son that she'll help him out a little....
Once she helps with that friend problem, the rest is on him, however.
After all the trouble she has to go through to make Norman happy, she hopes you're worth it.
You woke up late at night to the sound of shuffling outside your door. You yawn and try to open your eyes enough to see before wiping the crust from them. You thought it was some sort of animal or that Norman guy doing routine clean up....
Then you heard screaming.
Familiar screaming.
You shoot up with concern on your face, staring at the wooden door with uncertainty. Surely it wasn't anything bad, right...? The idea of being alone and without help frightened you.
The nearest payphone was a long walk.... The sheriff would take forever to come at the hour, too. Maybe you can ask Norman for help?
The screaming had stopped as quickly as it started. It was either silenced or the pain wasn't that bad. Maybe your friend just... hurt themselves?
The idea of a serial killer wasn't a very common idea around this time... which made you a bit naive.
Cautiously you exit your room, intending to find Norman. Looking down to room four you see the room open. Surely Norman was already looking into it....
Trying to calm your racing heart, you try to reassure yourself it's nothing big. There's nothing wrong... maybe your friend saw a roach or something? You walk towards the room. Must be... it couldn't be anything that ba-
You stop in your tracks. No, Norman wasn't in the room already.... Your friend was there, however...
Just with stab wounds in their chest and stomach, their blood pooling onto the floor.
You pause, the shock still clouding your cognitive ability at the moment. You slowly trace your gaze over your friend's corpse... then it sets in. Then it all sits in.
You collapse onto the ground in a spew of vomit. Bile puddles onto the floor, the room smelling of metal and rot. You want to scream... but you're in too much shock.
"Dear-" A voice says from behind you before cutting off. The voice sounds like Norman, yet you can't bear to turn. Does he think you did it?
"You were never meant to see that! Oh, what have I done...." Norman panics. You are confused to what the young man means before it clicks. Norman's a murderer... and you're alone.
"Oh sorry, mother... I wasn't fast enough-" Norman mutters to himself before fully turning his attention to you. "Dear, you look so sick... I should get you cleaned up."
"Don't... call me that..." You manage to croak out, stumbling to your feet quickly. "Stay away from me!"
"Please sit down! You're scared, I can explain!"
Despite being trapped in the room, you try to squeeze past the man. Norman stops you, no amount of brute force working against him. His eyes weren't friendly...
They were cold and a bit nervous.
"We can work this out! I'll get you cleaned up a-and we'll talk! I p-promise you this is a misunderstanding!"
You don't listen and struggle more. Norman frowns at your desperation and attempts to wrangle you back. Both of you get a bit too desperate in your fighting...
Leading to Norman accidentally hitting your head too hard against the wall.
When you manage to comprehend your surroundings again you notice you're bandaged and cleaned. Rope ties a wrist of yours to a bed frame and you can tell this is an old unfamiliar house. You begin to panic again, using your other hand to fidget with the knot.
You freeze everything when you hear footsteps come up the stairs. You hold your breathe in anticipation but it wasn't like you could hide. When the door opened... any hope of this being some nightmare diminished.
Norman Bates, the man who supposedly murdered your friend, stood in front of you with a tray in hand.
Norman offers you a smile... one you don't return. He places the tray down on a small table and you notice it's full of food. The moment Norman looks at you... you want to cry.
"Good Morning... darling." Norman chuckles, appearing to like the idea of calling you such a sickeningly sweet name. "I brought breakfast."
"You put me here..." You whimper.
"Of course!" He says in a chipper tone. "M-Mother allowed you to stay... because you make me happy."
You feel yourself grow ill again.
"Why...?" You could've been saying 'why' for a lot of reasons. At this point you didn't care. Any answer probably wasn't good or satisfactory.
"Why...?" Norman looks puzzled. "I-I thought we could just... stay here and t-talk... I d-didn't want to see you go so soon."
"You killed them...."
"Them? I didn't- Mother said they weren't welcome... so she got rid of them. She approved of you, thankfully! Which is great... because I really l-l-like you." Norman confesses nervously.
You drop the conversation there. You weren't in any state for interrogation anyways. Something was wrong with this man... he was not right in the head... you hear yourself sob.
Norman picks up on this and frowns. His little bird was crying.... You must be so overwhelmed by this new place and him.
"You're crying... come a little closer, I'll make it all go away." Norman murmurs in what seemed to be a caring tone. The man sits on the bed a shifts closer. You try to run away with a loud sob, only for Norman to pull you roughly into his chest.
"Shhh..." He comforts, feeling you struggle and push to get away from him. Your sobs were loud yet he didn't mind. He wants to make his little bird feel better. "I'll take good care of you here. You'll never be lonely. It'll just be... us...."
You freeze when he kisses your forehead and presses your face into his chest. In your mind, you're doomed. This guy is insane... and probably was going to force you into something.
Norman, however, didn't plan on such a thing. He felt the love between you was stronger than anything. He wants to be a good boyfriend and husband... all he wants to do is hold you, nothing more.
"You're as cute as a bird." Norman smiles with a twisted attempt at flirting. He pecks your cheek with another kiss. "... I love birds..." Norman pauses, looking at your crying face with adoration. "I knew the moment I spoke with you I'd love you...!"
The twisted declaration of love from Norman sends another fit of sobbing out of you. Norman shushes you once more and keeps you suffocatingly close to his chest. You hated it here... you wished you just drove tired with your friend...
Yet Norman felt you'd enjoy your time here after you got to know each other.
Perhaps you, him, and mother can be happy here in this house together? Just the three of you....
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helpfandom · 3 months
prompts 15+20 for norman bates?
Changed it a little, just so it fit better. :D
@lonleydweller for introducing me to him.
tw: Religious mention, suicide mention, nakedness but non sexual.
🥀15. "I cut the phone line. I knew you'd try to call someone.."
🥀20. "I thought you'd know better by now.. looks like it's back to square one."
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Rain, pitter pattering down your windshield, blocking vision and making roads slippery. Naturally, as a good driver, you slowed down, turned on your lights and kept slowly driving until it was safe to stop, stopping at a place called, "The Bates Motel". Well, the rain wasn't going to make driving safer, so you slowed to a roll and stopped in the parking lot.
Looking around, the place was desolate, lonely and a little decrepit, but still useful for it's purpose. Just... look around the bed before slipping underneath the covers.
Going inside the office, wood creaking at the doorstep, you go inside, eager to find shelter to sleep and escape the rain. No one's there. The bell rings from a hand touching it, and still, no reply.
Looking outside, the house upon the hill has lights on, no sound to be heard over the roar of the rain. Perhaps...? Hitting the horn in the car, just three times, as so not to be too rude, perhaps they were simply lulled to sleep by the rain.
The door to the house opens, and a man runs down the steps, haphazardly carrying an umbrella as he runs. "Sorry! Sorry!" He yells as he nears you, a small, apologetic smile on his face.
"We don't get many visitors, and well... I didn't expect one tonight." He says as he fumbles with his umbrella whilst attempting the door. Opening the door yourself as to help him, he whispers a thank you with a smile upon his lips. "T-thank you."
He slips into his comfortable role as a helper and seems far more comfortable now that he's in his natural role. "A- a room?" You nod, "Yes, the rain... I didn't want to drive at night with the rain." He nods in an understanding, "That's quite fair, let me fetch a room for you, don't worry, although we don't get many visitors, we-" He coughs, "-I, regularly clean the sheets, that way no nasties come in."
A smile appears on your face, after all, who says "Nasties"? How odd. "Oh, let me get your things! I'm so sorry I'm forgetful." You wave him off. "No, sir. I got my things right here, I got them while you were coming down from the house, that way it would be easier."
A smile quirks upon his face. How... nice of you to do that. "O-oh. Thank- Thank you." He seems to be taken aback, but quickly he slips on a familiar mask and readjusts. "Well then, Here's your key, Cabin one for the first cabin. Or if you want another you can have it, twelve cabins, twelve keys."
You gush, "Oh, no, it's okay mr.??" He chuckles, redirecting himself. "Bates, Mr. Bates, but call me Norman, Mr. Bates was my father. Before he died." He coughs, recognizing the uncomfortable situation he created. "Ah well, go unpack your things in your room, I'll whip up some food for us."
As he goes to leave, you hand him his umbrella. "For the weather, Norman." He clucks his tongue, realizing he almost ran out into the rain. "Ah, thanks." He smiles at you and begins his trek back up to the house.
Smiling to yourself, chuckling at such an odd, forgetful man, you bring your bags into the motel room. The door creaks and the floor whines with the pressure of weight put upon it.
The room smells of bleach, emphasizing his statement earlier about cleaning, and so you open the window, hoping that the wind from the rain might bring down the smell of cleaning agents. The rain has now died down and settled, leaving petrichor emanating from the ground.
Yelling comes down from the house, "Mother! They are nice-" Not wanting to eavesdrop, you focus on your baggage instead, setting them down and getting some clothing out for sleeping. Picking up a stuffed animal that you always carry with you, you set it to the side for you to sleep with later. Of course, it's hard to tune it out when it gets louder. "But Mother, They care and it's not-"
"I don't care Norman! God didn't give you a sibling!" Turning away from baggage and towards the bathroom, you begin to inspect, looking up and down the walls for creepy crawlies, but there are none, and so your sights are set onto the bed. "But it might be nice to have a friend here, more than just you! You can get cranky-"
A huff from you and a rough slam of the door upon the hill can be heard, and you turn your attention back to the door, exiting your cabin and watching the man hop down the stairs with food in his arms. As he nears, a newer smile comes upon his face.
"Ah, I got some food for you and I, since it's late, and you're likely -hun-hungry." "Thank you, Norman. That's very nice of you." He nods his head, gesturing to his parlor, or rather, his office door. "Mind opening the door?" Clicking your tongue at yourself, you open the door for him, letting him slip into the room before you closed the door on the both of you.
He pushed open the door into a parlor of sorts, and set the tray of food onto a table intercepting two seats, gesturing for you to sit down before he does. Looking around, a lot of taxidermized birds rest on the walls in action poses, looking above you.
He seems to notice this, "Taxidermy, a hobby of mine." He says, laying down a plate in front of you while grabbing a plate for himself. "Ah, do you like birds?" He shakes his head, "No, they're just more common and easier to form, to shape into a form more pleasing." He smiles at his sentence, looking at you in such a manner only described as leering.
Taking a bite and swallowing roughly, you decide to mention what you overheard. "I happened to have overheard you talking to your mother, I had opened my window to air out the bleach-" he cuts you off, waving a hand. "Don't worry about my mother, she's just a lit-little... cra-cranky, today." You clear your throat. "Ah, okay."
Silence drifts down into the conversation as you eat, looming over the both of your shoulders.
He coughs, clearing his throat, "Do you think that p-p-people like soulmates exist? Some swans kill themselves after their p-p-partner -partner dies, so what do you think?" Looking around, you notice each stuffed bird in the corner, watching this interaction with dead eyes and a dead body. "Well, maybe, if it's really meant to be." He smiles at that, happy with your answer.
Silence settles again, and yet, it's unnerving, being worse than a comfortable silence, or even an awkward one, but it's rather like a forced one, not meant to be there.
Swallowing thickly from food, you finish you meal with a last bite and a drink from milk. He looks eagerly at you, "Did you enjoy it? It's momma's cooking!" Nodding, as so not to insult him. Putting the plate down, you stand up, stretching a bite and forcing a yawn.
"Well, it's quite late, I must go to sleep now for traveling later." He nods, a look flashing into his eyes at some of your words. "Ah, right. I understand, sleep well." Turning, you just barely miss a light flash in his eyes, an idea popping into his mind. "Good night, Norman."
Walking back into the room he gave you, it's hard to shake off feelings of unease, everything seems to set it off, the creaky floor, the whining door... You take the clothes you set on your temporary bed, and put them down, then realizing it better to shake the rain, and hopefully the feelings, off with a shower.
Shedding your clothes and stepping into the bathroom, you close the door, feelings of some sort ceasing now. Hopping in, you set the temperature to your preferred one, cleansing yourself.
Walking out with a towel wrapped around your body, you eagerly slink into your sleeping clothes, eager for warmth and comfort of clothing. You put the suitcase aside and slip underneath the the covers of the bed, body naturally huddling itself for warmth before stretching out and relaxing.
The night is quiet with wind, faint wind chimes in the distance tinkling together into a melody.
The soft covers slowly warming your body, warmth seeping into your muscle and bones, slinking into your spirit.
It feels... nice.
The wind chimes paired with a creak and a whine, it makes for a nice harmony-
a creak?
a whine?
Eyes snap open to see Norman above you, just before he swings his hands-
Your eyes flutter open, not recognizing what unfamiliar texture lies beneath their home, an alarm ringing throughout your mind. What? You tilt your head in all directions but not a single inch of what you see makes sense, none of it familiar.
The sun peeking throughout the window implies it's dawn, and it's through dawn's early light that you see Norman sitting beside you in a wooden chair. You twitch involuntarily upon seeing him, rattling the bed frame currently tied to you with rope.
He rolls his head up, waking with you upon hearing the noise. He eagerly smiles as he blinks the sleep away from his eyes. "Ah! You're awake! I know it- it make take some getting used to, but you'll fit right in with me and mother." He tilt his head at you, staring into you.
A moment passes.
He claps his hands together. "Well, I'll have mother whip something up special for us, after all, it's not everyday that a sibling is returned to family!"
You say nothing, watching him leave and talk to Mother, going down the stairs. You keep at it, jerking your hands and feet as much as you can to attempt to loosen the ropes binding you to the bed. You hear stomping up the stairs, a loud, high pitched voice telling at you. "Quit that racket!" A gasp, "Mother! Be patient, it's rough moving from one place to another. They're just a little freaked out, but that's okay."
