#yandere jumbo
wrensog · 9 months
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sorry guys something came over me i blacked out and this suddenly appeared
closeups under cut because tumblr quality sucks🫡
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killuagirly · 7 months
Yandere!Noah's Ark Circus[Separate] x Reader
Summary: Noah's Ark Circus members[Separate] seem to have a thing for you, but it only gets worse as you don't notice their obvious attempts to court you. What might they do in return?
Notes: I LITERALLY WAS SO EXCITED TO WRITE THIS FOR NO REASON AT ALL. The idea for this was taken from this post, but slightly changed up to fit more general circumstances. [Also because this is Yandere yk] I tried to make sure they all had a lil' sum but writing for this many characters in one post obviously means less content per character. Hopefully I'll get around to the main characters too, like Ciel, Sebastian, and so on.
CW: Yandere, Obsessive tendencies, Possessiveness, Slight mentions of violence[nothing really bad], etc. Read at your own risk!!
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The 'ringleader' has special tricks up his sleeve just for you. It really couldn't get more obvious to everyone around you when he's leaving gifts outside your tent that range from flowers to clothing and so much more. He'll make sure you acknowledge his tricks and jests during the announcing and performances by making silly inside jokes between the two of you during the show.
Eventually he may start to notice patterns in your behavior when you take his romantic gestures lightly, as nothing more than two close friends. Experimenting to see if his assumptions were correct, he even went as far as kissing you on the cheek before wishing you goodnight after one of his shows.
As he suspected, you only laughed it off and told him goodnight in return. He starts to wonder if the way you keep looking the other way is because you may already have eyes for someone. If even it may seem so, Joker keeps his cool and focuses on improving your view of him. No action will need to be taken if he can simply draw your attention away from other.
If means necessary, he's not hesitant and will slowly push everyone away from you to worm his way into your heart. If it gets to the point where your unmindful habits could be taken as rejection, he may be the type to just outright tell you about his feelings for you. If you still brush it off as some kind of joke, I pray for you because this man will take it to no means end to make you understand his love for you.
One of the most gorgeous women you'll ever meet, falling for you. Honestly, I'm jealous. Beast is the one who'll communicate her love for you through silent actions, no doubt about it. She'll be your shoulder to cry on, help you with any questions or concerns you have regarding the circus, and you can always come to her with outside troubles as well.
Beast honestly would most likely get upset rather than offended once it hits her that you aren't receiving any of her hints in a romantic context. Maybe she was going about it the wrong way? No, you're just unaware of her feelings towards you. No worries, she can just lay it on a bit thicker so it's within your grasp. After that, how could her love for you still go unnoticed??
If you still manage to get past her flirting however unbothered, she'll probably start looking for outside causes. Could it be that you've got your mind elsewhere? Beast might actually begin to grow self-conscious because of the situation, wondering if you could be judging her for 'flaunting' or 'showing off' her body feature due to her costume. She might even start thinking about changing her main performance outfit.
She may also outright ask you about what you think of her choice of outfit or general body shape saying something along the lines of, "I'm only curious t' know what y' think." In the context that she believes you're thinking of another in a romantic sense however, Beast might get a little pushy with you making sure that you're out of the path of anyone who could be considered a threat.
Dagger is literally a whole other story once he's fallen for you. He's very outgoing and honest, not to mention he'll literally serve you compliments on a silver platter for completing even the simplest of tasks. You wore something new today, did your hair differently, got new pair of shoes? He's dying to tell you how great you look, showering you with love and affection.
Is it even possible to stay oblivious to this boy's feelings? He's all over you all the time, craving your praise, attention, literally anything and everything he can get out of you. So how and why on earth would you not acknowledge his efforts to present his feelings for you? It definitely runs through his mind that you could genuinely not feel the same for him.
Honestly, try getting him off of you once he's realized you aren't giving him the attention he wants anymore. Dagger isn't the type to act desperate, but it can surely come off that way at times. He'll even outright bring up this form of, "neglect," you've been giving him. I hope that he doesn't suspect anything between you and another member of the circus, because he'll do anything in his power to keep them away from you.
Dagger often proposes that you both train together, help him out with his act, or even silly little things like eating at the same table together in order to draw you out of any situation involving someone he sees as undeserving of your attention, insisting that you come with. As persistent as he is, he does know his boundaries and won't take it too far, most of the time anyways.
Doll is an awfully touchy person, and she isn't afraid of showing it. When she's not all dressed up with the main cast, she'll be out and about following you around left and right. This girl could talk for hours without getting bored and proves it when she's with you by literally talking your ear off. Not that you really mind, especially when she's coming up with some new ways to compliment you. Calling you, "alluring," and "incredibly skillful."
She's also very expressive with you, not caring to hide much from you. You'll probably know about how she's a first-tier member long before the sharing secrets phase in a friendship. She also enjoys helping you in every way she can, teaching you tips, tricks, and everything she can about the circus since she's, "more experienced than y'!"
Eventually she comes around to flirting with you shamelessly so, trying to catch your interest. "Lookin' great t'day love," and trust me, it doesn't stop there. Coming around to your disregardful mindset started annoying her though. She'll probably go to Snake or one of the other members in hopes of figuring out what she's doing wrong. "How can't they not see 'm 'n love with 'em?"
If it ever comes to a point where she believes that you may be in love with someone else, she will literally drive herself crazy about it. "Why don't they love m' like that, 'm I doin' somethin' wrong?" She'll pull you along, adamant that you spend more time with her instead of someone who's unimportant. Doll's jealousy is laid out on display for you, and she isn't shy about it either.
Spending time with you has become the highlight of her days, and she could go on and on about whatever is on her mind just relaxing and being with you. Wendy fawns over things like your choice in style, your makeup on that given day, honestly anything and everything that is noticeable about you. She's such a sweetheart, caring for you and making sure you've got everything you could ever need.
Wendy is the yandere who might not even realize that her feelings towards you are considered romantic at first, taking her heart's increased pace as simply enjoying time spent with you as her friend. Once she does come to this realization, she's lovestruck and infatuated with you like no other. Honestly her change in behavior would probably be considered a bit concerning by the other members.
If she actually starts flirting or making moves on you and you manage to overlook her signals, she'll automatically go into overthinking mode. It would go something along the lines of, "What 'f they don't find me attractive? D' they think 'f someone else 'ere 's prettier than me??" Peter would probably be the one to notice and calm her down.
In the ensuing days, she'd probably get after anyone who got a little too close to you for her liking. Her main focus would be regaining your full attention, which much to her appeal, would probably be easy given her outgoing nature as your close friend. You can take my word for it when I say this girl isn't letting you go so easily, practically dragging you along with her just for some attention.
Peter is a little ignorant when it comes to showing his love for you Trying to court you for him is like trying to survive falling into a volcano, it's seemingly impossible. Don't underestimate him though, he does try his hardest for you. If you ever need help with your act, he's there for you. Couldn't grab a bite to eat from the mess tent in time? He'll share with you, just keep your mouth shut about it or he might get embarrassed.
For a while, Peter might be in denial about this little crush of his. After that stage passes however, he goes right into, 'If anyone at all ever hurt them I would take them out with my own two hands.' Not to mention he just might follow you around like a lost puppy, seeking out your attention. Though he'll never say it aloud, he does enjoy your when your attention is completely focused on him and him alone.
Once he realizes that you aren't understanding his hints, - bypassing his love for you - he just gets straight up pissed. What is he doing wrong? Is it because of his condition that you might find him unattractive compared to other circus members?? Bless your soul, if you thought he was clingy before he's not letting go of you now, and anyone who tries to start up a conversation with you is rudely interrupted by a short blonde who isn't having it.
Peter will go off at anyone who tries to speak with you even if it's simply an everyday conversation, no romantic ideals involved. He won't make it seem like the reasoning behind the way he's treating the lower-tier members is his jealousy and possessiveness over you, but some like Wendy might notice him having more sudden outbursts. He'll go as far as physically hurting someone over a harmless compliment about you. In his eyes, he should be the only one telling you such things.
Jumbo's ways of attempting to court you seem the usual, showing off his strengths and starting small talk with you. He enjoys the simple things, like complimenting your skills whenever you do well during practice, or listening to how your day went. Whether you're feeling down in the dumps, or having a wonderful day, he's always there to listen and chat with you.
The silence or calming atmosphere will put him at ease while he simply basks in your presence, even being near or just seeing you after a long day at the circus is enough to put a smile of his face. He cares a lot for you and your well-being, and simply can't imagine a world without you anymore. He may become aware of his feeling much later than he should, and once he does he begins noticing the other things too.
Like how you simply turn your back when he's performing, of course you watch every now and then but you only pay attention to him as much as a good friend should. Jumbo probably starts realizing that you may not feel the same way for him as he does for you, which he simply takes notice of to try harder. Playing the harmonica for you, complimenting your tastes as often as he can, and so on.
Eventually he understands that his efforts are going completely unnoticed in any kind of romantic sense. Could it be someone else has you wrapped around their finger or are you simply oblivious to his methods of courting you? Jumbo definitely seems like a gentle giant, so he probably won't hurt anyone even if they are testing their limits with you. Just a menacing glare from him and they'll know to back off, and he'll only even go that far if they're getting awfully touchy.
Snake trying to court you is.. practically bound to go south. Well, from his view anyways. He just wants your love and attention, but he's much more closed off than most of the other members which makes it harder to get his feelings through to you. He may absent mindedly gravitate closer to you in public settings, but he still doesn't say very much to you in his own voice.
