#yandere ew tom x reader
iloveyousomuchxoxoxo · 5 months
OMGHIHIHI THIS MAY BE A LITTLE ODD BUT COULD WE GET A TOM X READER X EDUARDO? maybe reader is a neighbor from like across the street or smthn and usually edd n eduardo fight, but since they(reader) moved there tom and eduardo have been getting in fights over them?
| " Don't even look at her. "
YES???? HELL YEAH ^_^ YAN!Eduardo x reader x YAN!Tom Warnings; YANDERE STUFF (obvi), threats, sexual innuendos Drabble ALSO I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG-- SCHOOL N LIFE HAVE BEEN KICKING MY ASS
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Quite literally, the only thing you could hear was your roommate and the neighbor fighting. What time even was it?
A glance at the clock showed it was 6:45 am.
To be honest, you weren't even sure why they were arguing; typically quarrels with Eduardo were fought with Edd, not Tom.
With sluggish steps, you made your way outside, yawning.
"Tom?" You asked groggily when you made it outside, only to see Tom attempting to climb the fence, harpoon in hand. "Tom-!" With as much haste as your tired body could muster, you ran to Tom, yanking him away from the wooden fence by his waist,
"Wh-- Y/N?" he blinked a few times at you, his face going pink with blush. "What're you doing up so early?" Tom asked, looking genuinely confused. "I could ask you the same thing," was your retort as you let go of him. He mumbled something you couldn't quite hear over Eduardo clearing his throat. Looking up you saw the tanned man slicking back his hair with his hand, a big grin on his face.
"Hello, Y/N! Long time no see, ey?" You smiled at him, "Hello, Eduardo," was your short, but kind enough, response. It seemed to make him happy-- perhaps even elated, as his grin grew, and you swore you could see his cheeks turn rosy red. Tom huffed, wrapping his arms around you- something which caused your own face to flush.
"Why don't you go do something important, huh?" Tom sneered at Eduardo, holding you closer still. The man on the other side of the fence seemed to ponder Tom's words, before looking at you for a few moments, then back to Tom,
"I wish I could," he winked at you, biting lightly on his lower lip. The meaning wasn't lost on you, and it caused your face to heat up more, a nervous-- but rather flattered smile crawling onto your face.
Tom caught the meaning as well, "And what's that supposed to mean?" He began hotly, "If you ever make that kind of comment about Y/N again I swear I'll beat your ass!" The sudden aggression in your friends voice caught you quite off guard,
"I can say whatever I want, freak," Eduardo replied, scowling at Tom. "no need to be so hostile."
A growl emerged from Tom, and in a huff he dragged you back inside, middle finger stuck up at Eduardo.
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ilikesillythings · 7 months
Tom x reader
Edd x Reader
"Sweeter than a milkshake" Tom x Reader x Edd
Tws; none Fluff Established relationsips Poly (TomEdd on top<3) (Im so sorry if you dont like ships, if you dont just pretend Edd and Tom are PLATONICALLY together- I would've written two different fics, but I wouldn't know who to @.)
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It was days like this you were glad for your two boyfriends. A boring, but sunny day never stayed boring for long when you dated the two insane men known as Edd and Tom.
"Love!" Edd called to you from the kitchen, holding a flyer, "A new cafe opened up nearby, wanna go with me to check it out-- oh, and ask Tom if he wants to as well!!" he added the last part with a goofy grin. "Kay!" You returned, walking to your other boyfriends' room.
Your knucked rapped against the door, "Tomme?" Hearing something thud softly from inside of his room, and small footsteps, you took a step away from the door right before it opened slightly.
"Oh- {Y/N}!" Tom said, his once grumpy face shifting to an excited, goofy grin once his eyes (supposedly, it was hard to tell) settled onto you. He always seemed to brighten up upon seeing you, or Edd for that matter. "Edd wanted to know if you wanted to go to this new cafe with us?"
Immediately Tom nodded excitedly, "Hell yeah!" was his reply as he hooked his arm with you, shutting his door with his foot, walking briskly to the kitchen where Edd was stood, skim-reading the flyer. "You ready, smeg head?" Tom asked Edd, who in turn chuckled, nodding
The cafe wasn't too far away, and since it was nice out you enjoyed the walk. In fact, it was almost a bit too warm, the sun feeling hot against the back of your neck, but the prospect of this oddly made it worth it. "I wonder if they have Cola.." Edd mused to himself softly, causing you and Tom to chuckle.
Eventually, the three of you reached the cafe. It was clearly based off of the 1960s, so with renewed interest, you were the first to step in, followed by Edd, then Tom.
It was fairly empty inside in terms of people, decorations on the other hand were a different story. The walls were white, with black and white checkered floors, red seated booths with long cyan blue tables, a juke box, playing 'These Boots Were Made For Walking' softly, a static hum faintly following the melody, as the thing seemed as though it had seen better days. The walls were covered in photos, Coca Cola signs, photos of dramatically lit lava lamps, barbies, surfers, and tie-dyed shirts. Near the wall was a long counter, red surfaced bar stools in front of it.
Your eyes surveyed over everything, in awe. "Whoa.." you whispered, sitting down at one of the bar stools. Chuckling to themselves, Edd and Tom sat on either side of you, "This is certainly something, huh?" Tom asked with a raised eyebrow,
"Look.." Edd murmured with stars in his eyes, pointing at the large Cola sign. Tom rolled his eyes, mumbling under his breath, "It is cool in here," you eventually said, tilting your head to the side.