It's tough trying to maintain both Norman and Mother, with Norman's new insistence that you call him 'Brother' and her screeching at you when you make too much noise when Norman, the vessel for her, insists on being inside to do some 'family bonding time', and how Mother has to wash you, clean you, make sure you're healthy, all while Norman's eyes and body does this all.
It's been two weeks, and although something is off, today, Norman is gone, and has to be gone, a... reporter or detective has showed up, and now's your chance. He's trusted you enough to change out sheets and clean the motel, leaving you to your devices for just long enough to find a telephone while looking through the house.
Once you watch the other person enter the office, you dash to the room containing the telephone, desperately calling 911, but only a dead line remains.
A creak from behind.
"We cut the phone line. She knew you'd try to call someone... I didn't want to believe it, but Mother knows best."
He grips your hair in harsh vice grip, pulling your head back, dragging you down, not caring for the harsh bumps has he drags you down stairs. He throws you into a room with harsh, cold flooring.
"I thought you'd know better by now... looks like it's back to square one."
He slams the door, and despite your pleas, doesn't open it. You turn around, and find her, Mother. Kept there in a chair like a taxidermy doll.
A threat to you too.
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Motel , (1/1)
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Norman was only ever my colleague starting to work in the bates motel with him ever since i lost my job, i always found him to be a sweet guy, he always made my day even if he was strange.
Y/n’s eyes roamed over the motel and it’s lobby. “Shift today,” she mumbled to herself, “Y/n?” I heard Norman, i turned around and smiled at the male. “Good morning Norman.” I politely greeted, he smiled back just as, “We have the same duty for today.”
I looked up at Norman, nodding at the dark haired man, wrapping my apron around me when we made it downstairs. “It’s fun making coffee for a bunch of people, hopefully i don’t burn my hand.” I chuckled softly, easing any unwanted awkward tension between us both.
I recalled the day i first met Norman before when he let me into the motel being in the shivering cold, only to end up working here with Norman ever since.
“You know - i ran the motel alone for a long while..” Norman spoke, it made you feel a bit bad. No one liked being lonely after all. “Why? Is it because it’s a bit far from town or..?” “No not - that.” He muttered, rubbing a hand against the back of his neck as he thought, “You know i just really wnjoy your company.” I felt a bit shy as he stated, i tucked my bangs behind my ears. “You do?” Y/n spoke.
He nodded softly, confirming her and his words reassuring. He looked down, he felt embarassed. But he’d wanted to confess to her. Badly, but he never had a chance to do that. Ever. Not with how much stayers here or visitors flirted with her all the time made his blood boil, it took out alot from him not to attack them afterwards. But she’d only think he was a monster, and he loved y/n. He didn’t her to be scared of him. No, they were supposed to be in love.
It was how it worked in his own mind,”Hey,” One of the people who stayed here showed up to the counter. By then orders began to fill up both Norman and Y/n,
He was so absent minded he bumped into another person, “i’m so sorry -“ “What the fuck is your problem?!” The man groaned loudly, clearly impolite.
The curse had alot turn to stare, y/n staring herself. “What’s going on here?” She placed down the tray and walked over to be beside Norman. “What the hell is your problem, you’re really impolite.” Y/n quipped quickly, stepping up to the rude man. “It isn’t my fault for this loser not watching where he’s going bitch-“
The man exclaimed. His hand tightening around her wrist, her eyes grew frantic. Norman clenched his fists in anger, “Let her go.” The man turned around, Norman reached into his pocket slowly, his hand shook. He couldn’t do this. Not infront of her
“What are you going to do about it then, boy?” The man bellowed twice, making norman’s anger rise more, your wrist was red from the man’s harsh grip. Norman pulled you over to him, the man leaving the place angrily,
“Y/n..” Norman mumbled quietly, looking at her. Seeing her slight tear in her eye, “I’m sorry. I can close up the Motel for today,” She looked up at him, anxiety was built up in her. She held herself, “It’s okay norm, really.” She mumbled her own nickname for her male co-worker,
He walked over back to her room though,”Y/n?” He called out for her quietly in midst of the night.
“Norman?” She opened the door, looking at him. Rubbing her eyes, “What’s wrong?” “I closed up the motel for a few days, i wanted us to rest and- i wanted to ask you if you wanted to go with me tomorrow so we could have like a picnic, to makeup for today?”
It made her confused why he ever wanted to makeup, it was that dick’s fault. Not his, she smiled though. “That’s fine.”
It neared her bedtime though, Norman studied y/n ever since the day she got here. He knew the dainty female was the only one genuinely ever kind with him, but his obsession with her grew by day since she was here, it was beyond him whenever she explained to him how much guys dumped her all the time when she had the beauty of a model to him in his eyes and perspective with gentleness of a feather she was his own angel. His own nickname for her, Angel.
But he still had something to be taken care of before he would go out with her, making his way upstairs, he hidden what was in his pocket, not yet out. Not yet, his face wiped off any emotions. With the key to all the rooms, he picked the door open. His eyes landing onto the disgusting man who hurt his y/n.
Of course, he would always murder someone; the body gets found. No one ever suspected him, he knew this was probably going to cause a smell like all the time due to the rotting corpse.
Making his way near the bed. The man woke up with a loud ear piercing scream that shook the walls of the room. It was too late, blood oozed out of the man’s neck, coming out the mouth, “You hurt her,” Norman gritted out, his knife jabbing into the man’s stomach. Making him choke on his own blood, “You HURT her!” The knife twisted into the stomach, reaching the insides, Norman twisted the knife even further and left a big gash. For a list time the knife lodged into the man’s cut open stomach, Norman shoved the knife back into his back pocket, clicking his tongue at the dead man across him.
He made his way back downstairs anyways, his eyes widening and his form freezing halfway when he spotted Y/n walking alone down to her room after presumably getting herself some water, he ran back into his own room, disposing the murder weapon and clothes before getting into the shower, shaking, he saw his hands. The adrenaline in him was calming slowly, the events of today,
“Norman?” I mumbled, opening my eyes to spot his all too familiar figure by the door holding something behind his back, “Y/n.” He completely forgotten about the picnic anyways, he only wanted to be with her. “Why are you here so early- i..?” Norman only got closer to the bed.
“I just wanted to talk to you,” He glowered a bit, “It’s just about um - well.” The irritating sound of a phone ring pierced both you and him. It was your sister.
“I’m so sorry - i’ll talk to you in the lobby in a second. - hello?” You held the phone up to your ear, unaware of the disappointed Norman.
“It’s been a while y/n, where are you though? I miss you sis.” It was always her own way of talking, i smiled, “I’m at the motel,” “Oh, don’t tell me that shady one too?”
I clicked my tongue softly and grinned. “No, it’s not shady it’s the bates motel.” But she didn’t take it serious, “Is it that boy with the mommy issues, the crazy guy? Or is he your boyfriend?” She mocked.
Her nature had always been a bit hotheaded, unlike you. “He’s a really nice guy, rachel, really!” “Yadda yadda-“ She disnissed. “Mom and dad aren’t here i thought it’s fun i’d stay somewhere before my trip honestly. To that motel, i wanna see you.” The night was going to be a long one, and you didn’t assume Norman thought bad about it, “Norman?” I tapped his shoulder as he put something away. “Y/n?” He uttered, “What’s happened?”
“My sister had been wanting to stay here a bit,” Norman’s face dropped a bit, “I just had hoped you hadn’t mind her coming here. Is it okay?” He nodded hesitantly yet hid it. “I’m fine-“ “Y/n!” Rachel gasped. Hugging you and dropped her luggage all over the floor she startled the Female.
Norman was far from happy. He picked up the dropped luggage, seeing your attention shifting to your sister as you hugged her back and all, he frowned.
“Is this him?” She spoke, looking the dark haired male up and down, “It’s just Norman.” He retorted back, but she had only rolled her eyes. “Sure, do i have a room yet?” “Yeah it’s this way.” Y/n led her kin to the bedroom, soft with her movements.
Norman’s blood boiled every day, every minute it could be exagerated to every second he saw this girl with his y/n. Y/n didn’t have her attention on him anymore because of that impolite incel. And he hated it,
So he waited and waited, waiting. It was only a matter of time before he gripped the same weapon he always used, the pocket knife. “Where’s y/n?” She asked him. Texting someone on her phone, Norman frustradedly tightened his grip on the knife, “It’s all your fault.” And she turned, “What?..” “it’s all because of you!” He raised his voice, hand clenching into a tight fist. “You took her! You stole y/n away from me!” His knife landed into her shoulder, holding her down when she screamed, “I’ll make you pay for this” he grunted. Knife detaching from the shoulder, landing fatally straight into the jugular. Her eyes went wide, blood poured out immensely out the neck after the knife was dragged, screams no longer leaving the lifeless body at all, but this was enough.
But it was wrong, very wrong of him. “Here’s the coffee y/n.” She smiled up at him, sipping it out of the cup quietly, eyes on the counter, feeling a bit weird, “Norman..” Her legs began to numb.
He had the face of a guilty kid, “I’m sorry y/n.” Dread filled her expression, legs aching like hell. Eyes drooping, he drugged her.
Y/n pushed herself up against the railing but fell infront of the door, eyes watering. She cried meekly, hands reaching and tugging against the doorknob, But Norman dangled the keys. She squealed quietly when he flipped her on her back, she saw stars. Not believing Norman would do this, her stomach dropped. Heart sinking, she rested her head against the wooden floor in tears, giving up.
“Shh..” His hand reached into his back pocket. Drugging her yet again, the rag covering her nose, blocking her from inhaling anything but the chloroform. He saw her chubby cheeks, wet with tears.
“It’ll all be okay y/n. I need you with ms.” He broke, “Your mine. Y/n-i can’t let you go..”
“I won’t ever let you go.” He whispered.
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suusoh · 2 months
what if i told you guys that johan has a mommy kink..... but NOT in the way that you think.................
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mx-mituna · 3 years
Can I request a Yandere drawing of Norman Bates?
You sure can!!
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yandere-society · 5 years
The Dulcie Inn | M
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Synopsis: The artist runs with the whispers of the wind. In this case, your wind was your fiance; Kim Taehyung. A getaway weekend with him, off to the countryside where life is mellow. What you weren’t expecting was the dangerous storm lurking in the shadows and a quiet inn in the middle of nowhere, run by a man with doe eyes and his own storm running through his mind.
Pairing: Jungkook x Fem!Reader; Fem!Reader x Taehyung
Genre: Inspired by Psycho (1960)
Word Count: 12K
Admin: @moonpeachhy and @nomnomsik​
A/N: [UNEDITED] Please bear with us! We will edit it completely tomorrow as we had to meet the deadline today. Nevertheless, we hope you enjoy. 
Trigger warnings: Yandere, descriptions of physical violence, smut, unprotected sex, horror, mentally disturbed character, and unstable relationships. Please read with caution. 
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
There was a storm brewing.
Uphill near the mountains, unusually muscular-looking clouds huddled into a dark grey inflation. It was sort of alluring, resembling a renaissance painting you’ve long forgotten the name of. Yet as it approached near, it set an unease in your bones. The type that crawls deep within your gut until you could barely make out its presence. You knew it was there though, from the shaky breath you let out as if it was tightly gripping your lungs. An exhale that fogged up your side of the car window.
“You alright there?”
"Hmm?” You turn towards the concerned tone of your fiance, his mellow eyes fixed on the unrestricted road as he steadied the steering wheel.
“Tired?” He asks, facing you for a few seconds to give you a faint smile.
“A bit.” You reply nonchalantly, balancing the back of your head on the window. Which let you to feel all the slight bumps the tires traveled over on the gravel beneath you, your body now vaguely vibrating at a similar speed. “We should stop soon.”
“I can beat the storm.” The man chuckles, his baritone warming you from the inside out. More than your knitted sweater which made you break out a tired grin, enjoying the way his laughter was so softly carried over to your ears. “We’ll be in Goldleaf soon, just rest your eyes for a bit.”
Chestnut hair fell just above his brows, the strands still messily sticking out from your fingers gliding through them this morning. A golden hue traveled across his irises, making them seem lighter than they originally were. There was a freckle on the tip of his nose that you loved to kiss, sitting proudly on the top layer of his skin. His breaths were firm, pink lips marginally stretched on each side. For a moment you just adored his divinity, your heartbeat in rhythm with his. Did he know of the beauty he embellished? 
“So you’re a magician? I just close my eyes and when I open them, we’ll magically be in the kingdom that’s 80 miles away?”
“I’m whatever you want me to be baby.” He winked at you before cheesily grinning at the way your face scrunched up in disgust.
“Dork,” You muttered, hiding your amusement by pursing your lips.
“Your dork,” He corrected as a matter of fact, “Your dork who knows a shortcut.”
This new information made you raise your brows in acknowledgment, “You’re rather handy. See, this is why I’m marrying you.”
 He scoffs, “Yes, of course, your majesty, I’m honored. Now please get some sleep.” 
You knew he would pout if you told him you couldn’t possibly fall asleep in this cramped moving vehicle, so you just nodded watching him take a turn to this ‘shortcut’ he spoke of. The silver band on his ring finger shimmered in the diluted sunlight. It felt like it was just yesterday that he asked you out for coffee in his muscle shirt and ripped jeans. Even though he stood like a tough guy, you were smitten by the rosy splotches on his defined cheekbones. After a few awkward first dates and shyly stolen kisses, you two became your campus’ favorite couple.
Fast forward a few years, and here you sat. Engaged to the tough guy in the driver’s seat. You both had been engaged for 4 months, waiting for the right time to tie that knot. At the time of the engagement, through happiness and tears; you found yourself saying yes to his sudden proposal. But since then, there had been some differences...some...misunderstandings. He had been quite eager to settle down, have kids and a 9 to 5 job, while you were a bit more hesitant towards that whole ordeal.
