#yandere ghiacco
anya-nya-nya · 6 months
Using their stand to stop you from running away.
Contains: Risotto, Formaggio, Prosciutto, Ghiacco
TW yandere behavior, abuse (both physical and mental), kidnapping, mention of Stockholm syndrome, non-con/dub-con, please contact me if you think I missed something!
Risotto is a sadist. A cruel one. The fact that you keep trying to run away after All those things he did with your body is both surpassing and annoying. So if you're not impressed by these strikes on your body, or these marks after rough sex doesn't hurt that much then he would give you a better reason to be scared of.
Being able to manipulate iron in your blood, he would make you fall on your knees from sudden dizziness right at the moment when you would have thought the escape was near. Your trembling hand is still on the doorknob as you try your hardest to stop coughing blood while Risotto's just standing here, observing. Will not push things to the point where you would gain some fathal repercussions, but definitely will repeat this several times. Seeing you more like a pet, not like an equivalent partner, Risotto would love to repeat Pavlov's dogs experiment and make you feel sick and scared everytime you walk past the exit door even when he's not torturing you.
Well, you actually have a good potential, so there's already too many plans in his head about how else he can train you now. Would love to actually develop Stockholm syndrome in you. Like yeah, the way your brows twitched as a scare gleam in your eyes is turning him on, but Risotto still prefers to see more joy on your face when towering over you with his huge frame.
Nah cause there's no way you would escape Formaggio. He loves to torture you and make you feel powerless so every time he need to leave the house he would use his stand to lock you somewhere. If you're still bratty, it would be just a dirty bottle, if you're already learnt to be obedient then maybe he will reward you with something more fancy. Maybe with some dollhouse or something, so his little darling has some fun when he's at work.
Yet if you still would try to run away then he doesn't mind to use you as a way to de-stress. Would immobilize you with some pen or something then increase and decrease the pressure while teasing you. Have a fear of bugs? Would use it against you just to see how loud your high-pitched sobs would be. Formaggio actually can be pretty creative with his games so it's just a matter of time when he will break your mind or your limbs - or maybe all at once.
Prosciutto is a busy man who wouldn't even try to start with something less cruel as a punishment. Of course if you only misbehave he would just berate you or be a little more rough with his grasp on your body, but as soon as you get caught on running away he will use his ability.
So come on, try to escape now when your legs are so weak and your whole body suddenly gets so old and slow. All this time he would sit near, teasing and commenting on every move, threatening you that even if you run away now he'll not unuse his ability back, making sure you're old enough to die in a few days. So the closer you're to the door, the older he will make you be, till you will stop or literally just fall on your knees from feeling too sick. And even after that he will not transform you back immediately, wanting for you to suffer a little bit more in this powerless state.
But don't you worry! With each attempt Prosciutto learns a little more about how to take care of you when you both will age up cause there's no way he would let you go till death will do you two apart.
Ghiaccio is literally a psycho. You can try to throw a tantrum but he would immediately hit you with an even bigger tantrum, it's like fighting fire with fire. Or ice with ice in his case.
Would quickly get in rampage and just freeze EVERYTHING - the door, all windows, the fucking attic for some reason and all other places and holes you can escape through. Also will freeze your feet to the floor to the point you'll actually get scared you will lose both of your legs if he's not get hold of himself soon. And no, even if you will say sorry he will not stop, screaming and throwing everything everywhere while insulting you in every possible way. It would take some time and A LOT of begging before he will calm down and release you, but don't hope he's completely calmed down. There's literally no moment in Ghiaccio's life when he's completely chill and unbothered, so you'll listen about just what a cunt you're to the end of the day.
And don't hope that later this evening in the bed he will be just rough as usual - he's still mad and still sure this freezing was not enough as a punishment. And don't you dare disobey him again, he's not afraid to leave a few frostbites on your body again if it means he can finally position you and then use as he wants without being pushed away.
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ravenzeppeli · 7 months
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Disobedience Must Be Punished |Yandere Risotto x Reader Angst|
Warning: murder mention, slight physical violence, verbal abuse, harsh language, humiliation. 18+.
         The office of your boyfriend was one of the more forbidden places in his home, you were only requested to go to his office when you were in trouble, and you knew you were in deep shit. What you did was foolish.. it was unforgivable.