Once a waitor gave each of you a menu, Edd got a Cola, Tom black coffee, and you? A milkshake. But, no matter how sweet the {F/F (favourite fruit) } milkshake turned out to be, you knew for a fact that your boys were much, much sweeter.
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obsessivelyloved · 3 years
Yo could we get some headcannons for the poly relationship after the reader confesses to all four of the lads from the last one, maybe some nsfw if you’re feeling generous 🤲
I don't have many nsfw headcanons rn for all of them, sorry! Thank you for the request <3
- Things are kinda the same after the reader confesses. They all still do the same things with them, but now mostly together and with lots of hand holding and kisses.
- Someone, probably Tord or Edd, makes a calendar with designated days. Since they live together and see each other all the time, the calendar is just for spending time with the reader. Everyone gets a specific day to spend time with the reader and then two days to spend time with all of them.
- If someone brings the reader home on their designated day, then that day mushes into an Everyone spending time, but with the original person getting to hold the reader and be close to them.
- Edd, Tom, Matt, and Tord LOVE it when the reader spends the night. If it’s on one of the Everyone days, they’ll bring blankets and pillows to the living room and cuddle up with each other.
- Will ask reader to move in with them once they hit the 6-7 month mark. Someone always makes everyone breakfast and wakes reader up with kisses.
- Reader pretty much always has someone at their side when they leave either their house or their boyfriend’s house.
- No matter what, reader is always overstimulated. Not even on purpose, just from having everyone take turns pounding them into the mattress.
- Sex with all four of them is almost always sweet. Someone always holds their hand while another pounds into them. Praises are constantly aimed at them.
- Reader is covered in hickeys and bite marks. They're everywhere. Neck, shoulders, thighs. Tord and Tom also have bite marks but Matt and Edd don't care much for biting/being bitten, so they only have hickeys.
- Most of the time, it goes Matt, Tom, Edd, then Tord. Matt is always good with one round, Tom’s fine with two, and then Edd and Tord can go 2-3 rounds depending on the day.
- To help the reader out, Tord and Edd normally end up getting each other off by stroking each other’s cocks while watching Matt or Tom fuck reader. Tord likes to suck Edd off as reader watches and will occasionally finger Matt and jerk him off if he gets hard again after fucking reader.
- They all try to make reader cum at least once.
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obsessive-sin · 3 years
Hi! If you couldn't tell, this is a yandere blog and does contain Dark Themes, so please head that warning. I do not support or condone these themes in real life.
My other yandere blog is @obsessivelyloved and it's where my sfw fics are. I've noticed that there aren't many yandere ew fic writers active so I made this blog separate from obessivelyloved so I don't have to worry about minors interacting with my sinsworld posts.
Obsessivelyloved was meant to be a multi-fandom blog and kinda is, but this one will stay eddsworld themed. Requests are open! So is the inbox, so feel free to stop by anytime :D
Sinsworld Masterlist #1 (Fics posted on obsessivelyloved)
Masterlist #2 (Fics posted on here)
Rules: (Under a Read More so it doesn't take up so much space)
OKAY to request:
- x readers
- If you want a specific gendered reader, specify in the ask because I typically try to write readers as gender-neutral as possible when I get normal "character x reader" requests.
- character x character (ships)
- Nsfw headcanons
- I'll write out most kinks, just ask first please
- Specific nsfw scenarios as long as they follow the above ^^^
NOT okay to request:
- Pedophilia
- Anything to do with body fluids (besides maybe blood. Depends on how Gorey the request is and where blood comes into play)
- Yandere severely harming their person of obsession (ex: Yandere beats their love interest)
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Imma just guess you put your decisions here?
If not, Srz for the Inconvenience ;-;
-Buy the Game
When you bought the game, you assumed it’d contain, ya know, a CD. Like any normal game you buy inside a store. You suppose this game was heavily discounted for a reason. But still, the very least the developers could have just stuck to an online release of their game if all the physical copy had in it was a paper giving a download link to the game. 
Darn, you were honestly looking forward to playing this game on your console.  Oh well. 
You open your laptop and type the link into your search engine. Immediately you’re greeted with a sketchy as all hell web page. The color scheme matched the package and the font was odd. In some places it was huge blocks of text. In others, it was warped and small.
Surely the game store wouldn’t have sold you something that would genuinely give you a virus? 
That was all you could hope for as you downloaded the game. The download bar popped up and your eyes widened. No way was this game incredibly big. Discount or not, no game with this much content would be so cheap. 
Aw hell this might be a virus. 
You close your eyes and put your head in your hands. At least you’ve been saving up for a new laptop if this does turn out to be a mega virus and destroys your computer. 
Not knowing what else to do, you grab your headphones and watch youtube until the files are down downloading. An hour in, you fall asleep. 
* * * * * * *
When you wake, the game is open. Bubbly music plays through your headphones and you rub your eyes. 
The title screen has four men on it, watching with smiles on their faces. They wore green, purple, blue, and red hoodies respectively. That explains the color scheme, you guess. Three options are all you have, and once you’ve adjusted the settings, you start the game. 
Unfortunately, the game does not let you name yourself or choose your pronouns. You’re greeted by the man in the green hoodie, his dialogue starting immediately. The box pops up at the bottom of your screen and you read along.  