He prefers to let his snakes talk for him, not often speaking to anyone himself. However, for you, he'll start slowly trying to start small conversations even if they only last moments. Sometimes he even watches you from afar while you're busy training with your act. When you notice him, maybe even flash him that pretty smile of yours, his cheeks will get all flushed and he'll scurry away.
Snake is rather insecure about himself, so he automatically assumes the way you brush off his subtle attempts of flirting with you is because you couldn't be interested in him with his out of the ordinary looks. In addition to that, he's probably not all that offended or upset if you tend to shrug him off just taking it as if he's not good enough.
Although, the other members[especially Doll] may end up offended on his behalf when noticing he the efforts he's putting in for you. He's trying his hardest, isn't he? Snake may be hesitant to step in if the cause of your disinterest in him is the fault of another who's caught your eye. Given his timid nature, I highly doubt he'd go to the extent of acting upon your disinterest in any way besides simply trying even harder for you.
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lliminall · 1 year
(Yan) “Chrollo, why were you crying before? ….Are you alright?”
tags: gn reader, yandere, chrollo being big sad and a little bit unhinged
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In the dark shadow of the room, you could almost convince yourself that Chrollo is praying as he glances up at you. Sat hunched on the bed, elbows resting on his knees, hands folded against his forehead as his dark eyes open to meet yours. It would be a funny thought, if it wasn’t so unsettling to see a man of his composure unraveling before you.
For a moment he says nothing, and you wonder if you shouldn’t have said anything about it at all. If you should have stayed in the bathroom and pretended to busy yourself in the shower for another half hour. It feels almost violative to witness him in this state. Your hand itches to flip the switch of the bathroom light, plunge the room into darkness and wipe the image of that expression from your mind.
Chrollo stands and crosses the room in just a few short steps. His hands find rest on the curves of your cheeks, thumbs meandering along the lines of your face.
“I’ve lost someone very important to me,” he says. “Someone I should have been able to protect.”
His eyes are sad, too sad for a man of his kind. It’s wrong on his face, wrong on his body, for someone who’s caused so much grief to be crumbling under the weight of it himself.
“One of your friends again?” you ask.
“Yes,” Chrollo answers with a sad smile. “One of my oldest friends. And there is someone on this boat who is determined to take more from me.”
Your stomach churns nauseatingly. You aren’t sure if it’s the motion of the sea or the man in front of you causing it. Chrollo pulls you into his body, pressing his forehead against yours. He looks at you like he wants to absorb you through his skin. Catalog every detail, every sight, sound, and touch of you in the library of his mind. It feels too much like he’s bracing to lose it. To lose you.
“I see now that I’ve been an idiot,” he says. “Arrogant. An arrogant fool. I didn’t understand how close I was to losing all of you.”
Nausea. Cold, creeping nausea. You want him to drop this unfamiliar act, to become the strong and unwavering force he has always been to you. He can’t be weak. He’s made himself into the only support you have, and he can’t be weak now.
Something sharpens in his gaze.
“But I won’t make the same mistake again. I’ve been weak before, in a long distant past. Did you know that?” He smiles at you as you shake your head. “No, and I won’t be again, now or any time in our future.”
His hands tighten around your face.
“I will be anything, become anything, do anything it takes to keep what belongs to me.”
Nausea. Nausea. Your hands press against his chest in a weak attempt to put space between yourself and this man you don’t recognize. He can’t be this now. Fraying at the ends. He has to be your only constant. Your strong and unbroken constant.
At the pressure on his chest, Chrollo seems to find himself again. The edge in his eyes softens and he’s looking at you again like you’re his favorite dog, shivering while the thunder rages just outside your shelter. Firm hands press your face into the warmth of his chest.
“Chrollo, please. You’re scaring me.” The tremble of your voice muffles into the fabric of his shirt.
“Don’t be afraid, love,” he says. “Nothing is going to to take you from me. And if he tries to—“ his breath catches with a wave of emotion. The fingers in your hair tighten.
The air around you becomes thick with something powerful and suffocating, something cold and cruel that makes your joints lock and skin prickle. It fades as quickly as it comes, and Chrollo breathes slowly, deeply beside you. His hand caresses your hair in slow strokes, an imitation of comfort that does more to ground himself than to sooth you.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t cause you to worry about this.” Warm lips press into the crown of your head before he tugs you away from his body to look into your eyes. “You’re safe with me. You always are.”
There’s a knock on the door. He leaves you to turn and pluck his coat from the bed, taking the warmth of his body with him, and you are left standing in the chill of the room with cold skin and damp hair.
“I’ll only be gone a moment,” he says. “Dry yourself off quickly. We’ll be moving rooms again tonight.”
He steps into the hallway where another voice greets him, and the door clicks shut behind him.
Your hair is dripping onto the tile beneath your feet. Chrollo’s voice fades into the depths of the hallway, further, further, until it’s gone.
You lock the door with shaking hands.
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dead-meat · 2 months
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If you've seen any of this no you haven't. I deleted a bunch of stuff from my main account but thought I'd post some of it on here
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americanvikinggirl · 4 months
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Collection of lost Grian skins pt. 1.
All of these have had faithful recreations of them made, if you want the templates you can get them here:
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endcrman · 4 months
(Chapter 4)
As a general rule of thumb, Grian doesn’t do public servers for a multitude of reasons. This one hadn’t even made it onto the list.
TW for PTSD symptoms, Self-Neglect, and minor Disordered Eating (All of these very minor in this chapter)
Read the whole fic here. (Here for Ao3/mobile.)
Getting back into the swing of things was easier said than done, Grian quickly found out. Nobody expected him to be normal again immediately, nobody except for himself, which was enough of a stressor he didn’t need.
He wasn’t prepared for the effort it took him to not just start wallowing in bed again, every morning began with a fight to get himself out of bed. Most days he managed, others he needed a little help. He tried not to think about how when he wasn’t out in a couple hours, somebody was flying by and checking in on him, he tried not to think about how much work he was being for everyone else.
He didn't like being work, he didn't like being an issue, even if everyone insisted he wasn't, he knew better.
He knew if it weren't for the week he spent in bed by himself, he wouldn't be receiving so many gifted meals. “Leftovers” he was told they were, as if anyone had leftovers in this server, he was being coddled; but damn if it wasn't the best he'd eaten in months, even with the guilt that piled on with every meal.
When he could, he threw himself into his own work, be it fishing, building, or being harassed by his friends at the permit office. It helped him feel normal again, being able to pretend nothing had been wrong in the first place.
“Hey Grian!”
Like he’d been doing just now.
“How’s the fishing going?” Gem had come up behind him without him noticing, which seemed to happen often while he was focused on the river. Not Gem specifically, just in general.
“Lots of junk,” he glanced over to see Gem without pulling his attention away from the bobber in the water for too long. “Plenty of fish though too, you hungry?”
She laughed a little, sitting on a nearby barrel. “I think I’m doing alright. What are you fishing for today anyways?”
What was he fishing for? He already caught his mending book a while ago, it was just a good mindless activity. He shrugged, reeling in the next bite, a cod. “Good to get me out and moving,” he admitted, casting again. “Keeps me from wasting away in bed all day.”
Gem was quiet for a bit, which made him nervous. “I’m proud of you,” she said after a while, which made him scrunch up his face.
“Ugh, no, no serious talk,” he said, laughing a little to try and lighten the mood. “Come be normal and fish with me. I need normal.”
“Okay, okay,” she laughed right back, getting off the barrel to join him on the dock, sitting down to dip her feet in the water as she rummaged around for her own rod. “Let’s be normal together, whatever that is.”
“Normal for us,” Grian reiterated, soon realizing just how much his own feet were starting to hurt, just how long had he been out here? Eventually he was joining Gem, sitting cross-legged next to her. “So what’s your angle here?”
“My angle,” Gem repeated, reeling in and casting out again before she continued. “Why do I need an angle? Can’t I just want to hang out with my fishing buddy?”
“Nobody wants to just hang out with me right now,” Grian realized how bad that sounded as soon as it came out of his mouth, wincing. “I mean- that’s not-”
“I get it,” Gem interrupted him, and he let out a relieved sigh at not having to explain himself. “I’m not here to mother hen you, if that’s what you’re worried about. I just missed you.”
“Thank you,” he mumbled, watching as his bobber sank beneath the water, too distracted to pull it back. “You wouldn't believe all the attention I'm getting right now, it's embarrassing.”
Another successful catch and cast from Gem. “We all feel a little guilty for not noticing sooner,” she explained, keeping her own gaze focused on the water. “I can't speak for everyone, of course, but we're trying to make up for it, I think.”
“We're veering off into serious territory again, Gem,” Grian warned, though he did nothing to stop it, hypocritical as he was. “Don't feel guilty, okay? It's not your fault, it's not anybody's fault.” Just his own. 
She barked a laugh at that, finally tearing her eyes away from the water again. “Easier said than done, but I'll try. You'll just have to convince everyone else now. You know Mumbo's worked himself up into a mess about all this, right?”
He grimaced, reeling in his empty line to set the rod aside, laying back on the dock to look up at the sky. Yeah, he knew. “I'm fine now, obviously. He knows he can just come talk to me, instead of sending you to do it.”