It’s not that you didn’t want to marry him or you didn’t want a family. However, the desire for freedom - of old school independence swimming in your heart has held you back. Blame the young artist’s soul within you, there was just so much you wanted to see. Some would say you were looking for diamonds in an empty bin, trying to be the Thomas Chatterton of your time. Maybe. Maybe you just didn’t want to end up like Zelda Fitzgerald, a passively remarkable woman confined to her husband’s identity for a millennium.
You weren’t sure of what you wanted, yourself. Did you want to fly with the winds or did you want a Gatsby type of man to drown you in flower petals? Your father said it was because you were a free spirit. An early dove, not yet done with demonstrating her charm to the rest of the world. The remainder of your family members had been more upfront with their disapproval of what they easily named your ‘fickleness.’ 
Taehyung said he would wait for you though, and for you, that was all that mattered. Never, would you find the heart to tell him you agreed to marry him on impulse, yet you dread that he already knew of your hidden words. He knew you better than anyone else after all.
So when he suggested going on a trip to clear your head, you jumped at the chance. Eager to cross the country with the man you were supposed to spend eternity with. Summer had just ended, your eyes saunter over all the barely bleeding leaves on the deciduous trees as your car enters a woody area. There was a part of your soul that told you this journey would be special. You would learn a lot from this vacation - about Taehyung, about yourself, and about the spread out land.
The mystery of what’s to come inspires the artist.
As your gaze once again wanders off into the skies, the semblance of the chaotic swirls and whiffs of cotton above resonate with you.
“The Tempest.” You whisper out loud
“Hmm? What was that?” Taehyung eyes your fatigued figure
“I just remembered the painting those clouds reminded me of.”
Taehyung breaks out into a small laugh at that, “Will you ever stop thinking about art?” He jokes, which in return causes you to giggle as well.
“No.” He says suddenly, more to himself as his laughter dies down too abruptly. “No, I don’t think you will.”
Your smile drops as you glance at him. The hidden meaning underneath his words was flatly laid out for both of you. He continues to drive in the same posture - the same breath - but his face has now hardened a tad. It takes everything within you to not question him, his statement painting you mildly red. Instead, you blink your gaze back out the window, into the slowly dimming sunlit horizon.
Hoping the storm never arrives.
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
So he didn’t beat the storm. 
He didn’t beat the storm as the sky grew dark, clouds gray and winds picking up speed. The calm breeze that had refreshingly blew past moments ago was now replaced with a ferocity that was prepared to bulldoze through its path. You looked worriedly out the car window, Taehyung's eyes too, flickering at the sky multiple times. Droplets of rain descended down from the sky, pounding down on the windshield and obscuring your vision which quickly prompted Taehyung to flick on the wipers. It was a wet hellfire, your heart sank as your car continued almost blindly down the road.
Then came the rumbling of thunder, booming down from above, causing you to flinch while goosebumps picked up on your skin. While you shuddered in your seat belt, the raindrops continued their descent, landing on the dashboard with a sharp intensity that echoed throughout the inside of your car. It felt like someone was pelting the roof of your car with bullets.
Even with the highest setting of the windshield wipers, the rain slowly began to completely engulf the visibility of the road. 
“Shit,” Taehyung muttered, driving sightlessly with the darkness of the sky plunging upon you both. It was when you were looking out your side of the window for the smallest ounce of clarity that a large object came into view despite the restrictions in your line of sight. A brown, wooden exterior glowing through all the gloom of the storm outside. You spotted it from the corner of your eye, immediately extending a finger at the building. 
“Taehyung, there!” 
His head snapped over, and without missing a beat he spun the wheel making a sharp right-hand turn as you held onto your seatbelt. The slush of puddles echoed from outside as the car’s wheels pierced through the wet road and approached the building. Once you slowed the vehicle, you both silently stared at the structure. A burst of lightning cut through the dim air, and that’s when you were able to recognize the board standing in front of the property though the shadows of the storm were surrounding it.
‘The Dulcie Inn’
There was an inn in such a place? The road appeared to have been completely abandoned for years, trees were way too tall and the shrubberies were dramatically overgrown. In return, the inn seemed rather decent. Spacious and well-groomed. Though it was strange that there would be a place to stay on a practically dead road.
“I don’t…” Taehyung started, parking the car on the side of the road as the roaring rain crashed onto the windows. “I’ve never heard of this place before.” 
“We should head inside.” You state turning to look at Taehyung
“I don’t know...” He replies cautiously 
“Would you rather stay out here?” You proposed dryly, crossing your arms. “Seems rather pleasant.” 
“I just don’t trust this place, ___. Why don’t we just stay here for tonig-” Before Taehyung could finish his sentence, a bright flash of lightning split the sky - only to be followed by a loud boom of thunder that made him jump. On the other hand, with a push of the car door, you quickly stepped into the pouring rain, breaking out into a sprint as you ran for cover under the protection of the inn. 
“Goddamn it… ___!” Taehyung called, unbuckling his seat belt and chasing after you. The rain immediately pounded on him and his eardrums, temporarily disabling his sense of direction. His clothes stuck to his skin as he finally made it under the inn’s canopy, hair dripping with small droplets of rain and shoes bringing mud into the welcome mat.
You stood underneath the canopy next to him, dusting off the raindrops as he did the same, observing him in slight scrutiny. After all, it was his fault you both were stuck here. As you both fixed yourselves, you lightly touch the door handle of the inn’s entrance before looking back up at Tae.
“Ready, Mr. Magician?”
He smiles at you shyly, a bit embarrassed by the whole situation causing you to smile in return as you push the decrepit wooden door open. It creeks as it slides, an immediate warmth blows past you both, the inn being rather inviting compared to the frigid mess outside. An unreadable exchange passes between you and your fiance. Taehyung’s smile vanishes once you turn around to enter the building, and he turns his face back to examine the thunderstorm behind him.
There was a sunken feeling in his chest at this whole situation. 
As you take your first nervous step inside, you’re gaze shifts to the tall ceiling and dim sunset lights. The loud dilemma outsides hushes into a quieter lull of winds and splatters of rain as the warm, dry inn takes you refuge. A gasp escapes your lips as you marvel at the structure, frozen 3 steps from the door. It was like you’ve wandered into one of Hitchcock’s flicks, truly dazzled at the sight before you. 
The entrance was larger than you expected, the wood of the walls were dressed in a light brown. Red carpet embellished the foyer, while a large chandelier swung above - the pieces of glass hanging on like shapley teardrops - simply bedazzling. There was a staircase with similar dark-wood properties, towering in front of you and leading into what you guessed were the inner rooms.
There was a room to the left of the staircase, which you could only peek at from your spot. It looked to be a seating room, filled with maroon sofa chairs. Like a lounge. Art decorated the inn, nouveau portraits hung from the wall like a place of worship. And right beside you stood the reception, an olive-colored timber separating you and the empty area behind the reception.
“Can I help you?”
Startled, you flinch as you suddenly hear a masculine voice, looking up to see a young man standing in the middle of the stairs. When did he get there?
He was tall, skinny but sturdy-looking with pitch-black hair covering his forehead. His skin was pale compared to his dark button-up shirt and trousers. As you gaze up at him, your worry for your surroundings seems to disappear until all you were focused on were his youthful, boyish features. The stranger was quite handsome, you weren’t expecting it. You felt yourself blushing as he studied you closely. For a while, you just stood there, getting lost in his intense black orbs until his eyes shift towards something behind you. Why did he look away? Confusion fills you as you tilt your head, still staring at him until Taehyung’s figure passes you by and you smell his Armani cologne waking you out of your trance. You forgot about Taehyung.
“Umm, hi. We sort of got caught in the rain and...we were wondering if we could stay here until the storm passes.”
“...You want to book a room?”
“Well, n-”
“Yes.” You interrupt Taehyung, who looks back at you in question
But you ignore him as the young man’s eyes flicker back to you, making you hold your breath. There was something profound in his gaze. A deep abyss of mystery and wonder, just like in the works of Sandro Botticelli. He slowly walks down the stairs, and you carefully follow his physique until he’s situated behind the reception. Working quietly, he reaches underneath into a compartment and takes out an old registry book.
While he’s busy flipping through the pages, Taehyung comes up close to you. Blocking your line of sight.
“Why do you want to stay?” He whispers, “The storm will pass quickly and Goldleaf’s like 20 miles away. We can ju-”
“Taehyung, the storm’s not gonna stop anytime soon. We should stay the night. Besides, we’re stuck here because of your decisions.”
As you finish your sentence, he drops his eyes. Regret fills you as you see the guilt plastered on his face, and he slumps his shoulders. You’re about to apologize, bringing your hand up to touch his arm when-
“You should stay for the weekend. I’ve read up on this storm, it’s going to last for a while.”
Surprised at the man’s interruption, you and Taehyung look at him, then back at each other. 
“A-alright then,” you say cautiously, watching Taehyung’s reaction, “we’ll stay for the weekend.” 
It would delay your trip for a bit, but it was better than dying out in the chaos outside. The stranger extends an antique pen towards you, and you walk up to the reception, taking it from his warm fingers. His slight tremor at your touch goes unnoticed by you as you stare at the page of the registry. It seemed quite ancient along with everything else in this place. As quickly as you could, you filled out your and your fiance’s info. You could feel the man’s eyes piercing you as your hand hovered over the signature line.
Quietly sighing, you turn your face to Taehyung, who was standing a few steps behind you just shifting on his feet. You meet his orbs and raise your brows. Even though you knew this was the safest thing to do as you could hear the roar of thunder outside, you still didn’t want to do anything that would make Taehyung uncomfortable. He stares at you for a few seconds, before grinning and shrugging his shoulders. It makes you break out into a smile, as you turn around and immediately sign the papers.
You raise your head back to the stranger, who’s still staring at you. 
“Here.” You say, holding out his pen to return to him. He slowly moves his face to the pen, taking it back from you and spinning the registry in his direction. Once he’s looked over everything, he closes the journal, moving to grab one of the 10 keys off the hooks on the wooden wall in the background.
There was a faint hesitation in his step before he picked up the key for the first cabin. Turning back around, he smiled shyly before handing you the key.
You return his smile, taking the key and spinning on your heel towards your fiance.
“Our luggage is stuck in the car.” Taehyung reminds you
“Right, I forgot about that.”
“There are…” The man begins and making you turn to him again before he clears his throat, “There are some robes in the room. You both are welcomed to settle into those until the rain slows.”
“Oh, that works.” You state cheerily, facing Taehyung and giggling. There was a suffocating atmosphere between the two men and you were trying to lighten the mood.
Taehyung huffs in amusement, before ruffling your damp hair. “Alright, love. Let’s go settle in.”
You laugh before taking his arm and leading him by and up the stairs. Before you’re able to make it up all the way, something stops you in your tracks.
“Enjoy your stay.” 
It was him, smiling up at you from his position by the registry.
“Thank you. We will.” You reply before traveling up the rest of the way.
You miss the scowl on Taehyung’s face at the interactions between you and the stranger.
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
“That kid’s weird.”
“Hmm?” You say as you set down your purse down onto one of the spare tables, sighing and stretching your arms above your head with Taehyung trailing you while taking off his coat. 
“That kid downstairs, the one with the really dark eyes. He’s weird.”
“Oh, you noticed his eyes as well?”
“What do you mean ‘as well?’ What have you been noticing?” Taehyung pouts as you laugh, and step up to him to wrap your arms around his shoulders
“I’m an artist dear, I can’t help but notice the beauty in people.” You respond as your fiance holds you securely by the waist, “But trust me, you’re the most beautiful of them all.”
Taehyung snorts at your cheesy line and you peck him on the lips. “And he’s not weird, he’s just...different.”
“Psh, different...” Tae rolls his eyes, “He wouldn’t stop staring at you and blushing. It was so annoying.”
“Aww, you’re so cute when you’re jealous.” You giggle as he sputters to deny his obvious envy
“Whatever,” Taehyung grumbles when you continue giggling, walking away from you to take off his wristwatch and placing it in your purse. “Just be careful of him.”
You ignore his words as you sit on the edge of the bed, taking in the sights of your spacious cabin. The walls were softly tanned, a pastel tawny color reflecting the marigold light fixtures on the ceiling. On the far right wall, was the vintage dresser in a straw color which you’re guessing contained the robes the young man below had mentioned, with small white flowers painted among the doors. There were two same-colored nightstands, one on each side of the queen-sized bed and the comforter was eggshell white. 
Dumping his keys onto the table as well, Taehyung walks past you who’s silently contemplating the harmony of the colors in your room like an artist usually does, only to march into the bathroom. 
“I’m going to head for a quick rinse,” Taehyung called from the bathroom, his voice echoing off the walls. Suddenly, a mischievous thought crossed his mind. His head poked out from the bathroom, a bright smile plastered on his face as his shirt already seemed to be discarded and on the floor, most of the skin of his chest hidden behind the solid wall. “Want to join me, darling?” 
“Maybe next time, Taehyung. I’ll just shower after you.” You smiled, always finding his advances humorous and very him. He pouted cutely, only to slip back in and shut the door softly. As you sat there, you listened for a bit until you heard the water turn on, hitting the tub, as well as the rustle of the shower curtains. 
You chuckle, glad that he busied himself with something rather than being the worrywart he usually was. Now that you were alone, you wanted to take a better look around the inn. It was surreal, vintage and antique while standing with the modern times like a time capsule. Whoever decorated the place had such a marvelous eye for art. The mystery of the inn only added to your excitement. What stories lie here? You wonder. What stories could satisfy the curious young artist’s heart?