        Illuso kept a gentle grip on your arm as he led you across the pearl marble floors- the red walls were blank, not a single picture was hung. "Why did you do it, Y/N?" Questioned Illuso, his deep voice filled with concern. As he stopped in front of the heavy red door he turned toward you, red eyes staring at you with caution. His thin brown eyebrows rose, soft features alert. "Why would you kiss another man? You know how he is about you."
          You swallowed hard, Illuso’s tall form lingering over you. You met his red eyes, studying his alert features. His full lips puckered out, him biting down on the inside of his cheek.
            You've always been intimidated Illuso, just as you were intimidated by the entire group. You felt obligated to give him an answer but you did not. Not even you knew the answers as to why you cheated on your boyfriend, and when one of his workers saw you kiss that guy back you knew Risotto Nero was going to be pissed at you.
             Your boyfriend was no ordinary male, he was a capo, he was a gang boss. A gang boss that had great power. When he found you alone on the streets he offered you a chance and you took it, he was especially thrilled that you were a stand user like him. He instantly fell for you despite you having skeletons in your closets, skeletons that have finally came back to haunt you.
            "Just go, he's expected you. Risotto has asked that everyone leave the base for the rest of the night, I will be back tomorrow." Illuso gave you one last glance, a nervous glance before he walked the same path that he followed to lead you to this room.
           These empty halls were quiet- if you spoke loud enough you could hear your voice echo through these lifeless and empty walls. You wrapped your palm around the glass doorknob, squeezing the cool knob as you lingered by the door.
          When angered- Risotto was a terrifying man. He was a kind and gentle lover to you, but he expected you to behave a certain way. He didn't like when you went out alone- you were to have him or another member of the team with you at all times. You also weren't allowed to show too much skin, he didn't want any men lingering around you.
          You closed your eyes, gently shaking your head as you feared facing him. You held the glass doorknob tighter, squeezing it until your knuckles turned white. Risotto was extremely powerful and that you feared oh so deeply. You didn't mean to kiss your stupid ex, you just ran into him and got caught up in the moment. Can Risotto see that? Will you be forgiven?
           You finally decided to twist the doorknob, pressing your weight against the door as you slowly pushed it opened. You closed it behind you, swiftly closing the door; your back was turned towards him, you didn't want to face him.
         "I was shocked when I heard the news at first Y/N.. completely shocked that my own girlfriend would kiss the lips of another man," Risottos deep voice rang through your ears, light footsteps heading towards you. "I told you what would happen.. I had Ghiacco go out and kill the male.”
        You placed your palm over your mouth, forcing the shocked gasp that almost escaped from your lips silent. You felt it again.. you felt your body shaking as his deep voice taunted you. Why did he sound so calm as he told you that he killed someone? The male was just someone that you dated for four months and you found yourself caught up in some silly moment.. you made a mistake.
         "So much silence from you cara," his voice dropped to a whisper as you felt him near you, his fingers wrapping around the front of your neck as he pulled you against his slender but fit form. "Why aren't you trying to explain yourself? You must want me to beat the absolute shit out of you Y/N.. that's got to be it."
        Tears filled your eyes, rolling down your  flushed cheeks. "It was an accident Risotto.. I swear to you that it was a mere mistake. I was just caught up in the moment and I made a huge mistake!" The fear in your voice was thick, being extremely hard to hide. You were fearful of your boyfriend but you still loved him.. you just wished that he would understand.
         “Caught up in a moment with another man? If his name isn't Risotto Nero then you shouldn't be sharing a moment with him and you know that. I make these things clear to you.." his soft fingers tightened around your neck, pressing his fingers into your soft flesh. "I believe that you made a huge mistake tonight and I don't take kindly to huge mistakes."
       You choked out a small sob, pain filling your throat as his fingers tightened. "I'm begging you to forgive me. I made such a foolish mistake and I promise you that he meant nothing to me!" You didn't react to his murder in order to ease the suspicion that you knew he felt. You couldn't react.. but his death but fear in your heart.
           He removed his fingers from your throat, leaving light bruises behind. He spun you around, his hard blue eyes glaring at you sternly as he raised his hand, harshly slapping it across your cheek before roughly pushing you to the ground, your body slamming against the red carpet. "Get on your hands and knees and beg for my forgiveness. Tell me how sorry you are for being a cheating whore."
         Your hand shot up to your cheek, shielding the stinging piece of flesh as you pulled yourself to your knees. The left side of your body felt sore from the impact of the push, causing a low groan of pain to escape your lips. "I.. I'm sorry for being a cheating whore Risotto. Please forgive me," you whispered, bottom lip quivering as you kept your eyes glued to the red carpet.