“Hey! I came here of my own volition!” Gem scoffed, sounding teasingly offended. “My ulterior motive is totally different from whatever he's got going on.”
Grian quirked a brow, turning his head to look at Gem again, who had a grin on her face now. “Ulterior motive, you say?”
“Well…” She drawled, reeling in another catch before setting her rod aside as well. There was a mischievous twinkle in her eyes when she finally looked back over at him. “You didn't hear it from me, but I think my little snail friend has been missing her usual company as well.”
It was almost embarrassing, how quickly he sat up at the mere mention of mischief. “Aw, I'm sorry to hear that. I could probably pass the message along,” he hummed, resting his chin on his hand as if deep in thought. That didn't last long though, soon enough he had a grin that matched Gem's, far too excited at the prospect to play coy. “I wonder if they’d like to see just how much Scar’s train has grown since the last time they visited.”
Gem threw her head back and laughed, scrambling to her feet. “I’m sure that’d be fantastic enrichment for them, we should see what they think.”
Grian followed her up, groaning as he was standing again on his own aching feet, but he was too excited to complain, adrenaline already pumping through his veins. “I bet I can beat you there,” he challenged, darting off before Gem could even react and cackling when she finally did shout out behind him.
He could almost hear her footsteps in the grass behind him, her own laughter quiet compared to the wind whipping past his ears as he picked up speed. Scar’s build wasn’t too far from his dock, thankfully, but he could already feel his lungs aching. He yelped as he tripped, just about falling head over heels as he rolled the last couple of feet, sprawled out on the grass as the world spun around him.
“Grian!” Gem sounded worried, and her steps slowed down as she stopped next to him, looking down from above. “Are you okay?”
He blinked, the world finally settling around him, then he cackled again and the worried look slid right off of Gem's face. “Never better!” He wheezed, starting to push himself up. Once he was sitting and catching his breath, he fluffed up his wings for a second so the feathers would lay flat again, slightly askew from his tumble. He was sure he looked like a mess in other ways too, grass stains on his knees and elbows, wild-eyed and flushed, but he couldn't bring himself to care, laughing again as Gem offered a hand to help haul him up on his feet once more.
Hearing Gem's laughter in return, he felt lighter than he had in a long time. “You are ridiculous,” she scolded, snickering regardless. “If that was a fair race I totally would have beat you.”
“Pfft, what? That was absolutely fair,” he bluffed, crossing his arms, though the look Gem gave him had him laughing yet again. “Okay. Okay, next time it'll be fair. Snails now?”
There was a pause, Gem narrowing her gaze as she crossed her own arms, but soon enough her grin was breaking through once more. “Alright, snails now.”
The two of them definitely didn't do anything but supervise as the snails did their work, eager to harass Scar and his build yet again. It really was a beautiful train so far, Grian almost felt guilty setting loose base-eating snails on it. Almost. They were small enough that the damage was barely there, just enough to be annoying, which was always his goal.
He and Gem were giggling again when they finally parted ways for the evening, prank left behind for Scar to find later, depending on when he decided to return home. Grian had his own goal now, the time with Gem making him realize just how much he missed his other friends too. Even when he was actively trying to take care of himself he was isolating and he hadn't even realized it. What else was he doing wrong?
Instead of dwelling, he found himself outside of Mumbo's base, the Mothball or whatever— surely he could come up with a better name than that, right? Cupping his hands around his mouth, he realized how helpful a horn would be in this situation. “Hey! Mumbo!”
Mumbo’s face looking through the barred windows startled him, he was almost expecting to have to go on a server-wide search he didn’t think he had the energy for. “Grian?” His eyes widened, and Grian could see his mustache curl into a smile even from this distance. “Hang on a moment, I’ll be right down!” And he disappeared again.
Grian had to stifle his laughter as Mumbo all but fell out of the hanging base, a hand clamped over his mouth as he tried to keep quiet. He mostly had it under control by the time Mumbo was up on his feet again, suit rumpled and hair sticking up in all sorts of directions. “Hi Mumbo,” his amusement was obvious, even without the laughter.
Before anything else could happen he was swept up in Mumbo’s arms, the sudden action forcing a squeak out of him as his feet left the ground, kicking a little. “Mumboooo!” He wailed, the dam holding back his laughter bursting once again. He stumbled when he was finally allowed to touch the ground again, arms out to keep his balance.
“Sorry, sorry,” Mumbo didn’t sound too sorry, more for the inconvenience than what he’d actually done, mirroring Grian’s smile with laughter in his own voice. “I just- I’ve missed you is all,” his tone petered off into something a bit more nervous as he wrung his hands together, “Scar told me a bit of what happened.”
Those words were spine chilling, and Grian felt his face fall. “He did?”
“No details!” Mumbo quickly assured him, hands landing on his shoulders. “He- he told me you weren’t telling Joel either so-” Grian felt himself relaxing a little as Mumbo squeezed gently. “He told me that something… serious happened, when we went offworld. I thought that maybe- but I- you were-” He sighed, hanging his head. “I’m sorry, Grian, truly.”
“Oh, Mumbo, no,” Grian tilted his own head forwards, bumping foreheads with his friend. “Is that why you haven’t come to see me yet?” He asked, trying to tease, “too busy feeling guilty?” Mumbo opened his mouth and closed it again, gaping a little like a fish, which meant his answer was yes, and he just didn’t want to admit it. Grian sighed, pulling away a little so Mumbo’s hands slid off his shoulders, taking one of them in his own. “Come on. We’re hanging out, no guilty feelings on my watch. Done and over with, show me what you’ve been working on.”
Mumbo perked up at that, like he always did when Grian asked about his redstone. “Well, you see, since I figured out how to get up into my base, I’ve started working on a way to categorize and organize my builds,” he said beginning to tug Grian along to show him just what he was working on, gesturing as he spoke, “if you break it down to it’s bare components it’s quite simple actually-”
Grian almost laughed at that— simple, as if— but instead he let Mumbo’s words wash over him, nodding and humming as expected. He might not have been picking up on too much of the specifics of the redstone, but it wasn’t like it was something he’d be using himself, the time spent with Mumbo was much more valuable than any redstone engineering.
“—and you’re not listening to a word I’m saying, are you?”
The words Mumbo was actually saying finally parsed in Grian’s brain, after however long of just listening without comprehending, and it made him squawk in offense. “I am too! You’ve got a- um- it’s like… a modified passcode kind of thing,” Grian bit his lower lip, waving his hand a little. “Right?”
Mumbo smiled so warmly at that, and the nod he got almost had him celebrating outwardly too. “Did you guess that, or were you actually listening to me?”
“A little bit of both,” Grian admitted with a snicker, shrugging slightly. “Sorry, I just like being here with you.” He didn’t mean for that to come out as mushy as it did, but Mumbo only looked even happier at the confession, so he didn’t mind quite too much. “Don't let it go to your head,” he tried to save.
“Aw, Grian,” Mumbo wrapped an arm around him, pulling him into a side hug even as he pouted. “I like being here with you too.”
Grian huffed, reluctantly leaning into the other, his hesitance more for show than anything else. “Yeah, yeah, whatever,” he sighed, relaxing even more after a moment. He definitely didn’t stretch out a wing around Mumbo, and thankfully the other knew better than to comment on it, eventually continuing to explain the redstone in front of them; and Grian was actually starting to pick up on a couple of things. It wasn’t like he was clueless about redstone, he’d built a couple of contraptions at this point! He just hadn’t picked up quite the amount of knowledge Mumbo had yet.
“Are you getting tired?” Were the next couple of words directed at him, having Grian blinking his eyes open and lifting his head off of Mumbo’s shoulder.
He heard Mumbo’s laugh, shaking him awake from his half-asleep daze, bringing him back to reality. “I asked if you were getting tired, but I think that’s answer enough. Let’s get you home, birdie.”
He scrunched up his face at the nickname, which just made Mumbo laugh again. “No, I’m fine. I don’t need to,” he protested, even as he allowed Mumbo to take the lead, undoubtedly leading him back to his base regardless.
“You’ve practically been sleepwalking the past half hour,” he sounded amused at least, rather than bothered or annoyed. “I appreciate the company, especially after so long, but you don’t need to stay up for my sake, G.”
“I can take care of myself, you know,” Grian huffed, falling in step with him, “nobody thinks so but I can, I’m a grown man damn it,” he wasn’t even mad at Mumbo specifically, he didn’t think he could be truly. “I shouldn’t have to be anybody’s responsibility.”
Mumbo was quiet, waiting for him to finish it seemed, because he only spoke when it seemed Grian wasn’t going to continue. “Nobody’s saying you aren’t, Grian,” his voice was purposefully even and patient, “but you’re going through a rough time, and we don’t want you to come out the other end hurt, or worse.”
He scowled a little at the thought, shaking his head. “But I’m fine now, I don’t need everyone babying me because they’re scared I’m going to- to-” He gestured with his hands, something he couldn’t describe. “-I don’t even know! But I’m not going to, I’m fine!” Even hanging out with Gem earlier, even though she had promised she wasn’t going to treat him like that, there was something unspoken in the air; and now with Mumbo too.
“Grian, I’m not trying to start an argument with you right now,” Mumbo rolled his eyes, Grian was sure of it, even if he couldn’t see it. He was being ridiculous after all. “Everybody here needs a bit of help sometimes, you just got unlucky enough that everyone else noticed, instead of just me or Pearl.”