“[Player] There you are! We’ve been looking everywhere for you!” Edd says as he grabs your hand. “We’ve all been so worried. Come on, let’s get back home.” 
ღ  Go along and allow Edd to take you home 
ღ  Pull your hand away
Interesting. You didn’t think the game would pull you in like this right away. You stare at your screen and think of which option you want to pick.
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aesopsbaby · 3 years
Scaredy Cat
Warnings: Yandere themes/Kidnapping
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Future Tom is so much more different from normal Tom,,, He has seen so much and has definitely lost a few loved ones here and there :((
So that is where his yandere tendencies start to develop.
Tom probably saw you in a cafe and for some reason was drawn to you. He doesn't know why,there was nothing too special about you! So why was it that he was standing at your table and asking for your number?
Then he realises that its because you just seem so put of place! Outcasted from the other's while the cafe was filled with chatters and soft laughter. Everyone was with someone,be it a friend or partner! Then there was you,too afraid to even make eye contact with anyone,forcing yourself into a corner.
He has the dumbest smirk on his face as he sees you stuttering and blabbering nonsense when all he asks was "Are you free this Saturday?"
Honestly he doesn't care whether you are free or not. Whatever you answer is,he's still going to take you for himself.
But,he will still put up a good guy act. Laughing softly as you continue blabbering,causing you to go silent. Then he will smile warmly at you,"I'll meet you at ×××××,then!"
And when he leaves the cafe,his smile immediately drops and a scowl is on his face. No no,he wasn't mad at you! He was mad at those people in the cafe! Who gave them the rights to giggle and snicker at you while you struggle to speak?! Hell,who even gave them the rights to look at you or even be in your presence!
He probably knocked you out. No,not because you resisted. You probably were too afraid/nervous to say "no". In fact,you were quite willing!
Tom:"You either come with me willingly or-"
Y/n:"I'll come with you."
BUT he still knocked you out- this man was literally standing still and just staring at your limp body on the floor. Then he just,,,"Why..did I do that..-"
He was confused. LITERALLY HOW?!? But honestly,,,he didn't realised why he did that.
So when you came to and questioned him,he just goes,"I don't know,just thought it'd seem cool lol."
He teases you SO MUCH. Just whispering flirty comments into your ear or beckoning you over to come into his lap,all to see you tense up and sputter nonsense while blush is evident on your face.
I just KNOW future tom wouldn't drink as much as he did in the past. He thinks that when he isn't sober,he misses out on alot of the little things in life. And now that he has you,he doesn't need some silly thing like alcohol to keep him in check. And he wants to remember every little moment he has with you <3
He understands the only reason why you're obedient is because you're scared of him :(( he's hurt genuinely but he just wants to keep you safe! And happy <\3
He tries his best to let you know that he means well! He brings you little gifts and press kisses over your face softly everyday.
Sometimes even humming softly as you fall into a deep slumber :((
Hd would have to hold himself back every night,,,,he just wants to hold you close and cuddle with you but he knows you need your personal space so he will leave a space between the both of you.
He knows you will hate him and be scared of him forever so he wouldn't force himself on you.
Jerk. Tom is a jerk. That's it.
He will scare you on a daily basis ://
Y/n:(Yells and falls to the ground,shaking)
Cue a trembling Y/n on the ground with tears as Tom is laughing obnoxiously at them.
Also cue Tom realising that you're genuinely scared and he bents down to caress your head and spill apologies.
Tom:"My bad,honey. I didn't mean to."
(Y/n sniffling and looking up)
Tom:"lmfao,but to be honest you looked funny when you're scared."
Cue Y/n crying even harder-
Nah but sometimes he'll get so mesmerised by you then even when you cry,he'll just smile at you with adoration.
"Even when you cry,you're still so adorable,huh?"
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I saw ur pinned post! I was wondering if you could do yandere headcanons for EW Edd x reader (fem pleaseee :33) can they also be sfw and nsfw??
I’m prob gonna come back a lot LMAO
whoa.. finallty getting to my rwqeuests also the layout gonna be lazy and not as pretty cos im still not feeling too good!!?!!!!!! yes sir ok anyways onto the hcs
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" You drive me insane. "
warnings; dead dove don't eat, yandere, sexual stuff, Edd being a creep Headcanons
Alone time? When EDD is obsessed with you? HAH LMAOFDSUAHDDSAHSAS
yeah, no, you don't get alone time anymore.
He loves being around you. I mean, c'mon, he's in the presence of an angel, right?? Why wouldn't he adore it
And why wouldn't he get hard simply from watching you?
Moving on from that
He does his best to never let you lift a finger. You're hungry? He'll cook for you. Need laundry done? He'll do it for you. Groceries?- you get the idea.
Although, he's usually the reason you want to do laundry yourself, since you find your panties are often missing, and Edd looks quite guilty when you ask him about it.
To be honest, he only fully trusts Tom, Matt and Tord to be around you alone. Anyone else, no matter what gender, he will need to be there with you. NSFW (both sexual, and things that would need a heavy TW. Proceed with caution, lovely<3) ONLY HCS BELOW
Would carve your name/initials into himself, getting hard at the feeling of "belonging" to you
I feel like he's a bit of a sadiomasochist, so he'd want you to put out a cigarette on him, he'd also like to choke you out when he's jealous, relishing in the way you'd gasp for air and beg for him to stop
Anything below the waist is off-limits if he doesn't have consent. If you don't want a kiss, he'll tell you to suck it up. But if you don't want him to touch you in that way, he won't
But if you did want that kind of thing, he is ready 24/7.