         "Look me in the fucking eyes Y/N.. look me in my fucking eyes and beg harder. Do you need for me to bring out Metallica to teach you a severe lesson?" He questioned, tapping his black dress shoe impatiently across the carpet. Risotto was no man of patience when it came to you.
          You raised your head weakly, looking up at him. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry that I was a whore! Please grant me with your forgiveness and mercy!" You cried out, studying his hard features as his angry red eyes stared down at you. "I will never do anything that stupid again."
         He crossed his arms over his chest, eyebrows raising. "I forgive you Y/N.. kiss my shoes to say thank you to me for not beating the absolute shit out of you."
        You leaned down, puckering your lips as you kissed the tip of his black shoes. Having to do this was extremely embarrassing and he knew that it was embarrassing.. that was why he was making you do it. You kept yourself kneeled down by his shoes, kissing each and very square inch of the top of his shoe.
         "I trust the team around you.. I trust all six of them because I know that they won’t touch you. Those are the only people I trust with you and that will never change.." He let a low hum escape his lips, his hard red eye starting to return to his normal soft gaze as he raised his foot, lifting your chin up to meet his eyes. "Remind me.. who do you love most in the world?" He questioned, lowering his shoe as he slowly tilted his head to the side, white locks moving with his head as they rested on one side of his face.
          You stayed on your knees as you looked up at him, "I love you the most in the world," you told him, using the nickname that you like to call him. "You are my boyfriend and you will one day be my husband." You always said what he liked to hear, not wanting him to hurt you.
          "Very good Y/N.. and you are the person that I love the most in the world. That is why I must destroy everyone that attempts to steal you away from me." He let a rare smile finally appear on his smooth features, reaching a hand out towards you. "You are all mine.. and you will stay mine for the rest of your life."
         Fear swept over your body as chills ran down your spine. You grabbed his hand, letting him pull you up and snake his slender fingers around your waist. Even when he gently grasps you it feels as if you can't simply pull away from him.. you're trapped. You did not let the fear show on your face, a smile appearing as you met his gaze.
         He pulled you into a tight embrace, placing a kiss on your lips. "Don't let this happen again.. because I'll make you watch as  I beat the shit out of any male you dare to speak to that I don't directly approve of. I will beat him to death.. and I'll make you watch before taking the rest of my anger out on you."
        Your eyes widened in fear as his calm smile as he spoke of such horrendous things shook you deeply to your core- that fear you could not hide. His calming voice that whispered sweet nothings in your ear was also the voice that made you feel so terrified and afraid of him.
         The fear that he saw in your eyes made him frown. "Aw, don't be so scared beautiful. You know that I will never kill you.. I wouldn't even dream of ending your life." He placed a hand on the back of your head, gently pushing your head down to rest on his shoulder. "But what I said.. it was a promise. I promise you that you will suffer if this happens again."
         "Okay," you whispered, wrapping your shaky arms around his waist and returning his hug. You couldn't run nor ever escape Risotto; it was impossible to run away from a mafia boss. You just simply had to agree and work harder so abide by his rules, as mad as they may seem..
          "Good girl.. know your place in this world and I won't have to hurt you anymore," he whispered in your ear. "This is where you're safe.. here with me and only me."
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depravitymoon · 3 years
Yandere Types - La Squadra Edition
Author's Note: Based on the Yandere Types post I just revised. I'm going to categorize La Squadra within my types and explain why I put them there.
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Pesci - Pesci comes off as a nervous train wreck with insecurities, especially about his looks. Considering how spastic he was in his canon appearance, I can't imagine him being an intense violent Yandere towards darling. Other people are fair game, but even then, he seems reluctant to actually kill unless ordered to, or very stressed/irritated.
Ghiaccio - Ice baby seem likes he'd want a darling that soothes the rage within him. Your presence gives him an utter euphoria that he doesn't want to lose. He needs you. However, at the same time, he's arrogant and thinks you he need him. He needs to believe you need him as much as he needs you. It's not fair that's he's the obsessive one, dammit!
Proscuitto - Based entire on his treatment of Pesci. He's more of a soft dom. Well, softer than most doms. He absolutely will beat you into submission, but he'd rather not. He'd prefer to lecture you into doing his bidding and dote on you when you do it. Just don't be bratty. The reason he's not labelled Protective is because he's far more willing to hurt darling than most protective types would.