“Scar and Joel and their blabbermouths,” Grian mumbled, kicking at the grass as they continued to walk.
“They mean well,” he was reminded.
“I know, that’s why it sucks that I can’t be mad at them,” he sighed, “everybody here means well. Bane of my existence, being cared for,” he snorted, even if Mumbo didn’t laugh with him that time.
“I just wish you guys would tell me when I’m too much, I know I am sometimes,” he pouted, “I’ve been told before.” Mostly it was just when a prank went a little too far, and he had to help clean up and was told not to do it again. Which was just fine and totally fair, he just wished they’d do the same here.
“Grian, that’s not-”
“I wouldn’t get upset, even! I’d rather you guys tell me instead of working so hard to coddle me,” Grian cut him off. “Let me handle myself before I scare everyone away,” he sighed, voice dropping in volume as he crossed his arms tightly, almost hugging himself. “Sorry.”
Mumbo stopped walking, turning to face him again, and Grian couldn’t help but shrink even more under his gaze. “Grian…” Hands on his cheeks gently tilted his head up, forcing him to make eye contact as much as he was trying to avoid it. “Everyone’s trying to help because they want to, not because they feel like they have to. We like you, you’re our friend, and we hate seeing you hurt. I know you have a hard time accepting it, but you deserve it, okay? You’re not too much, and you’re not scaring anyone away.”
He wasn’t going to cry, he refused. He sniffled softly, looking away. “Okay.” Grian took a deep breath, eyes closing for a moment. “... Thank you.”
“Any time, G.” Mumbo’s hand found his shoulder again, just a gentle pressure that soon slid off. “Will you be okay tonight, when you get home?” Alone remained unsaid, though implied.
He opened his eyes again, meeting Mumbo’s eyes on purpose now. “I think so, yeah. You could always check in on me tomorrow, make sure I’m not getting up to any trouble?”
That made Mumbo smile again, easing the growing tension. “You are known to get up to trouble, true. I suppose I better put it on my calendar.” 
Grian laughed, finally starting towards his base again, checking behind himself to make sure he was being followed. “Don’t lie to me, you don’t have a calendar.”
“I could! You don’t know that,” Mumbo protested, then after a moment or two he sighed, hanging his head. “No, you’re right. I don’t.”
“I know you,” Grian scolded, snickering softly, he almost didn’t notice as they finally made it to his base, sun setting in the distance. “... No more avoiding me, okay?”
“I wasn’t avoiding you,” Mumbo’s answer was immediate, then he looked a little guilty again. “No, I… I’m sorry. I’ll be over tomorrow, I promise.”
He smiled softly, nodding. “Good, I'll hold you to that,” he hummed, hesitating before giving Mumbo a quick hug, pulling away just as quickly. Mumbo had his own smile back, and Grian considered that a success. They split easily after that, Mumbo headed back to his base as Grian made his way up into his own.
Honestly, he was almost too excited to sleep. He found himself in his bed too easily, comfortable under the covers, but otherwise tossing and turning, thinking about tomorrow. It was a little ridiculous, he thought, they hadn't even made proper plans, but he couldn't help it, eager for things to be like they were again.
He was finally pulled out of his futile attempts at sleep by his comm going off, notification distinct from that 
samgladiator: hey. i know youre ignoring me and that's totally fine and i get it, i promise.
samgladiator: but ellen found out i had your comm address and basically begged me to let you know they say hi, lol. they said they miss you
Grian's stomach lurched, and he quickly hit the power again, turning off the screen. No, he wasn't thinking about this tonight. He took a deep breath, holding it in. He hadn’t spoken to Ellen in ages, he’d wager it had been over a decade even. They still thought about him?
He let out a slow breath, feeling his heartbeat slowing just a bit, he hadn’t even noticed how much it had sped up in the first place. He wasn’t going to freak out, he refused. Grian took another deep breath, setting his comm aside as he continued breathing deeply, laying back onto his bed.
Tomorrow. This was all a problem for tomorrow.
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And then there's the Scarian enjoyers, watching all of this go down
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Grian mentioned that he definitely didn't contact Cthulhu to get Mumbo back in his latest Hermitcraft episode and I lost my mind tbh. Man just called up Igbar like "I miss him so bad" or something idk
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cherryshelf · 1 year
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DOODLES @kelceilingfan AND I DID LAST NIGHT!!!!! ahhghavvfvc it was like 6am while drawing them and we were not thinking while drawing them
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bluebblurry · 1 year
I want a mumscarian au where they’re all like scary somehow, but they love each other and are scary together. Give me a vex!scar who eats people. Give me a watcher!Grian who’s kind of a yandere. Give me a vampire!Mumbo who.. is honestly just kind of a guy (just kidding, he’s like a cryptid or something).
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raileurta · 1 year
The fruits of hermitcraft part one
In honor of pride month I will be rating each c!hermit on how fruity I think they are.
Grian: 8.5/10
• On multiple occasions he has tried to summon he's boyfriend coded best friend.
•Was bonded to scar in 3rd life in and then literally bonded to c!scar in double life.
•When c!grian was previously asked by c!taurtis if he liked girls he said no.
•Obsessed with mumbo; probably to a unhealthy extent.
•Is a god. End quote.
•Canonically a crossdresser.
•Has milf rights because of mother spore.
•I'm pretty sure he has eaten at least one capitalist.
He's pretty fruity but there's room for approvement.
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popsiclefloss · 2 years
I love how unhinged Grian can be about friendship.
Murdering, trapping, and warring for Scar, "we can still be friends Mumbo" *starts trying to murder him*, summoning circles, digging a massive tunnel for a little messaging system, Mumbo for Mayor, CEO Mumbo, "SCAR NO!!" "You're not even safe on your OWN server TIM!", *Releases a wither just to spook Mumbo*, the Mumbo shrine
There's something almost aggressive about it and I adore it.
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thathermitweirdo · 1 year
Bunny Boy - Oneshot
Mumbo was unaware of the new world that he was stuck in. It didn't feel real, if that made sense. He could smell the scent of flowers that was carried on the wind, he was able to feel the cool drops of rain against his face. Yet this place...it felt rather odd.
It was a neighborhood of sorts, right next to a large school building. Both the streets and the homes were abandoned, with no sign of another living person. Color was very dull and lackluster, as if someone had drained any joy and light from this realm. The redstoner thought he had seen students walking past the windows of the school, though when he ran to meet them, no one was there.
The first few days he had spent wandering, in search of some kind of explanation as to what was going on. It seemed as though time was frozen, as the sun was always stuck in the exact same position with each passing moment. He had tried to keep track of time, marking the hours, until the Brit realized that he had no way to tell when an hour had actually passed.
He had no memory of arriving here. One moment he was on hermitcraft, the next he was in some kind of lifeless world. Mumbo knew that the others would notice his absence, so it wouldn't be long until the hermits find him. So he took the opportunity to claim one of the houses in the neighborhood, which he thoroughly checked before determining that it was completely empty. After all, the mustached hermit needed a place to rest after what seemed to be a couple days of no contact from the others.
So, he waited there. It was a bed positioned right by the window that looked right out on the street, exactly where he had appeared. He watched from the bed for a while, Mumbo's eyes glued to the window, waiting for something. But after a while, his eyelids grew a little too heavy, and the bed felt a little too comfortable. He didn't remember falling asleep, so at some point the redstoner must have slipped into a dreamless sleep.
The days went like that for a while. Mumbo would explore the school or the neighborhood for most of the day, then he would head back to the house he claimed to wait for someone to come and rescue him. Every morning when he would wake up, the Brit would take a pen and make a tally on the wall to signify another 'day' that had passed. But truthfully, he could have been out for only a few hours, or maybe even a few days! Who knows how long he had wandered for, or how long he had slept for!
But Mumbo tried not to let it bother him. Maybe time was slower back in the real world. Maybe only a day had passed since he went missing. Maybe the others were currently working on a way to bring him back. Maybe it had only been a couple of hours! In reality, weeks had gone by already. As more time passed, the hermit would sink deeper into a pit of denial and anxiety. He was certain that the others would find him soon. They wouldn't just leave him here, wherever 'here' was.
He didn't need to eat or drink here, which was rather odd. Maybe he was in some kind of hell, someplace that he would never be able to escape from. Maybe he had died, or he had been banned? Those were just a couple of conspiracies Mumbo had come up with, since he had nothing but an endless amount of time to think. His mind obviously wandered, thinking about what had brought him here or what he had done to get trapped here.
By the time his wall had become covered in tally marks, the ink from his marker had run out. Mumbo had to resort to carving a line as each day passed, just to have some sense of time. He had to remain sane and calm, just until he was rescued. The redstoner continued to hold onto the last sliver of hope that he had, though he knew that it would quickly fade.
It was a morning, or maybe a night, just like any other. Mumbo dragged his hand across the wall, feeling the cracks where his knife had carved into the wall. He lifted the small dagger, scraping yet another mark into the wall before letting the blade slip from his hands. It tumbled to the floor, as the Brit felt his eyes begin to water. Three months had passed. Three whole months. Hell, it could have been so much longer!
He fell to his knees, bringing his hands to his face to sob. No one was coming. No one would find him here. Was he dead? Was this hell? Was he ever going to see the hermits again? Did they even realize he was missing? Did they even care!?
At this point, he hoped that he was dead. Because if that were the case, the hermits wouldn't have forgotten about him. They wouldn't have left him here to rot, because then this would be hell, and there was no way to escape or save him.
