#yandere harpy hare x reader
mermaidfanficlibrary · 2 months
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Harpy Hare Where Have You Buried all Your Children? || Yan Harpy Hare Hybrid x GN Reader
Characters: Helys
Summary: A creature in the forest that wants you
Warnings: Yandere themes, possessiveness, violence
a/n: Inspired by the song Harpy Hare by Yaelorke
Yan Harpy Hare who is a fabled creature within the forest. Much like other local myths, everyone is afraid of him. It hurts because all he wants is friends. He's been abandoned since a young age due to his overbearing mother. She's kind of the reason everyone fears the creature.
Yan Harpy Hare who is a hybrid of a harpy and a hare. His upper half his harpy, with feather scattering his arms and wings in between his forearms and sides, and his lower half behind hare legs. His nose is a hare nose too and his face is a mix of feathers and hare fur. He has the eye slits of a harpy too.
Yan Harpy Hare who stumbles upon a cottage far away from the towns. It looked overgrown but lived in. From the trees he was watching to see if anyone would enter or exit the worn down home. What he didn't expect was to lay eyes on the most stunning thing he has ever seen.
Yan Harpy Hare who sees you walking into your home with a basket full of berries and other assortments of food. Your eyes were like emeralds and your hair shone so bright. His harpy instincts were kicking in. He needed to put this shiny human in his collection.
Yan Harpy Hare who makes is new nest on the roof of your house. He was purposely loud about the construction too. He really wants to get your attention and what better way than making a racket when building his new home?
Yan Harpy Hare who looks at you like an owl would when you finally make eye contact with him. He's afraid when you give him the same wide eyes that the other humans have. What if you cast him out? What if you throw things at him like the other villages did? Oh great, now his feathers are all ruffled and poofed.
Yan Harpy Hare who is utterly shocked when you just give him a small wave and calm smile. You aren't bothered by his presence? This must be fate! His growing infatuation with you only gets worse. His nose twitches as he watches you walk back into the forest.
Yan Harpy Hare who obviously follows you. At first, he flies over the tree tops, but once the trees become too dense, he floats down and hops along the grass. He's really great at being quiet, but his rustling feathers give him away. He's just so excited to meet someone that finally accepts him!
Yan Harpy Hare who watches you pick more berries and other herbs. He chirps and helps you pick the freshest plants. He hears your giggles and his little hare nose twitches, his lips smiling so big that his cheeks hurt. The urge to place you in his nest only grows.
Yan Harpy Hare who thus becomes like a huge pet for you to take care of. He thumps his hare feet on the roof to get your attention and swoops down to fly you up to his next only to cuddle you within his feathers. You're his pretty shiny thing, and he does not want you to go.
Yan Harpy Hare who only lets you down from his nest when you need to eat or go do things. He follows you around all the time though. Always clings to you by holding your hand or arm. He nuzzles against your face while you work too because he loves your warmth.
Yan Harpy Hare who gets upset when you have to go to the human village. Please don't leave him! He can't go in due to ridicule, and he doesn't want you to see him as a monster. What's worse is the songs about him are always sung within the streets.
Yan Harpy Hare who anxiously waits for you to come back from your shopping and work at the edge of the forest. He can only think of the slander they're spreading about him. His mind also assaults him with thoughts of you being hurt and taken by another human.
Yan Harpy Hare who sees you coming back from the village and his dread increases when he hears you humming that damn song. The moment you're in arm's reach, he places a hand over your mouth to silent you. Please don't remind him of those cursed rumors!
Yan Harpy Hare who keeps his hand on your mouth no matter your muffled protest. You just end up giving up and walking back to your cottage with your mouth covered by his feathered hand. Don't worry! He'll make it up to you by carrying your basket for you.
Yan Harpy Hare who finally lets go of your mouth but just clings to instead. He follows you inside and tries to stop you from humming even a single note of that cursed song. By the 5th time he tries to stop you while you cook dinner he becomes pouty and goes into one of the corners in your home.