Risotto - I'd say this dude is the most Dommy Dom I can think of. While Proscuitto leans more towards protective, Risotto is right dab in the middle of protective and sadistic in this dominant spectrum. The reason why I don't see Risotto as sadistic: He doesn't come off as gleeful to hurt people as Illuso and Formaggio are. He's just brutal. He seems to show emotions the most when he's being defied, questioned, or forced to be submissive (such as the boss having La Squadra fear for their lives). I imagine he uses his cold intimidating demeanor to his advantage when getting a darling. He most likely gets off on darling's fears of him. Obviously, he has a caring side, considering he was last person to leave Gelato and Sorbet's funeral despite saying "forgot about them".
Illuso - If it wasn't for his narcissism, he'd be a sadist. Illuso comes off as the type of person still bitter at his bullies. He was probably the "weird" tiny socially awkward kid that was an easy target, and his large ego comes from growing into a tall, dark, and dangerous man. I wouldn't be shocked if he kidnapped those bullies and tortured them to the death in the mirror world. Illuso wants a darling that strokes his ego, even if they're forced to.
Formaggio - I think Formaggio would be like Gwiess but emotionally stable and "laidback". Definitely a sadist because he came prepared to torture Narancia and loves dark humor, such as the thought Polpo needing to be chopped up. Of course, he cares alot about his loved one, seeing how he was about to vomit from opening the packages. I think how loving he is to darling depends on your behavior and his mood. In the end, he will have fun at your expense, such as shrinking you so he can put you in humiliating situations, like playing dollhouse or acting like his pet. You better play along or else he'll humiliate you longer.
Sugar Daddy
Melone - Considering how creepy Melone behaves, but is very analytical, he seems aware that he's creepy. He just doesn't care. He also objectifies people, which is part of his stand's ability. Would "Psychopath" be the right term for him? One would hope being in love would help change his cold demeanor. Would love be enough to motivate him to want a normal healthy relationship? NOPE, but he can mimic it! Instead of only taking what he wants, he's polite enough to give you what you want so you're compliant. He'll analyze you to see what he can do for you, and the typical answer is money.
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0coldphantom0 · 2 years
Encased between two blades: Chapter 2-Cloud nine
Sure has been a while since the previous chapter, i hope the length of this one makes up for the wait^^.
You are pulled awake from the null state of nothing.
The setting shifts with the position of your head in a sideways -almost uncomfortable angle.The room you find yourself in is stark white and drab, in the middle ,the mattress you lay on bounded with rope.
This isn’t good, no matter how you look at this, your awareness cant help but pin fault for being so impartial in the past.You always had this inkling feeling you were in harms way, yet you ignored it.With a sluggish motion, you twist your head and curl forward, attempting to move the hair out of your face and begin replaying the series of unfortunate events leading to now .You’ve been plucked away from the comfort of your life by a man in your team for lord knows what perverse reasoning and promptly stuck inside a room in the middle of bum fuck knows where.Your dear guardian rudely turned into ice by that man so fast you couldn’t comprehend its severity enough to react.Such moment too freshly painful to accept as fact. Even now In this moment of absolute shock, you ponder about how playing dumb was a really Fucking stupid idea; maybe you should’ve been a bit more abrasive.And just maybe by simply telling Ghiaccio to get bent when you had the chance, you would’ve ended with a smidge of frost bite and a handful of slurs jabbed your way to end the ordeal. But no-Instead you’re here, without free will and without your beloved Angelo. Isn’t this great.
To add salt to injury, no time is spared to make peace with this heartbreaking realisation, nor to accept your ill faith .Rather, you lock eyes with a visage so unlike the man before you, you’d think you’re looking at one of those funhouse mirrors Illuso placed down the hall once to fuck with the crew.
But nope, its real, he, the man the rat, the bastard: Ghiaccio, is chilling by the windowsill, loop-sided grin and all that jazz staring out the window in a dreamy manner whilst outside pours with rain. He’s so far gone in la la land that the curly haired man before you resembles the scenery found inside these romance mangas a teenager would read, comically surrounded by sparkles and roses as if him watching droplets fall down the glass is the most amorous mirage a puberty-ridden girl could ever envision before dramatically swooning and squealing like a pig.
Its not the exact reaction for your less than enthused predicament however.He actually looks the opposite to you ;uncanny, albeit if you didn’t know him, and weren’t currently held hostage-you might come to appreciate his boyish charm.But in this moment the only charm acceptable would be the kind to vamoose you away back to the safety of your home, if not better the airport so you can get the hell out of Italy, preferably first class seats for you and your defrosted guardian.Not whatever the hell he’s trying to prompt out of you by slowly tracing lines down the windows and blinking slowly in a lovesick manner.For someone who regards themselves as well read, in this moment Ghiaccio falls nothing but under the term “cliche “.
