#yandere nanatsu no taizai diane
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animeyanderelover · 7 months ago
Can I get another round with Yandere Merlin,Diane and Elisabeth, Derieri and Melascula with a human darling. Only this time the darling is a member of the sins being the eighth son of melancholy so unlike other humans he's actually very strong instead of being helpless.
I was trying to think of a fitting animal to represent melancholy and came up with a donkey... If you've watched Winnie Pooh you know exactly why.
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional mindset, clinginess, manipulation, isolation
Donkey's Sin of Melancholy
Elizabeth Liones
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👼​Elizabeth as a person has always cared for the people around her even if they were her enemies and this nurturing nature is amplified in her obsession. The princess wants her darling to be happy physically and mentally so having you being the embodiment of melancholy only stokes the flames of obsession within her. You're always draped in thick sheets of unexplainable sadness and sorrow and even you can't give her a reason to why you're always feeling so dejected which only encourages her obsession to make a fuss over you. Since there is no real problem for your feelings she has no way to approach the problem and help you with your gloomy emotions. Other sins like Ban tell her that she shouldn't fret so much over you since this is how you have always been yet Elizabeth strongly objects. She doesn't want you to dwell all the time in such dark emotions as she yearns to see you leaving that grim place your mind always seems to stay in. She swears to herself that she will make you happy and that she will free you from your own thoughts.
👼​That wish of her is going to push her to be overbearing sooner or later depending on whether we're considering her before she regained her memories or after she regained her memories. Elizabeth before remembering who she really is would be quick to coddle you, clinging to you all the time and doing everything to make you smile and make you happy. She's insecure, knows that you are very strong as a part of the eight sins whilst she isn't yet she still strives to be helpful to you somehow. If that can't be on the battlefield then it will be emotionally and because she is so eager about assisting you even if you deny her help more than once that can quickly turn into her being a tad bit too attentive and overbearing. If we're talking about Elizabeth as a goddess she would approach you more thoughtfully, emotionally more prepared to read your current mood and attempt to cheer you up from there. She's more subtle with everything she does but upon recalling her memories she has also learnt how to use her abilities again which means that she might use her empathic powers in an attempt to influence your emotions.
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🐍​Growing up Diane has made acquaintance with loneliness, a terrible feeling that she has over the years learnt to utterly despise. She doesn't want to be alone anymore which is one of the major reasons why she ends up as clingy as she does when she falls in love with you. You have never once made any comments about her height nor her clinginess though, maybe because you are often elsewhere with your mind and your thoughts yet it is the fact that you don't speak up about it that ends up encouraging her tendencies to escalate. She thinks that your quietness and thoughtfulness are very attractive and only add to your coolness. Her feelings have never been a secret to the other sins because she can barely hold back the red blush on her face as soon as she sees you and instantly starts twirling her hair around with her fingers, trying to make herself look cuter so that she might be able to make your heart skip as much as you always make her heart skip.
🐍​It is your reserved personality that still makes her most jealous though. Even though she is definitely on a delusional side she knows that you tend to avoid conflict and never disagree even when someone asks you to do something that you don't really want to do. This is where she takes it upon herself to act like the protective wife and speak up for you instead even if she never asks you for your real opinion on the topic. Additionally her already quite bad jealousy only increases because she knows that you are not the most social person out there and prefer spending time in your own head rather than with the people around you which makes every slice of attention you give others so much more special and by extension even worse. Why did you pay attention to that person and not to her just now? It's such thoughts that only add to her pushy clinginess as she wants to hoard all of your attention as soon as you snap out of the place in your mind you find yourself stuck in on days. As your future wife she should after all be the one person you may most attention to.
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🐗​Merlin's interest in knowledge, science and everything she doesn't know of is an unquenchable thirst that has led her to suspend her own age so that she may have all the time in the world to learn everything she desires to know. Often refered to as a mysterious woman since no one can truly tell what she is really after it is perhaps no surprise that the woman shrouded in mystery takes an interest in the other sin who is often just as hard to understand as you. Despite being a normal human you possess strength that has allowed to join the ranks of the sins and it is your personality that only adds to her interest as you are not very talkative nor do you spend much time with others. If Merlin takes interest in something she is going to pursue it even if she has to use more underhanded methods yet her ambigious morality has never truly been something that has bothered her. She knows what she is doing yet she prioritises her own interest above any laws or morality that others may criticise her for.