Yan Harpy Hare who sits like that for hours until you finish dinner and invite him to the table. Dinners together were something of habit with the two of you. He's all pouty while the two of you eat and makes whiny chirps. The noises only get more high-pitched and loud the more you ignore him.
Yan Harpy Hare who ends up finding out you like the song the village people sing because you relate a lot to being cast out and the overbearing parental figure. It also makes you think of him whenever you're away and that makes him a huge blushy mess. Before you can even finish dinner, he has you in a death grip hug and burying his face in your neck.
Yan Harpy Hare who moves away from the nest and into your home when winter comes around. He's usually alone during winter to hibernate, or flies south depending on his mood that year. But this year he has a warm home and warm food and a warm you to cuddle! You're part of his flock now, and you can not say no!
Yan Harpy Hare who takes care of you well during the winter months. You're not allowed outside in the snow, you could get sick! Don't worry he'll hunt for you and use what's left in your kitchen to make you food. Even though it's mostly mice and goop that is barely edible, he's trying the best he can!
Yan Harpy Hare who only wants the best for the human that had learned to accept him and have him as a companion. Don't ever leave him okay? He can't stand being alone again. Not after he was abandoned. Be kind to him and everything will be okay.
Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
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kiame-sama · 3 years
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Bunny (yandere!Monster!Adult-trio x Bunny-girl!Reader)
Warnings; Naga!Illumi, Drider!Chrollo, Harpy!Hisoka, yandere, drugging, venom use on reader, mention of violence, mention of prey/predator behavior, nsfw, lemon, oviposition, bunny-girl reader, slight!Yandere Zoldyck fam x reader, cross-species breeding is a thing so a hare and a bunny could successfully make a viable infant (even though this isn't technically true) meaning a Drider could cross with a Harpy or ect., monster au,
"... Is this really needed?"
You frowned, looking at the shredded bed, knowing one of you would have to pay for the destruction of the furniture. The culprit in question was busy shredding the extra blankets and adding them to his intricately made nest, woven full of soft pillows, stuffing, shredded clothing, blankets, towels, pieces of the bed, and foam topper it had. The only intact blanket was in your arms as you planned on using it, despite the comforting warmth your Harpy lover let off.
Those feathers weren't just for show, after all. They provided great levels of insulation against the cold, acting like a blanket in their own way, but you wanted something soft and cuddly, which his flight feathers just weren't. Despite the way he pouted, he left the one blanket to you while everything else went into the nest.
"Yes. It is needed and it is important.♦"
You slightly frowned at Hisoka while he grinned, those golden predatory eyes keeping you locked in place. There was a time where you would have considered running but now you knew better than to flee from the predators that had taken an interest in you. You weren't a fool and you knew how dangerous these three lovers of yours truly were.
You were safe from them and they made it fairly clear they no longer wished to kill you, but you still were aware they would never let you leave them. One was a Naga assassin, lethal in almost every way including in the fact that he was venomous and could control his venom extremely well. The second being the drider leader of a very dangerous group of individuals known as the phantom troupe, his golden silk infused with unique nen properties and being venomous as well. Then there was Hisoka, your jester Harpy lover who had wickedly sharp talons and a tendency toward casual homicide of the people around him.
"It's done. Come and rest little bunny~"
You shivered slightly but moved towards the harpy anyway, pulling your blanket along with you. Climbing into the nest was easier now than it had been early on in the shared obsession, slowly adjusting to being around predators at all moments of your life. There were still times where you felt afraid around your lovers and your prey instincts kicked in, but you had gotten adjusted to suppressing them as best you could.
The nest was comfortable, and Hisoka's wings did wonderfully to insulate the soft cushion all around you. As if you were laying in a giant pillow with the harpy curling up next to you, begrudgingly allowing the blanket to rest over the two of you. It may have been a difficult task to adjust to the predators that claimed you, but at least you could rest easy now even with a predator laying on top of you.