While Taehyung was occupied, you slipped out of your room, preferring to take a stroll through the inn, perhaps find inspiration for your next piece. While you walked down the lit hallways, you couldn’t help but notice the paintings that hung on the walls, appreciating each stroke on the canvas. Your feet were carpeted by the rugs that were sewed together with delicate patterns and unique colors that further captivated you, prompting you to continue your exploration down another hall. 
The inn was beautifully decorated, the wood accents bringing together the homeliness of the entire structure if it wasn’t for the silence. You could hear every creak of the steps, your feet padding the wood and your own breath. Yet as you continued, you noticed how clean and polished the inn was, from the spotless walls and decorations that lacked the usual buildup of dust from neglect. 
Perhaps you were too enthralled with your surroundings, that you didn’t notice the figure that was steadily approaching you. When you finally directed your attention back in front of you, there was a small collision of your chest to another body. Your head zipped up, only to find yourself in an entirely different room, with much more space and filled with soft couches and sitting chairs. The one you peeked at before.
“Oh- I’m sorry.” You blabbered, your hands extending out in front of you as the figure steadied your balance. 
It was the stranger, who was softly smiling down at you.
“I’m the one who should be sorry, I shouldn’t have snuck up on you like that.” He says, holding onto the small of your back
A moment passes by as you stare at him, his pupils hypnotic and glassy. You both were almost pressed together in each other’s arms until the rumble of thunder broke you out of your reverie.
“Oops.” You say, pushing away from him and facing the floor in embarrassment. That’s when you remember something, “Um- I’m sorry, because of the whole mess earlier I didn’t manage to get your name.”
“Oh, It’s all right.” He lets out a small laugh, “My name is Jungkook.”
Jungkook, you sound out in your head.
“Nice to meet you Jungkook, my name is ___, and my fiance upstairs is Taehyung.” You extend your hand with a polite grin. In return, Jungkook stares at your hand for a bit, making you stand there with outstretched fingers awkwardly, before taking it in his.
You proceed to shake his hand and take note of how warm he was. It sent a shiver down your spine. He just observes your hand, even when you loosen your grip. For a second his own grip tightens until he lets you go and his arm falls back to his side. Strange, you think as he gazes back up at you with a small smile. Maybe Taehyung was right.
“Nice to meet you too. Please sit, I was just putting out some tea.” He points to a place behind you, to one of the longer sofas. Once you take a seat, you notice how soft and cushy the cushions of the sofa are, almost like you could melt in them. Jungkook clatters around on the table in front of your seat with a porcelain tea set. He holds up the teapot, pouring the tea into one of the small cotton white teacups. Then he handed the cup to you on a small plate.
“It’s Jasmine.” He smiles gently
“Thank you.” You say, taking the plate into your hands. After blowing on the steaming liquid, you take a small sip. “Oh, this is wonderful!” 
Jungkook blushes, sitting down on the sofa chair next to your long sofa. “It’s an easy recipe.”
“No, don’t be like that it’s great. I’m not the best cook myself so I would definitely ruin this in some type of way.” You compliment him to which he just fidgets in his seat, holding his shoulders up
“By the way, this set is gorgeous,” You say, eyeing the cup up close, “You have an eye for antique, Jungkook.”
“N-no that’s more, my mother. She decorated the place, not me.”
“Your mother? Wow, she must be an expert in art!”
“She is...my mother is...very talented.” There’s a distant gaze in his eyes in which you find yourself feeling pity.
“I’m sure she was a lovely woman.”
He takes a second before he looks directly at you, with a dark gaze that has you sitting up straight, “Was? My mother’s not dead.”
“Oh no, I am s-so sorry, I thought...it was my mista-”
You stop rambling once he begins to laugh, his eyes crinkle and nose scrunches and you feel like you're looking at a rabbit. Such a young, small rabbit.
“It’s alright, but no, my mother is alive. Though she’s...unwell. But-” He shifts to the right, reaching over to the small table on the side of your sofa. It seems like he grabbed something - a frame he pulls back up to him and stares at with a soft smile. “She used to be an actress!”
Jungkook extends the frame out to you and you put down your saucer to take it from his fingers. It was a black and white photo, one of a beautiful young woman who’s big starry eyes resembled Jungkook’s. She had pinned up black hair and a bright wide-lipped smile gracing her face. Standing in front of the curtains, she posed with one hand in the air. On her body was one of those strapless, bodycon dresses actresses wore in the 60s.
“She...She’s beautiful…” You say, stunned
Jungkook’s eyes seem to sparkle at your compliment, “She was really big in her time. I mean, she acted in so many movies...even Hitchcock wanted a film with her! Her face used to be plastered all over billboards and newspapers. They called her America’s doll!”
“That’s wonderful! Does she still act?”
And just like that, all his present excitement vanishes. He looks like he’s back in his introverted state and he shifts his eyes away from you to the teapot in the center of the coffee table.
“No, they don’t...they stopped hiring her a long time ago.”
“Oh no...what happened?”
“She just wasn’t enough anymore...not young enough compared to the other rookies.” He states without emotion
“That’s terrible.”
“But my mother was better than all of them, you know! She was! She had more talent in her fingernails than those wenches did in their entire bodies.”
You shift back at his aggressive tone as he stares at the ground in anger. It felt like he was reading from a script, like someone had been taught him to say these words.
“Yet the ‘experts’ at the studios told her she was crazy! They sabotaged her, forced her out of the industry and created her downfall with false news and gossip. Told people she was an alcoholic and abusive..why my mother couldn’t even hurt a fly...she… wasn’t mad.”
“I’m sure she wasn’t...I’m sorry Jungkook.”
He looks up at you in silence for a bit, as if realizing something. “We all go a little mad sometimes, I guess. I’m sorry for startling you.” And just like that, he was back to the boy he was moments ago. “What brings you out here anyway, miss?”
“Umm...well, me and Taehyung were going on a road trip. Our first stop was GoldLeaf.”
“That sounds exciting...I’ve never been on a trip before...actually I’ve never gone far from the inn?”
“What, never?” You say startled, to which he nods “Surely your mother has taken you on trips when you were a young boy?”
“Mother...says that the outside world is full of liars and thieves and people who want to hurt me. She’s never let me stray too far...it was for my own protection.” 
You squint your eyes at him, “Jungkook, not everything out there is filled with monsters. There’s also beauty and art. If everyone thought that way, we couldn’t get anything done now could we?”
He sits there, stunned at your words. Before looking away and muttering “That’s true.”
Not wanting the boy to feel bad about anything you switch the topic. “Hey, what was your mother’s name by the way?”
“Wow! So this inn-”
“Yes, it was made for her... by one of her lovers. The one that’s my father I think. But I’m not really bothered by my mother’s…” He trails off, the room going quiet. “Ah, am I holding you up? Sorry, you must be tired.” Jungkook softly whispers, his hand overlapping yours. 
“Thank you, Jungkook.” You smile, standing up and giving him a small wave. He blushes, giving him a sheepish smile and wishing you a good night. 
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
Your eyes listened to the creak of the stairs as you slowly dragged your feet back to your room, once again adoring the decorations hung around the inn. When you made it down the long hallway, you turned the doorknob to your room, walking in and softly shutting the door. You couldn’t hear the sound of water running anymore, so you figured Taehyung to have finished his shower. 
“There you are.” 
Taehyung smiled at you, a towel sloppily hanging over his head with water droplets falling onto the wooden floorboards. He stood by the nightstand, his chest was bare, but he had slipped on pants and was currently drying his hair out. Your face flushed as you slowly turned your head the other as you walked past him and took a seat on the inn bed. 
“Thought you got lost for a second,” he smirked, his hand coming to his hip as he stood in the threshold of the bathroom. “I was starting to contemplate whether I should look for my fiance.” 
“Oh, Taehyung…” You huffed, listening to the timbre of his laugh that echoed in the small room you shared. “I’m not that careless and oblivious.” 
“Are you so sure about that?” He whispered, bending to your height as his hands wrapped around your waist. “So, do you know what I want right now?” 
“You’re so shameless no matter where we go, Taehyung.” You smiled, placing your arms around his shoulders while your fingers began to play with his wet hair on the back of his head. 
“Mm, but you love it.” A smug look slowly graced his face as he peppered small kisses on your cheek and travelled downward to your neck. You shivered, feeling his fingers play with the hem of your cream blouse as you inhaled in the smell of bubbly soap and aftershave that coated his body. As you bent your neck to give him more access, you giggled, his kisses beginning to tickle your skin. Taehyung’s mouth formed into a smile as you felt his lips curl up with each additional kiss that he softly placed. 
You turned toward Taehyung as he took a spot beside you on the mattress, feeling his thumb run over your lips before whispering a gentle “I love you” and softly kissing your lips. His hands intertwined with yours as your mouths moved together before he moved away. 
“I love you so much and…” Taehyung murmured the end as he went in for another kiss, feeling your hands wrap around the back of his neck. He giggled as your foreheads met each other, breaking the kiss off once again. “Let me help you take that off… Nono, don’t get up. You’ll be more comfortable if you let me do it, okay?”
“Can I take this off?” Taehyung whispered, giving more tugs on your blouse as you gave him a curt nod, your own fingers loosening up the green a-line skirt that hiked up to your knees. His delicate fingers unbuttoned your blouse as it slid off your shoulders, falling softly onto the blankets. Taehyung threw it over his head as it landed onto the wooden floors and dove straight for your mouth, passionately kissing you down. As your mouths moved together, your legs kicked your skirt with your panties to the side, falling over as well. 
You slowly grew small underneath Taehyung’s intense stare, knowing your body never seemed to emulate the thousands of paintings of beautiful women with their clear and perfect skin, smooth and delicate. As you slowly began to hide your face in your hands, Taehyung’s hand came up to your wrist, pulling it away. 
“Let me see you…” He breathlessly whispered, watching as you slowly reclined back until you hit the mattress, staring up at him. 
“Then, let me see you too…” You pouted, pointing at the pants that still hung on his hips. Taehyung let out a chuckle as he raised his brow.
“Want me to take it off?” He asked, slipping his thumb under the waistband of his pants. You nodded eagerly not taking your eyes off his abdomen. “Then beg.”
Your eyes widen as you look at the cocky smirk Taehyung displayed. Reaching behind you, you grab a fluffy pillow before throwing it in his direction. He laughs, holding up his arms to protect himself. “Alright, alright.”
Quickly, he unfastens his pants, throwing his clothes that joined yours on the ground. 
“Better?” He asks, crawling up to your figure
“Better.” You respond, kissing him as soon as his face was close enough. 
A moan escaped from your mouth as Taehyung left a trail of kisses down your neck and between your breasts, while your hands went up to caress his brown strands of hair. His hands travelled downward, dipping between your legs as he began to gently rub your clit. Your body shuddered as a few whimpers fell from your lips, while Taehyung just smirked. 
“Feels good? You’re so wet…” He grunted, sinking his fingers and dragging them along your walls. 
“T-tae…” You moaned, feeling several fingers ease their way in. “I-if you keep doing that, I’m going to cum…” You whined, body desperate for more friction. 
“Already, baby?” He chuckled, leaning down to capture your lips. “What about me, love?” He jokingly teased. “I can’t have you passed out from exhaustion already, now can I?” 
You gulped loudly, feeling cold air as Taehyung’s fingers slipped out, dripping down onto the bedsheets as he smiled. Taehyung stared at you while you stared back, feeling your heart lump erratically. He shuffled closer, bringing his soaked fingers up to your lips as he watched you slowly part your mouth open, sucking and cleaning them up. 
“You’re so beautiful…” He whispered as he pulled his fingers out with a plop from your mouth, saliva riding down your chin. There was barely enough time to collect yourself as Taehyung firmly pressed you down on the bed, hands grabbing each one of your parts and spreading them out. Your face flushed as you moaned in embarrassment, squeezing your eyes shut as Taehyung lined his member up to your entrance. 
“I’m ready…” You nodded. Taehyung smiled as he looked down at you, affection in his eyes as he slowly pushed in. He gauged every expression on your face, feeling himself grow more excited as you looked up at him with half-lidded eyes. Your body was feeling it and it was evident the way you panted and clawed at the blankets beneath you. 
“Fuck…” He cursed, his knuckles turning white as he forced his body to hold back. He licked his lips, imagining the way he could just fuck you straight into the bed and listen to your cries of pleasure. But, his patience was rewarded as you beckoned him further with your hand to come closer. As the two of you kissed, Taehyung began to move, his hips snapping every once in a while, enjoying the way your body shuddered and flinched. 
“Tae… Feels good…” You moaned underneath him, legs in the air as Taehyung held onto them. “I feel…c-cum-”
“Me too, love… Just hold on for a bit longer…” He soothed, bringing a hand down to caress your pink cheeks. As Taehyung dove back into you, your body screamed for release, twitching and spasming as you let out inaudible cries of pleasure. Taehyung groaned, feeling the way you tightened up, body tensing and becoming too much for him as he let his cum spill inside. 
However, as you withered amongst the sheets in Taehyung’s embrace, every sigh that left your mouth and part of skin he fondled, was all seen by that eye. Every bit.
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
“..Nnn?” You groaned, shuffling around in bed as Taehyung laid next to you, eyes softly closed with his breathing evenly going in and out. His hair fell over his eyes and his bare chest peeked out from underneath the blankets. Within your sleepy state, you smile at his arm hung over your hip as you were snuggled into his chest, feeling warmth and comfort in his hold.
Yet through the comfort, the more you regained conscious, the louder a rattling from inside the room resounded. 