Suddenly you get stopped dead in the track of your thoughts by his attention turning to you, this time a gleaming stroke of light rounds his eyes, showing his smugness regarding this whole ordeal without need for words.You however try your best to hold onto the poker face, no matter his sentiment he cannot know he’s won. You’ve been a witness in the past to the power trip Ghiaccio gets once his apparent win against another falls clear, and its quite scary.He probably wont kill you like he did to those less fortunate per se, but you still internally tremor knowing a man like him so love starved is far worse in an emotional battle than a physical one .Even as he struts towards you, grabbing the closest limb he can reach, threatening to spill open the seams of your clothes with his gentle masked touch your expression falls unfazed.
“About time you decided to wake up, i was starting to get bored with you lying there dormant like a fucking corpse.” He’s now hovering over your form, one hand crawling up your leg, its fingers cold.Clearly he’s tugging on your chain for a reaction, but you know not to give him the pleasure of seeing you seethe.
“Do they know?” You speak.He hums, pressing you to elaborate.
“Do they know you’re holding me hostage?”
“Forget about those fuckers, they ain’t shit” he growls
“Out of everyone I didn’t expect you to go rogue against the squad and imprison their healer, perhaps Lulu, but never you Ghiaccio - you’re far too uptight to be an anarchist.” You muse.This gets you nothing but a halt to his wondering hand.His eyes albeit stuck on your form are seemingly elsewhere in search for something to snap back with to your comment.His face scrunches up indicating your comment is displeasing big time.
Before he gets a chance tough, you lift you head.
“Why are you doing this?”
A pause, followed by another.You dare try to repeat yourself but he gets to you first, grabbing onto the front of your shirt, scrunching it in his fist to pull you upright.Closer than before, he practically engulfs your body with his.His hand continues its tight grip on you, forcing a jolt.The remains of his patience clearly diminishing at your plain play of ignorance.
“ Lulu? Since when did you get chummy with that fucker?” Its more of a question to himself.You notice his demeanour worsening at the pet-name, but he snaps back to you pissed.He continues:
“You know damn well why.Cut this bullshit , this shitty little act of yours is getting on my nerves.” His knuckles remain strained briefly before he lets go. You fall with a thud.
Ok so that interaction is a startup. A shit start up at best but you never had been in this position to know what question to ask your captor, especially one with such short fuse as his. Ghiaccio begins pacing about, still hung up on the interaction you had and probably fixating on every linguistic of it.You maintain your gaze on him, at the same time your hands make an attempt to figure out how to get the rope loose.If only your guardian was here- there was a tell tale assumption he was still frozen solid somewhere near, but where?
Ghiaccio kicks into the side of the doorway.
Well this is concerning, you didn’t take Ghiaccio for the jealous archetype thought now thinking about it, it does make sense given all the bragging he does about himself.This reaction is a bit over the top for your liking, so you twist against the rope some more.You cant say when the nicknaming for your crew sprouted but you sure as hell wont give an explanation, he’s far too gone in his tangent for that.
Finally your persistent tugging let loose one of the knots, the rope giving leeway enough for you to reach behind you for your pocket knife.Never did you consider yourself a thug, but the small safety the little weapon brought you made you less concerned whenever you were sent out during the night for a mission.Now you suppose it holds more than just safety- hope maybe? Hope it’ll get you out of this place and away from mr four eyed menace.
That hope is what fuels you to get up and make a wild-dash.You timed it so he’d be turned away when you leaped up from the mattress. But something was off. As you were running, not only did you notice the lack of furniture to this place, you also noticed a lack of noise coming from your counterpart. No curses, nor …movement.
You turn down the corridor trying to map out an exist.Initially you wanted to block his way from getting to you before you got to the door but theres nothing around to aid with it. Whats worse, you decided to turn around and notice him behind you standing in the door-frame, only he’s casually walking towards you???
Finally you reach the ensemble of the room connected to the door out. This time you’re met with a harsher temperature than the previous room, and there before you is why. Ghiaccio froze the door shut.
You attempt hitting the ice off the frame so the damn knob will be accessible to you; problem is he gets to you before your second hit lands, grabbing by the back of your head too.