The large coils of the beast lay in a haphazard pile, as if a kind of nest or bed was made out of the muscular scaled body that lay curled upon the soft surface of a mattress. Contained within this living nest was a soft and gentle looking woman, her large bunny ears laying back against her head as she slept. She was curled into the coils and seemed rather peaceful for a prey creature such as herself especially given the fact she was laying in the embrace of a Naga.
Said Naga was currently awake, looking at his phone with an almost bored expression as he waited for his darling bunny to wake. A naga and a bunny don't seem like a good mix, given how dangerous naga can be- especially to soft bunnies- it would seem almost foolish to even entertain the thought that the pair were together. Yet, here they were, content to exist together despite the fact they were natural enemies.
Usually at this time in the morning, naga would be out sunning in the early rays to try and warm their reptilian half, but this particular naga was content with the heat radiating from the soft woman in his coils. Illumi's inky black hair hung freely around his shoulders, his vibrantly patterned scales almost clashing with his dark hair and eyes even when he sat in a dark room where the only light was coming from his phone. He was comfortable in the dark and he didn't wish to turn on any lights in worry that it may wake the sleeping bunny.
He was currently texting his two confidants who had been demanding updates on the well-being of the woman they shared between them. The other two predators seeming rather concerned given the... Less than positive... Reaction that their bunny had in response to meeting Illumi's parents. The poor thing almost went into cardiac arrest from panic and shock when suddenly faced with two terrifyingly powerful and intimidating Naga. Illumi was frightening enough on his own, but the addition of his parents was almost too much for that fragile bunny heart to take.
The slow opening of his door drew Illumi's full attention, tail coiling and twisting in such a way that you were now sheltered by countless coils of the iron-hard scales that adorned Illumi's body. In the doorway awaited Illumi's parents, both clearly interested in how you were settling down now that it was after the absolute panic you had been in when first meeting them. A prey animal among predators was rather rare sight, and they truly did wish to meet you without scaring you half to death.
Illumi was their most unfeeling son, yet he seemed to actually show some level of emotion, which is far more than he had ever done previously so they knew you had an impact on him. That and they thought you were adorable given the fact you were a tiny bunny among a nest of extremely powerful Naga. Prey animals were rare and even rarer anywhere near the estate.
Most knew better than to approach the mountain where the family of assassin Naga lived, so you were a welcome and rare sight to the mountain's inhabitants. Illumi's mother in particular wanted to play with and pet your soft ears especially because she has had very little interaction with prey animals outside of contracts. You were just so darn cute it was hard for even the stoic assassin nagas to ignore you.
"What is it?"
Illumi growled, keeping his voice low so he wouldn't rouse you from your slumber, knowing just how well those big bunny ears worked. He was being aggressive, but his parents neither responded nor cared about the threatening tone Illumi had. It was understandable for him to be protective of you, given your status as his mate and the fact you were a soft little bunny.
"Just checking how she is settling in."
"She's fine. She would be better without your presence in a room while she is sleeping. Her instincts will wake up long before she does."
"She gets on just fine in the presence of you and your compatriots."
"She's used to us, not you. Even then, she can occasionally go into shock should one of us surprise her."
"Oh, quit being selfish, Illumi, we just want to meet the bunny."
Illumi felt movement in his coils, quickly unwinding them as to not distress you more than you already had been. Your ears twitched slightly and one rose up, your nose working overtime to snuffle and take stock of your surroundings. Luckily, due to being wrapped in Illumi's coils, you could only pick up his scent and that soothed you immensely.
Slowly lifting your head you rest your chin on one of the higher coils, not even bothering to open your eyes. Your ears were perked, but not standing straight up as you weren't fully awake yet, still in that blissful spot between sleep and awareness.
"Yes, Bunny?"
"Shouldn't you be outside sunning? It's morning..."
"I didn't wish to wake you."
"But you'll be cold and tired all day..."
"I can always sun later."
You frowned slightly at this, rubbing your cheek absently against the smooth scales as you cuddled into the warm spot you had made among the coiled scales. Your eyes slowly blinking over as you glanced around deliriously in the dark room. It may have been hard to see, but you became aware of more than just Illumi's presence.
