#🧪brood🐝 au
honey-minded-hivemind · 7 months
In a Brood/Drone AU:
Reader would feel out of luck. Their pare- er- trusted adults are infected, their friends are too (they think?), and they're trapped in the New York region, with who knows how many zombies-drones-infected-whatevers running about and eating or turning or dragging off anyone unlucky enough... To be frank, it seems like H*ll payed the world a visit. It's hard to go out at any time of day because no matter what, there's always going to be SOMETHING out there, scouting and searching for survivors. But Reader doesn't stay deterred, despite the odds. They plan to make it, and will do what they can to survive...
The entire area feels deserted, but that's only when you don't see anything or hear anything. It's worse when you hear the beings, the voices of old friends and foes alike calling out, seemingly friendly... but it's only a trap. If you're human, they either kill them or turn them into something worse- something like a mindless drone or soldier or scout or- or- something... Whatever they do, it's quick, and just like that there's another hapless soul to be changed into whatever happened those lost to the infections... Reader has avoided them this entire time (thank heavens the mindless things aren't imbued with any sixth sense or ability). Of course, actually trying to LEAVE the state (Reader wanted to go somewhere else, less crowded and cramped and... creepy) is harder than it sounds...
It seems like their old allies just know when they, or anyone else, is near the edges, always stalking by, almost like they're herding them, in a way. It leaves Reader wary. But they can't risk being caught. So back they go, foraging supplies, barely sleeping, and alone...
Their luck doesn't last.
Reader isn't sure how they ended up found, yet here they were, being watched by infected, akin to predators finding prey. It's a sorry way to see the people they once knew. Enough so that they can't help but shed tears. They never thought their friends (h*ck, their family) could be brought to this. Their voices are calm, collected. Their faces don't betray any secret thoughts or hidden agendas. But their eyes... Their eyes are pure white, almost pearlescent, unchanging and blank they've never been before. It's unnerving.
"It's nice to see you..."
They step closer still, a steady approach, the grace of a hunter who's sure of their kill. Reader doesn't want them any nearer, taking a step back. It does nothing to deter the infected, though...
"I was worried I wouldn't see you again... I missed you... Did you miss me?" It's almost teasing, how they say that.
"Heh... I honestly thought you were dead." Their tone changes from light, toying, to dark and serious. "I- WE- had no clue where you were. No evidence you were even ALIVE. Do you know how stressful that is? How heartbreaking? But- tch- That's no matter now, is it? You're right here... You're here with me... And you aren't getting away again."
Quick as a viper they lunge, causing you to scramble aside, almost falling over as you dodge their attempts to grab you.
"Just stay STILL! You can't escape me! You can't escape US! YOU. ARE. OURS!" they shriek. Their voice is almost reverberating, something inside their voice that isn't normal. Isn't right.
But it isn't the time to debate over that. It's more important to worry about escaping whatever they've become. You strike up dirt, tossing it toward their face as you flee. Angry howls come from behind as the dust strikes your would-be captor, raging snarls echoing across the bleak sky.
The wind wails, low and deep. Shelter shows itself in the form of an old building, decrepit and somber and brushed in gray. You don't waste a second stealing into its halls, slipping through doors until you find a cramped crawlspace to hide in. Minutes tick by, turning into an hour, until...
You can hear the sound of footsteps on old floorboards, rough and hard, as though the person out there is desperate. Even still...
Doors slam open and closed as they go through the building, each one louder and louder as they get closer and closer to your hiding spot. For a moment, when they stop by where you've hid, you think they found you. Except they soon leave...
"There you are..."
A shrill scream escapes you as your torn from your hiding spot, sprawling onto the floor outside. As you look up, your old friend/foe/parent/sibling is above you, a death sentence.
"I've finally got you... You aren't leaving us again. Now, let's go. You aren't leaving our sight until you're fully under," they growl, then they're latching onto your arm and dragging you up, even as you struggle against them. "Stop being difficult." They sigh, but loosen their grip just a hair. "Why were you always so stubborn...?" A moment later, you're pulled against their chest, and they're pulling something out... Something sharp... A syringe...
And in an instant-
The needle is in your neck.