🐗​She uses the information she has to her own advantage and attempts to manipulate you so that she can spend more time with you. Her laboratory is a place where people rarely enter, mainly because she uses spells to keep people out and it is a place you find yourself often coaxed into with the promise of receiving your peace in there without being surrounded by the other sins whose personalities can be a bit exhausting for you at times. Whilst she keeps up the polite and kind facade around you her eyes are constantly observing you and note every twitch of your muscles when she makes some smalltalk with you whilst subtly attempting to understand you and the way your mind works better. Sometimes your gaze meets her for a short moment before you retreat to the place in your mind she has yet to understand and when this happens she wonders slightly amused if you perhaps have caught on to what she is doing yet have decided to ignore the topic in favor of avoiding a confrontation and continue your current lifestyle.
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🔶Whilst Derieri is a demon who has never really respected humans and feasts on the souls of your kind she will begrudgingly give you some respect after she has clashed with you on a battlefield. You are not just a puny human who she could easily squash under her feet, you have experience when it comes to fighting and possess abilities strong and respected enough to let you be a part of the sins despite only being a human. She keeps such thoughts to herself though as she would never want to admit that she holds secretly such respect for you. The both of you have most of your encounters whilst fighting each other since her kind is considered the enemy and she gets very aggressive when she sees you and instantly assaults you. Partially because she absolutely despises the way you make her feel and the nonchalant behavior you keep up even whilst fighting for your own life. Another part of her though can't contain the excitement pumping through her veins every time she sees you as she finds herself enjoying the thrill of clashing with you, her seven hearts beating wildly inside her body whenever your bodies get close to each other.
🔶The more her feelings grow the more aggressive she finds herself getting when fighting with you as her hatred as well as her excitement only get stronger as a result of her growing obsession. Derieri finds herself in desperate need to know what you really think of her kind and if you share the same thoughts as most other humans have about her own kind. She doesn't want to get her hopes up yet a part of her can't help but think that perhaps you will be different. After all you are quite different from other humans with a thought process that she can't even comprehend and it partially frustrates her about you. Having clashed with you multiple times during fights and having witnessed your strength with her own eyes though her frustration only continues to grow as she realises that you are truly not an easy person she could simply get her hands on. For a mere human you possess an annoying amount of strength that she may enjoy during fights yet that also means that she won't be able to just easily take you even if she desires to do so. Intentionally or not, everything about you seems to be something that she adores yet finds frustrating at the same time.
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🌫️​Melascula's experience is going to be even worse than Derieri's is and this demoness handles it even worse. Whilst Derieri will simply brood and lash out if someone mentions you Melascula needs no such direct trigger to have an outburst. She refuses to acknowledge you and respect you despite having seen your powers on display and doesn't want to accept the growing feelings she has whilst thinking about you. She would accept every other excuse that could help her to deny her growing feelings for you and in such frenzy attempts to convince herself and everyone around her that her feelings aren't real she turns into a conspiracy theorist. You bewitched her somehow and maybe Merlin helped you by putting a spell on her because her obsession for you can't be something that was born out of her own feelings she secretly harbors for you. She experienes constantly short and frenzied meltdowns as soon as something even vaguely reminds her of you to the point where the rest of the Ten Commandments starts to leave her alone as no one of them wants to be the next victim of her ridiculous rage.
🌫️​Everything you embody she tries to ridicule all in an attempt to deny her own feelings, in distraught hopes that her attraction may disappear if she were to just remind herself enough that no power you possess will change the fact that you belong to the weakest and most useless race on this planet. Her twisted feelings are always revealed though as soon as she's around you, her dark eyes observing you and her body language almost lecherous as fighting against you only fawns the inferno of obsession within her. She wants to be adored and worshipped by you yet your attitude which is only utterly disrespectful in her eyes only enrages her further. Just because you are a little bit more powerful than the normal human doesn't mean that you can just casually disrespect her! You just wait until she gets her hands on you sooner or later. She will properly educate you on how to treat a sublime woman like she is with the respect and the worship she deserves all whilst keeping you by her side like a human pet.
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random-yandere-fandom · 3 years ago
Yandere Diane Profile
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Type of Yandere: Protective, obsessive and clingy. Her protective tendencies aren’t all that noticeable, she is pretty chill with you going out in public and trusts the other Sins with your protection should she have to go somewhere else. The giant also trusts you not to throw yourself into any dangerous situations but even if you did she’d be more worried than mad. That only counts for you though, as anyone daring to harm you will be torn to shreds in record time. Her abilities as a fighter are what grant her that rather relaxed attitude and as long as you aren’t too far away she can sense what you are doing anyway and protect you if needed. She still prefers to be with you when you go out, simply because she loves spending time with you so much. Diane is all in all a nice yandere to have, even her obsession can be played of as cute as long as you aren’t disturbed by her many questions.
Love Language(s): Physical touch and quality time. Diane loves touching you and doesn’t feel embarrassed at all even if she’s clinging to your side in public and everyone’s staring. Should you dislike it she’ll lay off for a while, though expect her to cuddle you as soon as you are alone again. The giantess loves going shopping and dressing you up as well as showing you her favourite outfits before continuing to walk down the busy streets. Otherwise she’d be ecstatic to dance either for or even with you. If you want she’ll even teach you some moves and if you dislike dancing yourself she’ll sit you on her shoulder in her giant form or maybe a pocket and twirl around a bit as you enjoy the view.