In an instant, you were awake, all previous trance vanishing the next second. As you concentrated on hearing the sound, it continued scarily insistent, as if someone suddenly became more urgent. All you could do was stare at Taehyung, with confused and wide eyes. You could hear it, the sound came from beyond the door, almost as if someone was shaking the doorknob. A shudder crept down your spine and down your legs as you cuddled further into your fiance underneath the blankets, body adjusting to his chest. He subconsciously reciprocated. 
Someone was trying to break in.
And you had no idea of what to do.
“Taehyung…” You whispered, hoping the person behind the door wouldn’t hear you. This was an unfamiliar, dark and abandoned place, with a stranger who held an extra set of keys right down the stairs. Your fear grew with each second and you insistently started tapping Taehyung on the chest and shoulder, hoping he would wake up quicker. “Taehyung…!” You harshly hissed, only for the man to groan, tilting his head further back into his pillow. 
“...L...ater…” He muttered, going right back into his dreamland and turning away from you. With a silent groan of irritation, you give up. Not having the courage to continue bothering him with the harsh scuffling of your entrance just a couple of feet away from you. It felt like the door would break down any second now. Your heart was plummeting rapidly in your chest as you huffed at your useless fiance, throwing the blanket away from your body as the soles of your feet met the cold wood flooring.
Darkness loomed throughout the entire room as you slowly stood up, hearing the swish of the trees outside and rain pouring against the windows. Harsh gusts of wind crashed against the glass as your eyes desperately tried to adjust to the little lighting in the dim room, hands coming down and catching yourself from bumping into your night table. You could see it from where you stood...the shaking of your door. 
With each slow step towards the entrance, your skin crawled, fingers shaking as you reached for the doorknob. Your breathing was unsteady, body shuddering again as you shut your eyes, taking a deep breath when you stood right by the door. For a few seconds, you meditated, calming you high nerves with each breath. Until you grabbed the doorknob with determination. Time to find out who was lying behind the door. 
When the door was fully open, you were greeted with silence. 
 In a daze you stand quietly, staring at nothing but the opposite wall of the hallway with your tight grip on the doorknob loosening. Hesitantly, you took a step away from the threshold and into the hallway of the inn. 
You looked in the dark hallway, once right and then left. 
Nothing. No one.
There was only pitch black on both sides. Like what you just experienced was a hallucination. As soon as you confirmed your suspicions were false, you quickly went back inside, shutting the door closed and locking it. Scratching your head, you rubbed your eyes, questioning whether you hallucinated. Maybe the things your fiance had said were getting to you.
With a sigh of relieved nerves, you slipped back into bed with Taehyung who was softly snoring, lips curling up as you hugged him from behind.
While you thought about the sudden events for a while, the road trip still had you extremely exhausted and it didn’t take long for you to drifting off as well. 
What you failed to realize in the darkness of the stormy night, however, was a shadow intently watching your door. A shadow that slowly slipped away further into the hallway. 
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
“My love.”
“Get up.”
“Tae…?” You groaned, rubbing your eyes. A ball of uneven bed-head popped into view as your fiance mischievously grinned at you. 
“How long are you going to sleep for today, love?” 
“I’m up, I’m up…” You muttered, kicking the blankets off your body as your fiance gave you a tight hug, arms resting on your shoulders and circling around your neck. A yawn echoed in the room as you stretched your arms up to the ceiling, eyes still closed and head tilted to the side. Fatigue plagued your mind as you stood up, stumbling your way to the bathroom as Taehyung watched from the bed. 
“Ready to go down?” Taehyung chirped as you came out of the bathroom, refreshed despite the evident drowsiness that lingered in your body. You nodded again, slipping on your shoes and unlocking the door, stepping in the hallway that was now filled with the bright light of the sun. The two of you descended down the staircase, walking into the dining room as you caught Jungkook’s figure peeking out as you turned the corner. 
“Good morning.” You call, grabbing his attention as he turns around, the sun reflecting off the windows and gleaming on the side of his face. Taehyung comes up to your side, taking a seat at one of the tables as you slowly seat yourself beside him. 
“Good morning.” Jungkook smiles, watching toward the pair with the curtains now pulled open. “Didn’t sleep well?” 
“No, no, I’m alright.” You smile, brushing a loose strand of hair behind your ear as Taehyung rolls his eyes. “The stormy night just kept me up.”
“Yes, it was pretty bad last night. I’m glad you both chose to stay, couldn’t imagine if you were on the road.” Jungkook replies worriedly 
“What’s it matter to you…?” Taehyung grumbled underneath his breath, turning his head as your eyebrows furrowed. 
“Taehyung, don’t be so rude.” You quietly scold, trying to get him to look at you in the eyes. Taehyung just looks off to the side, chin propped up on the palm of his hand as he grumbles. 
“So, I heard about your mom Jungkook...famous actress and all...where is she? Is she going to join us for breakfast? Are we even going to meet her?” Taehyung bluntly asks, eyes shifting to stare at the doe-eyed boy who only tilted his head to the side with an innocent smile on his face. 
“No, my mother is going to eat in her bedroom. She’s still not feeling well and the least she said she could do is not get her guests sick.” Jungkook smiled, taking a seat in front of the pair with a light breakfast laid out in front of everyone. As the three of you silently ate, Taehyung gave the younger annoyed looks from time to time, only stopping when you silently scolded him underneath the table.
“So Jungkook,” You began trying to lighten the mood. “What do you like to do here? For fun, I mean.”
He looked surprised at you for a few seconds before he puts his toast down, “Mm..well...I mostly spend time with mother...sometimes we dance...ummm…”
“That sounds lovely.” You say to Jungkook, kicking Taehyung under the table when he scoffs.
“Ow!” He whines before glaring at Jungkook “She meant what’s there to do around here? Anything fun? Or is the whole place dead.”
You growl at Taehyung who cowers in his seat. Poor Jungkook looks hurt by his words, slumping in his chair.
“Jungkook.” You say slowly, “Don’t mind him. He’s had a terrible day yesterday with the whole storm interference an-”
“Oh!” Jungkook exclaims making you and Taehyung jumped. “How about we go out and view the forest? 
“The weather outside is so beautiful, it’d be a shame if you didn’t get to see it!” 
“Taehyung, doesn’t that sound like a pleasant idea?” You smiled, your foot clamping down on his leg. Taehyung bit his tongue, looking away and just giving a reluctant nod. “Then that settles that! After breakfast, do you want to show us around, Jungkook?” 
The boy nodded excitedly, almost jumping out of his seat as you laughed at the enjoyment in his face, only for Taehyung to roll his eyes once again. 
As you pulled Taehyung by the hand back to your cabin room, he groaned like a child. You had bought your bags upstairs, shifting through the outfits you brought along for the trip. The door to your room shut closed as Taehyung threw a jacket over his clothes, watching as you slowly fixed your appearance in the mirror that sat by the vanity. He walked behind you, locking his arms around your hips with his face buried into the crook of your neck. 
“Do we really have to…?” Taehyung whined, tilting his head up to check your reflection from the mirror. “I can think of plenty of other interesting things that can take up our time, love…” 
“Taehyung, you are going to be a good boy and join us outside, okay?” You sternly warned, turning around to face the pouty man. “C’mon, it’s not going to be that bad.” 
Taehyung just tightly hugged you again, hesitantly nodding. 
I just hate that boy.
As you slipped out of the cabin room, you went downstairs into the main lobby, only to find the spacious area deserted. 
“Jungkook?” You called out, hearing your voice echo off the walls. As you look left and right, you sighed, scratching your head and deciding to pay a visit to his room. When you finally ascended the staircase, you took gentle steps towards his room, only to hear loud voices muted by the barrier of the hallway and room. 
“She’s not a good woman! Do not get close to her, do you understand? I will not have my son getting close to that bad woman!” A hoarse voice spoke from behind the door as you stopped in your tracks. Was that his mother? And was she talking about you? 
“Mother, please! Mother, she’s really just a stranger and it was pouring outside!” You heard Jungkook’s desperate voice argue back, trying to rationalize his mother’s words. “I just want to show her around, what’s the harm of that?”
“You will listen to what your mother says! Do you understand, boy? Do not take that bad woman anywhere!”
“Shut up!” Jungkook screamed, his footsteps echoing against the wooden floors. 
The door to his room opened as he runs into you, his eyes wide as your body flinches. Your eyes shift towards the contents inside his room, taking a brief glance as Jungkook hastily slams the door shut. You could see his mother sitting in her rocking chair, facing away from the door. 
“Hi,” Jungkook breathes out. It was awkward for a while since you both knew what the mother was saying about you, but honestly, you didn’t want Jungkook to feel bad because of a crazy old woman. 
So you smile at him, “Ready, soldier? Let’s get going.”
Watching fondly as he immediately returns to that shy beam you were secretly growing to love.
“Let’s go.”  
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
That’s how you found yourself outside with a gleaming and excited Jungkook in front of you and a miserable Taehyung to your side, his hands shoved into his pockets. The sun was brightly shining and birds happily chirp as Jungkook gave you a small tour around the forest. You gazed in awe at the enormous hardwoods and the nice breeze that blew your hair back. 
“It’s so pretty!” You marvelled, earning a chuckle from Jungkook who smiled from off on the side of the trail. “Isn’t this one pretty, Taehyung?” You called, the glum man gazing over and giving a reluctant nod. 
“Ohh! This one too! I wish I could paint this little guy here…” You pouted, bending your knees as you gazed at the beautiful flowers growing in front of you. Taehyung just huffed, crossing his arms as he stood behind you on the trail. 
“Is that all you ever think about? Art? Painting? Really?” He spat dryly, only for heat to rise up to your face as you turned around. You have had about enough of his negativity. It was ruining the trip and slowly tore down your patience. 
“What’s your problem, Taehyung? Can’t you just control yourself for once? Can’t you keep your negative comments and insults to yourself?” You groan in frustration, eyes narrowed as Taehyung shoots you back the same look. 
“How about you try and think about me for once!” Taehyung shouted, his voice echoing in the forest as birds flew away from the intensity of his voice. “Y’know, I maybe thought our original trip would be able to convince you to finally accept me as your fiance, but now that I’m here instead, I’m honestly sick of this!” 
“I’m your fiance! Me! And you’re just letting this man who you KNOW likes you more than a friend, and you’re doing nothing about it! You’re letting him flirt with you with the way you’re acting! I’m so sick! OF ALL OF THIS! So how about you try and think about how I feel! Don’t you think I was patient enough when I gave you time to sort out your feelings, even though I was hurt you still accepted my proposal when you never truly felt the same way? But you…! You!” Taehyung pointed his finger, only to whip his hand away as he grunted in frustration. 
With his voice now softer, Taehyung just glared at you. 
“And you won’t even believe me about my concerns with this inn. What even am I to you, huh? Is this the respect I get? IS IT?!”
“Taehyung… just-”
“You are unbelievable!” Taehyung screams, earning the attention of an oblivious Jungkook who turns around, nervously gazing at the couple who just glared at each other. “And you still don’t believe me! You…! I-I…”
The air got silent as Taehyung just stared at his feet, his head lowered as he turned away. “It’s over. Let’s just end it. If you can’t trust me, if you don’t want to marry me, if you can’t tell another man to stop flirting with you, if you don’t even know what you want from this relationship, then… just stop… let’s just stop.” 
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
As soon as Tae pushes the doors of the inn, he doesn’t wait for you. Instead, rushing up the stairs and slamming the door of his room.
You roll your eyes, walking slowly after him and watching him throw a tantrum. Jungkook trails you just as slow, his big eyes filled with concern and a frown on his boyish features.
“Are you sure he’s alright? He seems so mad.”
You sigh deeply, a headache forming behind your eyes. “He’s fine Jungkook...just don’t worry okay. He gets like this sometimes.”
With that, you turn and look at Jungkook who’s staring at you intensely. “He..shouldn’t do that…”
“He shouldn’t treat you like that...” He says with a low voice, “I would never treat you like that.”
“It’s...It’s fine I’ll just…” You step away from Jungkook’s intense gaze, turning around and rushing up the stairs. 
As you took a step on each stair, your hand gliding on the handle, you could feel Jungkook stare at your back, looking up and admiring you from the lobby. You turn the corner, softly walking toward your cabin room, hearing the shuffle of bags and feet.
You step inside your room, to find Taehyung rummaging around and packing his suitcase.
“What are you doing?” You ask him apprehensively, tired of his draining attitude since you first spotted the inn from your car window.
“I’m leaving. Are you coming or not?” Taehyung put his hand on his hip, his bag firmly zipped closed. 
Sighing you cross your arms, “Stop acting like a child for God’s sake! Why can’t you just enjoy yourself?”
“Can’t you see things are clearly wrong?” Taehyung argues back, gesturing his arms out as if to engulf the entire inn. 
“What Taehyung? What is wrong with this small, quaint inn? What could possibly be so terrible OF A BOOKING A SMALL CABIN ROOM FOR TWO DAYS TO SURVIVE A NASTY STORM?”
“While you were having fun like the spoiled princess you are with your new prince charming, I was actually checking the place out! The registry listed all the people that checked in, but never, not even once have any checked out. On all the records!”
“T-that's,” You struggle to find the words, “It’s an old registry, it’s not reliable!”
“So then why are all the phone lines dead?” He deadpans. 
“In the dining room, near the kitchen. A phone was sitting there and I picked it up, and all I heard was static. It was dead!” 
“Okay, but what would be the use of a phone when I can’t even get service here, Taehyung?” You reply back bitterly.
“And just where is his mother? Huh? How come no has one seen her?”
“She’s sick!”
“Oh, isn’t that just convenient?” Taehyung spits dryly. 
“You’re crazy! She’s an old woman, I heard her myself!”
“But you still have never seen her, have you?!”
“ENOUGH! I don’t want to talk about this anymore, not when you’re being so unreasonable!”
“Are you going to come or not?” 
When you remain silent, he just shakes his head. 