Mumbo gave himself time to sob, crying to himself in the bedroom, with the curtains shut to block out sun's invading light. He was lost, destined to never see his friends ever again, and he wasn't even sure why. This place had no place in his mind, nor was it familiar to the Brit. It was a neighborhood and a highschool, nothing else. Nothing special or important to his life, simply a school that he had never seen before. If this truly was hell, then what kind of hell was it?
A couple more weeks managed to pass. Then a few more. Mumbo lost track of it all long ago. It was meaningless to try and stay sane in a place that was meant to break you. It had been a while since he last got out of bed. Far too long, truthfully. Mumbo honestly couldn't care less, though the walls began to feel like they were closing in on him. He was probably going crazy.
Eventually, Mumbo relented, pulling himself out from the safety of his bed. He needed some fresh air, desperately. Dragging his feet as he walked, Mumbo stumbled down the hallway with his legs shaking due to lack of use. He reached the front door of the house, pushing through it with ease.
The outside world seemed the same as always. Not a cloud in the sky, a gray atmosphere, along with a dreary feeling that hung over every aspect of his surroundings. The sun remained in its place, it hadn't moved since Mumbo first arrived. It was almost like he was stuck in an infinite loop, a perpetual state of being unable to move forwards or back.
He hated this hell.
Mumbo wanted to break down and cry, right there and then. He couldn't hold anything back. It was all breaking lose. The redstoner fell to his knees, his hands desperately clutching at his hair. He wanted to scream, to scream till his lungs burned, till his throat became raw. Yet what was the point of screaming?
No one could hear him.
Or, so he had thought.
There was something he spotted, for a very brief moment at least, in the corner of his eye. It was blurry from his tears, but it moved. It was something real. It was something alive.
Mumbo felt the tears come to a halt, his head jerking towards the source of movement.
It was a bunny. A little fluffy bunny with fur as white as snow.
He and the animal stared at each other for a moment. Then another. And another. Mumbo just watched, barely breathing as he sat still. The rabbit continued to watch him back, tilting its head curiously.
"Are you really here? Is this real?" Mumbo muttered softly, his eyes wide. He slowly rose to his feet, completely focused on the bunny.
For such a small creature, it had somehow managed to look intimidating. Its ears flattened against its fluffy skull, making its movements almost seem robotic. As if it had no emotion. Slowly, the rabbit padded closer to him, stopping several feet away. It cocked its head, its large eyes staring directly at Mumbo with curiosity.
Then Mumbo blinked, and the rabbit was gone. In its place now stood a man, as if the rabbit had transformed into the human within the moment that his eyes were closed. He wore a tan suit with a red tie, similar to some kind of uniform. His jeans were pale and ripped from the wear over the years. Though by far the most noticeable feature was his hat, a white beanie with fluffy bunny ears.
Mumbo didn't question it. His grin spread across his face, wider than it had in a long time. "A-Another person! Oh my goodness!" He exclaimed with pure joy.
"I didn't think I'd see anyone here." The man with the rabbit ears said, holding no tone as he spoke. "Guess G wanted to get rid of you too."
"G? Y-you mean Grian? Do you know him?!"
"Oh man." The man laughed a little, "You're in for a hell of a time here pal. The name is Sam, glad to see you haven't completed your cracked yet."
"I was starting to." Mumbo admitted.
"Well then, you might wanna get yourself a beer or something." Sam shrugged, flicking his wrist. As if he were magic, a bottle of some kind of alcohol appeared in his hand. "Come on, let's go to the school roof. We can talk there."
They sat on the ledge, both holding a drink. Mumbo was never good with alcohol, taking the occasional sip or too, while Sam seemed to be downing a few bottles with ease. "So you've been here for how long?" The redstoner asked, squeezing the glass of the bottle.
"Years, probably. Once I realize Grian wasn't coming back I gave up."
"I'm going to need a couple explanations." The taller man said while shaking his head. "I've never heard Grian mention someone by the name of Sam. And what is this place anyway? Are you magic? I-I mean, you turned yourself into a rabbit, you can summon stuff, it's rather intriguing!"
"First off—" Sam set down his beer. "—Grian probably wants to forget about me. Let's just say he and I had a bit of a falling out. This place is what I'd like to call a personal prison. I thought it was just for me, but now you're here, so that theory must be wrong."
"And what about you being magic?" Mumbo raised an eyebrow, bringing the bottle to his lips for another swig of alcohol.
Sam let out a mix between a scoff and a chuckle. "I wish. Then maybe I could get out of here. But no, my guess is Grian wanted to be somewhat humane while making this place. You can basically do anything."
"And out of everything you could have done, you chose to become a bunny?"
"Just when I realized someone else was here with me. Didn't wanna get caught by Grian." Sam rolled his eyes, setting down the third empty bottle. "Geez, I wish alcohol worked here. But time doesn't exactly move, so you can't exactly get drunk."
Mumbo thought for a moment or two. "Wait, you said Grian made this place?"
"Yep. A special little gift for me. To keep me from ever finding him and Taurtis."
Sam looked at Mumbo as if he had three heads. "Taurtis? Y'know, Grian's best friend? They're practically attached at the hip.”
"But..I'm Grian's best friend." Mumbo blinked, "I've never even heard of Taurtis before now."
"Maybe you're not really friends. I mean, he sent you here for how long? Doesn't seem like he's working that hard to find you.”
Mumbo stayed quiet, attempting to process all this information that had suddenly been dumped upon him. "I-I don't get it. What did I do?"
"Probably nothing." Sam muttered, "It's Grian that's the problem. He's the one who banished us here. He's the one who ruined our lives."
They sat there for a little while longer. It could have been an hour or two, but who knows. Mumbo was too wrapped up in his own thoughts to even notice the passing of time.
Why would Grian have sent him here?
What did he do to deserve his fate?
Just an angsty Mumbo and Sam oneshot :)
Also, I’m reposting these from my Wattpad account, so some of these oneshots might be kinda old. So the writing might be worse than the quality of my Family Dinner Oneshot
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yanderemommabean · 8 months
Yandere red room idea
The Red rooms. It’s not something He really thought he’d find himself using but here he is, walking up the corridor with a key card in his pocket. It’s definitely a secret society type of deal, code words, secret hand gestures, one use keys, all the security one could imagine. The first time he even heard of such a place like this, he assumed it was dark internet fetish mumbo jumbo. 
But after he found you, well, the right people found him and led him to the right place. Not a room of pain, but one of pleasure, to show his darling all of his intense love and emotion and then some. 
He hasn’t even booked a room yet, he’s here as a sort of consultation visit. To see if he really has the balls to do this and show that yes, he adores you, and that his love outweighs anyone else’s. 
Sliding the card into the door brought him into an empty room besides a desk, a few chairs, and two large filing cabinets. He takes a look around, quickly surveying the area, before stepping inside fully and sitting in the chair facing the large office chair in front of him. Before he can let his shoulders relax, a man follows in behind him, followed by a woman as well, both dressed professionally and seeming very…happy. 
“Ah! It’s good to see you, Mr-” 
“Lee, you can just call me Lee. And you are?” He asks, gesturing to the woman standing beside the man in the suit as he begins to open a manilla envelope, spreading the papers out on the table. 
“Victoria. We can leave it at that. I can tell that you know secrecy and customer privacy are our top priority with this business” She says with a knowing smile, sliding the papers over to face them towards the doctor.
“Now, Lee, What we have here is a very basic outline of what we can do for you and that love bug you’ve found yourself. We celebrate rather than punish our loved ones here, and want them to understand that to their core! We find that the red room experience helps!” The man exclaims with excitement, but has yet to really introduce himself. 
Lee was told to expect that however. The leader behind this all was kind enough to reach out but he wasn’t to expect anything too personal. “All business” was his very aura, and Lee could respect that. He nods along as Victoria took the reigns, explaining some of their core beliefs before getting to what Lee really wanted to know. 
“We can make the room however you please, lease it for up to four days at a time with personnel who checks in every four hours with their own special keys, for the darlings sake. As much as we wish to fully trust our customers, we will not take the risk of them dying or being seriously injured in any way. As stated, this is a way to show love and we give you the tools to do so! “ Victoria then spreads apart the papers, pointing here and there as she explains a bit more, intriguing Lee with every bit. “We have romantic layouts like at a hotel, we have BDSM specialist rooms, we have very highly rated toys and devices that we inspect and clean before each room is ready, and we have a live stream option if you’re the type who thinks everyone should see the pleasure you’re darling is receiving! I personally recommend the tribbing machines with the black rose theme if you prefer the dom and sub type of vibe, but we can personalize however you like!” 
Huh. Wow. They’re very thorough aren’t they? 
The business man nods, sitting back in his seat as he adjusts his tie. “I started many companies in my life, all based on bringing smiles and joy, and it’s my personal belief that there needs to be a company looking out for your lover! Love, adventurous or more mellow, is a beautiful thing that our darlings need to be showered in as much as possible. If you’d like, this can also be set up in a way to just calmly express your love to your darling, but I will clarify that it isn’t guaranteed to go well…I advise getting our crews to pick them up and deliver them for you, with every person being given a  background check of course! Safety and security is what comes first for your darling” 
Lee was a bit flabbergasted to say the least. They talk so professionally, have such a strange ethic to them, and they act as if he’s about to buy a company or large house rather than finally get ahold of the love of his life. It’s…Odd but charming. He can’t say he’s turned away from this, in fact he has a few ideas for his own red room. 