Their biggest fear: Her biggest fear is you fearing her. She lived a long life already and most people’s first reaction wasn’t: “oh, what a kind person”, or something the like but: “Help, she is gonna kill us/ she is bad news”. Just because she got used to it doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt and she is horrified of you wearing the same scared expression filled with distrust and caution.
Kidnapping: Diane does neither like the word nor the action. Instead she likes convincing and if that doesn’t help, there’ll be a fight breaking out near your home, coincidently destroying it beyond repair. It just so happens that she will be walking you home that day, watching and comforting you as you realise what happened before offering you a helping hand and asking you to stay with her. She doesn’t like to see your tears but in this case it’s simply necessary.
How easy is it to escape? You can try, but it won’t work. Even when she is far away, even when she is sleeping, Diane is always aware of your whereabouts, focusing at least a small part of her power to constantly keep track on you and your surroundings. Should you go too far away a wall of earth will suddenly block your way and all you can do is either return yourself or wait for Diane to come and take you back herself. She wouldn’t exactly be angry but more sad, giving you space for a while, hoping for you to calm down from whatever made you attempt to escape. Afterwards she’ll be like a mother hen, hovering over you with no intention to let you try again.
Punishments: There are times when she is frustrated with you but even if you did anything dangerous she’d be more worried about your health than how to get you to never act like that again. Only after ensuring your safety will she scold you, disappointment written all over her face before leaving you alone for a bit to cool down. She might even cry before returning to you, wanting to talk things out.
Difference to other yanderes: How easy it is for her to make your relationship appear normal. She isn’t delusional and is aware of her unusually intense feelings, however she is easily able to play it off. Diane will feel a bit guilty, but in the end all her feelings, admiration and worry and all that stuff, aren’t fake, they just don’t seem as intense as she actually experiences them. If you dislike her or are uncomfortable, fine, she’ll be a bit pouty but still earnest, something that as far as she is concerned is the best way, believing you to someday give in. Additionally you don’t have any bigger rules to follow and whatever happens, as long as you are unharmed the giantess can be reasoned with.
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animeyanderelover · 1 year ago
Derieri, Diane and Melascula finding a human darling and being protective and possessive over her
Ooh, some ladies from Seven Deadly Sins.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, stalking, clinginess, delusional thoughts, overprotective behavior, isolation, abduction
My little human
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🐍She just can't handle her humans's adorableness without blushing and hiding her face behind her twin tails. Needless to say, she often finds herself a bit embarrassed and sometimes also insecure when she's around you. So Merlin has a giantess pleading her day and night to give her something so that she can shrink to human size and properly interact with you. In her taller form she never gathers the courage to interact with you out of fear that you might be scared of her. In her shrunken form though, Diane gathers this lacking courage she doesn't possess in her giantess form and seeks you out without any problems. She's a very energetic young lady with a certain charm to her, she is very optimistic. If you look down or are in any bad mood, she'll do her best to cheer you up somehow. She hates seeing you sad and she actually gets quite mad if you remain depressed and starts throwing here and there a little tantrum.
🐍Diane is really clingy and always wants to follow you around in her shrunken form. She despises loneliness a lot already but with her darling it is even worse. She barely wants to seperate herself from you, if she spends anymore time with you she'd probably become your second shadow. Trying to tell her carefully that you'd like some time alone never ends well. Diane is despite her physical toughness emotionally quite delicate, especially around you, so even having you mention that you'd like to be left alone for a bit hurts her. There are tears in her eyes as she looks at you with a sincere look of heartbreak in her eyes and you rarely manage to resist. The big lady is quite delusional when it comes to you. She loves romanticising every little gesture and word you said to her which leads her to often misunderstanding certain actions you take. Maybe her origins also play a part in this cluelessness. She probably wouldn't even be above genuinely thinking that you two are soulmates of some sort to feed even further into her romanticised dreams.
🐍Yet as the Envy of Sin, Diane is prone to jealousy. Gender isn't even an issue as everyone could be targeted. If you pay attention to someone else or do something she thought you'd only done for her, envy infiltrates her heart. She isn't violent but her emotions definitely get the better off her and she isn't shy of throwing a scene, even if she isn't even aware of it herself. Often she is running away with tears in her eyes but despite her sour mood it is relatively easy to bring her back to her usual self by complimenting her or doing something special for her. Unintentionally, she also tends to look down on you for being a human. You are her treasure and her love, someone she wants to protect fiercely. Unfortunately this can lead her to believing that it is safest for you if she would just stay with you all of the time because there are few things that can compete with her ridiculous strength. Her own confidence in her own abilities additionally trap her into thinking that she could just solve all of your problems, often without fully thinking it through.