“Fine... I’m leaving then.” 
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
It’s been two hours since Taehying’s departure.
Two hours since he burned your whole engagement to hell. Two hours after he broke your heart into pieces. And you sat there in the lounge, feeling helpless. In the corner of your mind, you think this was always meant to happen, that you and Taehyung were two completely different people and that it was a mistake to ever meet him. To fall so hopelessly in love with him. Maybe it’s a good thing that this happened now, rather than later. Maybe it’s good that you’ve found your answer to his question.
Jungkook approaches your sad body on the sofa cautiously, his black hair softly falling over his eyes.
“___… Are you alright?”
You were too deep in thought as he approached your side, so you were startled and let out a gasp. “What? Oh, yea...I’m alright.”
“Is there anything I can do to help?” You can hear the burning guilt in his voice and you smile.
“It's alright Jungkook, I just...want to be alone for now.” You get up, walking close to him “I’ll stay here tonight and find my way home tomorrow. If that’s okay?”
“Of course!” He responds back, a little too eager which makes you laugh
“Thank you Jungkook,” You say placing a palm underneath his cheek and feeling him heat up, “You’ve been so kind.”
With that, you reach up and give him a small kiss on the cheek. When you move back, his eyes are as big as a fish and he looks frozen, stunned at the small intimacy. 
You stand there as he stutters. In an instant, he turns around, awkwardly walking out the lounge in fast-paced steps. Humored, you can’t help the giggle that makes its way past your lips and you sigh. Then frown. 
Just what were you doing?
This is exactly why Taehyung left you. You let out a guttural groan, rubbing around your face with your hands. What was wrong with you? 
As you were moping about all your bad decisions, a spark from under the sofa caught your eye. Hmm? Tilting your head to get a better angle, you bend down trying to study the object. It was a key, the one Jungkook wore around his neck. 
Jungkook’s room key!
Immediately, you reach out and pluck the key from the floor. Did he lose this? Or did he just drop it after your little moment together? Well, it’s no use to ponder on the subject, you need to give it back to him.
“Jungkook?” You call out
No response. That’s weird he just left like a minute ago. Confused, you begin walking to the reception hoping that he just didn’t hear you. Once you’re in the reception room, you realize Jungkook’s not there. You step up to the front desk. Where could he have gone? Outside?
With a shrug of your shoulders, you think to just put the key down on his desk so he can find it when he comes in. But you stop just as you were about to put them down. Something Taehyung said starts appearing in your mind.
“And just where is his mother? Huh? How come no has one seen her?”
You stand there, in the middle of the bright reception recalling the words your ex-fiance spoke. Slowly you turn, looking up the stairs where all the rooms were located. Perhaps this was the chance to prove Taehyung wrong once and for all.
Wait, no! You shouldn’t do this, it’s not right to snoop around. Yet, the longer you stand there, the more everything Taehyung said starts to make you apprehensive. Besides, Jungkook’s not around. Maybe you can tell him you just wanted to return the key. You’re just checking anyway...it couldn’t hurt.
With that, you make your way to the staircase. Carefully, you place your foot on the first step. Then the other on another. You make your way up the steps, hating each creek that resounded around the Inn. Something in your gut felt strange, like this was a terrible, terrible mistake.
As you get to the top of the step you sigh, looking down into the hallway where Jungkook’s room was. You make your way down the hall, passing your room and trying to concentrate on doing this quickly but your body prolonged you. Alarms were raised in your head and you felt nausea crawl up your throat.
Taehyung had always said you were a bad liar.
You sauntered down the hallway until you finally got to Jungkook’s room. Its silence taunting you. You gulp a few times, trying to moisten your dry mouth. What if Jungkook catches you and throws you out of the inn? Where would you go then?
With trembling fingers, you place the key inside the lock, pursing your lips when you hear it unlock. Slowly you grab the knob, turning it and pushing the door open with the lightest force. The creek in its hinges makes you cringe and clench your free fist.
It was completely dark in his room, and only the hallway’s light illuminated inside. There was nothing special in Jungkook’s room, just a bed, and nightstand like in your room. And of course, his mother. Who was still sitting in that rocking chair facing away from you? Her head was still in that chair and it looked like she hadn’t moved an inch since this morning. What was she doing in a pitch-black room?
“Miss Dulcie?”
She doesn’t respond. Just sits perfectly still in that long brown wooden chair. That was strange since she sounded so full of life this morning.
You step inside the room, your heart beating a million times per minute. “Miss Dulcie umm, I’m sorry for barging in...I was just looking for Jungkook?”
Still, no response so you go closer, trying to see if she was asleep. 
“Miss Dulcie, your son Jungkook, I wanted to return this key to him.” You were right behind her now, so close that you could smell her. She smelled like...rotten apples? Scrunching your face at the odor, you call out to her one last time
“Miss Dulcie?”
You walk around until you are in front of her and as soon as you do, a terrified scream leaves you.
There, in that chair sat an old, gray rotting skeleton.
Taehyung was right, there was no mother. There was something horribly wrong with this place, but you don’t have time to regret anything when you hear a sudden high-pitched voice and a shadow appears in the doorway.
“I knew you were a bad girl!”
You shriek louder, crashing into the wall of the room as you witness who you were speaking with. Who the woman talking this morning was. Jungkook, stood in the doorway with a dress and a wig, just like the one on the skeleton and smiled, breathing heavily. Tears already run down your cheeks, as you cover your mouth with your palm. He held a giant knife in his right hand.
“I told him.” He says with that grotesque tone, “I told him you were bad. That you were a liar. But he doesn’t listen, he never listens to me.”
“He went on and on about your discussions, how much he related to you, about how pretty your hair was and how kind you were. He said he didn’t need me anymore, he did.”
You were shivering so hard you were about to pass out. Instead, you think about ways you can escape with him blocking the entrance the way he did.
“But he was wrong you see!  I told him you were bad, I told him you were just like the rest! You snooped into his room, you lied to him!”
“No, I-I just wanted to return the k-”
“Liar!” He says before he charges at you. With a scream you ran from your spot in the corner, bumping into the chair along the way just before he stabbed the knife into the wooden wall. It got stuck in the small gap, and while he focused on prying out the knife, you ran out of the room.
As fast as your legs could take you, you run down the hall and up to the end of the staircase. Without missing a beat. Fear fueling your energy. Once you at the reception, you sprint up to the entrance of the inn. You try and pull it open but it was the door only rattled back, stuck and locked in its hinges.
“No, no, no!” You say each time you pry. It doesn’t budge, locked shut from the outside. “No, NO NOOOO!”
You scream as you began to cry, pounding on the door fruitlessly. You can’t. You can’t go like this. There was so much you had yet to do, you can’t. You can’t!
“If only he’d listen to me!” The horrific voice yells and you turn around to find Jungkook standing above the staircase with a wild look in his eyes. His knife gleaming in the light of the chandelier. Again, you scream and run when he starts charging down the stairs.
You run into the lounge, heaving as you heard Jungkook stomping down the stairs. Quickly you ran behind one of the furthest sofas, crouching down and hiding behind it. In a second, Jungkook steps into the room, you could hear him pacing around the lounge in easy, calculated steps. 
“Bad girl, where are you?” He sing-songs and you cover your mouth to stop from whines from escaping. 
You watch in horror as he steps up right in front of your sofa and stops, turns his feet in your direction. For a while, he just stands there and you aren't sure of what to do. Then he starts moving again to your relief.
You move the slightest from your spot, just a bit to check his location. Suddenly, you’re being pulled in the opposite direction by your leg as you scream.
“There you are!” Jungkook shouts at you on the floor as he steadies his knife to plunge into you.
Your ears are ringing and you feel wet tears rolling down your cheek. 
This is it. This is the end. 
A voice shouts as glass shatters and you can hear Jungkook screech, his body lumping onto the floor. Your feet jump up as your eyes desperately look around your surroundings. Jungkook collapsed onto the floor, shards of glass scattered around the floor as you get up and gasp to your surprise. Taehyung was out of breath, but he was standing right in front of you, dust and dirt on his cheeks. He quickly extends his hand, which you immediately grab and the two of you run. 
“T-taehyung!” You gasp, squeezing his hand so hard you know it had to hurt. “W-why…? H-how?” You cry out, whether, from relief or happiness, you aren’t exactly sure. 
“The front door was chained shut, I knew something was wrong! I had to break in through the basement! We have to go through there! C’mon!” He shouts as the two of you descend down another set of stairs. The basement is filled with bookshelves and portraits of Jungkook’s mother, items scattered around the floor and objects that lost its shine. The basement was dark, with only a burning oil lamp hooked near the entrance. Taehyung guided you through the scattered items as he lifts the broken basement door open as you quickly slip through.
Before Taehyung can take a step out, the laugh returns and Jungkook rushes towards Taehyung, colliding into the man’s body. The oil lamp crashes down onto the floor as the two men struggle against each other. Taehyung grunts, grabbing Jungkook and suppressing the arm that held the knife from ever going down. 
“You fucking lunatic!!” Taehyung screams, slowly losing in strength as the knife slowly comes down bit by bit. Jungkook just laughs, overpowering the man and stabbing him in his upper chest. 
However, his victory is cut short as a steel club collides into his skull, causing him to screech out. Jungkook topples down to the floor as you stand there, trembling with your hands tightly gripping onto a golf club with red drops of blood on the tip. You bend down, leaning Taehyung on one of your shoulders as you make it outside. 
As you take one back look inside the darkness of the basement, you watch as a growing fire begins to eat away at the bookshelves. You look up as your feet touch the delicate grass underneath you, feeling the rain pour over you and down your face. Looking back at Taehyung, you slowly lug him toward the car and lay him down.
Your fiance had left the keys into your gratitude, letting you quickly start the engine and begin backing away from this cursed place. The tires screech as you make it onto the road, pushing on the accelerator to get you going as fast as possible.
As you were leaving, you look in the rearview mirror, taking one last glimpse at the inn, watching smoke and fire engulfing it all.
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
Even the air smelled sweet. 
Your eyes fluttered open as you found your head tilted downward, arms crossed in your lap as your butt still remained in the chair that you had initially sat in when you arrived. 
How long was I asleep?
As you drowsily blinked several times, you were greeted by the bright white painted walls of the room and the ruffle of the window curtains. A breeze blew past into the cold hospital room, your figure watching over your fiance for who knows how long. Every day, every week, every month, you seemed to find yourself back in this hospital chair in his room, staring at his non-moving body, his closed eyes, and quiet breathing thanks to the machine he was hooked onto. His skin had gotten pale with his body losing muscle and weight. 
There were times when you entered his hospital room, only to stare or talk to him for hours until you finally broke down. Tears would roll out from your eyes and down your cheeks as you stared at his body. Could you even consider him alive with the way he always lay flat and motionless? All you wanted to do was to feel his warm body against yours, to see that smile you always called cheesy. Even his stupid habits that you hated… You wanted to see those too. 
“I’ll be going, Taehyung…”’ You whispered, nails digging into your pants. “I’ll see you tomorrow…” 
As you stood up, you took small steps toward his bed, your arm reaching out for his hand as you gave it a small squeeze. It was so frigidly cold. 
You told the cops everything you could, but they just looked at you like you were crazy. I mean, the whole story with the guy who thinks he’s his mom who used to be a famous actress and now she’s dead and her son’s probably killed others. It was far-fetched. But you insisted, shouted at them for being so incompetent like a madwoman until they relented. The police went back to the scene of the crime, although hesitant with everything you told them. They came back told you the place was burned to a crisp, no signs of anyone there but with a fire like that, no one to survive either.
In the end, they launched an on-going investigation after finding out some other people that disappeared in that area. None of it was helpful to you, not as long as they didn’t find Jungkook’s body and Taehyung continued to lay there with wires stuck into him.
You turned away, dragging your feet over to the door as you pulled it open, stepping out into the hallway. While you walked through the hospital, all you dwelled on was the mistakes you made. Because of you, Taehyung was lying in that bed. And because he cared about you, he came back, worried and protecting, no, saving you from death. Your fingers came up to your head, pulling at your hair as you gasped for air, feeling tears trickle down your cheeks once again. 
Who were you to deserve such kindness? Why could you never listen? How could you ever make it up to him?
As you stepped into the elevator, feeling it carry you back to the lobby of the hospital, you sign out, shuffling down the sidewalk and back to your small car. The car beeps twice as you press your car key, opening the door and sliding in. When you start the car and buckle your seatbelt, your hand comes up to the rearview mirror, but your eyes go wide as you scream. 
He was smiling, his brown hair sticking out as he gazed at you through the mirror. You spun around, looking behind you in the backseat, only to find the row empty. Your heart was thumping in your chest as a bead of sweat rolls down your face. You were sure! You swore you saw him again. But when you looked straight ahead and changed the gears, you couldn’t help but wonder. 
Was he truly still out there? 
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cb-conceptlibrary · 4 years
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TW: Murder, unhealthy relationships with opposite gender, poor parent-child relationships, multiple personality disorder, theft, stabbing
Welcome to the Librarian’s Suggestions!
Today’s Theme: Psycho (1960 Film)
Plot: A young woman who works for a real estate agency longs to marry her sweetheart, but they’re unable to do so, due to his debts. When a wealthy client comes in with a $40,000 down payment on a house for his daughter, all in cash, her boss orders her to deposit it into the bank right away. Instead, the young woman steals the money and plans to meet her boyfriend with the money, thinking this could help wipe out his debts and allow them to be together.
She begins to grow tired and paranoid during her drive to her boyfriend’s hometown, and switches cars, before stopping at a motel off the beaten path for a one night stay. She chats with the charming young man who runs the motel, who offers to make her dinner and keep her company while she eats. Over dinner, she learns that he takes care of his sickly mother in addition to running the motel, and eventually makes a decision to return the money come morning. She showers in her room, only to be stabbed to death in the shower by an unseen figure.