“Are they CPR trained and do they have basic first aid knowledge?” Lee asks as he looks over some more of the photos, liking the array of toys they had up for use to add to the room, each one costing extra of course but for what he had planned…it wouldn’t be too bad. 
Victoria smirks, laughing lightly in amusement “I can see we’ve caught even more of your attention. We can make sure these personnel are trained for the pick up, but our permanent staff are already trained in first aid help and some, even small surgical emergencies. You know, always needing to be prepared and all”. 
They talk  a few more things out, Lee deciding that if these people were serious, then he could trust them. If they crossed him in any way, he’d easily rid at least a handful of them. He didn’t get that gut feeling he usually does when people are lying to him however. This felt thorough and legit and well…Professional. 
“It’s a pleasure doing business with you Mr Lee. We’ll be getting in touch with you shortly! You wont regret setting this up-” the business man says with a firm handshake, smiling in an almost uncanny way. “And remember, when you’re in a bind, one of our smiles will ease your mind"
-Mommabean (This was so silly but I hope you enjoyed nonetheless!)
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eclairsnme · 1 year
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♡ POV: Being The Itoshi Brother’s Elder Sister ♡
Part 1/ Part 2/ Part 3/ Part 4
More trouble and very dilf (prick) boss and yandere kaiser!!
tags: idol!you, crack comedy, reunion, familial love, sfw, somewhat of a brat (⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎), lack of common sense, dilf boss, kaiser is giving me psycho killer mannn (✦థ ェ థ), red flags!!
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
A few years ago,
You picked up the phone and read a message.
It’s a punishing journey here.
It was from Sae, your younger brother.
After reading the message, you flipped the phone to your manager.
You could not be bothered to reply to him as... well, you are in a middle of a scandal.
A rival company is trying to sue you for plagiarising their music.
I mean like ew? (¬、¬)
You debuted in the music industry one year ago and had already gathered a massive fanbase and caused a wave in the industry.
Many were hailing you as the pop star of the century. Recognised not only domestically but also worldwide.
The songs were written by you and with the collaboration of acclaimed song producers.
When all of your songs dominated the Billboard chart, you solidified your status as the youngest and most celebrated star of this era.
You know what they always say, behind every success has its own trials and tribulations, and yeah you were now experiencing that exact phenomenon — a scandalous scandal, a bad suing kind.
The rival company had been trying to produce their very own pop star using you as the manual, however, it was to no avail. Obviously.
You snorted at that. No one could compete with you, naturally.
Therefore, they had to resort to underhand tactics. Such as, wrongly accusing you of plagiarism without any ounce of evidence and trying to sue you to boot?
Huh! The audacity.
More absurdly, he annouced all that mumbo jumbo on the stupid bird app! That hellhole of an app.
It goes without saying that the news spread quickly like lighting speed! Both fans and haters became aware of it and rumors and negative comments began to circulate rapidly. They really popped off there.
What else popped off? Keyboard warriors. They came and showed the heck up. They have never typed their opinions so quickly.
Before you could defend yourself from such an outlandish claim, they had already painted you a bad reputation. You cracked a displeased smile.
It appears that your followers and supporters have left you abruptly and without any hesitation.
And they call themselves loyal fans. You pouted. People’s minds sure do sway rather quickly. That bandwagon sure has lots of passengers.
Today, a crowd gathered outside your studio to protest against what they perceive as your "sinister" conduct.
How very rude!
Prior to your debut, you had anticipated that your first scandal would involve a dating rumour with a super hot man. However, the current scandal being circulated is merely a laughable joke and not the kind you had expected.
The music you made was definitely yours last you checked. It was unquestionably from this absolutely talented brain of yours.
“Pest,” you grumbled.
Oh and what a pest he definitely is. Actually, he was more disgusting than those creepy crawlies. He had a greasy face, greasy hair and an incredibly bad breath.
You shivered. Yucky.
“That bastard!” The boss of your company slammed the table.
Your boss was a tall and well-dressed individual in his mid twenties. He was an efficient and smart, young man that had personally scouted you and propelled your career (well, that is a little too much credit to him but yeh yeh).
This company had a few B-listers if you squint... hard enough. You were his first pop star and damn, you exceeded all his expectations. Not to toot your own horn, but yes you are quite literally The Best.
After learning of the absurdity, he was absolutely furious. He was frothing in the mouth like how baristas froth them age-old milk. You found it quite funny to see his handsome face contort to such comedy.
You hid your giggle behind your hand.
He stopped and knelt down in front of you, "I understand that this situation is difficult for you right now, but I assure you that we will find a solution and overcome this obstacle together."
Even the dumbest person would know that refuting the so-called "claims" was a simple task. However, the bigger issue at hand is the individuals who have already turned their backs on you. Unfortunately, you are currently considered the most disliked public figure.
Can you believe that? Me!
To that, you grunted and took a heavy whiff of the musky meeting room.
Gain back their support?
You suddenly stood up, causing your boss to fall back onto his buttocks.
An idea crossed your little noggin. Your idea is truly exceptional, with a level of creativity that is almost unparalleled. Some people might even dare ask, "From that brain of yours?"
A true visionary of the century you would say. You snickered to your own delight.
“What’s going on?” Your boss asked in confusion.
“I know just the way to make him eat his shit!” You bellowed, lightly brushing the nonexistent dust from your Miu Miu garb.
Oh yes, eat shit he will. Bet, his shit would be the best-tasting shit he will ever consume.
Present day
You, the top idol, stood in front of the screen fake crying your heart out for your dear little brother.
“Do you not love me anymore?!” You dramatically placed your hand over your face, wiping away the fake tears.
Rin covered his ears at that infamous phrase coming from you.
As the situation “escalates”, even Rin’s teammates started to catch on to your act. As in, they actually fell for your poorly executed acting.
“Oi, Rin your sister is calling for you! You bastard of a little brother making her cry,” his teammates and Karasu collectively shouted at him, accusingly.
This was too much for Rin to handle, the embarrassment was too excruciating. He was so close to believing that you were not his sister. Heck, did you hear his internal thoughts? Because he could vaguely hear you crying louder. He shuddered.
To Rin, this was the equivalent of having his mom unexpectedly appear in the classroom and announcing every speck of mole on his body to everyone. Yet again, he shuddered.
You, on the other hand, were just about to tease him more when Mr Manager tapped on your shoulder.
“Your next schedule is in an hour, you need to get ready.”
Ah, talk about getting blue balled. You frowned. You were just about to have fun with Rin.
"Schedule? I thought I was done for today?" You gave him a look of disapproval, with your lips tightly pressed together.
"I-it's the meeting with the boss!" He spread his arms wide in disbelief, brows downturned and mouth gaping like a goldfish.
"That person would not mind," you turned away from the screen and shrugged your shoulders, "no big deal missing one or two meetings."
"You mean, multiple (all) meetings?"
Wow, talk about being unnecessarily observant. You rolled your eyes. If your eyes could roll to the back of your skull that will be great.
So, your boss has this thing where you have to meet him and then goes on to lecture you on your bad public image blah blah blah. A broken record. That is what he is. He needs to learn how to shut up.
"Please you need to attend the meeting or else," your manager took a deep breath, "he will be really angry at me. Since he also specifically mentioned the severity of your behaviour this time around."
"Andddd?" You nonchalantly glance over, not sure why you should care.
Your boss sure is a pain in the buttocks. You can handle yourself well without him. What about the severity of your behaviour this time around? This was not your first rodeo.
"Wait!" You yanked the collar of his shirt, "What do you mean by the severity of my behaviour this time around."
He miserably clutch onto his shirt to ensure he would not die to accidental asphyxiation.
"T-he paps!" He released himself from your grip and whispered into your ears, "They took a photo of you smooching a man! Boss was super - and I mean super duperrr - angry! Since this morning, he has been attempting to hide the entire situation from the public."
Smooch? The only thing you smooched was...
So, someone did catch you getting first base with that German guy.
"Smooch?" Anri gasped, a little too loudly. Actually, loud enough for the entire Blue Lock facility to hear.
Smooch? The Blue Lock players repeated after Anri.
Anri clasped her mouth shut.
Erm oops. (Ŏ艸Ŏ)
Turns out, the screen was still on for everyone to witness.
"End of today's entertainment — hope everyone feels motivated by the special appearance of the wonderful idol," with a click of a button, Ego had the screen turned off to the disgruntlement of the players behind the screen and to the joy of Rin.
"W-we have to go!" Panic filled Mr Manager's voice as he tried to drag you out of the room.
"But my Rin!"
"You are welcome here anytime," Ego interjected.
"Really?" Your teal eyes lid up.
"Reward for work and work for reward. It is widely acknowledged that when individuals receive recognition for their diligent efforts, they tend to exhibit improved performance and exhibit a more optimistic outlook. As a result, it is imperative to provide incentives that are based on performance. By the way, I must take a moment to express my genuine gratitude for your presence here today, Miss."
You blinked at his response, "I don't know what you just said, but I will be back for my little brother, Go-go!"
Ego briefly reflects on his nickname and then lets a faint smile appear on his face, "Hope to see you very soon too."
"Ah, the boss is already calling me! We have to go!"
"Bye-bye, big melon woman!" You did not forget your manners, as you made your way out.