Pace is deep and slow. Loves hearing your whines and pleas for him to go faster
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grajgjjhshhs i hope you like it mwa mwa mwa
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obsessivelyloved · 3 years
How do the boys react when their s/o is crying? For any sort of reason.
None of them like when their s/o cries.
- Edd tries his best to console them, pulling them into his arms and asking if they want to talk about it. He'll take them into the kitchen and get them a drink, both to help calm them down and so they stay hydrated.
- Matt gathers all his self care stuff and carefully wipes his s/o's tears as he asks what's wrong. Does things like face mask's with his s/o and either subtly gets them to tell him what's wrong or listens.
- Tom panics a little but does the same thing Edd does. He'll hold them and push them to tell him what made them so upset. Will make them a warm drink to help calm them down. Or, if his s/o doesn't like warm drinks, will get them their favorite drink.
- Tord goes straight to holding his s/o to his chest and demanding to know who made them cry. If a person is not the reason his s/o is crying, he calms down and heavily pushes them to tell him what's wrong. Promises over and over that he won't make fun of them or belittle them, even if they think the reason they're crying is "stupid".
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obsessivelyloved · 3 years
My original idea was Edd Suffers In Other World but since I used him in the over the garden wall au, I decided it was Reader's turn.
Although creepy, these versions of your friends were interesting. Tom had black button eyes, Edd had green, Matt had purple, and Tord had red. Besides Tom, the group's eyes were very different from your normal friends. That made it easier to separate them in your mind.
Your real friends had brown, blue, and silver eyes. And also weren’t nearly this clingy. Or desperate to hold you. Any part of you.
Button eyes aside, their romantic interest in you was what really set them aside from your real friends. None of your real friends liked you like that. You were their friend! Only their friend. So when you crawled through the small door, the Other World seemed to react to your small urges to… Kiss your friends.
It was alright in the beginning. A little embarrassing since they each had your friends' faces but you never let them do more than hold your hand. But they were getting bolder. Impatient. Just yesterday Other Tom pinned you against the wall and kissed you before letting Other Edd take his place. Which then turned into Other Matt and Other Tord taking turns as well until you were a blushing mess against the wall.
What they did made you uncomfortable. They so clearly violated your boundaries and didn’t seem even slightly sorry about it. So, you’ve decided not to go back. You didn’t let any of them in on this as you said your goodbyes for the night. Now that you were leaving that weird world behind, things should be fine. You’d lock whatever tiny crush you had on your friends into a chest until the feelings passed. Everything was going to be fine.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Everything is not fine! You can’t sleep anymore. They won’t stop pounding on the door, screaming your name. None of your friends can hear it either. They just looked at you and suggested that you were having sleep paralysis or something. Edd tried his best to reassure you that it wasn’t real and would pass. You only gave him a weak smile before dropping the subject.
At some point, you started seeing them in your dreams.
“Why are you abandoning us! We are exactly what you yearn for,” Other Edd snarled at you. “We’re so much better than those stupid pathetic men. We love you so much more than they ever could.”
“Just come back love, we promise we’re not angry at you,” Matt begged. It was a stark contrast from Edd who stood beside him and was fuming. “We can forget this ever happened if you just came back. We’ll kiss and love you and we’ll always take such good care of you!”
In order to avoid the dreams, you started taking twenty minute naps every few hours. If you can’t sleep long enough to dream then they can’t invade your dreams. You were afraid of what they’d do next.
You’ve buried the key though, so they’d never be able to touch you again. It would have to do until you’ve saved enough money to move out. Leaving your friends would suck and make you sad but there wasn’t anything else you could do.
You never noticed the blinking light of a tiny robot watching you, holding a key crusted with dirt.
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obsessivelyloved · 3 years
So um..sorry if this too weird....but Tom's reaction to his s/o pleasuring themselves and saying his name..you can ignore this if you want lol
Nah it's not weird, don't worry. Someone literally sent me a foot request on 2 separate works on ao3 so unless it's that, I don't really care. Reader is gender-neutral. Thank you for the request <3
Oh my god, Tom thought to himself. He pressed his hands to his mouth, his cheeks warm from blushing.
He shuddered as he heard you call out his name again, followed by tiny moans. You were so quiet, but he’d burn the sound of you calling out his name into his mind. He wanted to hear more. Wanted to know what sounds you’d make when he’d touch you.
Tom took a deep breath and pushed your door open. He was so glad he decided to stop by your house for a surprise visit.
“How about I help you?”
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obsessivelyloved · 3 years
Okay I don't if someone already asked for this, but can we have some sub tom nsfw hcs 👀
(I've been lurking on your tumblr for a bit XD)
I only have two, sorry! I've seen you in my notifications, thank you <3 <3 <3 _____________________________________________
- On the days Tom doesn't have much energy to do anything, he loves it when his s/o rides him. He just thinks they look really good and likes to watch their expressions.
- Would not mind if he was pegged or the one being dicked down. Tom just loves his s/o and likes to do whatever they want. It gives him a rush to not be thinking about being in charge over his s/o.