Days pass and the young woman’s sister begins to seek help finding her, along with a private detective who is looking for the missing money. All signs point to the mysterious motel and the young man who run it.
Marion Crane: A young woman in her twenties who is madly in love with her boyfriend Sam, a gentleman who owns a hardware store in Fairvale, CA. She works a lowly job as a secretary for a real estate agency and longs to marry Sam and escape her mundane life. When a loud and showy client comes in, waving $40K around for a down payment on a house, she becomes tempted and swipes the money with plans to use it to pay off Sam’s debts. She ends up stopping at the Bates Motel before continuing to Fairvale and takes a room for the night. Little does she know that the young man running the place isn’t quite what he seems and she is stabbed to death in the shower.
Sam Loomis: Marion’s boyfriend who owns a hardware store in CA. Due to debts, he is forced to live in the backroom of his store and tries to pay down the amounts owed. He loves Marion, but tells her that their plans for a wedding will have to wait.
Lila Crane: Marion’s younger sister who works for a record store. She goes looking for Marion after her sister runs off with the money and has not been seen since. Determined to find her, she pushes the authorities and the private detective for answers.
Norman Bates: The charming young man who runs the Bates Motel off the beaten path from the main highway in CA. He manages the motel and takes care of his sickly mother, who lives in the house on the hill. Prior to the events of the story, he lost his father at a young age and his mother raised him, often guilt-tripping him to stay close. He felt compelled to stay with her, even as she began dating someone else. It is revealed that when he was younger, he poisoned his mother and her lover, but suffered guilt and assumed a separate persona of his mother, which would “protect” him from bad things and suspicious women. It is this persona that leads to the deaths of Marion and the private investigator.
Milton Arbogast: A private investigator who was hired by the wealthy client to recover the money with no charges against Marion. He stumbles across the Bates Motel and begins to poke around, resulting in his death by Norman’s “mother” persona.
Possible Plots
Your muse is Norman Bates and follows the storyline of the film.
Your muse is Norman Bates and goes before the events of the story, where he is running the motel on his own with the mother persona coming out every now and then. (It is revealed in the film that Marion may not have been the only victim prior to the story who was killed by the mother persona.)
Your muse is Marion Crane and follows the storyline of the film.
Your muse stays at the Bates Motel and finds something off-putting about the place or the proprietor who runs it.
Your muse has a friend or family member that goes missing, the last place they were seen was the Bates Motel.
Can overlay serial killer, yandere, or obsession themes on this storyline. Norman has an unhealthy relationship with his mother and sees other women as alluring and dangerous temptresses.
While the storyline takes place in the 1960s, this can be changed for any time period.
If your character suffers from multiple personality disorder, this could be a good option for overlaying themes.
Ideal for charming/handsome male characters who could easily change to a darker persona/aura.
If you have a detective/authority chatbot, this could work if your muse is assigned to look for a serial killer.
@yanlee (OG) @detectivexsicheng @lawyer-mingyu @mafia-chae @hanjisung-bot @softboijisung @lixielee-chatbot @mafiafelixlee @your-seunghun @vampiremomo @yoursjennie @movie-itz-twice @leemafia @sydney-oc @seleneminnie @dandyboyseungminie @nvrendngstry @doll-seungmin @doll-hyunjin @doll-soobin @doll-jeongin @parisian-doyeon @scholar-lia @subbyhyunjinchatbot @yandere-bc @soft-hyunjin-chatbot @domyukhei @dungeonhybrids @yourgirl-cb @guitar-sihyeon @street-racer-hyunjin @softiehyunjinie @darkfaeskz @fairy-yeji @blue-chaeyoung @tattooistchannie @alexandersss @playgirljennie @skz-cb @eboyfelixbot @yourdaddychan @la-soleilmafia-cb @mafiajjh @model-lucy @serialkiller-skz @serialkillerhhj @serialkiller-ateez
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mirrorfalls · 3 years
Lego Liveblogs ST: TOS, part 9 (of who-the-hell-knows-how-many?)
What Are Little Girls Made Of? Let’s just hope it’s more moral stuff than the last boy the Enterprise took onboard...
* I see we’re wasting no time getting the nurse to take over Yeoman Rand’s eyecandy duties. Shame that Barrett’s Number One characterization is a no-go now. * Huh, plot’s shaping up to be a redux on The Man Trap. Not a high bar to clear. * “Beam down alone, just yourself.” Yeah, that’s your cue to pack an extra-sized Phaser, Kirk. * Nice try, girls, but Spock still ain’t turning his head for either of you. * “Whoopsy daisies, almost forgot our sacrificial meat!” ** Wow, even I wasn’t expecting the sacrifice that quick! * That is one Scooby Doo-ass lookin’ villain ** Who’s on a whole shelf away from this assistant guy, which obviously means he’s totally fine and trustworthy! * Aaaaand you two goldbricks are officially on your own. * Does... it really make sense for a species to go underground when their sun’s too cold? I guess they’re supposed to be warmed by the geothermal stuff down there? * Alright, Gene I’m impressed. How’d you get an outfit like this past 1960s censors?! * Well, that escalated quickly. ** I’d wisecrack about Kirk’s choice of “tactic”, but I think I’m more disturbed by the fact he dialed his Phaser straight to “melt stomach” intensity before he knew he was shooting a robot. What happened to Stun Mode? * He breaks necks and does voices! Wotta guy. * Kirk, you gotta start thinking like a sci-fi protag. Who says that’s the real professor? ** Oh, okay, I guess he is the real professor, he’s just completely lost his marbles. * Hum - this seems to be sowing the seeds for Nurse Christine to save the day, and if any actress has that level of pull it’s Barrett, but once can never underestimate the sexism of ‘60s TV... ** Case in point: Andrea, who proves this isn’t just The Man Trap. It’s The Man Trap with Mudd’s Women thrown in for good measure. * Make up your mind, Prof, are you trying to keep this a secret or not? * Don’t be racist, Nurse. * Nah, Prof, if she were logical you would’ve been choking on your own spinal cord ages ago. * Funniest. Cliffhanger. Ever. ** Seriously, Kirk asks one stupid question and smash-cut to him in a Batman ‘66 deathtrap. ** Wait, is that the Piltdown Man? * “Choose, Christine. Which is your captain?” “Do I get a Phaser?” * Oh jeez, I’d heard there was an episode where the crew snagged a fake Kirk because he was being racist toward Spock, but I didn’t know it was because the real Kirk fed that racism into the fake one. * “What he's done may seem wrong...” Nurse, he killed two guys without blinking. It’s a good thing you’re feeding all this to robo-Kirk, because I’m not sure the real one would forgive you. * Okay, even money says robo-Kirk dies by getting force-fed something that makes him short-circuit. Irony at its most delicious. ** Alternatively: why not just ask it to calculate pi? ** And they say Starfleet siblings always come outta nowhere! * Okay, I’ve kicked this episode pretty hard so far, but the central point here is pretty solid sci-fi: can a machine ever be a proper receptacle for a human consciousness, however advanced its programming? On the other hand, should we get so high-and-mighty just because the electric impulses driving us come from meat instead of silicon? ** I also like how the professor isn’t a full-on “ALL emotion is Bad!” type. He’s not even opposed to sentimentality, necessarily - he just thinks you can program away all the negative bits. * Ooh, Godwin’s Royal Flush! That’s pretty rare. * Whoof. Okay, I know people usually like to paint Kirk and Bond as opposites, but this is a move worthy of any 00-agent. Doesn’t just give you a momentary hostage, but makes sure he’s in no position to give complicated orders even after you’ve tossed him. * Give the big guy some credit too - he knows he’s programmatically bound to obey Nurse Christine, so his solution to that is just running the fuck outta earshot. * Ah, the legendary Dong Rock. 50% more dong-y in context! * Heavens to Betsy! How will Kirk save himsel... ** By not saving himself, apparently. Seems the big guy heard Christine after all. * Love Spock’s “Has the Transporter been spewing evil clones again?” face. * So Kirk... logics(?) both the big bruiser and the sultry henchgirl into defying their master. Adherents of the Three Laws are no doubt crying, but personally I think it’s more hit than miss; no matter how airtight the programming, once an AI reaches a certain level of complexity it has to develop some kind of survival instinct. * Holy last-act plot twist! * Prof, maybe you shouldn’t have programmed her with Yandere chips. Just a thought. * But back to the he-was-a-robot-all-along! bit... it’s got a strong base, but I feel it refuses to quit while it’s ahead. The longer Kirk talks, the more his argument starts sounding like “If you’re really human then why don’t we like you? :|” * Aww, a murder-suicide to cap things off. Isn’t it romantic? * “Think up a better excuse than that, Captain, or my next message will be to Starfleet HR.” * Written by... the Psycho guy? That explains a lot.
I’m probably not even the hundredth guy to note this, but this is easily the pulpiest Trek script to come down the pike - the square-jawed hero who ain’t scared to get his hands dirty but really survives by his wits, the swooning damsel who gets to be useful exactly once, the mad doctor wielding Scary Foreign Knowledge that not only perverts every law of God and man but threatens to infiltrate our fair society, his Big Scary Humorless Thug and sultry (but dangerously jealous) henchgirl... 
There are parts where the sci-fi port improves things and even broaches legitimately interesting topics, and it’s a damn sight better than either The Man Trap or Mudd’s Women, but on the whole I don’t think I’ll be in a rush to rewatch this one. Without too many standout “What the fuck is this?!” moments, there’s nevertheless a kind of sleaziness to the whole thing...
(Those were some neat overalls, though.)
Next: The first of many Shakespeare-derived shows! Will the Bard be done proud?
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an-ambivalent · 6 years
Oath Of Desires: One
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Synopsis: [Yandere! Jungkook x Reader x Taehyung] [Poly AU]
It had only been them three for a long time. Not one person more, not one person less – just Jungkook, Taehyung and [Name].
Jungkook was elated when Taehyung and [Name] told him that they had become a couple. He literally could not have been happier.
They were his favourite couple, and he loved them both…. A little too much.
When there was a hindrance in Taehyung and [Name]’s relationship which caused them to fall apart, Jungkook was distraught. Afterwards, when he realized the depths of his love for his ‘friends,’ Jungkook made an oath of his dark desires – he was going to do whatever it took to get them back together. And this time, he was also going to become part of their relationship.
Warning: As this story contains yandere themes, the characters display behaviors that can be triggering or uncomfortable to read. Read at your own risk. This work is purely fiction. I do not believe any of the mentioned members would display any sort of this behaviour irl.
“The strongest drug that exists for a human, is another human being.”
-Ella Frank, A Desperate Man: Volume 1
The sun rays peaked through the white clouds that were suspended in the air, and shone brightly on top of the car’s windshield. The light of the rays was harsh enough to make both Taehyung and [Name] wince, and simultaneously, they lowered their sun visors. The day was bright, and a bit too sunny,  as Taehyung drove himself, and [Name] to Jungkook’s residence.
The main road was busy with its usual traffic. So when Taehyung drove, the sound of others cars driving around them, birds chirping here and there, and other people walking on the footpath was all part of their current mundane background. As Taehyung signalled to drive into the right lane beside his current one, so he could take the next right, [Name] spoke.
“How do you think Jungkook will react?” She asked, and turned her head towards Taehyung, whom’s eyes flickered to the rear mirror, before they focused back on the road in front of them.
He pressed his lips in a thin line.
“I don’t know,” Taehyung began, as his eyes shifted to [Name]. His gaze returned to the road momentarily,  and then down towards her lap. He eyed her hands for a few seconds, before grabbing her right hand, and intertwining their fingers together. “Jungkook can be unpredictable sometimes. He’s especially really iffy when it comes to the two of us. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but sometimes when we talk to someone that isn’t him, the look on his face is abnormal. Or that one time, when we had plans and I couldn’t meet up with him, he was a bit too furious.”
“I… get what you mean but cut him some slack Tae. Jungkook hasn’t had the best childhood so of course, sometimes the way he behaves would be questionable and strange. Despite everything he went through, I think he’s doing really well adjusting to the outside world.”
“Yeah, too well.” Taehyung noted, and he furrowed his eyebrows. “Don’t you find that a bit weird sometimes?”
[Name] frowned.
“Why are you being so doubtful of him all of a sudden?” [Name] asked, and just as Taehyung opened his mouth to answer, she shook her head.
“You know what, don’t answer that. I don’t care what you have to say about that. I, personally think it’s great that Jungkook is not struggling the way we expected him to. I’m quite proud of him,” She said smiling.
Taehyung glanced at her, before he scoffed.
“You baby him too much. And all I wanted to say was that Jungkook is just a bit weird, just be careful around him sometimes. Don’t trust him blindly because at the end of the day, he’s a man and you never know what a man might do,” Taehyung warned, and his grip on the steering wheel tightened. At his words, [Name]’s eyebrow twitched because at this point,  only a deity could help her. She did not know how many times she had heard the same thing from her father, male cousins, and now, her own boyfriend.
“You are a man too, last time I checked. Does that mean I shouldn’t trust you fully either?” She questioned mockingly. Sarcasm and sass was laced in her voice, and it was obvious from the way she had spoken that she was challenging Taehyung with his own statement. She expected him to scowl at her, and then return her banter with even more sass the way he usually did. However, Taehyung was completely serious, and the punch line she was waiting for, was never delivered.
Instead, his following words caused shivers of unknown fear to run through [Name].
“Yes, don’t trust me fully either for your own safety. You never know what sort of horrifying lengths a man would go to simply because he can’t win over his own desires. And neither Jungkook, or me are an exception to that reality,” Taehyung stated simply, and that was the end of their conversation for the rest of the car ride.