Anri shyly waved back at you.
Damn, I really want big boobs.
His sharp eyes met yours.
You gulped.
You felt like a deer caught in the headlight. It was just a smooch — a very normal German etiquette. No biggie. Right?
Your boss held a photograph of what you believe is the source of this man's frustration.
You took the photograph out of his hands, "I spy with my little eyes a man and an exceptionally drop-dead knockout woman engaged in - you know what? This is actually a really good photo! We could hang it-"
"For goodness sake!"
"-on the wall."
He ruffled his neatly tousled coif into a slightly messy one.
"It is just an old friend," You fidgeted with the ends of your dress.
"Friends do not eat out each other's face!" He exasperated, loosening his tie.
"I don't think you get it. This photo shows very clearly, the nation's biggest star and the German prodigy footballer exchanging salivas! This is big big news! And it will be a scandal if people catch wind that you are going around smooching high profile people! What would people think of you? We have been through so many ups and downs together but this is your first relationship scandal. I can already imagine the looks of your fans-"
"Aren't you being a tad bit dramatic? Isn't it normal for a pretty girl like me to have relationships?"
"You are an idol!" He shouted, a little too loud that you flinched, "And what is this thing that your Manager told me? Regarding your desire for a boyfriend, please keep in mind that as an idol, you have a certain image to uphold."
You stood up and slammed the table, a little too hard — you felt your palm throb underneath. You took angry steps towards him and placed your still throbbing palm on his face ever so not gently.
He stared into your teal eyes and you saw the big gulp he took.
Taking another step closer till your head was right beneath his chin, you stared up at him and squeezed his cheeks with all your might. He groaned and grabbed your wrist.
"What is that for!" He softly clasped onto his tender, reddened cheeks. You harrumphed back at him.
"HA! Idol this idol that." You snorted, "what if he is actually my boyfriend? Have you thought of that? Plus, my fans are mature enough to understand. We've practically grown up together. Don't be delusional, old pal!"
Ah, I am really digging my grave.
"You know very well-" You eyed him sharply, his mouth clammed shut.
"Kaiser and I are super in love and so what if some paps caught us? Is it really possible for someone like me, a young and attractive woman, to remain celibate forever? I am certainly not a nun." You let your mouth run, nervously.
Wow, my grave has been dug real deeeep, very spacious if I say so myself.
To be honest, you were not even too sure what you were even saying. Your boss was being such a prick. Prickly prick. Ugh.
"When did you even meet that guy with your full schedule?" He asked, hands still on your wrist.
"Our love needs no words. Whence our eye meets, we are in love," You physically cringed at your words. Seeing the goosebumps rising from your boss's arms, you were not the only one who thought so it seems.
Great. Just great.
"Let us set this straight. So you are telling me that you are in a relationship with that football player?"
"Why do you act so surprised? C'mon, I have two fine brothers who are also football players. What can I say? I just love a man who can treat the ball right. It is all bound to be. Therefore this is no scandalous scandal you should be worried about."
He releases your hands and stuffs his hands inside the pocket of his suit, reaching for the cigarette pack. He let out a deep breath and then proceeded to light a cigarette. With a shaky breath, he exhaled the thick smoke, his head throbbing from pent-up exhaustion and frustration.
You almost felt sorry for him, almost.
"Sooner or later, the news will explode. I will have a statement prepared for the media. Get ready."
Oh jolly, will you look? My grave is the size of an Olympic pool! How spacious. Sorry, big man.
Your boss was a good man that cared for you. But sometimes it gets overbearing. Very red flag. Do you think maybe that's why he's still single? I mean, he's got a lot going for him - eligible bachelor, CEO, and let's be real, he's pretty good-looking. But there's gotta be a reason, right?
Ladies, if you need a man you can call me.
Kaiser smiled to himself.
The brightness of his phone deepened his smile into one of a Cheshire cat.
On his phone was a picture of you helplessly holding onto him as he savoured your lips.
"Aren't we cute together?" He said to no one in particular as he caresses the rose tattoo on his neck.
Oh, how the world so nicely revolves around him that fate has brought you back to him.
It would be wonderful if you could be in his embrace at this moment.
He puts down the phone and closed his eyes.
Be patient. Mein göttin.
"You should go back to sleep," Sae's soothing voice nearly put you to sleep as you struggled to stay awake.
You heard rustlings on the other end of the call, pretty sure he was in the middle of his training.
"I made a fool out of myself today!" You lamented, snuggling deeper into your silky covers.
"Aren't you always a fool? What did you do this time? Lo siento. Estoy hablando con mi hermana-" You could hear another feint voice conversating with him. Must be his teammates. You yawned.
"- I am sure it is nothing too serious as always. You are tired, go sleep," Sae returned to the conversation.
"It is really really bad..." you spoke softly, rubbing your face onto the silk.
"Did you kill someone?"
"My boss looked like he almost died but no," You stretched your aching body, "I think I just got myself a boyfriend, more like I just told my boss a big lie that is about to be publicised...That guy is not even my boyfriend and when he hears of this garbage - oh boy is he definitely going to have a heart attack. I am in big trouble."
"You dug your own grave," Sae said, cooly.
"I know right, the grave is swimming pool sized."
"Who is the unlucky guy?"
"Kaiser Mikel?" You attempted to recall his surname.
Sae paused for a second before he replied, "Michael. Michael Kaiser?"
"Oh, you know him?"
"I do. He is a... good player. Sister, how did you even get involve with him?" This time, Sae sounded genuinely curious very unlike his usual disinterested self.
"You see," you hugged your bolster tightly, "some bugger quote on quote took a photo of us exchanging salivas."
"Excuse me?" Sae choked, "Exchanging salivas? Mierda-" You could imagine your brother's incredulous yet icked face right now. Well, he wanted to know and you delivered. 「(◔ω◔「)三
"You heard me right."
"I wish I did not just hear that. But Kaiser and you?" Sae did not fail to exaggerate the last part almost in a manner you did not enjoy.
"Why did that sound like you are mocking me?" You grumbled underneath your soft duvet.
"I don't think that guy will mind being your boyfriend if that helps," Sae shook his head thinking about the German prodigy.
"Really?" you exclaimed, your eyes sparkling with sleepy excitement.
“Yeah. He- Dame un momento. I have to go now. I'll send you a text message. Go to sleep now," he paused briefly, "and have a good night."
There the phone line goes. Silence.
As if Sae had actually cast a sleeping spell on you, your head sank back onto the plush pillow and you succumb to silky sheets pulling you into a dreamy languor.
A boyfriend sounds nice... right?
Ring. Ring. Ring.
The sound of incessant phone ringing filled your room, grumbling under the sheets, you unwillingly pick up the phone.
"Who is it?" You drawled on every word in a drowsy stupor.
"Guten morgen, mein engel!"
You ended the call.
When did you fall asleep? You were having such a nice conversation with your brother too.
As you glance towards the window, you notice that the sun has barely even risen. Feeling lethargic, you let out a groan while still in bed.
Five more minutes...
Your dark lashes fluttered shut as you inhaled the fresh scent of cedar from your sheets. You sank softly into the mattress as sleep slowly envelopes you-
Ring. Ring. Ring.
You moaned softly.
"Five more minutes..." You spoke quietly to the spirits in your room.
Ring. Ring. Ring.
"Five just five-"
Ring. RIng. RIng.
Your eyes snapped open, half awake and half annoyed.
"What is it?" Mouth still dry as you tried to sound as harsh as possible to the rude morning caller, but it came out sounding like a meek, saddened mouse.
"Is mein liebling still sleepy?" The timbre of the caller's voice sent chills down your spine.
You know this voice! You rubbed your sleepy eyes and cleared your dry throat, "Kaiser?"
"Yes, Liebling." He purred.
Your bare arms prickled, sending you chills.
You were still sleeping, right?
"Er- wwie komme ich zu Cologne (*how do i get to Cologne)?" You spouted a random German phrase you so happen to remember from your travels.
"You are very cute," he lightly chuckled.
Oh damn, maybe you were half asleep but that was a pretty nice-sounding chuckle. Still, you did not understand what he just said.
"Someone reached out to me and said you are very much in love with me and that we are in a loving relationship," he continued softly, clearly enunciating each and every word you did not understand, "I am very very flattered, Liebling."
You feigned laughter in response, not sure what you are laughing at but he was laughing too so you are safe.
"Yes, it is a joyous occasion," Kaiser laughed in tune with yours.
Seriously, what is this man saying? You thought to yourself between laughs.
☆〜(ゝ。∂)the end (for now) ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
sike! Extras!
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Sae is very unimpressed by Kaiser's courting of his sister. He does not know much outside of soccer but he sure as hell knows that Kaiser's method was, to say the very least, strange. He just hopes the German fella does not hurt his sister. That would be extremely troublesome.
<thank you, darlings for your endless love of reading this! My heart is full SMOOCH SMOOCH ଘ(੭ºัᴗºั)━☆゚*:.>
<also, how would you react if you met someone like Kaiser irl, because girlfriend he is screaming red flag to me>
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anonymousdisco · 13 days
How’d I get Isikiad into Yandere Obey Me Chapter Nine-Unexpected Opertunity Part Two
Derek’s POV:
“This is so boring. Why are we even out here anyways? We can’t afford something like Mojalish.” I scoffed as I kicked a stone across the sidewalk.