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obsessivelyloved · 3 years
Sinsworld Masterlist
This took me forever but I hunted all of these down and added a bunch of fics to the sfw masterlists.
Minors do not interact with any of these posts or you WILL be blocked.
Tord/Red leader
ꨄ︎ Headcanons + drabble with short fem s/o
ꨄ︎ Jealous headcanons
ꨄ︎ dialogue prompt: “You’re mine. All mine.” + “Tell me you love me as I fuck you into the mattress.”
ꨄ︎ Dry humping + making out
ꨄ︎ (CW: predator/prey) Tord hunts reader down
ꨄ︎ Tord teases male reader
ꨄ︎ Self indulgent Red Leader overstims reader idea (+Future Edd)
ꨄ︎ Not sinsworld but Tord spanks reader as punishment
ꨄ︎ Tord lovingly takes care of his spouse
ꨄ︎ (CW: stalking) Tord jerks off to the thought of reader
ꨄ︎ Reader's first time with Tord
ꨄ︎ dialogue prompt: "Oh god Tord, please harder."
ꨄ︎ dialogue prompt: "C'mon baby please..I'm desperate."
ꨄ︎ Tord baby traps reader
ꨄ︎ Kinktober day 4: Dry humping
ꨄ︎ Kinktober day 5: Office sex (+Future Tom)
ꨄ︎ Alternate day 5 drabble from Future Tom's pov
ꨄ︎ Kinktober day 10: Size kink
ꨄ︎ Tord continuously finds reader self pleasuring and rails them drabble
ꨄ︎ dialogue prompt: “I want to know what makes you squirm, what sounds you make if I touched you here—”
ꨄ︎ dialogue prompt: “Oh, can’t find your clothes? Wear mine, they look better on you anyway.” (+Edd)
ꨄ︎ (CW: somnophilia) Tord fucks reader's thighs
Edd/Future Edd
ꨄ︎ (CW: Consensual somnophilia) Edd gives reader a sweet wake up
ꨄ︎ Future Edd with past reader
ꨄ︎ Edd learns he has a breeding kink
ꨄ︎ Edd promises reader that he'll breed them (+Tord)
ꨄ︎ Self indulgent Future Edd overstims reader idea (+Red Leader)
ꨄ︎ dialogue prompt: "you've been behaving so well lately. i think a reward should be given, don't you?"
ꨄ︎ dialogue prompt: “Oh, can’t find your clothes? Wear mine, they look better on you anyway.” (+Tord)
Matt/Future Matt
ꨄ︎ General headcanons
ꨄ︎ Vampire and Zombie drabbles
Tom/Future Tom/Monster Tom
ꨄ︎ Headcanons with fem s/o
ꨄ︎ Jealous headcanons
ꨄ︎ Sub headcanons
ꨄ︎ Tom's reaction to his s/o self pleasuring and moaning his name
ꨄ︎ dialogue prompt: "fuck babygirl, just a little taste. Can't stand not having you on my lips. Just spread your legs a little and I'll do the rest, Sweetheart."
ꨄ︎ (CW: public sex) Future Tom possessively rails fem reader against a wall
ꨄ︎ Body swaps with reader
Main Four
ꨄ︎ Poly headcanons after reader confesses
ꨄ︎ Catching their s/o self pleasuring
ꨄ︎ Polyworld keeping Tom locked in their home
ꨄ︎ Kinktober Day 2: Overstimulation (w/ saloonatics guys)
ꨄ︎ Polyworld 'breeds' Tom
ꨄ︎ Aftercare
ꨄ︎ headcanons
ꨄ︎ headcanons
Four Robots au
ꨄ︎ Tord and Tom overstim reader (with Edd and Matt joining in later)
ꨄ︎ Scheduled pounding
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obsessive-sin · 3 years
Do you have any more hcs on the monster Tom knotting thing? What you put in the tags was so good
I have one! If Tom's s/o has plans that he does not care for or doesn't like, he'll do his damndest to seduce them before or as he transforms. If he succeeds, he'll keep his s/o trapped on his knott as their plans pass by and spends a good while in bed with them, being incredibly loving and cuddly. And also does what I left in the tags, which I will now immortalize in a post <3:
Tom almost always makes sure he's pressed right against his s/o's sweet spot before he locks them together. A lot of the time, if he's in the mood for it, he'll tease them about how they seem to can't stop squirming or even releasing for however long he keeps the knott in them.
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obsessivelyloved · 3 years
requests are open sooo,
Edd, Matt, Tom, and Tord realizing they all have the same obsession crush?
Maybe a small scenario at the end where you choose each one? and maybe all of them? I mostly want headcannons of the first part of I wouldnt complain if you made this part to
I would like to apologize in advance for the monster I've unleashed. This is so close to being 2,000 words in my google docs skjdvbdsbfsdj. Thank you for the request <3 <3 <3
- This would be such a mess. After they all realize that they have the same crush on someone, it’d turn into a competition. They’d all do wherever they could to get their crush to like them back. At first, they’d all work alone.
- Edd would do whatever he could to get into the person’s good graces. He’d do things like draw them, do art pieces of their favorite characters or things he knows they're into. Be as sweet to them as possible and constantly give them things whenever they run into each other. If he has their number, he constantly sends them little doodles or puns.