Illumi knew you caught his parents' scents as your ears stood up stock straight, your eyes snapping open and body poised to flee with the slightest provocation. No one moved a muscle as you stayed in that poised position legs tense beneath you. A pillow falling from the bed set you into motion, trying to flee whatever way you could only to have the coils tighten around you.
The squeal that escaped your lips made Illumi sigh as he pulled you over to his upper half, holding you as still as he could without hurting you. You were in panic mode and clearly not going to calm down without help, the venom gathering in his fangs. He had done this plenty of times before when he and his fellow predator compatriots first decided to share you, back before you relented to their wants and the fact you were not escaping them. You gave a good fight before you relented, having initially been prey of sorts to a game the three were playing.
It may have felt like a lifetime ago, but he still knew the exact amount to calm you considerably and not kill you, as unethical as others may see it to be. They were killers and venom was just part of a Naga's life.
You went rigid for a moment as his fangs sank into your neck, before completely going slack, pupils blown wide. You took deep breaths and relaxed into the coils, not even attempting to run as they slowly released you. Now that you were much calmer and subdued, the other two nagas deemed it safe to approach without upsetting you too much.
Your body limp and completely relaxed as you lay in a dazed state, too calm and tired to fight or worry about what was going on around you.
The web beneath you vibrated slightly as you tried to find your footing as well as keep your panic to a minimum. Chrollo was putting another heist into motion and left you up in his web while he talked to the troupe. You didn't know them, but you could tell by the collective scent around you that most of the troupe members were predators.
You were vaguely thankful to be up in the large web, even if it was difficult to navigate for you. Chrollo made it seem so easy to walk on while he was building the nest, but you were struggling to stay upright and not trip. The ground had tension as spider-silk was unnaturally strong, but you struggled to navigate it due to the elasticity and stickiness of it.
The heart of this den was a section where 'nesting silk' had been used instead of the typical silk. Driders could spin all manner of silk that served different functions in the web, from non-sticky nesting silk, to sticky webbing silk, to thicker and extremely sticky support silk to keep the web suspended. The cradle made of silk was primarily webbing that you struggled to move through.
No doubt Chrollo knew you were moving around, several large spider legs resting on different strands of silk that allowed him to keep track of all movement. The worry of falling while on webbing silk meant you had to wait until Chrollo freed you and try to resist your prey instincts to struggle. You had been tangled many times in his web and he was amused by your embarrassment every time you got tangled.
All you wanted was a peak at the troupe your drider lover commanded, was that so bad?
Your harpy lover, Hisoka, was actually present for once even though he had a tendency of refusing to show to almost every gathering. The only time Hisoka was consistently present was when it was time to switch you off between your lovers. He had tried to 'skip' handing you off to Chrollo only once before Chrollo and Illumi tracked you both down.
He wasn't bothered that they were upset with him, he was bothered that you were upset with him. Naturally, as it was drawing close to Hisoka's turn, he ensured to arrive on time, if only to give Chrollo grief over it. That or he wanted to keep an eye on the Troupe as it would be the first time you were to meet them and he didn't entirely trust Chrollo to keep you safe.
You had been up in the web for a good bit of time now and you longed to stretch your legs, your Hare heritage showing as you became more antsy in your pacing. The truth was, you were so focused on pacing that you didn't even realize Chrollo had returned to the abandoned building's canopy to check on you. He could tell you were impatient and watched you pace the web for a moment, observing you figuring out where to step and where to avoid.
"Are you ready to meet the others, Bunny?"
The feeling of being surrounded was threatening in more ways than just one, seeing as the three that surrounded you were not only your lovers, but natural predators. Despite your fear, you knew you were going to live, but you were certainly in for a long night. It had been a while since you had been with all three of them at once, so you worried that you may not be able to take them, especially since they each had unique ways of mating.