You let out a pained hiss, struggling, yet all they do is take it out a second later, tucking it away somehwere... A tingling sensation is spreading from the puncture, cool and numbing as it works its way into your system. Their hold tightens when you jab then with your elbow. "Just calm down," they say, arms wrapping under and around you. Your vision is getting fuzzier with each blink... You tilt your head back to look up at them, a tired snarl on your lips as you try to bite them. You don't even manage that. They chuckle as you wobble, your body collapsing into their hold completely. Slowing, sighing breaths push past your nostrils as you're held up by them. Your head feels warm... wooly... So, so tired and relaxed... "That's it... You're feeling a lot better, aren't you?" A tiny nod is their answer. "'Kay... Just keep breathing. You're alright, you're safe. But we need to get you back to our Nest. Okay?" Something cards through your hair, smoothing it down. "That's it... Just sleep for a bit. I've got you."
And just like that, you go under, mind heavy and blank save for a fuzzy, warm feeling...
"Now, let's go home..."
They keep the body of their friend/foe/kid/sibling in their embrace as they head back to where the rest of the brood awaits. They'll be glad to have one of their adored back with them, and once they've settled them in, they can begin the process of joining them to their hive... They can't wait to have them, completely and utterly theirs...
(Notes for this AU:
Woooooooo! This was quite the concept to flesh out (haha, pun!). The Infected/Drones/Zombies of this AU are interesting, because they aren't as blank as the original 🧪Drone AU, nor are quite as gentle as the 🖤LoveDrone AU. What they are is more assertive. More dominating. They are gentle, but only after they've broken/sedated the Reader (by break, I mean a leg or arm. Not a mindbreak). They want compliance, and while aware that building trust and a loving hive takes time, they also would rather do it sooner rather than later. Patience is a virtue, and they have some, but it only lasts so long. They've missed Reader, wanted them back with them, and can't fathom why they would've hidden from them, let alone flee. So once Reader is set up in a special Cell/Unit, they aren't leaving until they're about to begin their conversion...
Another thing to note is how the Infected/Drones/Zombies work: Mutants are okay, mostly. Their minds are preserved, but altered to where they want to expand their hive, grow in power, and rule their territory and all within it (while listening to each other and being filled with love and warmth and acceptance for each other). People who weren't killed and/or eaten become, more or less, blank and mindless puppets. They aren't the ones in control and they don't think for themselves. What their leaders/masters/queens tell them, they believe and follow completely. No resistance. No remorse. There are levels to the hive hierarchy (I'm gonna call it brood hierarchy from now on). At the bottom you have Drones-S-Tier, mainly scouts, staff and foot soldiers. Next up would be Drones-R-Tier, enforcers and guards. Following them would be Drones-Q-Tier, consisting of decree-givers and managers and organizers, who keep the other drones in neat conduct and functioning. That leaves Drones-M-Tier, or the monarchs. Referred to as queens (regardless of gender, organs, or appearances, as those don't matter) they rule over the rest, can send full orders out across the hivemind, and are the ones who keep their thoughts and feelings, they're the mutants. There is a second-highest tier, Drones-P-Tier, or adored ones. Mostly, if not all, mutants, some younger, some older. They can control the lower tier drones, but if their order clashes with another, such as if the M-Tier Drones gave it, the higher tier's order wins out over their's. Reader would be designated (and prepared to become) a P-Tier Drone, as that is a special type reserved for those especially loved, cared about, and potentially weaker than the monarchs, but still important to them (they couldn't live without them), and thus are important, protected, and adored by the entire collective. Meanings behind the tiers:
S = soldiers, servants, staff
R = required, regarded, renewed
Q = quiet, queries, quality(-control)
M = monarchs, most, mighty, merciful
P = protect, perfect, precious, pure
Other notes: Anyone who poses a threat, is dangerous/deadly, or has tried to and/or succeeded in killing a drone of a higher level is killed. Sometimes eaten as well. Drone bodies put every bite of food, every drop of liquid, anything consumed, into use. They digest whatever is digestible. Because of how their newly-changed bodies convert everything to use, they no longer have to use the bathroom (I had to put one good thing in for Reader and everybody else). The changing process is long, and overseen by either Q-Tier or M-Tier Drones, usually by two, if not more. During the changing period, those two or more overseer drones will help and care for the changing drone (a few will argue over who will get to take care of Reader). The process is slow, so as to not overwhelm or kill the person who is being converted. M-Tier Drones always oversee the change of an adored one into a P-Tier Drone, as they want nothing to go wrong or slip past them, and they can actually remember them, as they're the ones who decide who is an adored one or not. During this is when they're their most comforting, as they know the process can be painful, and would rather be caring and soft towards them than stern and cold. They love them, despite what's happened to them and the world, and they genuinely want to help them (but their help is skewed, due to their changes)...
(There will be a part two, okay?)