- Tom tries his best to be sweet. He has lists upon lists of jokes written in his notes app on his phone to tell the person. Making them laugh works best to get them to want to be around him more and if he gets their number, he’ll record songs with Susan for them. Some are things he created himself and some are songs he knows are their favorite. When they hang out, he buys them their favorite drink and snack and just listens as they talk about their day.
- Matt will spend every second he can complimenting them whenever he runs into them. It sounds odd but it works since he sounds so genuine when he tells them that their outfit is so nice and where did they get that jacket? He thinks that if they know how much he knows they’re beautiful and amazing to him, that they’ll like him more than the others.
- Tord is. He has a plan. Does anyone know what this plan is? Absolutely not. One second he’s riling them up with flirty tones and casual touches, and the next he’s got them rambling to him about a topic he knows they’re really into. He’s very quick to get into their good graces. He’ll casually build them things. Or fix stuff they’re having problems with. They mention their phone is glitchy/slower than usual? He’s plucking it out of their hands and quickly fixing it right afterward. Gives them lots of cool stuff.
- If any of this is enough for their crush to pick them, then:
Edd has never been more delighted and happy in his entire life. Perhaps he was being a little dramatic, but how could he have not? You chose him! Out of his friends, you decided you loved him the most and now he could spend every second he could with you in his arms.
“I like you too,” he said, with a large grin on his face. “Can I…. May I kiss you?”
Your face flushed and he wanted to burn that image into his mind forever. Your head barely gave the tiniest nod before he was pulling you close to his chest and kissing you.
His phone was blowing up in his pocket, constantly vibrating from the messages that were no doubt from his friends. However, Edd would deal with it later. Right now, he wanted to savor this moment. He never wanted to let you go.
Tom is almost in a state of shock. Him? You really chose him? Wow.
His chest felt fuzzy and his face was warm. Without even giving you an answer, he leaned forward to cup your face and kiss you. You didn’t hesitate for a moment to kiss back.
Immediately his phone started going off like crazy in his pocket.
“Got somewhere to be?” You ask as you pull away from him.
Tom silently curses his friends for interrupting his moment like this. “No. It’s probably just my friends starting another dumb argument in the group chat.”
But just in case it’s something he’s actually needed for, he pulls out his phone to check the chat.
Tord: oh my god you did it. You fucking asshole I am going to shatter every bottle of alcohol you have in the house
Edd: Don’t listen to Tord. Matt and I are sitting on him and he can’t do shit. However. we are all going to fist fight you >:(
Matt: aw they’re kissing you???? I wish it was me :((
Tord: thomas once I get free of this prison I will cross the street and prove that they want to kiss ME
Matt: y’all I think we are.
causing a scene
People are staring at us
Edd and Tord are typing…….
Ugh Tom really should have just muted his phone before he met you at the cafe. He closes the chat and mutes his phone before shoving it back into his pocket.
“Sorry about that. It was nothing.”
You chuckle and hesitantly, you wrap your arms around his waist.
“Can we continue?”
Honestly there was never a moment that Matt doubted that you wouldn’t pick him. Mostly. He was a little afraid that Tord would pull you in with his charm and flirts but! Nope! Matt has proved that he was better than his friends. Not only had you confessed that you liked him, but you were also holding his hand!!!
He actually really wanted to kiss you but he didn’t want to push his luck. Your hands were warm and they fit so nicely in his. Maybe he could kiss you on the first date? Yes, that would be great! He’d bring you flowers and chocolates and you’d say “Oh thank you Matt” and you cup his face to-
Oh you were actually cupping his face right now with your other hand.
“You're so cute when you get lost in your thoughts,” you say.
You close the gap between the two of you to press a short, sweet kiss to his lips and pull away.
“Can we do that again?” he blurts out.
You laugh and let go of his hand to cup his face again, but with both hands, and just as he once saw from a glimpse of one of Tord’s magazines, he wraps his arms around you to pull you close.
“Oh? You really like me, huh?” Tord slides his hands down to your hips and squeezes. He pulls you close, basking in every expression you make. The way your cheeks flush, the way you switch between embarrassment and interest. “Care to prove it?”
Despite him being the one to say that, he leans forward to kiss you. He holds you tight against him and only lets go once you start to push against his chest. A thin line of saliva hangs between the two of you and Tord almost loses it.
He wants to take you home so bad. He wants to press kiss after kiss against your heated skin and really show you how much he loves you. How good of a choice it is that you picked him.
But rushing things might send a bad message. Might tell you that he only wants to get into your pants and not cherish and love you like he actually wants you to know he will do. So he waits a minute for you to catch your breath before he pulls you into another kiss.
“I’d be delighted to go on a date with you,” he murmurs.
From a distance, he can hear a faint “FUCKING COMMIE BASTARD” and he throws his head back to laugh. Tom means nothing of it, he’s very sure of that. Just like how there will be no hard feelings with Edd or Matt either, who all have a good view from inside the restaurant across the street.
But just to rile Tom up, even more, he pulls you into a tight hug. He smirks in the direction of the tinted restaurant window and leans down to press a kiss against your neck.
More faint swearing and to his joy, he sees his friends being shooed out of the restaurant.
“How about we go back inside the cafe and enjoy a pastry? My treat.”
His arm is around your waist and you’re being pulled into the cafe without getting a single glimpse of his friends.