“Yeah but it just felt like the thing to do.” Ella said as she slumped against the building. “I know we can’t afford it. I’m not an idiot like you.”
“Now guys just break it up. Even if we’re off school grounds we’ll get in trouble if we fight. RAD students' reputation and all that mumbo jumbo the student council spits out.” Selma rolled his eyes as he spoke.
(Trigger warning bullying and violence but the scum will get their just dues)
I looked at the front of Mojalish and my eyes widened. What in Devildom was the halfwit doing here? She was practically beaming. How dare she act so high and mighty shopping there? And on a school day no less! Sure we’re skipping too but we’re not the student council! “Yo check it over there.” I nodded my head in her direction.
“Ooooh!” Ella exclaimed excitedly. “This just got a lot less boring!”
Selma chuckled, wrapping his arm around Ella’s waist. “I call first dibs on insulting her babe. I’ve got some good ones I’ve been saving up for a rainy day.”
Ella pouted. “Derek, Selma went first last time!”
“Don’t tease my sister like that, Selma. Let her have her fun too.” Ella squealed and when (Y/N) saw us she ran up and grabbed her arm before she could leave.
“Hiya! Funny seeing one of you student council member out and about during school hours. I’m sure Lord Diavolo would love to hear about you neglecting your duties.” Me and Selma stood behind (Y/N) cornering her in laughing when she curled up a bit to seem smaller.
“Some higher demon you are. What are you again? Avatar of what?” Selma sneered as he spoke.
“I-I’m not a-an avatar. I’m j-just a Lady of D-Devildom.” The halfwit mumbled out stuttering as she shook a bit with fear. Seeing a demon that was supposedly a higher rank than us so terrified by us felt like a rush of power.
In the heat of the moment I shoved her hard against the wall making her land in a way that had her grasping her wrist crying in pain as she cried. “What kind of Lady isn’t even strong enough to fight us? Your just some joke that not even your own brothers want around!”
She held her hand shaking even harder now and did something she had never done before during our torment of her in the past. She opened her mouth and screamed, “Lucifer!” I laughed at her. As if he would show up. Everyone knows her brothers don’t do anything for her.
Ella’s eyes widened as she began backing away and trembling looking at something behind us. “H-how?!” She turned and ran. I felt something whoosh past me that was black and it slammed through her shoulder and stuck her against the wall. I looked at it in horror and realized it was a feather. And not just any feather, but a peacock feather.
I felt a hand grip my shoulder breaking it which made me scream. The pain was blinding but I heard Selma screaming as well clearly being hurt.
I blacked out from the pain as my head felt like it was spinning.
Lucifer’s POV:
Five minutes. I told her to wait outside for five minutes while I waited for the adjustments to be made to what we had purchased for her. Five whole minutes she was left alone. It was only five and she ended up hurt! Red filled my vision as I quickly drew one of my feathers stopping one of those scum from running off.
I then turned my attention to the other two subduing them quickly. I broke their bones one by one not caring when they passed out.
“That’s enough, Lucifer. They are no longer conscious enough to feel the pain you are inflicting. They’ll be held under the castle till preparations can be made.” I heard Lord Diavolo's command. I dropped them to the ground and knelt in front of my little sister who was crying and trembling.
“Come here Darling. Big brothers here.” I held my arms out to her and waoted for her acknowledging not wanting to scare her further.
“L-Lucifer!” She sobbed as she reached her not injured arm. “It hurts!” She sobbed as she held onto me tightly once I had her secure in my arms.
I stood up carrying her using my wings to shield her eyes from the gore I inflicted upon the worthless trash on the ground. I crooned to her soothingly as I walked her carefully to my car.
“We’re taking my car. It’s faster.” Lord Diavolo said as he opened the door for me to set her inside. I elected to keep her in my hold so I could make sure she didn’t jostle any injuries she had gotten.
“Understood, My Lord.” I nodded at him gratefully.
“Don’t worry, (Y/N).” Lord Diavolo stroked her hair delicately. “Those lowlifes will be begging for death, but it will be a respite they won’t be given.”
She just curled up against me still trembling as we all got settled in Lord Diavolo’s car. Barbatos pulled the hood up over the convertible while Lord Diavolo sat next to us in the back. Barbatos went to the front in order to drive us.
She must have been exhausted. By the time we reached the castle she was sound asleep. Being so scared and crying like that must have taken a lot out of her. I got out of Lord Diavolo’s car taking care not to wake her. Lord Diavolo gestured silently, guiding me to his quarters deep in the castle where the resident doctor was nearby. 
I put her down on a guest bed in one of the rooms nearby and sat by her side carefully. The head of the castle doctors entered quickly looking pale. “I was told there was an emergency.” He stated with a professional calmness. “Has the heir been harmed?” He was quick to glance over Lord Diavolo for any obvious injuries.
“Keep your voice down. The Lady is sleeping.” Barbatos was quick to scold the doctor. “Now Doctor Smith I’m sure you can be delicate with our Lady, can’t you?” The warning in Barbatos’s tone was clear and I agreed with his sentiments.
“If a single hair on my little sister's head is touched without permission I’ll rip your skull from your spine.” The doctor visibly flinched at my words and nodded quickly.
“Yes Lord Lucifer. I understand. May I approach the patient and check on her injuries?”
“Yes. You may.” I watched him carefully as he approached her and lifted her arms.
“At first glance she had a broken wrist, and bruising on her left side that likely is on her back as well. Did she get attacked by some sort of monster like Cerberus?” The doctor asked me after checking what he could of her injuries without waking her.
“No, some lower demons who don’t know their place hurt her.” I explained seething.
“Well that’s… odd.” The doctor murmured. All three of us glared at him intently.
“Odd how? Explain.” Lord Diavolo demanded.
“Perhaps we should go elsewhere while the nurses come in a wrap her injuries so that we don’t wake her. This discussion is likely to be quite… loud.” The doctor wrote down instructions for the nurses before we all headed to Lord Diavolo’s study to discuss her injuries.
The doctor wrung his hands nervously as we gazed at him from behind Lord Diavolo’s desk, me and Barbatos standing on either side of where Lord Diavolo was seated. “Well?” Barbatos spoke up coldly. “Explain yourself, Doctor Smith.”
“Her injuries are inconsistent with your account. She has a sprained foot, bruising, and even some cuts that look like they happened in self defense rather than an accident.” He explained trembling at our collective anger. “As a demon of her stature and standing she should be much stronger. Not much should be able to injure her. But she shows signs of…” He hesitated gazing at me.
“Signs of what?” Lord Diavolo demanded that he continue.
“Signs of long term neglect and long term abuse. Demons of her age should have enough of their family’s magic and care running through their body at this point to leave a clear declaration of whom they belong to in crest. But she matches that of a newborn who has yet to meet her family in terms of magic protection.” The doctor showed us comparison charts using a magical tool to demonstrate. “As such her growth is stunted and using magic should be painful, deadly even.”
“What…?” I felt dizzy. Had our ignoring her really do this much damage?
“There’s still a possibility of her healing, but it will be slow for her at the moment. It will take a whole week before she’ll be completely recovered.” He sighed. “The bullying must have been more severe than you originally expected.”
“It is. And it will not go unpunished. How do me and my brothers help her be protected? I am unfamiliar with this concept… Angels are raised rather differently.” I was a fool for ever thinking it was the same. I was a fool about all of this.
I felt a comforting hand on my shoulder. “It must still be hard for you after the fall, Lucifer. It was my negligence as the Young Masters butler for not realizing you wouldn’t know. I’ll show you how given that I do such a thing for the Young Master. I can do it for her as well. I do not mind it one bit.”
“Thank you. I would be grateful.” I nodded at him thankfully. I don’t know what I would do without help from my old friends.
“You are dismissed. Attend to any new and old injuries she has.” Lord Diavolo commanded the doctor whom left accordingly.
“Well. This was eventful.” Lord Diavolo grabbed a bottle of Demonous from his shelf behind his desk. He also grabbed a couple glasses after. “Let’s have a drink while we wait. We’ll contact RAD and have your brothers be notified about your family emergency and give them the option to come here.”
I bowed my head gracefully. “Thank you, Lord Diavolo.”
“Anytime for an old friend like you, Lucifer.” Lord Diavolo raised his glass. “To long friendships and thorny paths.”
“Salute.” Me and Barbatos said together as we all toasted.
Affection: 57% (holy fudge are you sure you want to poke this bear any further?!)
“She's been hurting all this time. And none of us noticed. Any time she casted magic it could have killed her and yet she still bothered herself with RAD schoolwork. Me and my brothers will need to talk about this. An intervention may be necessary for her. One thing is clear, those demons aren’t dying till they beg for it.”
~Relation: Scary Dog Privileges for Life
~Danger Level-Yellow (Getting a little close to red there. Might wanna slow down like I told you to.)
Affection: 51%
“She’s so brave for enduring for so long. I’ll kill those demons who hurt her. RAD security footage should be able to tell me all I need to know.”
~Relation: That oblivious fog is starting to blow away real quick.
~Danger: Yellow (girl slow the frick sticks down or else you're gonna be wearing a crown so flipping fast.)
Affection: 52% (uh oh)
“This is an excellent opportunity just as I foresaw. Now I can claim her as family just like her brother will soon through magic. And the young master needs only a little bit more of a nudge before he experiences the sweetness of young love.” 
~Relation- Your Planned Future Father Figure In-law 
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