He’s got you good and wont let go, his hand back to a fist threatening to scalp you. The look he gives you is full of malice.
“You can be really stupid sometimes. When will it go through your skull that you’re not going no where??? Do you think I’d be stupid enough to not lock the fucking door??? Who do you think I am, Pesci?!”
“Let go” You shout.
“You’re in no position to tell me what to do” he warns.
“I don’t want to be here!”you try to reach him with your knife.
“WELL TOUGH!!” Ghiaccio shoves you to the floor with unforgiving force, the process knocking the air out of your lungs and hurting your neck and head. The brute rolls you over, holding you down to tie your hands behind your back.His grip on your wrist threatens to snap it, so you drop the knife defeated.
He scowls some more when a strained noise escapes you. The grip on your arms hurting too much for you to feign ignorance.
“Save me the fucking whining will ya, you had your chance for me to be nice to you before you decided to fucking ignore me.” He double knots and tugs the rope for safe measure.
“This is payback. All that flaunting around anyone giving you attention, those depraved motherfuckers had it too good for too long. Now you’re gonna give back all the time you made me waste.” Theres a pause, Ghiaccio lowers to the left of your neck, smothering with a rough kiss before inhaling your scent. “All the times you tried to avoid me, you thought i didn’t see the way you’d hide whenever I was near? I knew you did it on purpose.You owe me big time y/n.”
He’s got some nerve calling others depraved when he’s mounting you tied on the floor. Most importantly, you don’t owe him shit.
“Its not my fault you cant take rejection Ghia” the last part of the sentence is endearingly spiteful, at which he scoffs.
“As if I’d let you do that. You seriously need to acknowledge your situation, I don’t wanna have to constantly repeat myself, it’s fucking annoying”
Getting up he grabs and flings you over his shoulder with little effort.”You cant fool me with this shitty attempt of escape, its pathetic.” You’re back on the mattress in record time. Ghiaccio departs briefly to grab something.
“Risotto wont be happy when he realises what you’ve done.He’ll come for you” your warning seems to fall flat.
“I told you to forget about the squad.” He returns with a roll of tape, his hand back to your calves.
“Nobody is coming to get you, you think I don’t plan stuff in advance? This isn’t some scum I gotta off, I meant it when i said you owe me.” In this moment his arrogance returns.
Your legs now also bound, a pang of fear crawls within you, making you hyper aware of how vulnerable you are for him.He wouldn’t …. Would he?? Theres an uncertainty in the moment, his sudden decision to do this to you in your mind concludes he’s not above trying to have his way with you as well.
“In time you’ll thank me for doing this” he mutters, that hand is back up your leg again, slower this time with his caressing.He must be fucking joking.
“You’re insane, you have to be to think I’d thank you for this, all of this!” The facade of indifference begins to crack, how can someone be so egotistic??! His smile only vexes you more and it finally makes to show of you true state.
“You must be getting off so much right know, you forgot kidnapping is not normalcy you degenerate fuck! LET ME GO !”Its you who’s shouting this time.
“Im the one forgetting things now? Maybe I hit you too hard before bringing you here” he muses.
Now you want to bite him. The lion the witch and the audacity of this fucking bitch.Your bound hands almost mirror the intensity his had when he grabbed you earlier .
“You’re mad aren’t you” he crouches to murmur in your ear.
“Go on, try and hit me, better yet why don’t you get your stand to do that? You sure liked to make a show of that thing materialising from thin air.” The glare you throw his way could corrode metal.
“Is my ice too much for you to handle y/n?”
“Fuck you.”
His fingers now tilt you head by the chin.How much you’d give to see them snap in half.
“Or could it be you like the cold, small lamb ?”
The nickname abruptly hollows your brain empty. Your features go slack and Ghiaccio picks up on it with vigour.The rage shifts into dread, flashes of distress bloom in your view.Theres a loud ringing now present in your ears too, has it always been there???
“Its been a while since someone called you that huh.”
His choice of wording don’t feel familiar – its way too purposeful to be part of his dialect. You’ve never heard him call you that- ever . Not even once.None of the Squadra did.Why would he call you that of all things? Does he know about-
You feel dizzy; your mind cant comprehend the weight that nickname puts on you. The room grows dimmer and Ghiaccio is staring you down with satisfaction as you succumb in terror.The sick fuck.
The sound of rain outside slowly fades, with it so do you once more.