- If none of their advances are working, then they start to work together. It starts small, with Edd helping Tord rile them up. He gives them “joke” art of them blushing with Tord’s flirts floating in a speech bubble.
- Tom and Matt work together to get them to relax and tell them about their day. Encourages them to ramble on about the stories they’ve built up from having no one to really talk to. Matt compliments them and Tom runs one of his hands through their hair to ask what hair products they use.
- Matt is the worst with Tord. And by that, I mean he works so well with Tord in getting them flustered. They’re a bright red and sometimes a stuttering mess, but both Matt and Tord tease them and compliment them. They both casually hold their hand as they cross the street. Take turns to cup their faces to tell them how pretty their eyes are. Matt and Tord reduce them to goo.
- Edd and Tom have so many jokes to tell. Hearing their crush laugh just makes the two of them feel so warm. It’s so easy to fall into a routine of buttering them up with drinks and food and quiet, relaxing days at the park.
- Tom and Tord don’t actually hate each other. Their friendship is more of a rival thing, where they like to rile each other up and banter with each other. Sure sometimes they take things too far, but they work well together when they want to. If even only one of them has their crush’s number both of them will record songs together to send to them. Tord surprisingly knows how to play a little of Tom’s bass guitar and with enough practice, he’ll take turns with Tom on who plays and who sings. Both of them are really good singers and have covered so many of their crushes' favorite songs to send to them.
- If you choose all of them, you'll never have a waking moment alone.
All of them:
“I don’t really know a good way to say this but, um.” You take a deep breath and fidgeting with the hem of your jacket, you stare at the wall above the guys’ heads. “I really like all of you. That’s what I uh, that’s what I brought you out here to say.”
Your throat is dry and you swear you’ve never felt so nervous in your life. You can’t even bring yourself to see their expressions.
“Is that all?” Tord asks.
You flinch. “I’m sorry, I’ll just lea-”
Multiple hands are pulling you onto the bench with them, each of them having a panicked expression. You're sandwiched between Edd and Tom. They both hold your arms and Tord and Matt are standing in front of the three of you.
“We really like you too!”
Right after Matt exclaims that to you, Tord is leaning down with a determined expression. He wraps his arms around your shoulders and kisses you. After a long moment, he’s pushed away by Tom and you’re barely given a second to breathe before Tom is kissing you.
And just like that, they’re all assuring you that they like you too. That they can’t wait to spend more time with you and they take turns kissing you and holding onto a part of your body.
By the time you’re frantically pushing all of them away to catch your breath for longer than a moment, your face is a bright pink and there’s at least one hickey on your neck. There’s honesty probably more but you won’t be able to confirm until you look into a mirror.
This went so much better than you imagined and soon, you were being walked to their house for a promised movie night.
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obsessivelyloved · 3 years
Okay Idea- Yandere future edd. He came back to kill his past self then he saw the reader again. They dated for years until S/O ran away with one of the other guys bc Edd became to crazy. His goal changes to killing the friend S/O ran off with and take S/O to the future with him.
Ok ngl I ran with this idea. Have I ever mentioned how much I love Future Edd
Under a Read More since it's long, thank you for the request! <3
Something was incredibly wrong with Edd’s Future Self and you meant that lightly. The man took one look at Tom a minute into his speech about killing Edd at the dinner then at you and just. His face would haunt you for a good while. You’ve never seen that kind of rage on your boyfriend and seeing it come from his older self was terrifying.
He screamed and launched himself towards the table you four were sitting at. Future Edd had yanked Tom up by his hoodie, practically choking him, and screamed death threat upon death threat until Edd basically waterboarded him with Cola to get him to release Tom. From there, all four of you booked it to your cars.
Once you four got far away enough from the diner, you parked your cars to figure out a plan.
“I think my soul left my body. What the hell was that all about? Why is he so hellbent on killing me now instead of Edd?”
“Who knows. Guy seems not all there, no offense Edd.”
“None taken, he looks um. Something surely happened to make him that way, right?” Edd responded to Matt.
He looked a little sick. You really didn’t blame him since all of you just witnessed who he might become.
“Don’t think about it too much,” Tom told him. He patted him on the back, still a little out of breath. “Now that you’ve seen that, things might change. The future isn’t always set in stone and we could be in an alternate reality already compared to him.”
“I suppose.”
You wrapped an arm around your boyfriend. “Well I certainly won’t let you become a murder. If Cola gets banned here too, we could stick through it together.”
Edd blanched at the reminder but tried his best to return your smile. He glanced at something behind you. Whatever it was, his face brightened as he grabbed your hand and dragged you to… a glass display of tvs?
“Attention! Now selling Cola with…. Bacon!!!”
Oh. Yeah that made sense.
Matt nudged Tom with his elbow. “Who even buys this crap?” He took one look at Edd’s excited expression and quietly said, “Oh.”
“Yeah, we should probably get back to the cars now. I’ve had enough attempts on my life this week and I don’t want to have another one.”
You helped Tom pull Edd away from the glass display back to the cars. Only to quickly stumble backward as Edd’s Future Self appeared in front of you four in a flash of light.
“You may have gotten away from me last time, but you won’t be able to escape from my army of meees! Attack my brethren!”
If Future Edd wasn’t so terrifying, watching his plan fall apart as his family members scattered screaming would have been really funny. But he still loomed over each of you looking as if he wanted to tear Tom apart with his hands so none of you had it in you to really look at the situation and laugh.