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honey-minded-hivemind · 6 months
'ey, I'm the one who's new- HECK YEAH, I'll take Hive Anon, WHOOO!
I'm unsure if I have a favorite platonic yan yet, but when I was writing about the scenario that went on in my head, I did have Sabertooth in mind. I couldn't help but associate him with the dialogue that Infected Hero/Villain yandere had during the confrontation with Villain! Reader.
(And no, I was not aware of a ABO variant... I maaay check that out. 👉👈)
Feel free to, Hive Anon! He is one of my favorites😊 And yes, there is the concept post of a ABO Villain/Hero Reader AU! I am also working on the 🕸Silken Threads and Venomous Webs🕷 AU, and it's spin-off/variant, 🕸Silky Ties and Poison Lies🕷, if either of those interest you! You may want to check the Drone, HiveMind, Bee and Brood AUs as well, if you like that genre (I have at least three to choose from, then there's 🌺Lotus Eater AU, if that's your jam)!
Welcome to the platonic yandere X-Men club!!!
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honey-minded-hivemind · 7 months
So in the drone au, you mentioned the drones always seeming to know when someone tries to leave the city.
is it a instinctual thing or do they have like tech there? It peaked my interest on a reread
Instinctual thing. Plus having the S-Tier Drones (scouts and foot soldiers) relaying what they see to the hivemind, until it passes to the queens/monarchs.
Thank you for asking your question! Feel free to ask more!
The different tiers have different designs. Any that are below/aren't M-Tier and P-Tier are faceless/their faxes aren't visible. M-Tier and P-Tier have their faces visible, and have special patterns/colors to their drone skin to show their status in the brood hierarchy. From the neck/collarbone down, the drone skin is a mix of an alien/foreign substance, that fused with their original skin, making it stronger, more durable, and harder to cut. (And no, nothing is visible down below. They don't have a use for privates, so they basically... don't have any anymore? Drones absorb everything they successfully digest, and with their new skin, it converts whatever nutrients and minerals it absorbs from its person, and since their bodies now digest whatever is digestable... They don't have to use the bathroom). An example of how the drones would look follows:
S-Tier: Faceless, smooth, and with gray bands over their shoulders. If they are a servant, they have a white stripe between two gray bands. If they are a scout, they have a green stripe between two gray bands. Finally, if they are a soldier, they will have a red stripe between two gray bands. (Three bands to each shoulder, the other color is between the gray ones)
R-Tier: Faceless, but have shoulder pads tipped with their designation color, as well as being equipped with a weapon (such as a spear/staff, whip, or dart gun). Guards would have orange tips, while enforcers would have brown tips, as well as a stripe around their arms.
Q-Tier: Faceless, but have more patterns to them. Purple bands wrap around their lower legs and arms, with an almost "eye" on their face/mask. They usually have clipboards, as well as at least two guards with them at all times
M-Tier: Their faces are shown, and their skin/form is slightly iridescent (the drone skin part). Almost with a hidden pattern, it has black, orange, and gold in ombres, as well as a symbol, a bright golden-orange hexagon. They can also have a chosen color as added highlights, or a pattern reminiscent of their old costume/suit or regular clothes/outfit
P-Tier: Same as the M-Tier, but where they have orange and gold, P-Tier has pink, as it represents the color of love and adoration. They have a heart symbol where an M-Tier would have a hexagon. They don't have an ombre look, but do have bee-like stripes of pink around their arms and legs, and a V-shaped band underneath the heart symbol)
(I hope this helps!)
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honey-minded-hivemind · 7 months
Extra info for the 🧪Brood🐝 AU:
I mentioned that only M-Tier Drones oversee the conversion of P-Tier Drones, right, and that it is always two or more who are caretakers to the changing person during the whole process (and more or less are going to dogpile cuddle them once they're well enough). Yeah. The two who willingly volunteered (nearly caused a civil war among the queens) were Logan (Wolverine) and Victor (Sabretooth). Reader is someone they both care about, and their protectiveness and obsessiveness only grew after they became monarchs over the brood collective. (Reader's mutation might even be similar to their mutations, so both kinda mentored/watched over them, so they could help them and see if they could get Reader to join them). Those two care about their little kitten/pup/cub, and who better to keep them safe, loved on, and cared for during their conversion? Of course, Reader freaks the fl*p out when faced with the fact there is no getting out from the cell/unit they're in unless someone allows it... And when told that will only happen once they're ready to undergo the process of converting... Reader is only filled with dread...