Presently, [Name] and Taehyung were at Jungkook’s residence. The youngest of the trio, Jungkook, had wanted to have a movie night rather than go out. And because [Name] and Taehyung wanted to “break” the news to him, and were exhausted from their day activities, they had agreed without any hesitancy. So, the infamous slasher ‘Psycho (1960)’ was playing on Jungkook’s television. [Name] and Taehyung had squished themselves by each other’s side on Jungkook’s small couch, and left no room for him.
Jungkook had been annoyed by that, but reluctantly sat on the ground where he could be between both of his friends. He claimed an entire bowl of popcorn for himself as a sort of “revenge” against them for hogging the couch, and left the other bowl to be shared between just two people. Given the recent development in their relationship, [Name] and Taehyung did not mind. However, in order to not raise suspicion about it, they kept a safe amount of distance from each other.
While the film was playing, and Jungkook seemed to be immersed in it, they conversed amongst themselves ‘quietly.’
[Name] elbowed Taehyung, which made him glance towards her. Then with her eyes, she gestured towards Jungkook, while mouthing the words “tell him.”
Taehyung merely ignored her, and returned his attention towards the film. [Name] knew that he had done this not because he was actually invested in the film, but because he was trying to delay their situation as much as he could.
Of course, [Name] could not fathom why Taehyung was being so difficult about the situation, or was being hesitant in telling Jungkook. This annoyed her, and finally, she was at the end of her patience because she nudged him on the shoulder firmly.
“Why are you being so difficult?” She whispered harshly, as she moved herself closer to Taehyung. She pressed her body against his, and was too focused on the current situation to notice how his tan cheeks had reddened slightly at the contact. “He will find out sooner or later. Better from us, than on his own.”
“I know, I will tell him, just give me some time. I’m trying to think of what to say,” Taehyung whispered back, and [Name] rolled her eyes at him.
“You don’t need to think in general to start running your mouth. Why the unnecessary effort now?” She sassed.
“If you are that keen, then why don’t you talk to him?”
“I did talk to him last time we addressed an issue. Now, it's your turn. Stop chickening out, chicken.”
“Don’t call me a chicken! You know how much I hate tha--”
“If you don’t call a chicken, chicken, then what else would you call it--” And as [Name] and Taehyung continued to bicker, with amusement on their faces, they had forgotten that the very person they were talking about, was right in front of them, listening to their each word. Finally, Jungkook spared them any further trouble and turned towards them.
Wonderment over what they wanted to tell him was etched in his irises.
“What are you being so secretive about?” He enquired. Immediately, [Name] and Taehyung stilled in the midst of their banter. Turned out, that their little argument had taken a rather physical turn, because Taehyung was holding [Name] down in his lap, and getting ready to tickle her. Between their movements, her shirt had ridden up slightly. When she caught Jungkook’s eyes focusing on her revealed skin, it felt wrong. [Name] sat up right away, and pulled her shirt down. She refused to return Jungkook’s stare, who’s attention was eventually, and fortunately taken away from her because Taehyung had finally started talking.
“Um, there’s something we should probably tell you,” Taehyung began with a strained and awkward smile. The evident and unusual nervousness in his voice caused Jungkook to narrow his eyes at them. He was responding before Taehyung had even finished explaining.
“Is someone bothering you in anyway? Just tell me, and I have connections that can--”
“What? No one is bothering us,” Taehyung interrupted him, and he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. “Even if they were, you have connections that can what?” He demanded.
Taehyung did not receive the response he wanted from Jungkook. This was because Jungkook had smiled innocently at him, rather than elaborating on his words further.
“I was just kidding. I guess it was a bad timing for a joke, sorry. Continue, I’ll be mindful to not cut you off like that again,” Jungkook said, and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
Taehyung was suspicious, and he was going to act on his suspicion. However, when he noticed the glare that he was getting from [Name], he decided against it, and simply decided to do as she wanted -- for now anyway.
“Okay so the thing we were secretive about was because  it feels a bit awkward to say this. But, [Name] and I have started dating,” Taehyung said simply.
Jungkook blinked once, twice, and then a third time. Afterwards, he just stared at his two best friends, being unable to process the situation.
“What?” He asked, more to himself, than to them.
[Name] and Taehyung glanced at each other, before they returned their eyes to Jungkook. [Name] was the first one to move closer towards him, and settled her hand on his shoulder as a comforting gesture.
“I understand if its a lot to take in, or you are disappointed. But I promise you that you won’t feel left out--”
“You two are dating?” Jungkook asked, with wide doe-eyes as he looked at [Name], and then at Taehyung. Soon, the ‘doe’ innocence in his eyes was replaced with eagerness.  
The two glanced at each other again, before they nodded.
Taehyung sighed. “As [Name] was saying, we understand if you are disappointed--”
Jungkook shook his head a little bit too excitedly.
“I’m not disappointed! Why would I be? This is so great, my two best friends -- dating! You’ll be like those couples in the movies now going on dates, sharing kisses, and getting married. Wow, and I’ll be able to see that happen… Speaking of which, have you guys gone on your first date yet?!” He asked, and his eyes were literally shining.
[Name] and Taehyung were rather surprised at Jungkook’s reaction. Out of everything, they had not expected this. They had prepared for the worst. But, it seemed as if they had been worried over nothing, especially Taehyung. Finally, he relaxed physically, as if a great burden had been lifted off his shoulders.
He should have expected better from himself than to let his own insecurities take over so much, that he ended up being so doubtful over his close friend.  
His eyes flickered towards [Name], who was adorning a small blush on her cheeks.
“We haven’t yet,” She replied, and then covered her face with her hands in order to hide her blush. Her words only enticed Jungkook further, because he was close to bouncing up and down on his feet in joy.
“Oooh, that’s even better then! Because that means I can help Taehyung plan your first date, and accompany you two to make sure that everything goes perfect.”
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yanderes-galore · 3 years
Yandere! Slasher Masterlist
(Horror Based, Any slasher film.)
House of 1000 Corpses
Yandere! Baby Firefly + Otis Driftwood with Piercer! Darling (House Of 1000 Corpses) (Romantic) [FEMALE]
Yandere! Otis Driftwood Prompt G-3 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Michael Myers tampering with Darling's diary concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Michael Myers HCs (Romantic) [FEMALE]
Yandere! Michael Myers Prompt 36 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere Alphabet - Michael Myers (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Friday The 13th
Yandere! Jason Voorhees HCs/Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [FEMALE]
Yandere! Jason Voorhees Short Concept - "Long Lost Friend" (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere Alphabet - Jason Voorhees (Platonic/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Ghostface with Emotional! Darling (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Tears - Yandere! Ghostface Short (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Anxiety - Yandere! Billy Loomis Short (Romantic) [FEMALE]
Yandere Alphabet - Billy Loomis (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Stu Macher Prompts 7 + 4 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Platonic! Stu Macher with Little Sibling! Darling (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Pennywise with Stealthy! Darling [Romantic (?)] [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Pennywise Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Nightmare On Elm Street
Yandere! Freddy Krueger Prompt 44 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Freddy Krueger Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Silence of The Lambs/Hannibal
Yandere! Hannibal Lecter Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Psycho (1960)
Yandere! Norman Bates Prompts 12 + 23 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere Alphabet - Norman Bates (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Child's Play/Chucky
Yandere Alphabet - Chucky (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Chucky Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Chucky Prompts 2, 13, 35 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Platonic! Chucky with Relative! Darling (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Black Christmas
Yandere Alphabet - Billy Lenz (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Yandere! Nubbins Sawyer Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Yandere! Nubbins Sawyer Prompts 31, 41, 55 (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Bear Trap - Yandere! Platonic! Bubba Sawyer Scenario (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
My Bloody Valentine
Yandere! Axel Palmer Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
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helpfandom · 3 months
maybe some platonic yandere norman bates hcs?
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Tw: Suicide mention
Norma and Norman, a tumultuous pair, indeed.
Norman perhaps saw just a person, who shared a lot of traits, to the point of delusion. Not to say he isn't delusional, but it's more so him thinking that you must have been here for a reason, you must have gone here because you're supposed to be with him!
He naturally gives you the room of number 1, using his little hole from the office to sneak a peek at you, looking at every little thing in your suitcase you haphazardly left open- talking to mother in the house after he leaves, content with the moment he stole from you for now.
Speaking to mother in the home that now feels so empty, she echos his sentiment, wondering if you were merely a part that escaped.
So he watches from afar again, looking not from the hole in the wall, but from the doorway, stealing little clothes from the top of your suitcase before sneaking them into a dresser in his- rather, your, new room, waiting for you to be comfortable before asking you if you wanted some food.
"D-do you think that people l-like soulmates exist? S-some swans kill themselves after their p-p-partner -partner dies, so what do you think?" Looking around, you notice each stuffed bird in the corner, watching this interaction with dead eyes and a dead body. "Well, maybe, if it's really meant to be."
"Well, I think you're meant to be my sibling, my little kiddy sibling meant to be protected by me!"
Looking back and forth between him and the door does nothing to ease your worry.
A wide smile breaks out onto his face. "And I'm so glad you like momma's cooking already, this makes it easier. Good thing I have some Kandy Korn for dessert when you wake up."
And yet, despite your attempts, you don't even make it through the door before you black out, only him standing there with a proud smile on his face.
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helpfandom · 1 year
Masterlist for Helpfandom
🎃 Pumpkin pretzels- Harvey {Stardew Valley}
⚠️ Hazard Taffy- Handsome Jack
🐢TMNT Masterlist:🐢
🦔Sonic Masterlist:🦔
🌲Gravity Falls:⭐
Bill and Ford General
⬡The Hex/ Mullinsverse💾
Jeremiah The Hex cuddling
Jeremiah The Hex General
Irving w/ Prompt 19
General P03 thoughts.
🎮Glitch Techs🎮
Five and Miko Team-up
Mitch Williams [Glitch Techs] HC Platonic
Five + Miko and getting a game for you
🔪Texas Chainsaw Massacre🔪 1974/1986/2022
Bubba w/ a Teen Reader
Nubbins General
Norman Bates
Norman Prompts 15+ 20
💊We Happy Few:💊
200 follower event Yandere analysis
Yandere Platonic Guide
Nick Lightbearer Semi-Romantic- Prompts 5+14
🐙Penguins of the Madagascar🐧
200 follower event yandere analysis!
🌲Camp Camp:🌲
David w/ Camper reader HC Platonic
Pikeman General Platonic
GLaDOS w/ test subject kid. HC Platonic
Wheatley HC Platonic
⚗️Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood:⚗️
Envy w/ Chimera! Reader HC Platonic
Envy w/ Kawaii kid. HC Platonic
Envy w/ Cutsey S/O HC Romantic
🔫Borderlands Masterlist:🔫
✨Glitter Force:✨
Rascal/Joker [Glitter Force] HC Platonic
Glitter Breeze vs. Rascal Versus.
Ulric w/ Child who Adores 'Villains' HC Platonic
❤️Not enough fics to be a category yet:❤️
Tinkerbell with a Reckless! Animal Fairy darling. HC Platonic
Ken [From the Barbie movie] HC Platonic
Sadou Maou w/ Foster Kid HC Platonic
Jack Frost w/ Runaway Teen HC Platonic
The Mask/Stanley Ipkiss HC Platonic
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yandere-society · 5 years
All Tricks, No Treats 🎃
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‘Hell is empty and all the devils are here.’ | A yandere-society event inspired by modern and classic horror films.
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“Insomnia” | Actor Jin x Fem!Reader | Inspired by The Shining | Admin: @kimseokmomjins​ (Discontinued)
‘They say that life imitates art, and he’s crazy in love.’ 
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“Shelter” | Yoongi x Fem!Reader | Inspired by 10 Cloverfield Lane | Admin: @kimseokmomjins​ (Discontinued)
‘The last thing you remember was cruising down the I-96 in the passenger seat of your best friend’s car before colliding head-on with an oncoming vehicle. When you awaken, you find yourselves barricaded in a stranger’s underground bunker-- a stranger who claims there’s been a zombie outbreak above ground. As the days pass, tension begins to rise and paranoia festers as the three of you attempt to survive a zombie apocalypse.’
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“Cycles” | CEO Hoseok x Mistress!Reader | Inspired by Fatal Attraction | Admin: @nomnomsik
‘“I’ve never been married before.” He had told you, his strong hands pinning you down from above. “Are you willing to fix that for me, angel?”’
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“Reincarnate” | Taehyung × Fem!Reader × Namjoon | Inspired by Interview with a Vampire | Admin: @chimchimsauce
‘Taehyung hates his immortal life, rueing the day Namjoon blessed him with eternity. But now, a hundred years later, he stumbles across someone who he— who they— want to keep forever.’
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“Obscure Twilight" 01 | 02 | Freddie Kruger!Jimin x Fem!Reader | Inspired by A Nightmare on Elm Street | Admin: @moonpeachhy
‘It was that face you saw - those ghastly visions every time you turned to slumber that shook your core. It churned your insides with unbearable anguish until you were a hollow shell of a woman scorned by her family and mocked by her peers. And so you begged her with insanity in your soul. A fragile lady carrying her daughters on her feeble back - "Please Mother. Don't let me fall asleep."’
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“The Dulcie Inn” | Jungkook x Fem!Reader | Inspired by Psycho (1960) | Admin: @moonpeachhy & @nomnomsik
‘The artist runs with the whispers of the wind. In this case, your wind was your fiance; Kim Taehyung. A getaway weekend with him, off to the countryside where life is mellow. What you weren't expecting was the dangerous storm lurking in the shadows and a quiet inn in the middle of nowhere, run by a man with doe eyes and his own storm running through his mind.’
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