He hums, lowering your face back to the cushion of the mattress. In your knocked out state, you’re unaware of the cold kiss he presses to the crown of your head. Ghiaccio cant help but return back to the loop-sided grin, only this time he followed the pattern of your breathing dreamingly rather than the drops on the window.
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peachfyzzy · 5 years
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You’re doing it perfectly fine, darling! 
     “It’ll be the family we always wanted! The one we’ve been trying for!”
CW: Yandere tendencies, pregnancy, kidnapping, dark tingz
     You had no idea how the argument escalated so quickly. 
      Well. Actually, you did. Ghia’s white-hot temper and your stubbornness was how the argument escalated. You always found it funny how his personality and stand juxtaposed. However, they always clashed at the worst time. 
      This was one of those times.
      Gripping the pregnancy strip, you resisted the urge to throw the thing at him. “I can’t believe you! I thought you loved me, asshole!” 
     “You don’t know what you’re saying!” He took a step towards you, tightening his hands and almost looking at you pleadingly. “It’ll be the family we always wanted! The one we’ve been trying for!” 
     “Trying for my cute ass! You know I wasn’t ready and still lied about using protection!” With a deep breath, you turned on your heel and began walking to the door. “I’m leaving. Once I’m back, your shit better be packed.” Like lightning, the doorknob you were reaching out towards was covered in thick ice. You huffed. “Ghia! Stop throwing a hissy fi-” Your words were cut off by the snaking sensation of coldness. You peered down at your legs as a scream began to well up in your throat. Thick, white ice-covered your legs from the knee down. Coldness quickly became pain as you tried to move, but only fell backward. 
     Straight into the arms of your lover. 
    “You gave me no choice. I can’t let you leave me behind like this!” His grip around you got tighter. Hot tears began streaming down your cheeks. 
    “Please...let me go. Ghia…” 
    “So you can do what?! Run off with someone else and abort our baby?! I won’t let it happen. Now shut up and go to sleep!” Without another word, he brought his big hands down to the back of your head, quickly knocking you out. In your final moments of consciousness, you wondered if you’d ever see daylight again. 
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buggyscellmate · 2 years
Yandere ghiacco x fem chubby reader who gets very uncomfortable at how he stares at her
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TW: Yandere themes
A/N: Sorry it took so long for me to get around to this!
♡He probably wouldn’t even realize he was staring most of the time, when he does he has a bad habit of adjusting his glasses every few seconds. Occasionally he’ll let out a grumble of annoyance before looking away.
♡The other members of the team would tease him relentlessly, much to his dismay and irritation. Ghiaccio would end up yelling and having a fit in response, denying that he even found you existence tolerable,
♡After a while, with how uncomfortable he made you, the chances are you would start avoiding him. Turning to leave any place you saw him in before he noticed you.
♡Though, realistically, since he is a hitman he’d probably notice you first despite your attempts at sneaking away which left him confused and that left him pissed off.
♡Did his presence bother you that much or did you think you were better than him? Though the worst of his worries would be that his anger had scared you off.
♡He’d end up turning to his teammates for advice, which only got him less than a handful of common sense in response.
♡Deciding he’d confront you about it, he’d probably wait until you were alone to approach you in his usual abrasive manner.
♡That’s when he’d ask you what your problem with him was before getting the answer out of you that left him feeling somewhat bad.
♡“Why didn’t you fucking say something to me instead of being weird?!” He’d question you angrily before taking a deep breath.
♡“Just tell me when I do it, so I can stop.” Would be all that Ghiaccio tells you with aggravation in his tone.
♡He didn’t need just his eyes to watch you, since he had so many other means to do so.
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0coldphantom0 · 2 years
Encased between two blades:Chapter 1-The Exposition
Turbulence of the heart can only lead to despair.In your case such severity reaches levels of frostbite.
It would be overly frivolous to consider a person a smidge lucky for ending in such a predicament as you. Yet here we are.
On the surface, you are but a university student.Peeping closer however, you see yourself part of a bigger plan -Passione’s plan.Not to undermine your determination for the studious lifestyle, after all you did fight quite a bit to earn the place at the university of your desire in Italy.By yourself, internationally away, tucked in the corner of the world, hoping to build a stable future.Many would consider themselves very stressed to be there, but you my dear turned said stress into freeing independence .Sure this freedom- its costs, so you, like the next person went ahead and set your cards in motion. Simply said: being part of the mafia, hiding in plain sight was very convenient.Your bills and loans are getting paid, protection is granted and you have the respect deserved for being a much needed healer in such a bloody line of work.Everything whilst passing each test with flying colours.yay.