Reader for this AU could have a mutation similar to, say, a fox or cat? They have some form of claws, they have sharp fangs, and they like/need to form bonds with other people. They definitely make cute baby animal noises in their sleep.
I still am using an X-Men Evolution reboot/au as the way I imagine the characters. It's my favorite X-Men media, Logan is a dad, Storm is team mom, the teens are fun/cute together, and they all could actually get along if it weren't for the opposing sides issue.
There are about five (5) stages to a P-Tier Drone Conversion:
Stage One (1): Prepping/Injections
They would be preparing Reader and the necessary drugs/nectars/medicines, then proceeding. Reader would be bathed, given a light drug, then given a medical exam. Once that is complete, they would be fully sedated and given injections of the drone serum (P-Tier), nectar (a substance that mixes with it and helps form their new skin), and royal honey/jelly (nutrient-rich food, especially good for drones, and is reserved for M-Tier and P-Tier). Over anything from a few days to a week or two, they would receive small doses, until their body had enough. Then it's on to stage two...
Stage Two (2): Feeding/Recovery
This stage would be where Reader is kept in a sleepy, relaxed state, mostly unaware and unable to comprehend much. During this time in when they need to be fed, kept warm, and not move too much, as their body slowly let's the drugs, sedation, and venom/nectar/honey take effect. The assigned (and eager) caretakers are especially careful, soft, and cuddly during this time, as they are the ones who will be providing everything the soon-to-be-drone needs. (They supply comfort, make sure that their charge eats/feeds, give warmth and kisses/licks/nuzzles/hugs, whatever is wanted and required). This stage could take quite awhile, depending on Reader's health (they lived through an apocalypse, so their health isn't all there)... After this, comes stage three...
Stage Three (3): Wake-up/First Steps
This stage is when the caretakers (and other M-Tier/queen drones) would let Reader become aware since the process began. It would also be when they start taking baby steps into adjusting to the new changes they've gone through. Some sedation might be needed during certain periods, but otherwise, comfort, warmth, and snuggling is the go-to method of calming them down. (Plus, due to the whole changing going on, Reader is going to be napping. A LOT. You bet they get annoyed on finding out they're basically going through a toddler-like stage as their new changes slowly settle in). Learning how to stay up, maintain their thoughts and the P-Tier hivemind in their head, walk with their (slightly changed) body, and having to be taught (forced) to not try to bite/kick them for doing this to them. (They will defend their actions, saying it was for their good. They couldn't stand to lose them, and this way, they can have them with them, protected, and unable to get hurt). This stage wouldn't take too long, as it overlaps into...
Stage Four (4): Full Recovery/Final Steps
This stage is where Reader would begin to fully recover, their body having acclimated and themself grown used to it and any changes. Once deemed healed enough, they would be taught (told) of the final steps of the process. Those steps include learning of the hierarchy, settling into the P-Tier and M-Tier cells/units, accepting the hivemind, and seeing their new life as good. (Easier said than done. Reader is stubborn)... That leaves the final stage...
Stage Five (5): Completion
Where Reader would have to/has given in (by their own will or by the others), and has accepted what has happened, this settling them into their new role. They would be kept within the walls of the Hive, where they and the other adored ones can be protected and watched at all times. They would likely be given control of some things, but otherwise... They'd never be able to leave their new life...
Yet... Reader, once they're aware enough to understand what's happening, doesn't go down without a fight. After all, if they can somehow leave the Hive... perhaps they can reverse the conversion, or at least postpone it. They want to try to save the others, but first, they have to save themself.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 7 months
omg I love how thought out the new drone au is!!!
what’s your favorite au you’ve made?
Thank you! My favorite AU is a tough one to pick out, to be honest. I've made/planned a lot, and there are several I haven't even mentioned yet 😅 If I had to pick, say, a top five (in no particular order), they would be:
• Dark X-Men Evolution AU (the one I recently reblogged)
• The Last Animus AU (X-Men/WoF au)
• Dad!Dragon Logan AUs (baby Reader and grumpy parent Wolverine are too cute)
• A WoF/Marvel Twin Cafe AU (I made it with a friend/my soul twin, but I won't post or talk about it unless they are okay with it)
• 🧪Brood🐝 AU (my latest drone au)
It is so hard to pick just one, but these five either: stick out the most to me, are the ones I come back to when I need ideas/comfort, and/or have had extra effort put into them.
Thank you for your input, and asking another question! As always, feel free to ask more! Do you have a favorite au of mine? If it is hard to pick just one, what about your favorite top three or five? Now I'm curious to know!😊🍯💛🧡
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