“How could this plan get any worse? Ugh, I’ll just have to kill you myself.”
His eyes glowed green and the four of you could only stand there, frozen in horror as he stepped towards you. This is it, you frantically thought. My friends are going to die, c’mon move move do something move-
“Stop right there!”
Oh holy shit thank god. Someone was finally here to help. You weren’t going to have to watch as one or more of your friends became splatters of gore on the pavement. Not today at least.
“This has gone on long enough, Edd,” Future Tom snapped at him, pointing a gun. “What happened has happened and you need to get over it. Killing my or your past selves isn’t going to fix a thing.”
Future Matt looked super angry but the poor man didn’t get to even say anything because Matt screamed “Oh god I’m old!” and that broke the spell. Edd grabbed the back of both your and Tom’s hoodies as Tom managed to snag onto Matt’s jacket. The four of you booked it away from the shit show that was about to go down. Matt wailed something about his beauty being a fleeing concept but you didn’t pay much attention to him.
The sound of guns going off and screaming far behind you was so much more important. You didn’t hear much, but you most definitely heard Future Edd scream “YOU TOOK THEM FROM ME YOU BASTARD! GIVE THEM BACK!”
Again, you guys put a good distance away from the fight before you stopped again.
“I hope we never learn the context of that,” you panted. You bent over, hands on your knees as you wheezed. It’d been too long since you had to sprint as fast as you can for such a long distance. Maybe you should start taking runs around the neighborhood or something?
“They sounded so angry,” Edd said quietly. “I don’t think this is about Cola being banned.”
“Yeah, this feels. So much worse,” Tom agreed.
“Guys, the screaming stopped.”
You turned to look at Matt and your stomach sunk as you realized he was right. It was quiet. Too quiet.
“Maybe your guy’s future selves got-”
Something green slammed into Edd’s stomach, shoving him away from you onto the ground. He cried out and clutched his stomach.
Tom was next but that one slammed into his face and he screamed as he clutched his eyes. Matt was scrambling back but he was spared.
Arms wrap around you and you're yanked into Future Edd’s arms. A choked sound leaves your throat as you're pretty much crushed against his chest.
His hand slams over the watch on his arms and your friends disappear within a blink of your eyes. Future Edd lets go of you and you hear a crunch.
“NO!” You scream at him. “TAKE ME BACK!”
“I just destroyed the watch,” he said dryly. His gaze softens and he pulls you into his arms again, into a more gentle hold. He flops down onto a bed behind him and thoroughly traps you against him. He ignores your screams and pathetic attempts to push him away as he cooes at you, “Oh honey I am never letting go of you again. I love you so much, I’ll take such good care of you. He’ll never touch you again.”
* * * * * * *
Future Tom takes one look at Edd’s past self curled up in a ball and his heart pounds in his veins.
“He took them!” Past Edd cried out. He sounded as if he was on the verge of tears.
“Motherfucker, when I get my hands on him!”
Future Tom’s neon green eyes dart to his own past self, the skin around his void eyes a furious red.
“He hit us with green shit and took off with them,” he angrily informed both Future Tom and Future Matt.
Future Matt held his head in his hands. “Oh my god, what are we going to do?”
“You have to find them!” Past Edd shakily gets to his feet. He has a manic look in his eyes as he still holds his stomach. “Please, find them! He’s going to hurt them!”
Countless thoughts rush through Future Tom’s mind as he stares at Edd’s past self. It’s a look he knows all too well, the one Edd had when he confronted him about you leaving him.
“We'll do our best,” Future Tom tells him. He reaches behind him to grab ahold of Future Matt and takes off into the time portal.
“Red Leader is really not going to be happy about this,” Future Matt says quietly.
“I know but there’s not much we can do now. We just have to find their past self before Edd does something stupid. Both Edds.”
Future Tom really, really hoped neither Edd fucked up the timeline more than it’s already been.
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obsessivelyloved · 3 years
Sheeesh bro, can I get some
NSFW Tom HCs for fem!reader. Sorry, I’m on a Tom kick.
It's okay! I adore him. Sorry this is a little short, I was afraid of being repetitive and being too similar to the nsfw Tord headcanons.
Thank you for the request <3
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- Tom doesn't mind if he's top or bottom. He just likes being with the reader and knowing that it's him that makes her feel so good. Some days though, he does enjoy having her beneath him, with her legs wrapped around his waist and her arms around his neck.
- He doesn't always have a lot of energy so often he lasts maybe two rounds before he's tired. If the reader has lots of energy/a high drive, he'll eat her out until she's exhausted. Tom will spend as long as he can between her legs, sucking her clit and curling his fingers against that spot that makes her see stars until she's pleading to him that it's too much.
- Has a bit of a biting kink. He's got sharp teeth and he's a little afraid of hurting her with them, but he loves to leave hickeys all over her and nibble on them.
- If Tom sees the reader wearing his hoodie, he instantly gets hard. Especially if he's taller than her and his hoodie dwarfs her. He'll push his hoodie up and fuck her hard while it's on.
- When he's on top, he likes to take a slow pace. He feels like it shows reader how much he loves her and sometimes, he can make her cum a few times on his cock before he's tired and switches to eating her out.
- The time's anyone flirts with her, he'll keep her legs over his shoulders and fuck her hard while praising her and asking her if anyone else can make her feel that good.
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