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🔶​Derieri is going to be in denial of her own feelings for quite a while. She doesn't have the best opinion about your kind so her own beliefs up until now are challenged by her growing feelings. She'd rather rip her seven hearts out and nail them on the wall then ever admitting that as her own pride prevents her from doing so. She interprets her feelings as weakness yet she can't prevent what has already been set in motion. She is such a Tsundere to be honest but her tough and rough exterior doesn't stop her from stalking you quite a while without ever being noticed. She is grumpy and even if she is quite taciturn, Moonspeed can see that something is bothering her. Not that she'll tell him, at least for now. Instead she lashes a bit out on him, hissing at him to leave her alone. She's so grumpy and her inner conflict worsens her furious temper as you essentially become a trigger for her to fall into rage.
🔶​Definitely on the protective side and you being but a mere human makes this even worse. She is openly viewing you as a weak and helpless creature that needs protection and even if she is a demon and probably would elicit fear out of you if you would ever catch sight of her, she takes over the part of protecting you. Honestly, she feels like demolishing the landscape whenever she sees you being in danger but she does now that she shouldn't just storm blindly out of her hiding spot. It's too early for her to expose herself to you just yet. Derieri is far more merciless than Diane as she will murder anyone that endangers or harms you without any second thought. Despite her feelings she hasn't grown soft after all. She feels no real regret either about her actions either because what she kills now will never get a chance to hurt you again. You should know though that she is silently cursing you for your own weakness too at times because she can't even fathom how you get yourself in such peril sometimes.
🔶​She gradually comes to terms with her feelings for you and that gives her the necessary emotional stability to show herself to you. That automatically means that she will abduct you as soon as she has revealed herself to you even despite your pleads and tears. I'd say that Derieri is on a lucid spectrum though, in regards of her emotions at least. At the same time she sees the whole situation in a rather nonchalant light. She's come to terms with her emotions so nothing is really stopping her anymore. Surprisingly the demon is somewhat considerate around you though because of you being a human and because she can at least understand that most people would freak out if they were in the same position as you. That won't stop her from having a small and frustrated outburst when you push her buttons for too long though. Her words are sharp and rude without much consideration and she might destroy something in her close vicinity out of frustration, reminding you promptly of her strength.
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🌫️​Honestly, good luck with Melascula. This demoness will have an almost hysterical reaction upon initially recognising her feelings as something more. She always looked down on humans her entire life and she could never imagine ever falling in love with someone. It feels like a betrayal against the Demon King and since she has always been loyal, her head feels like splitting apart. Chances are that she summons a few weaker demons and tells them to kill you as she herself doesn't want to bother but she always ends up having a change of heart in the last moment. She either summons them back or kills them if they don't listen to her or even go as far as attacking you. Prepare yourself to get abducted quickly without even knowing what is going on as darkness one day just wraps itself around you. You wake up only to see Melascula's face and as much as she tries to appear reserved, calm and in control, you can almost see the hidden disgust behind her dark eyes.
🌫️​Living with her is literal hell as she switches constantly back and forth between actively ignoring you and not paying attention to your needs or mocking you and gloating about herself in front of such a weak human as yourself with an almost sadistic grin on her face. Melascula is bullying you, mistreating you or neglecting you most of the time and you don't know even why. Perhaps it's just because she just is like this but you couldn't be more wrong about it. In fact her feelings for you have gotten worse so by ridiculing you and treating you as terrible as she does, she tries to convince herself of your uselessness and weakness. At the same time she experiences intense jealousy and outrage whenever you beg for her to release you because you miss your family and friends. She just can't understand why you'd cling to them. What is so special about them anyways?! She's part of the Ten Commandments! Why aren't you seeing her as something special?! Why aren't you feeling honored that she even keeps you alive?!
🌫️​Her tactic changes after a while. She seems to be nicer and acts sickenly sweet and it creeps you out. You'd even prefer her just treating you like before instead of actually attempting to be kind. At least her definition of kindness which still includes you being forced into everything just so she can do what she wants to do with you. Suddenly she is extremely touchy and that can range from light pats to a tight grip when you annoy or disobey her. She despises disobedience from your side because she as a demoness is obviously above you so you should do as she says. She has punishments in store for you and whilst they would never include any physical harm because she doesn't want to ruin or damage your beauty, she's always punishing you mentally. Differently from Diane or even Derieri she never lets you leave the place she prepared for you so your mentality will be shot after some time just being around Melascula. Because despite her cute appearance, this woman unleashes utter destruction onto anything that might endanger you or even threaten to prevent her from owning your heart.
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