In a funny sort of way, you like to believe the mob establishment falls more in debt to you than you to them.Rightfully so.Time and time again, every mission thrown at you, whether important or not ,to test your loyalty or not, you surpassed. Never did you once back away, even in the most gruesome of moments.
Your ability, faithfully strong in support always behind you, tall and gentle. Sure, a stark contrast to your small stature and soft appearance, its wings caging you protectively, as if a guardian from above .Fittingly so they named you after it- Angelo, what irony that is for something pure and full of good will to aid the ill intended.So did most who met you during your job thought.
A hardened felon full of malice and lecherous spite should be standing in front of the assassination team. Not you. A desk worn old with faint stains of blood in this moment lays full with nothing but grace and good talk of your presence amongst the cluttered meeting room.Report after report of good behaviour and praise from several branches felt decrepit and undeserving of Capo’s attention.It feels very wrong.Jet ink eyes surround your very essence with a pitch of the deepest black. Allure red peeps at your mighty presence, well rather lack of persay. Risotto clings to the hope of the papers he read to be covered in nothing but phoney, that the simple glare of his eyes will makes you cower like a dog and run for the hills, for your own sake not his. Yet his glare barely reaches your curious eyes and with not even a melt of fear to them at best.He grumbles defeated, for unbeknownst to you, the man knows the level of implications a kind-heart like you will bestow on his men.Since then, it became customary of you to be amongst la Squadra . One of the most feared bunch to many , to you, your beloved teammates.All as well as can be for their standard of work. The clogs turned softly and everything was set in place.
Until they no longer were and all motion ceased at once.Frozen solid, on the spot.
To be more clear, your dear guardian frozen solid on the spot, its figure encased almost mockingly in a crystal blanket, posture hoisted upwards ready to wrap around you.
A minute more could’ve shielded you away from such azure glare, alas Ghiaccio’s patience ran thin.You wanted to be shocked, surprised, even terrified at such antics, yet you knew too well why everything came to a halt. As a matter of fact, your aloof performance likely egged him more than sent the message home that you were not interested.In all honestly you just didn’t know how long until he’d make a move- his frustration clear for a while now, but truthfully there was no other safe hand to play in your circumstance other than to ignore him, which in turn made him angry.
And boy was he angry.You knew of his intentions, and still pretended nothing changed, that all was dandy in the world, in his world and yours aligned, albeit kept parallel .You pretended to not know the meaning behind his lingering glances and softer demeanour towards you. All the times he’s watched you from afar and close, nor the little gestures of gratitude, or trinkets he’d stuff in the pockets of your coat when you weren’t looking.How could you act so bluff- how dare you-
He targeted you every chance he got, establishing early on his emotions regarding your existence. Albeit to everyone else it appears the man despised you searingly so, in his eyes that couldn’t be further from the truth. Ghiaccio adored you so, to a painful point he’d wish to bottle your very self and preserve it in hopes of it warming his soul.His wants couldn’t be held back, his feeble attempts to make you reciprocate his endearment finally made him snap and heave for closure- preferably the kind where he can finally have you all to himself with zero restriction.And of course to him ,it was all your fault for this peculiar fixation and attachment.
You shouldn’t exist here in this pit of perversion close enough to be snatched away by him or anyone for that matter. In his mind, Ghiaccio will never allow anyone but himself the privilege of getting to you first, he’d more likely kill you himself than let another touch you the way he yearns to.In your mind however, a indifference was set ablaze to anyone seeking romantic favours from you, especially him. You’d try your best to remain neutral in that aspect of life, the nuisances that come attached to such unhinged individuals gravelling wildly for your heart was too much for too little worth to risk your everything on.Even now with the cold nipping at every inch of your exposed skin, heart afire daring to to burst and fearful tears threatening to spill, your composure remains unfazed and more still than ice.Cant allow any other emotion but that bared to this man, or all hell would break loose.
Ghiaccio on the other hand moved closer to where you stood. He didn’t utter a word, how terrifying for silence to befall and individual like him.It wasn’t fitting at all. It was clear , he’s made his mind up, the rest of the world can continue to turn its gears, and his associates will fall back to the normalcy of life without you for all he gives a damn.For you have no where to run from his cold desires.
With Cryogenics your one weakness ,the man before you doesn’t hesitate to bring your movement to a halt once more.The last thing you can vision is the red frame of his glasses encased in frost before all seems to numbingly fade in dark.Just like your angel. And just like you.
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