Naga typically had two cocks, so Illumi was able to fill you up just by himself. Chrollo was large in general with his abnormal spider size, typically making it so you were only able to take him alone. Hisoka had a tendency of being greedy with your soft holes, not wanting to share you with his compatriots. The thing was, they were finally interested in trying for young, however that meant you were going to be pumped full of eggs as they all demanded equal chance of reproducing with you.
You knew it was going to be uncomfortable with Naga eggs, Drider eggs, and Harpy eggs all fighting for space inside of you, and you knew your body would take to it all too well. You were a bunny, after all. Breeding was the thing bunnies typically did best at, even if you were less than pleased with the idea.
Luckily for you, the eggs all started about the same size and your body would take to them as it would eggs from your ovaries, incubating them for a while and consuming the unfertilized ones. You were worried about the implications of carrying young for either of these three men, but you would convince yourself that it was for the best to go along with what they wanted. If that meant they wanted you to bear a brood, that is what you will likely be doing for them.
"Don't worry, Bunny, we'll do everything for you. Just lay back and let us take care of you."
You felt the light scrape of venom tipped fangs against your leg, knowing Chrollo would likely use his aphrodisiac venom on you to help you take more. That paired with the light amount of venom Illumi sank into you through holes punctured in your neck, you were going to cloud nine and likely staying there.
Everything seemed to begin to blur together, time slowly fading away as pleasure took over your body. You really didn't know which one of your lovers it was at that moment, and you really didn't care all that much. You were comfortable and not about to let anything trivial get in the way of being filled up, mewling and moaning out in bliss while you let your lovers pound you senseless.
From the stretch of Illumi's dual cocks both shoved into your soft hole, to Chrollo's intimidating girth and length, and finally to Hisoka's skill and rather impressive cock that could swell into near extreme size all while remaining inside of you. You could feel every time one reached their orgasm, feeling as if you were enduring one long never ending orgasm the entire time. Mewling as your stomach was filled more and more each time, starting to swell up with how much the three were putting into you each time they orgasmed.
There was little you could do besides lay as limply as possible and let the three have their way with you. Hisoka's claws holding you tightly, Illumi's scales rubbing and coiling around your body, Chrollo's large spider legs winding around you and caging you up against him. All three fucking you their unique way and all three actually helping one another as you were switched off from one to the other.
Luckily, the mixtures of venoms in your body kept you nice an relaxed, unbothered by your own overstimulation and ever increasing stomach size. When the three were finally finished pumping you as full as possible, you were too far gone to really bother with much.
You tried to calm down, panting heavily as your feet occasionally kicked from time to time, your instincts to flee trying to make you move even though you clearly didn't have the energy to do much of anything. Your bunny instincts wanting nothing more than to enter a warren and cuddle up for a nap, but the predatorial scent around you kept you from fully relaxing. Your stomach was soft and bloated, clearly showing just how filled you were with the three's brood as you lay fucked out on the large bed.
"Think we went overboard?"
"... Maybe."
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 2 months
do you have any references on how some of these characters look? like detailed descriptions because I would like to draw them. If i do post them I will ofc ask you for permission and send them to you first
I do actually!!! All of these are pulled from Pinterest so if you know the creator then let me know so I can credit them properly!!!
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Bone! (Yan Delinquent)
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Jesse!! (Yan cute bestfriend)
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Takehiko (Yan Yakuza boss)
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Malakai (Yan Rich boy)
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Ryland (Yan Celebrity)
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Solaris (Yan fire dragon) left is his dragon form and right is his regular form. His skin in his human form is darker though.
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Ranee but his skin is also purple and his eyes are a bright yellow. Think more on the lines of sea monster? Oh and he has sharp teeth too!!
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As for helys the best way I can describe him is Howl's crow version from Howl's moving castle but with hare ears and hare hind legs. But his hair is a mix of black and brown. His skin color is pale and not covered in full feathers, only his arms and legs along with patches of hare fur
when i have more ocs posted I'll let you know what they look like!! And if anyone wants to make art of my ocs id be delighted!!
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 2 months
Hey. Come talk to me about my ocs.
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